



6选4填*20套一、选择题(单选)1-1. 完全二叉树____B____二叉树。

A.一定是满B.可能是满C.不是D.一定不是满答案:B 难度:易1-2.满二叉树_____A____二叉树。

A.一定是完全B.可能是完全C.不是D.一定不是完全答案:A 难度:易1-3.完全二叉树中,若某个结点没有左孩子,则它____C____。

A. 有2个右孩子B.一定有右孩子C.一定没有右孩子D.不一定有右孩子答案:C 难度:中2. 设一个完全二叉树共有699个结点,则在该二叉树中的叶子结点数为_______。

A.349B.350C.255D.3513.深度为n的完全二叉树的叶子结点有__________A.nB.2nC.2nD. 2n-14.在一棵完全二叉树中,若编号为i的结点存在左子女,则左子女结点的编号为___C_____A.2iB.2i-1C.2i+1D.2i+25.在有n个结点的二叉树的二叉链表表示中,空指针数为( b )。

a.不定 b.n+1 c.n d.n-16.下列二叉树中,( a )可用于实现符号不等长高效编码。

a.最优二叉树 b.次优查找树 c.二叉平衡树 d.二叉排序树7.具有m个结点的二叉排序树,其最大深度为( f ),最小深度为( b )。

a. log 2 m b. └ log2 m ┘ +1 c. m/2 d .┌ m/2 ┐ -1 e. ┌m/2 ┐一、单项选择题(1)-(5)BBCDC (6)-(10)BCABC (11)—(15)DABBD (16)-(19)CCABB(20)-(24) BBBAC (25)-(27)DBC二、填空题(1)有零个或多个(2)有且仅有一个(3)根据树的广义表表示,可以画出这棵村,该树的度为4。

(4)树的深度为4(5)树中叶子结点个数为8(6)n0=14 (7)n-2m+1 (8)2k-1 (9)2i-1 (10)133 (11)59(12)25=32 (13)⎡log2(n+1)⎤=⎡log269⎤=7 (14) 25-1+6=37 (15) 19(16)27-1-20=107 (17)右(18)m+1 (19)n+1 (20) 2m-1(21)中序(22)直接前驱结点(23)直接后继结点1.关于二叉树的下列说法正确的是B。



一、选择题1、模拟信号解调的“门限效应”有可能出现在____ b ___信号的解调中: a 、DSB b 、AM c 、PM d 、SSB2、发端发送纠错码,收端译码器自动发现并纠正错误,传输方式为单向传输,这种差错控制的工作方式被称为: aa 、FECb 、ARQc 、IFd 、HEC3、设x(t)为调制信号,调相波的表示式为:cos(())c p t k x t ω+,则PM 调制方式的瞬时角频率偏差为: d ;瞬时角频率为: c ;瞬时相位为: aa 、()c p t k x t ω+b 、()p k x tc 、()c pdx t t k dt ω+ d 、()p dx t k dt4、码长n=7的汉明码,监督位应是: ba 、2位b 、3位c 、4位d 、5位5、设r 为接收机输入端信噪比,则2FSK 调制系统非相干解调的误码率计算公式为: ba 、12erfcb 、212re - c 、12erfc d 、12erfc6、在模拟调制当中,属于非线性调制的是: ca 、DSBb 、AMc 、FMd 、SSB7、发端发出检错码,收端译码器判决码组中有无错误出现,再把判决信号送回发端,发端根据判决信号将收端认为有错的消息重发到收端,直到正确接收为止。

这种差错控制的工作方式被称为:ba 、FECb 、ARQc 、IFd 、HEC8、码长n=15的汉明码,监督位应是:ca 、2位b 、3位c 、4位d 、5位9、收端把收到的消息原封不动地送回发端,发端把反馈回来的信息与原发送信息进行比较,并把二者不一致的部分重发到收端。

这种差错控制的工作方式被称为: c a 、FEC b 、ARQ c 、IF d 、HEC10、利用线性调制系统不失真的传输信号x(t),根据采用的调制方法不同,其对应的传输带宽之间的关系为:ba 、B DSB = B AM = B VSB = B SSBb 、B DSB = B AM >B VSB >B SSBc 、B DSB > B AM = B VSB > B SSBd 、B DSB >B AM > B VSB = B SSB11、一个频带限制在0到f x 以内的低通信号x(t),用f s 速率进行理想抽样,若要不失真的恢复x(t),要求f s 与f x 关系满足:aa 、1162s x f f ≥ b 、s x f f ≥ c 、2s x f f ≤ d 、s x f f ≤12、符号集为A 、B 、C 、D 、E ,相互独立,相应概率为12、14、18、116、116,其平均信息量为:da 、1.800bit/符号b 、1.825bit/符号c 、1.850bit/符号d 、1.875bit/符号13、对于线性调制,在发送端载波发射功率和调制信号功率等有关参数均相同的条件下,根据采用的调制方法不同,其对应的发送功率之间的关系为:ba 、S DSB > S AM > S VSB > S SSBb 、S AM > S DSB > S VSB > S SSBc 、S AM > S DSB > S SSB > S VSBd 、S DSB > S AM > S SSB > S VSB14、以下哪种编码与传输信号的极性无关:da 、多进值码b 、双极性归零码c 、单极性归零码d 、差分码15、设r 为接收机输入端信噪比,2PSK 调制系统相干解调的误码率计算公式为:da 、12erfcb 、212re - c 、12erfc d 、12erfc16、汉明码的最小码距为:ba 、2b 、3c 、4d 、517、设调制信号的最高截止频率为f x ,进行AM 调制,要使已调信号无失真地传输,AM 调制系统的传输带宽至少为:ba 、f xb 、2f xc 、3f xd 、4f x18、为了解决连0码而无法提取位同步信号的问题,人们设计了ca 、AMI 码b 、多进值码c 、HDB3码d 、差分码19、假设分组码的最小码距为5则它能检测误码的位数至少为:c ;纠正的误码位数至少为:a a 、2 b 、3 c 、4 d 、5 20、SSB 信号进行相干解调可获得的制度增益为:aa 、1b 、2c 、2/3d 、小于2/321、低频成分少,频带比较窄,另外即使有长连0码时也能提取位同步信号编码是:c a 、AMI 码 b 、多进值码 c 、HDB 3码 d 、差分码22、输入信噪比在___ a ____时,AM 信号的包络解调性能近似等于相干解调性能, a 、大信噪比 b 、小信噪比 c 、中信噪比 d 、任何值 23、如果将全“0”码编为HDB 3码其输出为:aa 、…-100-1+100+1-100-1 …b 、…-1000+1000-1000+1…c 、…+1000-1000+1000-1…d 、…-10000+10000-10000+1… 24、已知码元速率为400波特,则2ASK 的带宽为:ba 、400Hzb 、800Hzc 、1600Hzd 、3200Hz 25、通常6位偶监督码的信息位数为:da 、2b 、3c 、4d 、5 26、汉明码能够纠正的误码位数为:aa 、1b 、2c 、3d 、427、设r 为接收机输入端信噪比,2DPSK 调制系统差分解调的误码率计算公式为:ca 、12erfcb 、212re - c 、12r e - d 、12erfc28、以下哪一个码字属于码长为5的奇监督码ca 、10001b 、10010c 、10011d 、1010029、符号集为A 、B 、C 、D ,它们相互独立,相应概率为、、、,其中包含信息量最小的符号是:aa 、Ab 、Bc 、Cd 、D30、PCM 均匀量化信噪比随着________增大而增大。






