review of the lady of the camellias茶花女读后感




绵阳师范学院本科生毕业论文(设计)题目On the hard Choice between the Future and Love in the Lady of the Camellias 论《茶花女》中未来与爱情的艰难抉择专业英语院部外国语学院学号1104020512姓名李娟指导教师高建国答辩时间二○○九年五月论文工作时间:2008年9 月至2009 年 5 月Contents1. Introduction (1)2. Brief introduction to the Lady of the Camellias (1)2.1 The introduction to the author (1)2.2 The introduction to the background (2)2.2.1 Social background (3)2.2.2 Novel‟s background (3)3. On the hard choice between the future and love in the Lady of the Camellias (7)3.1 The love between the main characters (7)3.1.1The hero‟s love for the heroine. (7)3.1.2The heroine‟s love for the hero (7)3.2 The comparison of the future of both characters (7)3.2.1The future of the hero. (7)3.2.2The future of the heroine (8)3.3 Which one should be deserted,the future or love (8)4. Conclusion (8)Bibliography (10)Acknowledgement (11)论《茶花女》中未来与爱情的抉择学生姓名: 李娟指导教师: 高建国摘要:爱是这个世界永恒不变的主题,是无数仁人志士、英雄豪杰竞相追逐、无数经典著作竞相歌咏的对象。






目录文学巨著《茶花女》图书电影茶花女(1936年版)电影茶花女(1995年版)电影茶花女(2007版)歌剧文学巨著《茶花女》图书电影茶花女(1936年版)电影茶花女(1995年版)电影茶花女(2007版)歌剧()The Lady of the Camellias()La dame aux Camélias ()《茶花女》是法国亚历山大?小仲马 (Alexandre Dumasfils 1824年7月27日-1895年11月27日)的代表作,他为了与同为作家的父亲作区别,多称小仲马(Dumas, fils)。



《茶花女》(La traviata)亦是朱塞佩?威尔第(Giuseppe Verdi)作曲的三幕歌剧。

意大利文剧本由皮亚威(Francesco Maria Piave)编写,改编自亚历山大?仲马於1848年出版的小说《茶花女》(The Lady of the Camellias,La dame aux Camélias)。

歌剧於1853年3月6日在威尼斯凤凰歌剧院(Teatro la Fenice)首演。

作品名称"La traviata"译作“流浪的妇人”,或“失落的人”。


《情陷红磨坊》(Moulin Rouge!)(2001)亦是以茶花女作蓝本改编。





茶花女英文讲解 2

茶花女英文讲解 2

• Armand • Armand falls in love with her at the first time they meet. Then he runs after her in spite of her work.
• However,happiness doesn’t last for lo ng. • status and caste (社 会地位). • She tried to escape from her questionable past but fell.
I remembered a saying--“Women are like the flowers” Those pretty women are like those beautiful flowers;their delicate beauty makes people feel they are the miracle of life. However,maybe the God envies their beauty.
“Because she realized she was mistaken in letting herself love you. Women sometimes allow you to be unfaithful to their love; they never allow you to wound their self-esteem; and one always wounds the self-esteem of a woman when, two days after one has become her lover, one leaves her, no matter for what reason. I know Marguerite; she would die sooner than reply.”



艺术成就 小仲马的剧作是法国戏剧由浪漫主 义向现实主义过渡时期的产物,话剧 《茶花女》也被视为法国现实主义戏剧 开端的标志。他的剧作不以情节的曲折 离奇取胜,而以真切自然的情理感人, 结构谨严,语言流畅,富有抒情意味。
【大仲马和小仲马】 大仲马和小仲马】
19世纪上半期法国浪漫主义作家大仲马是法 19世纪上半期法国浪漫主义作家大仲马是法 国乃至世界文坛上少有的多产作家。 国乃至世界文坛上少有的多产作家。他的作品故 事生动、情节曲折、引人入胜。 事生动、情节曲折、引人入胜。大仲马的主要成 就在于小说创作方面,代表作有《三个火枪手》 就在于小说创作方面,代表作有《三个火枪手》 1844)、 玛尔戈王后》 1845) )、《 (1844)、《玛尔戈王后》(1845)和《基督山 伯爵》 1845,又名《基督山恩仇记》 伯爵》(1845,又名《基督山恩仇记》)。 • 文学之父维克多· 文学之父维克多·雨果对他作了最中肯最感 人的评价: 他的为人像夏日的雷雨那样爽快, 人的评价: “他的为人像夏日的雷雨那样爽快, 他是个讨人喜爱的人。他是密云,他是雷鸣, 他是个讨人喜爱的人。他是密云,他是雷鸣,他 是闪电,但他从未伤害过任何人。谁都知道, 是闪电,但他从未伤害过任何人。谁都知道,他 待人温和,为人宽厚,就像大旱中的甘霖。 待人温和,为人宽厚,就像大旱中的甘霖。” •
小仲马(1824年 小仲马(1824年7月27日 27日 1895年11月27日 -1895年11月27日), 19世纪法国著名小说家 世纪法国著名小说家、 19世纪法国著名小说家、 戏剧家。 戏剧家。他的父亲是以 多产闻名于世的杰出作 家大仲马,受父亲影响, 家大仲马,受父亲影响, 他也热爱文学创作, 他也热爱文学创作,并 且和他父亲一样勤奋, 且和他父亲一样勤奋, 成为法国戏剧由浪漫主 义向现实主义过渡期间 的重要作家。 的重要作家。



The Impression after Reading The Lady of The Camellias The main character of this story is Marguerite Gautier, a young beautiful courtesan who is a "kept woman" by counts and dukes. She meets with a young middle class lover Armand Duval who does the unpardonable thing of falling jealously in love with her and breaking all convention of what's expected between a courtesan and her admirers. He, of course, has no way of sustaining the standard of living which she is accustomed of.Marguerite moves to the country because of her fragile state. There in her new house, a confrontation between the jealous Armand and her rich admirers and "benefactors" takes place. For the first time she sticks up for her lover.Armand’s career seems depressed by the intolerance of French society. Knowing that he will never be able to support Marguerite to the level she deserves, he becomes depressed. His father comes to plead for Marguerite to leave Armand to save both his son's reputation and that of his younger innocent sister. To prove her love, she agrees and leaves Armand. She returns to Paris where she throws herself back to her old lifestyle. Armand can't believe she's left and searches for her, finally finding her in Paris in the arms of a new lover.Deathly ill, Marguerite visits Armand one last time to plead for his forgiveness. But she is haunted by guilt that she can only harm Armand and remembering her promise to his father. So she abandons him yet again as he sleeps.Armand is incensed when he wakes. Finding Marguerite at a grand ball with all society around, he approaches her and hands her an envelope stuffed full of money – "Here! Payment for your services.” She collapses as he walks out.Abandoned by all her friends from the humiliation of Armand act, she dies penniless, painfully and alone.。



