Discriminative training of hidden Markov models for multiple pitch tracking


A Discriminatively Trained, Multiscale, Deformable Part Model

A Discriminatively Trained, Multiscale, Deformable Part Model

A Discriminatively Trained,Multiscale,Deformable Part ModelPedro Felzenszwalb University of Chicago pff@David McAllesterToyota Technological Institute at Chicagomcallester@Deva RamananUC Irvinedramanan@AbstractThis paper describes a discriminatively trained,multi-scale,deformable part model for object detection.Our sys-tem achieves a two-fold improvement in average precision over the best performance in the2006PASCAL person de-tection challenge.It also outperforms the best results in the 2007challenge in ten out of twenty categories.The system relies heavily on deformable parts.While deformable part models have become quite popular,their value had not been demonstrated on difficult benchmarks such as the PASCAL challenge.Our system also relies heavily on new methods for discriminative training.We combine a margin-sensitive approach for data mining hard negative examples with a formalism we call latent SVM.A latent SVM,like a hid-den CRF,leads to a non-convex training problem.How-ever,a latent SVM is semi-convex and the training prob-lem becomes convex once latent information is specified for the positive examples.We believe that our training meth-ods will eventually make possible the effective use of more latent information such as hierarchical(grammar)models and models involving latent three dimensional pose.1.IntroductionWe consider the problem of detecting and localizing ob-jects of a generic category,such as people or cars,in static images.We have developed a new multiscale deformable part model for solving this problem.The models are trained using a discriminative procedure that only requires bound-ing box labels for the positive ing these mod-els we implemented a detection system that is both highly efficient and accurate,processing an image in about2sec-onds and achieving recognition rates that are significantly better than previous systems.Our system achieves a two-fold improvement in average precision over the winning system[5]in the2006PASCAL person detection challenge.The system also outperforms the best results in the2007challenge in ten out of twenty This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.0534820and0535174.Figure1.Example detection obtained with the person model.The model is defined by a coarse template,several higher resolution part templates and a spatial model for the location of each part. object categories.Figure1shows an example detection ob-tained with our person model.The notion that objects can be modeled by parts in a de-formable configuration provides an elegant framework for representing object categories[1–3,6,10,12,13,15,16,22]. While these models are appealing from a conceptual point of view,it has been difficult to establish their value in prac-tice.On difficult datasets,deformable models are often out-performed by“conceptually weaker”models such as rigid templates[5]or bag-of-features[23].One of our main goals is to address this performance gap.Our models include both a coarse global template cov-ering an entire object and higher resolution part templates. The templates represent histogram of gradient features[5]. As in[14,19,21],we train models discriminatively.How-ever,our system is semi-supervised,trained with a max-margin framework,and does not rely on feature detection. We also describe a simple and effective strategy for learn-ing parts from weakly-labeled data.In contrast to computa-tionally demanding approaches such as[4],we can learn a model in3hours on a single CPU.Another contribution of our work is a new methodology for discriminative training.We generalize SVMs for han-dling latent variables such as part positions,and introduce a new method for data mining“hard negative”examples dur-ing training.We believe that handling partially labeled data is a significant issue in machine learning for computer vi-sion.For example,the PASCAL dataset only specifies abounding box for each positive example of an object.We treat the position of each object part as a latent variable.We also treat the exact location of the object as a latent vari-able,requiring only that our classifier select a window that has large overlap with the labeled bounding box.A latent SVM,like a hidden CRF[19],leads to a non-convex training problem.However,unlike a hidden CRF, a latent SVM is semi-convex and the training problem be-comes convex once latent information is specified for thepositive training examples.This leads to a general coordi-nate descent algorithm for latent SVMs.System Overview Our system uses a scanning window approach.A model for an object consists of a global“root”filter and several part models.Each part model specifies a spatial model and a partfilter.The spatial model defines a set of allowed placements for a part relative to a detection window,and a deformation cost for each placement.The score of a detection window is the score of the root filter on the window plus the sum over parts,of the maxi-mum over placements of that part,of the partfilter score on the resulting subwindow minus the deformation cost.This is similar to classical part-based models[10,13].Both root and partfilters are scored by computing the dot product be-tween a set of weights and histogram of gradient(HOG) features within a window.The rootfilter is equivalent to a Dalal-Triggs model[5].The features for the partfilters are computed at twice the spatial resolution of the rootfilter. Our model is defined at afixed scale,and we detect objects by searching over an image pyramid.In training we are given a set of images annotated with bounding boxes around each instance of an object.We re-duce the detection problem to a binary classification prob-lem.Each example x is scored by a function of the form, fβ(x)=max zβ·Φ(x,z).Hereβis a vector of model pa-rameters and z are latent values(e.g.the part placements). To learn a model we define a generalization of SVMs that we call latent variable SVM(LSVM).An important prop-erty of LSVMs is that the training problem becomes convex if wefix the latent values for positive examples.This can be used in a coordinate descent algorithm.In practice we iteratively apply classical SVM training to triples( x1,z1,y1 ,..., x n,z n,y n )where z i is selected to be the best scoring latent label for x i under the model learned in the previous iteration.An initial rootfilter is generated from the bounding boxes in the PASCAL dataset. The parts are initialized from this rootfilter.2.ModelThe underlying building blocks for our models are the Histogram of Oriented Gradient(HOG)features from[5]. We represent HOG features at two different scales.Coarse features are captured by a rigid template covering anentireImage pyramidFigure2.The HOG feature pyramid and an object hypothesis de-fined in terms of a placement of the rootfilter(near the top of the pyramid)and the partfilters(near the bottom of the pyramid). detection window.Finer scale features are captured by part templates that can be moved with respect to the detection window.The spatial model for the part locations is equiv-alent to a star graph or1-fan[3]where the coarse template serves as a reference position.2.1.HOG RepresentationWe follow the construction in[5]to define a dense repre-sentation of an image at a particular resolution.The image isfirst divided into8x8non-overlapping pixel regions,or cells.For each cell we accumulate a1D histogram of gra-dient orientations over pixels in that cell.These histograms capture local shape properties but are also somewhat invari-ant to small deformations.The gradient at each pixel is discretized into one of nine orientation bins,and each pixel“votes”for the orientation of its gradient,with a strength that depends on the gradient magnitude.For color images,we compute the gradient of each color channel and pick the channel with highest gradi-ent magnitude at each pixel.Finally,the histogram of each cell is normalized with respect to the gradient energy in a neighborhood around it.We look at the four2×2blocks of cells that contain a particular cell and normalize the his-togram of the given cell with respect to the total energy in each of these blocks.This leads to a vector of length9×4 representing the local gradient information inside a cell.We define a HOG feature pyramid by computing HOG features of each level of a standard image pyramid(see Fig-ure2).Features at the top of this pyramid capture coarse gradients histogrammed over fairly large areas of the input image while features at the bottom of the pyramid capture finer gradients histogrammed over small areas.2.2.FiltersFilters are rectangular templates specifying weights for subwindows of a HOG pyramid.A w by hfilter F is a vector with w×h×9×4weights.The score of afilter is defined by taking the dot product of the weight vector and the features in a w×h subwindow of a HOG pyramid.The system in[5]uses a singlefilter to define an object model.That system detects objects from a particular class by scoring every w×h subwindow of a HOG pyramid and thresholding the scores.Let H be a HOG pyramid and p=(x,y,l)be a cell in the l-th level of the pyramid.Letφ(H,p,w,h)denote the vector obtained by concatenating the HOG features in the w×h subwindow of H with top-left corner at p.The score of F on this detection window is F·φ(H,p,w,h).Below we useφ(H,p)to denoteφ(H,p,w,h)when the dimensions are clear from context.2.3.Deformable PartsHere we consider models defined by a coarse rootfilter that covers the entire object and higher resolution partfilters covering smaller parts of the object.Figure2illustrates a placement of such a model in a HOG pyramid.The rootfil-ter location defines the detection window(the pixels inside the cells covered by thefilter).The partfilters are placed several levels down in the pyramid,so the HOG cells at that level have half the size of cells in the rootfilter level.We have found that using higher resolution features for defining partfilters is essential for obtaining high recogni-tion performance.With this approach the partfilters repre-sentfiner resolution edges that are localized to greater ac-curacy when compared to the edges represented in the root