1. 在HTML中,表示页面背景的是( A)A. <body bgcolor=>B. <body bkcolor=>C. <body agcolor=>D. <body color=>A2. HTML中<body text=red>,表示()A. 正在点击文字的色彩是红色。
B. 可链接文字的色彩是红色。
C. 非可链接文字的色彩是红色。
D. 已链接文字的色彩是红色。
C3. 下列表示,可链接文字的颜色是黑色的是()A. <body link=black>B. <body text=black>C. <body vlink=black>D. <body alink=black>A4. 下列表示,已经点击(访问)过的可链接文字的的颜色是黑色的是()A. <body a link=”#000000”>B. <body link=”#000000”>C. <body vlink=”#000000”>D. <body blink=”#000000”>C5. 下列表示,正被点击的可链接文字的颜色是白色的是()A. <body link=”#ffffff”>B. <body vlink=”#ffffff”>C. <body alink=”#ffffff”>D. <body blink=”#ffffff”>C6. <body leftmargin=?>,表示()A. 页面左边的表格大小B. 页面左边的空白大小C. 页面左边的可用区域大小D. 页面左边的可编辑区域大小B7. <body topmargin=?> ,表示()A. 页面上边的表格大小B. 页面上边的空白大小C. 页面上边的可用区域大小D. 页面上边的可编辑区域大小B8. 链接(Link)基本语法是()A. <a goto="URL"> ... </a>B. <a herf="URL"> ... </a>C. <a link="URL"> ... </a>D. <a href="URL"> ... </a>D9. 表示跳转到页面的”bn”锚点的代码是:()A. <a link="#bn"> ... </a>B. <a href="bn"> ... </a>C. <a href="#bn"> ... </a>D. <a herf="bn"> ... </a>C10. <a href="#bn"> ... </a>,表示()A. 跳转到”bn”页面B. 跳转到页面的”bn”锚点C. 超链接的属性是”bn”D. 超链接的对象是”bn”B11. 跳转到””页面的”bn”锚点的代码是()A. <a href="&bn"> ... </a>B. <a href="bnl#hellohtml"> ... </a>C. <a href="#bn"> ... </a>D. <a href="#bn"> ... </a>C12. <a href="#top"> ... </a>,表示()A. 跳转到””页面的顶部B. 跳转到””页面的”top”锚点C. 跳转到””页面的底部D. 跳转到””页面的文字”top”所在链接B13. 表示新开一个窗口的超链接代码是()A. <a href=URL target=_new>..</a>B. <a href=URL target=_self>..</a>C. <a href=URL target=_blank>..</a>D. <a href=URL target=_parent>..</a>C14. <a href=URL target=_blank>..</a>,表示()A. 链接到”balnk”的超链接代码B. 在本窗口中打开的超链接代码C. 打开一个空窗口的超链接代码D. 新开一个窗口的超链接代码D15. <a href=URL target=_parent>..</a>,表示()A. 打开一个空窗口的超链接代码B. 在父窗口打开超链接的代码C. 新开一个窗口的超链接代码D. 在本窗口中打开一个超链接的代码B16. 在父窗口打开超链接的代码是()A. <a href=URL target=_top>..</a>B. <a href=URL target=_parent>..</a>C. <a href=URL target=_blank>..</a>D. <a href=URL target=_self>..</a>B17. <a href=URL target=_self>..</a>,表示()A. 打开一个空窗口的超链接代码B. 新开一个窗口的超链接代码C. 在父窗口打开超链接的代码D. 在本窗口打开超链接的代码D18. 在本窗口打开超链接的代码是()A. <a href=URL target=_top>..</a>B. <a href=URL target=_parent>..</a>C. <a href=URL target=_blank>..</a>D. <a href=URL target=_self>..</a>D19. 在框架中,在整个框架页中打开链接的代码是()A. <a href=URL target=_blank>..</a>B. <a href=URL target=_top>..</a>C. <a href=URL target=_main>..</a>D. <a href=URL target=_self>..</a>B20. <a href=URL target=_top>..</a>,表示()A. 在框架页中的主框架中打开链接B. 在框架页中的上面框架中打开链接C. 在整个框架页中打开链接D. 在本窗口打开超链接C21. 在框架页中的主框架中打开链接的代码是()A. <a href=URL target=_left>..</a>B. <a href=URL target=_blank>..</a>C. <a href=URL target=_top>..</a>D. <a href=URL target=_main>..</a>D22. 在框架页中的左边框架中打开链接的代码是()A. <a href=URL target=_top>..</a>B. <a href=URL target=_left>..</a>C. <a href=URL target=_left>..</a>D. <a href=URL target=#left>..</a>B23. <a href=URL target=_left>..</a>,表示()A. 在框架页中的主框架中打开链接B. 在框架页中的左面框架中打开链接C. 在整个框架页中打开链接D. 在本窗口打开超链接B24. 表示标尺线的HTML代码是()A. <hr>B. <br>C. <hr></hr>D. <tr>A25. 表示标尺线的大小的HTML代码是()A. <hr size=?>B. <hr long=?>C. <hr height=?>D. <hr space=?>A26. <hr color=red>表示()A. 页面的颜色是红色B. 水平线的颜色是红色C. 框架颜色是红色D. 页面顶部是红色B27. 表示水平线对齐方式为左对齐的HTML代码是()A. <br align=left>B. <tr align=left>C. <hr align=left>D. <hr align=right>C28. <hr noshade>表示()A. 表示水平线没有阴影B. 表示水平线没有边框C. 表示页面边界没有阴影D. 表示水平线不显视A29. 下列表示下标的是()A. <sup>.</sup>B. <sub></sub>C. <top></top>D. <B下列说法错误的是()A.<sup></sup>表示上标B.<em></em>表示下划线C.<s></s>表示删除线D.<strike></strike>表示删除线B30. 下列说法错误的是()A. <s></s>表示上标B. <strike></strike>表示删除线C. <sup></sup>表示上标D. <u></u>表示下划线A31. <strong></strong>表示()A. 斜体B. 粗体C. 下划线D. 上标B32. 红色的RGB代码是()A. #00ff00B. #ff0000C. #ooooffD. #f0f0f0B33. 灰色的RGB代码是()A. #FF00FFB. #909090C. #CCCCCCD. #000000C34. 换行符的HTML代码是()A. <hr>B. <br>C. <tr>D. <hr></hr>B35. 下列说法正确的是()A. <p>和<br>的区别是<p>插入了一个空行B. <p>和<br>的区别是<p>不是换行符,而<br>是C. <p>和<br>的区别就是<p>后面不能加入文字D. <p>和<br>的区别就是<b>后面不能加入文字A36. 无序列表的HTML代码是()A. <li><ui>...</li>B. <ul><li>...</ul>C. <Ol><li>...<Ol>D. <li><ol>...</li>B37. 有序列表的HTML代码是()A. <ul><li>...</ul>B. <li><ul>...</li>C. <ol><li>...</ol>D. <li><ol>...<li>C38. 定义列表的HTML代码是()A. <dt><dl>***<dd>***</dl>B. <dd><dt>***<dl>***</dd>C. <dt><dd>***<dl>***</dt>D. <dl><dt>***<dd>***</dl>D39. 下列说法错误的是()A. disk是定制表中type的标记B. left是定制表中type的标记C. circle是定制表中type的标记D. square是定制表中type的标记B40. 定制表中type标记中的circle表示()A. 圆点B. 圆环C. 字母D. 方块B41. 定制表中type标记中的disk表示()A. 圆点B. 圆环C. 字母D. 方块A42. 定制表中type标记中的square表示()A. 圆点B. 圆环C. 字母D. 方块D43. 定制有序列表表中的序号的起始值的表示法为()A. <ol begint=#>B. <ol star=#>C. <ol still=#>D. <ol start=#>D44. <spacer type="horizontal" size=#>表示()A. 水平空白宽度B. 竖直空白宽度C. 水平空白高度D. 竖直空白高度A45. <spacer type=" vertical " size=#>表示()A. 水平空白宽度B. 竖直空白宽度C. 水平空白高度D. 竖直空白高度D46. <multicol cols=#> ... </multicol>,cols表示()A. 列的数目B. 列间的空白C. 列的宽度D. 列的长度A47. <multicol gutter=#> ... </multicol>,gutter表示()A. 列的数目B. 列间的空白C. 列的宽度D. 列的长度B48. <multicol width=#> ... </multicol>表示()A. 单行文本B. 多列文本C. 多行文本D. 单列文本C49. <img alt=#>,表示()A. 图像的地址B. 图像的排列方式C. 在浏览器尚未完全读入图象时,在图象位置显示的文字D. 在浏览器尚未完全读入图象时,在图象的上方显示的文字C50. html中段落标志中,标注文件子标题的是?A <Hn></Hn>B <PRE><PRE>C <p>D <BR>A51. 下列哪一项是"多选式选单"的语法?A. <SELECT MULTIPLE>B. <SAMP></SAMP>C. <ISINDEX PROMPT="***">D.<TEXTAREA WRAP=OFF|VIRTUAL|PHYSICAL></TEXTAREA>A52. 禁止表格格子内的内容自动断行回卷的HTML代码是?A. <tr valign=?>B. <td colspan=#>C. <td rowspan=#>D. <td nowrap>D53. html语言中,创建一个位于文档内部的靶位的标记是?A. <name="NAME">B. <name="NAME"></name>C. <a name="NAME"></a>D. <a name="NAME"C54. HTML的段落标志中,标注行中断的是?A. <Hn> </Hn>B. <PRE> </PRE>C. <P>D. <BR>C55. HTML文本显示状态代码中,<SUP></SUP>表示?A. 文本加注下标线B. 文本加注上标线C. 文本闪烁D. 文本或图片居中B56. 创建一个滚动菜单的HTML代码是?A. <form></form>B. <select multiple name="NAME" size=?></select>C. <option>D. <select name="NAME"></select>B57. 创建打字机风格的字体的代码是?A. <tt></tt>B. <cite></cite>C. <em></em>D. <font size=?></font>A58. HTML语言中,设置正在被点中的链接的颜色的代码是?A. <body bgcolor=?>B. <body alink=?>C. <body link=?>D. <body vlink=?>B59. HTML文本显示状态代码中,<CENTER></CENTER>表示?A. 文本加注下标线B. 文本加注上标线C. 文本闪烁D. 文本或图片居中D60. 加入一条水平线的HTML代码是?A. <hr>B. <img src="name" border=?>C. <img src="name" align=?>D. <img src="name">A61. 表示放在每个定义术语词之前的HTML代码是? ????????????????????????A. <dl></dl>B. <dt>C. <dd>D. <ol></ol>62. 禁止表格格子内的内容自动断行回卷的HTML代码是?A. <tr valign=?>B. <td colspan=#>C. <td rowspan=#>D.<td nowrap>D63. HTML的颜色属性值中,Purple的的代码是?A. "#800080"B. . "#008080"C. "#FF00FF"D. "#00FFFF"A64. HTML代码<img src="name">表示?A. 添加一个图象B. 排列对齐一个图象C. 设置围绕一个图像的边框的大小E. 加入一条水平线A65. html语言中,设置围绕表格的边框的宽度的标记是?A. <table border=#>B. <table cellspacing=#>C. <table cellpadding=#>D.<.table width=# or%>D66. <frameset cols=#>是用来指定什么的?A. 混合分框B. 纵向分框C. 横向分框D.任意分框B67. 能够设置成口令域的是()。
6级考前冲刺试题一Part I Writing (30 minutes)Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Is Homeschooling Advisable? You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below.1. 现在有不少家长让孩子在家上学2. 各人看法不同3. 我自己的观点Is Homeschooling Advisable?Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes)Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1. For questions 1-7, choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). For questions 8-10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage.Smoke and minorsMore teenage girls smoke than boys. Could it be because the tobacco industry plays on their desire to look fun, feel confident and stay thin?Forget BlackBerrys or wedges: the most desirable accessory for huge numbers of adolescent girls today is a cigarette. The trend began in the 1990s, when girls started to overtake boys as smokers; the gap grew to 10 percentage points in 2004 with 26% of 15-year-old girls smoking compared with 16% of boys. The gap has narrowed since but in 2009 girls are still more likely to smoke than boys.There has long been a synergy(协同作用) between the changing self-image of girls and the tricks of the tobacco industry. Smoking was described by one team of researchers as a way in which some adolescent girls express their resistance to the “good girl” feminine identity. In 2011, when Kate Moss creates controversy by smoking tobacco on the Louis Vuitton catwalk and Lady Gaga breaks the law by lighting up on stage, cigarettes have clearly lost none of their appeal.What‟s different today is the “dark marketing” techniques used by the tobacco industry since the end of “above-the-line” advertising in 2002. These appeal to girls‟ fears and fantasies, through online and real-world sponsorship.Tobacco manufacturers, for instance, have been accused of flooding Y ouTube with videos of sexy smoking teenage girls, while in a pioneering partnership with British American Tobacco,London‟s Ministry of Sound nightclub agreed in 1995 to promote Lucky Stri ke cigarettes. Most harmful because they are the most covert(隐蔽的), though, are the underground dance parties organised by Marlboro Mxtronic and Urban Wave, the marketing wing of Camel. Beneath the Camel logo, Urban Wave dance parties—stretching from Mexico to the Ukraine—hand out free cigarettes, and are themselves free: you must be invited and register, thereby helping the tobacco company build up a database. In the US a 2007 fashion-themed Camel 9 campaign was clearly targeted at young women, and so-called “brand stretching” has popularised tobacco brands on non-tobacco products, such as Marlboro Classic Clothes.Adolescent girls seem particularly susceptible to the blandishments of the tobacco industry. Susie, 15, began smoking two years ago. “It was on the common and everyone started experimenting. Y ou th ink, …Ooh, I‟m more cool, ooh I feel grownup and in with the crowd.‟” V anessa, 15, remembers that “it gave me a headrush, and it impressed my friends”. Becca, 21, became a regular smoker at 15. “We were going out and lying about our age and thought smoking made us look older.”Janne Scheffels, a Norwegian researcher, argued recently that teenage girl smokers view it as a kind of “prop(支撑)”in a performance of adulthood, a way of crossing the boundary between childhood and adolescence, and moving away from parents‟ authority. Be cca, says: “It felt like getting one over my parents: the fact that they didn‟t like it and couldn‟t stop it made me feel better.”Teenage smokers, the theory used to go, suffer from a lack of self-esteem. The reality is more complex. A succession of studies have found that smoking positions you in a group of “top girls”—high-status, popular, fun-loving, rebellious, confident, cool party-goers who project self-esteem (not, of course, the same as actually having it). Non-smokers are mostly seen as more sensible and less risk-taking.Smoking, says V anessa, is also bonding. Y ou start conversations with strangers when you ask for a light—an attractive social lubricant (润滑剂) for awkward teenagers. But the hub of teen smoking is break-time: it builds a girl‟s smoking identity. Sara, 14, sa ys: “That was when it became regular, when I started going out at lunch and break, round the corner from school where everyone smokes. Y ou become less close to people who don‟t go out.”Some smoke for emotional reasons: smokers are more likely to be anxious and depressed; having a cigarette is a way of dealing with stress. Twice as many teenage girls suffer from “teen anxiety” as boys, according to a report from the thinktank Demos last month.According to Amanda Amos, professor of health promotion at the University of Edinburgh, there‟s also a social class dimension: more disadvantaged teenage girls smoke, and they‟re less likely to give up. Then why aren‟t boys equally affected? This is where it gets particularly dispiriting. “Top boys” have alternative ways of displaying prestige, such as sport: smoking to look cool conflicts withtheir desire to get fit. Girls want to be thin more than fit: smoking, they believe, helps keep their weight down. One in four said that smoking made them feel less hungry and that they smoked “instead of eating”.Already in the 1920s the president of American Tobacco realised he could interest women in cigarettes by selling them as a fat-free way to satisfy hunger. The Lucky Strike adverts of 1925, “Reach for Lucky instead of a sweet”, one of the first cigarette advert campaigns aimed at women, increased its market share by more than 200%. Between 1949 and 1999, according to internal documents from the tobacco industry released during litigation in the US, Philip Morris and British American Tobacco added appetite suppressants to cigarettes.The industry has continued to exploit girls‟ and women‟s anxieties about weight. Since advertising was banned, says Amos, packaging is one of the few ways that tobacco companies can communicate with women. Y oung women looking at cigarette packs branded “slim” are more likely to believe that the contents can help make them slim. So no prizes for guessing the target market for the new “super-skinny” c igarettes—half the depth of a normal pack of 20—like V ogue Superslims, or the Virginia S.Until recently, few health education campaigns had taken on board the research into why young women smoke and so—unsurprisingly—had little impact. Some even inadvertently encouraged smoking: if you bang on about how bad cigarettes are you make them—to this group—sound good. And there‟s no point in trying to scare girls about developing cancer when they‟re old: they don‟t think they will be.The ones I interviewed know the health risks but use all kinds of strategies to exempt themselves: their uncles smoke and are fine; they‟ll stop when they‟re pregnant (they disapprove of smoking pregnant women); they‟ll stop to avoid wrinkles; they‟ll stop when they‟re “20 or 30”.The successful campaigns have been radically different. The brilliant late-1990s Florida “truth”campaign, eschewing(避开) worthy public health appeals, played the tobacco industry at its own game. Through MTV ads, a newsletter distributed in record shops, me rchandising, and a “truth” truck touring concerts and raves, it attacked the industry for manipulating teens to smoke, repositioning anti-smoking as a hip, rebellious youth movement. As a result, the number of young smokers declined by almost 10% over two years.It doesn‟t do to get morally anxious about girls and smoking. For one thing, now that—in year 10—”everyone smokes”, non-smokers and other independent-minded girls are acquiring a cool of their own. Smoking to look cool, it‟s even been suggested, risks you being judged a “try-hard”.On the other hand, cancer is the greatest cause of death among women and, as Amos points out, we haven‟t seen the full health consequences of this bulge of girls‟ smoking yet. Last week Amosaddressed the European parliament as part of Europe Against Cancer Week. Female MEPS (members of the European parliament) were shocked when she passed round packets of super-skinnies clearly targeted at girls, and discussed how women need to be empowered not to smoke. Girls need alternatives that make them feel as powerful, independent and attractive as they think cigarettes do. Smoking really is a feminist issue.1. In the 1990s, there was a trend that _______.A) girls desired for high-end products C) more teenage girls smoked than boysB) cigarettes became necessary to girls D) many boys started to quit smoking2. What do the examples of Kate Moss and Lady Gaga show?A) Sexy smoking teenage girls enjoy great popularity.B) Top brands tend to hire celebrities in their promotions.C) Few adolescent girls are satisfied with their appearance.D) Smoking is still very appealing to many teenage girls.3. What is said about the underground dance parties organized by Marlboro Mxtronic?A) They are hidden and extremely harmful. C) They can be found throughout the world.B) They give people enormous pleasure. D) They are mainly aimed at teenage boys.4. According to Janne Scheffels, adolescent girls regard smoking as _______.A) a sign of being anxious and depressedB) an act of defiance toward parental authorityC) a way of starting conversations with strangersD) an effective method of impressing their peers5. The author suggests that “top girls” _______.A) are less likely to be smokers C) are more sensible than other girlsB) can deal with stress very well D) don‟t actually have self-esteem6. Amanda Amos holds that disadvantaged girls _______.A) realize the harm of smoking C) want to get fit instead of being thinB) are less likely to stop smoking D) have healthy ways of losing weight7. What did American Tobacco do to attract