project quality management(项目品质管理)
Project Quality ManagementThe project Quality Management knowledge area assures that the project meets the requirements that the project was undertaken to produce. These processes measure overall performance, and monitor projects results and compare them to the quality standards set out in the project planning process to assure that the customer will receive the product or service they thought they purchased. Project Quality Management is composed of the following three processes: Quality Planning, Quality Assurance, and Quality Control. The PMBOK defines quality as the totality of characteristics of an entity that bear on its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs. Stated and implied needs are the inputs to developing project requirements. A critical aspect of quality management in the project context is turning implied needs into requirements through Project Scope Management. It is important to recognize the difference between quality and grade. Grade is defined by the PMBOK as a category or rank given to entities having the same functional use but different technical characteristics. Low quality is always a problem, but low grade may not be. The project manager and team must determine and deliver the required levels of quality and grade. One important area that the PMBOK emphasizes is the growing attention to customer requirements as the basis for managing quality. Much of this discussion is similar to what is covered in contemporary course offerings. Another concept that may appear on the test, which is not specifically mentioned in the PMBOK, is "gold-plating." Simply defined, gold-plating is giving the customer more than what was required. Exceeding the specified requirements is a waste of time and money, with no value added to the project. The customer should expect and receive exactly what was specified. This is the underlying philosophy of project quality management espoused by PMI; it is the process required to ensure that the project will satisfy the needs for which it was undertaken. Quality Management The PMBOK definition is similar to Crosby's definition in Quality is Free. According to the PMBOK, quality management includes all activities of the overall management function that determine the quality policy, objectives, and responsibilities, and implements them by means such as quality planning, quality assurance, quality control, and quality improvement within the quality system. Quality management involves carrying out a project through itsPMPTOOLS e-book – All rights reserved 2002PMP EXAMCRAMphases (for example, concept, development, implementation, and finish) with zero deviations from the project specifications. Policies, plans, procedures, specifications, and requirements are attained through the sub functions of quality assurance and quality control.Quality PlanningThe PMBOKdefines quality planning as "identifying which quality standards are relevant to the project and determining how to satisfy them". Also remember a fundamental tenet of modern thinking about project quality management-quality should be planned in, not inspected in! Therefore, although inspection is certainly part of project quality management, increased inspection is not generally considered the best path to improved quality. So hiring more inspectors would not be the correct answer to the question, "What is the best way to improve quality?"Quality PolicyPMI stresses the importance of having a quality policy for the project. Quality policy is defined as the overall intentions and direction of an organization with regard to quality as formally expressed by top management. If the performing organization lacks a formal quality policy or if the project has multiple organizations involved, the project team must develop a quality policy for the project.Quality Planning Tools and TechniquesPMI discusses five quality planning tools and techniques. Benefit/cost analysis: Benefit/cost analysis must be considered in the quality planning process. The primary benefit of meeting quality requirements is less rework; the primary cost is the expense associated with project quality management activities. Benchmarking. Benchmarking involves comparing actual or planned project activities to those of other projects to generate ideas for improvement and to provide a standard by which to measure performance. Some people have described this process as a search for "best practices." Flowcharting: Flowcharts are diagrams that show how various elements of a system relate. (See the description of the types of flowcharts in the quality control tools section). Here, PMI also includese-book – All rights reserved 2002-2-PMP EXAMCRAMoCause-and-effect diagrams (also called Ishikawa diagrams or fishbone diagrams), which illustrate how various causes and subcauses relate to create potential problems or effects(Cause and Effect Diagram) System or process flowcharts, which show the interrelated elements Design of experiments: This is an analytical technique that helps identify which variables have the most influence on the overall outcome. For example, designers might want to determine which combination of suspension and tires will produce the most desirable ride characteristics at a reasonable cost. Or, project planners could design experiments to determine the optimal combination of senior and junior level staff given cost and time constraints. Cost of quality: One major area of emphasis is the concept of cost of quality, which refers to the total cost of all efforts to achieve product/service quality. It is defined as the cost of conformance-the cost of proactive quality processes-and the cost of nonconformance the cost of a quality failure. In either form, cost of quality is a results oriented approach to measuring and assessing the effectiveness and/or benefit of an organization's project quality management process. It is a useful means of bringing management's attention to the need for quality, but it provides little meaningful capability to manage quality proactively. oTypes of CostsThere are three types of costs incurred. Be able to recognize examples of each: prevention costs and appraisal costs, which are the cost of conformance, and failure costs, which are the cost of nonconformance.e-book – All rights reserved 2002-3-PMP EXAMCRAMCost of Conformance Prevention costs: Up-front costs oriented toward the satisfaction of customer requirements: o Design reviews o Training and indoctrination o Planning o Vendor, supplier, and subcontractor surveys o Process studies Appraisal costs: Costs associated with the evaluation of the product or the process to see whether customer requirements were met: o Product inspections o Lab tests o Vendor controls o In-process testing o Internal/external design reviewsCost of Nonconformance (Failure Costs) Internal failure costs: Costs associated with the failure of the processes to make the products acceptable to the customer before the products leave the control of the organization: o Scrap o Rework o Repair o Downtime o Defect evaluation o Corrective actions External failure costs: Costs associated with the determination by the customer that requirements have not been satisfied: o Customer returns o Customer complaints o Customer inspections o Customer visits to resolve quality complaints o Corrective actionsKey Quality Planning Outputs The quality management plan describes the quality management system: the organizational structure, responsibilities, procedures, processes, and resources needed to implement quality management. Operational definitions describe what something is and how the quality control process measures it. They may also be called metrics.e-book – All rights reserved 2002-4-PMP EXAMCRAMChecklists are outputs of quality planning that are used to verify that a set of required steps has been performed. Completed checklists (an output of quality control) should be part of the project's records.Quality AssuranceQuality assurance is a managerial function that addresses all the planned and systematic activities implemented within the quality system to provide confidence that the project will satisfy the relevant quality standards. As defined by the PMBOK, quality assurance is fundamentally a reactive process. The following issues and concepts fall under quality assurance: Formative Quality Evaluation (Quality Audit): This is a process of reviewing specific data at key points of the project's life cycle. The quality audit is a quality assurance tool and technique that serves as a structured review of quality management activities. Its objective is to identify lessons learned that can be used to improve performance on this project or on other projects in the organization. Quality Improvement: Quality improvement is the output of quality assurance and includes taking actions to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the project to provide added benefit to the project stakeholders. This may require the use of change requests or corrective action. Ownership of Quality Responsibility: The individual employee performing the task has ultimate responsibility. Self-Inspection: The individual performing a given task also performs measurements to ensure that conformance is continually achieved. Quality ControlQuality control is a technical function that involves establishing the technical baseline for the project and then collecting specific data by which to measure conformance to that baseline. Specifically, the PMBOK defines quality control as "monitoring specific project results to determine if they comply with relevant quality standards and identifying ways to eliminate causes of unsatisfactory performance". Included below are some important terms and concepts associated with quality control. Variable: A quality characteristic that is measurable in increments. Examples are diameter measured in inches, cooking time measured in minutes, and weight measured in pounds. Attribute: A quality characteristic that is classified as either conforming or nonconforming to specifications or requirements. It results in a go or no-go decision. Probability. An important concept in quality control is that of probability. In its simplest form, probability refers to the chance that something will happen.e-book – All rights reserved 2002-5-PMP EXAMCRAMFor attributes, this is easily segregated into a "yes-no" outcome. As an example, in flipping a coin there is a 50 percent probability of getting "heads" on any single flip. For variables, probability is a more complicated concept. We measure the occurrences of an event or characteristic, and distribute them over the entire range of the characteristic. Such a distribution is formally called a probability distribution. The most common probability distribution has a bell shape and is symmetric about its mean; it is known as a normal distribution or a bell curve. A population is the entire group of items or occurrences that we might wish to measure. Because populations can be very large, however, we often sample the population, using a smaller group to get a picture of the larger group. Standard Deviation: In measuring samples and comparing them to their overall population, one important concept is that of standard deviation. Simply defined, the standard deviation is the amount on either side of the mean of a normal distribution that will contain approximately 68.3 percent of the total population. The amount within two standard deviations will include 95.5 percent, and within three standard deviations will