Analye IT ALSCAN TM手册铝液测氢仪技术规格*只有连续监控选项安装时才可用。
目录技术规格 (2)目录 (4)第一章介绍 (8)1.1ALSCAN TM应用 (8)1.2手册范围 (9)第二章安全 (10)2.1资料 (10)2.1.1 保护用地线 (10)2.1.2 操作ALSCAN TM之前 (10)2.1.3主要的供电要求 (10)2.1.4保险丝类型 (10)2.1.5主要电源的接线 (10)2.1.5操作环境 (11)2.2指示 (11)2.3标识 (12)第三章操作原理 (13)3.1铝熔体内氢的由来 (13)3.2氢-铝系统 (13)3.3S IEVERT规律 (14)3.4测量的原理 (17)第四章设备描述 (19)4.1设备描述 (19)4.1.1 测氢仪 (19) 循环管路 (19) 气源 (20) 电路 (21) 隐藏控制 (22) 热敏打印机 (23)4.1.2 探头 (25)4.1.3 系统动态:氢含量的确定 (26)4.2探头失效监测和氢含量超标报警组件 (28)4.2.1 探头失效监测 (28) 如何选择探头失效监测 (29) 氢含量报警 (29) 热电偶干扰过滤 (31)4.3连续监控选项 (32)4.3.1 计算绝对湿度 (33)4.3.2 计算来自周围空气中的湿气含量计算氢含量 (34)4.4.1 错误信息 (36)4.4.2 警告信息 (39)第五章软件描述 (43)5.1软件的安装 (43)5.2主要窗口 (44)5.2.1 测验和文件明细 (45)5.2.2 被选定测试的数字数据 (45)5.2.3 一般和故障维护参数 (46)5.2.4 错误警告 (48)5.2.5 主要按钮和仪器状态 (48)5.2.6 图形数据 (49)5.3菜单功能 (52)5.3 菜单功能 (52)5.3.1 文件菜单的功能 (52) Move files...移动文件. (52) Print Test... 打印测试. (53) P rint Derectory...打印目录 .. (53) Test Label...测试标识 . (53) Comments...注释 (53) Exit退出 (54)5.3.2 仪器菜单功能 (54) Start Test/Stop Test...开始和终止测试 .. (54) Change Unit Parameters...改变仪器参数 . (54) Calibration...刻度、标准.. (58) Calibration file刻度文件 (59) Load Firmware to Unit装载仪器固件 (59) Transfer from Unit Memory to Computer...传输内存数据到计算机. (62) Chart Parameter...图表参数. (64) Password Protection密码保护 (65) Preference...优先选择. (65)5.3.4 帮助菜单功能 (66)5.4S TARTING A MEASUREMENT...启动测量 (67)5.5R EVIEWING DA TA...查看数据 (67)5.6一台电脑连接两台分析仪 (67)5.7测试数据文件的格式 (68)5.7.1 旧版测试数据文件的格式 (73) 读取旧的文件 (73) 修改旧的文件 (73)5.8如何安装新版本的软件 (76)5.8.1 保存ALSCAN TM刻度 (76)5.8.2 新软件的安装 (77)5.8.3 安装ALSCAN TM新固件 (77)5.8.4 仪器装载刻度文件 (82)6.1探头臂的安装 (84)6.2气瓶压力和吹气压力 (84)6.2.1 对可充气罐进行充气 (84)6.2.2 “清除”压力的调准 (85)6.3探头的安装 (86)6.4热电偶的安装 (86)6.5远程监测和连续监测的安装 (86)6.5.1 设备的安装 (87)6.5.2 电、气源 (87) 电源 (87) 外接氮气源 (87)6.5.3 计算机安装 (89) (计算机)通讯软件的安装 (89)6.5.4 RS422 通讯连接 (89) 电缆 (89) 接头和安全接地 (89)第七章系统操作 (91)7.1操作条件 (91)7.2运行模式 (91)7.2.1 只用作仪器 (91)7.2.2 ALSCAN测量后使用的电脑软件 (91)7.2.3 连续监控(ALSCAN和电脑) (92)7.2.4 多台ALSCAN与同一台电脑相连 (92)7.3仪器的操作 (92)7.3.1 模式开关在仪器上的位置 (93) RUN/NORMAL 模式 (93) ADJ模式 (93) CAL模式 (95)第八章系统应用 (96)8.1基础应用:流槽在线测量 (96)8.1.1 从零开始 (96)8.1.2 当探头已经在铝液中的时候开始测量 (98)8.2在难以触及的地方进行测量 (99)8.2.1 调整延长探头的夹持臂的形式 (99)8.2.2探头与延长臂一起移动 (99)8.2.3探头的放入 (99)探头的放入深度 (99)以一定的角度放入探头 (100)8.2.4避免探头悬臂暴露在高温下 (100)8.3选择最佳的探头 (100)8.3.1 用于加工合金的ALSCAN探头— P/N HME0200D (100)8.3.2 用于铸造合金的ALSCAN探头— P/N HME0300D (102)8.3.3 用于连续监控的ALSCAN探头— P/N HME1200D (103)8.4分析仪的热防护 (104)8.5检测探头故障 (104)8.6实用的提示 (107)8.6.1 改变测量的持续时间 (107)8.6.2 关闭探头移动(Probe Stirring) (107)8.6.3 放弃初始测量 (108)8.7系统存放的建议 (109)第九章维护 (110)9.1定时调整和服务 (110)9.1.1 打印机加纸 (110)9.1.2 更换过滤片和密封垫 (111)9.1.3 搅动马达基座和杆的调整 (112)9.2校准单元(HMB0600D) (113)9.2.1 泄漏检测 (113)9.2.2 流量检测 (116)9.2.3 泵压检测 (118)9.2.4 标度校验 (120)9.2.5 校准程序 (122)9.2.6 经核准的刻度 (126)9.3故障排除 (127)9.3.1 气路故障 (127) 回路泄漏 (127)第一章介绍1.1 ALSCAN TM应用ALSCAN TM系统直接测量溶解在铝液里的氢含量。
Alfa Laval 全系列衛生用泵说明书
Alfa Laval is one of the world’s largest pump suppliers, offering a fl exible portfolio of centrifugal pumps, liquid ring pumps and positive pumps.Our portfolio is the result of a combination of compre h ensive pumpknowledge and the highest standards of hygiene, trouble-free operation and a truly low cost of ownership.2Performancein good handsWorking with hygienic applications is a question of care, attentionto detail and dedication to outstanding performance. Alfa Laval hasa proven track record in delivering innovative solutions for hygienicapplications based on our core technologies of separation, heattransfer and fluid handling.Superior safety, gentle efficiency and uncompromising cleanlinessare the hallmarks of our hygienic pumps, heat exchangers, valvesand automation, tubes and fittings, and separation, filtration andtank equipment. Which is why so many customers in the food,biopharm and other demanding industries put process perfor m anceand hygiene in the capable hands of our experts, sales companiesand partners worldwide.Here you will find an overview of Alfa Laval pumps for hygienicapplications. For complete technical details and productspecification , contact your local Alfa Laval supplier or visit us at3Gentle product treatment Our centrifugal pumps are renowned for their ability to move products gently and efficiently. The integrity of your product is assured, regardless whether you choose a premium or standard-duty model. Advanced hygienic designWith emphasis on featuressuch as optimized internalgeometry and profiled o-rings,our centrifugal pumps aresuitable for CIP (cleaning-in-place) and offer exceptionallevels of hygiene. All have beentested in accordance withEHEDG requirements and areauthorized to carry the 3-Asymbol.Advanced seal designMany of our pumps share thesame mechanical shaft seal,which simplifies maintenanceand spare parts inventory.Combined with the quick andeasy front-loading design, thisreduces maintenance costs,increases uptime and reducesthe cost of ownership.Easy seal conversionThe external design of ourcentrifugal pumps, as wellas the seal’s construction,is designed to make sealconversion as fast and assimple as possible. Ourpremium LKH pumps can beconverted from single toflushed or double-mechani c alseals, while our standard-dutySolidC pumps can beconverted from single toflushed shaft seals.4Centrifugal pumps Alfa Laval’s centrifugal pumps are built to perform inall areas – from process quality to overall energyefficiency. In addition to gentle product handling anda wide range of hygienic features, they provide a longand trouble-free service life that ensures low cost ofownership.Our centrifugal pump series can be divided into twocategories, premium and standard-duty.Computer-designed impellersOur centrifugal pump impellers are computer-designed and hydraulically balanced for optimum performance . Both the impellers and their retaining screws (optional) are smooth, which keeps them from accumulating product and makes cleaning more effective. Efficient performanceOur centrifugal pumps havethe optimal design for thegreatest efficiency, lowestNPSH requirement and lownoise levels. This reducesenergy cost, lowers the risk ofcavitation and provides a safeworking environment, whichenables efficient capitaliza t ionof the process.The first category comprises our various cost-effective LKH pumps, which handle spe c ializedneeds such as evaporation, high-pressure,self-priming and high-purity applica t ions. Thesecond focuses on initial cost, which includesour optimized SolidC pump series.56Premium pumpsQuiet but rugged, Alfa Laval’s LKH series of centrifugal pumps are the ultimate solution for gentle and efficient product handling. Through a combination of enlarged inlets and advanced impeller design, they offer an unobstructed product flow, very low NPSH requirements and superior hydraulic efficiency.Designed for CIP (cleaning-in-place), LKH pumps are available in capacities of up to 2200 gallons per minute (GPM) and pressures of up to 525 feet of water (227 PSI), with different versions available for specific applications.LKH performance: LKH pumps are available for capacities up to 2,200 GPM and pressures up to 525 feet of waterH (ft)T D 200-464010020030040050020040060080010001200140016001800200022002400LKH-45LKH-60LKH-70LKH-90LKH-75LKH-15LKH-5LKH-20LKH-10LKH-25LKH-35LKH-40LKH-50LKH-457LKH UltraPureLKH UltraPure pumps are high-purity pumps that meet specifications for water-for-injection (WFI) and other demanding applications. Authorized to carry the 3-A symbol, they are suitable for both CIP (cleaning-in-place), SIP (sterilization-in-place) and manual cleaning. LKH UltraPure pumps are also available with either a 20 Ra or 15 Ra finish, flushed seal kit and a comprehensive Q-doc documentation package to smooth the qualification and validation process.LKHThe LKH is a highly efficient and economical centrifugal pump range, which meets the requirements of sanitary processes for gentle product treatment, hygiene and chemical resistance. Its front-loaded design makes quick, effective maintenance possible, thereby contributing to more production time and low cost of ownership. Available in 13 sizes, the LKH features efficient drives which make it possible to optimize performance for the selected duty as well as comply with 3-A, CE and EHEDG requirements.LKH-75Designed for high flow rates with very gentle product treatment, the LKH-75 is ideally suited for high volume milk receiving required by the largest dairies. Like the entire LKH series, the LKH-75 features enlarged inlets combined with an advanced impeller design, resulting in unobstructed product flow and very low NPSH requirements. The pump has a capacity of up to 800 GPM and pressures of 180 feet of water and operates at a gentle 1800 RPM, and features low power consumption and noise emission levels. This translates to high flow rates withextremely gentle product treatment which are critical to maintain the taste and value drivers of high volume milk production.8LKH MultistageDesigned to 3-A standards and available in two, three or four-stage models, LKH Multistage pumps save space and energy by replacing up to three booster pumps in a line. Used primarily in high-pressure applications with low capacity, they deliver boost pressures up to 900 feet (390 PSI). This makes them suitable for, but not limited to, many types of filtration applications.LKH-PF High PressurePumps in the LKH-PF High Pressure series feature a reinforced pump casing and backplate, as well as high pressure internal seals and multiple heavy-duty studs. This enables them to handle inlet pressures as high as 600 PSI, making them ideal for the most demanding filtration applications. Their seals can be removed in a matter of seconds, without removal of the back plate.LKH-90The LKH-90 extends the LKH range flow rate to 2,200 GPM, making it an ideal solution for today’s high volume applications. Specifically, the LKH-90 has proven to be the pump of choice for filtration system builders. It utilizes the same front-loading seal as the LKH-75 and is available in a variety of connection types.Only one size of shaft seal is required for all LKH standard models (LKH 5–60) and SolidC (SolidC 1–4), which makes keeping the right parts in inventory simple and inexpensive. Plus, a single mechanical seal can easily be changed to SolidC 1SolidC 2SolidC 3SolidC 460504540352520155–10Frequency: 60 Hz H (ft)400Positive pumpsDesigned for low, medium and high-viscosity media, Alfa Laval positive pumps offer gentle pumping action and reliable performance which results from more than 50 years of continuous development at advanced production and R&D facilities.Our positive pump portfolio includes four ranges: SX, SRU, OptiLobe and SCPP. With its robust construction, each pump is developed for a different type of demand and meets high standards of quality and reliability. Collectively, they provide operating economy and high flexibility of use.Gentle, hygienic design With their high-precision rotors and low-shear operation, our positive pumps ensure the gentle movement of delicate products. Designed for maximum cleanability, our pumps comply with the world’s leading hygienic standards.Modular pump designModular design increasesfl exibility and component inter-changeability, reducing main-tenance time and spare partsinventory. The wide range ofsizes available enables selec-tion of the most cost-effectivesolution for your processrequirements.Universal mountingTo provide high flexi b ility whenfitting the pump into a produc-tion line, all of our positivepumps can be mounted ineither a vertical or horizontalport position.Improved drainabilityAll of our positive pumpscan be drained easily whenmounted in vertical portp osition. In the case of ourOptiLobe and SX pumps,cusps are retained in verticalconfigurations for greatere fficiency.12Easy seal retrofitThe seals of our positive pumps are designed for quick and simple upgrading. Our broad range of seals includes many seal types and configu-rations, which can be tailored to your need and application. Heavy-duty gearboxconstructionThese pumps have a cast irongearbox with heavy-duty taperroller bearings and torquel ocking assemblies for easymaintenance and highr eliability.CIP and SIPOur positive pumps are idealfor both CIP (cleaning-in-place) and SIP (sterilization-in-place) applications.Standards and approvalsAll of our positive pumps arecompliant with CE directivesand the EHEDG, 3-A andFDA hygienic standards. Inaddition, our SX and SRUpumps can meet ATEXrequirements for use inexplosive environments.1314SXThe SX is Alfa Laval’s premium positive pump and is designed for use in sensitive and ultra-clean applications. With optimized pump head geometry and multi-lobe rotors, SX pumps ensure low-shear operation with minimum pulsation. This makes them the best choice for maintaining the integrity of delicate products.SX pumps feature front-loading mechanical seals, and low-profi le rotor nut for the highest level of hygienic sealing and enhancing cleanability. Options available for mechanical and/or electro-polishing to achieve higher surface fi nishes up to 0.5 Ra as well as 3.1 material traceability.OptiLobeThe OptiLobe is Alfa Laval’s standard duty positive pump intended for general applications. Available in an optimized range with fewer options, OptiLobe pumps combine cost-effective simplicity with Alfa Laval quality and reliability. OptiLobe pumps feature a paint-free design with front-loading seals and tri-lobe rotors. They are the latest example of Alfa Laval’s leadership in innovative design and advanced manufacturing processes.SRUThe SRU is Alfa Laval’s core positive pump with extensive options, materials and ability to handle a wide range of temperatures and pressures. This makes it the ideal solution for the most demanding of applications.Among the many options are saddles and jackets for heating and cooling of the pump head, rectangular inlet for pumping high viscosity fl uids and a wide selection of standard seals, including proprietary seals to suit most applications. In addition, you can choose from tri-lobe or bi-lobe rotors depending on the application.15Pumps can be supplied as bareshaft for mounting locally in the process line or within a skid. Alternatively, Alfa Laval offers the units fully motorized using robust, reliable and effi cient geared drives, which can be designed for direct drive or for speed control.The rigid base plate ensures accurate alignment of the pump and drive and is available in