



为顾客提供全寿命服务方案P r o v i d i n g l i f e t i m e s o l u t i o n s f o r o u r c u s t o m e r sYBX3系列高效率隔爆型 三相异步电动机 S e r i e s Y B X3H i g h E f f i c i e n c y L o w V o l t a g e F l a m e p r o o f3P h a s e I n d u c t i o n M o t o r机座号63~400卧龙电气南阳防爆集团股份有限公司WOLONG ELECTRIC NANYANG EXPLOSION PROTECTION GROUP CO., LTD.目录1.产品概述 (2)2.用途 (2)3.型号说明 (2)4.执行标准 (2)5.基本特征 (3)6.技术数据 (6)7.结构及安装和外形尺寸 (8)8.订货指南 (8)1.产品概述YBX3系列低压高效率隔爆型三相异步电动机,是我公司自行研制开发的全封闭、自扇冷、鼠笼式、高效率隔爆型三相异步电动机。




3.型号说明3.1 电动机防爆标志代表的意义:Ex d ⅡB T4 Gb标志(防爆)设备保护级别(Gb)电气设备防爆型式(隔爆型)温度组别(T4)电气设备类别级别(Ⅱ类B级)3.2电动机型号代表意义示例:Y B X 3 - 355 M 1 - 4 W异步电动机特殊环境代号(户外型)隔爆型极数( 4极)高效率铁心长代号(1号铁心长)设计序号机座长度(M表示中机座)机座的轴中心高(355mm)4.执行标准4.1GB 755 旋转电机 定额和性能4.2GB/T 997 旋转电机结构型式、安装型式及接线盒位置的分类(IM代号)4.3GB/T 1032 三相异步电动机试验方法4.4GB/T 1993 旋转电机冷却方法4.5GB 1971 旋转电机 线端标志与旋转方向4.6GB/T 4772 旋转电机尺寸和输出功率等级4.7GB/T 4942.1 旋转电机整体结构的外壳防护等级(IP代号)分级4.8GB 10068 中心高为56mm及以上电机的机械振动 振动的测量及限值4.9GB/T 10069.1-2006 旋转电机噪声测定方法及限值第1部分:旋转电机噪声测定方法4.10GB/T 10069.3-2008 旋转电机噪声测定方法及限值第3部分:噪声限值4.11GB 14711 中小型旋转电机安全要求4.12GB 3836.1 爆炸性环境 第1部分:设备 通用要求4.13GB 3836.2 爆炸性环境 第2部分: 由隔爆外壳“d” 保护的设备4.14GB 3836.3 爆炸性环境 第3部分: 由增安型“e”保护的设备4.15GB 50058 爆炸和火灾危险环境电力装置设计规范5.基本特征5.1机座号:63~400。