include 99.7 percent of the population. We use the character sigma, a, to denote the standard deviation of an entire population. Calculating standard deviation is complex. Most automated quality control packages include the provision to calculate standard deviation and other statistically important values. In fact, most pocket calculators available today can also provide this value for a series of discrete observations of a variable characteristic. Process Control: Building on the statistical concepts we have just discussed, the PMBOK emphasizes process control as an important means of managing quality. Key to this concept is the idea of statistical process control (SPC) and its main tool, control charts, commonly called SPC charts. A SPC chart will show you the current capability of the process-what is called voice of the process in some courses and recent publications. The important point to remember about SPC charts is that there are many different types you may use, depending on the characteristic you are measuring and its variability. Sampling: Sampling is a useful means of assessing the value of a characteristic when examining an entire population is not feasible. There are two main types of sampling.e-book – All rights reserved 2002-6-PMP EXAMCRAMooAttribute sampling is the examination of one or more attributes in a lot. A limit of acceptability is established for the entire lot. For example, we may consider a "lot" of 10,000 parts. A random sample of 150 is selected for examination. For that sample, the acceptance number is 3, meaning that if more than 3 parts are found to be defective; the entire lot of 10,000 will be rejected. You can conduct single-attribute sampling, double-attribute sampling, multipleattribute sampling, or sequential attribute sampling (singleattribute sampling performed sequentially on the same lot for different attributes). Variable sampling provides a more dynamic approach to sampling. This is the basis for creating control charts, where a process variable is measured and charted to determine process capability. Variable sampling may also be used to estimate the fraction of a lot that is nonconforming, and thus to make decisions about further inspection or use of the lot.Quality Control ToolsThere are seven main quality control tools (often called the basic seven tools). Flowcharts and Diagrams (Tools 1 and 2) Flowcharts permit you to examine and understand relationships in a process or project. They show how various elements of a system interrelate. They provide a step-by-step schematic or picture that serves to create a common language, ensure common understanding about sequence, and focus collective attention on shared concerns. Flowcharts are used in all three of the quality management processes. Several different types of flowcharts are particularly useful in the continuous improvement process. Three frequently used charts are the top-down flowchart, the detailed flowchart, and the work-flow diagram. The top-down flowchart presents only the major or most fundamental steps in a process or project. It helps you or your team to easily visualize the process in a single, simple flow diagram. Key value-added actions associated with each major activity are listed below their respective flow diagram steps. You can construct a top-down flowchart fairly quickly and easily. You generally do so before attempting to produce detailed flowcharts for a process. By limiting the top-down flowchart to significant value-added activity, you reduce the likelihood of becoming bogged down in the detail.e-book – All rights reserved 2002-7-PMP EXAMCRAM(Top-Down Flowchart) The detailed flowchart provides very specific information about process flow. At its most detailed level, every decision point, feedback loop, and process step is represented. Detailed flowcharts should be used only when the level of detail provided by the top-down or other simpler flowcharts is insufficient to support understanding, analysis, and improvement activity. The detailed flowchart may also be useful and appropriate for critical processes where precisely following a specific procedure is essential.(Detailed Flowchart) The work-flow diagram is a graphic representation of how work actually flows through a physical space or facility. It is very useful for analyzing flow processes, illustrating flow inefficiency, and planning process flow improvement.e-book – All rights reserved 2002-8-PMP EXAMCRAM(Work Flow Diagram) Scatter diagrams organize data using an independent variable and a dependent variable. Scatter diagrams are used to determine the relationship between two or more pieces of corresponding data. Data are plotted on an XY chart to determine correlation. Scatter diagrams are used to show the effect or no effect on one variable when the other variable is changed.e-book – All rights reserved 2002-9-PMP EXAMCRAMPareto Charts (Tool 3) In the late 1800s, Vilfredo Pareto, an Italian economist, found that typically 80 percent of the wealth in a region was concentrated in less than 20 percent of the population. Later, Dr. Joseph Juran formulated what he called the Pareto Principle of problems: only a "vital few" elements (20 percent) account for the majority (80 percent) of the problems. For example, in a manufacturing facility, 20 percent of the equipment problems account for 80 percent of the downtime. Because the Pareto principle has proven to be valid in numerous situations, it is useful to examine data carefully to identify the vital few items that most deserve attention.A Pareto Chart is a bar chart in which the data are arranged in descending order of their importance, generally by magnitude of frequency, cost, time, or a similar parameter. The chart presents the information being examined in its order of priority and focuses attention on the most critical issues. The chart aids the decision-making process because it puts issues into an easily understood framework in which relationships and relative contributions are clearly evident. The cause-and-effect diagram is a graphic representation of the relationships among a list of items or factors. It is a useful tool in brainstorming, examining processes, and planning activities. The process of constructing a cause-andeffect diagram helps stimulate thinking about an issue, helps organize thoughts into a rational whole, and generates discussion and the airing of viewpoints. The diagram documents the level of understanding about an issue and provides a framework from which to begin expanding that understanding. Cause-and-effect diagrams can be used to explore a wide variety of topics including the relationships between an existing problem and the factors that might bear on it; a desired future outcome and the factors that relate to it; or any event past, present, or future, and its causal factors.e-book – All rights reserved 2002- 10 -NOTE. The cause-and-effect diagram was developed by Kaoru Ishikawa. It may also be referred to on the exam as the Ishikawa diagram and/or "fishbone" diagram because of its shape.(Cause and effect Diagram)Graphs (Tool 5)Many different types of graphs are available and useful to the improvement process. Some of the most common include a simple line graph (time plots or trend chart), pie chart, and bar chart, or histogram. Graphs are useful for presenting data in a simple pictorial form that is quickly and easily understood. Graphs serve as powerful communication tools and should be employed liberally in the workplace to describe performance, support analyses, and document the improvement process.Control Charts (Tool 6)A control chart is a graph that displays data taken over time and computed variations of those data. Control charts are used to show the variation on a variety of variables including average (X) and range (R) and also the number of defects (PN), percent defective (P), defects per variable unit (U), and defects per fixed unit (C). The control chart allows you to distinguish between measurements that are predictably within the inherent capability of the process (normal causes of variation that are to be expected) and measurements that are unpredictable and produced by special causes.(Control Chart Diagram)The upper and lower control limits (UCL and LCL) must not be confused withspecification limits. Control limits describe the natural variation of the processsuch that points within the limits are generally indicative of normal andexpected variation. Points outside the limits signal that something has occurred that requires special attention because it is outside of the built-insystemic causes of variation in the process. Note that the circled point onthe X-bar chart means that the process is out of control and should beinvestigated. These points outside the control limits are referred to as specialevents having either assignable causes or random causes. The occurrence ofassignable causes may be the result of unwanted, external effects such as thefollowing:•An equipment problem•An employee problem (poor training, understaffed, and so on)•Defective materialsThere is another important guideline, known as the Rule of Seven, which should be observed whenever interpreting control charts. This rule of thumb (heuristic) states that if seven or more observations in a row occur on the same side of the mean (or if they trend in the same direction), even though they may be within the control limit, they should be investigated as if they had an assignable cause. (The lower part of Figure 5-10 illustrates such an occurrence.) It is extremely unlikely that seven observations in a row would be on the same side of the mean if the process is operating normally.Why is this so? If a process is operating normally, the observations will follow a random pattern with some of the points falling above the line and some below the line. In fact, the probability that any single point will fall above or below the line is 50-50 (like a coin toss). Further, the probability that seven points in a row would be on the same side of the line would be calculated as .5 to the 7th power, which is equal to 0.0078 (or less than 1 percent). Again, this rule provides a guideline that alerts you that something unlikely is happening and you should check it out.These charts will help you understand the following:•Understand the inherent capability of your processes•Bring your processes under control by eliminating the special causes of variation•Reduce tampering with processes that are under statistical control•Monitor the effects of process changes aimed at improvementTwo additional concepts are important in the use of control charts. Both concepts involve the idea of standard deviation, often referred to as "sigma." For the exam, you need to understand only the concepts (no formulas or complex calculations are required).The first concept involves the use by some companies of what is known as the Six Sigma Rule for setting control limits. You are already aware that three standard deviations (sigma) either side of the mean accounts for approximately 99.7 percent of the possible outcomes. Historically, many companies have used plus or minus three sigma’s as their standard for setting control limits. In recent years, some companies have chosen to use plus or minus six sigmas as a guide for setting control limits. The use of this more stringent rule means that even fewer actual outcomes might fall outside the control limits.The second concept involves the effect of sample size on the control limits. Again, you do not need to memorize any formulas, but it