stainless steel for hygienic environments.Other options include ball feet for raising the unit above the fl oor level to provide access for cleaning.MotorizationSCPPThe SCPP is a circumferential piston pump designed for transporting very low viscosity products in applica t ions that require medium to high discharge pressures. The piston design offers low shear with low pulsation and minimizes damage to product and bruising of solids.Two SCPP ranges are available: the SCPP1 specifi cally designed for quick and easy strip-clean type processes and the SCPP2 where CIP (cleaning-in-place) may be utilized.This complete portfolio of positive pumps enables Alfa Laval to offer the most effective solution, whatever the application.All you need to know ...The Alfa Laval pump handbook. Computer-Aided Selection (CAS) software.In st ru ct io ua lQ-doc.n M anManual de instrucciones l de instruccionesky 優質幫浦000000Comprehensive documentation in multiple languages.18With this foundation, we work closely with our channel partners to help companies extract the most value from raw materials, minimize waste and emissions, and deliver safe and hygienic products. Ultimately, our ambition is to help companies supply quality products to consumers at competitive prices.Alfa Laval has served as the standard bearer for the production ofh ygienic products since Gustaf de Laval invented the centrifugals eparator to separate cream from milk more than a century ago. That same ingenuity is applied to all our hygienic components and solutions that safeguard the flavour, texture and appearance of food, dairyp roducts, beer and other beverages.For the pharmaceutical, biopharm and personal care industries, ourc ontributions not only entail hygienic design and superior performance but comprehensive documentation and solutions that are easy tov alidate. Which in turn raise the quality, clean l iness and uniformityof the final products.Safeguarding hygienic applications requires entrusting your processes to the safe, competent care of a reliable partner.With Alfa Laval you are in good hands.Handling your hygienic processing needsOptimizing the performance of hygienic processes is a challenge best met with expertise. Alfa Laval expertise is the result of years of accumulated knowledge and a comprehensive research and development program.Working locally ona global scaleAlfa Laval brings you the advantages of a worldwide organization supported by a strongnetwork of 1,500 partners around the globe. This gives you a one-stop shop for everything,including quality parts and unmatched service expertise.Trustworthy serviceGuaranteed performance, reliability and hygiene come standard withevery Alfa Laval pump. Each pump is backed by the service and supportfrom our global organization and local network of distributors, systembuilders and contractors. This gives you easy access to advancedresources and specialist knowledge about hygienic components andprocesses.Investing in quality partsThere are no short cuts to quality, especially when the integrity ofhygienic processes is at stake. That is why investing in Alfa Lavalhygienic components and solu t ions ultimately pays off.Alfa Laval parts are precision-made to ensure optimal performance.Rigorous testing in our materials laboratory under actual operatingconditions ensures that each part will uphold safety, efficiency andhygiene of your processes for the long term.Unsurpassed reliabilityIt goes without saying that an investment in quality is an investment inreliability. Alfa Laval hygienic components and solutions are designedand sized right from the start. When reinforced by maintenanceprograms and Alfa Laval parts, you are able to achieve a strongtotal cost of ownership and true peace of mind.19。
Nilfisk 4500 蒸汽洁浴机用户手册说明书
SO 4500User ManualPage 2EnglishGuidanceCongratulationsWe would like to take thisopportunity to thank you for yourpurchase of the Nilfisk steam onlycleaner.The SO4500 is manufactured inthe EU to the highest qualityStandardsThis instruction manual containsall of the necessary information tooperate and maintain thismachine. Please read thisinstruction manual carefullybefore you start using or carryingout any maintenance on themachine.If you use this machine correctlyas stated in this instructionmanual this machine will fulfil allyour steam cleaning needs.This machine is intended for usein a commercial cleaningenvironment. If you do not followthe instructions contained in thismanual, situations may arisewhich may be dangerous orharmful to the machine or theperson operating the machine.Read this manual carefully so thatyou know when such situationscan arise.Ensure that all operators of thismachine are fully trained on howit works.Report any problems or damageto the machine immediately to thesupplier or a Nilfisk approvedsupplier for this product. Do notoperate the machine until theproblem or damage has beenresolved.Getting the Best ResultsOperate the machine inaccordance with the instructionmanual.Maintain the machine inaccordance with instructionmanual.Use only parts supplied by Nilfiskapproved distributors.Keep this manual in a safeplace for future referenceand ordering of spare partsInstallationLift the machine outof the box.Check allaccessories arepresent in the box as shown inDiagram CWarningsThis machine has beendesigned with your safety inmind; however it isimportant that you observethe following points for safeoperation during theoperating procedureThis is an electrical product – Donot use in wet weather or allowthe machine to get wet.Do not discharge steam towardspeople, danger of scolding. Ortowards equipment containingelectrical components.Never allow children to play withthis appliance.Do not use the machine for otherpurposes that it was built for.Please remember that the steamcleaner operates at temperaturesin excess of 170°C. Never use iton objects, which cannot resistthe temperature (delicatematerials, fabrics, plastics, woodetc). Where any doubt existscheck carefully on a part of thematerial where minor marks willnot matter.Do not operate the machine orcarry out any maintenance out onit.- Unless you are trainedand authorised to do so.- Unless you have readand thoroughlyunderstand thisinstruction manual.OperatingProcedure- Fill the cold water tank (Number1 Diagram A) with clean coldwater only.Anything other than clean coldwater used in the water tankwill void the manufacturer’swarranty.- Connect the Steam Hose to thefront of the machine(Number 3Diagram A) ensuring it is pushedin all the way and the pin on theflap locks into the hole on thehose.Grease “O” rings on steam pinbefore connecting.To release the steam hose, liftthe flap and pull.If the Hose becomes damagedthe complete hose must bereplaced. Do not attempt thistask yourself, contact a Nilfiskapproved supplier forreplacement.- Plug the power cable into a 240Volt supply.Inspect the electric cablebefore every use. If the cablebecomes damaged at anytimethe complete cable must bereplaced by a Nilfisk approveddistributor.Never touch the power cable orplug with wet handsAlways unplug the machinewhen:- The machine is not in use.- Cleaning the machine.- Any maintenance work isbeing carried out.- Switch the On/Off switch(Number 7 Diagram B) to theON position. The Heater On lightLED(Number 8 Diagram B) willilluminate.- Allow approximately 5minutesfor the boiler to heat the water.- The fan switch on the hose handle will release steam when pressed.- The steam output can be adjusted by the steam control (Number 2 Diagram A)EnglishTechnical BoilerWattage:1950WType:Stainless SteelCapacity:1.8LitresContinuous Fill Steam Pressure: 4.5BarSteam at source: 135°C>ElectricalVoltage:230V ~ single phaseLow Voltage Controls:5VCord length:10mCapacitiesBoiler:1.8LitresCold Water Tank:5 Litres (easy fill)Weight:12kg Trouble ShootingNotconnectedor faultypowercableCheck connectionto wall socket andsocket switch. Tryin another wallsocketOn / Offswitch notonPress On / Offswitch which willilluminate when on Fuse blown Replace fuse withapproved 13A fuse Unknown Call for serviceSteam Controlturned downfully clockwiseTurn thecontrol to halfwaySteamer notreadyWait for the“Ready tosteam” light toilluminate Clean watertank is low(beepingsound& "refill"light is lit)Pour water intothe clean watertank until thebeeper stops.The steamhandle willwork again. Unknown Call for serviceSteamernot readyWait for the "Readyto steam " light toilluminateBoiler atpressureand notheating(temperatureless than110ºC)Hold the steamswitch on forapproximately oneminute, ever if justwater is coming out.This will result in theheater coming backonUnknown Call for service“O”RingssplitChange and re grease“O” Rings. To avoidthis happening ensure“o” rings are greasebefore every use.“O”ringswornChange and re grease“O” Rings. To avoidthis happening ensure“o” rings are greasebefore every use.Nilfisk-Advance A/S Sognevej 25DK-2605 Brondby Denmark。
特芬 Tefen MixRite 水流驱动计量泵 1-60 L h 2-90 L h 操作手册说明书
TRATTAMENTO DELLE ACQUER egolazione della pompaMixRiteIl volume di iniezione viene impostato manualmente ruotando la ghiera nella proporzione desiderata. La quantità di prodotto concentrato iniettato è proporzionale alla quantità di acqua che scorre nella pompaMixRite.Acqua dolceManicottoregolazionedosaggioMotoremiscelatoreTefen dal 1973 è leader nella produzione di miscelatori volumetrici che nonrichiedono energia elettrica per il loro funzionamento e che rispettano l’ambiente.La linea di pompe dosatrici MixRite di Tefen garantisce una precisamiscelazione del prodotto concentrato nella rete idrica o di altri liquidi.È la scelta giusta per molti motivi.Applicazioni■Clorazione■Igienizzazione■Disinfezione dell’acquaLa pompa dosatrice azionata ad acqua MixRite di Tefen è un sistemafacile da usare e ingegnoso che ha dimostrato il suo valore in oltre 90paesi.Tefen è certificata ISO 9001 2015T asso di dosaggioInformazioni su TEFENVantaggi dell’utilizzo di MixRite■Facile installazione■Bassi costi di esercizio e manutenzione■Motore idraulico attivato solo dalla pressione del flusso dell’acqua –non elettrico■Dosaggio proporzionale alla portata■Ripetibilità e omogeneità del dosaggio eccellenti2 | POMPE DOSATRICIClorazione per zone rurali o in casi di emergenza:■Si stima che 2,6 miliardi di persone non abbiano un accesso soddisfacente all’acqua potabile■adatte a condizioni estreme, come la mancanza di elettricità e di vincoli locali■Concentrazione e dosaggio tipici:■Ipoclorito di sodio: 0,3 - 5 PPM■Biossido di cloro: 0,3 – 5 PPM■Perossido di idrogeno: 1 PPM e superiore■Tutti i livelli di concentrazione e dosaggio si riferiscono al contenuto di acqua.Controllo del PH■Per il controllo del pH vi è una vasta gamma di acidi utilizzati, come ad esempio: acido solforico, acido clorico, acido fosforico, acido nitricoIgienizzazione e disinfezioneLe pompe dosatrici proporzionali MixRite sono ampiamente utilizzate per l’igienizzazione e la disinfezione delle reti idriche.Settori che rientrano in questa applicazione:■Trasformazione e igienizzazione dei prodotti agroalimentari■Pulizia delle linee di produzione della birra■Sale operatorie – pulizia e disinfezione delle superfici■Additivi detergenti e igienizzanti da dosare e iniettare, inclusi glutaraldeide e acidi organici come:■acido peracetico, acido formico, ecc.■ammonio quaternario, ecc.ClorazioneProdotti chimici e acidi PVDF34 | POMPE DOSATRICIPompe dosatriciPressione dell’acqua 0,2 – 8 bar Portata 10 – 3.500 L/h Peso 1,8 kg*Attacco3/4”0,03-0,2%, 0,1-0,9%, 0,3-2%, 0,5-5%, 1-10%Pressione dell’acqua 0,2 – 8 bar Portata 7 – 2.500 L/h Peso 1,8 kg Attacco3/4”Portata bassa0,1-0,9%, 0,3-2%, 0,4-4%Pressione dell’acqua 1 – 8 bar Portata 0,05 - 10 m 3/h Peso 7,4 kg Attacco1,5” o 50 mm* Gambe di supporto disponibili su richiesta speciale0,1-1%, 0,2-2%, 1-5%Pressione dell’acqua 1 – 8 bar Portata 0,02 - 5 m 3/h Peso 5 kg Attacco1” o 32 mm* Gambe di supporto disponibili su richiesta speciale0,1-1%, 0,2-2%, 0,5-5%*1-10%: 3 kg5Purificazione dell’acqua potabile6 | POMPE DOSATRICISistema galleggiante percisterne Watch Guard e iniettori ad acqua MixRiteWatch Guard è il primo sistema di diluzione con valvola galleggiante per cisterne progettato per la fornitura di soluzioni diluite in qualsiasi fusto, cisterna o altro tipo di serbatoio. Quando viene collegato ad una fonte idrica standard, Watch Guard si attiva automaticamente e tiene il serbatoio pieno, garantendo una fornitura costante di soluzione diluita per il sistema MixRite.Gli iniettori ad acqua MixRite si collegano in linea alla rete idrica e utilizzano la pressione dell’acqua p e r m i s c e l a r e a c c u r a t a m e n t e l e s o l u z i o n i indipendentemente dalle variazioni di flusso o di pressione.Utilizzando Watch Guard in combinazione con qualsiasi sistema MixRite è possibile ottenere diluzioni elevate, fino a 5 parti per milione.■Consente di ottenere una diluzione elevata in 2 semplici passi■delle sostanze chimiche■Watch Guard è semplice da installare su qualsiasi fusto, cisterna o altro serbatoio■Si attiva automaticamente per mantenere il serbatoio pieno di soluzione miscelata■Punta di misurazione inclusa per le diluzioni da 0,25% a 14,2%■Comprende un dispositivo di ritegno per i divari di azione approvato ASSE 1055B■MixRite si collega in linea alla rete idrica■Fornisce un dosaggio accurato indipendentemente dal flusso d’acqua o dalle variazioni di pressione ■Diversi modelli disponibili per volumi di dosaggio dall’1% al 10% e portate d’acqua da 227 a 25.000 litri all’oraDiluzioni elevateMixRite+=AcquaDiluzione fino a 5 PPMDiluzione 0,25%-14,2%AcquaQualsiasi acido concentrato, cloro o sostanza chimicaDA NON SCALARE(Serbatoio per la soluzione diluita)PUNTA DI MISURAZIONE7Rapporti di induzione per le viscosità mostrateRapporti di diluzione di MixRite in combinazione con l’unità Watch Guard8 | POMPE DOSATRICISistema di bypass proporzionale e automaticoIl sistema TreatRite™ fornisce un metodo proporzionale tra la linea principale (A) e la sotto-linea (B), supportato da un sofisticato sistema idraulico innovativo. La pompa MixRite™ è un’unità volumetrica proporzionale. La combinazione di pompa dosatrice MixRite™ e unità bypass crea un sistema di dosaggio completamente proporzionale. Questo sistema fornisce pertanto all’utente una soluzione perfetta per il trattamento delle acque. L’utente finale del sistema TreatRite™ può dosare i comuni additivi per il trattamento delle acque, come ad esempio: ipoclorito di sodio, biossido di cloro e perossido di idrogeno. Il sistema TreatRite™ può essere utilizzato a diversi intervalli, come riportato qui di seguito:– Linea di trattamento delle acquePerdita di pressione vs. portata5,00,000,400,801,201,6015,025,035,045,055,065,075,085,095,0P e r d i t a d i p r e s s i o n e (b a r )Portata della linea principale (m 3/h)2"3"4"AB90%10%9Gamma :Principio di funzionamento■La valvola di comando pilota rileva il livello dipressione in più punti e controlla la condizione di apertura del diaframma.