

小学英语 travel 精品课件

小学英语 travel 精品课件
3. If you like Chinese food, you can go to Jiqing Street and Hubuxiang .
4. If you have more time, you can go to other places.
Introduce Wuhan to us. You can choose different activities.
Guiyuan Temple
Wuhan Zoo
the East Lake
Hubuxiang the Yellow Crane Tower
Wuhan University
Send me an e-mail.
What can you see in the Yellow Crane Tower?
Where can you enjoy all kinds of snacks?
Who can ask more questions about this e-mail?
Listen, read and find.
the East Lake
the Yellow Crane Tower
Wuhan University Jianghan Walking Street
Hankou Jiangtan Park
Jiqing Street
Guiyuan Tnk about the questions:
1. If you are interested in Chinese poems, you can visit the Yellow Crane Tower.


Eiffel Tower
The Eiffel Tower is a famous landmark in Paris. It was built between 1887 and 1889. It is 300 metres tall, but this height does not include the 24 m aerial (antenna) on the top; the total height of the structure is 324 m (1058 feet). There are also 1,665 steps inside the Eiffel Tower. It weighs 10,000 tons.
上。在当地 信仰藏传佛 教的人民心
hill about The local
two kilometers away. people who believe
中,这坐小 山犹如观音
菩萨居住的 普陀山,因 而用藏语称
hill like the Putuo Mountain which the Goddess of Mercy
The place I want to go most
provenPcreovence 普罗旺斯
I always want to go to Tibet. Its isolation is always very attractive to me . I like its national character and the fascinating scenery. It used to be called paradise nearest place because of its nobility and purity .

Travel 英语演讲ppt 精品 PPT课件

Travel 英语演讲ppt 精品 PPT课件
也就是说,从平均值看,名校毕业生的 收入就 已经遥 遥领先 好几倍 ,更不 用说那 些高薪 行业的 实际收 入差距 了。 好的大学,不一定保证每一个人都会有 高收入 ,但他 的确能 够为你 提供通 向高收 入的第 一块敲 门砖。 2 开学季前几天,老家的一个远房表兄传 来消息 ,刚满 17岁的 表侄小 立不愿 意再继 续读高 三,准 备辍学 去打工 。 表兄很是着急,把家族里学历比较高的 我也搬 了出来 ,希望 我能劝 劝小立 。 “我虽然这些年到处打工也挣了一些钱 ,但这 样挣钱 太辛苦 了,我 不希望 他重走 我的老 路,” 堂兄苦 口婆心 ,一再 强调, “你一 定要好 好劝劝 他:不 上学以 后没有 出路。 ” 刚开始我和这位00后表侄在微信上聊的 时候, 非常话 不投机 。 我问他:不想读书是不是觉得功课太难 了? 他答道:也没有多难,就是不想太累了 ,高考 复习很 无聊。 我劝他:再坚持几个月,苦一阵子熬一 熬就过 去了。 他回答得很干脆:太没劲!考上又能怎 么样? 现在我 家邻居x x大学 毕业上 班了, 挣的还 没我爸 高呢! 我再问他:你爸爸现在一身伤病常年要 吃药, 你不是 不知道 吧,还 有,你 爸爸为 了多挣 点钱, 一年到 头在外 面跑, 只有过 年才能 回家一 趟,这 些你也 很清楚 吧? 他无话可说了。 最后,我实在忍不住,不得不扎他一句 : “如果现在你连高考都比不过别人,凭 什么以 后你能 比别人 成功? ” 微信那头一阵静默。 后来,小立打消了退学的念头,告诉家 人他会 继续读 书,备 战高考 。 从十八线小城出身,依靠读书这条独木 桥,到 如今过 上在旁 人眼里 还不错 生活的 我,只 想用自 己的亲 身经历 ,告诉 小立这 样的年 轻人: 在本该吃点苦的年纪,千万不能选择安 逸,否 则只会 错过最 好的改 变命运 的机会 。 现在不读书,不吃苦,换来的是


Anderson said that “To travel is live.” Yes, we can learn a lot when we are traveling. And nowadays, travel is becoming more and more popular in our life. Where do you want to go?
Trains are a common means of traveling .
You can travel by this .
Or, you can travel like this.
Cars are a common means of traveling by road.
If you are in a hurry, you can travel this. But when But when the weather is not good, plane is often be late .
Do you like traveling? Where do you want to go?
Let’s travel together!
此课件下载可自行编辑修改,仅供参考! 感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!谢谢
Now let’s visit some beautiful scenery
Alpine New Yorkseine shanghai
Now let’s visit some beautiful scenery .
London Spanish
Beijing Maldives
Travel may occur by humanpowered transport such as walking or bicycling, or with vehicles, such as airplanes, private transport, public transport, automobiles and trains.

travel 旅行全英文(课堂PPT)

travel 旅行全英文(课堂PPT)
of Thailand in the Andaman Sea. Phuket formerly derived its wealth from tin(锡) and rubber(橡胶)and enjoys a rich and colorful history. The island was on one of the major trading routes between India and China, and
• Some one said, the world is a wonderful book, and those who do not travel read only one page.
• A person who doesn't enjoy travel,always need a reason.
➢single biggest asset is the relaxed charm of its warm and welcoming people.
• Port Louis is the capital and chief port of Mauritius. It is on the northwest coast of Mauritius Island.
Let's travel
Would you like to take an island trip?
Phuket Island
Phuket is Thailand’s largest island. The island is connected to mainland Thituated off the west coast

travel 旅行全英文(课堂PPT)

travel 旅行全英文(课堂PPT)
Broad wholesome charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating(单调的 生活)in one little corner of the earth.
人生至少要有两次冲动,一为奋不顾身的 爱情,一为说走就走的旅行。
➢fascinating, world-inone-island slice(一部 分)of paradise
➢ loaded with historic sights, cultural diversity, geographic variation and almost limitless activities
• Warm Water Diving River Rafting Tubing

An Elephant Show
• Spa
God first created Mauritius, then copied it to create the garden of Eden in Mauritius.
Medaketiya Beach, Sri lanka
• Main beach, Sri lanka
• Pettah Market
• Seated
I’m Chinese. I’m here for touring. The number of my guide is …….Please call him.