helps to know the following information about how the formula for setting control limits works. First, the standard deviation is part of the formula for establishing control limits. The larger the standard deviation, the wider the control limits will be. That much is fairly intuitive. In other words, the greater the natural variations in the process, the wider the control limits need to be. Now, how does sample size affect the control limits? Sample size affects control limits by its effect on the standard deviation. Sample size is in the denominator of the formula for variance from which standard deviation is computed; so whenever sample size is increased, the standard deviation will be smaller. Conversely, if the sample size is decreased, the standard deviation will be larger. Therefore, larger sample sizes will result in more narrow control limits, and smaller sample sizes will result in wider control limits.Checksheets (Tool 7)A checksheet is a list of check-off items that permit data to be collected quickly and easily in a simple standardized format that lends itself to quantitative analysis. A check sheet frequently contains a graphic representation of an object and is used to record such information as where specific damage was located. Check sheets are intended to make data collection fast and easy. They should be carefully designed so that the data are useful and have a clear purpose. Check sheets are frequently used to collect data on numbers of defective items, defect locations, and defect causes.Continuous Improvement and KaizenThe Japanese word for continuous improvement is kaizen. The key idea here isthat improving quality is not a discrete, one-time event. Managers andworkers alike join in the responsibility to constantly watch for opportunities toimprove processes as well as products.Just-in-time (JIT)JIT is an inventory control approach that attempts to reduce work-in-processinventory to zero stock. Thus, there is no extra or "buffer" stock kept in reserve in such a process. Numerous companies have adopted JIT, which waspopularized in Japan at Toyota, because the company believed JIT and highquality go together naturally. The philosophy is that with no safety stock inthe system, defective parts or processes will grind the system to a halt. Zeroworking-process inventory, therefore, forces a company to find and fix qualityproblems, or it will constantly miss its schedule commitments.Impact of Motivation on QualityIt is generally believed that increased quality is likely to be associated withprojects whose team members display pride, commitment, and an interest inworkmanship. It is also believed that one way to harm this culture is byallowing frequent turnover of the people assigned to the project.Priority of Quality versus Cost and ScheduleQuality used to receive lip service in many companies, but it was in reality lessimportant than meeting schedules or containing costs. Such a situation was often tipped off by such signals as the quality manager reporting to the production manager (who often cared more about schedule pressures than quality). Although lip service has probably not been eliminated entirely, modern thinking emphasizes that quality should share equal priority with cost and schedule. In works such as Crosby's Quality Is Free, many people maintain that improvements in quality are likely to lead to better cost and schedule performance in the long run.Impact of Poor QualityThe following effects on a project are possible results of poor quality: •Increased project costs as a result of costs of nonconformance (for example, rework, scrap, product recalls, and so on)•Decreased productivity•Increased risk and uncertainty (less predictability in cost, schedule, and technical outcomes)•Increased costs of monitoring (if conformance to specifications is low, increased monitoring will probably become necessary)InspectionsInspections are a quality control tool. As stated in the scope verification section, inspection includes activities such as measuring, examining, and testing undertaken to determine whether results conform to requirements.They may be conducted at any level.Trend AnalysisAnother quality control tool is trend analysis, which uses mathematical techniques to forecast future outcomes based on historical results. It is used to monitor•Technical performance: How many errors or defects have been identified; how many remain uncorrected•Cost and schedule performance: How many activities per period were completed with significant variancesDesign and Quality•Quality should be designed in, not inspected in (worth repeating).•More specifically, careful design of a product or service is believed to increase reliability and maintainability (two important measures ofquality).•The primary responsibility for developing design and test specifications rests with the project engineers (they have the expertise needed to performthis vital task).•Rework is any action taken to bring a defective or nonconforming item into compliance with requirements or specifications. The project team shouldmake every effort to minimize rework.。
1_NPI - 研发质量策划
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实施产品质量先期策划的意义 1)设计并具备稳定持续输出顾客需要的批量产品的能力 ; 2)在产品投产后的制造过程中控制好顾客关注的特殊特性。
CSA and MEPI Work土建和机电工程8. Quality Control Plan8. 项目质量计划2011-06-16Contents目录Quality Control Plan (3)项目质量计划 (3)Section 1 Quality Policies and Target (3)第一节质量方针和质量目标 (3)Section 2 Construction Quality Characteristics (5)第二节施工质量特征简述 (5)Section 3 Project QC Organization Chart and Responsibilities (8)第三节项目质量管理组织机构图及职责定义 (8)Section 4 Inspection and Test plans (ITP) (13)第四节检验测试计划(ITP) (13)Section 5 Record forms (18)第五节项目评定记录表格 (18)Section 6 Construction Procedures and Plan (19)第六节项目专业施工程序和方案计划 (19)Section 7 Control of Documents for Project Construction (30)第七节项目施工文件控制 (30)Section 8 Control of Project Equipment and Materials (35)第八节项目设备/材料控制 (35)Section 9 Control of Defective Works (40)第九节项目不合格控制 (40)Section 10 Project QC Meetings (48)第十节项目质量控制会议 (48)Section 11 Project Key Quality Risk and Corresponding Avoidance and Mitigating Plan (49)第十一节项目关键质量风险和相应的规避计划 (49)Section 12 Project QM Internal Audit (58)第十二节项目质量内部审核 (58)Section 13 Sub-contractor Quality Assessment Procedure (63)第十三节分包商质量评估程序 (63)Section 14 Project QM Close-out (82)第十四节项目质量管理收尾 (82)Quality Control Plan项目质量计划Section 1 Quality Policies and Target第一节质量方针和质量目标This quality plan is developed based on the tender documents and quality requirements therein. We will design particular ITP prior to execution of each work for --’s review and approval.按照苏威(常熟)项目招标文件和质量管理要求编制本质量计划,执行前会针对每个分项编制更详细的ITP,报--批准后执行。
Project Quality Plan
Project Quality PlanProject Name:Department:Focus Area:Product-Process:Prepared By:Project Quality Plan Version ControlVersion Date Author Change DescriptionConfidential Project Quality PlanTABLE OF CONTENTS1PROJECT QUALITY PLAN PURPOSE (3)2QUALITY MANAGEMENT METHOD (3)2.1Q UALITY P LAN P ROCESSES (3)2.2P ROJECT O VERVIEW (3)2.3Q UALITY S TANDARDS (3)2.4Q UALITY T OOLS (4)2.5Q UALITY M ANAGER’S R ESPONSIBILITIES (4)3PROJECT QUALITY ASSURANCE (4)3.1Q UALITY A SSURANCE P ROCEDURES (4)3.2P ROJECT M ONITORING P ROCESSES (4)3.3P ROJECT I N-P ROCESS Q UALITY M ONITORING (4)4PROJECT QUALITY CONTROL (5)4.1P ROJECT D ELIVERABLES (5)4.2P ROJECT Q UALITY C ONTROL P ROCEDURES (5)4.3P ROJECT D ELIVERABLES T EST &A CCEPTANCE P ROCESS (5)4.4P ROJECT D ELIVERABLES A CCEPTANCE C RITERIA (5)5PROJECT AUDITS & QUALITY REVIEWS (5)6MANAGEMENT ESCALATION PLAN (6)7QUALITY TEAM ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES (6)8QUALITY PLAN AUDIT LOG (6)9QUALITY PLAN APPROVALS (7)10APPENDICES (8)10.1P ROJECT Q UALITY P LAN S ECTIONS O MITTED (8)Confidential Page 2 4/26/20221 PROJECT QUALITY PLAN PURPOSE[Identify the project quality plan’s purpose and how it meets specific project needs.]2 QUALITY MANAGEMENT METHOD[Use the following sections to identify the project quality plan components or modify these sections to meet your needs.]Managing project quality requires an approved quality plan encompassing three major quality processes defined in Section 2.1. The quality plan is developed and approved during the project planning phase to confirm major deliverables/milestone acceptance criteria and manage approved project processes.2.1 Quality Plan Processes•Quality AssuranceQuality assurance activities focus on the processes being used to manage and deliverthe solution to evaluate overall project performance on a regular basis. Quality assurance is a method to ensure the project will satisfy the quality standards and will define andrecord quality reviews, test performance, and customer acceptance.•Quality ControlQuality control activities are performed continually to verify that project management and project deliverables are of high quality and meet quality standards. Quality assurancealso helps uncover causes of unsatisfactory results and establish lessons learned toavoid similar issues in this and other projects.•Project Deliverables and Processes Acceptance CriteriaProject team members and key stakeholders agree at the project planning stage onformal project processes and major deliverable acceptance criteria that will be used toevaluate final deliverable results before the results are formally approved.2.2 Project Overview[Describe the background and context for the project to provide its justification. Identify the business value of the proposed deliverables. This section can be copied from the project charter or a similar document. The project goals/objectives or scope statement is usually sufficient. The overview can include a high-level view of the project schedule, assumptions, dependencies, risks, and cost.]2.3 Quality Standards[List all quality standards previously defined by the company or organization that this project will follow for its deliverables. Include a description of how the project will satisfy the quality standards.]Confidential Page 3 4/26/20222.4 Quality Tools[List all quality-related tools that the project will employ, how the tools will be used, and who will be responsible for managing and reporting from these tools.]2.5 Quality Manager’s Responsibilities[Establish who will be the quality manager for the project and if this will be a full-time or part-time role. Outline the quality m anager’s responsibilities in that role. Discuss how the quality manager will interact with the project manager and other team members in accomplishing these responsibilities. Other quality management roles and responsibilities for the project are outlined later in this document.]3 PROJECT QUALITY ASSURANCEQuality assurance helps to establish if a deliverable is acceptable based on the processes used to create it. Quality assurance processes are used to evaluate overall project performance frequently and to determine that quality reviews were held, deliverables tested, and customer acceptance acquired.3.1 Quality Assurance Procedures[List the major quality assurance activities and processes that the project will include.]3.2 Project Monitoring Processes[Define the monitoring and control processes planned for the project and how they will satisfy project quality standards and ensure project quality. Specify how the quality manager will obtain project-related information and how that information will be used to control the process.]3.3 Project In-Process Quality Monitoring[Describe the quality metrics and measurements to be used as a part of each work process in the project. Identify in-process measurement points, and identify who on the project team will be