Telport pro 教程


ThingsPro Proxy 用户手册说明书

ThingsPro Proxy 用户手册说明书

ThingsPro Proxy User’s ManualVersion 4.0, March 2022/product© 2022 Moxa Inc. All rights reserved.ThingsPro Proxy User’s ManualThe software described in this manual is furnished under a license agreement and may be used only in accordancewith the terms of that agreement.Copyright Notice© 2022 Moxa Inc. All rights reserved.TrademarksThe MOXA logo is a registered trademark of Moxa Inc.All other trademarks or registered marks in this manual belong to their respective manufacturers.DisclaimerInformation in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of Moxa.Moxa provides this document as is, without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, its particular purpose. Moxa reserves the right to make improvements and/or changes to this manual, or to the products and/or the programs described in this manual, at any time.Information provided in this manual is intended to be accurate and reliable. However, Moxa assumes no responsibility for its use, or for any infringements on the rights of third parties that may result from its use.This product might include unintentional technical or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the information herein to correct such errors, and these changes are incorporated into new editions of the publication.Technical Support Contact Information/supportMoxa AmericasToll-free: 1-888-669-2872 Tel: +1-714-528-6777 Fax: +1-714-528-6778Moxa China (Shanghai office) Toll-free: 800-820-5036Tel: +86-21-5258-9955 Fax: +86-21-5258-5505Moxa EuropeTel: +49-89-3 70 03 99-0 Fax: +49-89-3 70 03 99-99Moxa Asia-PacificTel: +886-2-8919-1230 Fax: +886-2-8919-1231Moxa IndiaTel: +91-80-4172-9088 Fax: +91-80-4132-1045Table of Contents1.Introduction................................................................................................................................. 1-12.Installation Guide ......................................................................................................................... 2-1Installing ThingsPro Proxy .............................................................................................................. 2-2 Prerequisites ......................................................................................................................... 2-2Installation ........................................................................................................................... 2-4 3.Configuring ThingsPro Proxy......................................................................................................... 3-1Configuring ThingsPro Proxy ........................................................................................................... 3-2 Creating a Provisioning Plan ..................................................................................................... 3-2Provisioning Devices ............................................................................................................... 3-9Checking for Updates............................................................................................................. 3-11 4.Known Issues and Limitations ...................................................................................................... 4-1Introduction ThingsPro Proxy (TPP) is a Windows-based provisioning tool for batch configuring Moxa IIoT gateways according to specific provisioning plans (hereinafter referred to as “plans”). The provisioning plans include details such as device configuration, cloud-enrollment information, and security settings. The ThingsPro Proxy plans allow field operators to quickly configure/enroll Moxa devices without requiring domain knowledge and without having to go through complex steps, thereby reducing the cost of operation. The device provisioning tasks can be linked to a plan for quick and effortless provisioning.ThingsPro Proxy can be download from the Moxa website and installed in a Windows 10 environment. Version 3.0 of this user's manual is based on ThingsPro Proxy v1.3.0.ThingsPro Proxy leverages the ThingsPro Edge software installed on Moxa devices to provision the devices. ThingsPro Proxy and ThingsPro Edge together provide your devices with an IIoT gateway solution that includes streamlined data transportation from the endpoint to the cloud. Therefore, to provision Moxa devices via ThingsPro Proxy, you will need to install ThingsPro Edge (TPE) on the devices.Installation GuideIn this chapter, we describe how to install the ThingsPro Proxy tool.The following topics are covered in this chapter:❒Installing ThingsPro ProxyPrerequisitesInstallationInstalling ThingsPro ProxyPrerequisites1.PC with Windows 10 OS and Google Chrome browser.✓W indows 10 version 1809 or later✓G oogle Chrome 86.0.4240.183 (64 bit) or later2.Enable the Link-local IPv6 address on the PC.To enable the Link-local IPv6 address, do the following:i.In the Windows Search box, enter view network connections and click Open.ii.Select the network adapter that will be used to discover Moxa devices, right-click the network adapter, and select Properties.iii.Select the Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6) option.NOTE Ensure that the service port 5001 (local host) is available for the ThingsPro Proxy web server.3.Click OK to apply the changes.InstallationTo install the ThingsPro Proxy App, do the following:1.Download and run the ThingsPro Proxy installation file ThingsProProxySetup-x.x.x-yyyymmdd.2.Click Next.3.Select the I accept the agreement option and click Next.4.Specify the folder to install ThingsPro Proxy in and click Next.5.Specify the folder to create the ThingsPro Proxy shortcut in and click Next.6.Click Install.NOTE A command line console window (Windows cmd) will open during the installation process. DO NOT close the cmd window.7.After the installation process is complete, click Finish.unch the ThingsPro Proxy App.A webpage with privacy-related warnings will open.ThingsPro Proxy UM Installation Guide9.Click Advanced.10.Click Proceed to localhost (unsafe).3 Configuring ThingsPro ProxyThis chapter describes how to create a provisioning plan in ThingsPro Proxy and provision devices using the plan.The following topics are covered in this chapter:❒Configuring ThingsPro ProxyCreating a Provisioning PlanProvisioning DevicesChecking for UpdatesConfiguring ThingsPro ProxyYou will require at least one provisioning plan in ThingsPro Proxy before you can provision devices. Creating a Provisioning PlanA wizard will guide you through the process of creating a provisioning plan, which includes softwareupgrade, configuration import, cloud enrollment, and security settings. You can also view the settingsbefore finalizing the plan.To create a provisioning plan, do the following:1.Click on the Create Provisioning Plan link.2.Select the target device model and click START.3.Specify the ThingsPro Edge (TPE) Installation settings and click NEXT.a.Enable/disable the TPE installation settings using the Add ThingsPro Edge installation settings toplan slider.b.Select a mode.i.Download over-the-air: Specify a version of ThingsPro Edge or select the latest version.ii.Upload from my local drive: Upload a ThingsPro Edge file that you want to install.4.Specify the software upgrade settings and click NEXT.A. Enable/disable software upgrade using the Add software upgrade pack to plan slider.B. If you have enabled software upgrade, choose a method to upgrade the software pack—Auto ormanual—and browse to the folder path or specify a cloud URL.5.To import a configuration file, enable the Add configuration settings to plan slider, browse to the file,and specify the associated Password. Click NEXT.6.(optional) In the Cloud Enrollment page, click Manage and select Edit to change the settings.To add more cloud services, click + Add another.A.Azure IoT Device/ Azure IoT EdgeEnter the Connection String and click VERIFY & SAVE.If you want to edit the Connection String, click EDIT.The Device ID is auto generated by using the serial number of the device and authenticated via a symmetric key.B.Azure DPSi.Enter the Connection String and click VERIFY & SAVE.If you want to edit the Connection String, click EDIT and enter the ID Scope.The Device ID is auto generated using the serial number of the device and authenticated via a symmetric key.ii.(optional) Select The provisioning device is an IoT Edge-capable device.iii.Select an Assign Policy.iv.Enter the name of the IoT Hubs.v.Select a Re-provisioning Customize the Initial Device Twin State.vii.Click NEXT.C.Moxa DLM Servicei.Select the service type Moxa DLM Service.ii.Enter an Email (account) and Password.iii.Select a project name to register devices.iv.Click NEXT.7.(optional) You can disable a provisioning service to prevent devices from being discovered or modify thecurrent password. Click NEXT to apply the changes.8.(optional) You can upload Linux command scripts and deploy them to targeted devices.The supported file formats include tar.gz, bash, binary, executables, and Python3 package.curl password is used to encrypt the plan and then decrypt it before importing the plan.10.Click DOWNLOAD & FINISH to download the plan.The plan will be downloaded as a *.zip file.NOTE ThingsPro Proxy uses plans to provision devices. Plans can be stored in a secure location and used in the different workplaces where ThingsPro Proxy is installed.Provisioning DevicesThere are two ways to provision devices: Targeted Provisioning and On-air Provisioning.Targeted Provisioning You can specify a batch of devices for provisioning based on the device model, firmware version, ThingsPro Edge version, and communication interfaces.On-air Provisioning ThingsPro Proxy will automatically scan all compatible devices in LAN and batch deploy the configuration based on the specified plan.NOTE ThingsPro Proxy relies on the UDP port 40404 for scanning devices in the same network. Be sure to add UDP port 40404 to the firewall allowed list for proper device discovery.To provision devices, do the following:1.After you have created a provisioning plan, click on the Provisioning link.2.Choose the mode of provisioning: Targeted Provisioning or On-air ProvisioningDevices will be accessed using their default credentials (Account: admin; Password: admin@123).3.(optional) Edit the default credential to discover your devices.You can click EDIT in the Device Access section to change the default credentials so that the deviceswhose default credentials have been changed can be discovered.4.Select devices to discover or press SCAN to re-scan the LAN for devices.5.Click NEXT.6.Select the provisioning plan file.•New plan file: Select this option to browse to a file in a local computer.•Recent plan files: Choose from an existing plan and enter the associated password.7.Click UPLOAD.8.Click NEXT.9.Click APPLY.NOTE Before running the provisioning plan, ThingsPro Proxy will synchronize your server time on to the devices.Checking for UpdatesYou can configure ThingsPro Proxy to update automatically. To configure auto-update, do the following:1.Go to the About page.2.Click MANAGE and select Check for updates3.If a new version is available, the information will be presented. Click INSTALL to install the new versionas needed.4.(optional) Automatic check for updates is disabled by default. You can select the Edit update settingoption under MANAGE to enable this service.4 Known Issues and Limitations1.ThingsPro Proxy v1.x.x does not support running multiple plans simultaneously.2. A connection failed message is displayed if the Ethernet interfaces are not able to get an IP addressassigned after ThingsPro Edge is installed. The LAN1 interface of ThingsPro Edge is DHCP enabled by default and this error results in the ThingsPro Proxy not being able to access ThingsPro Edge.3.DO NOT insert SIM cards before the provisioning process is complete.4.ThingsPro Edge has about 15 minutes to provisioning a device after it is powered on.Before starting the provisioning process, ensure that the ThingsPro Proxy is ready and the devices are powered on.5.The time taken to install ThingsPro Edge (TPE) is subject to the capacity of the devices. For example, itmight take around 30 minutes to install TPE on a UC-8100A-ME-T Series device.6.If the TPP web GUI is disconnected for an extended period and does not reconnect, you can stop andrestart the service.Click on the Windows Start button and select the ThingsPro Proxy folder. Click Stop ThingsPro Proxy Service and then Start ThingsPro Proxy Service to relaunch the TPP service.7.Devices newly registered with AWS IoT Core sometimes require a reboot to be available.。

