福特质量体系 ppt课件 (2)

Consumer Magazine Information (e.g.
Consumer Reports, ADAC, Quatro Rodas, What Car?)
GQRS: 3 MIS TGW/1000
Other Survey Data (e.g. IQS, APEAL, VQS,
Exte外rna部l I信nd息icators D
市M场ar分ke析t A Analysis
产品和E制ngi造ne工erin程g 标准
对顾客抱怨Pri的ori问tiz题e Is进su行es优th先at 度do排no序t
✓ 平衡质量单议程(BSAQ)顾客柏拉图 – 每月更新
Warranty: 1 MIS R/1000
Warranty: 12 MIS R/1000
TreWndarranty: 3 MIS R/1000
Trend Warranty: R/1000 Best In Ford
Warranty: 0 MIS CPU
Warranty: 1 MIS CPU
BSAQ / VRT Action Matrix /
BSAQ Leadtime Current
VOME Health Charts NEW
Indicates Charts are stacked on top of each other
Work Group Board
0 MIS R/1000 Trend
0 MIS CPU Trend
DOSS归来——限量版的2012款福特BOSS 302

性 能与工 艺 方面 的升级 使 得它 已是一 部挂 着 民用 牌照 的赛 车 。 为 了强 调 新 款 野 马 B OSS 3 2的赛 车 血 统 ,福特 还 特 别 地 0
脱 胎 换 骨 .它 相 比上 代 有 着全 面 大 幅 的升 级 .一 系列 轻 量 化 、
命 。 有 更 高 要 求 的 顾 客 还 可 以要 求 加 装To s 限 滑 差 速 器 与 r en R c r 前座 椅 。 e ao 相 比 标准 版 的 野 马GT,BOS 0 上 采 用 了更 高压 缩 比率 S3 2 的弹 簧 ,整体 的 悬 挂 风 格 更 加 偏 向硬 朗 。后 平 衡 杆 的 尺 寸 更 大 ,相 比 普通 版 的GT 言 前 轮降 低 了 1 毫 米 ,后 轮 降低 了 1 而 1 毫 米 ,实质 上 带 来 的 变化 就 是 操 控 的进 步 。 与 更运 动 悬 挂相 匹配 的 。福特 所 采 用 的 速度 感 应 电 子转 向系 统 可 以把 更 清 晰 的路 面 感 受 反 馈给 驾 驶 者 。驾 驶 者 还 可 以选 择 三 种预 置 的 转 向风 格 :
限 量 地 推 出 B S 3 2 L gu a S c OS 0 a n e a, 它 的 名 字 来 源 于 1 7 年 90
P relJ n s an l o e 驾驶 一部 BoS 0 赢 得T a s Am赛 车 冠军 的那 i S32 rn —
盛 事 。 B S 3 2 L gu a S c 相 比 普 通 版 BOS 0 又 有 更 OS 0 a n e a S32


1卓亚咨询2内容纲要Course Outline一. QOS 是什么?二. 实施步骤一:工厂管理委员会的形成三. 实施步骤二:工厂管理委员会典礼四. 步骤三:客户期望五. 实施步骤四:六. 实施步骤五:量化指标和过程七. 实施步骤六:数据资料的管理八. 实施步骤七:工作计划的形成九.审核和评价十. 推动开展QOS3QOS-Quality Operating System 质量运行系统•由福特总部发行的一致性生产质量运行系统,涵盖所有生产厂区(车身、涂装、整车。
)的要求•以ISO9001、ISO/TS16949为基础,结合其它管理方法(TQM 、Six-sigma )•目的在推行一致性的福特组装厂最佳质量系统,以达到监控并持续改善新车的出厂质量4为福特公司和其供应商提供有效性应用QOS 的策略。
5■挑战和机遇●顾客期望我们的顾客日益增长的需要……产品和服务的多样化缩短产品投产周期以及增强生产、交付和服务的灵活性由此产生日益增长的内部要求……针对目前顾客期望监控我们的绩效迅速诠释顾客期望,转化为新的产品和服务●竞争压力我们的竞争对手与我们一样清楚顾客的期望我们的顾客需要减少汽车供应商数量6●QOS 的反应去迎接这些挑战,我们必须……能够迅速获得正确信息开发人的潜能实施过程确保永无止境的持续改进的过程这些内部需求导致了更本性的变革,例如:跨功能方式管理注重过程数据资料的应用由多功能小组的力量摒弃陈旧的模式应对这些要求,你必须以最快的时间和最低的成本生产出最好的产品和服务。
这就是QOS 的目的。
专题07 时代先锋-2023年高考语文作文典型素材+话题挖掘+运用示例


虽然起始编号是A 型车,但是从A型车到T型车之间并没有19个型号。

返 平 均 速 度 达 到 每 小 时 19 4 3 + 3英 里 ( 合 每 小 时 8 约
2 5o 5公 里 ) 2 |5 . 。
这辆 打 破 纪 录 的蒸 汽 车 的名 字 叫做 “ 感 Isi 灵 (nD—
2 54 7公 里 ) 0, 4 。
尔斯 开出了 1 1 3 英里的时速( 约合每小时 2 1 1 公里 ) 在 。
此 之 后 ,灵 感 ” “ 的时 速 又 曾 5次 超 过 10英 里 ( 合 每 0 约
小 时 1 1公 里 ) 5日, 尔斯 创造 了个 人 最好 成 绩 , 6 。1 威 时 速达 到 17l 3。 4英 里 ( 约合 每 小 时 2 1 里 ) 2公 。这 一 次 的
rtn , a o )车身 长 2 英 尺 ( i 5 约合 7 2米 ) . 6 。在 2 5日向新 速
度 纪 录发 起 挑 战过 程 中 ,这辆 汽 车 轻 轻 松松 打 破 佛 瑞
问题 。
8月初 , 灵 感” 状 态 出现好 转 , 时试 车 员 堂 ・ “ 的 当 威
德 ・ 里奥 特 于 10 马 96年驾 驶 斯坦 利蒸 汽 汽 车 “ 火箭 ” 创 造 的 纪 录 ,当 时 的 时 速 为 17 5 英 里 ( 合 每 小 时 2. 9 6 约
相 比 . 的效 率 比较 低 , 是 因为 它 这
名 人 麓臻 蠹i 薯 鬻 麓 一 j j . 蘩 - i j “
鬻 蔓薯 囊
≮ t i 奠i
名 言 科学 精神, 是要从正确的 批评和自 批评发展出 我 来的; 真正的科学成果, 是要经 得起事实

降低原材 料库存
降低安全 存量
提高进 流程稳定化 料频率
降低安 全存量
提高交 货频率
提高综合 设备有效率
加速推进设备 缩短换模换线 预防性维护 时间并降低批量 FTPM
改善 首检合格率
依计划生产 (包括根据顾客
需求而定的 “拉动式”系统)
► 如果某站的设备实际生产速率 大于顾客需求速率,既表明此 站为瓶颈站。
► 如有多个工作站的设备实际生 产速率均大于顾客需求速率, 则选择实际生产速率最大的工 作站为瓶颈站,优先分析解决 其设备问题,然后再依此方法 继续寻找瓶颈站,依次解决问 题。直至所有工作站设备的实 际生产速率均小于顾客需求速 率。
• 附加价值的工时百分率% • 厂内精实布置程度 • 前置时间 • 批量大小 • 换模换线时间
• 拉动式供料的零部件数 (SMART) • 活性化交货窗口的比率% • 存货周转率 • IM工业材料供料频率
• 依计划生产的比率(BTS) • 总成本 (产量变化的机制) • 整体评价
我们的安 全信条
安排适用的 设备与流程
► 100% 计 划 完 成 率
► 95% 市 场 需 求 完 成率
► < 10 天 控 制 货 物
►从 订 货 到 运 输 < 15 天
衡量指标 ► Build to Schedule
BTS计 划 完 成 率
Build to Schedule (BTS) 计 划 完 成 率(BTS)
目标 ►总 成 本 可 承 受 ►业 务 结 构

福特阶段性PPAP(中文)精品资料网()25万份精华管理资料,2万多集管理视频讲座全球采购供应商技术协助精品资料网()专业提供企管培训资料精品资料网()25万份精华管理资料,2万多集管理视频讲座阶段性生产部件审批流程阶段性 PP AP福特汽车公司供应商技术协助2002年10月目录致谢前言目录阶段性PPAP 引言PPAP 阶段里程碑 5阶段性PPAP 概述阶段性PPAP 工作流程 6节拍生产第一阶段PPAP –质量验证8第二阶段PPAP –生产验证9第三阶段PPAP –生产能力验证10PSW 客户管理13期望14附件 A 15附件B 19附件C 20附件D 22致谢阶段性PPAP 及其支持系统的开发体现了实质的保证,我们在此感谢福特开发团队成员和主要的供应商们,感谢他们为此项目付出的宝贵时间和努力。
他们包括:∙Dana∙Lear∙Magna∙Meridian 汽车公司∙SY 系统技术公司∙TRW∙Visteon前言:阶段性PP AP愿景与供应商合作,推动无瑕疵汽车投产生产,生产出超出客户期望的产品。
阶段性PP AP 引言经过参考行业最好的做法,福特已经将PPAP改为一个“三阶段”的过程,在开始投产前分别验证产品质量、生产准备就绪情况和生产能力。

1987年,福特汽车公司首次用书面记录下8D法,在其一份课程手册中这一方法被命名为“团队导向的问题解决法”(Team Oriented Problem Solving)。
编辑本段问题解决8步法8D(8 Disciplines)问题解决8步法8D的原名叫做8 Disciplines,意思是8个人人皆知解决问题的固定步骤。
原始是由Ford 公司,全球化品质管制及改善的特殊必备方法,之后已成为QS9000/ISO TS16949、福特公司的特殊要求。
凡是做FORD的零件,必须采用8D 作为品质改善的工具,目前有些企业并非FORD 的供应商或汽车业的合作伙伴,也很喜欢用这个方便而有效的方法解决品质问题,成为一个固定而有共识的标准化问题解决步骤。
Discipline 1. 成立改善小组(Form the Team):由议题之相关人员组成,通常是跨功能性的,说明团队成员间的彼此分工方式或担任的责任与角色。
Discipline 2. 描述问题(Describe the Problem):将问题尽可能量化而清楚地表达,并能解决中长期的问题而不是只有眼前的问题。
Discipline 3. 实施及确认暂时性的对策(Contain the Problem):对于解决D2 之立即而短期行动,避免问题扩大或持续恶化,包含清库存、缩短PM时间、加派人力等。
Discipline 4. 原因分析及验证真因(Identify the Root Cause):发生D2 问题的真正原因、说明分析方法、使用工具(品质工具)的应用。
Discipline 5. 选定及确认长期改善行动效果(Formulate and Verify Corrective Actions):拟订改善计划、列出可能解决方案、选定与执行长期对策、验证改善措施,清除D4 发生的真正原因,通常以一个步骤一个步骤的方式说明长期改善对策,可以应用专案计划甘特图(Gantt Chart),并说明品质手法的应用。

促进资源的循环利用,降 低生产成本,减少对自然 资源的依赖。
关注企业社会责任,积极 参与公益事业和慈善活动 ,回馈社会。
分析企业当前的生产、管理、流 程等方面存在的问题,明确引入
成立由企业内部人员和外部专家组 成的实施团队,明确团队成员的职 责和分工。
福特公司在实施FPS精实制造过程中 ,不仅采用了传统的精益生产工具和 方法,还结合自身实际情况进行了创 新应用。例如,福特公司通过采用数 字化技术和数据分析工具,实现了生 产过程的实时监控和优化,进一步提 高了生产效率和产品质量。
技术精实制造的核心思想 之一,它强调不断地对生产过程 进行优化和改进,以提高生产效 率和产品质量。
持续改进需要全体员工的参与和 努力,通过不断地收集和分析数 据,发现问题并采取有效的措施 进行改进。
减少浪费是精实制造的重要目标之一,它强调在生产过程中消除一切不必要的浪 费,包括时间、材料、能源等方面的浪费。
关注新技术的发展动态,及时引入适合企 业发展的新技术,提高企业的创新能力和 市场竞争力。
定期组织员工进行精实制造的培训和学习 ,提高员工的技能水平和综合素质,为企 业的发展提供人才保障。
通过精实制造,福特汽车的生产 流程更加高效,生产效率得到了
FPS精实制造对福特汽车的运营和业务发展产生了深远影响,成为福特汽车在全 球范围内推广的制造战略。