茶花女英语经典语录茶花女英语经典语录如下:1、My dear ,for the hurt you sought to do me was is your good opinion.你想给我制造的痛苦只是你对我爱情的证明。

2、Men, instead of being content with being freely given for long periods what they hardly dared hope to get once, are forever asking their mistresses for an account of the present, the past and even the future. As they get used to a mistress, they try to dominate her, and they become all the more demanding the more they are given.男人们总是这样的,一旦他们得到了他们原来难以得到的东西,时间一长,他们又会感到不满足了,他们进而要求了解他们情人的目前、过去、甚至将来的情况。


3、Life is no more than the repeated fulfilling of a permanent人生只不过是为了满足不断的欲望。


4、.Wholly pure sentiments are to be found only in women who are wholly chaste.只有真正贞洁的女人才会有真正纯洁的情感。

5、True love always makes a man finer,whatever sort of woman inspires it.真正的爱情总是使人变得美好,不管激起这种爱情的女人是什么样的人。



英语专业本科论文《茶花女》英语专业本科论文《茶花女》` An Analysis on Male-centered Consciousness in The Lady of the Camellias Acknowledgement In writing this thesis, I have benefited from the presence of my teachers and my classmates. They generously helped me collect materials I needed and made many invaluable suggestions. I hereby extend my grateful thanks to them for their kind help, without which the paper would notChen Ke, who guided me throughout my writing of this thesis. She carefully read the whole draft and offered painstaking and precious criticism. Her standards of academic excellence have made my revision an exciting and gratifying experience.without the help of those individuals and organizations hereafter mentioned with gratitude: the Foreign Language Department, the University Library and its staff. An Analysis on Male-centered Consciousness in The Lady of the Camellias Abstract The Lady of the Camellias was a masterpiece of world literature and even was presented on the stage for many times. And as we all know, The Lady of the Camellias was the first foreign novel that entered our country. It played an importantrole in modern Chinese literature. It was a tragic love story between Marguerite Gautier, a prostitute and a young bourgeois, Armand Duval. Marguerite was not only a prostitute but also a beautiful girl with pure heart. She sacrificed everything she had for love, even her own life. This essay analyzed the tragic story of The Lady of the Camellias from the prospective of male-centered consciousness. The paper is divided into four parts: the first part introduces the author, the writing background, story itself, and other basic information; the second part introduces the gender theory and male-centered consciousness which belongs to it; the third part analyzes the domination of Alexandre Dumas Fils’s male-centered consciousness on the Novel from different aspects, such as heroine’s identity, character, life experience, indication, women’s thoughts, the uneven relationship between woman and man, the author’s narrative technique; the fourth part sums up the paper and puts forward its practical significance. The tragic ending of the heroine was due to a multitude of reasons. But the main reason should be the domination of male-centered consciousness on the society and people’s thought. We should realize that the male-centered consciousness impacted not only literature works but also every aspects of people’s life. Key Words: Gendertheory; Male-centered Consciousness; The Lady of the Camellias 摘要《茶花女》是法国亚历山大·小仲马的代表作,是一部世界文学经典,曾被多次搬上舞台银幕。



《茶花女》书摘《the lady of the camellias》书摘1、那些在这个女人身上的卖身生涯上搞过投机的人,那些在她身上赚了一大比钱的人,那些在她垂死时拿着贴了印花的借据来纠缠不休的人,还有那些在她刚死就来收取他们冠冕堂皇的账款和卑鄙可耻的高额利息的人,那些人可全都是正人君子啊!古人说得何其正确,商人和盗贼信得是同一个上帝!2、我熟悉《玛侬·赖斯科》这个美丽动人的故事中的每一个情节。
















bookreportofTheLadyoftheCamellias-茶花女的英文读后感(578字)第一篇:book report of The Lady of the Camellias-茶花女的英文读后感(578字)The Love between Marguerite and Armand——The Lady of the Camellias“The Lady of the Camellias” was written by Alexandre Dumas, fils.It’s a story of Marguerite Gautier, a young courtesan, in Paris in the mid 1800's;it’s a story of how she fell in love with a young man, Armand Duval, and then tried to escape from her questionabl e past;it’s a story of how she ended up returning to her former life and died painfully and lonely.I had been thinking that it was Armand Duval’s father who strangled Marguerite’s love, while after reading the book I realized actually it was Armand’ s vani ty and suspicion did it.There are two ways in pursuing a courtesan: money and sentiment.Armand’s 8000 franc was absolutely insufficient.Therefore he could only use “sentiment” to pursue Marguerite.Finally after several years of effort, Armand not only made Marguerite his lover, but also won her true love.A courtesan sells her body and soul for living, but she also has love which one is not willing to sell.Perhaps it is because she has seen too much hypocrisy that she treats love more carefully, and also longs for true love.When mistaking Armand’s admiration for the true love, Marguerite devoted all to him without hesitation.However, Armand actually did not believe that a courtesan knew true love, therefore Armand sent Marguerite a letter asking for rupture just the third day after winning her heart.Whereas, when he realized that Marguerite, an attractive lover, could save face for him, for vanity he sent her aletter requesting forgiveness.To Armand, it’s much more satisfying to possess a famous courtesan than to possess Marguerite's love.It means that what he wanted truly is the vanity of possessing a famous courtesan, not a woman's love.True love sublimes human beings.Armand became even more degenerate, while Marguerite turned truly lofty.Armand enjoyed the vanity all day long.He never considered about giving Marguerite a normal life.In the light of his behavior, Armand’s love to Marguerite is not worth mentioning.On the contrary, Marguerite firmly abandoned his past, and turned over a new leaf.Although they had lived a happy life, Armand never believed in his subconscious that Marguerite was truly willing to escape from her past life.So when Marguerite left him and reluctantly returned to her former life because M.Duval, 's father, pled for her to leave Armand to save both Armand's reputation and that of his younger innocent sister, Armand denied Marguerite’s true love entirely and immediately.What is more pitiful, instead of thinking over why Marguerite left him unexpectedly and trying to retrieve Marguerite, Armand crudely and despicably carried on all sorts of shameless retaliation.Finally, Marguerite died in debt and basically lonely.We cannot deny that Armand truly loved Marguerite.However, he never believed that Marguerite also truly loved him.He didn’t k now how to love selflessly without receiving value in return.Vanity may satisfy one who haven’t encountered with love, but once did, vanity may become vulgarly.So when Marguerite fell in love with Armand, she was eager to get rid of vanity, but Armand didn’t give her the chance.He just wanted to maintain the sumptuous life and enjoy being the envy of all the other men.Marguerite is just like the camellia, she could never escape from the destiny ofwithering.But it wasn’t her fault;it’s because of the vanity of that society.第二篇:茶花女英文读后感她从来只带茶花。