Potala Palace is in Lhasa,which is the capital of Tibet Autonomous Region .It is located in the northwest suburb of a small hill about two kilometers away. The local people believe in Tibetan Buddhism
Five main sections:
• Business and official travel 商务旅游 • Incentive Travel 奖励旅游
• Exhibition Tour
• Conference Travel 会议旅行
• Special Events Tourism 特殊活动旅游
Paris Church
Tell us you travel plan for summer holida Ask and answer with your parter.
Where are you going? Why do you to go there? How will you go there? Who are you going to travel with?Why? How much money will you spend? How long are you staying in…?
2.Will you be happy if you're asked to go on a business trip? Why or why not?
单人间:single room 双人间:double room 标准间:standard room 套间:suit room 总套房:presidential suit 客厅:sitting room

三一口语6级Module 3 Travel

三一口语6级Module 3 Travel

Module3 Travel涉及语法:一般过去式、进行时、情态动词内容涵盖旅游的原因、分类、乘坐的交通工具、旅游的计划、行程、旅游所带的物品以及注意事项、所见所闻所做所感等等重点词汇:Natural、view、historical、sight、experience、culture、argue、abroad、prefer、brochure、everglade、national、swamp、camp、accommodation、trick、safari、suntan cream、manage、probably、mosquito、encounter、emergency、instruction范文:1. Do you like traveling and what do you get out of traveling?Yes, I like to travel ,Because I like to see different places, try different types of fo od and to meet other people. For example if I did not travel I would never see the b eautiful beach in Sanya and the colorful lakes in Jiuzhaigou.2. Do you like traveling alone or with people?Currently I always travel with my parents, because I am too young to travel alone. Sometimes I travel with my parents and also with my friend and his parents. I like thi s because I can talk or play with my friend.3. How many places have you been to?Where have you traveled until now?Have you ever been to some places out of Beijing?I have traveled to many pl aces in China. I went to my mother’s home town and als o on vacation to different cities like Shanghai, Hangzhou, Tianjin, Shenyang, Qingdao, Weihai, Chengdu, Sanya, etc. Some cities are close to the beach, like Weihai, Qingdao and Sanya. Some cities are just a big city, like Shanghai and Shenyang. I also went to some famous tourist attractions, like Jiuzhaigou, Hanglong and Lijiang.4. Have you also traveled abroad?Yes, last year I was in the US. I was there for 2 weeks. We were in San Francisc o and went to the beach, to some parks and I saw the very big Redwood trees. I was there with my father and we stayed in the home of an aunt who lives there. I liked it very much and would like to go back. While I was there I also went to a summer camp. It was abou t science and we built different things, like a model rocket. I can’t f ully understand what the teacher told us about it, but I could figure it out myself. I m ade a friend. A Chinese boy who was born in the US, but also speaks some Mandarin. So I could talk with him when I needed help.5.What kind of place is likely to become a tourist attraction?A place where people can have fun, like Disneyland. Or a place with a beautiful v iew, or with something special to see, like the Terracotta army in Xian.6.Can you describe a famous tourist attraction you've ever visited?Which place is the most impressive one?I went to Jiuzhaigou last summer. It is very famous and many people go there. We took the plane to Chengdu and stayed there for one night. The next day we took the plane again to go to Jiuzhaigou. It is at a high altitude, 3km. It has 108 lakes. The la kes are very colorful. The water is very clear, so you can see the bottom and what is on it, like wood. One lake is called “Peacock”, because of all the different colors are like the feathers of this bird. Another lake is called “Panda”, because pandas would d rink here in the past. While we were there we made a long walk. I very much liked t he beautiful lakes and waterfalls.7.What`s your favorite place?My favorite place is called “Crab Island”. It is close to where I live. It is not reall y an island, but an artificial sand beach with waves. The real beach is too far away a nd I am afraid a shark could hurt me, so I like this one better.8.Which city you like best Beijing or Shanghai, and why?I like Beijing better, because it is easy to find the way in Beijing, but when we tak e a taxi in Shanghai, we always need to give the names of 2 streets. Otherwise the ta xi driver can not find it. The driver needs to know the intersection, because there are so many small streets there.9.Which kind of city do you prefer to visit, a modern or historic one?I have not learned much history yet and prefer to visit a modern city with big park s and things to play with. When I grow up I probably want to go to historic cities.10.What's your plan for traveling next time?I plan to go to Disneyland in Hongkong next time. I have never been there before and have wanted to go there for a long time.可能出现的问题:1.Have you traveled a lot ?2.How important is travelling for you ?3.What types of places do you like to travel to ?4.Where do you like to stay ?5.What do you like to do when you travel ?6.Why do you travel ?7.Do you like traveling by plane ?8.Tell me some places you have travelled to9.Can you tell me your unforgetable travel experience ?10.Where did you go for your last vacation?11.Where are you going for your next vacation ?12.Who is going with you on the trip ?13.What type of accommodation are you staying in ?14.What are you taking with you when you go for a trip ?15.What is the most important thing to take for a trip ? Why ?16.What may happen if you forget to take it ?17.What significant role can traveling play in a person’s life?18.How do you get your travelling ready?19.Do you prefer a package tour or self-service travel?范文一:Travel by BikeThere are many ways of traveling, People may travel by plane if they want to travel far and reach their destination in a shorter time. It is the most comfortable but expensive way. Most people travel by train because it is a less expensive way but the compartments are cramped and . Bus journey is a cheaper way but it is spent on narrow, bumpy roads which are crowded with traffic. Trips by ship may be the cheapest and most comfortable way but it takes too muchtime.I like traveling by bike. I can set out when I like and stop when I like. I can go wherever I like so that I can enjoy delightful spots rarely visited by other travelers. When I feel tired, I sit down by the bike and have a good rest. Besides, I can save much money for tickets and much time in waiting for the train or bus. I can cover more places by riding a bike than going on foot.Traveling by bike is good to health. It is really a sort of good exercise to strengthen one'smuscles and to test one's will. Moreover, it brings no pollution to the air. So it helps to cleanthe atmosphere.问题:(1) Describe some interesting things happened during your travel. Can you describe it for me?Ok. I met a classmate of Chongqing University .We talked about the things and persons which we remembered in school. I think that is an interesting thing.(2) What is your goal to travel and your reason to travel?I enjoy traveling. It is so interesting to see how other people live, and it is really an amazing way to learn about different cultures.(4) Why China can attract people to travel?A 5,000--year cultural heritage attract more people to China. China has a brilliant long history,(5) Do Chinese people like to travel now?Yes, of course. Since the opening-up, transportation is easy and convenient. Also, we have ample money for the journey.(6) Which festival do people travel in and where do people travel to?We often go to resorts around National Day, such as Forbidden City, Summer Palace, and Temple of Heaven in Beijing.(7) Compare the difference about traveling among Chinese people between 100 years ago and now?100 years ago, transportation was very difficult; few people could travel in China because most of people were very poor. But now, transportation is easy and convenient and we have ample money for the journey.(8)What measures does your government take to protect natural scenery?The government establishes protective zones of natural scenery. Educate people to protectnatural environment. People who destroy natural scenery will be punished.(9)Do you think it is effective?Yes, of course. Establish protective zones can prevent pollution.(10)What role does tourism play in China's economy?Tourism is playing a more and more important role in our country's economy. Since the opening up, the number of tourists has increased quickly, and this is a useful source of foreign currency for the country. Also, tourism can accelerate other industry to develop.)(11)What should you pay attention to in travel?Safety, weather, and I think it is necessary to bring some medicine. Be sure you travel in good weather and where you go is safe enough. Besides, you’d better take with you some medicine in case you are sick or get hurt.范文二:TravellingIt is exciting to visit different places. As you travel, you will see beautiful sceneries Besides, you can meet and make friends with people of different colors and races. Finally, you can get to know the customs and living habits of the local people. Today people are so fond of travelling that tourism has become one of the faster growing industries in most countries.The main reason why people travel is, perhaps, for pleasure. For example, having worked hard throughout the weekdays, people will have a trip to the nearby mountains or beaches for a relaxation.Travelling is also one of the best means for learning. You may have read or heard about something but you can never get an real picture of it until you see it for yourself. Seeing is believing. Furthermore, if you are a careful observer, you can learn much during your travel about the geography, biology, and history of the places . No matter how well educated you are, there is always a lot for you to learn through travelling.。