women to cigarettes in the 1920s?A) It used substances that increased appetite.B) It handed out free cigarettes in public places.C) It sold cigarettes as a slimming aid for women.D) It produced cigarettes that had a sweet taste.8. Y oung women tend to believe that cigarettes in slim packs can help them to be ______________________________.9. Heath education campaigns had ______________________________ on stopping women fromsmoking because few of them studied the reason women smoke.10. The super-skinny cigarette packs which Amos presented at the European parliament______________________________ its female members.Part III Listening Comprehension(35 minutes) Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.11. A) How to help their parents. C) How to spend a summer vacation.B) How to take computer courses. D) How to celebrate the last day of school.12. A) At his apartment. C) In the woman‟s home.B) In a hotel nearby. D) In his friend‟s dormitory.13. A) She has finished her thesis.B) A special day is coming over soon.C) The man was elected the chair of the department.D) There is something special about their school.14. A) There were a lot of good books. C) The books were too expensive to buy.B) He bought a lot of books over there. D) There were many people at the book sale.15. A) The man‟s glasses have been fixed already.B) The man may pick up the glasses on Friday.C) The man may pick up the glasses on Wednesday.D) The man‟s glasses have been fixed within a week.16. A) Lisa might be able to help. C) Sandy is busy with her engagement.B) Lisa is always on the Internet. D) Sandy is working on her lab reports.17. A) He exaggerated his part. C) He played his part quite well.B) He was not dramatic enough. D) He performed better than the secretary.18. A) An open door. C) A private room.B) An open discussion. D) A closed door.Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.19. A) Albania. C) Romania.B) Hungary. D) Czechoslovakia.20. A) Tomorrow. C) Immediately.B) Next month. D) Towards the end of the month.21. A) He may make a lot of friends there.B) He wants to visit his relatives there.C) He may do some market research there.D) He may enjoy the beautiful scenery there.22. A) Sell medical facilities. C) Establish personal contracts.B) Further personal contacts. D) Investigate personal contracts.Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.23. A) Social activities. C) Language activities.B) Cultural activities. D) Sports activities.24. A) Tuesday. C) Thursday.B) Wednesday. D) Friday.25. A) £5. B) £30. C) £50. D) £55.Section BDirections:In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and questions will be spoken only once. Afteryou hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices markedA), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2with asingle line through the centre.Passage OneQuestions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard.26. A) They have to take a lot of courses.B) They don‟t need to go to labs.C) They take a very light class load.D) They have much free time for independent study.27. A) To establish a good image and a high reputation.B) To smoothly present their results and research.C) To make themselves confident and brave.D) To develop a creative mind.28. A) To make friends with their peers. C) To get the latest information.B) To get on well with their colleagues. D) To do research into other areas.Passage TwoQuestions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard.29. A) The degree they disrupt the computer. C) The space they occupy in the Internet.B) The way they reproduce and spread. D) The target they mainly attack.30. A) It first appeared in 1988. C) It first broke out in Britain.B) It traveled via e-mail messages. D) It was meant to steal documents.31. A) They don‟t damage computer systems.B) They need to attach themselves to other files.C) They could spread on their own through computer networks.D) They replicate themselves when data is shared with another computer system.Passage ThreeQuestions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.32. A) The components and functions of films.B) The standards used to value a film.C) The whole process of movie-making.D) The future development of the movie industry.33. A) Musical score. C) Special effects.B) Clothing design. D) The credits.34. A) It can make all the audiences crazy. C) It can spoil the image of an actor.B) It can affect the fashion of the world. D) It can make an ordinary person leap to fame.35. A) It was made during World War II. C) It reflects things in World War II.B) It was made for politicians. D) It was made for peace lovers.Section CDirections:In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for thesecond time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exactwords you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill inthe missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you havejust heard or write down the main points in your own words. Finally, when the passage isread for the third time, you should check what you have written.The social effects of job-sharing are likely to be beneficial, since it attempts to match work opportunities to a wider variety of lifestyles. The (36) _________ of one full-time and one part-time spouse might become much more common: which was the husband and which was the wife would vary according to taste, time of life and career (37) _________.What exactly is job-sharing? The Equal Opportunities Commission (38) _________ it as “a form of part-time employment where two people (39) _________ share the responsibility of one full-time position.” Salary and benefi ts are (40) _________ between the two sharers. Each person‟s terms and conditions of employment are the same as those of a full-timer. If each works at least 15 hours a week, then they enjoy certain (41) _________ rights that ordinary part-time workers do not have.Part-timers usually earn less per hour than a full-timer, and have fewer benefits and less job (42) _________. They have virtually no career prospects. Employers often think that working part-time (43) _________ that a person has no ambitions and so offer no chance of promotion.(44) ___________________________________________________________________ and that does not mean just married women. As Adrienne Broyle of “New Ways to Work”—formerly the London Job-Sharing Project —points out: “(45) ___________________________________________________________________”.“A growing number of men want to job-share so that they can play an active role in bringing up their children. It allows people to study at home in their free time, (46) ___________________________________________________________________. Job-sharing is also an ideal way for people to ease into retirement”.Part IV Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth) (25 minutes) Section ADirections:In this section, there is a short passage with 5 questions or incomplete statements. Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewestpossible words. Please write your answers on Answer Sheet 2.Questions 47 to 51 are based on the following passage.Overprote ctive parents inhibit more than their kids‟ freedom: they may also slow brain growth in an area linked to mental illness. Children whose parents are overprotective or neglectful are believed to be more susceptible to psychiatric disorders — which in turn are associated with defects in part of the prefrontal cortex (皮层).To investigate the link, Kosuke Narita of Gunma University, Japan, scanned the brains of 50 people in their 20s and asked them to fill out a survey about their relationship with their parents during their first 16 years. The researchers used a survey called the Parental Bonding Instrument, an internationally recognized way of measuring children‟s relationships with their parents. It asks participants to rate their parents on statements like “Did not want me to grow up”, “tried to control everything I did” and “tried to make me feel dependent on her / him”. Narita‟s team found that those with overprotective parents had less grey matter in a particular area of the prefrontal cortex than thosewho had healthy relationships. Neglect from fathers, though not mothers, also correlated with less grey matter. This part of the prefrontal cortex develops during childhood, and abnormalities there are common in people with schizophrenia and other mental illnesses. Narita and his team propose that the excessive release of the stress hormone cortisol(皮质醇) —due either to neglect, or to too much attention —and reduced production of dopamine as a result of poor parenting leads to stunted grey matter growth.Anthony Harris, director of the Clinical Disorders Unit at Westmead Hospital in Sydney, Australia, says the study is important for highlighting to the wider community that parenting styles can have long-term effects on children. But he adds that such brain differences are not always permanent. “Many individuals show great resilience(弹性),”he says. Stephen Wood, who studies adolescent development at the Melbourne Neuropsychiatry Centre in Australia, says the brain abnormalities cannot necessarily be blamed on children‟s relationship with their parents. He points out that the subjects studied may have been born with the abnormalities and as a result didn‟t bond well with their parents, rather than vice versa. Wood also takes issue with the study team‟s decision to exclude individuals with low socioeconomic status and uneducated parents — two factors known to contribute to poor performance in cognitive tests. “The effect they found may be real, but why worry about parenting if there are other factors that are so much larger?” he says.47. It is believed that children with overprotective or neglectful parents are _____________________.48. The researchers from Gunma University of Japan used a survey —the Parental Bonding Instrument — to measure _____________________.49. Narita‟s team found that children whose parents are overprotective or neglectful had _____________________ in part of the prefrontal cortex.50. Stephen Wood from the Melbourne Neuropsychiatry Centre in Australia says that children‟s relationship with their parents cannot necessarily be blamed for _____________________.51. Stephen Wood believes that if there are other factors that are so much larger, it is no need worrying about _____________________.Section BDirections:There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D).You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet2 with a single line through the centre.Passage OneQuestions 52 to 56 are based on the following passage.The longest bull run in a century of art-market history ended on a dramatic note with a sale of 56 works by Damien Hirst, Beautiful Inside My Head Forever, at Sotheby‟s in London on September 15th 2008. All but two pieces sold, fetching more than £70m, a record for a sale by a single artist. It was a last victory. As the auctioneer called out bids, in New Y ork one of the oldest banks on Wall Street, Lehman Brothers, filed for bankruptcy, triggering the most severe financial crisis since the 1920s.The world art market had already been losing momentum for a while after rising bewilderingly since 2003. At its peak in 2007 it was worth some $65 billion, reckons Clare McAndre w, founder of Arts Economics, a research firm — double the figure five years earlier. Since then it may have come down to $50 billion. But the market generates interest far beyond its size because it brings together great wealth, enormous egos, greed, passion and controversy in a way matched by few other industries.In the weeks and months that followed Mr. Hirst‟s sale, spending of any sort became deeply unfashionable. In the art world that meant collectors stayed away from galleries and salerooms. Sales of contemporary art fell by two-thirds, and in the most overheated sector, they were down by nearly 90% in the year to November 2008. Within weeks the world‟s two biggest auction houses, Sotheby‟s and Christie‟s, had to pay out nearly $200m in guarantees to clients who had placed works for sale with them.The current downturn in the art market is the worst since the Japanese stopped buying Impressionists at the end of 1989. This time experts reckon that prices are about 40% down on their peak on average, though some have been far more volatile (动荡的). But Ed ward Dolman, Christie‟s chief executive, says, “I‟m pretty confident we‟re at the bottom.”What makes this slump different from the last, he says, is that there are still buyers in the market, whereas in the early 1990s, when interest rates were high, there was no demand even though many collectors wanted to sell. Christie‟s revenues in the first half of 2009 were still higher than in the first half of 2006. Almost everyone who was interviewed for this special report said that the biggest problem at the moment is not a lack of demand but a lack of good work to sell. The three Ds — death, debt and divorce — still deliver works of art to the market. But anyone who does not have to sell is keeping away, waiting for confidence to return.52. In the first paragraph, Damien Hirst‟s sale was referred to as “a last victory” because .A) the art market had witnessed a succession of victoriesB) the auctioneer finally got the two pieces at the highest bidsC) Beautiful inside My Head Forever won over all masterpiecesD) it was successfully made just before the world financial crisis53. By saying “spending of any sort became deeply unfashionable” (Line 1-2, Para.3), the author suggests that .A) art collection as a fashion had lost its appeal to a great extentB) collectors were no longer actively involved in art-market auctionsC) people stopped every kind of spending and stayed away from galleriesD) works of art in general had gone out of fashion so they were not worth buying54. What do we learn about the art market from the passage?A) Nobody has confidence in the future of the art market.B) The art market surpassed many other industries in momentum.C) The art market generally went downward in various ways.D) Sales of contemporary art rose dramatically from 2007 to 2008.55. The three Ds mentioned in the last paragraph are .A) auction houses‟ favorites C) factors promoting artwork circulationB) contemporary trends D) styles representing impressionists56. What is mainly discussed in the passage?A) Art market in decline.C) Fluctuation of art prices.B) Up-to-date art auctions.D) Shifted interest in arts.Passage TwoQuestions 57 to 61 are based on the following passage.Over the past decade, many companies had perfected the art of creating automatic behaviors —habits —among consumers. These habits have helped companies earn billions of dollars when customers eat snacks or wipe counters almost without thinking, often in response to a carefully designed set of daily cues.“There are fundamental public health problems, like dirty hands instead of a soap habit, that remain killers only because we can‟t figure out how to change people‟s habits,”said Dr. Curtis, the director of the Hygiene Center at the London School of Hygi ene & Tropical Medicine. “We wanted to learn from private industry how to create new behaviors that happen automatically.”The companies that Dr. Curtis turned to — Procter & Gamble, Colgate-Palmolive and Unilever —had invested hundreds of millions of dollars finding the subtle cues in consumers‟ lives that corporations could use to introduce new routines.If you look hard enough, you‟ll find that many of the products we use every day —chewing gums, skin moisturizers, disinfecting wipes, air fresheners, water purifiers, health snacks, teeth whiteners, fabric softeners, vitamins — are results of manufactured habits. A century ago, few people regularly brushed their teeth multiple times a day. Today, because of shrewd advertising and public health campaigns, many Americans habitually give their pearly whites a cavity-preventing scrub twicea day, often with Colgate, Crest or one of the other brands.A few decades ago, many people didn‟t drink water outside of a meal. Then beverage companies started bottling the production of far-off springs, and now office workers unthinkingly sip bottled water all day long. Chewing gum, once bought primarily by adolescent boys, is now featured in commercials as a breath freshener and teeth cleanser for use after a meal. Skin moisturizers are advertised as part of morning beauty rituals, slipped in between hair brushing and putting on makeup.