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方郧农1,王 博1,李 婉1
(1.湖北省测绘质量监督检验站,湖北 武汉430074)
摘 要:对相关坐标转换方法及相关理论进行论述,结合以往对此类项目的检查验收情况,总结出一些经验方法,旨在对目前城市坐标转换项目成果的检查验收和质量评定工作有所帮助。

关键词:2000国家大地坐标系;坐标转换;二维平面四参数;精度检测;内业检测;外业检测中图分类号:P226 文献标志码:B

目前市、县各类存量空间数据主要以大比例尺4D 数据成果为主,坐标系统基本采用城市相对独立的平面坐标系,建立城市相对独立的平面坐标系统与2000国家大地坐标系联系时,坐标转换模型要同时适用于地方控制点转换和城市数字地图的转换,一般采用二维平面四参数转换模型,重合点较多时可采用多元逐步回归模型。



选用具有原坐标系坐标和 2000



,重合点坐标为x 和y ,共







对于n 个点,坐标转换精度估计公式为:重合点残差V =重合点转换坐标-重合点已知坐标,中误差为一组控制点的均方根Mp ,最大误差限允限=2Mp ,是一组控制点中个别点最大误差的允许限差,大于3倍中误差的点为含有粗差的点,应该剔除。


即m M s p =×2。

残差中误差M x =收稿日期:2020-01-14。

残差中误差M y =点位中误差M M M p x y =



M =检测点n 的数量应大于等于20,小于20时以误差的算术平均值代替中误差[4]。

②RTK 测量,可分为单基准站RTK 测量和网络RTK 测量两种检测方法

施测方法应按照CH /T 2009-2010《全球定位系统实时动态测量(RTK )技术规范》[5]


目前各地均建立了省、市、县级CORS 网,平面定位精度均在 3~5 cm ,符合CJJ /T 8-2011《城市测量规范》

4.1.6条和CH /T 2014-2016《大地测量控制点坐标转换技术规范》[2]
第6.2条精度要求,所以,一般情况下建议采用RTK 测量方法效率更高也易于操作,检测精度也可得到保证,条件允许的情况下也可采用第一种方法进行检测。

3.1 内业检测方法

2)通过省级CORS 转换参数线上转换成2000国家大地坐标系坐标,这是基于原坐标系为新1954年北京坐标系和1980西安坐标系下相对独立的坐标系可进行转换,如不是上述坐标系,则这些检测点只能使用坐标转换软件并采用生产单位求取的坐标转换参数转


M =±
按照技术要求规定,中误差小于或等于图上 0.1 mm 。

根据以往检查验收情况,图幅和数据库坐标转换精度远小于图上0.1 mm 的规定,与坐标转换参数计算精度相当。

3.2 外业检测方法

因此外业精度检测可按照GB /T 24356-2009《测绘成果质量检查与验收》[4]

4结 语

[1] 国土资源部,国家测绘地理信息局.国土资源数据2000国家
大地坐标系转换技术要求[Z ]. 北京:国土资源部,2017
[2] 中国测绘科学研究院,国家测绘产品质量检验测试中心,广
州市城市规划勘测设计研究院.CH /T 2014-2016大地测量控制点坐标转换技术规范[S ].
[3] 国家测绘局测绘标准化研究所,国家测绘局第一大地测量
队,国家基础地理信息中心. GB /T18314-2009 全球定位系统(GPS )测量规范[S ].
[4] GB /T24356-2009测绘成果质量检查与验收[S ].
[5] 浙江省测绘局 国家测绘局重庆测绘院. CH /T 2009-2010全
球定位系统实时动态测量(RTK )技术规范[S ].
[6] 北京市测绘设计研究院. CJJ /T 8-2011城市测量规范[S ].[7] 北京市测绘设计研究院. CJJ /T 73-2010卫星定位城市测量
技术规范[S ].第一作者简介:方郧农,高级工程师,注册测绘师,现主要从事测绘地理信息质量检查与评价应用研究工作。

