TS16949 常用术语中英文对照(一)

[分享]常用品质管理名词中英文对照序号 英文名称(缩写) 中文名称1 Accuracy 准确度2 Action 行动3 Activity 活动4 Analysis Covariance 协方差分析5 Analysis of Variance 方差分析6 Approved 承认7 Attribute 计数值8 Average 平均数9 Balance sheet 资产负债对照表10 Binomial 二项分配11 Brainstorming Techniques 脑力风暴法12 Cause and Effect Matrix 因果图(鱼骨图)13 CL:Center Line 中心线14 Check Sheets 检查表15 Complaint 投诉16 Conformity 合格(符合)17 Control 控制18 Control chart 控制(管制)图19 Correction 纠正20 Correlation Methods 相关分析法21 CPI: continuouse Process Improvement 连续工序改善22 Cross Tabulation Tables 交叉表23 CS: Customer Sevice 客(户)服(务)中心24 DSA: Defects Analysis System 缺陷分析系统25 Data 数据26 DCC: Document Control Center 文控中心27 Decision 决策、判定28 Defects per unit 单位缺点数29 Description 描述30 Device 装置31 Do 执行32 DOE: Design of Experiments 实验设计33 Element 元素34 Engineering recbnology 工程技术35 Environmental 环境36 Equipment 设备37 Estimated accumulative frequency 计算估计累计数38 EV: Equipment Variation 设备变异39 External Failure 外部失效,外部缺陷40 FA: Failure Analysis 失效分析41 Fact control 事实管理42 Fatigue 疲劳43 FMEA: Failure Mode and Effect Analysis 失效模式与效果分析44 FPY: First-Pass Yield (第一次通过)合格率45 FQA: Final Quality Assurance 最终品质保证46 FQC: Final Quality control 最终品质控制47 Gauge system 测量系统48 Grade 等级49 Histogram 直方图50 Improvement 改善51 Initial review 先期审查52 Inspection 检验53 Internal Failure 内部失效、内部缺陷54 IPQC: In Process Quality Control 制程品质控制55 IQC: Incomming Quality Control 来料品质控制56 IS International Organization for Standardization 国际标准化组织57 LCL: Lower Control limit 管制下限58 LQC: Line Quality Control 生产线品质控制59 LSL: Lower Size Limit 规格下限60 Machine 机械61 Manage 管理62 Materials 物料63 Measurement 测量64 Median 中位数65 MSA: Measurement System Analysis 测量系统分析66 Occurrence 发生率67 Operation Instruction 作业指导书68 Organization 组织69 Parto 柏拉图70 PPM:Parts per Million (百万分之)不良率71 Plan 计划72 Policy 方针73 Population 群体74 PQA: Process Quality Assurance 制程品质保证75 Practice 实务(践)76 Prevention 预防77 Probability 机率78 Probability density function 机率密度函数79 Procedure 流程80 Process 过程81 Process capability analysis 制程能力分析(图)82 Process control and Process capability 制程管制与制程能力83 Product 产品84 Production 生产85 Projects 项目86 QA: Quality Assurance 品质保证87 QC: Quality Control 品质控制88 QE: Quality Engineering 品质工程89 QFD: Quality Function Desgin 品质机能展开(法)90 Quality 质量91 Quality manual 品质手册92 Quality policy 品质政策(质量方针)93 Random experiment 随机试验94 Random numbers 随机数95 R:Range 全距(极差)96 Reject 拒收97 Repair 返修98 Repeatusility 再现性99 Reproducibility 再生性100 Requirement 要求101 Responsibilities 职责102 Review 评审103 Reword 返工104 Rolled yield 直通率105 RPN: Risk Priority Number 风险系数106 Sample 抽样,样本107 Sample space 样本空间108 Sampling with replacement 放回抽样109 Sampling without replacement 不放回抽样110 Scatter diagram 散布图分析111 Scrap 报废112 Simple random sampling 简单随机取样113 Size 规格114 SL: Size Line 规格中心线115 Stratified random sampling 分层随机抽样116 SOP: Standard Operation Procedure 标准作业书117 SPC: Statistical Process Control 统计制程管制118 Specification 规范119 SQA: Source(Supplier) Quality Assurance 供货商品质保证 120 Stage sampling 分段随机抽样121 Standard Deviation 标准差122 Sum of squares 平方和123 Taguchi-method 田口(试验)方法124 Theory 原理125 TQC: Total Quality Control 全面品质控制126 TQM: Total Quality Management 全面品质管理127 Traceablity 追溯128 Training 培训129 UCL: Upper Control Limit 管制(控制)上限130 USL: Upper Size Limit 规格上限131 Validation 确认132 Variable 计量值133 Verification 验证134 Version 版本135 VOC: Voice of Customer 客户需求136 VOE: Voice of Engineer 工程需求。

TS16949英汉术语和解释术语和定义A1 认可的实验室accredited laboratoy经某一国家承认的认可机构评审和批准的实验室。
例:美国实验室认可协会(A2LA)或法国认可委员会(COFRAC)按ISO/IEC 17025或国家等效标准为实验室进行认可。
A2 提前装运通知advanced shipment notification (ASN)由一公司向其顾客发出的通知,通常按照顾客的格式通过电子媒体发送。
A3 基准确定benchmarking用于确定最佳实践的技术方法。
A4 经营计划business plan由负有执行职责的管理者批准的,包含组织的长期目标、短期目标及测量方法的计划(包括质量在内)。
A5 计算机辅助设计computer aided design(CAD)计算机系统自动生成和编辑几何图形、尺寸和其他允许使用者确定一个物体形状和物理特性的绘图提示的能力。
A6 计算机辅助工程computer aided engineering (CAE)使用计算机技术辅助进行工程过程。
A7 校准calibration在规定的条件下,确定测量系统的示值,或材料测量或标准物质所代表的值与相对应的被测量的已知值进行比较的一系列操作。
A8 应急计划contingency plan为应付意外情况(供应中断、劳动力短缺或关键设备故障)发生时能保持产品供应而制定的计划。
A9 持续改进计划/方案continuous improvement plan/programme使产品或过程的特性和参数优化至一目标值的计划或方案。
A10 合同contract供方和顾客之间以任何方式传递的、双方同意的要求。
A11 控制计划control plan (CP) 动态控制计划(DCP)由供方制定的、对控制零件和过程的系统进行的形成文件的描述,以对质量和工程要求有关的所有重要特性提供控制。

