英语电影 阿凡达PPT课件

The plot is introduced(剧情介绍)
• When his brother is killed in a robbery, paraplegic Marine Jake Sully decides to take his place in a mission on the distant world of Pandora. There he learns of greedy corporate figurehead Parker Selfridge's intentions of driving off the native humanoid "Na'vi" in order to mine for the precious material scattered throughout their rich woodland. In exchange for the spinal surgery that will fix his legs, Jake gathers intel for the cooperating military unit spearheaded by gung-ho Colonel Quaritch, while simultaneously attempting to infiltrate the Na'vi people with the use of an "avatar" identity. While Jake begins to bond with the native tribe and quickly falls in love with the beautiful alien Neytiri, the restless Colonel moves forward with his ruthless extermination tactics, forcing the soldier to take a stand - and fight back in an epic battle for the fate of Pandora.

每个阿凡达有固定的的控制人。当控制人睡在某种链接意识的机器中时,控制人 的人类身体睡着,而他的意识却在阿凡达的身体中醒来,就是说,同一个意识可以控 制两个身体
Jack his brother was one of avatar a controller, but his brother died, but they are genetically the same, he became the only way to control the avatar a controller
Jack eventually with the help of Saint, always out of his sense of the human body, implantation of the Avatar, from living a happy life and Nite LiL杰克最 终在圣母的帮助下,将自己的意识永远脱离了人类的身体,植入了阿凡达的 体内,从此和妮特丽共度幸福的一生
土著人很重视自己的家园,他们信奉自己的【圣母】。而圣女之树就在 这片贵重的矿石之上生长着。人类想要开采矿石,就必须要让土著人 搬家。 indigenous people are very great importance to their homes, They believe in their Notre Damee 。The saint of the tree on top of this piece of precious minerals grewHuman beings want to mining ore, we must let the indigenous people to move.
主角杰克就是因为这个被请来的,因为他的 哥哥是某个阿凡达的控制人,但是他哥哥去 世了,但他们基因相同,他就成了唯一能控 这个阿凡达的控制人

故事发生在2154年,故事从地球开始,杰克· 萨利 是一个双腿瘫痪的前海军陆战队员,他觉得没有任何 东西值得他去战斗,因此他对被派遣去潘多拉星球的 采矿公司工作欣然接受。 这个星球上有一种别的地方都没有的矿物元素 “Unobtanium”,能够吸引人类不远万里来到这里拓 荒的原因就是“Unobtanium”将彻底改变人类的能源 产业。但是问题是,资源丰富的潘多拉星球并不适合 人类生活,这里的空气对人类致命,本土的动植物都 是凶猛的掠食者,极度危险。这里的环境也造就了与 人类不同的种族:10英尺高(约3米)的蓝色类人生物 “Na'vi族”。Na'vi族不满人类拓荒者的到来,也不喜 欢人类的机器在这个星球的土地上因为到处挖矿而留 下的斑斑伤痕。
I SEE YOU 句子虽然很简单,但包含了复 杂的意思。可以蕴含看,理解,凝视,明 白,观望等无数意义,越是简单的越代表 了复杂的含义。 I SEE YOU 不是表象的我看见你。应该是 一种发自内心的一种沟通,以及一种带有 敬意的
《阿凡达》经典英文经典台词二:最震撼 的台词 THEY CAN NOT TAKE WHATEVERY THEY WANT~! 很煽情,很 有号召力……
《阿凡达》是一场发现自我的动作冒险之旅,其背景是扩张主义与生物多样 性的对抗。[68] 卡梅隆说他的灵感来自他“小时候读的每一本科幻小说”[69], 他借鉴了埃德加· 赖斯· 伯勒斯:Edgar Rice Burroughs)的约翰· 卡特:John Carter (character))系列,并努力让其风格焕然一新。[7]卡梅隆承认《阿凡达》 与《在上帝赐予的土地上游玩:At Play in the Fields of the Lord)》和《翡翠 森林:The Emerald Forest)》有着共同的主题,亦即自然和文明的冲突;这 部电影还和《与狼共舞》有所联系,后者描述了一名重伤的士兵被敌对阵营 的文化所吸引。[70] 在2007年接受《时代》杂志采访时,卡梅隆回答了“阿凡达”一词的意义: “它是印度教神祇:Hindu deities)以肉体形式出现时的化身。在这部电影中, 这意味着人类未来的技术,可以将一名人类的智力注入遥控的生物身体当 中。”[71][6] 纳威人(潘多拉星当地的类人种族)相貌的灵感,来自卡梅隆的母亲在很早 以前做的一场梦。在这场梦里,她看到了一位身高12英呎的蓝肤女人。卡梅 隆觉得这一画面十分绝妙,于是在他的首部剧本(写于1976年或1977年)中, 他就加进了类似的生物,这在后来成为了纳威人的原型。[68]在谈到选择蓝 色作为肤色的特别原因时,卡梅隆说:“我就喜欢蓝色……而且,这与印度 教的神祇有所联系,[72]我喜欢它的概念。”[73]

