
Management Personal StatementI would like to apply to do a Management degree.Having acted as Managing Director on a Young Enterprise Team whilst doing my ‘AS' levels, I came up with innovative ideas that made a very successful company.Having held management positions within Human Resources, Operations, and Finance, I quickly realised that pursuing a management degree at university would be ideal for me.After my GCSE's, I held a temporary job as a junior in an Insolvency practice, in order to gain work experience.Having to work to tight deadlines taught me how to work independently as part of a professional team.I learnt that in business, if one person lacks productivity, then everyone else can suffer, and also how to motivate others as a means of preventing such issues.I used the skills learnt to enhance my role as the Managing Director of my young Enterprise company, particularly methods of motivation and delegation, and the significance of being accountable for others.Having spent nearly three years working part time in a Health food shop alongside my studies, I developed my communication skills, with both colleagues and customers, and proved to be a trustworthy employee.Being appointed as Deputy Head Boy in the sixth form was a great honour to me.My skills were greatly enhanced by holding this position, as I would often have to listen, and respond to issues brought up by fellow prefects, and students lower down theschool.Through activities such as Lunch duty, I learnt the worth of different leadership skills, and that it is important to treat everyone as an individual in order to get results.I was always keen to stay into the evening to help out at school events.Socialising is very important to me, and I am always keen to meet new people.I enjoy trying new foods to increase my knowledge of different cultures, and my culinary skills will prove very useful in independent university life.I enjoy travelling, and learning about modern history.Having recently returned from Prague, I visited a concentration camp.This was a moving experience for me, and something I will never forget.Music is one of my biggest hobbies, and I use music to help me unwind and reflect on things.I use the internet to keep up with current affairs and sports news.I have always been a keen sportsman, representing my school in many sporting activities.I enjoy running, particularly competing in sprint races, but also long distance running as a means of keeping fit.I always try to go for a run every evening, during breaks between my A Level studies.I represented my school as a keen member of the district and Maccabi Great Britain athletics teams, particularly in the relay.I formally played tennis and table tennis in national competitions, and more recently I have played in football, rugby, and cricket leagues outside of school.I believe that my experiences have prepared me for independent university life.My social skills together with my ambition to succeed in life prove me to be good candidate for a Management Degree.第二篇:留学美国个人陈述个人陈述:重点(每一个段落都要有一个主题,第一句话是主题,下面以此来展开,支持第一句。

受访者:W同学学生背景:IELTS 7.0;GPA 3.55;GMAT 710录取院校:伦敦政治经济学院、伦敦大学学院、帝国理工学院、曼彻斯特大学时光飞逝,来LSE学习已经两个多月了,这段时间我过得真心不容易,每天要读很多的书、做很多的作业。
之后在浩海推荐下,我参加了一个Summer School,说是G5比较注重 International Experience。

第一篇英语便条写作的格式句型以及范文Dieins: Yu hve ike he Russin Ninl Blle Tupe, hih is visiing nd yu n give i yu fiend Alie Wie ne he nd sy:1) he ie f he sh,) he ple hee yu ill i f heYu shuld ie bu 6 dsn 诚挚邀请对方参加某活动n 介绍活动的内容、时间、地点,相关内容n 再次发出邀请或者期待对方回复开头用语①Will yu d us he fv f jining u py?②My I ke his ppuniy invie yu u univesiy give leue?③If yu hve n he plns f Mndy,My 15h,ill yu e u py y he?④I hpe yu ill give e he plesue f yu pny n he sin f dinne ih fe fiends nex Sudy,he 16h his nh,6 ’lk⑤I exending yu u fl inviin⑥I is ih he gees plesue h I ie dilly invie yu end he eeing⑦I gives e he gees plesue invie yu visi his exhibiin⑧Will yu give he plesue f dining ih us he Beijing Hel n Sundy,Obe he enh,eigh ’lk p? 结束用语①We uld be vey plesed if yu uld hn us ih yu pny Aniiping yu eply②I hpe yu n’deline y inviin③We hpe yu n e nd lk fd seeing yu le④We e niiping yu eply⑤Aiing n ely epne f u dil inviin nd ih kind egdsSundyDe Alie,Hee is piee f gd nes f yu The Russin Ninl Blle Tupe ill givepefne in he Beijing Gnd Thee evening I sue h yu ill be hppy h i nd I leve yu n dissin d The pefne ill begin seven ’lk shp I ill i f yu he hee enne Plese le e kn hehe yu e pevened f ing nYus sineely,×××道歉(Aplgy)Dieins: Yu hve issed de f yu fiend, n yu hve ie lee f plgy in bu 6 dsn 道歉的行为与内容,n 具体理由,n 弥补方法,n 进一步致歉。

➢ 在多音节和部分双音节词的前加 most 或
least beautiful
hard hardest
easy easiest
beautiful most
good beautiful
¥50 ¥40 ¥20
The tickets to Wanda Cinema are __c_h_e_a_p___. 形容词原级
The tickets to UME Moviห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ City are _c_h_e_a_p_e_r_. 形容词比较级
The tickets to Jinyi Cinema are _th_e__c_h_e_a_p_e_st_. 形容词最高级
adj.& adv.(bad和 badly的最高级) 最差/坏/糟(的);
adv.便宜地;低廉地 /'tʃi:pli/
close ticket worst cheaply
n. 歌;歌曲 /sɒŋ/,/ sɔ:ŋ/
n.(电台、电视台、俱乐 部的)音乐节目主持人
Language p1.oIitnhtass the biggest screens. 它有最大的屏幕。
biggest是big的最高级形式。形容词的最高级用于 三者或三者以上(人或物)的比较,最高级的前 面一般要加定冠词the,后面常接of/ in短语来说明 比较的范围。
它是所有苹果中最大的一个。 It’s the biggest apple of all.