The Lady of the Camellias
miss you
两人死后都安葬在巴黎北郊 的蒙玛特尔公墓,小仲马坚 持要和她葬在一起,或许是 因为小仲马多年以后想到当 年自己成名的同时,她却孤 寂死去,心里有很多愧疚。 更或许是曾经动过的真情让 他一辈子也忘不记!一百多 年过去了,历史上茶花女玛 丽的真实故事,早被人们遗 忘了,但小仲马笔下茶花女 玛格丽特的故事,却长久地 流传下来了
玛格丽特的生活,我不知该用什么来词语来形容。或放荡,或 精彩,或悲惨,或深刻……这种浓浓的,令我挥洒不去的印象 ,促使着我写下个人对《茶花女》的理解。我们不应该再用世 俗的眼光,去衡量一个如此高贵的妓女。她的身份是许多公爵 夫人所耻笑的;是这个世界上的每一个有一点点权利的人都可 以蹂躏的;是我们在谈笑时嗤之以鼻的;是……大概“妓女” 这个字眼,充斥着大家的排挤、偏见。 玛格丽特无疑是一个值得令人追忆的妓女。为了奢侈的生活, 她不惜牺牲自己的爱情;为了纯洁的爱情,她不惜牺牲自己的 生活;为了毫不相干的另一位女子,她不惜牺牲自己的爱情。 她的一生,正如书中所说,“她的生命已经不属于她自己的了 。”她都在为着别人而活。为着别人而活,本身高贵的人,我 们就称之为“无私”;本身低贱的人,我们就叫作是“狗”。 命运给予人们的,总是如此的不公平。 玛格丽特没有干净的身体,却有一颗干净的心灵;许多让我们 认为是“值得尊敬”的有身份的人,有着干净的身体,却缺少 一颗干净的心灵。上帝有时会睡觉,但是又不能不关照着人间 ,于是上帝就如猫头鹰一般睁只眼,闭只眼。而玛格丽特,正 巧是上帝闭着的那只眼中的一个不幸的妓女。 一直到死,她都无法得到片刻的自由,片刻的安宁。她的心灵 、生命就如一碗没有端平的鸡汤,虽然很珍贵,却始终还是要 洒出来;就如一叶孤单的小舟,不、飘荡在渺无人烟的海域上 ,找不到能让她休息的港湾。



绵阳师范学院本科生毕业论文(设计)题目On the hard Choice between the Future and Love in the Lady of the Camellias 论《茶花女》中未来与爱情的艰难抉择专业英语院部外国语学院学号1104020512姓名李娟指导教师高建国答辩时间二○○九年五月论文工作时间:2008年9 月至2009 年 5 月Contents1. Introduction (5)2. Brief introduction to the Lady of the Camellias (5)2.1 The introduction to the author (5)2.2 The introduction to the background (5)2.2.1 Social background (5)2.2.2 Novel’s background (6)3. On the hard choice between the future and love in the Lady of the Camellias (6)3.1 The (6)3.1.1The hero’s love for the heroine. (6)3.1.2The heroine’s love for the hero (7)3.2 The comparison of the future of both characters (7)3.2.1The future of the hero. (7)3.2.2The future of the heroine (7)3.3 Which one should be deserted, the future or love (8)4. Conclusion (9)Bibliography (10)Acknowledgement (11)论《茶花女》中未来与爱情的抉择学生姓名: 李娟指导教师: 高建国摘要:爱是这个世界永恒不变的主题,是无数仁人志士、英雄豪杰竞相追逐、无数经典著作竞相歌咏的对象。



The Love between Marguerite and Armand——The Lady of the Camellias“The Lady of the Camellias” was written by Alexandre Dumas, fils. It’s a story of Marguerite Gautier, a young courtesan, in Paris in the mid 1800's; it’s a story of how she fell in love with a young man, Armand Duval, and then tried to escape from her questionable past; it’s a story of how she ended up returning to her former life and died painfully and lonely.I had been thinking that it was Armand Duval’s father who strangled Margueri te’s love, while after reading the book I realized actually it was Armand’ s vanity and suspicion did it.T here are two ways in pursuing a courtesan: money and sentiment. Armand’s 8000 franc was absolutely insufficient. Therefore he could only use “sentiment” to pursue Marguerite. Finally after several years of effort, Armand not only made Marguerite his lover, but also won her true love.A courtesan sells her body and soul for living, but she also has love which one is not willing to sell. Perhaps it is because she has seen too much hypocrisy that she treats love more carefully, and also longs for true love. When mistaking Armand’s admiration for the true love, Marguerite devoted all to him without hesitation.However, Armand actually did not believe that a courtesan knew true love, therefore Armand sent Marguerite a letter asking for rupture just the third day after winning her heart. Whereas, when he realized that Marguerite, an attractive lover, could save face for him, for vanity he sent her a letter requesting forgiveness.To Armand, it’s much more satisfying to possess a famous courtesan than to possess Marguerite's love. It means that what he wanted truly is the vanity of possessing a famous courtesan, not a woman's love.True love sublimes human beings. Armand became even more degenerate, while Marguerite turned truly lofty. Armand enjoyed the vanity all day long. He never considered about giving Marguerite a normal life. In the light of his behavior,Armand’s love to Marguerite is not worth me ntioning. On the contrary, Marguerite firmly abandoned his past, and turned over a new leaf.Although they had lived a happy life, Armand never believed in his subconscious that Marguerite was truly willing to escape from her past life. So when Marguerite left him and reluctantly returned to her former life because M. Duval, 's father, pled for her to leave Armand to save both Armand's reputation and that of his younger innocent sister, Armand denied Marguerite’s true love entirely and immediately. What is more pitiful, instead of thinking over why Marguerite left him unexpectedly and trying to retrieve Marguerite, Armand crudely and despicably carried on all sorts of shameless retaliation. Finally, Marguerite died in debt and basically lonely.We cannot deny that Armand truly loved Marguerite. However, he never believed that Marguerite also truly loved him. He didn’t know how to love selflessly without receiving value in return.Vanity may satisfy one who haven’t encountered with love, but once did, vanit y may become vulgarly. So when Marguerite fell in love with Armand, she was eager to get rid of vanity, but Armand didn’t give her the chance.He just wanted to maintain the sumptuous life and enjoy being the envy of all the other men.Marguerite is just like the camellia, she could never escape from the destiny of withering. But it wasn’t her fault; it’s because of the vanity of that society.。