responsible for managing the quality metric checkpoints.]Confidential Page 4 4/26/20224 PROJECT QUALITY CONTROL4.1 Project Deliverables[Write a high-level description of all key, measurable deliverables of the project that will be tested for satisfactory quality level.]4.2 Project Quality Control Procedures[List the major quality control activities and processes that this project will include.]4.3 Project Deliverables Test & Acceptance Process[Define the planned test and acceptance processes that will be used to validate project deliverable quality, and describe how these processes will verify deliverable quality.]4.4 Project Deliverables Acceptance Criteria[Define the deliverable quality acceptance criteria based on quality standards for project deliverables as the criteria will be used in acceptance testing. Establish how the criteria will be used to assess project quality.]5 PROJECT AUDITS & QUALITY REVIEWS[Identify the project quality audits and reviews that will be performed. Discuss the planned schedule. Describe how the results of these audits and reviews will be factored into project planning and implementation. Discuss the process of lessons-learned reviews and how those lessons can benefit the project team as the project continues.]Confidential Page 5 4/26/20226 MANAGEMENT ESCALATION PLAN[Define the plan for escalating unresolved quality noncompliance issues up the management chain. The standard initial level of escalation is from the project manager to their immediate manager.]7 QUALITY TEAM ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES[Identify quality-related responsibilities of the project team and list specific task-related quality responsibilities, including responsibility for specific acceptance tests and project audits.]8 QUALITY PLAN AUDIT LOG[List all quality-related issues and resolutions resulting from quality plan audits and reviews.]Confidential Page 6 4/26/20229 QUALITY PLAN APPROVALSPrepared by ____________________________________________________Project ManagerApproved by ____________________________________________________Project Sponsor___________________________________________________Executive Sponsor_________________________________________Client SponsorConfidential Page 7 4/26/202210 APPENDICES[If you determine that additional information is needed to effectively communicate the project quality management information, add additional sections as needed.]10.1 Project Quality Plan Sections Omitted[List the section headers for any sections that have been intentionally omitted.]Confidential Page 8 4/26/2022。
Task Number: 1任务号: 1Task Name:Attend Key Stakeholders Meeting任务名称:参加主要责任者会议Task Description:The purpose of the Key Stakeholders Meeting is to involve all GM stakeholders in the Advanced Purchasing Process on a particular commodity package to develop andunderstand the process, content, timing, and strategy. It is intended that these meetingsbe conducted on all commodities defined as critical and major by the platform. Keystakeholders meet to review key program information and timing as referenced in theAdvanced Purchasing “typical agenda”. (See Appendix 1)任务描述:主要责任者会议的目的:让所有的通用公司的主要责任者都参与到先期采购规划当中,就一特定的商品来制定并研究规划、内容、进度及策略。
(见附录1)Deliverables:Preliminary functional requirements使用的材料:初始的职能要求Preliminary sourcing and program timing初始的采购选点及规划进度Preliminary bid list初始的报价单Completed Stakeholders meeting checklist完成的主要责任者会议的检查清单Supplier Workshop details (Timing, Team members, questionnaire, etc.)供应商车间细节(进度、班组成员、疑问等)Target date for Technical reviews技术评审的目标日期Verification that WWP “Required Quality Information” letter is accurate检验WWP“质量信息要求”信是准确的Customer for Deliverables:Purchasing, Engineering, Supplier Quality, Marketing, PC&L材料发放的部门:采购,工程,供应商质量,销售,生产控制及物资供应Necessary Inputs:Source of inputs:必要的输入:输入来源:Technical documents (BOM, Functional requirements, etc.) Engineering技术材料 (材料清单,职能要求, 等) 工程Creativity Team Bidders List Buyer创造性小组投标人名单采购员Lessons Learned on previous programs Buyer/SQE/Engineer先前计划改进采购员/SQE/工程师Supplier Quality Statement of Requirements SQE供应商质量要求陈述SQETask Number: 1 continured任务号: 1 续Task Name:Attend Key Stakeholders Meeting任务名称:参加主要责任者会议Resources:Purchasing, Supplier Quality, Engineering来源:采购,供应商质量,工程Methodology:方法:•Buyer indicates estimate of timing for Key Stakeholder Meeting in the Advanced Purchasing Planning calendar.•采购员指出先期采购计划时间表上主要责任者会议的进度•Buyer sends invitation to SQE prior to meeting.•采购员在会议开始前将邀请送到SQE•SQE participates in meeting.•SQE 参加会议•Key stakeholders review program information and timing.•主要的责任者审阅规划信息及进度SQE Responsibility:SQE 责任:•Clarify the role of the SQE in the sourcing process.•阐明SQE在选点过程中的作用.•Obtain knowledge of what is being sourced (functional aspects of part)•获取正在选点的部件的知识 (零件的关键部分)•Obtain knowledge of timing (sourcing and program)•获取进度知识 (选点及规划)•Review Creativity Team Bidders List - Identify suppliers to remove based on SQE knowledge of their capability.•审阅创造性小组投标人名单-根据SQE对供应商生产能力的了解来确定删除的供应商名单•Confirm “Make or Purchase” (MOP) coding has been done for modules/integrated packages (Should accompany SOR)•确认已完成的模具/集成包装有“制造或购买”(MOP)的符号(应附有SOR)。
Quality Plan1 IntroductionThis document constitutes the Quality Plan of the EMREX project and is an appendix to the project plan [1].1.1Purpose and objectivesQuality Management in a project assures the quality of the project deliverables and the quality of the processes and procedures used to manage and develop the deliverables.The purpose of this document is to describe the necessary information required to effectively manage project quality, from project planning to delivery, comprising quality objectives in the project, roles and responsibilities, and the Quality Management approach to ensure that the quality objectives are achieved.The intended audience is the project team and any senior leaders whose support is needed to carry out the plan.1.2Reviews and approvalThis Quality Plan is to be continually reviewed, and any changes to the plan will be handled by the project's procedure for Change Management [1].The plan is approved by the Project Manager.1.3Document conventionsSquare brackets [x] are used to indicate reference documents. The references are always made to the document's document name.Italic is used for references to other sections in the document.1.4Definitions1.5Appendices and references[1] Project Plan[2] Project deliverables[3] Document Standard2 Quality ObjectivesThe Quality Objectives for Quality Management in the EMREX project are to assure that: ∙Project deliverables meet their stated requirements.∙Project Management processes are appropriately followed.They answer the questions:∙What is it the project shall achieve, that is, what is the expected result?∙How can we judge if the project is carried out in a good way, so that the expected result is achieved?In the EMREX project the overall Quality Objectives are:<tbd>2.1Project Management2.2Planning2.3IT Development2.4Trial and testing2.5Evaluation2.6Standardization2.7Dissemination and scaling-up3 Quality Management ApproachThe quality management approach is about to ensure that all personnel in the project "does the right things, right, the first time". Thus avoiding misunderstandings of what to produce and how, resulting in productivity losses, quality losses and schedule delays.This is going to be achieved by∙Early identification and reviews of all quality-impacting documents.∙Reviews of all quality-impacting documents.∙Using the well-defined and anchored quality standards and procedures already in use for each work package.∙Using Customer Satisfaction as a Quality Control tool in case quality standards and procedures are missing and/or there are no documented processes/processesprocedures do not exist in any form.4 Quality ControlThe Quality Control in the project focuses on the deliverables of the project, and monitors them in order to verify they are complete, correct, and of acceptable quality.4.1Project deliverablesA list of project deliverables [2] is maintained by the project management, covering:∙ID∙Name∙Type∙Description∙Responsible∙Planned delivery date∙Applied Quality Standards/Customer satisfaction∙Quality Control∙Acceptance Criteria covering criteria for completeness and correctness∙Approved by∙Approval date∙Status∙CommentsQuality affecting documents such as this QualityPlan, project plans, work-plans, etc. shall be prepared and controlled in accordance with this quality plan and approved processes. These documents shall receive the required reviews and approvals; be uniquely identified, and their distribution must be formally established. Other essential policies, plans, procedures, decision, data and transactions produced by each work package are documented to an appropriate level of detail. Document reviews by subject matter experts; management and Quality Assurance are performed as appropriate and as specified in the referred Quality Standard.4.2Deliverable Quality Standards4.2.1Document ManagementThe document standard to be used is described in [3], which also covers the mandatory templates to be used within the project and the procedures for document reviews.4.2.2Design-Based Research, DBRDBR will be used to develop a methodology to evaluate the software platform for automatic recognition of academic achievements and its impact on student mobility, which may be used not only for the experimentation carried in this project, but also in other field trials.4.3Quality Control ActivitiesIn the project deliverables list [2] quality control activities are specified for each deliverable. The main quality control activity to determine whether the results conform to requirementsis Inspection, which is to be carried out in different forms;4.3.1Examining4.3.1.1Document ReviewMethodically go through the document to be examined, to verify the quality of the document, validate the content, identify faults and shortcomings, and to disseminate knowledge of its content. ValidationAims to ensure a solution is of sufficient level of originality.Solution validations shall be part of the quality procedures in all Work Packages, but may also be called for by Project Management or be part of the project reviews. ReviewCode Reviews will be done in various forms such as pair programming, informal walkthroughs, and formal inspections.4.3.2TestingTesting (functional and non-functional) against defined acceptance criteria.5 Quality AssuranceThe focus of the Quality Assurance is on the processes used in the project. The Quality Assurance aims to ensure that the processes in the project and the work packages are used effectively to develop quality project deliverables.5.1Project Processes<Project processes subject to quality assurance>5.2Process Quality standards5.2.1Project ManagementThe method used in the project for Project Management is based on PMBOK.5.3Quality Assurance Activities5.3.1Project AuditProject Audits will be conducted in order to measure the application of the approved Project Plan and discover deviations that can be negative for the project.Planned: <tbd>Participants: Project Manager, Quality Managerand Work Package LeadsResult: Recommended actions.Documentation: Project Audit Report5.3.2Project ReviewProject Reviewswill be conducted in order to discover any deviations from and/or risks related to time, schedule, scope, and budget which can threaten the project and/or the outcome of the project.Planned: <tbd>Participants: Project Manager, Quality Manager and Work Package LeadsResult: Recommended actions.Documentation: Project Review Report5.3.3Quality AuditQuality Audits will be conducted in order to o measure the application of the approved Quality Plan and discover deviations that can be negative for the project and/or the outcome of the project.Planned: <tbd>Participants: Project Manager, Quality Manager and Work Package LeadsResult: Recommended actions.Documentation: Project Audit Report5.3.4ReviewA Review may be called for by anyone in the project in order to verify that a process or activity is sufficient for its purpose and is applied and followed.Participants: Quality Manager and Work Package LeadResult: Recommended actions.Documentation: Review Report。