在过了预期的申请处理 阶段后,第一时间联系 招生办助理老师。 从官网查到授课教授的 联系方式,直接email教 授。
第四步 第三步
第二步 第一步
实习就业机会: 地理位置极佳, 国际知名人士公开讲座 名人录: 乔治.索罗斯-“量子基 金”罗伯特.蒙代尔“最优化货币理论之 父”;龙永图-阿里巴巴 独立非执行董事
汪同学背景 优劣势分析
1、国内著名985院校 2、专业背景良好 3、IELTS 7.0分 4、GRE 1350分
1、GPA仅 84%分 2、申请高端院校 热门专业
案例一:GPA2.8,策略性攻破哥伦比亚大学 案例二:中等成绩者成功申到伦敦政治经济学院
成功入读 英国高端名校
排名 开设 专业 录取 难度 其他
世界排名:第47名 英国排名:第3名 商科排名:第9名
商科开设专业: 金融学 金融与私募股本 国际管理 管理学 人力资源管理 管理与策略 风险管理
经济与金融专业的personal statement, 个人自述

Economics and Finance Personal StatementAt college the courses that I study are Maths, Economics and ICT (having discontinued Chemistry after AS). My favourite subject that I am currently studying is EconomicsEconomic issues have become increasingly prominent in political and current affairs, and for me to understand such issues was the principal reason for me choosing to study economicsEach and every one of us is affected by changes in the economyAdvances in technology, changing inflation rates, unemployment, and balance of payments troubles are matters both of international magnitude and personal concernMy enthusiasm for economics has led me to want to pursue a degree that involves the theme's accountancy and finance. I hope this degree will aid me in a conceivable career in AccountancyAccountants are probably best known for checking the validity of company accounts - auditing - but this is just one aspect of what they do. Accountants devise and operate financial systems, and advise on business start-ups, company take-overs and company rescue schemesThey also handle individuals' and corporations' tax affairs and make recommendations to Government on policy. Accountants play a key role in the formulation and implementation of business decisions both strategic and political, through the uniquely analytical approach to the assessment of the financial implications of business plansThis course I believe will improve and equip me with essential skills that I require. It will enhance the problem solving and analysis skills that I have acquired from my A level in Economics and also from my study of MathematicsThrough managing my work and from project based modules I anticipate that my planning and organisational skills will be improvedI believe this course will equip me with practical and theoretical skills which will come of real use to me in as I pursue my career in accountancyI have been involved in voluntary work with my local tennis club. This involves going to the club every Friday and assisting the coach with his training of the kids. This has considerable responsibility, as I must ensure that the children are firstly in a secure environment. I must also make sure that the kids are becoming more skilled and taking pleasure from the sessions. Children work best in situations where they feel liberated and when they are enjoying themselves, but at the same time it is important to maintain a level of discipline. This voluntary work has taught me a great deal about myself and also enhanced many skills. I found my voluntary work to be very fulfilling and it is especially rewarding when a child achieves something you taught them to doMy leisure time is dominated by sports. I am very sports oriented and revel in playing in an assortment of sports, which include football, tennis, badminton, table tennis and swimmingI am a member of North Harrow Tennis Club and represent them in a league competition, which comprises of playing matches against other tennis clubsI have been very successful in swimming having captured the distinguished Gold Award, which is a reputed award. Swimming is a challenging sport that improves your fitness and is very enjoyableI relish participating in tournaments, which give me a chance to test my sporting abilities. I have won many trophies in table tennis and tennis and I always like to uncover ways in which I can improve my abilitiesMy sport has contributed to my studying since it improves skills like teamwork and determinationThis year I have taken it upon myself to take the responsibility of being Cafod representative. Cafod is a charity that fights third world poverty. It is a deserving cause that I try to support as much as possible. My duties involve collecting monthly collections and ensure the accounts for our class are in order. This position requires someone who is responsible, punctual in collection.五颗星Economics PS (Cambridge & LSE offers)Born into the week-old ex-Soviet state of Armenia, I have grown up in a time of huge political upheaval.Surrounded by an-ever changing economic environment, I remember asking my father what exchange rates were. In return, when presented with an analogy of supply and demand that involved an array of farmyard animals, little did I appreciate that I had come across the basis for economics. I have since observed Armenia's rapid development, but also evidence of poor macroeconomic management, such as the lingering presence of monopolies - crippling to the country's global competitiveness.Over the years, my initial childhood curiosity has grown into a passion for economics.As a Physics and Maths student, I derive great satisfaction from solving problems that initially seem impossible. Representing my school at the UKMT Senior Maths Challenge, as well as the national finals of the Science and Technology Challenge, I built up a keen open-mindedness for new ideas. Game theory, and its applications in economics, are of great interest to me and have helped me better appreciate the sheer scope of the discipline.I find it particularly interesting how oligopolists use game theory to anticipate competitors' actions, comparing the risks and potential benefits of certain business strategies, because this inevitably involves a degree of psychology and philosophy - a testament to the diverse nature of economics, which is beautifully demonstrated by the prisoner's dilemma.My mathematical grounding is complemented by my experience with languages, which continually helps me develop a more balanced and well-rounded outlook on the world around me. Fuelled by my great interest in development economics, I enjoy discussing related issues in German, with my class.I am fascinated by the sheer number of theories behind alleviating poverty in the third world, and how some directly contradict each other. For example, I agree with William Easterly's view that initiatives like debt-relief, which I find to be analogous with bank bailouts, have often been counterproductive. While they may be necessary in some cases, I believe that both practices tend to align the involved parties' incentives in a way that is in fact detrimental to the economies and societies concerned. The April anti-capitalist protests are a very real testament to my point and coincided with my work experience at a London fund management firm. More recently, the Conservatives' plans for public sector cuts have already been met with criticism from the public; this illustrates the challenges faced by economists, as they search forsocially viable solutions to inherently economic problems. The opportunity for extensive study and analysis of such issues attracts me to economics at university.Involving myself fully with my school has really helped to transform my educational experience; I was recently elected Head Boy by staff and students, following a campaign that helped develop my interpersonal skills, not to mention the capacity to take on criticism, as I worked with a wide range of people. Working successfully with others continues to be a key feature of my school career. In particular, helping younger pupils in my free time and being able to contribute to their development has been a rewarding and invaluable experience. The latter is especially true now that I work as an assistant tutor at a learning centre, where I am directly responsible for up to six children. In my role as Head Boy, I have demonstrated my ability to lead; just recently, I organised and performed in a theatre sketch that was presented to a panel from Investor in Careers - an award that the school then won. Outside school, I enjoy taking part in a variety of sports, and am currently setting up inter-form tournaments to be held in the sixth form. I look forward to the rigours and challenges of an economics degree and would hope to be able to contribute fully to the university community.Economics and Finance Personal StatementIn today's world, economics associated disciplines a re of fundamental significance and application, which has encouraged me to pursue a degree in Economics. I am enormously enjoying studying Mathematics at 'A' level and believe that my strong mathematical background will enable me to have an excellent basis in which to engage in the study of Economics. My passionate interest in economics is continually strengthened by my regular reading of 'The Economist' and 'The Financial Times'Work experience that I have recently completed at South Staffordshire Council (Accounts & Finance Department) has enforced my comprehension of the functional applications of economics. Having attended an open day at PricewaterhouseCoopers I have learnt about the assortment of careers that come about from the study of Economics, and the everyday work involvedAt school I have been handed many responsibilities, including being 'form leader' and being assigned the role of a prefect. Skills I have built fromthese responsibilities include the organizations of others, along with teamwork and the ability