Section 1 Travel (旅游)1. Do you like traveling?2. Do you like traveling alone or with people?3. Have you ever traveled abroad? What's the difference between China and this country?4. Travelling to big modern cities or small remote villages, which one do you prefer?5. Tell me some places you have travelled to? Which one impressed you the most?6. hich country's city have you ever been?7. What can tourists (you) get from traveling?8. What kind of place is likely to become tourist attraction?9. Can you describe a famous tourist attraction you've ever visited?10 Have you ever been to some places out of Beijing?11. Which kind of city do you prefer to visit, modern or historic?12. What's your plan for traveling next time?13. If you could take a holiday anywhere in the world, where would you go? Why?14 What do people usually do during holidays in your town?15. Do you often go traveling?16. Do you think travel is a good thing or a bad thing?17. Can you tell me the most terrible traveling experience?18. How do you spend your money while travelling?19. Have you travelled a lot?20. How important is travelling for you?21. Who's going with you on the trip?22. What type of accommodation are you staying in?23. What is the most important thing to take for a trip? Why?24. What may happen if you forget to take it?25. Do you have to follow any safety instructions during a trip to the countryside?26. Can you imagine what might happen if you didn't follow the requirements?Section 2 Money(金钱)1. What do you think of money?2. If you have a lot of money, what would you do?3. Do you like saving money?4. Some parents always give much money to their children.What's your opinion on the subject?5. Some primary school students hold mobile phone at school. What's your opinion on it?6. Do you have red-envelope money in Spring Festival?How to spend your red-envelope money?7. Do you give tips at a restaurant in your country? How about to taxi drivers?8. Do you have a credit card? If so, do you have more than one?9. Do you sometimes buy things that you don't need?If so, give some examples.10. Do you think that money can buy love?11. What do you like spending money on? What don't you like spending on?12. Have you ever given money to a homeless person?13. How important is money to you?14. If you had no money, do you think you could be happy?15. Some people say that "money makes the world go around." Do you agree? Why or why not?16. What is your opinion of discount stores?17. What kind of things do you often shop for?18. What was the last thing you bought for yourself?19. How do you think money helps make us happy?20. How do you usually spend your money? What do you usually buy?21. How to spend your pocket money reasonably?22. Is it necessary to learn to manage your money as a student?23. What do you think about making money by working out of your home?24. Do you have red-envelope money in Spring Festival? How to spend your red-envelope money?25. Do you like bargaining when you are shopping? Why?26. Are you good at bargaining?27. Do you have to do any work at home?28. What is more important to you - to be happy or to have money?Section 3 Fashion (时尚)1. Who is the most fashionable boy around you?2. In your class, do you prefer talking about clothes or study? Why?3. Do you think fashion needs a lot of money?4. What is fashion?5. Should we go after fashion or not?6. Can we wear earrings at school?7. What do you think of fashion?8. What do you think of boys' fashions today?9. When you get old do you think you will dress like your grandmother/ grandfather?10. Have you ever worn your hair braided in small braids?11. How important is fashion to you?12. What would you love to buy but you can't afford?13. If a student is not fashionable, other people don't like to make friends with him/her.What do you think of this fact?14. What color do you never wear? Why?15. Do you spend much money on fashion?16. Do you find it important to follow the latest fashion? Why?17. Why do many young people today go after famous name brands in everything they buy?18. Do you care about fashion and follow the fashion? Why?19. I am going to the playground; can you give me some suggestions for what Ishould wear?20. Some primary school students hold mobile phone at school. What's your opinion on it?Section 4 Regulations(规章制度)1. How important are rules and regulations for you? Why?2. What rules do you think are important in life? Why?3. Can you tell me some rules on a plane?You have to wear a seatbelt at take-off and landing.You can't use your mobile phone during the flight.4. Can you tell me some rules in a library?5. Do you think it is necessary for students to wear uniforms at school? Why or why not?6. If you can change one rule today, what rule will you change?7. Do you have some rules at home?8. Do you have to help your mother with the housework?9. What rules will you have in your own family when you grow up?10. What do you think about the rules in your class?11. Do you know some traffic rules? How to obey these rules?12. What rules do you need to obey when you're in a car?13. What do you think about the safety belt?14. Do you think it is necessary to have lots of family rules for children? Why?15. Does your father smoke? If so, what rules stop him from smoking?16. Do you think it's important for people to obey laws?17. Many people think that occasional, minor breaches of the law are ok?(难题框架)18. What will happen to you if you are late or absent for school?19. What will happen to the students if he/she smokes on campus?20. What do you think about the traffic rules in Beijing?21. What is your opinion about the class rules?Section 5 Health & Fitness(健康与健身)1. How can we keep our fit?2. Can you tell me how to keep optimistic all the time?3. How can you keep fit according to your own experience?4. What kinds of exercise do you think are the best for your health?5. Would you like to exercise outdoor?6. What living habits do you have? Which is the best living habit?7. If you are getting ill, will you go to the hospital or take some medicine at home?8. For modern people, mental health is as important as physical health.9. What are you going to do to maintain your mental health?10. Do you think you have a healthy diet?11. How are you feeling today?12. What do you think of the plain food?13. What do you think of diet?14. Are there many hospitals where you live?15. Do you think smoking should be prohibited in public?16. What are the symptoms when people get stressed?17. Have you gained or lost weight recently? What are you going to do about it?18. Does smoking need special attention?19. Do you buy health insurance? Give your reasons.20. At school, what exercise do you have to do?21. Do you do exercise every day?22. What will happen if you don't stay healthy?23. Where can you get health treatment?24. Do you feel satisfied with the treatment you get?25. What do you need to do when you go to a clinic to see a doctor?26. What do you need to do when you go to a pharmacy to buy medicine?27. Do you feel stressed sometimes? What may cause you stress?28. What do you do when you feel stressed?Section 6 Learning a foreign language1. Why do you want to learn a foreign language?2. What do you need to learn a foreign language?3. What should you do when you learn a foreign language?4. What methods do you use to learn a foreign language?5. Is it easier for younger people to learn a foreign language than older people?6. Going abroad is a good way to learn a foreign language. What do you think about it?7. Do you learn a foreign language through watching movies/ reading books?8. Do you think vocabulary/ grammar is important for learning a foreign language?9. What is the best way do you think to learn a foreign language?10. Do you think we should learn a foreign language at an early age?11. If you learn a foreign language, what would you get?12. What are the advantages if you learn a foreign language?13. Do you think taking a language course is a good way to learn a foreign language?14. Can you learn a foreign language in a few months?15. Why do you want to learn a foreign language?16. The importance of learning a foreign language17. Do you think it is a good way to learn a foreign language at an early age?18. How long will you take to learn a foreign language?19. Is it necessary for primary school students to learn a foreign language?20. Do you think a student should learn more than one kind of foreign language?21. Have you learned other foreign languages except English?22. Can your parents speak a foreign language?23. What do you parents think of you learning a foreign language?24. Do you have to spend lots of money learning a foreign language?。

