Ratifying the Constitution 批准宪法
宪法的地位 英语文章怎么写
The Constitution is the fundamental law of the state that stipulates the fundamental system and tasks of the state, recognizes and safeguards the basic rights of citizens, and concentrates on demonstrating the comparative relationship between various political forces.The uniqueness of the Constitution compared to other general laws:1. In terms of content, the Constitution stipulates the most fundamental and important system and basic national policy of the country2. In terms of status, the Constitution is the highest law and holds the highest position in the entire legal system3. In terms of effectiveness, the Constitution has the highest effectiveness and serves as the legislative basis for other laws. Other general laws must not conflict with the Constitution4. In terms of norms, the Constitution is the fundamental code of conduct. In terms of revision procedures, the formulation and revision procedures of the Constitution are more stringent than those of other general laws.In short, the Constitution holds the highest position in the entire legal system. The formulation of general laws must be based on the Constitution. All laws and regulations shall not be unconstitutional. The constitution is the highest expression of the will of the ruling class.。
宪法的英语作文The Constitution is the fundamental law of a country that establishes the framework of its government, delineates its powers, and safeguards the rights of its citizens. It is a document that serves as the bedrock of a nation's legal and political system, providing stability, order, and a clear allocation of authority. The Constitution is not merely a piece of paper but a living, breathing document that shapes the very essence of a country and its people.At its core, the Constitution is a social contract between the government and the governed. It outlines the principles, structures, and processes that will govern the relationship between the state and its citizens. The Constitution serves as a bulwark against the arbitrary exercise of power, ensuring that the government operates within the confines of the law and respects the fundamental rights and liberties of the people.One of the primary functions of the Constitution is to establish the separation of powers among the three branches of government – the legislative, executive, and judicial. This separation of powers isdesigned to prevent the concentration of power in the hands of a single entity, promoting a system of checks and balances that ensures no one branch becomes too dominant. The legislative branch is responsible for creating laws, the executive branch is tasked with enforcing those laws, and the judicial branch is charged with interpreting the laws and ensuring their constitutionality.The Constitution also enshrines the rights and freedoms of the citizens, protecting them from government overreach and tyranny. These fundamental rights, such as freedom of speech, freedom of religion, the right to a fair trial, and the right to vote, are the cornerstones of a democratic society. The Constitution serves as a bulwark against the tyranny of the majority, ensuring that the rights of minority groups and individuals are safeguarded.Moreover, the Constitution establishes the structure and powers of the government, defining the roles and responsibilities of each branch. It determines the process for electing or appointing government officials, the procedures for passing laws, and the mechanisms for amending the Constitution itself. This clarity and predictability in the functioning of the government is essential for maintaining social stability and ensuring the smooth operation of the state.The Constitution also plays a crucial role in shaping the nationalidentity and values of a country. It reflects the aspirations, beliefs, and historical experiences of the people, serving as a unifying force that binds the nation together. The preamble to the Constitution, for instance, often expresses the fundamental principles and goals that the country seeks to uphold, such as the pursuit of justice, the establishment of domestic tranquility, and the promotion of the general welfare.One of the remarkable features of the Constitution is its ability to adapt to changing circumstances and evolving social, political, and economic realities. Through the process of constitutional amendment, the document can be updated and revised to address new challenges and ensure its continued relevance. This flexibility allows the Constitution to remain a living, dynamic document that can respond to the evolving needs of a society.The role of the judiciary in interpreting and upholding the Constitution is also crucial. The courts are tasked with ensuring that the actions of the government and the legislation passed by the legislative branch are in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution. This process of judicial review serves as a check on the power of the other branches, preventing them from overstepping their authority and safeguarding the rights of the citizens.In conclusion, the Constitution is a fundamental and indispensableaspect of a country's governance and national identity. It establishes the framework for the exercise of power, safeguards the rights and freedoms of the people, and serves as a unifying force that binds the nation together. The Constitution is not merely a static document but a living, evolving entity that must adapt to the changing needs of a society. By upholding the principles and values enshrined in the Constitution, a country can ensure the stability, prosperity, and continued progress of its people.。
第3课 Constitution宪法美国宪法确定基本原则,指导国家的政府及法律。
法律英语课件 (13)精品教育文档
House of Representatives vote a bill of impeachment. 众议院投票通过弹劾议案
Senate , with the Chief Justice of the United States presiding at the trail. 在参议院,由首席大法官主持审判
委任的官员应该让任命他们的人或机构满 意。如果他们的政绩令人不满意,他们就 会被撤职。
Justices of the Supreme Court and other federal judges
Lifetime appointment
Ballot box
Elected officials must stand for reelection at periodic intervals, when their records are subject to intensive public scrutiny.
