依达拉奉与清胰汤联用对SAP大鼠保护作用的实验研究张仪娜;张艺川【摘要】目的探讨依达拉奉与清胰汤联用对重症急性胰腺炎(SAP)大鼠保护作用.方法将150只健康SD大鼠随机分为假手术组、SAP组和联合治疗组(联合组).建立SAP动物模型前,SAP组尾静脉注射同体积生理盐水,联合组给予依达拉奉;联合组术后予清胰汤灌胃,1次/12 h,连用1 w.术后1 w,比较3组大鼠胰腺组织病理评分、肿瘤坏死因子α(TNF-α)、白介素6(IL-6)、淀粉酶、丙二醛(MDA)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)及心肌肌钙蛋白T(cTnT)水平和腹水量.结果联合组腹水量及胰腺组织病理评分均明显低于SAP组(P<0.05);SAP组、联合组TNF-α、IL-6、淀粉酶、MDA及cTnT水平均明显高于假手术组,而SOD水平则明显低于假手术组(P <0.05);联合组TNF-α、IL-6、淀粉酶、MDA、SOD及cTnT水平均明显优于SAP组(P<0.05).结论依达拉奉与清胰汤联用能够减少TNF-α的生成,从而抑制炎症反应,并有效清除氧自由基,对SAP大鼠胰腺组织及心脑等重要器官起到保护作用.【期刊名称】《西南国防医药》【年(卷),期】2013(023)008【总页数】3页(P820-822)【关键词】依达拉奉;清胰汤;重症急性胰腺炎;保护;大鼠【作者】张仪娜;张艺川【作者单位】610500,成都,成都医学院第一附属医院药剂科;610500,成都,成都医学院第一附属医院药剂科【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R657.51急性胰腺炎作为临床消化科常见疾病之一,是因胰腺内胰酶在机体多种因素诱发下异常激活,消化自身胰腺组织,引起胰腺水肿、出血乃至坏死的一类疾病,严重者可进一步诱发腹腔感染、感染性休克及多器官功能衰竭,临床死亡率极高,称为重症急性胰腺炎(SAP)〔1〕。
Ξ柠檬酸甘油单、二棕榈酸酯的薄层色谱分析毛连山1 ,倪永全2(1 .南京林业大学,江苏南京210037 ;2 .无锡轻工大学,江苏无锡214036)摘要:以硅胶G + 1 %羧甲基纤维素钠( CM C) + 0 . 6 mol/ L 硼酸为色谱条件,采用均匀设计法选择最佳的溶剂系统来分离柠檬酸甘油单、二棕榈酸酯。
结果表明,当溶剂的组成及配比为三氯甲烷∶丙酮∶乙酸= 85∶15∶1 时分离较为理想,与柠檬酸甘油单、二棕榈酸酯电喷雾质谱( ES I- M S) 分析得到的组分基本相一致。
关键词:柠檬酸甘油单、二棕榈酸酯;薄层色谱;质谱;均匀设计法中图分类号:O657 文献标识码:A文章编号:1000 - 2006 (2001) 01 - 0031 - 04 The Anal y sis of Thin Layer Chromatogra phy of Citric A c i d Estersof Part i al Pal m it i c A c i d G l y ceridesMAO Lian2shan1 ,N I Y o n g2quan2(1 . Nanjing Fo rest r y U n iversit y ,Nanjing 210037 ,China ;2 . Wuxi U n iversity of Light Indust r y , W uxi 214036 ,China) Abstract :Cit ric acid esters of partial palmitic acid glycerides are a kind of system of many co m po n ent s wit h very co m ple x polarisabilities ,so t hat it is di ff icult to separate t hem f ro m each ot her . The mixt ures can not be separated effectively by solvent systems of n2hexane2et her2fo r mic acid ( 80 ∶20 ∶2 ) reco mmenced in re fer2 ence s. In t h is paper ,silica G + 1 % carbo xymet hyl cellul o s e ( CM C) + 0 . 6 mol/ L bo r ic acid were used as t h e t hin layer chro matograp hy co ndit i o n ,and t he solvent system fo r t hin layer chro matograp hy was op tim i z ed using t he unifo r m design met ho d ,t he op timal system fo r Cit ric acid esters of partial palmitic acid glycerides was t richl o ro met hane2p roano ne2acetic acid (85∶15∶1) ,t he result s acco rded wit h o ne of elect ro n sp ray i o n2 izati o n2mass spect r um ( ES I - M S) .K ey w ords :Cit ric acid esters of partial palmit ic acid glycerides ; Thin layer chro m atograp h y ; Mass spec2 t r um ; U n ifo r m design met h o d薄层色谱法( TL C) 是一种常用的微量分离分析方法,它具有价廉、快速、高效及试样范围宽等优点。
9.60±1.08 9.71±1.07 9.63±1.05
0.767 0.464
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!南昌大学第一附属医院检验科"江西 南昌 ##<<<&#
关键词 泌尿外科*凝血检测*血小板参数*血小板聚集功能 中图分类号:O&V 文献标识码:F 文章编号:>&D%M>>!VY!"!#Z"&M"D&>M"" )>";#V&VK>&D%M>>!V;!"!#;"&;"!#
泌尿外科疾病按照其发病机制可分为泌尿结 石$泌尿感染及泌尿肿瘤等% 虽然已有文献陆续报 告了一些泌尿系统疾病&如慢性肾脏病$肾小球肾 炎$泌尿外科肿瘤等#的凝血检测异常及血小板聚 集 功 能 改 变 等 " @$ABC 但 比 较 不 同 泌 尿 外 科 疾 病 的 凝 血及血小板参数的研究报告相对匮乏% 因此"本文 整 理 了 江 西 省 最 大 三 甲 医 院 ' ' ' 南 昌 大 学 第 一 附 属医院象湖院区 !<!< 年 D 月至 !<!> 年 E 月不同 发病机制下泌尿外科疾病&泌尿结石$泌尿感染及 泌尿肿瘤( 的凝血及血小板参数指标的实验室检 查结果并进行对比分析"现报告如下% 1 材料与方法 >;> 病 例 资 料 对 !<!< 年 D 月 至 !<!> 年 E 月 于 南昌大学第一附属医院象湖院区泌尿外科男性患 者 > &!< 例 &分为 !!< 例泌尿感染$BDB 例泌尿肿 瘤及 E%B 例泌尿结石# 的凝血项目检测及血小板 参数进行回顾性调查分析%
21 0 2年 7月
质 谱 学 报
J u n l fCh n s a s S e to ty S ce y o r a i e e M s p c r me r o it o
Vo. NO 1 33 .4 NhomakorabeaJ 12 1 u. 0 2
1 ( 一 丙 基 ) 基 一一 基 一一 唑 啉 酮 衍 生 化 寡 糖 的 一4 异 苯 3甲 5吡 HP C E I M S在 线 联 用 分 析 L — S/
( PPM P)i q e u mmo i a d d rv t a i n p o u t r n l z d b — n a u o sa n a n e i a i t r d c swe e a a y e y RP— z o HPLC s p — e a—
果 准 确 可 靠 , 作 为 寡 糖 样 品 的质 量控 制 、 效 关 系研 究 等 方 面 的 一 种 测 试 方 法 。 可 构
关 键 词 : 效 液 相 色 谱 ; 喷 雾 电 离 质 谱 ;-4异 丙 基 ) 基一一 高 电 1(一 苯 3甲基 一一 唑 啉 酮 ; 生 化 ; 糖 5吡 衍 寡
rd s f o a t d xt i s s i e r m m 1o e rn how a if c o y r s o e o ESIM S b h n po ii e i n m o e s ts a t r e p ns t — ot i s tv —o d a d i g tv —o od . The m i t r f o i os c ha i s d rv tve ih de e fpo y— n n ne a i e i n m e x u e o lg a c rde e i a i s w t gr e o l m e ia i — 1 a u c s f l e a a e y RP— PLC. A w e ho o e e tng t e rz ton 1 w s s c e s uly s p r t d b 7 H ne m t d f r d t c i h
=====================================================================Acq. Operator : KFF(LCMS-02) Sample Operator : KFF(LCMS-02)Acq. Instrument : HY-LCMS-02 Location : P1-D-02Injection Date : 7/27/2016 14:19:09 Inj : 1Inj Volume : 1.000 µl Acq. Method : D:\CHEM32\1\METHODS\1-POS-3MIN.M Last changed : 7/27/2016 14:18:39 by KFF(LCMS-02) (modified after loading)Analysis Method : D:\CHEM32\1\DATA\20160726 2016-07-26 17-23-30\1-POS-3MIN.M Last changed : 7/27/2016 14:28:00 by KFF(LCMS-02) (modified after loading)Method Info : Column: A-RP-169Catalog No : HY-100200 Batch#21201Easy-Access Method: '1-POS-3MIN'Additional Info : Peak(s) manually integratedmin*0.51 1.522.53mAU 02004006008001000*DAD1 B, Sig=214,4 Ref=off (BIZ\BIZ2016-727-WJ3-00029-HY-LCMS-02.D)1.5311.616min*0.511.52 2.53mAU 0100200300400*DAD1 C, Sig=254,4 Ref=off (BIZ\BIZ2016-727-WJ3-00029-HY-LCMS-02.D) 1.5311.892===================================================================== Area Percent Report =====================================================================Sorted By : Signal Multiplier : 1.0000Dilution : 1.0000Do not use Multiplier & Dilution Factor with ISTDsSignal 1: DAD1 B, Sig=214,4 Ref=offSignal has been modified after loading from rawdata file!Peak RetTime Type