Research on Inconsistency Detection Technology for Multi-scale Geospatial Elements by CAO Wentao Abstract In this paper, taking line and surface element for example, we realized the optimal combination matching of elements based on multi-index comprehensive weighting. After eliminating the influence of disparity in scale expression,
according to the condition of inconsistent evaluation type, we carried out the automatic detection and evaluation of experimental data. When the reasonable parameter thresholds were selected, the usability and correctness of inconsistency detection were verified. This study greatly improves the work efficiency, and is conducive to improving the application value of geospatial data.
Key words multi-scale, optimal matching combination, inconsistency detection
Design and Compilation of Standard T oponymic Atlas in Dongxihu District
by LI Ya Abstract In this paper, we introduced the background and main contents of the atlas at rst. And then, we expounded the design idea and key technologies of the standard toponymic atlas in digital cartography environment. Finally, we summarized the process ow of compilation, which could provide a reference for the compilation of standard toponymic atlas.
Key words toponymic atlas, map design, digital cartography, toponymic data processing, atlas compilation (Page:98)
ADS80 Data Aerial Triangulation Procedure Based on Leica Xpro in Longnan Region by SHI Ning Abstract Combining with the ADS80 data of the Longnan Region in Gansu Province, we mainly introduced the technical process of aerial triangulation production operation using Leica Xpro software, which could provide a reference for relevant industry.
Key words ADS80, Leica Xpro, connecting point matching, aerial triangulation
Quick Query and Display Trajectory Method Based on Trip Split by YAO Jin Abstract For a single device, we should not only master the overall location overview of the device, but also check the details of each track point. e existing trajectory query schemes cannot take both global and detail into account. In this paper, we proposed a quick query and display trajectory method based on trip split, which could support the trip query with a time span of several months, and query the trajectory details of a single trip by scaling.
Key words trajectory display, trajectory query, trip split (Page:104) Comparison and Analysis of the Spatial Interpolation Methods of the Urban Ground Subsidence Monitoring Data by HOU Zhandong Abstract Taking a city in the Yangtze River Delta as an experimental area, based on the ground subsidence monitoring data of experimental area from 2016 to 2017, we used four common spatial interpolation methods to interpolate the settlement of discrete monitoring points to obtain continuously changing ground subsidence information. Then, we used the cross-validation method to compare the interpolation results. e result showed that the anti-distance weight method had the best interpolation effect. According to the settlement analysis of the monitoring area, the urban ground was relatively stable and there was still settlement in rural areas.
Key words ground subsidence, spatial interpolation, comparison and analysis
Application of 720º Panorama Technology on Land and Real Estate Trading Platform by DENG Jinghong Abstract Taking Shenzhen innovation industrial land and real estate demand and supply platform for example, we introduced the applications of 720º panorama technology on land and real estate trading platform. With organic integration of the technology and the trading platform, the convenience for company to learn about and to acquire the supplied industrial land and real estate are enhanced. Transparency con guration of industrial space resource comes into reality. e technology and the management mechanism advance the government’s service level, and also promote the city’s investment and commercial environment. The operational effect confirms that the industrial land demand and supply platform integrated 720º panorama technology is worth introducing to other similar cities.
Key words 720º panorama technology, industrial land and real estate, trading platform (Page:110)
Discussion on Teaching Reformation for Geographical Information Technology in Computer Majors by CHEN Hongshun Abstract As geographical information technology is an important branch of information technology, it is necessary to offer relevant courses for computer majors in colleges and universities. Combining the course nature of geographical information technology and its characteristics including interdisciplinary, strong practicality and frontier, we carried out the reformations from three aspects including clearing teaching objectives, reforming the teaching content system and enriching teaching method to meet the needs of offering the course of geographical information technology for computer majors.
Key words geographical information technology, teaching reform, computer majors (Page:114)
Construction on T alent Cultivation Standard System for Surveying and Mapping Geographical Information T echnical Talents by ZHANG Dongming Abstract In this paper, based on the teaching implementation and quality assurance requirements of the vocational education skills training and technology accumulation of surveying and mapping geographical information, aiming at every link of the development of vocational and technical talents, we researched the teaching standards of professional setting, teaching implementation and connecting education, and formed a systematic standard system for training technical talents, which could serve the whole process of the vocational education of surveying and mapping geographic information.
Key words surveying and mapping geographical information, technical talents, standard system, construction (Page:116)
Research on the Teaching System of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Practice in Higher Vocational Colleges on the Contest of UAV Surveying and Mapping Skills by WANG Dongmei Abstract With the rapid development and popularization of UAV technology, the UAV surveying and mapping skill has become part of the skills competition. There are certain problems in the connection between UAV surveying and mapping skills competition and conventional practice teaching in the Yellow River Conservancy Technical Institute, which is bound to have certain restrictions on the improvement of practical skills of all students. e skill competition should be integrated with the conventional practice teaching, and then in accordance with the “T wo Practice Teaching, Four Combinations” practical teaching mode of the professional photogrammetry and remote sensing majors. Based on the openness of the surveying and mapping laboratory, the activities of the UAV surveying and mapping association, the master studio of the mapping skill and so on, the implementation of practical training will be strengthened. e skills competition is deeply integrated with conventional practical teaching, and it is promoting learning, education, reform and development. It continuously improves practical skills in the mutual evaluation of skill competitions, and cultivates highly skilled talents to meet the needs of society.
Key words UAV surveying and mapping, skill competition, photogrammetry and remote sensing, practical teaching (Page:120)
Discussion on the Course T eaching Reformation for Geodesy Foundation
by CAI Qingkong Abstract According to the characteristics of the course, we discussed the teaching contents, teaching methods and means, teaching practice and assessment method, and analyzed various reformation means to guarantee the teaching quality, which could enhance he teaching e ect. So that students can better grasp the theoretical knowledge, and improve the practical ability.
Key words Geodesy Foundation, class hour compression, teaching method, teaching reformation (Page:123)
Research on Psychological Training of Surveying and Mapping Skills Competition in Higher Vocational Colleges by FAN Ben Abstract In order to solve the adverse e ects, combining with the characteristics of surveying and mapping industry, and referring to the psychological training modes and methods in sports competition, we studied the main psychological factors in training and competition. And then, we proposed some psychological training methods, including stress and anxiety reduction training, assertiveness training, anti-interference training, eld adaptability training, which could provide a reference for surveying and mapping skills competition psychological quality training.
Key words higher vocational college, surveying and mapping skills competition, psychological training (Page:126)
Coordinate Conversion Accuracy Detection of CGCS2000 by FANG Yunnong Abstract In this article, we discussed the relevant coordinate conversion methods and how to detect and evaluate the mathematical accuracy of the coordinate conversion parameters and the mathematical accuracy of the large-scale urban digital topographic map coordinate conversion. Based on the past inspection and acceptance of such projects, we summarized some empirical methods. Discuss with everyone, hoping that it will be helpful for the inspection and acceptance and quality assessment of the results of current urban coordinate conversion project.
Key words CGCS2000, coordinate transformation, four parameters of two-dimensional plane, accuracy test, interior inspection, eld inspection (Page:129)。
