


Subcategory ISSN Abbreviated Journal Title中科院分区2013年10月发布Total CitesAUTOMATION & CONTROLSYSTEMS (自动化与控制系统)0278-0046IEEE T IND ELECTRON1区 17404 (自动化与控制系统)1532-4435J MACH LEARN RES1区 6024 (自动化与控制系统)1551-3203IEEE T IND INFORM2区 969 (自动化与控制系统)1083-4419IEEE T SYST MAN CY B2区 5821 (自动化与控制系统)1083-4435IEEE-ASME T MECH2区 2878 (自动化与控制系统)0005-1098AUTOMATICA2区 15500 (自动化与控制系统)0018-9286IEEE T AUTOMAT CONTR2区 23664 (自动化与控制系统)1070-9932IEEE ROBOT AUTOM MAG2区 1163 (自动化与控制系统)0016-0032J FRANKLIN I2区 2276 (自动化与控制系统)1066-033X IEEE CONTR SYST MAG2区 2254 (自动化与控制系统)0169-7439CHEMOMETR INTELL LAB2区 4880 (自动化与控制系统)1063-6536IEEE T CONTR SYST T3区 4147 (自动化与控制系统)0886-9383J CHEMOMETR3区 2658 (自动化与控制系统)1049-8923INT J ROBUST NONLIN3区 2213 (自动化与控制系统)0959-1524J PROCESS CONTR3区 2881 (自动化与控制系统)1751-8644IET CONTROL THEORY A3区 1967 (自动化与控制系统)1751-570X NONLINEAR ANAL-HYBRI3区 535 (自动化与控制系统)1545-5955IEEE T AUTOM SCI ENG3区 871 (自动化与控制系统)0967-0661CONTROL ENG PRACT3区 3413 (自动化与控制系统)0167-6911SYST CONTROL LETT3区 4239 (自动化与控制系统)0952-1976ENG APPL ARTIF INTEL3区 2085 (自动化与控制系统)1562-2479INT J FUZZY SYST3区 284 (自动化与控制系统)1561-8625ASIAN J CONTROL3区 853 (自动化与控制系统)0363-0129SIAM J CONTROL OPTIM3区 4590 (自动化与控制系统)0020-7721INT J SYST SCI3区 1996 (自动化与控制系统)0957-4158MECHATRONICS3区 1681 (自动化与控制系统)1367-5788ANNU REV CONTROL3区 662 (自动化与控制系统)1292-8119ESAIM CONTR OPTIM CA3区 608 (自动化与控制系统)0947-3580EUR J CONTROL4区 636 (自动化与控制系统)0890-6327INT J ADAPT CONTROL4区 809 (自动化与控制系统)0268-3768INT J ADV MANUF TECH4区 7187 (自动化与控制系统)0921-8890ROBOT AUTON SYST4区 1807 (自动化与控制系统)0143-2087OPTIM CONTR APPL MET4区 411 (自动化与控制系统)0020-7179INT J CONTROL4区 4282 (自动化与控制系统)1641-876X INT J AP MAT COM-POL4区 562 (自动化与控制系统)1598-6446INT J CONTROL AUTOM4区 774 (自动化与控制系统)1387-2532AUTON AGENT MULTI-AG4区 500 (自动化与控制系统)0022-0434J DYN SYST-T ASME4区 2738 (自动化与控制系统)0265-0754IMA J MATH CONTROL I4区 303 (自动化与控制系统)0332-7353MODEL IDENT CONTROL4区 170 (自动化与控制系统)0924-6703DISCRETE EVENT DYN S4区 292 (自动化与控制系统)0959-6518P I MECH ENG I-J SYS4区 567 (自动化与控制系统)1392-124X INF TECHNOL CONTROL4区 125 (自动化与控制系统)0142-3312T I MEAS CONTROL4区 272 (自动化与控制系统)0144-5154ASSEMBLY AUTOM4区 252 (自动化与控制系统)1220-1766STUD INFORM CONTROL4区 145 (自动化与控制系统)0826-8185INT J ROBOT AUTOM4区 199 (自动化与控制系统)1079-2724J DYN CONTROL SYST4区 239 (自动化与控制系统)1841-9836INT J COMPUT COMMUN4区 175 (自动化与控制系统)0932-4194MATH CONTROL SIGNAL4区 515(自动化与控制系统)1004-4132J SYST ENG ELECTRON4区 357 (自动化与控制系统)1697-7912REV IBEROAM AUTOM IN4区 50 (自动化与控制系统)0005-1144AUTOMATIKA4区 48 (自动化与控制系统)0020-2940MEAS CONTROL-UK4区 183 (自动化与控制系统)0178-2312AT-AUTOM4区 160 (自动化与控制系统)1454-8658CONTROL ENG APPL INF4区 40 (自动化与控制系统)0005-1179AUTOMAT REM CONTR+4区 812 (自动化与控制系统)1064-2315J AUTOMAT INFORM SCI4区 41 COMPUTER SCIENCE, ARTIFICIALINTELLIGENCE 计算机科学、人工智1392-124X INF TECHNOL CONTROL4区 125 COMPUTER SCIENCE,CYBERNETICS 计算机科学、控1083-4419IEEE T SYST MAN CY B1区 5821计算机科学、控制论1094-6977IEEE T SYST MAN CY C2区 2037计算机科学、控制论0737-0024HUM-COMPUT INTERACT2区 851计算机科学、控制论1083-4427IEEE T SYST MAN CY A2区 2785计算机科学、控制论0340-1200BIOL CYBERN3区 4557计算机科学、控制论0924-1868USER MODEL USER-ADAP3区 437计算机科学、控制论1071-5819INT J HUM-COMPUT ST3区 2062计算机科学、控制论1939-1412IEEE T HAPTICS3区 140计算机科学、控制论1073-0516ACM T COMPUT-HUM INT3区 537计算机科学、控制论0953-5438INTERACT COMPUT3区 850计算机科学、控制论1044-7318INT J HUM-COMPUT INT4区 619计算机科学、控制论0932-8092MACH VISION APPL4区 839计算机科学、控制论1054-7460PRESENCE-TELEOP VIRT4区 1068计算机科学、控制论0196-9722CYBERNET SYST4区 453计算机科学、控制论0144-929X BEHAV INFORM TECHNOL4区 802计算机科学、控制论1783-7677J MULTIMODAL USER IN4区 42计算机科学、控制论0332-7353MODEL IDENT CONTROL4区 170计算机科学、控制论0023-5954KYBERNETIKA4区 536计算机科学、控制论1615-5289UNIVERSAL ACCESS INF4区 188计算机科学、控制论0368-492X KYBERNETES4区 462计算机科学、控制论1064-2307J COMPUT SYS SC INT+4区 177 COMPUTER SCIENCE,INFORMATION SYSTEMS计算机科学1392-124X INF TECHNOL CONTROL4区 125 ENGINEERING, AEROSPACE工程、航空航天0376-0421PROG AEROSP SCI1区 1296工程、航空航天0018-9251IEEE T AERO ELEC SYS2区 5915工程、航空航天0731-5090J GUID CONTROL DYNAM2区 4539工程、航空航天0001-1452AIAA J2区 10686工程、航空航天0376-4265ESA BULL-EUR SPACE2区 780工程、航空航天1270-9638AEROSP SCI TECHNOL3区 918工程、航空航天0893-1321J AEROSPACE ENG3区 434工程、航空航天0748-4658J PROPUL POWER3区 2340工程、航空航天0094-5765ACTA ASTRONAUT3区 2040工程、航空航天0021-9142J ASTRONAUT SCI3区 561工程、航空航天0021-8669J AIRCRAFT3区 2646工程、航空航天1475-472X INT J AEROACOUST3区 190工程、航空航天1756-8293INT J MICRO AIR VEH3区 56工程、航空航天1542-0973INT J SATELL COMM N4区 181工程、航空航天0002-8711J AM HELICOPTER SOC4区 377工程、航空航天0022-4650J SPACECRAFT ROCKETS4区 1593工程、航空航天1748-8842AIRCR ENG AEROSP TEC4区 180工程、航空航天1000-9361CHINESE J AERONAUT4区 334工程、航空航天0954-4100P I MECH ENG G-J AER4区 514工程、航空航天0885-8985IEEE AERO EL SYS MAG4区 471工程、航空航天0001-9240AERONAUT J4区 502工程、航空航天0334-0082INT J TURBO JET ENG4区 76工程、航空航天0549-3811T JPN SOC AERONAUT S4区 126工程、航空航天0010-9525COSMIC RES+4区 332工程、航空航天1940-3151J AEROS COMP INF COM4区 93工程、航空航天0740-722X AEROSPACE AM4区 63工程、航空航天0971-1600J SPACECR TECHNOL4区 11 ENGINEERING, ELECTRICAL &ELECTRONIC 工程、电气与电子1751-8644IET CONTROL THEORY A3区 1967工程、电气与电子0967-0661CONTROL ENG PRACT3区 3413工程、电气与电子0890-6327INT J ADAPT CONTROL3区 809工程、电气与电子0932-4194MATH CONTROL SIGNAL4区 515IF 2012-20135-YearImpactFactorImmediacyIndexArticlesCited Half-life5.165 5.078 0.943 470 4.23.424.284 0.168 119 73.381 3.191 0.88 92 2.63.236 3.949 0.439 132 6.33.135 3.386 0.545 121 5.52.9193.944 0.292 391 7.22.7183.411 0.374 364>10.02.4843.097 0.216 37 6.10000000000 2.418 2.457 0.454 1854.62.372 4.329 0.462 26>10.02.291 2.432 0.253 154 9.52 2.62 0.34 153 6.91.937 1.935 0.212 66 0.559 118 5.31.8052.285 0.2 180 6.60000000000 1.717 2.04 0.182 3023.31.685 1.513 0.409 22 3.31.674 1.859 0.306 72 3.91.6692.033 0.165 127 7.71.6672.054 0.218 1709.69999999999 1.625 1.947 0.253 154 5.11.506 1.185 0.246 57 3.31.411 1.36 0.201 164 4.21.379 1.885 0.232 138>10.01.305 1.504 0.246 195 6.51.3 1.599 0.239 109 6.60000000000 1.2892.973 0.571 28 5.81.282 1.1 0.132 53 71.25 1.052 0.487 39 7.91.219 1.334 0.323 65 61.205 1.423 0.107 633 51.156 1.615 0.2 135 6.51.062 1.074 0.116 437.10000000000 1.008 1.289 0.084 154>10.01.008 1.146 0.173 75 5.10.953 0.898 0.13 154 3.50.79 1.41 0.242 33 6.70.758 1.182 0.182 121>10.00.741 0.596 0.065 318.30000000000 0.714 0.75 0.167 129.30000000000 0.711 0.99 0.15 20 90.667 0.8 0.177 113 5.10.667 0.560 38 3.40.656 0.886 0.04 75 5.50.603 0.5710 35 6.70.554 0.149 47 3.80.494 0.545 0.306 36 5.60000000000 0.462 0.569 0.276 298.69999999999 0.441 0.436 0.06 84 40.417 0.968 0.222 18>10.00.349 0.061 330.29 0.4250 24 6.70.284 0.274 0.014 74 50.2020 400.192 0.226 0.042 191>10.00.0380 850.667 0.560 38 3.43.236 3.949 0.439 132 6.32.5483.105 0.151 152 5.60000000000 2.25 3.039 0.667 12>10.02.183 2.44 0.465 127 6.10000000000 2.067 1.938 0.373 51>10.01.6 2 1.867 158.80000000000 1.4152.003 0.117 60 8.11.393 1.5 0.083 362.81.179 1.368 0.094 32 8.51.158 1.493 0.075 407.10000000000 1.131 1.284 0.133 60 7.41.103 1.42 0.143 84 7.41.04 1.112 0.091 33>10.00.973 0.814 0.237 38 80.856 1 0.188 808.30000000000 0.833 0.6 0.061 330.714 0.75 0.167 129.30000000000 0.619 0.548 0.054 74 9.60.532 0.065 31 5.40.318 0.37 0.05 121 60.249 0.242 0.078 64 4.60.667 0.560 38 3.42.3963.795 0.038 269.30000000000 1.299 1.767 0.214 257>10.01.27 1.474 0.097 185 9.91.08 1.301 0.164 256>10.01.064 1.447 0.5 16 9.90.873 1.022 0.139 108 6.90.778 0.854 0.162 68 7.30.717 0.936 0.09 145 9.10.701 0.664 0.155 245 6.30.697 0.677>10.00.632 0.701 0.076 2109.30000000000 0.627 0.139 36 5.90.562 1.041 0.235 170.535 0.635 0.19 21 8.10.514 0.571 0.071 28>10.00.489 0.707 0.075 120>10.00.441 0.348 0.023 43 6.90.438 0.584 0.054 112 4.10.4 0.663 0.036 112 5.10.343 0.456 0.037 54 8.10.259 0.292 0.149 47 6.4 0.244 0.275 0.019 53>10.00.2140 120.048 0.048 0.008 1190.034 0.1111.7172.04 0.182 3023.3 1.669 2.033 0.165 127 7.7 1.219 1.334 0.323 65 6 0.417 0.968 0.222 18>10.0。







