校园英语 / 翻译研究英汉翻译在翻译转换理论视角下的探究泰州学院外国语学院/吕雯【摘要】随着我国经济的不断发展和进步,人们的日常生活水平一直在呈直线发展,也正是因为经济上的发展迅速,所以经济产业快速发展也带动了我国各项工作的发展,其中英汉翻译救得到了飞速的发展和进步。
【关键词】英汉翻译 翻译转换理论视角 探究前言提高翻译质量、传播中国优秀文化的需要和翻译活动研究状况,通过对中国人社会行为取向与翻译活动之间关系的系统研究,进而帮助译者在翻译活动中更好把握自己的翻译方向和风格,使中国人对翻译活动能够发挥更为积极的作用,以利于中华文化的优化和传播,服务国家的文化建设需要,从而为我国翻译事业提供强有力的基础和支撑。
V0 1 . 1 2 No . 6
NO V . 2 0 1 3
2 0 1 3年 1 1月
d o i : 1 0 . 3 9 6 9 / j . i s s n . 1 6 7 1 - 7 8 6 4 . 2 0 1 3 . 0 6 . 0 6 0
地 方 高 校 校 园 文化 建 设 中公 示语 翻 译 合 理 性 研 究
第 l 2卷
第 6期
漯河职业技 术学院学报
J o u na r l o f L u o h e Vo c a t i o n a l T e c h n o l o g y Co l l e g e
( 二) 统一规 范
院等 , 共拍摄 1 6 0余张公示语照片。台州地区的高校基本
属 于地 方性 高校 , 在 校 园文化 建设 方 面并 未受 到 很大 的关 注 。本 文拟 从校 园公示 语 翻译研 究 出发 , 提倡 大 家增 加对 校 园公 示 语的关 注 , 仅 以本 市 高 校 为例 , 为今 后 其 他 地 区 高校公 示语 的研 究抛 砖 引玉 。
在公示 语 的汉英 翻译 中 , 由于 不同译 者 的翻译 方 式不 同, 同一 公示 语 常常 出现 五 花 八 门 的 翻译 , 导致 公 示语 翻 译 不规范 。公示 语 的汉译 英应遵 循统 一规 范 的原则 , 以避 免 出现公示 语 翻译 混 乱 。对 于一 些 流 传 下来 并 延 用 至今
间的限制 。公示语需要在短时间内传达给公众其要表 达的意思 , 因而“ 简明扼要 ” 是公示语的特点之一, 也是公
例如,汉语中有“四面楚歌”这个成语,指的是环境压力特别大,毫无出路,无处可逃,英语中没有这样的成语,因此,在汉译英时,应该用更加恰当的英语表达来表达这个意思,而不是直接翻译成“four sides of Chu song”。
例如,汉语中有“儿女情长”这个成语,指的是父母和子女之间的亲情,英语中没有这个成语,因此,在汉译英时,应该用更加恰当的英语表达来表达这个意思,而不是直接翻译成“long-lasting affection between parents and children”。
例如,汉语中有“一字千金”这个成语,指的是一句话的价值很高,英语中没有这个成语,因此,在汉译英时,应该用更加恰当的英语表达来表达这个意思,而不是直接翻译成“a word is worth a thousand gold”。
翻译中国文化需要注意什么翻译中国文化需要注意以下几个要点:1. 文化背景:了解中国的历史、地理、政治、社会和宗教等方面的背景信息非常重要。
2. 语言:中文是中国的官方语言,其中包含了许多方言和口语。
3. 礼仪:在中国文化中,重视礼仪和尊重他人是非常重要的。
4. 象征和比喻:中国文化中有许多象征和比喻的表达方式。
5. 文学和诗歌:中国文化以其丰富的文学和诗歌传统而闻名。
6. 图像和符号:中国文化中有很多与图像和符号有关的表达方式,比如传统的画作、书法和印章等。
7. 文化差异:中国和其他国家的文化差异是不可忽视的。
文化建设过程中应注意的关键问题探析 中英文翻译
文化建设过程中应注意的关键问题探析中英文翻译Cultural construction should be paid attention to in the process of analysis the key problems in Chinese and English translation【论文摘要】中国是一个有着悠久文化历史的国家,会计的发展深受传统文化发展的影响与制约。
Paper pick to 】【China is a country with a long cultural history, the development of accounting under the influence of traditional culture development and restriction. Accounting existence in a specific cultural environment, the role of culture on accounting can form specific accounting theory, accounting, accounting behavior consciousness, this creates a specific accounting culture. Accounting culture has a profound impact on accounting theory, accounting practice. So the Chinese accounting culture, for the construction of accounting management theory and method system with Chinese characteristics, guide the accounting practice, deepen the reform of the accounting system and has important practical significance and far-reaching historical significance.一、要形成独特的会计文化氛围A, to form the unique accounting culture atmosphere会计文化建设离不开和谐的会计文化环境,而和谐的会计文化氛围是会计文化建设中的关键问题之一。
企业文化建设外文翻译文献(文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译)原文:Enterprise culture:necessary in promoting enterpriseSteven CarterThe paper investigates the effects of the Zimbabwean national culture on enterprise development. In-depth interviews were carried out with fifteen entrepreneurs and seven members of the community whose role was to support entrepreneurs. It was established that the national culture impeded enterprise development and the factors identified are: bad debt culture, let's-pull-him-downsyndrome, dependency syndrome, high living, and absence of role models, refusal to accept entrepreneurship, employing relatives and poor quality goods and services. To promote enterprise development, countries need to identify factors that make up the national culture. The paper also identifies the desired enterprise culture.INTRODUCTIONEarlier research on enterprise development mainly focused on the personal characteristics/traits of the individual, such as the need for achievement, locus of control, the ability to take risk, etc (McClelland, 1962; McClelland and Winter, 1969; Bellu, 1988; Rotter, 1966). Curran (1994) argued that traits alone were inadequate to explain entrepreneurship, and some found no direct link between traits and entrepreneurial behaviour (Bird, 1988; Guth, 