Width Area Height Area # [min] [min] [mAU*s] [mAU] %----|-------|----|-------|----------|----------|--------| 1 1.531 MM R 0.0302 2219.58057 1225.55811 99.9043 2 1.616 MM R 0.0170 2.12525 2.08308 0.0957Totals : 2221.70582 1227.64119Signal 2: DAD1 C, Sig=254,4 Ref=offSignal has been modified after loading from rawdata file!Peak RetTime Type Width Area Height Area# [min] [min] [mAU*s] [mAU] %----|-------|----|-------|----------|----------|--------|1 1.531 MM R 0.0304 943.70569 517.54364 99.81372 1.892 MM R 0.0311 1.76128 2.02254e-1 0.1863Totals : 945.46697 517.74589===================================================================== *** End of Report ***=====================================================================Acq. Operator : KFF(LCMS-02) Sample Operator : KFF(LCMS-02)Acq. Instrument : HY-LCMS-02 Location : P1-D-02Injection Date : 7/27/2016 14:19:09 Inj : 1Inj Volume : 1.000 µl Acq. Method : D:\CHEM32\1\METHODS\1-POS-3MIN.M Last changed : 7/27/2016 14:18:39 by KFF(LCMS-02) (modified after loading)Analysis Method : D:\CHEM32\1\DATA\20160726 2016-07-26 17-23-30\1-POS-3MIN.M Last changed : 7/27/2016 14:26:24 by KFF(LCMS-02) (modified after loading)Method Info : Column: A-RP-169Catalog No : HY-100200 Batch#21201Easy-Access Method: '1-POS-3MIN'Additional Info : Peak(s) manually integratedmin0.511.522.550000100000150000200000250000300000350000400000 MSD1 TIC, MS File (D:\CHEM32\1\DATA\BIZ\BIZ2016-727-WJ3-00029-HY-LCMS-02.D) ES-API, Pos, Scan, Frag: 501.548MS Signal: MSD1 TIC, MS File, ES-API, Pos, Scan, Frag: 50 Spectra averaged over upper half of peaks. Noise Cutoff: 1000 counts.Reportable Ion Abundance: > 10%.Retention Mol. Weight Time (MS) MS Area or Ion1.548 2416841 267.10 I 266.05 I 265.15 I 264.00 Im/z20040060080020406080100*MSD1 SPC, time=1.508:1.594 of D:\CHEM32\1\DATA\BIZ\BIZ2016-727-WJ3-00029-HY-LCMS-02.D ES-API, Pos, Scan, Frag: 50Max: 148485267.1266.0。
GC-MS/MS法与HPLC-MS/MS法相结合检测果蔬中农药多残留发布时间:2022-09-28T07:58:33.492Z 来源:《科技新时代》2022年5期第3月作者:杨国奇[导读] 现阶段,采取果蔬样品内农药残留的筛查和定量分析检验模式,杨国奇苏州帕诺米克生物医药科技有限公司江苏苏州 215000摘要:现阶段,采取果蔬样品内农药残留的筛查和定量分析检验模式,处理过程中利用盐析-乙腈均质获取,经过GCB/PSA-SPE固相萃取柱净化,然后使用GC-MS/MS法与HPLC-MS/MS法重点检验。
分散液液微萃取(Dispersive liquid.1iquid microextraction,DLLME)是近年来发展起来的一种样品 前处理技术,具有简单、快速、环境友好等特点,广泛用于环境、食品、生物样品中痕量有机污染物 的萃取与富集。本研究采用DLLME样品前处理技术萃取和富集饮料样品中的4种对羟基苯甲酸酯类 防腐剂(对羟基苯甲酸甲酯、对羟基苯甲酸乙酯、对羟基苯甲酸丙酯和对羟基苯甲酸丁酯),并结合气 相色谱一质谱联用(GC.MS)技术测定其含量。
bcvea'age sm甲lcB;Aj
1 2
实验方法:在5 mL水样中迅速注入0.5 mL丙酮(分散剂)和13吐氯苯(萃取剂)混合物,轻 轻振摇后,形成浑浊态,以3000 r/min离心5 mm后,分析物被萃取并富集到下层沉淀相中,用气相进 样针取l吐沉淀相注入GC.MS(Shimadzu QP2010 Plus)分离测定。实验优化了分散剂类型和体积、 萃取剂类犁和体积、萃取时I.日J和盐效应等参数。
本文读者也读过(3条) 1. 汪隽.范必威.许淑霞.WANG Jun.FAN Bi-wei.XU Shu-xia 固相萃取-液质联用法测定乳制品中对羟基苯甲酸酯 [期刊论文]-食品科学2008,29(7) 2. 韩熠.刘欣丽.贾晓宇.段太成.陈杭亭 分散液液微萃取-气相色谱-质谱联用法测定饮料中4种对羟基苯甲酸酯类 防腐剂[期刊论文]-分析化学2009,37(z1) 3. 王勍.WANG Qing ASE及GPC技术在测定对羟基苯甲酸酯类防腐剂中的应用[期刊论文]-福建农业学报2010,25(1)
[5 ] [6 ] ( HSSPME ) [3]、 液液萃取 、 固相萃取 等。 乙二
乙二醇醚类物质作为良好的共溶剂和稳定剂 , 自 60 年代开始就被广泛地应用到各个领域, 如用 于化学中间体、 工业清洗剂、 染料、 树脂、 皮革加工、 纺织工业、 工业溶剂等。 近年来, 科学研究发现某 肝脏、 肾脏、 生殖系 些乙二醇醚类物质对中枢神经、 统有着明显的健康损害作用, 随着人们对乙二醇醚 对健康负面影响的日益关注, 美国、 加拿大、 欧盟纷 欧洲化 纷立法对乙二醇醚类物质的使用进行限制 , 学品管理署( ECHA) 于 2010 年 12 月 15 日把乙二 醇单 甲 醚、 乙二醇单乙醚列入了高度关注物质 ( SVHC ) 第四批清单。 国内外对乙二醇醚类物质的分析检测研究目 前主要集中在喷雾剂 MS ) 质谱联用法 ( GC[1 ]
SIM 模式下总离子流色谱图 ( a) 、 选择离子 m / z 45 单通道色谱图( b) 与选择离子 m / z 59 单通道色谱图( c)
Total ions chromatogram ( a) ,selected ion m / z 45 chromatogram ( b) and selected ion m / z 59 chromatogram ( c) in SIM mode ( 500 ng / mL mixed standard solution) .
2 色谱条件色谱柱:3%OV-17固定相,3.2mm ×2m 玻璃柱;柱温:180℃;进样口温度:220℃;载气:高纯氮;流速:40mL /min;检测器:FID 。
在上述色谱条件下,麝香酮保留时间为10min 。
3 对照品溶液和供试品溶液的制备取麝香酮对照品,加乙醚制成每1mL 含1mg 的溶液作为对照品溶液。
精密取咽速康气雾剂5mL,加蒸馏水10mL 混匀,加乙醚萃取5次,每次15mL,合并乙醚液,挥干乙醚,加乙醚溶解并稀释至2mL 容量瓶中,作为供试品溶液,照气相色谱法取1μL 进样。
4 线性关系精密吸取麝香酮对照品溶液1.0、2.0、3.0、4.0、5.0μL 分别置于10mL 量瓶中,各加入乙醚至刻度,摇匀,各进样1μL,以峰面积对相应浓度作线性回归,得回归方程为:Y =-1269.93+150.348X r =0.99985 精密度试验准确吸取对照品溶液1μL,重复进样6次,峰面积积分值的RSD 为0.94%。
6 回收率试验在已知含量的供试品中加入麝香酮对照品,依法测得麝香酮的平均回收率为98.3%,RSD 为1.42%(n =4)。
7 样品的测定分别精密吸取对照品溶液与供试品溶液各1μL 进样,依上述色谱条件,以外标法进行测定,2批咽速康气雾剂测定结果分别为0.197mg /瓶,RSD 为1.04%(n =3);0.0937mg /瓶,RSD 为0.82%(n =3)。
8 讨论关于麝香酮含量测定的方法文献报道很多,有气相色谱法和薄层层析法[2],由本法测定结果表明,不同批次含麝香酮差异较大,建议该药质量标准中增加麝香酮含量测定项目以更好地控制该制剂质量。
参考文献1卫生部标准(试行).WS —039(Z —008)—96王宝中成药质量标准与标准物质研究北京中国医药科技出版社,盐酸雷尼替丁的HPLC/APCIMS 分析中国科学院生态环境研究中心 北京 100085蒋 赵国栋 蒋 可 盐酸雷尼替丁(Ranitidine Hydrochlo ride)是H 2-受体阻断剂,主治组胺(Histamine)诱发的胃部疾病,其商品Zantac 是90年代最畅销的合成药品之一。
Inhibitors, Agonists, Screening LibrariesSafety Data Sheet Revision Date:Aug.-05-2017Print Date:Aug.-05-20171. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION1.1 Product identifierProduct name :SapitinibCatalog No. :HY-13050CAS No. :848942-61-01.2 Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised againstIdentified uses :Laboratory chemicals, manufacture of substances.1.3 Details of the supplier of the safety data sheetCompany:MedChemExpress USATel:609-228-6898Fax:609-228-5909E-mail:sales@1.4 Emergency telephone numberEmergency Phone #:609-228-68982. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION2.1 Classification of the substance or mixtureNot a hazardous substance or mixture.2.2 GHS Label elements, including precautionary statementsNot a hazardous substance or mixture.2.3 Other hazardsNone.3. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS3.1 SubstancesSynonyms:AZD–8931Formula:C23H25ClFN5O3Molecular Weight:473.93CAS No. :848942-61-04. FIRST AID MEASURES4.1 Description of first aid measuresEye contactRemove any contact lenses, locate eye-wash station, and flush eyes immediately with large amounts of water. Separate eyelids with fingers to ensure adequate flushing. Promptly call a physician.Skin contactRinse skin thoroughly with large amounts of water. Remove contaminated clothing and shoes and call a physician.InhalationImmediately relocate self or casualty to fresh air. If breathing is difficult, give cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Avoid mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.IngestionWash out mouth with water; Do NOT induce vomiting; call a physician.4.2 Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayedThe most important known symptoms and effects are described in the labelling (see section 2.2).4.3 Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment neededTreat symptomatically.5. FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES5.1 Extinguishing mediaSuitable extinguishing mediaUse water spray, dry chemical, foam, and carbon dioxide fire extinguisher.5.2 Special hazards arising from the substance or mixtureDuring combustion, may emit irritant fumes.5.3 Advice for firefightersWear self-contained breathing apparatus and protective clothing.6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES6.1 Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency proceduresUse full personal protective equipment. Avoid breathing vapors, mist, dust or gas. Ensure adequate ventilation. Evacuate personnel to safe areas.Refer to protective measures listed in sections 8.6.2 Environmental precautionsTry to prevent further leakage or spillage. Keep the product away from drains or water courses.6.3 Methods and materials for containment and cleaning upAbsorb solutions with finely-powdered liquid-binding material (diatomite, universal binders); Decontaminate surfaces and equipment by scrubbing with alcohol; Dispose of contaminated material according to Section 13.7. HANDLING AND STORAGE7.1 Precautions for safe handlingAvoid inhalation, contact with eyes and skin. Avoid dust and aerosol formation. Use only in areas with appropriate exhaust ventilation. 7.2 Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilitiesKeep container tightly sealed in cool, well-ventilated area. Keep away from direct sunlight and sources of ignition.Recommended storage temperature:Powder-20°C 3 years4°C 2 yearsIn solvent-80°C 6 months-20°C 1 monthShipping at room temperature if less than 2 weeks.7.3 Specific end use(s)No data available.8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION8.1 Control parametersComponents with workplace control parametersThis product contains no substances with occupational exposure limit values.8.2 Exposure controlsEngineering controlsEnsure adequate ventilation. Provide accessible safety shower and eye wash station.Personal protective equipmentEye protection Safety goggles with side-shields.Hand protection Protective gloves.Skin and body protection Impervious clothing.Respiratory protection Suitable respirator.Environmental exposure controls Keep the product away from drains, water courses or the soil. Clean spillages in asafe way as soon as possible.9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES9.1 Information on basic physical and chemical propertiesAppearance White to off-white (Solid)Odor No data availableOdor threshold No data availablepH No data availableMelting/freezing point No data availableBoiling point/range No data availableFlash point No data availableEvaporation rate No data availableFlammability (solid, gas)No data availableUpper/lower flammability or explosive limits No data availableVapor pressure No data availableVapor density No data availableRelative density No data availableWater Solubility No data availablePartition coefficient No data availableAuto-ignition temperature No data availableDecomposition temperature No data availableViscosity No data availableExplosive properties No data availableOxidizing properties No data available9.2 Other safety informationNo data available.10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY10.1 ReactivityNo data available.10.2 Chemical stabilityStable under recommended storage conditions.10.3 Possibility of hazardous reactionsNo data available.10.4 Conditions to avoidNo data available.10.5 Incompatible materialsStrong acids/alkalis, strong oxidising/reducing agents.10.6 Hazardous decomposition productsUnder fire conditions, may decompose and emit toxic fumes.Other decomposition products - no data available.11.TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION11.1 Information on toxicological effectsAcute toxicityClassified based on available data. For more details, see section 2Skin corrosion/irritationClassified based on available data. For more details, see section 2Serious eye damage/irritationClassified based on available data. For more details, see section 2Respiratory or skin sensitizationClassified based on available data. For more details, see section 2Germ cell mutagenicityClassified based on available data. For more details, see section 2CarcinogenicityIARC: No component of this product present at a level equal to or greater than 0.1% is identified as probable, possible or confirmed human carcinogen by IARC.ACGIH: No component of this product present at a level equal to or greater than 0.1% is identified as a potential or confirmed carcinogen by ACGIH.NTP: No component of this product present at a level equal to or greater than 0.1% is identified as a anticipated or confirmed carcinogen by NTP.OSHA: No component of this product present at a level equal to or greater than 0.1% is identified as a potential or confirmed carcinogen by OSHA.Reproductive toxicityClassified based on available data. For more details, see section 2Specific target organ toxicity - single exposureClassified based on available data. For more details, see section 2Specific target organ toxicity - repeated exposureClassified based on available data. For more details, see section 2Aspiration hazardClassified based on available data. For more details, see section 212. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION12.1 ToxicityNo data available.12.2 Persistence and degradabilityNo data available.12.3 Bioaccumlative potentialNo data available.12.4 Mobility in soilNo data available.12.5 Results of PBT and vPvB assessmentPBT/vPvB assessment unavailable as chemical safety assessment not required or not conducted.12.6 Other adverse effectsNo data available.13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS13.1 Waste treatment methodsProductDispose substance in accordance with prevailing country, federal, state and local regulations.Contaminated packagingConduct recycling or disposal in accordance with prevailing country, federal, state and local regulations.14. TRANSPORT INFORMATIONDOT (US)This substance is considered to be non-hazardous for transport.IMDGThis substance is considered to be non-hazardous for transport.IATAThis substance is considered to be non-hazardous for transport.15. REGULATORY INFORMATIONSARA 302 Components:No chemicals in this material are subject to the reporting requirements of SARA Title III, Section 302.SARA 313 Components:This material does not contain any chemical components with known CAS numbers that exceed the threshold (De Minimis) reporting levels established by SARA Title III, Section 313.SARA 311/312 Hazards:No SARA Hazards.Massachusetts Right To Know Components:No components are subject to the Massachusetts Right to Know Act.Pennsylvania Right To Know Components:No components are subject to the Pennsylvania Right to Know Act.New Jersey Right To Know Components:No components are subject to the New Jersey Right to Know Act.California Prop. 65 Components:This product does not contain any chemicals known to State of California to cause cancer, birth defects, or anyother reproductive harm.16. OTHER INFORMATIONCopyright 2017 MedChemExpress. The above information is correct to the best of our present knowledge but does not purport to be all inclusive and should be used only as a guide. The product is for research use only and for experienced personnel. It must only be handled by suitably qualified experienced scientists in appropriately equipped and authorized facilities. The burden of safe use of this material rests entirely with the user. MedChemExpress disclaims all liability for any damage resulting from handling or from contact with this product.Caution: Product has not been fully validated for medical applications. For research use only.Tel: 609-228-6898 Fax: 609-228-5909 E-mail: tech@Address: 1 Deer Park Dr, Suite Q, Monmouth Junction, NJ 08852, USA。
HP LC 2MS 分析薏苡仁油中的甘油三酯成分向智敏3,祝 明,陈碧莲,陈 勇(浙江省药品检验所,浙江杭州310004)[摘要] 目的:对薏苡仁油中的甘油三酯成分进行定性分析研究。
方法:采用高效液相色谱2大气压化学电离2质谱法(HP LC 2APCI 2MS )。
实验条件:正离子检测模式,喷雾电压3000V ,毛细管温度250℃,APCI 源温度400℃,corona 电流4μA 。
鞘气(高纯液氮)压力35K Pa 。
质谱扫描范围为300~900amu ,扫描时间1s ,Q1宽度为017。
液相色谱的固定相为Z orbax Extend C 18柱(416mm ×250mm ,5μm )。
流动相为二氯甲烷2乙腈(35∶65),流速1m L ・min -1。
[关键词] 薏苡仁油;甘油三酯;液相色谱-质谱法[中图分类号]R 284.1 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]100125302(2005)1821436203[收稿日期] 2004204205[通讯作者] 3向智敏,T el :(0571)86459425,E 2mail :xiangzm @sina 1com 薏苡仁是禾本科薏苡仁属植物薏苡Coix lacry 2ma 2jobi L 1var 1ma 2yuen (R oman 1)Stapf 的种仁,民间药用已有几千年的历史。
目前对薏苡仁油脂化学成分研究较少,文献[1,2]采用T LC 研究其中的甘油三酯和用G C 2MS 研究甘油三酯的脂肪酸成分。
1977年,LC/MS开始投放市场1978年,LC/MS首次用于生物样品分析1989年,LC/MS/MS取得成功1991年,API LC/MS用于药物开发1997年,LC/MS/MS用于药物动力学高通量筛选2002 年美国质谱协会统计的药物色谱分析各种不同方法所占的比例。
在这篇中我们针对标准成本相关的问题进行问答, 供大家参考。
1.CK11N原材料无法取到采购订单价格?答: 假如没有专门维护信息记录, 而是创建采购订单后, 使用采购订单的价格作为采购物料的标准价, 但是CK11N执行标准成本计算时取不到价格, 因素也许是采购订单手工输入价格时, 系统不会自动生成默认的信息记录号码, 假如生成, 就可以取到值。
”答: 也许的因素是BOM中启用了虚拟件, 虚拟件没有维护财务视图, 正常情况下, 虚拟件需维护MRP视图中的采购类型和特殊采购类型为E/50。
3.成本组件中哪个组件会更新为标准价?答:系统逻辑为, 在OKTZ成本组件视图中只要标为和存货评估相关的, 就作为标准价(会计视图)的一部分。
如下图:注意:假如某些组件未标记为和存货评估相关或者说只是一部分和存货评估相关, 则也许导致物料主数据成本视图中的标准价和会计视图中的标准价不同。
SAP配置点的说明如下图:4.CK11N出现消息: KC694””是什么因素?答:通常是由于作业价格是否由系统自动计算还是手工维护和OKTZ成本组件结构中是否勾选“初级成本要素分割”有矛盾导致的, 一般情况下, 假如由系统自动计算作业价格, 则可以在OKTZ中勾选“初级成本构成分割”, 假如作业价格为手工维护, 同时在OKTZ中勾选“初级成本构成分割”, 则在CK11N会出现该消息。
该消息的意思实际是作业价格相应的为43类型次级成本要素, 假如没有计算作业价格, 则初级成本要素不会分割到作业, 那么从成本组件上来说也就对于作业相关的成本就无法使用初级成本要素分割。
应当说, 假如勾选了“初级成本要素分割”, 在相应的成本组件行中可维护作业相应的初级成本要素。
广东药科大学学报Journal of Guangdong Pharmaceutical University Nov,2023,39(6)基于QuEChERS 样品前处理的间接竞争酶联免疫分析法快速检测薏苡仁中黄曲霉毒素B 1张磊1,2,3,关凯仪1,2,3,黄雨心1,2,3,王淑美1,2,3(1.广东药科大学中药学院,广东广州510006;2.国家中医药管理局中药数字化质量评价技术重点研究室,广东广州510006;3.广东省中药质量工程技术研究中心,广东广州510006)摘要:目的解决间接竞争酶联免疫分析法(indirect competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay ,ic-ELISA )检测薏苡仁中黄曲霉毒素B 1(Aflatoxin B 1,AFB 1)的基质干扰问题,建立一种简便的高通量检测方法,用于薏苡仁中AFB 1的快速筛查。
方法以ic-ELISA 的显色值和抑制率为评价指标优化样品前处理过程,重点考察QuEChERS 萃取净化技术、不同稀释溶剂和稀释方式消除基质效应的效果,并对建立的方法进行方法学考察,最后应用于薏苡仁实际样品检测,检测结果用液相色谱-串联质谱法(liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry ,LC-MS/MS )进行确证。