to represent my fellow pupils. My other areas of interest have provided me with the opportunity to attend lectures on chemistry at Villiers Park, Birmingham where I was chosen to represent my school. Currently, I am involved in completing an AVCE ICT course at my school, which has enabled me to have the ability to strengthen and vastly increase my skills in Information Communication TechnologyDuring my free time I keep myself informed of recent news by reading newspapers such as "The Times" and "The Guardian". I regularly attend the gym and also participate in sports such as tennis and swimmingAlso I enjoy singing in the school choir. At the weekends I am actively involved in the running of the family business, where I have developed my communication skills, from engaging with customers and the public, and also my business skillsI trust that throughout this brief statement I have satisfied you of my interest and commitment to the study of Economics. I believe I will make an important contribution to your university and aspire to have the opportunity to demonstrate this to you.Economics and Accounting Personal Statement.Accounting to me is not just a subject, but a life skill. It invokes not only the core disciplines of business and economics but it provides these in both a local and global context. I see Accounting as an international common language between businesses, to analyse accounts and influence future decisions companies will make.The application of business within the accounting degree has been one of the major pulling factors that have influenced my decision to study the subject. After studying GCSE business and discovering the accounting and finance aspect of it, I have become fascinated to learn more, going on to extend my knowledge of the subject by reading outside of the school environment. As an avid reader of the Accounting blog on the tutor2u website, I have gained a good grounding in the fundamental application of accounting, especially in the way websites such as ‘facebook’s’ growth is driven by their own growth through advertising, and the fact that their books and accounts continue to stay cash flow positive, despite their impressive rate of expansion. I am particularly interested in the law aspect of the course and how decisions made can influence anindividuals’ desire to defraud their accounts to avoid taxation, and the often extensive amount of time it takes to bring these people to justice.Although initially studying psychology may not seem to have a direct influence on accounting, I feel the knowledge I have learnt about the interaction of people’s behaviour in social situations will help me greatly. This would especially be within the aspects of the course that involve management methods and organisational behaviour. By studying Economics at A level I have found that it has had a profound effect on accounting. The understanding I have acquired of the financial world as a whole has provided me with a strong awareness of international sections of the course. The barrier for trade inside and outside of the EU and how this affects profit margins, with relevance to extra costs on balance sheets is one example. This awareness will help equip me to have a better understanding of real world accounting situations, where I hope to find my self in the future.Last summer I was accepted on a two week work experience placement at the Bank of England to do shadowing and accounting of my own, however due to circumstances beyond my own control, it fell through, much to my disappointment. Nevertheless I have tried to keep in touch with current Accounting developments through the newspapers and internet.I am currently completing my silver Duke of Edinburgh award scheme and I am planning an eight day trip, alongside “World Cha llenge Organisation”, to Norway next summer for my Gold expedition. The trip will be funded entirely through the money my team raise. I feel these experiences have helped me develop valuable life skills such as the desire to achieve, self-confidence and discipline. I believe that these skills I have learnt will provide the perfect platform for a degree in accounting and aid me on into the workplace. I also play hockey for the North of England and have captained both Yorkshire and South Yorkshire sides as well as my School and Club teams. Hockey is a major part of my extracurricular life, giving me teamwork and leadership skills and I feel I could contribute greatly to a wide range of university activities.I look forward to studying accounting at degree level. This will allow my interest in the subject to flourish. I hope to immerse myself fully in the experience and challenges the university will provide.Economics personal statementEconomics is a rigorous discipline to which I find myself intensely attracted. It is inspiring how the formal and analytical nature ofEconomics can be used to tackle such distinctly organic and complex concepts as welfare relating society; the enmeshing of mathematized "high theory" and "real world" dilemmas that Amartya Sen embraced.Furthermore, an Economics related degree would allow me to explore, in depth, a range of exciting, multidisciplinary topics as diverse as game theory, a subject only hinted at at A Level and which I would love to explore in university, international trade and development studies. An eagerness to venture beyond the A Level syllabus led me to be selected for Economics at Durham University. I was also selected for Physics and Politics'Masterclasses' due to my aptitude in these subjects.My choice of AS and A Levels, along with other academic achievements, help consolidate and support my desired degree choice. Economics serves as an introduction to the fundamental role of economic theory in governing the choices of society. Mathematics allows me to explore the techniques of data analysis and develop an abstract mode of thought, as has Kumon Mathematics. Chemistry and AS Physics have helped broaden my depth of logical awareness. It is my interest in logic that initiated me to take AS Critical Thinking, working mainly independently due to timetable conflicts, and I am currently enjoying studying argument structures and types.Outside of academia, I have a great passion for the arts; a love of literature and poetry: my collection is published online ( and a selection have been internationally published in the 'Letters From The Soul' anthology and 'The Sound of Poetry' audio CD. I am also a performing and administrative member of Navrang Arts, a nationally renowned Indian Folk Dance troupe, as well as of Egglescliffe Youth Theatre. Sport is equally important to me: I have played at the club and tournament level in tennis and additionally at county level in badminton. Currently, I am looking forward to gaining a coaching qualification in badminton as well as running the Great North Run next year having run the Junior Great North Run in the past years.Active participation in school life has been rewarding, having been Chairman of the School Council, an Editor of a collaborative publication with other partner schools in Europe, worked as a Peer Mentor for Y9 pupils and managed HSBC Schoolbranch. Additonally, I have been managing director of a Young Enterprise company, have represented the school at the RSC Analytical Chemistry Competition, and have been regional semifinalist at the Student Innovation Challenge.I have high ambitions, and in the future I hope to be successfully involved in economic policy at a high level. In the coming summer, I would like to gain experience in the professional world, perhaps with an internship at a well renowned firm, preferably in management consultancy or investment banking at Accenture or PWC.Economics and Finance Personal StatementIn today's world, economics associated disciplines are of fundamental significance and application, which has encouraged me to pursue a degree in Economics. Economics has an important relevance in all of our lives. As consumers we try to make the best of our limited incomes. As workers we take our place in the job market. As citizens of a country our lives are affected by the decisions of our government: decisions over taxes, decisions over spending on health and education, decisions on interest rates, decisions that affect unemployment, inflation and growth. As dwellers on the planet Earth we are affected by the economic decisions of each other: the air we breathe, the water we drink and the environment we leave for future generations are all affected by the economic decisions taken by the human race. It is these stimulating issues that excite me about economics. I am enormously enjoying studying Mathematics at 'A' level and believe that my strong mathematical background will enable me to have an excellent basis in which to engage in the study of Economics, My passionate interest in economics is continually strengthened by my regular reading of 'The Economist'Work experience that I have recently completed at South Staffordshire Council (Accounts & Finance Department) has enforced my comprehension of the functional applications of economics.Having attended an open day at PricewaterhouseCoopers I have learnt about the assortment of careers that come about from the study of Economics, and the everyday work involvedAt school I have been handed many responsibilities, including being 'form leader' and being assigned the role of a prefect. Skills