Teleport Pro 160破解分析及算法注册机

Teleport Pro 160破解分析及算法注册机

标题: 【原创】Teleport Pro 1.60破解分析及算法注册机作者: 萧萧黄叶时间: 2009-06-02,18:17链接: /showthread.php?t=90537【破文标题】Teleport Pro 1.60破解分析及算法注册机【破文作者】萧萧黄叶【作者邮箱】【作者主页】【破解工具】OllyICE,PEiD v0.94【破解平台】WinXP【软件名称】Teleport Pro 1.60【更新时间】 2009-03-19【软件类别】国外软件 / 离线浏览【软件语言】英文【应用平台】 Win9x/WinNT/Win2000/WinXP【软件性质】共享(收费)软件【软件大小】819 K【原版下载】/soft/197.html【保护方式】【软件简介】Teleport Pro 所能做的,不仅仅是离线浏览某个网页(让你离线快速浏览某个网页的内容当然是它的一项重要功能),它可以从Internet的任何地方抓回你想要的任何文件,它可以在你指定的时间自动登录到你指定的网站下载你指定的内容,你还可以用它来创建某个网站的完整的镜象,作为创建你自己的网站的参考。

[ post]【破解声明】高手请飘过~~~------------------------------------------------------------------------【破解过程】安装软件运行一下看看,出现窗口提示:This copy of Teleport Pro is UNREGISTERED.试着注册看看,当然失败:You haven't entered a valid username. Your username must be at least six letters long.下面开始分析了。

第一步当然是探壳,PEiD v0.94:Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0第二步用C32Asm反汇编,载入后自动退出。



PASS灯亮绿色 Fail 灯亮红色
LED荧幕 找点探棒插座 模块测试点 操作按键
按鍵介紹~~~功能說明 1/3
Func Setup Print File Save Learn Stat
系统功能选单 系统设定选单 打印功能选单 档案管理设定 储存测试&数据文件设定 短断路学习 列示测试统计资料
产品不通过某项设定造成的结果 开路是指该产品某个功能节点断开
短路是指该产品某两个或多个功能节点并在 一起 绝缘是指功能点与点之间电阻达不到要求 导通是指线材电阻过大达不到设定参数要求 错位是指功能点的位置与标准的不一样
Fail LED(红色) Pass LED(绿色) LED屏幕
I/O PORT(模块测试点)
按键介绍~~~功能说明 1/3
自我读取标准资料 执行测试 单边测试 循序测试 功能键 系统重新启动
3.2 测试电压设定(V) 按
.. V Hipot
A. V/Ω SETUP 1 .Cond. Ω:1Ω 2 .Hipot V:500V 3 .Ins. Ω:50 ΜΩ
3.3 绝缘阻抗设定(ΜΩ) 按 进行绝缘设定
H.V. 进行高压时间设定 TIME B. HV/INS SETUP 1 .HV Time:0.1s 2 .Ins Fail No:3