Beijing Uni-Construction Co,LtdSERVICE BUILDING PROJECTFORLes TÉMOINS DE JÉHOVAH A.B.S.L.atKinshasa,Democratic Republic of CongoPROJECT QUALITY PLAN 1 Issued for UseRev. Date Status Prepared ByQualityDepartment Reviewed ByDepartment/ SectionManagerReviewed byQuality, Safety& EnvironmentManager(s)Approved ByProject ManagerProject Quality PlanCONTENTSSection PagePART I0.0 Foreword 41.0 Introduction 5-71.1 Purpose 51.2 Scope 61.3 Definition 6-7PART II2.0 Summary and Detailed Description of Project Quality Plan 892.1 Establishment of executive responsibility and objectives and targets forexecution of the Works2.2 Establishment of Project Management Organisation structure 92.3 Delegation of Authority and Responsibility to Management staff 9-112.4 Management Documentation Overview, Interaction and Description 12-152.5 Scheduling and Employment of Resources 152.6 Management of the Works through to Completion 162.7 Management review and follow-up on matters arising 172.8 Sign off and hand over of the completed Works to the Engineer 17PART III3.0 Project Policy and Objectives183.1 Project Management Policy Statement 183.2 Project Management Quality Objectives 19PART IV4.0 Extent of Project Management Processes204.1 Management Review204.2 Formulation of Management documentation204.3 Contract Review204.4 Design Control 214.5 Control of Documents and Communication 214.6 Purchasing 214.7 Control of Client Supplied Product 214.8 Product Identification and Traceability 214.9 Production Control 224.10 Inspection and Testing 234.11 Control of Inspection, Monitoring, Measuring and Test Equipment 234.12 Inspection and Test Status 244.13 Control of Non-Conforming Product 244.14 Corrective and Prevention Action 24 4.15 Handling, Storage, Packaging, Preservation and Delivery of Product 24 4.16 Control of Management Related Records 25 4.17 Internal Management Audits 25 4.18 Training 25 4.19 Servicing Provisions, Servicing and maintenance 25 4.20 Statistical Techniques 26 4.21 Project Resources 26 4.22 Specific Training for Staff 26 4.23 Complaints and/or enquiries 26-27 4.24 Customer Focus 27 4.25 Infrastructure 27 4.26 Measurement, analysis and improvement 27PART I0.0 ForewordThis Project Quality Plan is established in accordance with the requirements set out in Beijing Uni-Construction Co,Ltd (BUCC) Quality Manual Section 4.2 (Quality System), clause 4.2.1(d). However, the nature and scope of Contract ST86/2000 Works are such that there is aneed to establish specific Project Procedures and supporting documentation to address the management of the Contract Works. Thus, this Project Quality Plan sets out the basis for the establishment of such a documented system which for the mostpart is operated as a stand alone system in lieu of the Operating Procedures established and maintained in accordance with BUCC’s Quality Manual.However BUCC’s Operating Procedures in respect of Internal Quality Audit (OP 11) and Corrective and Preventive Action (OP 09) shall be complied with during completion of the Contract Works.1.0 INTRODUCTION1.1 Purpose of Project Quality Plan (*See note)The purpose of this Project Quality Plan is to set out the strategy and techniques to be employed to manage the Contract Works including the establishment of a management quality policy statement and quality objectives for execution of the Contract WorksThe Plan shall also set out the basic structure and interaction of the management documentation, the management processes to be controlled and state the procedure number/ title or mechanism by which the control referred shall be achieved.* Note: This Project Quality Plan was previously called the Project Management Policy Manual (PMPM) and as such it may still be referred to as the Project Management Policy Manual in some of the quality documents and procedures. Where such is the case, it can be interpreted as Project Quality Plan.1.2Scope of Project Quality PlanThe scope of the Project Quality Plan is as follows:a) This Project Quality Plan shall be applicable to the management of all aspects of theworks being undertaken by Being Uni-Construction Co, ltd in completing servicebuilding project1.3Definitions1.3.1 The Employer and his representativesThe Employer - Les TÉMOINS DE JÉHOVAH A.B.S.L.The Engineer - the authorised representative of the Employer asidentified in the Letter of Acceptance; namely as pertender document.The Engineer’s Representative- a person appointed from time to time by the Engineer,pursuant to the General Conditions of Contract1.3.2 The Contract and the WorksThe Contract - means the Articles of Agreement, the Tender, the Letter ofAcceptance, the Drawings, the Specification, the GeneralConditions and the Special Conditions applicable to Contract Works - The permanent and temporary works and all operations expresslyor impliedly required by the Contract in relation to and includingthe provision and completion of the permanent works Records - All documents in both hard copy and soft copy (electronic format)maintained by the Contractor in accordance with contractrequirements and his own requirements.Records office - The office whereby Contract Records other than those of aconfidential nature are filed and maintained.Page 61.3.3 The Contractor and his representativesContractor - The Beijing Uni-Construction Co,Ltd which has responsibilityfor carrying out the Works defined in the Contract.Sub-Contractor - An organisation appointed by the Contractor to provide serviceson SiteSupplier - An organisation appointed by the Contractor to supply materialsor goods to the Site, or to a warehouse, and/or to provideservices off site1.3.4The Contractor’s DocumentationPlan - A document which describes the devolution of areas ofresponsibility and authority, and provides the framework withinwhich tasks are to be undertaken.Procedure - A document which sets out in specific detail how a group ofsimilar tasks are to be completed.Controlled Document -Documents distributed in an organised manner such that aparticular document issue is approved and that such documentsare issued to authorised personnel only in a systematic mannerdefined by procedure.Authority -Having the power or right to give instructions that others areobliged to obey.Responsibility - Being duty bound to do something and being accountable forsame.Project Quality PlanPART II2.0 Summary and detailed description of Project Quality PlanThis Project Quality Plan outlines the management strategy and techniques that the Beijing Uni-Construction Co,Ltd (BUCC) shall put in place to manage the Works involved in the completion of Contract service building porject to ensure that the management objectives for the Works are met.The Project Quality Plan for the works comprises eight fundamental steps which are: -i) Establish executive responsibility, Contract quality policy, objectives and targets for themanagement of the Contract Works.ii) Establish a Project Organisation Chart identifying the principal people to be employed for the management of the Contract Works.iii) Delegate responsibility from the Project Manager to first tier Managers and subsequently from first tier managers to other management staff.iv) Formulate the management documents necessary to manage the Works including their overall structure, hierarchy and interaction.v) Schedule the employment of resources and thereafter employ resources as required including Sub-Contractors and Suppliers to complete the Contract Manage the Works through to completion, including monitoring of progress, co-ordination and sequencing of the Works and the implementation of the requirements ofmanagement documents to ensure compliance with budget, quality, programme, safety,environment and the further requirements of the Contract Specification.vii) Review matters arising from the management of the works and take appropriate follow-up action as required to ensure Contract objectives are met.viii) Sign off and hand over of completed works to the Engineer as required.Note: Sub-Contractors shall primarily follow the requirements of their own quality management systems which shall be reviewed by the Contractor. Where such systemsfail to meet an acceptable standard, Sub-Contractors shall be bound to follow therequirements of the Contractor’s Quality Documentation.Project Quality Plan 2.1 Establishment of Executive Responsibility, Objectives and Targets for execution of theContract WorksTo initiate the process of administration of the Contract and management of its associated works, the Contractor’s Managing Director shall appoint a Project Manager to head the Contractor’s team to manage the Contract Works and the Project Manager should be clear as to his brief in respect of the management of the Works.Contract objectives and targets based on the Contract Tender shall be reviewed and generally agreed with the Project Manager before the commencement of the Works. The Project Manager shall have full responsibility and authority within the terms of the Contract, for the Contract Works and is empowered to receive instructions from the Engineer on behalf of the Contractor. His responsibility for the Contract Works includes for that of health and safety, environment, quality, construction, engineering and commercial elements.The Project Manager shall report to BUCC Supervisory Board on a monthly basis or other basis agreed with the Supervisory Board. His report shall address the status and progress of all matters for which he has responsibility.2.2 Establishment of Project Management Organisation StructureThe Project Manager (described within the Contract as the ‘Contractor’s Agent’) shall initially establish four Departments to which he shall appoint first tier managers.The four Departments are those of: -•Safety, Quality & Environment•Construction•Commercial•SurveyThe relevant authorities and responsibilities delegated to each of the respective first tier managers is outlined in Section 2.3.3 hereinafter.As appropriate he shall appoint further agents, sub-agents, engineering and secretarial staff which he envisages will be required for the management of the Contract Works.The initial Staff Organisation Chart for the Project is shown in Appendix A.The principal contacts for the Contractor are as shown in Appendix B.2.3 Delegation of Authority and Responsibility to Management Staff2.3.1 GeneralAuthority is defined within this plan as having the power or right to give orders thatothers are obliged to obey.Responsibility is defined within this plan as being duty bound to do something andbeing accountable for same.Project Quality Plan 2.3.2 Delegation of Authority and Responsibility by the Project ManagerTo ensure the effective management of the Works, the Project Manager shall upon taking up his Contract role, appoint first tier managers as defined hereinbefore. Upon their appointment they shall implicitly be delegated the authority and responsibility as outlined hereinafter. Subsequent to their appointment further and better particulars of authority and responsibility