N EWS/fordofeurope /FordEuRELEASE AT 09:00 CET ON FEBRUARY 18, 2019All-New Ford Focus ST Blends Track-Day Performance,B-road Fun and Everyday Usability Without Compromise•Ford Performance-developed all-new Focus ST enhanced with advanced sports technologies will go on sale in the summer in five-door and wagon body styles•Powerful, free-revving powertrains include 280 PS, 420 Nm, 2.3-litre EcoBoost petrol with twin-scroll turbo and anti-lag; 190 PS 2.0-litre EcoBlue diesel with 400 Nm from 2,000 rpm•First Ford front-wheel drive electronic limited-slip differential improves traction and stability.Rev-matching offered for short-shift six-speed manual gearbox. Seven-speed auto available •Selectable Drive Modes a first for Focus ST, adjusting features including Electronic Brake Booster and fastest Ford electric power-assisted steering to match performance to scenario •Comfort and driving experience optimised with Recaro sports seats and advanced independent rear suspension configuration with available Continuously Controlled DampingCOLOGNE, Germany, Feb. 18, 2019 – Ford today revealed the all-new Focus ST – developedby Ford Performance to deliver nimble hot-hatchback thrills in a stylish, comfortable andpractical family car.The all-new Focus ST builds on the class-leading driving dynamics of the fourth generationFocus in five-door and wagon body styles. Ford’s new C2 architecture is enhanced with unique suspension, braking and powertrain configurations for the most responsive and agile Focus ST driving experience ever – on road and track.A new engine line-up makes available to drivers up to 12 per cent more power and 17 per centmore torque compared with the previous generation Focus ST. Ford’s 280 PS 2.3-litre EcoBoost petrol and 190 PS 2.0-litre EcoBlue diesel engines* both deliver a broad spread of power andtorque across the rev-range, for fast-revving sports performance.Ford’s first application of an electronic limited-slip differential (eLSD) for a front-wheel drivevehicle further enhances as standard the cornering and stability of the EcoBoost-poweredvariant – sharpening responses to changing grip levels and driver inputs using computer-controlled pre-emptive actuation.A choice of six-speed manual or quick-shifting new seven-speed automatic transmissions is offered, and Selectable Drive Modes technology is introduced to the Focus ST for the first time, enabling drivers to adjust the vehicle’s character to suit the driving scenario. Continuously Controlled Damping (CCD) – standard for five-door EcoBoost variants – enhances the shortlong arm (SLA) independent rear suspension configuration for ultimate refinement.“Intelligent technologies like eLSD and CCD make our all-new Focus ST the most ‘Jekyll and Hyde’ yet, able to switch from refined tourer to focussed performance car at the push of a button,” said Leo Roeks, Ford Performance director, Europe. “We’ve incorporated learnings from programmes including our Ford GT supercar and the acclaimed Focus RS to develop a mid-size performance car with a degree of flexibility that’s unique in its segment.”The all-new Focus ST will be manufactured with best-ever craftsmanship and quality following a €600 million investment at Ford’s Saarlouis assembly facility, Germany.Responsive power deliveryA new generation of Ford’s 2.3-litre EcoBoost all-aluminium engine is the most powerful ever offered for a Focus ST. Using advanced turbocharging technology to deliver 280 PS power at 5,500 rpm and 420 Nm of torque from 3,000 rpm to 4,000 rpm, it is also the most free-revving Focus ST engine ever, and supports anticipated 0-100 km/h (0-62 mph) acceleration in less than 6 seconds.Engine response is enhanced using a low-inertia twin-scroll turbocharger, which scavenges exhaust gas energy more effectively using separated channels to minimise interference between gas pulses. An electronically actuated waste-gate allows closer control of boost pressures for optimised engine performance. In addition, a unique exhaust system that reduces back pressure, bespoke air intake system and optimised intercooler further improve breathing. Innovative anti-lag technology developed for the Ford GT supercar and F-150 Raptor pick-up is introduced to the Focus ST, for immediate power delivery in Sport and Track Drive Modes.Anti-lag keeps the throttle open when the driver lifts off the accelerator pedal, alleviating the reversal of air flow from the turbocharger to maintain compressor wheel speed and enabling boost pressure to build faster on demand.Ford’s 190 PS 2.0-litre EcoBlue is the most powerful diesel engine ever offered for a Ford Focus model, delivering peak power at 3,500 rpm and 400 Nm of torque between 2,000 rpm and3,000 rpm – and 360 Nm from 1,500 rpm – for immediate and linear acceleration.A low-inertia variable geometry turbocharger; steel pistons for less expansion when hot; and an integrated intake system with innovative mirror-image porting for optimised combustion help to deliver a diesel powertrain that produces 10 per cent more power and more than twice as much torque as the 2.0-litre Duratec ST petrol engine in the first generation Focus ST.The Focus ST’s six-speed manual transmission enables more urgent gear-changes and provides a sportier feel with a shift-throw reduction of 7 per cent compared with the standard all-new Focus. Ford’s new rev-matching technology that debuted on the new Ford Mustang is also introduced as part of an optional Performance Pack for 2.3-litre EcoBoost manual models. Delivering smoother, faster downshifts, the technology is accompanied by a shift indicator light, and uses the engine’s electronic control system to briefly “blip” the throttle as the driver engages a lower gear – matching the engine rotation speed to that of the gear that is being selected. Rev-matching enables less-experienced performance drivers to benefit from the seamless, momentum-maintaining gearshifts delivered by the “heel-and-toe” driving technique, while also enabling experienced performance drivers to deactivate the system if they prefer.A new seven-speed variant of Ford’s latest intelligent automatic transmission family complements the rewarding, engaging and sporty 2.3-litre EcoBoost driving experience. Gear differentiation is optimised for performance, and Adaptive Shift Scheduling – which assesses individual driving styles to optimise gearshift timings – is enhanced to offer more flexibility and the ability to differentiate between road and track use. Drivers can select gears manually using steering wheel-mounted paddle-shifters.