选举产生的官员要接受定期重新选举, 其政绩要受到公众全面监督。
Final authority is vested in the American people. 最终权力属于美国人民 …change the fundamental law
amending the Constitution 修改宪法
drafting a new one 起草新宪法
Part One: The constitution as supreme law
Constitution宪法Part One:The Constitution as Supreme Law第一部分:宪法—最高的法The U.S. Constitution, a relatively simple document, is the self-designated "supreme law of the land". This clause is taken to mean that when state constitutions, or laws passed by state legislatures or the national Congress, are found to conflict with the federal Constitution, they have no force. Decisions handed down by the Supreme Court over the course of two centuries have confirmed and strengthened this doctrine of constitutional supremacy.美国宪法,一份相对简单的文件,却自我确认为是“这个国家最高的法律”。
Final authority is vested in the American people, who can change the fundamental law if they wish, by amending the Constitution, or--in theory, at least--drafting a new one. The people’s authority is not exercised directly, however. The day-to-day business of government is delegated by the people to public officials, both elected and appointed.最高的权利是属于美国人民的,如果愿意他们可以改变根本法,即通过修改宪法,或者—至少在理论上—可制定一个新宪法。
宪法英文作文模板带翻译Title: The Importance of the Constitution 宪法的重要性。
The constitution is the fundamental law of a country, outlining the framework of government and the rights of its citizens. It serves as a guiding document that sets the rules and principles for the functioning of the state. The importance of the constitution cannot be overstated, as it provides the foundation for a stable and just society.宪法是一个国家的基本法律,概述了政府的框架和公民的权利。
First and foremost, the constitution establishes the framework of government, including the separation of powers and the checks and balances among the branches of government. This ensures that no single branch of government becomes too powerful and that each branch has its own distinct responsibilities. By delineating the powers of the executive, legislative, and judicial branches, the constitution prevents the abuse of power and promotes accountability within the government.首先,宪法建立了政府的框架,包括权力分立和各政府部门之间的制衡。
书名:美国司法制度概论(AN INTRODUCTION TO THE AMERICAN LEGAL SYSSTEM)著:Diane S. Kaplan 康大安整理人:翁晓庭(仅供参考,禁止外扬,违反者请主动前往H628宿舍自首,本大小姐可以对你们进行从宽处置,限于本人较懒难免有些错别字大小写之类的低级错误还没有来得及改正希望各位见谅,但是相信还不至于影响到各位的欣赏阅读)内容简介:1、各章目录翻译(方便各位考试时查找章节)2、课堂上老师要求划下的重点(鄙人秉着一颗虔诚的心预测这就是考试重点了)3、案例的中文简介(无数个日日夜夜呕心沥血边发微博咒骂美司边总结出来的基本正确的翻译。
)目录部分:Chapter 1 A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STA TES(美国联邦宪法的简史)Constitutional History(宪政历史)The declaration of independence(独立宣言)The revolutionary war(独立战争/南北战争)The articles of confederation(美国第一部宪法/十三州联邦宪法)The constitutional convention(制宪会议))Ratifying the consititution (宪法的通过)The bill of rights(权利法案/宪法修订案)The constitutional plan of government(政府的宪政计划)The preamble if the constitution (宪法的序言)▲本章课堂上老师让划的重点句子1、P15 the “separation of powers doctrine”(三权分立学说)2、P15 the purpose of distributing government powers among three separate branches is to prevent any one branch ,or any one person,from becoming too powerful.(把政府权力分散到三个部门的目的是为了防止任何一个部门或任何一人的权力过大)3 、P15 the constitution also divides power between the federal government and the individual states. The division of powers between a central government and numerous regional government is called federalism.(宪法还在联邦政府和各州之间进行了权力分配。
除了中国,世界上很多其它国家,也都有自己的“宪法日”,英文称为Constitution Day。
前半部分的Con-,含义是Together、共同一起,后面的-stitute,源于拉丁语的statuere,意思相当于英语中的Set up,立起来、树立、成立。
含义Constitution用来指构成方式或组织形式时,既可以用于具体事物,也适用于抽象事物,例如:The genetic constitution of cells机体中细胞的构成形式和结构The constitution of society人类社会的构成组织方式除了构成方式,Constitution还可以用来表示,构成或成立某个组织或机构的行为,例如:He recommended the constitution of a review committee.他提议就此事成立一个审查复核委员会。
Constitution of the United States美国宪法中英文对照版PreambleWe, the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.序言我们美利坚合众国的人民,为了组织一个更完善的联邦,树立正义,保障国内的安宁,建立共同的国防,增进全民福利和确保我们自己及我们后代能安享自由带来的幸福,乃为美利坚合众国制定和确立这一部宪法。
Article ISection 1 - Legislative powers; in whom vestedAll legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.第一条第一款本宪法所规定的立法权,全属合众国的国会,国会由一个参议院和一个众议院组成。
Section 2 - House of Representatives, how and by whom chosen Qualifications of a Representative. Representatives and direct taxes, how apportioned. Enumeration. Vacancies to be filled. Power of choosing officers, and of impeachment.1. The House of Representatives shall be composed of members chosen every second year by the people of the several States, and the elector in each State shall have the qualifications requisite for electors of the most numerous branch of the State Legislature.众议院应由各州人民每两年选举一次之议员组成,各州选举人应具有该州州议会中人数最多之一院的选举人所需之资格。
Popular sovereignty
The government gets its power from the people. The idea was also stated in the Declaration of
It is the basis for the structure of government in the United States, federal form of government is one in which the states form a union and the sovereign power is divided between a central governing authority and the member states.
The doctrine of constitutional supremacy 宪法至上原则
The U.S Constitution is the self-designated supreme law of the land. It stands above all other law, executive acts and regulation .
The Congress appropriates funds for the executive branch and the judicial branch and may impeach and try members of the executive branch or the judicial branch;
Introduction to Constitution
The Constitution is the soul of law in United States. The Constitution states the framework for all American law. The constitutional law deals with the interpretation and implementation of the United States Constitution. As the Constitution is the foundation of the United States, constitutional law deals with some of the fundamental relationships within our society.
