05 Trade Policy


国际贸易Chapter9 Non-tariff Trade Policy

国际贸易Chapter9 Non-tariff Trade Policy
Import Quota(进口配额)
• An import quota is a restriction on the quantity of a good that may be imported.
• This restriction is usually enforced by issuing licenses to domestic firms that import, or in some cases to foreign governments of exporting countries.
• However, these restraints are usually requested by the importing country.
Effects of the U.S. Import Quota on Sugar
• The welfare effects of the import quota are indicated by the areas a, b, c, and d.
• Consumers lose the surplus a+b+c+d.
• the sugar import quota holds imports to about half the level that would occur under free trade.
Effects of the U.S. Import Quota on Sugar
• The result is that the price of sugar is $418 per ton, versus the $210 price on world markets.

对外贸易政策(Foreign Trade Policy)

对外贸易政策(Foreign Trade Policy)

对外贸易政策对外贸易政策(Foreign Trade Policy)[编辑]什么是对外贸易政策对外贸易政策是指一国政府根据本国的政治经济利益和发展目标而制定的在一定时期内的进出口贸易活动的准则。













a practical guide to trade policy analysis中文版

a practical guide to trade policy analysis中文版

a practical guide to trade policy analysis中文版














The national foreign trade transformation and upgrading base will enjoy tax policy support.2.政府将加大对外贸转型升级基地的财政扶持力度。

The government will increase fiscal support for foreign trade transformation and upgrading bases.3.国家将对外贸转型升级基地进行战略规划和政策引导。

The country will strategically plan and policy guide foreign trade transformation and upgrading bases.4.外贸转型升级基地将得到政府相关部门的全程服务。

Foreign trade transformation and upgrading bases will receive full-service support from relevant government departments.5.国家将对外贸转型升级基地提供优惠的融资政策。

The country will provide preferential financing policies for foreign trade transformation and upgrading bases.6.政府将对外贸转型升级基地的专业化人才进行培训和支持。

The government will provide training and support for the professional talents of foreign trade transformation and upgrading bases.7.国家将鼓励外贸转型升级基地采用先进技术和设备。