■Questa operazione regola le portate per generare un rapporto stabile 1:10 tra le linee.Caso di studio (trattamento delle acque)■Portata totale dell’acqua: 67,3 m 3/h ■Tasso di dosaggio desiderato: 0,1%■Quantità dell’additivo: 67,3 x 0,1% = 0,0673 m 3/h Configurazione rilevante: 4’’, 1,5"■Flusso dell’acqua della linea principale: 67,3 x 0,9 = 60,57 m 3/h■Flusso dell'acqua del bypass: 67,3 x 0,1 = 6,73 m 3/h Iniettore rilevante: TF10 0,2%-2%■Impostazione del dosaggio sull’iniettore: 0,0673 / 6,73 = 1%Caratteristiche e vantaggi■Mantiene costante la portata proporzionale ■Idraulico, volumetrico e non elettrico ■Dosaggio proporzionale alla portata■Precisione: qualità in superficie ottimizzata, senza sprechi■Ad ampie portate, la portata tra la linea principale e la linea secondaria rimane 10:1 ■Pressione operativa fino a 8 bar ■Elevata resistenza ai raggi UV ■Elevata resistenza chimica■Sistema preimpostato. Nessuna calibrazione necessaria■Ripetibilità e omogeneità del dosaggio eccellenti■Di facile installazione, utilizzo e manutenzione, senza rischi elettriciTF-52.53.5TF-10Trattamento delle acqueCon trattamento delle acque si intende qualsiasiprocesso volto a migliorare la qualità dell’acqua perrenderla più idonea a uno specifico uso finale. L’usofinale può essere: produzione di acqua potabile,fornitura di acqua a uso industriale, irrigazione,manutenzione dei flussi fluviali, ricreazione delle acquee molti altri usi, compresa la reimmissione sicuranell’ambiente.Tefen Flow Products è uno dei principali fornitori diprodotti per tubazioni industriali a livello mondialeper soddisfare le esigenze di impianti idrici e didepurazione. Il sistema di Tefen, superiore allaconcorrenza, è composto da raccordi, valvole e tubie garantisce prestazioni uniformi in tutti gli impianti ditrattamento Le proprietà non corrosive garantisconobuone prestazioni sul lungo periodo e bassi costi dimanutenzioneI prodotti Tefen Flow sono certificati NSF e hannoconseguito l’approvazione WRAS.10 | POMPE DOSATRICI11RACCORDI IN PVDFPRE-FILTRO DELL’ACQUAVALVOLETEFEN LTD.KibbutzNahsholim3081500Israele|Tel.97246395944|Fax.97246390813|********************| E D I T I O N 0 4 I T 0 4 / 2 0 2 0 n o w -b r a n d i n g . c o . i le/o le specifiche tecniche dei prodotti e/o aggiungere e/o rimuovere prodotti e/o modificare i prezzi e/o i termini e le condizioni specificati nel presente documento in qualsiasi momento e a sua esclusiva discrezione, senza alcun preavviso.。
Fisher V500 旋转地球控制阀说明书
Fisher ™ V500 Rotary Globe Control ValveThe Fisher V500 eccentric plug rotary control valve controls erosive, coking, and other hard -to -handle fluids, providing either throttling or on/off operation.The flanged valve features streamlined flow passages,rugged metal trim components, and a self -centering seat ring (figures 1 and 2). With these components,the V500 rotary control valve combines globe valve ruggedness with the efficiency of a rotary valve.Matched with a Fisher power or manual actuator, the V500 rotary control valve dependably controls fluids in many process industries.Unless otherwise noted, all NACE references are to NACE MR0175-2002. Contact your Emerson Process Management sales office for additional information on NACE MR0175-2003, NACE MR0175/ISO 15156, and NACE MR0103.Featuresn Easy Installation -- Integral valve body flanges matewith many different classes of pipeline flanges,satisfying a variety of piping requirements. Flanges help to eliminate exposed line flange bolting,shorten alignment and installation time, and promote secure valve installations and piping integrity.n Operational Versatility -- Self -centering seat ringand rugged plug allow forward or reverse flow with tight shutoff in either flow direction. Reverse flow direction helps move downstream turbulence away from shutoff surfaces. Full 90-degree rotation removes valve plug from flowstream, helping to reduce plug wear. Seat ring and retainer areavailable in full and restricted port constructions,and can easily be changed if capacity requirements change.X0189Fisher V500 Flanged Rotary Control Valve with 2052 Actuator and FIELDVUE t DVC6200 Digital Valve Controllern Resists Damage from Erosive Flow -- Valve assemblyis specifically designed to combat the process of erosion. Streamlined flow passages, ruggedcomponents, and a wide choice of erosion -resistant trim materials all promote long, dependable service life in erosive applications.n Long Seat Life -- Path of eccentric plug (figure 4)minimizes contact with seat ring when opening,reducing seat wear and friction. When the valve plug rotates into the seat ring, a self -lapping action occurs, improving the fit between shutoff surfaces.Full -port, S31600, R30006, or VTC seat ring has two shutoff surfaces and can be easily reversed,reducing downtime.n Furnace Feed Design -- Specially selected trimmaterials and body coatings help to withstand oil sands, furnace feed, and other highly erosive applications.(continued on page 3)V500 ValveD100054X012Product Bulletin51.3:V500July 2016231. The reversible seat is not available in every trim material. Consult your Emerson Process Management sales office .2. The pressure or temperature limits in the referenced tables or figures, and in any applicable code limitation, should not be exceeded.3. Ratio of maximum flow coefficient to minimum usable flow coefficient. May also be called rangeability.Features (continued)n Simple Assembly and Maintenance -- No specialorientation, precision clamping or repetitive centering of valve plug and seat ring is required when tightening the retainer, promoting accurate alignment and easy assembly.n Improved Environmental Capabilities -- The optionalENVIRO -SEAL packing systems are designed with very smooth shaft surfaces and live loading to provide improved sealing. The seal of theENVIRO -SEAL system can restrict emissions to less than the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)limit of 100 ppm (parts per million).n Sour Service Capability -- Trim and bolting materialsare available for applications handling sour service.These materials comply with the requirements of NACE MR0175-2002. Contact your Emerson Process Management sales office for additional information.n Rugged Construction -- Durable, solid metal or VTCseat ring and valve plug shutoff tightly without deforming plug arms or employing thin ball seals.Oversized shaft diameters and rugged trim parts allow high pressure drops. Tungsten carbide is also available for erosive service.n Reliable Performance -- Seat ring design (figure 2)self -centers, self -laps, and dynamically aligns with plug, giving excellent cycle life. Sealed metalbearings (see figure 1) help prevent particle buildup and valve shaft seizure in erosive applications.n Choice of Construction Materials -- Plug, seat ring,and retainer are available in four levels of hardness for selection of erosion resistance.n Optional Alloy 6 Seat Ledge Insert Available --Protects seat and valve body from high-velocity erosive flows and eases repair. Available for NPS 2-8.ContentsFeatures 1.....................................Specifications 2................................Installation 14.................................TablesValve Size, Pressure Ratings, and FlangeCompatibility 6..............................Material Combinations 6........................Material Temperature Capabilities 7...............Maximum AllowableShutoff Pressure Drops 8......................Actuator Mounting Selections 14.................Dimensions 15.................................41End-tapped valve body and pipe plug optional (limited to less than 232_C [450_F])O-RINGSBEARING STOPVALVE BODYTAPER ANDEXPANSION PINSDETAIL OF SEALED BEARINGS1W4172-2W4170-31W9275FURNACE FEED (FFD) TRIMRETAINER RESISTS EFFECTS OF EROSIONBODY INSERT PROTECTS THE SEAT AND BODY FROM HIGH VELOCITY EROSIVE FLOWS AND EASES REPAIR549A3685-C A3288-2REVERSE FLOW SHUTOFF(STANDARD)FORWARD FLOW SHUTOFFFACE SEALSECTIONFLOWDIRECTIONFLOWFigure 3. Typical ENVIRO-SEAL Packing Arrangements for Rotary ValvesYOKE YOKE VALVE BODYANTI-EXTRUSION RINGSPTFE PACKING V-RINGS SHOWNPACKING BOX RINGGRAPHITE PACKING SETPACKING FOLLOWERSPRINGS SINGLE PTFE PACKING GRAPHITE PACKINGW6125-1W5806-16Table 2. Valve Size, EN Pressure Ratings, and Flange Capability (X indicates availability)VALVE SIZE, DNFlangedPN 10PN 16PN 25PN 40PN 63PN 10025405080100150200X X X X X X XX X X X X X XX X X X X X XX X X X X X XX X X X X X XX X X X X X XTable 3. Material CombinationsTrim LevelBody MaterialValve Size, NPS Valve Plug Seat Ring Retainer 1WCC1 & 1-1/2CF8M/Chrome Plate CF8M CF8M2 through 8CF8M/Chrome Plate CF8M CB7Cu-1CF8M 1 through 8CF8M/Chrome Plate CF8M CF8M CF3M (2) 1 through 8CF3M/Chrome PlateCF3M CF3M 2WCC1 & 1-1/2R30006R30006CF8M2 through 8R30006R30006CB7Cu-1CF8M 1 through 8R30006R30006CF8M CF3M (2)1 through 8R30006R30006CF3M3WCC/CF8M/CF3M (1,3)1 & 1-1/2R30006R30006CF8M/R30006 bore or CF3M/R30006 bore (3)2 through 8R30006R30006R300063H (over 600°F)CF8M/CF3M (3)2 through 8R30006R30006CF8M/R30006 bore or CF3M/R30006 bore (3)4(5,6)WCC/CF8M/CF3M (3)1 & 1-1/2(4)Solid VTC Solid VTC CF8M/VTC bore or CF3M/VTC bore (3)2(4)Solid VTCSolid VTC R30006/VTC bore 3 through 8R30006 hub, Titanium Gr 5cap screw, and VTC surfacecap Solid VTCR30006/VTC bore4S (5,6)WCC/CF8M/CF3M (3) 3 through 8R30006 hub, S17400SST treated insert, N07718 cap screw, and VTC surface cap Solid VTC R30006/VTC boreFFD (6)CF8M with Tungsten Carbide Coating and R30006 Drop-in SeatLedge2 through 8R30006/Tungsten CarbideSeating SurfaceSolid VTC CF8M/R30006 Bore1. Trim 3 for NPS 2 through 8 stainless steel bodies is limited to 600_F.2. European Sourcing Only.3. European sources supply CF3M in lieu of CF8M.4. Includes an S20910 SST shaft for NPS 1, 1-1/2, and 2.5. Use trim 4S when sour service construction is required for compliance to NACE MR0175-2002.6. VTC trim is not compatible with water and steam above 180_C (360_F).7891011121314InstallationThe V500 control valve may be installed in any position. However, for best shutoff performance, a position with the shaft horizontal is recommended.The control valve may be installed in forward orreverse flow direction. Forward flow (through the seat ring and past the plug) tends to open the valve; reverse flow (past the plug and through the seat ring) tends to close the valve. The reverse flow direction is recommended for erosive applications.Specific operating conditions may require a specific combination of push -down -to -close or -open actuator motion and open valve plug position above or below the shaft. To satisfy specific operating requirements,the complete control valve package (valve andactuator) can be assembled and installed in different ways, providing eight options for actuator motion and open plug position.Table 11 and the appropriate actuator bulletindescribe possible assembly and installation options.For assistance in selecting the appropriate combination of actuator action and open valveposition, consult your Emerson Process Management sales office .Dimensions are shown in figure 5.Valve InformationTo determine the required valve ordering information,refer to the Specifications table. Review theFigure 4. Eccentric RotationB1879-1VALVE BODY CENTERLINE VALVE SHAFT CENTERLINEVALVE BODY CENTERLINE VALVE SHAFT CENTERLINEVALVE BODY CENTERLINE VALVE SHAFT CENTERLINE15Figure 5. Fisher V500 Rotary Control Flanged Valve Dimensions (refer to table 12)Note:For dimensions of valves with DN (or other) end connections, consult your Emerson Process Management sales office .A3289-1CL150, CL300,OR CL600 WITH RF OR RTJ FLANGESNPS 1, 1-1/2 AND 2BODY MOUNTING NPS 3 AND 4BODY MOUNTING NPS 6 AND 8BODY MOUNTINGEmerson Process ManagementMarshalltown, Iowa 50158 USASorocaba, 18087 BrazilCernay, 68700 FranceThe contents of this publication are presented for informational purposes only, and while every effort has been made to ensure their accuracy, they are not to be construed as warranties or guarantees, express or implied, regarding the products or services described herein or their use or applicability. All sales are governed by our terms and conditions, which are available upon request. We reserve the right to modify or improve the designs or specifications of such products at any time without notice.Fisher, FIELDVUE, and ENVIRO-SEAL are marks owned by one of the companies in the Emerson Process Management business unit of Emerson Electric Co. Emerson Process Management, Emerson, and the Emerson logo are trademarks and service marks of Emerson Electric Co. All other marks are the property of their respective owners.Neither Emerson, Emerson Process Management, nor any of their affiliated entities assumes responsibility for the selection, use or maintenance of any product. Responsibility for proper selection, use, and maintenance of any product remains solely with the purchaser and end user.。
Belimo NRFA 旋转功能安全旋钮阀说明书