“The EcoBoost petrol and EcoBlue diesel powertrains have unique characters, but are equally charismatic,” Roeks said. “The Focus ST’s sporty ‘pops and bangs’ soundtrack perfectly matches the car’s feisty performance and is an essential part of the ST experience.”Intuitive dynamics enhanced with technologyBuilding on accomplished Ford Focus driving dynamics, the new Focus ST was developed to blend B-road fun-to-drive, legitimate track-day performance, and everyday usability better than any vehicle in its class.The SLA suspension configuration helps optimise the vehicle’s responses to driver inputs without sacrificing comfort, and includes a unique geometry for wagon models that repositions the dampers helping the vehicle remain nimble and responsive even when fully loaded. The agile and energetic character of the standard Focus is retained using the original spring specifications, with damping stiffness increased up to 20 per cent at the front and 13 per cent at the rear, and ride height reduced by 10 mm, to improve road-holding and response in performance driving scenarios.Ford’s sophisticated CCD technology every 2 milliseconds monitors suspension, body, steering and braking inputs to adjust damping responses for outstanding ride quality and driving dynamics.The driving experience is further enhanced using eLSD technology for Focus ST2.3 litre EcoBoost models. Incorporated into the transmission, the system uses hydraulically activated clutches to limit the engine torque delivered to a wheel that has reduced traction on the road surface, and redistributes up to 100 per cent of available torque to the wheel with more traction to counteract wheelspin that can hamper acceleration through, and out of, corners.The Borg Warner-developed technology is faster to deploy and offers greater precision than a traditional mechanical LSD. The system can pre-emptively adjust torque distribution using inputs from powertrain and vehicle dynamics sensors, rather than responding to wheelspin as it occurs, and can apply differential locking gradually for fine-tuning performance.Focus ST 2.0-litre EcoBlue models feature Torque Vectoring Control technology, which improves road holding and reduces understeer by applying brake force to the inside front wheel when cornering.The all-new Focus ST steals Ford’s fastest-steering-response crown from the acclaimed Fiesta ST. The electric power-assisted steering (EPAS) system is 15 per cent faster than the standard Focus, requiring just two turns lock-to-lock.Class-leading connected feel is supported by unique steering knuckle geometry, with a rod attachment point 9 mm further forward and 6.5 mm higher than the standard Focus for sharper responses. New Steering Torque Disturbance Reduction software for EPAS also helps reducetorque steer, making it even easier to deploy with precision the Focus ST’s power and torque via bespoke-specification Michelin Pilot Sport 4S tyres.Larger front and rear brake components provide the foundation for a high performance braking system with improved stopping power and fade resistance. Front disc dimensions have grown to 330 mm x 27 mm and feature dual-piston callipers. Rear discs now measure 302 mm x 11 mm. Focus ST braking performance was verified using the same demanding test procedures as the Ford GT supercar, and achieved almost four-times the fade resistance performance of the previous generation Focus ST in testing.The C2 architecture’s Electric Brake Booster (EBB) further demonstrates its advantages in the Focus ST application. The technology builds brake pressure faster than a hydraulic system for a more connected, confident and consistent pedal feel across a broader range of operating conditions. For the Focus ST, this means the system can both mitigate for changes in braking behaviour experienced during high performance driving, and can adjust the braking feel and dynamics to match the selected Drive Mode.In addition, Slippery/Wet, Normal, Sport and – for models equipped with the Performance Pack – Track Drive Modes adjust eLSD, CCD, EPAS, throttle mapping, automatic transmission shift scheduling, electronic stability control, electronic sound enhancement (ESE) and climate settings to suit the driving scenario. A dedicated “Sport” button on the flat-bottomed steering wheel gives direct access to Sport mode, and an additional “Mode” button allows drivers to quickly scroll through the Drive Mode options.“Selecting Track mode instantly makes braking response more direct and edgy; introduces higher steering efforts for more feedback; tunes the throttle to be more aggressive; instructs the eLSD to deliver maximum traction; and gives drivers more leeway within the ESC system,” said David Put, Ford Performance vehicle dynamics. “Drivers can have full confidence in the Focus ST’s ability to deliver on the track.”The traditional Focus ST gauge cluster benefits from a contemporary execution inspired by the Ford GT supercar. Digital turbocharger boost pressure, oil pressure and oil temperature gauges are now displayed in a bespoke Ford Performance screen on the 4.2-inch, TFT colour instrument display. Launch Control for consistently fast standing starts on track is also delivered via the Performance Pack for 2.3-litre EcoBoost models.Developed for form and functionDeveloped to be as comfortable as it is fun-to-drive, the all-new Focus ST exploits the class-leading roominess and exceptional refinement of the standard Focus range, and features an upscale interior that balances everyday practicality and a true sporty driving experience.Ford Performance engineers fine-tuned the positioning of supportive Recaro front seats to complement the connected and