二、基本原理1. 离散事件仿真(DES)离散事件仿真是一种基于离散时间系统的仿真技术。




2. 连续仿真(CS)连续仿真是一种基于连续时间系统的仿真技术。




3. 混合仿真(HS)混合仿真是一种同时兼具离散事件仿真和连续仿真特点的仿真技术。



4. 随机仿真随机仿真是一种基于概率分布的仿真技术。




5. Agent-Based ModelingAgent-based modeling (ABM) is a simulation technique that focuses on simulating the actions and interactions of autonomous agents within a system. This approach is often used for modeling complex and decentralized systems, such as social networks, biologicalecosystems, and market economies. In ABM, individual agents are modeled with their own sets of rules, behaviors, and decision-making processes, and their interactions with other agents and the environment are simulated over time. ABM can be used to study the emergent behavior and dynamics of complex systems, and to explore the effects of different agent behaviors and interactions on system-level outcomes.三、常用技术1. Monte Carlo方法蒙特卡洛方法是一种基于随机模拟的数值计算技术。







早在2005年12月17日,CCF YOCSEF就举办了“从SCI反思中国的学术评价体制”的专题论坛,探讨为何SCI会成为衡量大学、科研机构和科学工作者学术水平的最重要的甚至是唯一的尺度,提出了如何建立中国公正合理的学术评价体制的问题。





2010年9月附:国际学术会议及期刊目录计算机科学理论 (2)计算机体系结构 (8)计算机网络 (14)人工智能与模式识别 (19)软件工程 (28)数据库 (35)计算机图形学、几何造型、多媒体、可视化、虚拟现实等方向,不含算机视觉与模式识别 (42)网络/信息安全 (46)综合类刊物 (51)第 1 页 共 51 页中国计算机学会推荐国际学术刊物计算机科学理论一、A类序号刊物简称刊物全称出版社网址1.TALG ACM Transactions on Algorithms ACM /2.SICOMP SIAM Journal on Computing Society for Industrial andApplied Mathematics/sicomp二、B类序号刊物简称刊物全称出版社网址1.TOCL ACM Transactions on Computational Logic ACM /rmation & Computation Elsevier /locate/ic3.TIT IEEE Transactions on Information Theory IEEE /portal/site/mainsite/menuitem.81 8c0c39e85ef176fb2275875bac26c8/index.jsp?&pNa me=corp_level1&path=pubs/transactions&file=tit.x ml&xsl=generic.xsl&4.TCS Theoretical Computer Science Elsevier /locate/tcs5.Formal Aspects of Computing Springer /content/102822/6.Acta Informatica Springer /content/100460/7. MSCS Mathematical Structures in Computer Science Cambridge University /action/displayJournal?jid=MSC8.Algorithmica Springer /link.asp?id=100117putational Complexity Springer /content/101499/10.Journal of Complexity Birkhäuser Basel第 2 页 共 51 页11. JSL Journal of Symbolic Logic Association forSymbolic Logic/journals-journal.html12. APAL Annuals of Pure and Applied Logic Elsevier /wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/505603/description#description13.Discrete Applied Mathematics Elsevier /wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/505609/description#description14. JSC Journal of Symbolic Computation Elsevier /wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/622902/description#description LMCSLogical Methods in Computer Science /index.php三、C类序号刊物简称刊物全称出版社网址1. IJFCS International Journal of Foundations ofComputer ScienceWorld Scientific /~ijfcs/2.Discrete Event Dynamic Systems – Theory andApplications Springer /math/applications/journal/106263.Formal Methods in System Design Springer /content/100266/4. HOSC Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation Springer /computer/foundations/journal/109905.Archive for Mathematical Logic Springer /math/journal/153第 3 页 共 51 页中国计算机学会推荐国际学术会议(计算机科学理论)一、A类序号会议简称会议全称出版社网址1. STOC ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing ACM /stoc/2. FOCS IEEE Symposium on Foundations of ComputerScienceIEEE /二、B类序号会议简称会议全称出版社网址1. LICS IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science IEEE http://wwwrmatik.hu-berlin.de/lics/2. ICALP International Colloquium on Automata, Languagesand Programming EuropeanAssociation forTheoreticalComputer Science(EATCS)http://icalp09.cti.gr/index.php/Main/HomePage3. SCG ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry ACM /4. SODA ACM/SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms SIAM /meetings/da07/5. SPAA ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms andArchitecturesACM /SPAA/ 6. CCC IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity IEEE /jrogers/Complexity/第 4 页 共 51 页第 5 页 共 51 页7. CSFW IEEE Computer Security Foundations WorkshopIEEE /CSFWweb/8. DATE IEEE/ACM Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference IEEE/ACM /9. ISIT IEEE Symposium on Information Theory IEEE /10. CP International Conference on Principles & Practice of Constraint ProgrammingSpringer http://www.cs.mu.oz.au/cp2008/11. TACAS Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of SystemsSpringer /~tacas2008/ 12. RTA Rewriting Techniques and Applications Springer http://rewriting.loria.fr/rta/13. TLCA Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications Springer http://www.lsv.ens-cachan.fr/rdp07/tlca.html 14. CSL Computer Science LogicSpringer/oucl/conferences/CSL05/15. MFPS Mathematical Foundations of Programming SemanticsElsevier /~mfps/ 16. TCS IFIP International Conference on Theoretical Computer Science Springer Science and Business Media http://bioinformatics.bio.disco.unimib.it/tc1/ 17. STACS International Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Computer ScienceSpringer http://www.lif.univ-mrs.fr/STACS06/ 18. MFCS Mathematical Foundations of Computer ScienceSpringerhttp://www.mfcs.sk/19. FCT International Symposium Fundamentals of Computation Theory Springer http://www.conferences.hu/fct2007/ 20.FSTTCSConference on Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science IARCS, the Indian Association for/第 6 页 共 51 页Research in Computing Science21.ICLPInternational Conference on Logical ProgrammingSpringerhttp://iclp08.dimi.uniud.it/三、C 类序号会议简称会议全称出版社网址1. CGOInternational Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization IEEE/ACM / 2. PEPMPartial Evaluation and Program ManipulationACM/PEPM083. CSB IEEE Computational Systems Bioinformatics Conference IEEE /4. FoSSaCS International Conference on Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures Springer http://fossacs08.pps.jussieu.fr/5. iFM integrated Formal MethodsSpringer/ifm2007/6. APLAS Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and SystemsSpringer /~grama/APLAS2008/ 7. ATVA International Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification and AnalysisSpringer http://pswlab.kaist.ac.kr/atva2008/ 8. TAMC Theory and Applications of Models of ComputationSpringer /tamc2008/page/main.jsp 9. FORMATSInternational Conference on Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed SystemsSpringer http://formats08.inria.fr/ 10.HSCC International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and ControlACM, Springer/Springer /11.CIAA International Conference on Implementation andApplication of AutomataSpringer /spin08/ 12.SPIN International SPIN Workshop on Model CheckingSoftwareSpringer /vmcai08/Conference on Verification, Model13.VMCAI InternationalChecking, and Abstract InterpretationSpringer http://www-sop.inria.fr/oasis/FMCO/fmco08.htmlSymposium on Formal Methods for14.FMCO InternationalComponents and ObjectsConference on Formal Methods forSpringer http://discotec08.ifi.uio.no/FMOODS08/ 15.FMOODS InternationalOpen Object-based Distributed SystemsIEEE /memocontest08/International Conference on Formal16.MEMOCODE ACM/IEEEMethods and Models for Co-Design第 7 页 共 51 页中国计算机学会推荐国际学术刊物计算机体系结构一、A类序号刊物简称刊物全称出版社网址1. TOCS ACM Transactions on Computer Systems ACM /2. TOPLAS ACM Transactions on Programming Languagesand Systems ACM http:///~toplas/3. TPDS IEEE Transactions on Parallel and DistributedSystemsIEEE /tpds/4. TOC IEEE Transactions on Computers IEEE /portal/web/tc二、B类序号刊物简称刊物全称出版社网址1. TACO ACM Transactions on Architecture and CodeOptimizationACM /2. TOS ACM Transactions on Storage ACM /3. CAL IEEE Computer Architecture Letters IEEE /~tcca/4. JSA Journal of Systems Architecture Elsevier /locate/sysarc/5. JPDC Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing Elsevier /wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/622895/description6.Parallel Computing Elsevier /locate/parco第 8 页 共 51 页7.Performance Evaluation Elsevier /wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/505618/description#description8. TECS ACM Transactions on Embedded ComputingSystemsACM 9. TJS The Journal of Supercomputing Springer /link.asp?id=100302三、C类序号刊物简称刊物全称出版社网址1. FGCSFuture Generation Computer Systems Elsevier /wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/505611/description#description2.Microprocessors and Microsystems Elsevier /locate/micpro3.Design Automation for Embedded System Springer /link.asp?id=1002554.Concurrency and Computation: Practice andExperience John Wiley & Sons,Ltd/journal/117946197/grouphome/home.html第 9 页 共 51 页第 10 页 共 51 页中国计算机学会推荐国际学术会议(计算机体系结构)一、A 类序号会议简称会议全称出版社网址1. ISCA International Symposium on Computer ArchitectureACM SIGARCH, IEEE TCCA /pubs/contents/proceedings/series/isca/2. MICRO MICRO IEEE, ACM SIGMICRO/3. HPCA High-Performance Computer ArchitectureIEEE /~hpca/二、B 类序号会议简称会议全称出版社网址1. ASPLOS Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating SystemsACMSIGOPS/SIGARCH/SIGPLAN /pubs/contents/proceedings/serie s/asplos/2. FAST Conference on File and Storage Technologies USENIX /events/bytopic/fast.html3. PACT Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques IEEEACM SIGARCH/ 4. PPoPPPrinciples and Practice of Parallel Programming ACM SIGPLAN/ppopp08/5. SPAAACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and ArchitecturesACM /~spaa/2007/6. SIGMETRICS International Conference on Measurement andModeling of Computer Systems ACMSIGMETRICS/~sigmet08/7. RTSS Real-Time Systems Symposium IEEE /8. ICCD International Conference on Computer Design IEEE /9. MSST Mass Storage Systems and Technologies IEEE /2007/10. HOTCHIPS A Symposium on High Performance Chips IEEE /11. HPDC High-Performance Distributed Computing IEEE /hpdc2007/12.CLUSTER Cluster Computing IEEE /13.IPDPS International Parallel & Distributed ProcessingSymposiumIEEE 14.EuroSys EuroSys ACMhttp://www.gsd.inesc-id.pt/conference/EuroSys2007/15.ICDCS International Conference onDistributed Computing SystemsIEEE http://www.eecg.utoronto.ca/icdcs07/16.ICPP International Conference on Parallel Processing IEEE /~icpp2007/17.Euro-Par European Conference on Parallel and DistributedComputingSpringer http://europar2007.irisa.fr/18.FPGA International Symposium on Field-ProgrammableGate ArraysACM SIGDA /~kati/fpga2008/19.LCTES Conference on Language, Compiler and ToolSupport for Embedded SystemsACM SIGEBD /第 11 页 共 51 页第 12 页 共 51 页三、C 类序号会议简称会议全称出版社网址1. FPT International Conference on Field-Programmable TechnologyIEEE http://www.kameyama.ecei.tohoku.ac.jp/icfpt07/2. HiPC International Conference on High Performance ComputingIEEE, ACM SIGARCH / 3. 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COLING International Conference on Computational LinguisticsACM / 10. ALT International Conference on Algorithmic Learning Theory Springer http://www-alg.ist.hokudai.ac.jp/~thomas/ALT07/alt 07.jhtml 11.ILPInternational Conference on Inductive Logic ProgrammingSpringer /conferences/ilp2007/ 12. ICRA IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation IEEE /13. CogSciCognitive Science Society Annual Conference Psychology Press /cogsci.html 14. IJCARInternational Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning15.EMNLPConference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing ACL /~yarowsky/SIGDAT/emnlp06.html三、C 类序号 会议简称 会议全称出版社网址16. PRICAI Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial IntelligenceSpringer / 17.NAACLThe Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational LinguisticsNAACL /meetings/hlt-naacl07/1.ACCVAsian Conference on Computer VisionSpringerhttp://www.am.sanken.osaka-u.ac.jp/ACCV2007/2. 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监督矩阵生成矩阵的求法监督矩阵生成矩阵(Supervisory Matrix Generation, SMG)是一种常用于控制系统建模和分析的方法。