may (if required) be delegated to them, either formally or informally (ie via memorandum, letter of appointment or verbally) by the Project Manager.2.3.3 Authority and Responsibility of First Tier Managementi) Authority of First Tier ManagersThe first tier managers are delegated authority by the Project Manager as follows: -Each first tier manager shall have authority over all his Department’s / Section’s activities insofar as this authority is consistent with Contractor, Contractual and Statutory requirements. Each Department / Section Manager shall also have authority over all other staff below his level in the management organisation on occasion when such staff are observed in serious breach of the Project Quality Plan.First tier managers shall delegate authority to their Sub-ordinate staff as they see fit. ii) Responsibility of First Tier ManagersThe first tier managers are delegated responsibility by the Project Manager as follows:- General ResponsibilitiesEach first tier manager shall in liaison with the Project Manager be responsible for the employment of adequate resources for this Department’s Section’s activities.Subsequent to the employment of such staff each first tier manager shall delegate responsibility to their sub-ordinate staff as they see fit.Safety, Quality & Environment ManagerResponsible for establishing, supervising, monitoring and managing the effective and efficient implementation of the project safety, quality and environmental plans and procedures in accordance with statutory and contractual requirements and the overall management requirements of the Contractor. He shall advise on all safety, quality and environmental related matters and is also responsible for managing the implementation of the requirements of the Contract documents and the management documentation for the Works insofar as they are applicable to the activities of his Department.Project Quality Plan Construction Section ManagersResponsible for all site construction and associated operational matters relevant to his Secti on’s discipline, including site supervision, progress of the works in accordance with Contract Works programme and for managing the implementation of the requirements of the Contract documents and the management documentation for the Works in respect of he alth and safety, quality, environment and the Contractor’s budget insofar as they are applicable to the respective sections.Chief Quantity SurveyorResponsible for the prudent management of all commercial matters relating to the Contract and as defined by the Contract, and for managing the implementation of the requirements of the Contract documents and the management documentation for the Works in respect of safety, quality and the environment insofar as they are applicable to his Department.Survey ManagerResponsible for all site survey works including supervision of the survey works, progress of the survey works in accordance with Contract Works programme and/or the progress of Works on site. He shall also be responsible for managing the implementation of the requirements of the Contract documents and the management documentation for the Works in respect of safety, quality and the environment insofar as they are applicable to his Department.2.3.4 Authority and Responsibility of Second Tier Management, engineering, foremanand other staffEach staff member shall be responsible to their immediate senior staff as outlined on the Staff Organisation Chart or as otherwise agreed. The extent of responsibility and authority delegated to any particular second tier management staff member, engineer, foreman or other staff member shall be at the discretion of his/ her immediate first tier manager.However upon their appointment such staff shall be implicitly delegated the typical authority and responsibility for their position of appointment as outlined in AppendixD. Subsequent to their appointment, further and better particulars of authority andresponsibility may (if required) be delegated to them either formally or informally (via memorandum, letter of appointment or verbally) by their respective first tier managers.2.4 Management Documentation Overview, Interaction and Description2.4.1 Management Documentation OverviewThe management documentation for the project shall be formulated to comprise thefollowing items in the hierarchy as shown. The layout shown also indicates theinteraction between the various documents and the interaction between the relevantprocesses. The specific detail of such interaction shall be contained in the detaileddocuments.2.4.2 GeneralA brief description of the elements of the management documentation is given below:2.4.3 The Controlling Inputs and Documentsi) The Contract DocumentsThese documents which comprise (but are not limited to) the Contract Particular Specification, the Articles of Agreement, the Form of Tender, Correspondence, the Special Conditions of Contracts, the General Conditions of Contract, the Contract Drawings and Letter of Acceptance are effectively the documents which provide the basis on which the Contractor’s organization works. These documents take precedence (as required) over the Contractor’s operational documentation.ii) The External DocumentationThese documents include international standards, codes of practices, statutory regulations and external forms which may be required by the Engineer and/or the statutory / regulatory bodies. Hierarchy has not been allocated to the use of external documentation, as it will need to be established separately for each occasion of use.iii) Contract Works ProgrammeThe Contract Works Programme defines the programme requirements (time constraints) for the completion of the Works including its constituent elements.iv) Budgetry and Financial ConstraintThe budgetry and financial constraints are of prime importance insofar as they shall have a major bearing on the extent and timing of the resources to be employed.2.4.4 The Process Management Documentsi) The Company Quality ManualThis is the document which outlines and facilitates the overall management system for the Company and enables the formulation of the Project Quality Plan.ii) The Project Quality PlanThe purpose and scope of the Project Quality Plan (this document) have been outlined in Section 1.0 (Introduction). The process by which the plan is controlled is outlined in Project Procedure 5(3): Procedure for Control of Internal Documents and Communications and Project Procedure 2: Procedure for formulating management documentation.iii) The Project ProceduresThe Project Procedures are the organisation’s detailed guideline documents as to the method by which its organisation wide operations are carried out in a controlled manner.The outline format by which a Project Procedure is formulated is defined by Project Procedure 2:Procedure for formulating management documentation. The project management processes which determine the extent of the management system to be employed are outlined in Part IV of this Plan. Furthermore the initial list of Project Procedures for the Project is shown in Appendix C.iv) The Safety management DocumentationThe safety management documentation comprising the Project Safety Plan and Safety Procedures is shown as part of the overall Contract management documentation.v) The Environmental Management DocumentationThe environmental management documentation comprising the Environmental Project Plan, Manual and relevant environmental aspect plans is also shown as part of the overall Contract management Method Statements*Method Statement are a Department’s / Section’s detailed guideline documents as to the methods by which its activities are carried out in a systematic and efficient manner.Method Statements shall complement the more generic Project Procedures. The outline format by which a Method Statement is formulated is as defined in Project Procedure 2: Procedure for formulating management documentation.* Activity Procedures were originally used for the purpose described herein and may still exist as valid documents within the quality management system.vii) Specific Method StatementsSpecific Method Statements shall be written where necessary to complement the detail given in a Method Statement. The Specific Method Statements shall be used to describe the method of carrying out an element of the Works which are in principle similar to those described in a particular Method Statement but whose method of completion is different and/or more complicated.The outline format by which Specific Method Statements are formulated is as defined in Project Procedure 2: Procedure for Formulating Management documentation.viii) Inspection and Test PlansInspection and Test Plans are the documents written to highlight in detail the inspectionand testing required contractually and as required by the Contractor for each activitydescribed in a Method Statement (and as necessary Specific Method Statements whichmay complement a Method Statement). The inspection and test plans also highlight thepersons with responsibility and authority for ensuring that the required inspection andtests are carried out satisfactorily. The outline format by which inspection and test plansare formulated is as defined in Project Procedure 2: Procedure for formulatingmanagement documentation.ix) The Contract Record DocumentationContract Record Documentation is the documentation derived in accordance with theContract from the implementation of the requirements of the ManagementDocumentation and as appropriate the further requirements of the Contract and/or thirdparties. Contract Record documentation shall follow the format outlined on standardforms which are incorporated as required in the appendices of the Project Procedures,the Method Statements, Inspection and Test Plans and as appropriate the ContractDocumentation.2.5 Scheduling and Employment of ResourcesThe Contract Works Programme which shall be established by the Senior Programming Engineer after consultation and agreement with senior management personnel, shall form the basis for the scheduling of resources.The employment of resources shall be instigated by the relevant Section Managers responsible for the particular areas of works in liaison with the Quantity Surveying Department and as necessary the Project Manager and other Senior Management Staff. The employment of such resources shall be undertaken in accordance with the relevant Project Procedures (PPs), namely PP6: Procedure for Control of Purchasing including evaluation of Sub-Contractors and Suppliers and PP21: Procedure for Mobilization and De-mobilization of Staff and associated resources.2.6 Management of the Works through to completionThe works shall be managed through to completion in accordance with the requirements of the quality management documentation to meet the requirements of the Contract, the Contract Works Programme and the Contractor’s budget. Such management of the Works shall include establishment of the necessary resources at the appropriate time, monitoring of the progress of the Works against the Contract Works Programme and monitoring the implementation of the requirements of the quality management documentation to verify that the works are being carried out in a manner that meets with the requirements of the Contractor, the Contract and the criteria for workmanship.In particular, method statements/works procedures and inspection and test plans for undertaking the various elements of works shall be formulated for the following works: -A new Services building of 1,840m² that