小学英语《Unit6 TravelLesson2 How are you going》优质教学课件

小学英语《Unit6 TravelLesson2 How are you going》优质教学课件

by car I’m going there by car.
by plane
I’m going there by plane.
by ship
I’m going there by ship.
by train
I’m going there by train.
bike by bike
by plane
运用本课句型向同桌简要介绍自己的 假 期旅游计划,进行口语训练。
4.How is Danny going there?
1.How is Jenny going back to Canada?
By plane.
2.How is Peter going to Dalian?
By ship.
3.How is Li Ming going to the Shaolin Temple?
Unit 6 Travel
Lesson 2
How are you going there?
Mount Taishan
the Shaolin Temple
How are you going there? I’m going there by …
by bus I’m going there by bus.
Make a s 小组成员根据情 况 回答L:。Where are you going this
summer,Peter? S:I’m going to Beijing.

口语课旅游Travelling ppt课件

口语课旅游Travelling ppt课件
I don't agree with you... No, I don’t think so really. I’m afraid I don’t agree.
When in Rome, do as the Romans do.
Let’s eat out! 咱们出去吃饭吧!
Chinese restaurant ? VS
• 出游时间
• Travel time • 走五分钟
• 5minutes’ walk • 坐四个小时大巴
• 4-hour travel by coach • 坐三小时飞机
• 3 hours travel by plane • 坐两个小时船
• Two-hour travel by ship
2. Price:
most about...? • ...
1. I have so many things to do before I leave. 我走之前还有很多事情要做。
2. I have to drop by the bank to get some money. 我得到银行去取一下钱。
EUROSTAR(欧洲之星) is high-speed railway which connects England and France. The highest speed can be up to300km/h. If you travel from London to Paris by EUROSTAR, it only takes 2 hours and 20minutes.
Make your dialogue!
• Useful sentences for you. • Do you like/enjoy/love travelling? • Where...? • How...? • Where...visit? • How much...? • How long...? • How do you like about.../What do you like



Travelling一:话题词汇1. Travel 旅行2. Trip 短途旅行3. Journey 长途旅行4. Flight 飞机旅行5. Voyage 航海旅行6. Tour 旅游7. Take a trip 短途旅行8. Tourist 游客9. Tourist 旅游景点10. Places of interest 名胜古迹11. Broaden one’s horizon 拓宽视野12. Tourism 旅游业13. Increase experience 增加阅历14. Make friends 交朋友15. Local snacks 特产16. Cultural diversity 文化差异17. Dialect 方言18. Accent 口音19. Working holiday visa 工作旅行签证二:句式模板:1. Do you like travelling? 以下黑色是框架模板,红色可以替换。