它通过将离散事件系统(Discrete Event Systems, DES)的行为转化为矩阵形式,从而实现对系统状态和行为的描述和分析。










监督矩阵的维度为|S| × |E|,其中|S|表示状态集合的大小,|E|表示事件集合的大小。












自动控制专业英语词汇(一)acceleration transducer 加速度传感器acceptance testing 验收测试accessibility 可及性accumulated error 累积误差AC-DC-AC frequency converter 交-直-交变频器AC (alternating current) electric drive 交流电子传动active attitude stabilization 主动姿态稳定actuator 驱动器,执行机构adaline 线性适应元adaptation layer 适应层adaptive telemeter system 适应遥测系统adjoint operator 伴随算子admissible error 容许误差aggregation matrix 集结矩阵AHP (analytic hierarchy process) 层次分析法amplifying element 放大环节analog-digital conversion 模数转换annunciator 信号器antenna pointing control 天线指向控制anti-integral windup 抗积分饱卷aperiodic decomposition 非周期分解a posteriori estimate 后验估计approximate reasoning 近似推理a priori estimate 先验估计articulated robot 关节型机器人assignment problem 配置问题,分配问题associative memory model 联想记忆模型associatron 联想机asymptotic stability 渐进稳定性attained pose drift 实际位姿漂移attitude acquisition 姿态捕获AOCS (attritude and orbit control system) 姿态轨道控制系统attitude angular velocity 姿态角速度attitude disturbance 姿态扰动attitude maneuver 姿态机动attractor 吸引子augment ability 可扩充性augmented system 增广系统automatic manual station 自动-手动操作器automaton 自动机autonomous system 自治系统backlash characteristics 间隙特性base coordinate system 基座坐标系Bayes classifier 贝叶斯分类器bearing alignment 方位对准bellows pressure gauge 波纹管压力表benefit-cost analysis 收益成本分析bilinear system 双线性系统biocybernetics 生物控制论biological feedback system 生物反馈系统black box testing approach 黑箱测试法blind search 盲目搜索block diagonalization 块对角化Boltzman machine 玻耳兹曼机bottom-up development 自下而上开发boundary value analysis 边界值分析brainstorming method 头脑风暴法breadth-first search 广度优先搜索butterfly valve 蝶阀CAE (computer aided engineering) 计算机辅助工程CAM (computer aided manufacturing) 计算机辅助制造Camflex valve 偏心旋转阀canonical state variable 规范化状态变量capacitive displacement transducer 电容式位移传感器capsule pressure gauge 膜盒压力表CARD 计算机辅助研究开发Cartesian robot 直角坐标型机器人cascade compensation 串联补偿catastrophe theory 突变论centrality 集中性chained aggregation 链式集结chaos 混沌characteristic locus 特征轨迹chemical propulsion 化学推进calrity 清晰性classical information pattern 经典信息模式classifier 分类器clinical control system 临床控制系统closed loop pole 闭环极点closed loop transfer function 闭环传递函数cluster analysis 聚类分析coarse-fine control 粗-精控制cobweb model 蛛网模型coefficient matrix 系数矩阵cognitive science 认知科学cognitron 认知机coherent system 单调关联系统combination decision 组合决策combinatorial explosion 组合爆炸combined pressure and vacuum gauge 压力真空表command pose 指令位姿companion matrix 相伴矩阵compartmental model 房室模型compatibility 相容性,兼容性compensating network 补偿网络compensation 补偿,矫正compliance 柔顺,顺应composite control 组合控制computable general equilibrium model 可计算一般均衡模型conditionally instability 条件不稳定性configuration 组态connectionism 连接机制connectivity 连接性conservative system 守恒系统consistency 一致性constraint condition 约束条件consumption function 消费函数context-free grammar 上下文无关语法continuous discrete event hybrid system simulation 连续离散事件混合系统仿真continuous duty 连续工作制control accuracy 控制精度control cabinet 控制柜controllability index 可控指数controllable canonical form 可控规范型[control] plant 控制对象,被控对象controlling instrument 控制仪表control moment gyro 控制力矩陀螺control panel 控制屏,控制盘control synchro 控制[式]自整角机control system synthesis 控制系统综合control time horizon 控制时程cooperative game 合作对策coordinability condition 可协调条件coordination strategy 协调策略coordinator 协调器corner frequency 转折频率costate variable 共态变量cost-effectiveness analysis 费用效益分析coupling of orbit and attitude 轨道和姿态耦合critical damping 临界阻尼critical stability 临界稳定性cross-over frequency 穿越频率,交越频率current source inverter 电流[源]型逆变器cut-off frequency 截止频率cybernetics 控制论cyclic remote control 循环遥控cylindrical robot 圆柱坐标型机器人damped oscillation 阻尼振荡damper 阻尼器damping ratio 阻尼比data acquisition 数据采集data encryption 数据加密data preprocessing 数据预处理data processor 数据处理器DC generator-motor set drive 直流发电机-电动机组传动D controller 微分控制器decentrality 分散性decentralized stochastic control 分散随机控制decision space 决策空间decision support system 决策支持系统decomposition-aggregation approach 分解集结法decoupling parameter 解耦参数deductive-inductive hybrid modeling method 演绎与归纳混合建模法delayed telemetry 延时遥测derivation tree 导出树derivative feedback 微分反馈describing function 描述函数desired value 希望值despinner 消旋体destination 目的站detector 检出器deterministic automaton 确定性自动机deviation 偏差deviation alarm 偏差报警器DFD 数据流图diagnostic model 诊断模型diagonally dominant matrix 对角主导矩阵diaphragm pressure gauge 膜片压力表difference equation model 差分方程模型differential dynamical system 微分动力学系统differential game 微分对策differential pressure level meter 差压液位计differential pressure transmitter 差压变送器differential transformer displacement transducer 差动变压器式位移传感器differentiation element 微分环节digital filer 数字滤波器digital signal processing 数字信号处理digitization 数字化digitizer 数字化仪dimension transducer 尺度传感器direct coordination 直接协调disaggregation 解裂discoordination 失协调discrete event dynamic system 离散事件动态系统discrete system simulation language 离散系统仿真语言discriminant function 判别函数displacement vibration amplitude transducer 位移振幅传感器dissipative structure 耗散结构distributed parameter control system 分布参数控制系统distrubance 扰动disturbance compensation 扰动补偿diversity 多样性divisibility 可分性domain knowledge 领域知识dominant pole 主导极点dose-response model 剂量反应模型dual modulation telemetering system 双重调制遥测系统dual principle 对偶原理dual spin stabilization 双自旋稳定duty ratio 负载比dynamic braking 能耗制动dynamic characteristics 动态特性dynamic deviation 动态偏差dynamic error coefficient 动态误差系数dynamic exactness 动它吻合性dynamic input-output model 动态投入产出模型econometric model 计量经济模型economic cybernetics 经济控制论economic effectiveness 经济效益economic evaluation 经济评价economic index 经济指数economic indicator 经济指标eddy current thickness meter 电涡流厚度计effectiveness 有效性effectiveness theory 效益理论elasticity of demand 需求弹性electric actuator 电动执行机构electric conductance levelmeter 电导液位计electric drive control gear 电动传动控制设备electric hydraulic converter 电-液转换器electric pneumatic converter 电-气转换器electrohydraulic servo vale 电液伺服阀electromagnetic flow transducer 电磁流量传感器electronic batching scale 电子配料秤electronic belt conveyor scale 电子皮带秤electronic hopper scale 电子料斗秤elevation 仰角emergency stop 异常停止empirical distribution 经验分布endogenous variable 内生变量equilibrium growth 均衡增长equilibrium point 平衡点equivalence partitioning 等价类划分ergonomics 工效学error 误差error-correction parsing 纠错剖析estimate 估计量estimation theory 估计理论evaluation technique 评价技术event chain 事件链evolutionary system 进化系统exogenous variable 外生变量expected characteristics 希望特性external disturbance 外扰fact base 事实failure diagnosis 故障诊断fast mode 快变模态feasibility study 可行性研究feasible coordination 可行协调feasible region 可行域feature detection 特征检测feature extraction 特征抽取feedback compensation 反馈补偿feedforward path 前馈通路field bus 现场总线finite automaton 有限自动机FIP (factory information protocol) 工厂信息协议first order predicate logic 一阶谓词逻辑fixed sequence manipulator 固定顺序机械手fixed set point control 定值控制FMS (flexible manufacturing system) 柔性制造系统flow sensor/transducer 流量传感器flow transmitter 流量变送器fluctuation 涨落forced oscillation 强迫振荡formal language theory 形式语言理论formal neuron 形式神经元forward path 正向通路forward reasoning 正向推理fractal 分形体,分维体frequency converter 变频器frequency domain model reduction method 频域模型降阶法frequency response 频域响应full order observer 全阶观测器functional decomposition 功能分解FES (functional electrical stimulation) 功能电刺激functional simularity 功能相似fuzzy logic 模糊逻辑game tree 对策树gate valve 闸阀general equilibrium theory 一般均衡理论generalized least squares estimation 广义最小二乘估计generation function 生成函数geomagnetic torque 地磁力矩geometric similarity 几何相似gimbaled wheel 框架轮global asymptotic stability 全局渐进稳定性global optimum 全局最优globe valve 球形阀goal coordination method 目标协调法grammatical inference 文法推断graphic search 图搜索gravity gradient torque 重力梯度力矩group technology 成组技术guidance system 制导系统gyro drift rate 陀螺漂移率gyrostat 陀螺体Hall displacement transducer 霍尔式位移传感器hardware-in-the-loop simulation 半实物仿真harmonious deviation 和谐偏差harmonious strategy 和谐策略heuristic inference 启发式推理hidden oscillation 隐蔽振荡hierarchical chart 层次结构图hierarchical planning 递阶规划hierarchical control 递阶控制homeostasis 内稳态homomorphic model 同态系统horizontal decomposition 横向分解hormonal control 内分泌控制hydraulic step motor 液压步进马达hypercycle theory 超循环理论I controller 积分控制器identifiability 可辨识性IDSS (intelligent decision support system) 智能决策支持系统image recognition 图像识别impulse 冲量impulse function 冲击函数,脉冲函数inching 点动incompatibility principle 不相容原理incremental motion control 增量运动控制index of merit 品质因数inductive force transducer 电感式位移传感器inductive modeling method 归纳建模法industrial automation 工业自动化inertial attitude sensor 惯性姿态敏感器inertial coordinate system 惯性坐标系inertial wheel 惯性轮inference engine 推理机infinite dimensional system 无穷维系统information acquisition 信息采集infrared gas analyzer 红外线气体分析器inherent nonlinearity 固有非线性inherent regulation 固有调节initial deviation 初始偏差initiator 发起站injection attitude 入轨姿势input-output model 投入产出模型instability 不稳定性instruction level language 指令级语言integral of absolute value of error criterion 绝对误差积分准则integral of squared error criterion 平方误差积分准则integral performance criterion 积分性能准则integration instrument 积算仪器integrity 整体性intelligent terminal 智能终端interacted system 互联系统,关联系统interactive prediction approach 互联预估法,关联预估法interconnection 互联intermittent duty 断续工作制internal disturbance 内扰ISM (interpretive structure modeling) 解释结构建模法invariant embedding principle 不变嵌入原理inventory theory 库伦论inverse Nyquist diagram 逆奈奎斯特图inverter 逆变器investment decision 投资决策isomorphic model 同构模型iterative coordination 迭代协调jet propulsion 喷气推进job-lot control 分批控制joint 关节Kalman-Bucy filer 卡尔曼-布西滤波器knowledge accomodation 知识顺应knowledge acquisition 知识获取knowledge assimilation 知识同化KBMS (knowledge base management system) 知识库管理系统knowledge representation 知识表达ladder diagram 梯形图lag-lead compensation 滞后超前补偿Lagrange duality 拉格朗日对偶性Laplace transform 拉普拉斯变换large scale system 大系统lateral inhibition network 侧抑制网络least cost input 最小成本投入least squares criterion 最小二乘准则level switch 物位开关libration damping 天平动阻尼limit cycle 极限环linearization technique 线性化方法linear motion electric drive 直线运动电气传动linear motion valve 直行程阀linear programming 线性规划LQR (linear quadratic regulator problem) 线性二次调节器问题load cell 称重传感器local asymptotic stability 