filter.For example,consider building a model for a face. The rootfilter could capture coarse resolution edges such as the face boundary while the partfilters could capture details such as eyes,nose and mouth.The model for an object with n parts is formally defined by a rootfilter F0and a set of part models(P1,...,P n) where P i=(F i,v i,s i,a i,b i).Here F i is afilter for the i-th part,v i is a two-dimensional vector specifying the center for a box of possible positions for part i relative to the root po-sition,s i gives the size of this box,while a i and b i are two-dimensional vectors specifying coefficients of a quadratic function measuring a score for each possible placement of the i-th part.Figure1illustrates a person model.A placement of a model in a HOG pyramid is given by z=(p0,...,p n),where p i=(x i,y i,l i)is the location of the rootfilter when i=0and the location of the i-th part when i>0.We assume the level of each part is such that a HOG cell at that level has half the size of a HOG cell at the root level.The score of a placement is given by the scores of eachfilter(the data term)plus a score of the placement of each part relative to the root(the spatial term), ni=0F i·φ(H,p i)+ni=1a i·(˜x i,˜y i)+b i·(˜x2i,˜y2i),(1)where(˜x i,˜y i)=((x i,y i)−2(x,y)+v i)/s i gives the lo-cation of the i-th part relative to the root location.Both˜x i and˜y i should be between−1and1.There is a large(exponential)number of placements for a model in a HOG pyramid.We use dynamic programming and distance transforms techniques[9,10]to compute the best location for the parts of a model as a function of the root location.This takes O(nk)time,where n is the number of parts in the model and k is the number of cells in the HOG pyramid.To detect objects in an image we score root locations according to the best possible placement of the parts and threshold this score.The score of a placement z can be expressed in terms of the dot product,β·ψ(H,z),between a vector of model parametersβand a vectorψ(H,z),β=(F0,...,F n,a1,b1...,a n,b n).ψ(H,z)=(φ(H,p0),φ(H,p1),...φ(H,p n),˜x1,˜y1,˜x21,˜y21,...,˜x n,˜y n,˜x2n,˜y2n,). We use this representation for learning the model parame-ters as it makes a connection between our deformable mod-els and linear classifiers.On interesting aspect of the spatial models defined here is that we allow for the coefficients(a i,b i)to be negative. This is more general than the quadratic“spring”cost that has been used in previous work.3.LearningThe PASCAL training data consists of a large set of im-ages with bounding boxes around each instance of an ob-ject.We reduce the problem of learning a deformable part model with this data to a binary classification problem.Let D=( x1,y1 ,..., x n,y n )be a set of labeled exam-ples where y i∈{−1,1}and x i specifies a HOG pyramid, H(x i),together with a range,Z(x i),of valid placements for the root and partfilters.We construct a positive exam-ple from each bounding box in the training set.For these ex-amples we define Z(x i)so the rootfilter must be placed to overlap the bounding box by at least50%.Negative exam-ples come from images that do not contain the target object. Each placement of the rootfilter in such an image yields a negative training example.Note that for the positive examples we treat both the part locations and the exact location of the rootfilter as latent variables.We have found that allowing uncertainty in the root location during training significantly improves the per-formance of the system(see Section4).tent SVMsA latent SVM is defined as follows.We assume that each example x is scored by a function of the form,fβ(x)=maxz∈Z(x)β·Φ(x,z),(2)whereβis a vector of model parameters and z is a set of latent values.For our deformable models we define Φ(x,z)=ψ(H(x),z)so thatβ·Φ(x,z)is the score of placing the model according to z.In analogy to classical SVMs we would like to trainβfrom labeled examples D=( x1,y1 ,..., x n,y n )by optimizing the following objective function,β∗(D)=argminβλ||β||2+ni=1max(0,1−y i fβ(x i)).(3)By restricting the latent domains Z(x i)to a single choice, fβbecomes linear inβ,and we obtain linear SVMs as a special case of latent tent SVMs are instances of the general class of energy-based models[18].3.2.Semi-ConvexityNote that fβ(x)as defined in(2)is a maximum of func-tions each of which is linear inβ.Hence fβ(x)is convex inβ.This implies that the hinge loss max(0,1−y i fβ(x i)) is convex inβwhen y i=−1.That is,the loss function is convex inβfor negative examples.We call this property of the loss function semi-convexity.Consider an LSVM where the latent domains Z(x i)for the positive examples are restricted to a single choice.The loss due to each positive example is now bined with the semi-convexity property,(3)becomes convex inβ.If the labels for the positive examples are notfixed we can compute a local optimum of(3)using a coordinate de-scent algorithm:1.Holdingβfixed,optimize the latent values for the pos-itive examples z i=argmax z∈Z(xi )β·Φ(x,z).2.Holding{z i}fixed for positive examples,optimizeβby solving the convex problem defined above.It can be shown that both steps always improve or maintain the value of the objective function in(3).If both steps main-tain the value we have a strong local optimum of(3),in the sense that Step1searches over an exponentially large space of latent labels for positive examples while Step2simulta-neously searches over weight vectors and an exponentially large space of latent labels for negative examples.3.3.Data Mining Hard NegativesIn object detection the vast majority of training exam-ples are negative.This makes it infeasible to consider all negative examples at a time.Instead,it is common to con-struct training data consisting of the positive instances and “hard negative”instances,where the hard negatives are data mined from the very large set of possible negative examples.Here we describe a general method for data mining ex-amples for SVMs and latent SVMs.The method iteratively solves subproblems using only hard instances.The innova-tion of our approach is a theoretical guarantee that it leads to the exact solution of the training problem defined using the complete training set.Our results require the use of a margin-sensitive definition of hard examples.The results described here apply both to classical SVMs and to the problem defined by Step2of the coordinate de-scent algorithm for latent SVMs.We omit the proofs of the theorems due to lack of space.These results are related to working set methods[17].We define the hard instances of D relative toβas,M(β,D)={ x,y ∈D|yfβ(x)≤1}.(4)That is,M(β,D)are training examples that are incorrectly classified or near the margin of the classifier defined byβ. We can show thatβ∗(D)only depends on hard instances. Theorem1.Let C be a subset of the examples in D.If M(β∗(D),D)⊆C thenβ∗(C)=β∗(D).This implies that in principle we could train a model us-ing a small set of examples.However,this set is defined in terms of the optimal modelβ∗(D).Given afixedβwe can use M(β,D)to approximate M(β∗(D),D).This suggests an iterative algorithm where we repeatedly compute a model from the hard instances de-fined by the model from the last iteration.This is further justified by the followingfixed-point theorem.Theorem2.Ifβ∗(M(β,D))=βthenβ=β∗(D).Let C be an initial“cache”of examples.In practice we can take the positive examples together with random nega-tive examples.Consider the following iterative algorithm: 1.Letβ:=β∗(C).2.Shrink C by letting C:=M(β,C).3.Grow C by adding examples from M(β,D)up to amemory limit L.Theorem3.If|C|<L after each iteration of Step2,the algorithm will converge toβ=β∗(D)infinite time.3.4.Implementation detailsMany of the ideas discussed here are only approximately implemented in our current system.In practice,when train-ing a latent SVM we iteratively apply classical SVM train-ing to triples x1,z1,y1 ,..., x n,z n,y n where z i is se-lected to be the best scoring latent label for x i under themodel trained in the previous iteration.Each of these triples leads to an example Φ(x i,z i),y i for training a linear clas-sifier.This allows us to use a highly optimized SVM pack-age(SVMLight[17]).On a single CPU,the entire training process takes3to4hours per object class in the PASCAL datasets,including initialization of the parts.Root Filter Initialization:For each category,we auto-matically select the dimensions of the rootfilter by looking at statistics of the bounding boxes in the training data.1We train an initial rootfilter F0using an SVM with no latent variables.The positive examples are constructed from the unoccluded training examples(as labeled in the PASCAL data).These examples are anisotropically scaled to the size and aspect ratio of thefilter.We use random subwindows from negative images to generate negative examples.Root Filter Update:Given the initial rootfilter trained as above,for each bounding box in the training set wefind the best-scoring placement for thefilter that significantly overlaps with the bounding box.We do this using the orig-inal,un-scaled images.We retrain F0with the new positive set and the original random negative set,iterating twice.Part Initialization:We employ a simple heuristic to ini-tialize six parts from the rootfilter trained above.First,we select an area a such that6a equals80%of the area of the rootfilter.We greedily select the rectangular region of area a from the rootfilter that has the most positive energy.We zero out the weights in this region and repeat until six parts are selected.The partfilters are initialized from the rootfil-ter values in the subwindow selected for the part,butfilled in to handle the higher spatial resolution of the part.The initial deformation costs measure the squared norm of a dis-placement with a i=(0,0)and b i=−(1,1).Model Update:To update a model we construct new training data triples.For each positive bounding box in the training data,we apply the existing detector at all positions and scales with at least a50%overlap with the given bound-ing box.Among these we select the highest scoring place-ment as the positive example corresponding to this training bounding box(Figure3).Negative examples are selected byfinding high scoring detections in images not containing the target object.We add negative examples to a cache un-til we