in-control feel for the driver, while ESE technology amplifies genuine engine and exhaust noise in Sport and Track modes – heightening the sports driving sensation and delivering additional feedback to assist performance drivers.Tuned engine mounts and an isolated subframe – alongside available CCD technology – increase refinement for all occupants. Generous front shoulder room and best-in-class rear knee clearance combine with maximum 1,653-litre wagon luggage capacity and a boot space that can comfortably accommodate a large dog crate, for maximum comfort and practicality.In addition to the sports steering wheel and Ebony coloured Recaro seats with a choice of high-quality cloth, leather, or partial leather and Miko Dinamica materials, the unique Focus ST interior intensifies the sporty atmosphere with an ST-embossed aluminium gear knob and scuff plates; alloy pedals; metallic hexagonal and satin silver decorative elements; and metal grey stitching for the seats, door inserts and centre console soft side pads.The Focus ST builds on the premium, sporting Focus silhouette with subtle, functional styling changes and unique alloy wheel designs. Revised upper and lower front grille designs are optimised for increased cooling capability, and bold signature lower wing elements channel air in to the air-curtain inlets for improved aerodynamic performance.A larger, more steeply angled rear roof spoiler increases downforce to support the Focus ST’s driving dynamics. A twin exit tailpipe configuration borders the aggressively styled rear diffuser element, and improves practicality by delivering the towing capability that was prevented by the centre-exit tailpipes of the previous generation Focus ST. The Performance Pack also adds red brake callipers.Exterior colour options chosen to emphasise the Focus ST’s dynamic styling include exclusive Ford Performance Blue and Orange Fury, alongside Frozen White, Magnetic grey, Race Red, Ruby Red and Shadow Black. Bold alloy wheel options include 18-inch Dark Sparkle and Magnetite designs, with a 19-inch wheel also offered in Magnetite.The Focus ST also benefits from the comprehensive range of sophisticated Ford driver assistance technologies that have helped the all-new Focus win 13 awards and a 5-star safety rating since going on sale in 2018.Seamlessly integrated technologies that enable an intuitive, stress-reducing and refined driving experience include:•Adaptive Cruise Control now enhanced with Stop & Go, Speed Sign Recognition and Lane-Centring for effortlessly negotiating stop-start traffic•Ford’s Adaptive Front Lighting System with new camera-based predictive curve light and sign-based light that pre-adjust headlamp patterns for improved visibility by monitoringbends in the road and – for the first time in the industry – road signs•Active Park Assist 2 that operates gear selection, acceleration and braking in addition to steering, to enable fully-automated manoeuvres at the push of a button •Ford’s first Head-up display to be offered in Europe, helping drivers focus their attention on the road ahead•Evasive Steering Assist, a segment-first technology that helps drivers steer around stopped or slower vehicles to help avoid collisionsFord’s SYNC 3 connectivity system allows drivers to control audio, navigation and climate functions plus connected smartphones using simple voice commands supported by an 8-inch colour touchscreen. The system provides Apple CarPlay and Android Auto™ compatibility free of charge, and available FordPass Connect embedded modem technology turns the vehicle into a mobile WiFi hotspot with connectivity for up to 10 devices“Our target was to deliver an all-new Focus ST that is as effortless to drive day-to-day as the rest of the Focus line-up,” Roeks said. “The model’s comprehensive range of technologies means customers gain exhilarating ST performance without sacrifice.”The all-new Focus ST will go on sale across Europe in summer 2019.# # #Android and Android Auto are trademarks of Google Inc.*Officially homologated fuel-efficiency and CO2 emission figures will be published closer to on-sale date. Anticipated fuel-efficiency and CO2 emission figures from:Powertrain and body style Anticipated CO2 emissionscombined (g/km) Anticipated fuel efficiency combined (l/100 km)2.3-litre EcoBoost petrol, 5-door,6-speed manual175 7.62.3-litre EcoBoost petrol, wagon,6-speed manual176 7.62.3-litre EcoBoost petrol, 5-door,7-speed automatic182 8.02.3-litre EcoBoost petrol, wagon,7-speed automatic183 8.02.0-litre EcoBlue diesel, 5-door,6-speed manual124 4.82.0-litre EcoBlue diesel, wagon,6-speed manual124 4.8The declared Fuel/Energy Consumptions, CO2 emissions and electric range are measured according to the technical requirements and specifications of the European Regulations (EC) 715/2007 and (EC)692/2008 as last amended. Fuel consumption and CO2 emissions are specified for a vehicle variant and not for a single car. The applied standard test procedure enables comparison between different vehicle types and different manufacturers. In addition to the fuel-efficiency of a car, driving behaviour as well as other non-technical factors play a role in determining a car's fuel/energy consumption, CO2 emissions and electric range. CO2 is the main greenhouse gas responsible for global warming.From 1 September 2017, certain new vehicles will be type-approved using the World Harmonised Light Vehicle Test Procedure (WLTP) according (EU) 2017/1151 as last amended, which is a new, more realistic test procedure for measuring fuel consumption and CO2 emissions. From 1 September 2018 the WLTP will fully replace the New European Drive Cycle (NEDC), which is the current test procedure. During NEDC Phase-out, WLTP fuel consumption and CO2 emissions are being correlated back to NEDC. There will be some variance to the previous fuel economy and