TS16949中190个英文术语2016-11-25先来第一波儿,看看你是不是都知道CP控制计划,Control PlanSP支持过程,Support ProcessPPM百万分之,Parts Per MillionMP管理过程,Management ProcessCPK过程能力指数,Process CapabilityIndexSPC统计过程控制,Statistical ProcessControlCOP顾客导向过程,Customer OrientedProcessMSA测量系统分析,Measurement SystemsAnalysisPPAP生产件批准程序,Production PartApproval ProcessAPQP产品质量先期策划,Advanced ProductQualityPlanningFMEA潜在失效模式及后果分析,Failure Mode andEffectsAnalysisDFMEA设计潜在失效模式及后果分析,DesignFailureMode andEffects AnalysisPFMEA过程潜在失效模式及后果分析,ProcessFailureMode andEffects Analysis PPK初始过程能力指数或过程性能指数,PreliminaryProcess Index或Performance ProcessIndex高级统计方法advanced statisticalmethods可数型数据 attributes data均值average认知 awareness基本的统计方法basic statistical methods二项分布binomial distribution2再来第二波儿,看看你还能坚持看下去吗因果图cause-effect diagram中心线central line普通原因common cause连续的consecutive控制control控制图control limit(charts)质量和生产率持续改进 continualimprovement in quality and productivity 累计和 cesium探测detection分布distribution单值 individual位置 location平均值 mean中位数median移动极差moving range排列图praetor chart正态分布normal distribution可操作的定义operational definition泊松分布Poisson distribution预防prevention3如果你看到第三波儿,还游刃有余,工作有5年了吧解决问题problem solving过程均值process average过程能力process capability过程控制process control过程性能process performance过程分布宽度process spread随机性randomness二次方程式quadratic随机抽样random sampling极差range链run合理子组rational subgroup链图run chart样本sample形状shape特殊原因special cause规范specification稳定性stability统计值statistic稳定过程stable process标准差standard deviation?统计控制statistical control统计过程控制statistical processcontrol子组subgroupI类错误type errorⅡ类错误type error变差variation区域分析zone analysis分配 apportionment基准数据benchmark data材料清单bill of material4如果准备看第四波儿,可见你是个SPC高手特性矩阵图characteristics matrix设计失效模式及后果分析design failuremode and effects analysis 可制造性和装配设计design formanufacturability and assembly设计信息检查表 design informationchecklist设计评审design reviews设计确认design validation设计验证 design verification耐久性durability失效模式分析failure modes analysis可行性feasibility改善kaizen有限元分析finite element analysis维修性maintainability包装packaging初始材料清单preliminary bill ofmaterial初始过程流程preliminary processflow chart过程失效模式及后果分析process failuremode and effects analysis 仿真simulation产品保证计划product assurance plan试生产production trial run质量策划认定quality planningsign-off可靠性reliability特殊特性special characteristics可靠性分配reliabilityapportionment同步工程simultaneous engineering子系统subsystem系统system小组可行性承诺team feasibilitycommitment进度计划timing plan价值工程/价值分析value engineering / value analysis ?顾客的呼声voice of the customer过程的呼声 voice of the process控制计划control plan设计意图design intent设计寿命design life实验设计 DOE防错error /mistake proofing排列图pare to过程更改process change质量功能展开QFD5在准备看第五波儿前,我必须肯定你是个APQP熟练玩家根本原因root cause过程特殊特性special processcharacteristic车辆召回vehiclecampaign认可的实验室accredited laboratory在用零件active part同意agreement外观项目appearance item批准approved批准的图样approved drawing批准的材料approved materials?批准的货源清单approved source list计数型数据attributes散装材料bulk material数学数据math data散装材料要求检查表bulk materialrequirements checklist校准calibration测绘图样checker print关键特性critical characteristic设计记录design record顾客产品批准部门customer productapproval activity环境environment设计预期的稳健范围design intendedrobust range完全批准full approval量具的重复性和再现性gage repeatabilityand reproducibility 首次样品initial sample初始过程研究initial process study临时批准interim sample主要设计特性key designcharacteristics标记过图样marked print主要过程特性key processcharacteristics6第五波儿内容有点儿杂,如果每个术语都知道,你快成精了主要产品特性key product characteristics实验室laboratory实验室范围laboratory scope易损工装perishable tools测量系统分析研究measurement systemanalysis studies生产件production part零件提交保证书part submissionwarrant过程流程图process flow diagram生产环境production environment生产材料production material?线性linearity生产件批准提交production partapproval submission质量指数quality indices常规生产工装regular production tooling拒收rejected外部场所remote location安全特性safety characteristics可销售产品salvable production现场site自我认证供方self-certifyingsupplier重要的生产过程significant production run提交等级submission level工具tool工装维修tooling maintenance偏倚bias工装重新整修tooling refurbishment确认validation保证书warrant合同contract关键控制点critical control point关键限值critical limit流程图flow diagram危害hazard危害分析hazard analysis绩效performance初级生产primary production步骤step事故accident事件incident风险risk?职业健康安全occupational health and safety 风险评价risk assessment可容许风险tolerable risk环境因素environmental环境影响environmental impact环境目标environmental objective环境表现environmental performance环境指标environmental target污染预防prevention of pollution。