局部渐近稳定性local optimum 局部最优log magnitude-phase diagram 对数幅相图long term memory 长期记忆lumped parameter model 集总参数模型Lyapunov theorem of asymptotic stability 李雅普诺夫渐近稳定性定理自动控制专业英语词汇(二)macro-economic system 宏观经济系统magnetic dumping 磁卸载magnetoelastic weighing cell 磁致弹性称重传感器magnitude-frequency characteristic 幅频特性magnitude margin 幅值裕度magnitude scale factor 幅值比例尺manipulator 机械手man-machine coordination 人机协调manual station 手动操作器MAP (manufacturing automation protocol) 制造自动化协议marginal effectiveness 边际效益Mason's gain formula 梅森增益公式master station 主站matching criterion 匹配准则maximum likelihood estimation 最大似然估计maximum overshoot 最大超调量maximum principle 极大值原理mean-square error criterion 均方误差准则mechanism model 机理模型meta-knowledge 元知识metallurgical automation 冶金自动化minimal realization 最小实现minimum phase system 最小相位系统minimum variance estimation 最小方差估计minor loop 副回路missile-target relative movement simulator 弹体-目标相对运动仿真器modal aggregation 模态集结modal transformation 模态变换MB (model base) 模型库model confidence 模型置信度model fidelity 模型逼真度model reference adaptive control system 模型参考适应控制系统model verification 模型验证modularization 模块化MEC (most economic control) 最经济控制motion space 可动空间MTBF (mean time between failures) 平均故障间隔时间MTTF (mean time to failures) 平均无故障时间multi-attributive utility function 多属性效用函数multicriteria 多重判据multilevel hierarchical structure 多级递阶结构multiloop control 多回路控制multi-objective decision 多目标决策multistate logic 多态逻辑multistratum hierarchical control 多段递阶控制multivariable control system 多变量控制系统myoelectric control 肌电控制Nash optimality 纳什最优性natural language generation 自然语言生成nearest-neighbor 最近邻necessity measure 必然性侧度negative feedback 负反馈neural assembly 神经集合neural network computer 神经网络计算机Nichols chart 尼科尔斯图noetic science 思维科学noncoherent system 非单调关联系统noncooperative game 非合作博弈nonequilibrium state 非平衡态nonlinear element 非线性环节nonmonotonic logic 非单调逻辑nonparametric training 非参数训练nonreversible electric drive 不可逆电气传动nonsingular perturbation 非奇异摄动non-stationary random process 非平稳随机过程nuclear radiation levelmeter 核辐射物位计nutation sensor 章动敏感器Nyquist stability criterion 奈奎斯特稳定判据objective function 目标函数observability index 可观测指数observable canonical form 可观测规范型on-line assistance 在线帮助on-off control 通断控制open loop pole 开环极点operational research model 运筹学模型optic fiber tachometer 光纤式转速表optimal trajectory 最优轨迹optimization technique 最优化技术orbital rendezvous 轨道交会orbit gyrocompass 轨道陀螺罗盘orbit perturbation 轨道摄动order parameter 序参数orientation control 定向控制originator 始发站oscillating period 振荡周期output prediction method 输出预估法oval wheel flowmeter 椭圆齿轮流量计overall design 总体设计overdamping 过阻尼overlapping decomposition 交叠分解Pade approximation 帕德近似Pareto optimality 帕雷托最优性passive attitude stabilization 被动姿态稳定path repeatability 路径可重复性pattern primitive 模式基元PR (pattern recognition) 模式识别P control 比例控制器peak time 峰值时间penalty function method 罚函数法perceptron 感知器periodic duty 周期工作制perturbation theory 摄动理论pessimistic value 悲观值phase locus 相轨迹phase trajectory 相轨迹phase lead 相位超前photoelectric tachometric transducer 光电式转速传感器phrase-structure grammar 短句结构文法physical symbol system 物理符号系统piezoelectric force transducer 压电式力传感器playback robot 示教再现式机器人PLC (programmable logic controller) 可编程序逻辑控制器plug braking 反接制动plug valve 旋塞阀pneumatic actuator 气动执行机构point-to-point control 点位控制polar robot 极坐标型机器人pole assignment 极点配置pole-zero cancellation 零极点相消polynomial input 多项式输入portfolio theory 投资搭配理论pose overshoot 位姿过调量position measuring instrument 位置测量仪posentiometric displacement transducer 电位器式位移传感器positive feedback 正反馈power system automation 电力系统自动化predicate logic 谓词逻辑pressure gauge with electric contact 电接点压力表pressure transmitter 压力变送器price coordination 价格协调primal coordination 主协调primary frequency zone 主频区PCA (principal component analysis) 主成分分析法principle of turnpike 大道原理priority 优先级process-oriented simulation 面向过程的仿真production budget 生产预算production rule 产生式规则profit forecast 利润预测PERT (program evaluation and review technique) 计划评审技术program set station 程序设定操作器proportional control 比例控制proportional plus derivative controller 比例微分控制器protocol engineering 协议工程prototype 原型pseudo random sequence 伪随机序列pseudo-rate-increment control 伪速率增量控制pulse duration 脉冲持续时间pulse frequency modulation control system 脉冲调频控制系统pulse width modulation control system 脉冲调宽控制系统PWM inverter 脉宽调制逆变器pushdown automaton 下推自动机QC (quality control) 质量管理quadratic performance index 二次型性能指标qualitative physical model 定性物理模型quantized noise 量化噪声quasilinear characteristics 准线性特性queuing theory 排队论radio frequency sensor 射频敏感器ramp function 斜坡函数random disturbance 随机扰动random process 随机过程rate integrating gyro 速率积分陀螺ratio station 比值操作器reachability 可达性reaction wheel control 反作用轮控制realizability 可实现性,能实现性real time telemetry 实时遥测receptive field 感受野rectangular robot 直角坐标型机器人rectifier 整流器recursive estimation 递推估计reduced order observer 降阶观测器redundant information 冗余信息reentry control 再入控制regenerative braking 回馈制动,再生制动regional planning model 区域规划模型regulating device 调节装载regulation 调节relational algebra 关系代数relay characteristic 继电器特性remote manipulator 遥控操作器remote regulating 遥调remote set point adjuster 远程设定点调整器rendezvous and docking 交会和对接reproducibility 再现性resistance thermometer sensor 热电阻resolution principle 归结原理resource allocation 资源分配response curve 响应曲线return difference matrix 回差矩阵return ratio matrix 回比矩阵reverberation 回响reversible electric drive 可逆电气传动revolute robot 关节型机器人revolution speed transducer 转速传感器rewriting rule 重写规则rigid spacecraft dynamics 刚性航天动力学risk decision 风险分析robotics 机器人学robot programming language 机器人编程语言robust control 鲁棒控制robustness 鲁棒性roll gap measuring instrument 辊缝测量仪root locus 根轨迹roots flowmeter 腰轮流量计rotameter 浮子流量计,转子流量计rotary eccentric plug valve 偏心旋转阀rotary motion valve 角行程阀rotating transformer 旋转变压器Routh approximation method 劳思近似判据routing problem 路径问题sampled-data control system 采样控制系统sampling control system 采样控制系统saturation characteristics 饱和特性scalar Lyapunov function 标量李雅普诺夫函数SCARA (selective compliance assembly robot arm) 平面关节型机器人scenario analysis method 情景分析法scene analysis 物景分析s-domain s域self-operated controller 自力式控制器self-organizing system 自组织系统self-reproducing system 自繁殖系统self-tuning control 自校正控制semantic network 语义网络semi-physical simulation 半实物仿真sensing element 敏感元件sensitivity analysis 灵敏度分析sensory control 感觉控制sequential decomposition 顺序分解sequential least squares estimation 序贯最小二乘估计servo control 伺服控制,随动控制servomotor 伺服马达settling time 过渡时间sextant 六分仪short term planning 短期计划short time horizon coordination 短时程协调signal detection and estimation 信号检测和估计signal reconstruction 信号重构similarity 相似性simulated interrupt 仿真中断simulation block diagram 仿真框图simulation experiment 仿真实验simulation velocity 仿真速度simulator 仿真器single axle table 单轴转台single degree of freedom gyro 单自由度陀螺single level process 单级过程single value nonlinearity 单值非线性singular attractor 奇异吸引子singular perturbation 奇异摄动sink 汇点slaved system 受役系统slower-than-real-time simulation 欠实时仿真slow subsystem 慢变子系统socio-cybernetics 社会控制论socioeconomic system 社会经济系统software psychology 软件心理学solar array pointing control 太阳帆板指向控制solenoid valve 电磁阀source 源点specific impulse 比冲speed control system 调速系统spin axis 自旋轴spinner 自旋体stability criterion 稳定性判据stability limit 稳定极限stabilization 镇定,稳定Stackelberg decision theory 施塔克尔贝格决策理论state equation model 状态方程模型state space description 状态空间描述static characteristics curve 静态特性曲线station accuracy 定点精度stationary random process 平稳随机过程statistical analysis 统计分析statistic pattern recognition 统计模式识别steady state deviation 稳态偏差steady state error coefficient 稳态误差系数step-by-step control 步进控制step function 阶跃函数stepwise refinement 逐步精化stochastic finite automaton 随机有限自动机strain gauge load cell 应变式称重传感器strategic function 策略函数strongly coupled system 强耦合系统subjective probability 主观频率suboptimality 次优性supervised training 监督学习supervisory computer control system 计算机监控系统sustained oscillation 自持振荡swirlmeter 旋进流量计switching point 切换点symbolic processing 符号处理synaptic plasticity 突触可塑性synergetics 协同学syntactic analysis 句法分析system assessment 系统评价systematology 系统学system homomorphism 系统同态system isomorphism 系统同构system engineering 系统工程tachometer 转速表target flow transmitter 靶式流量变送器task cycle 作业周期teaching programming 示教编程telemechanics 远动学telemetering system of frequency division type 频分遥测系统telemetry 遥测teleological system 目的系统teleology 目的论temperature transducer 温度传感器template base 模版库tensiometer 张力计texture 纹理theorem proving 定理证明therapy model 治疗模型thermocouple 热电偶thermometer 温度计thickness meter 厚度计three-axis attitude stabilization 三轴姿态稳定three state controller 三位控制器thrust vector control system 推力矢量控制系统thruster 推力器time constant 时间常数time-invariant system 定常系统,非时变系统time schedule controller 时序控制器time-sharing control 分时控制time-varying parameter 时变参数top-down testing 自上而下测试topological structure 拓扑结构TQC (total quality control) 全面质量管理tracking error 跟踪误差trade-off analysis 权衡分析transfer function matrix 传递函数矩阵transformation grammar 转换文法transient deviation 瞬态偏差transient process 过渡过程transition diagram 转移图transmissible pressure gauge 电远传压力表transmitter 变送器trend analysis 趋势分析triple modulation telemetering system 三重调制遥测系统turbine flowmeter 涡轮流量计Turing machine 图灵机two-time scale system 双时标系统ultrasonic levelmeter 超声物位计unadjustable speed electric drive 非调速电气传动unbiased estimation 无偏估计underdamping 欠阻尼uniformly asymptotic stability 一致渐近稳定性uninterrupted duty 不间断工作制,长期工作制unit circle 单位圆unit testing 单元测试unsupervised learing 非监督学习upper level problem 上级问题urban planning 城市规划utility function 效用函数value engineering 价值工程variable gain 可变增益,可变放大系数variable structure control system 变结构控制vector Lyapunov function 向量李雅普诺夫函数velocity error coefficient 速度误差系数velocity transducer 速度传感器vertical decomposition 纵向分解vibrating wire force transducer 振弦式力传感器vibrometer 振动计viscous damping 粘性阻尼voltage source inverter 电压源型逆变器vortex precession flowmeter 旋进流量计vortex shedding flowmeter 涡街流量计WB (way base) 方法库weighing cell 称重传感器weighting factor 权因子weighting method 加权法Whittaker-Shannon sampling theorem 惠特克-香农采样定理Wiener filtering 维纳滤波work station for computer aided design 计算机辅助设计工作站w-plane w平面zero-based budget 零基预算zero-input response 零输入响应zero-state response 零状态响应zero sum game model 零和对策模型z-transform z变换。