Constitution of the United States美国宪法中英文对照版收集整理:何勇刚QQ=13100882005.11.30PreambleWe, the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.序言我们美利坚合众国的人民,为了组织一个更完善的联邦,树立正义,保障国内的安宁,建立共同的国防,增进全民福利和确保我们自己及我们后代能安享自由带来的幸福,乃为美利坚合众国制定和确立这一部宪法。
Article ISection 1 - Legislative powers; in whom vestedAll legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.第一条第一款本宪法所规定的立法权,全属合众国的国会,国会由一个参议院和一个众议院组成。
Section 2 - House of Representatives, how and by whom chosen Qualifications of a Representative. Representatives and direct taxes, how apportioned. Enumeration. Vacancies to be filled. Power of choosing officers, and of impeachment.1. The House of Representatives shall be composed of members chosen every second year by the people of the several States, and the elector in each State shall have the qualifications requisite for electors of the most numerous branch of the State Legislature.众议院应由各州人民每两年选举一次之议员组成,各州选举人应具有该州州议会中人数最多之一院的选举人所需之资格。
美国宪法及修正案 中英
美国宪法THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA序言Preamble我们美利坚合众国的人民,为了组织一个更完善的联邦,树立正义,保障国内的安宁,建立共同的国防,增进全民福利和确保我们自己及我们後代能安享自由带来的幸福,乃为美利坚合众国制定和确立这一部宪法。
We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.第一条Article I第一款本宪法所规定的立法权,全属合众国的国会,国会由一个参议院和一个众议院组成。
Section 1. All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.第二款众议院应由各州人民每两年选举一次之议员组成,各州选举人应具有该州州议会中人数最多之一院的选举人所需之资格。
Constitution of the United States美国宪法中英文版导言We, the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.序言我们美利坚合众国的人民,为了组织一个更完善的联邦,树立正义,保障国内的安宁,建立共同的国防,增进全民福利和确保我们自己及我们后代能安享自由带来的幸福,乃为美利坚合众国制定和确立这一部宪法。
Section 1 - Legislative powers; in whom vestedAll legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.第一条第一款本宪法所规定的立法权,全属合众国的国会,国会由一个参议院和一个众议院组成。
Section 2- House of Representatives, how and by whom chosen Qualifications of a Representative. Representatives and direct taxes, how apportioned. Enumeration. Vacancies to be filled. Power of choosing officers, and of impeachment.1. The House of Representatives shall be composed of members chosen every second year by the people of the several States, and the elector in each State shall have the qualifications requisite for electors of the most numerous branch of the State Legislature.众议院应由各州人民每两年选举一次之议员组成,各州选举人应具有该州州议会中人数最多之一院的选举人所需之资格。
American constitution美国宪法
我们合众国人民,为建立更完善的 和后代得享自由的幸福, 特为美利坚合众国制定本宪法。
• The first three Articles of the Constitution establish the rules and separate powers of the three branches(三权分立) of the federal government: • ———— a legislature, the bicameral Congress(国会两院制); an executive branch led by the President; and a federal judiciary headed by the Supreme Court (最高法院)。
Basic principles
• The separation of powers principle (三权分立原则)。 • Every is equal before laws。(人人 平等) • Doctrine of constitution superemacy.(宪法至上原则) • 联邦制原则
Preamble to the Constitution(序言)
• We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Part 1The Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union-which, from 1781 to 1789, provided the first framework for the new nation-were as emblematic of the early Americans' fondness for managerial mishmash as they were evidentiary of Americans' insistence on administrative constraint. The relatively scant attention the Articles pay to such notions as matching accountability with authority and specialized divisions of public labor(notably in their disinclination to distinguish legislative responsibilities from executive responsibilities in the government's structure) no doubt was the product not only of a grassroots revulsion with princely prerogatives, but equally of the nation's early political thinkers wrestling with the dilemma of how to organize something truly new: big democracy. Because the nation's first charter had to account for a vast territory and a large population, it somehow needed to be devised so that it could transcend the only governmental from that democracy had ever used before, the town meeting. Unfortunately, the Articles of Confederation did not meet this historic challenge.1781至1789年的联邦条款为新的国家提供了最初的框架。
American Legal System-法律英语
In this first form of American government, there were neither federal courts nor a president and the single chamber of Congress had no way to enforce its laws. The individual states could and did ignore federal laws with impunity. It quickly became clear that the US would not remain united long unless the role of the federal government was strengthened.