Personally speaking, I am really into travelling(回答问题,表达观点).Actually, it is a great opportunity for me to broaden my horizons as well as gain all sorts of life experiences.(解释观点,相当于是this is beacause 原因论证)2. Where do you like to go when you go travelling?Frankly speaking, if I have spare time to travel around, some places like mountains, grasslands or islands(回答问题,表达观点)are always my first choices. The most important reason is that there are few people and they are natural beauties.(解释观点,相当于是this is beacause 原因论证)3. Do you like long trips?Well, it actually depends. Say that I am alone, I prefer to take short trips(回答问题,表达观点)while on the other hand, if I am with my family members or friends, probably it is a good idea for us to take a long journey(回答问题,表达观点), I mean, we can take care of each other on the way and share a lot with each other while travelling.(解释观点,相当于是this is beacause 原因论证)4. How do you feel when you travel?In fact, I have different feelings when I travel to different places.Supposing that I am traveling in some places like seaside orgrassland(举例子1), I will probably feel peaceful and relaxed(感受1). However, if I take a trip in other spots like big cities or places of interest(举例子2), maybe I will feel excited and curious.(感受2)5. Do you prefer to travel alone or with other people?As long as I have got an opportunity to travel around, I would really love to travel alone(表达观点). I suppose that I enjoy the sense of freedom when travelling all by myself.(解释观点,相当于是this is beacause 原因论证))As far as I can remember, I used to travel alone to many places and it was a great happy memory for me. (例证)6. Do you like traveling? Why or why not?Answer1:Yes, I like travelling very much because I think travelling could help us learn more knowledge. For example, when we travel in an old city, we could learn more about the history of the city, when we travel in a modern city, we could learn more about science, when we travel, we could have a good time and enjoy good rest, I think travelling is very important to our life.Answer2:Yes, I like to travel because I like to see different places, try different types of food and to meet other people. For example if I did not travel I would never see the beautiful beach in Sanya and the colorful lakes in Jiuzhaigou.7. Have you ever traveled abroad before?/ Have you also traveled abroad? Yes, last year I was in the US. I was there for 2 weeks. We were in San Francisco and went to the beach, to some parks and I saw the very big Redwood trees. I was there with my father and we stayed in the home of an aunt who lives there. I liked it very much and would like to go back. While I was there I also went to a summer camp(夏令营). It was about science and we built different things, like a model rocket. I can’t fully understand what the teacher told us about it, but I could figure it out myself. I made a friend. A Chinese boy who was born in the US, but also speaks some Mandarin. So I could talk with him when I needed help.8. What type of transport do you prefer?/Which type of transportation doChinese people usually use for travel?For most Chinese people,traveling by train is the type of transportation they usually use, because,you know,traveling by train is quite cheap,and safe. And with the development Of the railway,the speed of trains increases year by year. And thus traveling by train is quite faster than by bus. It will still run on time even in the worst weather,so it is a good choice for the people who have made a busy schedule of their travels.9.Ifhave to worry about getting lost. You just need to follow other people and your guide. It might be convenient, but I don’t like it because if you travel that way, you cannot go to all scenic spots you like. Sometimes Even if you go to the scenic spots, you cannot stay there for long. You know the tour guide might lead you into some shops and persuade you to buy something very expensive.10. Have you experienced any special food or custom?11. Can you tell me the best and worst trips you have ever had?12. What are the advantages and disadvantages of traveling?I like traveling very much. It can enlarge my horizon. If we go in a package tour, we will never get lost. We can eat a lot of local food, and buy some local merchandise. We can breathe fresh air in the forest. But it will take us much time and money to travel. And we will face many dangers in the wild. Also we will be very tired after the tour.What are the disadvantages of traveling?China is a very big country,which has lots of famous scenery.However.it also means you have to travel a long way to get to these places. It usually takes one half Of the time on the road when traveling. People often already get tired before they arrive at the destination,and after they finish their enjoyment,there is still a long way left for them to go back,and that is the most important baffle that stops people from travel a lot. In addition, most people rush to the limited places of interest and make these places very crowded.13. Do you like shopping when traveling?Yes, I do. I can buy some local food and local products. Also I can buy many souvenirs. Sometimes if the clothes are cheap we can buy some clothes. I usually buy lots of gifts for my good friends. I’m going to YunNan with my father this holiday. My mother is very busy recently, she can’t go with us, and so I will buy some decorations for her, because she is fond of pretty things. I think she will be very glad to receive my presents.14. Do you often go traveling on holidays?Yes I do. Last winter holiday I went to Xian. This summer holiday I will go to Qingdao City with my classmates. My friends told me that Qingdao city is a very beautiful coastal city. I can go swimming in the sea, take a sunbath and make a big sandcastle there. I hope I will have a good time with my classmates in Qingdao city. And I will buy some good gifts for my parents because I love them very much.15. What’s the difference between staying home and traveling?When we stay at home, we feel very comfortable. Also we can read manyinteresting books and watch many wonderful TV programs. But it is harmful to our eyes to read and watch for long time. If we often go traveling, we will spend much time and money. And we always feel very tired after the tour. But we can enlarge our horizon, and buy some local products for our friends.16. Which one do you prefer, traveling to the countryside or the city?I prefer traveling in the countryside, because the air pollution is very serious in the big city. We can breathe some fresh air in the countryside. Also we can eat some fresh vegetables in the countryside, because farmers plant a lot of vegetables in their field. When we celebrate spring festivals, we can burn a lot of fireworks and firecrackers in the countryside. I like to stay away with the hustle and hustle of city life.17. What is you impression of BJ in general?Beijing is a historic city, there are many interesting places. Such as the Great Wall, the Summer Palace, the Forbidden City and the Jingshan Park.You should go to the Jingshan Park, because you get a spectacular view of Beijing from there. The people are nice and helpful, and most of things sold here are incredibly cheap. Beijing is really a lovely city.18. What’s the difference between traveling personally and traveling in a team? Answer1:I think the major difference is the freedom the travelers have. Traveling personally offers a good opportunity to decide the time and place according to personal preference. You can stay somewhere as long as you like,and enjoy the scenery in the way you like. while when you travel as a team,you have to follow the timetable of the team,and so you will always feel the pressure of time,and the interruption of other members of the team.Answer2:Well. I would like the clear destination of team travel. When there is a guide in the team. you do not need to worry about how you get there,where you can find a good place to have a rest,or where the best place of this interest is. All