第一部分(0609)一、单选题11.以下叙述正确的是(A)窗体的Name属性指定窗体的名称,用来标识一个窗体(B)窗体的Name属性值是显示在窗体标题栏中的文本(C)可以在运行期间改变窗体的Name属性的值(D)窗体的Name属性值可以空12.以下叙述中错误的是(A)打开一个工程文件时,系统自动装入与该工程有关的窗体文件(B)保存Visual Basic程序时,应分别保存窗体文件及工程文件(C)Visual Basic应用程序只能以解释的方式执行(D)窗体的Name属性值可以可空13.设a = 2,b = 3,c = 4,下列表达式的值是Not a <= c Or 4 * c = b ^ 2 And b <> a + c(A)-1(B) 1(C)True(D)False14.设有发下声明的用户定义类型:Type Studentnumber As Stringname As Stringage As IntegerEnd Type则以下正确引用该类型成员的代码是(A) = "李明"(B)Dim s As Student : = "李明"(C)Dim s As Type Student : ="李明"(D)Dim s As Type : = "李明"15.设a = 5,b = 6,c = 7,d = 8,执行下列语句后,x的值为x = IIf((a > b) And (c >b), 10, 20)(A)10(B)20(C)True(D)False16.执行以下程序段后,变量c$的值为a$ = "Visual Basic Programming"b$ = "Quick"c$ = b$ & UCase(Mid$(a$, 7, 6)) & Right$(a$, 12)(A)Visual BASIC Programming(B)Quick Basic Programming(C)QUICK Basic Programming(D)Quick BASIC Programming17.在窗体上画一个文本框(其名称为Text1)和一个标签(其名称为Label1),程序运行后,如果在文本框中输入指定的信息,则立即在标签中显示相同的内容。

选择 填空题

选择 填空题

Unit 21. The ______ of College English Tests is to help students learn English better, isn't it?A. objectingB. subjectC. objectiveD. aiming2. They have used the cinema as a weapon, as a(n) ____ to express their views.A. mediaB. mediumC. aidsD. mean3. These shops normally ______ in old and antique (古董) items, not in modern ones.A. buyB. makeC. specializeD. sell4. Some senior (年长的) members from the visiting team made a good number of enquiries (询问) about what they saw in order to ______ additional information.A. advertiseB. gainC. knowD. remember5. The book is endlessly ______ and richly rewarding; I highly recommend it to you.A. boringB. dullC. fascinatingD. expensive6. It's very expensive to ________ on television.A. advertiseB. advertisingC. advertiserD. advertised7. How would a person who stays abroad most probably _____ when he or she is frustrated by the culture shock (文化冲击)?A. rememberB. respectC. recallD. react8. Some sentences are written just to give the _____ of the difficult words—words that readers will need to know in order to understand what they are reading.A. definitionsB. textsC. spellingsD. formsUnit51. Crowds ____ the narrow sidewalks and overflowed (涌向) into the street.A. tookB. jammedC. RanD. walked2. Her father ____ nothing in her education that might make her the most accomplished (有造诣的) woman of her age.A. thoughtB. paidC. thankedD. omitted3. He saw the ____ of a house against the sky.A. outlookB. outlineC. outsideD. outfit4. Too much direct sunlight will ____ the plant.A. harmB. holdC. helpD. heat5. When we went to the coast we stayed in a holiday ____.A. vacationB. campC. placeD. site6. The company ____ 2,000 people worldwide.A. coversB. usesC. employsD. owns7. We were unable to offer this service because I hadn't got the ____ to cope with it.A. officeB. personnelC. ideaD. thought8. The fat old man looked ____ in his tight white trousers.A. ridiculousB. fineC. WellD. sorryUnit 11.led by the party, we are marchingvictory to victory2. she grewin comfortable surroundings; she never experienced any difficulties when she was young.3. luck would have it,I did not catch the plane that exploded shortly after it took off.4. He pushed his way the crowd.5. Teach a child the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart it.6. The airline decides to replace its small planes Boeing747s.7. He is keen all kinds of alcohol-beer, whisky, and so forth.8. The doctor diagnosed his condition a stomach problem.Unit 21.When you see someone you know,or would like to make contact,smile.2.In the noisy classroom the teacher had to shoutto be heard by everyone.3.After she became a lawyer,she decidedspecializecontractlaw.4.The patient is waiting patiently in the waiting room of the clinic,leafingthe magazines and newspapers on the table.5.In new surroundings,it's best to take on one challengea time.6.I knew rightthe beginning that it would not pay.7.Women must fight for the rightequal pay equal work.8.The new products will ensure our company staysbusiness.Unit31、It’s still unknown whether the project we have been Workingwill yield a high return of investment.2、The river which goes the city makes itself a popular summer resort.3、Don’t talk too much when your boss is no mood for chatting over the phone.4、John would, sooner or later, involve himself serious trouble if he continued to do this with evil intention.5、The employer reacted the depression by dismissing dozens of his employees.6、Soon the earthquake, many people who had been evacuated from the area returned to rebuild their hometown.7、The old man likes to reflect his childhood while drinking with his friends.8、He has been transferred a new company in Europe to be responsible for sales and distribution activities.Unit41、He stood top of a car , giving a speech to the excited crowds .2、I could hardly believe that what he said turned to be true.3、The Football Association is likely to call a ban on alcohol at football games.4、The street was sealed yesterday when a bomb had been found in the car driven by a young man.5、We should get moving this; otherwise we cannot complete the project in July.6、She felt uneasy asking him to do her a big favor at this moment.7、They are still checking the cause of the air crash that happened on Monday morning.8、Don’t you hate it when someone hangs before you have finished speaking?Unit51、Being quite well-educated and experienced, heserves an adviser in the government.2、A child does things the same way as his mother does.3、He works hard to earn more money to keep his son at school the hopethat his son can go to college.4、He named his new-born baby the great scholar in ancient China.5、No one can stop him going on with his studies.6、When the two men were fighting on the street, the police stepped .7、By adjusting the bedrooms of these two students, the counselorironed the conflicts between them.8、He always makes fun others, so almost everyone dislikes him.Unit71. She turned _____ his invitation to go on a holiday with him, claiming that she was extremely busy at that time.2. He focuses his attention ____ learning how to treatpatients with Chinese herbs (中草药).3. He tried hard to go ____ his ultimate (最终的) goal, but ended up in failure.4. She was tiny, weighing only 5 pounds ____ birth.5. He chose to be alone for a while ____ purpose because he wanted to concentrate on thinking over the problem.6. All our hopes lay ____ him, but he disappointed us.7. He was told not to take ____ more responsibilities than hecould handle when he worked for the oil company.8. We will not give ____ our efforts until we have found a solution to the delicate (微妙的) problem.。

选择 填空题

选择 填空题

Unit 21. The ______ of College English Tests is to help students learn English better, isn't it?A. objectingB. subjectC. objectiveD. aiming2. They have used the cinema as a weapon, as a(n) ____ to express their views.A. mediaB. mediumC. aidsD. mean3. These shops normally ______ in old and antique (古董) items, not in modern ones.A. buyB. makeC. specializeD. sell4. Some senior (年长的) members from the visiting team made a good number of enquiries (询问) about what they saw in order to ______ additional information.A. advertiseB. gainC. knowD. remember5. The book is endlessly ______ and richly rewarding; I highly recommend it to you.A. boringB. dullC. fascinatingD. expensive6. It's very expensive to ________ on television.A. advertiseB. advertisingC. advertiserD. advertised7. How would a person who stays abroad most probably _____ when he or she is frustrated by the culture shock (文化冲击)?A. rememberB. respectC. recallD. react8. Some sentences are written just to give the _____ of the difficult words—words that readers will need to know in order to understand what they are reading.A. definitionsB. textsC. spellingsD. formsUnit51. Crowds ____ the narrow sidewalks and overflowed (涌向) into the street.A. tookB. jammedC. RanD. walked2. Her father ____ nothing in her education that might make her the most accomplished (有造诣的) woman of her age.A. thoughtB. paidC. thankedD. omitted3. He saw the ____ of a house against the sky.A. outlookB. outlineC. outsideD. outfit4. Too much direct sunlight will ____ the plant.A. harmB. holdC. helpD. heat5. When we went to the coast we stayed in a holiday ____.A. vacationB. campC. placeD. site6. The company ____ 2,000 people worldwide.A. coversB. usesC. employsD. owns7. We were unable to offer this service because I hadn't got the ____ to cope with it.A. officeB. personnelC. ideaD. thought8. The fat old man looked ____ in his tight white trousers.A. ridiculousB. fineC. WellD. sorryUnit 11.led by the party, we are marchingvictory to victory2. she grewin comfortable surroundings; she never experienced any difficulties when she was young.3. luck would have it,I did not catch the plane that exploded shortly after it took off.4. He pushed his way the crowd.5. Teach a child the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart it.6. The airline decides to replace its small planes Boeing747s.7. He is keen all kinds of alcohol-beer, whisky, and so forth.8. The doctor diagnosed his condition a stomach problem.Unit 21.When you see someone you know,or would like to make contact,smile.2.In the noisy classroom the teacher had to shoutto be heard by everyone.3.After she became a lawyer,she decidedspecializecontractlaw.4.The patient is waiting patiently in the waiting room of the clinic,leafingthe magazines and newspapers on the table.5.In new surroundings,it's best to take on one challengea time.6.I knew rightthe beginning that it would not pay.7.Women must fight for the rightequal pay equal work.8.The new products will ensure our company staysbusiness.Unit31、It’s still unknown whether the project we have been Workingwill yield a high return of investment.2、The river which goes the city makes itself a popular summer resort.3、Don’t talk too much when your boss is no mood for chatting over the phone.4、John would, sooner or later, involve himself serious trouble if he continued to do this with evil intention.5、The employer reacted the depression by dismissing dozens of his employees.6、Soon the earthquake, many people who had been evacuated from the area returned to rebuild their hometown.7、The old man likes to reflect his childhood while drinking with his friends.8、He has been transferred a new company in Europe to be responsible for sales and distribution activities.Unit41、He stood top of a car , giving a speech to the excited crowds .2、I could hardly believe that what he said turned to be true.3、The Football Association is likely to call a ban on alcohol at football games.4、The street was sealed yesterday when a bomb had been found in the car driven by a young man.5、We should get moving this; otherwise we cannot complete the project in July.6、She felt uneasy asking him to do her a big favor at this moment.7、They are still checking the cause of the air crash that happened on Monday morning.8、Don’t you hate it when someone hangs before you have finished speaking?Unit51、Being quite well-educated and experienced, heserves an adviser in the government.2、A child does things the same way as his mother does.3、He works hard to earn more money to keep his son at school the hopethat his son can go to college.4、He named his new-born baby the great scholar in ancient China.5、No one can stop him going on with his studies.6、When the two men were fighting on the street, the police stepped .7、By adjusting the bedrooms of these two students, the counselorironed the conflicts between them.8、He always makes fun others, so almost everyone dislikes him.Unit71. She turned _____ his invitation to go on a holiday with him, claiming that she was extremely busy at that time.2. He focuses his attention ____ learning how to treatpatients with Chinese herbs (中草药).3. He tried hard to go ____ his ultimate (最终的) goal, but ended up in failure.4. She was tiny, weighing only 5 pounds ____ birth.5. He chose to be alone for a while ____ purpose because he wanted to concentrate on thinking over the problem.6. All our hopes lay ____ him, but he disappointed us.7. He was told not to take ____ more responsibilities than hecould handle when he worked for the oil company.8. We will not give ____ our efforts until we have found a solution to the delicate (微妙的) problem.Minimum YearsAssistant Company Necessary Word processing With Administrative Experience Insurance Individual Manager助手文字处理个别的年保险经理最小值管理经历和….一起必要的公司。


15水平防潮层的做法可以是:采用20厚1:2水泥砂浆加3%~5%防水剂。( 对 )
A、垫层高度范围内 B、室内地面以下0.06m处 C、垫层标高以下 D、平齐或高于室内地面面层
32 普通粘土砖的规格为(C)。
C、240mm×115mm×53mm;D、240mm×115mm×55mm C
A 油毡; B 高聚物改性沥青; C 细石混凝土; D 合成高分子材料
6. 在建筑施工图中,当3号定位轴线前需要加设一附加轴线,应以( D )表示。
A ; B ; C ; D
7. 屋顶的坡度形成中材料找坡是指( D )来形成。
12 横墙承重方案常用于(ABC )
A、宿舍 B、住宅;C、旅馆;D、教学楼;E、影剧院A B C
13 横墙承重方案中建筑开间在( C )较经济。
14.设计视点的高低与地面起坡大小的关系是( A )
A.正比关系 B.反比关系 C.不会改变 D.毫无关系
15. 电影院错位排列,其视线升高值为( A )
A.60mm B.120mm C.240mm D.150mm
16. 下列哪种构图手法不是形成韵律的主要手法( D )
7. 地震烈度 表示地面及房屋建筑遭受地震破坏的程度。
8. 圈梁 是在房屋外墙和部分内墙中设置的连续而封闭的梁,其主要作用是增强房屋的整体刚度,减小地基不均匀沉降的作用。
9. 门框的安装根据施工方式分塞口和 先立口 两种。