Biodata Ltd.-- 数据采集和控制系统的设计和制造。 .
Boeing.-- 动态系统建模和仿真软件。
Calerga. -- 动态系统设计和仿真软件。
Cambridge Control Ltd. -- 控制咨询和计算机产品。
Cegelec Industrial Controls. -- 是Alcatel Alsthom Group的一个分部。
Russian Systems and Control Archive (RUSYCON). -- 俄罗斯系统和控制网络- v9 J) B" I# l
。 5 M1 D1 l6 y9 ~; Q+ O. n7 }
Systems and Control Archive at Dallas (SCAD). -- 美国达拉斯系统和控制1 { k8 I4 c. u$ W# m; z+ g8 |$ L. S
Visual Solutions. -- VisSim非线性动态仿真软件。 2 u) s1 K3 l7 M9 `1 Y/ a+ V) F4 o
Western Reserve Controls. -- 信号调节、数据采集和工业I/O设备制造。 Y6 J/ m6 D5 v. ]$ T5 e n
Entech. -- 过程控制咨询。
Euclid Research. -- 自动调试和运动控制系统工具和仪器。
Eurotherm Controls. -- 工业和温度控制设备。
ExperTune Inc. -- PID分析和调谐软件。 ( I7 \) c# [* A* Q
Extra Dimension Technologies. -- Novel教育控制器件。




下面是一些常见的术语及其解释:1. Simulation (仿真): The imitation or representation of the operation or features of one system through the use of another system, typically a computer program. It is used to study, analyze, and predict the behavior of complexreal-world systems.2. Virtual Reality (虚拟现实): A computer-generated simulation of a three-dimensional environment that can be interacted with and experienced by a person. It typically involves the use of a head-mounted display and other sensory devices to create a sense of presence in thevirtual world.3. Augmented Reality (增强现实): An interactive experience that combines real-world elements with computer-generated sensory inputs, such as graphics, sound, or GPSdata. It enhances the user's perception of the real world by overlaying digital information onto the physical environment.4. Agent-based Modeling (基于代理的建模): A simulation technique that models the behavior of individual agents or entities and their interactions within a system. Agents can represent individuals, organizations, or other entities, and their behavior is governed by predefined rules or algorithms.5. Monte Carlo Simulation (蒙特卡洛仿真): A statistical technique that uses random sampling to model and analyze the behavior of complex systems. It is particularly useful for assessing the risk and uncertainty associated with decision-making processes.6. Discrete Event Simulation (离散事件仿真): A simulation technique that models the behavior of a system as a sequence of discrete events in time. It is commonly used to study systems with dynamic, time-dependent processes, such as manufacturing systems or transportationnetworks.7. Continuous Simulation (连续仿真): A simulation technique that models the behavior of a system as a continuous function of time. It is often used to study systems with continuous, time-dependent processes, such as fluid dynamics or electrical circuits.8. Sensitivity Analysis (敏感性分析): A technique used to assess the impact of changes in input parameters or assumptions on the output of a simulation model. It helps identify the most influential factors and understand the robustness of the model.9. Validation (验证): The process of comparing the behavior of a simulation model to the real-world system it represents. It involves verifying that the model accurately reproduces the observed behavior and meets the intended objectives.10. Optimization (优化): The process of finding the best possible solution to a problem within a given set ofconstraints. In simulation, optimization techniques are often used to identify the optimal configuration or parameter values that maximize or minimize a certain objective.这些术语涵盖了仿真领域的一些关键概念和技术。



华东师范大学系统分析与集成博士研究生课程专业名称:系统分析与集成课程编号:B0112010711003 课程名称:非线性控制系统理论与应用课程英文名称:Nonlinear Control-System Theory and Application学分: 3 周学时总学时:54课程性质:博士学位专业课适用专业:系统理论、系统分析与集成教学内容及基本要求:教学内容:1. 反馈系统分析(包括绝对稳定性,小增益定理,描写函数方法)2. 反馈线性化(包括输入-状态线性化,输入-输出线性化,状态反馈控制)、3. 微分几何方法(包括微分几何工具,输入-输出线性化,输入-状态线性化4. Lyapunov设计方法5. Backstepping方法6. 滑模控制7. 自适应控制。



学习本课程的前期课程要求:线性系统教材及主要参考书目、文献与资料:1. Hassan K. Khalil:《Nonlinear System (Second edition)》。

填写人:陈树中教授审核人:顾国庆教授课程编号:B0112010711004 课程名称:分布计算与分布式系统课程英文名称:Systems and Architecture of Distributed Databases学分: 3 周学时总学时:54课程性质:博士学位专业课适用专业:系统理论、系统分析与集成教学内容及基本要求:教学内容:本课程主要讨论分布式数据库系统的原理,技术和系统结构。