结果建立了一种无需任何校正,可用溶剂标准曲线进行定量分析的ic-ELISA 。
方法的半数抑制浓度为0.074ng/mL ,线性范围为1.37~20.0μg/kg ,加标回收率在75.12%~84.46%之间,RSD 小于6%。
122批薏苡仁及其相关样品中AFB 1的阳性率为20.5%,阳性样品的超标率为24.0%,污染水平为1.76~27.56μg/kg 。
ic-ELISA 与LC-MS/MS 检测结果的相关系数(r )为0.98。
结论QuEChERS 萃取净化技术能够有效去除薏苡仁中的干扰成分,对快速样品前处理方法的建立具有重要应用价值,结合本研究所建立的ic-ELISA ,为薏苡仁中AFB 1的检测和监测提供简便有效的技术手段。
INTENDED FOR SALE TO AND USE BY PEST MANAGEMENT PROFESSIONALSONLYHow it works: The NUVAN PROSTRIP utilizes controlled release technology to slowly diffuse a deep penetrating vapor in enclosed spaces for up to 4 months. The clean, odorless vapor is evenly distributed throughout the enclosed treatment area, killing visible and hidden insects on contact and preventing new insect infestations (while you’re away).ACTIVE INGREDIENT:Dichlorvos (2,2-dichlorovinyl dimethyl phosphate)...............................................18.6%INERT INGREDIENTS:.........................................................................................81.4%Total 100.0%This product contains the toxic inert ingredient Bis (2-ethylhexyl) adipate (DEHA) at 19.8%.KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDRENWARNINGSee Back Panel for Additional PrecautionsEPA Reg. No. 5481-553 EPA Est. No. ______________Net Weight: __________4100 E. Washington Blvd.Los Angeles, CA 90023 U.S.A.1-888-462-6822Hazards to Humans and Domestic AnimalsWARNING: May be fatal if swallowed. Do not get in mouth. Harmful if inhaled. Causes moderate eye irritation. Avoid breathing vapors. Avoid contact with eyes or clothing. Wear chemical resistant gloves. After prolonged storage, a small amount of liquid may form on strip. Do not get liquid in eyes. Wash thoroughly with soap and water after handling and before eating, drinking, chewing gum, using tobacco, or using the toilet. Remove and wash contaminated clothing before reuse. Not to be taken internally by humans or animals.FIRST AIDIF SWALLOWED ∙Call a poison control center or doctor immediately for treatment advice.∙Have person sip a glass of water if able to swallow.∙Do not induce vomiting unless told to by a poison control center or doctor. ∙Do not give anything by mouth to an unconscious person.IF INHALED ∙Move person to fresh air.∙If person is not breathing, call 911 or ambulance, then give artificial respiration, preferably mouth-to-mouth, if possible.∙Call a poison control center or doctor for further treatment advice.IF IN EYES ∙Hold eye open and rinse slowly and gently with water for 15-20 minutes.∙Remove contact lenses, if present, after the first 5 minutes, then continue rinsing eye. ∙Call a poison control center or doctor for treatment advice.IF ON SKIN OR CLOTHING ∙Take off contaminated clothing.∙Rinse skin immediately with plenty of water for 15-20 minutes. ∙Call a poison control center or doctor for treatment advice.NOTE TO PHYSICIANProbable mucosal damage may contraindicate the use of gastric lavage. POISONING SYMPTOMS: This product is a cholinesterase inhibitor. Symptoms include weakness, headache, tightness in chest, blurred vision, non-reactive pin point pupils, salivation, sweating, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal cramps. TREATMENT: Atropine is the specific therapeutic antagonist of choice against parasympathetic nervous stimulation. If there are signs of parasympathetic stimulation, atropine sulfate should be injected at 10 minute intervals in doses of 1 to 2 milligrams until complete atropinization has occurred. Morphine is contraindicated. 2-PAM is also antidotal and may be administered in conjunction.Have the product container or label with you when calling a poison control center or doctor, or going for treatment.FOR THE FOLLOWING EMERGENCIES, PHONE 24 HOURS A DAY:For Medical Emergencies phone:...........................................................................................1-888-681-4261 For Transportation Emergencies, including spill, leak or fire, phone: CHEMTREC®………..1-800-424-9300 For Product Use Information phone: AMVAC®……...……................................................…..1-888-462-6822 STOP! READ ENTIRE LABEL BEFORE USEIt is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. Wearing gloves, remove the insecticide strip from sealed bag when ready to use and place strip in provided holder if treatment area is routinely accessed by people or pets. Do not allow children to handle new or used strips. Place (Hang) in desired location away from windows and out of reach of children and pets. (To apply strips to vertical surfaces, use the enclosed stickers). Drafts, weather and other conditions may affect the performance, but treatment usually lasts for four (4) months. One 16 g strip will treat 100 to 200 cu. ft.Record the date of installation and replace with a new, fresh, full-strength strip at the end of four (4) months or when effectiveness diminishes. Do not use in hospitals or clinic rooms, such as patient rooms, wards, nurseries, operating or emergency areas. Within homes, use only in closets, wardrobes and cupboards. Do not use in closets and wardrobes of rooms where infants, children and the sick or aged are or will be present for any extended period of confinement. Do not use in kitchens (except cupboards), restaurants or areas where food is prepared or served. Do not use in any area of the home where people