TS16949中英文标准4. Quality management system 4.质量管理系统4.1 General requirements 4.1一般要求The organization shall establish, document, implement and maintain a quality management system and continually improve its effectiveness in accordance with the requirements of this International Standard.组织须依照本国际标准之要求,建立、文件化、实施与维持一质量管理系统,及持续改进其有效性The organization shall:组织须:a)identify the processes needed for the quality management system and their application throughout the organization (see 1.2),a)鉴别此质量管理系统与其应用于整个组织所需之过程(参照第1.2节),b)determine the sequence and interaction of these processes, b)决定此等过程之顺序与交互作用,c) determine criteria and methods needed to ensure that both the operation and control of these processes are effective, c)决定所需之准则与方法,以确保此等过程的运作与管制两者均有效,d) ensure the availability of resources and information necessary to support the operation and monitoring of these processes, d)确保必要资源与信息之可取用性,以支持过程的运作与监督,e) monitor, measure and analyse these processes, and e)监督、量测与分析此等过程,及f) implement actions necessary to achieve planned results and continual improvement of these processes. f)实施必要措施,以达成此等过程所规划的结果与持续改进。

一组质量管理体系术语(中英双语English Chinesereceipt (入厂接受,验收,进货handling 搬运packaging 包装storage 保存protection 保护comparison 比较identification 标识replacement of identification mark 标识标志更换maintenance of identification 标识的保持records of identification control 标识控制记录tender 标书normative document 标准文件supplemental 补充nonconforming product 不合格品control of nonconforming product 不合格品控制control procedure of nonconforming products 不合格品控制程序tendency of nonconformance 不合格倾向purchasing 采购verification of purchased product 采购的产品验证purchasing process 采购过程purchasing control procedure 采购控制程序purchasing information 采购信息reference standard 参照标准reference instructions 参照细则stockhouse 仓库measurement,analysis and improvement 测量,分析和改进measurement result 测量结果control procedure of monitoring and measuring devices 测量设备控制程序planning 策划preservation of product 产品保护control procedure for maintenance, replacement and records of product identification 产品标识的保持, 更换及记录控制程序procedure for product identification and traceability 产品标识和可追溯性程序conformity of product 产品的符合性monitoring and measurement of product 产品的监督和测量product plan 产品方案control procedure for product preservation 产品防护控制程序method of product release 产品放行方法conformity of product,product conformity 产品符合性product realization 产品实现planning of product realization 产品实现策划product characteristics 产品特性input to product requirements 产品要求的输入product status 产品状态final acceptance of product 产品最后验收procedure 程序program documents 程叙文件continual improvement 持续改进procedure for continual improvement of quality management system 持续改进质量体系程序adequacy 充分性storage location 存放地点agency personnel 代理人员submission of tenders 递交标书adjustment 调整,调节statutory and regulatory requirements 法律法规要求rework,vt 返工repair, vt 返修subcontractor 分承包方annex 附录improvement 改进improvement actions 改进措施on —the-job training 岗位技能培训responsibility of individual department and post 各部门,各岗位职责change identification 更改标记change order number 更改单编号process sheets 工艺单process specification 工艺规程procedure(process card 工艺规程(工艺卡process characteristics 工艺特性Job Description Format 工种描述单work environment 工作环境impartiality 公正性functional requirements 功能要求supplier 供方supplier evaluation procedure 供方评价程序supplier provided special processes 供方提供的特殊过程verification at supplier's premises 供方现场验证supply chain 供应链criteria for supplier selection, evaluation and re-evaluation 供应商选择、评估和再评估准则communication 沟通customer 顾客customer property 顾客财产control procedure for customer property 顾客财产控制程序customer feedback 顾客反馈Customer Service Contact Form 顾客服务联系表customer cummunications 顾客沟通customer satisfaction 顾客满意statistical analysis of customer satisfaction 顾客满意度统计分析customer complaint 顾客投诉identificaion of customer requirements 顾客要求的识别management review 管理评审records from management review 管理评审记录management review control procedure 管理评审控制程序management representative 管理者代表management responsibility 管理职责specified limits of acceptability 规定的可接受界限specified use 规定的用途process 过程complexity of processes 过程的复杂性monitoring and measurement of processes 过程的监视和测量operation of process 过程的运行status of processes 过程的状态process approach 过程方法process controls 过程控制process control documents 过程控制文件process performance 过程业绩appropriateness 合适性changes to contractor 合同的更改contract review control procedure 合同评审控制程序internet sales 互联网销售environmental conditions 环境条件monogram pragram requirements 会标纲要要求type of activities 活动类型infrastructure 基础建设infrastructure 基础设施fundamentals and vocabulary 基础与词汇control of records 记录控制technical specificaion 技术规范process trace sheet 加工跟踪单monitoring and measurement 监视和测量monitoring and measuring device 监视和测量装置control of monitoring and measuring devices 监视和测量装置控制check method 检查方法frequency of checks 检查频次calibration status 检定状态inspection and test control procedure 检验和试验控制程序identification procedure for inspection and test status 检验和试验状态标识程序inspection witness point 检验见证点inspection hold point 检验住手点buildings 建造物delivery 交付post —delivery activities 交付后的活动delivery activities 交付活动interface 接口acceptance of contract or orders 接受合同或者定单type of medium 介质类型experience 经验correction action 纠正措施Corrective action response time 纠正措施答复时间,纠正措施响应时间management procedure for corrective actions 纠正措施管理程序corrective action response times 纠正措施响应时间development activity 开辟活动traceability mark 可追溯性标志objectivity 客观性Customer Service Log 客户服务记录簿control feature 控制特性,控制细节control features 控制细则periodic assessment of stock 库存定期评估justification 理由routine 例程,惯例,常规质量职能分配表论证范围internal communication 内部沟通internal audit 内部审核internal audit procedure 内部审核程序internally controlled standard 内控标准internal audit 内审results of internal and external audits 内外部审核结果competence 能力training 培训training needs 培训需要evaluate 评价records of the results of the review 评审结果的记录review output 评审输出review input 评审输入Purchase Requisition 请购单authority 权限validation 确认concession 让步human resources 人力资源job training of personnel 人员岗位培训qualification of personnel 人员资格equipment control procedure 设备控制程序device type 设备类型order of design changes 设计更改通知单design and development control procedure 设计和开辟控制程序design and development 设计开辟design and development planning 设计开辟策划control of design and development changes 设计开辟更改控制design and development review 设计开辟评审design and development validation 设计开辟确认design and development outputs 设计开辟输出design and development inputs 设计开辟输入design and development verification 设计开辟验证design validation 设计确认design documentation 设计文件编制design acceptance criteria 设计验收准则design verification 设计验证audit program 审核大纲conduct of audits 审核行为audit criteria 审核准则production process control 生产过程控制production process control procedure 生产过程控制程序production and service provision 生产和服务提供control of production and service provision 生产和服务提供的控制validation of processes for production and service provision 生产和服务提供过程的确认production order 生产令identification and traceability 识别和可追溯性identification and traceability maintenance and replacement 识别和可追溯性维护与替换invalidate 使失效market survey 市场调研suitability 适宜性scope 合用范围controlled condition 受控状态terms and definitions 术语与定义analysis of data 数据分析sequence 顺序transfer of ownership 所有权转移system document 体系文件statistical technique 统计方法outsource(vt a process 外包过程external source 外部来源documents of external origin 外来文件outsource,vt 外协unique identification 惟一的标识maintenance 维护Document Change Control 文件更改控制Request For Document Change (RDC 文件更改需求单control of documents 文件控制documentation requirements 文件要求enquiry 问询,询价field nonconformity analysis 现场不符合分析relevance 相关性interaction 相互作用detail design 详细设计,详图设计,零件设计,施工设计sales department 销售部sales contract 销售合同checklist 校验表,一览表,检查一览表calibration 校准submission of action plans 行动计划的递交documented procedures 形成文件的程序documented statement 形成文件的声明performance requirements 性能要求licensee responsibilities 许可证持有者责任acceptance criteria 验收准则verification arrangement 验证安排verification results 验证结果customer focus 以客户为关注点, 以客户为焦点awareness 意识introduction 引言,概述,介绍normative references 引用标准application 应用visit to user 用户访问review of requirements related to the product 有关产品的要求评审competent 有能力的effectiveness 有效性determination of requirements related to the product 与产品有关的要求的确定customer —related processes 与顾客有关的过程preventive action 预防措施management procedure for preventive actions 预防措施管理程序planned results 预期的结果intended use 预期的用途procedure for competence,knowledge and training of personnel 员工能力,知识和培训程序personnel training procedure 员工培训程序supporting services 支持性服务functions 职能部门responsibility 职责assignment of responsibility 职责分工workmanship 创造工艺manufacturing acceptance criteria 创造验收准则quality policy 质量方针quality programs 质量纲领quality management system 质量管理体系quality management system planning 质量管理体系策划performance of the quality management system 质量管理体系业绩quality plan 质量计划quality records 质量记录quality objectives 质量目标quality audit 质量审核quality manual 质量手册quality problem handling form 质量问题处理单quality requirements 质量要求allocation table of quality responsibilities 质量职能分配表availability of resources 资源的可获得性resource management 资源管理allocation of resources 资源配置provision of resources 资源提供general requirements 总要求,普通要求constituent part 组成部件organization 组织continual improvement of the organization 组织的持续改进size of organization 组织的规模Organizational Diagram 组织机构图final acceptance 最终验收work instructions 作业指导书。

