

高中英语必修第二册Unit 2 Let’s celebrate知识点梳理

高中英语必修第二册Unit 2 Let’s celebrate知识点梳理

高中英语必修第二册Unit 2 Let’s celebrate知识点梳理重点单词第一组1. keen .adj.热切的;渴望的;着迷的;敏锐的.be keen on… 喜欢;对….有兴趣;渴望;热衷于….be keen on(doing)sth. 喜欢/热衷于(做)某事keen competition. 激烈竞争a keen interest. 强烈的兴趣be keen to do sth. (=be eager to do sth.). 渴望/热衷于做某事be keen that... 渴望······have a keen eye for…. 对······有敏锐的眼光拓展:“渴望”表达法:be dying for sth.be eager/anxious to do sth.be eager/anxious for sth.long/desire to do sth.long/desire for sth.2.eat out. 外出吃饭;去餐馆吃eat out with….. 和······外出吃饭eat in. 在家里吃eat right. 饮食得当eat healthily. 吃得健康3.admit .v.(不情愿地)承认;容许;接纳→admission n.承认;允许进入;入场费admit doing/having done sth. wrong. 承认做错了事admit to (doing)sth. 承认(做)某事admit that... 承认…..admit(to sb.)that... (向某人)承认….admit...to be+adj./n. 承认…是…..be admitted as... 作为….被接纳admit sb.to/into college=sb. be admitted to/into college. 录取某人上大学make an admission that... 承认/招认….gain admission to 获准进入free admission to/into 免费进入apply for admission to/into... 申请进入….admission fees/charges. 入场费-The two boys admitted that they didn’t gain admission to this building.-这两个男孩承认他们没有获准进入这栋楼。



人教版高中英语必修二第二单元课文Unit 2 The Olympic GamesReadingⅠ. Fast reading1. The passage mainly discusses how the modern Olympic Games were revived and developed.2. The passage is organized in chronological order.3. The Olympic Games were originally held in Ancient Greece every four years.4. The Olympic Games were abolished in AD 393 because of a lack of participants and the influence of Christianity.5. The modern Olympic Games were revived by Pierre de Coubertin in 1894.Ⅱ. Careful reading1. The modern Olympic Games were inspired by the Ancient Olympic Games held in Greece in the 8th century BC.2. The Ancient Olympic Games aimed to bring people together in peace, honor the gods, and display the strength and skill of the participants.3. The Ancient Olympic Games were held in Olympia, a small rural town in the western Peloponnese.4. The Ancient Olympic Games lasted for five days, and the participants were only male athletes.5. Pierre de Coubertin proposed the revival of the Olympic Games to promote peace, international friendship, and physical education.6. The first modern Olympic Games were held in Athens, Greece, in 1896.7. The number of participants has greatly increased since the revival of the Olympic Games, and more countries have participated.8. The Olympic Games have faced challenges, such as the interruption caused by World War I and World War II, the professionalization of athletes, and the occurrence of political conflicts.9. The Olympic Charter sets out the philosophy, principles, and rules of the Olympic Movement.10. The Olympic Torch Relay is a symbol of peace, unity, and friendship among different nations.Ⅲ. Further understanding1. The Ancient Olympic Games were highly regarded by the Greekpeople and considered a sacred event dedicated to the gods.2. The Modern Olympic Games focus on promoting peace, international understanding, and physical education through sports.3. The Olympic Games have evolved to include various sports and events, with athletes competing from all over the world.4. The Olympic Games have become a global event that encourages fair play, cultural exchange, and unity among nations.5. The Olympic Games have faced challenges in the past, but they have managed to overcome them and continue to flourish.6. The Olympic Games have had a significant impact on society, promoting the values of teamwork, dedication, and sportsmanship.7. The Olympic Games have brought people from different countries and cultures together, fostering mutual respect and understanding.8. The Olympic Games have also been criticized for their commercialization and the excessive focus on winning medals.9. The Olympic Games serve as a platform for athletes to showcase their talents, inspire others, and create memorable moments.10. The Olympic Games have a long and rich history, and their importance in promoting peace and unity should not be underestimated.Note: The content provided above is a brief summary of the main points in the reading passage. This is not an exhaustive list. Students are encouraged to read the original text for a comprehensive understanding of the topic.。



高一英语必修二unit2知识点总结高一英语必修二Unit 2 知识点总结Unit 2主要涵盖了有关世界文化遗产的话题。


以下是本单元的重点内容总结:1. 了解文化遗产(Understanding cultural heritage)- 文化遗产是指由过去文明所留下来的具有历史、艺术和社会意义的物质和无形的遗产。

- 文化遗产可以是建筑物、古迹、艺术品、传统技艺、习俗和传统节日等等。

2. 介绍著名的文化遗产(Introducing famous cultural heritage)- 了解著名文化遗产的历史背景和重要性,如埃及金字塔、泰姬陵、中国长城等。