SIMULATION MODEL DESIGN仿真模型设计ABSTRACT摘要In this state of the art talk, we will present a structure for defining and categorizing simulation model designs. In the past, simulation researchers have created categories for discrete event simulation: event, process and activity; however, there are problems with this breakdown. First, the major problem is that the taxonomy based on these three sub-types deals with only discrete event methods. Discrete time methods including a spatial decomposition of a physical system(cellular automata, L-Systems) or a continuous model are not included. Second, the terms “event,” process”and “activity” create a division among classes of simulation languages, rather than a division based on model design. The term “process,” f or example, is really a level of abstraction higher than “event” and is not orthogonal to “event.” The structure that we present in this talk is more comprehensive and provides simulations with a unified framework that is independent of the terms discrete and continuous.我们将提出一份结构界定及分类模型设计.在过去, 模拟研究者创建类别离散事件模拟:事件过程和活动; 不过,有问题这一细分. 第一,主要的问题是,分类的基础上,这三个子类处理,只有离散事件的方法. 离散时间的方法,包括空间分解一个物理系统(元胞自动机,L-系统)或连续模型,则不包括在内. 第二,从"事件"过程"和"活动",营造一个分工各阶层仿真语言而非部基于模型设计. 所谓"过程中,"例如, 真是一个较高的抽象层次比"活动",而不是正交的"盛会" 这个架构之下,我们目前在这次演讲是比较全面,并提供一个统一模拟的框架,是独立的职权离散连续1 OVERVIEW1概况Simulation is a tightly coupled and iterative three component process composed of 1) model design, 2) model execution and 3) execution analysis as shown in Fig. 1 along with the relevant sub-areas and book chapter numbers in a book which has just been published in the Fall of 1994 (Fish wick 1995). The bold lines in Fig. 1 are to show our emphasis in the text: model design and model execution. The third area of execution analysis already has broad coverage in simulation and is not covered in the book or this state of the art talk. Also, in this talk, we will cover model design and not algorithms for model execution. Perhaps the hardest general problem in simulation is determining the exact method that one should use to create a model. After all, where does one begin? Just as the discipline of software engineering has emerged to address this question for software, in general, modelers also have a need to explore similar issues: how dower engineermodels? While there are many modeling techniques for simulation, we are often in a quandary as to which model technique to use, and under what conditions we should use it. Our approach is depicted in Fig. 2 along with the associated chapter references where each modeling method is defined. For the talk, we will proceed to briefly discuss the model types. A more complete written treatment is provided in Fish wick (1995).仿真是一紧耦合迭代三个部分组成的过程:1)模型设计 2)模型执行和3)执行情况分析如图. 1连同相关小区及书章数在一本刚刚出版的 1994年秋季(Fishwick1995). 大胆的线路图. 第一是要展示我们的重点,在文字:模具设计和模范执行. 第三方面的执行分析已经复盖面宽的模拟,而不是盖在书或这个国家的艺术讲座. 另外,在这次会谈中,我们将涵盖模式设计,而不是算法的执行模式. 也许是最难的一般问题,在模拟确定准确的方法,一要利用创造一种模式. 毕竟,从何处着手呢? 正如纪律的软件工程出现了解决这一问题的软件,一般模具设计者也有必要探讨类似的问题:如何进行工程师模式? 虽然有许多建模技术用于模拟, 我们常常处于两难局面,因为该模型技术的运用, 以及在什么条件下,我们应该利用它. 我们的方针是描图. 2连同相关章节参考资料每个建模方法的定义. 在会谈中,我们将开始讨论一下模型类型.Fishwick(1995年)的一个较完整的书面治疗提供.2 MODEL TYPES2模型类型There are five basic model types, and one complex ”kJ type which includes abstraction levels, each composed of one of the basic types. All model types are now discussed.有五个基本模式类型,和一个复杂的"焦式,其中包括抽象层次各由一国的基本类型. 所有型号类型现讨论.(1)Conceptual Models(1)概念模型Conceptual models represent the first phase in any modeling endeavor. All static and dynamic knowledge about the physical system must be encoded in some form which allows specification of interaction without necessarily specifying the dynamics in quantitative terms. Semantic networks (Woods 1975) present one way of encoding conceptual semantics; however, we have chosen object-oriented design networks (Booch1991; Rumbaugh, Blaha, Premerlani, Frederick, and Lorenson 1991) which have more formal treatment. The ultimate conceptual model is one based on database technology, such as an object-oriented database, capturing all facets of the physical system.概念模型所代表的第一阶段,在任何建模工作. 所有静态和动态的了解物理系统必须打上某种形式允许规格互动不一定要指明的动态和18.22%. 语义网络恢复(Woods1975)本办法之一编码概念语义学; 但是,我们选择了面向对象设计网(Booch1991; Bumbaugh,Blaha,Bremerlani, Frederick和lorenson1991)有较正式修正.终极概念模型是基于数据库技术, 例如一个面向对象的数据库,所有捕捉层面的物理系统.(2)Declarative Models(2)Declarative型号These models permit dynamics to be encoded as statetostate or event-to-event transitions. The idea behind declarative modeling is to focus on the structure of state (or event) from one time period to the next, while de-emphasizing functions or constraints which define the transition. Models such as finite state automata (Hopcroft and Ullman 1979), Markov models, event graphs (Schruben 1983) and temporal logic models (Moszkowski 1986) fall into the declarative category. Declarative models are state-based(FSAs), event-based (event graphs) or a hybrid (Petrinets (Peterson 1981)).这些模型允许动态进行编码,作为国家增生或事件-事件跃迁. 念头宣示建模是着眼于结构的国家(或活动)由一个时期来未来,而不再强调职能或制约,其中确定了过渡. 模型,例如有限状态自动(Hopcroft和ullman1979),马尔可夫模型事件图(schruben1983年)和时序逻辑模型(科夫斯基1986年)落入declarative类. declarative模式是基于状态(大使),基于事件(事件图)或混合(Petrinets(peterson1981)).(3)Functional Models(3)功能模式Functional models represent a directional flow of a signal (discrete or continuous) among transfer functions(boxes). When the system is seen as a set of boxes communicating with messages or signals, the functional paradigm takes hold. The use of functional models is found in control engineering (Ogata1970; Dorf 1986) (with continuous signals) as well as queuing networks for computer system model design (MacDougall 1987). Some functional systems focus not so muchon the functions, but more on the variables. Such models include signal flow graphs, compartmental models (Jacquez 1985), and Systems Dynamics (Roberts, Andersen, Deal, Garet, and Shaffer1983).功能模块,代表了定向流动的一个信号(离散或连续)之间的传递函数(箱). 当系统被看作是一套箱子沟通讯息或信号,功能范式掌握. 使用功能模块,发现在控制工程(Ogata1970; Dorf1986)(连续信号)以及排队网络计算机系统模型设计(麦德1987). 有些功能制度的重点是不是这么多的功能,但更多的变数. 这种模式包括的信号流图,并求出模型(Jacquez1985),及系统动力学(罗伯茨,安德森, Deal,Garet,Shaffer1983).(4) Constraint Models(4)约束模式There are two types of constraint models:equational and graph-based. Constraint models are models where a balance (or constraint)is at the heart of the model design. In such a case, an equation is often the best characterization of the model since a directional approach such as functional modeling is insufficient. Equational systems include difference models, ODEs and delay differential equations. Graphical models such as bond graphs (Breedveld 1986;karnopp, Margolis, and Rosenberg 1990) and electrical network graphs (Raghuram 1989)are also constraint based.有两种类型的约束模式:等式和图型. 约束模式模式下的平衡(或约束),是在心脏的模型设计. 在这种情况下, 方程式往往是最好的表征的模式,因为一个方向性的做法,诸如功能建模是不够的. 等式系统包括不同的模式,赋与时滞微分方程. 图形模式,如债券图(Breedveld1986年; Karnopp,Margolis, 和罗森堡1990年)和电力网络图(1989年币值)也是基于约束.(5) Spatial Models(5)空间模式If a system is spatially decomposed as for cellular automata (Wolfram 1986; Toffoli and Margolus 1987),Ising systems, PDE-based solutions or finite element models, then the system is being modeled using a spatial modeling technique. Spatial models are used to model systems in great detail, where individual pieces of physical phenomena are modeled by discretizing the geometry of the system. Spatial models are “entity-based” or “space-based.” Entity-based spatial modelsfocus on a fixed space where the entity dynamics are given whereas space-based focus on how the space changes by convolving a template over the space at each time step. PDEs are space-based where the template defines the integration method. L-Systems (Prusinkiewicz and Lindenmeyer 1990) are entity-based since the dynamics are based on how the organism grows over a fixed space.如果一个系统在空间上分解为蜂窝自动(Wolfram1986年; Toffoli和margolus1987),伊辛系统基于PDE解或有限元模型,随后该系统正在modeled利用空间建模技术. 空间模型是用来模拟系统非常详尽, 凡单项物理现象,是仿照离散几何体系. 空间模型是"实体型"或"航天为本" 实体的空间数据模型,重点放在了固定场所的实体动力学刊载而空间的焦点放在如何空间变化convolving模板以上的空间,在每个时间步.PDEs空间的那里的模板定义集成方法. L-系统(Pprusinkiewicz和Lindenmeyer1990)是实体型自动力学是基于如何生物体成长超过定额太空.(6) Multi Models(6) 多种型号Large scale models are built from one or more abstraction levels, each level being designed using one of the aforementioned more primitive model types. The lowest level of abstraction for a system will probablyuse a spatial model whereas the highest level may use a declarative finite state machine. Intermediate levels will often use functional and constraint techniques. Models which are composed of other models are termed multimodal (Fishwick and Zeigler 1992; Fishwick 1992; Fishwick 1993). By utilizing abstraction levels, we can switch levels during the simulationand use the abstraction most appropriate at that given time. This approach gives us multiple levels of explanation and is computationally more efficient than simulating the system at one level.大型模型是建立一个或多个抽象层次每个级别的设计,使用上述任何一种更为原始模型类型. 最低程度的抽象的体制,可能会使用一种空间发展模式,而最高级别的可使用宣示有限状态机. 中级班将经常使用功能和约束技巧. 这些模式是由其他模型被称为多式联运(Fishwick和Zeigler1992年; Fishwick1992年; Fishwick1993). 用抽象层次我们可以切换水平在模拟和运用抽象最适合在这个时候. 这种做法给人多层次的解释,是计算效率高于模拟系统在一个层面.Computer simulation is designing a model of an actual or theoretical physical system, executing the model on a digital computer, and analyzing the execution output. Simulation embodiesthe principle of “learning by doing”-to learn about the system we must first build a model of some sort and then operate the model. Children understand the world around them by simulating (with toys and figurines) most of their interactions with other people, animals and objects. Computer simulation is the electronic equivalent of this type of role playing. It serves to drive synthetic environments and virtual worlds. Within the overall task of simulation, there are three primarysub-fields: model design, model execution and model analysis (see Fig. 1). To simulate something physical, you will first need to create a mathematical model which represents that physical object.Models can take many forms including declarative, functional, constraint, spatial or multimodal. A multimode1 contains multiple integrated models each of which represents a level of granularityfor the physical system. The next task, once a model has been developed, is to execute the modelon a computer. That is, you need to create a computer program which steps through time while updating the state and event variables in your mathematical model. There are many ways to “step through time.” You can, for instance,leap through time using event schedul ing or you can employ small time increments using time slicing. You can also execute (i.e., simulate) the program on a massively parallel computer. This is called parallel and distributed simulation. For manylarge-scale models, this is the only feasible way of getting answers back in a reasonable amount of time. System simulation can be done at many different levels of fidelity. One reader will think of physics-based models and output. Another may think of more abstract models which yield higherlevel, less detailed output as in a queuing network. Models are designed to provide answersat a given abstraction level-the more detailed the model, the more detailed the output. The kind of output you need will suggest the type of model you will employ. An example of graphical output from a physically-based model generated using the program AERO is shown as a stereo pair of “rigid bodies” in Fig. 2. You can view this stereo pair without the use of external viewing aids, by diverging the eyes. (Divergence can be achieved in a variety of ways. Try focusing on an object three or four feet from your eyes. Then place these figures between your eyes and the object. You will see three frames, with the middle frame being the combined left right stereo frame.)计算机仿真设计模型的一个实际或理论物理体系, 执行模型在计算机上,并分析执行输出. 仿真体现了"学做",了解他们的制度,我们必须先建立一个模型,有些那样的话,那么经营模式. 孩子们了解他们周围世界的模拟(玩具及快递)大部分的互动与其他人, 动物及物体. 计算机仿真是相等的电子这一类的角色扮演. 它有助于推动综合环境和虚拟世界. 在整个任务的仿真,有三个主要的分支领域:模型设计模型执行和模型分析(见图. 1). 来模拟一些物理,你首先要建立一个数学模型,其中,代表实物. 模型可以采取多种形式,包括宣示,功能有限,空间或多式联运. 一多式联运含有多重整合模式各自代表一个层面的粒度的物理系统. 下一个任务,一旦模型已经制定,是执行示范一台电脑. 即你必须建立一个计算机程序的步骤,通过的时间,同时更新状态和事件的变数在您数学模型. 有很多方法"的步骤,通过时间"的认识. 你可以,比如跨越时间使用事件调度或者你可以用小的时间增量利用时间切片. 你也可以执行(即模拟)的计划,大规模并行计算机. 这就是所谓的并行与分布仿真. 对于许多大型模型,这是唯一可行的方式得到的答案早在一个合理的时间. 仿真系统可在13多个不同层次的忠诚度. 一位读者会认为物理模型和输出. 另一个则可能认为较抽象的模型,其中产量上级,不太详细输出作为一个排队网络. 型号的设计提供了答案,在一个特定的抽象层次的更详细的模型,更详细的输出. 什么样的输出,你需要将建议采用哪种模式,你会聘用. 为例图形输出从一个物理模型产生器程序aero显示为37,239美元一双 "刚性机构"无花果. 2. 你可以把这个立体无需使用外部看艾滋病,不同的眼睛. (分歧,可以通过各种方式. 尽量集中于一个对象三或四英尺从贵眼睛. 然后把这些数字与你的眼睛与物体. 你会看到三个帧, 随着帧被合并左侧的立体框架).Technologies such as Simulation and Virtual Reality will dominate the entertainment and science forefronts well into the next century. With today’s computer prices, personal computers are highly affordable. Armed with your computer, you can proceed to build models of reality and “let them loose” to see what happens and to learn more about reality by modeling it. While what we may do today may be primitive by standards set in science fiction shows such as Star Trek (The Holodeck)and Lawnmower Man, the present computer simulation discipline will lead the way to these eventual goals. The key word is “digital” as pointed out by many such as Nicholas Negroponte at the MIT Media Lab in his recent text “Being Digital.” We want to create di gital replicas of everything you see as you look around you while reading this article. When you want to concoct a digital world, you will pick digital objects, using a 3D, immersive construction tool to put them together. The digital objects may be located anywhere on the Internet. You will use help tools (or autonomous agents) to locate the building block objects for your digital world. Some work is being done in Distributed Interactive Simulation which is a thrust pioneered by the Department of Defense. The implications of these types of simulations are profound since the idea of distributed simulation has enormous potential, also, in industrial and entertainment fields.技术,如模拟与虚拟现实技术将主导娱乐和科学前沿,并进入下一世纪. 如今的电脑价格,个人电脑的负担. 手持电脑, 你可以着手建立模型的现实,"让他们松散"来看看,并学习更多对现实的模型. 虽然我们可能做今天可能是原始的标准的科幻表演等星舰 (Holodeck)和剪草机的男子,目前的计算机仿真学科将率先开展对这些最终目标. 关键的一句话是:"数字化"正如许多诸如走下神坛的尼葛洛庞帝的麻省理工学院媒体实验室他最近的文字:"数字化" 我们要创造数字复制品一切你看你看周围在阅读这篇文章. 当你想臆造数字世界,你会选择数字对象,采用三维, 沉浸施工工具把它们放在一起. 数字对象可能位于任何地方上网. 你会使用帮助工具(或自治区代理商)寻找建筑砌块对象为您的数码世界. 有些工作正在做分布式交互仿真是推力最先由国防部. 影响这些类型的模拟,由于深刻的思想分布仿真技术的巨大潜力,同时, 在工业和娱乐等领域.REFERENCES参考资料Booch, G. 1991. Object Oriented Design. BenjaminCummings.Breedveld, P. C. 1986. A Systematic Method to DeriveBond Graph Models. In Second EuropeanSimulation Congress, Antwerp, Belgium.Dorf, R. C. 1986. Modern Control Systems. AddisonWesley.Fishwick, P. A. 1992. An Integrated Approach toSystem Modelling using a Synthesis of ArtificialIntelligence, Software Engineering and SimulationMethodologies. A CM Transactions on Modelingand Computer Simulation. (submitted forreview).Fishwick, P. A. 1993. A simulation environment formultimodeling. Discrete Event Dynamic Systems:Theory and Applications 9, 151-171.Fishwick, P. A. 1995. Simulation Model Design andExecution: Building Digital Worlds. PrenticeHall.Fishwick, P. A. and B. P. Zeigler. 1992. A Multimode1Methodology for Qualitative Model Engineering.ACM Transactions on Modeling and ComputerSimulation 8 (l), 52-81.Hopcroft, J. E. and J. D. Ullman. 1979. Introductionto Automata Theory, Languages and Computation.Addison Wesley.Jacquez, J. A. 1985. Compartmental Analysis in Biologyand Medicine (2nd ed.). University of MichiganPress.Karnopp, D. C., D. L. Margolis, and R. C. Rosenberg. 1990. System Dynamics. John Wiley and Sons. MacDougall, M. H. 1987. Simulating Computer Systems: Techniques and Tools. MIT Press.Moszkowski, B. 1986. Executing Temporal Logic Programs. Cambridge: Cambridge Press.Ogata, K. 1970. Modern Control Engineering. Prentice Hall.Peterson, J. L. 1981. Petri Net Theory and the Modelingof Systems. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, Inc.Prusinkiewicz, P. and A. Lindenmeyer. 1990. The Algorithmic Beauty of Plants. Springer-Verlag.Raghuram, R. 1989. Computer Simulation of Electronic Circuits. John Wiley.Roberts, N., D. Andersen, R. Deal, M. Garet, andW. Shaffer. 1983. Introduction to Computer Simulution:A Systems Dynamics Approach. Addison-Wesley.Rumbaugh, J., M. Blaha, W. Premerlani, E. Frederick,and W. Lorenson. 1991. Object-Oriented Modelingand Design. Prentice Hall.Schruben, L. W. 1983. Simulation Modelingwith Event Graphs. Communications of theA CM 26 (11).Toffoli, T. and N. Margolus. 1987. Cellular Automata Machines: A New Environment for Modeling (2ed.). MIT Press.Wolfram, S. 1986. Theory and Applications of Cellular Automata. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing. (includes selected papers from 1983 -1986).Woods, W. A. 1975. What’s in a Link: Foundationsfor Semantic Networks. In D. Bobrow andA. Collins (Eds.), Representation and Understanding. Academic Press.。