以下是由店铺整理茶花女读后感英文版的内容,希望大家喜欢!茶花女读后感英文版(一)The lady of CAmelliasIf a woman has even a tiny sense of dignity, she must shoulder any number of sacrifices rather than have her love varnished with venal character by asking for money from her lover. Extravagances, luxury as well as all other empery pleasures are valuelein front of love. As long as you love me, I ask for nothing else.-------Marguerite(La Dame Aux Camellias)Whenever I lingered over the magnificant story, I cannot help deeply touched by the bitterly sweet love, which struck the world as gentle as an April shower, as pure as a blowing snow, as heady as an old wine. It condensed a pa radise into a kept woman’s heart, which caught and held us transfixed against prejudice in mind and greed in nature, , and provided a journey that brought home to us a comprehensive understanding of love.Marguerite, as a kept woman,did not undergo the usual penalty of confronting wrinkles appeared under her eyes, the first death of a courtesans, but was endowed enough fortune to enjoy an unselfish and gorgeous love during her ephemeral life, witch came as a wonderful oasis to lead supply a new prospect in a disparate desert, appeared as a miracle medication to heal her wound in the sinful life, figured as a brisk spring to refresh and revitalize her lonely heart, and emerged as a great beacon of courage to kill all her bad habits in the past and make a firmdetermination to seek for a peaceful but fantastic life with her loved one.Lingering between the words, we could completely feel how kind and dignified she was. She refused Armond although she knew he was really loved her with his soul. because of her gloomy despair of life, she did not turn up in his life as a figure who was sad, ill, gay with a giant sadder than grief, besides witch, who spit blood and spent a hundred thousand francs in a year. Touching this words, how can we avoid our zealous sympathy for her? She bickered with the marquis and drove him away from her family, because she hated and refused to be treated as merchandise. Touching her deeds, how could we deny our high respect for her? At last, she renounced all her hope and life just because another woman’s name. What she e although you may get hurt, but it is the only way you can live absolutely. But what she experienced, what she faced and what she did made her a real sublime angle and an eternal ideal woman in people’ heart.However, no matter what devout wish, no matter what gorgeous love, or no matter what strong struggle, the society was so stone stubborn that it would never show any mercy for a kept woman. Just as Armond said, when God allow a kept woman to accept a real love, it is indeed a grant comfort, but also remorselepunishment, for the man holds the cruel authority to say to his lover, “ Your love is just a kind of commodity”, though the woman had devoted all her heart and spirits to her loves. It cannot denied that it was Margue rite’s joyous fortune to have Armond in her poor destiny, but at the same time, it is also have to be admitted that what a hopeletorture she tolerated and what a disappointed suffering she endured at the last part of her life. It was really too much to her. We even cannot tell what kind ourfeeling soared inside our bosom, but just happy with her, sad with her, waiting with her, wishing with her, and disappointed with her……shall we criticize Armond for his foolish and brute deed to Marguerite as he got the same hurt by his horrible vengeance? Shall we condemn Armond, father for his selfish monologue which destroys the kind woman’s dream? Shall we judge the motionlemerchant and policemen’s actions before the dying woman?Through the whole story, we could feel that Maguerite pardon all of them. After tearing running down faces countless, and respect rising high in heart and soul, the conclusion seems so obvious: what ruined Marguerite is not Armond, and he never betrayed Marguerite, but the society. There was a slim chance for a kept woman to gain happineat that epoch; they had to come to the same end in different ways.To every woman, life is not all roses. In spite of bias, despoilment or hardship, love itself is universal. Marguerite really lives an abundant life, for she really appreciated a comprehensive love in her limited life journey.So, love srongly and passionately, although you may get deeply hurt, but it is the only way that you live completely.Best wishes for love, and best wishes for loved ones.茶花女读后感英文版(二)Those Beautiful Flowers---Book Review: “Camille”I read the Chinese version of “Camille” a few years ago. At that time I was deeply moved by the main character Marguerite Gautier. “Camille” or “The Lady of the Camellias” by Alexandre Dumas, fils, is the story of Marguerite Gautier, a youngcourtesan, or kept woman, in Paris in the mid 1800's, and how she falls in love with a young man, Armand Duval, and then tries to escape from her questionable past. Unfortunately, it comes back to haunt her and she ends up returning to that life and dies painfully and alone, but with the knowledge that she was a noble woman at heart. When I first began to read the book, I did not care for Marguerite or her attitude or lifestyle, but as I got further into the narrative, I realized that her saucy attitude was a front to cover the lonely woman that she really was. She felt used, abused and unloved, until the gentle Armand Duval came into her life and showed her that he loved her as a person and not for what she could do for him. It must have taken great courage for Marguerite to leave the life she had lived for so long, knowing all along that it was probably too good to be true and would not last indefinitely. And it also showed that Marguerite really loved Armand Duval for she could even change herself for him.However, happiness didn’t last for long. When M. Duval, Armand's father, came to her, pleading for her to leave Armand to save both Armand's reputation and that of his younger innocent sister, Marguerite saw a way to become pure of heart, if not in body. She felt that it was her duty, because she loved Armand so much, to do this even though it meant giving up her own happiness and hurting Armand temporarily. She reluctantly returned to her former life, knowing that some day Armand would forgive her. Sadly, she died in debt and basically alone, except for her one female friend, Julie Duprat, who helped her during her illness. She had her journal sent to Armand after her death, explaining why she had made the choices she had. I think Dumas's last few lines about Marguerite being the exception, not the rule were quite true, and I also agreed with his view that whileher lifestyle could not be condoned, we as a society assume that all of these type of women are cold and heartless, while this may not always be the case. A person can make the wrong choices in life when they are young, and try to redeem themselves, but sometimes past situations prevent them from changing their lives, even though they desperately wish to do so. This applies to both men and women in many different types of circumstances: involvement in crime; drug or alcohol abuse; gambling; prostitution; financial problems; poor marriage choices; etc. And this is the fact, which exists in the whole society.As far as the other characters in the book, I think Marguerite was right in saying that no one truly cared about her, but only wanted something from her, the only exceptions being Armand and Julie Duprat. Of course, the Comte de G. and Comte de N. wanted her body and appearance. The Duke needed to “wake up and smell the coffee” and realize that she could never replace his dead daughter. If he truly cared, he could have helped her leave her lifestyle without “keeping” her himself. And lastly, Prudence was a blood-sucking leech who used Marguerite almost worse than the men. I also think she was jealous of the fact that Marguerite had so much more courage than herself and someone truly loved her.Last morning, when tiding my bookshelf, I took this book out of the shelf, and a dried flower flew away from the book. It was pale blue, very transparent, with thin fine veins. a dried flower flew away from the book. It was pale blue, very transparent, with thin fine veins. I held it against the morning light and blew on it. The soft breeze carried it away. Camille is just like the camellia, she could never escape from the destiny of withering. But it wasn’t her fault; it’s because of the evil of Capitalism and thehideousness of that society.Suddenly, I remembered a saying: “Women are like the flowers”。