Common and Special Causes
Control Charts
X-Bar and R charts
Control Limits
Standard Deviation
Process capability
p-Chart for Proportion Nonconforming
序号 缩写
1 BP
Business Plan
Customer inputs
Design Goals
Reliability&Quality Goals
Preliminary Bill of MFra bibliotekterials
Prelim.Listing of Spl.Chara
ISO/TS16949标准术语 英文全称 International Organization for Standardization Technology Standard Automotive Industry Action Group Automobile Manufacturer's Association
中文全称 国际标准化组织 技术规范 汽车工业行动集团 汽车制造商联合会 美国质量控制协会 美国质量协会 产品质量先期策划 潜在失效模式及后果分析 国际汽车监督暑 统计过程控制 测量系统分析 生产件批准程序 质量管理体系 质量体系评定 质量体系要求 顾客导向过程 支持过程 先期制造技术和开发 最快 计算机辅助设计 计算机辅助工程 有限元分析 几何尺寸

APQP常用词汇中英文对照APQP常用词汇中英文对照1PP- First Phase of Production Prove-Out 第一次试生产3C Customer(顾客导向)、Competition(竞争导向)、Competence(专长导向)4S Sale, Sparepart零配件, Service, Survey信息反馈5S 整理,整顿,清理,清洁,素养8D- 8 DisciplineABS Anti-lock Braking SystemAIAG 美国汽车联合会ANPQP Alliance New Product Quality ProcedureApportionment 分配APQP Advanced Product Quality PlanBacklite Windshield 后窗玻璃Benchmark Data 样件资料bloodshot adj.充血的, 有血丝的BMW Bavarian Motor WorksC.P.M Certified Purchasing manger 认证采购经理人制度CB- Confirmation Build 确认样车制造CC- Change CutOff 设计变更冻结CC\\SC- critical/significant characteristicCCR Concern & Countermeasure RequestCCT Cross Company TeamCharacteristics Matrix 特性矩阵图COD Cash on Delivery 货到付现预付货款(T/T in advance)CP1- Confirmation Prototype 1st 第一次确认样车CP2- Confirmation Prototype 2nd 第二次确认样车Cpk 过程能力指数Cpk=Zmin/3CPO Complementary Parts OrderCraftsmanship 精致工艺Cross-functional teams跨功能小组CUV Car-Based Ultility VehicleD1:信息收集;8DD2:建立8D小组;D3:制定临时的围堵行动措施,避免不良品流出;D4:定义和证实根本原因,避免再发;D5:根据基本原因制定永久措施;D6:执行和确认永久措施;D7:预防再发,实施永久措施;D8:认可团队和个人的贡献。