“Our products succeed when they become part of daily or weekly patterns,” said Carol Berning, a consumer psychologist who recently retired from Procter & Gamble, the company that sold $76 billion of Tide, Crest and other products last year. “Creating positive habits is a huge part of improving our consumers‟ lives, and it‟s essential to making new products commercially viable (可行的).”Through experiments and observation, social scientists like Dr. Berning have learned that there is power in tying certain behaviors to habitual cues through cruel and endless advertising. As this new science of habit has emerged, controversies have erupted when the tactics(手段) have been used to sell questionable beauty creams or unhealthy foods.57. According to Dr. Curtis, habits like hand washing with soap .A) should be further cultivated C) are deeply rooted in historyB) should be changed gradually D) are basically private concerns58. The example of brushing teeth shows that some of consumer‟s habits are developed due to .A) perfected art of products C) commercial promotionsB) automatic behavior creation D) scientific experiments59. Bottled water, chewing gun and skin moisturizers are mentioned in Paragraph 5 so as to .A) show the urgent need of daily necessitiesB) reveal their impact on people‟ habitsC) indicate their effect on people‟ buying powerD) manifest the significant role of good habits60. How did Carol Berning see creating automatic behaviors among consumers?A) It may not bring huge profits for companies.B) It has become a new field of scientific research.C) It means a heavy investment for companies.D) It is necessary for the success of new products.61. What is the author‟s attitude toward the influence of advertising on people‟s habits?。
html模拟试题及答案一、选择题1. HTML 是什么的缩写?A. High Text Markup LanguageB. Hyperlinks and Text Markup LanguageC. Hyper Text Markup LanguageD. High Text Mode Language答案:C. Hyper Text Markup Language2. 下面哪一个不是HTML常用标签?A. \<div>B. \<p>C. \<table>D. \<java>答案:D. \<java>3. 在HTML中,下面哪个标签用来定义超链接?A. \<link>B. \<href>C. \<a>D. \<url>答案:C. \<a>4. 在HTML中,下面哪个标签用来定义段落?A. \<pt>B. \<para>C. \<p>D. \<paragraph>答案:C. \<p>5. 下面哪个是正确的HTML文件扩展名?A. .htB. .htmlC. .hmlD. .htl答案:B. .html二、填空题1. HTML中,标题标签有几种不同级别?答案:62. 在HTML中,超链接的属性href表示什么?答案:链接地址3. 在HTML中,表格的起始标签是\<\_\_\_\_\_>答案:\<table>4. 在HTML中,图片的标签是\<\_\_\_\_\_>答案:\<img>5. 在HTML中,换行的标签是\<\_\_\_\_\_>答案:\<br>三、简答题1. 请简要说明HTML是什么,以及它的作用是什么?答案:HTML是超文本标记语言的简称,是一种用来制作网页的标记语言。
html 训练题
html 训练题
HTML答案一、HTML的概念及作用:HTML,即超文本标记语言(Hypertext Markup Language),是用于创建网页结构和内容的标准标记语言。
四、HTML5中常用的语义化标签及作用:- `<header>`标签用于定义文档或节的头部;- `<nav>`标签用于定义导航链接的部分;- `<section>`标签定义文档中的节;- `<article>`标签表示独立的内容块,如博客文章或新闻报道;- `<aside>`标签定义页面内容之外的内容,如侧边栏或广告;- `<footer>`标签定义文档或节的页脚。
"网页设计"练习题集一、单项选择题1. 在HTML中,标记<pre>的作用是(B )。
A.标题标记B.预排版标记 C.转行标记D.文字效果标记2.在CSS中使用背景图片需要使用参数〔 B 〕A.imageB.urlC.style D.embed3.在CSS的文本属性中,文本修饰的取值text-decoration:overline表示〔C 〕A.不用修饰B.下划线C.上划线D.横线从字中间穿过4.在CSS的文本属性中,文本修饰的取值text-decoration:underline表示〔B〕A.不用修饰B.下划线C.上划线D.横线从字中间穿过5.下面哪一个属性不是文本的标签属性?〔A〕A.nbsp; B.align C.color D.face6.在CSS的文本属性中,文本修饰的取值text-decoration:line-through表示〔D〕A.不用修饰B.下划线C.上划线D.横线从字中间穿过7.外部式样式单文件的扩展名为〔 D 〕A..jsB..domC..htm D..css8. 超级是一种( A )的关系。
A. 一对一B. 一对多C. 多对一D. 多对多9.关于文本对齐,源代码设置不正确的一项为哪一项:〔A〕A.居中对齐:<div align="middle">…</div>B.居右对齐:<div align="right">…</div>C.居左对齐:<div align="left">…</div>D.两端对齐:<div align="justify">…</div>11.为了标识一个HTML文件应该使用的HTML标记是( C )A.<p> </p>B.<boby> </body>C.<html> </html>D.<table> </table>12.下面哪一项为哪一项换行符标签?〔C〕A.<body> B.<font> C.<br> D.<p> 13.以下哪一项为哪一项在新窗口中翻开网页文档。
(7)做 出 总 结 ,并 进 行 主 题 的 延 伸 。
11 —
enthusiasm China fever enhance culture exchange 流 to sum up
n. 热 情 中国热 v. 加 强 文化交 总之
版权所有 翻印必究
phenomenon comprehensive strength appeal to arouse
4. 【答 案 】C
— 13 —
版权所有 翻印必究
【解 析 】信 息 明 示 题 。 由 21 people have been rescued.可 知 ,21 人 已 经 被 营 救 了 ,故 选 C。 News Item 3
There has been modest growth in tourism worldwide, despite 2 years of terrorism, war and disease. And China is the engine driving it, according to the World Tourism Organization. International tourist numbers reached a record 702 million last year, a rise, of 2.7 percent over 2001, the year of the September 11 attacks. France remains the most popular destination, receiving more than 77 million visitors, followed by Spain, United States, and Italy. China, however, marked 11 percent growth over that period, attracting 36.8 million international visitors. It ranks fifth among leading tourism nations. By 2020, it will be top, with predictions of 130 million visitors per year. Chinese themselves are also becoming a major force as travelers. According to a Xinhua report, over 16.6 million Chinese traveled abroad last year, up 37 percent from the previous year. Their numbers are expected to grow to 30 million by the end of the decade, and 100 million in 2020. 5. Which country ranks second among leading tourism nations? 6. How many visitors will China receive by 2020 according to the predication? 7. According to a Xinhua report, what percent did the number of Chinese traveling abroad increase last year? 5. 【答 案 】C
HTML测试题 (含答案)
G1 HTML测试题(笔试)1.在html中,样式表按照应用方式可以分为三种类型,其中不包括( d )。
A.内嵌样式表B.行内样式表C.外部样式表文件D.类样式表2.在HTML中,可以使用( d )标记向网页中插入GIF动画文件。
A.<FORM>B.<BODY>C.<TABLE>D.<IMG>3.在HTML上,将表单中INPUT元素的TYPE属性值设置为( a )时,用于创建重置按钮。
A.resetB.setC.buttonD.image4.分析下面的HTML代码段,该页面在浏览器中的显示效果为( a )。
<HTML><body><marquee scrolldelay="200" direction="right">Welcome!</marquee></body></HTML>A.从左向右滚动显示“Welcome!”B.从右向左滚动显示“Welcome!”C.从上向下滚动显示“Welcome!”D.从下向上滚动显示“Welcome!”5.在制作HTML页面时,页面的布局技术主要分为( d )。
A.框架布局B.表格布局C.DIV层布局D.以上全部选项6.如果在catalog.htm中包含如下代码,则该HTML文档IE浏览器中打开后,用户单击此链接将( c )。
<A HREF="#novel">小说</a>A.使页面跳转到同一文件夹下名为“novel.html”的HTML文档B.使页面跳转到同一文件夹下名为“小说.html”的HTML文档C.使页面跳转到catalog.htm包含名为“novel”的锚记处D.使页面跳转到同一文件夹下名为“小说.html”的HTML文档中名为“novel”的锚记处7.要在网页中显示如下文本,要求字体类型为隶书、字体大小为6,则下列HTML代码正确的是( c )。
课程“Accp6.0_S1.使用HTML语言和CSS开发商业站点”题库试题汇编(解析版)2012年9月13日【001】以下()是HTML常用的块状标签(选择一项)CA) <span> 范围标签B) <a> 超链接标签C) <div>D) <br> 换行【002】以下()标签用于在表单中构建单选按钮(选择一项) BA) <input type="text"> 单行文本框B) <input type="radio">C) <input type="checkbox"> 多选按钮D) <input type="password"> 密码输入框【003】如果想跳转到同一目录下的名为success.html文件的名为show的锚点,下列()写法是正确的(选择一项) AA) <a href="success.html#show">跳转</a>B) <a href="#show">跳转</a> 同页面链接C) <a href="success#show">跳转</a> 不同页面间锚链接D) <a src="success.html#show">跳转</a> 不是规范链接格式【004】下列()属性用于控制文本框最大字符数(选择一项) DA) <input type="text" name="20"> 类型、名称B) <input type="text" size="20"> 类型、字体大小C) <input type="text" class="20"> 类型、?D) <input type="text" maxlength="20">【005】下面HTML标签中,默认占据整行的是()。
1、{HTML题目}在HTML页面中制作一个图像,想要在鼠标指向这个图像时浮出一条提示信息,应该使用的参数是:( C ) (选择1项)A) POP B) SRC C) ALT D) MSG2、{HTML题目}在页面中看不见的表单元素是那种?( C )(选择1项)A)<input type="password"></input> B)<input type="radio"></input>C)<input type="hidden"></input> D)<input type="reset"></input>3、(HTML题目)以下哪一个项目是用来访问web页的软件?( B )(选择1项)A)Outlook Express B)Internet ExplorerC)QQD)FTP4. {HTML题目}下面关于CSS表述正确的是( A,C,D )(选择3项)A)CSS是一种制作网页的新技术,现在已经为大多数的浏览器所支持,成为网页设计必不可少的工具之一。