NRFAActuador rotativo con función de seguridadpara válvulas de bola• Par de giro del motor 10 Nm • Tensión nominal AC 24...240 V / DC 24...125 V• Control Todo-nada• Sin tensión cerrado (NC)Datos técnicosDatos eléctricosTensión nominal AC 24...240 V / DC 24...125 V Frecuencia nominal 50/60 HzRango de tensión nominalAC 19.2...264 V / DC 21.6...137.5 V Consumo de energía en funcionamiento 6 W Consumo energía en reposo2.5 W Consumo de energía para dimensionado 9.5 VAConexión de la alimentación / control Cable 1 m, 2 x 0.75 mm²Funcionamiento en paraleloSi (tenga en cuenta los datos de funcionamiento)Datos de funcionamiento Par de giro del motor10 Nm Par de giro de la función de seguridad 10 NmSentido de movimiento de la función de seguridadVálvula cerrada, desenergizada, normalmente cerrada (A – AB = 0%)Accionamiento manual Por medio de una manivela y un interruptor de cierre Tiempo de giro del motor75 s / 90°Tiempo de giro con función de seguridad <20 s @ -20...50°C / <60 s @ -30°C Nivel de potencia sonora, motor 45 dB(A)Indicador de posición MecánicosVida útilMín. 60 000 posiciones de seguridad Datos de seguridad Clase de protección IEC/EN II, aislamiento reforzado Clase de protección UL II, aislamiento reforzado Grado de protección IEC/EN IP54Grado de protección NEMA/UL NEMA 2Carcasa UL Enclosure Type 2CEMCE según 2014/30/UE Directiva de baja tensión CE según 2014/35/UECertificación IEC/EN IEC/EN 60730-1 y IEC/EN 60730-2-14UL ApprovalcULus según UL60730-1A, UL 60730-2-14 y CAN/CSA E60730-1La marca UL en el actuador depende del centro de producción; en cualquier caso, el dispositivo tiene conformidad UL Tipo de acciónTipo 1.AA Tensión de resistencia a los impulsos 4 kV Grado de polución 3Humedad ambiente Máx. 95% de RH, sin condensación Temperatura ambiente-30...50°C [-22...122°F]Temperatura de almacenamiento -40...80°C [-40...176°F]Mantenimientosin mantenimientoNRFA•••••••Modo de funcionamientoMontaje directo y sencillo Accionamiento manualÁngulo de giro ajustableAlta fiabilidad funcionalWire colours:1 = blue 2 = brownPesoPeso 2.0 kgNotas de seguridadEste dispositivo ha sido diseñado para su uso en sistemas estacionarios de calefacción,ventilación y aire acondicionado y no se debe utilizar fuera del campo específico de aplicación, especialmente en aviones o en cualquier otro tipo de transporte aéreo.Aplicación en exterior: sólo es posible en el caso de que el dispositivo no esté expuestodirectamente a agua (de mar), nieve, hielo, radiación solar o gases nocivos y que se asegure que las condiciones ambientales se mantienen en todo momento dentro de los umbrales de acuerdo con la ficha de datos.Precaución: alimentaciónSólo especialistas autorizados deben realizar la instalación. Durante la instalación, deberán cumplirse todas las regulaciones de instalación legales o institucionales que correspondan.El dispositivo sólo se puede abrir en el centro del fabricante. No contiene piezas que el usuario pueda reemplazar o reparar.No se deben retirar los cables del dispositivo.El dispositivo contiene componentes eléctricos y electrónicos y no se puede desechar con los residuos domésticos. Deben tenerse en cuenta todas las normas y requerimientos locales vigentes.Características del productoEl actuador está equipado con un módulo de alimentación universal que puede emplear tensiones de alimentación de AC 24...240 V y DC 24...125V.El actuador mueve la válvula hasta la posición de funcionamiento al mismo tiempo que tensa el muelle de retorno. Cuando se interrumpe la alimentación, la fuerza del muelle hace girar de nuevo la válvula hasta la posición de seguridad.Montaje directo sencillo en la válvula de bola con tan solo un tornillo. Se puede seleccionar la orientación de montaje con respecto a la válvula de bola en incrementos de 90°.Al utilizar la manivela, la válvula se puede manejar de forma manual y engranarse con el contacto de bloqueo en cualquier posición. El desbloqueo se lleva a cabo de forma manual o automática aplicando tensión.Ángulo de giro ajustable mediante topes mecánicos.El actuador se encuentra protegido contra sobrecargas, no necesita ningún contacto limitador y se detiene automáticamente cuando alcanza el final de carrera.Instalación eléctricaPrecaución: alimentaciónEs posible realizar una conexión en paralelo de otros actuadores. Respete los datos de funcionamiento.NRFA Esquema de conexionadoAC 24...240 V / DC 24...125 V, todo-nadaDimensionesDocumentación complementaria• La gama de productos completa para aplicaciones de agua• Fichas de datos para válvulas de bola• Instrucciones de instalación para actuadores o válvulas de bola• Notas generales para la planificación de proyectos。
Alfa Laval Olmi热交换器产品说明说明书
Reliability at heart Dependable uptime is the key to profitability, and breakdowns in your processing plant’s core equipment can easily cost you millions in repairs and lost production.For us at Alfa Laval, the operational reliability of our products always comes first. We know that product quality is the result of knowledge, hard work and the right mindset. When you install one of our Alfa Laval Olmi heat exchangers you can rest assured that every detail meets your requirements and nothing has been left to chance.With Alfa Laval as your partner you discover that reliability means more than just product quality. It includes a strong personal commitment from all our staff to make sure you get the best possible assistance from the initial idea, through design and manufacturing, to commissioning and continuous service.Your business is a personal matter for us and you can be confidentapplications Alfa Laval Olmi heat exchangers are used in someof the most demanding positions in petrochemical plants, refineries, oil and gas production facilitiesand power stations around the world. Year after year these process-critical units continue to deliver high performance and stable operation.Know-how and experienceHaving produced heat exchangers for high-temperature and high-pressure applications for more than 80 years, we know how to design, manufacture, commission and service your next heat exchanger for maximum efficiency and reliability.Each Alfa Laval Olmi heat exchanger is custom made and draws on the full body of application knowledge that we have built over the decades. We makesure your heat exchanger provides low costs, great performance and a long service life by optimizing it according to your specific requirements and operating conditions.Built to lastThere is no margin for error when making equipment that will operate under extreme conditions. Small imperfections in a weld joint or the wrong choice of material can cause a disastrous breakdown in your plant.With our long application experience and highly developed quality system we know the pitfalls and how to avoid them. We have the expertise to design and manufacture according to a broad range of standards and always deliver the highest level of workmanship within the decided standard.OIL AND GAS PRODUCTION • Shell-and-tube heat exchangers for natural gascompression and oil treatmentAir cooled heat exchangers for:• Natural gas compression cooling in enhancedoil recovery processes (onshore and offshore)• Natural gas compression cooling in high-pressure gas transmission (onshore)• Shell-and-tube heat exchangers for high-pressure/high-temperature positions • Feed-effluent interchangers for hydro processing plants • Process gas boiler packages for hydrogen production • Special heat exchangers for hydrogen production • Air-cooled heat exchangers for reactors and column effluents • Quench coolers (TLEs, PQEs, SQEs, TQEs) forethylene plants• Urea strippers and carbamate condensers• Process gas boilers for ammonia, methanoland syngas plants, including steam drums,superheaters and feed water pre-heaters• High-pressure/high-temperature process shell-and-tube heat exchangers• High-pressure/high-temperature process aircooled heat exchangers• Melamine tubular reactors • Gas turbine once-through coolers • Steam generator packages for thermal solar plants • High-pressure feed water pre-heaters and steam drumsPOWER STATIONSto technology All Alfa Laval Olmi heat exchangers are unique. Eachone is the result of a close cooperation between ourdesign team and our customers’ engineers. ChoosingAlfa Laval gives you full access to our team of thermal, mechanical and metallurgical experts and all their application and design knowledge.World-leading engineering expertiseWith a full team of thermal and mechanical design experts on board, our engineering department can take on your most complex heat exchanger design challenges. Working together with our weldingand manufacturing experts, they push the design boundaries and come up with new, smart solutions that result in higher reliability and lower investment costs.Our in-house resources for computer simulations of fluid dynamics and mechanical strength (including creep, fatigue and stress analysis) let us maximize the performance and durability of each design while keeping size and weight at a minimum.MetallurgyChoosing the right materials for heat exchangers operating at high temperatures and pressures is essential for reliable operation. Choosing the most appropriate alloy greatly improves the life span and service intervals.Our engineers can advise you on the best materials to use based on your operating conditions and process media. They help you find the materials that offeran optimum balance between CAPEX and OPEX by performing a total-cost-of-ownership analysis.Good advice close at handOur technical expertise and long experience makeus your best partner and our engineers are ready toassist you from the earliest stages of your project.Whether you are planning a refurbishment, or agreen-field plant, we can advise you on thermal andmechanical design, maintenance issues, etc., whichcan save you both time and costs.Advancing welding and production technologyMuch of our engineering efforts go into improvingour own manufacturing techniques. We continuouslydevelop and invest in new production and testtechnology to keep our position at the forefront of theheat exchanger industry.Some recent examples include our hot wireTIG welding for narrow gaps, our pit for internalbore welding, our special ultrasonic probes, andinvestments in equipment for time of flight diffraction(TOFD).The design of our transfer line exchangers (TLEs) is a good example of how we create value for our customers through smart engineering. Alfa Laval Olmi TLEs have a patented design that makes them withstand the harsh conditions in quench cool-ing in ethylene plants much better than traditional TLEs.Air-cooled heat exchanger with bundles in duplex and alloy 6Mopartnerships With Alfa Laval as your partner you have our full commitment from the initial idea stage and throughout the entire lifetime of your heat exchanger. We make sure your order is executed smoothly and according to plan, from design to commissioning. After installation we help you with training, continuous service and good advice.On-time delivery and efficient project executionOur focus on reliability also applies to the way wemanage projects. On-time delivery and easy projectexecution for our customers are our first priorities,and we have a highly structured way of working toensure this. Our project management toolbox givesus full control over all aspects, including quality anddocumentation.Your contacts remain the same throughout the projectand each project has an appointed team consistingof a project manager, project engineer and a qualityengineer. The team supports you from start to finish,facilitating our cooperation and minimizing the timeyou need to spend on the project.Managing changesWe have a well-developed system that enables us to handle any changes that may be requested during project progress, ensuring maximum flexibility during the design and manufacturing stages.The project management organization handles any alterations you may have and make sure quality is maintained.Highest quality in every stepOur quality management system covers all aspects of our operations: design, incoming material, production, welding, sub-suppliers, etc. It is certified accordingto ISO 9001 and a range of other internationally recognized standards.We continuously add new methods and techniques to our quality control systems. One example is our ultrasonic test equipment that has been developedin-house. We use this for non-destructive examination of welds and to make sure there are no impurities, both in newly-built heat exchangers and when repairing older units.Following international codes and standardsAll our designs are in accordance with all leading international standards and codes. We have a close cooperation with ASME and take an active part in several of their committees.ServiceOur global network of local service technicians is ready to assist you on site whenever you need help. We service heat exchangers from all manufacturers, not only our own equipment. Our specialists can help with everything from audits and advice on maximizing your return on investment, to performing a full reconditioning on any type of shell-and-tube or air-cooled heat exchanger.We know the importance of keeping service stops short and our organization is both flexible and available at short notice. We have the capacity to perform complex, large-scale service work and always do our best to minimize plant downtime.By working closely with our customers, we can prepare for planned service stops well in advance to make sure work is executed efficiently in the shortest possible time.Our service offer includes:• Commissioning• Troubleshooting• Audits• Repairs and reconditioning, including advanced welding and post-welding heat treatments• Supervision, engineering and project management • All types of testing (ultrasonic, x-ray and gamma ray, hydro, pressure, dye penetrant, etc.)• Supply of material and spare parts• Supply of equipment required for the service• TrainingUsing our special NDE (non-destructive examination) technology we examine welds for imperfections on all heat exchangers that leave our factory. The same equipment is used for field service work.manufacturing All Alfa Laval Olmi heat exchangers are builtand thoroughly tested in our own workshopto ensure their quality. This gives us tightcontrol over the entire process from design toinstallation, and ensures the highest possibleproduct reliability.WeldingThe durability of a heat exchanger operating at extreme conditions is highly dependent on the quality of the welds. Even minor imperfections can cause breakdowns and costly service stops.Welding is a core competence for us and we regularly invest in staff training and certifications, as well as in new welding technology. All to maximize weld quality. Our welding engineers and welding coordinators are all EWE and EWT certified. Our welders are all EN and ASME certified and are experts in welding exotic materials and joining dissimilar materials.TestingWe perform rigorous pre-delivery testing on every heat exchanger that leaves our workshop. Our inspectors are certified to NDE Level II and III according to SNT TC1A and EN9712. We perform a range of non-destructive tests including ultrasonic NDE, x-ray and gamma ray tests, hydro tests, pressure tests using helium and dye penetrant tests.• 65,000 m2 (700,000 sq ft) workshop of which30,000 m2 (323,000 sq ft) covered• 900 m2 (9,700 sq ft) cleanroom for assembly, welding and testing of non-ferrous, high alloy metal equipment. This prevents iron and dust contamination• Three 50 tonne (110,000 lb) capacity overhead cranes, twenty15 – 20 tonne (33,000 – 44,000 lb) overhead cranes andtwentythree 10 – 14 tonne (22,000 – 31,000 lb) overhead cranes • 10 m (40 ft) deep welding pit for internal bore welding of vertically positioned components• 6 x 6 x 18 m (20 x 20 x 60 ft) furnace for heat treatment of complete heat exchangers• Bunker for x-ray and gamma ray testing• Cold rolling machine 60 x 4,000 mm (2.3 in x 157.4 in)• Precision drilling of tubesheets is performed in our CNC three-spindle drilling machines: max thickness 1,200 mm (47 in), max diameter 6,000 mm (236 in)• Vertical turning machine: max diameter 3,500 mm (137 in)• Manual and automatic welding machines: SAW, GTAW, SMAW, PAW, GMAW• Manual and automatic TIG hot wire welding machines• Welding machines for automatic orbital welding of tubes to tubesheet: internal bore welding, crevice free welding, strength welding• Electric resistance local heat treatment• Shot blasting, painting and flame metal coating facilities• Ultrasonic test equipment• Helium mass spectrometer equipment, magnetic particle die penetrant equipment• Finning department to manufacture embedded, extruded and L-footed fin tubes for air coolers•FMS for tubesheet machining11In our 900 m2 cleanroom we perform welding and testing of high-alloy equipment under dust-free conditions.。