will be present for extended periods of time. Do not use in the food/feed areas of food/feed processing or food/feed manufacturing or food/feed service establishments. Food/feed areas of these establishments where the product is not permitted for use are areas for receiving, storing, packing (canning, bottling, wrapping, boxing), preparing, edible waste storage and enclosed processing systems(mills, dairies, edible oils, syrups) of food. Serving areas where food is exposed and the facility is in operation are also considered food areas. Non-food/feed areas of these establishments where the product can be used are areas such as garbage rooms, lavatories, floor drains (to sewer), entries and vestibules, offices, locker rooms, machine rooms, boiler rooms, utility equipment, garages, mop closets, and product storage (after canning or bottling). This product controls flies, gnats, mosquitoes, moths, silverfish, cockroaches, spiders, beetles, earwigs and other pests as listed.Only available in the following sizes: 16 grams (0.56 oz.), 10.5 grams (0.37 oz.) and 5.25 grams (0.19 oz.) pest strip sizes.NUVAN PROSTRIP is intended for sale to and use by pest management professionals only. This product is NOT intended for sale to or use by homeowners. Place strips in areas including garages, sheds, attics, crawl spaces, pantries, cupboards, closets, museums, museum collections, animal buildings, barns, storage units, trash bins, grain bins, pest traps, utility boxes, vacation homes, cabins, out-houses, mobile homes, recreational vehicles, boats, farm houses, and ranch houses. Also use strips to control pests around non-perishable packaged, bagged or bulk raw and processed agricultural commodities (including corn, soybeans, grains, cocoa beans, and peanuts). When properly placed, strips provide control of pests for up to four months depending upon local conditions. Replace strip with a fresh strip as needed. See below for more detailed use instructions.Each 16 gram strip treats100 to 200 cubic feet of space. Always use the appropriate number of strips for the space intended to be treated. Place strips uniformly in the area to be treated to facilitate a uniform treatment of the space. Strip provides continuous control of pests in treated areas through controlled release technology.Within homes, use only in closets, wardrobes and cupboards. Also for use in storage units, garages, attics, crawl spaces, boathouses, museum collections, garbage cans, trash dumpsters, animal buildings, milk rooms, catch basins, bulk raw grain, storage bins, enclosed utility boxes, reptile houses and terrariums.HOUSEHOLD, INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL USESWithin Homes, Use Only in Closets, Wardrobes and CupboardsGarages, Storage Units, Attics, Crawl Spaces and BoathousesNUVAN PROSTRIP kills flies, mosquitoes, gnats and other insects as listed for up to four (4) months. Wearing gloves, remove the insecticide strip from sealed bag when ready to use and place strip in provided holder if treatment area is routinely accessed by people or pets. Hang or place, out of reach of children and pets, in an open space of an enclosed area, away from windows. Do not allow children to handle new or used strips. One 16 gram strip will treat approximately 100 to 200 cubic feet. Replace with a new strip at the end of four (4) months or as needed.Garbage Cans, Trash Dumpsters and Trash ReceptaclesFor control of flying and crawling pests, place the appropriate number of strips within trash receptacles such as compactors, garbage chutes, garbage rooms, garbage bins and others. Strip provides control of pests within trash receptacles for up to four months.Animal BuildingsUse NUVAN PROSTRIP to control pests in animal buildings including stalls, barns, milk rooms, kennels, pens, poultry houses, manure storage and other such areas. Do not contaminate milk. Place strip in manure collection areas such as beneath egg layers and broilers but do not allow strip to be placed in areas directly occupied by poultry. Place the appropriate number of strips for the space to be treated. Strip will control pests for up to four months.Milk RoomsNUVAN PROSTRIP controls flies, mosquitoes and gnats in milk rooms and bulk storage rooms. DO NOT contaminate milk or milking equipment.Agricultural CommoditiesUse NUVAN PROSTRIP to control pests of non-perishable agricultural commodities, grains, bulk foodstuffs, packaged foods and other similar items. Do not contaminate foods. Place the appropriate number of strips for the headspace (volume) to be treated. Strip will control pests for up to four months.Catch BasinsUse NUVAN PROSTRIP to control mosquitoes and other pests in Catch Basins where water accumulates and mosquitoes may breed. Place the appropriate number of Strips for the space to be treated. Place strip by suspending about ten inches above the water surface to control mosquitoes. Strip may control mosquitoes for up to four months.Enclosed Utility Boxes and Utility ChasesUse NUVAN PROSTRIP to control ants (including fire ants), spiders, wasps, hornets and other pests within electric junction boxes, plumbing control boxes, pump houses and other such utility boxes as needed. Place the proper number of strips for the space to be treated. Strip will control pests for up to four months.Reptile Houses and Terrariums Occupied by People for Less