I have built from these responsibilities include the organizations of others, along with teamwork and the ability to represent my fellow pupils. My other areas of interest have provided me with the opportunity to attend lectures on chemistry at Villiers Park, Birmingham where I was chosen to represent my school. Currently, I am involved in completing an AVCE ICT course at my school, which has enabled me to have the ability to strengthen and vastly increase my skills in Information Communication TechnologyDuring my free time I keep myself informed of recent news by reading newspapers such as "The Times" and "The Guardian". I regularly attend the gym and take pleasure in participating in sports such as tennis and swimming. Also I enjoy singing in the school choir. At the weekends I am actively involved in the running of the family business, where I have developed my communication skills, from engaging with customers and the public, and also my business skillsI trust that throughout this brief statement I have satisfied you of my interest and commitment to the study of Economics.I believe I will make an important contribution to your university and aspire to have the opportunity to demonstrate this to you.Economics personal statementExamination of any quality newspaper will probably demonstrate that more of the headlines address economic problems than any other topic. The importance and relevance of economic related disciplines to the modern world have led me to want to pursue the study of the subject at a higher level. I am particularly interested in the behaviour of firms and organisations from an economic point of view and I have based my A-level coursework in this field. During my study, I have come across many real life complexities and while attempting to explain these theories,I have developed a keen interest in analysing and understanding how the world of business is influenced by economics.I have created an economics revision website for A-level and GCSE students. It is primarily intended to help younger students gain an understanding of core economic principles but has also helped me improve my own computer and presentational skills. I regularly read newspapers and economic publications to keep up to date with economic developments and I am able to use my mathematical and analytical skills to apply different economic theories to a range of real-life economic situations.Last year, I took part in an economics and business project called Young Enterprise in which I set up a small company and sold products to students at our school. I enjoyed the chance to put some of my business economic theory into practice and was able to enhance my management and communication skills. I also gained a distinction in the associated exam.To gain practical experience in the workplace, I worked for two weeks at a small software company specialising in financial software. I currently have a part time job and this has taught me much about teamwork, responsibility and time management in the workplace.In my spare time, I enjoy reading, swimming, sketching and solving puzzles and logic problems. I have redesigned and been responsible for the maintenance of my school’s website.I believe that I will gain a highly marketable set of skills from the study of economics at university. I have found economics to be a challenging and diverse discipline and I am interested in both macro and micro economics. It is this variation of perspective, combined with its real world importance, that makes economics an appealing subject to study at university.Marketing personal statementMarketing appeals to me as it is argueably the most important department of any business. I understand the importance of marketing for all companies, whether it be small, medium or a blue chip company. I believe it would challenge my more creative side as well as testing my theoritical skills. I'm particularly interested in the more creative advertising side of marketing and the physcology behind it. My father owns his own graphic design and marketing business so I appreciate how advertising campaigns can work and understand how these contribute to the marketing campaign. My mother is also part owner of her family business, so I have experienced business throughout my life and I believe this has contributed to my passion towards this subject.I am currently studying an A Level in Economics. This course has helped me build upon my analytical skills, which I find myself incorporating into my other subjects, English Language and ICT, and will no doubt assist me during my higher education course. I enjoy taking part in group discussions, having debates and running with ideas and I honestly believe the course, and the overall transfer from GCSE to A Level, has matured me.Having worked at a camera shop and an electronics store, I'm especially familiar with the retail industry, although I've also worked at a local hotel. I believe these jobs have helped increase my confidence and improve my communication skills.In my spare time I play football at my local power league and play squash every weekend. Aswell as maintaining my health and fitness I believe playing sports is important because it teaches how to work and communicate in a team.I want to pursue higher education as I believe that it will provide me with all the experience and knowledge I need in order for me to successfully get a job in the marketing industry. I am looking forward to the academic side of university. I'm always looking for new challenges and feel I work more effiecently when given independance. I'm also looking forward to the social aspects as I love meeting new people and making new friends.。

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o gy意思是b"时()间过去"。
如例:Tme ientw y sob uickqyl.W e reaa lerday a tth een df our osumme rolhdiya 时.间过得快,真眼转我就们过要完暑了。

Personal StatementFrom the old saying, sheep led by a wolf will defeat wolves led by a sheep, we can see that the leader plays an important part, whose ability of management is a determinant of the survival and growth of a team. In China,a great number of private businesses declined due to their leaders put too much emphasis on trust and personal loyalty instead of establishing a managerial system. No rules, no justice. Although I just graduated from Newcastle University in Banking and Finance, I would like to apply for the program in management at Edinburgh to acquire myself of skills in management and the thinking patterns of a successful leader to prepare myself for being a manager in a financial institution.During the study at Henan College of Finance and Taxation, I was constantly exposed to the field of management through the course Science of Management and Management, which may contribute to your course of Organisational Behaviour. As for me, firstly, a good leader must distribute tasks with clear actionable goal. Secondly, due to the constantly changing economic environment, the leader should regularly adjust the inner organization structures to follow the trend of the market, such as taking care of the turnover and redeployment, putting focus on technical innovation. In order to achieving this, creating a enterprise environment which is suitable for enterprises' rapid renovation is the primary task. Thirdly, the leader should create an intellectual atmosphere inside the company. In China, the employees spend at least forty hours, which is longer than they enjoy the tomes with their family and friends, in cooperating with their colleagues. The broader notion of a enterprise culture should include achieving a win-win situation among the company, employees and customers and creating a open and safe atmosphere inside the enterprise.After completing bachelor degree in Accounting, I served as Assistant Accountant atHenan Zhongcheng Real Estate Co., Ltd, when my main responsibilities were billing, checking account and refreshing financial reports. However, after working for a year, I found myself limiting in expertise regarding macro economy, which led me to purse Banking and Finance at Newcastle University.In addition to my understanding of the principles of management, through the studying of Financial Theory and Corporate Policy and Risk Modeling at Newcastle University, I have learned to find and solve the financial crisis before the disease progresses, which requires a keen observation in data. Also, with this sensitive to numbers, I shall do some contribute to your course Accounting and Financial Management.Knowledge is infinite, to prepare myself to be a manager in a financial institution, I decide to studying further at Edinburgh to gain an insight into the theories and practical skills needed for successful management. I would be grateful if you offer me a place to study.。

lse 硕士文书ps范文

lse 硕士文书ps范文作为一名LSE硕士申请者,撰写一份出色的个人陈述(PS)至关重要。
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在撰写时,要注意以下要点:- 结构清晰:合理划分段落,使内容条理分明;- 语言精准:避免使用模糊词汇,如“很”、“非常”等;- 事例充实:用具体事例证明自己的能力和成就,而非仅陈述观点;- 个性化:展示你的性格特点和价值观,让招生官看到你的独特之处。
3.实用技巧撰写PS时,可以采用以下实用技巧提高文章质量:- 突出亮点:在文章中强调你的核心竞争力,如荣誉奖项、研究成果等;- 恰当运用过渡词汇,使文章连贯流畅;- 适当表达对所申请专业的了解和看法,体现对该专业的热情;- 反复修改和润色,确保文章无语法错误和拼写错误。
