
⼀、单项选择题(在每⼩题的四个备选答案中,选出 ⼀个正确的答案,并将其代码填⼊题⼲后的括号 内。
每⼩题1分,共10分) 1. 某⼀时刻、某⼀资源的信号量s=0,它表⽰() A该时刻该类资源的可⽤数⽬为1 B该时刻该类资源的可⽤数⽬为-1 C该时刻等待该类资源的进程数⽬为1 D该时刻等待该类资源的进程数⽬为0 2. 进程间的间接通信⽅式是指() A源进程将消息发送给管道B源进程将消息发送给缓冲区 C源进程将消息发送给信箱D源进程将消息直接发送给⽬标进程 3. 设置快表的⽬的在于() A提⾼地址查找的命中率 B提⾼地址变换速度 C淘汰不⽤的页 D增加页表的容量 4. 绝对路径和相对路径⽐较() A绝对路径便于使⽤ B相对路径便于使⽤ C绝对路径⽐相对路径短 D相对路径字符⽐较长 5. 并发是指两个或多个事件() A在同⼀时刻发⽣ B在同⼀时间区段内发⽣ C两个进程相互交互 D在时间上相互⽆关 6. 进程的组成有三部分:程序、PCB和() A数据字段 B数据记录C数据集合 DSDT 7. 若给定⼀个逻辑地址空间中的地址为A,页⾯⼤⼩为L,则页内地址D为() AA/L BA mod L CINT[A/L] DA-L 8. 按⽤途⽂件可分为⽤户⽂件、库⽂件和() A只读⽂件 B只写⽂件C系统⽂件 D索引⽂件 9.硬件在中断过程中参与的⼀项⼯作是() A交换PSW B修改信号量C保留现场 D恢复现场 10.分页式存储管理系统中,地址的构成为() A页号 B页内地址 C页号和页内地址 D页号 ⼆、多项选择题(在每⼩题的五个备选答案中,选出⼆ ⾄五个正确答案,并将其代码填在题⼲后的括号 内;错选、多选不得分。
每⼩题2分,共18分) 1. 存储器管理的功能包括() A内存分配 B内存保护 C地址映射 D内存扩充 E磁盘空闲区管理 2. PCB的主要特征体现在() A记录进程运⾏状态B标志进程的存在 C其中包含进程控制信息 D其中包含进程调度信息 E由程序和数据块组成 3. 线程与进程⽐较⽽⾔,下⾯论述成⽴的有() A⼀个线程通常由多个进程组成 B⼀个进程通常由多个线程组成 C相对⽽⾔,线程运⾏需要更多的资源 D线程⽐进程运⾏需更少的资源 E线程运⾏的系统开销更⼩ 4. ⽂件控制块FCB中包含的信息通常有三类,它们分别是() A基本信息 B删除信息 C存取控制信息 D使⽤信息 E创建信息 5.⽂件的分级安全管理⼀般可分成() A系统级 B⽤户级 C⽬录级 D⽂件级 E字段级 6. 第⼀级容错技术包括()A双份⽬录 B双份⽂件分配表 C热修复重定向 D写后读校验 E磁盘双⼯ 7. 按信息交换单位分类,I/O设备可分成() A低速 B中速 C字符设备 D块设备 E⾼速 8. 中断的过程通常包括() A中断请求 B中断响应 C中断设置 D中断处理 E中断返回 9. 按存取控制属性⽂件可以分为() A只读 B系统⽂件 C⽤户⽂件 D只写 E只执⾏ 三、判断改错题(认为对的,在题后的括号内打“√”, 认为错的打“×”,并加以改正。

2003年10月TOEFL(托福)真题试卷(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. Listening Comprehension 2. Structure & Written Expression 3. Reading ComprehensionSection One:Listening Comprehension1.A.She is younger than her sister.B.she does not spend much time with her sister’s children.C.she does not get along well with her sisterD.she no longer resembles her sister.正确答案:D解析:M: Oh, so, it was your sister you were walking with yesterday. You don’t really look very much alike. W: No, we did when we were kids, but not anymore.What does the woman mean?2.A.Paper plates are cheaper than dishes.B.Dishes break more easily than paper plates.C.There is no need to wash any dishes now.D.The woman’s roommate will return soon.正确答案:C解析:W: I can’t believe my roommate still hasn’t washed the dishes. There is not a clean dish left for us to use.M: Don’t worry about it. Paper plates are fine.What does the man mean?3.A.She has not applied to any universities yet,B.She will begin university classes in a few weeks.C.She does not know yet if a university will accept her.D.She is too busy to contact the university right now.正确答案:C解析:M: I hear you applied for several universities. Have you got accepted anywhere? W: I haven’t heard anything yet. But I should know something within the next few weeks.What does the woman mean?4.A.Reconsider his position laterB.Allow the student to miss classC.Lower the student’s gradeD.Suggest that the student try to reschedule the operation正确答案:B解析:W: Prof, I know your course has no absence policy. But I have to have foot surgery next Friday and can’t be here. M: Medical excuses are one of the few exceptions I make. What will the Prof probably do?5.A.He does not have enough money for the trip yet.B.He is planning to work during spring break.C.The trip is too far off in the future to think about.D.He has changed his mind about going to Canada.正确答案:A解析:W: By working through spring break, I managed to save up the 500$ for the trip to Canada this summer. How are you coming along?M: I’m still a way’s off.What does the man mean?6.A.The photograph is not good enough to send.B.The photograph was not taken at the Grand Canyon.C.They already sent Mary a photograph of their vacation.D.Sending pictures through the mail is too expensive.正确答案:A解析:M: I am just writing Marry about our vacation. Why don’t I enclose this picture of us in front of the Grand Canyon?W: Don’t you think it’s a little out focus?What does the woman imply?7.A.She should have asked to be excused from the trip.B.She deserves the zero.C.She is right to be angry.D.She should have gone on the field trip.正确答案:C解析:W: Oh, I am so angry. My biology Prof would not even let me try to explain why I missed the field trip. He just gave me a zero. M: That is not seemed fair.I would feel that way too if I were you.What does the man imply about the woman.8.A.He wants to live off campus.B.There are advantages and disadvantages to living off campus.C.Living space in the dorm is crowded.D.There are only a few apartments available off campus.正确答案:B解析:W: Have you guys decided whether you are going to get an apartment off campus next year or are you staying in the dorm?M: We are still talking about the pros and cons. I don’t know. To me it seems like six of one and half of dozen of the other.What does the man mean?9.A.Turn down the volume of the musicB.Turn the music offC.Play a different style of music.D.Listen to music in a different room,正确答案:C解析:W: What is that you are listening to? That beat’s so strong I can’t concentrate on my work.M: No problem. I can switch over to something lighter.What will the man probably do?10.A.It took a long time to finish the building.B.He was too busy to notice the opening of the hotel.C.He did not know the hotel had a restaurant.D.He would like to meet the woman for brunch next Sunday.正确答案:B解析:W: We had a delicious Sunday brunch at that new hotel downtown. You should try it sometime.M: I didn’t even know the building was finished. Shows how much I’ve been working lately.What does the man imply?11.A.Go to her class.B.Cancel her appointment with the president.C.Ask her professor to excuse her from class.D.Attend the presentation.正确答案:D解析:M: Hey, aren’t you going to the present’s presentation this morning. all class has been canceled so that everyone can come.W: Oh really? So much for my excuse I guess I have to join you then.What will the woman probably do?12.A.She admires Steve’s relationship with his father.B.She does not know Steve or his father.C.Her daughter is older than Steve.D.She disagrees with the man.正确答案:A解析:M: What a relationship Steven and his father have!W: Don’t they? I only hope my daughter and I can get along like that when she’s Steven’s age.What can be inferred about the woman?13.A.He has heard the new CD.B.He does not enjoy classical music.C.He is not interested in the CD.D.He rarely listens to music.正确答案:C解析:W: I just love this new CD. Have you heard it?M: I really don’t listen to popular music. I prefer classical.What does the man mean?14.A.Buy tickets for the next showing.B.Leave the theaterC.Change their seats for a better viewD.Ask the couple in front of them to be quiet正确答案:B解析:W: Sorry Sam, I just hate these kinds of movies. They always give me bad dreams. M: I agree, let’s go and see if we can get refund at the front window.What will the speakers probably do next?15.A.The library closes earlier during the summer.B.The library is closed during summer vacation.C.The library will be open until midnight tonight.D.She does not usually go to the library during the summer.