emissions as some elements of the tests have altered i.e., the same car might have different fuel consumption and CO2 emissions.About Ford Motor CompanyFord Motor Company is a global company based in Dearborn, Michigan. The company designs, manufactures, markets and services a full line of Ford cars, trucks, SUVs, electrified vehicles and Lincoln luxury vehicles, provides financial services through Ford Motor Credit Company and is pursuing leadership positions in electrification, autonomous vehicles and mobility solutions. Ford employs approximately 199,000 people worldwide. For more information regarding Ford, its products and Ford Motor Credit Company, please visit .Ford of Europe is responsible for producing, selling and servicing Ford brand vehicles in 50 individual markets and employs approximately 53,000 employees at its wholly owned facilities and approximately 67,000 people when joint ventures and unconsolidated businesses are included. In addition to Ford MotorCredit Company, Ford Europe operations include Ford Customer Service Division and 24 manufacturing facilities (16 wholly owned or consolidated joint venture facilities and eight unconsolidated joint venture facilities). The first Ford cars were shipped to Europe in 1903 – the same year Ford Motor Company was founded. European production started in 1911.Contact: Kim BennsFord of Europe+44 (0) 126 840 4837***************。
汽车总动员2 赛车总动员2 台词

100:00:47,062 --> 00:00:48,757<i>This is Agent Leland Turbo.</i><i>我是特工利兰.涡轮.</i>200:00:48,864 --> 00:00:50,855<i>I have a flash transmissionfor Agent Finn McMissile.</i><i>帮我给芬.麦克米赛尔传个口信.</i>300:00:53,035 --> 00:00:55,868<i>Finn, my cover's been compromised. Everything's gone pear-shaped.</i><i>芬, 我的伪装身份暴漏了.所有事情都搞砸了.</i>400:00:57,939 --> 00:00:59,907<i>You won't believe what I found out here.</i> <i>你不会相信我在这里看到了什么的.</i>500:01:00,041 --> 00:01:04,307<i>This is bigger than anything we've everseen, and no one even knows it exists.</i><i>我从没见到比这里规模大的地方, 而且没有人知道这里.</i>600:01:04,445 --> 00:01:08,404<i>Finn, I need backup, but don't callthe cavalry, it could blow the operation.</i><i>芬, 我需要支援,但是别派突击部队来,他们会把任务搞砸的.</i>700:01:08,516 --> 00:01:10,950<i>- And be careful. It's not safe out here.Let's go.</i><i>- 但是一定要小心,这里很不安全.我们走.</i>800:01:11,085 --> 00:01:13,519<i>Transmitting my grids now. Good luck.</i><i>现在把我的位置发给你们. 祝你好运.</i>900:01:47,254 --> 00:01:47,949All right, buddy, we're here.好了,伙计,我们到了.1000:01:47,984 --> 00:01:48,644All right, buddy, we're here.好了,伙计,我们到了.1100:01:49,355 --> 00:01:51,323Right where you paid me to bring you. 这就是你付钱要我去的地方.1200:01:51,424 --> 00:01:53,415 Question is, why?问题是,来这里干吗?1300:01:53,559 --> 00:01:55,993I'm looking for a car.我来找一辆车I'm looking for a car.1400:01:56,128 --> 00:01:57,720A car? Ha!车?哈哈!A car? Ha!1500:01:57,863 --> 00:02:01,230Hey, pal, you can't get any further awayfrom land than out here.嘿,伙计,你不能到比这更远的地方了.1600:02:01,367 --> 00:02:02,994Exactly where I want to be.这就是我想要去的地方.1700:02:03,135 --> 00:02:06,969I got news for you, buddy.There's nobody out here but us.我有个消息要告诉你,伙计,这里除了我们没别人了.1800:02:08,874 --> 00:02:10,569What are you doing out here?你们在这干吗呢?1900:02:10,676 --> 00:02:13,236What does it look like, genius?I'm crabbing.你觉得呢?天才.我随便走走而已.2000:02:13,379 --> 00:02:17,247Well, turn aroundand go back where you came from.听着,立刻掉头,哪里来的就回哪里去吧.2100:02:17,383 --> 00:02:19,317Yeah, and who's gonna make me?好啊好啊,但是我不听你的又怎么样?2200:02:20,553 --> 00:02:23,420All right. All right.Don't get your prop in a twist.好吧好吧.小心别把你们的螺旋桨扭了.2300:02:24,190 --> 00:02:28,354What a jerk. Sorry, buddy.Looks like it's the end of the line.真是个混蛋,对不起了伙计,我想我们只能到这里了.2400:02:29,195 --> 00:02:30,253Buddy?伙计,你在吗?2500:03:32,825 --> 00:03:36,124<i>Incoming.All workers report to the loading dock.</i><i>来人了.所以工作人员到卸货甲板集合.</i>2600:03:37,463 --> 00:03:40,626Leland Turbo, this is Finn McMissile.I'm at the rally point. Over.利兰.涡轮特工,我是芬.麦克米赛尔.我已经到了集合地点,请回话.2700:03:42,168 --> 00:03:44,329All right, fellas, you know the drill.好了,兄弟们,你们知道怎么做.2800:03:44,470 --> 00:03:47,064Leland, it's Finn. Please respond. Over.利兰,我是芬,请回话.2900:03:49,675 --> 00:03:53,236Come on, guys. These cratesaren't gonna unload themselves.麻利点,这些箱子自己可打不开.3000:03:54,780 --> 00:03:57,271<i>Too many cars here. Out of my way.</i><i>这里有太多车了,我一个人可搞不定.</i>3100:03:57,383 --> 00:03:59,613Professor Zdapp?詹戴普教授?3200:03:59,719 --> 00:04:01,147Here it is, Professor. You wanted tosee this before we load it?教授,就是这个,您说运走之前要检查的就是这个吧?3300:04:01,182 --> 00:04:02,576Here it is, Professor. You wanted tosee this before we load it?教授,就是这个,您说运走之前要检查的就是这个吧?3400:04:02,687 --> 00:04:04,621Ah, yes. Very carefully.啊,是的,小心点.Ah, yes. Very carefully.3500:04:04,722 --> 00:04:07,020Oh, a TV camera.一台电视摄像机?Oh, a TV camera.3600:04:07,125 --> 00:04:10,617- What does it actually do?- This camera is extremely dangerous.- 这到底是做什么的?- 这台摄像机非常的危险.3700:04:10,728 --> 00:04:12,525What are you up to now, Professor?教授,你这又在搞什么鬼呢?3800:04:25,476 --> 00:04:29,242This is valuable equipment. Make sureit is properly secured for the voyage.这台机器非常重要,航行时候一定要注意安全.3900:04:29,347 --> 00:04:31,247<i>- You got it.- Hey, Professor Z!</i><i>- 明白了.- 詹教授!</i>4000:04:31,349 --> 00:04:33,840This is one of thoseBritish spies we told you about.这就是我们说的那个英国间谍.4100:04:33,985 --> 00:04:38,012Yeah! This one we caught sticking his bumper where it didn't belong.他在偷偷摸摸的时候被我们发现了.4200:04:38,122 --> 00:04:40,352 Agent Leland Turbo.利兰.涡轮特工.4300:04:47,799 --> 00:04:49,027It's Finn McMissile!那是芬.麦克米赛尔!4400:04:50,101 --> 00:04:52,092He's seen the camera! Kill him!他看到了摄像机,杀掉他!4500:04:52,570 --> 00:04:55,334 <i>All hands on deck!All hands on deck!</i><i>所有人到甲板来!所有人到甲板来!</i>4600:05:17,028 --> 00:05:17,995 Whoa!哇!4700:05:22,967 --> 00:05:24,935 Waargh!啊!4800:06:15,787 --> 00:06:17,254 What?什么?4900:06:30,802 --> 00:06:32,599 Get to the boats!开船追!5000:06:57,729 --> 00:07:00,095- He's getting away!- Not for long!