2001). Hence, further research moved on to considering the environmental factors (political, cultural, economic, regulations and policies) that affect enterprise development. It was argued that countries desiring to promote enterprise development need to address these environmental factors (Telantino, 1995; UNCTAD, 1995; Gnyawaii, 1994; Bird, 1989; Chell, 1985; Vaselainen, 1999).Enterprise development has been viewed as a means of reducing unemployment, easing other social problems and as the best way of creating wealth in a country (Nolan, 2003; Storey, 2000). As a result of the above reasons, both developing and developed countries have embraced enterprise development.Like many other countries, Zimbabwe has run enterprise development programmes, created and adopted policies aimed at creating a conducive environment for enterprise development. Unfortunately, the efforts to promote enterprise development in Zimbabwe have not been successful(Mlambo, 2000; UNDP, 2000).The paper explores the factors that make up the Zimbabwean national culture relating to enterprise development. It also establishes the effects that these factors have had on enterprise development.LITERATURE REVIEWCulture is defined as a set of historically evolved, learned values, attitudes and meanings shared by the members of a given community, that inlluence their material and non-material way of life (Tayeb, 1988). These evolve through different stages of socialisation, through institutions like family, religion, formal education etc. It was further asserted that different cultures influence enterprise development differently (Hofstede, 1991). Furthermore, others believe that the national culture should be included when discussing enterprise development of the country (Wortzel, 1997; Morrison,2000). For example, it was believed that enterprise development success in USA was as a result of its culture that promotes individualism (De Pillis eta/, 1998; Wong, 2001), while failure of enterprise development in Ireland was as a result ofa culture that promotes conformity to the status quo (DePillis, 1998). In India, enterprise development encountered problems due to a culture that promoted spiritual harmony and acceptance of destiny (Dana, 2000). Similarly, entrepreneurship has not succeeded in countries where it has a bad image, where entrepreneurs are viewed as greedy, unkind, thieves, exploiters of people etc (Joyant and Warner, 1996; Morrison, 2000; Bateman, 1997). On the other hand, entenrise development succeeds in a nation that embraces it, where it is viewed as a noble way of life and especially where failure is not demonised by the society (Morrison, 2000; Wong 2001; De Pillis, 1998; Nolan, 2003). Enterprise success has also been recorded in countries where there are role models who would inspire others (De Pillis, 1998). Role models can even be members of one's immediate or extended family (Gibb, 1996). Therefore, countries can attempt to promote enterprise development by accepting and elevating the societal rolemodels and raising the practical support given to entrepreneurs (Raynolds, 1991; Specht, 1993).Entrepreneurs who enjoy 'high-living' at the expense of their enterprises have difficulties in succeeding (Spring, 1998). In both developed and developing countries, some graduates dislike being associated with working for Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and self-employment. This makes it difficult for some countries to promote enterprise as it is not accepted by the very people who have the best capacity to succeed as business people and Morrison (2000) argues that formal education system is to be blamed for producing conformists and not entrepreneurs. To address this, Stevenson (1996) argues that entrepreneurship should be taught from a young age, in schools and colleges.Meyanathan (1994) demonstrated the difficulties in promoting enterprise in a country that favours a certain group of people over others; because the ones favoured will