Electrolux电炉电器 heating elements 电炉电器说明书
[EN][DE][ES][FR][IT][PL][RU]***************************1heating elementsPart No.418078Ref. No.heating element 1000W 230V heating circuits 1 L 335mm W 345mmL1 55mm L2 280mm W1 154mm W2 36mm flange length 80mmflange width 16mm hole distance 60mm hole ø 5mm tube ø 6.3mmPart No.418081Ref. No.Part No.418082Ref. No.HEATING ELEMENTS ELECTROLUX Find the complete and up-to-date range of products on https://231e l e c t r i c c o m p o n e n t sPart No.415394Ref. No.ELECTROLUX HEATING ELEMENTSFind the complete and up-to-date range of products on https://1HEATING ELEMENTS ELECTROLUX Find the complete and up-to-date range of products on https://451e l e c t r i c c o m p o n e n t sPart No.415557Ref. No.ELECTROLUX HEATING ELEMENTSFind the complete and up-to-date range of products on https://1Part No.415809Ref. No.HEATING ELEMENTS ELECTROLUX Find the complete and up-to-date range of products on https://671e l e c t r i c c o m p o n e n t s Part No.419087Ref. No.Part No.419089Ref. No.Part No.420305Ref. No.Part No.420548Ref. No.Table continues overleafELECTROLUX HEATING ELEMENTSFind the complete and up-to-date range of products on https://1heating elements for convectionPart No.415119Ref. No.heating element 1600W 230V heating circuits 1 ID ø 179mm ED øPart No.415117Ref. No.accessories forPart No.415966Ref. No.accessories forPart No.419245Ref. No.heating element 2500W 230V heating circuits 1 ID ø 180mm ED ø192mm L 250mm H 30mm L1 45mm W1 61mm flange length 70mmHEATING ELEMENTS ELECTROLUX Find the complete and up-to-date range of products on https://891e l e c t r i c c o m p o n e n t s Part No.419091Ref. No.heating element 2500W 230V heating circuits 11 ID ø 180mm ED ø Part No.418083Ref. No.heating element 3000W 230V heating circuits 1 ID ø 179mm ED ø Part No.419088Ref. No.heating element 3200W 230V heating circuits 3 ID ø 384mm ED Part No.418150Ref. No.Part No.415368Ref. No.ELECTROLUX HEATING ELEMENTSFind the complete and up-to-date range of products on https://1Part No.415657Ref. No.Part No.415654Ref. No.heating element 5666W 230V heating circuits 2 ID ø 465mm EDPart No.418151Ref. No.HEATING ELEMENTS ELECTROLUX Find the complete and up-to-date range of products on https://101e l e c t r i c c o m p o n e n t s Part No.415393heating element 8000W 230V heating circuits 2 L 150mm W 545mm H 134mm L1 33mm L2 117mm W1 29mm H1 19mm H2 115mm Part No.415391Part No.415656Ref. No.Part No.418152Ref. No.ELECTROLUX HEATING ELEMENTS1Part No.420117heating element 8000W 415V heating circuits 2 L 170mm W 505mmH 133mm L1 32mm L2 138mm W1 29mm H1 33mm H2 100mmPart No.560112HEATING ELEMENTS ELECTROLUX1e l e c t r i c c o m p o n e n t sPart No.505092Part No.550257Part No.550256Part No.550546Part No.550547ELECTROLUX HEATING ELEMENTS1Part No.524460Part No.524461Part No.524462Part No.511641Part No.901629HEATING ELEMENTS ELECTROLUX1e l e c t r i c c o m p o n e n t s Part No.descriptionenergy regulatorsEGOELECTROLUX HEATING ELEMENTS /ENERGY REGULATORS1thermostatsPart No.390749Part No.375666Part No.375927Part No.375953Part No.390068Ref. No.Part No.375664Ref. No.descriptionthermostat t.max. 287°C temperature range 60-287°C 1-pole 1NO16A probe ø 3.1mm probe L 226mm capillary pipe 1470mm capillarypipe isolated 350mm gland nut shaft ø ø6x4.6mm shaft L 23mm shaftTHERMOSTATS ELECTROLUX1e l e c t r i c c o m p o n e n t s Part No.375667Ref. No.Part No.375002Ref. No.thermostat t.max. 320°C temperature range 55-320°C 1-pole 1NO 16A probe ø 3.1mm probe L 226mm capillary pipe 870mm capillary Part No.375253Ref. No.thermostat t.max. 455°C temperature range 85-455°C 1-pole 1NO Part No.375661Ref. No.descriptionthermostat t.max. 500°C temperature range 75-500°C 1-pole 1NO 16A probe ø 3.9mm probe L 228mm capillary pipe 1470mm capillary pipe isolated 960mm gland nut shaft ø ø6x4.6mm shaft L 23mm shaft position upper rotation 270°For models:FZG18, FZE18, FPE30, FPE18, FZ/G18, FZ/E18, FP/E30, FP/E18Part No.375113Ref. No.thermostat t.max. 76°C temperature range fixed 76°C 1-pole 1CO 16APart No.375069ELECTROLUX THERMOSTATS1Part No.375835descriptionthermostat t.max. 280°C temperature range 50-280°C 1-pole 1CO16A probe ø 3.1mm probe L 160mm capillary pipe 1430mm capillarypipe isolated 800mm gland nut shaft ø ø6x4.6mm shaft L 23mm shaftposition upper rotation 270°Part No.375665Ref. No.descriptionthermostat t.max. 282°C temperature range 96-282°C 1-pole 1NO16A probe ø 3.03mm probe L 196mm capillary pipe 1240mm capil-lary pipe isolated 350mm gland nut shaft ø ø6x4.6mm shaft L 22mmshaft position left rotation 270°For models:FCF/E4, FCF/E4-3KW, JCF/E4, JCF/E4, ECF/E4, ECF/E4-3KW, ACF/E4,ACF/E4-3KW, NCF/E4, ZCF/E4, ZCF/E4Part No.375950thermostat t.max. 238°C temperature range 50-200°C 1-pole probeø 3mm probe L 158mm capillary pipe 890mm capillary pipe isolatedPart No.390074Ref. No.descriptionthermostat t.max. 260°C temperature range 60-240/80-260°C 3-pole3NO 10A probe ø 4mm probe L 130mm capillary pipe 1300mmcapillary pipe isolatedmm gland nut shaft ø 6x4.6mmPart No.375183Ref. No.thermostat t.max. 298°C temperature range 50-298°C 3-pole 3NOTHERMOSTATS ELECTROLUX1e l e c t r i c c o m p o n e n t s Part No.375192Ref. No.descriptionthermostat t.max. 300°C temperature range 50-300°C 3-pole 3NO 16A probe ø 3mm probe L 219mm capillary pipe 900mm capillary pipe isolatedmm gland nut shaft ø ø6x4.6mm shaft L 23mm shaftPart No.375453Ref. No.thermostat t.max. 308°C temperature range 100-300°C 3-pole 3NO 16A probe ø 6mm probe L 75mm capillary pipe 1150mm capillaryPart No.375412Ref. No.thermostat t.max. 320°C temperature range 50-320°C 3-pole 3NO 16A probe ø 3.1mm probe L 226mm capillary pipe 1480mm capillary ELECTROLUX THERMOSTATS1Part No.375424Ref. No.descriptionthermostat t.max. 320°C temperature range 60-320°C 3-pole 3NO16A probe ø 4mm probe L 128mm capillary pipe 1800mm capillarypipe isolated 1300mm gland nut shaft ø ø6x4.6mm shaft L 23mmshaft position upper rotation 270°For models:MCF/GE705, MCF/GE1055, MCF/GE700, MCFGE1050, MCF/GE700D,MCFGE1050D, MCF/E700D, MCF/E700, MCF/E700UK, MCF/E1050D,MCF/E1050, MCF/GE1055UK, MIF/E700, MIF/E700D, MIF/E710, MIF/E710D, MCF/GE702, MCFGE1052, MCF/GE700, MCFGE1050, MF/E700,RCF/M2, RCF/M3, RCF/E2, RCF/E2MO, RCF/E2M4, RCVF/E3MO, RCVF/E3M4, RCF/E2E5, RIF/E2, MCF/E2Q, RCF/E2Q, XCF/M2, XCFM3, XCF/E2, XIF/E2, JCF/M2, JCFM3, JCF/E2, JIF/E2, MCF/M2, MCF/M3, MCF/E2,Part No.375250Ref. No.Part No.375278Ref. No.descriptionsafety thermostat switch-off temp. 142°C 1-pole 16A probe ø 6mmprobe L 74mm capillary pipe 900mm capillary pipe isolated 900mmPart No.375854Ref. No.THERMOSTATS ELECTROLUX1e l e c t r i c c o m p o n e n t s Part No.375044Ref. No.safety thermostat switch-off temp. 178°C 1-pole 16A probe ø4mm probe L 91mm capillary pipe 1730mm capillary pipe isolated Part No.375076descriptionsafety thermostat switch-off temp. 350°C 1-pole 1NO 16A probe ø 3.03mm probe L 141mm capillary pipe 830mm capillary pipe isolated Part No.375571descriptionsafety thermostat switch-off temp. 350°C 3-pole 20A probe ø 6mm probe L 157mm capillary pipe 940mm capillary pipe isolated 890mmPart No.375209Ref. No.descriptionsafety thermostat switch-off temp. 140°C 3-pole 20A probe ø 6mm probe L 89mm capillary pipe 900mm capillary pipe isolated 900mm gland nut probe SSELECTROLUX THERMOSTATS1Part No.390920descriptionsafety thermostat switch-off temp. 140°C 3-pole 3CO 20A probe ø6mm probe L 88mm capillary pipe 900mm capillary pipe isolated770mm gland nut probePart No.390167descriptionsafety thermostat switch-off temp. 140°C 3-pole capillary pipeisolatedmm gland nutPart No.375170descriptionsafety thermostat switch-off temp. 150°C 1-pole 20A probe ø6mm probe L 74mm capillary pipe 1700mm capillary pipe isolated1100mm gland nut probePart No.375657safety thermostat switch-off temp. 150°C 2-pole 1x20/1x0.5A probePart No.375328descriptionsafety thermostat switch-off temp. 162°C 3-pole 20A probe ø 6mmprobe L 77mm capillary pipe 900mm capillary pipe isolatedmmTHERMOSTATS ELECTROLUX1e l e c t r i c c o m p o n e n t s Part No.375659descriptionsafety thermostat switch-off temp. 338°C 2-pole 1x20/1x0.5A probe ø 6mm probe L 53mm capillary pipe 900mm capillary pipe isolated 900mm gland nut probe screw-in probe probe thread M10x1Part No.375455Part No.375344Ref. No.descriptionsafety thermostat switch-off temp. 360°C 1-pole 0.5A probe ø 4mm probe L 120mm capillary pipe 1500mm capillary pipe isolated 1500mm gland nut probePart No.375579ELECTROLUX THERMOSTATS1Part No.390142Part No.375562description safety thermostat switch-off temp. 360°C 3-pole 20A probe ø 4mmprobe L 120mm capillary pipe 900mm capillary pipe isolated 900mmgland nut probe SSPart No.551083Part No.375570Ref. No.description thermostat t.max. 470°C temperature range 100-470°C 1-pole 1NO 16A probe ø 3.9mm probe L 228mm capillary pipe 1110mm capillary THERMOSTATS ELECTROLUX1e l e c t r i c c o m p o n e n t s Part No.375246Ref. No.Part No.375941Ref. No.safety thermostat switch-off temp. 238°C 1-pole 1NC 16A probe ø Part No.379722Ref. No.descriptionthermostat t.max. 120°C temperature range 0-120°C 1-pole 1CO 10A probe ø 8.5mm probe L 32mm capillary pipe 1600mm mounting ø accessoriesPart No.697994Part No.descriptionPart No.520243description bolt with slot thread M9x1 Qty 10 pcs nickel-plated brass ELECTROLUX THERMOSTATS1Part No.Part No.Part No.THERMOSTATS/SWITCHES AND MOMENTARY SWITCHES ELECTROLUX1e l e c t r i c c o m p o n e n t sPart No.Part No.Part No.301040Part No.ELECTROLUX SWITCHES AND MOMENTARY SWITCHES11Part No.345038Part No.345039Part No.345042Ref. No.description microswitch with plunger 250V 16A 1CO connection male faston 6.3mm L 28mm ambient temperature max. 125°C mounting distance 22mm type EF83161.3 actuating force: 75g blue/blackSWITCHES AND MOMENTARY SWITCHES ELECTROLUX1e l e c t r i c c o m p o n e n t s Part No.345257Part No.345041Part No.345042Part No.345105ELECTROLUX SWITCHES AND MOMENTARY SWITCHES1Part No.345156Part No.347009Part No.345601 Part No.345651Part No.345720SWITCHES AND MOMENTARY SWITCHES ELECTROLUX1e l e c t r i c c o m p o n e n t s Part No.300088Ref. No.Part No.300074Ref. No.descriptioncam switch 4 operating positions 2NO sequence 0-1-0-1 16A shaft ø 6x4.6mm shaft L 23mm connection male faston 6.3mm ceramic MBR/G710D, MBR/E710D, MBR/E700, MBR/E700UK, MBR/E716, MBR/E706, MCC/E350D, MCC/E350, FDV40G, FDV40GZ, FDV40GA, FDV20G, FDV20GZ, FDV20GA, RW/E1, XW/E1, JW/E1, MW/E1, RBR/G710D, Part No.300020Ref. No.Part No.300007Ref. No.ELECTROLUX SWITCHES AND MOMENTARY SWITCHES1Part No.300103Ref. No.Part No.345171Ref. No.descriptioncam switch 3 operating positions 3NO sequence 0-1-2 16A shaft ø6x4.6mm shaft L 26mm connection male faston 6.3mm ceramicPart No.300042Ref. No. Part No.300010Ref. No.description cam switch 4 operating positions 2NO/2CO sequence 0-1-2-3 16A shaft ø 6x4.6mm shaft L 23mm connection male faston 6.3mmSWITCHES AND MOMENTARY SWITCHES ELECTROLUX1e l e c t r i c c o m p o n e n t s Part No.300037Ref. No.descriptioncam switch 4 operating positions 4NO sequence 0-1-2-3 16A shaft ø Part No.301092Ref. No.descriptioncam switch 6 operating positions selection/ program shaft ø Part No.300233Ref. No.Part No.301094Ref. No.cam switch 8 operating positions 7NO sequence 0-1-2-3-4-5-6-7Part No.301238Ref. No.ELECTROLUX SWITCHES AND MOMENTARY SWITCHES1Part No.301142Ref. No.descriptioncam switch 2 operating positions operation switch sequence 1-2shaft ø 6x4.6mm connection male faston 3-pole ambient tempera-Part No.301095Ref. No.cam switch 4 operating positions operation switch sequence 0-1-2-3 SWITCHES AND MOMENTARY SWITCHES ELECTROLUX1e l e c t r i c c o m p o n e n t sPart No.301299Ref. No.descriptioncam switch 8 operating positions 5NO sequence 0-1-2-3-4-5-6-7 16A shaft ø 6x4.6mm shaft L 23mm connection male faston 6.3mm plastic Part No.345198Ref. No.descriptioncam switch shaft ø 6x4.6mm shaft L 23mm 6-pole Part No.3453151Part No.111420ELECTROLUX SWITCHES AND MOMENTARY SWITCHES1Part No.345117Ref. No.description magnetic switch L 28.5mm W 19mm 1NO 250V 0.04A P max. 10Wconnection cable cable length 1000mmPart No.345821Ref. No.0052007000372600496210KB775Part No.519049Ref. No.049627magnet ømm L 63mm H 10.7mm W 18.8mm hole distance 52mm M2FCZ061EAA, FCZ101EAA, FCZ102EAA, FCZ201EAA, FCZ202EAA, SWITCHES AND MOMENTARY SWITCHES ELECTROLUX1e l e c t r i c c o m p o n e n t s control equipmentPart No.345754descriptionpush button square clear ø 16mmFCVG202L3, FCS201G4, FCS202G4, 5717-2-6, 5714-2-7, 5714-2-6L, Part No.345751Part No.345753TELEMECANIQUE (EFA)Part No.347525Part No.403557potentiometer 0.6KOhm shaft ø 6mm shaft L 14mm thread M9 plug ELECTROLUX CONTROL EQUIPMENT /ENCODERS AND POTENTIOMETERS1lampsPart No.359225LAMPS ELECTROLUX1e l e c t r i c c o m p o n e n t sELECTROLUX LAMPS1Part No.359656Part No.359031LAMPS ELECTROLUX1e l e c t r i c c o m p o n e n t s Part No.359379Part No.3590271Part No.3591561e l e c t r i c c o m p o n e n t sPart No.359611Part No.359656Part No.359728Part No.3571911Part No.359308Part No.360738oven lamp complete L 69mm W 42mm 250V 15W socket E14 Part No.359718Part No.3597011e l e c t r i c c o m p o n e n t s Part No.357080Part No.359841lamp socket socket G4 mounting ø 35.5mm connection cable Part No.359762Part No.357187Ref. No.description oven lamp mounting ø 47.8mm 230V 15W socket E14 temp.-resist. 300°C connection male faston 6.3mm hard glas1Part No.357078Ref. No.descriptionoven lamp mounting ø 65.5mm 230V 40W socket G9 temp.-resist.300°C connection male faston 6.3mm hard glasPart No.359022descriptionlamp socket socket E14 mounting ø 65.5mm connection male fastonPart No.359724oven lamp glass thread ø 62mm H 46mm ø 74mm hard glasPart No.357083Part No.3593751e l e c t r i c c o m p o n e n t sPart No.Ref. No.Part No.359716Ref. No.description frame for bulb socket Part No.359714Ref. No.Part No.359715Ref. No.1Part No.359698Ref. No.Part No.101372Ref. No.Table continues overleaf1e l e c t r i c c o m p o n e n t sPart No.360738oven lamp complete L 69mm W 42mm 250V 15W socket E14Part No.359764Part No.359765Part No.3598411Part No.360647Part No.359376description lamp socket socket E14Part No.359377。