按照指南操作S e t up|S y s t e m|D a te/Time设置运行屏幕(主显示屏)显示带有温度°C,大气压mmH g,D O%和m g/L。

日期,时间和电池水平显示在屏幕下端,记录模式显示在屏幕上端L o g O n e S a m p l e一次记录一个。

一个US B符号出现底部,当连接通讯鞍座。

通过USB连接时,供电条显示全满对比度调节通过同时重复压背光键和左右键调节菜单布置在任何菜单中无论何时压E sc键退回到运行屏幕,左键可以返回到前一级菜单(除字母、数字输入屏幕)系统压系统接近下列菜单项目系统菜单接近设置选项D a te/Time,GLP,L a n gu age,R adix P o in t,L o gg in g,S a m p lin g,A u t o S hu t o ff,Back lig h t,Sw(软件)Ve r s io n,S e ri a l#,和U ni tID.括号内为当前设置d a te/time在系统菜单中选中D a te/Time,压en t er选择D a t e F o rma t–选中e n t e r打开次级菜单选择日期格式:YY/MM/DD,MM/DD/YY,DD/MM/YY,或Y Y/D D/MM.D at e–选中并压e n t e r输入正确日期T ime F o rma t–选中e n t e r打开次级菜单选择时间格式12-h o u r或24-h o u r.T ime–选中并压e n t e r输入正确日期G lpG L P矫正的文件包括详细的校正信息,传感器诊断信息。

Telstra T42G业务互联网入门指南说明书

Telstra T42G业务互联网入门指南说明书

Message LightNavigation KeysCancel Key Volume KeyMute KeyHeadset KeyMessageBank Key Redial Key Speakerphone KeyHeadset Port Handset PortPC PortPower PlugInternet Port2.Set up your power and the network connection (2 options)Fig 3Connect via AC power• Ensure the power source is turned OFF.• Plug the Power Adapter (DC5V) into the power source. • Connect the Power Adapter (DC5V) to the DC5V porton the back of the phone (Fig 3).• Turn the power source ON.• Connect the Ethernet cable to the Internet port on the back of the phone and an available Ethernet port on a compatible DOT router/switch* (Fig 3).Optional – PC ConnectionConnect one end of the second Ethernet cable to the LAN port on the user’s PC and the other end to the PC port on the phone (Fig 3).* DOT-powered switches are available for purchase, if there are insuffcient Ethernet ports on your DOT router to connect all your devices.Fig 4Connect via Power Over Ethernet (PoE)• Connect the Ethernet cable to the Internet port on the back of the phone and an available Ethernet port on a compatible DOT router/switch* (Fig 4).• Optional – PC Connection:Fig 5• During startup, the LCD screen will display “Welcome... Fig 6• You will be prompted for your admin details (Fig 6) –Fig 7• Using the soft key, select “OK”..and type the complete or partial name of ...Save a number/edit a contact from your Call HistoryTo access Call History:• From the Home screen, use navigation keys to scroll up. • Select applicable Call History type: Placed, Missed, Received. OR• From Home screen, select “Menu”. • Using keypad, press “6” (or scroll to “6. History type” and select “Enter”).• Using keypad, Press “1” (or scroll to “1. Local History” and select “Enter”); or Press “2” (or scroll to “6. Network Calllog” and select “Enter”). Scroll to desired contact and select “Options ” and select action to proceed.or press or press– Transfer the call to another handset without.– Transfer the call to another handset.after the call is answered to completeor pressor press 88 using the keypad.Call Park code ( 68) and Call Park retrieve code ( 88) should already beGroup Call PickupGroup Call Pickup enables calls that are ringing on anotherphone to be answered from any other phone in the offce.• When another phone within the offce is ringing, press.Note: Group call Pickup code ( 98) should already be pre-confgured on the phone.Conference CallsLocal Conference Call – a maximum of three parties (includingthe caller) can be on a conference call at any one time.To initiate a conference, add a third party to a call:• Whilst on an active call, press .• Enter the other party’s number, wait for the party to answerthe phone.• Press to connect all parties into the conference .To manage callers in a conference call:• During the conference call, press .•Press to mute the selected party.The muted partycan hear everyone, but no one can hear the muted party.• Press to remove the selected party from theconference call.Network Conference Call – more than three parties (includingthe caller) can be on a conference call at any one time.• Whilst on a 3-way conference call, press .• Enter the other party’s number, wait for the party to answerthe phone.• Press to connect all parties into the conference.• Repeat the above steps to invite more parties.Note:Network conference features should already be pre-confgured on the phone.TL00683_T42G_AUG20。




如果有一种软件,能够让我们在不使用电脑的时候,或者通讯费用打折时,先自动将网上的资料“抓“回自己的电脑,等到我们要浏览网络时,只需要在自己的硬盘上读取文件,这样不就可以节省一笔可观的费用,也可以省去我们等待文件传送的时间吗?下面我们将要介绍的Teleport Pro便是这样的一个软件。

Teleport Pro是一款功能强大的离线浏览器,不论规模多大的网站,只要你设置妥当,无论网站目录、内容、图片影像、背景音乐,甚至Java Applet都能够完整地复制一份在你的硬盘中。

Teleport Pro所能做的,不仅仅是离线浏览某个网页,它还可以从Internet的任何地方抓回你想要的任何文件(例如某个站点的全部MIDI文件或MP3文件),它可以在你指定的时间自动登录到你指定的网站下载你指定的内容,另外它还可以随意设定下载的深度。


Teleport Pro是一款共享软件,在许多软件下载站点都可以找到它,它的下载文件名为pro12.exe,文件大小为839k。



2、首先要选择一个安装目录,用来存放Teleport Pro,程序默认的安装路径是c:\program files\teleport pro,如果你想要存放在另外的目录里,请按“browser”按钮选择其它目录安装,否则直接按“next”按钮继续。

