Numerical investigation of heated gas flow in a thermoacoustic device




COMSOL在金属氢化物贮氢罐传热传质模拟中的应用林羲1,朱琦2,李谦1, 3, *1. 上海大学材料基因组工程研究院,上海,中国2. 上海大学机电工程与自动化学院,上海,中国3. 上海大学材料科学与工程学院及省部共建高品质特殊钢冶金与制备国家重点实验室,上海,中国* 通讯作者:李谦shuliqian@摘要:本文面对贮氢罐的实际指标(吸氢速率1.5 L min-1),采用COMSOL软件中的多孔介质传热、地下流动以及数学模块,构建吸氢过程中的传热、传质及反应动力学方程,并进行耦合求解。


通过参数化扫描的手段,得到贮氢罐不同直径d (4<d<20 cm)、高度L (4<L<20 cm)、粉末床孔隙率(0.4<ε<0.6)下,贮氢罐整体吸氢容量和吸氢速率分布。


关键词:金属氢化物;贮氢罐;数值模拟;1. 简介传统化石能源的不可持续性、高污染性等问题阻碍了人类社会的可持续发展。









23.Couvert A.Roustan M.Chatellier P Two-phase hydrodynamic study of a rectangular air-lift loop reactor with an
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24.Couvert A.Bastoul D.Roustan M Prediction of liquid velocity and gas hold-up in rectangular air-lift reactors of different scales 2001
36.Warsito.Ohkawa M.Kawata N.Uchida S Cross-sectional distributions of gas and solid holdups in slurry bubble column investigated by ultrasonic computed tomography 1999
45.Iguchi M.Kondoh T.Morita Z I.Nakajima K Velocity and turbulence measurements in a cylindrical bath subject to
centric bottom gas injection 1995(02)
46.Deshpande N S.Joshi J B Simultaneous measurements of gas and liquid phase velocities and gas hold-up using laser Doppler velocimeter 1997
10.Visnovsky G.Claus J D.Merchuk J C Cultivation of Insect Cells in Bioreactors:Influence of Reactor Configuration and Superficial Velocity 2003










在Applied Physics Letters, Optics Letters, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer等国内外重要学术期刊与会议上发表/录用学术论文150余篇,其中被SCI、EI等国际检索系统收录100余篇。


2000-2004年,先后在日本航空宇宙技术研究所、日本航空航天局任STA Fellow、特别研究员和主任研究员,2004年入选中国科学院―百人计划‖,并被聘任研究员。





棉纺织车间的热舒适性研究杨瑞梁;周义德;徐子龙【摘要】以国家标准和相关热舒适研究为基础,调查了棉纺织车间的热舒适情况.测试了相关热舒适参数,计算出棉纺织车间的预测平均热感觉指数(PMV)和预计不满意者的百分比(PPD),分别与热感觉投票(TSV)值和热满意度投票(TS)结果进行对比,以判断PMV-PPD指标体系在棉纺织车间的适用情况.对棉纺织车间来说,计算的PMV值以及调查的TSV值均远远高于国家标准和国际标准要求的热舒适范围.考虑到国内纺织车间的实际情况,如果使用PMV-PPD指标体系来描述棉纺织车间的热环境,则应适当调宽PMV的要求范围,建议棉纺织车间的PMV应能满足-0.5 <PMV<2.【期刊名称】《纺织学报》【年(卷),期】2015(036)003【总页数】4页(P54-57)【关键词】热舒适;预测平均热感觉指数;预计不满意者的百分比;热感觉投票;热满意度投票【作者】杨瑞梁;周义德;徐子龙【作者单位】天津工业大学机械工程学院,天津300387;中原工学院能源与环境学院,河南郑州450007;中原工学院能源与环境学院,河南郑州450007【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TS108.61随着近年纺织用工荒现象的日趋明显和扩大,棉纺织车间温度偏高致使操作人员热舒适性较差的问题越来越受到纺织企业和相关研究人员的重视。

按GB 50481—2009《棉纺织工厂设计规范》的规定,棉纺织车间温度要在30℃以上。


按照GB 50736—2012《民用建筑供暖通风与空气调节设计规范》,人员长期逗留的室内舒适温度为26~28℃。

GB 50189—2005《公共建筑节能设计标准》指出:室内计算温度每升高1℃,能耗可减少8% ~10%。

因此,相对于民用建筑所要求的室内设计参数,纺织车间即使达到国家标准的设计要求,可以节约16% ~20%的能耗,但会导致车间温度升高,劳动条件恶化,能否兼顾工人的热舒适需要,应该进行进一步的研究。


Under consideration for publication in J. Fluid Mech.
The role of unsteadiness in direct initiation of gaseous detonations
By C H R I S A. E C K E T T, J A M E S J. Q U I R K† A N D J O S E P H E. S H E P H E R D‡
C. A. Eckett, J. J. Quirk and J. E. Shepherd
detonation transition (DDT). The main variable believed to control the success or failure of direct initiation is the magnitude of the initial energy release, provided the energy deposition is sufficiently fast and the igniter sufficiently small. Experiments suggest that for a given combustible gas mixture at given uniform premixed initial conditions, the energy release must be above a certain level, known as the critical energy, to successfully initiate a detonation. The same arguments apply for direct initia



YSU simulation
MYJ simulation
0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 OBS 3 SO2 concentration(mg/m )
ACM2 R=0.614
0.0 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30
高度(km) 3000
atmospheric boundary layer
500 400 ³ ³ ³ 300 200 100 90 ³³³³
¨ ³ ³ +³ ¨ ³ ³ +³
³ ³ ³ km³ ¨ ³
80 70 60 50 40 30 20 ³³³ ÷ ³ +³ ¨ ³ ³³³³ ÷ ³³³ ³ -³ ¨ ³
图1 三种边界层方案(YSU、MYJ和ACM2)模拟的与观测的 (a)西固二水厂和(b)兰州站的地面温度(2m)日变化对比 (b)兰州站(52889)
1.2 51.2 02 51.2 05 51.2 08 51.2 11 51.2 14 51.2 17 51.2 20 51.2 23 61.2 02 61.2 05 61.2 08 61.2 11 61.2 14 61.2 17 61.2 20 61.2 23 71.2 02 71.2 05 71.2 08 71.2 11 71.2 14 71.2 17 71.2 20 7-2 3



(2) automatic sprinkler spray:自动水喷雾 系统
起作用: Wind plays a part in the fire spread 有相当大的作用:Wind has considerable impact/effect on the fire spread. 起核心主导作用:Sometimes wind plays a central and dominant role in the fire spread. 起主要(重要)作用:In general, wind plays a major/an important role in the fire spread. 起关键作用:Sometimes wind plays/has a key role in the fire spread.
(2) hazard: 危害;危害/ risk:包含概率的风险
e.g. hazard identification 危险源辨识 hazard / risk assessment 危害性/ 风险评估 risk characterization 风险表征(note: character, characteristics)
6. Effect of air velocity on pyrolysis of fire retardant coatings exposed to air heated at controlled temperatures
空气速度对暴露在加热至控制温度的空气中 的防火涂料热解的作用
Note: (1) air velocity:空气速度;较少用air speed (2) fire retardant coating 防火/阻燃涂料

Numerical Investigation on the Hydrogen-Assisted Start-Up of Methane-Fueled, Catalytic Microreactors

Numerical Investigation on the Hydrogen-Assisted Start-Up of Methane-Fueled, Catalytic Microreactors