encounterfile size limits.A new model is trained by running SVMLight on the positive and negative examples, each labeled with part placements.We update the model10 times using the cache scheme described above.In each it-eration we keep the hard instances from the previous cache and add as many new hard instances as possible within the memory limit.Toward thefinal iterations,we are able to include all hard instances,M(β,D),in the cache.1We picked a simple heuristic by cross-validating over5object classes. We set the model aspect to be the most common(mode)aspect in the data. We set the model size to be the largest size not larger than80%of thedata.Figure3.The image on the left shows the optimization of the la-tent variables for a positive example.The dotted box is the bound-ing box label provided in the PASCAL training set.The large solid box shows the placement of the detection window while the smaller solid boxes show the placements of the parts.The image on the right shows a hard-negative example.4.ResultsWe evaluated our system using the PASCAL VOC2006 and2007comp3challenge datasets and protocol.We refer to[7,8]for details,but emphasize that both challenges are widely acknowledged as difficult testbeds for object detec-tion.Each dataset contains several thousand images of real-world scenes.The datasets specify ground-truth bounding boxes for several object classes,and a detection is consid-ered correct when it overlaps more than50%with a ground-truth bounding box.One scores a system by the average precision(AP)of its precision-recall curve across a testset.Recent work in pedestrian detection has tended to report detection rates versus false positives per window,measured with cropped positive examples and negative images with-out objects of interest.These scores are tied to the reso-lution of the scanning window search and ignore effects of non-maximum suppression,making it difficult to compare different systems.We believe the PASCAL scoring method gives a more reliable measure of performance.The2007challenge has20object categories.We entered a preliminary version of our system in the official competi-tion,and obtained the best score in6categories.Our current system obtains the highest score in10categories,and the second highest score in6categories.Table1summarizes the results.Our system performs well on rigid objects such as cars and sofas as well as highly deformable objects such as per-sons and horses.We also note that our system is successful when given a large or small amount of training data.There are roughly4700positive training examples in the person category but only250in the sofa category.Figure4shows some of the models we learned.Figure5shows some ex-ample detections.We evaluated different components of our system on the longer-established2006person dataset.The top AP scoreaero bike bird boat bottle bus car cat chair cow table dog horse mbike person plant sheep sofa train tvOur rank 31211224111422112141Our score .180.411. .301INRIA Normal . Plus. .281.318. Center . ESSOL. .262.409.393.432.375.334TKK . 1.PASCAL VOC 2007results.Average precision scores of our system and other systems that entered the competition [7].Empty boxes indicate that a method was not tested in the corresponding class.The best score in each class is shown in bold.Our current system ranks first in 10out of 20classes.A preliminary version of our system ranked first in 6classes in the official competition.BottleCarBicycleSofaFigure 4.Some models learned from the PASCAL VOC 2007dataset.We show the total energy in each orientation of the HOG cells in the root and part filters,with the part filters placed at the center of the allowable displacements.We also show the spatial model for each part,where bright values represent “cheap”placements,and dark values represent “expensive”placements.in the PASCAL competition was .16,obtained using a rigid template model of HOG features [5].The best previous re-sult of.19adds a segmentation-based verification step [20].Figure 6summarizes the performance of several models we trained.Our root-only model is equivalent to the model from [5]and it scores slightly higher at .18.Performance jumps to .24when the model is trained with a LSVM that selects a latent position and scale for each positive example.This suggests LSVMs are useful even for rigid templates because they allow for self-adjustment of the detection win-dow in the training examples.Adding deformable parts in-creases performance to .34AP —a factor of two above the best previous score.Finally,we trained a model with partsbut no root filter and obtained .29AP.This illustrates the advantage of using a multiscale representation.We also investigated the effect of the spatial model and allowable deformations on the 2006person dataset.Recall that s i is the allowable displacement of a part,measured in HOG cells.We trained a rigid model with high-resolution parts by setting s i to 0.This model outperforms the root-only system by .27to .24.If we increase the amount of allowable displacements without using a deformation cost,we start to approach a bag-of-features.Performance peaks at s i =1,suggesting it is useful to constrain the part dis-placements.The optimal strategy allows for larger displace-ments while using an explicit deformation cost.The follow-Figure 5.Some results from the PASCAL 2007dataset.Each row shows detections using a model for a specific class (Person,Bottle,Car,Sofa,Bicycle,Horse).The first three columns show correct detections while the last column shows false positives.Our system is able to detect objects over a wide range of scales (such as the cars)and poses (such as the horses).The system can also detect partially occluded objects such as a person behind a bush.Note how the false detections are often quite reasonable,for example detecting a bus with the car model,a bicycle sign with the bicycle model,or a dog with the horse model.In general the part filters represent meaningful object parts that are well localized in each detection such as the head in the person model.Figure6.Evaluation of our system on the PASCAL VOC2006 person dataset.Root uses only a rootfilter and no latent place-ment of the detection windows on positive examples.Root+Latent uses a rootfilter with latent placement of the detection windows. Parts+Latent is a part-based system with latent detection windows but no rootfilter.Root+Parts+Latent includes both root and part filters,and latent placement of the detection windows.ing table shows AP as a function of freely allowable defor-mation in thefirst three columns.The last column gives the performance when using a quadratic deformation cost and an allowable displacement of2HOG cells.s i01232+quadratic costAP. introduced a general framework for training SVMs with latent structure.We used it to build a recognition sys-tem based on multiscale,deformable models.Experimental results on difficult benchmark data suggests our system is the current state-of-the-art in object detection.LSVMs allow for exploration of additional latent struc-ture for recognition.One can consider deeper part hierar-chies(parts with parts),mixture models(frontal vs.side cars),and three-dimensional pose.We would like to train and detect multiple classes together using a shared vocab-ulary of parts(perhaps visual words).We also plan to use A*search[11]to efficiently search over latent parameters during detection.References[1]Y.Amit and A.Trouve.POP:Patchwork of parts models forobject recognition.IJCV,75(2):267–282,November2007.[2]M.Burl,M.Weber,and P.Perona.A probabilistic approachto object recognition using local photometry and global ge-ometry.In ECCV,pages II:628–641,1998.[3] D.Crandall,P.Felzenszwalb,and D.Huttenlocher.Spatialpriors for part-based recognition using statistical models.In CVPR,pages10–17,2005.[4] D.Crandall and D.Huttenlocher.Weakly supervised learn-ing of part-based spatial models for visual object recognition.In ECCV,pages I:16–29,2006.[5]N.Dalal and B.Triggs.Histograms of oriented gradients forhuman detection.In CVPR,pages I:886–893,2005.[6] B.Epshtein and S.Ullman.Semantic hierarchies for recog-nizing objects and parts.In CVPR,2007.[7]M.Everingham,L.Van Gool,C.K.I.Williams,J.Winn,and A.Zisserman.The PASCAL Visual Object Classes Challenge2007(VOC2007)Results./challenges/VOC/voc2007/workshop.[8]M.Everingham, A.Zisserman, C.K.I.Williams,andL.Van Gool.The PASCAL Visual Object Classes Challenge2006(VOC2006)Results./challenges/VOC/voc2006/results.pdf.[9]P.Felzenszwalb and D.Huttenlocher.Distance transformsof sampled functions.Cornell Computing and Information Science Technical Report TR2004-1963,September2004.[10]P.Felzenszwalb and D.Huttenlocher.Pictorial structures forobject recognition.IJCV,61(1),2005.[11]P.Felzenszwalb and D.McAllester.The generalized A*ar-chitecture.JAIR,29:153–190,2007.[12]R.Fergus,P.Perona,and A.Zisserman.Object class recog-nition by unsupervised scale-invariant learning.In CVPR, 2003.[13]M.Fischler and R.Elschlager.The representation andmatching of pictorial structures.IEEE Transactions on Com-puter,22(1):67–92,January1973.[14] A.Holub and P.Perona.A discriminative framework formodelling object classes.In CVPR,pages I:664–671,2005.[15]S.Ioffe and D.Forsyth.Probabilistic methods forfindingpeople.IJCV,43(1):45–68,June2001.[16]Y.Jin and S.Geman.Context and hierarchy in a probabilisticimage model.In CVPR,pages II:2145–2152,2006.[17]T.Joachims.Making large-scale svm learning practical.InB.Sch¨o lkopf,C.Burges,and A.Smola,editors,Advances inKernel Methods-Support Vector Learning.MIT Press,1999.[18]Y.LeCun,S.Chopra,R.Hadsell,R.Marc’Aurelio,andF.Huang.A tutorial on energy-based learning.InG.Bakir,T.Hofman,B.Sch¨o lkopf,A.Smola,and B.Taskar,editors, Predicting Structured Data.MIT Press,2006.[19] A.Quattoni,S.Wang,L.Morency,M.Collins,and T.Dar-rell.Hidden conditional randomfields.PAMI,29(10):1848–1852,October2007.[20] ing segmentation to verify object hypothe-ses.In CVPR,pages1–8,2007.[21] D.Ramanan and C.Sminchisescu.Training deformablemodels for localization.In CVPR,pages I:206–213,2006.[22]H.Schneiderman and T.Kanade.Object detection using thestatistics of parts.IJCV,56(3):151–177,February2004. 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隐马尔科夫模型(Hidden Markov Model, HMM)是一种用于建模时序数据的统计模型,被广泛应用于语音识别、自然语言处理、生物信息学等领域。





