develop a sense of entitlement, whilst the neglected resent the entire system.Literature researched has discussed different aspects of culture that have affected enterprise development, but there has not been a comprehensive catalogue of these factors that make up a national culture relating to enterprise development. Hence, this paper explores the factors that make up the national culture, and, in particular, those relating to enterprise development in Zimbabwe.RESEARCH METHODThe paper seeks to explore and explain the cultural factors that have negatively affected enterprise development in Zimbabwe. There is need to answer the questions, what are the national cultural factors that have affected enterprise development in Zimbabwe, how have they affected it and why? Hence, an interpretive approach was adopted (Carson, 2001). Within interpretivism, a qualitative research approach was used. This approach allows the inclusion of tacit knowledge and experience of the researcher throughout the research process. Based on the qualitative research method,non-probabilistic (purposeful) sampling was carried out, where the respondents pointed the researcher to the next respondent (Remenyi, 2001).This is called snowballing.The sample was made up of twenty-two respondents (elites). All respondents were 'elites' chosen for their expert knowledge (Remenyi,1998; Lincoln and Guba, 1990) of enterprise development in Zimbabwe.Among them were fifteen entrepreneurs and seven respondents whose occupations or activities supported entrepreneurs. The purpose for sampling the other seven'elites' was triangulation (Remenyi, 1998;Lincoln and Guba 1990; Carson 2001). There was needed to get a different view from that of entrepreneurs, that is, those who supported the work of entrepreneurs (from financial organisations, development and training organisations and the government). These respondents had supported entrepreneurs through financing, training etc. for at least six years. All entrepreneurs interviewed were business people who had started and managed their enterprises for more than six years.Consistent with this research approach, face-to-face in-depth interviews were carried out using an interview guide. The interview guide was based on the themes that had been obtained from literature and needed further exploration. Respondents were asked to identify and discuss all factors they believed had negatively affected enterprise development in Zimbabwe.The collected data was analysed using the thematic analysis, as described by Miles and Huberman (1994), and Wengraf (2001). The research was conducted in two phases. The initial phase culminated in establishing a list of cultural factors that have affected enterprise development. After the first round ofinterviews with the 22 respondents, their responses were analysed. The results were then subjected to further scrutiny by nine respondents who had taken part in the first round of interviews, and who were hence familiar with this research and considered able to provide the sound scrutiny. Furthermore, a programme that was established to promote enterprise development was also evaluated as a way of triangulation. It was a way to find if there was any convergence on the cultural factors mentioned by the entrepreneurs as having negatively affected enterprise development and those that had affected the programme. Therefore, the second round ofinterviews and an evaluation of the enterprise developing programme were to provide further verification, a way of improvingtrustworthiness and rigour.The research methodology adopted allows the researcher to use tacit knowledge and experience throughout the process; hence there will be instances (in presenting the findings) where some assertions are not sourced,but are attributed to the researchers' knowledge and experience of Zimbabwe.Consistent with the research method, in presenting findings of this research, a summary of the respondents' views is provided and to emphasise