汽车行业必须掌握TS16949中英文术语TS16949中英文术语(一)CP控制计划,Control PlanSP支持过程,Support ProcessPPM百万分之,Parts Per MillionMP管理过程,Management ProcessCPK过程能力指数,Process CapabilityIndexSPC统计过程控制,Statistical ProcessControlCOP顾客导向过程,Customer OrientedProcessMSA测量系统分析,Measurement SystemsAnalysisPPAP生产件批准程序,Production PartApproval ProcessAPQP产品质量先期策划,Advanced ProductQuality Planning (二)FMEA潜在失效模式及后果分析,Failure Mode andEffects AnalysisDFMEA设计潜在失效模式及后果分析,DesignFailureMode and Effects AnalysisPFMEA过程潜在失效模式及后果分析,ProcessFailureMode and Effects AnalysisPPK初始过程能力指数或过程性能指数,PreliminaryProcess Index或Performance ProcessIndex高级统计方法advanced statisticalmethods可数型数据attributes data均值average认知awareness基本的统计方法basic statistical methods二项分布binomial distribution(三)因果图cause-effect diagram中心线central line普通原因common cause连续的consecutive控制control控制图control limit(charts)质量和生产率持续改进continualimprovement in quality and productivity累计和cesium探测detection分布distribution(四)单值individual位置location平均值mean中位数median移动极差moving range排列图praetor chart正态分布normal distribution可操作的定义operational definition 泊松分布Poisson distribution预防prevention(五)解决问题problem solving过程均值process average过程能力process capability过程控制process control过程性能process performance过程分布宽度process spread随机性randomness二次方程式quadratic随机抽样random sampling极差range链run(六)合理子组rational subgroup链图run chart样本sample形状shape特殊原因special cause规范specification稳定性stability统计值statistic稳定过程stable process标准差standard deviation(七)统计控制statistical control统计过程控制statistical processcontrol 子组subgroupI类错误type errorⅡ类错误type error变差variation区域分析zone analysis分配apportionment基准数据benchmark data材料清单bill of material(八)特性矩阵图characteristics matrix设计失效模式及后果分析design failuremode and effects analysis 可制造性和装配设计design formanufacturability and assembly 设计信息检查表design informationchecklist设计评审design reviews设计确认design validation设计验证design verification耐久性durability失效模式分析failure modes analysis可行性feasibility(九)改善kaizen有限元分析finite element analysis维修性maintainability包装packaging初始材料清单preliminary bill ofmaterial初始过程流程preliminary processflow chart过程失效模式及后果分析process failuremode and effects analysis 仿真simulation产品保证计划product assurance plan试生产production trial run(十)质量策划认定quality planningsign-off可靠性reliability特殊特性special characteristics可靠性分配reliabilityapportionment同步工程simultaneous engineering子系统subsystem系统system小组可行性承诺team feasibilitycommitment进度计划timing plan价值工程/价值分析value engineering / value analysis (十一)顾客的呼声voice of the customer过程的呼声voice of the process控制计划control plan设计意图design intent设计寿命design life实验设计DOE防错error /mistake proofing排列图pare to过程更改process change质量功能展开QFD(十二)根本原因root cause过程特殊特性special processcharacteristic 车辆召回vehiclecampaign认可的实验室accredited laboratory在用零件active part同意agreement外观项目appearance item批准approved批准的图样approved drawing批准的材料approved materials(十三)批准的货源清单approved source list计数型数据attributes散装材料bulk material数学数据math data散装材料要求检查表bulk materialrequirements checklist 校准calibration测绘图样checker print关键特性critical characteristic设计记录design record顾客产品批准部门customer productapproval activity (十四)环境environment设计预期的稳健范围design intendedrobust range完全批准full approval量具的重复性和再现性gage repeatabilityand reproducibility 首次样品initial sample初始过程研究initial process study临时批准interim sample主要设计特性key designcharacteristics标记过图样marked print主要过程特性key processcharacteristics(十五)主要产品特性key product characteristics实验室laboratory实验室范围laboratory scope易损工装perishable tools测量系统分析研究measurement systemanalysis studies生产件production part零件提交保证书part submissionwarrant过程流程图process flow diagram生产环境production environment生产材料production material(十六)线性linearity生产件批准提交production partapproval submission 质量指数quality indices常规生产工装regular production tooling拒收rejected外部场所remote location安全特性safety characteristics可销售产品salvable production现场site自我认证供方self-certifyingsupplier(十七)重要的生产过程significant production run 提交等级submission level工具tool工装维修tooling maintenance偏倚bias工装重新整修tooling refurbishment确认validation保证书warrant合同contract关键控制点critical control point(十八)关键限值critical limit流程图flow diagram危害hazard危害分析hazard analysis绩效performance初级生产primary production步骤step事故accident事件incident风险risk(十九)职业健康安全occupational health and safety 风险评价risk assessment可容许风险tolerable risk环境因素environmental环境影响environmental impact环境目标environmental objective环境表现environmental performance 环境指标environmental target污染预防prevention of pollution。

TS16949 质量管理体系名词术语解释表一、 TS16949 相关术语为控制产品而要求的体系和过程的书面描述。
受控文件包括:-实验室有资格进行的特定试验、评价和校准, -用以进行上述活动的设备清单, -进行上述活动的方法和标准清单;以下制作或加工过程 -生产材料;-生产件或维修件; -装配,或-热处理、焊接、喷漆、电镀或其他表面处理。
基于过程数据, 通过预测可能的失效模式以避免维护性问题的活动。
PPAP 的目的是用来确定组织是否已经正确的理解了顾客工程设计记录和规范的所有要求,以及该制造过程是否具有潜力,在实际生产运行中,依报价时的生产节拍,持续生产满足顾客要求的产品。
为选择,经顾客认可的认可机构评审和批准的实验室,它符合 ISO/IEC 导则 58 并获得ISO/IEC 17025 或国家等同标准的校准或实验室认证。