正确答案:A解析:M: I thought the libraries stay open till midnight during the week.W: Well, their hours are shorter during the summer.What does the woman mean?16.A.She is sorry the man has to cancel the plansB.She wants to hand in her report early.C.She would like to go with the man.D.she does not usually enjoy the symphony.正确答案:C解析:M: I thought you’ve finished your report. So I got tickets for the symphony tonight.W: Well, it’s not done. But it’s not due till next week.What can be inferred about the woman?17.A.He has other plans for the eveningB.He is looking forward to attending the party.C.He often misses Linda’s parties.D.he wants to know if he should bring anything to the party.正确答案:B解析:W: Are you going to Linda’s party tonight?M: Are you kidding? I wouldn’t miss it for anything/What does the man mean?18.A.There is just about enough time to do the jobB.The desk has never been so orderly.C.The clock on the desk needs to be set.D.The desk really needs organizing.正确答案:D解析:M: I am going to straighten up my desk now.W: It’s about time.What does the woman mean?19.A.He enjoys looking at the flowers.B.He thinks the park is boring.C.He does not like walking with the woman.D.He does not see any trees.正确答案:A解析:W: I just love walking through this park. The tree is gorgeous.M: The trees? What about these wild flowers?What does the man mean?20.A.There are not very many hotels in the area.B.She stayed at the Clover Inn last month.C.She is not sure the man’s parents would like the Clover Inn.D.It may be too late to get a room at the Clover Inn.正确答案:D解析:M: My parents need a place to stay when they come to town next week. Do you have any suggestions?W: I’d like to recommend the Clover Inn to visitors. But unlike the other places in town, they are usually filled months in advance.What does the woman imply?21.A.Wait until later to eatB.Go to the cafeteria without herC.Bring her some food from the cafeteriaD.Meet her at the cafeteria正确答案:B解析:M: I am going to the cafeteria to grab a bite to eat. Want to come along?W: You go ahead. I am not really all that hungry.What does the woman suggest the man do?22.A.He has to work with his brother.B.He has no definite plans.C.He usually works on weekends.D.His plants depend on the woman.正确答案:B解析:W: Thank heaven it’s Friday. Are you doing anything special this weekend?M: Good question. To tell you the truth, my brother might be coming over and so everything is up in the air right now.What does the man mean?23.A.Buy stamps at the post officeB.Mail the woman’s billC.Drive to the woman’s houseD.Pick up a package from the post office正确答案:B解析:W: By the way, thank so much for offering to mail my bills this morning. I just didn’t have time to get over to the post office.M: Oh, my gosh. I am really sorry. I’ll go drop them in the box right now. What will the man probably do next?24.A.The woman should call Bill to check his schedule.B.The woman should have left for the airport earlier.C.The woman does not need to rush to meet Bill.D.Traffic near the airport could delay the woman’s arrival.正确答案:C解析:W: I’ve got the leave for the airport right away. Bill’s plane is due in an hour.M: Judging by the weather outside, I doubt that the plane will land on schedule.What does the man imply?25.A.She did better on the quiz than the man did.B.She did not have to take the quiz.C.She has not yet received her grade on the quiz.D.She did not do well on the quiz.正确答案:D解析:M: How did you do on the math quiz?W: Well, I am lucky that only counts for a small portion of our final grade for the course.What can be inferred about the woman?26.A.He will be happy to share their dessertB.He did not know what time he was supposed to arrive.C.He expected the traffic to be bad.D.He is not upset that they ate lunch.正确答案:D解析:W: Oh, hi, I hate to tell you but we’re done with lunch and dessert is on its way. We decided you weren’t going to show up. M: I can understand that. I’ve never seen such traffic. I am glad you didn’t wait. What did the man mean?27.A.She has to quit her job in the laboratory.B.She cut herself while working in the laboratory.C.She enjoys doing laboratory experiments.D.She feels that the man is dedicated to his work too.正确答案:C解析:M: I admire your dedication. I could never finish that long laboratory experiment by myself.W: I fell that I am cut out for that kind of work.What does the woman mean?28.A.Ask for directionsB.Try a different route to the beachC.Go back for the mapD.Cancel their trip正确答案:B解析:M1: Oho, I think we left that road map at home. Do you know how to get to the beach?M2: No, I didn’t. But since we haven’t gone very far, we might as well just turn around.What will the speakers probably do?29.A.He would like the woman to reschedule the meeting.B.He will meet the woman briefly on FridayC.The report will not be ready until Thursday.D.The report was finished last Friday.正确答案:A解析:W: I tentatively scheduled to meeting for Thursday to go over your inventory report. Assuming you can meet that deadline.M: Well, to be honest, even Friday might be pushing it a little. What does the man imply?30.A.Find out when the bookstore opensB.Withdraw some cashC.Inquire about a jobD.Spend her extra money on books正确答案:C解析:W: I need to bring in a little money. I wonder there are any openings at the bookstore.M: It’s worth going and asking.What does the man suggest the woman do?听力原文:W: Dr Manning, do you have a few minuets. I’d like to ask you about this fossil I found. M: Sure Jon. What have you got there?W: Well, it’s some kind of shellfish. I thought is might be a brachiopod, but I am not sure. I found it when I went out hiking last weekend.M: I think you might be right. It certainly appears to be a brachiopod. But it’s easy to confuse them with the bivalve mollusks. Superficially they resemble one another. Both have two shells for example.W: How can you tell them apart then?M: Well, there are some minor differences in the shell. A lot of brachiopods have ridge shells like this one. There are other distinctions of course. Internally they are quite different. Mollusks and brachiopods belong to different animal groups, and they have been in competition with one another millions of years ago. W: How old do you think this one is?M: It’s hard to tell. The earliest brachiopods were from the Paleozoic era, 300 to 500 million years ago. They were quite successful then in terms of number of species. It’s not out of the question that your fossil could be that old. W: Wow, that’s amazing. Kind of makes paleontology seem more interesting when you can hold it in your hand.M: You know that gives me an idea. Would you mind bring this to our next class? The others might find it interestingtoo.W: Well, I could. But if you don’t already have one in your collection, I thought you might as well keep it.M: That’s very kind of you.31.A.Ways to determine the age ora fossilB.The identity of a fossil the woman foundC.A comparison of two shellfish fossilsD.Plans for a field trip to look for fossils正确答案:B解析:What are the speakers mainly discussing?32.A.The class is going to study them.B.They evolved from brachiopods.C.They are similar to brachiopods in appearance.D.They belong to the same species as brachiopods.