In Pandora planet, Navi people wer e three meters and high intelligence speci es, Neytiri is one of the women figh ters among the Navi people. Her fa ther was a leader and her mother w as spiritual leader of the Navi tribe where they live in.
---a science fiction movie
The film sets in Pandora planet in 2154. Human beings, in order to get the resources of the planet, start the Avatar plan, in which they use the mixed DNA of human beings and original inhabitants to bring up the Avatar with a height of three meters. So, human beings can make a life on the planet.The disabled Jack agrees to accept the experiment and uses his Avatar to come to the mystery planet.
---a science fiction movie
To everyone's surprise, the environment here is so beautiful, and the living creature run on the ground, fly in the sky and swim in the water ,which is astonishing . Staying in the dangerous situation, Jake open the communicating possibly, but he faces a centurial conflict which is unexpected and great. Eventually, he fight against conquerors despite they have many advanced weapons.

Negative value:
human’sБайду номын сангаасgreediness. Human is so greedy!
Thank you!!!
1.<Avata> 2.7Billion!!!
James Cameron, The director of Avatar and also the director of Titanic. James decided to make this movie in 1998, and finished it until 2009, it cost him 11years.
Top 4 movie grosses
2.<Titanic> $18.450 Billion 3.< The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King> $11.193 Billion 4.< Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest> $4.233 Billion
There are many lives in this planet, among them, avatar is the most special one. They have feeling, they are able to thinking as human, they are extra-terrestrial, and they want to protect their planet.
Positive value.
1.love is nothing about stature, distance and age, this movie shows us love is also nothing about species!

• In 2154, the RDA Corporation is mining a valuable mineral called unobtanium on Pandora(潘多拉), a lush, Earth-like moon with an atmosphere poisonous to humans in the Alpha Centauri star system.Pandora is inhabited by the Na‘vi(纳威人), 10-foot-tall (3 m), blueskinned, sapient humanoids who live in ony with nature and worship a mother goddess called Eywa.
James Francis Cameron:born
• James Francis Cameron:born August 16, 1954 is a Canadian (加拿大安大略省 )film director, film producer, screenwriter, editor, and inventor.
"Avatar “ • Constellation(星座): Gemini(双子) • Height: 170cm •
• Pandora, a lush, Earth-like moon with an atmosphere poisonous to humans in the Alpha Centauri star system (半人马座阿 尔法星 )
• Chinese name: 佐伊索尔达 • Foreign Name: Zoe Santana • Hometown: New Jersey, USA • Date of Birth: June 19, 1978 • Occupation: Film actor • Representative works: “Star Trek” (《星际迷航》)
• In 2154, the RDA Corporation is mining a valuable mineral called unobtanium on Pandora(潘多拉), a lush, Earth-like moon with an atmosphere poisonous to humans in the Alpha Centauri star system.Pandora is inhabited by the Na‘vi(纳威人), 10-foot-tall (3 m), blueskinned, sapient humanoids who live in ony with nature and worship a mother goddess called Eywa.
James Francis Cameron:born
• James Francis Cameron:born August 16, 1954 is a Canadian (加拿大安大略省 )film director, film producer, screenwriter, editor, and inventor.
"Avatar “ • Constellation(星座): Gemini(双子) • Height: 170cm •
• Pandora, a lush, Earth-like moon with an atmosphere poisonous to humans in the Alpha Centauri star system (半人马座阿 尔法星 )
• Chinese name: 佐伊索尔达 • Foreign Name: Zoe Santana • Hometown: New Jersey, USA • Date of Birth: June 19, 1978 • Occupation: Film actor • Representative works: “Star Trek” (《星际迷航》)