Quality management systems –Particular requirements for the application of ISO 9001:2000 for automotive production and relevant service part organizations 品質管理系統—生產性和與相關服務性汽車零組件之組織使用ISO 9001:2000之特定要求1.Scope 1. 範圍1.1 General 1.1概述This Technical Specification, in conjunction with ISO 9001:2000, defines the quality management system requirements for the design and development, production and, when relevant, installation and service of automotive-related products.This Technical Specification is applicable to sites of the organization where customer-specified parts, for production and/or service, are manufactured. Supporting functions, whether on-site or remote (such as design centres, corporate headquarters and distribution centres), form part of the site audit as they support the site, but cannot obtain stand-alone 本技術規範,結合ISO 9001:2000,明定汽車業相關產品從設計/開發、生產和(當相關時)安裝/服務的品質管理系統要求。

APQP常用词汇中英文对照1PP- First Phase of Production Prove-Out 第一次试生产3C Customer(顾客导向)、Competition(竞争导向)、Competence(专长导向)4S Sale, Sparepart零配件, Service, Survey信息反馈5S 整理,整顿,清理,清洁,素养8D- 8 DisciplineABS Anti-lock Braking SystemAIAG 美国汽车联合会ANPQP Alliance New Product Quality ProcedureApportionment 分配APQP Advanced Product Quality PlanBacklite Windshield 后窗玻璃Benchmark Data 样件资料bloodshot adj.充血的, 有血丝的BMW Bavarian Motor WorksC.P.M Certified Purchasing manger 认证采购经理人制度CB- Confirmation Build 确认样车制造CC- Change CutOff 设计变更冻结CC\SC- critical/significant characteristicCCR Concern & Countermeasure RequestCCT Cross Company TeamCharacteristics Matrix 特性矩阵图COD Cash on Delivery 货到付现预付货款(T/T in advance)CP1- Confirmation Prototype 1st 第一次确认样车CP2- Confirmation Prototype 2nd 第二次确认样车Cpk 过程能力指数Cpk=Zmin/3CPO Complementary Parts OrderCraftsmanship 精致工艺Cross-functional teams跨功能小组CUV Car-Based Ultility VehicleD1:信息收集;8DD2:建立8D小组;D3:制定临时的围堵行动措施,避免不良品流出;D4:定义和证实根本原因,避免再发;D5:根据基本原因制定永久措施;D6:执行和确认永久措施;D7:预防再发,实施永久措施;D8:认可团队和个人的贡献。

常用的品质管理名词(中英文对照)QE=品质工程师(Quality Engineer)MSA: Measurement System Analysis 量测系统分析LCL: Lower Control limit 管制下限Control plan 管制计划Correction 纠正Cost down 降低成本CS: customer Sevice 客户中心Data 数据Data Collection 数据收集Description 描述Device 装置Digital 数字Do 执行DOE: Design of Experiments 实验设计Environmental 环境Equipment 设备FMEA: Failure Mode and Effect analysis 失效模式与效果分析FA: Failure Analysis 坏品分析FQA: Final Quality Assurance 最终品质保证FQC: Final Quality control 最终品质控制Gauge system 量测系统Grade 等级Inductance 电感Improvement 改善Inspection 检验IPQC: In Process Quality Control 制程品质控制IQC: Incoming Quality Control 来料品质控制ISO: International Organization for Standardization 国际标准组织LQC: Line Quality Control 生产线品质控制LSL: Lower Size Limit 规格下限Materials 物料Measurement 量测Occurrence 发生率Operation Instruction 作业指导书Organization 组织Parameter 参数Parts 零件Pulse 脉冲Policy 方针Procedure 流程Process 过程Product 产品Production 生产Program 方案Projects 项目QA: Quality Assurance 品质保证QC: Quality Control 品质控制QE: Quality Engineering 品质工程QFD: Quality Function Design 品质机能展开Quality 质量Quality manual 品质手册Quality policy 品质政策Range 全距Record 记录Reflow 回流Reject 拒收Repair 返修Repeatability 再现性Reproducibility 再生性Requirement 要求Residual 误差Response 响应Responsibilities 职责Review 评审Rework 返工Rolled yield 直通率sample 抽样,样本Scrap 报废SOP: Standard Operation Procedure 标准作业书SPC: Statistical Process Control 统计制程管制Specification 规格SQA: Source(Supplier) Quality Assurance 供应商品质保证Taguchi-method 田口方法TQC: Total Quality Control 全面品质控制TQM: Total Quality Management 全面品质管理Traceability 追溯UCL: Upper Control Limit 管制上限USL: Upper Size Limit 规格上限Validation 确认Variable 计量值Verification 验证Version 版本QCC Quality Control Circle 品质圈/QC小组PDCA Plan Do Check Action 计划执行检查总结Consumer electronics 消费性电子产品Communication 通讯类产品Core value (核心价值)Love 爱心Confidence 信心Decision 决心Corporate culture (公司文化)Integration 融合Responsibility 责任Progress 进步QC quality control 品质管理人员FQC final quality control 终点品质管制人员IPQC in process quality control 制程中的品质管制人员OQC output quality control 最终出货品质管制人员IQC incoming quality control 进料品质管制人员TQC total quality control 全面质量管理POC passage quality control 段检人员QA quality assurance 质量保证人员OQA output quality assurance 出货质量保证人员QE quality engineering 品质工程人员FAI first article inspection 新品首件检查FAA first article assurance 首件确认CP capability index 能力指数SSQA standardized supplier quality audit 合格供应商品质评估FMEA failure model effectiveness analysis 失效模式分析AQL Acceptable Quality Level 运作类允收品质水准S/S Sample size 抽样检验样本大小ACC Accept 允收REE Reject 拒收CR Critical 极严重的MAJ Major 主要的MIN Minor 轻微的Q/R/S Quality/Reliability/Service 品质/可靠度/服务P/N Part Number 料号L/N Lot Number 批号AOD Accept On Deviation 特采UAI Use As It 特采FPIR First Piece Inspection Report 首件检查报告PPM Percent Per Million 百万分之一SPC Statistical Process Control 统计制程管制SQC Statistical Quality Control 统计品质管制GRR Gauge Reproducibility & Repeatability 量具之再制性及重测性判断量可靠与否DIM Dimension 尺寸DIA Diameter 直径QIT Quality Improvement Team 品质改善小组ZD Zero Defect 零缺点QI Quality Improvement 品质改善QP Quality Policy 目标方针TQM Total Quality Management 全面品质管理RMA Return Material Audit 退料认可7QCTools 7 Quality Control Tools 品管七大手法通用之件类ECN Engineering Change Notice 工程变更通知(供应商)ECO Engineering Change Order 工程改动要求(客户)PCN Process Change Notice 工序改动通知PMP Product Management Plan 生产管制计划SIP Standard Inspection Procedure 制程检验标准程序SOP Standard Operation Procedure 制造作业规范IS Inspection Specification 成品检验规范BOM Bill Of Material 物料清单PS Package Specification 包装规范SPEC Specification 规格DWG Drawing 图面系统文件类ES Engineering Standard 工程标准IWS International Workman Standard 工艺标准ISO International Standardization Organization 国际标准化组织GS General Specification 一般规格部类PMC Production & Material Control 生产和物料控制PCC Product control center 生产管制中心PPC Production Plan Control 生产计划控制MC Material Control 物料控制DCC Document Control Center 资料控制中心QE Quality Engineering 品质工程(部)QA Quality Assurance 品质保证处QC Quality Control 品质管制(课)PD Product Department 生产部LAB Laboratory 实验室IE Industrial Engineering 工业工程R&D Research & Design 设计开发部。

PFME(A Process Potential Failure Mode and Effects Analysis ):过程潜在失效模式及效果分析OIS(Operator Instruction Sheet ):作业指导书WES(Work Element Sheet ):工作要素表 VA(V isual aid ):可视化教具WBB(Work Balance Board ):工位平衡图CAS(Capacity Analysis Sheet ):产能分析表WAS(Work Analysis Sheet ):工作分析表CP(C ontrol Plan ):控制计划RP(R eaction Plan ):反应计划SPC(Statistical Process Control ):统计过程控制MSA(Measurement Systems Analysis ):测量系统分析BOM(Bill Of Materials ):零件清单FTT(First Time Through ):首次通过率(一次合格率)DPU(Defect Per Unit ):单车缺陷数JPH(Jobs Per Hour ):每小时工作量PPM(Parts Permillion): 零部件百万分之不合格品率CPU(Cost Per Unit ):单位成本VRT(Variability Reduction Teams): 变差减少小组PD(P roduct Development ):产品开发PVT(PlantVehicle Teams ):工厂车辆小组STA (Supplier Technical Assistance ):供应商技术支持IQ(I ncoming Quality ):进货质量检查 VE(V ehicle Engineering ):整车质量评价ME(M anufacturing Engineering ):制造工程AE(A dvanced Engineering ):先期项目 PE(Plant Engineering ): 设备工程MBO(Manufacturing Business Office ):制造办公室CPS(Changan Production System ):长安生产体系MSD(S Material Safety Data Sheet ):材料安全数据单。

对散装材料的要求(见附录 ─ 散装材料)
重型货车制造 ─ 特别附录

SPC Statistical Process Control
IQC Incoming Quality Control
SIL Single Issues List
IPQC Input Process Quality Cortrol
SOP Standard Operation Procedure 标准作业程序(批量生产启动) SQA Source(Supplier) Quality Assurance 供应商品质保证
OTS OFF Tool Sample
QP Quality Procedure
QM Quality Management
QPA Quality Process Audit
PDI Prefore Delivery Inspection
MSA Measurement System Analysis
PTR Production Trial Run
PPAP Production Part Approval Process 生产件批准程序
PA Preventive Action
PCR Problem Communication Report 问题交流报告
SIP Standard Inspection Procedure 检验指导书
TQM Total Quality Management

APQP常用词汇中英文对照1PP- First Phase of Production Prove-Out 第一次试生产3C Customer(顾客导向)、Competition(竞争导向)、Competence(专长导向)4S Sale, Sparepart零配件, Service, Survey信息反馈5S 整理,整顿,清理,清洁,素养8D- 8 DisciplineABS Anti-lock Braking SystemAIAG 美国汽车联合会ANPQP Alliance New Product Quality ProcedureApportionment 分配APQP Advanced Product Quality PlanBacklite Windshield 后窗玻璃Benchmark Data 样件资料bloodshot adj.充血的, 有血丝的BMW Bavarian Motor WorksC.P.M Certified Purchasing manger 认证采购经理人制度CB- Confirmation Build 确认样车制造CC- Change CutOff 设计变更冻结CC\SC- critical/significant characteristicCCR Concern & Countermeasure RequestCCT Cross Company TeamCharacteristics Matrix 特性矩阵图COD Cash on Delivery 货到付现预付货款(T/T in advance)CP1- Confirmation Prototype 1st 第一次确认样车CP2- Confirmation Prototype 2nd 第二次确认样车Cpk 过程能力指数Cpk=Zmin/3CPO Complementary Parts OrderCraftsmanship 精致工艺Cross-functional teams跨功能小组CUV Car-Based Ultility VehicleD1:信息收集;8DD2:建立8D小组;D3:制定临时的围堵行动措施,避免不良品流出;D4:定义和证实根本原因,避免再发;D5:根据基本原因制定永久措施;D6:执行和确认永久措施;D7:预防再发,实施永久措施;D8:认可团队和个人的贡献。

TS16949术语常见英文缩写AQL:合格质量标准(抽样计划) Acceptable Quality LevelFIFO:先进先出 First In First OutSCAR:供应商整改报告 Supplier Corrective Action RequestFAI:初始项目检查报告 First Article Inspection ReportBOM:物料清单 Bill of MaterialCTQ:品质控制点 Critical to QualityCP:控制计划 Control PlanWI:工作指示 Work InstructionQI:检查指导书(质量) Quality InstructorMSA:测量系统分析 Measurement Systems AnalysisX bar-R:图表分析 Graphical AnalysisGTS:计量器具跟踪管理系统 Gauge Tracking SystemAPQP:产品质量先期策划 Advanced Product Quality PlanningPPAP:生产件批准程序 Production Part Approval ProcessFMEA:潜在失效模式及后果分析 Failure Mode and Effects Analysis DFMEA:设计潜在失效模式及后果分析 Design Failure Mode and Effects AnalysisPFMEA:过程潜在失效模式及后果分析 Process Failure Mode and Effects AnalysisSPC:统计过程控制 Statistical Process ControlCPK:过程能力指数 Process Capability IndexPPK:初始过程能力指数或过程性能指数 Preliminary Process Index或Performance Process IndexCOP:顾客导向过程 Customer Oriented ProcessSP:支持过程 Support ProcessMP:管理过程 Management ProcessPPM:百万分之 Parts Per Million孙四化2011-8-3。