D) CSS是Cascading Stylesheets的缩写,中文意思是层叠样式表5、{HTML题目}下面的标记用于表示HTML文档的结束的是:( B ) (选择1项)A) /BODY B) /HTML C) /TABLE D) /TITLE6、{HTML题目}在Html标记中,哪个标记表示表格( C )(选择1项)A)<H1> B)<TD>C)<TABLE> D)<TAB>7、{HTML题目}在Html标记中,用什么方法可以将整个表格在页面中居中( C ) (选择1项)A)place=middle B)type=middleC)align=center D)type=center8、{HTML题目}将当前页面的背景色为蓝色,应该使用哪一句代码来描述此种设置(A)(选择1项)A)bgcolor="blue" B)bgground="blue"C)backcolor="blue" D)background="blue"9、{HTML题目}A文件夹与B文件夹是同级文件夹,其中A下有a.htm,B 下有b.htm文件,现在我们希望在a.htm文件中创建超链接,链接到b.htm,应该在a.htm页面代码中如何描述链接内容(C)(选择1项)A)b.htmB)././././B/b.htmC)../B/b.htmD../../b.htm10、{HTML题目}语句A:HTML文档必须包括“头”和“主体”两部分语句B:HTML文档的扩展名为.htm或.html ( D )(选择1项)A)两句都对B)两句都错C)只有A对D)只有B对11、{HTML题目}我们想要在HTML文档中加入图像,可以使用哪个标记来达到要求呢?(选择1项)( C )A)<PIC> B)<PICTURE>C)<IMG> D)<IMAGE>12、{HTML题目}我们想要将表格的宽度设置为100个像素,应该怎么办?( A )(选择1项)A)width="100" B)border="100"C)length="100" D)maxlength="100"13、{HTML题目}帮助网页设计时使页面具有统一、专业的外观,可以使用下面哪种技术(C)(选择1项)A) HTML B) DHTMLC) CSS D) URL14、{HTML题目}HTML是:( B ) (选择1项)A)高级文本语言B)超文本标记语言C)扩展标记语言xml D)图形化标记语言vml15、{HTML题目}以下HTML代码中,哪一个是将词语“Run Away Bride”显示为“Verdana”字体并且字号为“7”号的正确代码?( B ) (选择1项)A)<fontsize=“7”font=“Verdana”>Run Away Bride</font>B) <fontsize=“7”face=“Verdana”>Run Away Bride</font>C) <font size=7font=Verdana>“Run Away Bride”</font>D) <font size=7face=“Verdana”,text=“Run Away Bride”</font>16.{HTML题目}下面有关HTML叙述错误的是:( D ) (选择1项)A)一个HTML文件可以用记事本来编辑B)HTML的意思是超文本标记语言C)一个HTML文件必须是一个以htm或html为扩展名的文件D)HTML区分大小写,如<b>写成<B>是错误的17. {HTML题目}默认情况下,使用P标记会形成什么效果?( C ) (选择1项)A)在文字P所在位置中加入1个空格B) P后面的文字会变成粗体C)开始新的一行D) P后面的文字会变成斜体18. {HTML题目}下面是HTML表单标记的是:( D ) (选择1项)A) <table> B) <tr> C) <td> D) <form>19.{HTML题目}超链接不能链接到下列哪个位置?( D ) (选择1项)A)同一HTML文档内的位置B)磁盘上其他HTML文档C) Internet上HTML文档D)计算机,你与它之间没有通信链路20. {HTML题目}使用以下那一种元素可以将声音添加到网页里面?( B ) (选择1项)A) sound B) bgsound C) music D) voice21. {HTML题目}下面的标记用于使HTML文档中表格里的单元格在同行进行合并的是:( D )(选择1项)A) cellspacing B) cellpadding C) rowspan D) colspan22. {HTML题目}将HTML中的文本格式”独上西楼”的字体颜色设为红色,有两种方法:a:<font color=red>独上西楼</font> b:<font bgcolor=red>独上西楼</font>那么这种说法( A ) (选择1项)A)只有a 对B)只有b对C)a,b都对D)a,b都不对23、{HTML题目}观察以下题目你能看到的结果是:(A,D)(选择2项)<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>欢迎学习HTML</TITLE></HEAD><BODY><H3>我的第一个HTML文档</H3></BODY></HTML>A)使用浏览器打开上述网页,网页的标题是”欢迎学习HTML”B)使用浏览器打开上述网页,网页的标题是”我的第一个HTML文档”C)使用浏览器打开上述网页,网页的内容是”欢迎学习HTML”D)使用浏览器打开上述网页,网页的内容是”我的第一个HTML文档”24. {HTML题目}RGB三原色的组成是哪三种颜色?( A,C,D )(选择3项)A)红B)黄C)蓝D)绿25、{HTML题目}下面说法不正确的是:(B,D)(选择2项)A)<table><tr><td>这三个标记是最重要的表格标记B)<table><tr><td>这三个标记是最重要的框架标记C)<FRAMESET> <FRAME>这两个标记是最重要的框架标记D)<FRAMESET> <FRAME>这两个标记是最重要的表格标记。
(2) 网站就是一个链接的页面集合。(对)
(3)将网页上传到In ternet时通常采用FTP方式。(对)
(4) 所有的HTML标记符都包括开始标记符和结束标记符。(错)
(5) 用H1标记符修饰的文字通常比用H6标记符修饰的要小(错)
D.语句<FONT size="+2">这里是2号字</FONT>将使文字以2号字显示。
(9)创建图象映射时,理论上可以指定任何形状Fra bibliotek为热点。(对)
D.语句<FONT size="+2">这里是2号字</FONT>将使文字以2号字显示。
1.下面关于框架的构成及设置的说法错误的是:AA.一个框架实际上是由一个HTML文档构成B.在每个框架中,都有一个蓝色的区块,这个区块是主框架的位置C.当在一个页面插入框架时,原来的页面就自动成了主框架的内容D.一般主框架用来放置网页内容,而其他小框架用来进行导航2.下面对HTML语言中“<FRAMESET COLS=*></FRAMESET> ”表述正确的一项是:AA.* =相对大小B.需要CGI程式C.文字与图片都可以D.以字元计算3.<frameset cols=#>是用来指定什么的?BA.混合分框B.纵向分框C.横向分框D.任意分框4.能够设置成口令域的是(A)。
A.只有单行文本域B.只有多行文本域C.单行、多行文本域D.多行“Textarea”标识5.HTML文本显示状态代码中,<SUP></SUP>表示? BA.文本加注下标线B.文本加注上标线C.文本闪烁D.文本或图片居中6.框架中“不可改变大小”的语法是下列哪一项DA.<IMG SRC="URL" BORDER=?>B.<SAMP></SAMP>C.<ADDRESS></ADDRESS>D.<FRAME NORESIZE>7.创建最小的标题的文本标签是?CA.<pre></pre>B.<h1></h1>C.<h6></h6>D.<b></b>8.设置围绕表格的边框宽度的HTML代码是?BA.<table size=#>B.<table border=#>C.<table bordersize=#>D.<tableborder=#>9.创建一个位于文档内部位置的链接的代码是?AA.<a href="#NAME"></a>B.<a name="NAME"></a>C.<a href="mailtEMAIL"></a>D.<a href="URL"></a>10.HTML代码<img src="name" align=?>表示? BA.添加一个图象B.排列对齐一个图象C.设置围绕一个图像的边框的大小D.加入一条水平线11.HTML代码<img src="name" border=?>表示? CA.添加一个图象B.排列对齐一个图象C.设置围绕一个图像的边框的大小D.加入一条水平线12.创建黑体字的文本标签是?DA.<pre></pre>B.<h1></h1>C.<h6></h6>D.<b></b>13.在HTML语言中"<FRAME NORESIZE> "的具体含义是下列哪一项?CA.个别框架名称B.定义个别框架C.不可改变大小D.背景资讯14.HTML中显示提示对话框供使用者输入的函数是?BA.itemB.javaEnabledC.navigateD.prompt15.在BASE中定义的目标框架可以被给出的什么属性所覆盖?DA.LINKB.BASEC.METAD.TARGET16.“内定选项”的语法是下列哪一项?BA.<IMG SRC="URL" BORDER=?>B.<OPTION SELECTED>C.<ISINDEX PROMPT="***">D.<TEXTAREA WRAP=OFF|VIRTUAL|PHYSICAL></TEXTAREA>17.HTML的颜色属性值中,Black的的代码是?AA."#000000"B."#008000"C."#C0C0C0"D."#00FF00"18.CGI脚本语言环境变量CONTENT_TYPE的意义是下列哪一项? BA.对于用POST递交的表单, 标准输入口的字节数B.值是application/x-www-form-urlencoded.C.值是application/x-www-form.D.递交脚本的用户名19.设置围绕一个图像的边框的大小的标记是?BA.<img src="name" border=?></img>B.<img src="name" border=?>C.<img src="name" heigh=?>D.<img src="name" bordersize=?>20.设置水平线高度的HTML代码是? BA.<hr>B.<hr size=?>C.<hr width=?>D.<hr noshade>21.定义上下分割的框架的大小的是?AA.rowsB.colsC.widthsD.heights22.在HTML语言中"<NOFRAMES></NOFRAMES>"的具体含义是下列哪一项?AA.无框架时的内容B.相关性C.基本视窗名称D.文件形态23.HTML代码<a name="NAME"></a> 表示?CA.创建一个超链接B.创建一个自动发送电子邮件的链接C.创建一个位于文档内部的连接点D.创建一个指向位于文档内部的连接点24.HTML代码<select name="NAME"></select>表示?DA.创建表格B.创建一个滚动菜单C.设置每个表单项的内容D.创建一个下拉菜单25.HTML代码<table width=# or%>表示(C)A.设置表格格子之间空间的大小B.设置表格格子边框与其内部内容之间空间的大小C.设置表格的宽度-用绝对像素值或文档总宽度的百分比D.设置表格格子的水平对齐26.CGI脚本语言环境变量HTTP_ACCEPT 的意义是下列哪一项(D)A.在PA TH_INFO中系统规定的路径信息B.递交表单的浏览器的名称、版本和其他平台性的附加信息C.递交表单的文本的URLD.浏览器能直接接收的Content-types27.CGI脚本语言环境变量CONTENT_LENGTH的意义是下列哪一项(D)A.CGI脚本运行时的主机名和IP地址.B.POST 或GEC.你的服务器的类型D.对于用POST递交的表单, 标准输入口的字节数28.HTML语言中,设置背景颜色的代码是(A)A.<body bgcolor=?>B.<body text=?>C.<body link=?>D.<body vlink=?>29.HTML代码<input type=text name="foo" size=20>表示(B)A.创建一个单选框B.创建一个单行文本输入区域C.创建一个提交按纽D.创建一个使用图象的提交按纽30.表格标记的基本结构是(C)A.<tr></tr>B.<br></br>C.<table></table>D.<bg></bg>31.在HTML中,下面是段落标签的是:DA.<HTML>…</HTML>B.<HEAD>…</HEAD>C.<BODY>…</BODY>D.<P>…</P>32.下列叙述正确的是(A )A.表单有两个重要组成部分:一是描述表单的HTML源代码;二是用于处理用户在表单域中输入信息的服务器端应用程序客户端脚本,如ASP、CGI等B.使用Dreamweaver MX可以创建表单,可以给表单中添加表单对象,但不能通过使用“行为”来验证用户输入的信息的正确性C.当访问者将信息输入Web站点表单并单击提交按钮时,这些信息将被发送到服务器,但服务器端脚本或应用程序不能对这些信息进行直接处理D.表单通常用来做调查表、订单,但不能用来做搜索界面33.下列关于表单的说法不正确的一项是(C )A.表单对象可以单独存在于网页表单之外B.表单中包含各种表单对象,如文本域、列表框和按钮C.表单就是表单对象D.表单由两部分组成:一是描述表单的HTML源代码;二是用来处理用户在表单域中输入的信息的服务器端应用程序客户端脚本34.在设置图像超链接时, 可以在Alt 文本框中填入注释的文字, 下面不是其作用是:DA.当浏览器不支持图像时, 使用文字替换图像B.当鼠标移到图象并停留一段时间后, 这些注释文字将显示出来C.在浏览者关闭图像显示功能时, 使用文字替换图像D.每过段时间图象上都会定时显示注释的文字35.下列(B)对象包括了confirm()方法。
Ⅰ. 单项选择1、Peter fell off his bike this morning, and his knees were hurt ________.A.quietly B.slowly C.carefully D.badly2、Which pair of the words with the underlined letters has different sounds?A.correct concert B.alive pride C.absent, ancestor3、-- Peter, is there anything else you want to know about Tianjin?-- Yes, I am still wondering .A.what the water Park looks like B.how many gardens are there in TianjinC.how does Tianjin food taste D.where is the Binhai International Airport4、—What _______ cold weather!—Yes. But it's ______ unusual experience for us who always live in a hot place.A.an;an B./;a C./;an D.a;an5、---Would you like to help me search the latest news about super stars _____ I can use in my report.---The latest? Anderson renewed a contact for another seven years with Manchester.A.whom B.who C.that D.which6、While Derrick was in France, he developed a _____ for fine art.A.talent B.taste C.way D.habit7、Don't throw away the clothes that you ____________. Y ou can give them to children in the poor villages.A.wear B.don't wear C.are wearing D.won't wear8、Everyone knows fire is very useful in our daily life, it is also dangerous.A.so B.or C.because D.but9、My father wants me to____ doing my homework as soon as I come home from school.A.win the heart of B.take care ofC.get into the habit of D.stay in touch with10、Our English teacher is kind. She always talks to us with a smile __________ her face.A.at B.to C.of D.onⅡ. 完形填空11、To many mountain climbers, Qomolangma is one of the most popular choices because it rises the highest and is the most famous in the world. But it is very 1 to climb. The thick clouds, freezing weather conditions, heavy storms and thin air prevent climbers from getting to the 2 .However, Qomolangma still 3 thousands of climbers from all over the world to risk their lives there. They want to face the challenges by themselves and never 4 trying to achieve their dreams. Over the years, some climbers had 5 it to reach the top. It shows that humans can be stronger than the forces of nature sometimes. 1.A.correct B.dangerous C.easy.2.A.mountain B.place C.top3.A.interests B.helps C.stops4.A.cheer up B.call up C.give up5.A.made B.risked C.knownⅢ. 语法填空12、I was feeling a little sad because my mother had lost her job. One day, while I1.(walk) on the street, I heard that a beautiful piece of piano music2.(play) above the noise of the people. I walked more slowly 3.(find) out where it was coming from. Then I saw a young lady sitting at a piano.She was singing songs about love, believing yourself and keeping on4.(try). The way she was singing made me 5.