than 4 Hours PerDayUse NUVAN PROSTRIP to control mites on reptiles and other pests in reptile enclosures, displays, reptile houses and terrariums. Place strip such that the reptile and desired animals within the enclosure or terrarium will not come in direct contact with the strip. Do not over treat. Strip is NOT intended for treatment of aviaries or birdcages. Place the appropriate number of strips in a suitable place to provide control. Strip must be removed after the 48 hour treatment interval.Museum Collections Occupied by People for Less than 4 Hours Per DayUse NUVAN PROSTRIP to protect museum collections and other similar materials from damaging pests when this is a concern. Place strip in close proximity or within collection boxes using care to avoid contact with collectible and valuable items.For Control of Bedbugs and Bedbug EggsNUVAN PROSTRIP may be used to control crawling bedbug nymphs and adults exposed to product vapors for 48 hours. In difficult to treat areas, a minimum treatment time of 72 hours will provide better results. Strip may be used to control bedbugs that have entered various items in an infested structure including, but not limited to: electronics, appliances, footwear, art work, collectibles, plush toys, clocks, radios, wall hangings, telephones, computers, printers, mattresses, box springs, books, lamps, furniture and other such items. Place infested items in a suitable plastic bag, poly sheeting that is completely sealed by adhesive tape on all sides, container or room that is closed to contain the strip treatment. Plastic bags or poly sheeting should be at least 2 mils thick. Any mattress or box springs to be treated must be fully enclosed with a single strip within a large plastic bag or within poly sheeting with all edges taped closed. Do not sleep or lay on mattress while in treatment bag. The closed volume for treatment should not exceed the volume to be treated for the size of the strip used. Take care to avoid direct contact of the strip with the surface of items being treated. Seal items in the containment for a minimum of 48 hours to kill bedbug nymphs and adults. To kill any bedbug eggs, if suspected to be present, seal items in the treated space for seven days. Seal plastic bags and poly sheeting with as much air space around the treated article as is practical as this will enhance the exposure to the product vapors. Proper seal can be attained by any appropriate manner such as the use of tape, twist ties or other means. Professionals should test for adequate seal by testing for the escape of air from the sealed bag. Identify sealed treatment by a label indicating a pesticide treatment is in process that should not be disturbed by unauthorized persons. The label should include the date, pest professional person or company responsible and contact telephone number. When treatment is completed, remove treated items from the treatment in a well ventilated area and air out for a period of not less than two hours. Discard plastic treatment bag or treatment poly sheeting and used pest strip in trash. Do not allow children to handle plastic treatment bags or treatment poly sheeting or new or used insecticide strips.How much space will one strip treat?Strip Size Treats Approx. Equivalent to Area Measuring16 grams 100 to 200 cu. ft.8' x 8' x 3’ = 192 cu. ft.Always use the appropriate size and number of strips for the space being treated. If more than one is required, distribute them within the space equally.HOUSEHOLD USESWithin Homes, Use Only in Closets, Wardrobes and CupboardsNUVAN PROSTRIP gives continuous protection against moths, silverfish, cockroaches and other insects as listed in closets, wardrobes and cupboards for up to four (4) months and leaves no smell (odor). Wearing gloves, remove the insecticide strip from sealed bag when ready to use and place strip in provided holder if treatment area is routinely accessed by people or pets. Hang or stand on wardrobe or closet rail, ensuring that strip does not contact clothes or fabrics and that air can circulate around the strip. Use one 16 g strip to treat 100 to 200 cu. ft. for up to four (4) months. If more than one is required, distribute them within the space equally. Keep the space closed. Record the date of installation so that the old strip may be replaced with a new, fresh, full-strength strip at the end of the four (4) month period or when effectiveness diminishes.Do not use more than the number of strips recommended for the space to be treated. Do not use in closets and wardrobes of rooms where infants, children and the sick or aged are or will be present for any extended period of confinement. Do not use where unwrapped food is stored or allow the strip to come into contact with food or cooking utensils. Do not allow children or pets to play or sleep in these areas when treatment is in progress. Do not allow children to handle new or used strips.Attics, Garages and Enclosed Crawl SpacesDO NOT USE IN AREAS WHERE PEOPLE WILL BE PRESENT FOR AN EXTENDED PERIOD OF TIME.NUVAN PROSTRIP kills flies and other insects as listed for up to four (4) months. Wearing gloves, remove the insecticide strip from sealed bag when ready to use and place strip in provided holder if treatment area is routinely accessed by people or pets. Do not allow children to handle new or used strips. Hang or stand, out of reach