this position some quotations are included in the text and a sample of others can be found in.One respondent said: remember, our culture does not necessarily promote people who succeed. Success is not very much part of our culture.From the respondents' point of view, one of the reasons why enterprise development did not flourish in Zimbabwe was its national culture.The factors that make up the Zimbabwean national culture and have negatively affected enterprise development are: bad-debt culture, absence of role models, let's pull-him-down syndrome, dependency syndrome, poor quality goods and service delivery, refusing to accept entrepreneurship as a way of life, employing relatives (kith and kin) and high living.The above factors will now be elaboratedBad-debt CultureOne entrepreneur said: people do not payback because there is bad debt culture; it is bad debt culture, which we need to jight. United Merchant Bank (UMB) went under, it went down because people were not paying back, though the owner had wanted to help fellow indigenous people.Although some respondents held this view, it should be noted that non-payment was not the only reason why UMB went into liquidation.UMB was established at the height ofindigenisation and by an indigenous entrepreneur. UMB considered itself a champion ofindigenisation and accused the traditional multinational banks of failing to support indigenous entrepreneurs. On a weekly basis, this bank advertised in the national press, the need to indigenise and made the accusations mentioned above.According to UMB, the traditional banks' lending conditions were too strict and their demands could not be easily met by most indigenous entrepreneurs; for example,collateral and own contribution. Consequently,UMB urged them to follow its example of relaxing the borrowing requirements, where collateral was less emphasised than other aspects likeproject viability and management. As a result, good project proposals (on paper) were produced, received funding; unfortunately, money was not paid back and without collateral the bank could not recover its debts and it went into liquidation. As a result, depositors' funds were lost. In short,UMB did not follow prudent lending practice; hence, it is as much to blame as the borrowers who failed to pay back. UMB failed to take into cognisance the bad-debt cultural dimension among its borrowers.Enterprise Culture: Necessary In Promoting EnterpriseThere has been ample evidence to support this assertion. The research established that in 1992, the government made available Z$100 million to support indigenous businesses and the default rate for this money was about twenty eight percent (28%). In 1994, the government provided $400 million for indigenous enterprises and the default rate for this facility was about thirty two percent (32%). In 1997, the World Bank and the government made another 2$700 million available and the default rate was about thirty one percent (31%). In 2000, the government availed 2$4 billion as a revolving fund for enterprise development and by 2002 0nly $2billion could be revolved, the rest was lost to bad debtors. There are other examples, where certain individuals have borrowed from banks and not paid back. For example, Mr. Sibanda (not his real name) who is now a well known property mogul in Zimbabwe; has borrowed huge amounts from different banks to buy several companies (one company was a shoe making company, another manufacturing conglomerate, bought shares in a cement making company and others) and has been a bad debtor. Through his property developing company, he developed properties using borrowed money from a building society and did not pay back. The building society later on went into financial difficulties (not necessarily because of him alone) and had to be rescued by the Central Bank.The aspect of bad debt culture relates to the fact that entrepreneurs likeborrowing, but not paying back what they borrow. It was established that those who lend