- 学习描述文化遗产的词汇和短语,如古老的、壮丽的、独特的等。

3. 学习被动语态(Passive Voice)- 被动语态用于强调动作的接受者,或者说不知道动作的执行者是谁。

- 被动语态的构成:be+过去分词,根据时态和语态的要求进行相应的变换。

4. 阅读技巧(Reading Skills)- 学习如何通过阅读理解文章中的关键信息。

- 注意上下文和词汇的联系,利用上下文猜测词义。

5. 语法重点(Grammar Focus)- 学习并掌握几种非谓语动词形式的用法,如动名词、不定式和分词。

- 注意非谓语动词在句子中的作用和与其他成分的搭配。

6. 扩展阅读(Extensive Reading)- 阅读有关世界文化遗产的文章,拓宽对于世界各地文化的了解。

- 提高阅读理解技巧,增加词汇量。

7. 写作技巧(Writing Skills)- 学习如何写一篇关于世界文化遗产的文章,介绍其历史和重要性。

- 注意文章的结构,包括引言、主体和结论,并适当使用连接词使文章连贯。

以上是关于高一英语必修二Unit 2的知识点的总结。




高中语文必修2第二单元知识点《诗经》二首《离骚》《孔雀东南飞》《诗三首》【知识梳理】1.基础盘点(1) 通假字:匪来贸丝,来即我谋。



(通“畔”)岂不日戒?玁狁孔棘! (通“急”)曰归曰归,岁亦莫止。





(通“罹”,遭受) 终老不复取(通“娶”)槌床便大怒(通“捶”,敲打)箱帘六七十(“帘”通“奁”,盛物之器)蒲苇纫如丝(通“韧”,柔软而结实)府吏见丁宁(“叮咛”,嘱咐)虽与府吏要(通“邀”)摧藏马悲哀(同“脏”,脏腑)(2) 古今异义高余冠之岌岌兮,长余佩之陆离(修长的样子/形容色彩繁杂)便可白公姥(告诉/常指一种颜色)共事二三年(一起生活/一起工作)可怜体无比(可爱/值得怜悯)汝岂得自由(自作主张/不受拘束)槌床便大怒(坐具/睡觉的地方)以此下心意(忍耐受委屈/下定主意)本自无教训(教养/训斥或从错误得到认识)自可断来信(使者,指媒人/书信)处分适兄意(处理、处置/对有错之人作出处罚决定)蹑履相逢迎 (迎接/常指奉承、拍马)汝是大家子(大户人家/我们)奄奄黄昏后(暗沉沉的;形容气息微弱)叶叶相交通(交错相通/为运输、邮电事业的总称)(3)词义:修姱:修洁而美好。





再拜还入户(第二次/下一次) 民心:人心。





高一历史人教版必修二第二单元 资本主义世界市场的形成和发展 知识梳理

高一历史人教版必修二第二单元 资本主义世界市场的形成和发展 知识梳理

一、新航路的开辟1. 了解开辟新航路的史实(结合课本新航路开辟图记忆)2. 认识新航路开辟的影响(1) 新航路的开辟,逐渐结束了各地相互孤立的状态,世界日益连成了一个整体。

(2) 以西欧为中心的世界市场的雏形开始出现。

(3) 西欧出现了商业革命,世界贸易中心由地中海沿岸转移到大西洋沿岸。

(4) 资本主义大规模的原始积累,加速西欧封建制度解体,促进资本主义发展。

二、西欧列强的殖民扩张1. 了解荷兰、英国抢夺殖民地和建立海外商品市场的史实(1) “海上马车夫”——荷兰:17世纪时,荷兰率先成为资本主义国家,成立东印度公司等垄断性贸易公司2. 理解资本主义世界市场形成与建立的主要途径(1) 资本主义世界市场形成的主要途径是殖民扩张与掠夺(抢劫、屠杀印第安人、贩卖黑奴)。