WTO基础知识英文选读 课后练习及参考答案

WTO基础知识英文选读 课后练习及参考答案

《WTO基础知识英文选读》(Selected Readings the WTO Basics)邱贵溪 主编上海交通大学出版社,2009年第一版课后练习参考答案Key to ExercisesKey to Unit One1. Translate the following English words and phrases into Chinese.1) 多边贸易体制2) 关税与贸易总协定3) 反倾销4) 补贴5) 知识产权6) 部长级会议7) 总理事会8)贸易政策审查机构9) 争端解决组织10) 货物贸易理事会2. Translate the following Chinese words or phrases into English.1) Services Council2) TRIPS3) specialized committee4) director-general5) customs duty rate6) state trading7) product standards8) General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS)9) Dispute Settlement Understanding(DSU)10) least-developed countries (LDC)3. Answer the following questions according to the text.1) The past 50 years have seen an exceptional growth in world trade. Merchandise exports grew on average by 6% annually. Total trade in 2000 was 22-times the level of 1950. GATT and the WTO have helped to create a strong and prosperous trading system contributing to unprecedented growth.2) The system was developed through a series of trade negotiations, or rounds, held under GATT. The first rounds dealt mainly with tariff reductions but later negotiations included other areas such as anti-dumping and non-tariff measures.3) The work programme, the Doha Development Agenda (DDA), adds negotiations and other work on non-agricultural tariffs, trade and environment, WTO rules such as anti-dumping and subsidies, investment, competition policy, trade facilitation, transparency in government procurement, intellectual property, and a range of issues raised by developing countries as difficulties they face in implementing the present WTO agreements.4)The WTO’s overriding objective is to help trade flow smoothly, freely, fairly and predictablyIt does this by:•Administering trade agreements•Acting as a forum for trade negotiations•Settling trade disputes•Reviewing national trade policies•Assisting developing countries in trade policy issues, through technical assistance and training programmes•Cooperating with other international organizations5) 1. Highest authority:the Ministerial ConferenceThe Ministerial Conference is the governing body of the WTO,responsible for setting the strategic direction of the organization and making all final decisions on agreements under its wings.2. Second level:General Council in three guisesDay-to-day work in between the ministerial conferences is handled by three bodies:General CouncilTrade Policy Review BodyDispute Settlement Body3. Third level: councils for each broad area of trade, and moreThree more councils, each handling a different broad area of trade, report to the General Council;The Council for Trade in Goods (Goods Council)The Council for Trade in Services (Services Council)The Council for Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property (TRIPS Council)6) The Secretariat’s main duties are to supply technical support for the various councils and committees and the ministerial conferences, to provide technical assistance for developing countries, to analyze world trade, and to explain WTO affairs to the public and media. The Secretariat also provides some forms of legal assistance in the dispute settlement process and advises governments wishing to become members of the WTO.7) The WTO’s rules — the agreements — are the result of negotiations between the members. The current set were the outcome of the 1986–94 Uruguay Round negotiations which included a major revision of the original General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT).8) The WTO agreements cover rules for dealing with trade in goods, services, relevant aspects of intellectual property, dispute settlement, and trade policy reviews.9) All WTO agreements contain special provision for them, including longer time periods to implement agreements and commitments, measures to increase their trading opportunities and support to help them build the infrastructure for WTO work, handle disputes, and implement technical standards.10) The sub-committee on least-developed countries looks at developing countries’ special needs. Its responsibility includes implementation of the agreements, technical cooperation, and the increased participation of developing countries in the global trading system.11)Technical cooperation is an area of WTO work that is devoted entirely to helping developing countries (and countries in transition from centrally-planned economies) operates successfully in the multilateral trading system. The objective is to help build the necessary institutions and to train officials. The subjects covered deal both with trade policies and with effective negotiations.4. Fill in the blanks in each sentence with the most suitable word or expression from the text.1) WTO, General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)2) trade negotiations, GATT, tariff reductions, anti-dumping, the 1986-94 Uruguay Round3) financial services, banking, securities4) Ministerial Conference, General Council, Trade Policy Review Body, Dispute Settlement Body, Goods Council, Services Council, Intellectual Property (TRIPS) Council5) Geneva, director-general, branch offices6) the agreements, members, 1986–94 Uruguay Round negotiations , General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT).7) services, dispute settlement8) Dispute Settlement Understanding, WTO, infringed, specially-appointed independent experts, agreements, commitments9) technical assistance, least-developed countries , integrated framework20, market access10) technical cooperation missions, developing countries, trade policy , Regional seminars, African countries, central planning, market economies 5. Choose the best words or phrases to complete thefollowing sentences.1) B, 2) C, 3) A ,4) B, 5) D ,6) A, 7) C ,8)D ,9) C ,10) A6. Decide whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F).1) F 2) T 3) F 4) F 5) T 6) T 7) F 8)F 9) T 10) F 11) T 12) T 13) F 14) F 15) T 7. Translate the following English sentences intoChinese.1) 过去的50年见证了世界贸易的迅猛增长。






1.《国际贸易学》(International Trade)- 保罗·克鲁格曼、莫里斯·奥普斯费尔德这本经典教材是国际贸易学领域的权威之作,系统介绍了国际贸易的基本理论和模型。


2.《国际商务》(International Business)- 迈克尔·R·卡茨、杰克·R·莫尔根斯坦、加博尔·H·J·玛丽奥这本书是国际商务领域的经典教材,详细介绍了企业如何在国际市场上开展业务。


3.《跨国公司管理》(Managing Across Borders)- 克里斯托弗·A·巴特利特、保罗·W·贝姆、哈维·C·特日尔这本书是研究跨国公司管理的经典之作,涵盖了跨国公司的战略管理、组织设计、人力资源管理等方面的内容。


4.《国际贸易实务》(International Trade Practice)- 罗伯特·费尔德曼、迈克尔·D·纳什这本书主要介绍了国际贸易的实践操作,包括国际贸易的主要流程、国际贸易的相关法律法规、国际支付和结算等方面的内容。


第二章 International Trade Policy 《国际贸易实务》PPT课件

第二章  International Trade  Policy  《国际贸易实务》PPT课件

Exports Subsidies
Export subsidies are payment made by the government to encourage the export of specified products.
• Domestic supply • Domestic demand • Price floors • Floor price • Shortfall of supply • EEP • DEIP
• Government Procurement Policies: a government procurement policies requires that a specified percentage of purchases by a government be made from domestic firms rather than foreign countries.
• Red-Tape Barriers refer to costly administrative procedures required for the importation of foreign goods.Export NhomakorabeaTaxes
• An export tax is a tax collected on exported goods. As with tariffs, export taxes can be set on a specific or an ad valorem basis.
• Domestic Content Requirements: a domestic content requirement mandates that a product produced and sold in a country must have a specified amount of domestic productive value, in the form of wage paid to local workers or material and components produced within the country.