正确答案:C解析:Why does the professor mention bivalve mollusks?33.A.It has a ribbed shell.B.It has an unusually large valve.C.It was found near the water.D.It is smaller than a mollusc.正确答案:A解析:Why does the professor think the fossil might be a brachiopod?34.A.He has never seen a fossil that old.B.It could be many millions of years old.C.It is probably a recent specimen.D.He will ask the lab how old it is.正确答案:B解析:What does the professor say about the age of the fossil?35.A.Take it to classB.Put it in her collectionC.Take it to the labD.Leave it with her professor正确答案:D解析:What does the woman want to do with the fossil?听力原文:M: I am so relieved I just finished the story I was working on for our creative writing course.W: I haven’t quite finished mine yet. I had trouble getting pass the beginning.M: How come?W: Well, I was really happy to be writing a detective story. But after the first few pages, I sort of froze up mentally. I just couldn’t write any more.M: The same thing happened to me. I thought it meant I lack imagination. W: Well, Prof Wilson said it’s pretty common for writers to get stuck like tat.M: You went to talk to her about it?W: Actually, I went to ask for more time to finish the assignment. But instead she gave me some advise about how to keep from getting stalled writing like that. She said that the first thing I should do is just write anything that come into my head even if it doesn’t make any sense, sort of burble warm up exercise.M: That is interesting. When I got stuck, I shift to something else, you know, do some work for one of my other courses.W: Well, her methods seem have worked for me. I’ve written most of the story, and I should be able to hand it in on time. But first I need go to the jewelry store. M: You are going shopping? Can’t you wait until you finish your story? W: I am going there for my store. My detective solves a jewelry store robbery. So I want to take a look at how the jewelry cases are arranged, where the security cameras are located, that sort of thing.36.A.A jewelry store robberyB.Buying a birthday presentC.Writing a stowD.Doing research for a class assignment正确答案:C解析:What is the conversation mainly about?37.A.Her professor did not like her stow.B.She had trouble finishing her assignmentC.she did not like the topic she had chosen for her paper.D.She was taking too many courses.正确答案:B解析:What was the woman’s problem?38.A.Take some extra timeB.Do a writing exerciseC.Do some work for another courseD.Write the story ending first解析:What did the professor tell the woman to do?39.A.To go shoppingB.To do research for her stowC.To meet with her professorD.To take a break from her work正确答案:B解析:Why is the woman going out?听力原文:Today, we are going to talk about a special way some plants respond to being invaded by pests. The plants react by emitting a chemical signal, which acts like a call for help. Let’s take corn plants for example. Sometimes, caterpillars chew on the corn leaves. When the caterpillar saliva mixes with the chew portion of a leave, the plant releases a chemical scream that attracts wasps. The wasps respond to the signal by flying to the chewed on leave, and laying their eggs on the caterpillars. The caterpillars die in the next few days as the wasp offspring nourish themselves by feeding of them. Thus the corn plant prevents all its leaves from being eaten by the caterpillars. This chemical scream is specific. It’s only released after the plant has detected the caterpillar saliva. A plant that is cut by in the other means does not give off the same signal, nor doesn’t undamaged plants. This also explains how a wasp can find a caterpillar in a huge field of corn. Soybean, cotton and probably many other plants use similar type of defense against pests. By enhancing this natural response in plants, researchers might reduce, some day even eliminate, the need for chemical pesticide, which can cause ecological damage. For example, scientists might breed plants for this screaming trait, or they might transplant specific genes to increase the release of the chemical signals.40.A.To describe ways pests can damage plantsB.To examine the life cycle of caterpillarsC.To explain how com plants developD.To describe how a natural pesticide works正确答案:D解析:What’s the main purpose of the talk?41.A.Caterpillars chewing on its leavesB.Wasps laying eggs on its leavesC.Pesticides sprayed on its leavesD.Knives cutting its stalk解析:What causes the corn plant to emit the chemical signal?42.A.By flying in circles around a fieldB.By detecting a chemical signalC.By inspecting individual corn leavesD.By noticing the caterpillar’s coloration正确答案:B解析:How can a wasp find a caterpillar on a corn plant?听力原文:Today, we are going to continue our discussion of Buddhism. In our last class, we talked about how it practiced. Today, I’d like to talk a little about early Buddhism, which we really don’t know much about. Well, what is known is that the teachings of Buddhism were memorized, and passed on orally for centuries by its followers. Recently, there was an important discovery of Buddhist manuscripts that are believed to be the oldest ever found. They may be 2,100 years old. And there maybe as many as 20 of them. It’s expected that we will be able to learn from them about the spread of Buddhism from present day India into China, and throughout Asia. But the scrolls themselves have presented challenge too. They were very fragile, found rolled up in clay pots. Before they even could be looked at, they need to be dampened over night in fact, and then carefully flattened with tweezers. And it’s not that anybody could just sit down and read them. The scrolls were written in a language that is really rare today. Only a few people are proficient at it. Considering these challenges, it’s easy to understand why it takes scholars so long to examine the scrolls.43.A.Recently discovered manuscriptsB.Similarities among religionsC.Methods of analyzing ancient manuscriptsD.How ancient manuscripts are preserved正确答案:A解析:What is the main topic of the talk?44.A.The simplicity of their languageB.Their ageC.The location of their discoveryD.The material they are made of正确答案:B解析:According to the speaker, what’s one aspect of the manuscript that is verysignificant?45.A.Orally preserved teachingsB.A collection of lettersC.A diaryD.A scholarly article正确答案:A解析:What was an early source of information about Buddhism?46.A.Ancient settlers in AsiaB.How Buddhism is practiced todayC.The spread of Buddhism in AsiaD.Why some languages disappear正确答案:C解析:What do scholars expect to learn about from the manuscripts?47.A.The language they are written in is not widely known.B.They cannot be moved from where they were foundC.The writing in them has fadedD.Many people want credit for the discovery.