(relax). I stood there quietly, watching her playing on such a crowded New York square. I thought that she must be brave enough to perform in front of so many people.She noticed me. I walked over and 6.(tell) her how good her music sounded. "Thank you." she said. "I have been going through a hard time recently, but you've made me hopeful again." I said to her."I'm glad that I could help," she replied. "Why are you so sad?""Well, my mom 7.(lose) her job, and I'm not sure what to do ...""Did you notice the way you were walking? Your head was down." she said. "8.(not be) upset, because opportunity comes in different ways and if your head is down, you might not see it. You should smile more ... lift your head up."I looked at her, amazed at how she was encouraging me. "Why are you playing the piano here now?" I asked herwith a smile.She explained that she saw a lot of unhappy people in the world and she tried to cheer them up by playing music. I smiled a little wilder, realizing that no difficulties could stop me from going on.Ⅳ. 阅读理解A13、 A gift card is a card that is issued (发行)by a store.These cards are big money makers for stores.One reason is that when gift-card holders go to the store,they often see other things to buy,and they spend more money than the gift card is worth.Unused cards are another reason.Stores make millions of dollars because large numbers of people never use their cards.They either lose them,forget about them,or decide that it's not worth the effort.Gift cards are becoming very popular in many countries around the world.In the US,they are one of the most popular kinds of gifts.Why?People love the convenience-gift cards are easy to buy and easy to use,either in the store or online.The recipient can choose his or her own gift,and the giver does not have to worry about finding just the right thing.Receiving a gift card,however,is not the same as receiving a gift.A real gift is a better reminder of the person who gave it.The message of a real gift is more likely to be,"I spent some time trying to find the right gift for you because I care about you."Often a gift card does not send the same message as a real gift.It may seem to say,"I was in a hurry.I didn't have time to think about what you would really like."In today's world,gift cards are certainly convenient.However,they can make us forget the real purpose of giving gifts,which is to build a closer connection between the gift-giver and the gift-recipient.1.How many reasons are given to explain why gift cards are big money makers for stores?______ A.One.B.Two.C.Three.D.Four.2.What does the underlined word"recipient"mean in Chinese?______A.商家B.顾客C.发行者D.接受者3.What is the second paragraph mainly about?______A.Why gift cards are popular in the US.B.Different kinds of gift cards.C.Where to buy gift cards.D.How to use gift cards.4.What message does a gift card send according to the writer?______A.I care about you.B.I know you like gift cards.C.I couldn't find the right gift for you.D.I didn't have time to buy you a real gift.5.Which of the following is the writer's opinion?______A.It's easy for people to lose gift cards.B.Gift cards are better than real gifts.C.Gift cards help people save money.D.Real gifts can bring people closer.B14、When your school doesn’t have a bus, and you live too far away to walk? How do you go to school? “Let’scarpool! ”most US middle school students will get that cool idea. Carpooling is a group of people sharing the responsibility(责任) of driving to school in the morning. There are usually four or five kids in a carpool and their parents take turns driving the kids in their cars.It might be the kids’ first experience with real teamwork. Teamwork is really important in the carpool because nobody wants to make everyone else late. It’s a great lesson in respo sibility.Carpooling is coming into fashion everywhere now. Y ou can find lots of informations of carpooling on the internet. Carpooling is cool! Why?It’s good for the environment. In today’s culture of everyone needing to try their best to protect our e nvironment, carpooling is one of the best ways. By taking 3 cars off the road, the pollution can be cut a little. Take that over a town, a city, a state, a country and think about how much less pollution is going to be in the air over the course of even one year. Gas(汽油) now is much more expensive than it used to and if you need to watch the cents(美分), then it’s possible that carpooling could be the answer to your prayers. Even if you have to use your car once a week instead of two, that’s one round trip of gas you’re saving. So carpooling helps you save money.Carpooling is a great way of getting to know people better. If you’re carpooling grade school kids, then you’ll find that slowly you’ll get to know your child’s peers(同龄人) and friends better. It's a great opportunity to meet people while saving the environment and your money.1.The word “carpool” means.A.合伙用车B.共同租车C.让人搭车2.One of drives the car in a carpool of middle school students.A.their teachers B.the students C.their parents3.If you carpool with two persons to work every day, will be taken off the road every day.A.no car B.one car C.two cars4.There are advantages of carpooling mentioned in this passage.A.three B.four C.five5.We can know from the passage that carpooling .A.is much more convenient than taking the school bus.B.can help you save the money because you use your car less.C.isn’t a good means to understand people better.C15、If you want to do a school project on children's rights(权利), you can look on the Internet for some information. A United Nations website can show you plenty of useful information for the project.The United Nations lists the rights of children. Most countries agree all of them, but some countries do not. The following are some of the most important rights of children:Children have the right to be properly fed, clothed and sheltered (庇护)by their family. If their family can't do so, the government should take responsibility.Children have the right to an education and medical care, which should be provided by the government.Children must not be cruelly punished (惩罚)by their parents or any others.Children have the right to expect the government to protect them from all kinds of abuse (虐待)and neglect(忽略). No child under fifteen should be made to fight in an army.Children have the right to be protected from being made to work too hard to make money for other people.In some countries children do not have these rights. Many young children are made to work long hours in factories and on farms. In some countries there are so few schools that only rich children get an education. There are not enough doctors or nurses to help many children when they are sick.The rights of children are, therefore, the rights people think children should have. They are not always the rights children really have.1.agree with the United Nations' list of children's rights.A.All countries B.A few countries C.No countries D.Most countries2.Some children can't get an education because .A.there aren't enough schools B.there are no schoolsC.they come from rich families D.they want to work in factories3.What's the main idea of this passage?A.Children are made to work long hours on farms.B.The United Nations website is useful for the school project.C.Children have the right to be properly fed, clothed and sheltered.D.The United Nations has listed the rights it thinks children should haveD16、“Josie Metz’s father won’t live long enough to walk her down the aisle on her wedding day.But thanks to photographer Lindsey Villatoro,the 11-year-old girl was able to experience what it might be like anyway.Her father, Jim,62,had already been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer when he and his wife.Grace,hired Villatoro—a photographer.Two years ago,Villatoro began offering photography sessions for people with serious illnesses to document their journeys and was hired by the Metz family.”I try to really showcase(充分展示)the person for who they are and not the