International Trade Policy(国际贸易条款)

International Trade Policy(国际贸易条款)

• (5) Trade barriers 贸易壁垒 • 外国(或地区)政府实施或支持实施的 阻碍进口的措施。主要有:违反承诺的关 税措施;缺乏依据的进口管理限制(包括 潼关限制、进口许可、进口禁令等);缺 乏科学依据的产品标准、卫生措施等;不 合理的反倾销、反补贴等贸易救济措施等; 出口限制;不合理的与贸易有关的知识产 权措施等。
• (3) Doha trade talks 多哈贸易谈判; • “多哈回合”是指目前正在进行的新一 伦多边贸易谈判,也是WTO成立以来首轮 多边贸易谈判。其目的是进一步消除在产 品和服务行业的贸易壁垒(特别是对农产 品的贸易壁垒),通过扩大贸易来消除贫 困。
• (4) Acquisition 收购 • 是指一个企业以购买全部或部分股票 (股份收购)的方式购买另一企业的全部 或部分所有权,或以购买全部或部分资产 (资产收购)的方式购买另一企业的全部 或部分所有权。
• (2) Emerging market 新兴市场 • (3) free trade 自由贸易 • It refers to international trade which is free of government interference. Unlike Protectionism, the importing countries don’t impose extra duties or quotas on imports.
• Domestic content requirements can create import protection at two levels, firstly, they can be a barrier to imports of the products that do not meet the content rules; secondly, they can limit their import of material and components that otherwise would have been used in domestic production of the products.

第8章Trade policy

第8章Trade policy

The effect
World loss: b+d+f The tariff may be nationally optimal, but it still means a net loss to the world.

Nontariff barriers to Imports

Import quota system

Absolute quota
global quota country quota

Tariff quota
Voluntary Export Restraints (VERs)
The importing country government coerces the foreign exporting country to agree “voluntary” to restrict its exports. Gives the foreign exporters monopoly power, acting like a cartel, limiting total sales and dividing up the market. Foreign exporters get area c as the additional revenue
Other manufacture s
Fish and fish products petroleum average
12.0 0.4
28.0 12.0
35.0 18.0



This chapter is focused on the following questions:
• What are the effects of various trade policy
–Who will benefit and who will lose from these trade policy instruments?
Basic Tariff Analysis
• A compound duty (tariff) is a combination of an ad
valorem and a specific tariff.
• Modern governments usually prefer to protect domestic
trade (Qw), two curves are defined:
• Home import demand curve
–Shows the maximum quantity of imports the Home country would like to consume at each price of the imported good.
The Instruments of Trade Policy
Chapter Organization
Introduction Basic Tariff Analysis Costs and Benefits of a Tariff Other Instruments of Trade Policy The Effects of Trade Policy: A Summary Summary