正确答案:A解析:What has made it difficult to study the manuscripts?听力原文:About 200 years ago, the United States economy was growing quickly, mainly because a booming trade in grain and cotton. This trade is grain and cotton went on near areas near or at the cost, or near navigable rivers. It took place there because it was so expensive to transport goods over the roads that existed. They were muddy, narrow, and hard to travel on. At that time, don’t forget there was only one continuous road that existed in the US, and it was made up of north to south local country roads, linked together to get one long road. Within a short time, the first east-to-west roads were built. They were called turnpikes. Private companies built these roads, and collected fees from all vehicles traveled on them. Eventually, a network of dirt, gravel or plank roadways connected some major cities and towns. But even these turnpike roads were still very slow, and traveling on them was too costly for farmers. They would spend more money to move their crops than they got by selling them. So, we see that even with some major improvement in roadways, farmers still had to rely on rivers to move their crops to markets.48.A.The advantages of an economy based on farmingB.Reasons farmers continued using river transpertationC.The role of cotton in the United States economyD.Improved methods of transporting farm crops正确答案:B解析:What’s the talk mainly about?49.A.The new technology used to build roadsB.The ability to transport goods over landC.The trade in grain and cottonD.The linking of smaller local roads into one long road正确答案:C解析:According to the professor, what cause the growth of the US economy about 200 years ago?50.A.Reduced charges for transporting farm productsB.Required payment from vehicles that used their roadsC.Made repairs to older roadsD.Installed streetlights on roads connecting major cities正确答案:D解析:According to the professor, what did private companies do after they built new roads?Sections Two:Structure & Written Expression51.The musical comedy Oklahoma! did much to expand the potential of the musical stage, and it encouraged others to attempt ______A.original themesB.to original themesC.that were original themesD.how original themes正确答案:A52.Despite its fishlike form, the whale is ______ and will drown if submerged too long.A.an animal breathes air thatB.an animal that breathes airC.an animal breathes airD.that an animal breathes air正确答案:B53.The saguaro, found in desert regions in the southwestern United States,______cactus in the world.A.is the largestB.the largestC.that is the largestD.the largest that is a正确答案:A54.It is said that United Stales literature ______ individuality and identity in the twentieth century, after long imitation of European models.A.was achievedB.achievedC.to achieveD.achieving正确答案:B55.Lucy Stone, ______ first feminists in the United States, helped organize the American Woman Suffrage Association in 186A.the oneB.who was theC.anotherD.one of the正确答案:D56.______.. including climate, mineral content, and the permanency of surface water, wetlands may be mossy ,grassy, scrubby, or wooded.A.Depending on many factorsB.Many factors depending onC.Factors depending on manyD.On many factors depending正确答案:A57.Duke Ellington’s orchestra,______ his own often complex compositions, made many innovations in jazz.A.he playedB.playingC.that it playedD.was playing正确答案:B58.The term “ice age” refers to any of several periods of time when glaciers covered considerably more of Earth’s surface______A.as is todayB.than today isC.than they do todayD.that today正确答案:C59.From colonial times, United States property owners agreed to tax themselves on the theory ______ directly from services that the government could provide.A.property owners benefited so thatB.why property owners benefitedC.that if property owners benefitedD.that property owners benefited正确答案:D60.Helium is not flammable and, next to hydrogen, is ______A.known the lightest gasB.lightest the known gasC.the lightest gas knownD.the known gas lightest正确答案:C61.Wild eagles that survive to adulthood are believed ______ from 20 to 30 years.A.liveB.to liveC.they liveD.their living正确答案:B62.Portland, ______. ,is located primarily on two hilly peninsulas overlooking Casco Bay and its many island.A.which Maine’s largest cityB.Maine’s largest city whereC.is Maine’s largest cityD.Maine’s largest city正确答案:D63.______. widely used in the chemical industry, sodium carbonate is principally consumed by the glass industry.A.DespiteB.WhetherC.ThoughD.Except for正确答案:C64.Cells,first identified by the early microscopists, began to be considered______in the nineteenth century.A.them as microcosm of living organismsB.the microcosm of living organismsC.the microcosm of living organisms to beD.as which, the microcosm of living organisms正确答案:B65.Like Jupiter, Saturn is a large ,gaseous planet composed______of hydrogen and helium.A.it is mostlyB.mostlyC.almostD.both are almost正确答案:BSections Three:Reading ComprehensionEuropa is the smallest of planet Jupiter’s four largest moons and the second moon out from Jupiter. Until 1979, it was just another astronomy textbook statistic. Then came the close-up images obtained by the exploratory spacecraft V oyager 2, and within days, Europa was transformed-in our perception, at least-into one of the solar system’s (5) most intriguing worlds. The biggest initial surprise was the almost total lack of detail, especially from far away. Even at close range, the only visible features are thin, kinked brown lines resembling cracks in an eggshell. And this analogy is not far off the mark.The surface of Europa is almost pure water ice, but a nearly complete absence of craters indicates that Europa’s surface ice resembles Earth’s Antarctic ice cap. The(10)eggshell analogy may be quite accurate since the ice could be as little as a few kilometers thick –a true shell around what is likely a subsurface liquid ocean that , in turn, encases a rocky core. The interior of Europa has been kept warm over the eons by tidal forces generated by the varying gravitational tugs of the other big moons as they wheel around Jupiter. The tides on Europa