those things have been done by Others.19. D o you think we should protect ancient buildings?Answer1:Yes,of course. Those ancient buildings are built by our forebears in ancient times,and all those buildings have become part of our Chinese culture,and remind people of the prosperity of China hundreds or thousands of years ago. For example,the Forbidden CityAnswer2:It has become an exhibition of art and architecture,as well as the culture ofroyalty of the Ming and Qing Dynasty. Right now,more and more people are interested in these ancient buildings and they want to know the culture of their nation from it. Once destroyed,all these ancient buildings are a great lose for all our Chinese people. or even the lose for the whole world. So all those ancient buildings should be well protected to bequeath them to the next generation.20. Which one do you prefer, modern city or historic city?I have not learned much history yet and prefer to visit a modern city with big parks and things to play with. When I grow up I probably want to go to historic cities.21. How do you get your traveling ready? / How do you prepare for your trip? There are a lot of things you need to prepare before your trip. To begin with, you should make a decision about where to go. Surfing the Internet can be a good idea. You'll find lots of useful information online. The next thing you must take into consideration (考虑到)is accommodation and transportation. Finally, you have to pack up, you will decide how much luggage to carry. And you should not forget about the weather, bring some spare clothes just in case. Bring enough cash with you. In short, the preparation is not so easy to do.A place where people can have fun, like Disneyland. Or a place with a beautiful view, or with something special to see, like the Terracotta army in Xian.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------23. Do you like travel alone or with people?I like travel with my parent because I'm not old enough. I am very young and if I travel alone I will have dangers. Sometimes I travel with my friend and his parents. I like this because I can talk or play with my friend. When I grow up I want to learn how to travel alone, I think that is important.I have been to Dalian, Weihai, Hangzhou or ChangBai Mountain. I went to Jiuzhaigou last summer. It is very famous and many people go there. We took the plane to Chengdu and stayed there for one night. The next day we took the plane again to go to Jiuzhaigou. It is at a high altitude, 3km. It has 108 lakes. The lakes are very colorful. The water is very clear, so you can see the bottom and what is on it, like wood. One lake is called “Peacock”, because of all the different colors are like the feathers of this bird. Another lake is called “Panda”,because pandas would drink here in the past. While we were there we made a long walk. I very much liked the beautiful lakes and waterfalls.25. What`s your favorite place?My favorite place is called “Crab Island”. It is close to where I live. It is not really an island, but an artificial sand (人工砂)beach with waves. The real beach is too far away and I am afraid a shark could hurt me, so I like this one better.26. What is the most unforgettable place you have ever been to?My trip with my father to XiAn is really unforgettable. We were led to the Terracotta Army. It’s located near the Mausoleums(陵墓)of the first Qin Emperor. The figures vary in height according to their ranks. It was discovered in March 1974. Though I was very tired, I felt very happy. I will never forget this trip with my father forever.(Huangguoshu Falls黄果树瀑布)27. How many places have you been to?/Where have you traveled until now?I have traveled to many places in China. I went to my mother’s home townand also on vacation to different cities like Shanghai, Hangzhou, Tianjin, Qingdao, Chengdu, etc. Some cities are close to the beach, like Qingdao and Sanya. Some cities are just a big city, like Shanghai and Shenyang. I also went to some famous tourist attractions, like Jiuzhaigou, Hanglong and Lijiang28. What's your plan for traveling next time?I want to go to Japan and USA. Because I want to climb Fuji mountain and see Statue of Liberty. I have never been there before and have wanted to go there for a long time. I think that will realize.29. If you could take a holiday anywhere in the world, where would you go?Why?I want to go to the South Pole, because I want to see penguins and glacier(冰川). I think South Pole is beautiful and cool. I might dance with a penguin, that’s fantastic.30. Do you think travel is a good thing or a bed thing?/ What can tourists (you)get from traveling?I think travel is both a good thing and a bad thing. It’s a good thing because we can eat some delicious food and play some funny games. We can get relax and happiness. If we have much money we can buy some souvenir too. I think we will get many new things. But sometimes we might meet some bad people, this is a bad thing.31. Can you tell me the most terrible traveling experience?Once I go to travel to Dalian I had the most terrible experience. I saw a sculpture and I told my mom: “Take a photo for me please! “Then, I ran to the sculpture. “POO!”I sculpture is in the water, I didn't see that, and I felt into the water! That is funny!32. Where do you stay when you travel?When I travel with my parents, we always stay in the hotel, because I think it’s very comfortable and convenient, the food there is very clean and delicious, the service there are always very good, so we like to stay in the hotel when we travel.33. How do you spend money while traveling?I'm so young; I don't have money and my mum spend money for me.34. What is the most important thing to take for a trip? Why?I think the most important things to take for a trip is clothes and local money. Because clothes can give us warm. Money can buy many things we short. And money can do many things.35. Do you have to follow any safety instructions during a trip to the countryside? Yes I do. Because countryside sometime isn't safe. Safe is everything. Instructions like a guard(警卫)to help you. When I follow instructions I will be safer.36. Have you travelled before?Yes, I have travelled before; I went to Hangzhou last autumn with my parents. It took us 12 hours to get there by train. Huizhou is not very large, but it’s very beautiful, people always think that Hangzhou is the most wonderful place for human being to live in . we saw the west lake and we also went to the rain forest, the trees there were very interesting, they were all living in the water, in the forest, there were all kinds, most of them I have never seen before. My parents and I also enjoyed all kinds of local foods, they were very delicious, I like Hangzhou and hope that I could go there once again in the future.37. My travelling experience in BeidaiheEvery year in the summer, my parents and I will go to BeiDaihe, because there is the sea, it’s very cool, many people like to go there. when I am there, I could swim in the sea, collect shells on the beach or play with crab, sometimes, we will play with the sand. In the evening, we could enjoy the delicious sea food, life there is very happy, so I like Beidaihe.38. Which city you like best Beijing or Shanghai, and why?I like Beijing better, because it is easy to find the way in Beijing, but when we take a taxi in Shanghai, we always need to give the names of 2 streets. Otherwise the taxi driver can’t find it. The driver needs to know the intersection,because there are so many small streets there.39. What do you think individuals should do to protect natural beauty?I think everybody should protect nature because we are part of it. First of all,when we enjoy the natural beauty,we do not want to see rubbish in the rivers or on the mountains. So we should take away all the plastic bags or drink bottles when we leave. And we should persuade the travelers around us to do it. What is more. I think we should also protect the plants and animals in the places of interest.。