to the entrepreneurs face major challenges in collecting their debts from the borrowers. Respondents believed that many entrepreneurs are under the impression that one can borrow but not necessarily need to pay back. As a result of this culture and resultant behaviour, some programmes (including donor money mentioned above) that lent money to SMEs have had high default rates.Date Source: Steven Carter.Enterprise culture:necessary in promoting enterprise;less- ons from enterprise development in Zimbabwe[J]. Journal of Enterpring Culture,2006 (3):P177-198译文:企业文化:促进企业的必备要素史蒂文·卡特本论文研究的是津巴布韦国家文化对企业发展方面的影响。
英语 中高级口译 专业术语 中英翻译对照
1.科学发展观the Outlook of Scientific Development(也有一说outlook 应为conception,有兴趣自己去查字典了解了解两词的区别2.倡导公正、合理的新秩序观call for the establishment of a new just and equitable order3.以平等互利为核心的新发展观new thinking on development based on equality and mutual benefit4.推动树立以互信、互利、平等和协作为主要内容的新安全观foster a new thinking on security featuring mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality and coordination5.主张形成以尊重多样性为特点的新文明观foster a new thinking on civilization that respects diversity6.新能源观new thinking on energy development有关先进文化的词汇1.古为今用、洋为中用旧译let the ancient serve the present, let the foreign serve the national 现译draw from past and foreign achievements2.文艺工作cultural and art work; work in the cultural field3.牢牢把握先进文化的前进方向firmly keep to the direction of an advanced culture/cultural advancement4.文化与经济和政治互相交融interaction between cultural work, and economic and political activitiescultural elements/factors intermingle with economic and political factors5.民族的科学的大众的社会主义文化 a socialist culture that is distinctly Chinese, pro-science and people-oriented6.弘扬主旋律,提倡多样化promote mainstream values and uphold cultural diversity7.以科学的理论武装人,以正确的舆论引导人,以崇高的精神塑造人,以优秀的作品鼓舞人Equip/empower people with scientific theories, guide them with correct opinions/ convey to them right messages/provide them with correct media guidance, imbue them with a noble spirit and inspire them with excellent/fine works8.具有中国气派的社会主义文化Chinese-style socialist culture; socialist culture with Chinese appeal9.越是民族的,越是世界的The pride of a nation is also the pride of the world.What's unique for a nationis also precious for the world.When you are unique, the world comes to you.10.文艺应当贴近群众,贴近生活,贴近实际。
社会进步重要 的手 段和途径之一 。无论是 东方还是西方 , 可
以说 , 一部 生动 的翻译史 , 就是 一部人类 社会 的交流与发 展 史。翻译活动 与社会 的发展 、 文化的积累和 丰富以及 世界文 明的进步有着密切的关 系。
义, 值得我们认真思考 、 深入研究。
一… , . . 一 、 译 文化 翻 首先 , 我们有必要对 “ 翻译文化 ” 进行一下界定 。 中国大 《
百科全书》 社会学卷为 “ 文化” 的定义是 :广 义的文化是指 下 “ 人类创 造 的一 切物质产 品和精 神产 品的总和 。狭义 的文化
专指语言 、 文学 、 艺术及一切意识形态在 内的精神产 品。 由 [” s J 此可见 , 翻译 文化 ” “ 具有 显著 的狭 义文化 特征 , 应该 属于狭 义文化范畴 。 就本文所论 之“ 翻译文化 ” 而言 , 我们更倾 向于将其表述 得更为 “ 狭义 ” 一些 , 即围绕“ 翻译 ” 这一社会 文化现象而形成 的趋 同性反应 或态度 、 遍的社 会认知或 普遍 的价 值认 同。 普 抑或看作是 围绕 翻译活动而产生 的“ 社会 氛围” 。
Vo . 5 No4 1 2 . Ap .01 r 2 2
翻 译 文化 建设 浅 释
李 同良
( 嘉兴职业技术学院 ,浙江嘉兴 ,34 3 ) 10 6
[ 摘
要 ] 翻译是人 类最 为古老 的社会 文化 活动之一,在促进 世界 民族 之间的文化交流以及社会进 步方面发 挥 了巨大的作
第2 卷第4 5 期 2 1 年 4月 02
长 春理 工大 学学报 ( 社会 科学版 )
Ju ao C a gh nUnv ri f cec n eh oo y ( o il ce cs io o r l f h n c u iest o S inea dT cn lg S ca in e t n) n y S Ed i
Chinese Cultural Factors in C-E Translation
“吾恐季孙之忧,不在颛臾,而在萧墙之内 也。” A: “The grandson of Li was always in dread, if not of Chuan, then he was in dread of Hsiao Chiang.” B: I am afraid that the sorrow of the Jisun family will not be on account of Zhuanyu, but will be found within the screen of their own court.
我们要高举邓小平理论伟大旗帜,全面贯彻 “三个代表”重要思想。
• We must hold high the banner of Deng Xiaoping theory and carry out the important thoughts of "Three Represents". Note: “三个代表” is a political term in contemporary China. We better translate literally first and then add an explanatory note: Three Represents, meaning the Party must always represent the requirements of the development of China's advanced productive forces, the orientation of the development of China's advanced culture, and the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people in China. Otherwise it will be hard for foreign readers to understand.