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国王的演讲英文影评国王的演讲英文影评篇一:国王的演讲英文影评 Rarely dyu get t s ee a mviethat prmis es a lt an d then, li ves up t i t s prmise. The King s Speechis a rarepiece, ind eed. The m vie starts ff ith astammering speech an d signs ff ith a sta ggering ne, ith hard ly any gli tchesin b eteen. The basic pre mise f the mvie is f airly simp le. A king ith a stu tter is he lped by amaverick s peech ther apist t ve re his prb lem and be e an inspi ring ratr. That sund s like a v ery knn te rritry t m st mvie ge rs. But fe minutes i nt the mvi e, and yurealize th at this ne simply pu shes the b ar a ntchhigher. It is a very pleasingmvie, desn t lead th e audience int a ltf unfrtabl e questins. Hever, t he artistr y lies inthe verall balance f the mvie. Yu slly s tart getti ng gripped by DavidSeidler sscreenplay. The actr s are supe rb, takesit sl andsteady ith superb gr ip n eachf their ch aracters.hile ClinFirth puts in a spec tacular pe rfrmance (ne yu cant miss), G effrey Rus h ges a bi t mre ld s chl and pu lls ff a s ubtle anddeep prtra yal. ne th at fills u p yur hear t but alskeeps yurbrain acti ve. Humr e s in hereand there,ith a ver y easy fland steady pace. Ntfr a singl e mment dyu perceiv e the mvie as dull.Helena Bnh am Carteris gd. Guy Pearce is apprpriat e, thugh h e des lk a bit t cas ual at tim es (maybethat as an intentina l characte r fla). Ms t f the mv ie had bee n filmed i ndrs, albe it ith elq uent art d irectin. B ut the cca sinal sequ ences shtutside had been film ed very be autifully, prtraying a very dr eamy pictu re f the t hen Englan d. Smetime s, the cam era ges in t clse tthe charac ters, andstays ther e fr a hil e, just ln g enugh tgive us asense f su ffcatin, q uite an ar tistic equ ivalent faspeech d isrder ! B ut then ag ain, negat ive shades had beenhiteashedith jyus n es and yunever perc eive it as a dark mv ie. Direct in ise, Tm Hper is b ang n ! Th is is thekind f a m vie here y u ant t gi ve a lt fcredit t t he directr. The set-up is such that thedramatic e lements ar e high but needs t b e tamed, s that it d esn t gesver bard.And Mr.Hpe r hits the bulls eye! Perfect balance.All pintscnsidered,it s a br illiant mv ie and a m ust atch.篇二:The Kin g(国王的演讲观后感)英文版 TheKing s Spe ech I just atched th e film The King s Sp eech sever al days ag. It tld u s a quitetuching an d inspirin g stry abu t King Ger ge VI ,ver came his s tutteringprblem.Heis the bra vest persn I have kn n. Because f the stu ttering pr blem ,he a s afraid f speech in the publi c places,Frtunately,ith the h elp f ali ttle-knn A ustralianspeech the rapist nam ed Linel ,he finally fund hisvice .hatimpress me mst is th e king s g iving thespeech t t he B(来自:.s mhaida.Cm海达范文网:国王的演讲英文影评)ri tish Natin,hich hadjust inspi red all fhis peple.The kingtried hisbest t ver e his eakn ess and im prve himse lf. hat ecan learnfrm the ki ng is that e shuld d efeat urse lves and t ry ur best t t seekur dreams.hen the l ife chse y u,yu can n t give up,just g ahe ad ,then y u ill be s uccessful.hatever t he difficu lties yu l l face ,yu shuld bel ieve yurse lf .篇三:《国王的演讲》英语影评 The King s SpeechIt is a qu ite inspir ing stry a but a man, psychlgic ally scarr ed, and tr apped in a situatinfrm hich h e culd hav e n escape and facin g it ith i mmense cur age. The m vie starts ff ith astammering speechan d signs ff ith a sta ggering ne, ith hard ly any gli tchesin b eteen. The basic pre mise f the mvie is f airly simp le. A king ith a stu tter is he lped by amaverick s peech ther apist t ve re his prb lem and be e an inspi ring ratr. That sund s like a v ery knn te rritry t m st mvie ge rs. But fe minutes i nt the mvi e, and yurealize th at this ne simply pu shes the b ar a ntchhigher. Th e film cnv eyed veryperfully i n the peni ng scene,the enrmit y f hat as requiredf him. Asthe film d evelps, th e plexitie s f the ch aracter ar e revealed. The acti ng is supe rb, especi ally frm t he three p rincipals,and the d evelpmentf the trub led and sp ark relati nship at t he heart f the filmis a jy tatch. Thefilm is ve ry funny a nd the cha racters ha ve armth a nd humanit y. The fil m is ell p aced, andcarries yu alng t th e emtinalclimax, sthat, even thugh I k ne the str y, it hadme hldingmy breath. If yu dnt need lts f actin r special e ffects inyur film,and enjy s eeing tp-n tch actrsat the ver y peak f t heir craft, this ill be fr yu. Yu mightals, as Idid, gaina bit mreinsight in t the huma n drama be hind a sig nificant,but relati vely unexp lred perid f British histry.篇四:《国王的演讲》英文影评 A r evie f neFle ver th e Cuck`s n est Thereis a idesp read anecd te : A frg is placed in biling ater, itill jump u t, but ifit is plac ed in cldater thatis slly he ated, it i ll nt perc eive the d anger andill be cke d t death.This strycalled The biling fr g .And neFle ver th e Cuck`s n est just d emnstratse s this phe nmena.Pepl e in the c uck`s nest just like this frgh get accu stumed t t he life th at is sche dualled an d cntrlled by thersand lse th e curage t leave.And it takesa lt t g u t this sll y heated a ter. Peple in the cu ck`s nesth are pell ed t eat m edicine an d listen h arsh music and are n t alled tatch the b all game a re threate d badly.Al thugh they alays pla in abut th e Cuck`s n est ,it ne ver ccurre d thatthe y ant t fl e ver this disgustin g place .T hey has ad apted t th e life f b eing princ ipled ,and their aar eness f re sistance h as died ut. hen Memu rphy es tthere ,hebegins t r esist theauthrity f nurse Ral ched by cl aiming t t urn dn the music and change th e schedual t atch th e ball gam e and brin g peple ut side t g f ishing. At last , th e chief`saareness f resistenc e es t bearused and leave thi s ater tha t is sllyheated suc cessfully. My revief The King`s SpeechThe succes s f the ki ng`s speec h lies inhis strngperseveran ce as ellas an equa l and trus tful relat inship has been buil t beteen t he king an d Dr Lngue. There is n dubt th at the kin g is a man ith a str ng ill,hic h is ne fa ctr f hissuccess .I n rder t v ere his st uttering p rblem,he m eets manydctrs andsuffers alt,but healays desn`t give up.At the be ginning fthe film,h e puts upith the su ffer f ins ertingr se ven marble s,hich get s him angr y at last.He still g es t see D r Lngue al thugh he h as tld his ife nt tintrduce a ny dctrs t him .Besi des,he ins ists n rep eating tng ue tisters even henhe ges utt persuade his brthe r David. A nther fact r is thatthere is a relatinsh ip ith tta l equality and t the king is f aithful in Linel,hecan accept his speci al methdsithut hesi tatin,such as jumpin g ,shuting ,rlling n thegrund,ect..Duet the equa lity and t rust,the k ing cnside rs Linel a s his frie nd,and sha res hat he has exper ienced hen he as a c hild and h is fear fhis father and brthe r.S that L inel gives the kingfaith in h is vice an d makes hi m believein himself thrugh mu nicatin it h the king and stimu latin by s iting n Sa int Edard`s chair. T herefre,th e king can have cura ge t givea successf ul speechand bees t he symbl f natin res istence.篇五:国王的演讲英语影评 A Fil m Revie fThe King’s Speech Ihave seenmany mvies, and TheKing’s Spe ech is nef the best mvies. In 201X, the British f ilm tk fur aards atthe Academ y Aard,in cluding Be st Picture. It is an extrardin ary film.Duke f Yrk, Albert,the secndsn f KingGergeⅤ, as asked t m ake a spee ch in TheBritish Em pire Exhib itin in 1925. But he had st utter, heculdn’t sa y fluently, s he mad ea fl inpublic. Af ter that,Albert and his ife E lizabeth b egan t fin d a dctr h is able t help Albe rt. But nb dy succeed ed. Until1934, they met Dr. L inel Lgue. Nearly de spair Albe rt began t try Lgue’s strangeay. In the meantime, in 1936,KingGergeⅤdied, and Albert’sbrther Dav id as thene king, K ing EdardVIII. ButDavid ante d t marryMrs. Simps n h divrce d a man, s he abdica ted. Alber t as the n e king, Ki ng Gerge V I. In 1939, Adlf Hit ler invade d Pland, B ritain dec lared ar n Germany.King Gerge VI must m ake a spee ch t Briti sh h Lgue’s help, Kin g Gerge VI finishedthe exciti ng speechexcellentl y. The mvi e is tuchi ng, I like it very m uch, it is educatina l, t. It s hs me theper f trus t, friends hip and lv e.。


英国留学音乐专业PS范文【-lStatement音乐专业个人陈述(PS)Ihavehadakeeninterestinmusicsincetheageof seven.I've always enjoyed listening toalltypesof music, especially classical and earlier yearsasayoung apprentice musician, I focused mainly on classical music,asItoplaythe violinattheageof eight. This wasthe beginning ofmy musicalSince,Ihave been given numerous chances toplayin shows and spectacles alloverthewith school,onebeinga performance inthe Waterfront Hallin Belfast,andseveralsolo performancesinlocaltheatresandtownhalls.Duringmytimeat DominicanCollege, Ihavebeeninvolvedinatleasttwo different major musical productions ayear.Inrecent yearsIhavebeengiven responsibility inorchestras and bands.Ihave directed and conducted two string quartets for different shows and arranged severalpiecesforthese performances.Although Imuchenjoy playing,Ienjoy composingalotmore.FormyandASlevelmusic compositions, Iachievedfull marks. Apartfrom playingtheviolin,Ialsothe piano.Igained Grade3in4years ago,butIhaven't doneanymoresince.Ican playthe pianoatagrade5-6 standard, andItendto focusjazzmusicand improvisation. Mypianoskillsshouldbemorethan adequateformy university course.understand thataBMusoraBAinmusic allowyouto choose optionstofocussuchas composition and performance. Ihave chosen coursesingoodsizedmusic departments, whereIagood choiceof specialist options.IthinkIwouldliketofocuson composition andanalysis,asthesetendtobemypresentforte.AlthoughIhavedonefew'grade' exams,Iamnow playing atagrade7-8 standard andIam working on several pastiches byFritz Kreisler.One ofthe other aspectsof musicIenjoyis teaching. Ifindit rewardingfuntodo.Formywork experience Ichosetoworkwitha peripatetic string tutorworkedforthe NEELB music board.Itlastedone week,andI enjoyedit immensely. Thegave methe chance to teach the students onmy own. This gave mearealinto teaching awide rangeof different techniques to different levelsof player. For example, Iagirlin primary seven howtoholdabow properly, andI taughtaboyinForm4howtoplaya chromatic scale. Fortwo yearsIhave been helping toatalocal youth string orchestra on Tuesday evenings. A music degree will enable metomy options openastoacareer path.Apart from music, myother loveisgolf.Ihave played golfforabout3-4 years,andIhave beena memberof Portstewart GolfClub for three years. I started playing golf because I always hadakeen interest init,but previously hadno opportunity toplay. However, onceI started,Iwas hooked!IplaymostweekendsandlastyearIplayedintheFredDalyteam,anall Irelandcompetition forunder18s.Imanagedtohelptheteamtothe quarterfinals ofthe Ulstersection. Todate,Ihavewonoftheclubs'majors', thatbeingamatchplaytournamentcalledtheMoore-Brown challengecup.Atmoment, Iplayoffa handicap of7.。