3、接下来要设置放在“程序”组中的目录名称,默认值是Teleport Pro。





.诺基亚网管系统NetAct 8系列基本操作使用说明目录第一章NetAct 8简介 (3)1.1 网管系统NetAct的主要功能 (3)1.2 NetAct 8系统架构 (3)第二章网管功能调用 (5)2.1网管功能的WEB调用 (5)2.2主要功能介绍 (9)第三章Topology Manager拓扑管理 (10)3.1 进入拓扑管理 (10)3.2 网管应用的跳转 (11)第四章Monitoring告警相关应用 (14)4.1 Monitor模块使用 (14)4.1.1 活动告警 (14)4.1.2 历史告警 (15)4.1.3 对象管理 (16)4.1.4 告警更新 (18)4.2 告警统计 (18)第五章Configuration 配置管理 (20)5.1 配置编辑管理 (20)5.1.1 参数查询修改 (20)5.1.2 Site信息 (21)5.1.3 CM History (22)5.2 配置操作管理 (22)5.2.1 数据导出 (22)5.2.2数据导入 (23)5.2.3参数更新 (24)第六章License 许可证管理 (25)6.1许可证管理 (26)第七章Reporting性能管理 (26)8.1 创建KPI公式 (26)8.2 创建KPI报告 (28)8.3 报告定时生成 (32)8.4报表的生成与删除 (35)第八章工程模式查看操作 (38)11.1 查找网元对象 (38)11.2 维护模式的使用以及状态查找[工程模式] (39)第九章、N8网管垃圾数据删除 (40)第十章LTE批量修改参数操作步骤 (43)第十一章BTS LOG抓取 (46)第十二章LTE告警提取方法 (48)第十三章如何修改天线顺序 (53)第一章NetAct 8简介1.1 网管系统NetAct的主要功能×管理网元的告警数据。


Teleport Pro 使用教程

Teleport Pro 使用教程

Teleport Pro 使用教程Teleprot Pro 是 Tennyson Maxwell 公司推出的著名离线浏览器。

美国《PC Magazine》杂志发布15 种离线浏览器的评审结果,因其速度、灵活性和易用的Winzard 界面,将“编辑之选”奖授予了它。

Teleprot Pro 最新版本改进了旧版的“时程安排表”功能,用户可以任意设置运行时间,无论是白天还是晚上,无论是何种时间序列(按小时、按天或按月),也无论是何种连接方式。

纠正了旧版不能在 Windows NT 正常运行的缺陷。

改善了与 HTML.STYLE 代码及老式 JAVA 代码的兼容性。




一、安装说明安装前的准备:1.首先检查 Windows 95 的版本号,如果版本号不是 4.00.950B,那就说明你使用的是老 pre-OSR2 版,这个版本存在着“bug”,上网后,系统容易崩溃。

微软公司于 1996 年即发布了这个老版本的“补丁”程序,其名为 krnlupd.exe,可在任何微软公司的镜像网址下载,也可在 Teleprot Pro 网站上直接下载。

2.如果你使用的是 Windows 97 版本,“开始”菜单的“启动”文件包中有一个“FastFind”程序,开机后这个程序自动在后台运行,占用了 Windows 的有限资源,影响上网程序的运行程度,它的功能是自动编制硬盘上的文件目录,而当Teleprot Pro 多任务系统在很短的时间内成百上千地“取回”资料存入硬盘时,它将严重过载,甚至造成系统崩溃。

因此,在运行 Teleprot Pro 下载大批文件前一定要把它移出“启动”文件包,重新启动后再运行上网。

3.如果你安装过 Service Pack 1 for Windows 95,这个程序与因特网浏览软件有冲突,它常常会造成密码的“丢失”,使拨号系统不能正常运行,屏幕频频出现“Registry errors”的错误提示。

IsatDock2 PRO 智能拨号器说明书

IsatDock2 PRO 智能拨号器说明书

IsatDock2 PROISD2 PROLAND SolutionsIsatDock2 PROISD2 PROBeam IsatDock2 PRO is an intelligent docking station for the IsatPhone 2 handset* specifically designed to support accessing voice services via Bluetooth, POTS/RJ11, handsfree speakerphone or the active privacy handset attached to the unit.IsatDock2 PRO allows the IsatPhone 2 handset to be used in a wide variety of applications. The intelligent POTS/RJ11 interface enables cable runs of up to 600m to connect standard corded, cordless or DECT handsets to be used or alternatively interfaced with a PABX system presenting standard ring, busy and dial tones like a standard phone network.The IsatPhone 2 handset, fits securely in the dock, its features include phone charging, USB data port, in-built ringer and allows antenna and power to be permanently connected to the dock ready for use.The IsatDock2 PRO supports Personal Alert, Assistance Button and Tracking functionality of the IsatPhone 2 handset whilst docked.The IsatPhone 2 handset is easily inserted and removed by the press of a button on the top of the dock making it very easy to use away from the dock when required.The IsatDock2 Adapter** has been designed toInsmarsat specifications to enhance docking mechanism for the IsatPhone 2 handset. It ensures no wear and tear on USB or audio connectors and has a dedicated compartment on the dock when not in use.* IsatPhone 2 handset sold separately.** 2 adapters are supplied with every IsatDock2KEY FEATURES• High quality all in one design• Bluetooth connectivity, via IsatPhone 2 handset • POTS/RJ11 interface, cable runs up to 600m/2000ft • Dedicated Privacy Handset• Voice, SMS, SBD and Circuit Switched Data capable • Tracking and SOS (via the IsatPhone 2 handset)• USB data interface • Accessory/Ignition sense • 10-32V DC power input• AC Plug pack included 110/240 input• Supports Active and Passive Inmarsat antennas • 2 year repair or replacement warrantypots/rj11alertusb ringer tracking docking privacy speaker phonepabx integrationexternal IO mute chargingTechnical SpecificationsRST410Man Down Kit ISD960IsatDock2 AdapterISD700Fixed/Directional Antenna Passive ISD710Mast/Pole Marine Antenna Active CVTINM Inmarsat Covert AntennaISD932IsatDock/Oceana SMA/TNC Cable Kit Active - 6m/19.7ft ISD933IsatDock/Oceana SMA/TNC Cable Kit Active - 13m/42.7ft ISD934IsatDock/Oceana SMA/TNC Cable Kit Active - 18.5m/60.9ft ISD935IsatDock/Oceana SMA/TNC Cable Kit Active - 31m/101.7ft ISD938IsatDock/Oceana SMA/TNC Cable Kit Active - 40m/131.2ftISD942IsatDock/Oceana SMA/TNC Cable Kit Active - 50m/164.0ft ISD943IsatDock/Oceana SMA/TNC Cable Kit Active - 60m/196.85ft ISD944IsatDock/Oceana SMA/TNC Cable Kit Active - 70m/229.7ft ISD945IsatDock/Oceana SMA/TNC Cable Kit Active - 80m/262.5ft ISD946IsatDock/Oceana SMA/TNC Cable Kit Active - 90m/295.3ft ISD947IsatDock/Oceana SMA/TNC Cable Kit Active - 100m/320.1ft ISD936IsatDock SMA/TNC Cable Kit Passive - 10m/32.8ft ISD940IsatDock SMA/TNC Cable Kit Passive - 40m/131ft ISD941IsatDock SMA/TNC Cable Kit Passive - 50m/164ft RST060UPS Battery PackAccessoriesPOWER SPECIFICATIONSAverage Power Consumption Current @ 12VAverage Watts Power w/o IsatPhone 2130mA 1.6W Standby + Charging 360mA 4.3W Transmit + Charging 875mA 10.5W Sleep Mode 5mA 60mW Peak Current3.5A42WENVIRONMENT SPECIFICATIONSTemperature Degrees °C Degrees °F Operating Range -30 to +70-22 to +158Storage-35 to +85-31 to +185Battery Charging*0 to +4532 to +113Humidity<= 75% RHCONNECTORS/INTERFACESPOTS/RJ11RJ11/2-wire, 5REN @ 600m, Adjustable dial, ring, busy tone configured frequency and adaptive impedance.Antenna TNC-Female GPS Antenna SMA-Female10-32 VDC4-way microFit (AC/DC adapter, or DC lead)Privacy Handset Port RJ9 connector Configuration / Data USB MicroSpeakerphone In-built speaker/microphone LEDs/ButtonsStatus LED, Track/Personal Alert, Mute, Up, Down and SpeakerphonePHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONSDimensions mminches Dock 245 x 197 x 1009.6 x 7.7 x 3.9Outer Box 330x 190 x 23013 x 7.5 x 9.1Weight kgs lbs Dock 1.45 3.19Box2.455.39CERTIFICATIONSInmarsat Type Approval EMC Compliance FCCCE Compliance Electrical Safety RoHSIndustry Canada C-TickKIT CONTENTSIsatDock2 PRO 2 x IsatDock2 Adapters 10-32 DC Power Cable 110-240V AC Plug Pack Privacy Handset Wall mounting plateUser Manual & Quick Start GuideRemote Farm/Communities * It is ideal for the ambient temperature to be approximately 18 degrees below the 45°C upper limit for the handset to charge the battery whilst docked.AFRICA ASIA AUSTRALIA EUROPE MIDDLE EAST NORTH AMERICA SOUTH AMERICA© 2016 Beam Communications Pty LtdBeam Communications Pty Ltd5/8 Anzed Court, Mulgrave, Victoria AUSTRALIA 3170Tel: +61 3 8588 4500 Fax: +61 3 9560 9055Website: General: *************************** Support: ****************************** Sales:****************************Global Head Office (Australia)Tel: +44 208 144 1405Fax: +44 208 289 3542EuropeTel: +1 800 250 5819 (USA toll free)Fax: +1 888 972 8037United StatesAPPROVED BEAM RESELLERI S D 2P R O _R E V 02_11/16。