英语口语学习(Travel)Conversation QuestionsTravelA Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.Have you ever been abroad?Where have you been?Are you planning on going anywhere for your next vacation?o If so, where?o Who with?o How long will you stay?Could you live in another country for the rest of your life?Describe the most interesting person you met on one of your travels.Describe your best trip.Describe your worst trip.Did your class in high school go on a trip together?o If so, where did you go?o How long did you stay?o How did you get there?Do you have a driver's license?Do you like to travel with children? Why or why not?Do you like to travel with your mother? Why or why not?Do you prefer summer vacations or winter vacations?Do you prefer to travel alone or in a group? Why?Do you prefer to travel by train, bus, plane or ship?Do you prefer traveling by car or by plane?Have you ever been in a difficult situation while traveling?Have you ever been on an airplane?o How many times?o What airlines have you flown with?Have you ever been to a foreign country?Have you ever gotten lost while traveling? If so, tell about it.Have you ever hitchhiked? If so, how many times?Have you ever taken a package tour?How do you spend your time when you are on holiday and the weather is bad? ?How many countries have you been to? How many states?How many times have you traveled abroad?How much luggage do you usually carrry?If you traveled to South America, what countries would like to visit?If you went to ___(Insert a country name)__, what kind of souvenirs would you buy?If you were going on a camping trip for a week, what 10 things would you bring? Explain why.What are some countries that you would never visit? Why would you not visit them?What are some things that you always take with you on a trip?What countries would you like to visit? Why?What countries would you most like to visit?What countries would you not like to visit? Why?What country do you most want to visit?o Why?o Do you think you will ever go there?What do you need before you can travel to another country?What is the most interesting city to visit in your country?What is the most interesting souvenir that you have ever bought on one of your holidays?What languages can you speak?What place do you want to visit someday?What was the most interesting place you have ever visited?What's the most beautiful place you've ever been to?When was the last time your traveled?When you are on a long car journey do you play games or sing songs to occupy your time?o What kind of games?o What songs?Where are you going to go the next time you travel?o When are you going to go?o Who are you going to go with?o How long are you going to go for?o What are you going to do there?o What kind of things do you think you will buy?Where did you go on your last vacation?o How did you go?o Who did you go with?Where did you spend your last vacation? Your summer vacation? YourChristmas vacation?Where will you go on your next vacation?Would you like to take a cruise? Where to? With who?Would you prefer to stay at a hotel/motel or camp while on vacation?Would you rather visit another country or travel within your own country?Do you find more fulfillment from your leisure activities including vacations than from your job?Do you think the type of vacation one takes reflects one's social status?What are popular tourist destinations in your country?o Have you been to any of them?o Which would you recommend if you could only recommend one?Why?Do you prefer active or relaxing holidays? Why?Which is better, package tour or a tour you organize and book yourself?Why do you travel?o Why do people travel?Would you like to go back to that same place?Did you find anythng of particular interest? / Did you get attracted to anything special?What are some benefits of travel?o Why do people travel?What is your favourite mode of travel?Have you travelled in business class?When you were a child did your family take a vacation every year?。