will house:An institutional-type kitchen sized for feeding 550 personA dining hall for seating 440 peopleA small social room•Associated site works for the above, such as:Demolition of existing siteEarthworks building platform of about 6,000m³Roads & PathsStorm water channelsElectrical cablingSewer lines and lift-stationIrrigation linesCovered walkwayRetaining wallThe monitoring of the progress of the works shall be carried out an on-going daily basis by the Contractor’s staff through review of works progress on site, review of the Contract drawings and regular meetings with relevant parties as required. The further formal review of the implementation of the requirements of the quality management documentation shall be undertaken via the process of internal quality audits.Project Quality Plan 2.7 Management Review and follow-up action on matters arisingReview of the management of the Works shall be carried out through a number of forums including: -i) a weekly Project meeting which shall be chaired by senior management staff at which theoverall effectiveness of the management and the progress of the Contract Works shall bereviewed.ii) a monthly Supervisory board meeting chaired by the Project Director and attended by the Supervisory Board members at which all pertinent matters pertaining to the ContractWorks shall be reviewed.iii) a six monthly management review meeting attended by senior management staff at which the working quality management documents and system shall be evaluated and reviewedfor effectiveness and efficiency.iv) a monthly financial review meeting at which budgetry and financial matters relating to the Contract Works shall be reviewed.v) a monthly Contract planning / review meeting at which progress against Contract Works Programme and resources levels are reviewed to ensure that the progress of the Worksfollows the Works Miscellaneous other review meetings which shall be arranged from time to time to facilitate more rigorously management of specific elements of the works. Typically suchreview meetings include progress review meetings held by each of the ConstructionSections, interface meetings and meetings held with Sub-Contractors and Consultants asrequired.2.8 Sign off and handover of completed Works to the Engineer as requiredThe Works shall be signed off to confirm compliance with Contract requirements on an on-going basis. In due course the completed Works shall be handed over to the Engineer in accordance with the requirements of the Contract. The Works shall be certified as completed by the receipt of a Substantial Completion Certificate from the Engineer.PART III3.0 Management Policy and Objectives3.1 PROJECT MANAGEMENT ‘QUALITY POLICY’ STATEMENTIt is the policy of Beijing Uni-Construction Co,Ltd to manage the Works required for the execution of Contract service building project through the establishment of comprehensive Health and Safety, Environment, Quality, Construction, Engineering and Commercial management documentation, the implementation of the requirements thereof and the employment of appropriate resources.This policy is specific to Contract and complements the generic ‘Quality Policy’ outlined in Beijing Uni-Construction Co,Ltd Quality Manual.On behalf of Beijing Uni-Construction Co,Ltd_______________________Mr.DU WEIMIN(Project Manager)3.2 Project Management ‘Quality Objectives’The quality objectives for Contract service building project are as follows: -i) to ensure that comprehensive and detailed method statements and inspection and testplans are written as required to enable the satisfactory execution of the Works.ii) to ensure that where any non-conformities with Contract requirements are identified, they are addressed in a timely manner and measures are taken as relevant to prevent theirrecurrence.iii) to ensure that where the Engineer’s comments on ICRFs* and/or SCRFs*, indicate that permission to proceed with follow-on works has not been given, action is taken to addressmatters pertaining and follow-up inspection and/or survey is arranged within a maximumperiod of one month.iv) Concrete records and other construction quality records are completed and submitted to the Quality Department within a maximum period of two weeks after completion of therelevant works (with due consideration taken for any lag period arising as a result oftesting works eg 28 day concrete test results)v) to ensure that a member the Quality Department attends the weekly meetings held by the respective Construction Sections at least once per month to discuss and promote to ensure that no more than 5 Corrective Action Requests are raised during any particular quality audit.vii) to ensure that the works are completed satisfactorily in accordance with Contract programme, the Contract and the Contractor’s requirements.viii) other objectives which may be set from time to time by the Company.*ICRFs = Inspection Check Request Forms*SCRFs = Survey Check Request Forms。
Project Quality Management includes the processes required to ensure that the project will satisfy the needs for which it was undertaken. It includes “all activities of the overall management function that determine the quality policy,objectives,and responsibilities and implements them by means such as quality planning,quality control,quality assurance, and quality improvement, within the quality system”. Figure 8-l provides an overview of the following major project quality management processes:项目质量管理包括项目满足其需求所需的过程。
l Quality Planning—identifying which quality standards are relevant to the project and determining how to satisfy them。
8.2 Quality Assurance-evaluating overall project performance on a regular basis to provide confidence that the project will satisfy the relevant quality standards.质量保证-定期评价整个项目的执行情况,提供项目满足相关质量标准的信心。
Quality Plan 质量计划中英文版
CHANGXING POWER PLANT FGD WASTEWATER PROJECT RO & THERMAL SKIDQUALITY PLAN质量计划2014.12SUZHOU SHENGDE WATER INDUSTRIES CO., LTD.苏州晟德水处理有限公司CONTENTSI Project Management Team 项目管理组织结构 ................................................................................... - 2 -1 Setup of Organization 组织机构设置 .............................................................................................. -2 -2 Responsibilities of Project Management 项目管理人员职责....................................................... - 2 - II Specification List 技术规范.................................................................................................................... - 5 - III Material Purchase 材料采购 ................................................................................................................ - 6 -1 Material Purchase and Control Plan材料采购及控制计划........................................................... - 6 -2Material Handling 材料管理.............................................................................................................. - 6 -3 Material Identification and Traceability 材料标识和可追溯性 ...................................................... - 7 - IV Quality Planning 质量策划................................................................................................................... - 8 -1 Construction Contract Explanations 施工合同交底 ...................................................................... - 8 -2 Quality Pre-control 质量预控............................................................................................................ - 8 -3 Critical Process Control 关键过程的控制 ..................................................................................... - 10 - V Inspection and Test Plan 检验检测计划............................................................................................ - 11 -1 Work List 工作列表 .......................................................................................................................... - 11 -2 Raw Material Inspection 原材料检查 ............................................................................................ - 11 -3 Frame Welding and Inspection 框架焊接与检查......................................................................... - 16 -4 Dimension Inspection 尺寸检查 .................................................................................................... - 20 -5 Sand Blasting and Inspection 喷砂与检查 ................................................................................... - 22 -6 Painting and Inspection 涂装及检查 ............................................................................................. - 24 -7 SS and CS Pipe Welding and Inspection管道焊接及检查 ........................................................ - 27 -8 Assembly Inspection 组装检查 ...................................................................................................... - 33 -9 Pressure Test 压力测试 .................................................................................................................. - 36 -10 I/O Point Test 输入输出点测试..................................................................................................... - 38 -11 Packing Inspection 包装检查 ....................................................................................................... - 39 - VI The Handling of Unaccepted Work 不合格品的处置 ..................................................................... - 42 -1 Disposal and Correcting 处置与纠正 ............................................................................................ - 42 -2 The Process Of Quality Inspection And The Final Test 质检的过程与最终检测 .................... - 42 - VII Design Changes 设计变更 ............................................................................................................... - 45 - VIII Handover of QC Documents 质检资料移交.................................................................................. - 46 -I Project Management Team 项目管理组织结构1 Setup of Organization 组织机构设置Project organizational chart refers to Appendix 1.项目组织结构图参见附件1。
PMP通常用以推動製程和品質保證系統使用相關的關鍵參數管控重要站別 PMP update guideline.---PMP修改准則 Preventive action take .採取新的預防措施 System improvement .系統得到改進 Lesson learn review.所獲得經驗的回顧 QC and Process control enhancement.品管和製程控制得到加強
(JQE and PPAP team apprroved by PPAP leader
PPAP leader approved
>QA品質相關 >客戶RD設計功能相關 >PE製程控制相關 定義製程路綫圖 (PE主導)
品質管制 製程管制
PFMEA的建立 (PE與RD負責) 在ST和PT階段完成
Define process road map (PE host)
Quality control Process control
PFMEA creation (PE work with RD) ST and PT
APQP team
Trail run report -quality yield rate -issue highlight
Process management plan
---Product Process Stablization Quality Assurance
產品制程穩定性品質保證 Prepared by: QSMC SQE Rick Miao Nov 24 2003 revision 01
PMP function and control PMP功能與管制
《建设项目工程总承包管理规范》GB/T 50358-2017解读
2.0.18 项目费用管理 project cost management 保证项目在批准的预算内完成所需的过程。它主要涉及资源计划、费用估算、费用预算和费用控制等。
2.0.15 试运行 commissioning 依据合同约定,在工程完成竣工试验后,由项目发包人或项目承包人组织进行的包括合同目标考核验收在内的全部试验。
2.0.16 项目范围管理 project scope management 对合同中约定的项目工作范围进行的定义、计划、控制和变更等活动。
通过组织策划、人员获得、团队开发等过程,使参加项目的人员能够被最有效地使用。 2.0.23 项目信息管理 project information management
对项目信息的收集、整理、分析、处理、存储、传递与使用等活动。 2.0.24 项目风险 project risk
由于项目所处的环境和条件的不确定性以及受项目干系人主观上不能准确预见或控制等因素的影响,使项目的最终结果与项目干系人的期望产生偏离,并给项目干系 人带来损失的可能性。 2.0.25 项目风险管理 project risk management
2.0.3 项目管理 project management 在项目实施过程中对项目的各方面进行策划、组织、监测和控制,并把项目管理知识、技能、工具和技术应用于项目活动中,以达到项目目标的全部活动。
2.0.4 项目管理体系 project management system 为实现项目目标,保证项目管理质量而建立的,由项目管理各要素组成的有机整体。通常包括组织机构、职责、资源、过程、程序和方法。项目管理体系应形成文件。
ISO26262 项目品质计划Project Quality Plan
8.2Quality Assurance of Management System9
8.3Management System Quality AudiБайду номын сангаасs9
9Project QA Independence9
10Product Development10
General overview
This section shall contain a brief description of the background of and/or reason for this development project.