(2) 早期殖民扩张的影响对欧洲——为资本主义的发展提供了资本的原始积累,促进了欧洲资本主义的发展。



三、两次工业革命1. 理解工业革命发生的主要条件(1) 政治:资本主义制度进一步发展(1689年英国君主立宪制度的确立)。

——前提(2) 市场:海外殖民使英国成为“日不落帝国”,为资本主义提供了广阔的海外市场,是工业革命的根本推动力。

(3) 劳动力:圈地运动的开展,提供了大量自由劳动力。

(4) 技术:手工工场时代的技术积累,但仍不能满足市场的需要。

2. 了解两次工业革命中的主要发明(2) 第二次工业革命的主要发明——科学成果应用到生产领域(最显著特征),推动生产力提高。





内燃机的创制和使用:汽车(1885年)和飞机(1903年美国莱特兄弟) ——推动了新能源(石油)的利用。



2023-2024学年语文版高中语文单元测试班级 __________ 姓名 __________ 考号 __________一、填空题(本大题共计1小题每题3分共计3分)1.(1)昨日邻家乞新火晓窗分与读书灯 ________1.(2)千门开锁万灯明正月中旬动帝京 ________1.(3)遥知兄弟登高处遍插茱萸少一人 ________1.(4)平分秋色一轮满长伴云衢千里明 ________【答案】清明(寒食)节【解析】“新火”唐宋习俗清明前一日禁火寒食称为“新火”【答案】元宵节【解析】由句中“万灯明”、“正月中旬”可知是元宵节(农历正月十五)【答案】重阳节【解析】这是王维《九月九日忆山东兄弟》中的诗句由“登高”【答案】中秋节【解析】“一轮满”“千里明”指的月明“平分秋色”正好是中秋二、默写题(本大题共计6小题每题15分共计90分)2.(1)《子路、曾皙、冉有、公西华侍坐》中曾皙的理想社会是在“_______________ _______________”情况下成年人带几个孩子自由自在的生活在和谐的社会里2.(2)《子路、曾皙、冉有、公西华侍坐》中孔子引导曾皙不要有所顾虑可以畅所欲言地说出自己的理想因为每个人只是说说各人的志向的句子是“_______________?_______________!”2.(3)《子路、曾皙、冉有、公西华侍坐》中孔子最赞同曾皙的回答从“_______________ ‘_______________!’”中可以看出【答案】(1)莫春者, 春服既成【解析】(1)根据“曾皙的理想社会是在……情况下成年人带几个孩子自由自在的生活在和谐的社会里”可推知答案注意“既”的书写【答案】(2)何伤乎, 亦各言其志也【解析】(2)根据“孔子引导曾皙不要有所顾虑可以畅所欲言地说出自己的理想因为每个人只是说说各人的志向”可推知答案注意“伤”的书写【答案】(3)夫子喟然叹曰, 吾与点也【解析】(3)根据“孔子最赞同曾皙的回答”可推知答案注意“喟”的书写3.(1)苏轼《赤壁赋》中描写江面美景和王勃《滕王阁序》“秋水共长天一色”有异曲同工之妙的两句是“_______________ _______________”3.(2)李贺《李凭箜篌引》中“_______________”一句以声写声表现出乐声的变化“_______________”一句以形写声渲染了乐声的美妙动听3.(3)岑参的《白雪歌送武判官归京》气势磅礴、瑰丽浪漫“______________________________”两句动静结合、红白相映画面鲜明生动【答案】(1)白露横江, 水光接天【解析】(1)由“描写江面美景和王勃《滕王阁序》‘秋水共长天一色’有异曲同工之妙”可推知答案注意“露”的正确书写【答案】(2)昆山玉碎凤凰叫, 芙蓉泣露香兰笑【解析】(2)由“以声写声表现出乐声的变化”“以形写声渲染了乐声的美妙动听”可推知答案注意“凤凰”“蓉”的正确书写【答案】(3)纷纷暮雪下辕门, 风掣红旗冻不翻【解析】(3)由“动静结合、红白相映画面鲜明生动”可推知答案注意“辕”“掣”的正确书写4.(1)《蜀道难》一诗中“________ ________”一句运用夸张的手法表示自古以来秦蜀之间少有往来4.(2)《蜀道难》中用夸张的手法写蜀道高与天齐险似绝壁的句子是“________________ ”4.(3)李白在《蜀道难》一诗中绘声绘色地刻画出行人艰难的步履、惶恐的神情的句子是“________ ________ ”【答案】(1)尔来四万八千岁, 不与秦塞通人烟【解析】(1)尔来四万八千岁不与秦塞通人烟【答案】(2)连峰去天不盈尺, 枯松倒挂倚绝壁【解析】(2)连峰去天不盈尺枯松倒挂倚绝壁【答案】(3)扪参历井仰胁息, 以手抚膺坐长叹【解析】(3)扪参历井仰胁息以手抚膺坐长叹5.(1)_______________ 草色入帘青(刘禹锡《陋室铭》)5.(2)_______________ 往来无白丁(刘禹锡《陋室铭》)5.(3)_______________ 一览众山小(杜甫《望岳》)5.(4)不畏浮云遮望眼 _______________ (_______________《登飞来峰》)5.(5)_______________ 柳暗花明又一村(陆游《游山西村》)5.(6)落红不是无情物 _______________ (龚自珍《_______________》)5.(7)仕途不顺的陈子昂登上燕昭王为招揽天下贤士所建的幽州台时看茫茫人海前不见古人后不见来者发出了“_______________ _______________”的感叹【答案】(1)苔痕上阶绿【解析】(1)注意“阶”的书写【答案】(2)谈笑有鸿儒【解析】(2)注意“儒”的书写【答案】(3)会当凌绝顶【解析】(3)注意“凌”的书写【答案】(4)自缘身在最高层, 王安石【解析】(3)注意“缘”的书写【答案】(5)山重水复疑无路【解析】(5)注意“疑”的书写【答案】(6)化作春泥更护花, 己亥杂诗【解析】(6)注意“作”的书写【答案】(7)念天地之悠悠, 独怆然而涕下【解析】(7)根据“仕途不顺的陈子昂登上燕昭王为招揽天下贤士所建的幽州台”“前不见古人后不见来者”“感叹”可推知答案注意“怆”的书写6.