lse 硕士文书ps范文

lse 硕士文书ps范文摘要:1.导言:简要介绍LSE硕士文书PS范文的背景和重要性2.主体部分:分析并总结LSE硕士PS文书的写作要点和技巧3.案例展示:举例说明如何运用写作技巧撰写一篇优秀的LSE硕士PS4.结论:总结全文,强调LSE硕士PS文书在申请过程中的关键作用正文:作为全球顶级的社会科学学府,伦敦政治经济学院(LSE)吸引了无数有抱负的年轻人。
![[LSE] PS](
To whom it may concern:Why am I applying for this program?During my study in Accounting and Finance, I’ve became increasingly interested in how a company can be managed and financed properly. The stunning emergence of high profile companies featuring creativity and well-organized structures never fails to attract me. Then I came into realize that I’m feeling especially comfortable about the aspects of strategy and financing in corporate governance. So I’ve decided to take the strategic manager as my destination in career. To fulfil this goal, first I want to gain experiences about the industries and the financial world, and to start off by working in the field of Corporate Finance (Investment Banking/ Management Consulting). However, through my past experiences (3 internships related to corporate finance and participation in CIMA Global Business Challenge) I realized that my knowledge relating to these areas is far away from enough. I also need further years’ of studying and living in the UK to help strengthen my language skills so that I can compete smoothly in a global market. For these reasons, I seek to gain a further academic grounding in Accounting and Finance; further, a m aster’s degree in these areas will grant me a more profound and strengthened academic background than I had before, and will polish up my quantitative skills and ability of turning theory into action.Why am I applying forthe London School of Economics and Political Science?I’ve put my entire focus on LSE and found some factors that push me to apply for a master’s degree from it.1. LSE can give me an access to high-standard education and rigorous academic atmosphere. Its programs will offer me diversified optional courses to choose from. For example, the course “accounting in the global economy” will offer me a point of view about the role of accounting in global financial market, a field in which I want to gain more insights.2. LSE has a world-wide reputation for excellence, and employers value its alumni highly positively. It is one of the G5 institutions and is in the top five social science institutions in the world, according to the QS Global Rankings. Besides, it is located in the heart of London. So it will be more beneficial for me to get in contact with job market and to experience the commercialand cultural surroundings of a world’s leading metropolitan city.3. LSE is made up of a full variety of disciplines around social science; it is attracting think tanks from different areas. LSE will offer me a marvellous chance to hear from well-diversified voices. So I think, through my hard work, the study experience in LSE will allow me to see the business world more comprehensively and grant me strategic agility and great competence in job market.Why you should choose me?My previous performanceI am a primarily numerate reasoner with enhanced verbal ability (In my joint degree of Accounting and Finance in University of Exeter/ Nanjing University of Finance and Economics, I have a mark average of 68.13% (Exeter) and 86.15% (China, GPA: 3.6/5.0)). I’ve chosen to take this program because I want to comprehend the business routines and accounting policies not only in the UK but also in China; therefore, I can take advantages of affluent know-hows and know-whys about the industries in the world’s two leading economies. In 2012, in order to broaden my horizon and to see what Economics is like, I attended the LSE-PKU Summer School in which I studied Global Economy and got a mark of A (70~79%).In 2010, I managed to obtain the “First Prize Scholarship”, which was to honour the student who had scored the best in his or her class, and a Third Prize in the “National English Contest for College Students”, a competition authorized by Chinese Ministry of Education to test students’English ability to the nation’s scale. I also obtained the “Science and Technology Innovation Scholarship”and “Elite Quality Development Scholarship”, which were given to students who had distinguished themselves in university’s society and community life. Besides, I was also selected as “Outstanding University Student”and “Student Cadre”for my outstanding performance during my tenure as the Class Study Secretary.I always pursue the ways by which I can study efficiently and effectively. Although the teaching and evaluation methods of the University of Exeter are hugely different from those of the Nanjing University of Finance and Economics, I still managed to achieve an upper 2:1 degree as a 2nd year student in Exeter last year. Because I’m getting used to study in an English-spoken country and have kept improving my English skills since I came to the University of Exeter (I got anoverall band score of 7.5 with no elements less than 6.5 in my latest IELTS test in 5th of January, 2013), I am expected to get a first honour after my final year’s study.InternshipsI pursued my interest in Corporate Finance with internships from three situations and employers.1. Position: Assistant of Manager of Credit DepartmentDate: 15th July ~ 15th August, 2010Company: Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ranked as 87th on Fortune Global 500 in 2010)Task: specialising in Financing and Accounting-- c ollecting the companies’ monthly reports, keeping records, and doing ratio calculations and analysis of corporate performance.2. Position: Lobby Assistant ManagerDate: 12th July ~ 30th August, 2011Company: Bank of China (ranked as 132rd on Fortune Global 500 in 2011)Task: specialising in Management and Administration-- maintaining the lobby’s order and giving advice to customers about the financial services we can offer.3. Position: Assistant Accountant in Finance DepartmentDate: 21st August ~ 15th September, 2012Company: China Life Insurance Company Limited (ranked as 129th on Fortune Global 500 in 2012)Task: specialising in Accounting-- bookkeeping, tracing the recordings and type the data into the central database (using SAP).My potential contributions to LSE1. I am primarily a team-worker and am comfortable in motivating others: I jointly founded the Model United Nations society in the Nanjing University of Finance and Economics in 2010, which later on achieved the “University’s Best Society”award in 2011. During my first internship, I worked as an assistant of manager of Credit Department and I had to work with senior colleagues and clients. I found that, in order to show that I was an active but not so aggressive participant, it’s quite important to keep a balance between obeying the rules and being initiative. So I tried to keep an intimate relationship with my superintendent and later, I managed to do so and could give him my opinions and proposals with ease. I am also a moderatelyexpressed extrovert: I joined wind orchestra in high school as the chief oboe player and gave several charity shows with the orchestra in Suzhou, China.2. I can listen to other people in a way that they feel understood, and can accept critical feedback without getting defensive: during my internship as a lobby assistant manager, I was responsible for welcoming and guiding guests, for talking with them about their requests and our services, and for maintaining the lobby’s order. My favourite part was to persuade the clients to use our financial services and I managed to complete the missions allocated to me.3. I can contribute to the class discussion, and provide my fellow classmates with a different perspective of ideas, because I have a bilingual background and abundant Asian Market knowledge. My parents both work for the government, and in the spare time we usually discuss the political and economic issues of China. This tremendously motivated me to get to think about what China was and would be like. Possessing a good presentation skill, I can make myself easily understood. I love to manage things and time properly-- I’m participating in the CIMA Global Business Challenge, for which our team work as management consultants, analyse a business case that simulates the reality, and tackle the problems given.4. I am motivated by helping others-- I joined the Crisis Christmas Volunteering 2012, to help homeless people. This experience really enhanced my development, and I felt extremely good to help the people in need.Studying in LSE is indeed ideal for me and my future. Given the reasons above, I’m here to apply for your master’s degree. I hope that you can offer me a place, and trust that you will see the bigger picture of me.Yours faithfully,Zhiyao, Bian。