of children and pets, in an open space of an enclosed area, away from windows. Calculate cubic feet of air space to determine the number of strips required for treatment. Hang strips so as not to impede air circulation. When multiple strips are required, distribute them uniformly within the treated space. Record the date of installation so that the old strip may be replaced with a new, fresh, full-strength strip at the end of the four (4) month period or when effectiveness diminishes.STORAGE AND DISPOSALStorage: Do not contaminate water, food or feed by storage or disposal. Do not open or remove from package before ready to install. Store in a cool, dry place.Foil PouchDo not open or remove from package before ready to use. Disposal:If empty: Place in trash or offer for recycling if available. If partly filled: Call your solid waste agency or 1-800-CLEANUP for disposal instructions. Never place unused product down any indoor or outdoor drain.Outer ContainerNonrefillable container. Do not reuse or refill this container. Offer for recycling if available or dispose of the empty container in trash.The manufacturer warrants (a) that this product conforms to the chemical description on the label; (b) that this product is reasonably fit for the purposes set forth in the directions for use, subject to the inherent risks referred to herein, when it is used in accordance with such directions; and (c) that the directions, warnings, and other statements on this label are based upon responsible experts' evaluations of reasonable tests of effectiveness, of toxicity to laboratory animals and to plants and residues on food crops, and upon reports of field experience. Tests have not been made on all varieties of food crops and plants, or in all states or under all conditions.THERE ARE NO EXPRESS WARRANTIES OTHER THAN THOSE SET FORTH HEREIN. TO THE EXTENT CONSISTENT WITH APPLICABLE LAW THE MANUFACTURER NEITHER MAKES NOR INTENDS, NOR DOES IT AUTHORIZE ANY AGENT OR REPRESENTATIVE, TO MAKE ANY OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND IT EXPRESSLY EXCLUDES AND DISCLAIMS ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR ANY WARRANTY OF QUALITY OR PERFORMANCE. THIS WARRANTY DOES NOT EXTEND TO, AND THE BUYER SHALL BE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR, ANY AND ALL LOSS OR DAMAGEWHICH RESULTS FROM THE USE OF THIS PRODUCT IN ANY MANNER WHICH IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL DIRECTIONS, WARNINGS OR CAUTIONS.TO THE EXTENT CONSISTENT WITH APPLICABLE LAW BUYER'S EXCLUSIVE REMEDY AND MANUFACTURER'S OR SELLER'S EXCLUSIVE LIABILITY FOR ANY AND ALL CLAIMS, LOSSES, DAMAGES, OR INJURIES RESULTING FROM THE USE OR HANDLING OF THIS PRODUCT, WHETHER OR NOT BASED IN CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY IN TORT OR OTHERWISE, SHALL BE LIMITED, AT THE MANUFACTURER'S OPTION, TO REPLACEMENT OF, OR THE REPAYMENT OF THE PURCHASE PRICE FOR, THE QUANTITY OF PRODUCT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH DAMAGES ARE CLAIMED. TO THE EXTENT CONSISTENT WITH APPLICABLE LAW MANUFACTURER OR SELLER SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM THE USE OR HANDLING OF THIS PRODUCT.AMVAC offers this product, and Buyer accepts it, subject to the foregoing Limited Warranty which may be varied only by agreement in writing signed by an authorized representative of AMVAC.©2014 AMVAC Chemical Corporation. All rights reserved. AMVAC, NUVAN, PROSTRIPS and the BEAKER logo are U.S. registered trademarks of AMVAC Chemical Corporation. Chemtrec is a trademark of the American Chemistry Council, Inc.Proposition 65: Warning: This product contains a chemical known to the State of California to cause cancer.AMVAC Chemical Corporation4100 E. Washington BoulevardLos Angeles, CA 90023 U.S.A.1-888-462-6822。
第52卷第11期 辽 宁 化 工 Vol.52,No.11 2023年11月 Liaoning Chemical Industry November,2023基金项目: 吉林省医药健康产业发展专项引导资金项目(项目编号:YYZX201905)。
收稿日期: 2022-09-27UPLC -MS 法测定磷酸西格列汀中的2种磷酸酯杂质的含量朱红茹1,王广祁1,2*,王健1,3,王芳1,姜斌4(1. 通化东宝药业股份有限公司,吉林 通化 134123; 2. 沈阳药科大学 生命科学与生物制药学院,辽宁 沈阳 110016;3. 沈阳药科大学 制药工程学院,辽宁 沈阳 110016;4. 山东汇智药物研究有限公司,山东 济南 250101)摘 要: 建立了UPLC -MS 法测定磷酸西格列汀中2种磷酸酯杂质含量的检测方法。
采用C 18色谱柱(2.1 mm×50 mm,1.7 μm )分离,0.01%甲酸和乙腈为流动相进行梯度洗脱,采用单极四级杆检测器,电喷雾离子源,正离子模式进行监测,外标法定量,分析方法时长13 min。
结果表明:该方法的线性关系相关系数r ≥0.995;磷酸西格列汀样品加标回收率为82.05%~105.53%(n =9);磷酸三甲酯(TMP)检测限为0.007 4 μg·mL -1,磷酸三异丙基酯(TIP)检测限为0.007 8 μg·mL -1。
关 键 词:UPLC -MS;磷酸西格列汀;基因毒性杂质;磷酸三甲酯;磷酸三异丙基酯 中图分类号:O657.7 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1004-0935(2023)11-1702-04药品在生产的过程中,由于工艺条件、环境温度、生产设备的多种影响,往往可能产生杂质,杂质的存在对患者更是“有害无益”。
医药化工化 工 设 计 通 讯Pharmaceutical and ChemicalChemical Engineering Design Communications·215·第45卷第12期2019年12月6 结语在目前国内小规模药品生产企业或科研机构需快速建设小规模且符合GMP 标准的生产厂房的大环境下,笔者结合现药品市场分析,结合多个项目的医药工程设计经验,整理并归纳了常见的药品生产线功能及布局数据,对GMP 标准厂房的工程建设措施进行探讨和分析。
GMP 标准厂房的建设可极大降低小微企业、药品科研机构对符合法规要求的药品生产门槛,是未来众多医药园区的选择方向。
参考文献[1] 颛孙燕.药品上市许可持有人制度下委托生产的监管策略探讨[J].上海医药,2018(13).[2] 乌仕明,李正风.孵化到众创:双创政策下科技企业孵化器的转型[J].科学学研究,2019,37(09):1626-1631+1701.[3] 切好“工改工”这块城市用地大蛋糕[J].领导决策信息,2017(08):14.[4] 张爱萍.药品GMP 指南[M].北京:中国医药科技出版社,2011.[5] 杨施媚,陈赛赛.浅谈药品生产GMP 管理过程中质量风险管理的实施与应用[J].科技创新与应用,2016(16):268-269.[6] 赖婉枫,解馨.“质量风险管理”在GMP 管理过程中的应用[J].中国食品药品监管,2010(06):60-65.磷酸西格列汀是由美国Merck 公司开发用于治疗Ⅱ型糖尿病的DPP-Ⅳ抑制剂类药物。
由于传统化学合成方法条件苛刻,产率较低,导致成本较高,Merck 公司通过与Codexis 公司合作开发了利用转氨酶催化手性合成关键工艺,该方法路线,如图1所示,将转化率提高了13%,同时减少了19%的废物,获得了2010年美国总统绿色化学挑战奖,也为药物的手性合成提供了新方向。