(1)《阁夜》中形成鲜明对比反映人民的深重灾难显示地方风情的诗句是_______________ _______________6.(2)李白的《梦游天姥吟留别》中卒章显志体现全诗主旨的句子是_______________ _______________6.(3)杜牧在《阿房宫赋》结尾向当朝统治者敲响警钟的句子是 ______________________________【答案】(1)野哭千家闻战伐, 夷歌数处起渔樵【解析】(1)根据“形成鲜明对比反映人民的深重灾难显示地方风情的诗句”可推知答案注意“樵”的正确书写【答案】(2)安能摧眉折腰事权贵, 使我不得开心颜【解析】(2)注意“卒章显志体现全诗主旨的句子”可推知答案注意“摧”的正确书写【答案】(3)后人哀之而不鉴之, 亦使后人而复哀后人也【解析】(3)根据“向当朝统治者敲响警钟的句子”可推知答案注意“鉴”的正确书写7.(1)王湾《次北固山下》中的“_______________ _______________”蕴含着时序变迁的自然规律和新旧交替的生活哲理给人以乐观向上的艺术鼓舞力量7.(2)李白在《闻王昌龄左迁龙标遥有此寄》中把明月人格化表达对友人的关切和思念的诗句是 _______________ _______________7.(3)《(论语》十二章》中阐释学习与思辨二者辩证关系的句子是 _______________ _______________7.(4)《峨眉山月歌》中明写月映满江的美景暗写秋夜行船之事的句子是_______________ _______________【答案】(1)海日生残夜, 江春入旧年【解析】(1)根据“蕴含着时序变迁的自然规律和新旧交替的生活哲理给人以乐观向上的艺术鼓舞力量”可推知答案注意“残”的正确书写【答案】(2)我寄愁心与明月, 随君直到夜郎西【解析】(2)根据“把明月人格化表达对友人的关切和思念的诗句”可推知答案注意“寄”的正确书写【答案】(3)学而不思则罔, 思而不学则殆【解析】(3)根据“阐释学习与思辨二者辩证关系的句子”可推知答案注意“罔”的正确书写【答案】(4)峨眉山月半轮秋, 影入平羌江水流【解析】(4)根据“明写月映满江的美景暗写秋夜行船之事的句子”可推知答案注意“羌”的正确书写三、古诗词鉴赏(本大题共计2小题每题15分共计30分)8.(1)下列对这首诗的理解和赏析不恰当的一项是()8.(2)“山色远寂寞江光夕滋漫”描绘了一幅怎样的画面?8.(3)请指出全诗表达了诗人哪些情感A. “溪行衣自湿”一句侧面描写路上雾气之浓重“亭午气始散”表明雾气持续时间很长直到正午才散B. 诗人冬季出行蚊蚋在飞舞岸边的野鸭被诗人的到来惊扰乱入河中一路行来层云密布山路崎岖C. 在观览通泉山水的途中随着时间的推移和空间的转换诗人所见景色呈现不同面貌情感也产生了变化D. 诗人借用孔子、王粲的典故寄托深沉情感运用“登顿”“绮丽”等词使诗歌音韵铿锵全诗体现了“沉郁顿挫”的风格【答案】B【解析】(1)B项“冬季出行蚊蚋在飞舞岸边的野鸭被诗人的到来惊扰乱入河中”有误原文“人远凫鸭乱” 是说人离得还远野鸭已经纷乱但并未指出是“岸边的野鸭” 也并未描写“乱入河中”的景象【答案】(2)描绘了一幅山色苍茫空旷远寂夕照增辉江水满溢的寥廓壮美的画面【解析】(2)先用自己的语言描绘诗句画面再总结画面特点如“山色远寂寞”一句“山色远” 可见眺望苍茫旷远令诗人顿生空寂之感“江光夕滋漫”一句“江光”是江水在夕阳余晖中的反光“滋蔓”二字说明江水满溢带来水天浩渺之感因而山水在此处都显出空旷辽远、辽阔壮美之感【答案】(3)观览通泉山水的愉悦生不逢时的苦闷飘零他乡的哀痛对国家命运的忧虑【解析】(3)诗歌前十二句写山行所见美景有“绮丽”“壮观”“寂寞”“滋漫”等词展现出诗人观赏美景的喜悦之情而后四句着重抒发诗人情感应仔细品读“伤时愧孔父” 指生不逢时为自己所学儒学不能经世致用而感到愧疚“去国同王粲” 用王粲避乱离开长安的典故来表达自己离开国都的飘零之苦“我生苦飘零所历有嗟叹” 此句不仅是感叹自己身世飘零“所历”二字包含了自己飘零之苦的根由即国家战乱不息不知何时才能平定的内涵表达出诗人对国家局势的担忧9.(1)下列对这首诗的理解和赏析不正确的一项是()9.(2)有人评论本诗尾联“总束全篇归结今情” 请结合诗句简要分析A. 本诗首联以问句发端语气强烈却问而不答对句用冷清画面坐实出句“凄凉”二字B. 本诗颔联将建业今昔对比从“江山大”到“社稷空” 表达了对亡国巨变的无限慨叹C. 本诗中“中”“风”“空”“匆”“翁”押韵朗朗上口富有节律也增添了作品的抒情色彩D. 本诗写得苍凉而悲壮展现了作者在南宋王朝灭亡后壮心不已、复兴旧朝的远大抱负【答案】D【解析】(1)D项“展现了作者在南宋王朝灭亡后壮心不已、复兴旧朝的远大抱负”表述错误本诗讲述了由于外族入侵造成建业城满眼“凄凉” 而君王又不能任用铮臣之事作者以嘲讽的口气表达了自己的坚守之意及失落之情【答案】(2)①尾联中的“乾坤颠倒”将前三联中建业的凄凉、龙蹲虎踞、马去牛来、千人诺诺、百岁匆匆等内容都涵盖在内收束了全篇极富概括力②时局“乾坤颠倒” 而有“孤舟”在诗人意欲垂钓江海以了残生表达了诗人对国破家亡的深切哀痛与无奈以及对心志的坚守【解析】(2)解答本题需紧扣尾联“总束全篇归结今情”的特点作答“总束全篇”主要从结构角度进行鉴赏和分析“归结今情”则需要落实到“今情”的具体内涵上来进行鉴赏和分析诗歌首联描写出建业如今满目凄凉的景色颔联通过“龙蹲虎踞”“马去牛来”交代建业满目凄凉的原因之一——外族入侵兵革之祸颈联中“千人惟诺诺”“百岁更匆匆”交代建业满目凄凉的另一原因即君王不能任用铮臣用人惟庸而尾联的“乾坤颠倒”则直接收束全篇对前三联进行概括总结诗歌尾联诗人写道时局动荡但还有一叶孤舟能让“我”漂荡江湖伴着渔翁了此残生国亡已不可挽回诗人只得本着庄子的精神隐遁渔樵扁舟一叶独钓江湖此虽为逃避但其气节及终身之憾恨却与天地共存表达了诗人孤寂坚守的决心以及经历亡国巨变之后内心的无奈与哀痛之情。