剑桥大学经济学PS(个人陈述)Economics Personal StatementSince childhood, frequent visits to China have allowed me to see how even my small home village has developed into a large vibrant town. Observing how this economic growth has impacted virtually all aspects of Chinese life sparked my interest in economics. By continuing this onto A-level studies, I have been able to discover how theories in economics shape society and fundamentally define how choices are being made. Beginning to understand the nature of firms and markets has allowed me to explore various aspects of the economic reform in China, and how this has had a significant impact on the global market. This is why I would like to study economics further, to better my appreciation of the influence economic changes have on society.Since beginning A-level, I have enjoyed reading the Financial Times and Economax regularly, allowing me to discover how economics is applied to important current issues and events. I have read further books such as 'A Very Short Introduction to Capitalism' by J.Fulcher. This has given me an insight into the beginnings of a capitalist free market in the UK and how society has developed around this market. I especially enjoyed Legrain's 'Open World:/ The Truth About Globalisation'. This offered a powerful argument in favour of globalisation covering issues such as migration, trade, the environment and technology. Also, through reading 'The Undercover Economist' by T.Harford and 'The Armchair Economist' by ndsburg, I am beginning to discover how economics relates to everyday decisions, enabling me to more fully develop my reasoning skills.I have also been keen to learn about the subject first-hand. I was lucky to gain invaluable work experience at a private equity investment firm. This was inspiring as I hope that a degree in Economics would enable me to enter this type of career. During the summer of 2007, I had a taste of working in China, auditing for China Rightson Certified Public Accountancy and working at State Grid in the finance department. The experience of working in a country in transition to a market made me realise how far China will have to change if it is to successfully adopt the ethos of a true market economy. Currently I am part of a team competing in the Target Two Point Zero challenge, assuming the role of the MPC, which is improving my analysis skills of the macro economy.Academically, I have been awarded form prizes for four consecutive years and a prestigious King Edward Scholarship, awarded to only two people per year, for my GCSE performance. In addition, I have been awarded merit awards in both Junior and Intermediate Maths Olympiads on three occasions, and a distinction in the Senior Maths Olympiad. As a member of the National Academy of Gifted and T alented Youth, I attended a summer residential further maths course which I thoroughly enjoyed.As a member of the school's student council in lower years, I represented my form, communicating their ideas to the council. Now, as an elected prefect, I continue this task as well as contributing to the smooth running of the school. Attending my local Chinese school each week has allowed me to become fluent in the language and has developed my understanding of Chinese history and culture. I led a team in the Envision Charity Scheme, organising events to protect the local environment; and as project manager for my Education in Engineering Scheme project, I was awarded a Gold Crest award. Additionally, I have been a maths mentor for students in local primary schools and at school maths master-classes. I am a keen guitarist, regularly playing in guitar ensembles and I have represented school andhouse at rugby and chess, as well as competing for Warwickshire County Badminton at U16.I am looking forward to developing my interest in globalisation as well as furthering my analytical skills as an economist. I also hope I can continue to pursue my outside interests, contributing to the life of the university.牛津大学商科PS(个人陈述)Business Studies Personal StatementSince a very young age - where all my friends were aspiring to become firemen, astronauts and rockstars - I have always dreamed of wearing a suit to work. I don't know what it was, but I guess I just identified all these men as being the real players in the world - driving fast cars and hitting it off with beautiful women. These guys - the lawyers, entrepreneurs and accountants - were all sipping champagne and living the high life. Of course, you don't have to wear a suit to be making money (look at Steve Jobs, for example), it's not all fun and games, and you have to be damn good at what you do, but my ambitions have remained the same. This is what I want to be, but money is no longer the sole object, in my opinion. This has stemmed from my upbringing, where every morning CNN is put on the TV, stock portfolios lie in messy stacks around the house and political conversation runs rife at the dinner table. Every day I would hear my father talking about his business ventures and garnered a great interest. To me, the business world seemed entirely different to our regular one: it was a grandiose battlefield of thousands of opposing teams – a vicious free for all where the only objective was to win. Language like “slaughtering the competition”was frequently used, and I instantly knew that this game was more intense than any sport, more exciting than any video game and more fulfilling than any hobby. I once even tried my hand at business of my own –selling gumballs at school –which, to my surprise, was rather successful, if short-lived (regulated into the ground).By the time I was beginning my IGCSE year I was absolutely itching to take a Business & Management course. I felt a lot of it come naturally to me, remembering all the terms and advice I had heard from my father. All along it was extremely satisfying to know that whilst I would hardly use anything I had learnt in math’s (unless I need to know the exact angle that my ladder is at), no matter what profession I would take, I could apply this. I took part in stock competitions, both in and outside of school, in an attempt to better my understanding of the seemingly confusing concept of stock exchange.One of the most interesting aspects of business for me is international markets, which then extends into economics. I have often been told that one of my most valuable qualities is that I am tri-cultural, coming from an extremely interesting background. I have lived in Spain my entire life, with an American mother and English father, who is a chartered accountant and previously owned a successful record label; he now sells property on the real estate market.I feel that this is where much of my business background originates. Another interesting quality that has rubbed off my parents is Buddhism. Whilst am not a firm believer in the Buddhist philosophies, I find many of them extremely compelling.Over the course of the IB, I have done much to advance myself in the field of public speaking – a skill I find to be of increasing importance in the modern business world. Last year I took the position of president of the Toastmasters International Youth Leadership program and earned my certificate. This will be the second year in which I will be attending the annualIMUN conference, where I have signed up for the position of chair, and if not, will represent the World Bank. Last year I represented the highly unspoken country of Timor Leste. Over the course of the summer I attended the prestigious GYLC conference, where I talked to [insert names here] and attended speeches such as [name]**** - Mastering the Challenges of International Business, by Dr J. Joseph Kim, CEO of VGX pharmaceuticals. During a simulation global summit I represented France, and was appointed to the digital divide, e-commerce and free trade commissions, where I advocated the view of protectionism. Throughout both of these conferences I spoke in front of hundreds of other scholars, which, by the end, felt perfectly natural and comfortable. These valuable experiences gave me an invaluable insight into the running of governments and their regulating businesses as well as allowing me to further advance my public speaking skills. I have also been appointed the role of head prefect – which entailed an ISCO head prefect training course - and member of the student council in my school, and lend a hand in managing and working in our school tuck shop, which have all helped hone my management abilities.Whilst all of these provided me with excellent skills, over the summer I had the privilege to gain work experience from one of the leading law firms in Europe and the largest and most highly regarded in Spain –Garrigues. This allowed me to gain insight into how an international company is run and managed. This also demonstrated to me what it is like to work as a lawyer in a large firm and educated me on the