【精编范文】名著《茶花女》英语读后感-word范文模板 (2页)

【精编范文】名著《茶花女》英语读后感-word范文模板 (2页)

【精编范文】名著《茶花女》英语读后感-word范文模板本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==名著《茶花女》英语读后感---Book Review: “Camille”I read the Chinese version of “Camille” a few years ago. Atthat time I was deeply moved by the main character Marguerite Gautier. “Camille” or “The Lady of the Camellias” by Alexandre Dumas, fils, is the story of Marguerite Gautier, a young courtesan, or kept woman, in Paris in the mid 1800's, and how she falls in love with a young man, Armand Duval, and then tries to escape from her questionable past. Unfortunately, it comes back to haunt her and she ends up returning to that life and dies painfully and alone, but with the knowledge that she was a noble woman at heart. When I first began to read the book, I did not care for Marguerite or her attitude or lifestyle, but as I got further into the narrative, I realized that her saucy attitude was a front to cover the lonely woman that she really was. She felt used, abused and unloved, until the gentle Armand Duval came into her life and showed her that he loved her as a person and not for what she could do for him. It must have takengreat courage for Marguerite to leave the life she had lived for so long, knowing all along that it was probably too good to be true and would not last indefinitely. And it also showed that Margueritereally loved Armand Duval for she could even change herself for him.However, happiness didn’t last for long. When M. Duval, Armand's father, came to her, pleading for her to leave Armand to save both Armand's reputation and that of his younger innocent sister, Marguerite saw a way to become pure of heart, if not in body. Shefelt that it was her duty, because she loved Armand so much, to dothis even though it meant giving up her own happiness and hurting Armand temporarily. She reluctantly returned to her former life, knowing that some day Armand would forgive her. Sadly, she died in debt and basically alone, except for her one female friend, Julie Duprat, who helped her during her illness. She had her journal sentto Armand after her death, explaining why she had made the choicesshe had. I think Dumas's last few lines about Marguerite being the exception, not the rule were quite true, and I also agreed with his。

The analysis on the image of The lady of the Camellias

The analysis on the image of The lady of the Camellias

The analysis on the image of The lady of the Camellias茶花女女主人公的形象分析Abstract: Marguerite could be one of the prostitutes that go down in history in the literary field that was figured in the novel of The lady of the Camellias which was written by a famous French author named Alexander Dumas, Fils. But we still can see her perseverance in pursuit of love and holds a great kindhearted of forbearance mind. We mainly analysis Marguerite’s figure image based on this two sides.中文摘要:法国作家小仲马在茶花女中塑造的玛格丽特可谓是文学视野中“名垂青史”的妓女之一,虽然她曾在空虚的潮流中迷失自我,但从她身上,我们看到了可歌可泣的对于爱情的执着追求和怀抱着对宗教人本意识下善良伟大的隐忍精神。