文化建设策略英文作文Cultural Construction Strategy。
Cultural construction is an important aspect ofnational development. It is a process of enhancing the cultural values of a society through various activities and programs. It is a long-term process that requires the participation of all members of society. The cultural construction strategy is a plan that outlines the stepsthat need to be taken to achieve cultural development goals.The cultural construction strategy should focus on the following areas:1. Promoting Cultural Diversity。
Cultural diversity is an important aspect of any society. It is important to promote cultural diversity through the preservation and promotion of different cultures. This can be achieved through the promotion ofcultural events and festivals, the establishment ofcultural centers, and the preservation of cultural heritage sites.2. Strengthening Cultural Education。
为开设中国文化专栏提建议英语作文As for the suggestions for setting up a column on Chinese culture in English, I believe it is important to have a clear and well-defined theme for the column. Chinese culture is diverse and rich, so it would be beneficial to focus on specific aspects such as history, art, literature, philosophy, or even modern cultural trends. This will help to provide a clear direction for the column and attract readers who are interested in these particular aspects of Chinese culture.Another important suggestion is to ensure that the content is accurate and well-researched. Chinese culture is a complex and nuanced subject, and it is important to present information in a way that is respectful and true to the culture. This may involve consulting with experts or scholars in the field, as well as conducting thorough research to ensure the accuracy of the content.In addition, it would be beneficial to incorporate a variety of perspectives and voices in the column. Chinese culture is not monolithic, and it is important to reflect the diversity of experiences and viewpoints within theculture. This may involve featuring guest writers, conducting interviews with individuals from different backgrounds, or exploring different regional or ethnic traditions within Chinese culture.Furthermore, it would be helpful to engage with the readers and encourage interaction. This could be done through the use of social media, hosting Q&A sessions, or inviting readers to submit their own stories or experiences related to Chinese culture. This will help to create a sense of community around the column and foster a deeper connection with the readers.Overall, setting up a column on Chinese culture in English is a wonderful opportunity to share the richness and diversity of this culture with a wider audience. By having a clear theme, ensuring accuracy and diversity, and engaging with the readers, the column can become a valuable resource for those interested in learning more about Chinese culture.就开设中国文化专栏提供建议,我认为专栏的主题应该明确且有针对性。
中国传统文化的困境与挑战**The Dilemma and Challenges of Chinese Traditional Culture**In the modern era, Chinese traditional culture, rich in history and profound in wisdom, faces numerous challenges and dilemmas. As the world becomes increasingly interconnected and technology rapidly evolves, traditional values and practices are often pushed to the sidelines, replaced by new trends and外来文化influences. This shift presents a significant challenge to the preservation and promotion of Chinese culture.Firstly, the rapid pace of modernization has led to a decrease in interest in traditional culture among younger generations. With the rise of Western culture and popular culture, many young people are more attracted to modern forms of entertainment and lifestyle, such as Western music, fashion, and technology. This shift away from traditional culture can lead to a loss of understanding andappreciation for the values and wisdom embedded in Chinese culture.Secondly, the globalization of culture has resulted in the blending and mixing of various cultural elements. While this cultural exchange has brought new opportunities for understanding and appreciation, it has also led to the dilution of traditional Chinese culture. As foreign influences permeate Chinese society, there is a concernthat traditional values and practices may be lost in the melding of cultures.Moreover, the digital revolution has brought about profound changes in the way people consume and interact with culture. The internet and social media platforms have become the primary sources of information and entertainment for many people, especially younger generations. However, this digital shift has also led to a fragmentation of culture, with traditional practices and values often overshadowed by digital content and virtual interactions. To address these challenges, it is crucial to reinvigorate interest in traditional culture among younger generations. Educational institutions and cultural organizations should promote the study and understanding of Chinese culture, including its history, values, andpractices. By integrating traditional culture into modern education and daily life, we can foster a new generation of individuals who are proud of their cultural heritage and committed to its preservation.Additionally, it is important to strike a balance between globalization and localization. While embracing cultural exchange and foreign influences, we should also safeguard our unique traditional values and practices. This balance can be achieved by promoting cultural innovation that draws inspiration from traditional culture while also incorporating modern elements.Finally, to harness the power of technology for the preservation and promotion of traditional culture, we need to develop innovative digital platforms and tools. These platforms can be used to showcase traditional practices, share stories and wisdom embedded in culture, and connect people interested in Chinese culture from around the world. By leveraging technology, we can bring traditional culture into the digital age, making it more accessible and engaging for younger generations.In conclusion, while Chinese traditional culture faces numerous challenges in the modern era, there are also opportunities for renewal and growth. By fostering interest in traditional culture, striking a balance between globalization and localization, and harnessing the power of technology, we can ensure that Chinese culture remains vibrant and relevant in the 21st century.**中国传统文化的困境与挑战**中国传统文化,历史悠久,智慧深厚,但在现代时代却面临着众多挑战和困境。