pull and relax in an endless cycle. The resulting internal heat (15)keeps what would otherwise be ice melted almost to the surface. The cracklike marks on Europa’s icy face appear to be fractures where water or slush oozes from below. Soon after V oyager 2’s encounter with Jupiter in 1979, when the best images of Europa were obtained, researchers advanced the startling idea that Europa’s subsurface ocean might harbor life. Life processes could have begun when Jupiter was releasing a(20)vast store of internal heat. Jupiter’s early heat was produced by the compression of the material forming the giant planet. Just as the Sun is far less radiant today than the primal Sun, so the internal heat generated by Jupiter is minor compared to its former intensity. During this warm phase, some 4.6 billion years ago, Europa’s ocean may have been liquid right to the surface, making it a crucible for life.66.What does the passage mainly discuss?A.The effect of the tides on Europa’s interiorB.Temperature variations on Jupiter’s moonsC.Discoveries leading to a theory about one of Jupiter’s moonsD.Techniques used by V oyager 2 to obtain close-up images.正确答案:C67.The word “intriguing”in line 5 is closest in meaning toA.changingB.perfectC.visibleD.fascinating正确答案:D68.In line 7, the another mentions “cracks in an eggshell”in order to help readersA.visualize Europa as scientists saw it in the V oyager 2 imagesB.appreciate the extensive and detailed information available by viewing Europa from far awayC.understand the relationship of Europa to the solar systemD.recognize the similarity of Europa to Jupiter’s other moons正确答案:A。

2003年10月中学教师资格认定考试(教育心理学)真题试卷(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. 单选题 2. 多选题 6. 名词解释题7. 简答题8. 论述题单选题以下每道试题的备选答案中,只有一项是最符合题意的,请选出该项。

北京市中学生网上天文知识竞赛试卷(有答案)发表日期:2003年10月23日出处:北京天文台作者:同上已经有56位读者读过此文北京市中学生网上天文知识竞赛试卷Part 1 选择题(每题一分,共40分)01、离地球最近的行星是()A、金星B、水星C、火星02、太阳系中质量最大的行星是()A、火星B、土星C、木星D、天王星03、太阳系中自转最快的行星是()A、木星B、土星C、天王星D、海王星04、太阳系中自转最慢的行星是()A、水星B、金星C、地球D、火星05、太阳黑子位于太阳大气的()A、光球层B、色球层C、日冕D、对流层06、太阳耀斑位于太阳大气的()A、光球层B、色球层C、日冕D、对流层07、太阳的能量来自于()A、化合反应B、分解反应C、核聚变D、核裂08、太阳系行星中在地球上看起来最明亮的是()A、水星B、金星C、火星D、木星09、下列卫星中,哪一个的自转周期与公转周期相同()A、冥卫一B、木卫一C、土卫一D、月球10、太阳系中最大的火山是()A、维苏威火山B、五大连池C、奥林匹斯火山D、马特峰11、伽利略号探测器(Galileo)探测的目标为()A. 金星B. 木星C. 土星D 火星12、1997年10月15日,有一颗探测器飞向土星,将于2004年飞临土星,这个探测器是()A、旅行者1号B、卡西尼号C、奥德赛D、旅行者2号13、太阳系中大气活动最猛烈、表面风速最快的行星是()A、天王星B、海王星C、冥王星D、水星14、下列行星中,会发生凌日现象的是A、金星B、火星C木星D、土星15、下列行星中,会发生冲日现象的是A、水星B、金星C、地球D、木星16、近地小行星中,穿越地球轨道的称为A、阿莫尔型B、阿波罗型C、阿姆斯特朗型D、阿耆尼型17、1994年撞击木星的彗星名叫A、百武彗星B、哈雷彗星C、海尔-波普彗星D、苏梅克-列维9号18、下列行星中,卫星最多的是A、木星B、土星C、火星D、海王星19、长庚是中国古代对哪一颗行星的称呼?A 水星B. 金星C. 火星20、狮子座流星雨与哪颗彗星有关?A. 谭普-塔特尔彗星(Comet Temple-Tuttle)B. 斯威夫特-塔特尔彗星(Comet Swift-Tuttle)C池-谷关彗星(Comet Ikeya-Saki)21、内行星在哪一个时候最适宜观察?A. 东大距B. 上合C. 西大距D冲22、第一颗小行星是谁发现的?A. 皮亚齐B. 奥伯斯C. 基普索恩23、人们日常所用的时间是()A. 恒星时,B. 真太阳时, C. 平太阳时24、太阳直射北回归线是24节气中的()A.春分,B.秋分,C.夏至,D.冬至25、肉眼看来,星空中最亮的恒星是_______。
2003年10月份 公文写作与处理历年试题及答案


“人文”指的是( C )A.自然现象和规律B.社会现象和规律C.人的文化水平D.人体花纹2.地理环境是人类存在和文化创造的( C )A.必要条件B.重要条件C.先决条件D.唯一条件3.一种社会文明,总有它正统的精神文化主导着该文明的( D )A.文化现象B.文化结构C.文化产品D.文化方向4.中国文化曲折演进的历史阶段是( B )A.西周B.春秋战国C.秦汉D.魏晋南北朝5.在我国历史上,南方水稻生产升至全国粮食作物产量第一位是在()A.唐代B.北宋C.南宋D.明中叶6.在历史上,七巧板是以下哪个民族民间流传的智力玩具()A.汉族B.匈奴族C.高车部D.蒙古族7.明代大医学家李时珍所著的药学百科全书是( B )A.《神农本草经》B.《本草纲目》C.《脉经》D.《素问》8.中国古代社会,完整的宗法制出现在(B )A.夏代B.商代C.周代D.汉代9.中国古代科举考试的主导思想是( B )A.法家思想B.儒家思想C.道家思想D.墨家思想10.《庄子·齐物论》说:“天地与我并生,而万物与我为一。
”这句话体现出的中国传统的思维模式是( A )A.抽象思维B.类比思维C.辩证思维D.整体思维学问是异常珍贵的东西,从任何源泉吸收都不可耻。
——阿卜·日·法拉兹11.道教奉老子为教祖,尊称为( A )A.元始天尊B.灵宝天尊C.道德天尊D.太上老君12.中国古代学者重视讨论语言与客观实际的关系,其中提出“约定俗成”理论的人是()A.孔子B.孟子C.荀子D.老子13.有历史记载的从事汉字规范的第一人是()A.仓颉B.太史籀C.李斯D.许慎14.主张对“泰西之学”应取“欲求超胜,必先会通”姿态的学者是()A.王征B.徐光启C.李之藻D.焦循15.“全盘西化论”的代表人物是()A.孙中山B.钱穆C.胡适D.张之洞二、多项选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)在每小题列出的四个备选项中有二至四个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。

全国2003年10月高等教育自学考试英语阅读(二)试题课程代码:00596Ⅰ. Directions: Match the words in Column A with their definitions in Column B. Write the letter of the answer to each word in Column A on your ANSWER SHEET.(10 points, 1 point for each)A B1. accrue3. eraseⅡ. Directions: Read each of the following sentences carefully, and choose A, B, C or D that has the closest meaning to the underlined word or phrase. Write the corresponding letter of the answer on your ANSWER SHEET. (10 points, 1 point for each) OFF your soap or washing powder or dog food or whatever.A. transmissionC. distraction B. rudenessD. politeness12. A few years ago, our group at Saclay, a number of other European Laboratories, orbited a telescope.A. along withB. in the light of D. regardless ofC. in agreement withother items taken over or repossessed by the lenders.A. homogeneityC. responsibilitiesA. inaccessibleC. abundantA. increasinglyC. attributablyB. appropriateness D. probabilities B. insufficient D. extinguishable 15. Astrid and I kept talking and the man continued to swing and lurch over us, thanking us B. confidentially D. repeatedly 116. If the greenhouse effect produces lasting climatic change, national color preferences could A. changeC. renewtheir national economies will suffer as a result.A. sudden and severeC. clear and simpleA. on top ofB. slow and continuous D. far and wide B. instead of D. on behalf of B. happy D. greatly surprised 19. More people report they “feel”C. on the point of A. overjoyed C. sadⅢ. Directions: Scan Passage 1 and find the words which have roughly the meanings given below. Write the word you choose in the corresponding space on your ANSWER SHEET. (10 points, 1 point for each)Note: The numbers in the brackets refer to the numbers of paragraphs in the passage.21. exact; accurate (1)22. statement explaining the meaning of a word or expression (1)23. general (1)24. to provide more details about something in order to make it clearer (1)25. to have or use something together with someone else (2)27. information, usually in the from of facts or statistics that one can analyze (2)29. to plan, prepare, decide on all the details of something (3)30. to change something into a different form (3)Passage 12SECTION 2 READING COMPREHENSION(40 points)IV. Directions: Skim Passage 2 and read the statements given right after the passage andjudge whether they are True or False. Write the corresponding answer you choose on your ANSWER SHEET.