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ni cs,,

工艺卡片process chart / operation card,,

工艺改进Improveme nt of pain ti ng tech no logy,,

工艺参数tech no logical parameter,, 工件workpiece,,

工作人员钥匙Crew Key,,

工作风缸Application reservoir,,

工况operati ng mode,,


工时man-hour,, 工具箱toolbox,, 广播Broadcast,, 弓头Pan to,, 门未闭锁指示器“doorunlocked ” indicators,,

门关好指示Door o.k. indicator,, 门页Door Leaves,, 门页上方操纵器Overhead Door Operator,, 门扶手

Door grab han dle,, 门把手Door han dle,,


门状态显示Door status indicator,,

门运动Door moveme nt,,

门板doorpa nel,, 门的中间夹层The core of the door ,, 门柱door posts,,

门重开re-ope ning of the door,, 门面板The door leaf pan el,, 门控功能Door con trol fun cti on ,, 门隔离Door isolatio n,, 门槛Tread faceplate,, 门操纵装置door operator,, 不锈钢管stainless pipe,, 中央控制单元CCU (center control unit),, 中立位Neutral pos.,, 中间车In termediate car,, 中间继电器In termediate relay,, 中继阀mid-relay valve,, 中继阀relay valve,, 中继阀Mid-relay valve,, 云母带Mica-paper tape,, 互操作性In teroperability,, 内外蒙皮in ter nal and exter nal skin s,, 内部天花板Interior ceiling,, 内燃机车Diesel locomotive,,

分水滤尘器water filter,,

分布式系统Distributed system,, 分配阀distributor valve,, 切害9 In cisio n,,


璃double glazed vacuum safety glass,,, 双针压力表double point air meter,,, 双针速度表Duplex speedometer,,, 反馈信号feedback signal,,, 天线Antenn a,,,

太阳辐射强度Solar intesive,,,

少胶绝缘系统Poor-adhesive insulation system,,, 开门door ope n,,,

开门时间Opening time,,,

开发及应用Research and application,,, 开关元件Switch element,,, 手柄manual han dle,,, 支撑电容DC link capacitor,, 无火机车Dead loco.,,,

无线电台主机Radio telephone set,,, 无线电设备radio equipment,,, 无缝钢管seamless pipe,,,

无缝钢管seamless steel tube,,, 气动的Pn eumatic,,, 气隙Air gap,,, 水密性试验Water tight test,,, 水密性试验Water tighness test,,, 火灾报警系统FAS,, 计算黏着系数Calculation adhesion factor,, 车门用风缸Air reservoir for doors,, 车门系统Door System,,, 车内照明interior lighting,,, 车长阀Con ductor value,,, 车体carbody,,, 车体最大高度Maximal height of car,,, 车床Mach ine

tool,,, 车顶Roof,, 车顶门Roof hatch 车顶布置紧凑型空调单

元roof-mo un ted compact A/C unit 车顶穿墙套管Roof-bushing with HV cable 车顶骨架Roof skelet on 车钩coupler 车门用风缸Air reservoir for doors

车门系统Door System 车内照明interior lighting 车长阀Con ductor value 车体carbody 车体最大高度Maximal height of car 车床Mach ine tool 车顶Roof 车顶门Roof hatch


元roof-mo un ted compact A/C unit 车顶穿墙套管Roof-bushing with HV cable 车顶骨架Roof skelet on 车钩coupler

车钩端面的总长Total length over Couplers 车辆

Rolli ng Stock

车辆信息Vehicle information

车辆总线Multifu nction vehicle bus (MVB) 车辆维修Vehicle maintenance 风压继电器Air pressure relay

风缸air reservoir 风道Air duct 风道继电器An emo relay

风量Air volume 风管Air duct 主风缸mai n reservoir 主司机控制器Master controller 主电路