经贸英语专业词汇Unit1存款depositmoney储蓄账户savingsaccount储蓄债券savingsbond商业领域lineofbusiness分销distributinggoods高品质商品highqualitygoods 停止运营suspendoperations减少购买curtailtheirbuying商业瘫痪businessparalysisUnit2制造业m anufacturingbusiness有形商品tangiblegoods服务业s ervicebusiness 财务管控financialcontrols营销战略marketingstrategies产品设计productdesign研发行为researchanddevelopment竞争环境competitiveenvironment财政政策fiscalpolicy生产线productionline资源配置allocationofresources收入分配distributionofincome微观经济环境microeconomicenvironment宏观经济环境macroeconomicenvironment财政年度currentfiscalyear公共支出和税收publicexpenditureandtaxation 货币政策monetarypolicy利息率rateofinterest信贷的可获性availabilityofcredit汇率政策exchangeratepolicy政府干预governmentintervention外汇市场foreignexchangemarkets经常项目和资本项目thecurrentandcapitalaccounts'收支平衡表thebalanceofpayments国内货币政策domesticmonetarypolicy利率水平interestratelevels国际贸易政策internationaltradepolicy出口补贴subsidiesforexports进口关税tariffs(duties)onimports进口配额importquotas保护主义措施protectionistmeasures供给经济政策supply-sidepolicy国有资产的私有化privatizationofstateassets市场经济themarketeconomy工资支付水平wagesettlement紧急措施emergencymeasures培训项目trainingprograms就业政策employmentpolicy刺激总需求stimulationofaggregatedemandUnit3制成品manufacturedgoods占…比例accountfor工业材料industrialmaterials 原材料rawmaterials半成品semi-manufactureditems资本品capitalgoods贸易伙伴tradingpartner贸易差额thebalanceoftradeUnit4限制贸易restricttrade自给自足self-sufficiency资本设备capitalequipment 中间产品intermediateproducts国内市场domesticmarkets外汇foreignexchange 初级外向型primaryoutward-lookingstage消费制成品manufacturedconsumergoods进口替代型的工业化import-substitutingindustrialization寻求海外市场seekmarketsabroad满足国内需求satisfieddomesticdemandUnit5头版frontpage直接的新闻报道straightnewsarticle新闻特写featurenewsarticle后续报道follow-upnewsarticle导语theleadparagraph倒金字塔形invertedpyramidform农产品和工业品交易价格farmandcommodityexchangeprices分类广告classifiedadsUnit7失业处于历史高点unemploymentatrecordhighs泡沫经济bubbleeconomy焦虑指数anxietyindex公司改组corporaterestructuringUnit8品牌名称brandname品牌象征brandsymbol注册商标registeredtrademarks自有品牌privatebrands营销优势marketingadvantage不知名品牌lesser-knownbrand有形和无形标志tangibleandintangibleattributes家族品牌familybranding控制市场dominatedthemarket获得全部的专有权achievecompleteexclusivity国际协议internationalagreements灰色市场“graymarket”goods Unit9达到白热化reachedfeverpitch市场主导marketdomination公平竞争faircompetition贴牌产品Own-LabelProducts企业巨头thecorporateheavyweights 品牌忠诚brandloyalty超市连锁店supermarketchain账面价值thebookvalue品牌延伸brandstretching家喻户晓的名字thehouseholdnames提升品牌知名度increasebrand-awareness潜意识的广告subliminaladvertising盗版thepiratebrands市场饱和marketsaturation建议零售价therecommendedretailprice产品扩散productproliferation反消费者利益保护的运动anti-consumerismmovement产品拥挤productclutterUnit10有竞争性的价格competitivepricing市场研究机构market-researchfirm合资企业viajointventures收购mergersandacquisitions国有企业state-ownedenterprises上市公司listedChinesecompanies售后服务after-salesservice白色家电whitegoods宣传预算promotionbudget专业店aspecialtyshop集体企业acollectiveenterprise分销渠道distributionchannelsUnit11广告业advertisingindustry广告经费advertisingexpenditures潜在客户potentialcustomers销售促进salespromotion机构广告institutionaladvertising行业协会tradeassociation户外广告牌outdoorbillboards单体店one-unitdepartmentstore杂货铺varietystore观众收视率audienceratings大众媒介massmedia经销店branchoutletsUnit12产品系列lineofgoodsUnit13保险公司insuranceagencies营销调研marketingresearch产品策划productplanning商业交易businesstransactions非营利机构nonprofitorganizationsUnit15购买动机buyingmotives冲动行为actonimpulse店面形象storeimage商品类别assortmentofmerchandiseUnit16销售技巧sellingskills求职applyforajob自由的企业制度freeenterprisesystem折扣店adiscountstore创造就业机会createemployment充分就业fullemployment创造额外的购买力createsadditionalpurchasingpower 保持高水准生活maintainingthehighstandardofliving。