(10 points, 1 point for each)Passage 22.In contrast are the unusual, chronic, or exceptionally severe pains that require attention from a doctor, who can determine whether or not they require special care.Angina pectoris(pain of the chest) is a heart pain that lasts from two or three minutes to ten or fifteen. Identification is extremely important, because special drugs are needed for relief and the doctor’s understanding and advice may prevent recurrence of the condition.3.Only a doctor can recognize what are called referred pains. These originate at one point, but are felt at another to which they have been carried by the nerves. A person with continuous 331.Transient pains should usually be investigated.32.All chronic pains require special care.33.Angina pectoris would probably be classified as unusual.35.Pains can be useful as a signal of the presence of disease.36.Transient pains are different from referred pains.37.Pains can serve as an aid in the diagnosis of disease.38.A person with continuous pains is usually good-tempered.39.Chronic pains are felt some distance from their source.40.All chronic pains can be identified and treated.V. Directions: Read Passages 3 and 4 and choose the correct answer. Write the corresponding letter of the answer on your ANSWER SHEET.(20 points, 1 point for each)Passage 31.Every year a great number of babies and young children die or are injured in fires. One out of every five fires is caused by careless smoking or by children playing with matches and lighters. Don’t tempt children by leaving matches or lighter s around a room.2.Never leave a child alone in a house. In just a few seconds they could start a fire. Ora fire could start and trap them. A child will panic in a fire and will not know what to do. Unless a parent is around to help, a child may try to hide under a bed or in a closet. Home fire drills are a sound idea. The best way to stop panic in case of fire is to know what to do before a fire breaks out.5.Some people use a vaporizer or portable heater in a child’s room. If you do, be sure you 4place it out of reach. Be sure, too, that it is not placed too close to blankets or bedclothes.e care in the kitchen. It is not safe to let an infant crawl or a small child walk around the kitchen while you are preparing meals. There is danger of your tripping andspilling something hot on the child. There is even danger of a child pulling in a hot pot off the stove on to herself. Also, do not use tablecloths that hang over the table edge. Children can easily pull the cloth and whatever is on the table down. Be aware of these dangers and protect your child.41. The best title of the passage can be ________.A. Better Safe Than SorryC. Escape From FireB. How to Protect Children D. Be Careful in the Kitchen B. one out of five firesD. five out of ten fires 42. Careless smoking or children playing with matches and lighters causes ______. A. most deaths of children C. eight out of ten deaths in firesA. panickingB. not knowing what to doC. trying to hide under a bed or in a closetD. calling for help44. In para graph 2, the word “sound” is closest in meaning to ________.A. healthyC. sensibleB. safe D. thorough B. be prepared D. run away B. prevention D. putting out the fire B. flames D. blaze B. bedclothes D. space heaters 43. A child will probably do the following in a fire EXCEPT ______. 45. The best way to stop panic in the case of fire is to ________. A. call a neighborC. call a policeman A. panic 46. When caught in a fire, a person’s first thought should always be ________. C. escape A. smoke C. fuel 47. The real killer in a fire is _________. 48. Burns can be caused by _______. A. harmful toys C. blankets49. Which statement is NOT mentioned in the passage?A. Never leave a young child alone at home.B. Burns can be very dangerous to children.C. Place heaters out of the reach of children.D. Do not work in a kitchen when a child is in it.50. From the passage, we can infer that _______.A. adults know how to handle fires5B. many children start fires in a houseC. some fire fighters are not well trainedD. adults are always very careful about fire.Passage 42. The way that seismic waves travel shows that the earth’s interior is far from uniform. The continents and the seabed are formed by the crust—a thin sphere of relatively light, solid rock. Beneath the crust lies the mantle, a very different layer that extends approximately halfway to the earth’s center. There the rock is the subject of a battle between increasing heat and growing pressure.3. In its high levels, the mantle is relatively cool; at greater depths, high temperatures make the rock behave more like a liquid than a solid. Deeper still, the pressure is even more intense, preventing the rock from melting in spite of a higher temperature.4. Beyond a depth of around 2,900 kilometers, a great change takes place and the mantle gives way to the core. Some seismic waves cannot pass through the core and others are bent by it. From this and other evidence, geologists conclude that the outer core is probably liquid, with a solid center. It is almost certainly made of iron, mixed with smaller amount of other elements such as nickel.5. The conditions in the earth’s core make it a far more alien world than space. Its solid iron heart is subjected to unimaginable pressure and has a temperature of about 9,000° F. Although scientists can speculate about its nature, neither humans nor machines will ever be able to visit it.51. The word “conflicting” in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ________.A. controllingC. importantB. outdated D. opposing B. disagree with each other D. have found enough evidenceB. sound waves D. radio waves6 52. The geologists _________ about the nature of the earth’s interior. A. agree with each other C. are sure 53. Seismic waves are _________ . A. pulses of energy C. electromagnetic waves54. The way that seismic waves travel shows that ________.A. the interior of the earth is rockB. the interior of the earth is divided into different layersC. the interior of the earth is metal55. The word “there” at the end of Paragraph 2 refers to the ________.A. seabedC. mantle B. crustD. earth’s center56. What is true about the mantle?A. It is similar to the crust.B. It is a very thin layer of the earth.C. It is cooler as it goes deeper.57. The phrase “gives way to” in Paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to ________.A. runs alongC. turns intoA. mantleC. changeA. liquidC. solid B. rubs againstD. floats on B. core D. depth B. made of iron D. mixed with nickel 58. The word “it” in Paragraph 4 refers to the _________. 59. The inn er core of the earth is NOT __________.60. Why does the author state that the earth’s core is “more alien” than space?A. Because government funds are not interested in the characteristics of the earth’s core.B. Because scientists are not interested in the characteristics of the earth’s core.C. Because the pressure and high temperature there prevent scientists from doing research.D. Because the earth’s core is made of elements that are dangerous to humans.Ⅵ. Directions: Passage 5 is taken from the TEXTBOOK. Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer. Write the corresponding letter of the answer on your ANSWER SHEET. (10 points, 1 points for each)Passage 52. If population growth continues at its present pace, the future balance between food 75. Solar energy is available in various forms. Buildings can be heated and cooled by direct use of solar radiation, crops and trees, which are the most efficient converters of sunlight into energy, can be grown for their energy potential, wastes can be burned as fuel, sunlight can be converted into DC (direct current) electricity, electricpower can be derived from the sun-warmed surface waters of the ocean (ocean thermal power), lastly, solar radiation can be converted to heat that will drive electric power generators (solar thermal power). Serious problems still remain as to transportation and storage of solar energy.7. Nuclear energy is produced in nuclear power plants. At these plants atoms of uranium are split, thus releasing masses of energy. Another source of energy under development is the nuclear fusion of certain atoms of hydrogen. This could eventually replace natural gas as a source of energy.8. In future trade the key development to watch is the relationship between the industrialized and the developing nations. Third World countries export their mineral deposits and tropical agricultural products, which bring them desired foreign exchange. Tourism has also been greatly responsible for the rapid development of some developing nations. Western Europe has received millions of such workers from Mediterranean countries.9. The developing nations profit when these workers bring their savings and their acquired technical skills back home. Many developing nations benefit when Western nations establish manufacturing in their countries to take advantage of cheap labor.10. As economies mature, economic growth rates tend to level off. The rate of population growth is leveling off today in Western nations. This leveling-off eventually leads to static The 8Next 200 Years, says that a shift in priorities will have to occur for industrialized nations. No longer is the creation of money and jobs essential, it is rather the improvement of the quality of life that must be our concern. Today pollution is of major concern for industrialized nations. Environmentalists are worried about the relationship between industrial objectives and preserving the environment. In developing nations, however, the problem of pollution is ignored for the sake of development.11. The Western World will eventually move to a period of relatively low economic growth, coupled with a high rate of unemployment. A so-called welfare society will emerge. The unemployed in the new welfare society will be taken care of by the employed through generous contributions to the social welfare system.12. Political questions remain as to the world’s future. We can only speculate as to whether would greatly enhance world trade.61. If population growth continues at its present pace, how can people keep the balance between food demand and supply?A. People should increase the consumption of meat.B. People should increase the consumption of low protein food.C. People should turn to new dietary patterns.D. People should produce more crops.62. Trade growth will depend greatly on ___________.A. energy sourcesB. dietary patternsC. increased consumption of soybeansD. increased yields on existing croplands63. The oil crisis of 1974 caused ___________.A. countries to depend more on oilB. countries to find other energy sources to replace oil64. The problem with solar energy is that _________.9A. sunlight cannot be used directly for heating buildingsB. sunlight cannot be used to drive electric power generatorsC. it is difficult to transport and store solar energyD. it is difficult to convert sunlight into DC electricity65. Geothermal energy has not been exploited because ____________.B. it is not sufficient enoughC. little is known about exploratory technology66. Which of the following is NOT true according to paragraph 8?A. Third World countries export their mineral deposits so as to get foreign exchange.B. Workers in Third World countries emigrate to developed countries.C. Tourism will contribute much to the development of Third World countries.D. Some developing countries will absorb large numbers of foreign workers to work in their countries.67. Industrial nations show great concern for ____________.A. creation of new jobsB. pollution and environmental preservationC. high unemployment and low wagesD. the decreasing economic growth rate68. Which of the following is true according to Paragraph 10?A. Western nations are facing economic saturation.B. Developing countries pay much attention to the problem of pollution.C. As economies mature, economic growth rates tend to speed up.D. A welfare society will emerge in developing nations.69. In a welfare society ______________.A. people don’t need to work but can enjoy the welfare provided by their countriesB. more people will be laid off with the rapid growth of the economyC. rate of unemployment is very low due to low economic growthD. people who are out of work will be taken care of economically by their countries70. We can conclude from Paragraphs 12,13 and 14 that _________.B. the future of the international trade will depend on international consultation and cooperationC. there would be monetary cooperation between Western and Eastern European countriesD. future international liquidity reserves would influence growth in trade SECTION 3 QUESTIONS AND TRANSLATION (30 points)attention to the words, grammar and sentence structure in your answers. (15 points, 3 points for each)71. What energies will play a large role in the future?72. Which energy could eventually replace natural gas as a source of energy?What energy is it classified as?73. Why is it the key point in future trade to develop the relationship between the industrialized and the developing nations?74. Herman Kahn says in his book The Next 200 Years that a shift will occur for industrialized nations. What is the shift?75. What will happen if the IMF countries are not able to agree upon a new international monetary order in the future?Ⅷ.Directions: Translate the following sentences (taken from passage 5) in to Chinese and write the Chinese version in the corresponding space on your ANSWER SHEET. (15 points, 3 points for each)76. Reduced consumption of meat, increased used of new high protein food made from soybeans, and development of ocean resources for food are some alternatives that must be considered.78. Many Third World nations with high unemployment and low wages have seen an emigration of workers to the developed nations.79. A point of saturation sets in—technology and innovation have seemed to achieve the impossible, but then how much further can it go ?80. In the present political climate, this would seem impossible, although some cooperation agreements are already in effect.11121314。