Flow Turbulence Combust(2012)89:215–230DOI10.1007/s10494-011-9343-2Numerical Investigation on the Hydrogen-AssistedStart-Up of Methane-Fueled,Catalytic MicroreactorsSymeon Karagiannidis·John MantzarasReceived:25August2010/Accepted:28February2011/Published online:24March2011©Springer Science+Business Media B.V.2011Abstract The hydrogen-assisted start-up of methane-fueled,catalytic microreactorshas been investigated numerically in a plane-channel configuration.Transient2-D simulations have been performed in a platinum-coated microchannel made ofeither ceramic or metallic walls.Axial heat conduction in the solid wall and surfaceradiation heat transfer were accounted for.Simulations were performed by varyingthe inlet pressure,the solid wall thermal conductivity and heat capacity,and com-parisons were made between fuel mixtures comprising100%CH4and90%CH4–10%H2by volume.A significant reduction in the ignition(t ig)and steady-state (t st)times was evident for microreactors fed with hydrogen-containing mixtures in comparison to pure methane-fueled ones,for all pressures and reactor materialsinvestigated,with hydrogen having a direct thermal rather than chemical impact oncatalytic microreactor ignition.The positive impact of H2addition was attenuated asthe pressure(and the associated CH4catalytic reactivity)increased.Reactors withlow wall thermal conductivity(cordierite material)benefited more from hydrogenaddition in the fuel stream and exhibited shorter ignition times compared to higherthermal conductivity ones(FeCr alloy)due to the creation of spatially localizedhot spots that promoted catalytic ignition.At the same time,the cordierite materialrequired shorter times to reach steady state.Microreactor emissions were impactedpositively by the addition of hydrogen in the fuel stream,with a significant reductionin the cumulative methane emissions and no hydrogen breakthrough.Finally,gas-phase chemistry was found to elongate the steady-state times for both ceramic andmetallic materials.Keywords Catalytic microreactors·Transient simulation·Hetero-/homogeneouscombustion·Hydrogen-assisted combustionS.Karagiannidis·J.Mantzaras(B)Combustion Research,Paul Scherrer Institute(PSI),CH-5232Villigen,Switzerlande-mail:ioannis.mantzaras@psi.ch1IntroductionIn recent years,hydrocarbon-fueled catalytic microreactors have been the focus of intense research efforts[1],as they can reliably supply the necessary thermal power for a variety of portable power generation systems with demonstrated energy densi-ties considerably higher than those obtained with state-of-the-art Li-ion batteries[2]. Catalytic microburners have thus been investigated for use in scaled-down devices employing conventional thermal cycles,with applications ranging from micro-Stirling engines[2]to direct chemical-to-thermal energy conversion devices[3].With most of the experimental work on catalytic microreactors focusing on operational aspects such as fuel conversion and thermal management[4],a wide range of computational models of varying complexity are increasingly being em-ployed to provide insight on the physics of microscale catalytic combustion.Such approaches include simplified1-D models with lumped heat and mass transport coefficients investigating the performance of propane-fueled microreactors[5], 2-D models with detailed surface chemistry without heat conduction in the solid wall probing the robustness of methane-fueled microreactors against external heat losses [6]and finally full2-D CFD models whereby all relevant heat transfer mechanisms in the solid(heat conduction and surface radiation heat transfer)along with detailed catalytic and gas-phase chemistries are accounted for[7].The start-up of microreactors,and catalytic microburners in particular,is of prime importance in small-scale power generation devices;for example,long heat-up times can reduce the availability of the microdevice over extended periods and also result in substantial pollutant emissions.While the aforementioned numerical studies delineated the steady-state performance of catalytic microreactors,only a few investigations focused on their transient behavior,with particular emphasis on the ignition process(light-off).Such works include the mapping of hydrogen/air flame dynamics in catalytic and non-catalytic microchannels having prescribed wall temperatures using a fully transient2-D CFD code[8],as well as investigations of optimum ignition strategies in a propane-fueled catalytic microreactor using a1-D transient code[9].Since fully transient simulations for reacting flows can be computationally de-manding,a number of simplifications have been introduced for catalytic combustion applications allowing extensive parametric numerical investigations.One such sim-plified computational model used widely for conventional-sized honeycomb reactors involves a“continuum”description of the entire reactor structure and invokes the quasisteady treatment of the gaseous phase as a result of the disparity between the gas-phase and solid-phase characteristic time scales[10].In a recent combined experimental and numerical study[11],the light-off and extinction in the catalytic partial oxidation(CPO)of methane over rhodium were investigated by invoking the quasisteady assumption for the gas to model the2-D reacting flow in a single catalytic channel.The validated transient computational model was subsequently used to study ignition characteristics in a methane-fueled,catalytic microreactor channel [12].Therein,detailed hetero-/homogeneous chemistry was employed along with all relevant heat transfer mechanisms in the reactor,with emphasis on the impact of solid heat conduction and thermal radiation heat transfer from the catalytic walls on microreactor ignition and attainment of steady state.Parametric studies were carried out to identify the effect of various operational parameters such as pressure,fuel/air equivalence ratio,solid material properties and radiation properties on the transientprocesses leading to ignition and finally to steady-state.Operation at higher-than-atmospheric pressures was identified as particularly favorable due to a subsequentsignificant reduction in the times required for microreactor ignition and attainmentof steady state.In the present work,a numerical study is undertaken to investigate the start-upof methane-fueled,catalytic microreactors using methane/hydrogen fuel blends,asan alternative strategy for rapid light-off.A full elliptic,transient in the solid andquasisteady in the gas numerical code is used to simulate the reacting flow in acatalytic plane channel configuration with a gap of1mm and a length of10mm,with this setup effectively representing a single channel of a catalytic honeycombmicroburner structure.Detailed catalytic and gas-phase reaction mechanisms forthe total oxidation of methane and hydrogen on platinum have been used.Theinvestigation is focused on operating conditions pertinent to microturbine-basedmicroreactor systems[13–15],which include preheated fuel/air mixtures and inletpressures up to5bar.The main objective is to quantify the impact of hydrogen-assisted hetero-/homogeneous combustion on the elapsed time required for microre-actor ignition and subsequent attainment of steady state.Operating pressures in therange of1bar≤p≤5bar are investigated for two representative microreactormaterials,namely cordierite ceramic and FeCr alloy parisons are madewith the start-up times of catalytic microreactors operating with pure methane/airstreams(no hydrogen addition[12]);moreover,the effect of hydrogen-assistedcatalytic combustion on microreactor emissions is assessed.It is noted that thiswork presents for the first time transient results on the hydrogen-assisted hetero-/homogeneous combustion of methane in catalytic microreactors at higher-than-atmospheric pressures and for different microreactor wall materials.The current article is organized as follows.The numerical model is presented first.Hydrogen-assisted catalytic combustion is qualitatively assessed next,followed byresults on the impact of hydrogen addition in the fuel/air stream on microreactorignition and steady-state times,at various pressures and for both solid materialsinvestigated.Catalytic microreactor start-up characteristics during operation withmethane/hydrogen fuel blends are subsequently analyzed,followed by an assessmentof pollutant emissions during the microreactor start-up process.Finally,the impactof gas-phase chemistry is discussed.2Numerical ModelA full-elliptic,two-dimensional CFD code[11,16]has been used to simulatethe flow domain in a plane channel having length L=10mm,height2b=1mm and wall thicknessδ=50μm(see Fig.1).The initial1mm channel lengthwas catalytically inert,while the remaining L a=9mm was coated with platinum. Due to symmetry,only half of the channel domain was modeled.The global fuel-to-air equivalence ratio of the examined CH4/H2/air mixtures wasϕ=0.37,whichwas obtained when substituting10%CH4by volume with H2in an initial leanCH4/air stream of equivalence ratioϕ=0.40.The inlet temperature was set to T IN= 850K,a value practically achievable in recuperated microreactor thermal cycles[13]. The initial temperature for the channel solid wall was uniform and equal to the incoming mixture temperature,such that T W(x,t=0)=850K.Calculations wereFig.1Schematic of the Array catalytic microreactorconfigurationperformed for pressures p=1,2,3,4and5bar,while the nominal inlet velocitywas U IN=1.5m/s at p=1bar,a value typical for microreactors.When increasing the inlet pressure,the inlet velocity was decreased accordingly,so as to maintain the same mass throughput(ρIN U IN).Two types of solid materials were examined for the microreactor wall,cordierite ceramic with a thermal conductivity of k s=2W/mK and a thermal capacity ofρs c s=3806kJ/m3K and FeCr alloy metal with k s=16W/mK andρs c s=4428kJ/m3K.The quasisteady assumption requires that the convective and diffusive time scales of the gas are appreciably shorter than the characteristic time scales for diffusion of heat in the solid,thus allowing the gaseous flow to equilibrate to the channel solid wall temperature at any given time during the ignition event.The2-D steady calculations of the flow field were then coupled to a1-D transient energy balance equation for the solid.Justification for the choice of a1-D model for the solid energy equation has been provided elsewhere[12].The net radiation method for diffuse-gray areas[12,17]accounted for radiation exchange between the discretized channel wall elements themselves,and between each wall element and the inlet and outlet channel enclosures.The inlet and outlet planes of the enclosure had emissivities equal to those of the channel wall surfaces,εIN=εOUT=ε=0.6,while the inlet and outlet exchange temperatures were set equal to the inlet and outlet mixing cup temperatures,respectively.In the numerical model,the geometrical surface area has been considered equal to the catalytically active area.Radiative boundary conditions were finally applied to the vertical front and rear solid wall faces.It should be noted that,while the outer horizontal channel wall was treated as adiabatic,the reactor itself was non-adiabatic due to radiation heat losses towards the colder inlet enclosure.The combustion of lean methane/hydrogen blends on platinum was modeled using the elementary heterogeneous scheme of Deutschmann et al.[18](24reactions, 11surface and9gaseous species),coupled to the C1/H/O elementary gas-phase mechanism of Warnatz et al.[19](26species,108reactions).In the catalytic mechanism,a surface site density =2.7×10−9mol/cm2was used.The catalytic mechanism has been validated against spatially-resolved measurements of major species concentrations across the boundary layer formed in a Pt-coated channel at pressures of1to16bar,while the gas-phase mechanism has been tested against OH laser induced fluorescence(LIF)homogeneous ignition measurements in the same channel reactor,again at pressures of1to16bar[20,21].To reproduce homogeneous ignition at p≤6bar(a range encompassing the present investigation),the gaseous mechanism has been modified in the single reaction CHO+M⇔CO+H+M;this modification was further supported by recent kinetic measurements,as described in[21].Mixture-average diffusion was used,with transport properties calculated from the CHEMKIN database[22].Surface and gas-phase reaction rates were evaluated using Surface-CHEMKIN[23]and CHEMKIN,respectively[24].An orthogonal staggered grid with100×24points in the x-and y-direction,respectively,over the channel half-height produced a grid-independent solution forthe flow domain.Finer spacing towards the channel wall and entry section was used.A100grid node resolution in the x-direction was also used to discretize the solid wall.At the inlet(x=0),uniform profiles of species,temperature and axial velocity wereapplied,while zero-Neumann conditions were set at the outlet(x=L)and planeof symmetry(y=0).No-slip was applied for both velocity components at the gas–wall interface(y=b).The coupled gas and solid phases were solved iteratively andconvergence was achieved at each time step when the solid temperature did not varyat any position along the wall by more than10−5K.The quasisteady approximation also entails the assumption of catalytic chemicalreaction times being shorter than the heat conduction times in the solid,so as toensure chemical equilibration at the local wall temperature during an integrationtime step of the ing the same methodology as in[12],a time step t=50ms was subsequently used in this work,having a value sufficiently longer thanthe chemical time scales present during catalytic microreactor ignition.3Results and DiscussionTransient simulations were performed in order to assess the impact of hydrogenaddition in methane-fueled catalytic microreactors during the start-up phase.First,hydrogen-assisted heterogeneous combustion is assessed in an ideal catalytic reactor,which indicates the potential benefit of substituting part of methane in the fuel/airstream with hydrogen.Next,full2-D simulations are performed to quantify the effectof hydrogen addition in methane-fueled microreactor start-up times.Operating para-meters of interest in this case are the inlet pressure p,the microreactor wall material,and finally the potential impact of gas-phase reactions.The computed characteristictimes of interest(describing the microreactor start-up process)are the ignition time(t ig),defined as the elapsed time required to reach50%of fuel conversion at the channel outlet,and the steady-state time(t st),defined as the elapsed time whereby the outlet gas temperature varied by less than10−3K.By running a steady-stateversion of the code,it was confirmed that the adopted definition of steady statein the transient simulations reproduced the true steady-state outlet temperaturewithin1K.3.1Hydrogen-assisted heterogeneous combustionIn order to decouple the underlying chemical processes from microreactor-specificeffects(e.g.,thermal inertia of solid wall,flow conditions)and to acquire an initialestimate on the effect of hydrogen addition on catalytic methane combustion,computations have been carried out with an ideal reactor model.Catalytic light-off times were computed in a constant pressure batch reactor,under conditionspertinent to the subsequent full2-D channel simulations.To this direction,thehomogeneous-reaction package SENKIN of CHEMKIN[25]has been augmentedwith the inclusion of catalytic reactions(model details have been provided elsewhere[11]).Calculations were performed for two fuel/air mixtures,one containing puremethane fuel(100%CH4)at a fuel/air equivalence ratio ofϕ=0.40,and anothercontaining90%CH4and10%H2,at an overall fuel/air equivalence ratio ofϕ=0.37.Reactor pressure for both cases was p=1bar,while the initial fuel/air mixtureand reactor temperatures were T=850K.To mimic the confinement of a catalyticmicroreactor channel,the surface-to-volume ratio of the ideal batch reactor wasset to S/V=20cm−1,a value equal to the S/V value of the2-D plane channelmicroreactor in the ensuing calculations.Figure2presents the computed temporalevolution of temperature during light-off for the aforementioned fuel/air mixtures.Keeping in line with the definition of t ig in Section3,it is evident from the topgraph in Fig.2that,despite the overall lower equivalence ratio(and also lowerchemical energy input),the CH4/H2blend achieves catalytic light-off appreciablyfaster than the pure methane case.In the case of the CH4/H2blend,the initial reactortemperature of850K is high enough to rapidly consume all of H2(see Fig.2,bottomgraph);this in turn leads to a temperature rise(evident during the first3ms in Fig.2),which further promotes methane catalytic reactions and results in faster light-off.Itis thus expected that even a10%substitution of CH4with H2in the subsequentmicroreactor simulations can significantly impact the computed ignition and steady-state times;moreover,pollutant emissions(namely unburned CH4)are also expected to be affected,partly due to the lower methane concentration in the CH4/H2blendsand partly due to the faster light-off(since most of the cumulative reactor emissionsare attributable to the pre-ignition start-up phase[12]).3.2Ignition and steady-state times for CH4/H2-fueled catalytic microreactors Computed ignition(t ig)and steady-state(t st)times for all cases considered in this study are provided in Table1.The fuel/air equivalence ratio is kept constant atϕ= 0.37for all cases,with a constant ratio of90%CH4–10%H2by volume in the fuelFig.2Temporal evolutionof temperature(top graph)in an ideal batch reactor andrespective temporal evolutionof fuel mole fractions(bottomgraph)for two fuel/airmixtures:100%CH4,ϕ=0.40(solid line)and90%CH4(dashedline)–10%H2(dash-dottedline),ϕ=0.37.Symbolsdenote catalytic light-off times(t ig)Reactorexittemperature(K)80010001200140016001800Elapsed time (ms)03691215 Fuelmolefraction10-410-310-210-1Table 1Case number,microreactor material,inlet pressure p (bar),inlet velocity U IN (m/s),ignition time t ig (s)and steady-state time t st (s)Case Material p (bar)U IN (m/s)t ig (s)t st (s)1Cordierite 1 1.5012.927.52Cordierite 20.759.923.23Cordierite 30.509.221.54Cordierite 40.388.920.85Cordierite 50.308.720.56FeCr alloy 1 1.5016.531.47FeCr alloy 20.7513.225.78FeCr alloy 30.5012.224.49FeCr alloy 40.3811.723.810FeCr alloy 50.3011.423.411Cordierite 1 1.5012.127.812Cordierite 50.308.520.913FeCr alloy 1 1.5016.232.214FeCr alloy50.3011.225.7Cases 1to 10pertain to simulations with surface reactions only,while Cases 11to 14include gas-phase chemistry.In all cases ϕ=0.37with 90%CH 4–10%H 2by volumestream.As the pressure is increased from the nominal case of p =1bar up to 5bar,the inlet velocity is adjusted so that the mass throughput ρIN U IN remains constant.Previous studies on the steady-state stability of methane-fueled catalytic mi-croreactors have exemplified the impact of high pressure operation in maintaining vigorous hetero-/homogeneous combustion in microchannels,owing to the positive p +0.47pressure dependence of the catalytic reactivity of methane on platinum [7].Moreover,transient simulations on the start-up of methane-fueled catalytic mi-croreactors delineated a similar trend,in which the ignition and steady-state times during the heat-up phase of such microreactors were significantly reduced as the operating pressure was increased,thanks to the positive pressure dependence of the catalytic reactivity,even at relatively low microreactor temperatures [12].The same trend is observed from the characteristic times presented in Table 1,and is illustrated in Figs.3and 4for the hydrogen-assisted start-up of methane-fueled catalytic microreactors,where computed t ig and t st times are plotted for Cases 1–5Fig.3Ignition (t ig )andsteady-state (t st )times versus inlet pressure for Cases 1–5in Table 1.Triangles ignition times;squares steady-state times.Solid lines 90%CH 4–10%H 2fuel blend (ϕ=0.37);dashed lines 100%CH 4fuel (ϕ=0.40).The mass inflow (ρIN U IN )is constant for all cases.Cordierite microreactorInlet pressure p (bar)I g n i t i o n / S t e a d y -s t a t e t i m e (s )Fig.4Ignition (t ig )andsteady-state (t st )times versus inlet pressure for Cases 6–10in Table 1.Triangles ignition times;squares steady-state times.Solid lines 90%CH 4–10%H 2fuel blend (ϕ=0.37);dashed lines 100%CH 4fuel (ϕ=0.40).The mass inflow (ρIN U IN )is constant for all cases.FeCr alloy microreactorInlet pressure p (bar)I g n i t i o n / S t e a d y -s t a t e t i m e (s )1015202545 Cases 6–10(Fig.4).For comparison purposes,ignition and steady-state times for the same microreactor configurations are plotted in Figs.3and 4for pure methane/air mixtures,for pressures p =1to 5bar and two microreactor wall materials.Evident from Figs.3and 4is the positive effect of high operating pressure on the ignition and steady-state times of catalytic microreactors fueled with CH 4/H 2blends,albeit with a less pronounced impact as the pressure increases beyond p >3bar,for both materials studied.More pronounced,however,is the difference between characteristic times for microreactors fueled with CH 4/H 2blends (solid curves,Figs.3and 4)and the corresponding times for pure CH 4-fueled ones (dashed curves,Figs.3and 4).By replacing 10%vol.of methane with hydrogen in the fuel stream,a sig-nificant reduction in both t ig and t st can be achieved,despite the subsequent reduction in the global fuel/air equivalence ratio.More pronounced benefits are observed at lower operating pressures,especially at atmospheric pressure.Characteristically,for a cordierite catalytic microreactor operating at p =1bar,replacing 10%vol.of methane with hydrogen in the fuel stream reduces the ignition and steady-state times by ∼47%and ∼33%respectively,while at p =5bar the corresponding reductions are ∼25%and ∼20%.In order to place the positive impact of hydrogen addition in perspective,it should be pointed out that to achieve the same reduction in t ig and t st in the pure methane-fueled cases,the operating pressure would have to be increased to p =4bar.As the operating pressure increases,the reduction in t ig and t st for the CH 4/H 2blends compared to pure CH 4cases is less pronounced;the catalytic reactivity of methane on platinum at elevated pressures is high enough [20]leading to fast light-off and attainment of steady state,such that the effect of hydrogen is attenuated.The elapsed time between light-off and steady state (t st –t ig )remains relatively constant among cases with identical fuel blends,which points out to the fact that,once ignited,the chemical energy input per unit time is more important in determin-ing how fast the microreactor will attain steady state.For CH 4/H 2fuel blends the time required for steady state is,on average,∼15%shorter compared to pure CH 4cases;this can be attributed to the fact that cases with CH 4/H 2fuel blends suffer less thermal radiation heat losses to the channel inlet and outlet enclosures owing to their lower overall equivalence ratio and to the resulting lower surface temperatures [26].3.3Effect of microreactor wall materialCordierite microreactors benefit more from hydrogen-assisted catalytic combustion than FeCr alloy ones.Figure 5presents microreactor wall temperature profiles for Cases 5and 10in Table 1(both at p =5bar)at various time instances,including the characteristic ignition and steady-state times.In both cases,rear-end ignition is observed,which is common for all the conditions in Table 1.It will be shown in the next section that,although the wall temperature profiles indicate an overall back-end ignition process,hydrogen fuel is essentially igniting at the beginning of the catalyst-coated section,leading to a pseudo -ignition seen as a slight bulging of the wall temperature profile around x =1mm (e.g.wall temperature profile at t =8.7s,Fig.5,Case 5).In contrast to catalytic combustion applications with high hydrogen contents in the fuel stream [27],the amount of H 2in the cases considered herein is not large enough to lead to front-end microreactor ignition.As evidenced from Fig.5,FeCr alloy microreactors dissipate heat much faster via heat conduction through their walls than cordierite ones (due to their higher thermal conductivity),leading to broadly distributed reaction zones.This in turn hinders fast methane catalytic light-off,leading to the higher t ig and t st times presented in Table 1.On the other hand,the steady-state temperatures are lower for the FeCr alloy material,suggesting that the material choice is a compromise between reactor thermal management issues and demand for fast light-off.3.4Effect of hydrogen addition on the catalytic microreactor start-up process In the previous sections,the positive effect of hydrogen addition in the methane/air stream has been established regarding the subsequent reduction in characteristic ignition and steady-state times compared to pure methane/air cases,for all operatingFig.5Channel wall streamwise temperature profiles during the start-up phase for Cases 5(top graph )and 10(bottom graph )at various time instances,including ignition (ign )and steady state (st )W a l l t e m p e r a t u r e (K )Channel length (mm)0246810pressures and microreactor materials considered.In this section,the underlying physics behind the heterogeneous combustion of CH 4/H 2blends in catalytic microre-actors will be investigated.Moreover,it will be clarified whether the promotion of catalytic combustion in microreactors with the addition of hydrogen is a thermal or a chemical effect.Catalytic reaction rates for CH 4and H 2fuels are presented in Fig.6for Case 5in Table 1,at two time instances before ignition and at the ignition and steady-state times.Substantial differences are evident in the reaction rate progress of the two fuels throughout the heat-up process.Since the microreactor wall temperature is initially set at T W =850K (well-above the ignition temperature of H 2on platinum),the reaction rate of hydrogen peaks already at t =0.0s and x =1mm (the beginning of the catalytic section)and is fully consumed within the first half of the reactor.Methane on the other hand retains a low reaction rate in the early pre-ignition phase,only surpassing that of hydrogen close to the ignition time.After light-off and until steady state is reached,hydrogen exothermicity has a minor contribution to the heat generated from catalytic reactions in the microreactor,in contrast to the pre-ignition phase where heat is primarily generated from hydrogen conversionChannel length (mm)246810F u e l c o n v e r s i o n r a t e (g r /m 2s ) (solid lines )and methane (dashed lines )catalytic conversion rates along the microreactor during the start-up phase for Case 5at four time instances:ignition (ign ),steady state (st )and two pre-ignition time instances。