- 他要跑掉了!- 跑不掉的!5100:07:35,900 --> 00:07:37,663<i>He's dead, Professor.</i><i>教授,我们干掉他了.</i>5200:07:38,336 --> 00:07:39,428<i>Wunderbar!</i><i>太好了!</i>5300:07:39,537 --> 00:07:43,268With Finn McMissile gone,who can stop us now?芬.麦克米赛尔死了,谁还能阻止我们?5400:07:43,975 --> 00:07:48,503 Mater -Tow Mater, that's who -is here to help you.板牙 -拖车.板牙, 我就能 -能帮你脱出困境.5500:07:51,582 --> 00:07:52,995- Hey, Otis!- Hey, Mater.- 嗨, 欧迪斯!- 嗨, 板牙.5600:07:53,030 --> 00:07:54,409- Hey, Otis!- Hey, Mater.- 嗨, 欧迪斯!- 嗨, 板牙.5700:07:54,517 --> 00:07:56,951 I... Oh, gosh. I'm so sorry.我... 哎,太抱歉了,我真的很抱歉.5800:07:57,053 --> 00:07:59,283I thought I could make it this time, but...我以为这次我一定能做到的...结果...5900:08:02,825 --> 00:08:04,759Smooth like pudding, huh?像吃布丁一样顺利?6000:08:04,861 --> 00:08:08,319Who am I kidding?I'll always be a lemon.我真是自欺欺车,我只是次品而已.6100:08:08,431 --> 00:08:11,958Well, dad-gum, you're leaking oil again. Must be your gaskets.看啊,你又漏油了伙计.一定是垫圈松了.6200:08:12,068 --> 00:08:13,501Hey, but look on the bright side.嘿,看开点.6300:08:13,636 --> 00:08:16,901This is your tenth tow this month,so it's on the house.这是你这个月第十次了要我拖你了,所以这次免费.6400:08:17,006 --> 00:08:20,442You're the only onethat's nice to lemons like me, Mater.你是唯一对像我一样的次品车还这么善良的车了,板牙.6500:08:20,576 --> 00:08:23,909Don't sweat it. Shoot,these things happen to everybody.别丧气啊,这种事每辆车都会遇到的.6600:08:24,013 --> 00:08:27,312- But you never leak oil.- Yeah, but I ain't perfect.- 可是你从来不会漏油啊.- 那倒是,但是我也不是完美的.6700:08:27,417 --> 00:08:30,784Don't tell nobody, but I think my rustis starting to show through.不要说出去哦,我生锈的毛病越来越严重了.6800:08:30,887 --> 00:08:32,718Hey. Is Lightning McQueen back yet?对了,闪电麦昆还没有回来吗?6900:08:32,822 --> 00:08:33,853Not yet.是啊,还没呢.7000:08:33,888 --> 00:08:34,884Not yet.是啊,还没呢.7100:08:34,990 --> 00:08:38,517He must be crazy excitedabout winning his fourth Piston Cup.第四次获得活塞杯冠军,他一定高兴坏了!7200:08:38,660 --> 00:08:39,991Four! Wow!第四次!哇哦!7300:08:40,095 --> 00:08:43,758Yeah, we're so dad-gum proud of him,but I wish he'd hurry up and get back,是啊,我们真为他骄傲,不过还是希望他早点回来这里.7400:08:43,865 --> 00:08:47,062'cause we got a whole summer's worthof best friend fun to make up for.因为我们有整个夏天可以和最好的朋友一起找乐子了.7500:08:47,202 --> 00:08:48,396Just me and...只有我和...7600:08:49,704 --> 00:08:51,001 McQueen!麦昆!7700:08:51,106 --> 00:08:53,370- Whoa, whoa, whoa!- McQueen!- 哇,哇,哇!- 麦昆!7800:08:53,475 --> 00:08:57,036- Mater! I'm in no hurry!- Hey, everybody. McQueen's back! - 板牙,我真的一点也不急!- 嗨,大家听着,麦昆回来了!7900:08:57,179 --> 00:08:59,010- Aaah!- McQueen's back!- 啊啊啊!- 麦昆回来了!8000:08:59,114 --> 00:09:03,050- McQueen's back! McQueen's back! - Aaah! Oooh-hoo! Oooh-hah!- 麦昆回来了! 麦昆回来了!- 啊 ! 哦 ! 啊 !8100:09:03,185 --> 00:09:04,777 McQueen's back!麦昆回来了!8200:09:04,886 --> 00:09:07,480 Oh, Lightning! Welcome home!小闪电,欢迎回家!8300:09:07,622 --> 00:09:11,149- Good to have you back, honey!- Congratulations, man.- 你回来真好,亲爱的!- 恭喜了,伙计.8400:09:11,259 --> 00:09:12,487 Welcome home, soldier.欢迎回家来,士兵.8500:09:12,627 --> 00:09:14,959The place wasn't the same without you, son.这地方没了你真是不一样啊,孩子.8600:09:15,063 --> 00:09:16,360 What? Did he go somewhere?什么?他去了什么地方吗?8700:09:16,395 --> 00:09:17,657 What? Did he go somewhere?什么?他去了什么地方吗?8800:09:17,798 --> 00:09:21,199It's good to be home, everybody.回家来感觉真是太好了,大家.8900:09:21,302 --> 00:09:22,701 - Mater!- McQueen!- 板牙!- 麦昆!9000:09:22,937 --> 00:09:24,199 - Mater!- McQueen!- 板牙!- 麦昆!9100:09:24,305 --> 00:09:25,897 Oooh!奥!9200:09:27,208 --> 00:09:29,676 Whoooa!哇!9300:09:30,411 --> 00:09:32,709Hey,how far did you make it this time, Otis? 欧迪斯,这次你走了多远啊?9400:09:32,847 --> 00:09:36,715- Halfway to the county line.- Ooh, not bad, man!- 距离国道还有一半.- 不错吗,伙计,比以前强多了.9500:09:36,851 --> 00:09:38,409I know! I can't believe it either!是吧,我都不敢相信.9600:09:38,519 --> 00:09:42,387- McQueen! Welcome back!- Mater, it's so good to see you.- 麦昆,你终于回来了.- 板牙,见到你真高兴.9700:09:42,490 --> 00:09:43,718You too, buddy.我也是,伙计.9800:09:43,858 --> 00:09:47,316Oh, man, you ain't going to believethe things I got planned for us!伙计,你一定想象不到我给你准备了些什么!9900:09:47,461 --> 00:09:48,974These best friend greetingsget longer every year!他们打招呼的动作越来越花哨了!10000:09:49,009 --> 00:09:50,488These best friend greetingsget longer every year!他们打招呼的动作越来越花哨了!101- You ready to have some serious fun? - I've got something to show you first. - 准备好见识下我准备的乐子了吗? - 等等,我有些东西想先让你看一下.10200:09:53,178 --> 00:09:55,457- You ready to have some serious fun? - I've got something to show you first. - 准备好见识下我准备的乐子了吗? - 等等,我有些东西想先让你看一下.10300:09:56,436 --> 00:09:57,596 Wow.哇!10400:09:57,737 --> 00:10:00,103I can't believethey renamed the Piston Cup不敢相信他们居然改了奖杯的名字105after our very own Doc Hudson.还是用我们的哈德森医生的名字.10600:10:03,476 --> 00:10:05,842I know Doc said these thingswere just old cups,我知道医生说过这些只是普通的奖杯而已.10700:10:05,945 --> 00:10:10,109but to have someone else win itjust didn't feel right, you know?但是让别人赢走他们还是很不爽的?对不对.10800:10:13,653 --> 00:10:17,111Doc would've been real proud of you.That's for sure.医生一定非常为你骄傲,这是一定的.10900:10:20,292 --> 00:10:23,420All right, pal.I've been waiting all summer for this.好了,伙计,我一夏天都在期待这个呢.11000:10:23,529 --> 00:10:26,657- What you got planned?- Ho-ho-ho! You sure you can handle it? - 你给我们准备了什么好玩的?- 吼吼吼,你确定你能受得了么?11100:10:26,799 --> 00:10:30,235Do you know who you're talking to?This is Lightning McQueen!看看你在和谁讲话,我可是闪电麦昆!11200:10:30,336 --> 00:10:32,304I can handle anything.没什么我搞不定的啦.11300:10:32,404 --> 00:10:34,133Er... Mater?哦...这个...板牙?11400:10:34,273 --> 00:10:37,470Just remember, your brakesain't going to work on these!只需要记住一点,就是在这上面刹车可没有用哦.11500:10:37,576 --> 00:10:39,476- Mater?- Relax.- 板牙?- 放轻松.11600:10:39,578 --> 00:10:42,138These train tracksain't been used in years!这些铁轨几年没人用了.11700:10:42,281 --> 00:10:44,340Aaaah!啊啊啊!11800:10:44,483 --> 00:10:46,474- Aaaah!- Faster, faster. Come on. Here we go! - 啊啊啊!- 快跑,快跑,别被追上了.11900:10:46,585 --> 00:10:48,052 Faster!再快点!12000:10:51,290 --> 00:10:53,485 Ooh. Wow.