离散事件系统研究前景离散事件系统(Discrete Event System,DES)是研究离散事件的发生、交互和演化过程的数学模型和方法。
























MS/OR国际期刊最新权威排名A+期刊/超一流期刊1. Management Science (AIS=2.508)众望所归的老大--MS,毫无争议。

UTdallas24排名期刊之一2. Mathematical Programming (1.997)数学优化领域的顶级期刊,能发表的话,绝对是A+的水平。

3. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management (1.895)这个期刊可以视为Management Science 的妹妹或弟弟,文章的深度与MS差不多。

算作A +期刊是没有争议的。


4. Journal of Operations Management (1.892)这个期刊排进A+相信是有争议的,尤其对那些玩数学的学者而言,但是数据在那没办法。




UTdallas24排名期刊之一5. Operations Research (1.832)绝对的A+期刊,大家耳熟能详的的两个名字:MS和OR,不多说了。

UTdallas24排名期刊之一6. Mathematics of Operations Research (1.573)运筹学领域的顶级期刊,也许可能大概比OR稍稍能简单一点点,。

7. Transportation Science (1.421)交通运输领域顶级期刊,常年排名第一。


8. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological (1.407)交通运输领域顶级期刊,常年排名老二,不过近年来有赶超Transportation Science的趋势。

偏数学方法,更倾向于交通运输方法与技术,以及与交通相关的土木研究方向,比transpo rtation science更注重应用。


This work is partially supported by an ERCIM fellowship for the rst author and by RNRT (National Research Network in Telecommunication) through the MAGDA project (Modeling and Learning for Distributed Management of Alarms). For more information see http://magda.elibel.tm.fr/.
E. Fabre IRISA-INRIA Campus de Beaulieu 35042 Rennes Cedex France
Diagnosis of the breakdown of large distributed systems is often made more complex by the need to construct a global model of system behavior. This becomes especially problematic for those systems that also exhibit dynamic behavior in the form of the addition or removal of system components. We are interested in the diagnosis of distributed systems where some components interact or cooperate. Moreover, the addition of new components or the removal of components should have a minimal e ect on existing diagnosers. Our interest in constructing diagnosers for this class of systems is motivated by a speci c network management application, initially presented in 4]. In this particular network, alarms are emitted when

introduction to discrete event systems 2021 -回复

introduction to discrete event systems 2021 -回复

introduction to discrete event systems 2021 -回复什么是离散事件系统(DES)?DES是一种数学建模方法,用于描述和分析由离散事件驱动的系统。




