❖ 在未来世界里,地球的资源几近枯竭,人类为了获得新的能源,开始
潘多拉星球 (Pandora):潘多拉是电影《阿凡达》虚构的一个天体, 其属于阿尔法半人马星系,即阿尔法半人马星系B-4号行星,大小 与地球相差无几
纳威人 【纳威族人】:生活在潘多拉的生物里面最具智能的发达 的巨型有尾近猫科类人智能生物体,是电影《阿凡达》虚构的。 身高3米左右,手和脚上都为四个指头,无关节,脖颈两倍长于人
地狱之门:在潘多拉的地球人居留地。因为是有危险动 植物存在的潘多拉的入口所以被这么称呼。
I see you 我懂
I see you 我的
❖ 最佳影片 ★
近年3D电影虽然大行其道,但詹姆斯这次所拍的3D影片《阿凡达》,却为 3D技术带来历史性的突破。我们看到的花鸦三维影动研究室的捕捉虚拟合成 扣像技术在这里被詹姆斯加以提升,当演员穿上有节点的衣服后,我们可以 适时捕捉到逼真的动画。詹姆斯手持3D摄影机拍摄主角穿上动作感应紧身衣 的一举一动时,现场即可在电脑上看到主角变身成蓝皮肤的纳威人在特技森 林场景中演戏的画面。这个实时观看3D拍摄效果的技术是史无前例的,同时 詹姆斯还在实景中拍摄,令观众难分真假。

contractor who heads the mining operation's security detail, and serves as the film's primary antagonist.
*antagonist:your oppoent
帕克· 塞尔弗里奇(吉奥瓦尼· 瑞比西 饰
Tell them that they toruk makto needs 告诉他们图鲁克所需要的 Fly now 飞吧 With me 和我一起 My brethrens 兄弟们 Sisters 姐妹们 And we are showing new people heaven 我们要让他们知道 Cannot take all they want 他们并不能得到所有 And that's,This is our land 因为,这里是——是我们的土地!
pilot assigned to support the Avatar Program. Cameron had wanted to work with Rodriguez since seeing her in Girlfight.
迈尔斯· 夸奇(史蒂芬· 朗饰)
Stephen Lang as Colonel Miles Quaritch, a security
Giovanni Ribisi as Parker Selfridge, the
corporate administrator for the RDA mining operation and one of the film's primary antagonists.
The classic dialogue
Cast and characters of Avatar 阿凡达电影主要人物介绍

The Beautiful Scenery
The store of Avatar relates the affairs in the future.Human beings in order to get the resource of another planet---Pandora Planet,they start the Avatar plan in which they use the mixed DNA of
• I am sure that this is the movie I love most.It made me a deep impression ,I will really forget it .And believe it or not , I am sure you will like it ,too .
• Burdening the heavy duty and staying in the precipice,after the first unexpected contact with the Navi,Jack open the communicating possibility,
The injured ex-serviceman Jack agrees to accept the experiment and uses his avatar to come to the paradisal PandoraPlanet.

Fight for Survival
What can we learn from the movie?
Have to say,Titanic and Avatar represent Cameron's most outstanding works to date.Titanic has all of the thrills and intensity that movie-goers have come to expect from the director. A dazzling mix of style and substance, of the sublime and the spectacular, what it brings the audience is not only a visual impact, but also the impact on the mind.
1.The movie is directed by James Cameron, who is famous with product Titanic. 2.It took 14 years to prepare for the movie,4 years time for filming and released on 2 January 2010. 3.It cost 500 million and became the largest investment in history. 4.The story is about immigration to planet Pandora, and what happened with local NA'VI.
Turning to the Avatar,This is a new way of coming to your senses -put those 3-D glasses on your face and you come to a sense of delight that quickly gives way to a sense of astonishment.The planetary high doesn't last. The closer the story comes to a lumbering parable of colonialist aggression in the jungles of an extragalactic Vietnam, the more the enchantment fizzles. Moreover,Avatar's interspecies love story lacks the heat of Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet clinging to each other on the storm-swept decks of 'Titanic.'