Carlo Gavazzi 三相实心电流阀说明 说明书
3-phase solid state relays with integrated heatsinkBenefitsDescription • Panel space savings. Concentrated power; the RGC 3-phase switching range can handle up to 65 AAC per pole (or 75 AAC for 2-pole switching) in a 70 mm wide footprint.• Long lifetime. Wire bonding technology reduces thermal and mechanical stresses of the output chips resulting in a larger number of possible operational cycles compared to other assembly technologies.• Low machine downtime. Integrated overvoltage protection prevents the solid state relay from breaking down due to uncontrolled transients that may occur on the lines.• Ease of use. The RGC2A and RGC3A are ready to use solutions provided with integrated heatsink thus eliminating the need for the user to calculate the size of heatsink needed for adequate thermal dissipation.• Fast wiring . Power connections for models rated ≥30 Aare equipped with terminals that can handle cables up to25 mm 2 / AWG3 cables.• Integrated monitoring for timely detection of malfunctions. Optional feature on the 3-phase RGC series that enables detection of mains loss, overtemperature and solid state relay or load malfunction.• Accommodates UL508A requirements for Industrial Control Panels. The RGC 3-phase range is certified as alisted product. All models carry a 100 kArms Short Circuit Current Rating.This product is intended to replace mechanical contactors especially when switching is frequent. The smallest product width in the RGC2, RGC3 range is 54 mm (3xDIN) and goes up to 70 mm. 2-pole and 3-pole switching options are available.Apart from resistive and slightly inductive loads, the RGC is certified for motor switching with associated motor ratings. A green LED gives indication of control voltage presence. Fan operation is controlled for the versions which have an integrated fan.Detection of SSR overheat, mains loss, SSR malfunction and load loss is possible with the RGC..M versions. An EMR alarm output is available for remote signaling. An additional feature with the RGC..M is the electronic auxiliary output. The RGC..M has additional LEDs for load status and alarm status indication.Specifications are at a surrounding temperature of 25°C unless otherwise specified.RGC2, RGC3ApplicationsPlastic injection machines, Extrusion machines, Blow moulding machines, Thermoformers, Dryers, Electrical ovens, Fryers, Shrink tunnels, Air handling units, Sterilisation equipment, Climatic chambers, Ovens and furnaces.Main features• 3-phase zero cross switching solid state contactor for 3-pole or 2-pole switching • Ratings up to 660 VAC 75 AAC/pole (RGC2A), 65 AAC/pole (RGC3A) @ T A 40°C• Optionally integrated monitoring for SSR and load malfunction with alarm output for remote signalling with the RGC..MOrder codeEnter the code entering the corresponding option instead of . Refer to selection guide section for valid part numbers.Selection guide - 2-pole switching, 1-pole direct (RGC2)Selection guide - 2-pole switching, 1-pole direct with monitoring (RGC2..M)KKE: input terminals = screw, output terminals = screwKGE: input terminals = screw, output terminals = box clampGKE: input terminals = box clamp, output terminals = screwGGE: input terminals = box clamp, output terminals = box clampOrder codeEnter the code entering the corresponding option instead of . Refer to selection guide section for valid part numbers.Selection guide - 3-pole switching with monitoring (RGC3..M) - DIN rail mount versionsKKE: input terminals = screw, output terminals = screwKGE: input terminals = screw, output terminals = box clamp GKE: input terminals = box clamp, output terminals = screwGGE: input terminals = box clamp, output terminals = box clampSelection guide - 3-pole switching (RGC3) - DIN rail mount versionsCarlo Gavazzi compatible componentsSelection guide - 3-pole switching (RGC3) - Panel mount versionsStructureRGC..MRGCBoth RGC and RGC..M are available in DIN rail and panel mount versions. DIN rail mount solutions at higher current ratings include forced ventilation. Check 'Dimensions' sections for further information.FeaturesGeneral dataPerformanceRGC2.. Output1. Refer to Current Derating Curves. Max. VDE AC-51 rating for RGC2..10 is 9AAC2. Overload profile for AC-53a;Ie: AC-53a: xIe-Tx: F-S, where Ie = nominal current (AC-53a AAC), xIe = overload current (AAC), Tx = duration of overload current (s), F = duty cycle (%), S = number of starts. Example; 5A: AC-53a: 30 - 6 : 50 - 10 = max. 10 starts for the RGC2..10 with an overload profile of 30 A for 6 seconds with a duty cycle of 50%.RGC3.. Output2. Overload profile for AC-53aInputsMotor Ratings: HP (UL508) / kW (EN/IEC 60947-4-2) @ 40°CInput current vs input voltage RG..DRG..A0.50mA2.50mA 4.50mA 6.50mA 8.50mA 10.50mA 12.50mA 5V6V8V10V12V14V16V18V20V22V24V26V28V30V32VInput current vs Input voltage RG..D..D.., RG..D..A..0.00mA1.00mA2.00mA3.00mA4.00mA5.00mA 20V60V90V110V150V200V230V275VInput current vs Input voltage RG..A..A..RG..D..D..RG..D..A..Input current vs Input voltageInput current vs Input voltageInput current vs Input voltageInput current vs Input voltagePower supply specifications (Us)3. Refer to Electromagnetic Compatability section for further details4. When supplied from secondary circuit with short circuit limit of 1500 VAAlarm output specifications (12, 14, 11)Auxiliary output specifications (22, 24, 21)Current derating 010203040506070809020253035404550556065707580L o a d C u r r e n t p e r p o l e i n A A CSurrounding Ambient Temperature in °CRGC2..75..DF RGC2..75..DFMRGC2..75..AF, AFM (up to 60°C)RGC2..40RGC2..40..DMRGC2..40..AM (up to 60°C)RGC2..25RGC2..25..DMRGC2..25..AM (up to 60°C)RGC2..10(max. 9AAC for VDE)RGC2RGC3Derating vs. Spacing Curves2468101201020304050607080L o a d C u r r e n t p e r p o l e i n A A C Surrounding Ambient Temperature in °CStandalone 20mm andover 10mm0mmRGC2..10Standalone 20mm andover10mm 0mmRGC3..10TempCurrent Temp Current 0°C 26.8A 0°C 32.0A 25°C 26.8A25°C32.0A80°C9.5A 80°C12.5A0mm10mm0510152025303520304050607080L o a d C u r r e n t p e r p o l e i n A A C Surrounding Ambient Temperature in °CRGC2..2510mm 0mm010203040506020304050607080L o a d C ur r e n t p e r p o l e i n A A C Surrounding Ambient Temperature in °CRGC2..4010mm 0mmTemp Current 0°C 14.3A 25°C 14.3A 40°C 9.8A 70°C 3.0A 80°C0.0A0mmTemp Current 0°C 14.3A 25°C 14.3A40°C 9.8A 70°C 3.0A 80°C0.0A0mm 0510152025303520304L o a d C u r r e n t p e r p o l e i n A A CSurrounRGC3..250510152025303520304050607080L o a d C u r r e n t p e r p o l e i n A A C Surrounding Ambient Temperature in °CRGC2..2510mm0mm10203040506020304050607080L o a d C u r r e n t p e r p o l e i n A A CSurrounding Ambient Temperature in °CRGC2..4010mm 0mm10mm 0mmTemp Current Tem0°C 14.3A 0°C25°C 14.3A 25°40°C 9.8A 40°70°C 3.0A 70°80°C0.0A80°0mmTemp Current Tem0°C 14.3A 0°C25°C 14.3A25°C40°C 9.8A 40°C70°C 3.0A 70°C 80°C0.0A80°CR0mm5101520253035203040L o a d C u r r e n t p e r p o l e i n A A CSurroundingRGC3..25 Temp Current Temp0°C 33.5A 0°C 25°C 33.5A 25°C 40°C 27.0A 40°C80°C12.5A 80°CRGC3_300mm 510152025303540o a d C u r r e n t p e r p o l e i n A A CRGC3..30 0510152025303520304050607080L o a d C u r r e n t p e r p o l e i n A A CSurrounding Ambient Temperature in °CRGC2..2510mm 0mm010203040506020304050607080L o a d C u r r e n t p e r p o l e i n A A CSurrounding Ambient Temperature in °CRGC2..4010mm0mm0102030405060708090203040506070L o a d C u r r e n t p e r p o l e i n A A C Surrounding Ambient Temperature in °CRGC2..7510mm0mmTemp Current Temp 0°C 14.3A 0°C 25°C 14.3A 25°C 40°C 9.8A 40°C 70°C 3.0A 70°C 80°C0.0A 80°CRGC0mm1Temp Current Temp 0°C 14.3A 0°C 25°C 14.3A 25°C 40°C 9.8A 40°C 70°C 3.0A 70°C 80°C0.0A 80°CRGC 0mm 105101520253035203040L o a d C u r r e n t p e r p o l e i n A A CSurrounding ARGC3..25Temp CurrentTemp0°C33.5A 0°C 25°C 33.5A 25°C 40°C27.0A 40°C 80°C 12.5A80°CRGC3_300mm200510152025303540203040L o a d C u r r e n t p e r p o l e i n A A C Surroundin RGC3..30Note: RGC2A..AM up to 60o CNote: RGC2A..AM up to 60o CNote: RGC2A..AM up to 60oC Note: RGC2A..AF , AFM up to 60o C RGC2..10RGC2..25RGC2..40RGC2..75RGC2, RGC3Derating vs. Spacing Curves024601020304050607080L o a d C u r r e n t p eSurrounding Ambient Temperature in °Cover 10mm 0mm024*******1020304050607080L o a d C u r r e n t p e r p o l e i n A A CSurrounding Ambient Temperature in °CStandalone 20mm and over 10mm 0mm RGC3..108010mm 0mm8010mm 0mmTemp Current Temp Current Temp Current0°C 14.3A 0°C 19.5A 0°C 25.0A 25°C 14.3A 25°C 19.5A 25°C 25.0A 40°C 9.8A 40°C 15.5A 40°C 20.0A 70°C 3.0A 70°C 8.0A 60°C 15.0A 80°C0.0A 80°C5.0A 80°C10.0A 0mm10mm30mm5101520253020304050607080L o a d C u r r e n t p e r p o l e i n A A C Surrounding Ambient Temperature in °CRGC3..2030mm 10mm 0mm TempCurrentTempCurrentTempCurrent 0°C 14.3A 0°C 19.5A 0°C 25.0A25°C 14.3A 25°C 19.5A 25°C 25.0A 40°C 9.8A 40°C15.5A 40°C 20.0A 70°C 3.0A 70°C8.0A60°C 15.0A 80°C0.0A80°C 5.0A80°C10.0ARGC3_200mm10mm30mm0510152025303520304050607080L o a d C u r r e n t p e r p o l e i n A A CSurrounding Ambient Temperature in °CRGC3..2520mm 0mm0510152025303540452030Lo a d C u r r e n t p e r p o l e i n A A C SurroRGC3..40010203040506070802030L o a d C u r r e n t p e r p o l e i n A A CRGC3..65DF, DFM08010mm 0mm708010mm 0mm10mm 0mmTemp Current Temp Current Temp Current0°C 14.3A 0°C 19.5A 0°C 25.0A 25°C 14.3A 25°C 19.5A 25°C 25.0A 40°C 9.8A 40°C 15.5A 40°C 20.0A 70°C 3.0A 70°C 8.0A 60°C 15.0A 80°C0.0A80°C5.0A80°C10.0ARGC3_200mm 10mm30mm 30mm 10mm 0mmTemp Current Temp Current Temp Current0°C 14.3A 0°C 19.5A 0°C25.0A 25°C 14.3A25°C 19.5A 25°C 25.0A 40°C 9.8A40°C 15.5A 40°C 20.0A70°C 3.0A70°C8.0A60°C15.0A 80°C0.0A 80°C5.0A80°C10.0ARGC3_200mm10mm 30mm 0510152025303520304050607080L o a d C u r r e n t p e r p o l e i n A A C Surrounding Ambient Temperature in °C RGC3..2520mm 0mmTemp Current Temp Current 0°C 33.5A 0°C 37.0A 25°C 33.5A 25°C 37.0A40°C 27.0A 40°C 30.0A80°C12.5A80°C 17.5ARGC3_300mm 20mm 10152025303540u r r e n t p e r p o l e i n A A C RGC3..30 20mm 0mm0510152025303540452030L o a d C u r r e n t p e r p o l e i n AA C Surroundi RGC3..40025408010203040506070802030L o a d C u r r e n t p e r p o l e i n A A C SurRGC3..65DF, DFM20304050607080 C u r r e n t p e r p o l e i n A A CRGC3..65AF, AFM 708010mm 0mm708010mm 0mm10mm 0mmTemp Current Temp Current Temp Current0°C 14.3A 0°C 19.5A 0°C 25.0A 25°C 14.3A 25°C 19.5A 25°C 25.0A 40°C 9.8A 40°C 15.5A 40°C 20.0A 70°C 3.0A 70°C8.0A60°C 15.0A 80°C0.0A80°C 5.0A80°C10.0ARGC3_200mm10mm30mm 30mm10mm 0mmTemp Current Temp Current Temp Current 0°C 14.3A0°C19.5A 0°C 25.0A 25°C 14.3A 25°C19.5A 25°C 25.0A 40°C 9.8A 40°C 15.5A 40°C 20.0A 70°C 3.0A70°C8.0A60°C15.0A 80°C0.0A80°C 5.0A80°C10.0ARGC3_200mm10mm30mm510152025303520304050607080L o a d C u r r e n t p e r p o l e i n A A CSurrounding Ambient Temperature in °CRGC3..2520mm 0mmTemp Current TempCurrent0°C 33.5A 0°C 37.0A 25°C 33.5A 25°C 37.0A 40°C 27.0A 40°C 30.0A 80°C 12.5A80°C17.5ARGC3_300mm20mm 051015202530354020304050607080L oa d C u r r e n t p e r p o l e i n A A C Surrounding Ambient Temperature in °C RGC3..30 20mm0mm 2480510152025303540452030L o a d C u r r e n t p e r p o l e i n A A C SurroundinRGC3..40010203040506070802030L o a d C u r r e n t p e r p o l e i n A A C Surr RGC3..65DF, DFM 010203040506070802030L o a d C u r r e n t p e r p o l e i n A A C SurroundinRGC3..65AF, AFM Note: RGC3A..AM up to 60o C Note: RGC3A..AM up to 60o C Note: RGC3A..AM up to 60o C RGC3..10RGC3..20RGC3..25RGC3..30RGC2, RGC3Derating vs. Spacing Curves51015202530354045203040506070L o a d C u r r e n t p e r p o l e i n A A C Surrounding Ambient Temperature in °CRGC3..4010mm 0mm1020304050607080L o a d C u r r e n t p e r p o l e i n A A CSurrounding Ambient Temperature in °CRGC3..65DF, DFM10mm0mm025408001020304050607080L o a d C u r r e n t p e r p o l e i n A A CSurrounding Ambient Temperature in °CRGC3..65AF, AFM10mm 0mmNote: RGC3..AF up to 60 o CNote: RGC3..AF up to 60oC RGC3..40RGC3..65DF, DFM RGC3..65AF, AFMCompatibility and conformance6, 7LVD: EN/IEC 60947-4-2, EN/IEC 60947-4-3EMCD: EN 60947-4-3UL: UL508, E172877cUL: C22.2 No. 14-13, E172877CCC, GB/T 14048.5-2017 (IEC 60947-5-1)VDE 0660-117 (DIN EN 60947-4-2), VDE 0700-1 (DIN EN 60335-1)100k Arms (refer to short circuit current section, Type 1 – UL508)6. Not applicable for RGC (48)7. Applicable only to RGC (10)Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - ImmunityEN/IEC 61000-4-28 kV air discharge, 4 kV contact (PC2)EN/IEC 61000-4-310 V/m, from 80 MHz to 1 GHz (PC1)10 V/m, from 1.4 to 2 GHz (PC1)10 V/m, from 2 to 2.7 GHz (PC1)EN/IEC 61000-4-4Output: 2 kV, 5 kHz (PC1)Input: 1 kV, 5 kHz (PC1)Signal: 1 kV, 5 kHz (PC1)Filter connection diagramFilteringNote:• Control input lines must be installed together to maintain products’ susceptability to Radio Frequency interference.