样张样张源自(三) 国际运输及报关术语
Shipping advice 装船通知
Mate’s receipt大副收据
B/L=bill of lading 海运提单 Anti-dated B/L 倒签提单
AWB=airway bill航空运单 样张 Advanced B/L预借提单
CY=container yard 集装箱堆场
(1)工厂交货( EXW) (2)货交承运人(FCA) (3)船边交货(FAS) (4)船上交货(FOB) (5)成本加运费(CFR或C&F) (6)成本、保险费加运费(CIF) (7)运费付至(CPT) (8)运费及保险费付至(CIP) (9)边境交货(DAF) (10)目的港船上交货(DES) 《易(国1术1际)语目贸提的易供港术一码语套头解解交释释货通的(D则国E》Q际()规简则称,In以co避te免rm因s各)国的不宗同旨解是释为而国出际现贸的易不中确最定普性遍,使或用至的少贸 在(1相2)当未程完度税上交减货少(D这DU种)不确定性。 (13)完税后交货(DDP)
CFS=container freight station集装箱中转站
Export manifest 出口舱单
Import manifest 进口舱单
NVOCC=non-vessel operating common carrier 无船承运人
Custom clearance of goods 货物清关
3. Insurance: 保险 常用险种: All risks 一切险 War risks 战争险 With particular average=水渍险 Institute war clause=伦敦保险学会条款战争险 Institute strikes clause=伦敦保险学会条款罢工险 S.R.C.C.=strikes, riots and civil commotion risks=暴动、罢工、民变险 T.P.N.T=theft, pilferage & non-delivery=偷窃提货不着险 常用保险用语 Lodge a claim=索赔 Settlement of claim=理赔 Insurance agency=保险代理 Insurance broker=保险经纪人

introduction to china's trade policy

introduction to china's trade policy

Introduction to China’s Trade PolicyChina cannot develop independently without the rest of the world. Likewise, the world needs China if it is to attain prosperity. Following the trend of economic globalization, China is participating in international economic and technological cooperation on an ever larger scale, in wider areas and at higher levels in an effort to push economic globalization towards the direction of common prosperity for all countries. Today, the mainstream of international trade is to share successes, with all as winners. China adheres to its opening-up strategy for mutual benefit. For this, it has made conforming to China's own interests while promoting common development a basic principle guiding its foreign economic and trade work, develops its economic and trade relations with other countries on the basis of equality, mutual benefit and reciprocity, and makes constant contributions to the sustained growth of global trade.China has exerted itself to push forward multilateral economic and trade relations and regional economic cooperation, actively participated in the formulation and execution of international economic and trade rules, and joined various other countries in settling disputes and problems emerging in their cooperation, so as to promote the balanced and orderly development of the world economy.China has been an active supporter of and participant in multilateral trade system. Since its accession to the WTO in December 2001, China has strictly kept its commitments to create more favorable conditions for international economic and technological cooperation. China has sorted out and revised some 3,000 laws, regulations and department rules, continually improved its foreign-related economic legal system, and enhanced the transparency of its trade policies. China has cut its customs tariffs step by step, as promised, and by 2005 its average tariffs had been reduced to 9.9 percent, and most non-tariff measures had been cancelled. Banking, insurance, securities, distribution and other service trade sectors have opened wider to the outside world. Of the 160-odd service trade sectors listed by the WTO, China has opened more than 100, or 62.5 percent, a level close to that of the developed countries. China has actively pushed ahead with a new round of multilateral trade negotiations, participated in talks on various topics, especially on agriculture, market access of non-farm products and the service trades, and played a constructive role in helping developing and developed members reduce disputes through talks. China, together with other WTO members, has done a lot of work to spur substantial progress to reach early agreement among the negotiators.中国的发展离不开世界,同样世界的繁荣需要中国。

Trade 8 - Trade policy

Trade 8 - Trade policy
1. 2. 3.
Tariffs Quotas Other Non-tariff Barriers to Trade Partial Equilibrium: Small Country Partial Equilibrium: Large Country General Equilibrium: Small Country General Equilibrium: Large Country
In the real world
• The effect of protection instruments on
domestic prices • P 275
• Example: price of final good Pf=1000; price of
intermediate goods A and B: Pa=500, Pb=200. • In free-trade situation, the value added is 1000(500+200)=300 • With tariffs on final goods and intermediate goods, Pf’=1000*(1+10%)=1100; Pa’=500*(1+5%)=525; Pb’=200*(1+8%)=216. • And the new value added is 1100(525+216)=359
Economist website)
Offshore assembly provisions
• OAP: or production-sharing arrangements by US ITC. • Example: US imports cell phones from Taiwan at $80 per

black hole tariffs and endogenous policy theory

black hole tariffs and endogenous policy theory

black hole tariffs and endogenous policytheoryBlack hole tariffs refer to high tariffs that can potentially trap an economy in a vicious cycle of protectionism and retaliation. Endogenous policy theory, on the other hand, examines how domestic political factors shape trade policies. In this essay, we will explore the relationship between black hole tariffs and endogenous policy theory.Black hole tariffs have been a topic of great interest in international economics. These tariffs are typically set in response to perceived unfair trade practices or to protect domestic industries from foreign competition. Initially, imposing higher tariffs may seem like a straightforward solution to address these concerns. However, it is important to consider the potential consequences of such actions.黑洞关税是指高关税可能会将一个经济体困在保护主义和报复的恶性循环中。