Key words:The lady of the Camellias Main actress Marguerite Image AnalysisContents1.A brief introduction of The lady o f the Camellias (1)2.Three aspects on analysising The lady of the Camellias (2)2.1 Lost (2)2.2 Rigid (3)2.3 Forbearance (4)3.The cause of The Lady of Camellias’s Tragedy (5)4.The conclusion (6)5.Bibliorgraphy (7)When we talked about The lady of the Camellias, first we might think is “the tragic prostitute”, what we thought about her was just feel pity on her tragic outcome and hate the feudalism’s apathy and ruthless. A young courtesan, or kept woman, in Paris in the mid 1800’s, She got lost herself in the emptiness, and how she falls in love with a young man, Aermang Duval, after then she tries to escape from her questionable past. Unfortunately, it comes back to haunt her and she ends up returning to that life and dies painfully and alone. But in fact, when we go further to the narrative, what we thought about the lady Marguerite is not only the sympathy or the more it should be admiration or appreciation. She got lost in a luxury and dissipation life, but she was still sure what exactly she was pursuing and was keeping her own principles, without any consideration to pursue her true love once she met up with it. Her saucy attitude was a front to cover the lonely woman that she really was. She strongly resist the reality of the society, but still gave up temporary happiness herself at last due to her kind of forbearance, sacrifice herself to achieve others’ aim. Therefore, she worth us to lay aside these worldly prejudices to recognize and appreciate. So to figure outCamellie, we can mainly talk about in the following aspects: her lost, rigid and forbearance.1 LOSTFrom the beginning, we’ve learnt that Marguerite was a famous prostitute who lived in the first class that with the beauty overthrows status and cities, but skittish, bold and unconstrained. It was written: Marguerite was born with beauty, charming above all others. It is impossible to find someone else who is better than her. Because of this, she got herself overindulged. Prostitutes take betray their soma and the sentiment as their career, but they have their own love which don't want to be betrayed, perhaps they have experienced enough with hypocrisy in the world, instead of this, they care and desire more on the true love. Was born in a poverty family, cannot help but become a degrading prostitute, however due to her beauty, she’s very popular with the first classes. Between the differences of these two lives, she lost herself, squander, and parties, drinking, frivolous and almost dissolute. She laughs at herself: “ l will die if I take care of myself, just this kind of crazy life support me till now, I would be discarded by my mistresses once I cannot satisfy them or cannot make them happy.”But all these luxury and lustful life makes her exhausted, vanity and irritancy. Life is all about business with carnal desire and money. Sh e sprees and parties, doesn’t have any saving. Living a life with enjoy while she can, taking a cynical attitude towards life, fooling around all the time. “Poor girl living with bibulosity, insomnia, dissolute to escape the real life”. The writer said in a sympathy tone. Under this kind of pain which hides in so-called happy and bold. Make us feel even more sorrowful with shocks and profoundly. The main reason caused her comes to the tragedy is the social reality caused to lose her natural disposition, lost herself. She once lived in such a thrifty way, for her livelihood, but cannot but betrays herself. But anabolism is suddenly unworthy to her as what she has done to herself. She feels extremely lonely and void, couldn't see any pure kindness or the true feeling of this world in hers innermost. She does not have even one real friend who really cares about her except those aristocrats who want to get carnal desire and dignity satisfied from her, and those merchants who seek the business benefit from her, nearly nobody is talking to her. As if there is already no more worthy left for her in this world. Right now what she has gotten are all cursory, everything will disappear instantly if she doesn't enjoy it well. So she socializes between the different men, the count, duke also other masculine celebrities of all forms, get capital which may supply to spend freely. She spends like the running water, always gets the most fashionable dressings with the most extravagant life. She doesn't treasure herself, soundful night every day, even if spits blood in hospital but also still all night the alcoholic intoxication.Anyway, she uses all the most despicable way to spoil herself, numb herself to escape painful and sorrowful. Everything around her is not safe, no one can pay the truly sentiment to her. There is only use and be used between human being. She once said: “we are no longer belong s to ourselves, no longer the human being, we have become the goods.” Only wealth is most reliable to her. She never ever believes others easily. Therefore she did not entertained any hope on this relation with Aermang when shemet him for this first time. In her mind, not even one could have the true love to a lady of pleasure, especially a lady like her who spends 100,000 francs every year but with sickness and often spitting blood. She once had those young sweethearts’s departing but doesn't rich enough are the most powerful proof. Therefore, she as if already forgotten the love’s initial appearance in her long-time lost. She thought that Aermang is also a new short section of fortune.2 RigidIf without meeting with Aermang, we also can imagine, a lady like her, has enjoyed all the prosperous, after oil completes lamp dries in this world, and died silently in the loathe of human’s sight. However, it manifests that her perfect pursuing to the love between her and Aermang, then causes her life with unexpected changes; meanwhile it moved a great number of people since the three centuries. At the early beginning, we’ve mentioned Marguerite did not care Aermang so much when he showed up. Although she is moved by this man’s sincerely crying and waiting silently when she was sick, still she cannot give up her luxury life in front of her. Therefore she agreed to be Aermang’s lover, but to afford the large amount expenditures of 100,000franc; she still continued to keep relations with other lovers. Because she still believes Aermang to her is for a while, when he’s having enough fun, there will be one day comes to the ends. She still regards the sentiment between her and Aermang as a transaction. She requests Aermang” has to trust her,obey her, and be caution with everything he’s going to do. But Aermang was extremely in love with her, therefore, when known Marguerite treated him, he almost left, but due to his deepness love with Margerite, and considerate each other. Also due to Aermang’s rigid and intense behavior, Margerite started to realize the true love from Aermang, meanwhile changed her attitude to him. In fact, in Marguerite’s heart, no matter how many these men paid to her, they only obtain her body but no one can really obtain her sincerity. But Aermang is different from them, He is not rich, cannot give her luxurious life, but his sincere love which makes her feel the happiness of true love. She starts to spend more time with Aermang, decides to break off with counts completely. But force herself to accept duke’s seeing,is only for her and Aermang’s expense,because she knows Aermang couldn't afford her luxury expense. In her heart, once she falls in love with a man, she won’t hav e any money issue with him, she doesn't want evolve a new transaction, therefore she’d rather undertake all the pressures.It’s true,Aermang’s potential economic caused him to gamble to maintain the livelihoods, their love is precarious. But Marguriet has been striving positively for more time to be alone with Aermang, also starts to slowly change the life which she used to indulge in dissipation, learning to adapt peaceful and healthy life style. When she got duke’s support to live alone in the countryside, their love and life are coming to the happiest dawn. Even afterward, she against duke’s publicly in order to be together with Aermang,they started to live a newly together life. She was determined that must bid farewell thoroughly with her past: “we wi ll certainly be happy, living in a peaceful life forever, I will forever say goodbye to those ashamed life. She completely changed herself, abandoned her past life style. They look like ordinary couple, living peacefully, love,respect and care with each other. But as what Brudans said: “What brings to the ideal life is the material life; even the purest determination can also be connected with the superficial stuff.” When they are enjoying their inseparable happiness, the pressure of life expenses are coming to them quietly. Facing with all of these problems, Marguerite displayed her determination on love and pursuing of perfectism. She endured all predicament of their life herself, hiding the truth of selling off her jewelry and horse-drawn vehicle. After Aermang knows that, She replied affectionately: “relations like ourselves the woman has a little bit self respect, she shall try her best to sacrifice, but not asking for the man she’s fall-in-love with,.” Her independence and strangeness also changed Aerm ang’s originally idea. For her, compare with Aermang, a horse-drawn vehicle and several jewelry are nothing. Her purely hope is their love may not cause any economical pressure to Aermang. Only being together with each other is their biggest happiness. Her love warm, rigid, pure, chastely. His love great and deep, sincere and selfless. Also because Marguerite’s cherish on her love, caused extremely painful and confused in the future after separated with Aermang. This love has given her the happiest happiness, also is the cause of her pitiful destiny disaster. 