此外,预重整的部分原料为合成气(CO+H2),可降低后续高温蒸汽重图1 甲烷蒸汽重整制氢工艺流程198研究与探索Research and Exploration ·工程技术与创新中国设备工程 2023.04 (上)温度约200℃,催化剂为Cu/ZnO/Al 2O 3,产品干气中CO 分数为0.25%。


变压吸附包含吸附(A-Adsorption)、降压/均压(E 1-Pressure equalization)、顺放(PP-Provide purge)、逆放(D-Dump)、冲洗(P-Purging/Regeneration)、升压/均压(R 1/R 0-Repressurization)等六个步骤。



















主要学术研究工作简历2009(7~8月)加拿大国家研究委员会访问教授2008~日本同志社大学访问教授2007~北京大学,特聘研究员2007~北京科技大学生态系,客座高级研究员2006(8~9月)挪威科学技术大学能源与石油天然气战略研究部门,客座高级研究员2006~京都国际能源环境论坛执委2004~2007日本同志社大学能源研究中心,高级研究员2002~2004日本东北大学流体科学研究所,讲师1998~2002助研,清华大学工程力学系传热研究室近期代表性论著Journalpapers:*(Thecorrespondingauthor)2009HiroshiYamaguchi,Xin-RongZhang,DaisukeInoue, AStudyonFlowCharacteristicsofElectrorheologicalFluidinaDamperModel,EngineeringComputatio ns,Vol.26,No.4,pp.375-399,2009.HiroshiYamaguchi,Xin-RongZhang*,AnovelCO2refrigerationsys temachievedbyCO2solid-gastwo-phasefluidanditsbasicstudyonsystemperformance,InternationalJo urnalofRefrigeration,Vol32,Issue7,pp.1683-1693,2009Yamaguchi,N.Sawada,H.Suzuki,H.Ueda,X. R.Zhang*,Anewsolarwaterheaterusingsupercriticalcarbondioxideasworkingfluid,ASMEJournalofS olarEnergyEngineering,2009H.Yamaguchi,X.R.Zhang*,T.Matsumoto,Flowpatternvariationsofvisc oelasticfluidflowsinthree-dimensionalbranchingchannel,Polymerengineeringandscience,DOI10.10 02/pen.21503,2009H.Yamaguchi,X.R.Zhang*,X.D.Niu,ThermomagneticNaturalConvectionofTher moSensitiveMagneticFluidsinCubicCavitywithHeatGeneratingObjectinside,JournalofMagnetismandMagneticMaterials,inpress.H.Yamaguchi,X.D.Niu,X.R.Zhang,K.Yoshikawa,ExperimentalandN umericalInvestigationofNaturalConvectionofMagneticFluidsinaCubicCavity,JournalofMagnetisma ndMagneticMaterials,Vol321,Issue22,pp.3665-3670,2009X.D.Niu,H.Yamaguchi,X.R.Zhang,K.Yo shikawa,Numericalstudyofnaturalconvectionofmagneticfluidsinacubiccavitywithaheatgeneratingo bjectinsidebytheLatticeBoltzmannMethod,AdvancesinAppliedMathematicsandMechanics,inpress. HiroshiYamaguchi,Xin-RongZhang*,XiaodongNiu,K.Nishioka,Investigationofimpulseresponseof anERfluidviscousdamper,JournalofIntelligentMaterialSystemsandStructures,inpress.Xin-RongZha ng*,HiroshiYamaguchi,YuhuiCao,Hydrogenproductionfromsolarenergypoweredsupercriticalcycle usingcarbondioxideCO2HeatPumps:fundamentalandapplications,InternationalJournalofHydrogen Energy,inpress.2008X.R.Zhang*,H.Yamaguchi,Anexperimentalstudyonevacuatedtubesolarcollecto rusingsupercriticalCO2,AppliedThermalEngineering,Vol.28,pp.1225-1233,2008.H.Yamaguchi,X. R.Zhang*,K.Fujima,BasicstudyonnewcryogenicrefrigerationusingCO2solid-gastwophaseflow,Inte rnationalJournalofRefrigeration,Vol.31,pp.404-410,2008.H.Yamaguchi,X.R.Zhang*,S.Higashia,M. Li,Studyonpowergenerationusingelectro-conductivepolymeranditsmixturewithmagneticfluid,Journ alofMagnetismandMagneticMaterials,Vol.320,pp.1406-1411,2008.H.Yamaguchi,X.R.Zhang,Anex perimentalinvestigationoncharacteristicsofsupercriticalCO2basedsolarRankinesystem,RenewableE nergy,20082007X.R.Zhang*,H.Yamaguchi,Forcedconvectionheattransferofsupercriticalcarbondiox ideinahorizontalcirculartube,JournalofSupercriticalFluids,Vol.41,pp.412-420,2007.X.R.Zhang*,H. Yamaguchi,D.Uneno,ExperimentalstudyontheperformanceofsolarRankinesystemusingsupercritical CO2,RenewableEnergy,Vol.32,pp.2617-2628,2007.X.R.Zhang*,H.Yamaguchi,D.Uneno,Thermod ynamicanalysisoftheCO2–basedRankinecyclepoweredbysolarenergy,InternationalJournalofEnergyResearch,Vol.31,pp.1414-1424,2007.X.R.Zhang*,H.Yamaguchi,K.Fujima,M.Enomoto,andN.Sawada,Theoreticalanalysisofa thermodynamiccycleforpowerandheatgenerationusingsupercriticalcarbondioxide,Energy,Vol.32,pp. 591-599,2007.H.Yamaguchi,X.R.Zhang*,A.Ito,M.KuribayashiandH.Nishiyama,Flowcharacteristic sinathree-dimensionalcylindricalbranchingchannel,EngineeringComputations,Vol.24,No.6,pp.636-660,2007.2006X.R.Zhang*,S.Maruyama,K.Tsubaki,S.Sakai,M.Behnia,Mechanismforenhanceddiff usivityinthedeep-seaperpetualsaltfountain,JournalofOceanography,Vol.62,pp.133-142,2006.X.R.Z hang*,H.Yamaguchi,K.Fujima,M.Enomoto,andN.Sawada,Studyofsolarenergypoweredtranscritical cycleusingsupercriticalcarbondioxide,InternationalJournalofEnergyResearch,Vol.30,pp.1117-1129, 2006.X.R.Zhang*,H.Yamaguchi,D.Uneno,K.Fujima,M.Enomoto,andN.Sawada,Analysisofanovels olarenergypoweredRankinecycleforcombinedpowerandheatgenerationusingsupercriticalcarbondio xide,RenewableEnergy,Vol.31,pp.1839-1854,2006.H.Yamaguchi,X.R.Zhang*,K.Fujima,M.Enomo to,N.Sawada,AsolarenergypoweredRankinecycleusingsupercriticalcarbondioxide,AppliedThermal Engineering,Vol.26,pp.2345-2354,2006.H.Yamaguchi,K.Shimada,X.R.Zhang,andD.Inoue,Flowch aracterisiticsofERfluidinmodeldamper,TransactionsoftheJapanSocietyofMechanicalEngineers,Seri esB,Vol.72,No.716,pp.97-103,2006.H.Yamaguchi,A.Ito,M.Kuribayashi,X.R.Zhang*,andH.Nishiya ma,Basicflowcharacteristicsinathree-dimensionalbranchingchannelwithsuddenexpansion,European JournalofMechanics-B/Fluids,Vol.25,pp.909-922,2006.2005X.R.Zhang*,S.Maruyama,H.Yamaguc hi,Laminarnaturalconvectionheattransferfromaverticalbaffledplatesubjectedtoaperiodicoscillation, ASMEJournalofHeatTransfer,Vol.127,pp.733-739,2005.X.R.Zhang*,H.Yamaguchi,K.Fujima,M.E nomoto,andN.Sawada,AfeasibilitystudyofCO2-basedRankinecyclepoweredbysolarenergy,JSMEIn ternationalJournal,Series.B(FluidsandThermalEngineering),Vol.48,pp.540-547,2005.H.Yamaguchi,A.Ito,M.Kuribayashi,X.R.Zhang*,andH.Nishiyama,Anexperimentalstudyontheflowcharacteristicsi nathree-dimensionalcylindricalbranchingchannel,FlowMeasurementandInstrumentation,Vol.16,pp. 241-249,2005.2004X.R.Zhang*,S.Sakai,S.Maruyama,Numericalinvestigationoflaminarnaturalcon vectiononaheatedverticalplatesubjectedtoaperiodicoscillation,InternationalJournalofHeatandMassT ransfer,Vol.47,pp.4439-4448,2004.円山重直,椿耕太郎,X.R.Zhang,酒井清吾,海洋深層水汲み上げによる海洋緑化-ラピュタ計画(Upwellingdeepseawater),月刊海洋(OceanJournal),No.36,pp.87-93,2004(InJapanese).X.R.Zhang*,S.Maruyama,S.Sakai,K.Tsubaki,M. Behnia,Flowpredictioninupwellingdeepseawater—thePerpetualSaltFountain,DeepSeaResearchPartI:OceanographicResearchPapers,51-9,pp.1145-115 7,2004.Conferencepapers:2009X.R.Zhang,CO2naturalconvections:fundamentalandapplications,Th e4thKIFEESymposiumonEnvironment,Energy,MaterialandEducation,6-9September2009,NTNU,T rondheim,Norway.X.R.Zhang,L.Chen,H.Yamaguchi,Numericalanalysisoftheflowstabilityofasuper criticalCO2basednaturalcirculationloop,The20thInternationalSymposiumonTransportPhenomena,7 -10July,2009,VictoriaBC,Canada.X.R.Zhang,L.C.Jin,Numericalsimulationontheevaporativeheattra nsferofCO2flowinginahorizontalsmoothmicro-tube,The20thInternationalSymposiumonTransportP henomena,7-10July,2009,VictoriaBC,Canada.X.R.Zhang,H.Yamaguchi,Solarpoweredthermodyna miccycleusingsupercriticalfluids,ProceedingsoftheInauguralUS-EU-ChinaThermophysicsConfere nceUECTC-RE09,May28-30,2009Beijing,China.X.R.Zhang,J.Liu,H.Yamaguchi,Anumericalstudy onheattransfercharacterisiticsofCO2-DMEmixturefluid,2009ASMESummerHeatTransferConferen ce,July19-23,2009,SanFrancisco,CaliforniaUSA.H.Yamaguchi,X.R.Zhang,N.Sawada,H.Suzukiand H.Ueda,Experimentalstudyonasolarwaterheaterusingsupercriticalcarbondioxideasworkingfluid,20 09ASMEEnergySustainabilityConference,July19-23,2009,SanFrancisco,CaliforniaUSA.X.R.Zhan g,H.Yamaguchi,ExperimentalinvestigationonheattransferofCO2solid-gastwophaseflowwithdryices ublimation,2009ASMESummerHeatTransferConference,July19-23,2009,SanFrancisco,California USA.X.R.Zhang,H.Yamaguchi,Y.Cao,Theproductionofhydrogenbysolarenergypoweredsupercritic alcycleusingcarbondioxide,InternationalConferenceonHydrogenProduction,Oshawa,Ontario,Cana da,May3-6,2009.B.LDeng,X.RZhang,ThermaleffectonrecirculationregionofsupercriticalCO2sudde nexpansionflowatlowReynoldsnumbers,TheSixthInternationalConferenceonFlowDynamics,Nov.4 -6,Sendai,Japan,2009.B.LDeng,X.RZhang,Bifurcationphenomenonforforcedconvectionofsupercrit icalCO2fluidinplanesymmetricsuddenexpansion,TheSixthInternationalConferenceonFlowDynami cs,Nov.4-6,Sendai,Japan,2009.X.RZhang,Advancedrenewablethermalenergy,Outstandingalumnise ssion,TheSixthInternationalCo,nferenceonFlowDynamics,Nov.4-6,Sendai,Japan,2009.(Invitedtalk) YuhuiCaoandXin-RongZhang,Supercriticalcarbondioxidenaturalconvectioninclosedcavities,TheInt ernationalWorkshopofEnergyConversion,Nov.25-27,2009,Kyoto,Japan.LinChen,Xin-RongZh,ang, HiroshiYamaguchi,Zhong-Sheng(Simon)Liu,FlowtransitionsofsupercriticalCO2flowinanaturalcirc ulationloop,TheInternationalWorkshopofEnergyConversion,Nov.25-27,2009,Kyoto,Japan.2008X. R.Zhang,Solarenergypoweredthermodynamiccyclesystemusingsupercriticalfluids,TheSecondChin a-JapanJointWorkshopofEnergyConversion—2008,Beijing,Nov27-30,2008.X.R.Zhang,JiaLiu,NumericalstudyoflaminarforcedconvectionofCO2 -DMEfluidinahorizontalcirculartube,TheSecondChina-JapanJointWorkshopofEnergyConversion —2008,Beijing,Nov27-30,2008.X.R.Zhang,Thestudyontheflowdynamicsandheattransferfornaturalw orkingfluidCO2,Invitedtalkofvisitingfellows,EnergyConversionResearchCenter,DoshishaUniversity,KyotoofJapan,July16,2008.(InJapanese).2007X.RZhang,H.Yamaguchi,M.Masuda,StudyontheC O2solid-gastwophaseflowwithparticlesublimationanditsbasicapplications,ConferenceProceedingso fAmericanInstituteofPhysics(AIP),Vol.832,pp.419-424,2007.H.Yamaguchi,X.R.Zhang,Researchde velopmentof-80℃cryogenicrefrigerationusingnaturalworkingfluidCO2,TheKyotoInternationalSymposiumonEnviron ment,EnergyandMaterials,PiazzaOmiOtsu,Japan,December4-7,2007.G.Nishioka,H.Yamaguchi,X. R.Zhang,S.Seto,N.Yamamoto,FlowcharacterisiticsandperformanceofERfluidviscousdamper,The20 07SpringConferenceoftheSocietyofFluidPowerSystem,Tokyo,Japan,May23-25,2007(InJapanese). X.R.Zhang,H.Yamaguchi,Heattransferofsupercriticalcarbondioxideinacirculartube,The44ndNation alHeatTransferSympoium,Nagasaki,Japan,May22-25,2007(InJapanese).X.R.Zhang,H.Yamaguchi, Flowandheattransferperformanceofnaturalrefrigerant-supercriticalCO2,The17thComprehensiveEn vironmentEngineeringSymposium,Osaka,Japan,July19-20,2007(InJapanese).H.Ueno,H.Yamaguch i,X.R.Zhang,PerformanceevaluationofRankinecyclepoweredbysupercriticalcarbondioxide,Mechan icalEngineeringCongress,2007Japan(MECJ-07),September9-12,2007(InJapanese).M.Masuda,H.Y amaguchi,X.R.Zhang,PerformanceofheatpumpachievedbyCO2solid-gastwophaseflow,Mechanical EngineeringCongress,2007Japan(MECJ-07),September9-12,2007(InJapanese).X.R.Zhang,Energy conversionachievedbynaturalfluidcarbondioxide,Invitedtalk,HeatTransferSocietyofJapan,KyotoofJ apan,December14,2007(InJapanese).X.R.Zhang,H.Yamaguchi,M.Masuda,StudyontheCO2Solid-g asTwoPhaseFlowwithParticleSublimationandItsBasicApplications,FourthInternationalConference onFluidDynamics,Sendai,Miyagi,Japan,September26-28,2007.2006X.R.Zhang,H.Yamaguchi,K.F ujima,M.Enomoto,andN.Sawada,ExperimentalperformanceanalysissupercriticalCO2thermodynam iccyclepoweredbysolarenergy,ConferenceProceedingsofAmericanInstituteofPhysics(AIP),Vol.832, pp.419-424,2006.H.Yamaguchi,X.R.Zhang,FlowphenomenaofforcedconvectivesupercriticalCO2in acirculartube,ThirdInternationalConferenceonFluidDynamics,Matsushima,Miyagi,Japan,Novembe r7-9,2006.H.Ueno,H.Yamaguchi,X.R.Zhang,StudyoncharacteristicsofsolarRankineCO2system,Th ermalEngineering-Conf.06,JSME,Tokyo,Japan,Nov.24-25,2006(InJapanese).X.R.Zhang,Forcedco nvectionheattransferofsupercriticalCO2inahorizontalcirculartube,KyotoInternationalForumonEnvi ronmentandEnergy,NTNU,Trondheim,Norway,September6-8,2006.X.R.Zhang,M.Masuda,H.Yama guchi,BasicCO2flowbehaviorofcryogenicCO2heatpumpengineering,The25thConferenceofJapanS ocietyofEnergyandResources,Osaka,Japan,June8-9,2006.