Key words for your reference
formation of a strong union stronger central government broader federal powers over individual states limited powers right to impose certain federal taxes wage war regulate interstate and foreign commerce make treaties with foreign governments or nations a federal system of courts executive branch headed by the president bicameral legislative branch
The early constitution
AP美国历史学习大纲和以往考过的题目总结 (北京王府学校 傅莹)
AP美国历史学习大纲和以往考过的题目总结(北京王府学校傅莹)2015年AP美国历史新大纲特别重视DBQ和Long essay的题目,DBQ和Long essay的题目的分数对于AP美国历史的总成绩至关重要。
下面列出了美国历史新大纲5分和4分要求达到的标准以及新大纲对于DBQ和Long essay的题目分数要求。
DBQ 1道题目,满分为7分。
The primary textbook for this course are:(1)American Pageant 16 th version Cengage(2)A people and A nation (9th Edition) by Norton, Sheriff, Blight,chudacoff, logevall and bailey. Wadsworth Cengage Learning(3)The American People (Creating Nation and A Society) (6TH edition) byNash, Jeffrey, Howe, Frederick, Davis, Winkler, Mires, Pestana Pearson and Peking University PressSince these two books are available in China with soft copy of lower price, students can save money on the imported edition of textbooks.The reference textbook for this course is1.Out of Many - a history of The American People(5th edition) by JohnMack Faragher, Mari Jo Buhle, Daniel Czitrom, Susan H. ArMitage, Pearson Press2.The other reference book for this course is AP U.S. History by Kaplan(any edition of this book is O.K. because since 2009 the contents have never changed.3.The Routledge atlas of American History (Routledge, Taylor & FrancisGroup) Martin Gilbert simplified Chinese Translation Copyright 2009 by China Youth PressUnit 1: Introduction to U.S. history ( 0.5 weeks)Topic:(1)the format and scoring guide of AP U.S.History test(2)Persia Chart (Political ,Economic, Religious, Social, Intellectualand Arts)(3)SOAPS method for explaining primary source document (Subject,Occasion, Audience, Purpose and Subject )(4)Study plan(5)General clues about stages of U.S.History (the new world discovery,American revolution, the building of new nation and sprits among the early presidents and leaders, Civil War, reconstruction and development of industry, the first world war, the great depression, the second world war, the cold war, changes in post-cold war America) Reading:(1) Kaplan AP U.S. history 2009E Chap 1-2 P4-P7, P11-13, P16-21(2) Nash, Brief Contents and PrefaceExercise and Assessment: Writing your study plan for this courseUnit 2: Discovering the New World ( 1 weeks)Topic:(1)The culture of Native American(2)The culture of African(3)The early exploration of Spanish, English and French(4)The slave trade(5)The religious reform in Europe and its influenceReading:(1)Norton Chap 1 “ Three Old Worlds Create A New, 1492-1600(2)Kaplan AP U.S. history 2009E Chap 3 P47-51Exercise and Assessment:(1)Out of Many P26-29 AP DBQ and FRQ(2) AP 2008 FRQ (2) the American Indians and European colonies shaped relationships in New England, Chesapeake, Spanish Southwest, New York and New FranceUnit 3: Early Colonization( 1 weeks)Topic:(1)The colonizing efforts of Spanish, French and Dutch(2)The English setters in New English, Middle Colonies, Chespeake andthe Southern Colonies(3)The resistance to Colonial AuthorityReading:Norton Chap 2 “Europeans Colonize North American, 1600-1650Kaplan AP U.S. history 2009E Chap 4 P53-60Exercise and Assessment:Out of Many P53-55 AP DBQ and FRQComparing the ways that the early settlers of Spain, France and NetherlandAP 2010 DBQ 2011 FRQ Form B(2) goals of colonizing efforts of Spanish, French and Dutch.AP 2005 FRQ Form B(2)Geography was the factor of shaping British ColoniesUnit 4: Life in the colonies( 2 weeks)Topic:(1)The characteristics of English colonies and other colonies(2)The slave trade(3)The English civil War and its effect on American Colonies(4)The conflict between European colonies and Native American(5)Religious and Great awakeningReading:(1)Norton Chap 3 “ North American in the Atlantic World, 1650-1720Norton Chap 4” American Society Transformed, 1720-1770(2)Kaplan AP U.S. history 2009E Chap 5 P63-66Exercise and Assessment:Out of Many P122-124 AP DBQ and FRQComparing the major economic development in different part of Colonies To what extent did the tolerance increase in the colonies from 1630 to 1770?2010 FRQ Form B (2) 2011 FRQ (2)2005 FRQ (2) economic development from 1607 to 17502006 FRQ (2) politics, religion and economic development difference between Spanish settlements and the English colonies2008 FRQ Form B (3) African Americans created a distinctive culture in slavery2009 FRQ (2) British imperial policies intensified colonials’resistance to British rule2000 FRQ (2) Cultural and economic responses of British, French and Spanish to Indians of North AmericaUnit 5 The American Revolution (2 weeks)Topic:(1)The French and Indian War and its effect on colonies(2)The new laws issued by British government and the responses fromcolonies(3)The impact of Enlightenment and its comparation with Renaissance(4)The fights with British army during the war(5)The paper made during two continental congresses(6)The Declaration of Independence and its background(7)The