高中英语必修二第二单元重点、难点Unit Two The Olympic Games1、How many countries peted in the ancient Olympic Games?有多少国家参加古代奥运会?pete vt. 竞赛;竞争用法归纳:(1)pete in +运动项目Shall I pete in the 100 meters race? 我能参加100米比赛吗?More than 20,000 athletes peted in over 250 events in Beijing Olympic Games in 2008.2008年奥运会上两万多运动员参加了250多个项目的竞赛。

(2)pete against / with + 对手和…竞赛/竞争You can’t pete against him, he is a top player. 你不可能和他竞争,他是个顶级运动员。

Our firm is small, but we want to pete with big ones on even ground.我们公司不大,但我们想在同等条件下和大公司竞争。

(3)pete for + 目标争夺;夺取The two students peted with each other for the highest score. 两个学生为了夺取最高分互相竞争。

They came to pete for gold medals. 他们为夺金牌而来。

联想扩展:petition n. 竞争;比赛in petition with… 和…竞赛petitive adj. 有竞争力的petitor n. 竞争者petent adj. 胜任;称职petence n. 胜任;能力易混辨析:race , match , game , petition , contest 比赛race 指短跑比赛、接力赛等速度上的竞赛。








高中英语必修二第二单元单词1. achievement -成就,成绩2. attempt -尝试,企图3. attitude -态度,看法4. benefit -利益,好处5. challenge -挑战,难题6. commitment -承诺,致力7. confidence -信心,自信8. creativity -创造力,创新9. dedication -献身,投入10. determination -决心,果断11. effort -努力,付出12. enthusiasm -热情,热心13. goal -目标,进球14. initiative -主动性,倡议15. inspiration -启发,灵感16. leadership -领导,领导力17. motivation -动机,激励18. opportunity -机会,机遇19. patience -耐心,忍耐20. persistence -坚持,持续21. perspective -观点,看法22. potential -潜力,可能性23. practice -练习,实践24. preparation -准备,预备25. pressure -压力,压迫26. pride -骄傲,自豪27. progress -进步,进展28. qualities -质量优良的,品质29. respect -尊重,敬重30. responsibility -责任,职责31. self-improvement -自我提高,自我完善32. skill -技能,技巧33. spirit -精神,心态34. sportsmanship -体育精神,运动道德35. success -成功,胜利36. talent -天赋,才能37. team -球队,团队38. technique -技巧,技术39. training -训练,培养40. work ethic -工作道德,职业道德。



高三英语必修二unit2知识点高三英语必修二Unit 2 知识点回顾高中英语教材中的第二单元是学生们在高三阶段学习的一部分,本单元主要讲授了关于人与自然的话题。



1. 词汇掌握在这一单元中,学生们要学习和掌握一些与环境和自然相关的词汇。


2. 短语运用学生们也需要掌握一些与环保和保护自然相关的短语。

比如,protect the environment(保护环境),reduce pollution(减少污染),save energy(节约能源),raise awareness(提高意识)等。

3. 语法知识在这一单元中,学生们还需要掌握一些与语法相关的知识。




4. 阅读理解这一单元还包括了一篇关于动物保护的阅读理解。



1. 文化拓展学生们可以通过扩展学习一些与环境保护和自然相关的文化知识。



2. 话题讨论可以设置一些与环境保护相关的话题,鼓励学生们进行讨论,并表达自己的观点和想法。



总而言之,高三英语必修二Unit 2主要围绕着人与自然的关系进行学习,通过学习这一单元,学生们能够了解到人类对于环境的影响以及保护自然的重要性。

必修二 Unit 2(2)

必修二 Unit 2(2)