隐马尔科夫模型(Hidden Markov Model, HMM)是一种用于建模时间序列数据的模型,它在许多领域都有着广泛的应用,包括语音识别、自然语言处理、生物信息学等。



















隐马尔科夫模型(Hidden Markov Model,HMM)是一种用于建模时序数据的概率图模型,它在语音识别、自然语言处理、生物信息学等领域有广泛的应用。





常用的参数估计方法有极大似然估计(Maximum Likelihood Estimation,MLE)和期望最大化算法(Expectation-Maximization,EM)。














同时,随着深度学习技术的发展,一些新的模型和算法也可以用于时序数据的建模和训练,如循环神经网络(Recurrent Neural Network,RNN)和长短时记忆网络(Long Short-Term Memory,LSTM),它们通常能够取得更好的效果。


















隐马尔可夫算法隐马尔可夫算法(Hidden Markov Model,HMM)是一种基于统计学的建模方法,经常应用于语音识别、手写体识别、自然语言处理等领域。






在预测或决策时,通常利用前向-后向算法(Forward-Backward Algorithm)计算出给定观测序列下每个状态的概率,并选择概率最大的状态序列作为预测结果。










隐马尔科夫模型在语音识别中的应用隐马尔科夫模型(Hidden Markov Model,HMM)是一种用于建模的统计模型,通过建立状态序列和可观测序列之间的概率关系,用于许多领域,其中包括自然语言处理,语音识别等。






















我认为,当前国外自然语言处理研究有四个显著的特点:第一, 基于句法-语义规则的理性主义方法受到质疑,随着语料库建设和语料库语言学的崛起,大规模真实文本的处理成为自然语言处理的主要战略目标。


著名语言学家J. A. Fodor在《Representations》[1]一书(MIT Press, 1980)中说:“只要我们认为心理过程是计算过程(因此是由表征式定义的形式操作),那么,除了将心灵看作别的之外,还自然会把它看作一种计算机。






在实验中,研究者通常采用以下几种范式来研究前瞻记忆:1. 提醒任务范式(Reminder Task Paradigm):在这种范式中,参与者需要在一段时间内记住一些特定的信息,然后在稍后的时间内回忆这些信息。