第一部分:结构、建筑、市政、路桥GJBT图集系列1 00(03)J202-1(GJBT-529-2002) 坡屋面建筑构造(一)2 00G101(GJBT-518-2000)混凝土结构施工图平面整体表示方法制图规则和构造详图3 00G514(六)(GJBT-531-2001) 吊车轨道联结及车挡4 00J008-2(GJBT-368-2002) 抗震重力式挡土墙5 00J008-3(GJBT-368-2002) 钢筋混凝土挡土墙6 00J202-1(GJBT-529-2002) 坡屋面建筑构造7 00J618(一) 中悬钢天窗8 00J904-1(GJBT-528-2002) 智能化示范小区设计9 00SJ008(二)(GJBT-368-2002) 抗震重力式挡土墙10 00SJ202(GJBT-529-2000) 建筑坡屋面构造11 00SJ904(一)(GJBT-528-2000) 智能化示范小区设计12 01(03)J304(GJBT-552(03)-2003) 楼地面建筑构造13 01J202-2(GJBT-551-2001) 坡屋面建筑构造(有檩)14 01J304(GJBT-552-2001) 楼地面建筑构造15 01J618(二)(GJBT-536-2001) 轻质新型钢天窗16 01J925-1(GJBT-553-2001) 压型钢板、夹芯板屋面及墙体建筑构造17 01S519(GJBT-548-2001) 小型排水构筑物(替代93S217 88S238(一)~(四))图集18 01SG515(GJBT-537-2001) 轻型屋面梯形钢屋架19 01SG516(GJBT-538-2001) 轻型屋面钢天窗架(pdf4)20 01SG519(GJBT-543-2001) 多、高层民用建筑钢结构节点构造详图21 01SG519(GJBT-543-2001) 钢结构节点构造详图【含04年修改】22 01SJ606(GJBT-535-2001) 住宅门23 01SJ913(GJBT-533-2001) 住宅厨房24 01ZJ110-1(GJBT-550-2001) 瓷面纤维增强水泥墙板建筑构造25 02(03)J401(GJBT-578-2002) 钢梯图集26 02(04)SG518-1(GJBT-590(04)-2004) 门式刚架轻型房屋钢结构(2004年修改版)27 02J003(GJBT-572-2002) 室外工程28 02J003(GJBT-572-2002) 室外工程29 02J102-1(GJBT-431-2002) 混凝土小型空心砌块墙体建筑构造30 02J102-2(GJBT-585-2002) 框架结构填充小型空心砖墙体建筑构造31 02J121-1(GJBT-574-2002) 外墙外保温建筑构造(一)32 02J301(GJBT-586-2002) 地下建筑防水构造33 02J331(GJBT-584-2002) 地沟及盖板34 02J401(GJBT-573(03)-2002) 钢梯【含03年修改】35 02J401(GJBT-573-2002) 钢梯图集36 02J404-1(GJBT-578-2002) 电梯、自动扶梯、自动人行道37 02J503-1(GJBT-588-2002) 常用建筑色38 02J603-1(JSJT-247-2002) 70系列平开铝合金窗39 02J603-1(JSJT-248-2002) 60系列推拉铝合金窗40 02J611-1(GJBT-466-2002) 钢、钢木大门41 02J611-2(GJBT-575-2002) 轻质推拉钢大门42 02J611-3(GJBT-274、459、460、385、489-2002) 压型钢板及夹心板大门43 02J915(GJBT-589-2002) 公共建筑卫生间44 02S701(GJBT-583-2002) 砖砌化粪池45 02SG518-1(GJBT-590-2002) 门式刚架轻型房屋钢结构【含04年修改】46 02SG614(GJBT-591-2002) 框架结构填充小型空心砌块墙体结构构造47 02ZG710(GJBT-592-2002) 发泡水泥复合板48 03G101 平面整体表示方法坡屋面补充图49 03G101-1 勘误50 03G101-1(GJBT-611-2003) 混凝土结构施工图平面整体表示方法制图规则和构造祥图(现浇混凝土框架、剪力墙、框架-剪力墙、框支剪力墙结构)51 03G101-1~4、6(GJBT-611、641、695、773、932-2003) 合订本52 03G101-2(GJBT-641-2003) 混凝土结构施工图平面整体表示方法制图规则和构造祥图(现浇混凝土板式楼梯)53 03G102(GJBT-653-2003) 钢结构设计制图深度和表示方法54 03G322-1(GJBT-612-2003) 钢筋混凝土过梁55 03G322-1~4(GJBT-612、642、643、699-2003) 钢筋混凝土过梁56 03G322-2(GJBT-642-2003) 钢筋混凝土过梁(烧结多孔砖砌体)57 03G322-3(GJBT-643-2003) 钢筋混凝土过梁(混凝土小型空心砌块砌体)58 03G329-1(GJBT-613-2003) 建筑物抗震构造详图59 03G363(GJBT-614-2003) 多层砖房钢筋混凝土构造柱抗震节点详图60 03J001(GJBT-598-2003) 围墙大门61 03J012-1(GJBT-599-2003) 环境景观室外工程细部构造62 03J012-2(GJBT-599-2003) 环境景观绿化种植设计63 03J103-2~7(GJBT-600-2003) 建筑幕墙64 03J103-3(GJBT-600-2003) 全玻璃幕墙65 03J103-5(GJBT-600-2003) 铝塑板幕墙66 03J103-7(GJBT-600-2003) 石材框架幕墙67 03J104(GJBT-647-2003) 蒸压加气混凝土砌块建筑构造68 03J111-1(GJBT-601-2003) 轻钢龙骨内隔墙69 03J111-2(GJBT-601-2003) 预制轻钢龙骨内隔墙70 03J112(GJBT-602-2003) 中空内模金属网水泥内隔墙71 03J113(GJBT-603-2003) 轻质条板内隔墙72 03J114-1(GJBT-604-2003) 轻集料空心砌块内隔墙73 03J122(GJBT-605-2003) 外墙内保温建筑构造74 03J122(GJBT-605-2003) 外墙内保温建筑构造75 03J201-2(GJBT-636-2003) 平屋面76 03J203(GJBT-637-2003) 平屋面改坡屋面建筑构造77 03J402(GJBT-606-2003) 钢筋混凝土螺旋梯78 03J501-2、03G372(GJBT-648、645-2003) 钢筋砼雨蓬79 03J502-1(GJBT-649-2003) 内装修-轻钢龙骨内(隔)墙装修及隔断80 03J502-2(GJBT-650-2003) 内装修-室内吊顶81 03J502-3(GJBT-651-2003) 内装修82 03J601-2(GJBT-638-2003) 木门窗83 03J601-3(GJBT-628-2003) 模压门84 03J603-2(GJBT-608-2003) 铝合金节能门窗85 03J609(GJBT-639-2003) 防火门窗86 03J611-4(GJBT-609-2003) 铝合金不锈刚彩刚夹芯板大门87 03J922-1(GJBT-652-2003) 地方传统建筑(徽州地区)88 03J926(GJBT-640-2003) 建筑无障碍设计89 03J930-1(GJBT-610-2003) 住宅建筑构造90 03S702(GJBT-618-2003) 钢筋混凝土化粪池91 03SG409(GJBT-644-2003) 预应力混凝土管桩92 03SG435-1(GJBT-655-2003) 预应力混凝土圆孔板(预应力筋为螺旋肋钢丝跨度为2.1m~4.8m)93 03SG435-2(GJBT-656-2003) 预应力混凝土圆孔板(预应力筋为螺旋肋钢丝跨度为4.8m~7.2m)94 03SG519-1(GJBT-629-2003) 多、高层建筑钢结构节点连接95 03SG520-1(GJBT-657-2003) 实腹式钢吊车梁96 03SG520-2(GJBT-658-2003) 钢吊车梁97 03SG610-1(GJBT-615-2003) 建筑结构隔震构造详图98 03SG611(GJBT-645-2003) 砖混结构加固与修复99 03SG615(GJBT-659-2003) 配筋混凝土砌块砌体建筑结构构造100 03SG715-1 NALC板图集CAD101 03SS703-1(GJBT-619-2003) 建筑中水处理工程(一)102 04CJ01-1(GJCT-001-2004) 变形缝建筑构造(一)103 04CJ01-2(GJCT-002-2004) 变形缝建筑构造(二)104 04CJ01-3(GJCT-003-2004) 变形缝建筑构造(三)105 04CJ02(GJCT-004-2004) 飞机库大门106 04FG01(GJBT-684-2004) 防空地下室结构设计示例107 04FG02(GJBT-685-2004) 防空地下室出入口部结构设计108 04FG03(GJBT-686-2004) 防空地下室通风口部结构设计109 04FJ01(GJBT-680-2004) 防空地下室建筑设计示例110 04FJ02(GJBT-681-2004) 防空地下室出入口部建筑设计111 04FJ03(GJBT-682-2004) 防空地下室通风口部建筑设计112 04FJ04(GJBT-683-2004) 防空地下室钢制防护设备选用113 04G101-3(GJBT-695-2004) 混凝土结构施工图平面整体表示方法制图规则和构造详图(筏形基础)114 04G101-4(GJBT-773-2004) 混凝土结构施工图平面整体表示方法制图规则和构造祥图(现浇混凝土楼面与屋面板)115 04G101-4(GJBT-773-2004) 混凝土结构施工图平面整体表示方法制图规则和构造详图116 04G103(GJBT-696-2004)用建筑工程结构施工图设计深度图样117 04G211(GJBT-697-2004) 砖烟筒118 04G314(GJBT-757-2004) 钢筋混凝土折线形屋架119 04G320(GJBT-729-2004) 钢筋混凝土基础梁120 04G320(GJBT-729-2004) 钢筋砼基础梁121 04G321(GJBT-730-2004) 钢筋混凝土连系梁122 04G322-4(GJBT-699-2004) 钢筋混凝土过梁(混凝土小型空心砌块夹心墙体)123 04G323-1~2(GJBT-758-2004、GJBT-759-2004) 钢筋混凝土吊车梁124 04G323-2(GJBT-758-2004) 钢筋混凝土吊车梁(工作级别A4、A5)125 04G325(GJBT-700-2004) 吊车轨道联结及车挡(适用于混凝土结构)126 04G329-2(GJBT-760-2004) 建筑物抗震构造详图(单层砌体房屋)127 04G329-3(GJBT-761-2004) 建筑物抗震构造详图(砖墙楼房)128 04G329-4(GJBT-762-2004) 建筑物抗震构造详图(小砌块墙楼房)129 04G329-5(GJBT-763-2004) 建筑物抗震构造详图(配筋砖砌体楼房130 04G329-6(GJBT-764-2004) 建筑物抗震构造详图(局部框架房屋)131 04G329-7(GJBT-765-2004) 建筑物抗震构造详图(砖排架房屋)132 04G329-8(GJBT-766-2004) 建筑物抗震构造详图(钢筋砼柱单层厂房)133 04G337(GJBT-701-2004) 吊车梁走道板134 04G353-1(GJBT-702-2004) 钢筋混凝土屋面梁(6m单坡)135 04G353-2(GJBT-703-2004) 钢筋混凝土屋面梁(9m单坡)136 04G353-3(GJBT-704-2004) 钢筋混凝土屋面梁(12m单坡)137 04G353-4(GJBT-705-2004) 钢筋混凝土屋面梁(6m双坡)138 04G353-5(GJBT-706-2004) 钢筋混凝土屋面梁(9m双坡)139 04G353-6(GJBT-707-2004) 钢筋混凝土屋面梁(12m双坡)140 04G361(GJBT-708-2004) 预制钢筋混凝土方桩141 04G362(GJBT-709-2004) 钢筋混凝土结构预埋件图集142 04G410-1(GJBT-731-2004) 1.5m×6.0m预应力混凝土屋面板(预应力混凝土部分)143 04G410-2(GJBT-732-2004) 1.5mX6.0m预应力混凝土屋面板(钢筋混凝土部分)144 04G415-1(GJBT-768-2004) 预应力混凝土折线形屋架145 04G426(GJBT-710-2004) 六米后张法预应力混凝土吊车梁146 04G612(GJBT-735-2004) 砖墙结构构造(烧结多孔砖与普通砖、蒸压类砖)147 04J008(GJBT-750-2004) 挡土墙148 04J012-3(GJBT-725-2004) 环境景观149 04J101(GJBT-726-2004) 砖墙建筑构造(烧结多孔砖与普通砖、蒸压砖)150 04J114-2(GJBT-751-2004) 石膏砌块内隔墙151 04J601-1(GJBT-752-2004) 木门窗152 04J602-1(GJBT-770-2004) 实腹钢门窗153 04J610-1(GJBT-771-2004) 特种门窗-变压器室钢门窗、配变电所钢大门、防射线门窗、冷藏库门、保温门、隔声门154 04J621-2(GJBT-753-2004) 电动采光排烟天窗155 04J631(GJBT-772-2004) 门、窗、幕墙窗用五金附件156 04J801(GJBT-694-2004) 民用建筑工程建筑施工图设计深度图样157 04J906(GJBT-727-2004) 门、窗、幕墙风荷载标准值158 04J923-1(GJBT-728-2004) 老年人居住建筑(缺附20页)159 04S519(GJBT-716-2004) 小型排水构筑物160 04S531-1(GJBT-738-2004) 湿陷性黄土地区给水排水管道基础及接口161 04S531-2(GJBT-639-2004) 湿陷性黄土地区给水排水检漏管沟162 04S531-3(GJBT-740-2004) 湿陷性黄土地区给水排水检漏井163 04S531-4(GJBT-741-2004) 湿陷性黄土地区给水阀门井164 04S531-5(GJBT-742-2004) 湿陷性黄土地区排水检查井165 04S803(GJBT-717-2004) 圆形钢筋混凝土蓄水池166 04SG307(GJBT-755-2004) 现浇钢筋混凝土板式楼梯167 04SG308(GJBT-698-2004) 混凝土后锚固连接构造168 04SG309(GJBT-756-2004) 钢筋焊接网混凝土楼板与剪力墙构造详图169 04SG330(GJBT-767-2004) 混凝土结构剪力墙边缘构件和框架柱构造钢筋选用170 04SG518-2(GJBT-712-2004) 门式刚架轻型房屋钢结构(有悬挂吊车)171 04SG518-3(GJBT-711-2004) 门式刚架轻型房屋钢结构(有吊车)172 04SG519-2(GJBT-774-2004) 多、高层建筑钢结构节点连接(主梁的全栓拼接)173 04SG523(GJBT-775-2004) 型钢混凝土组合结构构造174 05CG02(GJCT-008-2005) 钢结构设计图实例-多、高层房屋175 05CJ04(GJCT-006-2005) 合成树脂(复合塑料)瓦屋面建筑构造.176 05G104(GJBT-786-2005) 民用建筑工程结构初步设计深度图样177 05G212(GJBT-792-2005) 钢筋混凝土烟囱178 05G335(GJBT-793-2005) 单层工业厂房钢筋混凝土柱179 05G336(GJBT-904-2005) 柱间支撑180 05G359-1~4(GJBT-794-2005、GJBT-795-2005、GJBT-796-2005、GJBT-797-2005) 悬挂运输设备轨道181 05G414-1 预应力混凝土工字型屋面梁(9m单坡)182 05G414-2 预应力混凝土工字型屋面梁(12m单坡)183 05G414-3 预应力混凝土工字型屋面梁(12m双坡)184 05G414-4 预应力混凝土工字型屋面梁(15m双坡)185 05G414-5 预应力混凝土工字型屋面梁(18m双坡)186 05G511(GJBT-827-2005) 梯型钢屋架187 05G512(GJBT-828-2005) 钢天窗架188 05G513(GJBT-829-2005)钢托架189 