FlyportPRO Ethernet模块说明书

FlyportPRO Ethernet模块说明书

• Ethernet - BaseT 10/100 • Microchip PIC 24FJ256GB206 16 bit processorFeatures 16 Bit Processor PIC24FJ256GB206 - 256K Flash – 96K Ram – 16 MipsTransceiver ENC424J600Power Supply 3,3VUSBIntegrated RTC On the Go (OTG)32,768 Khz quartz onboardDigital I/O up to 32, remappable at RuntimeAnalog In 10 channels - 10bits ADC - Voltage ref onboard 2,048VCommunicationFlashEeprom up to 4 UARTs, SPI, I2C16 Mbit64 KbitConnectors 2*30 ways, pitch 1.27mm female pin headerDimensions 34 x 34 x 9 mm, 10 gramsApplications• Webserver based userinterfaces to the embedded• Sensors and automation • Internet of Things • Audio over IP• Building automation and remoteIntroductionFlyportPRO Ethernet is powered by openPicus framework and mounts a 256K Flash 16bit processor from Microchip that runs the TCP/IP Stack and the application layer. This means that you have full control of connectivity and application (for ex. the PIC microcontroller onboard can process data coming from an analog sensor and display these data on the integrated webserver, or send by email or save to a remote FTP server).FlyportPRO has an extra 16Mbit Flash memory onboard to store web server pages and for Firmware upgrade over Internet.Available onboard:SPI, I2C, UART and embedded Real Time clock.I/O : analog and digital and PWM.Remappable pinout:Special functions such as SPI,UART,PWM and Interrupts can be assigned to any remappable pin at runtime. Programming:We provide the free IDEpro with each StarterKit.C programming skills are needed. No expansive programmer is needed since the serial bootloader loaded on the module allows you to flash the firmware using just a serial cable.On you can find examples, libraries and tools to start to develop immediately.Electrical characteristicsVOLTAGE RATINGS+3.3V DC Voltage input (pin 4) MIN:+3,0V MAX:+3,3VCURRENT CONSUMPTION Power supply 3.3V, Ambient temperature 25°C Micro ON and LAN not connected91 mAMicro ON and LAN connected 143 mAMechanical infoDimensions (L*L*h) 34*34*9 mmWeight 10 gramsTemperature rangeOperating range MIN: -20°C MAX: +85°CBlock DiagramJ1 ConnectorFLYPORTPRO modules are based on Microchip PIC processor and offer remappable pins function. User can customize the hardware configuration by firmware.Pin Description Special Function 5V tolerant Remap p1 GPIO ADC #0 NO YES p2 RESET (active low) NO NO p3 GPIO ADC #1 NO YES p4 VDD (+3.3V input) NO NO p5 GPIO ADC #2 NO NO p6 GND NO NO p7 GPIO ADC #3 NO YES p8 GPIO (ICSP – PGD) ADC #5 NO YES p9 GPIO NO NO p10 GPIO (ICSP – PGC) ADC #4 NO YES p11 GPIO YES NO p12 GPIO ADC #6 NO YES p13 GPIO YES YES p14 GPIO YES YES p15 GPIO Interrupt #0 YES YES p16 GPIO ADC #7 NO NO p17 GPIO YES YES p18 GPIO ADC #8 NO NO p19 GPIO I2C #1 – SDA YES YES p20 GPIO ADC #9 NO YES p21 GPIO I2C #1 – SCL YES YES p22 UART #1 TX (output) – for programming NO YES p23 UART #1 RX (input) – for programming YES YES p24 I2C #2 – SDA signal (shared with onboard EEPROM) NO YES p25 GPIO USB D+ NO NO p26 I2C #2 – SCL signal (shared with onboard EEPROM) NO YES p27 GPIO USB D- NO NO p28 GPIO USBID YES YES p29 USB Vusb NO NO p30 GPIO USB Vbus YES NOJ2 ConnectorPin Description Special function 5V tolerant Remap p31 GPIO YES NO p32 GPIO YES NO p33 Not connected NO NO p34 Not connected NO NO p35 Not connected NO NO p36 Not connected NO NO p37 Not connected NO NO p38 Not connected NO NO p39 Vref output (2,048V) NO NO p40 Not connected NO NO p41 RD+ RJ45 NO NO p42 LED1 RJ45 NO NO p43 RD- RJ45 NO NO p44 LED2 RJ45 NO NO p45 TCT RJ45 NO NO p46 TD+ RJ45 NO NO p47 RCT RJ45 NO NO p48 TD- RJ45 NO NO p49 Not connected NO NO p50 Not connected NO NO p51 Not connected NO NO p52 Not connected NO NO p53 Not connected NO NO p54 Not connected NO NO p55 Not connected NO NO p56 Not connected NO NO p57 Not connected NO NO p58 Not connected NO NO p59 GND NO NO p60 VDD (+3.3V input) NO NOModule overviewTOP VIEWBOTTOM VIEWOn your carrier board we suggest to use 2*15 ways pitch 1.27mm Male pin header connectors such as:TH: SAMTEC FTSH–115–04–F–DSMT: SAMTEC FTSH–115–04–F–DVNOTE: The following view is made in transparency from TOP. On the right corner there’s a triangle sign on the silkscreen to identify where is J1.Footprint and dimensionsCode OP014102 STARTERKIT PRO ETHERNET1 Evaluation board and 1 FlyportPRO ETHERNETCode OP014021 FLYPORTPRO ETHERNETContact us to receive the free IDEpro.On you find a getting started guide, tutorials, libraries and code examples.Each FLYPORT Module has a serial bootloader onboard.How to start development Ordering information。

Teleport Pro使用方法

Teleport Pro使用方法

一、 Teleport Pro的安装
• 接受《授权合约》,点击我同意按钮。
一、 Teleport Pro的安装
• 选择安装类型,为标准安装(Standard), 按下一步。
一、 Teleport Pro的安装
其它目录,请单击[浏览]按钮,选择安装路径, 单击 [安装]按钮按默认路径安装:
二、 Teleport Pro使用方法
目标:下载自动化之窗网站的教学站点。 方法: 1、新建方案-点击新建方案按钮
二、 Teleport Pro使用方法
2、在新建方案 向导第一步中 选择第二项 〔完全复制一 个网站,保留 原来的目录结 构〕,然后按 “下一步”继 续;
二、 Teleport Pro使用方法
7、在主窗口 中按下 ,开 始下载文件;
二、 Teleport Pro使用方法
8、完成后提示 方案完成、被读 取的文件数和存 盘的文件数,单 击“确定”;
二、 Teleport Pro使用方法
9、下载完成后 一般选择第一个 文件,开始在本 地硬盘上查看所 一载网页的内容 (也可以从资源 管理器中查看所 下载的网页);
• 3、输入下载网 站的开始地址 (一般从浏览器 的地址栏中复制 后在此粘贴), 输入在下载的链 接数。
二、 Teleport Pro使用方法
4、在第三步中, 可以设置下载的 网站包含的内容, 是仅仅文本还是 图形、声音等; 如果有些网站下 载时规定的有帐 号和密码,在下 面对应的框中输 入;然后按“下 一步”;



TeleportPro使用教程Teleport Pro使用教程经常有不少网友来信询问,问如何做才可以把整个站点复制到硬盘上慢慢看,或者问teleportPro的使用方法。


应大家的要求,所以我们整理了一篇关于TeleportPro的基础教程,希望可以帮助新手尽快掌握Teleport Pro。

Teleport Pro的主界面TeleportPro是个功能强大的离线浏览器,用它可以:(1)方便且完全地下载整个网站以便你离线浏览,比起你网上浏览自然快上数十倍。






(7)制作某一个站点上的所有网页和文件的清单一、TeleportPro的基本使用方法:打开T eleportPro,单击“Add ProjectWizard”(增加项目向导)图标,开始设置(图2)。










二、TeleportPro进阶在实际使用T eleportPro时,你会发现它并不如想象的那么好用,比如下载一个不大的网站,用时却长达几个小时,耐不住时间和金钱的耗费,断开连接,看看下载内容,你会又气又恼,不想下载的内容下载了,而想下载的内容还没下载完。

pro tools教程

pro tools教程

数字音频工作站Pro Tools LE教程王磊PRO TOOLS 初级教程说明:本教程只适用于刚刚接触或正要学习PRO TOOLS的同学使用。

今天要给同学说一下在数字音频工作站领域中,最为流行并享有盛誉的音频软件Pro Tools(当然PRO TOOLS的高端产品视频功能也很强大,但我们这里只说音频这方面)。

由Digidesign公司出品的Pro Tools一直是录音行业所推崇的音频处理系统,专业版的TDM系统一般有Pro Tools 24 MIX Plus;Pro Tools 24 MIX;Pro Tools 24等;以及刚刚推出的Pro Tools HD系统。

Pro Tools的软件至今也已升级到6.9的版本。


我们所说的DIGI001系统是这些中最简单的一个,就是由简化版的PRO TOOLS LE软件加上硬件DIGI001组成。

简化版的Pro Tools我们称它为Pro Tools LE,由于绝大多数人都拿不出几十万人民币来购置一套带有硬件DSP功能的Pro Tools 的专业级系统,因此在这里我们就以简化版的Pro Tools 来详细介绍一下,几乎具备TDM系统的大部分重要功能的软件Pro Tools LE与硬件DiGi 001的具体使用。

首先我们先来认识它们:第一节Digi 001这个就是它了,(当然图中少了一块PCI的插卡,因为我没搞到它的图)Digi 001主要由外置接线箱(AD/DA转换器)和PCI插卡组成,中间用电缆连接,是一套真正的“即插即用”系统。


此外这两个接口还配有48V幻相供电(PHANTOM POWER),可直接接入需48V的电容话筒进行工作。

Igor Pro中文操作手册 - 1

Igor Pro中文操作手册 - 1

Igor 对象
所有 Igor 用户的基本工作对象为:
• Waves • Graphs • tables • Page layouts
对象的集合被称为 “experiment” 并存储于一个 experiment 文件中。 当你打开一个 experiment 文件,Igor 将重新 生成其中包含的对象。
X scaling
X scaling is a property of a wave that specifies how to find the X value for a given point.
In a graph of waveform data, Igor plots a wave’s data values versus its X values.
波形数据的特征在于它是沿着时间轴或者其他变量的值均匀间隔的。Igor 波的一个重要属性被称为 “X scaling” 它指定你的数据的间隔。Igor 在内存中记录波形上每一个点的 Y 轴数值,但通过波的 X scaling 来计算数据的 X 轴的值 。
根据下图所示,波包含了从 0 到 4 的 5 个数据点。 用户已设置了 X scaling,即 X 的值从 0 开始每隔 0.001 秒取一 个点。 图像展示了该波形的数据值的存储是是随着 X 值计算的。
波可以有 1 到 4 个维度,每个维度可以包含数字或文本信息。
Chapter I-1 — Introduction to Igor Pro
Igor 也能够处理不符合波形规范的数据。我们称它为 XY 数据。Igor 能把两个波处理为一个 XY 对。在一个 XY 对中,一个波支持对中每个数据点的 X 的数据值,而另一个波支持对中每个数据点的 Y 的数据值。



