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glucose not only improved the degradation rate but also the maximum formaldehyde concentration that C. maltosa and P. putida can stand. When formaldehyde was the sole carbon source, C. maltosa can achieve 62% degradtion rate within 168h when degrade 2000mg/L formaldehyde and P. putida can completely degrade 1800mg/L formaldehyde within 240h. While the two strains can completely degrade 2000mg/L formaldehyde with the presence of glucose. The comparison of formaldehyde degradation with other microorganisms indicated that C. maltosa and P. putida isolated in this research had the high capability to degrade formaldehyde especially P. putida could degrade formaldehyde faster than many other bacteria.
The formaldehyde degradation property of C. maltosa and P. putida indicated that the optimum temperature of formaldehyde degradation for C. maltosa and P. putida was 30℃ both; the optimum pH was 5 for C. maltosa and 8 for P. putida and C. maltosa was less sensitive to pH meant a wider pH range of application. P. putida can totally biodegrade formaldehyde concentration below 1200mg/L within 48h which significantly faster than the 120h of C. maltosa. But the lag phase when biodegrade formaldehyde concentration exceed 1400mg/L of P. putida was longer than that of C. maltosa and the degradation rate become fast again after adapting. P. putida shows a good capacity of acclimation. The addition of glucose didn’t inhibit the formaldehyde degradation by both C. maltosa and P. putida. Instead, the addition of glucose promote the growth of microorganisms, so the degradation rate increased. The addition of
The aim of the research is to improve the ability of formaldehyde wastewater biodegradation so the microorganisms that can metabolize formaldehyde were isolated and the degradation properties and bioaugmentation were studied.
College of Urban Construction and Environmental Engineering of Chongqing University, Chongqing China May, 2015
甲醛作为一种重要的化学溶剂和化工生产原料,被非常广泛地应用于医药、 造纸、木材加工、有机合成、塑料、树脂生产等行业,产生大量含甲醛废水造成 环境污染。含甲醛废水的处理方法一般分物理法、化学法和生物法三大类,而生 物法因其经济、环保的特点而备受关注。但是甲醛具有高致癌、致畸性,高浓度 甲醛对生物具有很强的毒害作用,导致普通的活性污泥法能处理的甲醛浓度有限。 投加对目标污染物具有高效降解性能的菌种或菌群进行生物强化的方法,成为提 高生物对难降解污染物处理能力的一个可行途径。
对 C. maltosa 和 P. putida 甲醛降解机理的初步探究表明,C. maltosa 和 P. putida 体内均存在依靠甲醛脱氢酶的甲醛氧化途径,甲醛的存在可强烈诱导 C. maltosa 和 P. putida 体内甲醛脱氢酶的表达。
以 P. putida 进行的甲醛废水处理生物强化实验表明,接种的 P. putida 能成功 定殖于污泥中,对 1060mg/L 以下浓度的甲醛废水都能实现很好地去除,提高了反 应器对甲醛及 COD 的去除率;从反应器甲醛去除率及污泥状态变化情况分析,强 化反应器的较佳甲醛浓度为 720mg/L 以下,可接受甲醛浓度为 1060mg/L 以下,而
未强化反应器的较佳甲醛浓度为 300mg/L 以下,可接受甲醛浓度为 420mg/L 以下, 生物强化提高了反应器可接受的甲醛浓度以及抗冲击负荷的能力。利用 P. putida 进行甲醛废水的生物强化是可行的。
采用 PCR-TGGE 技术对污泥群落结构的分析表明,P. putida 的接入并未破坏 原始污泥的群落结构,反而由于该菌高效的甲醛降解率而解除了部分微生物受到 的甲醛胁迫,延缓了甲醛浓度不断冲击的过程中群落多样性的降低,起到了稳健 系统的作用。变形菌门中的三个亚纲:α- Proteobacteria、β- Proteobacteria 和 γ- Proteobacteria 在系统运行前后的优势地位突出,说明该类群的微生物在普通污 水及含有生物异质性物质的污水处理上都有重要作用。 关键词:甲醛,麦芽糖假丝酵母,恶臭假单胞菌,生物强化,群落多样性
学生姓名:李 媛 指导教师:叶姜瑜 副教授 专 业:环境科学与工程 学科门类:工 学
二 O 一五年五月
The Isolation of Bacterium Able to Metabolize Formaldehyde and the Research of Bioaugmentation by It
Formaldehyde is an important chemical solvent and raw material for chemical industry. It is widely used in many chemical industries such as medicine, paper-making, wood-processing, organic synthesis, plastic and resin production industry and so on. Thus wastewater contained formaldehyde was discharged to the environment and can cause pollution. The methods used to treat formaldehyde wastewater can be divided into three kinds, physical, chemical and biological methods. During them biological method attracts much more attention because of its economical and environmental features. However, as the carcinogenicity and teratogenicity of formaldehyde, it can be toxic to organisms especially at high concentration, traditional activated sludge treatment can deal with limited formaldehyde concentration. Thus the bioaugmentation which means the addition of effective microorganisms to the treatment system may become a feasible approach.
对 C. maltosa 和 P. putida 的甲醛降解性能研究表明,C. maltosa 和 P. putida 降 解甲醛的最适温度均为 30℃;最适 pH 对 C. maltosa 是 5,对 P. putida 是 8,并且 C. maltosa 对 pH 的适应性极强;对 1200mg/L 及以下浓度的甲醛,P. putida 能在 48h 内将其完全降解,降解速率显著快于 C. maltosa 的 120h,但其对 1400mg/L 以 上的甲醛浓度的适应期较 C. maltosa 长,但适应后的降解速率仍然高于 C. maltosa, 显示出优良的可驯化性;葡萄糖的加入并未对 C. maltosa 和 P. putida 降解甲醛产生 抑制,反而促进了菌体的生长而加快了甲醛的去除且提高了两株菌耐受甲醛浓度 的上限,甲醛为单一碳源时,C. maltosa 能在 168h 内降解 62%的 2000mg/L 甲醛, P. putida 能在 240h 内完全降解 1800mg/L 的甲醛,加入葡萄糖后两株菌均能完全 降解 2000mg/L 甲醛。与国内外甲醛降解菌的降解能力相比,本研究所筛选菌株 C. maltosa 和 P. putida 对甲醛的降解能力较高,尤其 P. putida 降解甲醛的速率高于许 多报道菌株,具有进一步研究应用价值。
A Thesis Submitted to Chongqing University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the
Master’s Degree of Engineering
By Li Yuan Supervisor by Ass. Prof. YE Jiangyu Specialty: Environmental Science and Engineering
Two strains that can use formaldehyde as the sole carbon source were isolated from activated sludge contaminated by the polyformaldehyde wastewater and soil and were named strain J1 and P1 respectively. Through the morphological and molecule biology identification, J1 and P1 were identified as Candida maltosa and Pseudomonsa putida respect选降解甲醛的高效菌株, 对其降解特性及机理进行研究,并探讨其对甲醛废水降解生物强化的可行性。
从聚甲醛厂污水的活性污泥及新鲜土壤中各分离出一株能以甲醛为唯一碳源 生长的菌株,分别命名为 J1 和 P1。通过形态学和分子生物学的鉴定,确定菌株 J1 为麦芽糖假丝酵母(Candida maltosa),P1 为恶臭假单胞菌(Pseudomonsa putida)。