3. Forbearance.Value the mind and soul of the people, value the persuit of the other side of the worthy sense, emphasis the restrictions rationality imposes on desire, is the main trend of cultural values in Hebrew Christianity literature. This kind of esteemed rationality, group standards, religious peoples innate awareness of praising personal sacrifice, compromise and universal love is the another core level of culture in late western literature. This consciousness of religious person well manifested the love manner in the La Deme Aux Camelias. If without the involvement of Aermang’s father,they could be continue to get down happily, no one knows. However reality is always brutal, it should be a happy moment just turned into a tragedy. But by this tragedy, also we saw another side of Marguerite, is her great forbearance which under her consciousness of religious person. Although she was that rigid into her perfect love, desired to get rid of the life that she used to be, and live as a normal person, but her benevolence actually let her be willing to sacrifice herself to help others. She knows her own efforts always cannot against the moral system of social diligently. She wrote to Aermang at point of death: “my past profession did not enable me to have the right to dream a happiness future, I am undertaking all kinds of responsibilities, my habit my reputation cannot guarantee by far.” No matter how nobly she’s trying and pursuing. It’s still unable to back to the initial happiness, in the circumstances, why not to make more joys and happiness for others under her sacrifices. But when she wallowed herself in degeneration for the person she’s in love with to have a better life, actually did not obtain any understanding or pities from others. That the man named Aermang once loved and moved her but closed the intense retaliation because he thought he was treated. However, the kindness Marguerite doesn't want to violate the promise which made for the “just” father, and chose to stand everything herself silently. We also cannot deny Aermang was truly in love with Marguerite, the ridiculous thing is that Aermang was majored in law, should be very good atanalysising and studying, but he did not go further to think about why Marguerite’s changing, just crudely and simply thought her left because she’s unwilling to leave her past vanity and can not to live in a thrifty way. Even carry all sorts of shameless to revenge to the woman him once loved. But we also cannot deny, Aermang was truly in love with Marguerite, he was just couldn't believe Marguerite was truly in love with him, and his true sentiment was treated and played by Marguerite, always doubt her, His heart is that narrow and small despicable, doesn't understand what we called to love our love without any complaining and regretting. In his heart he was filled with the resentment and hated, the only thing he’s lack for was as Marguerite’s selflessly and without strives for the repayment for the true love. T he more Aermang’s retaliation getting crazy and intense, the more shows Marguerite’s pain and sadness. Facing all the interrogation with the man who she is deeply in love with, the first thing she was considering about was Aermang’s family happiness. She did not want him getting in a trouble or in a bad relation with his family member and affects his bright future just because of her. Therefore, she still continued to conceal her difficulties, accepted Aermang’s groundless accusation.The cause of the tragedy“The camellia”except to parable the misfortune of Marguerite’s destiny, as a fresh flower which is in full bloom, but encounters the heartless devastation from the violent storm, therefore premature withered, on the wane, died. It has symbolized the heroine moral character of the actress’s nicely noble, the flaw exquisitely of her innermost feelings. Although the La Deme Aux Camelias is one mingles among the bourgeoisie upper circles of society’s prostitute, she has the fine energetic glory from lower level people’s simple and a sincere faith facing to a beautiful life, has not disappeared throughout. Indomitably pursuing love and happiness. The kind of happiness is not a luxurious happiness for average man, but for them is a very luxurious and remote dream. Because they have been eliminated all the personhood’s rights by this society, like this, the way they are pursuing to the love and try to get rid of struggling for the live and struggle of their lives, materially became to insulted and tramples the revolt of this society, what they’ve been pursuing and striving for are not only from the love, at least was the minimum personhood’s rights. Therefore, the process of their pursuing was unable to be chosen into a tragedy corona.The ends of Marguerite are sorrowful, however, it shows the beautiful due to the sorrowful. In the category of tragedy esthetics, the strength of death is powerful. The beauty deconstruction is precisely to the complaint of clown. Also serves as contrast the darkness and evil of social common custom. The dumas fils had demonstrated the pitiful destiny of this love tragedy, definite prostitute’s personhood right as well as their proper independent personality and status. Angrily condemned the masculinity society and tramples to woman’s insult, which displays his progresses of thehumanitarianism thoughts. The tragedy character which he has molded real reflects reality of life —“the innocent woman,evil society” .The conclusionLove is the invariable permanent topic for human being. Love makes people crazy; love makes people to be crazy. Just like Hegel once said: “Love appears the most beautiful in front of females, because it concentrates the complete spiritual life and the real life on love and promotes it into love, it only can find the sustaining power of life from love.” No wonder people say: “love makes women more beautiful, even makes women getting stronger. The culture of Christianity take the human relation morals, friendly and loves as the primary intention, it is fully manifested on Marguerite, the dirtiest despicable prostitute in the common people’s sight. Her self-sacrifice and the love spirit of forbearance has become a very good reputation to the Dewar family, has helped Aermang’s future,has helped normal people’s desire, however caused her to lose the love light for livelihood finally. She thought herself cannot bring any happiness for others, also lose all the hopes and pursues, therefore she chose to party every night, only for leaving this mortal world soon and continues the relations with her lover in the next life. Marguerite is one of the prostitutes that “goes down in history” in the literature vision field.We’ve learnt inspiring on rigid pursuing of love and forbearance spirit on holding consciousness of religious person. We sympathize her, because the pity of her separates with Aermang and finally the tragedy of died lonesome. But we even more appreciate her, due to her out of ordinary spirit pursues and the pure idea even under the oppress of society. In the literature record of ancient and modern in China or abroad, Stories like Su Xiaoxiao, Du Shiniang, also The La Deme Axu Camelias, in the common people’s eye, they are the low humble prostitutes, but actually left us a kind of different aware feeling. The original reason of Marguerite’s tragic destiny is her natural kindness, also her perfect pursing on love. Her tragic ending also shows the corruption and darkness of this society. Her destiny worth to sympathize, even worth us to think earnest. It is the society’s fault to cause her death; her death is also a revolt to the dark society. She is so weak and small in front of this society, also difficulty to escape from the common custom idea fetters. But still was fettered by the traditional idea, all cannot deny her fine natural disposition; this had decided her tragedy was beautiful; the tragedy has presented her brightness. This kind of beauty serves as contrast of the darkness and evil of the social and common customs. Actually, human doesn't have the nobleness and humbleness. People were born to be equal, even because the differ from status and circumstances, but cannot deny its intrinsic lofty spiritual!Bibliography[1] 小仲马(法).茶花女;长江文艺出版社 2007,7[2] 赵彩云.矛盾中的道德悲剧—从文学伦理角度来看茶花女[期刊论文]-湖北广播电视大学 2006年04期[3] 黑格尔.美学[M]天津人民出版,2009.4 二卷 305[4] 吴岳添.法国小说发展史[M].杭州:浙江大学出版社,2004,230[5] 苏屹峰.论茶花女悲剧的原因[J];武汉科技学院学报;2006年09期此文章出自88号铺-团购网,请大家请勿盗用,欢迎来我的网站挑选自己的喜欢的宝贝并指点一下,网址是 。