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The Advantages of Travel
I love traveling because I can learn a lot of things I can’t learn from books. It opens my eyes to the world. It’s really very exciting and interesting to visit different places of interest, know new customs, enjoy local food and make new friends. To me, it’s the best way to relax.
Do you like traveling? Why or why not?

The sun was shinning. So we walked on the beach to cool off and swam in the sea. The food was very delicious and I was very crazy about seafood like lobster, shrimp and crab. I was very interested in going sightseeing there. Local people are very kind and nice to us. They taught us how to dance their own unique dancing. We didn’t have to stay in the hotel because one of my father’s friends lives there and he invited us to stay with his family. If I have another chance to take a trip in the winter vacation, definitely I will prefer to go to Hainan
The Advantages of Travel

The Advantages of Travel the words and phrases given: advantages, widen our knowledge, make friends, knowledge of geography, beautiful scenery, different lifestyle, customs and cultures, various food, practice a foreign language, worth spending the time. The Advantages of Travel Travel has many advantages. First of all, travel can widen our knowledge of geography, customs, cultures and lifestyles of different places and countries. Secondly, we canice a foreign language through traveling abroad. Finally, travel is the best way of pastime. We can enjoy eating various food and seeing beautiful sceneries. In a word, we can benefit from travel in more than one way. It is worth spending the time.
The Advantages of Travel
Travel is good to us in at least three ways. First, by traveling we can enjoy the beautiful scenery in different places. We will see with our own eyes many places, and visit some famous cities and scenic spots. Second, we will meet different people, see strange and different things when we travel. We can get ideas of different customs, taste different foods and local flavors if we like. In this way, we can understand how differently other people live. Third, travel will not only help us to gain knowledge of geography and history and other knowledge, it’s good to our health too. With all these advantages of travel, it is no wonder travel has now become more popular in China.
Do you like traveling? Why or why not?

I love to travel! I usually travel around when I have a school break to take a trip with my parents. I took a trip to Hainan with my parent last winter vacation. We got there by air. Yep, we just came back from HaiNan. My family spent the whole week enjoying the beach and sunlight. Anyway, there are many interesting experiences about Hainan that I have to get down.
What are the advantages / disadvantages of travel?

Traveling enriches your knowledge. It enables you to learn a lot you can’t get People like traveling because traveling can help them expand their scope of knowledge, especially geographical and historical learning. Traveling will provide more chances for them to enjoy food and other cultures. Those who dislike traveling also have their reasons. They think traveling means a lot of money and time, while sightseeing often makes them tired. Anyway, traveling does more good than harm. from books. It helps you to see new customs, eat new foods and do new things. And you come back home with a broader mind. Traveling also helps you to make new friends. However, traveling may cause some problems. The booking of tickets and hotel rooms may be difficult. The overcrowded bus or train may make you tired. And what is more, traveling costs much time and money. So it’s clear that traveling has its advantages and disadvantages.
What are the advantages / disadvantages of travel?

Traveling enriches your knowledge. It enables you to learn a lot you can’t get from books. It helps you to see new customs, eat new foods and do new things. And you come back home with a broader mind. Traveling also helps you to make new friends. However, traveling may cause some problems. The booking of tickets and hotel rooms may be difficult. The overcrowded bus or train may make you tired. And what is more, traveling costs much time and money. So it’s clear that traveling has its advantages and disadvantages.
Do you like traveling? Why or why not?