Chapter 1 TPEdit 软件操作 ............................................................................ 1-1 1-1 硬件需求 ............................................................................................. 1-1 1-2 安装TPEdit ......................................................................................... 1-1 1-3 窗口软件基本介绍............................................................................... 1-5 1-4 鼠标操作技巧...................................................................................... 1-5 1-5 TPEdit 程序软件窗口 .......................................................................... 1-6
1. TPEdit 软件操作
■ 图文设定工具列:可使元件内所编辑的文字、图形依照靠左 、水平靠中 、靠右 、靠 上 、垂直靠中 、靠下 等选项对齐。(按下图标 选择移动元件内所编辑的文字,按 下图标 选择移动元件内所编辑的图形)

代理服务器—WinRoute Pro 4.1全攻略

代理服务器—WinRoute Pro 4.1全攻略

代理服务器—WinRoute Pro 4.1全攻略来源:皇家OS技术作者:责任编辑:发表时间:2001-12-04 17:22 评论(0)现在网络共享软件很多,主要分代理服务器和软网关两种方式,代理服务器是使得一个整个计算机网络同时共享一个(或多个)连接,其中代理服务器最典型是Wingate。





一、WinRoute Pro的主要功能WinRoute Pro是一个集路由器、DHCP服务器、DNS服务器、NAT、防火墙于一身的代理服务器软件,同时它还是一个可以应用于局域网内部的邮件服务器软件,所以WinRoute Pro不但可以实现局域网内的所有微机共享一个 Internet 连接(连接方式包括MODEM、ISDN、xDSL、DDN、DirecPC等),而且可以实现局域网内部的邮件管理,实现局域网与Internet之间的邮件交换。







网扬安装指南:ProSafe Plus 16-端口以太网切换机 FS116E说明书

网扬安装指南:ProSafe Plus 16-端口以太网切换机 FS116E说明书

InstalleringsveiledningTrinn 2. Koble til strøm Valgfritt modemFS116EValgfri ruterDatamaskinServerInternettPå.AvStrømlampeAktivitet (blinker)Ingen kobling (av)10 Mbps-tilkobling (høyre lampe)Portlamper100 Mbps-tilkobling (venstre lampe)Trinn 1. Koble til utstyretProSafe Plus 16-porters Ethernet-svitsj FS116ETrinn 3. Kontroller statusSeptember 2012Dette symbolet brukes i overensstemmelse med EU-direktiv 2002/96 om elektrisk og elektronisk avfall (WEEE-direktivet). Hvis dette produktet kastes i et EU-land, skal det behandles og resirkuleres i henhold til gjeldende lover og i overensstemmelse med WEEE-direktivet.NETGEAR, NETGEAR-logoen og Connect with Innovation er varemerker og/eller registrerte varemerker for NETGEAR, Inc. og/eller deres datterselskaper i USA og/eller andre land. Informasjonen kan endres utenforvarsel. Andre merkenavn og produktnavn er registrerte varemerker eller varemerker for de respektive eierne. © NETGEAR, Inc. Med enerett.Kun for innendørs bruk i alle EU/EØS-land og Sveits.Hvis du vi se hele EU-samsvarserklæringen, besøk/app/answers/detail/a_id/11621/.Vilkår : Med formål å forbedre intern design, driftsfunksjonalitet og/eller pålitelighet forbeholder NETGEAR seg retten til uten forvarsel å foreta endringer i produktene som beskrives i dette dokumentet. NETGEAR tar ikke noe ansvar for skade som kan oppstå som følge av bruk eller anvendelse av produkt(er) eller krets(er) som beskrives her.Installer svitsjkonfigurasjonsverktøyetPlus-svitsjer er "plug and play". Du kan installere et konfigurasjonsverktøy for å velge flere alternativer for administrasjon, og tilpasse svitsjen for nettverket ditt. Dette verktøyet finnes på ressurs-CD-en som ble levert med svitsjen.Merk:Konfigurasjonsverktøyet er installert på datamaskinen og støttes bare i Windows.Installer konfigurasjonsverktøyet:1.Sett inn ressurs-CD-en i en datamaskin som er koblet til svitsjen.2.Klikk på Install ProSafe Plus-verktøyet og følg anvisningene for å installereprogrammet.Svitsjkonfigurasjonsverktøyet er installert i programkatalogen på datamaskinen, og ikonet for ProSafe Plus-verktøyet blir plassert på skrivebordet.Konfigurer svitsjen:1.Dobbeltklikk på ikonet for ProSafe Plus-verktøyet .Startskjermbildet for konfigurasjon viser en liste over plus-svitsjer som verktøyet oppdager i det lokale nettverket. 2.Velg svitsjen du vil konfigurere.Du blir bedt om å angi passord for svitsjen. 3.Angi svitsjens passord i passordfeltet.Svitsjens standardpassord er "password".4.Bruk verktøyet til å konfigurere svitsjen.Hvis du vil ha en beskrivelse av plus-funksjonene, se brukerhåndboken for ProSafe Plus-svitsjens konfigurasjonsverktøy . Du har tilgang tilbrukerhåndboken gjennom koblinger i kategorien Hjelp i verktøyet eller på ressurs-CD-en.SpesifikasjonerSpesifikasjon BeskrivelseNettverksgrensesnitt RJ-45-kontakt for 10BASE-T eller 100BASE-TX Nettverkskabel Kategori 5 ("Cat 5") eller bedre Ethernet-kabel Porter 16Strømadapter 12V @ 1,0 A DC-inngang Strømforbruk 5,46 W maks.Vekt 0,81 KgDimensjoner (B x D x H)287 mm x 103 mm x 27 mm11,3 tommer x 4,1 tommer x 1,1 tommer Driftstemperatur 0–40 °C (32–104 °F)Luftfuktighet 10–90 % relativ luftfuktighet, ikke-kondenserende Elektromagnetisk kompatibilitet CE klasse B, FCC klasse B, VCCI klasse B, C-Tick klasse B, KC klasse B Godkjenninger fra sikkerhetsinstanserCE-merke, KCTeknisk støtteEtter at du har installert enheten, finner du serienummeret på etiketten på produktet og bruker det til å registrere produktet på https:// .Du må registrere produktet før du kan bruke NETGEARs telefonstøtte. NETGEAR anbefaler å registrere produktet via NETGEARs webområde. Forproduktoppdateringer og webstøtte, besøk gjerne .。