• Use of AC solid state relays may, according to the application and the load current, cause conducted radio interferences. Use of mains filters may be necessary for cases where the user must meet E.M.C requirements. The capacitor values given inside the filtering specification tables should be taken only as indications, the filter attenuation will depend on the final application.• This product has been designed for Class A equipment. Use of this product in domestic environments may cause radio interference, in which case the user may be required to employ additional mitigation methods.• Surge tests on RGC..A, RGC..A..A.. models were carried out with the signal line impedence network. In case the line impedance is less than 40Ω, it is suggested that AC supply is provided through a secondary circuit where the short circuit limit between conductors or between conductors and ground is 1500 VA or less.* For conformance to EN/IEC 61000-6-4, an external capacitor class X1, 220 nF, 275 VAC is to be connected across the input control lines A1-A2 for AC control versions.** With external varistor 275 V (S05K275) Type 2 connected between terminals 22 - 21 or terminals 24 - 21.• Performance Criteria 1 (PC1): No degradation of performance or loss of function is allowed when the product is operated asintended.• Performance Criteria 2 (PC2): During the test, degradation of performance or partial loss of function is allowed. However whenthe test is complete the product should return operating as intended by itself.• Performance Criteria 3 (PC3): Temporary loss of function is allowed, provided the function can be restored by manual operation of the controls.Additional conformance to railway standardsThe declaration in this section is prepared in compliance with People’s Republic of China Electronic Industry Standard SJ/T11364-2014: Marking for the Restricted Use of Hazardous Substances in Electronic and Electrical Products.这份申明根据中华人民共和国电子工业标准SJ/T11364-2014:标注在电子电气产品中限定使用的有害物质Protection Co-ordination, Type 1 vs Type 2:Type 1 protection implies that after a short circuit, the device under test will no longer be in a functioning state. In Type 2 co-ordination the device under test will still be functional after the short circuit. In both cases, however the short circuit has to be interrupted. The fuse between enclosure and supply shall not open. The door or cover of the enclosure shall not be blown open. There shall be no damage to conductors or terminals and the conductors shall not separate from terminals. there shall be no breakage or cracking of insulating bases to the extent that the integrity of the mounting of live parts is impaired. Discharge of parts or any risk of fire shall not occur.The product variants listed in the table hereunder are suitable for use on a circuit capable of delivering not more than 100,000 Arms Symmetrical Amperes, 600 Volts maximum when protected by fuses. Tests at 100,000 A were performed with Class J fuses, fast acting; please refer to the table below for maximum allowed ampere rating of the fuse. Use fuses only.Tests with Class J fuses are representative of Class CC fuses.8. Consult a Carlo Gavazzi sales representative for use of 70 A class J fuses9. Between MCB and Load (including return path which goes back to the mains)Note: A prospective current of 6 kA and a 230 / 400 V power supply is assumed for the above suggested specifications. For cables with different cross section than those mentioned above please consult Carlo Gavazzi's Technical Support Group.RGC..M Mode of OperationThe RGC..M versions are suitable only for use with resistive loads.The ‘M’ suffix versions integrate monitoring circuitry that can detect the status of the Mains, Load, and Solid State Relay (SSR) status. The fault conditions that can be detected with the RGC..M include:- Mains loss- Load loss- SSR open circuit- SSR short circuit- SSR over temperatureAn external supply, 24 VDC or 90-250 VAC, selectable through part no. configuration, is required for the operation of the RGC..M models. In the case of a fault condition, an EMR alarm output is available through terminals 11, 12, 14 for remote indication. Alarm visual indication is provided by a flashing red LED. The flash rate of the red LED gives an indication of the type of alarm condition detected.The RGC..M is also equipped with an auxiliary output which operates in synchronisation with the output of the SSR. This electronic auxiliary output with normally open or normally closed user selectable contacts is available through terminals 21, 22, 24. A yellow LED gives indication of the SSR output status.Mains Loss:The mains loss alarm is issued if the mains voltage is missing from either terminals L1, L2 or L3 for more than 1 second. This alarm type is indicated by 2 flashes of the red LED. The alarm resets automatically once the mains voltage is restored and is present on terminals L1, L2 and/or L3 for more than 1 second. In case of mains frequency outside the specified limits, the mains loss alarm is activated. The SSR output is not affected in this condition; this means that if control is ON, the SSR output remains ON.Note 1: For the AC external supply versions (RGC..A..A), the Auxiliary output, NC (21-22) will be closed only when the external supply Us is present.Note 2: Yellow LED and hence load current is OFF only if all phases L1, L2 and L3 are missing. If any 2 phases are present and control voltage is applied, the yellow LED and auxiliary output will be ON.RGC..M Mode of Operation (continued)Load Loss:Detection of load loss is possible only with control ON. This alarm is issued in the absence of a load termination or an open load on terminals T1, T2 and/or T3 for more than 120ms. When the load loss alarm is triggered, the SSR output is not turned OFF as long as control voltage is present on the RGC..M. The fault condition is automatically restored once the fault is cleared.The RGC..M permits a total combined load and supply unbalance of 40%, where individually load unbalance shall not exceed 40% and supply unbalance shall not exceed 15%. If these limits are exceeded erratic behaviour and false alarms may be expected.Note 1: For the AC external supply versions (RGC..A..A), the Auxiliary output, NC (21-22) will be closed only when the external supply Us is present.Note 2: Yellow LED and Auxiliary output is OFF if all the loads connected to the 3 poles T1, T2 and T3 are missing.Note 3: The Load loss alarm will reset only with control ON.RGC..M Mode of Operation (continued)SSR Short Circuit:This condition is detected when the SSR output remains ON for more than 250 ms without control voltage. Upon this alarm, an attempt is made to switch OFF the SSR output but this may not be possible in case of a damaged SSR output(s). Alarm indication is given by 3 flashes of the red LED (same as the load loss alarm indication). In case of a self recovery, the SSR will automatically reset.During an SSR short circuit condition, the SSR output is ON unintentionally. In this case the auxiliary output does not work in synchronisation with the SSR output.Note 1: For the AC external supply versions (RGC..A..A), the Auxiliary output, NC (21-22) will be closed only when the external supply Us is present.RGC..M Mode of Operation (continued)SSR Open Circuit:This alarm is issued when either one of the poles or all 3 poles do not switch ON within 250 ms when control voltage is applied. This alarm type is identified by 4 flashes of the red LED. In the case of an open circuit on only 1 pole the load will switch on 2 phases. The alarm output remains active (with control ON) until the alarm condition is removed.Note 1: For the AC external supply versions (RGC..A..A), the Auxiliary output, NC (21-22) will be closed only when the external supply Us is present.Note 2: Yellow LED and Auxiliary output is OFF if all the loads connected to the 3 poles T1, T2 and T3 are missing.RGC..M Mode of Operation (continued)SSR Over Temperature:The SSR is equipped with internal temperature monitoring to prevent SSR damage in case of overheating conditions. Upon detection of such a condition the SSR output is switched OFF and an alarm is issued accordingly. This alarm is visually indicated by the red LED which is fully ON. Once the temperature cools down, the alarm is cleared and if control is still ON an attempt to re-start the SSR is made.Note 1: For the AC external supply versions (RGC..A..A), the Auxiliary output, NC (21-22) will be closed only when the external supply Us is present.LED indicatorsAlarm managementDimensionsRGC2..25KKE, RGC3..20KKERGC2..10KKE, RGC3..10KKEHousing width tolerance +0.5mm, -0mm as per DIN 43880. All other tolerances +/- 0.5mm.Dimensions in mm.DimensionsRGC2..25GKE.M, RGC3..20GKE.MRGC3..25KKEHousing width tolerance +0.5mm, -0mm as per DIN 43880. All other tolerances +/- 0.5mm.RGC2..40KGE, RGC3..30KGEDimensionsRGC3..25GKE.MHousing width tolerance +0.5mm, -0mm as per DIN 43880. All other tolerances +/- 0.5mm.DimensionsRGC3..40GGE.FHousing width tolerance +0.5mm, -0mm as per DIN 43880.All other tolerances +/- 0.5mm.RGC2..40GGE.M, RGC3..30GGE.MRGC2..75GGE.., RGC3..65GGE..DimensionsHousing width tolerance +0.5mm, -0mm as per DIN 43880. All other tolerances +/- 0.5mm.Dimensions in mm.DimensionsHousing width tolerance +0.5mm, -0mm as per DIN 43880.All other tolerances +/- 0.5mm.RGC3..48GGE.MRGC2..10, RGC2..25, RGC2..40 RGC3..10, RGC3..20,RGC3..25, RGC3..30RGC2..25..DM, RGC2..40..DMRGC3..20..DM, RGC3..25..DM,RGC3..30..DMRGC2..25..AM, RGC2..40..AMRGC3..20..AM, RGC3..25..AM,RGC3..30..AMRGC2..75..DFRGC3..40..DF, RGC3..65..DF RGC2..75..AFRGC3..40..AF, RGC3..65..AFRGC2..75..DFM RGC2..75..AFMTerminals labelling:1/L1, 2/L2, 3/L3:Mains connections2/T1, 4/T2, 6/T3:Load connectionsA1 (+):Positive control signalA2 (-):Control groundUs (+):External supply positive signal Us (-):External supply groundUs (~):AC external supplyUf (+):Fan supply positive signal(no connection required byend user)Uf (-):Fan supply ground(no connection required byend user)12:Alarm EMR, normally closed 14:Alarm EMR, normally open 11:Alarm EMR, common terminal 22:Auxiliary output, normallyclosed24:Auxiliary output, normallyopen21:Auxiliary output, commonterminalConnections to Uf+, Uf- are provided readily termi-nated by manufacturer. However, in case of need-ed user intervention on terminals Uf+, Uf- for the RGC..A..AF and RGC..A..AFM models, the mains supply has to be turned off first to avoid risk of elec-Terminal layoutN246Connection DiagramVersions: RGC..D..DM, RGC..D..DFMAuxiliary output signal 24 VDC, 50 mA; DC control, Uc (5-32 VDC); DC external supply, Us (24 VDC)to PLCGndpull‐downresistor22NCAUX O/P24NOAUX O/Uf-FANUf+FAN+24Vdc24VDCP21COMAUX O/PAUs-SUPPLYUs+SUPPLY12NCALARM14NOALARMA2-CONTRO5‐32VDC11COMALARMOLA1+CONTROLGnd22NCAUX O/P24NOAUX O/Uf-FANUf+FANto PLC+24Vdcpull‐upresistor24VDCP21COMAUX O/P AUs-SUPPLYUs+SUPPLY12NCALARM14NOALARMA2-CONTRO5‐32VDC11COMALARMOLA1+CONTROLConnection of normally open auxiliary output (24-21) ina ‘pnp’ styleConnection of normally open auxiliary output (24-21) inan ‘npn’ styleVersions: RGC..D..AM, RGC..D..AFMAuxiliary output signal 24 VDC, 50 mA; DC control, Uc (5-32 VDC); AC external supply, Us (90-250 VAC) to PLCGndpull‐downresistor22NCAUX O/P24NOAUX O/Uf-FANUf+FAN+24Vdc90‐250P21COMAUX O/PAUs~SUPPLY0VAC12NCALARM14NOALARMA2-CONTROUs~SUPPLY5‐32VDC11COMALARMOLA1+CONTROLGnd22NCAUX O/P24NOAUX O/Uf-FANUf+FANto PLC+24Vdcpull‐upresistor90‐250P21COMAUX O/P AUs~SUPPLY0VAC12NCALARM14NOALARMA2-CONTROUs~SUPPLY5‐32VDC11COMALARMOLA1+CONTROL Connection of normally open auxiliary output (24-21) in Connection of normally open auxiliary output (24-21) in Connection configuration for auxiliary output。
Aspen Sierra TLSO 调节器说明书
bien ajusté puis attachezle à nouveau. B. Les différentes tailles figurent uniquement à titre de référence. Réglez le dispositif selon vos besoins afin qu’il soit
SEITLICHE BEMESSUNG Fügen Sie Platten hinzu oder entfernen Sie diese, um eine geeignete Größe zu erhalten.
DIMENSIONAMENTO DEL PANNELLO LATERALE Aggiungi o rimuovi pannelli per la misura appropriata.
REGOLAZIONE DELLE MISURE A. Per regolare la misura dell'Aspen Sierra TLSO, staccare l'estremità interna del pannello laterale su ciascun
RÉGLAGE DE LA TAILLE A. Pour modifier la taille de votre Aspen Sierra TLSO, décollez l’extrémité interne du panneau latéral de chaque côté. Réglez
PLACEMENT & ADJUSTMENT A. Center the back panel as low
JSV4000 Series 2-way hot water and steam solenoid valves are internally piloted. They feature brass and 316 stainless steel construction, and PTFE seal material. The temperature range of 0 to 182°C (32 to 360°F) and the PTFE O-ring make these valves ideal for media such as hot water and steam.A strain-relief connector is supplied with each unit. A ¹⁄₂" conduit plug is also available.SPECIFICATIONSMounting Position: Any (preferably with solenoid system upright)Maximum Process Temperature: 60 to 182°C (140 to 360°F) PTFE O-ring Maximum Ambient Temperature: Coil dependent (see ratings on coils)Voltage Tolerance: ±10% AC, ±5% DC Opening Time (ms):Approximately 100 to 200 Closing Time (ms): Approximately 200 to 1200Cycling Rate: Approximately 60 cpm Duty Cycle: Continuous (100%)Coil Molding Material:Black Polyphenylensulphide (Class H):SV8COIL-115/60 HZ SV8COIL-220/60 HZBlack Epoxy Resin (Class H): All 14 W coils, NEMA 4U N ormally Closed or Normally Open U I deal for Hot Water and SteamU 8 W, AC Coils Standard U 14 W, DC Coils Also AvailableOMEGA-FLO ®2-WAy HOt WAtEr And StEAM SOLEnOid VALVESSV4002A shownsmaller than actual size.SV4003A-NO shown smaller than actual size.SV4000A SeriesSV4003A-SS shown smaller than actual size.OMEGA-FLO ® 2-Way Hot Water and Steam Solenoid ValvesF EDBC AF EDAC BSV4002 (NO and NC)SV4002-SSACBF EDFE BCDADimensions for SV4003 and SV4004 (NO and NC)Dimensions for SV4003-SS and SV4004-SSJOrdering Examples: SV4002A , 1⁄2 NPT normally closed valve for 7⁄16" orifice. SV4004A-NO , 1 NPT normally open valve for 1"s orifice.Maximum operating pressure differential.shown smaller than actual size.。
Camozzi 产品:Series NA 阀门和 solved 阀门说明书
Series NA valves and solenoid valves
3/2 - 5/2 - 5/3-way CC CO CP with holes configured according NAMUR standards
Mod. NA64N-11-02 NA74N-11-02 NA84N-11-02
Symbol EV28 EV32 EV36
5/2-way pneumatic valve, bistable
Mod. NA54N-33
Products designed for industrial applications. General terms and conditions for sale are available on .