国际贸易政策手册(Handbook on International Trade Policy)简介

国际贸易政策手册(Handbook on International Trade Policy)简介

国际贸易政策手册(Handbook on International Trade Policy)简介:"The Handbook on International Trade Policy" is an insightful and comprehensive reference tool focusing on trade policy issues in the era of globalization. Each specially commissioned chapter deals with important international trade issues, discusses the current literature on the subject, and explores major controversies. The Handbook also directs the interested reader to further sources of information. The expert contributors cover both traditional and more current concerns including: history of thought on trade policy; the development of multilateral organizations such as the World Trade Organization; border restrictions and subsidies; regional trade agreements; trade and the environment; animal, plant and food safety measures; and, international protection of intellectual property and sanctions.Presenting a broad and state-of-the-art perspective on the topic, this highly accessible Handbook will prove an invaluable resource to researchers, academics, policymakers and practitioners concerned with international trade policy.国际贸易政策手册(国际贸易政策手册)简介:《国际贸易政策手册》是一本专注于全球化时代贸易政策问题的深刻而全面的参考工具。





政策的英语说法:policy政策的相关短语:经济政策 economic policy ;货币政策 monetary policy社会政策 social policy ;Politique sociale刑事政策 Crime prevention ;世界政策 the world policy会计政策 accounting policy ; accounting policies金融政策 financial policy ;破产政策 bankruptcy policy政策的英语例句:1. It was not the policy of the government to repatriate genuine refugees.遣返真正的难民回国并非政府的政策。

2. The White House quickly announced that the policy is under review.白宫很快宣布该项政策正在审核中。

3. Responsibility and moderation were to be the keynotes of their foreign policy.责任和克制将是他们外交政策的核心。

4. They called for the return of internment without trial for terrorists.他们呼吁对恐怖分子重新实施不经审讯即行拘留政策。

5. Keeping inflation low is the keystone of their economic policy.将通货膨胀率保持在较低水平是他们经济政策的主旨。

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Ch 5 Trade Policy
1.meaning A country’s trade/commercial policies are those designed to influence its trade relations with the rest of the world. world. 国际贸易政策是各国或地区间进行商品和服务的交 换时所采取的政策。 从单个国家的角度出发,有关国际贸易的政策即是 一国的对外贸易政策,因而关于国际贸易政策的分 析即是对各国对外贸易政策的分析。
(2)保护手段:关税 保护手段:
从自由竞争过渡到保护制度阶段初期,决不可把 税率定得太高,只能定得相当轻微。在从禁止政 策变到温和的保护制度阶段过程中,采取的措施 恰恰相反,应当由高税率逐渐降低而过渡到低税 率。 一国的保护税率应当有两个转折点,即由低到高 然后又由高到低。税率的增减程度,是不能从理 论上来决定的,而要看比较落后国家在它对比较 先进国家所处关系中的特有情况以及相对情况来 决定。
Free trade policy—— 一国/ 地区对本国的进出 policy——一国 / 口不限制或很少加以限制, 口不限制或很少加以限制 , 允许本国的商品在外 国市场及外国的商品在本国市场自由竞争
——中国香港:基本上全无贸易壁叠。 ——中国香港:基本上全无贸易壁叠。货物进出香港均无 须缴付关税。 须缴付关税。进口签证和出口签 证的手续简单,大部分产 证的手续简单, 品均无须申领许可证便可进口和出口。 品均无须申领许可证便可进口和出口。遇有要求签证或申 报的情况, 报的情况,也只是为了按照不同的国际承诺履行应尽的义 务,或是出于保障公众健康、安全或保安的理由。 或是出于保障公众健康、安全或保安的理由。
李斯特的保护贸易理论 ——李斯特对自由贸易理论的批判与自己的理论主张 (1) 反对不加区别的自由竞争,主张一定条件的保护 制度 “我清楚地看到两个同样具有高度文化的国家,要在彼 此自由竞争厂双方共同获利,只有当两者在工业发展上处 于大体上相等的地位时,才能实现。如果任何一个国家, 不幸在工业上、商业上还远远落后于别国,那么它即使具 有发展这些事业的精神与物质手段.也必须首先加强它自 己的力量,然所才能使它具备条件与比较光进的各国进行 自由竞争。”
奖出限入 重商主义者的政策主张 (1)由国家管制对外贸易的政策。 (2)奖出限入的政策。 (3)管制本国工业,鼓励和扶持幼弱工业的政策
汉密尔顿:《关于制造 业的报告》
观点:一个国家如果没有工业的发展,就相难保持其独立 地位。美国工业起步晚,基础薄弱,技术落后,生产成本 高,根本无法同英国、法国等国的廉价商品进行自由竞争, 因此。美国应实行保护关税制度,以使新建立起来的工业 得以生存、发展和壮大。 制造业的发展,有利于推广机器使用,提高整个国家的机 械水平,促进社会分工的发展;有利于扩大就业,诱使移 民移入,加速美国国土开发;有利于提供更多的开创各种 事业的机会.使个人才能得到充分发挥;有利于消化大批 农业原料和生活必需品,保证农产品销路和价格稳定,刺 激农业发展,等等。
(4)反对“比较成本说”.主张发展生产力 “财富的生产力比之财富本身,不晓得要重要到多少倍。 因为,有了生产力的发展就有了财富。向别的国家购买 廉价的商品,表面上看起来是要合算一些.但是这样做 的结果.德国工业的生产力就不能获得发展,德国将处 于落后和从属于外国的地位。如果德国采取保护关税的 政策、起初会使工业品的价格提高,但经过一定时期, 生产力发展了,商品生产费用就会跌下来,商品价格甚 至会跌落到国外进口商品的价格以下。
—— 自由贸易政策产生于18世纪初的英国。 自由贸易政策产生于18世纪初的英国 世纪初的英国。 —— 完全意义上的自由贸易政策是不存在的。 完全意义上的自由贸易政策是不存在的。 —— 现实的自由贸易政策是指国家取消和减少对进出口 贸易的限制和障碍, 贸易的限制和障碍,取消和减少对本国进出口商品的各种 特权和优惠。 特权和优惠。 —— 当今的贸易自由化则意味着降低政府对外贸的控制 和直接干预,而代之以价格机制(如关税等)的调节, 和直接干预,而代之以价格机制(如关税等)的调节,扩 大服务市场的准入,取消对投资的限制。 大服务市场的准入,取消对投资的限制。
(5)关于工业化和国际分工的理论 关于工业化:“一个国家没有工业,只经营农业,就等于 一个人在物质生产中少了一只膀子。…….一个国家只用农 产品向国外交换工业品,就等于一个人只有一只膀子,还 有一只膀子是借助于外人的。借助于外人的膀子也许很有 用,但总不及自己有两只膀子的好,因为外人之心是难以 捉摸的。国家自己有了工业,食物和原料就可以按照工业 的需要来生产,如果依存于外国工业,那就要受到限制, 只能按照外国自己不想生产而不得不向另一国家的采购来 生产剩余产品,”
原始末开化时期和畜牧时期:应对比较先进的国家实行自 由贸易,以此为手段,使自己脱离未开化状态,在农业上 求得发展; 农业时期和农工业时期:应采取商业限制政策,促进工业、 渔业、海运事业和对外贸易的发展; 工农商业时期:财富和力量已达到最高程度后、再逐步恢 复到自内贸易,在国内外市场进行无所限制
关于国际分工,他主张尽量利用本国资源的同时,也应利 用国际分工。并指出.有些产品由于自然条件的限制,不 宜在同内生产.如果依照国际分工原则(就是说,通过国 外贸易)向国外采购时,质量既好,价格也低,对于这类 物品想采用国内分工原则,试图由本国来供应。那就是件 愚不可及的事情。
(3)反对自由放任,主张国家对经济的干预 李斯特认为,要想发展生产力.必须借助于国家的力量, 他指出:“诚然,经验告诉我们,风力会把种子从这个 地方带到那个地方,因此荒芜原野会变成稠密森林;但 是要培养森林因此就静等着风力作用,让它在若干世纪 的过程中来完成这样的转变,世上岂有这样愚蠢的办法 吗?如果一个植树者选择树秧,主动栽培,在几十年内 达到同样的目的,这不算是一个可取的办法吗?
(一)自由贸易理论为自由贸易政策制造了舆论, 成为英国、法国等工业资产阶级争取自由贸易的有利 武器。 (二)自由贸易政策的实施,对于英国经济的发展, 国际分工的形成以及国际贸易的发展起了促进作用。 (三)缺陷:1、以各种利益掩盖英国资本自由对外 扩展的实质;2、李嘉图等所谓自由贸易能引起世界各 国普遍受益的国际分工理论也掩盖了以英国为中心的 国际形成和发展的实际状况; 3、自由贸易论者的目的 是英国应当成为“世界工厂”,其他一切国家成为英 “世界工厂” 国工业品销售市场、原料和粮食的供应地。
(1)向私营工业发放政府信用贷款,为其提供发展资金; (1)向私营工业发放政府信用贷款,为其提供发展资金; (2)实行保护关税制度,保护国内新兴工业; (2)实行保护关税制度,保护国内新兴工业; (3)限制重要原料出口,免税进口极端必需的原料; (3)限制重要原料出口,免税进口极端必需的原料; (4)为必需品工业发放津贴.给各类工业发放奖励金; (4)为必需品工业发放津贴.给各类工业发放奖励金; (5)限制改良机器输出; (5)限制改良机器输出; (6)建立联邦检查制度,保证和提高制造品质量。 (6)建立联邦检查制度,保证和提高制造品质量。
外贸总政策: 外贸总政策:一国/地区从本国/地区国民经济出发所制订 的在一个较长时期内所实行的贸易政策。 进出口商品政策: 进出口商品政策:如有意识地扶植某些出口产品,或暂时 限制某些种类商品的输入等。一国的商品进出口政策通常 与该国的产业发展政策有关。 国别贸易的政策: 国别贸易的政策:一国从国际经济格局及本国对外政治经 济及社会关系出发,制订的对de policy
政府采取各种措施限制商品和服务的进口,以保护本国的产业 和市场不受或少受外国的竞争。同时,政府对本国商品和服务 的出口实行补贴和各种优待,以鼓励出口。——“奖出限入”
需要指出的是,一国实行自由贸易政策,并 实行保护贸易政策并不意味着完全封闭、不与别国开 不意味着完全的自由 展贸易,而是对某些商品的保护程度高一些,对某些 商品的保护程度低些,在保护国内生产者的同时维持 同世界市场的某种联系。
(1)保护对象:幼稚工业(Infant Industry)与保护期 )保护对象:幼稚工业(Infant Industry)与保护期 限(30年) 限(30年) 在工业和农业的选择上,应当保护工业,而不需为农 业提供保护,因为工业能带动农业的发展;在保护工业业 问题上,并不是保护所有工业,而应当选择那些幼稚工业 进行保护;对幼椎工业的保护也不能是不加选择的,一国 工业虽然幼稚,但在没有强有力的竞争对手时,则不需保 护;对刚刚开始发展且有强有力的外国竞争者的幼稚工业 的保护,不能是无限期的,当被保护的工业发展了,生产 出来的成品价格低于进口同种产品并能与外国竞争时,就 无须保护;披保护的工业,若经过一个适当时期(30年) 无须保护;披保护的工业,若经过一个适当时期(30年) 还不能扶植起来,就不必再予以保护。
(一)自由贸易理论的形成——四个阶段 1. 法国的重农主义,经济学家弗魁奈在其著作 《经济表》中,提倡商业自由竞争 2. 英国的学者休谟提出自由贸易主张 3. 最终建立是古典学派经济学家斯密、李嘉图提 出了系统的自由贸易理论 4. 战后,穆勒提出了相互需求方程,马歇尔提出 了均衡分析法 (二)自由贸易理论的基本要点 1. 自由贸易政策可以形成相互有利的国际分工。 2. 扩大国民真实收入。在有利的国际分工条件下 ,通过自由贸易可以增加国民福利与收入。 3. 通过自由贸易减少国民开支。 4. 反对垄断,加强竞争,提高经济效率。 5. 提高利润率,促进资本积累。