3.It cost 500 million and became the largest investment in history.
4.The story is about immigration to planet Pandora, and what happened with local NA'VI.
Fight for Survival
What can we learn from the movie?
Have to say,Titanic and Avatar represent Cameron's most outstanding works to date.Titanic has all of the thrills and intensity that movie-goers have come to expect from the director. A dazzling mix of style and substance, of the sublime and the spectacular, what it brings the audience is not only a visual impact, but also the impact on the mind.
3.The mission of
Avatar is join in Navi, then led the human extinct the Navi, but Jack fell in love with a female Navi after he joined in them by the status of Avatar. Later, he became the leader of the planets' creature and led others fight for survival.
4.The story is about immigration to planet Pandora, and what happened with local NA'VI.
Fight for Survival
What can we learn from the movie?
Have to say,Titanic and Avatar represent Cameron's most outstanding works to date.Titanic has all of the thrills and intensity that movie-goers have come to expect from the director. A dazzling mix of style and substance, of the sublime and the spectacular, what it brings the audience is not only a visual impact, but also the impact on the mind.
3.The mission of
Avatar is join in Navi, then led the human extinct the Navi, but Jack fell in love with a female Navi after he joined in them by the status of Avatar. Later, he became the leader of the planets' creature and led others fight for survival.

• Supported by the new chief Tsu'tey, who acts as Jake's translator, Jake speaks to unite the clan and tells them to gather all of the clans to battle against the RDA.
• They have to set up the Avatar Program, in which human drivers are connecting to the Avatar, a remotely controlled body that can survive in the lethal air. These avatars are grown from human DNA mixed with the DNA of the natives.Jake can walk again.
• Witnessing an auspicious sign, she takes him to her clan, whereupon Neytiri's mother Mo'at, the clan's spiritual leader, orders her daughter to initiate Jake into their society.
• The story happens in the future. Jake Sully is an ex-Marine with paralyzed legs. He doesn’t feel anything worth fighting, so he readily accepts the task to be dispatched to Pandora plaJake, Norm, Max (another scientist), and a select few others, all humans are expelled from Pandora and sent back to Earth, after which Jake is transferred permanently into his avatar with the aid of the Tree of Souls.

制片人:詹姆斯· 卡梅隆 乔恩· 兰道
电影主题曲:I See You /《我懂你》
电影片尾曲:I See You /《我懂你》
人马星系,即阿尔法半人马星系B-4号行星,大小与地球相 差无几。在潘多拉星的地表可以看到天空中长期有两到三颗 别的卫星(波吕菲莫斯的其他卫星)。 潘多拉拥有无与 伦比的复杂而独特的生态系统,动植物种类众多:高达900 英尺的参天巨树、星罗棋布飘浮在空中的群山、色彩斑斓充 满奇特植物的茂密雨林、晚上各种动植物还会发出光,如同 梦中的奇幻花园。虽然和地球有类似的环境,其大气中含有 和地球大气中差不多比例的氧气,但其大气中有氨、甲烷和 氯气等对人体有毒的气体,所以地球人都需要防毒过滤面具 才能呼吸。动物多为六足,并且都有外露的神经,植物多具 夜光能
Living through life flying high Your life shines the way into paradise So I offer my life as a sacrifice I live through your love You teach me how to see All that's beautiful My senses touch your word I never pictured Now I give my hope to you I surrender I pray in my heart that this world never ends I see me through your eyes Living through life flying high Your love shines the way into paradise So I offer my life I offer my love, for you When my heart was never open (and my spirit never free) To the world that you have shown me But my eyes could not devision All the colours of love and of life ever more Evermore (I see me through your eyes)