4.1 总要求
d) 确保可以获得必要的资源和信息, 以支持这些过程的运行和对这些过 程的监视 ,
e) 监视 ,测量和分析这些过程
f) 实施必要的措施,以实现对这些过 程筹划的结果和对这些过程的持续 改进.
4 Quality management system 4 质量管理体系
interactions, and c) the competence of personnel NOTE 3: The documentation can be in any form or type of medium.
注 1: 本标准出现“形成文件的程序〞 之处,即要求建立该程序,形成文件,并加 以实施和保持.
针对组织所选择的任何影响产品 符合要求的外包过程,组织应应 在质量管理体系中加以识别.
注:上述质量管理体系所需的过 程应当包括与管理活动,资源提 供,产品实现和测量有关的过程.
4 Quality management system 4 质量管理体系
4.1.1 Gental
Process Approach
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TS16949 常用术语中英文对照(一)
APQP : Advanced Product Quality Planning PPAP : Production Part Approval Process MSA : Measurement System Analysis FMEA : Failure Mode Effect Analysis SPC : Statistical Process Control 产品质量先期策划 生产件批准程序 测量系统分析 潜在失效模式分析 统计过程控制
OTS : Off Tool Sample CP EV AV PV : Control Plan : Equipment Variance : Appraiser Variance : products Variance
工装样件 控制计划 设备偏差 人员偏差 产品偏差
GR&R : Gauge Reproducibility and Repeatability 产品再现性和重复性 ndc : number of distinct categories Cpk : Capability process of index Ppk : Process performances of index 区别分类数 稳定过程的能力指数 初始过程能力指数
TS16949 常用术语中英文对照(一)
APQP : Advanced Product Quality Planning PPAP : Production Part Approval Process MSA : Measurement System Analysis FMEA : Failure Mode Effect Analysis SPC : Statistical Process Control 产品质量先期策划 生产件批准程序 测量系统分析 潜在失效模式分析 统计过程控制
OTS : Off Tool Sample CP EV AV PV : Control Plan : Equipment Variance : Appraiser Variance : products Variance
工装样件 控制计划 设备偏差 人员偏差 产品偏差
GR&R : Gauge Reproducibility and Repeatability 产品再现性和重复性 ndc : number of distinct categories Cpk : Capability process of index Ppk : Process performances of index 区别分类数 稳定过程的能力指数 初始过程能力指数
OTS : Off Tool Sample CP EV AV PV : Control Plan : Equipment Variance : Appraiser Variance : products Variance
工装样件 控制计划 设备偏差 人员偏差 产品偏差
GR&R : Gauge Reproducibility and Repeatability 产品再现性和重复性 ndc : number of distinct categories Cpk : Capability process of index Ppk : Procex 区别分类数 稳定过程的能力指数 初始过程能力指数
OTS : Off Tool Sample CP EV AV PV : Control Plan : Equipment Variance : Appraiser Variance : products Variance
工装样件 控制计划 设备偏差 人员偏差 产品偏差
GR&R : Gauge Reproducibility and Repeatability 产品再现性和重复性 ndc : number of distinct categories Cpk : Capability process of index Ppk : Process performances of index 区别分类数 稳定过程的能力指数 初始过程能力指数
TS16949 常用术语中英文对照(一)
APQP : Advanced Product Quality Planning PPAP : Production Part Approval Process MSA : Measurement System Analysis FMEA : Failure Mode Effect Analysis SPC : Statistical Process Control 产品质量先期策划 生产件批准程序 测量系统分析 潜在失效模式分析 统计过程控制
OTS : Off Tool Sample CP EV AV PV : Control Plan : Equipment Variance : Appraiser Variance : products Variance
工装样件 控制计划 设备偏差 人员偏差 产品偏差
GR&R : Gauge Reproducibility and Repeatability 产品再现性和重复性 ndc : number of distinct categories Cpk : Capability process of index Ppk : Process performances of index 区别分类数 稳定过程的能力指数 初始过程能力指数
TS16949 常用术语中英文对照(一)
APQP : Advanced Product Quality Planning PPAP : Production Part Approval Process MSA : Measurement System Analysis FMEA : Failure Mode Effect Analysis SPC : Statistical Process Control 产品质量先期策划 生产件批准程序 测量系统分析 潜在失效模式分析 统计过程控制
TS16949 常用术语中英文对照(一)
APQP : Advanced Product Quality Planning PPAP : Production Part Approval Process MSA : Measurement System Analysis FMEA : Failure Mode Effect Analysis SPC : Statistical Process Control 产品质量先期策划 生产件批准程序 测量系统分析 潜在失效模式分析 统计过程控制
OTS : Off Tool Sample CP EV AV PV : Control Plan : Equipment Variance : Appraiser Variance : products Variance
工装样件 控制计划 设备偏差 人员偏差 产品偏差
GR&R : Gauge Reproducibility and Repeatability 产品再现性和重复性 ndc : number of distinct categories Cpk : Capability process of index Ppk : Process performances of index 区别分类数 稳定过程的能力指数 初始过程能力指数
TS16949 常用术语中英文对照(一)
APQP : Advanced Product Quality Planning PPAP : Production Part Approval Process MSA : Measurement System Analysis FMEA : Failure Mode Effect Analysis SPC : Statistical Process Control 产品质量先期策划 生产件批准程序 测量系统分析 潜在失效模式分析 统计过程控制