除了DEVS方法,还有其他一些常用的离散事件系统建模方法,比如Petri 网、时序逻辑、排队网络等。






DISCRETE EVENT SYSTEM THEORYAND SIMULATIONUSING S IM E VENTSFOR TRANSACTION LEVEL MODELINGC. G. CassandrasCenter for Information and Systems Engineering(CISE)Boston University**********/cgcChristos G. Cassandras CODES Lab. -Boston UniversityDISCRETE EVENT SYSTEMSChristos G. Cassandras CODES Lab. -Boston University “Transaction-based”systems exhibit event-driven behavior:System state changes only as a result of discrete events–not timeEvents: “transaction starts”, “transaction ends”, etc.Event-driven dynamics define the class ofDISCRETE EVENT SYSTEMS (DES)such as…Manufacturing SystemsCommunication Networks (e.g., Internet)ComputersC 3I (military) systemsTraffic systems -land, sea, airLogistics, business processesSoftwareTIME -DRIVEN SYSTEM EVENT -DRIVEN SYSTEM TIME-DRIVEN vs EVENT-DRIVEN SYSTEMS Christos G. Cassandras CODES Lab. -Boston UniversitySTATESTIMEt STATE SPACE:X =ℜDYNAMICS:()&,x f x t =x (t )STATES s 1s 2s 3s 4TIME t STATE SPACE:{}X s s s s =1234,,,DYNAMICS:()e x f x ,'=t 2e 2x (t )t 3t 4t 5e 3e 4e 5EVENTS t 1e 1TIME-DRIVEN EVENT-DRIVENREAL VALUED:Position, Velocity,Flow, Volume,Voltage, Current INTEGER VALUED:Number of packets,Number of partsSYMBOLS:Traffic light: green, red,Processor status: on, offTYPICAL STATESCLOCKContinuously changing Discontinuously changing with eachEVENTTIME-DRIVEN vs EVENT-DRIVEN SYSTEMS Christos G. Cassandras CODES Lab. -Boston University CONTINUED State variables are both discrete and continuouscannot rely on calculus alone;symbols vs. variablesLack of event synchronizationInherent uncertainties (events cannot be fully predictable)need accurate stochastic modelsInherent complexity (e.g., too many operating modes)need to live without simple analytical expressions;combinatorial explosion;need new ‘paradigms’and abstraction levelstime cannot drive state transitions;need new mathematical models for state dynamicsMAIN FEATURES OF EVENT-DRIVEN SYSTEMS Christos G. Cassandras CODES Lab. -Boston UniversityWasted clock ticksMore wasted clock ticksEven more wasted clock ticks…INCREASING TIME GRANULARITY Indistinguishable eventsSYNCHRONOUS vs ASYNCHRONOUS BEHAVIORChristos G. Cassandras CODES Lab. -Boston University SYNCHRONOUS:CLOCK drives all state updatesNo event within a “clock tick”⇒no state transitionTwo or more events within a “clock tick”⇒need increased timegranularityASYNCHRONOUS:EVENTS drive all state updatesClock is controlled by events ⇒clock is fixed until next event SYNCHRONOUS vs ASYNCHRONOUS BEHAVIOR Christos G. Cassandras CODES Lab. -Boston UniversityWHY NOT TO USE TIME-DRIVEN MODELS FOR DESChristos G. Cassandras CODES Lab. -Boston University A few reasons for NOT using a time-driven engine to model event-driven systems…1.Asynchronous behavior causinginefficiencies and errors in computation2. Need to model imperative semantics3. Need to model concurrencySimple computation example in a time-driven environment:x + yx y x y TIMETIMETime-driven (synchronous) implementation:-Sum repeatedly evaluated unnecessarily -When evaluation is actually needed,it is done at the wrong times !t 1t 2A s y n c h r o n o u se v e n t s TIME-DRIVEN vs EVENT-DRIVEN COMPUTATION Christos G. Cassandras CODES Lab. -Boston UniversityTIME-DRIVEN vs EVENT-DRIVEN COMPUTATION Christos G. Cassandras CODES Lab. -Boston UniversityAn event-driven model must allow a variable to take multiple values at each point in time.Time-driven models are not intended to operate in this manner.EVENT CONCURRENCYChristos G. Cassandras CODES Lab. -Boston University At EVENT TIME t :-e 1disables process…-…and resets state,-e 2 re-enables processEVENTTime-drivenpoint of view(final effect at tbecause of e 2)e 1e 2t Event-drivenpoint of view (effects of both e 1 and e 2processed at t ) EVENT CONCURRENCY Christos G. Cassandras CODES Lab. -Boston UniversityCONTINUEDQUEUE SERVERCustomer (Transaction)Arrivals Customer (Transaction)Departures Typical EVENTS : a = arrival, d = departureE = {a , d }Typical STATES :x = number in system (0,1,2, …)E = {a , d, r 1, r 2, d 1, d 2}X = {(x CPU , x 1, x 2): x CPU , x 1, x 2≥0}CPU JobsJob Departures12Christos G. Cassandras CODES Lab. -Boston UniversityE = {a , d 1, d 2,…,d N }X = {(x 1,…, x N ): 0 ≤x i ≤b i }1Packets 23Packets Lost Packets Lost…b 1b 2b3COMMUNICATION BLOCKING packets lost ifdownstream buffer fullChristos G. Cassandras CODES Lab. -Boston University DES MODELING FRAMEWORKSSTATE AUTOMATA()f x e x ,'=CODES Lab. -Need an internal mechanism to determineNEXT EVENT e´and henceNEXT STATE ()x f x e ','=()f x e x ,''=NEXT EVENT CODES Lab. -Boston UniversityAssociate aCLOCK VALUE /RESIDUAL LIFETIME yiwith each feasible event ()i x ∈ΓChristos G. Cassandras CODES Lab. -Boston UniversityQUEUE SERVERArrival Events Departure Events{}{}K ,2,1,0 ,==d a )x e x e ax e d x ,,′=+′=−′=>⎧⎨⎩110{}{}(){}(){}a x d a x=>=00all for ,,ΓΓt0x0= 0 ae1= ax0= 1t1ade2= ax0= 2t2ade3= ax0= 3t3adx0= 2e4= dt4TIMED AUTOMATON –A TYPICAL STATE TRAJECTORYChristos G. Cassandras CODES Lab. -Boston UniversitySame idea with the Clock Structure consisting of Stochastic Processes Associate with each event i a Lifetime Distribution based onwhich v i is generatedGeneralized Semi-Markov Process(GSMP)In a simulator, v i is generated through apseudorandom number generatorSTOCHASTIC TIMED AUTOMATONChristos G. Cassandras CODES Lab. -Boston UniversityEVENTS : a = arrival, d = departureE = {a , d }STATES :x = number in system (0,1,2, ...)X = {0, 1, 2, ...}QUEUE SERVERArrival Events Departure Eventsa k: k th arrival times k : k th service start timed k : k th departure timeπQ,k : k th time Q gets tokenπI,k : k th time I gets tokenπB,k : k th time B gets tokenπππQ k k I k k B k ka d s ,,,===−1[]d a d v k k k k d k =+=−max ,,.112, Ka s d Q I B v a v d []a a v s d v k k a kk Q k I k k B k d k =+==+−1,,,,.max ,πππPETRI NETS Christos G. Cassandras CODES Lab. -Boston University CONTINUED ADDITION:MULTIPLICATION:[]a b a b a b a b⊕=⊗=+m a x ,From Petri net model:[]a a va d a v d v d k k a k k k a k k d k =+==++=−−−101100,,.max , Fix:v C v C k a k a d k d ,,,,= , = f o r a l l =12K Equations become:()()()()a a C d L L d a C d C k k a k-k k d k-d +=⊗⊕⊗−−=−∞=⊗⊕⊗111MAX-PLUS ALGEBRAChristos G. Cassandras CODES Lab. -Boston UniversityQueueing model:A (t )B (t )x (t )Specify A (t ) and B (t ) as stochastic processesObtain the probability distribution of x (t ):πk (t )= P [x (t ) = k ], k = 0,1,2...Many performance metrics of interest are expressed inNeed “simple”models for A (t )and/or B (t )(e.g., Poisson processes) Even for the simplest model, assuming the simplestpossible A (t ), B (t ): πk (t )is solution of a modified Bessel function !⇒only steady-state solutions generally possibleFor queueing networks, only a limited class of models can be solved ⇒limited complexity can be handledQueueing theory is intended to be descriptive , not prescriptive , i.e., given a model and control policies:DO ANALYSIS →OBTAIN PERFORMANCE (if possible)→CHECK IF OBJECTIVES ARE METbut not: given objectives, what is the “best”control policy?QUEUEING THEORYChristos G. Cassandras CODES Lab. -Boston University …is simply a computer-based implementation of the DES state trajectory generation mechanism described so farSTATE x TIMEt RANDOM VARIATE GENERATOR SCHEDULED EVENT LIST e 2 t 2...e 1 t 1UPDATE TIMEt'= t 1UPDATE STATE x'= f (x,e 1)x 'INITIALIZEDELETE INFEASIBLE(e k , t k )x 'ADD NEW FEASIBLE(e k , t'+v k )AND RE-ORDERt 'new event lifetimes v kt 'DISCRETE EVENT SIMULATIONChristos G. Cassandras CODES Lab. -Boston Universityt 0x 0= 0e 1= a x 0= 1t 1e 2= a x 0= 2t 2e 3= a x 0= 3t 3t 1a t 4d t 2a x 0= 2e 4= dt 4t 4d t 3a t 5a t 4d SCHEDULEDEVENT LIST(EVENT CALENDAR)SCHEDULED EVENT SCHEDULEDTIMEDISCRETE EVENT SIMULATION -EXAMPLEChristos G. Cassandras CODES Lab. -Boston University DISCRETE EVENT SIMULATIONFOR TRANSACTION-BASED SYSTEMSChristos G. Cassandras CODES Lab. -Boston UniversityGeneral state-based models do not exploit structure of transaction-based systemUse queueing model paradigm instead with modeling “blocks”such as “queues”, “servers”, “switches”, etc. Evaluate system PERFORMANCE through standard metrics:S IM E VENTSThroughput Mean Response Time Prob. of meeting real-time constraints Processor Utilizationsetc…STATES TIMEt x (t )TIME -DRIVEN SYSTEMSimulinkCan also handle some “events”(e.g., level crossings)STATES TIMEt Level-Crossing EventsSIMULINK FOR TIME-DRIVEN SYSTEMSChristos G. Cassandras CODES Lab. -Boston University STATES s 1s 2s 3s 4TIME t t 2e 2x (t )t 3t 4t 5e 3e 4e 5EVENTS t 1e 1EVENT -DRIVEN SYSTEMSTATES s 1s 2s 3s 4TIME t t 2e 2x (t )t 3t 4t 5e 3e 4e 5EVENTSt 1e 1EVENT -DRIVEN SYSTEMSTATES TIME t x (t )TIME -DRIVEN SYSTEM +HYBRID SYSTEMSimulink SimEvents S IM E VENTS FOR EVENT-DRIVEN SYSTEMS Christos G. Cassandras CODES Lab. -Boston UniversityUnderlying Engine: The EVENT CALENDARCODES Lab. -Boston UniversityVENTSCODES Lab. -Boston UniversityDELAYChristos G. Cassandras CODES Lab. -Boston UniversityROUTING ENTITIESVarious network topologiescan be created–Merge entity paths–SCHEDULING: Selectentity from input path–ROUTING: Select outputpath for entity–Replicating entitiesLogic for the control of entity paths can be complicated, but the use of embedded MATLAB blocks makes it easy and flexibleChristos G. Cassandras CODES Lab. -Boston University Christos G. Cassandras CODES Lab. -Boston UniversityChristos G. Cassandras CODES Lab. -Boston University VECTOR AND MATRIX ATTRIBUTESChristos G. Cassandras CODES Lab. -Boston UniversitySimulinkTimingS IM E VENTSTimingExample: adding two queue lengthsCODES Lab. -Boston University Christos G. Cassandras CODES Lab. -Boston UniversityTIMEOUT MODELINGSpecify timing constraintson selected events or activities(e.g., amount of time a transactioncan wait to be executed beforeconsidered useless)Timeout violation can triggerdesirable action in the modelChristos G. Cassandras CODES Lab. -Boston UniversityChristos G. Cassandras CODES Lab. -Boston University •Cassandras and Lafortune, Introduction to Discrete Event Systems (2nd Edition), Springer, 2007•David and Alla, Petri Nets and Grafcet: Tools for Modelling Discrete Event Systems , Prentice-Hall, 1992.•Peterson, Petri Net Theory and the Modeling of Systems , Prentice Hall, 1981REFERENCES ON DISCRETE EVENT SYSTEMS AND SIMULATION。

introduction to discrete event systems 2021 -回复

introduction to discrete event systems 2021 -回复

introduction to discrete event systems 2021 -回复什么是离散事件系统(Discrete Event Systems)?离散事件系统是一种用于建模、分析和控制具有离散状态和离散事件的系统的方法。




离散事件系统的建模方法主要基于有限状态自动机(Finite State Machine,简称FSM)的概念。














此外,还有一些专门的离散事件系统仿真和优化工具,如MATLAB Simulink、AnyLogic和DESDEVS等,可以帮助我们进行系统模拟、性能分析和控制设计。





离散事件系统(Discrete Event System)是制造业优化和效率提升中的一个关键工具。



















离散事件系统仿真与优化研究离散事件系统(Discrete Event System,DES)是研究对象在特定时间发生变化的系统。





仿真器(Simulation Software)是离散事件系统仿真的主要工具,包括各种商用及自主开发的仿真软件。

例如,还有用于仿真离散连续系统(Dynamic Hybrid System),平台Agent-based Simulation及FORCES PRO等。















unity event system 原理

unity event system 原理

unity event system 原理


1. Publisher(发布者):在事件系统中,任何要发送事件的游戏对象都可以作为发布者。


2. Event Listener(事件监听器):事件监听器是订阅者,它可以注册自己对特定类型的事件感兴趣。



3. Event System(事件系统):事件系统是事件的管理者,它负责将事件从发布者传递到订阅者。




4. Event(事件):事件是由发布者创建的对象,包含了一些数据和标识符。




The same concept as objects (entities) and object data (attributes) in Object Oriented Programming
Mechanics of Simulation
Global variables/parameters – System wide values accessible by all entities and resources.
Representation of a dynamic stochastic
system on a computer.
Random outputs
Controls for experimentation
Analysis of experimental output
Discrete Event Simulation
If Q(t) The number of jobs in queue at timet
then 0
Avg. number of customersin queue over timeT.
“Simulation Performance Measures”
Simulation performance measures.
What is the utilization of the machine?
Analysis Options
At the next level of detail queuing models may be applied.
More information than utilization calculations. Difficult skill to apply. Some G/G/m models were covered in IE 368.
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