Describebriefly the system being developed. If the product/item developed at this level is part of a system, also briefly describe the products’ relationship to the system.
10.1Process General10
11XXXX Management Responsibility10
11.1Project Manager’s Responsibility10
11.2Project QA’s Responsibility10
12Detailed QA Activities10
12.1XXXX Work Products10
12.1.1Review methods of XXXX Work Products10
12.1.2Configuration Management of Work Products10
Quality Control Plan质量控制计划1. Quality policy质量方针The policy aims at satisfying our customer by way of initializing an updated quality management and sticking to the top requirement of “quality first” in an attempt to achieve an elite project finally.坚持“质量第一”的原则,确保质量体系有效运行,向业主提供满足合同与标准要求的产品。
2. Quality objective质量目标Provide our customer with products in full line with relevant contract and standard by way of strictly conforming to quality control procedure and intensifying avoiding common quality faults to be sure of an effective operation of the quality assurance and quality control system, achieve a zero quality accident rate and realize good project construction quality.坚持质量标准,严格质量控制程序,加大质量通病治理,实现质量事故为零,确保工程质量优良,争创优质工程。
Try hard to finish the project in an excellent way努力以如下目标完成项目:(1)Qualification rate for unit project:100%单位工程质量合格率:100%(2)Choiceness rate for unit project:above 95%单位工程质量优良率:95%以上(3)Qualification rate for inspection items with allowable tolerances:above 95%允许项目测点合格率:95%以上(4)Qualification rate for measure of location by self-inspection:above 95%定位测量自检合格率:95%以上(5)Qualification rate for radiographic test (not including testing weld joints reworked) above 95%焊缝拍片一次合格率:95%以上(6)Quality accident rate: 0质量事故发生率为零(7)Mission success rate for one-time commissioning: 100%试车一次成功率100%3. Quality Assurance System and Function质量保证体系and Structure建立质量保证体系组织机构Establish quality assurance and effective quality control system before construction in order to ensure the realization of construction quality objective. (As for system organization, see the Chart attached herewith).为确保工程施工质量达到既定目标及在施工过程中工程质量得到有效控制,在工程开工前建立本工程的质量保证体系,质保体系组织机构如下图。
制定项目质量计划的方法Developing a project quality plan is essential for ensuring that a project meets the required standards and delivers the expected outcomes.制定项目质量计划对于确保项目达到所需标准并实现预期成果至关重要。
One effective method for developing a project quality plan is to start by clearly defining the quality goals and objectives of the project.一个制定项目质量计划的有效方法是首先明确定义项目的质量目标和目标。
This involves identifying the specific quality requirements and standards that need to be met, and establishing measurable quality criteria to evaluate the project's performance.这包括确定需要满足的具体质量要求和标准,并建立可衡量的质量标准来评估项目的表现。
It is important to involve all key stakeholders in the process of developing the quality plan, including project managers, team members, and relevant subject matter experts.在制定质量计划的过程中,重要的是要让所有关键利益相关者参与进来,包括项目经理、团队成员和相关专家。
By involving these stakeholders, the quality goals and objectives can be aligned with the overall project goals, and their input can help to ensure that the quality plan is realistic and achievable.通过让这些利益相关者参与进来,质量目标和目标可以与整体项目目标保持一致,并通过他们的输入来确保质量计划是现实和可以实现的。
9。2Environmental Control环境管控87
9。2.1Environment ImpactAssessment。(EIA)Report环评报告87
1 Scope & Details
The scope of this Project Quality Plan(PQP)incorporates the quality managementof various stages and aspects in the course of the projectconstruction including(I)Quality Management System;(ii) planning & scheduling;(iii) Procurement;(iv)Design Management;(v)construction management;(vi)contract administration,and(vii) site safety-risk,health & environmental control。
7.9。4 Procedure程序16
7.10 Maintenance ofPlant&Equipment设备维护77
7。10.4 Procedure程序77
7.13.1 Purpose目标80
1. **定义目标和范围**:明确项目的目标和范围,确保所有团队成员都对项目的期望和目标有清晰的理解。
2. **资源评估**:评估项目所需的资源,包括人力、设备、材料和财务资源。
3. **时间规划**:创建详细的时间表,包括所有任务的开始和结束日期,以及相关的里程碑。
4. **风险评估**:识别项目中可能遇到的风险,并制定相应的风险应对策略。
5. **质量规划**:确保项目输出符合预定的质量标准。
6. **沟通计划**:确定项目团队成员之间的沟通方式和频率,确保信息流畅传递。
7. **监控和控制**:定期监控项目进度,确保项目按计划进行,并在必要时进行调整。
8. **更新和维护**:随着项目的进展,不断更新项目计划,以反映任何变化或新的信息。
C-Plan方法可能还会包括其他特定的工具和技术,如关键路径法(Critical Path Method, CPM)、敏捷迭代方法或其他项目管理工具,以帮助项目团队更有效地规划和执行项目。
Ra≤ 0.4μm
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- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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(Project Quality Plan – Appendix C)
Project Procedures
Project Procedure 1: Procedure for undertaking Management Review.
Project Procedure 2 Procedure for Formulating Management Documentation
Project Procedure 3 Procedure for undertaking Contract Review
Project Procedure 4 Procedure for Executing Permanent Design Works
Project Procedure 5(1) Procedure for Control of Incoming Documents and
Project Procedure 5(2) Procedure for Control of Outgoing Documents and
Project Procedure 5(3) Procedure for Control of Internal Documents and Communications Project Procedure 5(4) Procedure for Control of Drawings and Miscellaneous Documents
and Communications
Project Procedure 6 Procedure for Control of Purchasing including the Evaluation of
Sub-Contractors and Suppliers
Project Procedure 7: Not allocated. It is not envisaged that there will be any Client
supplied product to be controlled.
Project Procedure 8: Procedure for Product Identification and Traceability
Project Procedure 9: Procedure for Recording of Works Executed and Resources
Project Procedure 10 Not allocated. Inspection and Test requirements shall be as
identified in relevant inspection and test plans.
Project Procedure 11 Procedure for Control of Inspection, Monitoring Measuring and
Test Equipment
Project Procedure 12 Not allocated. Inspection and Test status shall be identifiable via
reference to relevant databases, spreadsheets or suitably marked-
up plans as required.
Project Procedure 13 Procedure for Control of Non-Conforming Product
Project Procedure 14 Note allocated. Corrective and Preventive Action is addressed in
China Harbour Engineering Company (Group) Quality Manual
and the associated Operating Procedure, OP-09 –Corrective and
Preventive Action.
Project Procedure 15 Procedure for Handling and Storage of Permanent Materials Project Procedure 16 Procedure for Control of Management Records
Project Procedure 17 Note allocated. The Internal Quality Auditing requirement is
addressed in China Harbour Engineering Company (Group)
Quality Manual and the associated Operating Procedure, OP-11 –
Internal Quality Auditing.
Project Procedure 18 Procedure for Conducting Management Awareness Training. Project Procedure 19 Not allocated. It is envisaged that any servicing and maintenance
required shall be addressed via the use of Activity Procedures,
Operation and Maintenance Manuals or Specific Method of
Project Procedure 20 Procedure for carrying out Stastical Analysis of Data
Project Procedure 21 Procedure for Mobilisation and De-mobilisation of Staff and
associated Resources
Project Procedure 22 Procedure for Identification of staff training needs and carrying
out of same.
Project Procedure 23 Procedure for dealing with complaints and enquiries。