2. 延迟匹配任务范式(Delayed Matching Task Paradigm):在这种范式中,参与者需要在一段时间内观察一些不同的刺激物,然后在稍后的时间段内将它们与之前观察到的刺激物相匹配。



3. 目标导向任务范式(Goal-directed Task Paradigm):在这种范式中,参与者需要根据一定的目标来完成一些任务,如走迷宫、寻找隐藏的物品等。














【关键词】内隐记忆;外显记忆;加工深度;加工分离程序【中图分类号】R19 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1007-8231(2017)09-0264-021.研究背景在学习外语的过程中,单词记忆是最基础和最重要的一步,如果没有掌握必需的词汇,听、说、读、写都不能顺利进行。


2.研究设计2.1 被试样本在四川文理学院随机选择48名大学生为被试,将这48名大学生随机分为两组,每组24人,保证每组中男女各12名。


2.2 实验材料采用英语单词作为实验材料,从四级词汇书中选择出72个单词,这些单词长度控制在5~10个字母之间,在书面表达中出现的频率控制在0.02~0.06,将72个单词组合成36对,其中18对单词两两词义相似(如benefit--beneficial),其余的单词词义不同(如bloody——bloom)。




用E-prime 2.0将实验材料编辑成实验程序。




隐马尔可夫模型用于分类隐马尔可夫模型(Hidden Markov Model,HMM)是一种经典的概率统计模型,被广泛应用于分类问题中。

























隐马尔科夫模型(Hidden Markov Model,HMM)作为一种概率图模型,被广泛应用于语音识别、自然语言处理等领域。






















隐马尔可夫模型在新闻事件预测中的使用技巧隐马尔可夫模型(Hidden Markov Model, HMM)是一种统计模型,被广泛应用于语音识别、自然语言处理等领域。











在训练模型时,需要考虑以下几个关键点:1. 状态空间的选择:在新闻事件预测中,状态空间通常可以表示为事件的类别或趋势。


2. 观测序列的建模:观测序列通常可以表示为新闻文本中的词语或短语。


3. 模型参数的估计:隐马尔可夫模型的参数估计通常使用极大似然估计或期望最大化算法。


4. 模型的评估:在训练模型后,需要使用验证集来评估模型的性能。



在预测结果的评估过程中,需要考虑以下几个方面:1. 预测结果的解释:隐马尔可夫模型通常可以给出一条最可能的状态序列,表示事件的类别或趋势。

























本文将对声学建模方法进行总结,包括高斯混合模型(Gaussian Mixture Model,GMM)、隐马尔可夫模型(Hidden Markov Model,HMM)、深度神经网络(Deep Neural Network,DNN)等方法。



















隐马尔科夫模型(Hidden Markov Model,HMM)是一种在语音识别、自然语言处理、生物信息学等领域广泛应用的统计模型。

















它基于期望最大化(Expectation Maximization,EM)的思想,通过不断迭代来更新模型的参数,直到收敛为止。


在E 步中,通过前向-后向算法计算隐藏状态的后验概率;而在M步中,通过这些后验概率来更新模型的参数。



隐马尔科夫模型在行为识别中的使用注意事项导言隐马尔科夫模型(Hidden Markov Model, HMM)是一种用于对时间序列数据建模的统计模型,它在语音识别、手势识别、行为识别等领域有着广泛的应用。






















姓名刘婷婷学号222012306032024 专业心理学年级 2012级课程实验心理学实验时间2013/11/18 同组人姓名于尧,黄铖成绩内隐记忆的实验刘婷婷(西南大学心理学部,重庆,400715)·摘要本实验旨在利用实验来证明内隐记忆的存在,并且比较内隐记忆和外显记忆之间的差异。




·关键词内隐记忆外显记忆知觉辨认再认1引言内隐记忆是指在不需要意识或有意回忆的条件下,个体的过去经验对当前任务自动产生影响的现象,因为内隐记忆是在研究精神病患者的启动效应(prim2ing effect) 中发现的,所以人们常把内隐记忆和启动效应作为同等概念使用。










【中⽂分词】结构化感知器SP结构化感知器(Structured Perceptron, SP)是由Collins [1]在EMNLP'02上提出来的,⽤于解决序列标注的问题。


1. 结构化感知器模型全局化地以最⼤熵准则建模概率P(Y|X);其中,X为输⼊序列x_1^n,Y为标注序列y_1^n。

不同于CRF建模概率函数,SP则是以最⼤熵准则建模score函数:S(Y,X) = \sum_s \alpha_s \Phi_s(Y,X)其中,\Phi_s(Y,X)为本地特征函数\phi_s(h_i,y_i)的全局化表⽰:\Phi_s(Y,X) = \sum_i \phi_s(h_i,y_i)那么,SP解决序列标注问题,可视作为:给定X序列,求解score函数最⼤值对应的Y序列:\mathop{\arg \max}_Y S(Y,X)为了避免模型过拟合,保留每⼀次更新的权重,然后对其求平均。

具体流程如下所⽰:因此,结构化感知器也被称为平均感知器(Average Perceptron)。

解码在将SP应⽤于中⽂分词时,除了事先定义的特征模板外,还⽤⽤到⼀个状态转移特征(y_{t-1}, y_t)。

记在时刻t的状态为y的路径y_1^{t}所对应的score函数最⼤值为\delta_t(y) = \max S(y_1^{t-1},X,y_t=y)则有,在时刻t+1\delta_{t+1}(y) = \max_{y'} \ \{ \delta_t(y') + w_{y',y} + F(y_{t+1}=y,X) \}其中,w_{y',y}为转移特征(y',y)所对应的权值,F(y_{t+1}=y,X)为y_{t+1}=y所对应的特征模板的特征值的加权之和。