如何维护和发展中国文化英文作文To maintain and promote Chinese culture, we can start by preserving traditional practices and values. This includes passing down knowledge of ancient Chinese philosophies such as Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism. These teachings emphasize values such as filial piety, respect for elders, and harmony with nature. By educating the younger generation about these beliefs, we can ensure that they continue to be valued and practiced in modern society.Another way to preserve Chinese culture is to support and participate in traditional Chinese arts, such as calligraphy, painting, music, and dance. These art forms have been passed down through generations and are an important part of Chinese cultural heritage. By attending performances, exhibitions, and workshops, we can help to keep these traditions alive and ensure that they continue to be appreciated by future generations.In addition, we can also promote Chinese culture through language. Mandarin Chinese is the most widely spoken language in the world, and by encouraging more people to learn and speak Mandarin, we can help to spread Chineseculture and values. Language is an important part of identity, and by maintaining and promoting the Chinese language, we can help to preserve our cultural heritage.Overall, by preserving traditional practices and values, supporting traditional arts, and promoting the Chinese language, we can maintain and promote Chinese culture for future generations.保持和发展中国文化需要我们从多个方面入手。
Safeguarding Our Cultural Heritage:Suggestions for Combating DestructionCultural heritage is a vital component of any society, representing its rich history, traditions, and values. However, with the onslaught of urbanization, development, and neglect, many of these invaluable monuments and sites are facing the threat of destruction. It is imperative that we take action to preserve our cultural heritage, ensuring that future generations can appreciate and learn from our past. Here are some suggestions to address the issue of cultural heritage destruction:**1. Enforce Strict Protection Laws**Governments should enforce strict laws and regulations to protect cultural heritage sites. Penalties for violating these laws should be severe enough to deter potential vandals. Additionally, authorities should conduct regular inspections of heritage sites to ensure their integrity and safety.**2. Raise Awareness and Education**Educating the public about the importance of cultural heritage and its role in shaping a nation's identity is crucial. Schools, communities, and government agencies should organize campaigns and workshops to inform the masses about the value of these sites and the need to conserve them.**3. Promote Sustainable Tourism**Tourism can be a double-edged sword for cultural heritage sites. On one hand, it can generate revenue and awareness, but on the other hand, it can lead to overcrowding and damage. To balance this, governments and tourism organizations should promote sustainable tourism practices that prioritize the protection of heritage sites. This includes limiting visitor numbers, providing educational materials, and enforcing strict guidelines for visitors.**4. Involve Local Communities**Local communities often have a deep connection to cultural heritage sites and can play a crucial role intheir preservation. Governments and non-profit organizations should involve local communities in heritageprotection efforts, such as by hiring local residents as site managers or guides, or by funding community-led restoration projects.**5. Utilize Modern Technology**Modern technology, such as drones, 3D scanning, and virtual reality, can be leveraged to monitor and preserve cultural heritage sites. These technologies can help create digital archives of sites, allowing for their restoration in case of damage, and can also be used to create virtual tours for those unable to visit in person.**6. Encourage Private Sector Investment**Private sector investment can provide crucial funding for the preservation and restoration of cultural heritage sites. Governments should offer incentives, such as tax breaks or grants, to encourage private companies to invest in heritage protection projects.In conclusion, safeguarding our cultural heritage is a responsibility that we all share. By enforcing protection laws, raising awareness, promoting sustainable tourism, involving local communities, utilizing modern technology,and encouraging private sector investment, we can ensure that our cultural heritage is preserved for future generations to appreciate and learn from.**保护我们的文化遗产:对抗破坏的建议**文化遗产是每个社会的重要组成部分,代表其丰富的历史、传统和价值观。
中国文化建设 英语
Promoting Chinese Culture through English: Bridging Languages and CulturesIn today's interconnected world, the importance of cultural exchange and understanding has become increasingly significant. China, with its rich and diverse cultural heritage, has much to contribute to this global dialogue. However, the challenge lies in effectively communicating China's cultural essence to a global audience, especially through the medium of English. This article explores the strategies and approaches for promoting Chinese culture through English, aiming to bridge the language barrier and foster mutual understanding and respect.**1. Translating Cultural Nuances**The first step in promoting Chinese culture through English is accurate and sensitive translation. Chinese culture is deep-rooted and often contains complex historical, philosophical, and artistic references that can be challenging to translate into English. It is crucial to find skilled translators who are not only proficient in both languages but also have a deep understanding of Chinese culture. These translators must be able to conveythe nuances and subtleties of Chinese culture while maintaining the original's authenticity.