(InJapanese).X.R.Zhang,H.Yamaguchi,M HDpowergenerationusingelectroconductivepolymermixingmagneticfluid,The18thSymposiumonEl ectromagneticsandDynamics:SEAD18,Kobe,May18-19,2006,pp.101-102(InJapanese).H.Yamaguc hi,X.R.Zhang,D.Uneno,H.Ueno,StudyoncharacteristicsofsolarCO2Rankinesystemusingsupercritic alCO2,AcademicFrontierResearchProjecton“NextGenerationZero-EmissionEnergyConversionSystem”ResearchSeminar,July26,2006,Kyoto,Japan.D.Uneno,X.R.Zhang,H.Yamaguchi,Performanceestim ationofsolarRankinesystembasedoncarbondioxide,ThermalEngineering-Conf.06,JSME,Tokyo,Japa n,Nov.15-16,2006.2005X.R.Zhang,H.Yamaguchi,K.Fujima,M.Enomoto,andN.Sawada,Theoretical analysisofathermodynamiccyclepoweredbysolarenergyforpowerandheatgenerationusingsupercritic alcarbondioxide,The18thInternationalConferenceonEfficiency,Cost,Optimization,SimulationandE nvironmentalImpactofEnergySystems(ECOS2005),June20-24,2005,NTNU,Trondheim,Norway,pp. 1641-1648.X.R.ZhangandH.Yamaguchi,SolarenergypoweredRankinecycleusingsupercriticalcarbo ndioxide,KyotoInternationalForumonEnvironmentandEnergy,October5-7,2005,Neesima-KaikanandKyotoHotelOkura,Kyoto,Japan.X.R.Zhang,H.Yamaguchi,K.Fujima,M.Enomoto,andN.Sawada,StudyofsolarenergypoweredRankinecycleusingsupercriticalcarb ondioxide,The2ndInternationalExergy,EnergyandEnvironmentSymposium(IEEES2),July2-7,2005, KOS,Greece.X.R.Zhang,H.Yamaguchi,K.Fujima,M.Enomoto,andN.Sawada,Experimentalstudyon solarenergyRankinecycleusingcarbondioxide,The6thWorldConferenceonExperimentalHeatTransfe r,FluidMechanics,andThermodynamics,April17-21,2005,Matsushima,Miyagi,Japan,pp.114-115.X. R.Zhang,H.Yamaguchi,K.Fujima,M.Enomoto,andN.Sawada,CharacteristicsstudyofsolarCO2Ranki nesystem,MechanicalEngineeringCongress,2005Japan(MECJ-05),September19-22,2005,pp.175-1 76.X.R.Zhang,,S,.M,ar,uy,ama,H.Yamaguchi,an,d,G.C,hen,Anumericalsolutionofnaturalconvectio nofaverticallyoscillatingflatplate,The2ndInternationalExergy,EnergyandEnvironmentSymposium(I EEES2),July2-7,2005,KOS,Greece.H.Yamaguchi,X.R.Zhang,K.Fujima,M.Enomoto,andN.Sawada, Anexperimentalinvestigationonthermodynamiccyclepoweredbysolarenergyusingcarbondioxide,20 05SolarWorldCongress,August6-12,2005,Orlando,Florida,USA.X.R.Zhang,H.Yamaguchi,K.Fujim a,M.Enomoto,andN.Sawada,ExperimentalperformanceanalysisofsupercriticalCO2Rankinecyclepo weredbysolarenergy,SecondInternationalConferenceonFlowDynamics,November16-18,2005,Send aiInternationalCenter,Sendai,Japan.H.YamaguchiandX.R.Zhang,Characteristicsofenergyconversio nusingmagneticfluid,KyotoInternationalForumonEnvironmentandEnergy,October5-7,2005,Neesi ma-KaikanandKyotoHotelOkura,Kyoto,Japan.H.Yamaguchi,X.R.Zhang,D.Uneno,Characteristicsi nvestigationofsolarenergypoweredRankinecycle,The24thConferenceofJapanSocietyofEnergyandR esources,Tokyo,June9-10,2005,pp.141-144.(InJapanese)H.Yamaguchi,X.R.Zhang,T.Kitai,andK.Fu jima,Heattransfercharacteristicsofsolid-gastwophaseflowwithsublimationofcarbondioxide,The2ndI nternationalExergy,EnergyandEnvironmentSymposium(IEEES2),July2-7,2005,KOS,Greece.H.Ya maguchi,D.Uneno,X.R.Zhang,StudyonsystembehaviorofsolarRankinesystemusingsupercriticalCO 2,The42ndNationalHeatTransferSympoium,Sendai,Japan,June6-8,2005,pp.103-104(InJapanese).H. Yamaguchi,K.Shimada,X.R.Zhang,andD.Inoue,FlowcharacteristicsofERfluidinthemodeldamper,In ternationalSymposiumonInterdisciplinaryElectromagnetic,Mechanic&BiomedicalProblemsISEM2 005,September,12-14,2005,BadGasteim(Salzburg),Austria.H.Yamaguchi,X.R.Zhang,D.Uneno,Per formanceestimationofsolarRankinesystemusingsuper-criticalCO2forpowergeneration,AcademicFr ontierResearchProjecton“NextGenerationZero-EmissionEnergyConversionSystem”ResearchSeminar,July,29,2005,Kyoto,Japan.H.Yamaguchi,K.Shimada,S.Shuchi,X.R.Zhang,andT. Kato,Thermo-magneticnaturalconvectioninrectangularbox,TheSixteenthInternationalSymposiumo nTransportPhenomena(ISTP-16),August29-September1,2005,Prague,CzechRepublic.2004X.R.Zh ang,S.Maruyama,M.Behnia,H.Yamaguchi,Themechanismofconvectionoccurringinupwellingdeeps eawaterusingtheperpetualsaltfountain,ProceedingsoftheFirstInternationalForumonHeatTransfer,No vember24-26,2004,Kyoto,Japan,pp.247-248.X.R.Zhang,H.Yamaguchi,K.Fujima,M.Enomoto,and N.Sawada,Anovelconcept—solarenergypoweredRankinecycleusingsupercriticalcarbondioxide,FirstInternationalConferenceon FlowDynamics,Novermber.11-12,2004,Sendai,Japan,pp.33-34.X.R.Zhang,H.Yamaguchi,K.Fujima, M.Enomoto,andN.Sawada,PerformancecharacteristicsofsupercriticalsolarRankinesystem,KyotoInt ernationalForumforEnvironmentandEnergy,November,15-17,2004,Kyoto,Japan.X.R.Zhang,H.Ya maguchi,K.Fujima,M.Enomoto,andN.Sawada,Aninnovativeconcept−CO2-basedRankinecyclepoweredbysolarenergy,AcademicFrontierResearchProjecton “NextGenerationZero-EmissionEnergyConversionSystem”TechnicalSeminaronEnergyConversionandHeatTransport,November,27,2004,Kyoto,Japan.K.Tsub aki,S.Maruyama,H.Mitsugashira,X.R.Zhang,A.Komiya,Creationofoceanforestbyupwellingofdeeps eawaterusingperpetualsaltfountains,OCEANS’04MTS/IEEE/TECHNO-OCEAN’04(OTO’04),Nov.9-12,2004,Kobe,Japan,pp.33-34.2003S.Maruyama,K.Tsubaki,S.Sakai,X.R.Zhang,K.Taira, Cultivationofoceandesertbyupwellingdeepseawaterusingperpetualsaltfountains:LaputaProject,Thir dInternationalSymposiumonAdvancedFluidInformationAFI-2003,Nov.21-22,2003,NewYork.X.R. 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实验室主页/pages/wanghao/教育及工作经历2007-至今北京大学特聘研究员2004-2007美国PurdueUniversity机械工程系CTRC中心博士后2004清华大学热能工程系工学博士2001清华大学热能工程系工学硕士2000清华大学热能工程系工学学士研究领域汽液相变与界面热质传递细胞层面生物传热PM2.5聚并与消除负责国家项目接触线上蒸发液层内的传递过程,01/2008-12/2010国家自然科学基金,基金号50706001基于肿瘤磁纳米热疗的细胞层面传热研究,01/2009-12/2011国家自然科学基金,基金号50876001获得荣誉01/2010在美国IV技术评比中进入前1%并列入第一批推广(全球3000个技术参评)07/2004清华大学优秀博士毕业生及优秀博士论文一等奖04/2004清华大学航天海鹰杯学术新秀近年主要论文PanZH,WangH*,MarangonibifurcationflowinamicrochannelT-junctionanditsmicropumpingapplica tions,ChinesePhysicsReviewLetter,2012,29(7):074702ZhangJ,WangH*,MiJC,Anewmesh-independentmodelfordroplet/particlecollision,AerosolScience &Technology,2012,46:622–630YuJPandWangH*,Thin-filmPhaseChangeDrivenbyDisjoiningPressureDifference,JournalofHeatan dMassTransfer,2011,DOI10.1007/s00231-012-0967-0PanZH,LuYY,WangH*,Anumericalinvestigationforsolid-liquidflowinsideatubewitharotatinginsert, JournalofEnhancedHeatTransfer,2010,acceptedWangXW,ZhaoSW,WangH*,PanTR,Bubbleformationonsuperhydrophobic-micropatternedcoppers urfaces,AppliedThermalEngineering,2012,35:112-119YuJPandWangH*,AMolecularDynamicsInvestigationonEvaporationofThinLiquidFilms,Internatio nalJournalofHeatandMassTransfer,2012,55(4):1218-1225PanZHandWangH*,InstabilityofMarangoniToroidalConvectioninaMicrochannelanditsRelevancew iththeFlowingDirection,MicrofluidicsandNanofluidics,2011,11(3):327-338.WangH*,PanZH,GarimellaSV,Anumericalinvestigationofheatandmasstransferonanopenheatedgroo vewithevaporatingmeniscus,InternationalJournalofHeatandMassTransfer,2011,54:3015-3023 LuYYandWangH*,Multi-phasePatternEvolutioninGas-permeablePolydimethylsiloxane(PDMS)Mi crochannelsduringHeating,JournalofHeatandMassTransfer,2011,47(6):719. PanZHandWangH*,Symmetry-to-asymmetrytransitionofMarangoniflowataconvexvolatizingmenis cus,MicrofluidicsandNanofluidics,2010,9(4-5):657-669.LiYH,WangF,WangH*,Celldeathalongsinglemicrofluidicchannelafterfreeze-thawtreatment,Biomic rofluidics,2010,4,014111LuYY,WangF,WangH*,BoilingRegimesinUncoatedPolydimethylsiloxaneMicrochannelswithaFine WireHeater,JournalofHeatandMassTransfer,2010,46:1253-1260.WangH*,GarimellaSVandMurthyJY,Ananalyticalsolutionforthetotalheattransferinthethin-filmregio nofanevaporatingmeniscus,InternationalJournalofHeatandMassTransfer,2008,51:6317–6322. WangH*,PanZH,andZhaoC,Thin-liquid-filmevaporationatcontactline,Front.EnergyPowerEng.Chi na,2009,3(2):141-151,WangF,WangH,WangJ,GarimellaSVandLuC,MicrofluidicDeliveryofSmallMoleculesintoMammali anCellsBasedonHydrodynamicFocusing,BiotechnologyandBioengineering,2008,100(1):150-158 WangH,MurthyJYandGarimellaSV.Transportfromavolatilemeniscusinamicrotube.InternationalJour nalofHeatandMassTransfer,2008,51:3007-3017WangH,GarimellaSVandMurthyJY.Characteristicsofanevaporatingthinfilminamicrochannel.Interna tionalJournalofHeatandMassTransfer,2007,50:3933-3942ChristopherDM,WangH,MechanismforNucleationJetEnhancementofNucleatePoolBoiling,J.Enhan cedHeatTransfer,V.14(3),2007WangH,PengXF,GarimellaSVandChristopherDM,Microbubblereturnphenomenaduringsubcooledb oilingonsmallwires,Int.J.HeatandMassTransfer,2007,50:163-172ChristopherDM,WangHandPengXF.NumericalAnalysisoftheDynamicsofMovingVaporBubbles.Int ernationalJournalofHeatandMassTransfer,2006,49:3626-3633ChristopherDM,WangH,PengXF.HeattransferenhancementduetoMarangoniflowaroundmovingbub blesduringnucleateboiling.JournalofTsinghuaUniversity,Vol.11,No.5,523-532,2006WangH,PengXFandChristopherDM.DynamicBubbleBehaviourduringMicroscaleSubcooledBoilin g.ChinesePhysicsLetters,2005,22(11):2881-2884ChristopherDM,WangHandPengXF.DynamicsofBubbleMotionandBubbleTopJetFlowsfromMovin gVaporBubblesonMicrowires.ASMEJournalofHeatTransfer,2005,127(11):1260-1268WangH,PengXF,ChristopherDM,andGarimellaSV.Jetflowsaroundmicrobubblesinsubcooledboiling. ASMEJournalofHeatTransfer,2005,127(8):802-802WangH,ChristopherDM,PengXFandWangBX.Jetflowsfromabubbleduringsubcooledpoolboilingon microwires.ScienceinChina(E),2005,48(4):385-402WangH,PengXF,ChristopherDMandWangBX.Flowstructuresaroundmicro-bubblesduringsubcoole dnucleateboiling.ChinesePhysicsLetters,2005,22(1):154-157WangH,PengXF,WangBX.,LinWKandPanC.Experimentalobservationsofbubbledynamicsonultrath inwires.ExperimentalHeatTransfer,2005,18(1):1-11WangH,PengXF,LinWK,PanCandWangBX.Bubble-topjetflowonmicrowires.InternationalJournalo fHeatandMassTransfer,2004,47(14):2891-2900WangH,PengXF,ChristopherDM,LinWKandPanC.Investigationofbubble-topjetflowduringsubcool edboilingonwires.InternationalJournalofHeatandFluidFlow,2005,26(3):485-494联系方式Email:hwang(at)。