必修二 Unit 2
限时:5 minutes



汤 显
眷 ,
丹 亭 》
似 水

早 唐归
庄 《 菩 萨 蛮
, 绿 窗 人

荷叶生时春恨生, 荷叶枯时秋恨成。 深知身在情长在, 怅望江头江水声。
意悲而远 惊心动魄 可谓几乎一字千金
联系我们曾学 过的诗歌,想想芙 蓉(荷花、莲)这 个意象的深意。
予独爱莲之出污泥而不染, 濯清涟而不妖。 莲,花之君子者也。
毕竟西湖六月中, 风光不与四时同。 接天莲叶无穷碧, 映日荷花别样红。
制芰荷以为衣兮,集芙蓉以为裳...... 余好修兮以为常。
采莲南塘秋, 莲花过人头。 低头弄莲子, 莲子青如水。 置莲怀袖中, 莲心彻底红。 忆郎郎不至, 仰首望飞鸿。
“莲”谐音“怜”,“莲子”谐音“怜 子”,表明了女子对情郎既怜且爱的深 情。
荷叶罗裙一色裁, 芙蓉向脸两边开。 乱入池中看不见, 闻歌始觉有人来。
• 莲花坞 • 王维 • 日日采莲去, • 洲长多暮归。 • 弄篙莫溅水, • 畏湿红莲衣。
说说诗人塑造的抒情主人公是一个男子还 是一个女子?谈谈你的观点和根据。
涉江者、环顾者皆为天涯游子,游子采 芙蓉送给故乡的妻子。
诗人塑造的抒情主人公是男子还是女子? 谈谈你的观点和根据。
彼采葛兮。一日不见,如三月兮! 彼采萧兮。一日不见,如三秋兮! 彼采艾兮。一日不见,如三岁兮!



必修二Unit 2 课文内容1.I lived in what you call “Ancient Greece” and I used to write about the Olympic Games a longtime ago.句中and连接两个并列分句,在第一个分句中what引导宾语从句,并在从句中作call 的宾语,what相当于the place that。


They don’t know what happened.You can’t imagine what he was ten years ago.I don’t know what books he likes reading.△归纳拓展what还可以引导主语从句、表语从句和同位语从句。

What you will do next is none of my business.She is no longer what she used to be.The question what makes the matter worse has been puzzling me.△在名词性从句中使用引导词what还是that, 是经常考察的重点。



That they need more oil is very clear.What they need is more oil.练习:⑴Reading her biography, I was lost in admiration for ______ Doris Lessing had achievedin literature.A. whatB. thatC. whyD. how⑵I think ______ impresses me about his painting is the colours he uses.A. whatB. thatC. whichD. who⑶Pick yourself up. Courage is doing ______ you’re afraid to do.A. thatB. whatC. howD. whether2.There are two main sets of Games – the Winter and the Summer Olympics, and both are heldevery four years on a regular basis.本句是and连接的并列句。



第二单元资本主义世界市场的形成必修2 和发展 (这是边文,请据需要手工删加)












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Unit 2 The Olympic GamesI.教学内容分析本单元的中心话题是“奥运会”。

Warming Up部分通过讨论让学生了解古代和现代奥运会的异同。




Learning about Language部分都同单元主题紧密相关,词汇和语法结构的呈现也尽可能地安排在相关的语境中。

Using Language部分通过一个希腊神话故事来引导学生进行读、听、说、写的综合训练。

Learning Tip部分鼓励学生在两人活动和小组活动中积极发言,这样既可以消除害羞的心理,又有利于学生掌握恰当的交际策略。

II.教学重点和难点1.教学重点(1) 本单元的生词和短语;(2)学会使用将来时的被动语态;(3)让学生熟悉奥运会—世界上最重要的体育盛会;能用英语就奥运会的基本知识进行互相问答,并能简述奥运会的基本知识;(4)鼓励学生表达自己的兴趣爱好,要多让学生讲自己熟悉的话题。

2.教学难点(1) 指导学生按类别归纳整理词汇,让学生学会有效的记忆词汇的方法;(2) 引导学生发现本单元重点语言结构,让学生自己发现并感悟相关的语言规律,培养他们的语感。