05G514-1(GBJT-830-2005) 12m 实傅式钢吊车梁(轻级工作制A1~A3)190 05G514-2(GBJT-831-2005) 12M 实腹式钢吊车梁[重级工作制(A4,A5)Q235钢] 191 05G514-3(GBJT-832-2005) 12M 实腹式钢吊车梁[重级工作制(A4,A5)Q345钢] 192 05G514-4(GJBT-833-2005) 12米实腹式钢吊车梁193 05G515(GJBT-834-2005) 轻型屋面梯形钢屋架194 05G516(GJBT-835-2005) 轻型屋面钢天窗架195 05G517(GJBT-803-2005) 轻型屋面三角形钢屋架196 05G525(GJBT-841-2005) 吊车轨道联结及车挡197 05J102-1(GJBT-865-2005) 混凝土小型空心砌块墙体建筑构造198 05J621-1(GJBT-866-2005) 天窗-上悬钢天窗、中悬钢天窗、平天窗199 05J621-3(GJBT-879-2005) 通风天窗200 05J623-1(GJBT-867-2005) 钢天窗架建筑构造201 05J624-1(GJBT-880-2005) 百叶窗(一)202 05J802(GJBT-781-2005) 民用建筑工程建筑初步设计尝试图样203 05J804(GJBT-782-2005) 民用建筑工程总平面初步设计、施工图设计深度图样204 05J909(GJBT-882-2005) 工程做法205 05J910-1(GJBT-883-2005) 钢结构住宅(一)206 05J910-2(GJBT-884-2005) 钢结构住宅(二)207 05J927-1(GJBT-785-2005) 汽车库(坡道式)建筑构造208 05MR101(GJBT-846-2005) 城市道路施工图设计深度图样209 05MR102(GJBT-847-2005) 城市道路—立体交叉施工图设计深度图样210 05MR103(GJBT-848-2005) 城市道路—立体交叉可行性研究、初步设计深度图样211 05MR104(GJBT-849-2005) 路拱212 05MR201(GJBT-850-2005) 城市道路沥青路面213 05MR202(GJBT-851-2005) 城市道路水泥混凝土路面214 05MR203(GJBT-852-2005) 城市道路-人行道铺砌215 05MR301(GJBT-853-2005) 道路-软土地基处理216 05MR401(GJBT-854-2005) 城市道路附属工程217 05MR404(GJBT-855-2005) 城市道路--路缘石218 05MR501(GJBT-856-2005) 城市道路无障碍设计图集219 05MR601(GJBT-857-2005) 城市道路-交通标志和标线220 05MR602(GJBT-858-2005) 城市道路-安全防护设施221 05S804(GJBT-873-2005) 矩形钢筋混凝土蓄水池222 05SDX005(GJBT-822-2005) 民用建筑工程设计互提资料深度及图样(电气专业)223 05SFG04(GJBT-864-2005) 防空地下室室外出入口部钢结构装配式防倒塌棚架结构设计224 05SFJ05(GJBT-864-2005) 防空地下室室外出入口部钢结构装配式防倒塌棚架建筑设计225 05SFJ10(GJBT-859-2005) 人民防空地下室设计规范图示--建筑专业226 05SG105(GJBT-787-2005) 民用建筑工程设计互提资料深度及图样227 05SG109-1(GJBT-788-2005) 民用建筑工程设计常见问题分析及图示(结构设计原则、荷载机荷载效应组合和地震作用、地基基础)228 05SG109-2(GJBT-789-2005) 民用建筑工程设计常见问题分析及图示(砌体结构)229 05SG109-3(GJBT-790-2005) 民用建筑工程设计常见问题分析及图示(混凝土结构)230 05SG109-4(GJBT-791-2005) 民用建筑工程设计常见问题分析及图示(钢结构和空间网格结构)231 05SG110(GJBT-869-2005) 建筑结构实践教学及见习工程师图册232 05SG332(GJBT-903-2005) 小城镇住宅结构构件与构造233 05SG343(GJBT-905-2005) 现浇混凝土空心楼盖234 05SG408(GJBT-826-2005) SP预应力空心板235 05SG521-1(GJBT-836-2005) 钢檩条钢墙梁(冷弯薄壁卷边槽钢檩条)236 05SG521-2(GJBT-837-2005) 钢檩条钢墙梁(冷弯薄壁斜卷边Z形钢檩条)237 05SG521-3(GJBT-838-2005) 钢檩条钢墙梁(高频焊接薄壁H形钢檩条)238 05SG521-4(GJBT-839-2005) 钢檩条钢墙梁(冷弯薄壁卷边槽钢、高频焊接薄壁H形钢墙梁)239 05SG522(GJBT-840-2005) 钢与混凝土组合楼(屋)盖结构构造240 05SG616(GJBT-842-2005) 混凝土砌块系列块型241 05SG811(GJBT-871-2005) 条形基础242 05SJ806(GJBT-783-2005) 民用建筑工程设计互提资料深度及图样-建筑专业243 05SJ807(GJBT-784-2005) 民用建筑工程设计常见问题分析及图示-建筑专业244 05SJ810(GJBT-868-2005) 建筑实践教学及见习建筑师图册245 05SJ811(GJBT-881-2005) 建筑设计防火规范图示246 05SJ917-1(GJBT-885-2005) 小城镇住宅通用图集-北京地区247 05SJ917-2(GJBT-886-2005) 小城镇住宅通用(示范)设计--辽宁抚顺地区248 05SJ917-3(GJBT-887-2005) 小城镇住宅通用图集-青海西宁地区249 05SJ917-4(GJBT-888-2005) 小城镇住宅通用图集-陕西西安地区250 05SJ917-5(GJBT-889-2005) 小城镇住宅通用图集-浙江绍兴地区251 05SJ917-6(GJBT-890-2005) 小城镇住宅通用图集-福建福州地区252 05SJ917-7(GJBT-891-2005) 小城镇住宅通用图集-广东东莞地区253 05SJ917-8(GJBT-892-2005) 小城镇住宅通用图集-重庆地区254 05SJ917-9(GJBT-893-2005) 小城镇住宅通用图集-广西南宁地区255 05SJ918-1(GJBT-894-2005) 传统特色小城镇住宅-徽州地区256 05SJ918-2(GJBT-895-2005) 传统特色小城镇住宅-泉州地区257 05SJ918-3(GJBT-896-2005) 传统特色小城镇住宅-丽江地区258 05SJ918-4(GJBT-897-2005) 传统特色小城镇住宅--山西晋中地区259 05SJ918-5(GJBT-898-2005) 传统特色小城镇住宅-新疆地区260 05SJ918-6(GJBT-899-2005) 传统特色小城镇住宅-东北地区261 05SJ918-7(GJBT-900-2005) 传统特色小城镇住宅-北京地区262 05SJ918-8(GJBT-901-2005) 传统特色小城镇住宅--浙江嘉兴、台州地区263 05SJ919(GJBT-902-2005) 小城镇住宅建筑构造264 06CG01(GJCT-016-2007) 蒸压轻质砂加气混凝土(AAC)砌块和板材结构构造265 06CG04(GJCT-010-2006) 钢结构设计示例--单层工业厂房266 06CG08(GJCT-011-2006) 悬挂运输设备轨道设计计算267 06CJ05(GJCT-009-2007) 蒸压轻质砂加气混凝土(AAC)砌块和板材建筑构造268 06CJ06-1(GJCT-013-2006) 开窗机(一)269 06CJ07(GJCT-012-2006) 改性膨胀珍珠岩外墙保温建筑构造-XR无机保温材料270 06G101-6(GJBT-932-2006) 混凝土结构施工图平面整体表示方法制图规则和构造详图(独立基础、条形基础、桩基承台)271 06G112(GJBT-952-2006) 建筑结构设计常用数据272 06G901-1(GJBT-957-2006) 混凝土结构施工钢筋排布规则与构造详图273 06J106(GJBT-941-2006) 挡雨板及栈台雨篷274 06J121-3(GJBT-912-2006) 外墙外保温建筑构造(三)275 06J123(GJBT-942-2006) 墙体节能建筑构造276 06J204(GJBT-943-2006) 屋面节能建筑构造277 06J305(GJBT-944-2006) 重载地面、轨道等特殊楼地面278 06J403-1(GJBT-945-2006)楼梯栏杆栏板(一)279 06J505-1(GJBT-929-2006) 外装修(一)280 06J506-1(GJBT-946-2006) 建筑外遮阳(一)281 06J607-1(GJBT-947-2006) 建筑节能门窗(一)282 06J902-1(GJBT-948-2006) 医疗建筑(门、窗、隔断、防X射线构造)283 06J908-1(GJBT-949-2006) 公共建筑节能构造-严寒和寒冷地区284 06J908-2(GJBT-950-2006) 公共建筑节能构造-夏热冬冷和夏热冬暖地区285 06J908-7(GJBT-931-2006) 既有建筑节能改造(一)286 06J925-2(GJBT-951-2006) 压型钢板、夹芯板屋面N72H287 06SG311-1 混凝土结构加固改造构造图(上册)288 06SG331-1(GJBT-934-2006) 混凝土异型柱结构构造(一)289 06SG414(GJBT-920-2006) 砌体填充墙构造290 06SG429(GJBT-954-2006) 后张预应力混凝土结构施工图表示方法及构造详图291 06SG432-1(GJBT-955-2006) 预应力混凝土双T板(坡板,宽度2.4m)292 06SG501(GJBT-917-2006) 民用建筑钢结构防火构造293 06SG515-1(GJBT-935-2006) 轻型屋面梯形钢屋架(圆钢管、方钢管)294 06SG515-2(GJBT-936-2006) 轻型屋面梯形钢屋架(剖分T型钢)295 06SG517-1(GJBT-956-2006) 轻型屋面三角形钢屋架296 06SG517-2(GJBT-937-2006) 轻型屋面三角形钢屋架(剖分T型钢)297 06SG524(GJBT-919-2006) 钢管混凝土结构构造(圆钢管、矩形钢管)298 06SG529-1(GJBT-918-2006) 单层房层钢结构节点构造详图(工字形截面钢柱柱脚连接)299 06SG614-1(GJBT-920-2006) 砌体填充墙构造300 06SG812(GJBT-938-2006) 桩基承台301 06SJ805(GJBT-925-2006) 建筑场地园林景观设计深度及图样302 06SJ812(GJBT-930-2006) 高层民用建筑设计防火规范-图示303 06SJ813(GJBT-913-2006) 民用建筑设计通则图示304 07CJ03-1(GJCT-015-2007) 轻钢龙骨石膏板隔墙、吊顶305 07CJ08(GJCT-019-2007) 医院建筑施工图实例306 07CJ09(GJCT-014-2007) 防水透汽膜建筑构造-特卫强防水透汽材料307 07CJ10(GJCT-018-2007) 聚合物水泥防水涂料建筑构造-RG防水涂料308 07CJ11(GJCT-017-2007) 铝塑复合板幕墙建筑构造309 07CJ12(GJCT-020-2007) 节能铝合金门窗-蓝光系列310 07CJ15(GJCT-021-2007) 波形沥青瓦、波形沥青防水板311 07FG01(GJBT-994-2007) 防空地下室设计荷载及结构构造312 07FG02(GJBT-995-2007) 钢筋混凝土防倒塌棚架313 07FG03(GJBT-996-2007) 防空地下室板式钢筋混凝土楼梯314 07FG04(GJBT-997-2007) 钢筋混凝土门框墙315 07FG04(GJBT-997-2007) 钢筋混凝土门框墙316 07FG05(GJBT-998-2007) 钢筋混凝土通风采光窗井317 07FJ01(GJBT-990-2007) 防空地下室建筑设计示例318 07FJ02(GJBT-991-2007) 防空地下室建筑设计319 07FJ03(GJBT-992-2007) 防空地下室防护设备选用320 07G120(GJBT-1033-2007) 工程做法(自重计算)321 07J103-8(GJBT-1015-2007) 双层幕墙322 07J205(GJBT-1016-2007)* 玻璃采光顶323 07J306(GBJT-976-2007) 窗井、设备吊装口、排水沟、集水坑324 07J501-1(GJBT-1031-2007) 钢雨蓬(一)玻璃面板325 07J604(GJBT-1017-2007) 未增塑聚氯乙烯(PVC-U)塑料门窗326 07J623-3(GJBT-1005-2007) 天窗挡风板及挡雨片327 07J901-1(GJBT-1018-2007) 实验室建筑设备(一)328 07J902-2(GJBT-978-2007) 医疗建筑(固定设施)329 07J902-3(GJBT-979-2007) 医疗建筑(卫生间、淋浴间、洗池)330 07J905-1(GJBT-1007-2007) 防火建筑构造(一)331 07J912-1(GJBT-1032-2007) 变配电所建筑构造332 07J912-1(GJBT-1032-2007) 变配电所建筑构造333 07J920(GJBT-1019-2007) 城市独立式公共厕所334 07K203(GJBT-1036-2007) 建筑空调循环冷却水系统设计与安装335 07MR402(GJBT-1013-2007) 城市道路(装配式挡土墙)336 07MR403(GJBT-1014-2007) 城市道路-护坡337 07S906(GJBT-1011-2007) 给水排水构筑物设计选用图(水池、水塔、化粪池、小型排水构筑物)338 07SG111-1(GJBT-981-2007) 建筑结构加固施工图设计表示方法339 07SG111-2(GJBT-982-2007) 建筑结构加固施工图设计深度图样340 07SG359-5(GJBT-983-2007) 悬挂运输设备轨道(适用于门式刚架轻型房屋钢结构)341 07SG518-4(GJBT-1008-2007) 多跨门式刚架轻型房屋钢结构(无吊车)342 07SG526(GJBT-984-2007) 户外钢结构独立柱广告牌343 07SG531(GBJT-985-2007) 钢网架结构设计344 07SJ507(GJBT-1004-2007) 轻钢龙骨布面石膏板、布面洁净板隔墙及吊顶345 07SJ924(GJBT-1020-2007) 木结构住宅346 08CJ13(GJCT-024-2008) 钢结构镶嵌ASA板节能建筑构造347 08CJ14(GJCT-022-2008) 水泥基自流平楼地面建筑构造348 08CJ16(GJCT-023-2008) 挤塑聚苯乙烯板外墙保温建筑构造349 08CJ17(GJCT-027-2008) 快速软帘卷门透明分节门滑升门卷帘门350 08G101-5(GJBT-1070-2008) 混凝土结构施工图平面整体表示方法制图规则和构造详图351 08G221、08J332(GJBT-1042-2008) 砖砌地沟352 08J333(GBJT-1048-2008) 建筑防腐蚀构造353 08J927-2(GJBT-1069-2008) 机械式汽车库建筑构造354 08J931(GJBT-1041-2008) 建筑隔声与吸声构造355 08SG115-1(GJBT-1071-2008) 钢结构施工图参数表示方法制图规则和构造详图356 08SG520-3(GJBT-1052-2008) 钢吊车梁(H型钢工作级别A1-A5)357 08SG618-1(GJBT-1064-2008) 农村民宅抗震构造详图(砖结构房屋)358 08SG618-2(GJBT-1065-2008) 农村民宅抗震构造详图(木结构房屋)359 08SG618-3(GJBT-1066-2008) 农村民宅抗震构造详图(生土结构房屋)360 08SG618-4(GJBT-1067-2008) 农村民宅抗震构造详图(石结构房屋)361 08SJ928(GJBT-1040-2008) 社区卫生服务中心和服务站362 2002RJ 人民防空工程建筑大样图集363 87J432(JSJT-90-1988) 作业台钢梯及栏杆364 87SG517(一)(JSJT-82-1987) 轻型屋面钢屋架365 87SG517(四)(JSJT-82-1987) 轻型屋面钢屋架366 88J10-1988 庭院、小品、绿化367 88J8 卫生间、洗池368 88JZ3-2005 建筑构造专项图集--变形缝369 91SG362 预埋件图集370 91SJ707(一)* 木隔声观察窗371 91SJ707(二)(JSJT-207-1991)* 塑料隔声观察窗372 91SJ803(JSJT-208-1991) 中悬钢天窗(1-2、1-4中悬)373 92G410(一)(GJBT-276-1997) 1.5-6.0M预应力混凝土屋面板374 92G410(三)(GJBT-276-1997) 1.5m×6.0m预应力混凝土屋面板375 92G410(二)(GJBT-276-1997) 1.5-6.0M预应力混凝土屋面板376 92G410(四)(GJBT-276-1997) 1.5m×6.0m预应力混凝土屋面板377 92S213(一) 化粪池1378 92S214(一)(JSJT-265-1993) 钢筋混凝土化粪池379 92S214(三)(JSJT-265-1993) 钢筋混凝土化粪池380 92SJ704(一)(JSJT-216-1992) 硬聚氯乙烯塑钢门窗381 92SJ712(一~三)(JSJT-247-1992) 平开铝合金窗382 93(03)G320(GJBT-321(03)-2003) 钢筋混凝土基础梁383 93(03)G321(GJBT-322(03)-2003) 钢筋混凝土连系梁384 93G320(GJBT-321-1993) 钢筋砼基础梁385 93G322(一)、(二)(GJBT-278-1993) 钢筋砼过梁386 93G436(一)(GJBT-277-1993) 钢筋混凝土预应力空心板387 93G436(二)(GJBT-277-1993) 预应力混凝土空心板388 93J007-1(GJBT-291-2002) 道路389 93J007-2(GJBT-291-2002) 道路390 93J007-3(GJBT-291-2002) 道路391 93J007-4(GJBT-291-2002) 道路392 93J007-5(GJBT-291-2002) 道路393 93J007-6(GJBT-291-2002) 道路394 93J007-7(GJBT-291-2002) 道路395 93J007-8(GJBT-291-2002) 道路396 93SJ012(一)(GJBT-290-1994) 庭园与绿化.pdf397 93SJ012(一)(GJBT-290-1994) 庭院与绿化398 93SJ604(GJBT-273-1993) 厂房特种门通用五金零件399 94G316(GJBT-329-1994) ∏形钢筋砼天窗架400 94G316(GJBT-329-1994)* π形钢筋砼天窗架401 94G329(一)(GJBT-313-1994) 建筑物抗震构造详图402 94J623-2(GBJT-328-2002) π钢筋混凝土天窗架建筑构造403 95(03)G314-1~2(GJBT-436(03)-2003) 钢筋混凝土折线形屋架404 95(03)G323-1~2(GJBT-502(03)-2003) 钢筋砼吊车梁405 95(03)G325(GJBT-388(03)-2003) 吊车轨道联结03局部修改406 95(03)G337(GJBT-401(03)-2003) 吊车梁走道板03局部修改407 95(03)G415-6~10(GJBT-437(03)-2003) 预应力混凝土折线形屋架(预应力钢绞线%2c跨度1 8m~30m).pdf408 95(03)G426(GJBT-390(03)-2003) 6m后张法预应力混凝土吊车梁2003局部修改版.pdf 409 95(03)G439(GJBT-367(03)-2003) 预应力混凝土叠合板03局部修改410 95G323(一)(GJBT-502-1999) 钢筋混凝土吊车梁(重级工作制)411 95G323(二)(GJBT-502-1999) 钢筋混凝土吊车梁(中、轻级工作制)412 95G325(GJBT-388-1996) 吊车轨道联结413 95G337(GJBT-401-1998) 吊车梁走道板414 95G358-1(GJBT-364-2002) 钢筋混凝土V形折板(总说明和结构构造).415 95G358-2(GJBT-364-2002) 钢筋混凝土V形折板(折板构件)416 95G358-3(GJBT-364-2002) 钢筋混凝土V形折板(悬挑构件)417 95G358-4(GJBT-364-2002) 钢筋混凝土V形折板(悬挂集中荷载折板)418 95G358-5(GJBT-364-2002) 钢筋混凝土V形折板(托梁和三脚架)419 95G415(七)(GJBT-437-1997) 预应力混凝土折线形屋架420 95G415(八)(GJBT-437-1997) 预应力混凝土折线形屋架421 95G415(十)(GJBT-437-1997) 预应力混凝土折线形屋架422 95G425(GJBT-389-1996) 6m后张法预应力混凝土吊车梁423 95G426(GJBT-390-1996) 6m先张法预应力混凝土吊车梁424 95G428(GJBT-391-1996) 12m预应力混凝土鱼腹式吊车梁425 95G437-1(GJBT-366-1996) 预应力V形折板(总说明和结构构造)426 95G437-2(GJBT-366-1996) 预应力V形折板(冷拔低碳钢丝折板构件)427 95G437-3(GJBT-366-1996) 预应力V形折板(碳素钢丝折板构件)428 95G437-4(GJBT-366-1996) 预应力V形折板(悬挂集中荷载折板)429 95G437-5(GJBT-366-1996) 预应力V形折板(悬挑折板)430 95G437-6(GJBT-366-1996) 预应力V形折板(托梁和三脚架)431 95G439(一)(GJBT-367-1996) 预应力混凝土叠合板432 95G439(三)(GJBT-367-1996) 预应力混凝土叠合板433 95G439(二)(GJBT-367-1996) 预应力混凝土叠合板434 95J331(GJBT-363-1996) 地沟及盖板435 95SJ008(一)(GJBT-368-1996) 重力式挡土墙436 96(03)G353-1~6(GJBT-447(03)-2003) 钢筋混凝土屋面梁437 96(03)SG612 多孔砖墙体结构构造-2003局部修改438 96(03)SG613-1~2(GJBT-432(03)-2003) 混凝土小型空心砌块结构构造03局部修改439 96(03)SJ101(GJBT-383(03)-2003) 多孔砖墙体建筑构造改440 96G353(四~六)(GJBT-447-1997) 钢筋混凝土441 96G370(一)(GJBT-468-1998) 混凝土空腹屋架(12m跨)442 96G370(三)(GJBT-467-1998) 混凝土空腹屋架(18m跨)443 96G370(二)(GJBT-468-1998) 混凝土空腹屋架(15m跨)444 96G443(一)(GJBT469-1998) 预应力混凝土空腹屋架(12m)445 96G443(三)(GJBT469-1998) 预应力混凝土空腹屋架(18m)446 96G443(二)(GJBT469-1998) 预应力混凝土空腹屋架(15m)447 96J333-1(GBJT-384-1996) 建筑防腐蚀构造448 96J622-3(GJBT-386-2002) 中悬钢侧窗螺杆式手摇开窗机449 96S811~821(GJBT-403~413-1997) 圆形钢筋砼清水池450 96S823~833、836~838(GJBT-414~424、427~429-1997) 矩形钢筋混凝土清水池国标图集0 451 96SG613-1~2(GJBT-432-2002) 混凝土小型空心砌块墙体结构构造(含03年修改)452 96SJ101(GJBT-383-1996) 多孔砖墙体建筑构造453 97(03)G329-3~6(GJBT-465(03)-2003) 建筑物抗震构造详图454 97(03)G361(GJBT-467(03)-2003) 预制钢筋混凝土方桩455 97G329(一)(GJBT-465-1998) 建筑抗震构造详图456 97G329(七)(GJBT-465-1998) 建筑抗震构造详图457 97G329(九)(GJBT-465-1998) 建筑抗震构造详图458 97G329(五)(GJBT-465-1998) 建筑抗震构造详图459 97G329(八)(GJBT-465-1998) 建筑抗震构造详图460 97G329(四)(GJBT-465-1998) 建筑抗震构造详图461 97G329-2(GJBT-465-2002) 建筑物抗震构造详图462 97G329-3(GJBT-465-2002) 建筑抗震构造详图(含2003局部修改)463 97G336 柱间支撑464 97G361(GJBT-467-1998) 预制钢筋混凝土方桩465 97G512(GJBT-493-1999) 钢天窗架466 97J103-1(GJBT-433-2002) 铝合金玻璃幕墙467 97SJ103-1(GJBT-433-1997) 铝合金玻璃幕墙总说明135系列468 97SJ103-10(GJBT-433-1997) 铝合金隐框玻璃幕墙180系列469 97SJ103-11(GJBT-433-1997) 铝合金玻璃幕墙预埋件470 97SJ103-12(GJBT-433-1997) 幕墙铝型材截面几何参数471 97SJ103-1~12(GBJT-433-1997) 幕墙图集472 97SJ103-2(GJBT-433-1997) 铝合金明框玻璃幕墙140系列473 97SJ103-3(GJBT-433-1997) 铝合金明框玻璃幕墙150B系列474 97SJ103-4(GJBT-433-1997) 铝合金明框玻璃幕墙150B系列475 97SJ103-6(GJBT-433-1997) 铝合金隐框玻璃幕墙145系列476 97SJ103-7(GJBT-433-1997) 铝合金隐框玻璃幕墙150系列477 97SJ103-8(GJBT-433-1997) 铝合金隐框玻璃幕墙160系列478 97SJ103-9(GJBT-433-1997) 铝合金隐框玻璃幕墙170系列479 97SJ903(GBJT-435-1997) 多层住宅建筑优选设计方案480 98(03)SG372(GJBT-485(03)-2003) 钢筋混凝土雨蓬481 98G359(三)(GJBT-491-1999) 悬挂运输设备轨道482 98G359(三)(GJBT-491-1999) 悬挂运输轨道483 98G363(GJBT-484-1998) 多层砖房钢筋砼构造柱抗震节点详图484 98G517(一~五)(GJBT-503-1999) 轻型房屋钢屋架485 98J333(二)(GBJT-473-1998) 建筑防腐蚀构造(用于化工及其它工业与民用建筑)486 98SG372(GJBT-485-1999) 钢筋砼雨篷487 98SJ711* 平开窗民动开窗机(5-22页)488 99(03)J121-2(GBJT-499(03)-2002) 外墙外保温建筑构造(含2003修改)489 99(03)J201-1(GJBT-510(03)-2003) 平屋面建筑构造(含2003修改)490 99(03)ZG408(GJBT-514(03)-2003) SP预应力空心板.pdf491 99J121-2(GBJT-499-2002) 外墙外保温建筑构造492 99J201-1(GJBT-510-2002) 平屋面建筑构造493 99J838 钢天窗电动开窗机494 99SG212(一)(GJBT-486-1999) 烟囱图集495 99SG212(三)(GJBT-486-1999) 钢筋混凝土烟囱(100m)496 99SJ403(GJBT-510-1999) 楼梯建筑构造497 99ZG408(GJBT-514-1999) SP预应力空心板498 CG332-1975 12米钢筋混凝土天窗架499 G323(二)-1976 钢筋混凝土吊车梁(中、轻级工作制)500 G324-1976 钢筋混凝土4米吊车梁501 G331-1979 钢筋混凝土露天吊车柱502 G353(五)-1980 钢筋混凝土屋面梁503 G353(六)-1980 钢筋混凝土屋面梁跨度15m(双坡)504 G415(一)抗补-1979 抗补预应力钢筋混凝土折线形屋架抗震补充图505 G611(六)-1976 砖烟囱(高度45m)506 GC02-1977 民用建筑抗震加固图籍507 HGT21613-1996 钢梯及钢栏杆通用图508 J136-1981 砖墙节点建筑构造509 J642-1975 平开木门510 J643-1977 平开钢木大门511 J652-1981* 变压器室钢门窗(少P48)512 J656(一)-1983 平开防火门513 J733-1977 钢百页窗514 J830(二)-1974 W形钢筋混凝土天窗架建筑构造(卷材屋面、跨度6米)515 PT09 砌体方沟通用图集PT09516 PZ1-1997 平战结合防护密闭门和密闭门517 PZ2-1997 平时使用出入口封堵(人防图集)518 PZ3-1997 防护密闭封堵板(人防图集)519 PZ4-1997 后加柱(人防图集)520 RFJ01-2005 人防工程防护设备图集521 *屋面变形缝图集522 人防工程图集2003局部修改版合订本523 人防工程防护设备选用图集-1998524 农房建筑图集525 园林景观设计详细图集(1)526 园林景观设计详细图集(2)527 小型水利水电工程设计图集倒虹吸管分册528 小型水利水电工程设计图集小型水闸桥涵529 小型水利水电工程设计图集砌石坝分册530 小型水利水电工程设计图集跌水与陡坡分册531 工程建设分项设计施工系列图集混凝土结构工程(上、下册)532 工程建设分项设计施工系列图集砌体结构工程(上、下册)533 市政工程设计施工系列图集园林、景观工程(上、下册)534 市政工程设计施工系列图集消防、防灾工程(上、下册)535 市政工程设计施工系列图集燃气、供热工程(上、下册)536 市政工程设计施工系列图集给水、排水工程(上、下册)537 市政工程设计施工系列图集道路、桥梁工程(上、下册)538 市政工程设计施工系列图集防洪、防汛工程(上、下册)539 建筑围墙图集540 建筑室内装饰工程设计施工详细图集-2002541 建筑工程设计施工系列图集土建工程(上、下册)542 建筑施工计算手册14钢结构工程543 建筑门墙图集544 施工计算手册--脚手架545 民用建筑抗震加固图籍546 电缆沟施工大样图集547 结构标准图集2003年全集局部修改版548 钢结构工程设计施工及施工549 高层钢结构建筑设计资料集550 高等级公路建筑设计图集第二部分:设备GJBT图集系列1 00ZJ619(GJBT-530-2000) 电动采光排烟天窗2 01(03)K403(GJBT-549(03)-2003) 风机盘管安装2003修改3 01(03)R413(GJBT-558(03)-2001) 室外热力管道安装(架空敷设)(含2003年局部修改版)4 01(03)R414(GJBT-559(03)-2003) 室外热力管道安装(架空支架)5 01(03)S305(GJBT-547(03)-2003) 小型潜水排污泵选用及安装(2003年局部修订版)6 01G123(GJBT-542-2001) 贮水罐选用及安装7 01K403(GJBT-549-2001) 风机盘管的安装含2003年局部修改版8 01R405(GJBT-555-2001) 压力表安装图集9 01R406(GJBT-556-2001) 温度仪表安装图10 01R409(GJBT-557-2001) 管道穿墙、屋面防水套管11 01R415(GJBT-560-2001) 室内动力管道装置安装(热力管道)12 01R416(GJBT-561-2001) 室内动力管道装置安装(乙炔氧气管道)13 01S122-10(GJBT-540-2001) DFHRV系列导流浮动盘管型半容积式水加热器选用及安装14 01S122-1~10(GBJT-540-2001) 水加热器选用和安装(合订本)15 01S122-8(GJBT-540-2001) TGT系列浮动盘管型半即热式水加热器选用及安装16 01S122-9(GJBT-540-2001) SS、MS系列U形管型容积式水加热器选用及安装17 01S123(GJBT-542-2001) 贮水罐选用及安装18 01S125(GJBT-544-2001) 开水器(炉)选用及安装19 01S201(GJBT-545-2001) 室外消火栓安装20 01S302(GJBT-546-2001) 雨水斗21 01S305(GJBT-547-2001) 小型潜水排污泵选用及安装22 01SJ914(GJBT-534-2001) 住宅卫生间23 01SS105(GJBT-539-2001) 常用小型仪表及特种阀门选用与安装。

P12y_cnap_a63 应用指南

P12y_cnap_a63 应用指南
MiCOM P125/P126 & P127
P12y/CN AP/A53
MiCOM P125/P126 & P127
P12y/CN AP/A63 Page 1/83 83
1.1 1.2
6 6
地下电缆和架空线的保护 MiCOM 方向保护装置
MiCOM P125/P126 & P127 6.2 6.3 6.3.1 6.3.2 6.4 6.5 6.5.1 6.5.2 6.5.3 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 6.10 6.11 6.12 6.12.1 6.13 6.13.1 6.13.2 6.14 6.14.1 6.14.2 6.15 6.15.1 6.15.2 6.16 6.16.1 6.16.2 6.16.3 6.17
MiCOM P125/P126 & P127
地下电缆和架空线的保护 电力系统中电力传输和配电的安全性及可靠性在很大程度上依赖于连接电网系统各个部分电网 的地下电缆以及架空线的完整性。因此相关的保护系统运行必须安全、可靠。 地下电缆和架空线中最常见的故障类型是短路故障。这些故障中也许有相间短路,但最常见的 是单相或多相接地短路。 当发生短路故障时,要求尽可能快速地切除故障,同时还需要和其它下一级的保护很好的配 合。 保护的灵敏度是各个电压等级都要求的一项指标。对于输电网络,电线塔的塔基电阻可能较 高。同时,经过沙土地和岩石地的传输线路出现经高阻抗接地的现象也很普遍。这就要求快速 有选择性地切除这种类型的故障。 对于电压等级较低的系统,由于故障电流较小,故障电阻的影响将更加显著,这就增加了检测 经高阻抗接地故障的难度。另外,在许多配电系统中,采用接地方式的设计来限制接地电流的 大小。 这些接地方式的采用(如中性点经电阻接地、经消弧线圈接地或不接地)增加了接地故障检测 的难度。为了克服这些问题,对保护元件经常会提出一些特殊的要求。 如今,配电系统中,供电的连续性极为重要。 架空线路的故障大多数是暂时性的或半永久性的。 为了增强电网系统的有效性,大多采用多次自动重合闸周期与速断保护配合。对于永久性的故 障,应保证只有系统中的故障部分被切除。快速有选择性的切除故障同样是任何配电系统保护 的一项基本要求。 在各个电压等级的电网系统中都会安装电力变压器,而电力变压器对保护也有一些特殊的要 求。为了减少在故障情况下对变压器的损坏,快速切除绕组的相间及接地故障是一项首要的要 求。 电力系统中出现的过负荷运行会导致系统元件的损坏(如变压器,电缆及架空线)这将直接导 致设备的过热及以后的绝缘老化。为了防止这种情况的出现,被保护的元件应有过热保护。 由于相关的保护拒动或断路器本身失灵产生的故障而未能切除故障,也必须给予相应的重视。 同样的,除了本地的保护装置应有相应的逻辑处理断路器失灵,位于上一级的保护也应安装适 当的后备保护。 对于架空线路还可能存在其它形式的故障,如断线故障。这样一个串联故障,传统的保护设备 很难检测。 然而,随着数字技术的发展,已经研制出了保护元件检测这种不平衡的系统情况,并发出告警 信号/跳闸信号。 在大型电力系统中,过流和接地故障保护之间的时间配合经常会导致时间配合的矛盾或故障切 除时间过长。在数字技术中,这些问题可以通过闭锁过电流保护方案来解决。 MiCOM 方向保护装置 MiCOM 系 列产品 是 AREVA 输配电公司 保护和 控 制部采用最先进 的数字技术推出的 新 型产 品。该系列产品可保护包括电力系统中的各类设备,如电动机、发电机、馈线、架空线及电缆 等。 为了保证各产品之间的高度兼容性,每类保护装置的设计都采用相同的硬件和软件平台。该系 列产品之 一是方向过电流和方向接地保护。由于 集成 了多个保护 元件 以及自动 控 制功能, MiCOM 方向过电流保护装置适用于众多应用场合,包括输配电各个电压等级的架空线和地下 电缆。

Y 系列三相异步电动机产品样本(南洋)

Y 系列三相异步电动机产品样本(南洋)

2. 噪声容差为+3dB A 3.防护等级为 IP44
b. The limits are permitted to increase 3 dB (A). c. Protection Class is IP44.
技术数据 Technical Data
同步转速 1000r/min 6 极 380V 50Hz
80.5 0.86
0.87 10.0
85.5 0.87 13.2
85.5 0.88 18.1
86.2 0.88 24.5
85.3 0.78 54.7
7.5 Y160M-6 17.0
0.78 73.9
11 Y160L-6 24.6
0.78 108.3
15 Y180L-6 31.5
89.5 0.81 147.8
Synchronous speed 1000 r/min (6-pole), 380V, 50Hz

ABY 系列

ABY 系列

安博瑞尼 ABY系列浪涌保护器低压电器类产品简介ABY 系列浪涌保护器简述 随着近几十年技术的进步,越来越多的高集成度设备的普遍使用,其耐受过电压的水平越来越低,雷电引起的过电压使设备故障不断上升。


过电压的入侵通道 雷电是一种自然现象,云云之间和云地之间的放电都会在空间激起很强的电磁脉冲。



BY系列浪涌保护器A损坏的实物图片防雷分区的概念 在国际标准IEC61312-1中描述的分区防雷的观念已被证实是合理的、有效的。




防雷分区的定义□ LPZOA 在建筑物外部,不受外部保护装置保护的区域。


□ LPZ 0B 在建筑物外部受外部防雷装置保护的区域。


□ LPZ 1建筑物内部区域。


□ LPZ 2建筑物内部区域。


□ LPZ 3建筑物(也可能是设备的金属外壳)内部区域。


□ 分区防雷理论的必要条件是正确安装的等电位连接系统,然后在各分区之间安装电涌保护器作为补充,因而对于防雷来说,建立等电位连接系统同样重要全面的保护方案 依据GB50057-1994提出的系统防护概念,在建筑物内外要做等电位连接。



序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 资料名称 CHVAF-10/1250特种变压器 ZYW-2000煤矿用全液压战机 ZY-750用全液压钻机(D) ZY-650煤矿用全液压钻机(D) 矿用隔爆型移动变电站 QBZ2系列矿用隔爆型真空电磁起动器 ZN12系列高压真空断路器 电线电缆产品合格证 矿用隔爆型移动变电站(使用说明书) 矿用隔爆型移动变电交站(KBSGZY-400/10) JTBP型矿用提升绞车(使用说明书) 收集时间 不详 不详 2010年11月 2010年11有 2011年1月 2011年1月 2011年1月 2011年1月 2011年3月30日 2011年4月15日 2011年5月3日
156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187
188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207



2008 Minerals YearbookU.S. Department of the Interior U.S. Geological SurveyCongo (Kinshasa)September 2010T he M ineral i ndusTry of C ongo (K inshasa)By Thomas R. YagerThe Democratic Republic of the Congo [Congo (Kinshasa)] played a globally significant role in the world’s production of cobalt and diamond. In 2008, the country’s share of the world’s cobalt production amounted to 45%; industrial diamond, 30%; gem-quality diamond, 6%; and copper, 2%. Congo (Kinshasa) accounted for about 48% of the world’s cobalt reserves. Copper and crude petroleum production also played a significant role in the domestic economy. The country was not a globally significant consumer of minerals or mineral fuels (Edelstein, 2009; Olson, 2009a, b; Shedd, 2009).Minerals in the National EconomyThe mining and mineral processing sector accounted foran estimated 13.4% of the gross domestic product in 2008, and the manufacturing sector, 4%. The mining sector grewby 11.4% in 2008. In 2007 (the latest year for which data were available), between 500,000 and 1 million artisanal and small-scale miners were estimated to be involved in diamond production; employment in diamond trading amounted to about 100,000. Employment in diamond mining and trading declined substantially in late 2008 because of the worldwide economic crisis (Partnership Africa Canada, 2007; Africa Mining Intelligence, 2009a; Ames and others, 2010, p. 6-7). Government Policies and ProgramsThe Parliament of Congo (Kinshasa) passed a mining code in July 2002 that replaced Ordinance No. 81-013 of April 2, 1981. The revised code promotes private sector development of the mining industry; the principal role of the Government is to promote and regulate the development of the industry. Mining rights are vested with the Government. Congo (Kinshasa) was a signatory to the Kimberley Process, which established a certification system in November 2002 to reduce the trade in conflict diamond.Mining rights were often allocated to artisanal miners by unwritten local customs. In most areas of the country, local chiefs played the most important role in the allocation of mining rights. The mining code had no provisions for operation or ownership of artisanal mines. Local customs came into conflict with the mining code when the Government granted licenses to small-scale diamond mining companies for mines operated by artisanal miners in Kasai Orientale Province, particularly in the Tshikapa area (Partnership Africa Canada, 2007).In May 2007, the Government initiated a review of 61 previously negotiated mining contracts. By November 2008, 14 of the contracts were cleared as acceptable, 26 required further negotiation, and 21 were ruled to be unacceptable in their current (2008) form. The rejected contracts could face cancellation. The newly appointed Government called for a swift conclusion to the process in November (Welch, 2008).ProductionIn 2008, the production of refined copper in Congo (Kinshasa) increased by 621%; niobium (columbium), by an estimated 254%; refined cobalt, by 137%; mined copper, by an estimated 64%; tantalum, by an estimated 41%; tin, by an estimated 33%; and mined cobalt, by an estimated 23%. Silver mine production decreased by 55%; tungsten, by an estimated 41%; gold, by an estimated 35%; diamond, by 26%; and cement, by 22%. Copper smelter production ceased.Structure of the Mineral IndustryLa Générale des Carrières et des Mines (Gécamines), which was a state-owned company, produced cobalt and copper; other cobalt and copper mining companies were privately owned. The cement producers Cimenterie de Lukala and Interlacs were privately owned. The Government held an 80% share in the large-scale diamond producer Société Minière de Bakwanga (MIBA). Artisanal and small-scale miners accounted for most Congolese output of diamond, gold, niobium, tantalum, tin, and tungsten. Artisanal and small-scale miners also played a significant role in the country’s cobalt mine production. Mineral TradeExports were estimated to be about $6.59 billion in 2008, and imports, $6.71 billion. Cobalt accounted for 38% of total exports; copper, 35%; crude petroleum, 12%; and diamond, 11%. Other mineral exports included gold, niobium, tantalum, tin, tourmaline, and tungsten. The share of diamond in total exports declined from nearly 61% in 2003, and crude petroleum, from 19%. Most of the decline was attributable to increased production and prices for cobalt and copper; crude petroleum exports tripled in value from 2003 to 2008, and cobalt and copper exports increased at an even faster rate. Petroleum products accounted for nearly 12% of total imports in 2008 (Ames and others, 2010, p. 29-30). Commodity ReviewMetalsAluminum.—BHP Billiton Ltd. of Australia was engagedin a feasibility study of a new aluminum smelter in Bas-Congo Province. The proposed smelter would have a capacity of 800,000 metric tons per year (t/yr) in its first phase and would consume electricity produced from about 2,000 megawatts (MW) of installed capacity at the proposed Inga 3 hydroelectric power station on the Congo River. The feasibility study was expected to be completed in 2009. Depending on the results of the study and the development of Inga 3, aluminum production could start in 2014 or 2015. The estimated cost of the project was $3 billion (Mining Review Africa, 2007a).Congo (Kinshasa)—2008 11.1Cobalt and Copper.—First Quantum Minerals Ltd. of Canada produced copper ore from the Lonshi Mine; the company shipped its ore across the border with Zambia to the Bwana Mkubwa solvent extraction-electrowinning (SX/EW) facility. Reserves at the Lonshi Mine were depleted in the third quarter of 2008 (First Quantum Minerals Ltd., 2009, p. 18, 33). In November 2007, First Quantum started production at the Frontier Mine and output amounted to 8,712 metric tons (t) of copper for that year. In 2008, production at the Frontier Mine was 80,177 t. Production in 2008 was limited by heavy rains early in the year, but the recovery rate increased during the year. Production was expected to increase to 98,000 t in 2009 and to an average of 103,000 t/yr of copper from 2010 to 2013 (First Quantum Minerals Ltd., 2009, p. 18, 28-29, 32).By the end of 2008, First Quantum had completed 47% of the Kolwezi tailings project. Production was expected to start at the company’s mine and SX/EW plant in the third quarter of 2010 at an initial rate of 35,000 t/yr of refined copper and 7,000 t/yr of cobalt hydroxide. First Quantum planned to increase production to an average of 70,000 t/yr of refined copper from 2011 to 2013; the life of the project was estimated to be 22 yearswith production at 70,000 t/yr. The cost of the expansion was estimated to be $40 million. First Quantum also planned to complete a study of the development of a cobalt refining plant in the first quarter of 2009 (First Quantum Minerals Ltd., 2009, p. 25, 29).Anvil Mining Ltd. of Australia operated the Dikulushi open pit copper-silver mine, which is located near Lake Mweru in Katanga Province. The company exported copper concentrates from the Dikulushi Mine to Namibia for smelting. Anvil produced 11,047 t of copper in 2008 compared with 24,561 tin 2007; silver production decreased to 34,083 kilograms (kg) from 76,242 kg. Ore grades and recovery rates decreased in 2008 because of the shift from open pit mining to underground mining. In the fourth quarter of 2008, Dikilushi was shut down and placed on care-and-maintenance status; the mine was subeconomic at world copper prices of $1.40 per pound (Metal Bulletin, 2008; Anvil Mining Ltd., 2009, p. 14-15).Anvil was engaged in a joint venture with DeMoura Enterprises and Gécamines to produce copper at the Mutoshi Mine (formerly known as the Kulu Mine). In 2008, production at Mutoshi declined to 7,448 t of copper from 10,066 t in 2007. Production was limited by lower ore grades and recovery rates. In November, the Mutoshi Mine was shut down (Anvil Mining Ltd., 2009, p. 15-16).In 2008, Anvil produced 22,858 t of copper at the Kinsevere Mine compared with 13,006 t in 2007. In August, Anvil completed construction of an electric arc furnace at Kinsevere for the production of blister copper ingots with a grade of 92% copper. Blister copper production amounted to 820 t in 2008. Mining operations were suspended at Kinsevere in November. Anvil planned to make a decision on continuing blister copper production in the first quarter of 2009. If blister copper production were to continue, Anvil could produce at a rate of 5,100 t/yr from stockpiles (Anvil Mining Ltd., 2009, p. 15, 20-21).Anvil completed nearly 40% of the construction on the second stage of the Kinsevere project in 2008. The company planned to build an SX/EW plant with a capacity of 60,000 t/yr of refined copper. In the fourth quarter of 2008, Anvil halted work on the plant because of the worldwide economic crisis. The capital costs of the second stage were estimated to be $380 million, of which $180 million was already spent. Anvil was searching for financing for the remaining $200 million in capital costs; the company hoped to complete construction in the second half of 2010 (Metal Bulletin, 2008; Anvil Mining Ltd., 2009, p. 3, 8). Ruashi Mining SPRL (Metorex Ltd. of South Africa, 80%) produced cobalt and copper from tailings near the Ruashi Mine. In 2008, copper production from the tailings amounted to9,175 t, and cobalt production, 388 t. The company’s copper and cobalt production amounted to 8,971 t and 391 t, respectively, in 2007. Ruashi Mining started the second phase of the project in the second half of 2008, which involved mining the Ruashi ore body. Refined copper output from the Ruashi ore body that was produced at a new SX/EW plant amounted to 2,215 t. The company planned to produce at the SX/EW plant’s full capacity of 45,000 t/yr of refined copper and 3,500 t/yr of cobalt hydroxide by December 2009. Capital costs of the second phase of the project were estimated to be $335 million (Metorex Ltd., 2008, p. 20-22; 2009).At the beginning of 2008, Nikanor plc operated the Kananga and the Tilwezembe Mines. In 2008, production at Kananga and Tilwezembe amounted to 4,489 t of copper and 1,776 t of cobalt. Katanga Mining Ltd. of Canada merged with Nikanorin January. Mining operations were suspended at Tilwezembe in November because of declining cobalt and copper prices (Katanga Mining Ltd., 2009, p. 8, 36).Katanga started copper mining at the KTO and T17 Minesin the first half of 2007; the company also reopened the Luilu refinery in December 2007. In 2008, production amountedto 26,611 t of refined copper and 749 t of cobalt metal. The combined mining operations of Katanga and Nikanor were expected to produce 45,500 t of refined copper and 4,000 t of cobalt metal in 2009. Katanga planned to increase capacityat Luilu to 70,000 t/yr of copper by mid-2009. From 2011to 2013, Katanga planned further capacity increases at Luiluto 150,000 t/yr of copper. By 2015, a new SX/EW plant was expected to increase capacity to 310,000 t/yr of refined copper and 30,000 t/yr of refined cobalt and cobalt salt. Capacity increases after 2009 depended on securing additional financing (Katanga Mining Ltd., 2009, p. 28, 36).Copper Resources Corp. (CRC) of Australia (Metorex, 50%) and its joint-venture partners planned to reopen the Kinsenda Mine by May 2009 and produce 35,000 t/yr of copper in concentrate. The capital costs of the project were estimated to be $93 million. The life of the mine was expected to be 13 years (Mining Review Africa, 2007b; Arenson, 2008).Gécamines produced 26,051 t of copper and 690 t of cobalt in 2008. The company’s production was constrained by aging equipment; a lack of investment, fuel, and spare parts; and poor infrastructure. Gécamines’ joint ventures included its partnerships with Enterprise Generale Malta Forrest SPRL to produce cobalt and copper at the Luiswishi open pit mine and La Société pour le Traitement du Terril de Lubumbashi’s (STL) tailings treatment plant in Lubumbashi. In 2008, the production of copper at Luiswishi increased to 11,204 t from about10,000 t in 2007, and cobalt production decreased to 2,991 t11.2 u.s. geologiCal survey minerals yearbooK—2008from about 4,500 t. Starting in late 2008, the Luiswishi Mine was expected to be temporarily shut down; plans to build a new hydrometallurgical plant at Luiswishi were likely to continue in 2009. The plant’s estimated costs were $165 million. Cobalt and copper output at STL remained nearly unchanged at 5,545 t and 3,113 t, respectively (George Forrest International S.A., 2008: Africa Mining Intelligence, 2009b; La Générale des Carrières et des Mines, 2009).Chemaf SPRL started the production of refined copper at the Etoile Mine in 2007; the mine opened in 2005. Cathode production increased to 11,353 t in 2008 from 1,063 t in 2007; copper carbonate production amounted to 5,344 t in 2007. Cobalt production decreased to 2,402 t in 2008 from 2,599 t in 2007. By the end of 2009, Chemaf planned to commission a new 6,000-t/yr-capacity SX/EW plant to produce refined cobalt (Chemaf SPRL, 2009).Central African Mining and Exploration Company plc (CAMEC) of the United Kingdom started operations at its Luita SX/EW plant near Lubumbashi in 2007. The Luita plant was supplied by mines in the 467 and 469 concessions. In 2008, CAMEC produced 10,091 t of refined copper and 3,703 t of cobalt in concentrate compared with 4,948 t of copper and 699 t of cobalt in 2007. The company planned to increase capacity to 30,000 t/yr of refined copper and 8,000 t/yr of contained cobalt by March 2009, and 100,000 t/yr of copper and 12,000 t/yrof cobalt by March 2011. In November 2008, CAMEC shut down its mining operations; plans to restart mining and produce at the expanded capacity of 30,000 t/yr in the first quarter of 2009 depended on world cobalt market conditions (Central African Mining and Exploration Company plc, 2008, p. 14, 21; Mukumbira and Harrison, 2008).TEAL Exploration & Mining Inc. of Canada and Gécamines started mining operations at the Luputo property in May 2007. In mid-2008, resources at Luputo were estimated to be 23.3 million metric tons (Mt) at a grade of 2.3% copper. Copper production was expected to be 8,500 t in concentrate in 2008; TEAL was engaged in a feasibility study of increasing copper production to 40,000 t/yr. By the fourth quarter of 2008, output had declined by 83% compared with that of the second quarter of 2008 (Arenson, 2008; TEAL Exploration & Mining Inc., 2008). Mining at the Tenke Fungurume project was expected to start in the second half of 2009; output was planned to be 115,000 t/yr of refined copper and 8,000 t/yr of cobalt in metal and cobalt hydroxide in the first phase of the project. In 2008, the estimate of the project’s capital costs was revised to about $1.9 billion from $900 million. Tenke Fungurume was a joint venture of Freeport McMoran Copper & Gold Inc. of the United States (57.75%), Lundin Mining Corp. of Canada (24.75%), and Gécamines (17.5%) (Arenson, 2008).Africo Resources Ltd. of Canada planned to produce about 16,400 t/yr of copper and 3,800 t/yr of cobalt in concentrate at the new Kalukundi open pit mine starting in 2010. The capital costs of the project were estimated to be $163 million. Reserves were estimated to be 7.8 Mt at a grade of 2.44% copper and 0.69% cobalt. The life of the mine was expected to be 10 years (African Mining, 2007; Arenson, 2008). Gold.—Artisanal and small-scale miners produced gold in the Ituri District of Orientale Province, Nord-Kivu Province, and Sud-Kivu Province in eastern Congo (Kinshasa). Most gold exports were undeclared; reported gold exports from Sud-Kivu Province amounted to about 240 kilograms per year (kg/yr) (Global Witness, 2009, p. 52).Gold mines in the Fizi, the Kalehe, and the Mwenga Territories in Sud-Kivu Province were reportedly under the control of the Forces Démocratiques pour la Libération du Rwanda (FDLR). Illegal taxation of artisanal gold mining accounted for an estimated 75% of the FDLR’s revenues. Congolese military forces took control of the Mukungwe Mines in Sud-Kivu in March 2008 in response to civil unrest related to an ownership dispute. The Mufa Mine at Tubimbi in Sud-Kivu was also controlled by Congolese military forces. Gold produced in mines in the southern part of Sud-Kivu was exported to Burundi across Lake Tanganyika (Garrett and Mitchell, 2009, p. 9; Global Witness, 2009, p. 33-35, 40-41, 73). In July 2008, Banro Corp. of Canada completed its prefeasibility study of developing a new mine at Twangizain Sud-Kivu Province. Banro initiated a full feasibility studyin July. Depending on the results of the study, the company planned to produce an average of 10,700 kg/yr of gold during the first 3 years of mining at Twangiza and an average of7,300 kg/yr during the first 7 years of mining. Reserveswere estimated to be 48.9 Mt at a grade of 2.1 grams per metric ton (g/t) gold. The life of the mine was expected to be 12 years. Initial capital costs at Twangiza were estimated to be $541 million. Banro planned to complete a prefeasibility study at Namoya and a scoping study at Kamituga in 2009 (Mining Journal, 2008).Moto Goldmines Ltd. of Australia and its joint-venture partners were considering the development of a new mine at the Moto project in the Ituri District of Orientale Province. According to the feasibility study of an open pit mine completed in December 2007, gold production would amount to an average of 12,400 kg/yr. Capital and infrastructure costs, which included a new 24-MW hydroelectric power station, were estimated to be $483 million. Reserves were estimated to be 37.8 Mt at a grade of 3.2 g/t gold. Moto planned to complete a feasibility study of an underground mine in the first quarter of 2009 (Moto Goldmines Ltd., 2009).TransAfrika Resources Ltd. of Mauritius started soil sampling at EP6062 in Sud-Kivu Province in the second half of 2008; the company planned further exploration after the end of the rainy season in May 2009. AngloGold Ashanti Ltd. of South Africa explored at Mongbwalu in Orientale Province. In November 2008, the company suspended its exploration activities in Congo (Kinshasa) because of fighting between Government and rebel forces (Welch, 2008).Niobium and Tantalum.—The Lueshe pyrochlore mine, which accounted for a majority of domestic niobium production between 2000 and 2003, reportedly reopened in 2008. Pyrochlore was shipped to Goma for export in late 2008. The Government blocked exports because of the continuing legal dispute concerning ownership of Lueshe that caused the mine to close in 2004 (Global Witness, 2009, p. 21). Mwangachuchu Hizi International and other mining companies produced columbite-tantalite at Bibatama in Nord-Kivu Province using labor-intensive methods. The Congres National pour laCongo (Kinshasa)—2008 11.3Défense du Peuple (CNDP) reportedly obtained revenue from the illegal taxation of mining operations at Bibatama. About 15% of the CNDP’s revenues were estimated to be attributable to mineral taxation and trading. The FDLR and Congolese military forces also reportedly obtained revenue from the illegal taxation of columbite-tantalite mining operations near Shabunda inSud-Kivu Province (Spittaels and Hilgert, 2008, p. 24-25, 33-34; Garrett and Mitchell, 2009, p. 9; Global Witness, 2009, p. 40-41). Exports of columbite-tantalite from Nord-Kivu and Sud-Kivu Provinces amounted to about 380 t in 2008 compared with 267 t in 2007. In the first 11 months of 2008, Sud-Kivu accounted for 84% of columbite-tantalite exports, and Nord-Kivu, 16% (Garrett and Mitchell, 2009, p. 31).Tin.—Artisanal and small-scale miners produced cassiterite in Katanga, Maniema, Nord-Kivu, and Sud-Kivu Provinces. The Bisie Mines in the Walikale Territory in Nord-Kivu were the largest Congolese cassiterite mines; production was between 9,600 and 12,000 t/yr. The 85th Brigade of the Congolese military forces, which was not integrated into the unified national Congolese military forces, controlled the Bisie Mines. An estimated 95% of the 85th Brigade’s revenues were obtained from the illegal taxation and trade of minerals. Kivu Resources Ltd. of South Africa held the mining rights for the Bisie Mines. The company planned to spend $28 million on the development of large-scale mining at Bisie. In October 2008, Kivu Resources declared force majeure at Bisie because of the 85th Brigade’s control of the mines (Mukumbira, 2008; Garrett and Mitchell, 2009, p. 6; Global Witness, 2009, p. 27-30).Cassiterite mines near Shabunda produced at least 840 t/yr, from which the FDLR and Congolese military forces reportedly obtained revenue from illegal taxation. The FDLR also controlled cassiterite mines in Walikale Territory and in Kalehe and Mwenga Territories in Sud-Kivu Province. The Karhembu Mine near the town of Tubimbi and the Lemera Mines in Sud-Kivu Province were controlled by Congolese military forces (Spittaels and Hilgert, 2008, p. 33-34; Global Witness, 2009, p. 33, 36, 40-42). Other significant artisanal mining areas included Kasese and Kalima in Maniema Province and Kamituga in Sud-Kivu Province. Cassiterite production from Maniema Province was at least 1,639 t in 2007 (Garrett and Mitchell, 2009, p. 29). Congolese exports of cassiterite from Nord-Kivu andSud-Kivu Provinces amounted to about 18,200 t in 2008 compared with 13,656 t in 2007. In Goma, such companies as Mining and Processing Congo (MPC) (a subsidiary of Kivu Resources) and Society for Mining Development (Sodexmines) (a subsidiary of Elwyn Blattner Group of the United States) processed cassiterite concentrates to a tin content of 65% before export. In the first 11 months of 2008, about 75% of cassiterite exports was shipped from Nord-Kivu, and 25%, from Sud-Kivu. Belgium received 62% of Congolese cassiterite exports in 2007; Thailand, 14%; and the United Kingdom, 11% (Garrett and Mitchell, 2009, p. 29, 31; Global Witness, 2009, p. 60). Tungsten.—More than 1,000 artisanal miners produced wolframite at Kamole in Sud-Kivu Province; the Kamole Mine was reportedly controlled by Congolese military forces. Wolframite was also mined in Nord-Kivu Province. Congolese wolframite exports from Nord-Kivu and Sud-Kivu Provinces amounted to about 650 t in 2008 compared with 1,095 t in 2007. In the first 11 months of 2008, about 76% of exports was shipped from Nord-Kivu, and 24%, from Sud-Kivu. In 2007, Belgium received about 63% of wolframite exports; the United Kingdom, 10%; and the Netherlands, 8% (Spittaels and Hilgert, 2008, p. 34; Garrett and Mitchell, 2009, p. 31; Global Witness, 2009, p. 60).Industrial MineralsDiamond.—MIBA mined mostly industrial andnear-gem-quality diamond at Mbuji-Mayi in Kasai-Oriental Province; production amounted to about 100,000 carats per month in 2008. The company planned to increase productionto 200,000 carats per month. In September 2008, MIBAwas granted $140 million in financing by the Industrial Development Corp. of South Africa and the Development Bank of Southern Africa. MIBA needed $25 million to rehabilitate its hydroelectric plants that were operating at 25% of capacity and an additional $100 million to build a new hyrdroelectric plant. The company’s diesel generators were incapable of supporting large-scale mining and were increasingly difficult to operate because of high fuel prices. MIBA’s financial difficulties were exacerbated by declining diamond prices in the second half of 2008. In October, MIBA was forced to shut down operations because of labor disputes; workers were unpaid for 20 months because revenues were less than labor costs (Africa Mining Intelligence, 2008; Bavier, 2008).Artisanal miners produced diamond at Aketi in Orientale Province; at Bakongo, Bakwachimuna, and Tshibue inKasai-Oriental Province; at Tshikapa in Kasai-Occidental Province; and at various operations in Bandundu, Bas-Congo, Equateur, and Katanga Provinces. Artisanal diamond production declined to 20.1 million carats in 2008 from 27.2 million carats in 2007. In the fourth quarter of 2008, artisanal diamond production declined sharply; miners in the Mbuji-Mayi area sought employment in the agricultural sector after many diamond traders shut down operations. In addition to the worldwide economic crisis, artisanal diamond production was also constrained bythe lack of mining skills and access to capital, the absence of cooperatives, and poor working conditions (Partnership Africa Canada, 2007; Africa Mining Intelligence, 2009a).Global Diamond Resources plc (GDR) of the United Kingdom engaged in bulk sampling and trial mining at alluvial deposits on the Tshumbe River in 2008. By the end of 2010, GDR planned to start a mining operation that would produce between 150,000 and 200,000 carats per year. By the end of 2012, production could increase to a rate of about 600,000 carats per year. Capital expenditures were estimated to be $25 million (Global Diamond Resources plc, 2008, p. 11, 13-14, 26, 29).In March 2008, Pangea Diamondfields plc commissioned a new bulk sampling plant at its Longatshimo River project; the company recovered more than 1,000 carats of diamond by the end of June. Pangea also explored at the Tshikapa River project. Resources at Longatshimo River were estimated to be nearly 15.7 million cubic meters of gravel that contained 5.05 million carats, and at Tshikapa River, 16.5 million cubic meters of gravel that contained 3.35 million carats (Arenson, 2008; Pangea Diamondfields plc, 2008).11.4 u.s. geologiCal survey minerals yearbooK—2008In February 2008, BRC Diamond Corp. of Canada merged with Diamond Core Ltd. of South Africa to form BRC DiamondCore Ltd. In June, BRC formed a joint venture with Rio Tinto Group of Australia to explore for diamond at fiveof BRC’s projects in Equateur and Orientale Provinces; the companies engaged in stream sampling. BRC also explored at its Candore East, Kwango River, Lubao, and Tshikapa projects. In November, BRC announced plans to engage in bulk sampling at Kwango River in 2009 and to discontinue exploration at Lubao (Arenson, 2008; BRC DiamondCore Ltd., 2008).De Beers Group of South Africa and Bugeco SA of Belgium (African Diamonds plc of the United Kingdom, 35.42%) were engaged in a joint venture to explore at Bugeco’s propertiesin Kasai-Oriental Province. In November 2008, De Beers announced plans to withdraw from the joint venture because of the worldwide economic crisis and the small size and low grade of the kimberlites (African Diamonds plc, 2009, p. 3, 17-18). Gem Diamonds Ltd. of the United Kingdom engaged in dredging and alluvial exploration at its Longatshimo, Lubembe, and Mbelenge properties in 2008, which are located on the Longatshimo, the Lubembe, and the Kasai Rivers, respectively. In November, Gem Diamonds suspended all dredging and alluvial exploration activities; the company planned to continue with kimberlitic exploration (Ryan, 2009).Gravity Diamonds Ltd. of Australia and BHP Billiton explored at Gravity’s Gunge, Luebo, Maniamuna, and Penge concessions on the Kasai Craton. In May 2007, Gravity was purchased by Mwana Africa plc of the United Kingdom. BHP Billiton and SouthernEra Diamonds Inc. of Canada were engaged in a joint venture to explore at 39 of SouthernEra’s 56 permits in Kasai-Oriental Province. SouthernEra was purchased by Mwana in November 2007. In early December 2008, BHP Billiton announced plans to withdraw from the agreement signed with SouthernEra by yearend and proposed to terminate the agreement signed with Gravity. Mwana subsequently suspended its diamond exploration activities in Congo (Kinshasa) (Jessop, 2008).Mineral FuelsPetroleum.—In April 2008, Soco International plc of the United Kingdom’s production-sharing contract for the Nganzi Block became effective. Soco planned to conduct a seismic survey at Nganzi. In May, Dominion Petroleum Ltd. of Bermuda signed an agreement to explore at Block 5, which included areas on and near Lake Edward on the border with Uganda. Tullow Oil plc of the United Kingdom held Block 1, which included areas on and near Lake Albert. The company’s exploration rights were withdrawn by the Government in 2008 because of alleged contract irregularities (Petroleum Economist, 2008; Irish Times, 2009).OutlookCobalt and copper output in Congo (Kinshasa) is expectedto increase substantially in the near future. The closing of the Dikulushi, the Kinsevere, and the Mutoshi Mines because of the worldwide economic crisis is likely to be more than offset by the opening of the Kalukundi and the Tenke Fungurume Mines and increased production from the Frontier, the KTO, the Ruashi, and the T17 Mines. The development of these projects depends heavily upon political and economic stability and favorable conditions in world markets. The outlook for gold, niobium, tantalum, tin, and tungsten is particularly dependent upon political stability because of continued civil unrest in eastern Congo (Kinshasa) and upon international concerns about the reported use of minerals to finance military operations. References CitedAfrica Mining Intelligence, 2008, Strike halts MIBA production: Africa Mining Intelligence, no. 190, November 5-18, p. 3.Africa Mining Intelligence, 2009a, Dramatic collapse in diamond production: Africa Mining Intelligence, no. 195, January 21-February 3, p. 2.Africa Mining Intelligence, 2009b, Forrest closes mine but keeps building plan: Africa Mining Intelligence, no. 193, December 17-January 6, p. 3.African Diamonds plc, 2009, Annual report and accounts 2008: London, United Kingdom, African Diamonds plc, 52 p.African Mining, 2007, Kalukundi looking good: African Mining, v. 12, no. 2, March/April, p. 28-31.Ames, Brian, Bohva-Padilla, Simona, Callegari, Giovanni, Farah, Abdikarim, and Douglas, Hostland, 2010, Democratic Republic of the Congo—Statistical appendix: Washington, DC, International Monetary Fund Country Report10/11, January 8, 39 p.Anvil Mining Ltd., 2009, Annual report 2008: Osborne Park, Australia, Anvil Mining Ltd., 72 p.Arenson, Gaelle, 2008, The road to recovery—Paved with good intentions?: Mining Journal Ltd., August 15, p. 18-23.Bavier, Joe, 2008, DRC diamond miner MIBA close to signing finance deal to rebuild infrastructure: Thomson Reuters Corp., June 20, unpaginated.BRC DiamondCore Ltd., 2008, BRC DiamondCore provides update on DRC exploration activities: Toronto, Ontario, Canada, BRC DiamondCore Ltd. press release, November 18, 3 p.Central African Mining and Exploration Company plc, 2008, Annual report and financial statements—Year ended 31 March 2008: London, United Kingdom, Central African Mining and Exploration Company plc, 147 p.Chemaf SPRL, 2009. Production details: Chemaf SPRL. (Accessed November 16, 2009, at /production_details.htm.) Edelstein, D.L., 2009, Copper: U.S. Geological Survey Mineral Commodity Summaries 2009, p. 50-51.First Quantum Minerals Ltd., 2009, 2008 annual report: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, First Quantum Minerals Ltd., 72 p.Garrett, Nicholas, and Mitchell, Harrison, 2009, Trading conflict for development: Aston Sandford, United Kingdom, Resource Consulting Services Ltd., 51 p.George Forrest International S.A., 2008, Fiscalite 2007 et ITIE: Wavre, Belgium, George Forrest International S.A. press release, May 27, 1 p.Global Diamond Resources plc, 2008, Corporate presentation—Democratic Republic of Congo: London, United Kingdom, Global Diamond Resources plc, September 8, 29 p.Global Witness, 2009, Faced with a gun, what can you do?—War and the militarization of mining in Eastern Congo: London, United Kingdom, Global Witness, 106 p.Irish Times, 2009, Tullow Oil may take on additional partner in Congo deal: Irish Times [Dublin, Ireland], March 31, unpaginated.Jessop, Simon, 2008, Mwana Africa says may stop DRC diamond ops: Thomson Reuters Corp., December 2, unpaginated.Katanga Mining Ltd., 2009, Fourth quarter 2008—Management’s discussion and analysis: Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Katanga Mining Ltd., 36 p.La Générale des Carrières et des Mines, 2009, Production: La Généraledes Carrières et des Mines. (Accessed November 19, 2009, at Bulletin, 2008, Anvil puts Dikulushi on care and maintenance: Metal Bulletin, no. 9077, December 15, p. 10.Metorex Ltd., 2008, Annual report 2008: Rosebank, South Africa, Metorex Ltd., 125 p.Metorex Ltd., 2009, Consolidated unaudited interim results for the six months ended 31 December 2008 and further cautionary announcement: Rosebank, South Africa, Metorex Ltd., 12 p.Congo (Kinshasa)—2008 11.5。



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机械连接无缝阀门系列II 55-MY1B说明书

机械连接无缝阀门系列II 55-MY1B说明书

Instruction ManualMechanically Jointed Rodless CylinderII 2G Ex h IIC T6/T5 GbII2provided by compressed air into a force which causes mechanical linearsubject to “Special Conditions of Use”, please see Section 2.3.1 Safety InstructionsThese safety instructions are intended to prevent hazardous situationsand/or equipment damage. These instructions indicate the level ofpotential hazard with the labels of “Caution,” “Warning” or “Danger.”They are all important notes for safety and must be followed in additionto International Standards (ISO/IEC) *1), and other safety regulations.*1) ISO 4414: Pneumatic fluid power - General rules relating to systems.ISO 4413: Hydraulic fluid power - General rules relating to systems.IEC 60204-1: Safety of machinery - Electrical equipment of machines.(Part 1: General requirements)ISO 10218-1: Robots and robotic devices - Safety requirements forindustrial robots - Part 1: Robots.•Refer to product catalogue, Operation Manual and HandlingPrecautions for SMC Products for additional information.• Keep this manual in a safe place for future reference.Warning•Always ensure compliance with relevant safety laws andstandards.•All work must be carried out in a safe manner by a qualified person incompliance with applicable national regulations.2 SpecificationsThis product is suitable for use in Zones 1 and 2 only.2.1 Product Specifications:Refer to the operation manual for this product;2.2 Production Batch Code:The batch code printed on the label indicates the month and the year ofproduction as per the following table;2.3 Special Conditions of Use:•Products are suitable for sub-divisions IIC.•Products are suitable for Zones 1 & 2 only.2.3.1 Temperature Marking: Standard Product:•In the normal ambient temperature range (+5°C to +40°C) the productis rated to temperature class T6.•In the special ambient temperature range (+40°C to +60°C) the productis rated to temperature class T5.2.3.2 Static:•Danger of electrostatic discharge.3 Installation3.1 InstallationWarning•Do not install the product unless the safety instructions have been readand understood.•Do not twist or bend the cylinder, or mount the product when subjectto tension.•Do not use in an application where the product is stopped mid-stroke,via an external stop.•Do not use where cylinders are being synchronised to move a singleload.•In order to install the product, use one of the brackets available foundSee the product catalogue for the exact code to order which relates to thebore size of your product.•When replacing the side supports, use the hexagonal socket head capscrews of the following sizes, and the hexagon wrenches shown below.3.2 EnvironmentWarning•Do not use in an environment where corrosive gases, chemicals, saltwater or steam are present.•Do not use in an explosive atmosphere except within the specifiedrating.•Do not expose to direct sunlight. Use a suitable protective cover.•Do not install in a location subject to vibration or impact in excess ofthe product’s specifications.•Do not mount in a location exposed to radiant heat that would result intemperatures in excess of the product’s specifications.•Do not use in a place subject to heavy vibration and/or shock.•Do not use in wet environments, where water can remove the presenceof the lubrication.•Do not use in case of heavy dusty environments where dust canpenetrate into the cylinder and dry the grease.•Do not allow dust layers to build up on the cylinder surface and insulatethe product.3.3 PipingCaution•Before connecting piping make sure to clean up chips, cutting oil, dustetc.•When installing piping or fittings, ensure sealant material does notenter inside the port. When using seal tape, leave 1 thread exposedon the end of the pipe/fitting.•Tighten fittings to the specified tightening torque.3.4 LubricationCaution•SMC products have been lubricated for life at manufacture, and do notrequire lubrication in service.•If a lubricant is used in the system, refer to catalogue for details.use, and could relate to an increase in maximum surface temperatureabove what the product specification declares.3.6 Electrical Connection•The product should be grounded by the piston rod and the body inorder to create an electrically conductive path to thesystem/application.•Ground the product in accordance with applicable regulations.•Do not pass an electrical current through the product.4 Settings4.1 Air Cushion adjustment•For air-cushion adjustment, tighten or loosen the cushion valve usinga hexagon socket wrench or a flat head screwdriver (excluding ø10).Warning•Do not operate the cushion valve in the fully closed or fully openedstate.Using it in the fully closed state will cause the cushion seal to bedamaged. Using it in the fully opened state will cause the piston assemblyor the cover to be damaged.•Be certain to activate the air cushion at the stroke end.When the cylinder is used with the cushion valve in a fully open position,a suitable external device should be installed to absorb all of the kineticenergy of the mechanism, of which the actuator is part, before reachingeach end of stroke. If this is not done, the piston assembly will bedamaged.ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONSRefer to product catalogue for ‘How to Order’.Refer to the standard product catalogue for general dimensions.7.1General maintenanceCaution• Not following proper maintenance procedures could cause the productto malfunction and lead to equipment damage.•If handled improperly, compressed air can be dangerous.• Maintenance of pneumatic systems should be performed only by qualified personnel.• Before performing maintenance, turn off the power supply and be sure to cut off the supply pressure. Confirm that the air is released to atmosphere.• After installation and maintenance, apply operating pressure and power to the equipment and perform appropriate functional and leakage tests to make sure the equipment is installed correctly.• If any electrical connections are disturbed during maintenance, ensure they are reconnected correctly and safety checks are carried out as required to ensure continued compliance with applicable national regulations.• Do not make any modification to the product.• Do not disassemble the product, unless required by installation or maintenance instructions.• Do not use a product which looks or contains damage, this will invalidate the certification. If damage is seen, please replace the product immediately.• Periodically check the product for any damage or rust appearing. This could result in an increase in friction and lead to dangerous conditions. Replace the whole actuator if any of these conditions appear.• Replace the product, when air leakage is above the allowable value 7.2 Replacement of Dust Seal Band Warning• The dust seal band is the only customer replaceable part.• If other parts are deemed to have failed please replace the product.7.3 Disassembly procedure• Disassemble the cylinder, remove the old grease and place all the parts on a clean cloth in a clean environment. The following flat head screwdriver or hexagon socket wrench shall be used to loosen the set• The following screwdriver or hexagon socket wrenches shall be used• Remove the old dust seal band, scrapers and if necessary, bearings and side scrapers.1 Dust seal band 3 Bearing2Scraper4Side scraper7.4 Lubrication procedureLubricate the parts using the following SMC grease packs: Product Grease pack number Weight (g)StandardGR-S-010 10GR-S-020 20Apply lubricant to:▪ Dust seal band inner and outer surface ▪ scrapers ▪ bearings▪ side scrapers ▪ tube top surface7.5 Assembly procedure• The cylinder is assembled in the following order: bearings, dust sealband, side scraper, parallel key, scraper, stopper, spacer and end cover. Tighten the cross recessed binding head screws or the hexagon socket button bolt according to the torque values given.•Finally tighten the two set screws at each side with tightening torque of 0.1 Nm.Check for cylinder smooth movement and for air leakage8 Limitations of Use8.1 Limited warranty and disclaimer/compliance requirements Refer to Handling Precautions for SMC Products.Caution8.2 Obligations of the end-user• Ensure the product is used within the specification outlined.• Ensure that the maintenance periods are suitable for the application. • Ensure any cleaning processes to remove dust layers are made with the atmosphere in mind (e.g. using a damp cloth to avoid static build up).• Ensure that the application does not introduce additional hazards by mounting, loading, impacts or other methods.• Ensure that there is sufficient ventilation and air circulation around the product.• If the product is subject to direct heat sources in the application, they should be shielded so that the actuator temperature stays within the stated operating range.Danger• Do not exceed any of the specifications listed in Section 2 of this document as this will be deemed improper use.• Air equipment has an air leakage during operation within certain limits. Do not use this equipment when the air itself introduces additional hazards and could lead to an explosion.• Use only Ex certified auto switches. These should be ordered separately.• Do not use this product in the presence of strong magnetic fields that could generate a surface temperature higher than the product specification.• Avoid applications where the piston rod end and the adjoining part in the application can create a possible ignition source.• Do not install or use these actuators where there is the possibility for the piston rod to impact foreign objects.• In the event of damage or failure of any parts located in the vicinity where this product has been installed, it is the responsibility of the user to determine whether or not this has compromised the safety and condition of this product and/or the application.• External impact on the cylinder body could result in a spark and/or cylinder damage. Avoid any application where foreign objects can hit or impact the cylinder. In such situations the application should install a suitable guard to prevent this occurrence.• Do not use this equipment where vibration could lead to failure.9 Product DisposalThis product shall not be disposed of as municipal waste. Check your local regulations and guidelines to dispose this product correctly, in order to reduce the impact on human health and the environment.Refer to or for your local distributor/importer.URL : https:// (Global) https:// (Europe) SMC Corporation, 4-14-1, Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0021, JapanSpecifications are subject to change without prior notice from the manufacturer. © 2022 SMC Corporation All Rights Reserved. Template DKP50047-F-085M。



Extract from the onlinecatalogSPC 5/11-STF-7,62Order No.: 1996210The figure shows a 5-pos. version of the product, spring-cage connection, no. of positions: 11, pitch: 7.62 mm, U = 1000 V, I = 41 A, screw flangehttp://Please note that the data givenhere has been taken from theonline catalog. For comprehensiveinformation and data, please referto the user documentation. TheGeneral Terms and Conditions ofUse apply to Internet downloads. Technical dataDimensions / positionsPitch7.62 mmDimension a76.2 mmNumber of positions11Technical dataInsulating material group IRated surge voltage (III/3)8 kV Rated surge voltage (III/2)8 kV Rated surge voltage (II/2) 6 kV Rated voltage (III/2)1000 V Rated voltage (II/2)1000 V Connection in acc. with standard EN-VDE Nominal current I N41 A Nominal voltage U N1000 V Nominal cross section10 mm2 Maximum load current41 A Insulating material PA Inflammability class acc. to UL 94V0 Stripping length15 mmConnection dataConductor cross section solid min.0.2 mm2 Conductor cross section solid max.10 mm2 Conductor cross section stranded min.0.2 mm2 Conductor cross section stranded max. 6 mm2 Conductor cross section stranded, with ferrule0.25 mm2 without plastic sleeve min.Conductor cross section stranded, with ferrule6 mm2 without plastic sleeve max.Conductor cross section stranded, with ferrule0.25 mm2 with plastic sleeve min.Conductor cross section stranded, with ferrule4 mm2 with plastic sleeve max.Conductor cross section AWG/kcmil min.24 Conductor cross section AWG/kcmil max82 conductors with same cross section, stranded,0.25 mm2 TWIN ferrules with plastic sleeve, min.2 conductors with same cross section, stranded,1.5 mm2 TWIN ferrules with plastic sleeve, max.Certificates / ApprovalsApproval logoCULNominal voltage U N 600 V Nominal current I N 35 A AWG/kcmil 24-8ULNominal voltage U N 600 V Nominal current I N 35 A AWG/kcmil 24-8Certification CUL, UL Drawings DiagramDerating curve for: SPC 5/...-ST-7.62 with PC 5/...-G-7.62Derating curve for: SPC 5/...-ST-7.62 with PC 5/...-G-7.62Conductor cross-section: 6 mm2Dimensioned drawingAddressPHOENIX CONTACT GmbH & Co. KGFlachsmarktstr. 832825 Blomberg,GermanyPhone +49 5235 3 00Fax +49 5235 3 41200© 2008 Phoenix ContactTechnical modifications reserved;。