选择填空练习题1. 魏晋时期,丞相才任命的从九品官员称为____________。

A. 御史B. 主簿C. 前将军D. 中书令2. 中国古代四大美女之一的貂蝉是哪个时期的人物?A. 春秋时期B. 三国时期C. 汉朝D. 唐朝3. 以下哪位是中国五代十国时期的皇帝?A. 李世民B. 宋太祖C. 刘表D. 刘宗元4. 《红楼梦》是中国古代四大名著之一,它的作者是____________。

B. 李白C. 施耐庵D. 曹雪芹5. 魏晋时期,以下哪位作家是长篇小说的代表作家?A. 柳宗元B. 陆游C. 陶渊明D. 蔡东藩6. 被称为中国古代文学史上“文学骑士”的作家是____________。

A. 杜甫B. 李清照C. 苏轼D. 辛弃疾7. 以下哪位是中国唐代的文学家?A. 王羲之B. 王勃D. 王维8. 以下哪部作品被誉为中国古代文学中最早的长篇小说?A. 《西游记》B. 《水浒传》C. 《红楼梦》D. 《三国演义》9. 以下诗句中,描述了“世界美”的是:A. 春风十里不如你B. 千山鸟飞绝,万径人踪灭C. 春花秋月何时了D. 满地都是黄金10. 以下哪个不是中国古代文学典籍中的作品?A. 《礼记》B. 《左传》C. 《秋水共长天一色》D. 《史记》11. 以下哪位是中国唐代的诗人?A. 杜牧B. 陆游C. 辛弃疾D. 王昌龄12. 以下哪个是中国古代五大笔记小说之一?A. 《水浒传》B. 《红楼梦》C. 《聊斋志异》D. 《三国演义》13. 以下哪位是中国古代文学史上以诗人身份著称的政治家?A. 苏轼B. 李商隐C. 杜牧D. 陆游14. 下列哪个选项是描写雪的古诗?A. 万物生光辉,华夏尽可笑B. 读书破万卷,下笔如有神C. 白日依山尽,黄河入海流D. 日暮乡关何处是,烟波江上使人愁15. 中国古代诗词之父被誉为:A. 杜甫B. 苏轼C. 李白D. 白居易16. 以下哪位不是中国唐代的名将?A. 岳飞B. 李靖C. 郭子仪D. 杨广17. 以下哪位是中国古代文学史上以词人身份著称的文学家?A. 李白B. 杜牧C. 辛弃疾D. 陆游18. 以下哪部作品被誉为中国古代文学中的杰作?A. 《庐山谣》B. 《把酒问月》C. 《徐霞客游记》D. 《水调歌头》19. “梅花香自苦寒来”出自以下哪位诗人的作品?A. 王维B. 王之涣C. 陆游D. 白居易20. 以下哪位是中国明代的文学家?A. 羊欢B. 袁宏道C. 贾仲明D. 高星煊注意:文章只包含选择题,选项和答案并未给出。




姓名: [填空题] *_________________________________学号:[矩阵文本题] *您的部门: [单选题] *○五1班○五2班○五3班○五4班○五5班○五6班○五7班( )1. Do cross the road ______ a green light. [单选题] *on(正确答案)atin答案解析:on a green light 表示当绿灯亮的时候。

( )2. Don’t take Ben’s toys without ______him. [单选题] *telling(正确答案)to telltell答案解析:without是介词,介词后+V-ing形式。

( )3.The park is ____ the left. [单选题] *inon(正确答案)at答案解析:在左边,在右边用介词on( )4.Let's go and _____ the tall man over there. [单选题] *A、to askB、askingC、ask(正确答案)答案解析:let’s +动词原形,and 前后动词形式一致。

( )5.When it________, I can make a snowman with my sister. [单选题] *A、snowB、snows(正确答案)C、snowing答案解析:it是主语,后面+动词三单形式,故用snows。

( )6. The library is _____ to the cinema? [单选题] *besidenearnext(正确答案)答案解析:next to 是介词短语,表示紧挨着。

( )7. Sam always _____ to the library _____ foot. [单选题] *is going; ongoes; on(正确答案)goes; by答案解析:句中有always,用一般现在时,主语是Sam,三单,故用goes,on foot 是固定搭配。



C选择题填空题一、填空题1、在类中必须声明成员函数的( ),成员函数的( )部分可以写在类外。

[答案]原型实现2、如果需要在被调函数运行期间,改变主调函数中实参变量的值,则函数的形参应该是( )类型或()类型。




[答案]常二、选择题1、编译时多态性使用什么获得?(A)A. 重载函数B. 继承C. 虚函数D. B和C2、假定MyClass为一个类,则该类的拷贝构造函数的声明语句为(C)。

A.MyClass(MyClass x)B.MyClass&(MyClass x)C.MyClass(MyClass &x)D.MyClass(MyClass *x)3、列带缺省值参数的函数说明中,正确的说明是(C)1. A. int Fun(int x=1, int y, int z=3);B. int Fun(int x, int y=2, int z);C. int Fun(int x, int y, int z=3);D. int Fun(int x=1, int y, int z);4、下列有关函数重载的叙述中,错误的是(A)A.函数重载就是用相同的函数名定义多个函数B.重载函数的参数列表必须不同C.函数的返回值类型不能用于对重载函数的区分D.const关键字可以用于对重载函数的区分5、在一个函数中,要求通过函数来实现一种不太复杂的功能,并且要求加快执行速度,选用(A)。

A. 内联函数B. 重载函数C. 递归调用D. 嵌套调用6、下列有关C++类的说法中,不正确的是(C)。

A. 类是一种用户自定义的数据类型B. 只有类中的成员函数或类的友元函数才能存取类中的私有成员C. 在类中,如果不做特别说明,所有成员的访问权限均为私有的D. 在类中,如果不做特别说明,所有成员的访问权限均为公用的7、Sample是一个类,执行下面语句后,执行Sample类的构造函数的次数是(D) Sample a[3], *p=new Sample;A.1B.2C.3D.48、关于常数据成员的说法,不正确的是(D)。

1 病理 选择 填空

1  病理 选择 填空

1 病理选择+填空绪论一、选择题(一)单项选择题:1.病理学是:A.研究疾病发生发展规律的科学B.研究疾病的病因学C.研究疾病的发病学D.研究疾病的病理变化2.病理学的主要研究方法:A.活组织检查B.尸体解剖检查C.细胞学检查D.动物实验3.下列哪种不属于活检范围:A.内窥镜钳取组织检查B.局部组织切除检查C.痰液涂片检查D.肿块摘除检查4.着重形态、结构的角度研究疾病发生发展规律的是:A.病理解剖学B.病理生理学C.人体解剖学D.人体生理学5.着重机能代谢的角度研究疾病发生发展规律的是:A.病理解剖学B.病理生理学C.人体解剖学D.人体生理学(二)多项选择题:1.临床上常用的病理学检查方法有:A.活组织检查B.尸体解剖C.细胞学检查D.动物实验2.属于活检的范围是:A.痰液抹片B.子宫颈刮取物涂片C.手术切取病变组织D.内窥镜钳取病变组织3.属于细胞学检查的范围是:A.痰液抹片B.子宫颈刮取物涂片C.手术切取病变组织D.内窥镜钳取病变组织4.下列哪种属于细胞学检查的范围:A.胸水和腹水B.切取的组织C.宫颈刮取物D.痰液抹片5.病理学的检查方法有:A.尸体解剖B.活体组织检查C.动物实验D.脱落细胞学检查二、填空题:1.病理学是研究疾病;规律的科学。













数据库复习题(选择,填空)一.单选题:1.下列各项中,属于数据库系统的特点的是( C )A.存储量大B.存取速度快C.数据独立性D.操作方便2.在关系中,能唯一标识组的属性集称为关系模式的( D )A.候选键B.主键C.外键D.超键3.在数据操作语言(DML)的基本功能中,不包括的是( B )A.插入新数据B.描述数据库结构C.对数据库中数据排序D.删除数据库中数据4.数据库中全体数据的整体逻辑结构描述称为( B )A.存储模式B.内模式C.外模式D.右外模式5.对于分布式数据库,可以简单归纳为( B )A.数据逻辑上分散,物理上统一B.数据物理上分散,逻辑上统一C.数据在逻辑上、物理上都是分散的D.数据在逻辑上、物理上都是统一的6.在关系R与关系S进行自然连接时,只把R中原该舍弃的元组保存到新关系中,这种操作称为( C )A.外连接B.内连接C.左外连接D.右外连接7.在SQL中使用Foreign Key时,与之配合的语句是( D )A.ExistsB.ExceptC.TableD.References8.定义片段以及全局关系与片段之间映像的模式是( C )A.外模式B.概念模式C.分片模式D.分配模式9.在客户机/服务器体系结构的DBS中,数据库功能分为前端和后端两部分,下列功能属于后端的是( B )A.用户界面B.存取结构C.数据输入D.报表输出10.能够消除多值依赖引起的冗余的范式是( C )A.2NFB.3NFC.4NFD.BCNF11.位于分片视图和分配视图之间的透明性是( D )A.全局数据模型透明性B.分片透明性C.局部数据模型透明性D.位置透明性12.设关系模式R(A,B,C),F是R上成立的FD集,F={B C},则分解={AB,BC}相对于F( A )A.是无损联接,也保持FD的分解B.是无损联接,但不保持FD的分解C.不是无损联接,但保持FD的分解D.既不是无损联接,也不保持FD的分解13.DBMS中实现事务持久性的子系统是( D )A.安全性管理子系统B.完整性管理子系统C.并发控制子系统D.恢复管理子系统14.ORDBS的含义是( C )A.面向对象的数据库系统B.数据库管理系统C.对象关系数据库系统D.对象关系数据库15.在SQL中,建立视图用( C )A.Create Schema命令B.Create Table命令C.Create View命令D.Create Index命令16.位于用户和数据库之间的一层数据管理软件是( C )A.DBSB.DBC.DBMSD.MIS17.一个事务中所有对数据库操作时一个不可分割的操作序列,这称为事务的( A )A.原子性B.一致性C.隔离性D.持久性18.关系代数的五个基本操作是:并、差、选择、投影和( D )A.等值连接B.F连接C.自然连接D.笛卡尔积19.在关系数据库中,表与表之间的联系是通过( B )实现的。



1 / 4选择题1、盛唐诗风形成的标志是( D )A.讲究声律辞藻B.抒写慷慨情杯C.诗情画意结合D.声律风骨兼备4、唐诗名句“春潮带雨晚来急,野渡无人舟自横”,出自( B )A、刘长卿《逢雪宿芙蓉山主人》B、韦应物《滁州西涧》C、孟浩然《宿建德江》D、白居易《钱塘湖春行》5、“西陆蝉声唱”中的“西陆”是指( C )A.西方B. 水边C. 秋天D. 夏天1、《出塞》(其一)中,拉开时空距离的诗句是( A )A、秦时明月汉时关B、万里长征人未还C、但使龙城飞将在D、不教胡马度阴山6、具有鲜明的士大夫之词特征的词是( D )A.敦煌曲子词B.早期文人词C.花间词D.南唐词6、提出著名主张“文章合为时而著,歌诗合为事而作”的诗人是( B )A、李白B、白居易C、杜甫D、杜牧6、中唐时期善于反映民间疾苦,向民歌学习,作品极具民歌风味的诗人是( C )A、张继B、孟郊C、刘禹锡D、白居易7、温庭筠《菩萨蛮》词中,对主旨起暗点和反衬作用的是 ( D ) A.懒起画娥眉 B.新贴绣罗襦C. 弄妆梳洗迟D.双双金鹧鸪8、唐代诗人中被誉为七绝圣手的是( A )A.王昌龄B.李白C.杜甫D.崔颢9、名句“沉舟侧畔千帆过,病树前头万木春”出自 ( D )A.《西塞山怀古》B.《登柳州城楼寄漳汀封连四州刺史》C.《石头城》D.《酬乐天扬州初逢席上见赠》2、李煜是五代时( A )最后一个君主,世称李后主。

A、南唐B、南汉C、前蜀D、后蜀1、下列文人雅号中秦观的雅号是( C )A.六一居士(欧阳修)B.山谷道人C.淮海居士D.后山居士1、宋初以杨亿为代表的重要文学流派是( C )A.诚斋体B.荆公体C.西昆体D.白体2、“试问闲愁都几许?一川烟草,满城风絮,梅子黄时雨”出自( C )A.《念奴娇》(大江东去)B.《醉花阴》(薄雾浓云愁永昼)2 / 4C.《青玉案》(凌波不过横塘路)D. 《摸鱼儿》(更能消)3、著名诗论“无一字无来处”说的提出者是( D )A.吕本中B.陈师道C.陈与义D.黄庭坚3、《漱玉词》的作者是( D )A、李煜B、柳永C、苏轼D、李清照4、下列词人中,开南宋爱国词先声的是 ( B ) A.刘过 B.张元斡C.辛弃疾D.陆游5、周邦彦的词以知音律、备法度和风格醇雅著称,以其为代表的词派是( C ) A.稼轩词派 B. 婉约词派C.大晟词派D. 清雅词派5、《书愤》“楼船夜雪瓜洲渡”中的“瓜洲渡”是当时的江防要地,位于现在的( A )A、江苏省B、陕西省C、湖北省D、湖南省6、《书愤》“铁马秋风大散关”中的“大散关”是当时宋金分界处,位于现在的( B )A、江苏省B、陕西省C、湖北省D、湖南省3、“即事名篇,无复依傍”指的是( D )A.杜甫七律的创作特色B.杜甫五律的创作特色C.杜甫七绝的创作特色D.杜甫新乐府的创作特色1、下列诗歌属于李白借古题写己怀的代表作是( B )A.《兵车行》B.《将进酒》C.《丽人行》D.《早发白帝城》2.下列属于晚唐时期的诗人是 ( D )A. 李贺B. 王维C. 韦应物D. 李商隐1、《春江花月夜》中暗示游子远去的诗句是( A )A、白云一片去悠悠B、鸿雁长飞光不度C、可怜楼上月徘徊D、昨夜闲潭梦落花3、杜甫的名句“星垂平野阔,月涌大江流”所属诗篇是( C )A.《月夜忆舍弟》B.《秋兴八首》C.《旅夜书怀》D.《春夜喜雨》6、下列诗人中,与高适、岑参同属盛唐边塞诗派的代表诗人是( C )3 / 4A、王维B、孟浩然C、王昌龄D、柳宗元7、《自京赴奉先县咏怀五百字》的作者是( B )A.陈与义B.杜甫C.范成大D.元好问8、“当时明月在,曾照彩云归”化用( B )A.白居易诗句B.李白诗句C.杜甫诗句D.韩愈诗句9、“野火烧不尽,春风吹又生”写的是 ( A )A.春天的生命力B.浓厚的离别情绪C.草色的艳丽D. 作者的孤独之感3、《赋得古原草送别》“又送王孙去,萋萋满别情”二句的典故出处是( A )A、《楚辞》B、《庄子》C、《诗经》D、《古诗十九首》1、欧阳修散文基本风格是(B )A.气势磅礴B.平易流畅C.雍容典雅D.瘦硬简健5.高适《燕歌行》中点明主旨的诗句是( A )。

世界现代史选择 填空

世界现代史选择 填空



















1.温度为400K,体积为2m3的容器中装有2mol的理想 气体A和8mol的理想气体B。该混合气体中B的分压力 为( )。
2.在300K,100kPa下,某理想气体的密度为80.8275kg/m3。 则该气体的摩尔质量为( )
2.016 g/mol
3.恒温100℃,在一个带有活塞的气缸中有3.5mol的水 蒸气H2O(g),在平衡条件下,缓慢的压缩到压力 p=( )kPa时,才能有水滴H2O(l)出现。
7.在临界状态下,任何真实气体在宏观上的特征是( )
8.在n,T一定的条件下,任何种类的气体,当压 力趋近于零时:
lim pV
p 0

单项选择填空 1.在温度恒定为25℃,体积恒定为25dm3的容器中, 含有0.65mol的理想气体A,0.35mol的理想气体B。若 向容器中再加入0.4mol的理想气体D,则B的分压力pB ( ),分体积VB*( )
p=( 101.325 )kPa
4.理想气体在恒温下,摩尔体积随压力的变化率为( )。
Vm RT p p2 T
5.一定量的范德华气体,在恒容条件下,压力随 温度的变化率为( )。
p nR / V nb T V
6.理想气体在微观上的特征为( )
4 对封闭系统来说,当过程的始态和终态确定后, 下列各项中没有确定的值是: ( )
(A) Q (B)Q+W (C) W(Q=0) (D) Q(W =0)
5 pV=常数( =Cp,m/CV,m)的适用条件是(
(A)绝热过程 (B)理想气体绝热过程 (C)理想气体绝热可逆过程 5答:C





