different parts of law and what they entail and allowed me to use my near-fluent Spanish in a work environment. The department I found most interesting was that of civil law – more specifically, litigation. I was brought to a court in order to view a labour dispute, which I found extremely interesting.Overall, I have a rather diverse set of hobbies and interests, but my main passion is computers. I have been using computers since the age of 5, when I mainly used them for learning. Now, I feel I have become extremely proficient with the Windows Operating System to a near professional level, which I often use to assist my family and friends with technical problems. I am also very proficient (though less so) with a Mac system, and am now learning the more technical Linux. For a long time I studied in order to be able to build a computer from scratch, and have modified individual components. I find computers extremely satisfying as there is always going to be a problem, and therefore a solution, which may not always be obvious. I intend to continue onto learning the programming language Python, which I have introduced myself to over the summer.Apart from this, I have branched off into different computer hobbies, such as graphic design, where I have learn to Adobe Photoshop to an excellent standard, and am now able to create graphics from scratch. I have used this to help design and do graphical work for the last 2 school yearbooks for which I received an award, as well as create graphics such as CD covers for a friend who does musical work and create posters. I also practice disk jockeying and also put this into practice where I controlled the lights and music for a concert for said friend. I would love to carry on these interests in university, possibly contributing to the college radio station and publications.Whilst I do not consider myself a sporty person, I have previously competed in intramural field hockey, and socially play paddle and normal tennis. I jog nearly every day; however, it is just as much for meditating purposes as to keep fit. However, since gaining my Red Cross first aid license last year, I have found myself a more useful purpose on the playing field.。

希望申请2021年入学的学生,申请加油!需要的材料如下:个人陈述(personal statement)申请表(application form)推荐信(reference letter)学术成绩单(academic transcxxxxript)语言成绩单(IELTS / TOFFEL / PTE / A-Level)竞赛证书(certifications)一、Personal Statement个人陈述个人陈述(PS)是申请英国大学必备的自述文件,在UCAS系统上提交申请时都需上传,也通常被视为申请英国大学除学术成绩外,另一项占主导作用的申请材料。
1.总结一下高中校内校外做过的所有值得一提的事迹,可从以下方向考虑:- Academics:参加过的学术竞赛,小组调研等- Leadership:在校内或者校外组织过的活动,你在其中承担的责任,扮演的角色等- Extracurriculum:在校参与的学生社团,社团活动等- Communication:曾经加入学生会(Student council/Student union),做课程代表(Student representative)等- Volunteer:参加的志愿活动与志愿组织,持续的时间等- Achievements & Awards:非学术证书和奖项,比如语言技能,爱丁堡公爵奖(DofE)等- Hobbies:喜欢的运动,艺术等最后定稿的PS由于篇幅有限,不一定会呈现所有的这些细节,但未避免遗漏重要内容,还是建议大家列一个事迹清单出来。

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To whom it may concern:Why am I applying for this program?My interest in finance stems from my upbringing, every day I would hear my father talking about his business ventures and various financial incidents managed. Telling me that a successful enterprise must possess a powerful finance management system so as to realize the optimum allocation of enterprises’resources, my father’s practical experience in the finance field largely influenced my choice to finance as my bachelor program education. During my study in Accounting and Finance, I gradually found that managing finance of a company was more exciting than any video game and more fulfilling than any hobby.Then I came to realize that I’m feeling especially comfortable about such a financial world. The captivating challenge of facing financial choices or problems and creating effective management to treat them never fails to attract me; s o I’ve decided to make Financial Manager into a career. To fulfill this goal I’ve tried to gain experiences about various industries and the financial world, and to start off by working in the field of Corporate Finance (Banking, Private Company and Stock Brokerage Company). However, through my past internships I realized that my knowledge relating to these areas is far from sufficient. In order to seek more dynamic concepts and practice and build a successful future career, I seek to gain a further academic grounding in Accounting and Finance in the UK, where the most excellent and creative researches and practices are being carried out. Further, a m aster’s degree in the financial area will grant me a more profound understanding and academic background, and will polish up my quantitative skills and ability of turning theory into action.Why you should choose me?My previous academic performanceIn my joint degree of Accounting and Finance in University of Exeter/Nanjing University of Finance and Economics, I have a mark average of 72.88% (Exeter) and 86.00% (China). During my first two years in Nanjing, I laid a solid foundation for mathematics. Through learningCalculus, Linear Algebra, Probability & Mathematics Statistics and Database Systems, I have firmly grasped the fundamental as well as the advanced numeral calculations, which helped me handle the seemingly complex financial calculations with ease; and in such courses as Management Accounting, Financial Accounting and Financial Management during my study in Exeter, I balanced my spectrum of knowledge in business operations and understood the implications of basic ideas in a profound way. But I was not satisfied, and tried best to enlarge my academic horizon. I read professional magazines including Financial Times and Wall Street Journal and keep listening BBC news everyday so as to pay more attention to global events in economic and finance sector.In 2011, I won the “Second Prize Scholarship”, which was to honor the student who had scored the best in his or her class. In 2012 I won “Third Prize Scholarship”. I also obtained the “Elite Quality Development Schola rship”, which is given to students who have distinguished themselves in community life. Besides, I was selected as “Outstanding University Student” for my performance during my two years’work as class monitor. Finally, I won the Markway User Capability Certificate, which is given for excellence in computer statistics.I always pursue the ways which I can study efficiently and effectively. Although the teaching and evaluation methods of the University of Exeter are hugely different from those of the Nanjing University of Finance and Economics, I still managed to achieve a first class degree as a 2nd year student in Exeter last year. Because I’m getting used to study in an English-spoken country and have kept improving my English skills since I came to the University of Exeter (I got an overall band score of 7.0 with no elements less than 6.5 in my latest IELTS test on the 26th of October, 2013), I am expected to get a first hono r after my final year’s study.InternshipsAs a student of Accounting and Finance, I understand the importance of bringing the theoretical into reality. Therefore, I have tried every chance to sharp my problem-solving skills during practical experience. My three internship experiences in finance industry (one for the department of Internal Audit in China Everbright Bank Co, LTD, one for AnXin Stock Brokerage Companyand the other for a local accounting firm in my hometown) taught me the first lesson in career. Teamed up with the finance staff, I participated into the internal performance evaluation procedures. I double checked all the data I put on the working paper and secured the evaluation procedure of key index including cash, fixed assets, and accounts receivable. Also, I learned the sense of responsibility. Despite an intern, I always treated myself as a formal employee. I had to make sure the credibility of my work and gave an appropriate response to the teamwork.Why am I applying forthe London School of Economics and Political Science?I’ve put my entire focus on LSE and found some factors that push me to apply for a master’s degree from it:1. LSE can give me an access to high-standard education and rigorous academic atmosphere. Its programs will offer me diversified courses to choose from. For example, the course “Asset Markets” will offer me the fundamental concepts and tools underlying the assets markets side of modern finance.2. LSE has a world-wide reputation for excellence, and employers value its alumni highly positively. It is one of the G5 institutions and is in the top five social science institutions in the world, according to the QS Global Rankings. Besides, it is located in the heart of London. So it will be more beneficial for me to get in contact with job market and to experience the commercial and cultural sur roundings of a world’s leading metropolitan city.3. LSE is made up of a full variety of disciplines around social science; it is attracting think tanks from different areas. LSE will offer me a marvelous chance to hear from well-diversified voices. So I think, through my hard work, the study experience in LSE will allow me to see the business world more comprehensively and grant me strategic agility and great competence in job market.Studying in LSE is indeed ideal for me and my future. Given the reasons above, I’m here to apply for your master’s degree. I hope that you can offer me a place, and trust that you will see mypotential.Yours faithfully, Sheng Zhang。