过程装备与控制工程专业英语Unit 13 Principles of Heat TransferPractically all the operations that are carried out by the chemical engineer involve the production or absorption of energy in the form of heat. The laws governing the transfer of heat and the types of apparatus that have for their main object the control of heat flow are therefore of great importance.实际上,所有的由化学工程师进行的操作都要涉及热量的产生和吸收。


1. Nature of Heat FlowWhen two objects at different temperatures are brought into thermal contact, heat flows from the object at the higher temperature to that at the lower temperature. The net flow is always in the direction of the temperature decrease. The mechanisms by which the heat may flow are three, conduction, convection, and radiation. 当两种不同温度的物体开始接触后,热流就会从高温物体传给低温物体。





第52卷第6期2021年6月中南大学学报(自然科学版)Journal of Central South University (Science and Technology)V ol.52No.6Jun.2021不规则烧结矿余热回收竖罐内气体阻力特性张四宗,温治,刘训良,张辉,王帅,刘晓宏(北京科技大学能源与环境工程学院,北京,100083)摘要:为了准确地评价烧结矿竖罐式冷却工艺的经济性和可行性,对比研究了单粒级和多粒级烧结矿填充床内气体阻力特性。

首先,利用排水法、等效球体积法和称重法等表征烧结矿颗粒特性;然后,利用自制固定床试验台测量了不同粒度下单粒级和多粒级烧结矿填充床内气体阻力;最后,通过修正获得了ERGUN 形式的阻力关联式。

研究结果表明:气体速度对单粒级和多粒级烧结矿的单位高度气体阻力(ΔP /L )的影响一致,均呈二次关系增加;当量粒径(d p )对单粒级和多粒级烧结矿的ΔP /L 的影响不同,单粒级的ΔP /L 主要受空隙率影响,导致其随着d p 增加呈指数下降,且衰减幅度也逐渐减小;多粒级的ΔP /L 不仅取决于空隙率,还受粒度组成的影响,这导致ΔP /L 不仅随着d p 增大而下降,还造成ΔP /L 的衰减幅度先上升后下降;本文得到的阻力关联式可以准确地预测单粒级和多粒级烧结矿填充床内气体阻力,平均相对误差分别为3.59%和3.39%;多粒级的粒度分布比单粒级的更宽,导致相同当量粒径下单粒级的ΔP /L 比多粒级的ΔP /L 平均低25%左右,表明单粒级的阻力关联式不适用于多粒级。

关键词:余热回收;不规则颗粒;气体阻力;单粒级;多粒级;烧结矿中图分类号:TK11+5文献标志码:A开放科学(资源服务)标识码(OSID)文章编号:1672-7207(2021)06-1963-11Gas resistance characteristics in vertical tank with irregularsinter for waste heat recoveryZHANG Sizong,WEN Zhi,LIU Xunliang,ZHANG Hui,WANG Shuai,LIU Xiaohong(School of Energy and Environmental Engineering,University of Science and Technology Beijing,Beijing 100083,China)Abstract:To accurately evaluate the economy and feasibility of sinter vertical tank cooling process,the gas resistance characteristic in the packed bed with the mono-size and multi-size sinter was studied.Firstly,the characteristics of sinter particles were characterized by drainage method,equivalent sphere volume method and weighing method,etc.Then,the gas resistance in the packed bed of mono-size and multi-size sinter with different particle sizes was measured by self-made fixed bed test apparatus.Finally,the resistance correlation in the form of收稿日期:2020−08−28;修回日期:2020−11−03基金项目(Foundation item):国家重点研发计划项目(2017YFC0210304)(Project(2017YFC0210304)supported by National KeyResearch &Development Program of China)通信作者:刘训良,博士,教授,从事冶金工程中低温余热利用研究;E-mail :*************DOI:10.11817/j.issn.1672-7207.2021.06.026引用格式:张四宗,温治,刘训良,等.不规则烧结矿余热回收竖罐内气体阻力特性[J].中南大学学报(自然科学版),2021,52(6):1963−1973.Citation:ZHANG Sizong,WEN Zhi,LIU Xunliang,et al.Gas resistance characteristics in vertical tank with irregular sinter for waste heat recovery[J].Journal of Central South University(Science and Technology),2021,52(6):1963−1973.第52卷中南大学学报(自然科学版)ERGUN was obtained by modifying.The results show that the influence of gas velocity on the gas resistance perunit height(ΔP/L)of mono-size and multi-size sinter is the same,which increases in a quadratic relationship.However,the effect of the equivalent particle size(dp)onΔP/L of mono-size and multi-size sinter is different.ΔP/L of mono-size is mainly affected by the voidage,which leads to an exponential decrease ofΔP/L and thedecrease of its attenuation amplitude with the increase in dp.ΔP/L of the multi-size is not only determined by voidage,but also depends on the particle size composition.This not only makesΔP/L decrease with the increase ofdp,but also causes its attenuation amplitude to ascend firstly and then descend.Furthermore,the resistance correlation obtained in this paper can accurately predict the gas resistance in the packed bed with mono-size and multi-size sinter with mean relative errors of 3.59%and 3.39%,respectively.However,the particle size distribution of multi-size is wider than that of the mono-size,which results inΔP/L of mono-size with about25% lower than that of multi-size with the same equivalent particle size.This indicates that the resistance correlation of mono-size is not suitable for multi-size.Key words:waste heat recovery;irregular particle;gas resistance;mono-size;multi-size;sinter能耗高是钢铁行业的一个重要特征[1−3]。



= -
· · ·( α p ρ p → v dr, p ) + ∑ ( m qp - m pq ) q =1
p 的体积分数方程为: ( α p ρ p ) + t

k =1 →
αk ρk → v qk ρm
· ( αp ρp v m )

(ρ → v ) + ·( ρm → v m→ v m) = - t m m
随着气动发射技术的发展, 气动枪械在军事、 治安防爆和民用领域得到广泛应用 。以液氮作为 发射动力源, 利用其汽化膨胀推动弹丸运动, 具有 采用高压气瓶存储压缩气体的气动枪械的特点 , 另外, 相对于高压气瓶, 其对储存条件要求低, 稳 定性和安全性好, 易于长时间储存, 可满足一些特 殊场合的要求。采用数值模拟方法研究液氮汽化 对于后续枪械中液氮相 过程及其压力变化情况, 变容器结构的设计, 具有十分积极的参考作用。 国内外许多学者曾采用各种两相流模型计算 [1 ] 液氮相变传热流动过程。如 Ishimoto 等 采用二 维漂移流模型计算了液氮在通道内的流动沸腾过 [2 ] 程。Rao 等 将常 ( 高 ) 温气液两相流数值计算 广泛采用的双流体模型引入低温液体领域内 , 并 对双流体模型相关方程进行了修正和补充 , 模拟 了液氦的热质传输过程。 李祥东等
[5 ] 根据能量守恒原理 : m1g h1g + c pl ρ l α l ( T - T sat ) = 0
( 2 ) 混合模型的动量方程 混合相的动量方程, 可以先求解单相的动量 方程, 之后再将各项进行叠加, 具体表达式为: p+ [ μm (



/International Journal of Engine Research/content/13/5/482The online version of this article can be found at:DOI: 10.1177/14680874124378312012 13: 482 originally published online 8 May 2012International Journal of Engine Research Reza Rezaei, Stefan Pischinger, Jens Ewald and Philipp Adomeitcombustion and emissionsNumerical investigation of the effect of swirl flow in-homogeneity and stability on diesel enginePublished by: On behalf of:Institution of Mechanical Engineers can be found at:International Journal of Engine Research Additional services and information for/cgi/alerts Email Alerts:/subscriptions Subscriptions: /journalsReprints.nav Reprints:/journalsPermissions.nav Permissions:/content/13/5/482.refs.html Citations:What is This?- May 8, 2012OnlineFirst Version of Record- Sep 13, 2012Version of Record >>OriginalArticleInternational J of Engine Research13(5)482–496ÓRWTH Aachen University2012Reprints and permissions:/journalsPermissions.navDOI:10.1177/1468087412437831Numerical investigation of the effect ofswirl flow in-homogeneity and stabilityon diesel engine combustion andemissionsReza Rezaei1,Stefan Pischinger1,Jens Ewald2and Philipp Adomeit2AbstractThe present study is aimed at numerically investigating the effect of in-cylinder charge motion on mixture preparation, combustion and emission formation in a high-speed direct-injection diesel engine.Previous investigations have shown that different valve-lift strategies nominally lead to similar in-cylinder filling and global swirl levels.However,significant differences in engine-out emissions,especially soot emission,give rise to the assumption that the flow structure and local differences of the swirl motion distribution have a noticeable effect on emission behaviour.In this work,different swirl generation strategies applying different intake valve actuation schemes are numerically investigated by applying transient in-cylinder computational fluid dynamic simulations using both the Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes model and the multi-cycle large-eddy simulation approach.T wo operating points within the operating range of current diesel passenger cars during federal test procedure75and new European driving cycles are simulated.The injection and combustion simulations of different valve strategies show that an in-homogeneity in the in-cylinder flow structure leads to a signifi-cant increase in soot emissions,and agree with the observed trends of corresponding experimental investigations. KeywordsDiesel engine,simulation,in-cylinder flow,combustion,emission formationDate received:7October2010;accepted:11October2011IntroductionIn order to achieve new emission standards and reduce fuel consumption in future diesel engines,the combus-tion system requires intense development.In order to simultaneously improve the soot–nitrogen oxide(NO x) trade-off and decrease fuel consumption in comparison to traditional combustion systems,numerous advanced technologies are taken into consideration.These include high-pressure injection equipment using fast-opening piezo-actuated injectors on the one hand and,on the other hand,careful design of the piston bowl in order to reach an optimized distribution of the air–fuel mix-ture between bowl and squish volume.In addition to these,an optimization of the in-cylinder swirl charge motion is of vital importance.The effects of the in-cylinder charge motion distribution on combustion and emission behaviour of diesel engines are investigated in this study.The effects of in-cylinder flow and swirl in-homogeneity have been studied by several investiga-tors.In1995,Stephenson and Rutland1simulated intake flow and combustion in a heavy-duty direct-injection(DI)diesel engine resulting from different intake flow configurations and compared these with the significance of spray–wall interaction effects,using the computational fluid dynamic(CFD)code KIVA-3. Two separate computational grids were applied in KIVA:one for intake flow simulation and one for com-bustion simulation.At the time directly after intake valve closing(IVC),the data were mapped from the first grid to the combustion grid.Different valve-lift configurations with one and two active valves were simulated.Variations in the in-cylinder flow in terms of turbulent length scales and intensity,as well as their significance to combustion and emissions parameters, 1Institute for Combustion Engines,RWTH Aachen University,Germany 2FEV Motorentechnik GmbH,GermanyCorresponding author:R Rezaei,Institute for Combustion Engines,RWTH Aachen University, Schinkelstr.8,52062Aachen,Germany.Email:reza.rezaei@rwth.aachen.dewere compared with the significance of spray–wall interaction effects.It was concluded that at idling oper-ation,the differences in intake flow were considerably less important than at3/4load.Furthermore,it was found that valve deactivation led to higher turbulent kinetic energy and turbulent length scale.Bianchi et al.2investigated the influence of different initial flow conditions on combustion and emissions in a small-bore high-speed direct-injection(HSDI)diesel engine.The analysis was carried out by applying STAR-CD software for intake stroke simulation and KIVA-II for the compression stroke and combustion simulation.It was concluded that a detailed definition of the initial conditions is required to properly predict the mean and turbulent flow fields at the time of injec-tion near top dead centre(TDC),especially for small-bore HSDI diesel engines.The injection and combustion simulation using a full cylinder mesh was compared with simulation results considering a sector mesh simulation by Antila et al.3 In the case of an HSDI diesel engine,the difference between a sector mesh simulation and a full-cylinder mesh simulation was found to be considerable.The predicted injection velocity was found to have a note-worthy effect on the simulated heat release.3In2006,Adomeit et al.4showed that an eccentricity in the in-cylinder swirl flow pattern,observed by apply-ing the particle image velocimetry(PIV)measurement technique and intake stroke CFD analysis,can strongly affect the soot oxidation processes.Non-symmetric soot distribution was observed in laser-induced incan-descence(LII)measurements at the end of combustion due to an eccentric swirl flow before start of injection.In2008,Ge et al.5modelled the effect of the in-cylinder flow field on HSDI diesel engine performance and emissions.Two combustion models,KIVA-CHEMKIN and GAMUT(KIVA-CHEMKIN-G), coupled with a two-step and a multi-step phenomeno-logical soot model were applied.Numerical results were compared with experimental optical diagnostics obtained using laser-induced fluorescence(LIF),LII and PIV.It was concluded that the influence of the off-centred swirl flow on volume-averaged values,includ-ing in-cylinder pressure,temperature and heat release rate was negligible.The off-centred swirl flow was found to have higher turbulent kinetic energy and also higher turbulent viscosity.They have observed that an eccentric flow field detected in PIV measurements led to higher amounts of engine soot emissions.It should be noted that in Ge et al.5the intake stroke was not simulated and off-centred swirl flows with an assumed radial velocity distribution were initialized.Experimental investigations on gas exchange optimi-zation and its impact on emission reduction were pre-sented in previous work.6It was shown that increasing the swirl ratio up to a certain optimum level can improve the engine-out emissions and,simultaneously, the fuel consumption.Furthermore,it was observed that the optimum value of the swirl ratio depends on the operating conditions and engine speed.Therefore, in order to provide the corresponding flexibility,an HSDI diesel engine concept was developed that fea-tures a variable intake valve-lift system.In this previous work,the concept of numerically assessing the in-homogeneity of the in-cylinder swirl charge motion was introduced.Very-large-eddy simulation(VLES),a hybrid approach between large-eddy simulation(LES) and Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes(RANS)simu-lation of the in-cylinder flow fields for different valve-lift strategies of the same HSDI diesel engine were car-ried out and correlated to experimentally observed combustion performance.Multi-cycle simulations of the same operating point to cover cyclic instability and CFD simulations of combustion were not carried out at that stage of the research.In the present study,the work is extended to simu-late multi-cycle combustion.Both RANS modelling and the LES multi-cycle approach are employed for intake and compression flow simulations.Different swirl flow patterns are assessed and the numerically predicted emission behaviour,with regards to flow in-homogeneity,is compared to engine measurement results.MethodologyTest engineThe engine simulated in the present work is a state-of-the-art,small-size class,common-rail4V HSDI diesel engine with a dual intake port concept with seat swirl chamfers.6The piezo-actuated injector is located verti-cally at the centre of the fire deck and has a nozzle tip with eight evenly distributed holes.The engine specifi-cations are summarized in Table1.Detailed descrip-tions of the experimental setup can be found in Adolph et al.6The gas exchange process is optimized by using an intake port concept consisting of a filling and a tangen-tial port,both with seat swirl chamfers.6One important goal of this port concept is to provide a high volumetric efficiency by an optimized flow coefficient.Figure1 shows the flow measurements of the port design per-formed on a steady-state flow test bench.T able1.T est engine specification data.Bore(mm)75Stroke(mm)88.3Squish height(mm)0.7 Compression ratio15.1Fuel injection system Bosch2000barpiezo-actuated No.of nozzle hole8Nozzle hole diameter(m m)113Spray angle(°)153Intake valve opens(°CA ATDC)2355Engine control Bosch EDC16Rezaei et al.483At low valve lifts,an increase of the swirl ratio due to the effect of the swirl chamfers is visible.The use of the seat swirl chamfers on both intake valves ensures a higher swirl ratio and charge motion at low valve lifts. Using this port concept in combination with a variable intake-valve-lift system enables us to adapt the swirl ratio at each operating point.Four different maximum valve lifts from3.2mm to 8.0mm are investigated.The intake valve opening (IVO)and IVC times are kept constant while the maxi-mum valve lift is varied.The experimental results of two important operating points22801/min,9.4bar indicated mean effective pres-sure(IMEP)and15001/min,4.3bar IMEP6are intro-duced briefly in this section.These two operating points are selected for the numerical analysis because they are most frequently used in the new European driving cycle (NEDC)and federal test procedure(FTP)75cycles, and are therefore significant for the total engine-out emissions of these cycles.Start of injection is kept con-stant and exhaust gas recirculation(EGR)rate is var-ied.More discussion and comparison with CFD results will be given in the following sections.Figure2illustrates that the reduction of the intake valve lift from8.0mm to4.8mm significantly reduces smoke emission without any significant impact on fuel consumption for the15001/min operating point.A fur-ther reduction of the valve lift to3.2mm leads to an increase of gas exchange losses,and results in an increased fuel consumption without any improvement of the soot emissions.Another strategy to maintain an increased swirl ratio is the filling port deactivation in combination with a dual8.0–8.0mm valve lift(8.0mm port deactivation(PD)).In this case,both the soot emis-sions are deteriorated with a negative impact on fuel consumption compared to the4.8–4.8mm valve lift.The experimental investigations on the single-cylinder test engine for the operating point22801/min, 9.4bar IMEP are summarized in Figure3.It can be observed in the figure that reducing the maximum valve lift from8.0mm to4.8mm slightly improves the soot emissions.The8.0mm PD valve strategy produces a high amount of soot emissions similar to the8.0mm Figure2.Experimental observations of the effect of increasing the swirl ratio on emissions and fuel consumption,n=15001/min,IMEP=6.8bar.6Reprinted with permission from SAE paper2009-01-0653Ó2009SAE International.ISFC: indicated specific fuel consumption;FSN:fuel smokenumber. Figure3.Experimental observation of the effect of increasing the swirl ratio on emission and fuel consumption,n=22801/min, IMEP=9.4bar.6Reprinted with permission from SAE paper2009-01-0653Ó2009SAE International.FSN:fuel smoke number.Figure1.Stationary measured flow coefficient and swirl ratio.484International J of Engine Research13(5)dual valve lift.The reasons will be discussed in the next sections.Simulation procedure and numerical modelsIn this study,the KIVA-3V release2code,7with further developments by the Engine Research Center of Wisconsin University,8is used for injection and combus-tion simulation.Due to the availability of the source code,this is used for implementation of the one-equation LES approach.Additionally,the code is extended by further soot and NO x emission models.However,the capability of the code to fully resolve complex geometries is limited.Therefore,in this work,the software STAR-CD/ES-ICE is combined with the KIVA code in order to simulate in-cylinder charge motion generation,includ-ing the complete engine geometry.In-cylinder intake and compression simulation are carried out with the STAR-CD software.The simulated in-cylinder flow field is then mapped onto a mesh of the KIVA code shortly before start of injection.A schematic of the simulation chain is depicted in Figure4.For in-cylinder flow and combustion simulation, both the RANS model and the LES approach are applied.The renormalization group(RNG)k–e model8 is used in the KIVA code in the case of RANS simula-tion.Time averaging of the Navier–Stokes equations, commonly referred to as‘Reynolds averaging’greatly reduces the computational time,as it filters out the tran-sient spectrum of turbulence,which is modelled instead. Therefore,it is recognized that time-averaging models do not have the ability to capture cycle-to-cycle varia-tions in the flow field inside the combustion chamber accurately.More details about the RANS approach,its applications and limitations are given,for example,by Launder and Spalding9and Bardina et al.10The LES approach is a numerical technique to close the equations of turbulent flows by using spatial filter-ing.In the LES approach,larger turbulent structures (eddies)are directly calculated in a space-and time-accurate manner,while smaller eddies that are smaller than a filter length are modelled using sub-grid scale (SGS)models.By applying the LES approach,unsteady flow and engine cyclic variations can be resolved,while a RANS simulation averages out many cyclic phenomena.More details can be found,for example,in Sone et al.11In this study,the k-equation SGS model12is imple-mented into the KIVA-3V code.For brevity,the govern-ing equations and model formulation are not given here and can be found in Sone et al.,13with more details.The multi-cycle intake flow simulations in STAR-CD are carried out using the LES Smagorinsky model14 from IVO to30°crank angle(CA)after top dead centre (ATDC).Numerical simulation of injection,combus-tion and emission formation are subsequently carried out by the KIVA-LES code using the simulated in-cylinder flow field from STAR-CD.The applied spray atomization model accounts for combined Kelvin–Helmholtz and Rayleigh–Taylor dro-plet instabilities.8A phenomenological nozzle flow model15considering the nozzle passage inlet configura-tion is used.The commonly so-called‘Shell’five-species autoignition kinetic model16in combination with the characteristic-time combustion model8is used for igni-tion and combustion modelling.For modelling the soot emissions,the simple model of Hiroyasu and Kadota17and a well-validated multi-step soot model developed at the Institute for Combustion Engines at RWTH Aachen University18 are used.The phenomenological soot model is based on the eight-step soot formation of Kazakov and Foster19and a three-step oxidation model.20The gas sampling measurement as well as the LII and Raman laser diagnostic investigations were applied for local and time-dependent validation of the simu-lated gas temperature,as well as concentration of spe-cies like CO,O2and also the predicted soot emission inside the combustion chamber.18Furthermore,for the operating point1500l/min dis-cussed in the following,the applied combustion and soot models are evaluated by experimental results of ignition,flame propagation and local soot formation obtained from the LII and flame light emission measurement techniques,considering different valve strategies.21Figure4.The applied simulation strategy.Rezaei et al.485Boundary conditionsThe intake,compression and combustion simulations are carried out for following two operating points: engine speed 22801/min,9.4bar IMEP;engine speed 15001/min,6.8bar IMEP.Different valve strategies are simulated using both the RANS model and the LES approach for both operating points.For the case of 22801/min,the following two valve actuation strategies are simulated: dual opening with 4.8–4.8mm maximum valve lift (4.8–4.8mm);dual opening with 8.0–8.0mm maximum valve lift,but with port deactivation by closing the filling port (8.0mm PD).For each of the above valve actuation strategies 10cycles are simulated using the LES approach.The boundary conditions,such as wall temperatures,are kept the same for each valve strategy during the multi-cycle simulations.Figure 5shows the measured intake pressure curves and its standard deviation of 10cycles with 4.8–4.8mm maximum valve lift,which are directly applied as boundary conditions to the CFD simulations.There are very small perturbations in the measured intake pressure boundary conditions.These perturbationsfinally cause stochastic variations in the in-cylinder flow structures on the microscopic and intermediate length and time scales.The result are cycle-to-cycle variations,for example,in terms of the flow in-homogeneity.In the LES approach,such small perturbations and fluc-tuations in flow turbulence are not filtered out as in the RANS model.Furthermore,previous work 6showed that flow structures predicted by LES approaches exhi-bit much stronger differences between different valve actuations strategies than RANS.This makes the LES an appropriate model for simulation and analysis of transient phenomena like engine cycle-to-cycle variability.The second operating point investigated in this work is 15001/min with 6.8bar IMEP.Three valve strategies 8.0–8.0mm,8.0mm PD and 4.8–4.8mm are selected for the numerical investigations applying the RANS and the LES approach.For brevity,only the cycle-averaged intake pressure curves of the three valve stra-tegies are depicted in Figure 6.Computational meshIn this study,a complete mesh consisting of intake and exhaust ports,seat swirl chamfers,piston and a cylinder head for different valve strategies is generated by the ES-ICE software and applied in STAR-CD for intake and compression flow simulation.As depicted in Figure 7(a),the grid used for intake and compression simula-tion extends exactly to the intake pressure sensor loca-tion in order to use the measured intake pressure as boundary conditions of the simulation.A good level of mesh resolution is essential for accu-rate turbulence modelling employing the LES approach.The quality of the computational grid used is evaluated with two different methods,21which are not given here for brevity.For the a priori analysis,the size of the large energy containing eddies obtained by the RANS model is compared with the grid size in the intake ports and the combustion chamber.21It is shown by Rezaei 21that the mesh resolution during the intake phase at some local positions,like near valveregions,Figure 5.Measured and standard deviation of intake pressure boundary condition,4.8–4.8mm,n=22801/min,IMEP=9.4bar.ABDC:after bottom dead centre.Figure 6.Averaged intake pressure boundary condition of all simulated valve strategies,multi-cycle,n=15001/min,IMEP=6.8bar.486International J of Engine Research 13(5)must be improved.As a further evaluation,it is shownthat the amount of the turbulent kinetic energy directly resolved by the LES approach is about 85–90%of the total turbulent kinetic energy in the intake and com-pression phase.21Figure 7(b)illustrates the side and top view of the mesh used in KIVA at the mapping point 230°CA ATDC.A summary of the number of computational cells used in each mesh type is given in Table 2.ResultsTraditionally,charge motion in diesel engines is described by the swirl ratio,which is a global measure obtained by integration of the swirl momentum in the entire combustion chamber.Recent experimental and numerical investigations have shown that in-homogeneity and local differences in the in-cylinder flow structure have noticeable impacts on combustion and emissions.In the following sections,the effects of different flow structures generated by different swirl generation strategies on combustion and hence emis-sion behaviour are described.Evaluation of in-cylinder flow and swirl qualityThe intake pressure is adjusted at the test bench in order to reach the same in-cylinder filling for both cases.For evaluation and assessment of the in-cylinder flow field in HSDI diesel engines,Adolph et al.6introduced the homogeneity of the swirl flow as an additional criterion for quantitative assessment of swirl flow pattern and its homogeneity.Here,we will employ the definition of flow in-homogeneity as proposed in Adolph et al.6The in-homogeneity,I in-hom ,is defined as the root mean square of the tangential in-cylinder flow velocity at each cross-section normalized by the absolute value of the flow-velocity component in the same tangential direc-tion,averaged in the complete in-cylinder volume,I in Àhom =P N sectionsection =1RMS V u ,section A sectionP N sectionsection =1V u ,section A sectionð1Þwhere A section is the area of the considered cross-section,V u ,sec tion and RMS V u ,sec tion are the mean and root mean square of the tangential velocity at the considered cross-section,respectively.In other words,it is a measure of deviation of the in-cylinder swirl from a rigid-body rotation such that for a more in-homogeneous flow field,higher values of the in-homogeneity index are calculated.As already shown in Adolph et al.6(see also Figure 8),applyingFigure 8.In-homogeneity index calculated for the complete combustion chamber,n=22801/min,IMEP=9.4bar:(a)RANS results and (b)LES results.IntakeExhaustSwirl chamferTangentialportIntake pressureFilling port(Closed in case of port deactivation)Figure putation meshes applied in this study.(a)Full geometry mesh used for intake and compression simulation by STAR-CD.(b)Full cylinder mesh applied in the KIVA code for injection and combustion simulation.T able 2.Mesh types and number of computational cells.Mesh type Number of cells STAR-CD 935,000KIVA450,000Rezaei et al.487the RANS and LES models,the variant4.8–4.8mm and the8.0mm PD valve strategies nominally lead to similar global swirl levels,but because of different flow structures,the calculated in-homogeneity indexes are different.The in-homogeneity index for the4.8–4.8mm valve strategy is lower than for8.0mm PD.For brev-ity,only the operating point22801/min is considered.As depicted in Figure8,due to the capability of the LES approach in capturing the unsteady flow and tran-sient phenomena that are not averaged out,as in the RANS model,the cycle-to-cycle variations in the in-cylinder flow homogeneity can be observed.The role of cyclic variation of in-cylinder flow field on combustion and emission behaviour is not discussed here for brev-ity,but is given in Rezaei21with more details,including the experimental investigations.The velocity magnitude at the cross-sectional view at the middle of the bowl,for two operating points 22801/min and15001/min simulated by the RANS model as well as ensemble average results of the LES multi-cycle approach,are plotted in Figure9.As is qualitatively illustrated in Figure9,the velocity distri-bution in a circumferential section shortly before start of injection for the variant8.0mm PD is more in-homogeneous.The effect of in-cylinder flow on combustionand emissionsIn-cylinder swirl flow motion can enhance mixing pro-cesses,may lead to a more homogeneous mixture and,consequently,can improve emission formation. Increasing the swirl ratio(until an optimal value is achieved);for example,by means of combining the seat swirl chamfer and a reduction of the valve lift,leads to a better air–fuel mixing and mixture preparation,which decreases pollutant emissions.Another effect that is studied here in more detail is the in-homogeneity of the swirl flow pattern,which affects the distribution of mixture during the combustion process and hence the emission formation.Numerical investigations of in-cylinder flow show that the variant8.0mm PD has a higher flow in-homogeneity than4.8–4.8mm.A noticeable increase in the soot emissions was observed when comparing both valve strategies at the test bench.6The results of numer-ical investigations of combustion and emission forma-tion are presented in the following sections.RANS modelling.Numerical simulations of injection, combustion and emission formation are carried out using a modified version of KIVA-3V release2.7The two operating points given above are investigated.22801/min,9.4bar IMEP.In order to study only the effect of the in-cylinder flow and to isolate other effects, all other operating conditions,in-cylinder mass,air–fuel ratio,injection system,and so on,are kept the same for both valve strategies,4.8–4.8mm and8.0mm PD in the numerical and experimental investigations. The intake pressure was adjusted at the test bench to get the same in-cylinder air mass for both cases.The measured intake pressures are directly used in the CFD simulations.For the8.0mm PD case,both intake valves have8.0mm maximum lift and the filling port is closed.The operating conditions are summarized in Table3.According to the measured EGR ratio,com-position of the intake air is calculated.Figure10compares the simulated pressure curves and the heat release rate of the operating point22801/ min,9.4bar IMEP employing both the4.8–4.8mm and 8.0mm PD valve strategies with the measurements car-ried out on the single-cylinder test engine.Good agree-ment is found between measured and simulated KIVA results.Figure9.Cross-sectional view of the velocity magnitude at the middle of the bowl:(a)RANS results and(b)ensemble average LES results,n=2280and15001/min.T able3.Engine operating conditions,22801/min,9.4bar IMEP. Engine speed(1/min)2280 Lambda 2.22 EGR rate31% IMEP(bar)9.4 Injected mass(mg)19.6 Rail pressure(bar)970 Start of pilot injection(°CA ATDC)222.5 Start of main injection(°CA ATDC)20.2488International J of Engine Research13(5)The calculated in-cylinder emissions for both valve strategies are plotted in Figure 11.The transient curves of the soot concentration show first of all that the sim-ple one-step soot model of Hiroyasu and Kadota 17fails to detect the observed trend of soot increase between the cases at the end of the exhaust stroke.In contrast,the phenomenological multi-step 18soot mechanism exhibits the difference between the two valve-lift strate-gies from approximately 16°CA ATDC.Furthermore,with this model,it is seen that before that crank angle position the soot concentration for the 4.8–4.8mm valve strategy is predicted to be higher,but thereafter,the oxidation rate of soot is stronger for this strategy.Another possibility to analyse the differences in mix-ture formation is the comparison in terms of airutilization.Air utilization is defined here as the volume fraction of mixture with a relative air–fuel ratio l between 0.0and 2.0.For the 4.8–4.8mm case,higher values of air utilization are calculated.On the other hand,there are only marginal differences in the CO and NO x emissions between both valve strategies.In order to compare the simulated trend in the soot emissions with the observed trend on the test bench,both experimental and numerical investigations are now normalized to the corresponding 4.8–4.8mm valve strategy.Figure 12illustrates the trend of increased soot emissions by applying 8.0mm PD instead of 4.8–4.8mm valve lift,for both CFD predictions and mea-surements of the operating point 22801/min and 9.4bar IMEP.Both analyses show a significant increase in the same direction for soot emissions between the two dif-ferent valve-lift strategies.In order to analyse the mixture formation in a more detailed way,the air utilization is given in Figure 13,considering four different ranges in air–fuel ratio.The difference between the two additional curves shows the volume fraction of the mixture with a lambdavalueFigure 10.Heat release analysis of the CFD simulation using the RANS model in comparison with the engine measurement data at n=22801/min,IMEP=9.4bar.Figure 11.Calculated air utilization and emissions using the RANS model,n=22801/min,IMEP=9.4bar.Rezaei et al.489。