天津中考英语选择题单项填空(共6组90题)天津中考英语选择题单项填空(共6组90题)第1组1. Perhaps the famous football star won’t play ______ football any longer.A. aB. anC. theD. /2. —How long have you lived in the new building?— ______ 2010.A. InB. AfterC. SinceD. Before3. If I am wanted in the telephone, ask him to leave a ______.A. messageB. letterC. diaryD. sentence4. She told us a story. Her voice sounded ______.A. sadlyB. clearlyC. cmallD. sweet5. My grandmother ______ in the town of Huaming. She was born there and has never lived angwhere else.A. livedB. livesC. was livingD. will live6. He is taller than _____ other boy in his class.A.someB. anyC. fewD. none7. Mike has only driven to the restaurant to _____ his new car -he usually walks!A. get offB. take offC. show offD. turn off8. —Do you have enough students to clean the laboratory?—No, I think we need ______ students.A. two anotherB. two othersC. more twoD. two more9. — Mr.Li, I can’t understand everything in class.—Don’t worry! I’ll _____ the main points at the end.A. recordB. reviewC. requireD. remember10.A number of tourists _ Dongli Lake many times because it is such a beautiful place.A. have been toB. has been toC. has gone toD. have gone to11.She was ______ surprised ______ she couldn’t believe her eyes.A. too, toB. such, thatC. so, thatD. enough, to12. —Jim, _____ read books while you are walking in the street. It’s very dangerous.—OK, thank you.A. don’tB. doesn’tC. won’tD. can’t13. —What are you going to do when you grow up?—A singer, but my parents wish me ______ a teacher.A. amB. to beC. will beD. be14.The Greens used to live in London and now they _____ in Beijing.A. used to liveB. are used to liveC. are used to livingD. are used for living20. —Teddy, don’t draw on the wall. It’s not a good behavior.— ______.A. Never mindB. Yes, I’d love toC. Sorry, I won’tD. Of course not第2组1. — I Missed the beginning of ______ cartoon The Lion King.—What a pity! You should leave school half ______ hour earlier.A. a, anB. the, anC. the, anD. an, the2. —Tom, is this ______ bike? —No. It isn’t _______.A. your; mineB. yours; mineC. yours; meD. your; my3. —When did your uncle arrive ______ China?—He got to Guangzhou ______ the morning of the 16 th of April.A. in; inB. in; atC. in; onD. in; for4. — Where is Zhang Hua? Is he in the classroom now?—He _____ be there, for I saw him in the teachers’ office just now.A. need notB. can’tC. shouldn’tD. mustn’t5. It usually ______ Mum about forty minutes to cook supper.B. costsC. spendsD. takes6. The food safety is a serious ______ in our country. We should try to solve itA. problemB. programC. subjectD. opinion7. —What should we do now, Mr Clark?—please turn to Page ______ and look at the ______ picture.A. Twelfth; fifthB. Twelve; fifthC. Twelve; fiveD. Twelfth; five8. You can make your parents ______ when you make progress in study.A. unhappyB. happilyC. happinessD. happy9. The tallest buiding ______ in the center of our city two years ago.A. was builtB. is builtC. has been builtD. will be built10. —Excuse me, would you please speak a little more ______?—Sorry, I thought you could follow me.B. quicklyC. slowlyD. politely11. Even Tony’s granddaughter, a five-year-old girl, asked him ______ smoking.A. give upB. gave upC. to give upD. giving up12. Jim ______ the army in 2003. He ______ a soldier for over10 years.A. has been, joinedB. joined, has beenC. jioned, jionedD. has been, has been13. In order to let more people pay attention to their plan, they _____ some sighs on the highway ______ the weather was really bad.A. put onB. put upC. set upD. look up14. The car accident took place on the highway ______ the weather was really bad.A. because ofB. thatC. soD. beause20. — Look at the sign. You are not allowed to smoke here.A. You’d better notB. Yes, I’d love toC. OK. I willD. Sorry, I won’t1._____Whites are going to the park this Sunday. They are going for_____waik now.A.The;/B.The;aC.mineD./;a2.—Is this your pencil? --NO.The blue one is______.A.meB.myC.mineD.myseif3.We only need one person for this job--_______you_____him.A.botn;andB.either;orC.neither;norD.not only;but also4.Aithough we won’t be in the same city,we can______by sending emails.A.stay in touchB.stay up/doc/dd14261135.html,e up withD.catch up5.—Look!That taii man______our teacher.--NO.It_______be him.He went to Hongkong lastweek.A.maybe;can’tB.must be;mustn’tC.must be’can’t may be,could6.The______action film has attracted millions of young people to the cinema.A.110-minuteB.110-minutesC.110 minuteD.110 minutes7.The students______the Art Festival when I passed by their school.A.celebrateB.were celebratingC.will celebrateD.have celebrated8.—Congratulations!You’ve got a chance to be an ex-change student! ---_______.A.Thank youB.I agreeC.Of courseD.Good luck9.No one can make me______./doc/dd14261135.html,ughed/doc/dd14261135.html,ughing/doc/dd14261135.html,ughD.to laugh10.—How many teachers are there in your school?---I’m not sure about it. Maybe_______.A.hundredB.hundredsC.hundreds ofD.tow hund red11.Who was in the footbaii games______Lingling whose leg wsa hunt?A.in terms ofB.by way ofC.in the place ofD.in place of12.—OH,there isn’t enough______for us in the lift.---It doesn’t matter.Let’s wait for the next.A.groundB.floorC.piaceD.room14.---I______this magazine for tow weeks. ---I think you have to retrun it now.A.borrowedB.have borrowedC.keptD.have kept15.---what a fine day!how about going climbing this af-ternoon?---________!We can ask John to go witn us.A.Sounds greatB.It’sa pleasureC.Go aheadD.Good luck1. —Who is ________man over there?—He is my uncle and he is _______worker in the big factory.A.a;theB.the;aC.the; theD.a;a2.My mother is very tired because of the busy work this month ,so she wants to take seven days______next month.A.outB.offC.upD.on3._______they are very tired, they feel happy because they’ve finally finished their project. A.Although B.So C.If D.But4. — Hello! May I speak to Catharine,please?—Sorry,I’m afraid y ou have the wrong_______.A.way/doc/dd14261135.html,C.numberD.telephone5.I’d like everyone_______a picnic on Sunday.A.to haveB.havingC.haveD.had6.There were only weo paintings for sale and he bought_______.A.allB.anyC.bothD.some7. — Our school is going to hold the ______Culture Festival.— I see. And we can take part in _______activities.A.tenth ; tenthB.ten;tenthC.tenth;tenD.ten;ten8.I ________the Great Wall when I _______in China two years ago.A. saw; wasB.have seen; wasC.saw;have beenD.have seen; have been9.The environment will get better in the future, and we will have___cars and pollution.A. less, moreB. less,fewerC. more, moreD. fewer, less12.Breakfast is _____ meal of the day. It provides us with energy after a long night without food.A. more importantB. the most importantC. importantD. most important13. —Are you going to see the film with us? —No, thanks. I ___ it.A. sawB. heve seenC. seeD. was seeing14. —Now many people smoke and get ill.—So we should do something ___ can help stop smoking.A. whatB. whoC. /D. that15. —Simon, I’m going to Beijing with my parents tomorrow.A.Cheer upB.Have funC. Never mindD. Best wishes1.Here is _____ bike my uncle sent me last week. I believe it’s _____ fantastic one.A.a; aB.the; theC.the; aD.a; the2.David was born ________June 12,1989.A.atB.onC.inD.for3. —Where is my watch? I can’t find it. —It must be ______in your room.A.yoursB.mineC.hersD.his4. —Where is my watch? I can’t find it. —It must be _______in your room.A.somewhereB.anywhereC.everywhereD.nowhere5.It was very hard for me to make a _______,but I decided to leave my job.A.suggestionB.speechC.planD.decision6.Rock music may ______ nice to young people, but most old people can’t stand it.A.hearB.soundC.lookD.listen7. —John sings so well. Has he ever been trained?—No.He learns all by himself. He ________ goes to any training class./doc/dd14261135.html,uallyB.oftenC.neverD.even8.You _______ stop when the traffic light turns red.A,can B.had better C.need D.must9. —Health is money. —But I think it is _______money.A.as improtant asB.more important thanC.so important thanD.the same as10.Every year _______ visitors come to London for their holiday.A.thousandB.thousandsC.thousand ofD.thousands of11. —Your French is so good. How long have you been in France?—_________ I was five. A.Until B.Since C.When D.Before 12. —Will you be able to come and help us clean the room?—_______,but I’m doing my homework.A.I’d love toB.I hope notC.I do careD.I’m afraid not13.Father often tells me _______ too much time on coenputer games.A.don’t spendB.not spendC.not to spendD.not spending14. —Long time no see!—I’ve just returned.I ________t o Zhengzhou for a meeting last month.A.am sentB.was sentC.am sendingD.was sending15. —Could you help me put up the maps on the wall?—________.A.That’s all right.B.I hope so.C.No problem.D.That’s a good idea.1. What _______fine weather! Shall we go for _______walk?A. a, aB. /, aC. /,/D. a, the2. — thank you for telling me the history of radio.—________.A.That’s allB.It’s rightC.I’d love toD.Don’t mention it3. There are over _______ students in their school.A.hundredsB.nine hundredsC.hundreds ofD.nine hundred4.Mr. Wang is very friendly, and _______ like______very much.A. we,himB. we, hisC.our, heD. ours, him5. I will send you my plan _______ email.A.byB. inC. atD.over6. — Do you like the film?—Yes, I do. In fact, I’ve never seen a _______ one.B.betterC.worseD.bad7.He worked _______, but he felt _________.A.hard, happyB.hardly, happilyC.hard, happilyD. hardly, happy8. Miss Li ______ English in this school since she moved to this city from her hometown.A. taughtB. has taughtC.was teachingD.had taught9. I didn’t go to Sam’s party yesterday because I ______.A.am not invitedB.didn’t inviteC.wasn’t invitedD.haven’t invited10. I was on vacation last week and didn’t ________your letter.A. realizeB. receiveC. recognizeD. accept11. — _______ I use your dictionary, Rose?—Sure. Here you are.A. MayB. WouldC. Need12. Our teacher often tells us _______ our own cloth bags when shopping.A. takeB. takingC. to takeD. taken13. There _______ an English party the day after tomorrow.A. hasB. will haveC. is going toD. is going to be14. Don’t ______ him. He feels better today.A. get ready forB. Worry aboutC. look atD. put away15. The place ________ interested me most was Jiuzhaigou.A. whichB. whereC. whatD.it。