Treaty of Paris(8)The articles of ConfederationReading:(1)Norton Chap 5 “ Severing the Bonds of Empire, 1754-1774Norton Chap 6 “ A Revolution Indeed, 1774-1783”Declaration of Independence(2)Kaplan AP U.S. history 2009E Chap 6-7 P69-84Exercise and Assessment:Out of Many P194-196, 230-232 AP DBQ and FRQWhat are the real causes of American Revolution behind the taxes? AP 2005 DBQ American Revolution change the American societyAP 2010 FRQ (2) the political, diplomatic and military reasons for U.S. victory in Revolutionary WarAP 2004 FRQ (2) American Revolution on slavery and status of women AP 2007 Form B FRQ (2) the change of land acquisition, politics and Economics relationship between Britain and North American from 1763 to 1775.AP 1999 DBQ Colonists develop sense of identity and unity by Revolution Unit 6 The founding of New Nation (2 weeks)Topic:(1)The Constitution vs. The Articles of Confederation(2)The Constitution Convention ( Three cornerstones: the power ofcentral government, the separation of powers, the precautions of “factions”)(3)The Great Compromise(4)The right of election and the process of president election(5)Federalists and Anti-federalist and Bill of Rights(6)the political, economical, foreign policies of the GeorgeWashington’s presidency(7)Women’s role(8)The fate of African American(9)The America’s relationship with Native AmericanReading:Norton Chap 6 “ A Revolution Indeed, 1774-1783”Norton Chap 7 “ Forging a National Republic 1776-1789”Kaplan AP U.S. history 2009E Chap 8 P92-98Exercise and Assessment:Show the difference of the U.S. Constitution and the Article of ConfederationWhat is great compromise? What’s its impact on the development of U.S.A?What are the Hamilton’s economic policies?AP 2011 Form B (3) The reasons of creating U.S. constitutionsAP 2005 Form B FRQ (3) American departure from the Article of ConfederationAP 2006 FRQ (3) the change of role of Federal governmentAP 2006 Form B FRQ the United States Constitution of 1787 AP 2007 FRQ (2) Violent protest in 18th centuryAP 2008 Form B FRQ (2) Anti-Federalists opposition to ratifying the constitutionAP 2009 Form B FRQ (2) the influences of revolutionary era in the Article of ConfederationUnit 7 Early Nation Period (2 weeks)Topic:(1)John Adam’s presidency(2)Thomas Jefferson’s presidency and Judicial Review(3)Madison’s presidency and the War of 1812(4)Economic growth and Economic crisis(5)Henry Clay’s Missouri Compromise(6)Monroe DoctrineReading:Norton Chap 8 “the Early Republic: Conflicts at home and Abroad 1789-1800 ”Norton Chap 9 “ Define a National 1801-1823”Norton Chap 11 “the restless North, 1815-1860Kaplan AP U.S. history 2009E Chap 8-10 P99-119Exercise and Assessment:Out of Many P302-304 AP DBQ and FRQAP 2002 DBQ (Form B) War of 1812 the “Era of Good Feelings. Emergence of nationalism and sectionalismAP 2004 FORM B(2)Election of 1800 aptly named the “Revolution of 1800”AP 2005 DBQ American Revolution change American society 1775-1800AP 2009 DBQ the freedom and expansion of slavery from 1775-1830AP 2009 FORM B (3) Tensions between immigrant Roman Catholics and native-born Protestants from 1830s to 1850sUnit 8 the Growth of Sectionalism (2 weeks)Topic:(1)The economic development in the North(2)The growth of cotton kingdom and life in the South(3)Westward expansion(4)Jackson’s presidency(5)Sectionalism(6)The forming of two partiesReading:Norton Chap 12 “ Reform and Polities,1824-1845Norton Chap 13 “ The contested West, 1815-1860Kaplan AP U.S. history 2009E Chap 11-12 P123-135Exercise and Assessment:Out of Many P376-377 AP DBQ and FRQAP DBQ 20022011 FRQ(3) political partiesAP 2011 DBQ political electionsAP 2005(3)Mexican War and its effectsUnit 9 the Antebellum Renaissance and the years before the civil wars (2 weeks)Topic:(1)The position of woman(2)Manifest Destiny(3)Compromise of 1850(4)Kansas-Nebraska Act(5)The rise of Lincoln(6)Lincoln-Douglas Debates(7)Secession of the SouthReading:Norton Chap 14 “Slavery and America’s Future: The Road to War, 1845-1861 Kaplan AP U.S. history 2009E Chap 13-15 P137-162Exercise and Assessment:Out of Many P485-487,522-524 AP DBQ and FRQAP 2004 (3) effectiveness of political compromise in reducing sectional tensions in the period from 1820 to 1861AP 2010 FORM B DBQ territorial expansion from 1800-1855AP 2004 FORM B(3)the role of women change from 1790-1860AP 2005 FORM B DBQ political compromise of 1820 to 1860AP 2006 FORM B (3) the industrial development from 1800 to 1860AP 2002 DBQ expansion of democratic ideals from 1825 to 1850AP 2007 FRQ (3) Second Great Awakening of Abolitionism, Temperance, Cult of domesticity and Utopian communitiesAP 2007 FORM B FRQ(3) Experiences of English, Irish and German Immigrants during 1830-1860AP 2008 FRQ (3) Impact of the market revolution 1815-1860AP 2009 FRQ (3) the social, political and economic forces of 1840s and early 1850s on the emergence of the Republican PartyAP 1999 FRQ (2) Major political personalities, States’rights and Economic issues contribute to the reemergence of two party 1820-1840 AP 2000 FRQ (3) Missouri Compromise, Mexican War, Compromise of 1850 and Kansas-Nebraska Act to opposed to the spread of Slavery.Unit 10 the Civil Wars (1.5 weeks)Topic:(1)Slavery and Economic interest are major causes of Civil War(2)Election of 1860(3)The big victories by both parties during the War(4)The end of slavery(5)Emancipation(6)Social, political and Economic consequence of the WarReading:Norton Chap 15 “ Transforming Fire: the Civil War, 1861-1865Kaplan AP U.S. history 2009E Chap 16 P165-173Exercise and Assessment:Out of Many P561-563 AP DBQ and FRQthe reasons leading to the Civil WarSocial, political and Economic consequence of the War2010 FRQ (3) extension of slavery into western territories to Civil War 1845-18612006 DBQ American Womenhood changesUnit 11 Reconstruction to 1877 (1.5 weeks)Topic:(1)Presidential and congressional pan(2)13th -15th amendments to the constitution(3)The trouble with Johnson(4)The reconstruction in the south(5)The rise of Ku Klux Klan(6)The compromise of 1877Reading:Nash, Chap 16 “ the Union Reconstructed”Kaplan AP U.S. history 2009E Chap 17 P179-187The Gettysburg AddressExercise and Assessment:Out of Many P599-P601 AP DBQ and FRQAP 2009 FORM B DBQ African American shape the course from 1861 to 1870 AP 2000 FRQ DBQ organized labor in improving the position of workers 1875-1900Unit 12 West movement and the New South(1.5 weeks)Topic:(1)Expansion and development of railroads in the West(2)Rivalry in the West between ranchers, homesteaders, miners and NativeAmericans(3)The policy for Native American(4)The New southReading:(1)Nash, Chap 17 “ the realities of Rural America ”(2)Kaplan AP U.S. history 2009E Chap 18 P189-195Exercise and Assessment:Out of Many P640-P641 AP DBQ and FRQ2010 FRQ Form B (3) experience of slaves on tobacco plantations 2006 FRQ Form B (4) American West land 1865-18902008 FRQ (4) “ New South “ by the time of First World War1999 FRQ (3) Life of Plains Indians by technologyUnit 13 The Rise of Industry (1.5 weeks)Topic:(1)Industry consolidation and Monopolization(2)Government policy towards the capitalism(3)Railroad expansion and the development of a national market(4)Change in the life of citizensReading:(1)Nash, Chap 18 “ the Rise of Smokestack America ”(2)Kaplan AP U.S. history 2009E Chap 19 P199-206Exercise and Assessment:Out of Many P677-P680 AP DBQ and FRQUnit 14 From a Rural to an Urban America(2 weeks)Topic:(1)A second wave to reform(2)The effect of Gilded Age(3)The improvement of women’s rights and civil rights(4)The presidency from Grant to Mckinley(5)Expansion(6)Foreign policy of Roosevelt’s, Taft and WilsonReading:(1)Nash, Chap 19 “ Politics and Reform ” Chap 20 “Becoming a world power”(2)Kaplan AP U.S. history 2009E Chap 20 P209-214Exercise and Assessment:Out of Many P715-P717 AP DBQ and FRQAP 2007 DBQ Technology, government policy and economic conditions changed American agriculture in 1865-1900Unit 15 Populists and Progressives(2 weeks)Topic:(1)The social and religious origins and progress of Progressive(2)The Progressive presidency: Roosevelt’s, Taft and Wilson(3)Women’s role: family, work, Education and suffrage(4)African American at the turn of the century(5)The birth of populistsReading:(1) Nash, Chap 21 “ The Progressive Confront Industrial Capitalism ”(2) Kaplan AP U.S. history 2009E Chap 21 P217-228Exercise and Assessment:Out of Many P755-P757 AP DBQ and FRQ2010 FRQ(4)2011 FRQ (4) American’s opposition on immigrants2010 FRQ Form B (4) effectiveness of Progressive Era2011 Form B (4) Foreign policies of TD Roosevelt and Wilson2004 Form B(4)Population shift2005 Form B (4) Progressive reforms to industrial conditions, urban life and politics2006 FRQ (4) Progressive reform lost momentum?2006 Form B FRQ (5) Advertising, Entertainment and Mass production shape the American national culture in the 1920’s2007 FRQ (4) the change in labor, trusts, conservation and world affairs under President TD Roosevelt?2007 Form B FRQ (4) Jane Addams, Andrew Carnegie, Samuel Compers and Upton Sinclair respond to to the economic and social problems of industrializationAP 2009 Form B (4) the impact of third partiesAP 1999 (4) 1920 Roaring TwentiesUnit 16 World War I (1 weeks)Topic:(1)New Imperialism(2)Spanish- American War(1898)(3)Global causes of World War I(4)From American neutrality to be involved in the WWI(5)Impact of War at home(6)Treaty of Versailles and the League of Nations(7)Post-War American Society and EconomyReading:(1) Nash, Chap 22 “ The Great War”(2) Kaplan AP U.S. history 2009E Chap 22 P231-245Exercise and Assessment:Out of Many P795-P797 AP DBQ and FRQAP 2007 FRQ Form B (5) Federal government sought support on the home front for the war effortAP 2008 FRQ Form B (4) Spanish- American WarAP 2008 FRQ (4) New South formed by WWIAP 2000 FRQ (4) Reasons of involving in WWIUnit 17 America Between the Wars (2 weeks)Topic:(1)Postwar Problem(2)American Business and Consumerism(3)Birth of modern culture(4)The conservative Harding(5)Harlem Renaissance and the life of Negro(6)Woman’s roles and continued effort for equalityReading:(1) Nash, Chap 23 “ Affluence and Anxiety ”(2) Kaplan AP U.S. history 2009E Chap 23 P251-259Exercise and Assessment:Out of Many P838-841 AP DBQ and FRQ2011 FRQ (4) American’s opposition on immigrants2005 FRQ (4) Americans to immigrations2008 Form B DBQ tensions of immigration from 1880 to 19252009 FRQ (4) Some Organizations on advancing the interests of workers from 1875 to 1925Unit 18 The Great Depression and New Deal (2 weeks)Topic:(1)The causes of Great Depression(2)Hoover’s reaction(3)FD Roosevelt and The New Deal(4)FD Roosevelt’s second term(5)The American Culture during the Great Depression(6)The Minorities in the DepressionReading:(1) Nash, Chap 24 “ the Great Depression and the New Deal ”(2) Kaplan AP U.S. history 2009E Chap 24 P263-272Exercise and Assessment:Out of Many P881-883 AP DBQ and FRQAP 2004 FRQ (4) Programs and Policies designed in Progressive era to those in New Deal PeriodUnit 19 The Road to the World War II (2 weeks)Topic:(1)World problems and American Neutrality(2)Aggression of Germany, Japan and Italy and American response(3)The two-front War(4)The War time Mobilization(5)The War’s impact on American Society and the citizens(6)Wartime diplomacy and big Conferences(7)The founding of United Nations(8)Society in Postwar AmericanReading:(1)Nash, Chap 25 “ World War II” Chap 26” Postwar Growth and SocialChanges”(2)Kaplan AP U.S. history 2009E Chap 25 P275-286Exercise and Assessment:Out of Many P922-925 AP DBQ and FRQAP 2004 FORM B DBQ U.S foreign policy between 1920-1941AP 2008 FRQ (5) President Election of 1928-1948AP 2009 FRQ (5) African, Japanese, Jewish and Mexican Americans home-front experiences during the Second World WarUnit 20 The Cold War (2 weeks)Topic:(1)Origins of the Cold War(2)The policy of Truman’s containment(3)Cold war in Asia in 1950’s(4)Eisenhower the nuclear arms race(5)The rise and fall of McCarthyism(6)Kennedy, Johnson and the Crises of 1960s(7)Nixon, Kissinger,détente with China and Russia(8)Jimmy Carter and the Cold War(9)The end of Cold War(10)The Vietnam WarReading:(1) Nash, Chap 27 “ Chills and Fever During the Cold War(2) Kaplan AP U.S. history 2009E Chap 26-27 P293-312Exercise and Assessment:Out of Many P961-964 AP DBQ and FRQAP 2006 FORM B DBQ tension between U.S. and Soviet Union AP FRQ 2004(5)Success and failure of United States Cold War policy of containment in Asia, Europe, Latin America and Middle East.AP 2007 FORM B DBQ Lyndon B.Johnson respond to the political, economic and social problems of U.SAP 2008 DBQ the effects of Vietnam WarUnit 21 Postwar Growth and Social change (2 weeks)Topic:(1)The presidency of Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon,(2)The election of 1960 AND 1968(3)“The affluent society”(4)The change of social status for African American and women’s rights(5)The revolutions in science, technology and medicine(6)The Watergate scandal(7)Carter’s presidencyReading:(1)Nash, Chap 28 “Reform and Rebellion in the Turbulent sixties,1960-1969”, Chap 29 “Disorder and Discontent, 1969-1980”(3) Kaplan AP U.S. history 2009E Chap 28-29 P315-334Exercise and Assessment:Out of Many P1087-1089 AP DBQ and FRQAP FRQ 2010 (5) Consequences of Suburbanization, Sun Belt and Immigration from 1945-1985AP 2011 DBQ changes between 1968 to 1974AP 2010 Form B (5) effects of Vietnam War on presidency, population and Cold War diplomacy from 1961 to 1975AP 2011 FRQ(5) Strategy of African American leadersAP 2011 FRQ Form B (5) Women’s rights movementAP 2004 Form B(5)The change of Social status for different groups of citizensAP 2005 FRQ (5) Civil Rights movement, antiwar movement and women’s movement to transform American societyAP 2005 Form B (5) Wars, culture and technological advance to the change of Woman’s lifeAP 2008 Form B (5) Impact of technology, intolerant attitudes and literary development similarity of 1920s and 1950sAP 2009 Form B (5) events and trends of 1970s diminished the nation’s economic power and international influenceAP 2009 Form B (4) the impact of third partiesAP 1999 (5) Containment in Asia 1945-1975Unit 22 The United States since 1974 (0.5 weeks)Topic:(1)The conservative agenda(2)Ford’s caretaker presidency(3)Regan’s presidency including his economic policy(4)The postindustrial economy(5)The change of American society after 1980sReading:(1)Nash, Chap 30 “the Revival of Conservatism,1980-1992”, Chap 31 “thePost-Cold War World, 1992-2006”(2)Kaplan AP U.S. history 2009E Chap 30 P337-345Exercise and Assessment:Out of Many P1128-1131,1171-1173 AP DBQ and FRQAP FRQ 2009 Form B (5) 1970’s events diminish the national’s economic power and international influenceAP 2005 FRQ (4) Americans to immigrationsAP 2006 FRQ (5) the critiques of United States society made by Youth, Civil Rights Activists and IntellectualsAP 2007 FRQ(5) landslide presidential victories for FD Roosevelt, Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon and Ronald ReaganAP 2000 FRQ (5) Culture change of 1960s in Education, Gender roles, Music and Race Relations。
Ratifying the Constitution of 1788
When the constitution was placed before the people of 13 states, disagreement ensued(接连发生).Federalists supported,but Anti-federalists opposed.One by one the states debated the Constitution and began to ratify it. By June of 1788, 9 out of the 13 states had ratified the Constitution.