III.教学计划本单元分五课时:第一、二课时:Warming up,Pre-reading, Reading, Comprehension第三课时:Learning about Language第四课时:Reading, Writing (Using Language)第五课时:Listening, Speaking, Writing (Using Language)IV.教学步骤:Period 1&2 Warming Up, Pre-reading, Reading, ComprehensionTeaching Goals:1.To arouse Ss’ interest in learning about the history of the Olympics.2.To read an interview about the Olympics.Teaching Procedures:Step 1. Leading-inPurpose: To activate Ss and arouse them to talk about mascots in the Olympic Games.Show the pictures about the 2008 Olympic mascots (吉祥物). Ask Ss whether they know some other mascots (吉祥物).Step 2. Warming UpPurpose: To lead Ss to the topic of this unit through a quiz.Pair work: Get Ss to talk about the questions below, and then ask them to present it before the class.1.When and where did the ancient Olympic Games start?A. 776BC; OlympiaB.393BC; RomeC. 1896; Greece2.When did the ancient Olympics stop?A. 776BCB. 393BCC. 1888AD3.When and where did the modern Olympic Games start?A. 1888AD; PairsB. 776BC; OlympiaC.1896; Athens4.When did China first take part in the Olympics?A. 1932B. 1928C. 19365.Who was China’s first gold medal winner and for what event?A. Zhou Jihong; divingB. Lining; gymnasticsC. Xu Haifeng; shooting6.Do you know the three words that show the spirit of the Olympic Games?A. taller, faster, strongerB. higher, swifter, strongerC. stronger, quicker, longer Suggested Answers: 1. A 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. C 6. BStep 3.Pre-readingPurpose: To have Ss learn about some more about Olympics and arouse their interest. Individual work: Get Ss to answer this question individually.1.How many events are there for the Summer and Winter Olympics? Can you list some ofthem?2.When and where will the next Olympics be held? What do you think the Chinese teamwill do in order to win more medals?Suggested Answers:1.In the Summer Olympics, there are running, swimming, shooting, wrestling, jumping,football, basketball, volleyball, table tennis, throwing. Javelin, weight lifting, gymnastics, boxing, etc. In the Winter Olympics, there are skiing, skating, ice hockey, ski jumping, sledding, snow-boarding, etc.2.The 29th Olympics will be held in Beijing on August 18th, 2008.Step 4. Reading1. ListeningPurpose: To get a brief understanding of the text.To train Ss’ listening ability.(1) Listen to the tape.(2) Ask Ss to find the writing type and the main idea of the text.The writing type: conversational style (an interview).Main idea: comparing the differences between Ancient and Modern Olympics.2. ScanningPurpose: To get Ss to have some details in the text.Read the text quickly and find out the similarities & differences between Ancient and Modern Olympics.(1) What are the similarities?How often Both are held every four years.What for Both are held not for money but for honour.Beliefs They are the same. Swifter, Higher, and Stronger.Competitors Men are allowed to take part both in ancient and modern Olympics.Events Some events are the same, such as running, jumping, shooting, and throwing.(2) What are the differences?Ancient ModernGames Summer Summer & winter Country Only Greece Countries from all overthe worldCompetitors Only men Men and womenPrize Olive wreath MedalEvents A few Many more3. Read the passage carefully and silently and finish Ex2 (P11).Suggested Answers:(1) Pausanias is amazed that many countries take part in the Olympic Games and women too and there are two sets of Games-the Winter and the Summer Olympics.(2) Because Li Yan has explained that it is a great honour to host the Olympic Games..(3)He thinks that so many things have changed in the Olympic Games that he fears that the spirit of the Olympics may have changed too.4.DiscussionYou know our government has tried its best to compete for hosting the 29th Olympic games. It has cost a lot of money. Do you think it is worthwhile? Why?For your reference:It is worthwhile to host the Olympic games. To host Olympic Games can make our culture and people understood by the other peoples. To host Olympic Games can make our country known to the whole world. To host Olympic Games can stimulate our economy, and help to speed up its development.5. ImaginationImagine what we will do and what we can do for the 29th Olympic Games.For your reference:Maybe we can serve as volunteers to help the foreign visitors and athletes from all over the world. So at present we should study hard. Especially we should try our best to learn English well.6. SummaryAs we have finished the passage we’ll sum up what we have learned. First let’s see the writing skills. It is written in a conversational style. It’s in a very interesting way. It adopts a dialogue between Pausanias who lived 2000 years ago and a Chinese gird in modern world. Through their dialogue, the differences and similarities between the ancient and modern Olympic Games are made known to the readers. Just because it is in a conversational style, there are quite a few oral spoken English and elliptical phrases.Through the comparison between the ancient and modern Olympic Games, we have learned the differences and the similarities between them. Now we can have a deep understanding of the Games. From the passage, we can have a deep understanding of the Games. From the passage, we can also get to know that the Olympic Games are developing and improving. It’s our duty to make the Olympic Games better and healthier. We know that one of the slogans for 2008 BeijingOlympic Games is Green Olympic Games. It shows that people are paying more and more attention to our environment.7. Language pointsPurpose: To train Ss’ language capacity.Divide Ss into four groups and ask each group to discuss how to understand and use the new words and analyze the following phrases. Give Ss enough time to learn the language points by heart.take part in…, in order to, find out, used to, be admitted as…, compete against…, for the honour of…, be admitted to…, play a role, as well as, , as a matter of fact, compete for…, proud of…,8. RetellingPurpose: Train students’ ability of summarizing and expressing.We can see the text is written in a conversational style. And there are two speakers. One is Pausanias, a Greek writer 2000 years ago, the other is Li Li, a Chinese girl. Now let’s change it into a narrative style. In other words, let’s describe the ancient and modern Olympic Games in our own words. Who would like to have a try?For your reference:The ancient Olympic Games began in Greece and were held from 776 BC to AD393. It was held every four years. At