TheLadyoftheCamellias《茶花女》读后感The Lady of the Camellias‘The Lady of the Camellias’ was French novelist and dramatist ,Alexandre Dumasfils’, the most representative works. His father is prolific world-famous great writer Alexandre Dumas.The story of the original novel, also be to film "La Traviata" .It’s not only the first translation of foreign novels,but opened up a series of French "fallen woman" precedent.Its influence never breaking off .It’s said that "La Traviata" is based on his own experience to write such a masterpiece."La Traviata" vividly described a story about a appearance and heart that like white camellia ,so pure and beautiful girl was destroyed to death . The protagonist ,Margaret is a very beautiful village girl, she came to Paris prostituted herself for making a life .Rich young Amand caused her longing for love and life with sincere love.But his father opposed the marriage, requested her leave Armand.Because Armand was unaware of the truth, he looked for an opportunity to humiliate her, finally made her all died in be plagued by poverty and ill health.After reading the book,I was deeply moved by the maincharacter Marguerite Gautier.We shoud learn from her brave,her strength,her wisdom and so on.Although she had a identity humble, her personality is great.No matter when and where , we should keep a pure heart.It’s the only way to clear in this complex society.。






Recently read on behalf of the famous French writer Alexandre Dumas's work: "La Traviata", read two times, will you not. I was touched by the book of love stories, read the sad place, it tears.现代人都想得到真挚的爱情,都想得到异性的真爱,也时刻在讨论什么是爱?是否有真正的爱情?《茶花女》给了我们一个正确的答案:男女之间的情爱,是一种奉献、是一种给予、是一种忠诚,是牺牲、是无私,不是索取,更不是骗取;真心实意的为对方着想,为对方去做事任可牺牲自己的一切,能使对方幸福做为自己最大的快乐和满足。

The modern people want to get true love, want to get specific moments in the discussion of love, but also what is love? If there is true love? "La Traviata" gives us a correct answer: between men and women in love, is a kind of dedication, is a given, is a kind of loyalty, sacrifice, selfless, not to take, but not to cheat; have a genuine and sincere desire for the sake of each other, each other to do any sacrifice everything, can to make each other happy as his greatest pleasure and satisfaction.我想每个人在通读小说,在为男女主人公悲欢离合而高兴、而担心、而落泪的同时,检讨一下自己在情感方面的得与失,才能更加珍惜自己的爱情,善待亲情和友情。




现专指独唱曲与之对应的是“宣叙调”(Rec itativo),它是一种“朗诵”式的歌曲,相当于戏剧中的“对白”。















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My review about the Lady of the CamelliasBrief description: The heroine of the novel,Marguerite,is a poor girl who came to Paris from rural area to make her living, unfortunately,crashed into the world of prostitution, and got into the evil habit of spending money extravagantly. She reveled day after day, however,she abhorred that kind of empty lifein her inner part and kept a pure heart. Later, she met Armand and touched by his sincere love, then they fell in love with each other and lived a happy life,which was destroyed by the appearance of Mr. Duvel, Armand’s father , by whose compellingMarguerite had to leave Armand only for the sake of Miss Duval’s Cournand. Nevertheless, Armand humiliated Marguerite with all that he could think upfor her leaving without knowing thetruth .Eventually,Marguerite died with her love for Armand.Marguerite is as beautiful as a flower,which can beeasily and reasonablyconcluded from the indirect description written as followed:on her arrival at the theatre,all the viewers and even the actor turned their heads towards her. Such a party girl (I prefer to call her a party girl ratherthan a kept woman) has an evil past and an impure body buta pure heart and a respectful soul. And there is an air of distinction rare in her kind which was further enhanced by her truly exceptional beauty.She is not like her kind who display for all Paris to see the insolent opulence of their beauty,diamonds and shameless conduct. Though she does need lots of money and lose her body for it,she is not likeOlympe,a true kept woman ,who loves money simply .She wishes for true love and happy life .She hasa good insight into the society and all her lovers,who ranks their vanity and self-respect first and hers last. To Armand,she is so kind that she saves each coin and pays her debt independently without telling him.She is extremely selfless because she sacrificed her own love just for Miss Duval’s name, who is completely a stranger to Marguerite, without telling Armand the truth because she does n’t want Armand to break with his family.Armand is a kind man, thehero,who is the only man caring about Marguerite when she coughs up blood and the only man who really feels pain when Marguerite pains. He has no much prejudice on Marguerite, and doesn’t mind her dishonored past if only Marguerite could correct her conduct. And this is why Marguerite lost herself to Armand more quickly than anyone else .However ,there aredemerits cannot be neglected in Armand such as jealousy ,narrow-mind, childishness and so on .As Marguerite once said ,his jealousy is ridiculous and rude .Because of jealousy ,he humiliated her twice, and the second oneundoubtedly became the catalyst of Marguerite’s death. He always hasdistrustof her love for him from the beginning to the end.Prudence is a typical petty bourgeois of coldness,cruelty andmoney-orient-mind in the capitalist society .When Marguerite was fit and could make money , Prudence showed her very little friendship for the sake of benefit fromMarguerite ,when Marguerite was on her deathbed and cannot give her benefit ,then ,Prudence even didn’t visit her as her neighbor.Mr.Duvalhasdeep and private love for his children ,but compelled Marguerite to leave Armand simply for his daughter’s name.Juliet is the only one who accompanied Margaret until her funeral .The Count isa gentleman, keeping friendly relationships with Marguerite, and gives her helpfinancially. And he is one of the two men who was at the funeral ,the old Duck another one .The Executive and auctioneers are typical representativesof mercenaries andruthless.My understanding about the love between the hero and the heroine: on Marguerite’s side, almost all people around her are ruthless and no one really cares about her. When she came across Armand she felt that Armandwas kind who could shed tears for her pain.Just like the original puts it, "the more sincere a young girl’s beliefin goodness ,the more easily she gives herself ,if not to her lovers ,even at last to love”. So she decided to love Armand wholeheartedly, even if Armand humiliatedher, but she also repeatedly forgave him. On Armand’s side, his love for Margaret is more complicated. First of all, he did love Margaret, he didn't care about Marguerite's past, hoping to live a normal and happy lifewith Marguerite; Secondly,his love might come from his compassion for Marguerite; Thirdly , his love might come out of his vanity and pride, because Margueriteis as beautiful as a fairy in Paris, so being her lover is glorious.My understanding of Marguerite's death: the direct cause of her death is Armand’s insults to Marguerite and the last time makes Marguerite lose faith in life and bedridden; The Indirect reason is his father’s compelling for her leaving from happy time together with Armand.From my perspective, the most fundamental reason is the ruthless, selfish, mercenary, false hypocrisy caused by that capitalist society.In such a social background, the relationships between people are built on the basis of money, lacking of love.People have muchprejudiceon such anindividual ,have no sympathy, can't accept her, even if she had escaped from evil. People suspecther true love, as Mr. Duval said “people don't know yourinner part ,they only know the fact that Armand accepted a prostitute which destroyed my family’s reputation .Take the above mentioned into consideration,the novel attempts to show the humanitarian thoughts and great longing for respect ,forgiveness, friendliness. In the meanwhile, it also criticized the cruelty and coldness of relationships in capitalist society.。