Northwest Ordinance of 1789 Any man moving west would get all the rights other citizens in the 13 original states had and who owning at least 50 acres of land would have the right to vote.
1.In political aspect:Immediately after independence,the 13 states were not closely united.All the states began to write their own constitutions.Conflict between radicals and moderates,whether support a strong national government or a weaker central government. 2.Financial crisis:American entered the war without any way of getting money to pay for the war debts.The Congress had no right to tax the people.Congress and the separate states had all incurred heavy debts to finance the war.
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Ratifying the ConstitutionRatification Issues1. Needed 9 or 13 states to ratify because1) The Articles of Confederation were in effect2) The Articles required 9 votes to enact any new laws2. State legislatures did not vote because1) Fear2) The Constitution would reduce powers of legislature3) The framers of the constitution bypassed them because they feared they would vote itdown3. Special convention were held in each state to review and approve the new documentFederalist View1. Federalists favored the Constitution, wanted a strong national government2. Federalists included many Nationalists, George Washington, James Madison andAlexander Hamilton3. To convince the people that this was the way to go, supporters wrote a series of 85essays called The federalist Papers4. The Federalist appeared in newspapers in NYC October 1787 to August 1788, authorsHamilton, Madison and John Jay (a nationalist from NY)Federalist Papers1. The Papers are recognized as sophisticated explanation of new political system, offereda defense of the constitution2. Example: Federalist no.10 answered the fear of that any special interest group or factionwould control the government3. FACTION is a group that is concerned only with its own interest4. Madison claimed that no single faction would be able to control the governmentThe Anti- Federalist view1. Anti- Federalist Opposed a strong National government2. Followed Revolutionary war leaders like Patrick Henry of Va.3. Anti-Federalist Support from isolated regions where protecting commerce not a majorconcern4. Included some Nationalists not happy with new document5. Saw constitution as a betrayal of the American Revolution6. President like a king7. Got rid of one government and picked up another that will tax and tell them what to do8. The Anti- Federalists feared the government more than the people9. Objected to:1) Presidency2) The new federal court system10. Basic fear that local and state governments would be crushed by the new government,feared for Americans civil libertiesWhy the Federalists won1. Articles had widespread flaws- common knowledge, economic problems and Shay’srebellion helped2. Federalists united around plan3. Anti-Federalists no plan just against Constitution4. Federalists well organized regular contact5. Anti-Federalists local and state politicians could not organize on a national level6. Federalists had George Washington7. GW sensed that something like Shay’s rebellion would occur8. GW served as head of Constitutional Convention9. Federalists used his participation as a selling point10. GW support critical, expected to be first President11. People more willing to accept stronger government and a powerful executive12. GW proven leader, gave up power at end of war, a sign he would be committed to thelaw13. Some ratified quickly14. Delaware, New Jersey, Connecticut small states would benefit being part of large federalstructure15. Georgia and Pa also ratified quickly16. Massachusetts narrowly voted to ratify17. Maryland and then South Carolina18. New Hampshire vote delayed until they could get a majority, when they did they werethe ninth and deciding vote to ratify19. When did NH ratify the Constitution? June 178820. Large states were needed , without them the plan may not be successful21. NY and Virginia, long tough debates but narrowly ratified.The Final Two1. North Carolina first rejected but reversed decision2. Rhode Island also reversed and became the last of the original thirteen states toapprove new governmentThe Bill of Rights1. Constitution ratified but voting close, could have been rejected2. Federalists offered to support several amendments3. September 1789 COngress proposed twelve amendments to protect citizens rights4. States ratified ten taking effect on December 15th 17915. Today known as the BILL OF RIGHTSAgainst the Bill of Rights1. Most Federalists saw no need for amendments, government of, by and for the people,People and Government were same so why did the people have to protect themselvesfrom themselves2. Federalists Paper number 84 written by Hamilton “ the people surrender nothi ng theykeep all the power”, “no better recognition of popular rights”For the Bill of Rights1. Jefferson favored Constitution but wanted rights he spoke of in Declaration to beguaranteed in the Constitution2. Jefferson was not at convention, in Paris as ambassador3. Jefferson wanted more specific details in Bill of Rights, unsuccessful, wanted armydisbanded and wanted number of days you could be held under arrest specified toinsure a speedy trial4. What current Act passed under the Bush Administration deals with the issue of detention,that some believe violates the 4th and 6th amendmentsBill of Rights1. Freedom of speech2. Right to bear Arms3. Restricts housing troops in citizens homes4. Protects against unreasonable search and seizure5. Protects against self incrimination, being tried twice for same crime6. Guarantees accused to a swift and fair trial7. Guarantees jury trial for civil cases in Federal Courts8. Protects against cruel and unusual punishment and excessive bail9. Establishes that people have rights beyond those stated in constitution10. Establishes that all powers not guaranteed by the Federal government and not withheldfrom states belong to each state or their citizensRecall1. Ratify- approve2. Faction- a group that is concerned only with its own interest3. Federalist- favored the Constitution, wanted a strong national government4. Anti-Federalist- opposed a strong National Government5. Bill of rights- ten amendments added to the Constitution, took effect December 1791。