哦,哇哦!12100:10:53,592 --> 00:10:57,050 Yeah, I don't know. Do you think?我不太确定,你觉得呢?12200:10:57,162 --> 00:10:59,153This is going to be good!这个一定很刺激.12300:11:08,307 --> 00:11:10,537Did you see that?你看到了吗?12400:11:12,811 --> 00:11:14,779Uh-oh.This ain't going to be good.哦,不,这个过于刺激了.12500:11:17,616 --> 00:11:20,585Ha-ha! Boy, this was the best day ever!哈哈,哥们,这是最好玩的一天了!12600:11:20,719 --> 00:11:24,018And my favorite souvenir,this new dent.还有我最喜欢的纪念品,这个新的凹痕. 12700:11:24,156 --> 00:11:27,717- Boy, Mater, today was ah...- Shoot, that was nothing.- 板牙,今天真的是...- 这个不算什么了~12800:11:27,860 --> 00:11:30,021Wait till you seewhat I got planned for tonight!等你看到我晚上给你准备了什么你就知道了.12900:11:30,162 --> 00:11:34,496Mater, Mater, whoa!I was thinking of just a quiet dinner.板牙,板牙,别,我只打算吃一餐安静的晚饭而已.13000:11:34,600 --> 00:11:37,933That's exactly what I was thinkin'.和我想的一样啊!13100:11:38,037 --> 00:11:41,404- No, I meant with Sally, Mater.- Even better!- 不,我的意思是和莎莉一起.- 那更好啊!13200:11:41,540 --> 00:11:44,907You, me and Miss Sallygoin' out for supper.我们三个人一起吃晚餐.13300:11:45,010 --> 00:11:47,205 Mater, I meant it would bejust me and Sally.板牙,我的意思是,只有我和莎莉...13400:11:48,180 --> 00:11:51,513- Oh.- You know, just for tonight.- 哦.- 放心吧,就是今晚而已.13500:11:52,251 --> 00:11:54,583- Oh...- We'll do whatever you want tomorrow. - 哦...- 明天,明天都听你的.13600:11:55,454 --> 00:11:56,614OK.好吧.13700:11:56,755 --> 00:11:59,155- Thanks for understanding.- Yeah, sure.- 谢谢你理解.- 啊,没问题.13800:12:00,259 --> 00:12:03,228- Y'all go on and have fun now.- All right, then.- 去吧,玩得开心点- 好吧,我走了.13900:12:03,362 --> 00:12:05,455See you soon, amigo.回见,朋友.14000:12:11,470 --> 00:12:13,529Ah, this is so nice.啊,这真是太棒了.14100:12:13,639 --> 00:12:16,574I can't tell you how good it isto be here alone,我形容不出来这样有多么美好14200:12:16,675 --> 00:12:18,472just the two of us, finally.终于只有我们两个单独相处的时间了14300:12:18,610 --> 00:12:21,010- You and me.Ahem! Good evening.- 你和我.啊,晚上好.14400:12:21,113 --> 00:12:22,978 - Oh!- My name is Mater,- 哦!- 我的名字是板牙,14500:12:23,082 --> 00:12:24,572 and I'll be your waiter.我是你们今晚的服务生.14600:12:24,683 --> 00:12:27,345 Mater the waiter.That's funny right there.服务生板牙这么念起来真有趣14700:12:27,453 --> 00:12:29,444 Mater? You work here?板牙?你在这上班么?14800:12:29,588 --> 00:12:31,419Yeah, I work here. What'd you think?是啊,我在这里工作,要不然呢?14900:12:31,523 --> 00:12:33,252I snuck in herewhen nobody was lookin'我偷偷的混进来15000:12:33,392 --> 00:12:35,986and pretended to be your waiterso I could hang out with you?然后假装做你的服务员,就为了和你一起玩么?15100:12:36,095 --> 00:12:39,861Oh, yeah.How ridiculous would that be?好吧,是的.那多荒唐啊.15200:12:39,998 --> 00:12:43,161Can I start you two lovebirds offwith a couple of drinks?那么请问这对甜蜜的小鸟,想喝点什么?15300:12:43,268 --> 00:12:47,398- Yes. I'll have my usual.- You know what? I'll have that, too.- 麻烦你,和往常一样- 我想想,给我也来一杯一样的.15400:12:49,041 --> 00:12:51,373Uh... Right. Your usual.哦...好吧...和往常一样的..15500:12:59,685 --> 00:13:01,585<i>- Thanks, man.- Grazie, Guido.</i><i>- 谢了.- 谢了,轨道.</i>15600:13:01,687 --> 00:13:03,245Guido, what's McQueen's usual?轨道,麦昆常喝的是什么?15700:13:03,355 --> 00:13:04,515How should I know?我怎么知道?15800:13:04,656 --> 00:13:07,648- Perfect. Give me two of them.- Quiet! My program's on.- 太好了,给我来两杯.- 别说话,我等的节目开始了15900:13:07,759 --> 00:13:10,023<i>Tonight on the Mel Dorado Show...</i> <i>今晚的梅尔.唐纳秀将带给大家</i>16000:13:10,129 --> 00:13:11,892<i>His story gripped the world.</i><i>他的故事改变了世界.</i>16100:13:12,030 --> 00:13:14,396<i>Oil billionaire Miles Axlerod,</i><i>石油富豪迈尔斯.埃克斯罗德</i>16200:13:14,500 --> 00:13:16,397<i>in an attempt to become the first car tocircumnavigate the globe without GPS,</i><i>在他尝试成为第一辆不用GPS导航环游地球的车的途中,</i>16300:13:16,432 --> 00:13:18,295<i>in an attempt to become the first car tocircumnavigate the globe without GPS,</i><i>在他尝试成为第一辆不用GPS导航环游地球的车的途中,</i>16400:13:18,436 --> 00:13:21,701<i>ironically ran out of gas,and found himself trapped in the wild.</i><i>具有讽刺的是没有汽油了,困在野外</i>16500:13:21,839 --> 00:13:24,603<i>Feared dead, he emerged 36 days later,</i><i>但是他克服了死亡,成功在36天后脱困</i>16600:13:24,709 --> 00:13:28,338<i>running on a fuel he distilled himselffrom the natural elements!</i><i>凭借的是他从自然界提取出来的一种新燃料!</i>16700:13:28,479 --> 00:13:30,504<i>Since then, he's sold his oil fortune,</i><i>从那之后他就变卖了他所有的石油资产,</i>16800:13:30,648 --> 00:13:33,481<i>converted himself from a gas-guzzlerinto an electric car</i><i>并把自己改装成一辆太阳能汽车</i>16900:13:33,584 --> 00:13:36,747<i>and has devoted his life to findinga renewable, clean-burning fuel.</i><i>并且投身于研发一种新型的环保的可再生燃料.</i>17000:13:36,888 --> 00:13:38,879<i>Now he claims to have done itwith his allinol.</i><i>现在他宣布他的最新成果-奥利诺.</i>17100:13:38,990 --> 00:13:40,487<i>And to show the worldwhat his new super fuel can do</i><i>为了向世界展示他的新成果的威力</i>17200:13:40,522 --> 00:13:41,984<i>And to show the worldwhat his new super fuel can do</i><i>为了向世界展示他的新成果的威力</i>17300:13:42,092 --> 00:13:44,322<i>he's created a racing competitionlike no other,</i><i>他创办了这独一无二的赛车比赛,</i>17400:13:44,461 --> 00:13:46,326<i>inviting the greatest champions</i><i>邀请各位最伟大的冠军车参加</i>17500:13:46,463 --> 00:13:48,454<i>to battle in the first everWorld Grand Prix.</i><i>第一届世界冠军巡回赛.</i>17600:13:48,565 --> 00:13:50,692 Welcome, Sir Miles Axlerod.让我们欢迎,迈尔斯,埃克斯罗德爵士17700:13:51,201 --> 00:13:52,498Thank you, Mel. It is good to be here. Listen to me.谢谢你,梅尔,很高兴能来到这里听我说17800:13:52,533 --> 00:13:53,796Thank you, Mel. It is good to be here.Listen to me.谢谢你,梅尔,很高兴能来到这里听我说17900:13:54,070 --> 00:13:57,096Big oil. It costs a fortune.Pollution is getting worse.石油产业,不但昂贵,也导致了污染加剧18000:13:57,207 --> 00:14:00,665I mean, it's a fossil fuel."Fossil," as in dead dinosaurs.想想看,化石燃料,化石说白了就是死掉的恐龙18100:14:02,044 --> 00:14:03,511And we all knowwhat happened to them.我们都知道恐龙的下场是什么吧18200:14:03,612 --> 00:14:06,342 Alternative energy is the future.Trust me, Mel.替代能源才是未来王道相信我,梅尔18300:14:06,482 --> 00:14:09,383After seeing allinol in actionat the World Grand Prix,当大家在比赛中看到奥利诺的性能之后,18400:14:09,518 --> 00:14:13,249<i>nobody will ever go backto gasoline again.