2. 开源实现张开旭的(THULAC的雏形)给出了SP中⽂分词的简单实现。

⾸先,来看看定义的特征模板:def gen_features(self, x): # 枚举得到每个字的特征向量for i in range(len(x)):left2 = x[i - 2] if i - 2 >= 0 else '#'left1 = x[i - 1] if i - 1 >= 0 else '#'mid = x[i]right1 = x[i + 1] if i + 1 < len(x) else '#'right2 = x[i + 2] if i + 2 < len(x) else '#'features = ['1' + mid, '2' + left1, '3' + right1,'4' + left2 + left1, '5' + left1 + mid, '6' + mid + right1, '7' + right1 + right2]yield features共定义了7个特征:x_iy_ix_{i-1}y_ix_{i+1}y_ix_{i-2}x_{i-1}y_ix_{i-1}x_{i}y_ix_{i}x_{i+1}y_ix_{i+1}x_{i+2}y_i将状态B、M、E、S分别对应于数字0、1、2、3:def load_example(words): # 词数组,得到x,yy = []for word in words:if len(word) == 1:y.append(3)else:y.extend([0] + [1] * (len(word) - 2) + [2])return ''.join(words), y训练语料则采取的更新权重:for i in range(args.iteration):print('第 %i 次迭代' % (i + 1), end=' '), sys.stdout.flush()evaluator = Evaluator()for l in open(args.train, 'r', 'utf-8'):x, y = load_example(l.split())z = cws.decode(x)evaluator(dump_example(x, y), dump_example(x, z))cws.weights._step += 1if z != y:cws.update(x, y, 1)cws.update(x, z, -1)evaluator.report()cws.weights.update_all()cws.weights.average()Viterbi算法⽤于解码,与HMM相类似:def decode(self, x): # 类似隐马模型的动态规划解码算法# 类似隐马模型中的转移概率transitions = [[self.weights.get_value(str(i) + ':' + str(j), 0) for j in range(4)]for i in range(4)]# 类似隐马模型中的发射概率emissions = [[sum(self.weights.get_value(str(tag) + feature, 0) for feature in features)for tag in range(4)] for features in self.gen_features(x)]# 类似隐马模型中的前向概率alphas = [[[e, None] for e in emissions[0]]]for i in range(len(x) - 1):alphas.append([max([alphas[i][j][0] + transitions[j][k] + emissions[i + 1][k], j]for j in range(4))for k in range(4)])# 根据alphas中的“指针”得到最优序列alpha = max([alphas[-1][j], j] for j in range(4))i = len(x)tags = []while i:tags.append(alpha[1])i -= 1alpha = alphas[i][alpha[1]]return list(reversed(tags))3. 参考资料[1] Collins, Michael. "Discriminative training methods for hidden markov models: Theory and experiments with perceptron algorithms." Proceedings of the ACL-02 conference on Empirical methods in natural language processing-Volume 10. Association for Computational Linguistics, 2002.[2] Zhang, Yue, and Stephen Clark. "Chinese segmentation with a word-based perceptron algorithm." Annual Meeting-Association for Computational Linguistics. Vol. 45. No. 1. 2007.[3] Kai Zhao and Liang Huang, .[4] Michael Collins, .Processing math: 0%。



隐马尔可夫模型三个基本问题以及相应的算法1. 背景介绍隐马尔可夫模型(Hidden Markov Model, HMM)是一种统计模型,用于描述具有隐藏状态的序列数据。



2. 评估问题评估问题是指给定一个HMM模型和观测序列,如何计算观测序列出现的概率。

具体而言,给定一个HMM模型λ=(A,B,π)和一个观测序列O=(o1,o2,...,o T),我们需要计算P(O|λ)。

前向算法(Forward Algorithm)前向算法是解决评估问题的一种经典方法。

它通过动态规划的方式逐步计算前向概率αt(i),表示在时刻t处于状态i且观测到o1,o2,...,o t的概率。

具体而言,前向概率可以通过以下递推公式计算:N(i)⋅a ij)⋅b j(o t+1)αt+1(j)=(∑αti=1其中,a ij是从状态i转移到状态j的概率,b j(o t+1)是在状态j观测到o t+1的概率。

最终,观测序列出现的概率可以通过累加最后一个时刻的前向概率得到:N(i)P(O|λ)=∑αTi=1后向算法(Backward Algorithm)后向算法也是解决评估问题的一种常用方法。

它通过动态规划的方式逐步计算后向概率βt(i),表示在时刻t处于状态i且观测到o t+1,o t+2,...,o T的概率。

具体而言,后向概率可以通过以下递推公式计算:Nβt(i)=∑a ij⋅b j(o t+1)⋅βt+1(j)j=1其中,βT(i)=1。

观测序列出现的概率可以通过将初始时刻的后向概率与初始状态分布相乘得到:P (O|λ)=∑πi Ni=1⋅b i (o 1)⋅β1(i )3. 解码问题解码问题是指给定一个HMM 模型和观测序列,如何确定最可能的隐藏状态序列。

具体而言,给定一个HMM 模型λ=(A,B,π)和一个观测序列O =(o 1,o 2,...,o T ),我们需要找到一个隐藏状态序列I =(i 1,i 2,...,i T ),使得P (I|O,λ)最大。

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DISCRIMINATIVE TRAINING OF HIDDEN MARKOV MODELS FOR MULTIPLE PITCH TRACKINGFrancis R.Bach Computer Science DivisionUniversity of California Berkeley,CA94720,USA fbach@Michael I.Jordan Computer Science and Statistics University of CaliforniaBerkeley,CA94720,USA jordan@ABSTRACTWe present a multiple pitch tracking algorithm that is based on direct probabilistic modeling of the spectrogram of the signal.The model is a factorial hidden Markov model whose parameters are learned discriminatively from the Keele pitch database[1].Our algorithm can track several pitches and determines the number of pitches that are active at any given time.We present simulation results on mixtures of several speech signals and noise,showing the robustness of our approach.1.INTRODUCTIONPitch tracking is a fundamental problem in speech and music pro-cessing,and the design of robust algorithms for single or multiple pitch determination has been an active topic of research in acous-tic signal processing[2,3,4,5,6,7].Most pitch extraction algo-rithmsfirst build a set of nonlinear features(e.g.,the correlogram or the cepstrum)that exhibit special behavior when voiced speech is uttered and then model this behavior to track pitch.In the pres-ence of multiple voiced signals that mix additively,it is natural to consider modeling directly the signals or a linear representation thereof(such as the spectrogram)in order to preserve additivity and make it possible to use models for one pitch in order to ex-tract multiple pitches.In this paper,we work with the magnitude of spectrogram.The magnitude is not a linear representation,but because of the sparsity of speech and music signals in the spectro-gram,it can be well approximated as such[8].Working directly with the spectrogram requires a detailed prob-abilistic model for characterizing pitch.In this paper,we consider a variant of a hidden Markov harmonic model and use the frame-work of graphical models to build the model,learn it from data and design efficient inference algorithms[9].In particular,we use recent developments from the machine learning literature to cap-ture the appropriate properties of speech and music;in particular, we make use of nonparametric priors to capture smoothness of the spectral envelope,and we improve extraction performance by using discriminative training of the models[10].We present the graphical model in Section2,the inference algorithm in Section3 and the learning algorithm in Section4.In Section5,we test our algorithm on a variety of challenging pitch extraction tasks.This work was supported by a grant from Intel Corporation,and a graduate fellowship to Francis Bach from Microsoft Research.2.GRAPHICAL MODEL FOR PITCH EXTRACTION In this paper,we assume that the speech signals are sampled at5.5KHz.Given a real one-dimensional signal x t,t=1,...,T, the spectrogram s is defined as the short-time windowed Fouriertransform of x;i.e.,the signal x is cut into N overlapping framesof length M,and the spectrogram s is defined as the N×P matrixwhose n-th column s n∈R P is the P-point FFT of a windowed version of the n-th frame.1In this paper,we model the magnitudeof the spectrogram and refer to the magnitude of the spectrogramsimply as the spectrogram.Since the speech signals are real,theFFT is symmetric and we only need to consider thefirst P/2fre-quencies.2.1.Additive modelThe input to our pitch tracker is the sequence s n∈R P,n= 1,...,N,where N is the number of frames,equal to a constant times the duration T of the signal x.We use an additive modelfor the spectrogram,i.e.,if K speakers are potentially present,wemodel the n-th frame as the superposition of K signals u k n∈R P plus noise,i.e.,s n= K k=1u k n+εn.Note that the acoustics are not additive for the magnitude of the spectrogram;however,sincesignals from two different speakers have small overlap[8],the lin-earity is a reasonable approximation.The advantage of using themagnitude is that the modeling of the smoothness of the spectralenvelope is easily achieved using spline smoothing techniques,asdescribed in Section2.2.2.2.Harmonic modelWe use a harmonic model in the frequency domain,which amountsto modeling the spectrogram of voiced speech as an amplitude-modulated comb[3].We model each speaker k at time frame nwith four variables:•Voiced/unvoiced:v k n is a binary variable which is equal to one if the speaker k utters voiced speech at time n,and equal to zero otherwise(either non-voiced speech or no speech ut-tered).•Pitch:ωk n is the frequency of the pitch of speaker k at time n, scaled so that it is equal to the distance between two harmonic peaks in the spectrogram.1In simulations,we use frames of length40ms sampled every10ms,a Hanning window and a512-point FFT.Fig.1.HMM for one speaker for two time frames n and n+1(time subscripts are omitted).•Harmonics:h k n is a set of vectors of harmonic amplitudes if the speech is voiced.There is one harmonic vector h k nωforeach potential pitch valueω.The dimension of h k nωis equalto P/2ω .Given that the signal is non-voiced(i.e.,givenv k n=0),then all sets of harmonic amplitudes for allωare in-dependent from all other variables,while given that the signalis voiced and given the pitchω,the entire set{h k nω ,ω =ω} is independent from other variables.•Constant term:c k n is the constant amplitude of non-voiced por-tions.Given v k n=1,c k n is independent from all other vari-ables.The graphical model describing the model for a single speakeris a simple Hidden Markov model(HMM)and is shown in Fig-ure1.The conditional probability distributions that are needed tofully specify the model reflect the known psychoacoustics and sta-tistical properties of pitch[11,2,3]and are as follows:•p(v k n+1|v k n)is a constant transition matrix T v with four ele-ments.•p(ωk n+1|ωk n):the pitch is discretized on a grid with nω=300 elements,and each logarithm of the row of the transition ma-trix is equal to(up to additive constants)α1(ωk n+1−ωk n)2+α2ωk n+1+α3(ωk n+1)−1.Note that the high number of val-ues for the discretization of the pitch frequency is necessary inorder to obtain good pitch extraction performance.•p(h k nω):for each value of the pitchω,h k nωis modelled as the restriction of a smooth function on[0,P/2]—i.e.,a functionwith bounded second derivative—to all multiples ofω.Thatis,(h k nω)i is equal to g(iω),where g is a function such that |g(2)|2is bounded.g is usually referred to as the spectral envelope[3].Following[12],h k nωcan thus be modelled as a Gaussian pro-cess on the line[0,P/2]observed at multiples of the funda-mental frequencyω;this implies that h k nωcan be written ash k nω=Kωa k nω+Tωb k nω,where Kωis the“kernel matrix”de-fined as(Kω)ij=(1ij min{i,j}−1min{i,j}3)ω3,and Tωis a matrix with two columns,one constant and one linear func-tion of the frequency.The auxiliary variables a k nωand b k nωare normal with mean0and covariance matrices(α4Kω+α5I)−1 andα6I.•The variable c k n is normal with meanα4and varianceα5.•Observation model:givenωk n,h k n,c k n and v k n,the signal u k n isequal to B(ωk n)h knωk n if v k n=1,and equal to c k n e if v k n=0,where e is the constant vector of all ones.The i-th column of the matrix B(ω)is a bump centered at frequency iω,defined as the Fourier transform of the window.See Figure2.Thus, voiced speechis modeled as a weighted sum of bumps at mul-tiples of the fundamental frequency,where the amplitude of the bump extends to a smooth spectral envelope.(ωhFig.2.Spectral envelope(dotted)and harmonic model(plain).Fig.3.Factorial HMM for two speakers for two time frames n and n+1(time subscripts are omitted).2.3.Factorial hidden Markov modelsThe K models for each speaker can be joined into a single graphi-cal model,a“factorial HMM,”where the2K Markov chains evolve independently(see Figure3for the model with two speakers).The parameterλn is the variance of the Gaussian noiseεn at time n. We assume it has a uniform distribution and it is discretize to an uniform logarithmic grid with nλ=10elements.2.4.Related modelsOur graphical model resembles the models presented previously in[4],[5],[6]and[7].In[4]and[5],the graphical model is de-fined on features rather than on the speech signal directly(or its spectrogram),which abandons the additive structure of the mix-ing and makes it more difficult to estimate several pitch tracks. In[6]and[7],harmonic models are used but most parameters are not learned from data,and the harmonic model does not include a smoothness prior which is crucial to avoid pitch halving.Also, models that are learned from data such as[4]or[5]use maximum likelihood training while we use discriminative training,which is more expensive but leads to superior performance(see Section5).3.PITCH EXTRACTIONIn the following sections,we use the shorthand x to denote the set of variables(x k n)k,n for all k and n,while we use the short-hand x k to denote the set of variables(x k n)n for all n.If we de-note z=(ω,v,h,c,λ),then the task of inference is to compute, given some data s,arg max z p(z|s).Minimization with respect to(h,λ)can be done in closed form and thus we are left with the task of maximizing with respect to(ω,v).3.1.One speakerWith one speaker,this is simply inference in an HMM where the hidden state has a number of values proportional to nω,and the complexity of inference for a speech of duration T is thus O(T nω) for computing potentials and O(T n2ω)for the Viterbi algorithm[13].3.2.Two or more speakersWith m speakers,we have a factorial HMM with2m uncoupled Markov chains with nωor2states each,thus the complexity of ex-act inference is O(T n mω)for computing potentials