247 引射流对厨房排烟影响的数值模拟

247 引射流对厨房排烟影响的数值模拟





关键词:厨房排烟;引射流;CFD模拟Numerical investigation of the citation jet impact onthe kitchen hood systemBeijing Institute of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Jie Xu, Jingye ZhaoAbstract: For adding upward citation jet into traditional kitchen range hood systems, Entrainment effect of citation jet is used to bring the gas, so the ability of discharging smoke is increased. In the thesis, CFD is introduced to numerical simulate and calculate the added kitchen discharging systems. According to analysis the concentration, density and current arrangement modeled in vary velocities, an ideal velocity is got for referencing. We can conclude that the kitchen’s discharging ability is increased by adding the citation jet. On this basis, we introduce a new domestic kitchen range hood systems.Key words: Kitchen exhaust; citation jet; computational fluid dynamics (CFD)0引言随着人民生活水平的提高,厨房排烟问题越来越受到重视,相关的研究也逐渐多起来。



第卷第期航空动力学报Vol. No.年月Jour nal of Aerospace Power Nov.文章编号:新型一体化加力燃烧室方案的数值模拟王伟龙,金捷,井文明(北京航空航天大学能源与动力工程学院,北京100191)摘要:传统的加力燃烧室设计给航空发动机带来了额外的重量,同时常规的钝体火焰稳定器在非加力状态下,会带来巨大的流动损失。



数值仿真的结果表明,本设计方案对入口参数不敏感;在所有研究的工况条件下,总压恢复系数均高于0.96,加力燃烧室的效率接近0.90 ;采用波瓣混合器的设计方案具有最佳的总体性能。

关键词:一体化;加力燃烧室;数值模拟中图分类号:V232.5 文献标志码:ANumerical simulation on novel integrated afterburner schemeWANG Wei-l on g,JIN Jie,JING Wen-mi ng(School of Jet Propulsi on ,Beij ing Uni versity of Aero nautics and Astr on autics, Beijing 100191, China )Abstract: Traditi onal afterbur ner desig n brings additi onal weight to aero engine and its blunt body flame-holder causes significant flow loss in non-augmentation condition. A novel integrated afterburner scheme was proposed, to overcome problems mentioned above. Computational investigation was con ducted to research its performa nee. Numerical result i ndicated that the scheme was not sen sitive to inlet parameters; total pressure recovery coefficient of all conditions was greater than 0.96;combustion efficie ncy was n earby 0.90; the scheme with lobed mixer had the best overall performa nee.Key words: integrated; afterburner; numerical simulation加力燃烧室位于燃气涡轮和喷管之间,是航空发动机的重要部件。



壳管式相变储能单元蓄热性能的数值模拟研究凌云;李炎桐;张泉【摘要】以一种壳管式相变储能单元为研究对象,其中石蜡作为相变材料,水作为换热流体,综合考虑蓄热过程中的显热储能和潜热储能过程,通过Sinulink集成了动态储能过程模型并对其进行求解,将模拟结果分别与文献的模拟和实验结果进行对比,表明显热储能过程模拟结果和模拟结果的出口温度平均误差为1.83%;潜热储能过程模拟结果和实验结果的出口温度和融化程度平均误差分别为:0.70%和3.66%.本文使用相变材料的出口温度、充能完成时间、液相百分比和储能速率作为研究系统的性能指标,并模拟仿真不同换热流体进口温度和质量流量对系统性能的影响,换热流体进口温度从75℃增加到90℃,充能完成时间减少了37.6%,储能速率平均增加了63.3%;质量流量从0.07 kg· min-1增加到0.22 kg·min-1,充能完成时间减少了27.5%,预热阶段储能速率随着质量流量的增加而增加,相变潜热蓄热阶段质量流量对储能速率的影响不是很明显,过热阶段储能速率随着质量流量的增加而减少.【期刊名称】《建筑热能通风空调》【年(卷),期】2016(035)006【总页数】5页(P18-22)【关键词】潜热储能;相变材料;Simulink【作者】凌云;李炎桐;张泉【作者单位】香港华艺设计顾问(深圳)有限公司;湖南大学土木工程学院;湖南大学土木工程学院【正文语种】中文相变技术是前景的暖通空调节能技术[1],而壳管式是典型的封装形式。






燃气管道传热特性数值研究刘秀云【摘要】In order to study the heat transfer characteristics of high temperature gas pipeline wall,using the finite difference method for the two-dimensional numerical study on the gas pipeline wall.Through the calculation contrast of different heat transfer boundary conditions and pipe wall material(respectively,copper,steel,hastelloy alloy three materials),change regulation of tube wall temperature and the heat transfer characteristics were obtained.The results showed that high temperature gas passages were heated at high temperatures,the heat from the combustion chamber wall surface to the outer layers of the wall to pass out over time,for different wall materials,heat transfer process was also a great difference,the greater the coefficient of thermal conductivity of the tube wall materials,the faster the heat transfer rate,and the tube outer wall more easily reached a steady state;gas channel wall heat transfer situation affected the convective heat transfer coefficient between the wall and the outside world,the bigger the tube outer convection media convection convective heat transfer coefficient and the wall heat transfer coefficient,the higher the heat transfer efficiency,the more conducive to the cooling of the tube wall,and the tube wall temperature reached the equilibrium state needs the longer time.Finally,the outer surface equilibrium temperature decreased with the increase of convective heat transfer coefficient.Continuity of the high temperature gas circulation inthe inner wall surface of the gas pipeline to generate more stable boundary conditions,wall sustainability of high intensity heat,cooling to take effective measures to improve the life of the pipeline.By analysis of heat transfer,taking effective measures can increase the pipe life,at the same time,to improve the utilization rate of high temperature gas and recover waste heat.%为了研究高温燃气管道管壁的传热特性,利用有限差分法对管壁进行二维数值研究.采用不同的换热边界条件和管壁材料(分别为铜、钢、哈氏合金3种材料)进行计算对比,获得管壁温度随时间变化规律及管壁传热特性.结果表明:高温燃气通道在高温燃烧之后,燃烧室内的热量从内壁面到外壁面,随时间层层向外传递;不同的管壁材料,传热过程区别也很大,管壁材料的导热系数越大,传热速率越快,管的外壁面越容易达到稳定状态;燃气通道管壁的传热情况受到外界与壁面之间的对流换热系数的影响,管外对流介质与管壁的对流换热系数越大,它们之间的传热效率越高,有利于管壁冷却,管壁温度达到平衡状态需要的时间越长,最终外壁面平衡温度随着对流换热系数的增大而降低;连续性高温燃气流通过程,在燃气管道管内壁面上产生较为稳定边界条件,管壁持续承受高强度热量,采取有效冷却措施来延长管道的使用寿命.通过传热分析,采用有效的冷却循环系统来提高高温燃气的利用率和余热的回收.【期刊名称】《中州煤炭》【年(卷),期】2017(039)007【总页数】7页(P137-142,147)【关键词】高温燃气管道;传热特性;有限差分法;数值研究;二维温度场【作者】刘秀云【作者单位】长江大学石油工程学院,湖北武汉 430100【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TK172.4高温燃气在传输过程中伴随有大量的热损失。