that time, there were not so many sports as today. And women were not allowed to take part in the games. There were not Winter Olympics at that time. Winners got the olive wreath as the prize. The motto was swifter, higher and stronger.The modern Olympic Games began in 1891. They’re held every four years. There are many new sports in the Olympics. In the summer Olympics there are over 250 different sports. Women are not only allowed to join in but also play a very important role. Now the competitors compete for medals. The motto is swifter, higher and stronger.Winners got the olive wreath as the prize. The motto was swifter, higher and stronger.The modern Olympic Games began in 1891. They’re held every four years. There are many newsports in the Olympics. In the summer Olympics there are over 250 different sports. Women are not only allowed to join in but also play a very important role. Now the competitors compete for medals. The motto is swifter, higher and stronger.Period 3. Reading, Writing (Using Language)Teaching Goals: 1. To learn more about the ancient Olympic Games.2. To learn to imagine and write an ending of an unfinished passage.Teaching Procedures:Step 1. Leading-inPurpose: To review some words related to the passage.Stimulate Ss’ interest in fairy tales about the ancient Olympic Games.T: In the first text, we have learned something about the Olympic Games, yes or no?S: Yes.T: Can you still remember where the ancient Olympic Games started?S: GreeceT: What do you call the people or the language of this country?S: GreekT: Greece is an ancient country full of stories; do you think so?S: Yes.T: Now, let’s look at the picture coming from the ancient country.King Princess Hippomenes GoddessT: Class, it is obvious that the two pictures tell us a magical legend. Do you know what happened to the four persons?S: NoT: Ok, next let’s turn to page 14 and read the story about the four persons.Step 2. Reading1. SkimmingPurpose: To get a brief understanding of the passage.Read the text quickly and find out the relationship among the four persons.2. ScanningPurpose: To get Ss to have some details in the text.Read the text again and then do the following true or false questions.(1) Atlanta could run faster than any man. ( )(2) At first Hippomenes understood why men ran against Atlanta. ( )(3) Atlanta was not confident she would win. ( )(4) She made as many men as she could share her pain. ( )(5) Her father did not refuse her wish to choose a husband in a race. ( )Suggested Answers: (1) F (2) F (3) F (4) T (5) T1.Reading and answeringPurpose: To make Ss further understand the text.Read the text in silence, and answer the following questions.(1) What was Atlanta’s problem?(2) What were Atlanta’s rules?(3) Why did Hippomenes think that the men who ran the race were so foolish?(4) What made Hippomenes change his mind?(5) Whom did Hippomenes turn to for help?Suggested Answers:(1) Atlanta could run faster than any men in Greece. But she was not allowed to run in the Olympic Games.(2) She promised to be married to a man who could run faster than her. If he could not run as fast as her, he would be killed.(3) Hipppomenes could not understand why so many young men wanted to risk their lives.(4) Atlanta’s beauty made him understand his amazement and change his mind.(5) He turned to the Goddess of love for help.4.Talking and writingGroup workAsk Ss to talk about the possible ending in groups of four. After discussing, let every student write down the result they have got. And then ask some Ss to read out their results.For your reference(Various possible endings are allowed. Here are three kinds of differentresults.):(1). Hippomenes was killed because of losing his race.(2). Hippomenes ran faster than Atlanta and married her.(3). Atlanta and Hippomenes fell in love with each other at first sight. In spite of this, he stillhad to run the race, and unfortunately he lost the race and was killed by the king without being stopped by Atlanta in time. Atlanta was so sad that she killed herself before Hippomenes’ dead body.5.Homework.Get Ss to read and underline all the useful expressions in the passage. Copy them to your notebook as homework after class.Useful expressions in The Story Of Atlanta:be allowed to, hear of…, as fast as, change one’s mind, ask… for …from…, pick up, confident about…, compete with…Period 5 Listening Speaking & WritingTeaching Goals: 1.To Learn to talk about hobbies.2. To develop Ss’ listening ability.3.To learn to write about hobbiesTeaching Procedures:Step 1. ListeningPurpose:1. To get the main information in the listening part.2. To develop Ss’ listening ability3. To learn about the real ending of the story of Atlanta..1.Before listening, try to work out the order of Ex3 (P15).Suggested answers:(4)One man wanted to win and marry Atlanta very much.(11)Atlanta married him and they lived happily ever after.(7)When the race began ,Atlanta ran past him.(5)He asked the Goddess of Love for help.(1)Atlanta was a very beautiful princess.(3)Many men tried to compete with her, but failed and so were killed.(9)She stopped to pick them up.(6)She gave him three golden apples.(10)She ran too slowly and he won.(8)He threw the golden apples one after another.(2)She could run faster than any man in Greece.2. Listen to the tape and finish Ex4 (P15).Answer: This is a story of how a man marries a princess by winning a race with a Goddess’help.3. Listen to the tape again and finish Ex5 (P15)Answer: don’t want, to die, to go away, will not be run, her rules, will marry the man, runs faster, Come on4. Discuss the questions of Ex6 (P15)5. After finishing the three exercises, ask Ss to retell the passage with expression.Step 2. SpeakingPurpose: To get Ss to talk about records about high tight-rope walking.Group workCarry out a survey of the interests in the class and write down the names of the classmates who have the same interests. You can carry out the task like this.Which do you like, sports, music or collections?Which of the sports do you like best?What is your favorite sport?Are you interested in table tennis?After the survey, the Ss who have the same interests sit together and please work in groups of four to talk about their interest. At last, let Ss present their dialogues.Step 3. Writing a descriptionPurpose: To learn to write a passage entitled “My favorite sport”.Step 4. Homework1.Go to the library to read or get online to search in order to find more information on theOlympic Games and the ancient Greek mythology.2.Finish the exercises in the Workbook.。