and O(T n m+1ω)for a structured Viterbi algorithm[13].Given that searching of a space of size n2ωis the most expensive we are willing to af-ford(since nωis large),we use the following approximate scheme which is a simple extension of similar schemes used for single pitch tracking(e.g.,[7]):1.Recursively estimate the m pitches byfinding one singlepitch track and subtracting the corresponding estimated har-monic signals.2.Construct a pool of pωpitch value candidates for each timestep,by storing local minima in the m Viterbi algorithms ofstep1.3.Perform exact inference only using the pool of candidates.4.Perform m local optimizations of a single pitch track giventhe other ones.The algorithm has complexity of O(mn2ωT)for the Viterbi algorithm with single pitch tracks,and O(T p mω)for the structured Viterbi algorithm of step2.In practise,pωis small enough(around 10)so that step3is not the bottleneck while being large enough to yield no significant difference from the setting pω=nω(i.e.,no approximation).4.LEARNING OF PARAMETERSIf we denote z=(ω,v,h,c,λ),then we have a model for s which is a latent variable model with latent variable z.In the presence of“labelled data,”i.e.,datasets for which both s and z are avail-able,there are two different types of training that can be employed, generative or discriminative.In this paper,we use pitch-labelled data from the Keele pitch database[1].This database has ten different speakers;the pitch frequencyωand the voicing decision v are available,but neither the harmonic amplitudes h nor the unvoiced constant amplitude c are availableWe can create artificial labelled training data with several speak-ers by superposing two distinct signals.In this paper,we consider mixing of two speakers for training and mixing of two or three speakers for testing(note that since the parameters are shared by all speakers in our framework,learning only on two speakers leads to a pitch extractor that can deal with any number of pitches).We thus have two sets of hidden variables(ω1,v1),(ω2,v2),one for each speaker.4.1.Generative training(maximum likelihood)In this type of estimation,if we have observations for both x and the hidden states z,we simply maximize the joint likelihood p(s,z) of the data(s,z).Since we have a directed graphical model,this readily decouples in independent parameter estimations for each conditional distribution[9].The data from Keele pitch database do not include the harmonic amplitudes;the harmonic amplitudes that do not correspond to the pitch valueω(which is observed)do not play any role in the model,thus they can be left unspecified; for the harmonic amplitudes corresponding to the observed pitch, we take h to be the best amplitudes in the least-square sense,i.e., hω=B(ω) (B(ω) B(ω))−1s.Although efficient(no inference in an HMM has to be per-formed for learning),such training,when thefinal objective of in-ference is only to estimate the hidden state z and not to also obtain a model of the observations,is usually outperformed by discrimi-native training,which directly optimizes the conditional likelihood p(z|s)[14,10].4.2.Discriminative trainingInstead of maximizing p(s,z),we maximize the conditional like-lihood p(z|s).Maximizing the conditional likelihood does not decouple in a graphical model and thus exact maximum condi-tional likelihood estimation requires performing many runs of the inference algorithm for factorial HMMs,even to simply compute p(z|s).Since exact inference is intractable in those HMMs,we instead maximize a“pseudo log likelihood”which is defined as the sum of the log likelihoods of subproblems and exhibits asymp-totic properties similar to full maximum likelihood[15].We de-fined the pseudo log likelihood as follows:the available data is (ω1,v1,ω2,v2);we let q(ω,ω ,v,v )denoteq(ω,ω ,v,v )=maxh1,h2,c1,c2,λp(ω,ω ,v,v ,h1,h2,c1,c2,λ).We maximize with respect to the parameters the log likelihood defined as:logq(ω1,ω2,v1,v2)ω,vq(ω,ω2,v,v2)+logq(ω1,ω2,v1,v2)ω,vq(ω1,ω,v1,v)The maximization is performed through gradient descent,and re-quires inference in an HMM with a number of states proportional to nω,as opposed to n2ω.5.SIMULATIONSIn this section,we show that the various features that were in-cluded into our graphical model framework lead to robust perfor-mance.In all our simulations,training was performed on thefirst 6speakers,while testing was performed on the remaining4speak-ers.The metric we use to compare pitch frequenciesωandω is d(ω,ω )=1−e−(ω−ω )2/σ2,whereσ2is the empirical variance of the pitch frequency over the entire training set.This measure is equivalent to the squared distance for close values and tends to1 for distant values.We prefer it to the plain squared distance,be-cause if an estimated pitch is far away from the true pitch,its value is not relevant and we prefer to have afixed unit penalty for all clearly wrong values of the pitch.The running time for extracting any number of pitches is linear in the duration of the signals.In our current Matlab implementa-tion with a2GHz processor,the running time is30times the dura-tion of the signal for extracting one pitch,while it is130times the duration of the signal for extracting two pitches.5.1.Effect of smoothing spline priorFor the simple task of pitch determination for independent frames taken from one speaker,we have compared our approach to anvoicing pitch errorfemale-male22%0.03female-female32%0.08male-male31%0.07Fig.4.Double pitch extraction:voicing decision error rates and mean pitch estimation errors.Fig.5.Single pitch extraction with noise:voicing decision error rates(left)and mean pitch estimation errors(right);white noise (plain),stationary colored noise(dashed),restaurant background (dotted).approach without a spline smoothing prior on the harmonic am-plitudes:with the smoothing spline prior,the average error on the pitch estimate using the measure defined earlier is equal to0.28, while the error for the estimate without smoothing spline prior is equal to0.57,and most of the additional errors are due to pitch halving,which is a well known problem in pitch determination. In the context of harmonic modeling approaches such as the one presented in this paper,a priori detailed knowledge of the spec-tral envelope has been shown to remove the pitch halving ambigu-ity[3];the current results suggest that a simple spline smoothing prior which does not require knowledge of the envelope is also sufficient to resolve this ambiguity.5.2.Discriminative vs.generative trainingOn single pitch tracking experiments,we compared the perfor-mance of pitch extractors trained discriminatively or generatively. The pitch extractor trained generatively made an incorrect decision regarding voicing27.4%of the time and had a pitch estimation error of0.022,while the pitch extractor trained discriminatively made an incorrect decision regarding voicing only5%of the time and had a pitch estimation error of0.016.Discriminative training indeed leads to significantly better performance.5.3.Two speakersIn this set of experiments,we mixed two signals from different speakers with same energy.In Figure4we report incorrect voicing decision rates and mean pitch estimation errors,with speakers of different genders.5.4.Noisy conditionsWe also performed experiments in which we added three different types of noise to the signal:white noise,stationary colored noise and non-stationary restaurant background noise.We plot the re-sults as a function of signal-to-noise ratios in Figure5,illustrating the robustness to noise of our pitch extractor.6.CONCLUSIONWe have presented an algorithm for multiple pitch extraction based on graphical models.The use of appropriate prior distributions and discriminative training leads to robust extraction performance.Im-portantly,the computational complexity of our algorithm is linear in the length of the audio segment.Although the running time of our current Matlab implementation is130times slower than real time,we do not foresee any major obstacles to the design of a more efficient software implementation that runs in real time.7.REFERENCES[1] F.Plante,G.F.Meyer,and W.A.Ainsworth,“A pitch ex-traction reference database,”in Proc.EUROSPEECH,1995.[2] B.Gold and N.Morgan,Speech and Audio Signal Process-ing,Wiley Press,1999.[3]R.J.McAulay and T.F.Quatieri,“Pitch estimation and voic-ing detection based on a sinusoidal speech model,”in Proc.ICASSP,1990.[4]M.Wu,D.Wang,and G.J.Brown,“A multipitch tracking al-gorithm for noisy speech,”IEEE Trans.Speech Audio Proc., vol.11,no.3,2003.[5]X.Li,J.Malkin,and J.Bilmes,“Graphical model approachto pitch tracking,”in Intl.Conf.Spoken Lang.Proc.,2004.[6]P.J.Walmsley,S.J.Godsill,and P.J.W.Rayner,“Poly-phonic pitch tracking using joint Bayesian estimation of mul-tiple frame parameters,”in Proc.IEEE Work.App.Sig.Proc.Acoust.,1999.[7]J.Tabrikian,S.Dubnov,and Y.Dickalov,“Maximum a-posteriori probability pitch tracking in noisy environments using harmonic model,”IEEE Trans.Speech Audio Proc., vol.12,no.1,2004.[8]O.Yilmaz and S.Rickard,“Blind separation of speech mix-tures via time-frequency masking,”IEEE Trans.Sig.Proc., vol.52,no.7,pp.1830–1847,2004.[9]M.I.Jordan,“Graphical models,”Stat.Sci.,vol.19,no.1,pp.140–155,2004.[10]fferty,A.McCallum,and F.Pereira,“Conditional ran-domfields:Probabilistic models for segmenting and labeling sequence data,”in Proc.ICML,2001.[11] A.S.Bregman,Auditory Scene Analysis:The PerceptualOrganization of Sound,MIT Press,1990.[12]G.Wahba,Spline Models for Observational Data,SIAM,1990.[13]Z.Ghahramani and M.I.Jordan,“Factorial hidden Markovmodels,”Machine Learning,vol.29,pp.245–273,1997. 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