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Research PaperNumerical investigation of heated gas flow in a thermoacousticdeviceKazuto Kuzuu ⇑,Shinya HasegawaDepartment of Prime Mover Engineering,Tokai University,Hiratsuka,Kanagawa 2591292,Japanh i g h l i g h t sThe self-sustained oscillation in thermoacoustic engine is reproduced by CFD. Flow field in CFD is assigned to thermoacoustic properties from linear theory. Unique flow behavior due to non-uniform temperature gradient is observed in CFD.a r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Received 10March 2016Revised 1July 2016Accepted 16August 2016Available online 18August 2016Keywords:Thermoacoustics Heat exchangerComputational fluid dynamics Oscillatory flowa b s t r a c tSelf-sustained oscillation in a standing wave thermoacoustic device is reproduced via computational fluid dynamics simulations,and heated flow behavior in the device is explored using the results obtained.The straight-type thermoacoustic device is composed of two resonance tubes,two heat exchangers and a stack.In these simulations,both the acoustic characteristics and the temperature field during self-sustained oscillation are considered.Therefore,to reproduce the self-sustained oscillatory flow,an acous-tic signal is injected into the computational domain as a trigger pulse.From the results,oscillatory fluid motion around the engine is investigated,and characteristics,including the acoustic field or work flow,the energy dissipation,the work source and other associated aspects,are estimated.The results agree well with those of linear theory,although high energy dissipation caused by vortex generation is observed near the engine.This result verifies the computational fluid dynamics simulation results.The temperature field around the engine is also investigated.The results show occurrence of asymmetrical temperature oscillations within the heat exchangers.This behavior cannot be predicted using linear the-ory because the non-uniform temperature gradient in the engine unit is transferred in stream-wise by convection.Finally,a modification to conventional linear theory is suggested to reproduce this behavior.Ó2016Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionThe thermoacoustic device reviewed by Swift in 1988combines the advantages of the inherent thermal efficiency properties of the Stirling cycle with the ability to work using a minimum number of moving parts [1].Swift et al.demonstrated the feasibility of the device using an inexpensive prototype [2],and since then,ther-moacoustic devices have attracted considerable attention as appli-cations of renewable heat energy.Many basic and practical studies of these devices have been performed in recent years.Thermoacoustic devices work using thermoacoustic phenom-ena.Theories to explain these phenomena were originally formed based on acoustic theory [3–7],and the linear theories developed by Rott [8,9]and Tijdeman [10]are still commonly applied to developments in these devices.For example,the Design Environ-ment for Low-amplitude Thermoacoustic Engines (DELTAE),which is a numerical analysis code developed by Swift et al.[11],uses the linear theory of Rott [8]and is useful for thermoacoustic device design.Linear theory is thus significant when dealing with thermoa-coustic phenomena that occur in a thermoacoustic device.However,some phenomena cannot currently be explained using linear theory.It is not actually possible to predict non-linear phe-nomena like two or three-dimensional vortex generation.Heat transfer in the heat exchanger is another problem to be solved in this field,and the problem must be studied using methods beyond linear theory.Many studies of heat transfer in thermoacoustic devices have been performed recently,and they can be classified into several different types of approaches.The first approach combines linear theory and numerical calcu-lations.Piccolo et al.introduced a simple energy conservation model coupled with classical linear thermoacoustic theory,and/10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2016.08.0931359-4311/Ó2016Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.⇑Corresponding author.E-mail, it to estimate the heat transfer properties of thermoacoustic heat exchangers composed of several parallel plates[12,13].In another method,de Jong et al.proposed a heat transfer model for one-dimensional oscillatoryflow.This model can be applied to parallel-plate thermoacoustic heat exchangers,and was used to investigate their heat transfer properties[14].Experimental approaches can also be used to investigate heat transfer.Wakeland and Keolian et al.investigated the heat transfer of parallel-plate heat exchangers in oscillatoryflow environments [15].They estimated heat exchanger effectiveness based on its temperaturefield,which was measured using thermistor probes placed at the heat exchanger exits and entrances.They also com-pared the results of their study with those obtained using the DEL-TAE code[11].Additionally,Jaworski et al.investigated the heat transfer properties of parallel-plate heat exchangers through acetone-based planar laser-inducedfluorescence(PLIF)measure-ments[16,17],and compared their measured results with numer-ical results[18,19].Thefinal approach is based on computationalfluid dynamics (CFD).This approach is advantageous because the assumptions in linear theory are excluded,and because the heat transfer proper-ties of a thermoacoustic device can be calculated directly from its temperaturefield.Some numerical simulations of oscillatoryflow in heated pipes were performed by Zhao and Cheng[20,21].While their simulations were for oscillatoryflow induced by acoustic wave propagation,their results provide the characteristic features of an oscillatory temperaturefield in the tube.In another numeri-cal simulation,Cao et al.investigated the energyflux density in a thermoacoustic couple under acoustic standing wave conditions [22].In this study,they estimated the effects of the displacement amplitude on heat transfer.The study is significant for heat trans-fer estimation because the displacement amplitude in Rott’s theory [8,9]is assumed to be negligible when compared with the device length.Ishikawa and Mee also studied theflowfields and energy transport near thermoacoustic couples through numerical simula-tions using a2D full Navier–Stokes solver[23].Marx and Blanc-Benon performed numerical simulations of a thermoacoustic refrigerator that consisted of a resonator and a parallel plate stack [24].They compared their results with those predicted by linear theory,and showed that there is a difference in mean temperature between thefluid and the plate.Mohd and Jaworski also investi-gated the oscillatoryflow and heat transfer of parallel heat exchangers,and compared their results with experimental data [25].Using both numerical results and experimental data,they demonstrated the effect of the temperaturefield on oscillatory flow and the dependencies of heat transfer on the Reynolds number.Additionally,self-sustained oscillation is also reproduced and discussed with respect to CFD simulations of thermoacoustic phe-nomena.Hantschk and Vortmeyer simulated self-sustained oscilla-tion in a Rijke tube[26].While the simulated tube includes only heating elements,rather than heat exchangers,they discussed non-linearity in the heat transfer process.Recently,other CFD sim-ulations of self-sustained oscillation in thermoacoustic engines have been performed.Spoelstra et al.simulated a travelling-wave thermoacoustic engine,and showed strong non-linear effects for high-amplitude thermoacoustic systems[27].Zink et al.showed the transition from initial disturbance to self-sustained oscillation in a thermoacoustic engine,and explored the effects of a curved resonator[28].Dai et al.simulated self-sustained oscillation in a 300Hz standing wave thermoacoustic engine[29]by visualizing flowfields at the ends of the stack,and discussed multi-dimensional effects that occurred because of the abrupt change inflow area.As described above,many studies of thermoacoustic devices have been performed using a variety of approaches.CFD simula-tions attract particular attention because of their ability to repro-duce non-linear effects in thermoacoustic phenomena,and the technique has progressed such that the non-linearity offlow behavior in self-sustained oscillation can be discussed.However, while the acousticfields obtained from these simulations are com-parable with those obtained using conventional linear theory,the non-linearity of heatedflow behavior,which must affect the sys-tem heat transfer,has not been discussed adequately to date.In this study,to investigate such heatedflow behavior occurring in a thermoacoustic device in greater detail,unsteady CFD simula-tions of self-sustained oscillatoryflow are performed.For this pur-pose,a full-scale device model was set up and the engine unit was given a suitable temperature profiing this setup,self-sustained thermoacoustic oscillation can be reproducedNomenclatureq densityq m mean(time-averaged)densityu iflow velocity vectorh u i r velocity amplitude at cross-sectionp absolute pressurep m mean(time-averaged)pressurep1pressure amplitude at cross-sectionu phase of acoustic waveu pu phase difference between pressure and velocity T absolute temperatureT m mean(time-averaged)temperatureT1temperature amplitude at cross-sectionT w wall temperatureT Hw,T Cw wall temperatures of HEX and CEX,respectively n i normal vector of surface elementt timeD t period of acoustic wavef frequency of acoustic waveV volume element of control volumeS surface element of control volumeA area of cross-section R gas constants ij shear stress tensorq j heatfluxl viscositym kinetic viscosityk thermal conductivitya thermal diffusivityc specific heat ratior Prandtl numberd ij Kronecker deltaj imaginary unitx angular frequencyv m,v a thermoacoustic functionI workflowW m,W p kinetic and potential energy dissipationW prog,W stand travelling and standing wave components of work source,respectivelye i internal energy/viscous dissipation functionC p specific heat at constant pressure1284K.Kuzuu,S.Hasegawa/Applied Thermal Engineering110(2017)1283–1293numerically.A linear analysis based on conventional thermoacous-tic theory is performed simultaneously,and the results are com-pared.In particular,rather than simply compare the results for the acoustic characteristics,the relationship between the acoustic characteristics when treated using linear theory and theflowfields obtained from CFD is clarified,and the linear and non-linear char-acteristics of oscillatoryflows are discussed.Finally,the tempera-turefield behavior that cannot be explained using linear theory is investigated.2.Calculations2.1.Calculation method in CFDCFD simulations are carried out using the LS-FLOW unstruc-tured compressibleflow solver developed by the Japan Aerospace eXploration Agency(JAXA)[30].The solver is based on three-dimensional unsteady compressible Navier–Stokes equations.The basic equations are as follows.@ @tVQd Vþt SðF eÀF vÞdS¼0ð1ÞQ¼qq u xq u yq u zE2666666437777775;F e¼q Uq u x Uþn x pq u y Uþn y pq u z Uþn z pðEþpÞU2666666437777775;F v¼s xx n xþs yx n xþs zx n xs xy n yþs yy n yþs zy n ys xz n zþs yz n zþs zz n zðu i s ijÀq jÞn j2666666437777775U¼u x n xþu y n yþu z n z;u i¼u xu yu z264375;sij¼À23lðrÁUÞd ijþl@u i@x jþ@u j@x iE¼1cÀ1pþ12q U2;q i¼Àk r T;where q,u i,p,T,l and k are the density,the velocity vector,the pressure,the temperature,the viscosity and the heat conductivity of the gas,respectively,and n i is the vector normal to the volume element surface.The main numerical schemes used in this simula-tion are given in Table1.2.2.CFD calculation modelFig.1shows the calculation model used in this simulation.The engine unit has three components:hot and cold heat exchangers (HEX and CEX),and a stack(STK).Each component contains sixflat plates and seven channels.The computational domain includes the buffer region.The individual part sizes and boundary conditions are shown in Fig.1(a).The model is two-dimensional;this is achieved by providing symmetrical conditions in the z direction. The wall temperatures,excluding those of the sixflat plates of the engine unit,are allfixed at room temperature(298.15K).The temperatures in the engine unit are423.15K for HEX and 298.15K for CEX.A linear distribution ranging between423.15K and298.15K is used for the STK temperature.The working gas is air,the working pressure is p=1.01325Â105Pa,and the temper-ature T=298.15K.In this simulation,to induce self-sustained oscillatoryflow,the pressure disturbance was injected as a trigger pulse from the open end.The simulations actually start from a static initial condition and continue for a short time.Then,one-half cycle of a sinusoidal acoustic wave is injected as a disturbance with^p%283Pa and f=21.2Hz from the open end into the buffer region.The supply of this acoustic wave is then terminated.The mesh configuration is composed of hexahedral cells that were converted from non-uniform Cartesian grids.The concen-trated mesh state of the representative parts is shown in Fig.1 (b).For two-dimensional calculations,the number of divisions in the z-direction is set at one.The total number of cells is approxi-mately300,000,and the minimum mesh size,which corresponds to the distance from the boundary wall to the adjacent mesh,is 0.0237mm.The time step used for this simulation is2.0l s,which corresponds to a Courant–Friedrichs–Lewy(CFL)number of30 based on the sound velocity.2.3.Numerical calculations based on linear theoryUsing Rott’s linear theory[8],the basic equations for one-dimensional thermoacoustic oscillatoryflow within a tube can be developed and can thus be expressed as simultaneous differential equations with respect to velocity and pressure.@p1@x¼Àjxqmð1Àv mÞh u i r;ð2Þ@h u ir@x¼Àjxpm1ÀcÀ1cð1ÀvmÞ!p1þv aÀv mð1Àv mÞð1ÀrÞ1T m@T m@xh u ir;ð3Þwhere v m and v a are the viscous and thermal thermoacoustic func-tions,respectively,and have two-dimensional formulations as follows.v m¼tanhðð1þjÞffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffix s mpÞð1þjÞffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffix s mp;v a¼tanhðð1þjÞffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffix s apÞð1þjÞffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffix s apð4Þs m¼r20=2m;s a¼r20=2aHere,r0is one-half of the two-dimensional channel width.These equations are calculated numerically.For example,Ueda et al.proposed a numerical method based on the fourth-order Runge–Kutta method and calculated the critical temperature ratio for self-sustained thermoacoustic oscillation[34].In the linear analysis,the pressure amplitude at the antinode point(closed end)is given as a boundary condition.A value of 495Pa is calculated using CFD.For the temperature conditions, the time and section-averaged temperature obtained from CFD is used.These conditions lead to the properties shown in Table2.3.Results and discussion3.1.Production of self-sustained oscillationTo confirm self-sustained oscillation,time variation of the phys-ical values after termination of the trigger injection is observed. Fig.2shows the variations in the axial velocity and pressure at (x,y)=(1.04,0.0).The acoustic signal injection time is t=2.054–2.078s.As shown in thefigure,the phenomenon is considered toTable1Numerical schemes used in CFD simulations.Calculation Name of schemeTime integration Three points backward stepapproximationImplicit solution LU-SGS[31]Interpolation MUSCL scheme by Green-Gauss methodNumericalflux ConvectivetermSLAU[32]Viscous term Wang’s method[33]K.Kuzuu,S.Hasegawa/Applied Thermal Engineering110(2017)1283–12931285be in a periodic steady state after4s and is then in self-sustained oscillation.The enlarged graph shows the period around the occurrence of the trigger pulse and the periodic steady state.3.2.Verification of CFDOscillatoryflow behavior in the device is investigated,and the CFD results are compared with those from linear theory.Here, we show the velocity profiles at two device cross-sections.The velocity profile of oscillatoryflow varies with time.Fig.3shows 12phases in a single cycle.In Fig.3,the velocity amplitude is the section-averaged value at the midpoint of the STK(x=1.045m), and the corresponding displacement amplitude is also shown.Fig.4shows the variations in the velocity profiles.Each graph corresponds to profiles on the section including the STK and the resonance tube(x=1.045and2.00m).Both profiles agree with the results of linear theory.This implies that the fundamental oscillatoryflow behavior obeys linear theory within the device. 3.3.Acoustic propertiesIn thermoacoustic theory,the acoustic power is expressed as a workflow.From the CFD results,we can calculate this value using Eq.(5).I¼x2pÂZ tþ2p=xtt AðpÀp mÞu x dAf g dtð5ÞIn Eq.(5),the workflow,I,is the time-averaged value over a sin-gle acoustic wave cycle.Fig.5shows a comparison of the CFD simulation results with those from linear analysis.Here,the temperature gradient used in the linear analysis is based on the CFD results.In thefigure, the CFD results almost agree with the power gain obtained in the linear analysis.However,the CFD power gain is approximately 9%smaller than that determined by linear analysis.This may be caused by differences between the CFD simulations and the linear analysis in terms of temperature conditions at each section.In fact,putationalTable2Properties of air within the engine.T(K)q(kg/m3)m(m2/s)s m x4020.8782 2.6299-05 5.617298.15 1.1847 1.5561-059.4931286K.Kuzuu,S.Hasegawa/Applied Thermal Engineering110(2017)1283–1293while the temperature is assumed to be common at each section of the engine channels in the linear analysis,the temperature differs in every channel in the CFD simulations.This difference is described in detail later.The enlarged graph shows the characteristics around the engine unit.3.4.Energy dissipation and work sourceIn this section,we calculate the energy dissipation and work source from the CFD results and compare them with the results from linear theory.First,we consider the energy dissipation and the work source as thermoacoustic properties.To explain the cause of the workflow, Tominaga[35]introduced the concept of energy dissipation and the work source based on linear theory offlow in a tube.In this theory,energy dissipation is classified in terms of the kinetic and potential energy dissipations,or W m and W p,respectively.Addition-ally,the work source is divided into two parts,i.e.,the travelling and standing wave components,W prog and W stand,respectively.These parameters are defined as follows.W m¼ÀA2Rej xq mð1Àv mÞ!jh u irj2ð6ÞW p¼ÀARej xc m1þðcÀ1Þv aÀÁ!j p1j2ð7ÞW prog¼AReðv aÀv mÞð1Àv mÞð1ÀrÞT m!j p1jjh u irj cos u pu@T m@xð8ÞW stand¼AImðv aÀv mÞð1Àv mÞð1ÀrÞT m!j p1jjh u irj sin u pu@T m@xð9ÞHere,we must extract the energy dissipation and the work source from the CFD results.K.Kuzuu,S.Hasegawa/Applied Thermal Engineering110(2017)1283–12931287Thefirst law of thermodynamics is commonly given asd Q¼de iþp d vð10Þd Q is the heat energy added to thefluid element from an exter-nal system,d e i is the increment in the internal energy,and p d v cor-responds to the work in which the element acts for the external system.Given that d Q is the heat energy added to thefluid element by heat conduction,the energy equation that applies to two-dimensionalfluid motion is obtained as follows.q De i¼À@@xÀk@T@xþ@@yÀk@T@y&'þðÀpÞ@u@xþ@v@yþs xx@u@xþs yx@u@yþs xy@v@x þs yy@v@yð11ÞIn the above equation,the third term corresponds to kinetic energy dissipation by viscosity,while the second term can be regarded as a summation of the potential energy dissipation and the work source.By integrating these terms with respect to both time and cross-section,the energy dissipation and the work source properties can be obtained as follows.Kinetic energy(viscous)dissipation:/¼s xx@u@xþs yx@u@yþs xy@v@xþs yy@v@y¼lÂ2@u@x2þ@v@y2!þ@v@xþ@u@y2À23@u@xþ@v@y2!ð12Þh/it¼x2pÂZ tþ2p=xtt A/dAf g dtð13ÞSummation of potential energy dissipation and work source: w¼ÀðpÀp aÞÂ@u@xþ@v@y¼ðpÀpaÞqÂD qð14Þh w it¼x2pÂZ tþ2p=xtt A w dAf g dtð15ÞFig.6shows the energy dissipations and the work source calcu-lated using the above equations.The work source in the resonance tube can be neglected because of the lack of a heat source.From 1288K.Kuzuu,S.Hasegawa/Applied Thermal Engineering110(2017)1283–1293this,it can be said that both the viscous and potential energy dis-sipations almost follow linear theory in the resonance tube.Additionally,we show the kinetic energy dissipation within and near the engine.In CFD,this dissipation is calculated using Eq.(12).The enlarged graph in Fig.6shows a comparison of the results of CFD and linear analysis.The graph shows good agreement,but dif-ferences can be observed near the heat exchanger extremities (x =1.00and 1.09m).This may be the effect of vortex generation around the corners of the engine plates.However,the work flow is not so strongly affected by this difference because the total energy loss is decided by the integration in the x-direction and the peak value is limited to quite a narrow area.Next,the effects of potential energy dissipation and the work source around the engine unit are investigated.In CFD,this effect is described using Eq.(14),and is the summation of the potential energy dissipation and the work source.Therefore,the analytical results for comparison must be expressed using the summation of W p ,W prog and W stand from Eqs.(7)–(9).Fig.7compares theK.Kuzuu,S.Hasegawa /Applied Thermal Engineering 110(2017)1283–12931289results from CFD and linear theory.They show almost perfect agreement.Compared values:h w i t in CFD and W p+W prog+W stand in the analysis.From thermoacoustic theory in a tube,the workflow must be consistent with the integration of the above values,as follows:I¼Z xW mþW pþW progþW standÀÁdxð16ÞFig.8compares the results of the integration in Eq.(16)above with the workflow calculated from Eq.(5),and shows good agree-ment between these results.The work source and the dissipation are thus considered to have been correctly estimated using the CFDflow data.3.5.Flow behavior in a temperaturefieldFinally,the temperaturefield around the engine unit is investigated.In the linear theory of Rott[8],it is assumed that the time-averaged temperature of thefluid in each section coincides with the wall temperature.However,because of heat transfer between thefluid and the solid wall,the averagedfluid temperature may possibly differ from the wall temperature.In fact,while the wall temperature of the HEX(423.15K)is given as shown in Fig.1, thefluid temperature in the CFD simulation is lower than the wall temperature.Fig.9shows the time and section-averaged tempera-ture distributions in the x-direction around the engine.White cir-cles denote the results for each section along the device,and in the engine region(x=1.00–1.09m),the temperature distribution for each channel is also shown in the graph.Each result corresponds to one of the center(black circles),bottom(white triangles)or top(black triangles)channels in the engine.The wall temperatures of the engine plates are plotted using a dotted line.There is a dif-ference between the temperature of thefluid and that of the engine plates;specifically,thefluid temperatures in the bottom and top channels are much lower than that of the engine plates.This is because one side of each of these channels is set at room1290K.Kuzuu,S.Hasegawa/Applied Thermal Engineering110(2017)1283–1293temperature (298.15K).As a result,the effective temperature,when averaged over all engine channel sections (white circles),is further reduced when compared with the engine plate temperatures.On the other hand,a high-temperature region on the outside of the HEX (x =0.95–1.00m)can also be observed.This is caused by leakage of heated air from the HEX;the area is called a thermal buffer region.The rapid increase in temperature at x =1.0m can be considered to be affected by the wall temperature at the engine plate extremity.The behavior of the heated air is visualized in Fig.10.In this figure,the high temperature region of the thermal buffer is asymmetrical around the central line and deflects towards the upper wall.This is because the temperature is averaged over one period of an acoustic wave at most,despite the flow being dis-turbed by vortex generation.Next,to investigate the temperature field behavior in detail,the phase variations of the temperature are observed.The observed area is the central channel of the engine.The CFD results are also compared with the values that were predicted using Eq.(17)based on linear theory.T 1¼1C p q m ð1Àf a Þp 1þf a Àf m 1Àv m Þð1Àr ÞÀ1Àf m 1Àv mh u i r 1j x @T m@x ð17ÞIn Eq.(17),the temperature gradient in the x-direction is taken from the temperature distribution on the center channel (black cir-cles)shown in Fig.9.Fig.11shows the distribution within the central section of STK.The normalized temperature H must now be introduced:H ¼T ÀT wT Hw ÀT Cw;ð18Þwhere T w ,T Hw ,and T Cw are the wall temperatures of the local sec-tion,the HEX,and the CEX,respectively.As the graph shows,the CFD results closely follow those of the linear theory.This is because the temperature gradient in the x-direction is almost uniform in this region.In contrast,at the boundary area between the heat exchanger (HEX and CEX)and the stack (STK),the situation is quite different.As shown in Fig.12,the temperature oscillation from CFD does notagree with the results predicted using Eq.(17).The actual temper-ature oscillation in the CFD results is asymmetrical.In Eq.(17),the temperature gradient is assumed to be constant within the dis-placement amplitude of the local fluid element.In this case,the actual fluid element moves to an extent of 15mm,as shown in Fig.3.When the temperature distribution shown in Fig.9is consid-ered,the above assumption cannot be applied in this area.This means that the temperature gradient varies in the oscillatory cycle.To improve this point,the convective term of Eq.(17)must therefore be modified.Here,it is assumed that the mean tempera-ture gradient can be described using the linear transfer equation@F @t þu x @F @x¼0;F ðx ;t Þ¼@T m@x:ð19ÞThe solution to the above equation is:F ðx ;t Þ¼F ðx Àu x t Þ:ð20ÞHere,u x t corresponds to the fluid element displacement in the oscillatoryflow.Fig.10.Temperature distributions around the engine.-1.5-1-0.50.511.5-0.4-0.3-0.2-0.1 0y (m m )ΘΦ01Φ03Φ05Φ07Φ09Φ11parison of temperature distributions linear analysis).。