</i><i>就没有人会需要汽油了.</i>18500:14:13,356 --> 00:14:14,323What happened to the dinosaurs, now?恐龙的下场是什么?18600:14:15,723 --> 00:14:17,247And on satellite,a World Grand Prix competitor现在我们为大家连线了比赛选手之一18700:14:17,358 --> 00:14:20,521and one of the fastest cars in the world, Francesco Bernoulli.世界上最快的赛车之一,弗朗西斯科.伯努利.18800:14:20,628 --> 00:14:24,086<i>It is an honor, Signore Dorado,for you.</i><i>多谢夸奖,我很荣幸.</i>18900:14:24,198 --> 00:14:25,893Why not invite Lightning McQueen?为什么不请闪电麦昆参赛?19000:14:26,034 --> 00:14:27,524<i>Of course we invited him,</i><i>我们当然邀请了他,</i>19100:14:27,635 --> 00:14:30,035but apparently after his very long racing season不过显然经过漫长的赛季之后19200:14:30,138 --> 00:14:32,129he is taking time off to rest.他需要时间休息19300:14:32,240 --> 00:14:35,676The Lightning McQueen would not have a chance against Francesco.闪电麦昆根本不是我的对手19400:14:35,777 --> 00:14:38,905I can go over 300 kilometers an hour. 我的时速能达到300公里19500:14:39,047 --> 00:14:43,882In miles, that is like...way faster than McQueen.换算成英里就是...总之比麦昆快得多就多了19600:14:44,018 --> 00:14:46,919Let's go to the phones.Baltimore, Maryland, you're on the air. 让我们接进来一些观众来电马里兰州巴尔的摩的观众来电19700:14:47,055 --> 00:14:49,285<i>- Am I on? Hello?- You're on. Go ahead.</i><i>- 听得到吗?我接通了吗?- 是的,请说吧.</i>19800:14:49,390 --> 00:14:50,687<i>- Hello?- Go ahead.</i><i>- 喂?- 请说.</i>19900:14:51,926 --> 00:14:54,360 Let's go to Radiator Springs.You're on, caller.这次是散热弹簧市的来电这位观众听得到吗.20000:14:54,462 --> 00:14:57,192<i>That Italian felleryou got on there</i><i>听着,电视上的意大利佬</i>20100:14:57,298 --> 00:14:58,193<i>can't talk that way about Lightning McQueen.</i><i>你不能那样说闪电麦昆</i>20200:14:58,228 --> 00:14:59,089<i>Can't talk that way aboutLightning McQueen.</i><i>你不能那样说闪电麦昆.</i>20300:14:59,199 --> 00:15:02,396 He's the bestest race carin the whole wide world.他是世界上最棒的赛车20400:15:02,536 --> 00:15:05,300 <i>- Uh-oh.- If he is, how you say,</i><i>- 哦,才怪- 如果他像你说的一样,</i>20500:15:05,406 --> 00:15:08,307 "the bestest race car,"then why must he rest? Huh? "世界上最棒的赛车,"那他为什么还需要休息,哈?20600:15:08,409 --> 00:15:09,933<i>'Cause he knowswhat's important.</i><i>'那是因为他知道什么是最重要的事情.</i>20700:15:10,077 --> 00:15:13,638<i>Every now and then he prefersjust to slow down, enjoy life.</i><i>他懂得慢下来,享受生活的乐趣.</i>20800:15:13,781 --> 00:15:16,807Oh! You heard it!Lightning McQueen prefers to be slow!听到了吗,闪电麦昆喜欢慢下来20900:15:16,950 --> 00:15:18,645This is not news to Francesco.这对弗朗西斯科可不是什么新闻21000:15:18,786 --> 00:15:21,050When I want to go to sleep,I watch one of his races.我想睡觉的时候总是看麦昆的比赛录像21100:15:21,188 --> 00:15:22,746<i>After two laps, I am out cold.</i><i>不到两圈我就一定睡的和猪一样了.</i>21200:15:22,856 --> 00:15:25,051That ain't what I meant.我不是那个意思21300:15:26,627 --> 00:15:28,356 McQUEEN: What's going onover there?那边发生什么事了21400:15:28,462 --> 00:15:31,056<i>He is afraid of Francesco.</i><i>他一定是怕了我弗朗西斯科.</i>21500:15:31,165 --> 00:15:33,429。

福特福特T型车的辉煌 T型车让1908年成为历史性的一年。

福特销售考试试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 福特汽车的创始人是谁?A. 亨利·福特B. 卡尔·本茨C. 亨利·福特二世D. 埃隆·马斯克答案:A2. 福特汽车公司是哪一年成立的?A. 1901年B. 1903年C. 1908年D. 1916年答案:B3. 福特汽车公司总部位于哪个国家?A. 美国B. 德国C. 日本D. 中国答案:A4. 福特汽车公司的标志是什么形状?A. 三角形B. 圆形C. 椭圆形D. 正方形答案:C5. 福特汽车公司最知名的车型是?A. 福特F-150B. 丰田卡罗拉C. 雪佛兰科尔维特D. 本田思域答案:A6. 福特汽车公司在中国市场推出的第一款SUV是什么?A. 福特翼虎B. 福特翼搏C. 福特探险者D. 福特锐界答案:A7. 福特汽车公司在环保方面的主要贡献是什么?A. 电动汽车研发B. 混合动力汽车研发C. 柴油车研发D. 氢燃料电池汽车研发答案:B8. 福特汽车公司在2019年推出的一款电动汽车是什么?A. 福特Mustang Mach-EB. 特斯拉Model SC. 雪佛兰BoltD. 奥迪e-tron答案:A9. 福特汽车公司在2020年的全球销量是多少?A. 500万辆B. 600万辆C. 700万辆D. 800万辆答案:C10. 福特汽车公司在2021年推出的一款新车型是什么?A. 福特BroncoB. 福特RangerC. 福特EdgeD. 福特Focus答案:A二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)1. 福特汽车公司在以下哪些领域有显著成就?A. 汽车制造B. 航空航天C. 汽车设计D. 汽车销售答案:ACD2. 福特汽车公司在以下哪些方面进行了创新?A. 发动机技术B. 车载娱乐系统C. 安全性能D. 内饰设计答案:ABCD3. 福特汽车公司在以下哪些市场有销售?A. 北美市场B. 欧洲市场C. 亚洲市场D. 非洲市场答案:ABC4. 福特汽车公司在以下哪些车型上使用了涡轮增压技术?A. 福特福克斯B. 福特蒙迪欧C. 福特野马D. 福特探险者答案:ABCD5. 福特汽车公司在以下哪些方面进行了环保措施?A. 减少碳排放B. 使用可再生能源C. 回收利用材料D. 减少噪音污染答案:ABC三、判断题(每题2分,共10分)1. 福特汽车公司是全球最大的汽车制造商之一。

【管理故事 1】亨利·福特和他的汽车流水线亨利·福特是美国密歇根州一户农场主的儿子。
他所设计的 T型车特别简单,特别朴实,没有任何一件从机械性能上说不用要的零件,没有任何一点为舒坦而设计的附带装置,但却非常结实,特别简单维修,一般一般人都能够自己着手维修,有记者议论说,福特的 T型车是彻头彻底的农民车,全身象农民相同,只有骨头和肌肉,没有一点脂肪赘肉。
作为诞辰礼品,他在 13 岁时获取了一只腕表,他所做的第一件事就是把它完整打开,而后再自行所有从头安装;今后他就迷上了钟表,谁的表坏了他都愿意修,成为一个很优秀的钟表维修工。
他十几岁时曾给他父亲设计过一种简单的开门装置,使他父亲不用跳下马车就能够翻开农场的大门,也是在 13 岁那年,他第一次看见了一台蒸气机引擎,他急不行待地跳下他的马车去与操作引擎的工程师交谈。
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人们 漫 长 等 待 中 呈 现 的 高 性 能 舱 Flt o s 胎 。 i o Sp r 轮 t 令 人 叫 绝 的 是 换 档 捏 手 旁 的 绿 色 佳 状 态 。 仅 管 当 转 速 超 过 背车 。 RS保 留 了 F c s 统 的 悬 架 起 动按 扭 , 按 下 它 , 发 动 机 随 即 6 0 / n 寸, 安 装 在 仪 表 板 上 ou传 00 rmi 日 从 性 能 上 来 说 F ocU RS 型 式 , 但 是 除 此 之 外 所 有 的 一 切 发 出 怒 吼 和 欢 畅 的 空 转 声 响 。 S 的警示灯就 会闪烁,而该发动机 ( al o t 比S 0 ̄ ' 。 都 有 所 改 变 : 车 辆 外 倾 一 . , R l Sp r) y T1 7 E多 15 在 从停 车 场 出发 驶 上 环 行 公 的 转 速 仍 可 达 到 67 rm i 最 50 / n的
1 月展 出后 近两 年 的时 间 才将 这 合 器 在 扭 矩 分配 装 置 的 调 节 下 传 AI n ar 椅 的 外 形 和 手 感 较 也 在 1 .5 S 内 完 成 。 在 0 ca t a座 5 款 车 付 诸 量 产 一 比原 定 推 出 的 至 四 个 车 轮 。 此 外 , F c s R o u S还 好 . 值 得 赞 赏 的还 有 显 示 涡轮 增 3 OO O Or i的 转 速 范 围 内 . O ~6 O / n m 时 间整 整 晚 了 1 个 月 ,是 一 款 在 采 用 特 别 为 这 款 车 开 发 的米 其林 压 发 动 机 工 沉 的 增 压 仪 表 。 而 最 该 车 发 动 机 的 各 项 性 能 均 达 到 最 2
量 高 车 速 燃 油 经 济 性 市 区 郊区 综合
2 0 m/ 3k h 1 L1 0 m 42 /0 k 77 /0 k _L1 0 m 1 .L1 0 m 01 /0 k
1 0月 , 率 高 达 1 功 58k 的 3 0 / iS 速 下 产 生 3 8Nm 的 步 。 1 W 50 rm n t  ̄ 0 寸 oZ合 金 车 轮 , 前 后 后 。 这 种 在 3 加 速 的 体 验 真 是 8英 档 F c s R 将 全 面上 市 ,标 价 还 未 最 大 扭 矩 。对 于 一 款 前 轮 驱 动 车 轮 分 别 装 备 3 5mm与28 mm直 可 遇 而 不 可 求 。 o u S 2 0
该 车 搭 载 了排 气 量 为 1 8 9 8mL的 高 度 降 低 了25 mm.减 振 器 调 校 路 的 过 程 中 . 我 迅 速 地 从 2档 切 大 限 制 值 。 Garet 轮 增 压 发 动 机 : 其 在 得 比20 r 涡 .L的标 准 型 F c s 5 o u 硬 O%。 入 3 , 转 速 表 上 的 指 示 随 后 迅 档 在 直 线 行 驶 中 ,F c s R o u S敏 5 00 / n的 转 速 下 足 可 以 产 生 RS和W R 5 rmi C福 特 车 队 著 名 车 手 麦 速 的提 升 。 同 日 增 压 表 的 指 针 捷 轻 快 。 不 过 在 这 种 情沉 下 并 不 寸, 15 8 kW 的 功 率 , 以 及 在 克 雷 的 拉 力 赛 车 保 持 技 术 上 的 同 也 立 刻 高 高 弹 起 ,没 有片 刻 的 滞 能 充 分展 现 该 车 的 全 部 潜 在 的 卓