**2. Leveraging Modern Technology**With the advent of modern technology, promoting Chinese culture has become more accessible and innovative. Digital platforms such as social media, online videos, andinteractive websites offer unprecedented opportunities to reach a global audience. By utilizing these platforms, we can share Chinese stories, art, music, and traditions in a dynamic and engaging way. Additionally, virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technologies can createimmersive experiences that allow people to virtually visit Chinese landmarks, participate in cultural events, and interact with Chinese art and history.**3. Curating Cultural Events and Exhibitions**Organizing cultural events and exhibitions is another effective way to promote Chinese culture. These events can range from art exhibitions, music performances, and dance shows to film screenings and literary festivals. Byinviting local and international artists, performers, and cultural experts, we can showcase the breadth and depth ofChinese culture. These events not only provide an opportunity for people to experience Chinese culture firsthand but also foster cultural exchange and understanding.**4. Collaborating with International Partners**Collaborating with international partners can significantly enhance the reach and impact of Chinese culture promotion efforts. Partnering with cultural institutions, universities, and organizations in other countries can provide access to a wider audience and resources. Through joint projects, exchange programs, and collaborative events, we can share Chinese culture with a broader international community and learn from their own cultural experiences.**5. Educating the Next Generation**Investing in education is crucial for sustainable cultural promotion. By integrating Chinese culture and language into school curricula, we can cultivate a new generation of global citizens who are culturally literate and have a deep understanding of Chinese culture. Additionally, scholarships and exchange programs canprovide opportunities for students to study in China, experience its culture, and become ambassadors of Chinese culture in their home countries.In conclusion, promoting Chinese culture through English requires a multifaceted approach that combines translation, technology, cultural events, international collaboration, and education. By bridging the language barrier and fostering mutual understanding and respect, we can share the richness and diversity of Chinese culture with the world and contribute to a more connected and inclusive global community.**中国文化通过英语传播:跨越语言与文化的桥梁** 在当今互联互通的世界,文化交流与理解的重要性日益凸显。
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文化建设过程中应注意的关键问题探析中英文翻译Cultural construction should be paid attention to in the process of analysis the key problems in Chinese and English translation【论文摘要】中国是一个有着悠久文化历史的国家,会计的发展深受传统文化发展的影响与制约。
Paper pick to 】【China is a country with a long cultural history, the development of accounting under the influence of traditional culture development and restriction. Accounting existence in a specific cultural environment, the role of culture on accounting can form specific accounting theory, accounting, accounting behavior consciousness, this creates a specific accounting culture. Accounting culture has a profound impact on accounting theory, accounting practice. So the Chinese accounting culture, for the construction of accounting management theory and method system with Chinese characteristics, guide the accounting practice, deepen the reform of the accounting system and has important practical significance and far-reaching historical significance.一、要形成独特的会计文化氛围A, to form the unique accounting culture atmosphere会计文化建设离不开和谐的会计文化环境,而和谐的会计文化氛围是会计文化建设中的关键问题之一。
Accounting culture construction cannot leave the harmonious culture environment, and harmonious accounting culture is one of the key issues in accounting culture construction. For accounting material cultural construction, accounting personnel office space and other hardware facilities has changed, compared with traditional offices, accounting personnel's working conditions have improved, but it is not enough, in order to better cohesion centripetal force and the accounting personnel in accounting personnel of pride, to the offices of accounting culture construction is one of the ways to develop accounting culture construction. Such as accounting personnel work of building design reflect the accounting industry characteristics, this is a discontinuity in the project. For accounting system culture construction, the institutional environment is the guarantee of accounting culture construction, this needs to speed up the establishment of rules and regulations, and supervise the implementation of accounting system, because of the system can better the irregularities of the members of the accounting. For accounting spiritual culture construction, accounting personnel's psychological environment and inner culture mental state construction more difficult, it is recognized by affective commitment to the Shared values of a gradual process, this can be achieved by training of accounting personnel a sense of pride and happiness, such as interactive learning periodic accounting personnel, accounting personnel to the development of space and working stage. To deal in the construction of accounting culture and overcome the disadvantage of accounting culture, build and optimize the harmonious accounting culture atmosphere, which will be conducive to freedom growth of accountants and accounting staff initiative.二、会计文化是一个发展的动态组合Second, the development of accounting culture is a dynamic combination会计文化是由会计物质文化、会计制度文化和会计精神文化组成的一个动态系统。
Accounting culture is composed of material culture, the accounting system culture and spiritual culture of a dynamic system. On the one hand, cannot be isolated to each element of accounting culture, on the other hand to use the ideas of the development, and things of widespread contact to study every element of accounting culture. In terms of research contents and Angle of each element is a system of accounting culture, spirit culture of accounting values, for example, is accounting personnel accounting values of world outlook, the outlook on life, values, rationality, emotion and so on multi-dimensional value relation and the combination of values.一个时代有一个时代的文化特征,而文化的特征又影响着会计文化的发展,因而会计文化也具有时代性。