A 、似曾相识鸟归来B、似曾相识雁归来C、似曾相识燕归来3、《七步诗》的作者是_____。


A 、花重绵阳城B、花重锦州城C、花重锦官城5、“春色满园关不住,一枝红杏出墙来。


A 、《游园不植》B、《春望》C、《春夜喜雨》6、“海内存知己,天涯若比邻。




A 、汉青B、汗青C、汗清8、“但使龙城飞将在,不教胡马度_____。


A 、阴山B、边关C、燕山9、“停车坐爱枫林晚,霜叶红于二月花。


A 、因为B、坐下C、座位10、杜牧的《江南春》中的“南朝四百八十寺”的下句是_____。



A 、王维B、王之涣 C 、王勃12、《天净沙·秋思》的作者是元代_____的。



A 白居易《赋得古原草送别》B、王昌龄《出塞》C、杜牧《江南春》14、“忽如一夜春风来,千树万树梨花开。


A 、春色B、梨花C、雪景15、“春蚕到死丝方尽,蜡炬成灰泪始干。


A 、李贺B、李清照C、李商隐16、“无边落木萧萧下,不尽长江天际流。





1. 哎呀呀,先看清楚题目要求可太重要啦!别拿到题就瞎填,就像你去一个陌生地方,不得先搞清楚要往哪走呀!比如这道题:“苹果是_____的

2. 还有啊,排除法真的超好用的嘞!如果有几个选项明显不对,那就大胆排除掉呀!比如说有个题问:“谁是历史上最伟大的人?”那些明显不靠谱的就可以直接排除掉啦!
3. 遇到不会的别急呀,说不定其他题目里有提示呢!这就好像拼图一样,要把线索都拼凑起来哟!像有个题说“这个东西和红色有关”,也许另一道题就能找到答案啦。

4. 要相信自己的第一感觉呀!有时候纠结来纠结去,反而把对的改错啦!就好比你买衣服,第一眼喜欢的往往就是最好的嘛!比如这题,你一开始觉得是这个,就别轻易改呀!
5. 别死磕一道题呀,先把会的都做了再说!这就像跑步,被一个小水坑绊住了就不跑啦?先绕过去跑完再说呀!要是一直纠结一道题,时间都浪费啦!
6. 检查检查可不能忘啊!做完了回头再看看,说不定就发现错误啦!就像你出门前得照照镜子整理整理一样呀!比如再看看那个答案填得对不对呀。

7. 有些题目里有陷阱哦,可得小心啦!就像路上的小坑,不小心就会掉进去哟!像那种问“以下不正确的是”,就得特别注意啦!
8. 多积累知识也很重要呀!平时积累得多了,答题的时候就容易啦!就好像你肚子里有墨水,写文章就容易多啦!平时多学一点,考试就更轻松一点哟!




(A)2.64,1252,76 (B)2.74,1.252,86 (C)2.64,1.525,86 (D)2.74,1.525,762、乒乓球比赛中,一名运动员将球打到对手半台台面的垂直侧面,此球应判()。

(A) 重发球(B)这名运动员得分(C)这名运动员失分(D)以上说法都不对3、乒乓球比赛台面弹性的标准是:标准球从离台面30厘米高处落至台面时,弹起高度应约为()厘米。

(A)23 (B)13 (C)20 (D)104、双打比赛中,发球方的发球落到了对方台面的中线上,同时对手没有接到发球,此回应该()。

(A)发球方得分(C)重发球 (B)接发球方得分(D)对发球方警告,重发球;二、判断题1、比赛中,一名运动员将球打到对手半台台面的垂直侧面,此球应判这名运动员得分2、乒乓球比赛台面弹性标准是:标准球从离台面30厘米高处落至台面时,弹起高度应约为23厘米。








(A)15.25,15.25 (B)15.52,15.52 (C)15.25,15.52 (D)15.52,15.252.乒乓球球网的顶端距离比赛台面()厘米。

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( )1、Sarah is sick.What should she do?
A. Take some medicine
B. Go simming
C. Read many books
D.Drink cold water
2、----How are your feet ? I wear size 35.
3、What you usually do on Sundays ?
4、----How you feeling?------I am better now.
C. are ,feeling
5、John passes the ball Mike.And the ball bounces Mike’s head.
C.in, on
6、She said her brother in Beijing.Her brother to shanghai last week.
A.wasn’t, went
B. was, go
D. was,went
7.Amy very sad.What’s wrong her?
A.looks, to
B.look, with
8.I’m glad hear that. A.for B.to C.in D.at
9.-------Would you like juice?
------No,thanks.I’d like water,please.
A.any, some
C.some, any
10.----What you do last weekend?-----I went hiking.

1. She (not visit)her aunt last weekend.
2.He TV every evening.But he didn’t yesterday evening. (watch)
3.Your shoes under the bed just now.
4.No (swim).
5.Jenny and Peter to school on Monday.(not walk)

Are they basketball volleyball?

Last weekend,Wu Yifan and . 3、他们上周六做作业和购物了。

They homework and shopping on Saturday.

The dog the kite me juet now.

Fangfang cook dinner because his father yesterday.。