上海贝尔OLT Octopus使用指南V2_0

上海贝尔OLT Octopus使用指南V2_0
Key Words:OLT; Octopus
版本更新说明 ..................................................................................................................... I 术语和缩略语 .................................................................................................................. III 摘 要 ........................................................................................................................... V Abstract ............................................................................................................................ VI 1 背景 .............................................................................................................................. 1
增加 tftp trace 命令。 增加 shell 和 IHUB 命令。
全称 Optical Line Termination Optical Network Termination Network Termination Line Termination
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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1、starting address properties (开始地址属性)设置打开project菜单下的starting address projecties选项,出现如图5所示的对话窗口,在这里我们可以设置网站的起始地址以及下载时搜索的深度和范围。

图5URL 要下载的网址TITLE 项目名称explore pages up X links away from this address 从这个地址开始,下载的深度address that begin with http://... 链接的网址开头为设置时,才能抓取 anywhere within the path of external links 没有任何限制files up X links away from any 抓取除.......之外的文件对于一些需要认证的站点还需要在下面的文字框中输入帐号(account)和密码(password)。

2、project properties(项目属性)设置打开project菜单下的project properties选项,出现如图6所示的对话窗口,在这里控制整个项目的设置,它包括五个选项卡:summary(摘要)、 file retrieval (文件检索)、browsing/mirroring(浏览和镜像)、exploration(搜索)、netiquette (网络礼议)、exclusions(排除)、advanced(高级),每个选项卡包括的具体内容分别是:图6(1)summary(摘要)显示当前状态下项目下载的一些信息:pages read 读取的页面数files retrieved 下载的文件数bytes received 文件的大小database size 数据库的大小starting 起始地址autosave the project database X seconds 每隔X秒自动保存项目数据库文件(2) file retrieval(文件检索)设置接收文件的类型,可以根据需要自行设定,也可以使用通配符。

retrieve all files except those X kilobytes in size 抓取所有类型的文件,除非文件长度大于X字节retrieve only files of the types and size 仅抓取限定类型的文件retrieve background graphics 将网页背景图片一并下载回来retrieve java applet 将java applet下载回来retrieve only file names 仅将文件名称抓回来,而不抓取文件内容(用来建立网站地图时使用)(3)browsing/mirroring(浏览和镜像)always save HTML pages 将抓回来的文件保存成HTML文件replicate the directory structure of remote servers 将抓回来的文件按照远程目录结构存放在自己的硬盘内use MSIE compatible filenames 使用MSIE兼容的文件名称localize links for all retrieved files 所有下载的文件进行本地化链接 link to a message file that explains why the file not retrieved 将没有抓取回来的网页链接到一人用来解释未能抓取原因的网页link to the internet address for the file 保留网络链接位置,如果使用者点选这些没有抓取回来的网页时,将会链接到网络上阅读link to the place where the local file will be stored 链接到硬盘的其它地方link using 8.3 filenames 用8+3格式的文件名进行链接(4)exploration(搜索)explore server-side image map 搜索服务器端的映象图explore frame source files 搜索帧的原始文件explore forms 搜索表单launch up to X retrieval threads 启动X个抓取的线程abort threads that show no activity X seconds 当线程超过X秒没有反应时,就放弃该文件的抓取retry denied requests X times 如果收到拒绝读取的信息,重复执行的次数 retry incomplete X times 重复未完成的次数(5)exclusions(排除)利用关键字设定在项目中不想接收的文件类型、网页站点、链接等,可以使用通配符。

在这个界面中共有3个文字框,由上到下它们的用法分别是:在第一个文字框中填入要保存页面所包含的关键字;第二个文字框中填入不抓取的任何DOS类型的文件;在第三个文字框中填入不想抓取的任何以这里设置的URL 为开头的网络文件。


(7)advanced(高级)automatically begin this project when opend 打开项目后,自动进行下载动作run for no more than X minute 超过X分钟后停止运行run continuously,when projects stops,run again after waiting X seconds 中断项目后X秒种,自动继续抓取exit program when this project stops running 当项目停止运行后,关闭本程序3、connection(连接)设置在File菜单中选择connections选项,就可以出现如图7所示的对话窗口,在这里你可以对连接和中断连接的情况进行设置。

图7(1)connecting(连接)use your default internet connection 使用缺省的连接use this connection 使用选定的连接,可以单击后面的下拉列表框进行选择,选定该后,你还可以在下面的account内填上帐号,在password内填上密码。

disconnect all other open connections before opening 打开之前中断其它所有的连接if the connection is closed prematurely,reconnect 如果这个连接过早关闭,重新连接(2)disconnecting(中断连接)dont disconnect 不要中断连接disconnect whenever a project is completed 项目完成后中断连接disconnect when Teleport Pro terminates 当Teleport Pro终止时中断连接 ask before disconnect 中断连接之前进行询问六、高级应用技巧1、使用时间表(scheduler)scheduler是一个安排项目执行时间的程序,如图8所示,设置好这个程序后,我们就不必坐在电脑前面操作下载文件的指令,只要设置的时间一到,电脑就会自动将文件抓回到你的电脑里。



图8(1)启动时间表(scheduler)有两种方法:一是单击project菜单下的scheduler选项;二是选择Windows9X“程序”组中的Teleport Pro scheduler快捷方式。

(2)安排计划任务在edit菜单中选择add project选项或者单击程序界面中的加号按钮就会出现如图9所示的界面,在个窗口中你可以选择(browser)或新建(new)一个方案。


图10at operating system after X minutes 每次开机时,经过X分钟后开始下载指定的网站hourly 每小时抓取一次daily 可设置一星期的哪几天时间进行下载monthly 设置每月的什么时间进行下载just once 只抓取一次,以后就不执行了(4)设置参数单击parameters进入参数设置窗口(如图11),在这里你可以设定自动的设置以及下载完成后断开连接。

如果你使用的是拨号网络,请将disconnect when finished 选项选中,这样当抓完时,程序便会自动将拨号网络切断,节省通讯费用。

图112、使用代理服务器(proxy server)打开file菜单中的proxy server选项,出现如图12所示的对话窗口,选中connect to the internet through this proxy server复选框,在address中填入代理服务器的地址,在port中输入端口号,单击ok,就可以使用代理服务器进行下载啦。

图123、多站点同时下载Teleport Pro不但支持同一站点的十个线程进行下载,而且还支持不同站点的同时下载。

打开project菜单下的new starting address 选项,出现如图5所示的对话窗口,在这个窗口中输入网址及其它内容(见上面介绍),即可建立一个新的下载站点。