illness,”she told The Huffington Post during a phone conversation Tuesday afternoon.Villatoro went to Jim and Grace’s home for a shoot and offered to do one with their young daughter,Josie.After she left,she posted about the family on her website to get gift donations for the girl to help make her last birthday with her father memorable.But she decided to take a step further as a surprise and dreamed up the idea of a wedding for the girl—complete with,flowers,desserts,a promise ring and a dress from L.A.Fashion Week—so that her father could walk her down the aisle.”For today,appreciate those you love.Give them lots of hugs and be grateful they are in your life.You never know what can happen.Say more“I Love Yous”and sho w more appreciation for all of your friends and family.Appreciate the blessings you have.I'm going to hug my husband Rich more today,call my Dad,call my friend in NC,and give lots of kitty hugs to my pets.Hugs to all of you—I appreciate you all so much and am grateful to have you in my life every single Day!1.Villatoro was hired by Josie’s parents to _______________.A.take care of themB.treat Jim’s cancerC.take photographsD.fix Josie’s wedding2.What do we know about Josie’s father,Jim?A.He wants to a ttend Josie’s wedding.B.He is fond of photography.C.He had all idea of a wedding.D.He suffered from cancel3.Villatoro posted about the family on her website to _____________.A.show her gratitude to her customersB.collect birthday presents for the girlC.raise money for people with illnessesD.celebrate the poor girl’s last birthday4.What does the last paragraph mainly talk about?A.We should Treasure loved ones.B.Blood is thicker than water.C.Without love,nothing can go far.D.Time and tide wait for no man.5.Which of the following best describes Villatoro? A.Talented and popularB.Humorous and friendlyC.Intelligent and proudD.Creative and helpfullE17、1.What is the passage most likely to be?A.piece of news. B.A report.C.A note D.An advertisement2.You read it most probably _______.A.in a novel B.in a magazineC.on the Internet D.in a newspaper3.Which book is the most popular one among the buyers?A.Ten Little Fingers.B.Bookmarks by Phillips.C.The Mystery of Breathing.D.The Best of the Song Books.4.If you buy four books (one for each), how much can you save? A.$92.00. B.$26.00.C.$66.00. D.$110.00.5.Which book will you buy as the birthday present for a music lover? A.Ten Little Fingers. B.Bookmarks by Phillips. C.The Mystery of Breathing. D.The Best of the Song Books.F18、1.If you want to pay less money in Yunmeng Water Park, you can go there on_________.A.Monday B.Saturday C.Sunday2.The owner of the sports bag may be good at playing __________.A.baseball B.volleyball C.basketball3.Tom wants to be a volunteer, he should call__________.A.8601002 B.8951568 C.85958854.Lin Tao can be a volunteer because he speaks________ well.A.English B.Chinese C.French5.Mr. Brown won’t be free until 4:30p.m. Which movie can he see?A.Spider-Man.B.Kung Fu Panda.C.Titanic.Ⅴ.书面表达19、“你养我长大,我陪你变老”父母亲一直在为我们的成长默默付出,成长要学会感受爱、回报爱。
HTML快速复习加粗不⽤特别记忆HTML扩展名 .html 和.htm<!DOCTYPE html>声明,引⽤官⽅DTD⽂件,DTD⽂件时对标签的使⽤进⾏定义。
<html><head> <title> <meta name =" " = "" charset="UTF-8" > name ="keywords" 告诉搜索引擎⽹页关键字 "description"告诉搜索引擎⽹站主要内容"author" 介绍作者信息"Refresh"⽹页定制跳转需要添加URL =""content = "xx,xx,xx" <link rel="stylesheet" href="xx.css"> <style> <script><body><br/> <hr/> <meta / > <img /><h1> ~<6> ⼤⼩递减 align = ""center、left、right、justify<p style="color:red"><ul><table> <常⽤选择器、标签、类、ID、属性选择器#a .b p{color:red;} *{}四种选择器Css具有继承性,text font line开头的属性⼀级color属性都可以继承!import>⾏内>ID>类>标签ul .mylist li a {} 后代选择器ul>li {} ⼦代选择器伪类选择器(查其他资料)UI元素状态选择器属性选择器 [class^=d] {}块级元素总是独占⼀⾏,宽度、⾼度、内边距、外边距都可控制⾏内元素和相邻⾏内元素在同⼀⾏表⽰,宽度、⾼度、内边距的 padding-top/padding-bottom 和外边距的margin-top/margin-bottom都不可改变,但是内边距padding-left/padding-right和外边距的 margin-left/margin-right都可以改变浏览器还有默认⾏内元素他们拥有内在尺⼨,可设置⾼宽,但是不会换⾏,⽐如input、img、buttomfont-weight 定义字体粗细font-style 设置字体风格,字体显⽰样式。
《网页设计》练习题集一、1.在 HTML中, <pre>的作用是 (B ) 。
A. B .排版 C. 行 D .文字成效2.在 CSS中使用背景片需要使用参数( B )A.image B. urlC.style D. embed3.在 CSS的文本属性中,文本修的取 text-decoration:overline表示(C )A.不用修B.下划C.上划D.横从字中穿4.在 CSS的文本属性中,文本修的取 text-decoration:underline表示( B)A.不用修B.下划C.上划D.横从字中穿5.下面哪一个属性不是文本的属性( A )A.nbsp;B.align C.color D.face6.在 CSS的文本属性中,文本修的取text-decorationA.不用修B.下划:line-through表示( D)C.上划D.横从字中穿7.外面式式文件的展名(D)A..js B..dom C..htm D..css8.超接是一种 ( A ) 的关系。
A. 一一B. 一多C. 多一D. 多多9.对于文本,源代置不正确的一是:( A )A.居中: <div align="middle">⋯</div>B.居右:<div align="right">⋯ </div>C.居左:<div align="left">⋯</div>D.两头: <div align="justify">⋯</div>11.了一个 HTML文件使用的 HTML是 ( C )A.<p> </p>B.<boby> </body>C.<html> </html>D.<table> </table>12.下面哪一是行符( C )A.<body>B.<font>C.<br>D.<p>13.以下哪一是在新窗口中翻开网文档。
A.URL getDocumentBase__方法返回Applet主类的URLB.URL getCodeBase__方法返回包含Applet的HTML文件的URLC.在HTML中如果不说明String getParameter(String nam的参数,此方法将返回“0”D.HTML标记方法用于获取HTML文件中关于Applet的信息2.下列说法中,正确的是______。
(1)public void modify__{(2)int I,j,k;(3)i=100;(4)while(i >0){(5)j=i*2;(6)System.out.println("The value of j is"+j);(7)k=k+1;(8)}(9)i--;(10)} A.第4行B.第6行C.第7行D.第8行7.下列关于线程优先级的说法中,正确的是______。
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1.据以下的HTML代码<html><head><title>表格</title></head><body><table border="1"><tr><td>1</td><td>2</td></tr><tr><td>3</td></tr></table></body></html>对以上代码,以下描述正确的是()。
(选择一项)a = eval("3+6+7");document.write(a);A.367B.16C.0D.以上都不是3.要在网页中显示下列的内容:售票员说:“定价:¥68”;下面的语句正确的是()。
(选择一项)A.<p>售票员说:定价:&yuan;68 & quot;</p>B.<p>售票员说:& quot; 定价:¥68 </p>C.<p>售票员说:& quot;定价:&yuan;68 & quot;</p>D.<p>售票员说:& quot;定价:¥68 & quot;</p>4.HTML中,()标记用于将文本显示为下标。
(选择两项)A.单选按钮可以通过单击“选种”和“未选中”选项来进行切换B.单选按钮没有checked属性C.单选按钮支持onClick事件D.单选按钮的Length属性返回一个选项组中单选项的个数6.分析下面HTML语句:<EMBED SRC = "\firework.avi" WIDTH = "250" HEIGHT = "150" AUTOSTATR = "TRUE"> 下面说法正确的是()。
(选择两项)A.该语句实现在网页上添加声音文件firework.aviB.该语句实现在网页上添加视频文件firework.aviC.可以通过LOOP属性指定播放的次数D.WIDTH 和HEIGHT 属性指定页面的尺寸7.下列JavaScript语句中,()能实现单击一个按钮时弹出一个消息框。
(选择一项)A.<BUTTON V ALUE ="鼠标响应" onClick=alert("确定")></BUTTON>B.<INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" V ALUE ="鼠标响应" onClick=alert("确定")>C.<INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" V ALUE ="鼠标响应" onChange=alert("确定")>D.<BUTTON V ALUE ="鼠标响应" onChange=alert("确定")></BUTTON>8.下面语句中,将HTML页面的标题设置为"HTML练习"A.<head>HTML练习</HEAD>B.<TITLE>HTML练习</TITLE>C.<h>HTML练习</h>D.<t>HTML练习</t>9.WWW上的所有信息都是以()的形式提供的。
(请选择一项)A..DOCB..TXTC..HTMLD..EXE10.在页面中显示"欢迎访问我的主页!"要求字体为隶书,字体大小为6下列语句正确的是()A.<p><font size=6 type="隶书">欢迎访问我的主页B.<p><font size=+2 face="隶书">欢迎访问我的主页C.<p><font size=6 face="隶书">欢迎访问我的主页D.<p><font size=+3 face="隶书".>欢迎访问我的主页11.在HTML页面中,下面有关的Document对象的描述错误的是()。
(选择三项)A.浏览视图B.设计视图C.代码视图D.标准视图E.拆分视图13.在样式表中要设置文本的字体为"ARILT",下列语句正确的是()A.<p style="font-style:arail">B.<p style="text-style;arail">C.<p style="font-family:arail">D.<p style="text-family:arail">14.下列HTML代码段某页面的样式设置<STYLETYPE ="text/css">.bule{color:bule}.red{color:red}</STYLE>现要求将页面中的"第一个标题"设置成红色,"第一个段落"设置为蓝色.下列代码正确的是().(选择一项)A.<H1 id=red> 第一个标题</H1> <P id=bule>第一个段落B.<H1 color=red>第一个标题</H1> <P color=blue>第一个段落C.<H1 class=red >第一个标题</H1> <P class=bule>第一个段落D.<H2 class=red>第一个段落</H1> <P class=bule>第一个段落15.在JA V AScript中,命令按纽(Button)支持的事件包括()A.onClickB.onChangeC.onSelectD.onSubmit16.分析下面的JavaScript语句:Str = "This apple costs " +5+0.5;执行后str的结果是()。
(选择一项)A.This apple costs 50.5B.This apple costs 5.5C."This apple costs" 50.5D."This apple costs "5.517.分析下面使用的META元素的语句:<META name="DESCRIPTION" Content="the page of zhangming"><META name="KEYWORDS" Content="zhang,ming">下面选项说法正确的是:()。
(选择两项)A.该页面的基本描述是"the page of zhangming"B.该页面的基本关键字为"zhang,ming"C.该页面的作者为"zhangming"D.该页面的主题为"the page of zhangming"18.为了在网页上分别用粗体和斜体显示“清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂。
</b><u>借问酒家何处有?牧童遥指杏花村</u>19.要求用JavaScript实现下面的功能:在一个文本框中内容发生改变后,单击页面的其他部分将弹出一个消息框显示文本框中的内容,下面语句正确的是()(选择一项)A.<input type="text" onChange="alert(this.value)">B.<input type="text" onClick="alert(this.value)">C.<input type="text" onChange="alert(text.value)">D.<input type="text" onClick="alert(value)">20.用Dreamweaver创建页面时,要添加一个表单元素,用于输入帐户密码,要求在密码输入过程中隐藏信息,下面操作正确的是()。