RB1007 RB1412 0 ~ -12
0 ~ -16
RB0806 RB1007 RB1412 RB2015 RB2725

最高使用频度 (cyle/min)
73.2 42.2
40.8 25.8
46.7 25.2
67.3 36.3
73.2 36.2
T 液压缓冲器型号
W 液压缓冲器型号
MY3B16 22.5 8 17.2 43 M5×0.8 44 26 32.5 4.0 9.7 8.5 4.0 114 19 7 6.5 30 42 122
MY3B25 32.0 10 24.0 65 Rc,NPT,G1/8 64 40 47.5 6.0 14.5 12.2 6.0 166 30 10 9.0 47 62 178 MY3B40 46.0 15 37.0 94 Rc,NPT,G1/4 112 60 80.0 7.5 19.5 16.5 8.5 259 40 14 14.0 66 92 276 MY3B63 70.0 29 58.0 139 Rc,NPT,G3/8 162 84 110.0 10.0 23.5 27.5 10.0 336 64 16 20.0 99 136 356


30 mA
30 mA
30 mA
30 mA
30 mA
30 mA
30 mA
30 mA
30 mA
30 mA
30 mA

机械连接无杆稳压阀55-MY1B-Z系列II 2G Ex h IIC T6 T5 Gb +5°C ≤

机械连接无杆稳压阀55-MY1B-Z系列II 2G Ex h IIC T6 T5 Gb +5°C ≤

Instruction ManualMechanically Jointed Rodless Cylinder55-MY1B-Z SeriesII2potential energy provided by compressed air into a force which causessubject to “Special Conditions of Use”, please see Section 2.3.1 Safety InstructionsThese safety instructions are intended to prevent hazardous situationsand/or equipment damage. These instructions indicate the level ofpotential hazard with t he labels of “Caution,” “Warning” or “Danger.”They are all important notes for safety and must be followed in additionto International Standards (ISO/IEC) *1), and other safety regulations.*1) ISO 4414: Pneumatic fluid power - General rules relating to systems.ISO 4413: Hydraulic fluid power - General rules relating to systems.IEC 60204-1: Safety of machinery - Electrical equipment of machines.(Part 1: General requirements)ISO 10218-1: Manipulating industrial robots -Safety. etc.∙Refer to product catalogue, Operation Manual and HandlingPrecautions for SMC Products for additional information.∙ Keep this manual in a safe place for future reference.not avoided, will result in death or serious injury.Warning∙Always ensure compliance with relevant safety laws andstandards.∙All work must be carried out in a safe manner by a qualified person incompliance with applicable national regulations.2 SpecificationsThis product is certified to ATEX Category 2G and therefore is suitablefor use in Zones 1 and 2 only.2.1 Product Specifications:Refer to the operation manual for this product;2.2 Production Batch Code:The batch code printed on the label indicates the month and the year ofproduction as per the following table;2.3 Special Conditions of Use:∙Products are suitable for sub-divisions IIC.∙Products are suitable for Zones 1 & 2 only.2.3.1 Temperature Marking: Standard Product:∙In the normal ambient temperature range (+5°C to +40°C) the productis rated to temperature class T6.∙In the special ambient temperature range (+40°C to +60°C) the productis rated to temperature class T5.2.3.2 Static:∙Danger of electrostatic discharge.3 Installation3.1 InstallationWarning∙Do not install the product unless the safety instructions have been readand understood.∙Do not twist or bend the cylinder, or mount the product when subjectto tension.∙Do not use in an application where the product is stopped mid-stroke,via an external stop.∙Do not use where cylinders are being synchronised to move a singleload.∙In order to install the product, use one of the brackets available foundSee the product catalogue for the exact code to order which relates to thebore size of your product.∙When replacing the side supports, use the hexagonal socket head capscrews of the following sizes, and the hexagon wrenches shown below.3.2 EnvironmentWarning∙Do not use in an environment where corrosive gases, chemicals, water,salt water or steam are present.∙Do not use in an explosive atmosphere except within the specifiedrating.∙Do not expose to direct sunlight. Use a suitable protective cover.∙Do not install in a location subject to vibration or impact in excess ofthe product’s specifications.∙Do not use in a place subject to heavy vibration and/or shock.∙Do not use in wet environments, where water can remove the presenceof the lubrication.∙Do not use in case of heavy dusty environments where dust canpenetrate into the cylinder and dry the grease.∙Do not allow dust layers to build up on the cylinder surface and insulatethe product.3.3 PipingCaution∙Before connecting piping make sure to clean up chips, cutting oil, dustetc.∙When installing piping or fittings, ensure sealant material does notenter inside the port. When using seal tape, leave 1 thread exposedon the end of the pipe/fitting.∙Tighten fittings to the specified tightening torque.3.4 LubricationCaution∙SMC products have been lubricated for life at manufacture, and do notrequire lubrication in service.∙If a lubricant is used in the system, refer to catalogue for details.3.5 Basic Circuit∙Plugging one of the ports on the actuator is considered a non-intendeduse, and could relate to an increase in maximum surface temperatureabove what the product specification declares.3.6 Electrical Connection∙The product should be grounded by the piston rod and the body inorder to create an electrically conductive path to the system/application.∙Ground the product in accordance with applicable regulations.∙Do not pass an electrical current through the product.4 Settings4.1 Air Cushion adjustment∙For air-cushion adjustment, tighten or loosen the cushion valve usinga hexagon socket wrench or a flat head screwdriver (excluding ø10).Warning∙Do not operate the cushion valve in the fully closed or fully openedstate.Using it in the fully closed state will cause the cushion seal to be damaged.Using it in the fully opened state will cause the piston assembly or thecover to be damaged.∙Be certain to activate the air cushion at the stroke end.When the cylinder is used with the cushion valve in a fully open position,a suitable external device should be installed to absorb all of the kineticenergy of the mechanism, of which the actuator is part, before reachingeach end of stroke. If this is not done, the piston assembly will bedamaged.5 How to OrderRefer to the standard product catalogue for ‘How to Order’.6 Outline Dimensions (mm)Refer to the standard product catalogue for general dimensions.7 Maintenance7.1 General MaintenanceCaution∙Not following proper maintenance procedures could cause the productto malfunction and lead to equipment damage.∙If handled improperly, compressed air can be dangerous.∙Maintenance of pneumatic systems should be performed only byqualified personnel.∙Before performing maintenance, turn off the power supply and be sureto cut off the supply pressure. Confirm that the air is released toatmosphere.ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONSRefer to Declaration ofConformity for relevantDirectives∙After installation and maintenance, apply operating pressure and power to the equipment and perform appropriate functional and leakage tests to make sure the equipment is installed correctly.∙If any electrical connections are disturbed during maintenance, ensure they are reconnected correctly and safety checks are carried out as required to ensure continued compliance with applicable national regulations.∙Do not make any modification to the product.∙Do not disassemble the product, unless required by installation or maintenance instructions.∙Do not use a product which looks or contains damage, this will invalidate the certification. If damage is seen, please replace the product immediately.∙Periodically check the product for any damage or rust appearing. This could result in an increase in friction and lead to dangerous conditions. Replace the whole actuator if any of these conditions appear.∙Replace the product, when air leakage is above the allowable value7.2 Replacement of Dust Seal BandWarning∙The dust seal band is the only customer replaceable part.∙If other parts are deemed to have failed please replace the product.7.3 Disassembly procedure∙Disassemble the cylinder, remove the old grease and place all the parts on a clean cloth in a clean environment. The following flat head screwdriver or hexagon socket wrench shall be used to loosen the set screws:∙∙Loosen the two thin head screws at each end.∙Remove the end cover by removing two hexagon socket button head screws for fixing on the end cover (at both sides of the slider).∙Remove the second end cover the same way.∙Remove top cover.∙Pull out the dust band in this condition.7.4 Reassembly procedure∙Fully grease the replacement dust seal band.∙Put the replacement dust seal band in the slider. ∙Install the dust seal band by placing its edge in the middle between theprotrusions and the M3 screws on the head cover surface.∙Install the double round parallel key and mount the end cover, spacersand stoppers with the fixing bolts.∙Make sure that the clearance between the lower part of the end coverand the upper surface of the cylinder tube shall be approximately 1mmwhen fixing the end cover.∙For the size and torque of the equivalent hexagon socket button headscrew see below;∙Fix one side dust seal band, belt clamp and head plate with the thin∙After fixing the one side dust seal band, operate the cylinder from theretracted end to the extended end several times (3 to 4 time) to confirmthat the dust seal band has no sag.∙Fix the other side dust seal band, belt clamp and head plate with thethin head screws.∙Install the top cover and operate the cylinder from the retracted end tothe extended end several times by hand. If the dust seal band is notlifted up or does not have sag, the reassembly is completed.∙Check for smooth movement of the cylinder, and confirm there is noair leakage.7.5 Lubrication procedure▪Dust seal band inner and outer surface▪scrapers▪bearings▪side scrapers▪tube top surface8 Limitations of Use8.1 Limited warranty and Disclaimer/Compliance RequirementsRefer to Handling Precautions for SMC Products located on .8.2 Obligations of the end-user∙Ensure the product is used within the specification outlined.∙Ensure that the maintenance periods are suitable for the application.∙Ensure any cleaning processes to remove dust layers are made withthe atmosphere in mind (e.g. using a damp cloth to avoid static buildup).∙Ensure that the application does not introduce additional hazards bymounting, loading, impacts or other methods.∙Ensure that there is sufficient ventilation and air circulation around theproduct.∙If the product is subject to direct heat sources in the application, theyshould be shielded so that the actuator temperature stays within thestated operating range.Caution∙SMC products are not intended for use as instruments for legalmetrology.Measurement instruments that SMC manufactures or sells have notbeen qualified by type approval tests relevant to the metrology(measurement) laws of each country.Danger∙Do not exceed any of the specifications listed in Section 2 of thisdocument as this will be deemed improper use.∙Air equipment has an air leakage during operation within certain limits.Do not use this equipment when the air itself introduces additionalhazards and could lead to an explosion.∙Use only ATEX certified auto switches. These should be orderedseparately.∙Do not use this product in the presence of strong magnetic fields thatcould generate a surface temperature higher than the productspecification.∙Avoid applications where the piston rod end and the adjoining part inthe application can create a possible ignition source.∙Do not install or use these actuators where there is the possibility forthe piston rod to impact foreign objects.∙In the event of damage or failure of any parts located in the vicinitywhere this product has been installed, it is the responsibility of the userto determine whether or not this has compromised the safety andcondition of this product and/or the application.∙External impact on the cylinder body could result in a spark and/orcylinder damage. Avoid any application where foreign objects can hitor impact the cylinder. In such situations the application should installa suitable guard to prevent this occurrence.∙Do not use this equipment where vibration could lead to failure.9 ContactsRefer to Declaration of Conformity and for contacts.URL : http// (Global) http// (Europe)'SMC Corporation, Akihabara UDX15F, 4-14-1, Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 1010021Specifications are subject to change without prior notice from the manufacturer.© 2018 SMC Corporation All Rights Reserved.Template DKP50047-F-085H。

机械连接无杆电机柄(带弹簧锁)MY1B63G-R - 说明书

机械连接无杆电机柄(带弹簧锁)MY1B63G-R - 说明书

Mechanical Joint Rodless Cylinder(With spring lock)MY1B63G-R****-*Application : Use for lines requiring intermediate stops,emergency stops and drop preventionFeature 1: Spring lock mechanism added to mechanical jointrodless cylinder- The cleat or wedge effect from the taper ring and steel balls makes for increased power.-Same holding force in extending and retracting directions. (Possible to lock at both ends)Feature 2: Standard manual override lock release- Even in the instance of an air supply cut or discharge, the lock can be easily released with the simple use of a wrench.-When manual control is released, the lock is engaged again thanks to its fail-safe construction.SP002C-021EIssued : Feb 2001SMC CORPORATION1-16-4 Shimbashi, Minato-kuTokyo 105-0004, JAPANURL: P .G. InformationPrecautions for Lock Unit1. Do not rotate the lock release cam (look for the arrow “ ” on top of the release cam) past the“FREE” position. The lock release cam may be damaged if it is turned too much, i.e. beyond this point.2. When a lock release condition is required for a long period during equipment mounting, supply airpressure of 0.25 MPa or more to the lock release port.©2001 SMC CORPORATION All Rights Reserved! CautionTo ensure the safest possible operation of this product, please be sure to read thoroughly the “Safety Instructions” in our “Best Pneumatics” general catalog before use. Please keep in mind that the wrong handling or operation of the lock can result in damage to equipment and other possible problems. Therefore, be sure to read the Warnings and Caution statements regarding locks in the Series CNA section of our Best Pneumatics catalogue, and to operate the lock accordingly.。



总计40套:报价总金额 :(人民币) 贰万玖仟柒佰贰拾元整. 小写:29720元
报价员:ZXH 审核:
东莞地区以外运Βιβλιοθήκη 另计部门盖章:2011.08.15
20 备注 天正 天正 天正 天正 天正 天正 上海 上海 双科 双科
20 备注 天正 天正 天正 天正 上海 上海 双科 双科
电箱编号: 分料,风机控制箱 材料名称 型号规格 单位 数量 DZ47-63/3P D20 MCB 个 1 DZ47-63/3P D16 MCB 个 1 DZ47-63/3P D10 MCB 个 1 CJX2-1210 接触器 个 1 CJX2-1810 接触器 个 1 JR32-20 热继 个 2 CP72-V 500VAC 电压表 个 1 CA007 电压表开关 个 1 LAY51 按钮 个 4 AD56-22S 220V 指示灯 个 9 批 1 辅材 600*500*220 箱体 台 1 人工费 批 1 ¥828 元/套 套报价:(元) ¥16,560 电箱编号: 升降机控制箱 材料名称 型号规格 单位 数量 DZ47-63/3P D16 MCB 个 1 CJX2-1810 接触器 个 2 机械联锁 套 1 JR32-20 热继 个 1 CP72-V 500VAC 电压表 个 1 CA007 电压表开关 个 1 LAY51 按钮 个 3 AD56-22S 220V 指示灯 个 6 批 1 辅材 450*350*220 箱体 台 1 人工费 批 1 ¥658 元/套 套报价:(元) ¥13,160
收件人: 发件人:张贤辉 1 图纸: 序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 合计: 20 2 图纸: 序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 合计: 20 电话: 电话:22302250
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