每小题1分,共20分)1.唇形科的拉丁名是( )。
A.RosaceaebiafaeC.MagnoliaceaeD.Liliaceae2.植物器官通常由( )组成。
A.4个部分B.6个部分C.7个部分D.5个部分3.葡萄的卷须属于( )。
A.叶卷须B.茎卷须C.托叶卷须D.不定根4.隐头花序是( )的特征之一。
A.桑科B.胡桃科C.三白草科D.蓼科5.根茎和块茎为( )。
A.地上茎变态B.地下茎变态C.正常茎变态D.发育不良6.花无花被、单被或重被,花瓣分离,雄蕊与花瓣离生的特征,属于( )的特征。
A.双子叶植物B.单子叶植物C.合瓣花亚纲D.离瓣花亚纲7.花下有一枚干膜质大苞片和两枚小苞片为( )主要特征之一。
A.石竹科B.苋科C.睡莲科D.马兜铃科8.胚珠裸露于心皮上,无真正的果实的植物为( )。
A.双子叶植物B.被子植物C.单子叶植物D.裸子植物9.桂圆和荔枝属于( )。
A.无患子科B.卫矛科C.鼠李科D.冬青科10.次生射线,位于木质部为木射线,位于韧皮部的称为韧皮射线,两者合称为( )。
A.髓射线B.维管射线C.初生射线D.额外射线11.木犀科植物的花很特殊,雄蕊只有( )枚。
A.5B.2C.4D.612.杜鹃花科植物的花药为( )。
A.顶孔开裂B.顶端瓣裂第 1 页C.顶端侧裂D.顶端横裂13.柑果、核果、浆果、瓠果属于( )。
A.单果B.干果C.不裂果D.聚合果14.双悬果为伞形科的特征,其分果有( )条棱。
A.4B.3C.6D.515.龙胆科的子房2心皮组成一室,有( )。
A.3个侧膜胎座B.2个侧膜胎座C.4个侧膜胎座D.1个侧膜胎座16.苔藓植物有配子体和孢子体两种植物,其中孢子体( )于配子体上。


C.甲硫(蛋)氨酸B. 由Ca1和Ca2组成—3个t1/2后,可大体清除干净5.在免疫应答进程中,巨噬细胞6.用左旋多巴或M受体阻断剂医治震颤麻痹(帕金森病),不能减缓的病症是7.在神经-骨骼肌接头处,排除乙酰胆碱的酶是酶+-K+依托式ATP酶9.水肿细胞电镜下观看,要紧细胞器的病变是10.《执业医师法》规定对考核不合格的医师,卫生行政部门能够责令其暂停执业活动,并同意培训和继续医学教育。


这种规范文字是( )A.甲骨文B.小篆C.秦隶D.古文2.下列句子中加着重号的词使用通假字的是( )A.學而時習之,不亦說乎?B.草木暢茂,禽獸繁殖,五穀不登,禽獸偪人。
3.下列各组形声字中,形符均占据一角的一组是( )A.锦、穎、旌、哉B.裁、疆、佞、務C.脩、旗、雖、勝D.徒、都、賴、辫4.“癸酉,師陳于鞌”,“陣”是“陳”的( )A.古字B.今字C.异体字D.简体字5.狭义的异体字是指( )A.读音相同、意义大部分相同、形体一部分相同的字B.意义、形体不同,读音相同的字C.读音、意义完全相同,形体不同的字D.读音相同,形体、意义均完全不同的字6.“衷”、“裹”、“哀”三字的结构类型均属于“六书”中的( )A.象形B.会意C.指事D.形声7.下列各组字中全部为象形字的一组是( )A.月、刃、屰、牛B.及、夕、人、車C.皿、貝、女、犬D.行、燕、大、上8.下列各组字,象形、指事、会意、形声四种结构类型都具备的一组是( )A.日下伐牧B.口虎取梅C.止曰逐逝D.鳥末甦歪9.下列各项两组繁简字,在古汉语中都能够通用的一组是( )A.後——后蟲——虫B.禮——礼棄——弃C.僕——仆穀——谷D.餘——余薑——姜10.下列句子加着重号的词使用文字的是( )A.寡助之至,親戚畔之。
11.下列各句中加着重号的词与括号中成语加着重号的词意义不同的是( )A.于是乘其車,揭其劍。

A 莅临计划不仅是/而且是B 莅临规划不是/而是C 亲临规划不仅是/而且是D 亲临计划不是/而是4、下列各句中加括号的成语使用不恰当的一句是【】A、滥挖天山雪莲现象日益猖獗的原因之一是,违法者众多且分布广泛,而管理部门人手不足,因此执法时往往(捉襟见肘)。

1•分离中等极性的酸性化合物,最常选用的分离方法是()A. 硅胶吸附色谱法C. 纸色谱法2•全部为亲脂性溶剂的是()A. 正丁醇、乙醚、乙醇C. 乙酸乙酯、乙醇、甲醇3•与水混溶的有机溶剂是()A. 乙醇C. 正丁醇4. 在浓缩的水提取液中加入一定量乙醇,A. 树胶C. 蛋白质5•苷原子不同时,酸水解的顺序是(A. O-苷>S-苷>C-苷>N-苷C. N-苷>S-苷>0-苷>C-苷6.最易被碱催化水解的苷是(A. 酯苷C.醇苷B. 氧化铝吸附色谱法D. 凝胶过滤法B. 正丁醇、甲醇、乙醚D. 氯仿、乙醚、乙酸乙酯B. 乙醚D. 氯仿不能除去的成分是()B. 黏液质D. 树脂)B. N-苷>0-苷>S-苷>C-苷D. C-苷>N-苷>0-苷>S-苷)B. 氰苷D.硫苷7. 3 -D-葡萄糖苷的结构式是(R代表苷元)()10119#天然药物化学试题第1页(共9页)10119#天然药物化学试题第1页(共9页)8.黄酮类化合物早期又称黄碱素,其碱性原子指()A.1 位O 原子B.4 位酮羰基C.5 位羟基D.B 环苯基9.3, 5, 7-三羟基黄酮(a)、3, 5, 7, 4'-四羟基黄酮(b)和5-羟基-7, 4'-二甲氧基黄5%NaHCO3、5%Na2CO3和5%NaOH 溶液萃取的酮(c)用pH梯度萃取法分离,依次能为是()A.a、b、cB.b 、a、cC.b、c、aD.c、a、b10.四氢硼酸钠试剂反应是用于鉴别()A. 二氢黄酮(醇)B. 查耳酮C.黄酮醇D. 花色素11.提取黄酮苷类化合物,常可采用下列方法, 除了()A. 碱溶酸沉法B. 乙醇提取法C.沸水提取法D. 金属络合沉淀法12.二氢黄酮、二氢黄酮醇类苷元在水中溶解度稍大是因为()A. 羟基多B. 有羧基C.C 环为平面型D.C 环为非平面型13.具邻位酚羟基黄酮用碱水提取时,保护邻位酚羟基的方法是()A.加四氢硼钠还原B. 加醋酸铅沉淀C.加硼酸络合D. 加乙醚萃取14.紫外光谱中,主要用于诊断黄酮、黄酮醇类化合物7-OH 的试剂是()A.NaOMeB.NaOAcC.NaOAc+NaOMeD.AlCl 315.检测a -去氧糖的试剂是()A. 醋酐-浓硫酸B. 三氯化铁-冰醋酸C.三氯化锑D. 苦味酸16.下列物质中C/D 环为顺式稠合的是()A .甾体皂苷 B. 三萜皂苷C.强心苷D. 蜕皮激素17. 进行生物碱沉淀反应的一般介质是()10119# 天然药物化学试题第3 页(共9 页)10119# 天然药物化学试题 第 4 页(共 9 页)20. 具有隐性酚羟基的生物碱难溶于氢氧化钠溶液的原因是( C.N 附近吸电子基团的诱导效应 D.N 附近供电子基团的诱导效应 21.氧化苦参碱在水中溶解度大于苦参碱的原因是( )A.属季铵碱 B.具有半极性N T O 配位键 C. 相对分子质量大D. 碱性强二、多项选择题 (本大题共 10小题,每小题 1 分,共 10分) 在每小题列出的五个备选项中至少有两个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。

20200303年10月数学试题一、问题求解.1.某培训班有学员96人,其中男生占全班人数的,女生中有15%是30岁和30岁以上的,则女生中不到30岁的人数是().(A )30人(B )31人(C )32人(D )33人(E )34人2.某工厂人员由技术人员、行政人员和工人组成,共有男职工420人,是女职工的113倍,其中行政人员占全体职工的20%,技术人员比工人少125,那么该工厂有工人().(A )200人(B )250人(C )300人(D )350人(E )400人3.已知53352525x x x x −−=++,则实数x 的取值范围是().(A )52x <−或35x ≥(B )5325x −≤≤(C )5325x −<≤(D )3552x −≤≤(E )以上结论均不正确4.数列{}n a 前项的和为242n S n n =+−,则它的通项公式n a 是().(A )83n −(B )41n +(C )82n −(D )85n −(E )1,183,2n n a n n =⎧=⎨−≥⎩5.已知某厂生产x 件产品的成本为212500020040C x x =++(元),若产品以每件500元售出,则使利润最大的产量是().(A )2000件(B )3000件(C )4000件(D )5000件(E )6000件6.甲、乙、丙依次轮流投掷一枚均匀的硬币,若先投出正面者为胜,则甲、乙、丙获胜的概率分别为().(A )111,,333(B )421,,888(C )431,,888(D )421,,777(E )以上结论均不正确二、条件充分性判断.7.某城区2001年绿地面积较上年增加了20%,人口却负增长,结果人均绿地面积比上年增长了21%.(1)2001年人口较上年下降了8.26‰.(2)2001年人口较上年下降了10‰.8.不等式.2(3)2(3)10k x k x k +−++−<对x 的任意数值都成立.(1)0k =.(2)3k =−.9.2x y x y+=−.(1)3x y =.(2)13x y =.10.数列{}n a 的前k 项和12k a a a +++⋯与随后k 项和122k k k a a a +++++⋯之比与k 无关.(1)21(1,2,)n a n n =−=⋯.(2)2(1,2,)n a n n ==⋯.【参考答案】1-5ECCEE 6-10DABEA。

P 点射入,> .已知此光束由红光和蓝光组成,则当光束透过 b 板后,
二、本题共 3 小题,共 21 分. 11.(6 分)下图为—正在测量中的多用电表表盘。
(1)如果是用直流 10V 档测量电压,则读数为 (2)如果是用×100档测量电阻,则读数为
5.两块大小、形状完全相同的金属平板平行放置,构成一平 行板电容器,与它相连接


1.在古希腊神话中,爱神的名字是(C)A.雅曲娜B.维纳斯C.阿弗洛狄忒D.阿耳忒弥斯2.《奥德修纪》突出的主题是(B)A.和平B.冒险精神C.宗教D.来世思想3.《列那狐传奇》中的列那狐是(A)A.市民的典型B.无产阶级的典型C.封建贵族的典型D.神职人员的典型4.但丁将《新生》献给了他钟爱的少女,这个少女是(A)A.贝亚特丽齐B.圣母玛丽亚C.劳拉D.玛甘泪5.《伪君子》中聪明伶俐的女仆是(C)A.欧米尔B.柏奈尔C.道丽娜D.玛丽娅娜6.塞万提斯的代表作是(C)A.《小癞子》B.《汤姆·琼斯》C.《堂·吉诃德》D.《巨人传》7.歌德的诗剧《浮士德》的基本情节是(C)A.两幕序曲,一个赌赛,半生追求,一生悲剧B.两幕序曲,一个赌赛,终生追求,五幕喜剧C.一幕序曲,两个赌赛,终生追求,五幕悲剧D.一幕序曲,两个赌赛,半生追求,一生喜剧8.开俄国文学描写小人物命运之先河的作品是(C)A.《上尉的女儿》B.《穷人》C.《驿站长》D.《外套》9.美国最早提倡现实主义文学的作家是(D)A.马克·吐温B.杰克·伦敦C.德莱塞D.威廉·豪威尔斯10.欧仁·鲍狄埃的《国际歌》完成的时间是(D)A.巴黎公社成立前B.巴黎公社成立时C.巴黎公社起义时D.巴黎公社失败后11.首次使用“多余人”论述当时俄国文学民族性的作家是(B)A.莱蒙托夫B.赫尔岑C.屠格涅夫D.普希金12.《玩偶之家》中娜拉出走的原因是(D)A.逃避柯洛克斯泰以“冒名借债”之事对她的要挟B.保全丈夫的名誉,自己承担“冒名借债”的责任C.逃避“冒名借债”的责任,让丈夫“挑起那副担子”D.看穿了丈夫的伪善,认清了自己的处境13.《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》中塑造的一个不屈从命运的黑奴形象是(B)A.汤姆B.吉姆C.哈克D.道格拉斯14.被评论界视为“迷惘的一代”宣言书的长篇小说是(C)A.《永别了,武器》B.《丧钟为谁而鸣》C.《太阳照样升起》D.《乞力马扎罗的雪》15.高尔基晚年创作中被称为“俄罗斯精神生活的编年史”的作品是(D)A.《阿尔达莫诺夫家的事业》B.《母亲》C.《夏天》D.《克里姆·萨姆金的一生》16.《荒原》的作者是(A)A.T·S·艾略特B.庞德C.叶芝D.马雅可夫斯基17.卡夫卡《变形记》中的主人公是(D)A.K B.约瑟夫·KC.卡尔·罗斯曼D.格里高尔18.萨特的成名作《恶心》采用的是(A)A.日记体、自叙体B.自传体、书信体C.诗体、游记体D.自叙体、演说体19.被誉为“在拉丁美洲引起了一场文学地震”的作品是(D)A.《总统先生》B.《佩德罗·帕拉莫》C.《家长的没落》D.《百年孤独》20.古巴比伦文学的最高成就是(C)A.《伊利亚特》B.《罗摩衍那》C.《吉尔伽美什》D.《罗兰之歌》21.日本古典文学发展到高峰的标志是(B)A.《万叶集》B.《源氏物语》C.《日本永代藏》D.《古事记》22.波斯文学“诗歌之父”指的是(A)A.鲁达基B.菲尔多西C.内扎米D.海亚姆23.印度近代大诗人泰戈尔长篇小说的代表作是(A)A.《戈拉》和《沉船》B.《戈拉》和《戈丹》C.《戈拉》和《喀布尔人》D.《戈拉》和《摩诃摩耶》24.马哈福兹的代表作《宫间街》、《思宫街》、《甘露街》三部曲是(A)A.埃及第一部广泛反映一个时代伟大风貌的现实主义作品B.埃及第一部广泛反映一个时代伟大风貌的现代主义作品C.伊朗第一部广泛反映一个时代伟大风貌的现代主义作品D.伊朗第一部广泛反映一个时代伟大风貌的现实主义作品二、多项选择题(本大题共8小题,每小题2分,共16分)在每小题列出的五个备选项中有二个至五个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。
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1.下列关于MCS-51单片机说法错误的是( )。
2.51单片机执行MOVX A,@DPTR指令时,相关的信号状态是( )。
3.51单片机的时序单位从小到大依次是( )。
4.相对转移指令所能跳转的范围是( )。
02358# 单片机原理及应用试题第1 页共5页
MOV R7,#07H
02358# 单片机原理及应用试题第2 页共5页
1〉上述程序中,F0所起的作用是( )
2〉若按降序排列,则应做的改动是( )。
CJNE A,#21H,N1 ;①
N1: JC L1
CJNE A,#40H,N2
N2: JNC L2
1〉①所在行的指令作用是:( );
( );
4. MOV A,#51H
MOV 20H,50H
MOV 50H,20H
5. MOV C,ACC.1
ANL C,P2.1
ANL C,P2.7
MOV P1.5,C
2〉程序中11H位所在的RAM单元地址是( )。
02358# 单片机原理及应用试题第3 页共5页
02358# 单片机原理及应用试题 第 4 页 共5页
3〉开关S 拨向A 时,编写程序将U1中以#DA TA 为起始地址的100字节数据表传送到U2的以#TABLE 为起始地址的单元中。
2.现有 A.B.C.D 四个拨盘,通过下面的电路将拨盘的BCD 码置数一次输入到通用寄存器 R4(A ,B),R5(C.D)中去。
要求:1〉若没使用的地址线为1,则1#芯片输入口地址为( ),2#芯片输入口地址
为( );(4分)
1〉如图所示的8155接口电路中,若未用的地址线用1表示,8155的6个可编程端口地址范围是:();对应的8155内部RAM的地址范围是( )(4分)
02358# 单片机原理及应用试题第5 页共5页。