3/2-way solenoid valve NC and NO
Mod. NA34N-15-02 NA44N-15-02
NA 5
Belimo F750-150SHP 冷暖水控制阀说明书
F750-150SHP•Reinforced Teflon Seat, 316 Stainless SteelType overviewType DNF750-150SHP50 Technical dataFunctional data Valve Size2" [50]Fluid chilled or hot water, up to 60% glycolFluid Temp Range (water)-22...400°F [-30...204°C]Body Pressure Rating ANSI Class 150Close-off pressure ∆ps285 psiFlow characteristic modified linear, unidirectionalServicing maintenance-freeFlow Pattern3-way Mixing/DivertingLeakage rate0%Controllable flow range quarter turn, mechanically limitedCv102Maximum Velocity32 FPSLug threads5/8-11 UNCMaterials Valve body Carbon steel full lug (ASME B16.34)Stem17-4 PH stainless steelSeat RPTFEPipe connection ASME/ANSI class 150 flangeBearing glass backed PTFEDisc316 stainless steelGland Seal TFESuitable actuators Non-Spring(2*GMB(X))PRB(X)GMB(X)Electrical fail-safe(2*GKB(X))PKRB(X)Safety notesWARNING: This product can expose you to lead which is known to the State of California tocause cancer and reproductive harm. For more information go to F750-150SHP Product featuresFlow/Mounting detailsDimensionsType DNF750-150SHP50A B C D E F Number of Bolt Holes11.5" [293]9.5" [241]15.5" [393]12.5" [318]6.5" [165]4.5" [114]42*GM/2*GKA B C D E F Number of Bolt Holes17.0" [433]9.3" [235]14.8" [375]11.8" [300]6.3" [160]4.5" [114]42*GMA B C D E F Number of Bolt Holes19.5" [495]9.2" [234]16.8" [426]13.8" [350]6.3" [160]4.5" [114]4A B C D E F Number of Bolt Holes11.3" [286]9.2" [234]15.5" [393]12.5" [318]6.3" [160]4.5" [114]4PRA B C D E F Number of Bolt Holes13.0" [330]9.2" [234]14.8" [375]11.8" [300]6.3" [160]4.5" [114]4PKA B C D E F Number of Bolt Holes14.1" [358]9.2" [234]16.8" [426]13.8" [350]6.3" [160]4.5" [114]4Modulating, Non-Spring Return, 24 V, Multi-Function Technology®Technical dataElectrical dataNominal voltageAC/DC 24 V Nominal voltage frequency 50/60 HzNominal voltage rangeAC 19.2...28.8 V / DC 21.6...28.8 V Power consumption in operation 4.5 W Power consumption in rest position 1.5 W Transformer sizing 7 VAElectrical Connection 18 GA plenum cable, 1 m, with 1/2" conduit connector (3 m and 5 m available)Overload Protectionelectronic throughout 0...95° rotation Functional dataTorque motor 40 Nm Operating range Y 2...10 VOperating range Y note 4...20 mA w/ ZG-R01 (500 Ω, 1/4 W resistor)Input Impedance100 kΩ for 2...10 V (0.1 mA), 500 Ω for 4...20 mA, 1500 Ω for PWM, On/Off and Floating point Operating range Y variable Start point 0.5...30 V End point 2.5...32 VOperating modes optional variable (VDC, on/off, floating point)Position feedback U 2...10 V Position feedback U note Max. 0.5 mA Position feedback U variable VDC variableDirection of motion motor selectable with switch 0/1Manual override external push button Angle of rotation Max. 95°Angle of rotation note adjustable with mechanical stop Running Time (Motor)150 s / 90°Running time motor variable 90...150 s Noise level, motor 45 dB(A)Position indicationMechanically, 30...65 mm stroke Safety dataPower source ULClass 2 Supply Degree of protection IEC/EN IP54Degree of protection NEMA/UL NEMA 2Enclosure UL Enclosure Type 2Agency ListingcULus acc. to UL60730-1A/-2-14, CAN/CSA E60730-1:02CE acc. to 2014/30/EU and 2014/35/EU Quality Standard ISO 9001UL 2043 CompliantSuitable for use in air plenums per Section 300.22(C) of the NEC and Section 602 of the IMCAmbient humidity Max. 95% RH, non-condensing Ambient temperature -22...122°F [-30...50°C]Storage temperature-40...176°F [-40...80°C]FootnotesSafety dataServicing maintenance-free Weight Weight4.9 lb [2.2 kg]MaterialsHousing material Galvanized steel and plastic housing†Rated Impulse Voltage 800V, Type action 1, Control Pollution Degree 3.AccessoriesElectrical accessoriesDescriptionType Battery backup system, for non-spring return models NSV24 US Battery, 12 V, 1.2 Ah (two required)NSV-BAT Service Tool, with ZIP-USB function, for programmable andcommunicative Belimo actuators, VAV controller and HVAC performance devicesZTH USElectrical installationINSTALLATION NOTESActuators with appliance cables are numbered.Provide overload protection and disconnect as required.Actuators may also be powered by DC 24 V.Only connect common to negative (-) leg of control circuits.A 500 Ω resistor (ZG-R01) converts the 4...20 mA control signal to 2...10 V.Control signal may be pulsed from either the Hot (Source) or Common (Sink) 24 V line.For triac sink the Common connection from the actuator must be connected to the Hotconnection of the controller. Position feedback cannot be used with a triac sink controller; theactuator internal common reference is not compatible.IN4004 or IN4007 diode. (IN4007 supplied, Belimo part number 40155).Actuators may be controlled in parallel. Current draw and input impedance must be observed.Master-Slave wiring required for piggy-back applications. Feedback from Master to controlinput(s) of Slave(s).Meets cULus requirements without the need of an electrical ground connection.Warning! Live electrical components!During installation, testing, servicing and troubleshooting of this product, it may be necessary to work with live electrical components. Have a qualified licensed electrician or other individual who has been properly trained in handling live electrical components perform these tasks. Failure to follow all electrical safety precautions when exposed to live electrical components could result in death or serious injury.Wiring diagrams On/OffFloating PointVDC/mA Control PWM ControlOverride Control Primary - Secondary。
Belimo NRFA-O 电动旋转阀控制器说明书
NRFA-O ArrayRotary actuator with fail-safe for ball valves• Torque motor 10 Nm• Nominal voltage AC 24...240 V /DC 24...125 V• Control Open/close• Deenergised open (NO)Technical dataElectrical data Nominal voltage AC 24...240 V / DC 24...125 VNominal voltage frequency50/60 HzNominal voltage range AC 19.2...264 V / DC 21.6...137.5 VPower consumption in operation 6 WPower consumption in rest position 2.5 WPower consumption for wire sizing9.5 VAConnection supply / control Cable 1 m, 2 x 0.75 mm²Parallel operation Yes (note the performance data)Functional data Torque motor10 NmTorque fail-safe10 NmDirection of motion fail-safe Deenergised NO, valve open (A – AB = 100%)Manual override by means of hand crank and locking switchRunning time motor75 s / 90°Running time fail-safe<20 s @ -20...50°C / <60 s @ -30°CSound power level, motor45 dB(A)Position indication MechanicalService life Min. 60'000 fail-safe positionsSafety data Protection class IEC/EN II, reinforced insulationProtection class UL II, reinforced insulationDegree of protection IEC/EN IP54Degree of protection NEMA/UL NEMA 2Enclosure UL Enclosure Type 2EMC CE according to 2014/30/EULow voltage directive CE according to 2014/35/EUCertification IEC/EN IEC/EN 60730-1 and IEC/EN 60730-2-14UL Approval cULus according to UL60730-1A, UL60730-2-14and CAN/CSA E60730-1The UL marking on the actuator depends onthe production site, the device is UL-compliantin any caseType of action Type 1.AARated impulse voltage supply / control4 kVPollution degree3Ambient humidity Max. 95% RH, non-condensingAmbient temperature-30...50°C [-22...122°F]Storage temperature-40...80°C [-40...176°F]Servicing maintenance-freeWeight Weight 2.0 kg•••••••Mode of operationSimple direct mountingManual overrideAdjustable angle of rotationHigh functional reliabilityWire colours:1 = blue 2 = brownThis device has been designed for use in stationary heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems and must not be used outside the specified field of application, especially in aircraft or in any other airborne means of transport.Outdoor application: only possible in case that no (sea) water, snow, ice, insolation or aggressive gases interfere directly with the device and that it is ensured that the ambient conditions remain within the thresholds according to the data sheet at any time.Caution: Power supply voltage!Only authorised specialists may carry out installation. All applicable legal or institutional installation regulations must be complied during installation.The device may only be opened at the manufacturer's site. It does not contain any parts that can be replaced or repaired by the user.Cables must not be removed from the device.The device contains electrical and electronic components and must not be disposed of as household refuse. All locally valid regulations and requirements must be observed.Product featuresThe actuator is equipped with a universal power supply module that can utilise supply voltages of AC 24...240 V and DC 24...125V.The actuator moves the valve to the operating position at the same time as tensioning thereturn spring. The valve is turned back to the fail-safe position by spring force when the supply voltage is interrupted.Simple direct mounting on the ball valve with only one screw. The mounting orientation in relation to the ball valve can be selected in 90° steps.By using the hand crank the valve can be operated manually and engaged with the locking switch at any position. Unlocking is carried out manually or automatically by applying the operating voltage.Adjustable angle of rotation with mechanical end stops.The actuator is overload protected, requires no limit switches and automatically stops when the end stop is reached.Electrical installationCaution: Power supply voltage!Parallel connection of other actuators possible. Observe the performance data.Wiring diagramsAC 24...240 V / DC 24...125 V, open/closeFurther documentation• The complete product range for water applications• Data sheets for ball valves• Installation instructions for actuators and/or ball valves• General notes for project planning。
1. 产品简介:
2. 使用方法:
(1) 将消毒柜放置在通风良好的地方,并确保与电源插座连接。
(2) 打开消毒柜的门,将待消毒的物品放置在设备内部的底
(3) 关闭消毒柜的门,按下开关按钮启动消毒程序。
(4) 消毒时间根据不同的物品而定,一般在15-30分钟之间。
(5) 消毒完成后,打开消毒柜的门取出消毒好的物品。
3. 注意事项:
(1) 在使用消毒柜之前,请确保电源插座的电压与设备标识
(2) 在操作过程中,请勿将手指或其他物体伸入消毒柜内部,以免引起意外伤害。
(3) 请勿将易燃、易爆或化学性物品放置在消毒柜内。
(4) 使用过程中请勿强行打开消毒柜的门,以免影响消毒效
(5) 请勿使用不合适的清洁剂或物品清洁消毒柜的内部和外部。
4. 清洁与保养:
(1) 在使用消毒柜之前,请确保内部和外部表面干净,以确保消毒效果。
(2) 使用过程中,建议定期清洁消毒柜的内部,可以使用温和的清洁剂和湿布进行清洁。
(3) 如果外部出现污渍,请使用温和的清洁剂和湿布擦拭。
Nailor Industries D30RE-1 单体供暖设备说明书
of the terminal unit in an insulated extended plenum section. Total length of the casing including heater terminal is only 31" (787), providing a compact, easy to handle unit. Freight costs are therefore also reduced. The unique inclined opposed blade damper design provides improved and more even airflow over the coil elements compared with round butterfly damper designs, which helps to minimize air stratification, avoid nuisance tripping of the thermal cut-outs and maximize heat pick-up.
7 8 9 10 12 14 16 24 x 16
95 – 800 (45 – 378) 125 – 1100 (59 – 519) 165 – 1400 (78 – 661) 215 – 1840 (101 – 868) 290 – 2500 (137 – 1180) 360 – 3125 (170 – 1475) 430 – 3725 (203 – 1758) 960 – 8330 (453 – 3931)
Nailor Industries Inc. 感冻水暖气终端机(DOAS)产品说明说明书
1 3/4" (44)
FLA = Full load amperage. All motors are single phase/60 Hz.
q 1" (25) Throwaway.
q LH Controls enclosure
q 2" (51) Pleated MERV 8. q Toggle disconnect switch
q HCAI (formerly OSHPD, California) q Special Features: _____________ .
Page 1 of 3; For heat options; see page 2. Dimensions are in inches (mm).
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火焰 4 分钟内熄火 5 次(是指连续5 次在刚进入燃烧状态 4 分钟内丧失火 闭锁
温度传感器检测(正常燃烧持续 30s 后,采暖传感器和卫浴水传感器温升均 闭锁
不超过 3℃)
采暖温度传感器故障(采暖 NTC 开路、短路或连线松脱、短路)
PCB 或者电磁阀断线故障
10 9
10 9 8
10 9 8 7 6 5
卫浴水温度传感器故障(卫浴水 NTC 开路、短路或连线松脱、短路)
管道开关故障 (管道开关异常或连线松脱)
室外温度传感器故障(室外 NTC 开路﹑短路或连线松脱﹑ 短路)
水箱温度传感器故障(水箱 NTC 开路﹑短路或连线松脱﹑ 短路)
太阳能温度传感器故障(太阳能 NTC 开路﹑短路或连线松脱﹑ 短路) 自动恢复
序号 显示说明
定时时段标志。把一天 24 小时分成 48 个时段(每半小时一个时段),与定时功能标志同时
12 燃烧功率显示。燃烧状态时,显示当前燃烧功率。
13 水泵运行标志。水泵运行时点亮。
14 冬季模式标志。冬季模式时点亮。
15 夏季模式标志。夏季模式时点亮。
16 地暖模式标志。选择地暖模式时点亮,否则熄灭。
17 水箱连接标志。水箱连接时点亮。
用户姓名: 用户地址: 调试机型: 经销公司:
电话 机器序号
购买日 电话:
用户姓名: 用户地址: 调试机型: 经销公司:
电话 机器序号
EMAIL:ຫໍສະໝຸດ 燃气购买日 电话:
用户姓名: 用户地址: 调试机型: 经销公司:
电话 机器序号
10 采暖标志。冬季模式并且没有加热连接水箱时点亮,设置采暖目标温度时闪烁。
11 温度,故障及菜单显示。设置采暖目标温度时闪烁显示采暖目标温度,设置卫浴目标温
18 太阳能连接标志。太阳能连接时点亮。
设定 水箱
太阳能 地暖 冬夏 复位 开关
采暖调节 旋扭
生活热水 调节旋扭
A02 A03
F05 F10 F11 F12 F13 F14 F15 F37 F41 F50
点火失败故障 (三次点火均失败 ,燃气阀打不开 ,火焰检测线松脱或火焰 闭锁
室外温度显示。在已经连接室外温度探头并在主控板上配置相应的设置的 情况下,显示当
室内温度显示。在连接了 OT 温控器时,显示 OT 温控器测得到房间温度,否则显示系统内
代码 P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07
参数说明 供暖加热梯度 供暖最大功率 点火功率 生活热水最大功率 最小功率 水箱回差温度 太阳能回差温度
可调范围 1~20℃/分 0~100% 0~60% 0~100% 0~100% 1~10 1~10
系统默认值 5 60 23 60 17 2 5
购买日 电话:
用户姓名: 用户地址: 调试机型: 经销公司:
电话 机器序号
购买日 电话: