March 2009High Quality DXT Compression using OpenCL for CUDAIgnacio Castaño*******************Document Change HistoryVersion Date Responsible Reason for Change0.1 02/01/2007 Ignacio Castaño First draft0.2 19/03/2009 Timo Stich OpenCL versionAbstractDXT is a fixed ratio compression format designed for real-time hardware decompression of textures. While it’s also possible to encode DXT textures in real-time, the quality of the resulting images is far from the optimal. In this white paper we will overview a more expensivecompression algorithm that produces high quality results and we will see how to implement it using CUDA to obtain much higher performance than the equivalent CPU implementation.MotivationWith the increasing number of assets and texture size in recent games, the time required to process those assets is growing dramatically. DXT texture compression takes a large portion of this time. High quality DXT compression algorithms are very expensive and while there are faster alternatives [1][9], the resulting quality of those simplified methods is not very high. The brute force nature of these compression algorithms makes them suitable to be parallelized and adapted to the GPU. Cheaper compression algorithms have already been implemented [2] on the GPU using traditional GPGPU approaches. However, with the traditional GPGPU programming model it’s not possible to implement more complex algorithms where threads need to share data and synchronize.How Does It Work?In this paper we will see how to use CUDA to implement a high quality DXT1 texturecompression algorithm in parallel. The algorithm that we have chosen is the cluster fit algorithm as described by Simon Brown [3]. We will first provide a brief overview of the algorithm and then we will describe how did we parallelize and implement it in CUDA.DXT1 FormatDXT1 is a fixed ratio compression scheme that partitions the image into 4x4 blocks. Each block is encoded with two 16 bit colors in RGB 5-6-5 format and a 4x4 bitmap with 2 bits per pixel. Figure 1 shows the layout of the block.Figure 1. DXT1 block layoutThe block colors are reconstructed by interpolating one or two additional colors between the given ones and indexing these and the original colors with the bitmap bits. The number of interpolated colors is chosen depending on whether the value of ‘Color 0’ is lower or greater than ‘Color 1’.BitmapColorsThe total size of the block is 64 bits. That means that this scheme achieves a 6:1 compression ratio. For more details on the DXT1 format see the specification of the OpenGL S3TCextension [4].Cluster FitIn general, finding the best two points that minimize the error of a DXT encoded block is a highly discontinuous optimization problem. However, if we assume that the indices of the block are known the problem becomes a linear optimization problem instead: minimize the distance from each color of the block to the corresponding color of the palette.Unfortunately, the indices are not known in advance. We would have to test them all to find the best solution. Simon Brown [3] suggested pruning the search space by considering only the indices that preserve the order of the points along the least squares line.Doing that allows us to reduce the number of indices for which we have to optimize theendpoints. Simon Brown provided a library [5] that implements this algorithm. We use thislibrary as a reference to compare the correctness and performance of our CUDAimplementation.The next section goes over the implementation details.OpenCL ImplementationPartitioning the ProblemWe have chosen to use a single work group to compress each 4x4 color block. Work items that process a single block need to cooperate with each other, but DXT blocks are independent and do not need synchronization or communication. For this reason the number of workgroups is equal to the number of blocks in the image.We also parameterize the problem so that we can change the number of work items per block to determine what configuration provides better performance. For now, we will just say that the number of work items is N and later we will discuss what the best configuration is.During the first part of the algorithm, only 16 work items out of N are active. These work items start reading the input colors and loading them to local memory.Finding the best fit lineTo find a line that best approximates a set of points is a well known regression problem. The colors of the block form a cloud of points in 3D space. This can be solved by computing the largest eigenvector of the covariance matrix. This vector gives us the direction of the line.Each element of the covariance matrix is just the sum of the products of different colorcomponents. We implement these sums using parallel reductions.Once we have the covariance matrix we just need to compute its first eigenvector. We haven’t found an efficient way of doing this step in parallel. Instead, we use a very cheap sequential method that doesn’t add much to the overall execution time of the group.Since we only need the dominant eigenvector, we can compute it directly using the Power Method [6]. This method is an iterative method that returns the largest eigenvector and only requires a single matrix vector product per iteration. Our tests indicate that in most cases 8iterations are more than enough to obtain an accurate result.Once we have the direction of the best fit line we project the colors onto it and sort them along the line using brute force parallel sort. This is achieved by comparing all the elements against each other as follows:cmp[tid] = (values[0] < values[tid]);cmp[tid] += (values[1] < values[tid]);cmp[tid] += (values[2] < values[tid]);cmp[tid] += (values[3] < values[tid]);cmp[tid] += (values[4] < values[tid]);cmp[tid] += (values[5] < values[tid]);cmp[tid] += (values[6] < values[tid]);cmp[tid] += (values[7] < values[tid]);cmp[tid] += (values[8] < values[tid]);cmp[tid] += (values[9] < values[tid]);cmp[tid] += (values[10] < values[tid]);cmp[tid] += (values[11] < values[tid]);cmp[tid] += (values[12] < values[tid]);cmp[tid] += (values[13] < values[tid]);cmp[tid] += (values[14] < values[tid]);cmp[tid] += (values[15] < values[tid]);The result of this search is an index array that references the sorted values. However, this algorithm has a flaw, if two colors are equal or are projected to the same location of the line, the indices of these two colors will end up with the same value. We solve this problem comparing all the indices against each other and incrementing one of them if they are equal:if (tid > 0 && cmp[tid] == cmp[0]) ++cmp[tid];if (tid > 1 && cmp[tid] == cmp[1]) ++cmp[tid];if (tid > 2 && cmp[tid] == cmp[2]) ++cmp[tid];if (tid > 3 && cmp[tid] == cmp[3]) ++cmp[tid];if (tid > 4 && cmp[tid] == cmp[4]) ++cmp[tid];if (tid > 5 && cmp[tid] == cmp[5]) ++cmp[tid];if (tid > 6 && cmp[tid] == cmp[6]) ++cmp[tid];if (tid > 7 && cmp[tid] == cmp[7]) ++cmp[tid];if (tid > 8 && cmp[tid] == cmp[8]) ++cmp[tid];if (tid > 9 && cmp[tid] == cmp[9]) ++cmp[tid];if (tid > 10 && cmp[tid] == cmp[10]) ++cmp[tid];if (tid > 11 && cmp[tid] == cmp[11]) ++cmp[tid];if (tid > 12 && cmp[tid] == cmp[12]) ++cmp[tid];if (tid > 13 && cmp[tid] == cmp[13]) ++cmp[tid];if (tid > 14 && cmp[tid] == cmp[14]) ++cmp[tid];During all these steps only 16 work items are being used. For this reason, it’s not necessary to synchronize them. All computations are done in parallel and at the same time step, because 16 is less than the warp size on NVIDIA GPUs.Index evaluationAll the possible ways in which colors can be clustered while preserving the order on the line are known in advance and for each clustering there’s a corresponding index. For 4 clusters there are 975 indices that need to be tested, while for 3 clusters there are only 151. We pre-compute these indices and store them in global memory.We have to test all these indices and determine which one produces the lowest error. In general there are indices than work items. So, we partition the total number of indices by the number of work items and each work item loops over the set of indices assigned to it. It’s tempting to store the indices in constant memory, but since indices are used only once for each work group, and since each work item accesses a different element, coalesced global memory loads perform better than constant loads.Solving the Least Squares ProblemFor each index we have to solve an optimization problem. We have to find the two end points that produce the lowest error. For each input color we know what index it’s assigned to it, so we have 16 equations like this:i i i x b a =+βαWhere {}i i βα, are {}0,1, {}32,31, {}21,21, {}31,32 or {}1,0 depending on the index and the interpolation mode. We look for the colors a and b that minimize the least square error of these equations. The solution of that least squares problem is the following:∑∑⋅∑∑∑∑= −i i i i i ii i i i x x b a βαββαβαα122 Note: The matrix inverse is constant for each index set, but it’s cheaper to compute it everytime on the kernel than to load it from global memory. That’s not the case of the CPU implementation.Computing the ErrorOnce we have a potential solution we have to compute its error. However, colors aren’t stored with full precision in the DXT block, so we have to quantize them to 5-6-5 to estimate the error accurately. In addition to that, we also have to take in mind that the hardware expands thequantized color components to 8 bits replicating the highest bits on the lower part of the byte as follows:R = (R << 3) | (R >> 2); G = (G << 2) | (G >> 4); B = (B << 3) | (B >> 2);Converting the floating point colors to integers, clamping, bit expanding and converting them back to float can be time consuming. Instead of that, we clamp the color components, round the floats to integers and approximate the bit expansion using a multiplication. We found the factors that produce the lowest error using an offline optimization that minimized the average error.r = round(clamp(r,0.0f,1.0f) * 31.0f); g = round(clamp(g,0.0f,1.0f) * 63.0f); b = round(clamp(b,0.0f,1.0f) * 31.0f); r *= 0.03227752766457f; g *= 0.01583151765563f; b *= 0.03227752766457f;Our experiment show that in most cases the approximation produces the same solution as the accurate solution.Selecting the Best SolutionFinally, each work item has evaluated the error of a few indices and has a candidate solution.To determine which work item has the solution that produces the lowest error, we store the errors in local memory and use a parallel reduction to find the minimum. The winning work item writes the endpoints and indices of the DXT block back to global memory.Implementation DetailsThe source code is divided into the following files:• This file contains OpenCL implementation of the algorithm described here.•permutations.h: This file contains the code used to precompute the This file contains the DDS file header definition. PerformanceWe have measured the performance of the algorithm on different GPUs and CPUscompressing the standard Lena. The design of the algorithm makes it insensitive to the actual content of the image. So, the performance depends only on the size of the image.Figure 2. Standard picture used for our tests.As shown in Table 1, the GPU compressor is at least 10x faster than our best CPUimplementation. The version of the compressor that runs on the CPU uses a SSE2 optimized implementation of the cluster fit algorithm. This implementation pre-computes the factors that are necessary to solve the least squares problem, while the GPU implementation computes them on the fly. Without this CPU optimization the difference between the CPU and GPU version is even larger.Table 1. Performance ResultsImage TeslaC1060 Geforce8800 GTXIntel Core 2X6800AMD Athlon64 DualCore 4400Lena512x51283.35 ms 208.69 ms 563.0 ms 1,251.0 msWe also experimented with different number of work-items, and as indicated in Table 2 we found out that it performed better with the minimum number.Table 2. Number of Work Items64 128 25654.66 ms 86.39 ms 96.13 msThe reason why the algorithm runs faster with a low number of work items is because during the first and last sections of the code only a small subset of work items is active.A future improvement would be to reorganize the code to eliminate or minimize these stagesof the algorithm. This could be achieved by loading multiple color blocks and processing them in parallel inside of the same work group.ConclusionWe have shown how it is possible to use OpenCL to implement an existing CPU algorithm in parallel to run on the GPU, and obtain an order of magnitude performance improvement. We hope this will encourage developers to attempt to accelerate other computationally-intensive offline processing using the GPU.High Quality DXT Compression using CUDAMarch 2009 9References[1] “Real-Time DXT Compression”, J.M.P. van Waveren. /cd/ids/developer/asmo-na/eng/324337.htm[2] “Compressing Dynamically Generated Textures on the GPU”, Oskar Alexandersson, Christoffer Gurell, Tomas Akenine-Möller.[3] “DXT Compression Techniques”, Simon Brown. /?article=dxt[4] “OpenGL S3TC extension spec”, Pat Brown. /registry/specs/EXT/texture_compression_s3tc.txt[5] “Squish – DXT Compression Library”, Simon Brown. /?code=squish[6] “Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors”, Dr. E. Garcia. /information-retrieval-tutorial/matrix-tutorial-3-eigenvalues-eigenvectors.html[7] “An Experimental Analysis of Parallel Sorting Algorithms”, Guy E. Blelloch, C. Greg Plaxton, Charles E. Leiserson, Stephen J. Smith /blelloch98experimental.html[8] “NVIDIA CUDA Compute Unified Device Architecture Programming Guide”.[9] NVIDIA OpenGL SDK 10 “Compress DXT” sample /SDK/10/opengl/samples.html#compress_DXTNVIDIA Corporation2701 San Tomas ExpresswaySanta Clara, CA 95050 NoticeALL NVIDIA DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS, REFERENCE BOARDS, FILES, DRAWINGS, DIAGNOSTICS, LISTS, AND OTHER DOCUMENTS (TOGETHER AND SEPARATELY, “MATERIALS”) ARE BEING PROVIDED “AS IS.” NVIDIA MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED, IMPLIED, STATUTORY, OR OTHERWISE WITH RESPECT TO THE MATERIALS, AND EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NONINFRINGEMENT,MERCHANTABILITY, AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.Information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, NVIDIA Corporation assumes no responsibility for the consequences of use of such information or for any infringement of patents or otherrights of third parties that may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of NVIDIA Corporation. Specifications mentioned in this publication are subject to change without notice. This publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied. NVIDIA Corporation products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without express written approval of NVIDIA Corporation.TrademarksNVIDIA, the NVIDIA logo, GeForce, and NVIDIA Quadro are trademarks or registeredtrademarks of NVIDIA Corporation in the United States and other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated. Copyright© 2009 NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved.。
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原始值双向阀门目录4100-5 UK视觉指数说明书
Ermeto Original ValvesValvesVisual index Non return valvesValvesVisual index Non return valves with O-Lok ® connectionsO-Lok ® ORFS end / O-Lok ®ORFS endMale BSPP thread – ED-seal (ISO 1179) /O-Lok ® ORFS end /O-Lok ® ORFS endMale BSPP thread – ED-seal (ISO 1179)Male UN/UNF thread – O-ring (ISO 11926) /O-Lok ® ORFS end /O-Lok ® ORFS endMale UN/UNF thread – O-ring (ISO 11926)Male metric thread – ED-seal (ISO 9974) /O-Lok ® ORFS end /O-Lok ® ORFS end Male metric thread – ED-seal (ISO 9974)RHDMLOS / p. O20RHV42EDMLOS / p. O21RHZ42EDMLOS / p. O22RHV50MLOS / p. O23RHZ50MLOS / p. O24RHV82EDMLOS / p. O25RHZ82EDMLOS / p. O26ValvesVisual index Non return valves with Triple-Lok ® connectionsTriple-Lok ® 37° flare end / T riple-Lok ® 37° flare endMale BSPP thread – ED-seal (ISO 1179) /Triple-Lok ® 37° flare end /Triple-Lok ® 37° flare endMale BSPP thread – ED-seal (ISO 1179)Male UN/UNF thread – O-ring (ISO 11926) /Triple-Lok ® 37° flare end /Triple-Lok ® 37° flare endMale UN/UNF thread – O-ring (ISO 11926)Male metric thread – ED-seal (ISO 9974) /Triple-Lok ® 37° flare end /Triple-Lok ® 37° flare end Male metric thread – ED-seal (ISO 9974)RHDMTXS / p. O27RHV42EDMXS / p. O28RHZ42EDMXS / p. O29RHV50MXS / p. O30RHZ50MXS / p. O31RHV82EDMXS / p. O32RHZ82EDMXS / p. O33ValvesVisual index shut off valves and ball valvesFemale BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) / Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) / Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1)KH 3/2-BSPP(S)p. O44ValvesRange of non return valves and al-ternating valvesNon-return valves with nominal pressure ratings up to PN 420 bar:–with tube connection both ends:RHD–with tube connectionto male stud:RHV/RHZ–with female thread both ends:RHDI–valve cartridges:RVP–valve internal parts:I-TL–leakage rate hydraulic testing under test pressure: 1drop per minuteAlternating valves:–for nominal pressure ratingsup to PN 160WV–leakage rate hydraulic testing under test pressure: 20drops per minuteHand-operated Shut-off valves:–for low pressure ratingsup to PN 10 bar DV–for medium pressure ratingsup to PN 40 bar LDDesign:1.For materials, permissible working pressures, temper-atures, flow medium torques for male studs etc. see rel-evant pages of the catalogue.2.T ube connection ends must be assembled according tothe Parker EO/EO 2 assembly instructions.The valve bodies must be held rigidly during assembly of the tube connection ends.3.T est pressures for non return valves:PN in conformance with O.D. information see chapter C.4.Pressure drop values please see p. C12 and diagrams.Caution!Please note the admissible pressure ratings for the EO-tube ends.Range of hand-operated shut off valves and quarter turn ball valves Quarter turn Hand-operated ball valves:–for high pressure ratingsup to PN 500 bar KH–leakage rate hydraulic testing under test pressure: 0drops per minuteThe pressure specification PN for hand-operated shut-off valves and quarter turn ball valves applies to the design factor 1,5 (according DIN 3230 T5 and ISO 5208).SteelMaterials:Body made of steel, coating DIN 50938-FE//A/T4, ball of hard chrome plated carbon steel, stem of zinc plated steel. Seals:Ball seat of POM (e. g. Delrin), stem seal of NBR (e. g. Per-bunan).Applications:Suitable for petroleum-based hydraulic fluid, lubricants and fuel oil.For applications suitable up to 100 bar.Temperature range:–10 up to +100°C.Stainless SteelMaterials:Body made of stainless steel, ball of stainless steel, stem and connectors of stainless steel.Seals:Ball seat of POM (e. g. Delrin), stem seal of NBR (e. g. Per-bunan), DOZ from function nut FPM (e. g. Viton). Applications:Suitable for petroleum-based hydraulic fluid, lubricants and fuel oil.For applications suitable up to 100 bar.Temperature range:–30 up to +100°C.Notes:To assess the suitability of valves for specific applications, please advise us of the exact specification of the medium to be used, max. working pressure incl. pressure peaks, temperature and frequency of valve operations. If water is used,indicate type of water or additives, if any.ValvesRHD/V/Z non return valveCharacteristics:Poppet check valve with a 90° valve seat with an elas-tomere sealing disc. Poppet stop for controlled valve open-ing. Damped opening action to minimize shock and noise.No reduction of cross section. Maximum flow velocity not more than 8 m/sec (for higher flow velocities special tests are required). Sealing of male stud thread by Eolastic soft seal with types RHV and RHZ.Opening pressure:Standard 1 bar (on request also 0.2, 0.5, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 bar are available; please specify on order). For working pressure see appropriate tables. Cracking pressure toler-ance: ±20%.Material:●Steel zinc-plated (A3C) or (CF chromium 6-free), seals in NBR (e.g. Perbunan*), or (e.g. Viton*) on request.●Stainless steel valves have FKM (e.g. Viton*) as standard.(Up to 3 bar cracking pressure)●Brass-valves (CuZn35Ni2 2.0540) with internals (1.4571) available on request.(Up to 3 bar cracking pressure)Assembly:See assembly instructions for EO/EO 2 connections.Non-return valves are all packaged against contamination.Media:Hydraulic oil, low flammability hydraulic fluids (excent for types HFC: for HFD types; FKM seals are necessary).Please indicate on order if used with compressed air.Not suitable for steam, combustible/explosive gases, or oxygen.For water applications, please consult Parker with details of water and any additives.*Perbunan and Viton are registered trademarks of Bayer and Dupont.Valves1 bar cracking pressureflow rate in l/minp re s s u r e d r o p i n b a r1 bar cracking pressureflow rate in l/minp r e s s u r e d r o p i n b a r1 bar cracking pressurepressure drop tube O.D. 06L/06+08S; size 4;female BSPP 1/8, 1/4; RVP 13; DN 3.5flow rate in l/minp r e s s u r e d r o p i n b a rIn all diagrams is the peak value of the flow rate in l/min. relating to the maximum permissible flow velocity of8 m/sec.pressure drop tube O.D. 8L/10S; size 5;RVP 16; DN 5.5pressure drop tube O.D. 10L/12S; size 6female BSPP 3/8; RVP 20; DN 7.5ValvesIn all diagrams is the peak value of the flow rate in l/min. relating to the maximum permissible flow velocity of8 m/sec.1 bar cracking pressureflow rate in l/minpr e s s u r e d r o p i n b a r1 bar cracking pressureflow rate in l/minp r e s s u r e d r o p i n b a r1 bar cracking pressureflow rate in l/minp r e s s u r e d r o p i n b a rpressure drop tube O.D. 12L/14S; size 8;RVP 24; DN 9.5pressure drop tube O.D. 15L/16S; size 10;female BSPP 1/2; RVP 27; DN 11.5pressure drop tube O.D. 18L/20S; size 12;female BSPP 3/4; RVP 35; DN 15.0ValvesIn all diagrams is the peak value of the flow rate in l/min. relating to the maximum permissible flow velocity of8 m/sec.1 bar cracking pressureflow rate in l/minp re s s u r e d r o p i n b a rflow rate in l/minp r e s s u r e d r o p i n b a r1 bar cracking pressureflow rate in l/minp r e s s u r e d r o p i n b a rpressure drop tube O.D. 22L/25S; size 16;female BSPP 1; RVP 40; DN 19pressure drop tube O.D. 28L/30S; size 20;female BSPP 11/4; RVP 47; DN 24pressure drop tube O.D. 35+42L/38S; size 24;female BSPP 11/2; RVP 55; DN 291 bar cracking pressure*Please add the suffixes below according to the material/surface required.Order code suffixesMaterial Suffix Example Standardsurface sealing materialand material(no additonal.suffix needed) Steel, zinc plated.,chrome6-free CF RHD06LOMDCF NBRSteel, zincyellow plated A3C RHD06LOMDA3C NBRStainless steel71RHD06LOMD71VITRHD Non return valveEO 24° cone end / EO 24° cone endD1PN (bar)1)WeightSeries5DN L1L2L3S1S2S3g/1 piece Order code*CF A3C71 L3)06 3.54329.058.017171446RHD06LOMD40025025008 5.54430.059.019191761RHD08LOMD400250250107.554.540.569.5222419104RHD10LOMD400250250 129.557.543.572.5273022166RHD12LOMD400250250 1511.561.547.577.5273227192RHD15LOMD400250250 1814.066.551.583.5363632292RHD18LOMD400160160 2218.076.561.593.5414636472RHD22LOMD250160160 2823.084.569.5102.5505541746RHD28LOMD250100100 3529.095.574.5117.56060501062RHD35LOMD250100100 4229.09674.0119.06570601518RHD42LOMD250100100 S4)06 3.548.534.563.519191770RHD06SOMD42040040008 3.548.534.563.519191974RHD08SOMD42040040010 5.555.540.572.5222422121RHD10SOMD420400400127.557.542.574.5242724148RHD12SOMD420400400 149.563.547.582.5273227218RHD14SOMD420315315 1611.567.550.586.5323630286RHD16SOMD420315315 2015.075.554.597.5414636506RHD20SOMD420250250 2519.082.558.5106.5465046639RHD25SOMD420250250 3024.096.569.5122.56060501157RHD30SOMD250250250 3829.0107.575.5136.56570601650RHD38SOMD250250250 1)Pressure shown = item deliverable3)L = light series; 4)S = heavy seriesPN (bar)= PN (MPa)10Delivery without nut and ring. Information on ordering completefittings or alternative sealing materials see page I7.*Please add the suffixesbelow according to the material/surface required.RHV-R-ED Non return valveEO 24° cone end / Male BSPP thread – ED-seal (ISO 1179)D1PN (bar)1)Weight Series 5T1DN D3L1L2L3L4S1S2S3g/1 piece Order code*CF A3C 71L 3)06G 1/8 A 3.5143528.0842.517171447RHV06LREDOMD 40025025008G 1/4 A 5.5193730.01244.519191762RHV08LREDOMD 40025025010G 1/4 A 7.51945.538.51253.022*******RHV10LREDOMD 40025025012G 3/8 A 9.52249.542.51257.027*******RHV12LREDOMD 40025025015G 1/2 A 11.52752.545.51460.5273227205RHV15LREDOMD 40025025018G 1/2 A 14.02757.550.01466.0363632294RHV18LREDOMD 40016016022G 3/4 A 18.03262.555.01671.0414636450RHV22LREDOMD 25016016028G 1 A 23.04070.563.01879.5505541720RHV28LREDOMD 25010010035G 1 1/4 A 29.05079.569.02090.56060501050RHV35LREDOMD 25010010042G 1 1/2 A 29.05579.568.52291.06570601560RHV42LREDOMD 250100100S 4)06G 1/4 A 3.51938.531.51246.019191773RHV06SREDOMD 42040040008G 1/4 A 3.51938.531.51246.019191979RHV08SREDOMD 42040040010G 3/8 A 5.52245.538.01254.022*******RHV10SREDOMD 42040040012G 3/8 A 7.52248.541.01257.024*******RHV12SREDOMD 42040040014G 1/2 A 9.52752.544.51462.027*******RHV14SREDOMD 42031531516G 1/2 A 11.52756.548.01466.0323630293RHV16SREDOMD 42031531520G 3/4 A 15.03262.552.01673.5414636511RHV20SREDOMD 42025025025G 1 A 19.04066.554.51878.5465046648RHV25SREDOMD 42025025030G 1 1/4 A 24.05077.564.02090.56060501176RHV30SREDOMD 25025025038G 1 1/2 A29.05585.569.522100.06570601624RHV38SREDOMD2502502501)Pressure shown = item deliverable 3)L = light series; 4)S = heavy seriesPN (bar)= PN (MPa)10Delivery without nut and ring. Information on ordering complete fittings or alternative sealing materials see page I7.Order code suffixesMaterialSuffix Example Standardsurfacesealing material and material(no additonal.suffix needed)Steel, zinc plated.,chrome 6-free CF RHV06LREDOMDCF NBR Steel, zinc yellow plated A3C RHV06LREDOMDA3C NBR Stainless steel71RHV06LREDOMD71VITX1) Eolastic sealing*Please add the suffixesbelow according to the material/surface required.RHZ-R-ED Non return valveMale BSPP thread – ED-seal (ISO 1179) / EO 24° cone endD1PN (bar)1)Weight Series 5T1DN D3L1L2L3L4S1S2S3g/1 piece Order code*CF A3C 71L 3)06G 1/8 A 3.51433.526.5841.017171444RHZ06LREDOMD 40025025008G 1/4 A 5.51935.528.51243.019191759RHZ08LREDOMD 40025025010G 1/4 A 7.51945.538.51253.022*******RHZ10LREDOMD 40025025012G 3/8 A 9.52247.540.51255.027*******RHZ12LREDOMD 40025025015G 1/2 A 11.52749.542.51457.5273227186RHZ15LREDOMD 40025025018G 1/2 A 14.02755.548.01464.0363632275RHZ18LREDOMD 40016016022G 3/4 A 18.03263.556.01672.0414636463RHZ22LREDOMD 25016016028G 1 A 23.04071.564.01880.5505541721RHZ28LREDOMD 25010010035G 1 1/4 A 29.05080.570.02091.56060501073RHZ35LREDOMD 25010010042G 1 1/2 A 29.05581.570.52293.06570601602RHZ42LREDOMD 250100100S 4)06G 1/4 A 3.51938.531.51246.019191771RHZ06SREDOMD 42040040008G 1/4 A 3.51938.531.51246.019191974RHZ08SREDOMD 42040040010G 3/8 A 5.52245.538.01254.022*******RHZ10SREDOMD 42040040012G 3/8 A 7.52248.541.01257.024*******RHZ12SREDOMD 42040040014G 1/2 A 9.52751.543.51461.027*******RHZ14SREDOMD 42031531516G 1/2 A 11.52754.546.01464.0323630275RHZ16SREDOMD 42031531520G 3/4 A 15.03260.550.01671.5414636490RHZ20SREDOMD 42025025025G 1 A 19.04066.554.51878.5465046647RHZ25SREDOMD 42025025030G 1 1/4 A 24.05077.564.02090.56060501180RHZ30SREDOMD 25025025038G 1 1/2 A29.05587.571.522102.06570601670RHZ38SREDOMD2502502501)Pressure shown = item deliverable 3)L = light series; 4)S = heavy seriesPN (bar)= PN (MPa)10Delivery without nut and ring. Information on ordering complete fittings or alternative sealing materials see page I7.Order code suffixesMaterialSuffix Example Standardsurfacesealing material and material(no additonal.suffix needed)Steel, zinc plated.,chrome 6-free CF RHZ06LREDOMDCF NBR Steel, zinc yellow platedA3CRHZ06LREDOMDA3CNBRX1) Eolastic sealing*Please add the suffixesbelow according to the material/surface required.RHV-M-ED Non return valveEO 24° cone end / Male metric thread – ED-seal (ISO 9974)D1PN (bar)1)Weight Series 5T1DN D3L1L2L3L4S1S2S3g/1 piece Order code*CF A3C 71L 3)06M 10× 3.5143528.0842.517171446RHV06LMEDOMD 40025025008M 12×1.5 5.5173629.01243.519191758RHV08LMEDOMD 40025025010M 14×1.57.51945.538.51253.022*******RHV10LMEDOMD 40025025012M 16×1.59.52249.542.51257.027*******RHV12LMEDOMD 40025025015M 18×1.511.52452.545.51260.5273227192RHV15LMEDOMD 40025025018M 22×1.514.02757.550.01466.0363632298RHV18LMEDOMD 40016016022M 26×1.518.03262.555.01671.0414636446RHV22LMEDOMD 25016016028M 33×223.04070.563.01879.5505541722RHV28LMEDOMD 25010010035M 42×229.05079.569.02090.56060501053RHV35LMEDOMD 25010010042M 48×229.05579.568.52291.06570601563RHV42LMEDOMD 250100100S 4)06M 12×1.5 3.51738.531.51246.019191770RHV06SMEDOMD 42040040008M 14×1.5 3.51938.531.51246.019191976RHV08SMEDOMD 42040040010M 16×1.5 5.52245.538.01254.022*******RHV10SMEDOMD 42040040012M 18×1.57.52448.541.01257.024*******RHV12SMEDOMD 42040040014M 20×1.59.52652.544.51462.027*******RHV14SMEDOMD 42031531516M 22×1.511.52756.548.01466.0323630296RHV16SMEDOMD 42031531520M 27×215.03262.552.01673.5414636521RHV20SMEDOMD 42025025025M 33×219.04066.554.51878.5465046648RHV25SMEDOMD 42025025030M 42×224.05077.564.02090.56060501178RHV30SMEDOMD 25025025038M 48×229.05585.569.522100.06570601627RHV38SMEDOMD2502502501)Pressure shown = item deliverable 3)L = light series; 4)S = heavy seriesPN (bar)= PN (MPa)10Delivery without nut and ring. Information on ordering complete fittings or alternative sealing materials see page I7.Order code suffixesMaterialSuffix Example Standardsurfacesealing material and material(no additonal.suffix needed)Steel, zinc plated.,chrome 6-free CF RHV06LMEDOMDCF NBR Steel, zinc yellow plated A3C RHV06LMEDOMDA3C NBR Stainless steel71RHV06LMEDOMD71VITX1) Eolastic sealing*Please add the suffixesbelow according to the material/surface required.RHZ-M-ED Non return valveMale metric thread – ED-seal (ISO 9974) / EO 24° cone endD1PN (bar)1)Weight Series 5T1DN D3L1L2L3L4S1S2S3g/1 piece Order code*CF A3C 71L 3)06M 10×1 3.51433.526.5841.017171444RHZ06LMEDOMD 40025025008M 12×1.5 5.51735.528.51243.019191758RHZ08LMEDOMD 40025025010M 14×1.57.51945.538.51253.022*******RHZ10LMEDOMD 40025025012M 16×1.59.52247.540.51255.027*******RHZ12LMEDOMD 40025025015M 18×1.511.52449.542.51257.5273227174RHZ15LMEDOMD 40025025018M 22×1.514.02755.548.01464.0363632279RHZ18LMEDOMD 40016016022M 26×1.518.03263.556.01672.0414636459RHZ22LMEDOMD 25016016028M 33×223.04071.564.01880.5505541721RHZ28LMEDOMD 25010010035M 42×229.05080.570.02091.56060501078RHZ35LMEDOMD 25010010042M 48×229.05581.570.52293.06570601601RHZ42LMEDOMD 250100100S 4)06M 12×1.5 3.51738.531.51246.019191770RHZ06SMEDOMD 42040040008M 14×1.5 3.51938.531.51246.019191975RHZ08SMEDOMD 42040040010M 16×1.5 5.52245.538.01254.022*******RHZ10SMEDOMD 42040040012M 18×1.57.52448.541.01257.024*******RHZ12SMEDOMD 42040040014M 20×1.59.52651.543.51461.027*******RHZ14SMEDOMD 42031531516M 22×1.511.52754.546.01464.0323630279RHZ16SMEDOMD 42031531520M 27×215.03260.550.01671.5414636487RHZ20SMEDOMD 42025025025M 33×219.04066.554.51878.5465046647RHZ25SMEDOMD 42025025030M 42×224.05077.564.02090.56060501180RHZ30SMEDOMD 25025025038M 48×229.05587.571.522102.06570601669RHZ38SMEDOMD2502502501)Pressure shown = item deliverable 3)L = light series; 4)S = heavy seriesPN (bar)= PN (MPa)10Delivery without nut and ring. Information on ordering complete fittings or alternative sealing materials see page I7.Order code suffixesMaterialSuffix Example Standard sealing surfacematerialand material(no additonal.suffix needed)Steel, zinc plated.,chrome 6-free CF RHZ06LMEDOMDCF NBR Steel, zinc yellow plated A3C RHZ06LMEDOMDA3C NBR Stainless steel71RHZ06LMEDOMD71VITX1) Eolastic sealing*Please add the suffixesbelow according to the material/surface required.RHDI Non return valveFemale BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) / Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1)Weight Series T1DN D1L1L2L3S1S2g/1 piece Order code*CF A3C 1)71L 3)G11/18 3.51942.512.08.0191976RHDI1/8400400400G 1/4 3.51951.016.012.0191982RHDI1/4400400400G 3/87.52460.017.012.02427157RHDI3/8400400400G 1/211.53272.020.015.03236344RHDI1/2315315315G 3/415.04184.022.016.54146664RHDI3/4250250250G 119.04695.025.519.04650821RHDI1250250250G 11/424.060110.028.021.560601581RHDI11/4250250250G 11/229.065114.028.522.065701919RHDI11/22502502501)Pressure shown = item deliverable 3)L = light seriesPN (bar)= PN (MPa)10Delivery without nut and ring. Information on ordering complete fittings or alternative sealing materials see page I7.Order code suffixes MaterialSuffix Example Standardsurfacesealing material and material(no additional.suffix needed)Steel, zinc plated.,chrome 6-free CF RHDI1/8CF NBR Steel, zinc yellow plated A3C RHDI1/8A3C NBR Stainless steel71RHDI1/871VITRVP Non return valve cartridgePN (bar)1) Valve L1WeightITL DN D1D2± 0,15L2L3O-ring Supporting ring g/1 piece Order code*CF A3C71 6-L/6u.8-S 3.512.945± 0.05513+0.1223.159.5 6.08.3×2.4SRA 13-2.05-1.021RVP134********+0.058-L/10-S 5.515.945± 0.05516+0.1226.659.5 6.511.3×2.4SRA 16-2.05-1.032RVP16420400400+0.0510-L/12-S7.519.935± 0.06520+0.14230.159.5 6.515.3×2.4SRA 20-2.05-1.054RVP20420400400+0.06512-L/14-S9.523.935± 0.06524+0.14935.1512.07.518.2×3SRA 24-2.6-1.080RVP24420315315+0.06515-L/16-S11.526.935± 0.06527+0.14938.1512.07.521.2×3SRA 27-2.6-1.0105RVP27420315315+0.06518-L/20-S15.034.92± 0.0835+0.1844.6512.09.529.2×3SRA 35-2.5-1.0204RVP35420250250+0.0822-L/25-S19.039.92± 0.0840+0.1850.6512.011.034.2×3SRA 40-2.5-1.0275RVP40420250250+0.0828-L/30-S24.046.92± 0.0847+0.1860.1513.013.041.2×3SRA 47-2.6-1.5412RVP47250250250+0.0835-L/38-S29.054.905± 0.09555+0.2270.1516.013.044.2×5.7SRA 55-5.1-1.5607RVP55250250250+0.11)Pressure shown = item deliverablePN (bar)= PN (MPa)10Delivery without nut and ring. Information on ordering completefittings or alternative sealing materials see page I7.*Please add the suffixes below according to the material/surface required.Order code suffixesMaterial Suffix Example Standardsurface sealing materialand material(no additional.suffix needed) Steel, zinc plated.,chrome6-free CF RHP13CF NBRSteel, zincyellow plated A3C RHP13A3C NBRStainless steel71RHP1371VITX1) Supporting ring PTFE X2) O-ring NBRX3) Sealing disc NBRI-TL Internal parts of non return valvePN (bar)1) T ube WeightSeries O.D.D1+0.1D2+0.1D3+0.1L1±0.1L2Hub g/1 piece Order code*A3C71 L/S/S06/06/08 2.0 1.02ITL06L/06+08S** L/S08/10 5.510.211.611.0 2.0 1.74ITL08L/10S** L/S10/127.513.014.114.0 2.0 2.37ITL10L/12S** L/S12/149.516.718.116.5 2.5 2.913ITL12L/14S** L/S15/1611.519.520.619.0 2.5 3.518ITL15L/16S** L/S18/2015. 3.0 4.437ITL18L/20S** L/S22/2519.030.832.627.0 3.0 5.554ITL22L/25S** L/S28/3024.038.640.632.5 3.57.3107ITL28L/30S** L/L/S35/38/4229.045.748.137.5 3.58.9144ITL35L+42l/38S** * = item deliverableDelivery without nut and ring. Information on ordering completefittings or alternative sealing materials see page I7.*Please add the suffixes below according to the material/surface required.Order code suffixesMaterial Suffix Example Standardsurface sealing materialand material(no additional.suffix needed) Steel, zincyellow plated A3C ITL06L/06+008S NBRStainless steel71ITL06L71/06+008S VITX1) poppetX2) sealing disc (smooth side to the poppet) X3) cover discX4) springX5) passage discRHD/V/Z Non return valves with O-Lok ® or Triple-Lok ® connectionsMaterial:●Steel zinc-plated (A3C) or (CF chromium 6-free), seals in NBR (e.g. Perbunan*)●Internal parts in stainless steel with FKM (Viton) alsoavailable on request.RHDMLOS Non return valveO-Lok® ORFS end / O-Lok® ORFS end*Please add the suffixes below according to the material/surface required.Order code suffixesMaterial Suffix Example Standardsurface sealing materialand material(no additional.suffix needed) Steel, zinc plated.,chrome6-free CF4RHDMLOSCF NBRSteel, zinc A3C (noyellow plated suffix needed)4RHDMLOS NBRTube 1Tube 2ORFS ORFS PN (bar)1) O.D.O.D.(UN/UNF(UN/UNF)DNthread thread(Nom.Weight mm Inch mm Inch T T1H1H2FF diam.)g/1 piece Order code*CF A3C 61/461/49/16-18UNF9/16-18UNF191944.5 3.51084RHDMLOS420400 8, 105/16, 3/88, 105/16, 3/811/16-16UNF11/16-16UNF222453.5 5.51886RHDMLOS420400 121/2121/213/16-16UNF13/16-16UNF242759.57.52238RHDMLOS420400 14, 15, 165/814, 15, 165/81-14UNF1-14UNF323670.511.542810RHDMLOS420315 18, 203/418, 203/4 1 3/16-12UNF 1 3/16-12UNF414677.515.073112RHDMLOS420250 22, 25122, 251 1 7/16-12UNF 1 7/16-12UNF465081.519.0107616RHDMLOS420250 28, 30, 32 1 1/428, 30, 32 1 1/4 1 11/16-12UNF 1 11/16-12UNF606091.524.0163020RHDMLOS250250 35, 38 1 1/235, 38 1 1/22-12UNF2-12UNF657098.529.0236224RHDMLOS250250 1)Pressure shown = item deliverablePN (bar)= PN (MPa)10Delivery without nut and ring. Information on ordering completefittings or alternative sealing materials see page I7.RHV42EDMLOS Non return valveMale BSPP thread – ED-seal (ISO 1179) / O-Lok® ORFS end*Please add the suffixes below according to the material/surface required.Order code suffixesMaterial Suffix Example Standardsurface sealing materialand material(no additional.suffix needed) Steel, zinc plated.,chrome6-free CF4RHV42EDMLOSCF NBRSteel, zinc A3C (noyellow plated suffix needed)4RHV42EDMLOS NBRT ube BSPP ORFS PN (bar)1) O.D.thread(UN/UNF)DNthread(Nom.Weightmm Inch T42T H1H2L5HH diam.)g/1 piece Order code*CF A3C 61/4G 1/89/16-18UNF191944.536.5 3.5924RHV42EDMLOS420400 8, 105/16, 3/8G 1/411/16-16UNF222456.544.5 6.51656RHV42EDMLOS420400 121/2G 3/813/16-16UNF242761.549.57.51918RHV42EDMLOS420400 14, 15, 165/8G 1/21-14UNF323670.056.011.536610RHV42EDMLOS420315 18, 203/4G 3/4 1 3/16-12UNF414677.563.515.063112RHV42EDMLOS420250 22, 251G 1 1 7/16-12UNF465084.066.019.086316RHV42EDMLOS420250 28, 30, 32 1 1/4G 1 1/4 1 11/16-12UNF606095.075.024.0140320RHV42EDMLOS250250 35, 38 1 1/2G 1 1/22-12UNF6570105.083.029.0196924RHV42EDMLOS250250 1)Pressure shown = item deliverablePN (bar)= PN (MPa)10Delivery without nut and ring. Information on ordering completefittings or alternative sealing materials see page I7.RHZ42EDMLOS Non return valveO-Lok® ORFS end / Male BSPP thread – ED-seal (ISO 1179)*Please add the suffixes below according to the material/surface required.Order code suffixesMaterial Suffix Example Standardsurface sealing materialand material(no additional.suffix needed) Steel, zinc plated.,chrome6-free CF4RHZ42EDMLOSCF NBRSteel, zinc A3C (noyellow plated suffix needed)4RHZ42EDMLOS NBRT ube BSPP ORFS PN (bar)1) O.D.thread(UN/UNF)DNthread(Nom.Weightmm Inch T42T H1H2L5HH diam.)g/1 piece Order code*CF A3C 61/4G 1/89/16-18UNF191944.536.5 3.5914RHZ42EDMLOS420400 8, 105/16, 3/8G 1/411/16-16UNF222456.544.5 6.51616RHZ42EDMLOS420400 121/2G 3/813/16-16UNF242761.549.57.51908RHZ42EDMLOS420400 14, 15, 165/8G 1/21-14UNF323670.056.011.534810RHZ42EDMLOS420315 18, 203/4G 3/4 1 3/16-12UNF414677.553.515.063412RHZ42EDMLOS420250 22, 251G 1 1 7/16-12UNF465084.066.019.086316RHZ42EDMLOS420250 28, 30, 32 1 1/4G 1 1/4 1 11/16-12UNF606095.075.024.0139720RHZ42EDMLOS250250 35, 38 1 1/2G 1 1/22-12UNF6570105.083.029.0200124RHZ42EDMLOS250250 1)Pressure shown = item deliverablePN (bar)= PN (MPa)10Delivery without nut and ring. Information on ordering completefittings or alternative sealing materials see page I7.RHV5OMLOS Non return valveMale UN/UNF thread – O-ring (ISO 11926) / O-Lok® ORFS end*Please add the suffixes below according to the material/surface required.Order code suffixesMaterial Suffix Example Standardsurface sealing materialand material(no additional.suffix needed) Steel, zinc plated.,chrome6-free CF RHV5OMLOSCF NBRSteel, zinc A3C (noyellow plated suffix needed)4RHV5OMLOS NBRT ube UNF ORFS PN (bar)1) O.D.male(UN/UNF)DNthread thread(Nom.Weightmm Inch T5T H1H2L5HH diam.)g/1 piece Order code*CF A3C 61/47/16-20UNF9/16-18UNF191945.534.5 3.5924RHV5OMLOS420400 8, 105/16, 3/89/16-18UNF11/16-16UNF222454.542.5 5.51656RHV5OMLOS420400 121/23/4-16UNF13/16-16UNF242760.546.5 5.51658RHV5OMLOS420400 14, 15, 165/87/8-14UNS1-14UNF323671.055.011.536610RHV5OMLOS420315 18, 203/4 1 1/16-12UN 1 3/16-12UNF414679.060.515.063112RHV5OMLOS420250 22, 251 1 5/16-12UN 1 7/16-12UNF465082.564.019.086316RHV5OMLOS420250 28, 30, 32 1 1/4 1 5/8-12UN 1 11/16-12UNF606092.574.024.0140320RHV5OMLOS250250 35, 38 1 1/2 1 7/8-12UN2-12UNF657099.581.029.0196924RHV5OMLOS250250 1)Pressure shown = item deliverablePN (bar)= PN (MPa)10Delivery without nut and ring. Information on ordering completefittings or alternative sealing materials see page I7.RHZ5OMLOS Non return valveO-Lok® ORFS end / Male UN/UNF thread – O-ring (ISO 11926)*Please add the suffixes below according to the material/surface required.Order code suffixesMaterial Suffix Example Standardsurface sealing materialand material(no additional.suffix needed) Steel, zinc plated.,chrome6-free CF4RHZ5OMLOSCF NBRSteel, zinc A3C (noyellow plated suffix needed)4RHZ5OMLOS NBRT ube UNF ORFS PN (bar)1) O.D.male(UN/UNF)DNthread thread(Nom.Weightmm Inch T5T H1H2L5HH diam.)g/1 piece Order code*CF A3C 61/47/16-20UNF9/16-18UNF191945.534.5 3.5914RHZ5OMLOS420400 8, 105/16, 3/89/16-18UNF11/16-16UNF222454.542.5 5.51616RHZ5OMLOS420400 121/23/4-16UNF13/16-16UNF242760.546.5 5.51618RHZ5OMLOS420400 14, 15, 165/87/8-14UNS1-14UNF323671.055.011.534810RHZ5OMLOS420315 18, 203/4 1 1/16-12UN 1 3/16-12UNF414679.060.515.063412RHZ5OMLOS420250 22, 251 1 5/16-12UN 1 7/16-12UNF465082.564.019.086316RHZ5OMLOS420250 28, 30, 32 1 1/4 1 5/8-12UN 1 11/16-12UNF606092.574.024.0139720RHZ5OMLOS250250 35, 38 1 1/2 1 7/8-12UN2-12UNF657099.581.029.0200124RHZ5OMLOS250250 1)Pressure shown = item deliverablePN (bar)= PN (MPa)10Delivery without nut and ring. Information on ordering completefittings or alternative sealing materials see page I7.。
德玛快速色谱CP2013A型操作手册Ver2.02013-1-10中国石油渤海钻探工程有限公司目录第一章硬件部分 (2)1.色谱柱 (2)2.微信号放大器 (3)3.仪器电路 (3)4.仪器气路 (4)5.开机步骤 (6)第二章软件概述 (7)1. DML-CHROM for CP2013A型应用概述 (7)2. 系统配置要求 (7)3. 软件界面 (7)4. 软件的基本设置 (8)5. 菜单说明 (10)6. 工具栏说明 (11)第三章标定 (12)1. 概述122. 标准曲线生成 (12)3. 全烃标定 (16)第四章实时分析 (19)1. 前期准备工作 (19)2. 实时气测分析 (19)3. 关机操作 (20)4. 与采集机关系说明 (20)第五章色谱数据后期分析 (29)第六章辅助设备维护 (30)1. 氢空一体机维护 (30)2.冷凝器检查 (30)第七章常见问题及处理 (31)第一章硬件部分快速氢火焰色谱仪用于石油钻井勘探领域中天然气的实时测量。
德玛新研制的快速色谱,具有简洁的前面板,有三个压力表指示,一个触摸屏电脑,一个电源开关,两个USB口,一个前注样口;后面板具有样品气、空气、氢气和放空管线接口,两个风扇,一个网络接口,一个RS232接口,一个220V 电源接口,如下图所示。
项目数据项目数据氢气压力(MPa)0.25分析周期 (秒)30空气压力(MPa)0.25重复性 2.0%样品气压力(MPa)0.02--0.04最小检测浓度(ppm)5样品气流量(ml/min)>600最大检测浓度(%)100柱温(℃)90-1101.色谱柱色谱柱分气相色谱柱和液相色谱柱,气相色谱柱又分为毛细管色谱柱和填充色谱柱,毛细管色谱柱一般采用石英玻璃管,直径只有0.1-0.9mm ,长度10-40米长,内壁涂有5μm厚的吸附材料,根据目标样品气体的不同而采用相宜的吸附材料; 填冲色谱柱一般采用铝合金或不锈钢管, 直径2-4mm ,长度1-4米长,里面填冲40-60目微孔颗粒状的吸附材料,同样根据目标样品气体的不同而采用相宜的吸附材料。
Moxa CA Series和CB Series的快速安装指南说明书
P/N: 1802001043316 *1802001043316*CA Series for PC/104 and CB Series for PC/104-Plus Quick Installation GuideVersion 1.2, December 2019Technical Support Contact Information/supportMoxa Americas:Toll-free: 1-888-669-2872 Tel: 1-714-528-6777 Fax: 1-714-528-6778 Moxa China (Shanghai office): Toll-free: 800-820-5036 Tel: +86-21-5258-9955 Fax: +86-21-5258-5505 Moxa Europe:Tel: +49-89-3 70 03 99-0 Fax: +49-89-3 70 03 99-99 Moxa Asia-Pacific:Tel: +886-2-8919-1230 Fax: +886-2-8919-1231 Moxa India:Tel: +91-80-4172-9088 Fax: +91-80-4132-10452019 Moxa Inc. All rights reserved.OverviewMoxa offers a wide selection of PC/104 and PC/104-Plus serial boards that provide industrial-grade connections to multiple serial devices. The CA Serial Board Series is for PC/104 modules while the CB Serial Board series is for PC/104-Plus module.Package ChecklistPC/104 or PC/104-Plus boards are shipped with the following items: •Moxa multiport serial board (PC/104 module is for CA Series;PC/104-Plus module is for CB Series)•Quick installation guide (printed)•Warranty cardPlease notify your sales representative if any of the above items are missing or damaged.Hardware InstallationThe PC/104 or PC/104-Plus MUST be plugged into the PC before the driver is installed. Follow these steps below.CA Series CB SeriesStep 1: Turn the embeddedcomputer off Step 1: Turn the embeddedcomputer offStep 2: Set the I/O address,Interrupt vector, IRQ, andserial interface(Refer to the section:"Block Diagram, I/OAddress, Interrupt Vector,Serial Interface") Step 2: Set interface(Refer to section: "BlockDiagram, I/O Address,Interrupt Vector, SerialInterface")Step 3: Insert the module into the PC/104 slot Step 3: Insert the module intoPC/104 slot.Step 4: Screw the control board in place Step 4: Screw the control board in place.Step 5: Connect the cables(Refer to the section: "PinAssignments") Step 5: Connect the cables.(Refer to the section: "PinAssignments")Step 6: Turn the embeddedcomputer on Step 6: Turn the embeddedcomputer on.Software InstallationFollow these steps:Step 1: Get the driver at .Based on the OS type, choose the corresponding driver.Step 2: Install Driver•For Windows (Take the installation of Win7 as an example)2.1. Unzip and execute the .exe file2.2. Follow the instructions to install the driversNote: If your model is from the CB Series, then theinstallation is done. Otherwise, please do the followingsteps for the CA Series models.2.3. Follow the instructions of “Add Hardware Wizard”2.4. Follow the instruction of “Found Hardware Wizard”.This step is for mapping your driver and hardwaredevice.2.5. Repeat steps 2.3 and 2.4 to activate the otherserial ports.•For Linux2.1. Get the driver at and unzip thefile:#cd /#mkdir moxa#cd moxa#cp /<driverdirectory>/driv_linux_smart_<version>_build_<build_date>.tgz#tar-zxvfdriv_linux_smart_<version>_build_<build_date>.tgz2.2. Install the driver:#cd mxser#./mxinstall2.3. Install the module driver, using the hardwaresettings that you have selected(This step is only for the CA Series)For example: I/O address of 0x180, an INT vector of0x1C0, and an IRQ of 10#cd mxser#make clean#make install#cd /moxa/mxser/driver#./msmknod#modprobe mxser ioaddr=0x180 iovect=0x1C0irq=102.4. You can use the Moxa diagnostic utility to verifythe driver’s status:#cd /moxa/mxser/utility/diag#./msdiag2.5 You can use the Moxa terminal utility to test theTTY ports:#cd /moxa/mxser/utility/term#./mstermBlock Diagram, I/O Address, Interrupt Vector, Serial InterfaceBlock Diagrams CA SeriesCA-108CA-104 V2CA-114CA-134I,CA-132 V2,CA-132I V2CB SeriesCB-108CB-114CB-134II/O Address (Only for the CA Series)Use DIP switch SW1 to set port 1’s I/O base address. The other ports will be configured automatically.The default I/O base address is 0×180 and allows settings from 0×000 to 0×3FF.Some popular settings are provided below:For example, an I/O base address of 0×180should be set as follows:A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 HexON ON ON ON OFF OFF ON 0x180The other serial ports will be set automaticallyto 0×188, 0×190, 0×198, etc.Interrupt Vector (Only for CA Series)A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A98 1 2 4 8 1 2 HexON ON ON ON ON ON ON0×000ON ON ON ON ON ON off 0×200 ON ON ON ON ON off off 0×300 ON ON ON ON off off off 0×380 ON ON ON off off off off 0×3C0 ON ON off off off off off 0×3E0 ON off off off off off off 0×3F0 off off off off off off off 0×3F8 off ON ON ON ON ON ON 0×008 off off ON ON ON ON ON 0×018 off off off ON ON ON ON 0×038 off off off off ON ON ON 0×078 off off off off off ON ON 0×0F8 off off off off off ON off 0×2F8 Use DIP switch SW2 to set port 1’s interrupt vector.The default interrupt vector is 0×1C0, with SW2 set as follows: A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 Hex ON ON ON ON OFF OFF ON 0x1C0Serial InterfaceCA SeriesCA-114Interface RS-232 RS-422 RS-485 (4w) RS-485 (2w) SW1 - - ON OFFSW2 - ON OFF OFFSW3 ON OFF OFF OFFCA-134I, CA-132 V2, and CA-132I V2Interface 2-wire/4-wire RS-422/RS-485RS-422 - OFF 4-wire RS-485 OFF ON2-wire RS-485 ON ONCB SeriesCB-114Interface RS-232 RS-422 RS-485 (4w) RS-485 (2w) SW1 - - ON OFFSW2 - ON OFF OFFSW3 ON OFF OFF OFFCB-134IInterface 2-wire/4-wire RS-422/RS-485RS-422 - OFF 4-wire RS-485 OFF ON2-wire RS-485 ON ONPin AssignmentsRS-232(CA-108/CB-108, CA-114/CB-114, and CA-104)NOTE Note that there are two 40-pin box header connectors on the CA-108/CB-108, of which each connects to 4 serial ports.Pin Signal Pin Signal Pin Signal Pin Signal1 DCD0 11 DCD1 21 DCD2 31 DCD32 DSR0 12 DSR1 22 DSR2 32 DSR33 RxD0 13 RxD1 23 RxD2 33 RxD34 RTS0 14 RTS1 24 RTS2 34 RTS35 TxD0 15 TxD1 25 TxD2 35 TxD36 CTS0 16 CTS1 26 CTS2 36 CTS37 DTR0 17 DTR1 27 DTR2 37 DTR38 – 18 – 28 – 38 –9 GND0 19 GND1 29 GND2 39 GND3 RS-422, 4-wire RS-485(CA-132, CA-132I, CA-114/CB-114, and CA-134I)With regard to the CA Series, pins 21 to 40 apply to CA-114 and CA-134I only.Pin Signal Pin Signal Pin* Signal* Pin* Signal* 1 TxD0-(A) 11 TxD1-(A) 21 TxD2-(A) 31 TxD3-(A) 3 TxD0+(B) 13 TxD1+(B) 23 TxD2+(B) 33 TxD3+(B) 5 RxD0+(B) 15 RxD1+(B) 25 RxD2+(B) 35 RxD3+(B) 7 RxD0-(A) 17 RxD1-(A) 27 RxD2-(A) 37 RxD3-(A) 9 GND0 19 GND1 29 GND2 39 GND32-wire RS-485(CA-132, CA-132I, CA-114/CB-114, and CA-134I)With regard to the CA Series, pins 21 to 40 apply to the CA-114 and CA-134I only.Pin Signal Pin Signal Pin* Signal* Pin* Signal*5 Data0+(B) 15 Data1+(B) 25 Data2+(B) 35 Data3+(B)7 Data0-(A) 17 Data1-(A) 27 Data2-(A) 37 Data3-(A)9 GND0 19 GND1 29 GND2 39 GND3。
迈克罗斯 AWK-3131-M12-RCC 系列产品介绍说明书
IntroductionSpecificationsAWK-3131-M12-RCC SeriesThe AWK-3131-M12-RCC series industrial 802.11n wireless AP/bridge/client is an ideal wireless solution for applications such as onboard passenger infotainment systems and inter-carriage wireless backbone networks. The AWK-3131-M12-RCC series provides a faster data rate than the 802.11g model and is ideal for a great variety of wireless configurations and applications. The auto carriage connection (ACC) feature provides simple deployment and increases the reliability of wireless carriage backbone networks. The AWK-3131-M12-RCC series is also optimized for passenger Wi-Fi services and complies with a portion of EN 50155 specifications, covering operating temperature, power input voltage, surge, ESD, and vibration, making the products suitable for a variety of industrial applications. The AWK-3131-M12-RCC series can also be powered via PoE for easier deployment.Improved Higher Data Rate and Bandwidth• High-speed wireless connectivity with up to 300 Mbps data rate • MIMO technology to improve the capability of transmitting and receiving multiple data streams• Increased channel width with channel bonding technologySpecifications for Industrial-Grade Applications• Industrial-grade QoS and VLAN for efficient data traffic management• Integrated DI/DO for on-site monitoring and warnings• Signal strength LEDs for easy deployment and antenna alignmentWLAN InterfaceStandards:IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n for Wireless LAN IEEE 802.11i for Wireless Security IEEE 802.3 for 10BaseTIEEE 802.3u for 100BaseT(X) IEEE 802.3ab for 1000BaseTIEEE 802.3af for Power-over-Ethernet IEEE 802.1D for Spanning Tree Protocol IEEE 802.1w for Rapid STP IEEE 802.1Q for VLANSpread Spectrum and Modulation (typical): • DSSS with DBPSK, DQPSK, CCK• OFDM with BPSK, QPSK, 16QAM, 64QAM• 802.11b: CCK @ 11/5.5 Mbps, DQPSK @ 2 Mbps, DBPSK @ 1 Mbps• 802.11a/g: 64QAM @ 54/48 Mbps, 16QAM @ 36/24 Mbps, QPSK @ 18/12 Mbps, BPSK @ 9/6 Mbpssupported)Operating Channels (central frequency): US:2.412 to 2.462 GHz (11 channels) 5.18 to 5.24 GHz (4 channels)EU:2.412 to 2.472 GHz (13 channels) 5.18 to 5.24 GHz (4 channels) JP:2.412 to 2.472 GHz (13 channels, OFDM) 2.412 to 2.484 GHz (14 channels, DSSS) 5.18 to 5.24 GHz (4 channels for W52)Security:• SSID broadcast enable/disable• Firewall for MAC/IP/Protocol/Port-based filtering• 64-bit and 128-bit WEP encryption, WPA/WPA2-Personal and Enterprise (IEEE 802.1X/RADIUS, TKIP, and AES)Transmission Rates:802.11b: 1, 2, 5.5, 11 Mbps802.11a/g: 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 54 Mbps802.11n: 6.5 to 300 Mbps (multiple rates supported)TX Transmit Power: 802.11b:1 to 11 Mbps: Typ. 18 dBm (± 1.5 dBm) 802.11g:6 to 24 Mbps: Typ. 18 dBm (± 1.5 dBm) 36 to 48 Mbps: Typ. 17 dBm (± 1.5 dBm) 54 Mbps: Typ. 15 dBm (± 1.5 dBm)802.11a:6 to 24 Mbps: Typ. 17 dBm (± 1.5 dBm) 36 to 48 Mbps: Typ. 16 dBm (± 1.5 dBm) 54 Mbps: Typ. 14 dBm (± 1.5 dBm)TX Transmit Power MIMO (per connector): 802.11a/n (20/40 MHz):MCS15 20 MHz: Typ. 13 dBm (±1.5 dBm) MCS15 40 MHz: Typ. 12 dBm (±1.5 dBm) 802.11g/n (20 MHz):MCS15 20 MHz: Typ. 14 dBm (±1.5 dBm)RX Sensitivity: 802.11b:-92dBm@1Mbps,-90dBm@2Mbps,**************,-84dBm @ 11 Mbps 802.11g:-87 dBm @ 6 Mbps, -86 dBm @ 9 Mbps, -85 dBm @ 12 Mbps, -82 dBm @ 18 Mbps, -80 dBm @ 24 Mbps, -76 dBm @ 36 Mbps, -72 dBm @ 48 Mbps, -70 dBm @ 54 Mbps 802.11a:-87 dBm @ 6 Mbps, -86 dBm @ 9 Mbps, -85 dBm @ 12 Mbps, -82 dBm @ 18 Mbps,-80 dBm @ 24 Mbps, -76 dBm @ 36 Mbps, -72 dBm @ 48 Mbps, -70 dBm @ 54 MbpsRX Sensitivity MIMO: 802.11a/n:-68 dBm @ MCS15 40 MHz, -69 dBm @ MCS15 20 MHz, -70 dBm @ MCS7 40 MHz, -71 dBm @ MCS7 20 MHz 802.11g/n:-69 dBm @ MCS15 20 MHz, -71 dBm @ MCS7 20 MHzProtocol SupportGeneral Protocols: Proxy ARP, DNS, HTTP, HTTPS, IP, ICMP, SNTP, TCP, UDP, RADIUS, SNMP, PPPoE, DHCPAP-only Protocols: ARP, BOOTP, DHCP, STP/RSTP (IEEE 802.1D/w)InterfaceConnector for External Antennas: QMA (female)M12 Ports: 1, M12 A-coded 8-pin female connector,10/100/1000BaseT(X) auto negotiation speed, F/H duplex mode, auto MDI/MDI-X connectionConsole Port: RS-232 (RJ45-type)Reset: PresentLED Indicators: PWR1, PWR2, PoE, FAULT, STATE, signal strength, WLAN, LANAlarm Contact (digital output): 1 relay output with current carrying capacity of 1 A @ 24 VDCDigital Inputs: 2 electrically isolated inputs • +13 to +30 V for state “1” • +3 to -30 V for state “0” • Max. input current: 8 mAPhysical CharacteristicsHousing: Metal, IP30 protection Weight: 970 g (2.14 lb)Dimensions: 53 x 135 x 105 mm (2.08 x 5.31 x 4.13 in)Installation: DIN-rail mounting (standard), wall mounting (optional)Environmental LimitsOperating Temperature:Standard Models: -25 to 60°C (-13 to 140°F) Wide Temp. Models: -40 to 75°C (-40 to 167°F)Storage Temperature: -40 to 85°C (-40 to 185°F)Ambient Relative Humidity: 5% to 95% (non-condensing)Power RequirementsInput Voltage: 12 to 48 VDC, redundant dual DC power inputs or 48 VDC Power-over-Ethernet (IEEE 802.3af compliant)Input Current: 0.7 A @ 12 VDCConnector: 10-pin removable terminal block Reverse Polarity Protection: PresentStandards and CertificationsSafety: EN 60950-1(LVD), UL 60950-1, IEC 60950-1(CB)EMC: EN 55032/24EMI: CISPR 32, FCC Part 15B Class B EMS:IEC 61000-4-2 ESD: Contact: 8 kV; Air: 15 kV IEC 61000-4-3 RS: 80 MHz to 1 GHz: 20 V/m IEC 61000-4-4 EFT: Power: 2 kV; Signal: 2 kV IEC 61000-4-5 Surge: Power: 2 kV; Signal: 2 kV IEC 61000-4-6 CS: 10 V IEC 61000-4-8Radio:EU: EN 300 328, EN 301 893 US: FCC ID SLE-WAPN001 JP: TELECRail Traffic: EN 50155*, EN 50121-4, EN 45545-2*Complies with a portion of EN 50155 specifications.Note: Please check Moxa’s website for the most up-to-date certification status.MTBF (mean time between failures)Time: 407,416 hrsStandard: Telcordia SR332WarrantyWarranty Period: 5 yearsDetails: See /warrantyOrdering InformationOptional Accessories (can be purchased separately)WK-51-01: DIN-rail/wall-mounting kit, 2 plates with 6 screws。
fastglm 0.0.3 商品说明书
Package‘fastglm’October13,2022Type PackageTitle Fast and Stable Fitting of Generalized Linear Models using'RcppEigen'Version0.0.3Maintainer Jared Huling<*********************>Description Fits generalized linear models efficiently using'RcppEigen'.The itera-tively reweighted least squaresimplementation utilizes the step-halving approach of Marschner(2011)<doi:10.32614/RJ-2011-012>to help safeguardagainst convergence issues.BugReports https:///jaredhuling/fastglm/issuesLicense GPL(>=2)Encoding UTF-8Imports Rcpp(>=0.12.13),methodsDepends bigmemoryLinkingTo Rcpp,RcppEigen,BH,bigmemoryRoxygenNote7.1.1Suggests knitr,rmarkdown,glm2VignetteBuilder knitrNeedsCompilation yesAuthor Jared Huling[aut,cre],Douglas Bates[cph],Dirk Eddelbuettel[cph],Romain Francois[cph],Yixuan Qiu[cph]Repository CRANDate/Publication2022-05-2316:50:02UTC12deviance.fastglm R topics documented:deviance.fastglm (2)family.fastglm (3)fastglm (3)fastglmPure (5)logLik.fastglm (8)predict.fastglm (8)print.fastglm (9)residuals.fastglm (9)summary.fastglm (10)%*%,big.matrix,vector-method (11)Index12 deviance.fastglm deviance method for fastglmfitted objectsDescriptiondeviance method for fastglmfitted objectsUsage##S3method for class fastglmdeviance(object,...)Argumentsobject fastglmfitted object...not usedValueThe value of the deviance extracted from the objectfamily.fastglm3 family.fastglm family method for fastglmfitted objectsDescriptionfamily method for fastglmfitted objectsUsage##S3method for class fastglmfamily(object,...)Argumentsobject fastglmfitted object...not usedValuereturns the family of thefitted objectfastglm fast generalized linear modelfittingDescriptionfast generalized linear modelfittingbigLm defaultUsagefastglm(x,...)##Default S3method:fastglm(x,y,family=gaussian(),weights=NULL,offset=NULL,start=NULL,etastart=NULL,mustart=NULL,method=0L,tol=1e-08,4fastglm maxit=100L,...)Argumentsx input model matrix.Must be a matrix object...not usedy numeric response vector of length a description of the error distribution and link function to be used in the model.For fastglm this can be a character string naming a family function,a familyfunction or the result of a call to a family function.For fastglmPure only thethird option is supported.(See family for details of family functions.) weights an optional vector of’prior weights’to be used in thefitting process.Should bea numeric vector.offset this can be used to specify an a priori known component to be included in the linear predictor duringfitting.This should be a numeric vector of length equalto the number of casesstart starting values for the parameters in the linear predictor.etastart starting values for the linear predictor.mustart values for the vector of means.method an integer scalar with value0for the column-pivoted QR decomposition,1for the unpivoted QR decomposition,2for the LLT Cholesky,or3for the LDLTCholeskytol threshold tolerance for convergence.Should be a positive real numbermaxit maximum number of IRLS iterations.Should be an integerValueA list with the elementscoefficients a vector of coefficientsse a vector of the standard errors of the coefficient estimatesrank a scalar denoting the computed rank of the model matrixdf.residual a scalar denoting the degrees of freedom in the modelresiduals the vector of residualss a numeric scalar-the root mean square for residualsfitted.values the vector offitted valuesExamplesx<-matrix(rnorm(10000*100),ncol=100)y<-1*(0.25*x[,1]-0.25*x[,3]>rnorm(10000))system.time(gl1<,y,family=binomial()))system.time(gf1<-fastglm(x,y,family=binomial()))system.time(gf2<-fastglm(x,y,family=binomial(),method=1))system.time(gf3<-fastglm(x,y,family=binomial(),method=2))system.time(gf4<-fastglm(x,y,family=binomial(),method=3))max(abs(coef(gl1)-gf1$coef))max(abs(coef(gl1)-gf2$coef))max(abs(coef(gl1)-gf3$coef))max(abs(coef(gl1)-gf4$coef))##Not run:nrows<-50000ncols<-50bkFile<-"bigmat2.bk"descFile<-"bigmatk2.desc"bigmat<-filebacked.big.matrix(nrow=nrows,ncol=ncols,type="double",backingfile=bkFile,backingpath=".",descriptorfile=descFile,dimnames=c(NULL,NULL))for(i in1:ncols)bigmat[,i]=rnorm(nrows)*iy<-1*(rnorm(nrows)+bigmat[,1]>0)system.time(gfb1<-fastglm(bigmat,y,family=binomial(),method=3)) ##End(Not run)fastglmPure fast generalized linear modelfittingDescriptionfast generalized linear modelfittingUsagefastglmPure(x,y,family=gaussian(),weights=rep(1,NROW(y)),offset=rep(0,NROW(y)),start=NULL,etastart=NULL,mustart=NULL,method=0L,tol=1e-07,maxit=100L)Argumentsx input model matrix.Must be a matrix objecty numeric response vector of length a description of the error distribution and link function to be used in the model.For fastglmPure this can only be the result of a call to a family function.(Seefamily for details of family functions.)weights an optional vector of’prior weights’to be used in thefitting process.Should bea numeric vector.offset this can be used to specify an a priori known component to be included in the linear predictor duringfitting.This should be a numeric vector of length equalto the number of casesstart starting values for the parameters in the linear predictor.etastart starting values for the linear predictor.mustart values for the vector of means.method an integer scalar with value0for the column-pivoted QR decomposition,1 for the unpivoted QR decomposition,2for the LLT Cholesky,3for the LDLTCholesky,4for the full pivoted QR decomposition,5for the Bidiagonal Divideand Conquer SVDtol threshold tolerance for convergence.Should be a positive real numbermaxit maximum number of IRLS iterations.Should be an integerValueA list with the elementscoefficients a vector of coefficientsse a vector of the standard errors of the coefficient estimatesrank a scalar denoting the computed rank of the model matrixdf.residual a scalar denoting the degrees of freedom in the modelresiduals the vector of residualss a numeric scalar-the root mean square for residualsfitted.values the vector offitted valuesExamplesset.seed(1)x<-matrix(rnorm(1000*25),ncol=25)eta<-0.1+0.25*x[,1]-0.25*x[,3]+0.75*x[,5]-0.35*x[,6]#0.25*x[,1]-0.25*x[,3] y<-1*(eta>rnorm(1000))yp<-rpois(1000,eta^2)yg<-rgamma(1000,exp(eta)*1.75,1.75)#binomialsystem.time(gl1<,y,family=binomial()))system.time(gf1<-fastglmPure(x,y,family=binomial(),tol=1e-8))system.time(gf2<-fastglmPure(x,y,family=binomial(),method=1,tol=1e-8))system.time(gf3<-fastglmPure(x,y,family=binomial(),method=2,tol=1e-8))system.time(gf4<-fastglmPure(x,y,family=binomial(),method=3,tol=1e-8))max(abs(coef(gl1)-gf1$coef))max(abs(coef(gl1)-gf2$coef))max(abs(coef(gl1)-gf3$coef))max(abs(coef(gl1)-gf4$coef))#poissonsystem.time(gl1<,yp,family=poisson(link="log")))system.time(gf1<-fastglmPure(x,yp,family=poisson(link="log"),tol=1e-8))system.time(gf2<-fastglmPure(x,yp,family=poisson(link="log"),method=1,tol=1e-8)) system.time(gf3<-fastglmPure(x,yp,family=poisson(link="log"),method=2,tol=1e-8)) system.time(gf4<-fastglmPure(x,yp,family=poisson(link="log"),method=3,tol=1e-8))max(abs(coef(gl1)-gf1$coef))max(abs(coef(gl1)-gf2$coef))max(abs(coef(gl1)-gf3$coef))max(abs(coef(gl1)-gf4$coef))#gammasystem.time(gl1<,yg,family=Gamma(link="log")))system.time(gf1<-fastglmPure(x,yg,family=Gamma(link="log"),tol=1e-8))system.time(gf2<-fastglmPure(x,yg,family=Gamma(link="log"),method=1,tol=1e-8)) system.time(gf3<-fastglmPure(x,yg,family=Gamma(link="log"),method=2,tol=1e-8)) system.time(gf4<-fastglmPure(x,yg,family=Gamma(link="log"),method=3,tol=1e-8))8predict.fastglmmax(abs(coef(gl1)-gf1$coef))max(abs(coef(gl1)-gf2$coef))max(abs(coef(gl1)-gf3$coef))max(abs(coef(gl1)-gf4$coef))logLik.fastglm logLik method for fastglmfitted objectsDescriptionlogLik method for fastglmfitted objectsUsage##S3method for class fastglmlogLik(object,...)Argumentsobject fastglmfitted object...not usedValueReturns an object of class logLikpredict.fastglm Obtains predictions and optionally estimates standard errors of thosepredictions from afitted generalized linear model object.DescriptionObtains predictions and optionally estimates standard errors of those predictions from afitted gen-eralized linear model object.Usage##S3method for class fastglmpredict(object,newdata=NULL,type=c("link","response"),,dispersion=NULL,...)print.fastglm9Argumentsobject afitted object of class inheriting from"fastglm".newdata a matrix to be used for predictiontype the type of prediction required.The default is on the scale of the linear predic-tors;the alternative"response"is on the scale of the response variable.Thusfor a default binomial model the default predictions are of log-odds(probabil-ities on logit scale)and type="response"gives the predicted probabilities.The"terms"option returns a matrix giving thefitted values of each term in themodel formula on the linear predictor scale.The value of this argument can be logical switch indicating if standard errors are required.dispersion the dispersion of the GLMfit to be assumed in computing the standard errors.If omitted,that returned by summary applied to the object is used....further arguments passed to or from other methods.print.fastglm print method for fastglm objectsDescriptionprint method for fastglm objectsUsage##S3method for class fastglmprint(x,...)Argumentsx object to print...not usedresiduals.fastglm residuals method for fastglmfitted objectsDescriptionresiduals method for fastglmfitted objects10summary.fastglm Usage##S3method for class fastglmresiduals(object,type=c("deviance","pearson","working","response","partial"),...)Argumentsobject fastglmfitted objecttype type of residual to be returned...not usedValuea vector of residualssummary.fastglm summary method for fastglmfitted objectsDescriptionsummary method for fastglmfitted objectsUsage##S3method for class fastglmsummary(object,dispersion=NULL,...)Argumentsobject fastglmfitted objectdispersion the dispersion parameter for the family used.Either a single numerical value or NULL(the default),when it is inferred from object....not usedValuea summary.fastglm object%*%,big.matrix,vector-method11 Examplesx<-matrix(rnorm(10000*10),ncol=10)y<-1*(0.25*x[,1]-0.25*x[,3]>rnorm(10000))fit<-fastglm(x,y,family=binomial())summary(fit)%*%,big.matrix,vector-methodbig.matrix prodDescriptionbig.matrix prodbig.matrix prodUsage##S4method for signature big.matrix,vectorx%*%y##S4method for signature vector,big.matrixx%*%yArgumentsx big.matrixy numeric vectorIndex%*%,vector,big.matrix-method(%*%,big.matrix,vector-method),11%*%,big.matrix,vector-method,11 deviance.fastglm,2family,4,6family.fastglm,3fastglm,3fastglmPure,5logLik.fastglm,8predict.fastglm,8print.fastglm,9residuals.fastglm,9summary.fastglm,1012。
P r o p e r t y o f M o t o r o l a F orI nternalUseO nl y-Ext ernalD is tr ibutionPr ohibi te d PICMG 2.0 R3.0 CompactPCI® Specification October 1, 1999P r o p e r t y o f M o t o r o l aF o r I n t e r n a l U s e O n l y - E x t e r n a l D i s t r i b u t i o n P r o h i b i t e dP r o p e r t y o f M o t o r o l aF orI nternalUseO nl y-Ext ernalD is tr ibutionPr ohibi te dRelease Note for PICMG 2.0 Revision 3.0 CompactPCI ® Specification October 1, 1999P r o p e r t y o f M o t o r o l aF orI nternalUseO nl y-Ext ernalD is tr ibutionPr ohibi te d Purpose This Release Note records some issues raised in the course of developing and balloting PICMG 2.0 Revision 3.0, the CompactPCI core specification. 1. System Management Bus pin assignments . This specification reserves pins on J1/P1 of all slots and J2/P2 of the System Slot for definition as I 2C System Management Busses by PICMG 2.9, CompactPCI System Management Specification. These signals have been tentatively assigned by the PICMG 2.9 as indicated in Section and in Tables 13 through 16 with their notes. The IPMB_SDA pin is an I2C data bus connecting all slots in a backplane. The IPMB_SCL pin is the clock associated with that data line, and the IPMB_PWR pin is a power pin for the IPMB node. The data and clock pins providing System Slot access to platform devices from J2/P2 were designated ICMB_SDA and ICMB_SCL in the draft specification reviewed and adopted by the Executive Membership on October 1, 1999. These signal names are misleading, implying the use of an RS-485 UART bus as specified in the Intel IPMI documents. These signals are designated SMB_SDA and SMB_SCL in the released document. A second System Management power pin, designated ICMB_PWR in the executive draft, was also reserved on J2/P2 of the System Slot. As of the approval of PICMG 2.0 Revision 3.0, the PICMG 2.9 subcommittee is in doubt as to whether this pin will actually be used for power, and is considering assigning a different function to this reserved pin. The released specification accord designates this pin as SMB_RSV. 2. System Slot Hot Swap Signals . This specification designates Pin J1/P1 D15 as a short BD_SEL# (Board Select) signal in agreement with PICMG 2.1, CompactPCI Hot Swap Specification, but only on peripheral slots. The pin is shown as a ground on System Slots. Implementers of CompactPCI boards and systems should anticipate that this signal may also be designated as BD_SEL# on System Slots in PICMG 2.13, CompactPCI Redundant System Slot Specification. J1/P1 Pin B4 is designated as the HEALTHY# signal on System and Peripheral Slots in this specification. ###P r o p e r t y o f M o t o r o l a F orI nternalUseO nl y-Ext ernalD is tr ibutionPr ohibi te d PICMG 2.0 R3.0CompactPCI® SpecificationOctober 1, 1999P r o p e r t y o f M o t o r o l aF orI nternalUseO nl y-Ext ernalD is tr ibutionPr ohibi te d PICMG 2.0 R3.0 10/1/99ii ©Copyright 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 PCI Industrial Computers Manufacturers Group (PICMG).The attention of adopters is directed to the possibility that compliance with or adoption of PICMG ® specifications may require use of an invention covered by patent rights.PICMG ® shall not be responsible for identifying patents for which a license may be required by any PICMG ® specification, or for conducting legal inquiries into the legal validity or scope of those patents that are brought to its attention. PICMG ® specifications are prospective and advisory only. Prospective users are responsible for protecting themselves against liability for infringement of patents.NOTICE:The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. The material in this document details a PICMG ® specification in accordance with the license and notices set forth on this page. This document does not represent a commitment to implement any portion of this specification in any company's products.WHILE THE INFORMATION IN THIS PUBLICATION IS BELIEVED TO BE ACCURATE, PICMG ® MAKES NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH REGARD TO THIS MATERIAL INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY WARRANTY OF TITLE OR OWNERSHIP, IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR USE.In no event shall PICMG ® be liable for errors contained herein or for indirect, incidental,special, consequential, reliance or cover damages, including loss of profits, revenue, data or use, incurred by any user or any third pliance with this specification does not absolve manufacturers of CompactPCI equipment, from the requirements of safety and regulatory agencies (UL, CSA, FCC,IEC, etc.).PICMG ®, CompactPCI ®, and the PICMG ® and CompactPCI ® logos are registered trademarks of the PCI Industrial Computers Manufacturers Group.All other brand or product names may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.P r o p e r t y o f M o t o r o l aF orI nternalUseO nl y-Ext ernalD is tr ibutionPr ohibi te d CompactPCI ® Core Specification PICMG 2.0 R3.0 10/1/99iii Contents1OVERVIEW.........................................................................................................................................91.1C OMPACT PCI O BJECTIVES ................................................................................................................91.2B ACKGROUND AND T ERMINOLOGY ....................................................................................................91.3D ESIRED A UDIENCE ...........................................................................................................................91.4C OMPACT PCI F EATURES .................................................................................................................101.5A PPLICABLE D OCUMENTS ................................................................................................................101.6A DMINISTRATION .............................................................................................................................111.7N AME A ND L OGO U SAGE .................................................................................................................112FEATURE SET..................................................................................................................................132.1F ORM F ACTOR .................................................................................................................................132.2C ONNECTOR .....................................................................................................................................152.3M ODULARITY ...................................................................................................................................162.4H OT S WAP C APABILITY ....................................................................................................................163ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS..................................................................................................173.1B OARD D ESIGN R ULES .....................................................................................................................173.1.1Decoupling Requirements......................................................................................................173.1.2CompactPCI Signal Additions...............................................................................................183.1.3CompactPCI Stub Termination..............................................................................................183.1.4Peripheral Board Signal Stub Length ...................................................................................183.1.5Characteristic Impedance......................................................................................................193.1.6System Slot Board Signal Stub Length ..................................................................................193.1.7Peripheral Board PCI Clock Signal Length..........................................................................193.1.8Pull-Up Location...................................................................................................................193.1.9Board Connector Shield Requirements.................................................................................203.2B ACKPLANE D ESIGN R ULES .............................................................................................................213.2.1Characteristic Impedance......................................................................................................213.2.2Eight-Slot Backplane Termination........................................................................................213.2.3Signaling Environment..........................................................................................................223.2.4IDSEL Assignment.................................................................................................................223.2.5REQ#/GNT# Assignment.......................................................................................................233.2.6PCI Interrupt Binding............................................................................................................243.2.7CompactPCI Signal Additions...............................................................................................253.2.8Power Distribution................................................................................................................283.2.9Power Decoupling.................................................................................................................293.2.10Healthy (Healthy#)................................................................................................................303.333 MH Z PCI C LOCK D ISTRIBUTION .................................................................................................303.3.1Backplane Clock Routing Design Rules................................................................................313.3.2System Slot Board Clock Routing Design Rules....................................................................313.464-B IT D ESIGN R ULES ......................................................................................................................313.566 MH Z E LECTRICAL R EQUIREMENTS .............................................................................................333.5.166 MHz Board Design Rules.................................................................................................333.5.266 MHz System Board Design Rules.....................................................................................343.5.366MHz Backplane Design Rules...........................................................................................343.5.466MHz PCI Clock Distribution.............................................................................................343.5.566 MHz System Slot Board Clock Routing Design Rules (35)3.5.666 MHz Hot Swap (35)3.6S YSTEM AND B OARD G ROUNDING (36)3.6.1Board Front Panel Grounding Requirements (36)3.6.2Backplane Grounding Requirements (36)3.7C OMPACT PCI B UFFER M ODELS (36)P r o p e r t y o f M o t o r o l aF orI nternalUseO nl y-Ext ernalD is tr ibutionPr ohibi te d PICMG 2.0 R3.0 10/1/99iv 4MECHANICAL REQUIREMENTS................................................................................................374.1B OARD R EQUIREMENTS ...................................................................................................................374.1.13U Boards..............................................................................................................................374.1.26U Boards..............................................................................................................................374.1.3Rear-panel I/O Boards..........................................................................................................374.1.4ESD Discharge Strip.............................................................................................................384.1.5ESD Clip................................................................................................................................384.1.6Cross Sectional View.............................................................................................................394.1.7Component Outline and Warpage.........................................................................................394.1.8Solder Side Cover..................................................................................................................394.1.9Front Panels..........................................................................................................................484.1.10System Slot Identification......................................................................................................494.2R EAR -P ANEL I/O B OARD R EQUIREMENTS .......................................................................................524.2.1Mechanicals...........................................................................................................................524.2.2Power.....................................................................................................................................524.2.3Rear Panel Keying.................................................................................................................534.3B ACKPLANE R EQUIREMENTS ...........................................................................................................534.3.1Connector Orientation...........................................................................................................534.3.2Slot Spacing...........................................................................................................................534.3.3Slot Designation....................................................................................................................544.3.4Bus Segments.........................................................................................................................544.3.5Backplane Dimensions..........................................................................................................545CONNECTOR IMPLEMENTATION.............................................................................................585.1O VERVIEW .......................................................................................................................................585.1.1Location.................................................................................................................................585.1.2Housing Types.......................................................................................................................595.1.3Connector Tail Lengths.........................................................................................................595.1.4Backplane / Board Population Options.................................................................................595.2J1 (32-B IT PCI S IGNALS ).................................................................................................................595.3J2 C ONNECTOR ................................................................................................................................605.3.1Peripheral Slot 64-Bit PCI....................................................................................................605.3.2Peripheral Slot Rear-Panel I/O.............................................................................................605.3.3System Slot 64-bit PCI...........................................................................................................605.3.4System Slot Rear-Panel I/O...................................................................................................605.4B USSED R ESERVED P INS ..................................................................................................................605.5N ON -B USSED R ESERVED P INS .........................................................................................................605.6P OWER P INS .....................................................................................................................................605.75V/3.3V PCI K EYING ......................................................................................................................615.8P IN A SSIGNMENTS PACTPCI BUFFER MODELS...............................................................................................69B.CONNECTOR IMPLEMENTATION.............................................................................................73B.1G ENERAL .........................................................................................................................................73B.2C ONNECTORS ...................................................................................................................................73B.3A LIGNMENT .....................................................................................................................................73B.3.1Front Plug-In Board Alignment............................................................................................73B.3.2Rear Panel I/O Board Alignment..........................................................................................74B.3.3Backward Compatibility for Rear Panel I/O Boards. (74)P r o p e r t y o f M o t o r o l aF orI nternalUseO nl y-Ext ernalD is tr ibutionPr ohibi te d CompactPCI ® Core Specification PICMG 2.0 R3.0 10/1/99v TablesT ABLE 1. C ODING K EY C OLOR A SSIGNMENTS ..............................................................................................15T ABLE 2. B OARD D ECOUPLING R EQUIREMENTS ...........................................................................................17T ABLE 3. S TUB T ERMINATION R ESISTOR ......................................................................................................18T ABLE 4. B OARD C HARACTERISTICS .............................................................................................................19T ABLE 5. P ULL -UP R ESISTOR V ALUES ...........................................................................................................20T ABLE 6. B ACKPLANE C HARACTERISTICS .....................................................................................................21T ABLE 7. S YSTEM TO L OGICAL S LOT S IGNAL A SSIGNMENTS ........................................................................23T ABLE 8. S YSTEM TO L OGICAL S LOT I NTERRUPT A SSIGNMENTS ..................................................................24T ABLE 9. P HYSICAL S LOT A DDRESSES ..........................................................................................................27T ABLE 10. P OWER S PECIFICATIONS ...............................................................................................................28T ABLE 11. B ACKPLANE D ECOUPLING R ECOMMENDATIONS ..........................................................................30T ABLE 12. C ODING K EY C OLOR A SSIGNMENTS AND P ART N UMBERS ...........................................................61T ABLE 13. C OMPACT PCI P ERIPHERAL S LOT 64-B IT C ONNECTOR P IN A SSIGNMENTS ...................................62T ABLE 14 C OMPACT PCI P ERIPHERAL S LOT R EAR -P ANEL I/O C ONNECTOR P IN A SSIGNMENTS ....................63T ABLE 15. C OMPACT PCI S YSTEM S LOT 64-BIT C ONNECTOR P IN A SSIGNMENT .............................................64T ABLE 16. C OMPACT PCI S YSTEM S LOT R EAR -P ANEL I/O C ONNECTOR P IN A SSIGNMENTS ..........................65T ABLE 17. R EVISION H ISTORY . (67)P r o p e r t y o f M o t o r o l a F o r I n t e r n a l U s e O n l y - E x t e r n a l D i s t r i b u t i o n P r o h i b i t e d PICMG 2.0 R3.0 10/1/99vi This page is left intentionally blank.P r o p e r t y o f M o t o r o l aF orI nternalUseO nl y-Ext ernalD is tr ibutionPr ohibi te d CompactPCI ® Core Specification PICMG 2.0 R3.0 10/1/99vii IllustrationsF IGURE 1. 3U 64-B IT C OMPACT PCI F ORM F ACTOR ......................................................................................13F IGURE 2. 3U C OMPACT PCI B ACKPLANE E XAMPLE .....................................................................................14F IGURE 3. PCI S IGNAL T ERMINATION ...........................................................................................................22F IGURE 4. L OCAL 64 B IT I NITIALIZATION ......................................................................................................33F IGURE 5. ESD C LIP L OCATION ....................................................................................................................39F IGURE 6. 3U B OARD ....................................................................................................................................40F IGURE 7. 6U B OARD ....................................................................................................................................41F IGURE 8. F RONT S IDE B OARD ESD D IMENSIONS .........................................................................................42F IGURE 9. 3U R EAR -P ANEL I/O B OARD D IMENSIONS ...................................................................................43F IGURE 10. 6U R EAR P ANEL I/O B OARD D IMENSIONS ..................................................................................44F IGURE 11. R EAR P ANEL I/O ESD D IMENSIONS ...........................................................................................45F IGURE 12. C ROSS S ECTIONAL B OARD , C ONNECTOR , B ACKPLANE AND F RONT P ANEL V IEW ......................46F IGURE 13. C OMPONENT O UTLINE ................................................................................................................47F IGURE 15. C OMPACT PCI C OMPATIBILITY G LYPHS ......................................................................................48F IGURE 16. C OMPACT PCI L OGO ...................................................................................................................48F IGURE 17. 3U EMC F RONT P ANEL ..............................................................................................................50F IGURE 18. 6U EMC F RONT P ANEL ..............................................................................................................51F IGURE 19. 3U B ACKPLANE E XAMPLE - F RONT V IEW ..................................................................................53F IGURE 20. 3U B ACKPLANE D IMENSIONS .....................................................................................................56F IGURE 21. 6U B ACKPLANE D IMENSIONS .....................................................................................................57F IGURE 22. 3U C ONNECTOR I MPLEMENTATION ............................................................................................58F IGURE 23. 6U C ONNECTOR I MPLEMENTATION ............................................................................................58F IGURE 24. 5V S TRONG PCI M ODEL ............................................................................................................69F IGURE 25. 5V W EAK PCI M ODEL ...............................................................................................................70F IGURE 26. 3.3V S TRONG PCI M ODEL .........................................................................................................70F IGURE 27. 3.3V W EAK PCI M ODEL (71)P r o p e r t y o f M o t o r o l aF orI nternalUseO nl y-Ext ernalD is tr ibutionPr ohibi te d PICMG 2.0 R3.0 10/1/99viii This page is left intentionally blank.P r o p e r t y o f M o t o r o l aF orI nternalUseO nl y-Ext ernalD is tr ibutionPr ohibi te d 1. Overview CompactPCI ® Core Specification PICMG 2.0 R3.0 10/1/99Page 9 of 741 Overview 1.1 CompactPCI Objectives CompactPCI is an adaptation of the Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI)Specification 2.1 or later for industrial and/or embedded applications requiring a more robust mechanical form factor than desktop PCI. CompactPCI uses industry standard mechanical components and high performance connector technologies to provide an optimized system intended for rugged applications. CompactPCI provides a system that is electrically compatible with the PCI Specification, allowing low cost PCI components to be utilized in a mechanical form factor suited for rugged pactPCI is an open specification supported by the PICMG (PCI Industrial Co m-puter Manufacturers Group), which is a consortium of companies involved in utiliz-ing PCI for embedded applications. PICMG controls this specification.1.2 Background and Terminology Eurocard - A series of mechanical board form factor sizes for rack-based systems as used in VME, Multibus II, and other applications defined by the Institute of Electri-cal and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and International Electrotechnical Committee (IEC).ISA - Industry Standard Architecture. A specification by which Personal Com puters (PCs) add boards.PCI - Peripheral Component Interconnect. A specification for defining a common in-terconnect between logic components. Typically used for interconnecting high-speed,PC-compatible chipset components. The PCI specification is issued through the PCI Special Interest Group (PCI SIG).This specification utilizes several key words, which are defined below:may : A key word indicating flexibility of choice with no implied preference.shall : A key word indicating a mandatory requirement. Designers shall im-plement such mandatory requirements to ensure interchangeability and to claim conformance with the specification.should: A key word indicating flexibility of choice with a strongly preferred implementation.1.3 Desired AudienceCompactPCI exists to provide a standard form factor for those applications requiring the high performance of PCI as well as the small size and ruggedness of a rack mount system. CompactPCI provides a mechanism for OEM and end users to di-rectly apply PCI components and technology to a new mechanical form factor while。
Microsoft UNK-80 LOADER CP M 3 版本软件参考手册说明书
This will load the file TEST.REL.
This command string tells the linker to output the results of the linking and loading process in a file called . The /E will cause the linker to first search the system library to clear up any unresolved references, then exit to CP/M.
Do not use /P or /D to load programs or data into the locations of the loader's jump to the start address (100H to 102H) unless it is to load the start of the program there. If programs or data are loaded into these locations, the jump will not be generated.
List the origin and end of the program and data area and all undefined globals as soon as the current command line has been interpreted. The program information is only printed if a /D has been done.
Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 预览版商品介绍说明书
Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013PREVIEWYou can scramble to keep up with these changes or you can take control andby delivering a comprehensive vision and solution for your business. Consistent product releases, which are cost effective to deploy and easy to implement atyour pace, help you transform your business.preview capabilities.Get access to information you need in the Microsoft Dynamics GP Business Analyzer.Business IntelligenceBroaden the reach of your business intelligence. Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 offers both full-service and self-service users a more complete look at the business, with even more out-of-the-box Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services and Microsoft Excel reports. Word TemplatesCreate professional-looking documents like invoices, purchase orders, statements, and more with the Word form templates in Microsoft Dynamics GP using Microsoft Word capabilities. Now, any report can be created using Word templates, eliminating the dependency of modifying the reports in report writer.Document AttachConnect relevant context to each transaction. Use the Document Attach capability in Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 to append informative details, pictures, notes, or contracts directly to a transaction or line item, giving your employees, customers, and suppliers the information they need, right where they need it.Balance ledgers easier with the new sub ledger reconciliation tool.Improved Purchasing Simplify and improve the purchasing process with Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013.Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013PREVIEWYou can scramble to keep up with these changes or you can take control andby delivering a comprehensive vision and solution for your business. Consistent product releases, which are cost effective to deploy and easy to implement atyour pace, help you transform your business.preview capabilities.。
Moxa DA-681A Series 1U 蜂窝式计算机说明书
DA-681A SeriesIntel®3rd Gen Core™CPU,IEC-61850,1U rackmount computer with6Gigabit Ethernet ports,12isolated serial portsFeatures and Benefits•IEC61850-3,IEEE1613,and IEC60255compliant for power substationautomation systems(DPP and DPP-T models only)•3rd Gen Intel®Core™Celeron1047UE1.4GHz CPU•1built-in DDR3memory socket•1mSATA for OS and1SATA III for storage expansion•6Gigabit Ethernet ports for network redundancy•4USB2.0ports for high-speed peripherals•2isolated RS-232/422/485and10isolated RS-485ports•Embedded Debian8Linux(W7E by CTOS)•Supports both100to240VAC and100to240VDC power inputs(single-power and dual-power models available)•Optional IRIG-B expansion module available for DPP and DPP-T modelsCertificationsIntroductionThe DA-681A Series x86-based rackmount embedded computers are designed for control,monitoring,data acquisition,and protocol conversion applications.With their high density and robust design,the DA-681A computers are suitable for industrial automation applications,such as power automation,transportation,oil and gas,and factory automation.The DA-681A is based on the3rd Gen Intel®Core™Celeron1047UE1.4GHz CPU and HM65chipset,which supports standard x86,1x VGA,4x USB,6Gigabit LAN ports,2RS/232/422/4853-in-1serial ports,and10RS-485(RS-422by CV)ports.The DA-681A has a mini PCIe slot for mSATA and comes with Linux preinstalled;Windows7Embedded is also supported by a CTOS(Configuration To Order Service)process.Another plus is that the serial ports come with2kV digital galvanic isolation protection to guarantee communication reliability in harsh industrial environments.In addition,the state-of-art IEC61850-3,IEEE1613,and IEC60255compliance all-in-one design provides rich interfaces,especially well-suited for power substation automation applications.Smart Recovery FunctionThe DA-681A's Smart Recovery function minimizes downtime by making it easy to recover from operating system crashes.Engineers who are experts in a particular vertical market may not have enough computer domain knowledge to know how to fix the operating system problems.Moxa Smart Recovery™is an automated BIOS-level recovery system tool that allows engineers to automatically trigger OS recovery to minimize downtime.Proactive Monitoring FunctionMoxa Proactive Monitoring is a small-footprint,resource-friendly,easy-to-use utility that allows users to track a number of system parameters. Users can view the current parameter values for these key parts by simply clicking on the icons corresponding to the parameters in the user er-defined key part indicators(KPIs)are used to monitor the computer’s key parts.Visible and/or audio alerts are triggered automatically via relay and SNMP traps when these KPIs exceed their preset threshold values,making it extremely convenient for operators to avoid system downtime by setting up predictive maintenance tasks well in advance.AppearanceFront ViewRear ViewSpecificationsComputerCPU Intel®Celeron®Processor1047UE(2M Cache,1.40GHz) System Chipset Mobile Intel®HM65Express ChipsetGraphics Controller Intel®HD GraphicsStorage Slot 2.5-inch HDD/SSD slots x1mSATA x1System Memory Slot SODIMM DDR3/DDR3L slot x1Supported OS Linux Debian8(Linux kernel v4.1)Windows Embedded Standard7(WS7P)32-bitWindows Embedded Standard7(WS7P)64-bitNote:W7E available by CTOSComputer InterfaceEthernet Ports Auto-sensing10/100/1000Mbps ports(RJ45connector)x6 USB2.0USB2.0hosts x4,type-A connectorsSerial Ports RS-232/422/485ports x2,software selectable(DB9male)RS-485ports x10,software-selectable(terminal block) Video Input VGA x1,15-pin D-sub connector(female)LED IndicatorsSystem Power x1Storage x1Programmable x6LAN2per port(10/100/1000Mbps)Serial InterfaceBaudrate50bps to115.2kbpsData Bits5,6,7,8Flow Control RTS/CTS,XON/XOFFIsolation2kVParity None,Even,Odd,Space,MarkStop Bits1,1.5,2Surge DA-681A-I-DPP models only:4kVSerial SignalsRS-232TxD,RxD,RTS,CTS,DTR,DSR,DCD,GND RS-422Tx+,Tx-,Rx+,Rx-,GNDRS-485-2w Data+,Data-,GNDRS-485-4w Tx+,Tx-,Rx+,Rx-,GNDPower ParametersOperating Voltage100to240VDC,100to240VACPower Button ON/OFF(rear panel)Reset button(front panel)Power Consumption25W(max.)Physical CharacteristicsHousing MetalDimensions(without ears)440x315x45mm(17.32x12.40x1.77in) Weight4,500g(10lb)Installation19-inch rack mountingEnvironmental LimitsOperating Temperature Standard Models:-25to55°C(-13to131°F)Wide Temp.Models:-40to70°C(-40to158°F) Storage Temperature(package included)-40to85°C(-40to185°F)Ambient Relative Humidity5to95%(non-condensing)Standards and CertificationsEMC EN61000-6-2/-6-4EMI CISPR32,FCC Part15B Class AEMS IEC61000-4-11DIPsIEC61000-4-2ESD:Contact:8kV;Air:15kVIEC61000-4-3RS:80MHz to1GHz:10V/mIEC61000-4-4EFT:Power:4kV;Signal:4kVIEC61000-4-5Surge:Power:4kV;Signal:4kVIEC61000-4-6CS:10VIEC61000-4-8:20A/mPower Substation IEC61850-3,IEEE1613Protection Relay IEC60255Safety EN60950-1,IEC60950-1,UL60950-1Shock IEC60068-2-27,IEC60870-2-2,IEC61850-3Edition1.0 DeclarationGreen Product RoHS,CRoHS,WEEEMTBFTime SP models:240,784hrsDPP models:215,436hrsStandards Telcordia SR332WarrantyWarranty Period3yearsDetails See /warrantyPackage ContentsDevice1x DA-681A Series computerInstallation Kit1x rack-mounting earDocumentation1x quick installation guide1x warranty cardNote This product requires additional modules(sold separately)to function.DimensionsOrdering InformationModel Name CPU DDR3RAM OS Storage(mSATA)Linux Debian864-bitPower Input100-240VAC/VDCOperating Temp.DA-681A-I-SP Celeron1047UE–––✓-25to55°C DA-681A-I-SP-LX Celeron1047UE2GB8GB✓✓-25to55°C DA-681A-I-DPP Celeron1047UE–––✓-25to55°C DA-681A-I-DPP-T Celeron1047UE–––✓-40to70°C DA-681A-I-DPP-LX Celeron1047UE2GB8GB✓✓-25to55°C DA-681A-I-DPP-T-LX Celeron1047UE2GB8GB✓✓-40to70°C Accessories(sold separately)Expansion ModulesDA-IRIGB-4DIO-PCI104-EMC4Expansion module with time-synchronization ports and DI/DOApplicable Models:DA-681A-I-DPPDA-681A-I-DPP-TDA-681A-I-DPP-LXDA-681A-I-DPP-T-LXUSB Dongle KitsUSB Dongle Kit Internal USB dongle kit installation packageStorage KitsDA-681A HDD Kit HDD/SSD installation package,supports single HDD/SSD©Moxa Inc.All rights reserved.Updated Feb22,2020.This document and any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of Moxa Inc.Product specifications subject to change without notice.Visit our website for the most up-to-date product information.。
Q-Mark 机器工具笔式目录说明书
JUNE 2013 MACHINE TOOL STYLUS CATALOGU s eQ-MarkPROBE STYLIABOUT THIS CATALOGThis catalog contains part numbers, descriptions, and prices for our machine tool styli.Unless otherwise noted, all Q-Mark machine tool styli have M4 x 0.7 threads.IMPORTANT NOTES1. All dimensions are in millimeters.2. For best results, use the largest ball and the shortest stem possible.3. IMPORTANT!BEFORE MEASURING, ALWAYS MAKE CERTAIN THAT YOUR STYLUS CALIBRATION V ALUES ARE SATISFACTORY. ALWAYS TEST THE PERFORMANCE OF YOUR PROBE AND STYLUS CONFIGURA-TION ON A KNOWN PART, e.g., A RING GAGE OR GAGE BLOCK.Symbols used in this catalogSTYLUS REPAIRWe can replace a lost or broken ball on any Q-Mark stylus if the stem isn’t damaged.Call us at 1-800-776-2388 or 1-949-457-1913 for a returned material authorization (RMA) number, then ship it back to us. We’ll clean the part and cement a new ball on it.Most repairs are completed and shipped within 1 or 2 days.We’re sorry, but chipped or worn balls can’t be repaired.HOURS AND DAYS OF OPERATIONQ-Mark is open from 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM Pacific Time, Monday through Friday.Our telephone numbers:Within the US and Canada, call us toll-free at 1-800-776-2388.Our direct dial telephone is 1-949-457-1913.Our fax numbers:Within the US and Canada, fax toll-free to 1-800-776-2394.Our direct dial telephone is 1-949-457-9277.Website: Email: **************Entire contents copyright 2012 by Q-Mark Manufacturing Inc.Machine Tool StyliTable of ContentsStainless steel styli with ruby balls..................................4Carbide styli with ruby balls............................................5Ceramic styli with ruby balls...........................................6Graphite styli with ruby balls...........................................7Stainless steel extensions.................................................7Ceramic extensions..........................................................8Electrically conductive styli.............................................8Stainless steel thread adapters..........................................9Ceramic thread adapters...................................................9Rotary knuckle.................................................................9Weak link.........................................................................9Design Your Own Probe TM..............................................145-way hub. (9)Probe key..........................................................................9Styli for Blum probe systems...................................10-13Blum to Q-Mark part number cross reference...............13Renishaw to Q-Mark part number cross reference.. (15)Machine Tool StyliS T A I N L E S S S T E E L S T Y L I W I T H R U B Y B A L L SMachine Tool StyliC A R B IDE S T Y L I W I T H R U B Y B A L L SDon’t see exactly what you need? Many more ball sizes, materials, and lengths are available from stock. Call or email for details.C E R A M I C S T Y L I W I T H R U B Y B A L LSMachine Tool StyliDon’t see exactly what you need? Many more ball sizes, materials, and lengths are available from stock. Call or email for details.G R A P H I T E S T Y L I W I T H R U B Y B A L LSS T A I N L E S S S T E E L E X T E N S I O N SMachine Tool StyliS T A I N L E S S T H RE A D A D A P T E R SC E R A M I C T H R E AD A D A P TE R SW E A K L I NK337R O T A R Y K N U C K L E5-W A Y H U BP R O B E K EYSTYLI FOR BLUM PROBE SYSTEMSFIG. 1FIG. 2FIG. 3CERAMICTC50/51Q-MARK PART NO.TM4-60103-C-BL-TC50/51L1Db L2Ds Fig.Equivalent Q-Mark Part No.Cost50 2.08.0 1.21P03.8000-010.050.02TM4-2051-C-BL-TC50/51$ 185.0050 3.010.0 2.01P03.8000-010.050.03TM4-3051.5-C-BL-TC50/51$ 185.0050 4.011.0 2.81P03.8000-010.050.04TM4-4052-C-BL-TC50/51$ 195.0050 5.012.0 3.51P03.8000-010.050.05TM4-5052.5-C-BL-TC50/51$ 195.0050 6.030.5 4.52P03.8000-010.050.06TM4-6053-C-BL-TC50/51$ 150.0075 6.055.5 4.01P03.8000-010.075.06TM4-6078-C-BL-TC50/51$ 195.00100 2.08.3 1.21P03.8000-010.100.02TM4-20101-C-BL-TC50/51$ 195.00100 3.010.0 2.01P03.8000-010.100.03TM4-30101.5-C-BL-TC50/51$ 195.00100 4.011.0 2.81P03.8000-010.100.04TM4-40102-C-BL-TC50/51$ 195.00100 5.012.0 3.51P03.8000-010.100.05TM4-50102.5-C-BL-TC50/51$ 215.00100 6.080.5 4.52P03.8000-010.100.06TM4-60103-C-BL-TC50/51$ 170.00150 4.011.0 2.83P03.8000-010.150.04TM4-40152-C-BL-TC50/51$ 201.00150 6.0125.0 4.53P03.8000-010.150.06TM4-60153-C-BL-TC50/51$ 220.00200 6.0175.0 4.03P03.8000-010.200.06TM4-60203-C-BL-TC50/51$ 240.00250 6.0225.0 4.03P03.8000-010.250.06TM4-60253-C-BL-TC50/51$ 260.00300 6.0275.0 4.03P03.8000-010.300.06TM4-60303-C-BL-TC50/51$ 280.00STYLI FOR BLUM PROBE SYSTEMSCARBIDE TC50/51STEEL TC50/51Q-MARK PART NO. TM4-60103-S-BLL1Db L2Ds Equivalent Q-Mark Part No.Cost 50 3.030.0 2.0P03.8000-012.050.03TM4-3051.5-BL-TC50/51$ 80.00 50 4.030.0 2.5P03.8000-012.050.04TM4-4052-BL-TC50/51$ 80.00 50 5.030.0 2.5P03.8000-012.050.05TM4-5052.5-BL-TC50/51$ 85.00 506.030.0 2.5P03.8000-012.050.06TM4-6053-BL-TC50/51$ 95.00 100 4.080.0 2.5P03.8000-012.100.04TM4-40102-BL-TC50/51$ 95.00 100 5.080.0 2.5P03.8000-012.100.05TM4-50102.5-BL-TC50/51$ 100.00 100 6.080.0 2.5P03.8000-012.100.06TM4-60103-BL-TC50/51$ 110.00L1Db L2Equivalent Q-Mark Part No.Cost 100 6.075.0P03.8000-016.100.06TM4-60103-S-BL $ 80.00 150 6.0125.0P03.8000-016.150.06TM4-60153-S-BL$ 80.00STYLI FOR BLUM PROBE SYSTEMSSTEEL EXTENSIONSTC50/51Q-MARK PART NO.VM4-50-BLCERAMIC TC52/53/54/76Q-MARK PART NO. TM4-3051.5-C-BL* for TC 52 LF and TC76 LF onlyL1Equivalent Q-Mark Part No.Cost 50P03.8000-015.050VM4-50-BL $ 45.00 75P03.8000-015.075VM4-75-BL $ 50.00 100P03.8000-015.100VM4-100-BL$ 55.00L1Db L2Ds Equivalent Q-Mark Part No.Cost 50 $ 185.00* 50 2.018.3 1.2P03.8000-020.050.02TM4-2051-C-BL $ 185.00 50 3.011.8 2.0P03.8000-020.050.03TM4-3051.5-C-BL $ 185.00 50 4.013.7 2.5P03.8000-020.050.04TM4-4052-C-BL $ 195.00 50 5.014.5 3.5P03.8000-020.050.05TM4-5052.5-C-BL $ 195.00 755.014.5 3.5P03.8000-020.075.06TM4-5077.5-C-BL$ 205.00 100 5.014.5 3.5P03.8000-020.100.05TM4-10502.5-C-BL$ 215.00STYLI FOR BLUM PROBE SYSTEMSCARBIDE TC52/53/54/76FIG. 1FIG. 2BLUM Part No.Q-Mark Part No.Price P03.8000-010.050.02TM4-2051-C-BL-TC50/51$185.00 P03.8000-010.050.03TM4-3051.5-C-BL-TC50/51$185.00 P03.8000-010.050.04TM4-4052-C-BL-TC50/51$195.00 P03.8000-010.050.05TM4-5052.5-C-BL-TC50/51$195.00P03.8000-010.050.06TM4-6053-C-BL-TC50/51$150.00 P03.8000-010.075.06TM4-6078-C-BL-TC50/51$195.00P03.8000-010.100.02TM4-20101-C-BL-TC50/51$195.00 P03.8000-010.100.03TM4-30101.5-C-BL-TC50/51$195.00 P03.8000-010.100.04TM4-40102-C-BL-TC50/51$195.00 P03.8000-010.100.05TM4-50102.5-C-BL-TC50/51$215.00P03.8000-010.100.06TM4-60103-C-BL-TC50/51$170.00 P03.8000-010.150.04TM4-40152-C-BL-TC50/51$205.00 P03.8000-010.150.06TM4-60153-C-BL-TC50/51$220.00 P03.8000-010.200.06TM4-60203-C-BL-TC50/51$240.00 P03.8000-010.250.06TM4-60253-C-BL-TC50/51$260.00 P03.8000-010.300.06TM4-60303-C-BL-TC50/51$280.00 P03.8000-012.050.03TM4-3051.5-BL-TC50/51$80.00 P03.8000-012.050.04TM4-4052-BL-TC50/51$80.00 P03.8000-012.050.05TM4-5052.5-BL-TC50/51$85.00 P03.8000-012.050.06TM4-6053-BL-TC50/51$95.00 P03.8000-012.100.04TM4-40102-BL-TC50/51$95.00 P03.8000-012.100.05TM4-50102.5-BL-TC50/51$100.00 P03.8000-012.100.06TM4-60103-BL-TC50/51$110.00BLUM Part No.Q-Mark Part No.Price P03.8000-015.050VM4-50-BL $45.00 P03.8000-015.075VM4-75-BL $50.00 P03.8000-015.100VM4-100-BL $55.00 P03.8000-016.100.06TM4-60103-S-BL $90.00 P03.8000-016.150.06TM4-60153-S-BL $105.00 P03.8000-020.050.01TM4-1050.5-C-BL $185.00 P03.8000-020.050.02TM4-2051-C-BL $185.00 P03.8000-020.050.03TM4-3051.5-C-BL $185.00 P03.8000-020.050.04TM4-4052-C-BL $195.00 P03.8000-020.050.05TM4-5052.5-C-BL $195.00P03.8000-020.075.05TM4-5077.5-C-BL $205.00 P03.8000-020.100.05TM4-50102.5-C-BL $215.00P03.8000-022.030.01TM4-1030.5-BL $85.00 P03.8000-022.030.02TM4-2031-BL $75.00 P03.8000-022.030.03TM4-3031.5-BL $75.00 P03.8000-022.030.04TM4-4032-BL $75.00 P03.8000-022.030.05TM4-5032.5-BL $80.00 P03.8000-022.030.06TM4-6033-BL $85.00 P03.8000-022.050.03TM4-3051.5-BL $85.00 P03.8000-022.050.04TM4-4052-BL $85.00 P03.8000-022.050.05TM4-5052.5-BL $90.00 P03.8000-022.050.06TM4-6053-BL $95.00 P03.8000-022.075.05TM4-5077.5-BL $95.00 P03.8000-022.100-05TM4-50102.5-BL$100.00BLUM to Q-MARK CROSS REFERENCE TABLE* for TC 52 LF and TC76 LF onlyL1Db L2Ds Fig.Equivalent Q-Mark Part No.Cost 30 1.0 5.10.71P03.8000-022.030.01TM4-1030.5-BL $ 85.00* 30 $ 75.00 30 3.015.0 1.52P03.8000-022.030.03TM4-3031.5-BL $ 75.00 30 4.015.0 2.52P03.8000-022.030.04TM4-4032-BL $ 75.00 30 5.015.0 2.52P03.8000-022.030.05TM4-5032.5-BL $ 80.00 30 6.015.0 2.52P03.8000-022.030.06TM4-6033-BL $ 85.00 50 3.030.0 2.02P03.8000-022.050.03TM4-3051.5-BL $ 85.00 50 4.030.0 2.52P03.8000-022.050.04TM4-4052-BL $ 85.00 50 5.030.0 2.52P03.8000-022.050.05TM4-5052.5-BL $ 90.00 50 6.030.0 2.52P03.8000-022.050.06TM4-6053-BL $ 95.00 755.055.0 2.52P03.8000-022.075.05TM4-5077.5-BL $ 95.00 100 5.080.0 2.52P03.8000-022.100.05TM4-50102.5-BL$ 100.00Machine Tool StyliDESIGN YOUR OWN PROBETMor 949-457-9277L1L2DsDDbThreadYour Name ______________________________________Phone _________________Company ____________________________________Email _____________________Ball material:q ruby q silicon nitride q ceramic q carbide q other ____________Stem material:q carbide q ceramic q graphite q steel q other _______________Base material:q stainless steel q aluminum q titanium q other _______________Comments / special requirements _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________Machine Tool StyliA-5000-1358TM4-60103-G$130.007 A-5000-3712TM4-60103-C$100.006 A-5000-6352TM4-5032.5-S$65.004 A-5000-6731TM4-5022.5-S$65.004 A-5000-7521TM4-5052.5-S$69.004 A-5000-7522TM4-50102.5-S$79.004 A-5000-7523TM4-50152.5-S$85.004 A-5000-7545TM4-1020-S$86.004 A-5000-7547TM4-2020-S$35.004 A-5000-7549TM4-3020-S$36.004 A-5000-7551TM4-4020-S$50.004 A-5000-7553TM4-5020-S$45.004 A-5000-7555TM4-6020-S$45.004 A-5000-7557TM4-8020-S$65.004 A-5000-7727VM4-100-C$75.008 A-5000-7754VM4-30-C$50.008 A-5000-7755VM4-50-C$58.008 A-5000-7792KM4-18$58.009 A-5000-7795TM4-8054-C$98.006 A-5000-7796TM4-80104-C$130.006 A-5000-8156TM4-60153-C$130.006 A-5000-9685TM4-5054-EC$158.008 A-5000-9697TM4-3055-EC$146.008 A-5000-9761TM4-50102.5-C$100.006 A-5003-0233TM4-4052-C$65.006 A-5003-0235TM4-5052.5-C$75.006 A-5003-0236TM4-5077.5-C$125.006 A-5003-0587VM4-200-C$95.008 A-5003-1075TM4-60203-G$190.007 A-5003-1255TM4-60153-G$160.007 A-5003-1436TM4-6053-G$105.007Cost Page A-5003-2764TM4-6078-C$90.006 A-5003-2932TM4-2021$55.005 A-5003-3461TM4-80304-G$310.007 A-5003-3550TM4-5013-S$45.004 A-5003-3680TM4-3051.5$57.005 A-5003-3709TM4-6053-C$85.006 A-5003-4179TM4-60303-G$248.007 A-5003-4689RJM4-33$120.009 A-5003-4792TM4-1020-DS7$60.005 A-5003-4793TM4-3021.5$49.005 A-5003-4794TM4-4022$52.005 A-5003-4795TM4-5022.5$55.005 A-5003-4796TM4-6023$75.005 A-5003-4797TM4-2051$53.005 A-5003-4799TM4-4052$55.005 A-5003-4800TM4-5052.5$80.005 A-5003-4801TM4-6053$88.005 A-5003-4802TM4-8079-C$90.006 A-5003-7103TM4-50100-EC$78.008 A-5003-7104TM4-50150-EC$87.008 A-5003-7142TM4-5050-EC$69.008 M-2085-0069M4-WL$30.009 M-5000-6622RM4-M2$18.009 M-5000-6625RM4-M3-L$18.009 M-5000-6714RM4-M3$18.009 M-5000-7583VM4-10$29.007 M-5000-7584VM4-15$30.007 M-5000-7585VM4-20$30.007 M-5000-7586VM4-30$30.007 M-5000-7751RM450-M3-C$59.009 M-5000-7752RM475-M3-C$90.009 M-5000-7753RM4100-M3-C$103.009RENISHAW to Q-MARKMACHINE TOOL STYLUS CROSS REFERENCE GUIDEAll tools designed and manufactured in the USA byQ-Mark Manufacturing Inc.23332 Madero, Suite DMission Viejo CA 92691-2733 USA Phone 800-776-2388 or 949-457-1913Fax 800-776-2394 or 949-457-9277**************The Best Service In The IndustryTMQ-Mark’s No-Hassle, No-Time-Limit Unconditional Guarantee:Your satisfaction is guaranteed.We accept any return of any catalog item,at any time, for any reason.No fine print. No arguments.Q-MarkPROBE STYLIUs e Also available from Q-Mark:CMM Stylus CatalogMachine Tool Stylus CatalogPart Number Cross-Reference Guide。
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为确保设备可靠使用及人员的安全,请在安 装、使用和维护时,请遵守以下事项: 安装时的注意事项 ◆ 请勿在下列场所使用本产品:有灰尘、油烟、 导电性尘埃、腐蚀性气体、可燃性气体的场所;暴 露于高温、结露、风雨的场合;有振动、冲击的场 合。电击、火灾、误操作也会导致产品损坏和恶化;
◆ 在进行螺丝孔加工和接线时,不要使金属屑和 电线头掉入控制器的通风孔内,这有可能引起火 灾、故障、误操作;
运行和保养时的注意事项 ◆ 请勿在通电时触摸端子,否则可能引起电击、 误操作;
◆ 请在关闭电源后进行清扫和端子的旋紧工作, 通电时这些操作可能引起触电;
◆ 请在关闭电源后进行通讯信号电缆的连接或 拆除、扩展板卡或控制单元的电缆连接或拆除等操 作,否则可能引起设备损坏、误操作;
产品报废时的注意事项 ◆ 电解电容的爆炸:电路板上的电解电容器焚烧 时可能发生爆炸;
Cambridge Technology ScanMaster
Frequently Asked Questions about Cambridge Technology ScanMaster™ Controller SolutionsContents1 Introduction (2)2 How do I choose a laser adapter? (2)3 What additional features does the SMC Auxiliary I/O board provide, and when wouldI typically use one? (3)4 Can you compare some of the common APIs and which Cambridge Technologycontrollers they support? (4)5 What is ScanScript? Is it available through SMD and all types of APIs? (5)6 What are the differences between J1 (Power) and J3 (24V)? How do you choosebetween them? (5)7 How many scan heads can a single SMC control? (5)8 What is the current status of MOTF function? (5)9 What features does SMC currently support that SC500 and EC1000 do not? (5)10 Is it possible to get tightly synchronized control of two SMC cards with four scanheads? (5)11 How do I set up the Start Mark signal on SMC? (6)12 How do I set up 5V Digital inputs on SMC? (6)13 SMD gives me the following error when I try to run a job: “SMC does not have thelicense to run this job. (200212.)” How do I get a license? (7)14 I installed the software and can see SMC on the network via ping, but the CTIsoftware doesn’t see the SMC device. What may be the problem? (8)1 IntroductionThis technical bulletin addresses some of the recent questions about how to integrate Cambridge Technology ScanMaster™ Controller Solutions into their laser systems.2 How do I choose a laser adapter?There are several popular commercial laser adapters to choose from depending on the type of laser you have and what your needs are.Table 1 - Laser adapters for popular commercial lasersManufacturer Model AdapterCoherent Avia_355-X LSR-03Coherent Coherent-C70 LSR-05Coherent Diamond E-400 LSR-05IPG YLM LSR-01IPG YLP LSR-01IPG YLR LSR-04IPG YLS LSR-01SPI G3 LSR-02SPI G4 LSR-02Synrad Ti60 LSR-03VGEN LSR-01LSR-01 – Provides IPG YLP 25 pin compatible connector.LSR-02 – Provides connector used by SPI Lasers on their G3 and G4 models.LSR-03 – A LSR-01 connector with BNC style LaserMod out signal.LSR-04 – 24V compatible, provides customizable connections via Phoenix style connections and a TTL BNC modulation signal.See the SMC hardware reference manual for details.3 What additional features does the SMC Auxiliary I/O boardprovide, and when would I typically use one?Use the SMC Auxiliary I/O board when you need extended Input/Output (see below) or a second XY2- 100 connection. The Auxiliary I/O board includes Phoenix Contact industrial automation connectors for easy PLC connections.•XY2-100 25 pin connections•Second XY2-100 port•DB9 COM port (COM3)•16 new AUX inputs (0-15)•16 new AUX outputs (0-15)•Phoenix connectors for easy wiring•RS485 Phoenix connection•5V or 24V I/O operationFigure 1 - SMC Auxiliary I/O boardUse the SMC Auxiliary I/O board when you need the extended I/O (see above) or a second XY2-100 connection. The board also provides Phoenix Contact industrial automation connectors for easy PLC connections.4 Can you compare some of the common APIs and whichCambridge Technology controllers they support?Table 2 - Comparison of APIs supported by Cambridge Technology controllersAPI Description Similarities &Differences Limitations ControllerScanMaster API (SMAPI) The common API forall CambridgeTechnologycontrollers and therecommended API. Itallows you toincorporate complexshape rendering, suchas barcodes, text,hatching, etc. intoyour applications.Built on top of theXML API, it addsmuch morefunctionality, includingscripting and complexshape support.Actively supported,including bug fixesand enhancements.Requires VisualStudio® but is themost functionalchoice.Requires .NET 4.0Runtime.All CambridgeTechnologycontrollersRecommendedselection.XML API XML API is a commonAPI forEC1000/SM1000 andSMC controllers. Itallows vector orientedlow level control ofmarking operation. Similar in scope toSMAPI for vectormarking but withoutbasic support for highlevel shapes.Actively supported,including bug fixesand enhancements.Jobs are representedas ASCII text in XMLformat. Less powerfulfunctionality thanSMAPI. Error codeswith some description.No line numbers witherrors.EC1000/SM1000or SMCUniversal API An earlier API used Similar in capability to Less functional than SC500 with the SC500 Visual XML API. SMAPI. Bug fixesStudio VC++ only. Notenvironment. recommended for newdevelopment.Remote API An ASCII based APIallowing the remotecontrol managementof controllers and theirjobs. To be used with PLCbased controlsystems.EC1000/SM1000or SMC5 What is ScanScript? Is it available through SMD and all typesof APIs?ScanScript is a domain-specific scripting language designed to support many intricate scenarios in the laser scanning industry. This lightweight yet powerful scripting language consists of several libraries of dedicated algorithms to perform laser scanning functions such as marking job flow control, process automation through I/O and much more. ScanScript is extensively used by SMD to extend its capabilities in automation situations. It is not available from the XML API.6 What are the differences between J1 (Power) and J3 (24V)?How do you choose between them?J1 is the standard power connection for SMC (differential voltage between V+ and V- must be in the range of 15–48V). J3 input is optional and is designed to conveniently supply digital I/O optical isolators on the expansion I/O board.7 How many scan heads can a single SMC control?The SMC can control two heads. Current design is limited to using the same job, one laser, but with different correction tables for each head.8 What is the current status of MOTF function?MOTF job setup is done in ScanScript. SMC supports either X or Y tracking.9 What features does SMC currently support that SC500 andEC1000 do not?SMC has ScanPack mode, supports more I/O options, and has faster processing, more working memory, and more onboard storage capacity for holding larger and more jobs than both SC500 and EC1000.10 Is it possible to get tightly synchronized control of two SMCcards with four scan heads?Yes, it’s possible to get tightly synchronized control of two SMC cards with four scan heads. The user needs to control the two SMC controllers via a programmable PLC controller so they both get the same start signal.11 How do I set up the Start Mark signal on SMC?The easiest method to set up the Start Mark signal on the SMC is to connect a switch between pin 3 (start signal input) and pin 4 (GND). You can use the following code in SMD ScanScript to have your program wait for the start signal.Report("Waiting for the StartMark")count = 1while true doif (Io.ReadPin(Pin.Din.StartMark)==true) thenReport("Accepted the part Start Marking")ScanAll()Laser.WaitForEnd()Report("Marked" ..count)count = count + 1Sleep(1000) --for a short job you may need some time to release the switchelse--Keep the part on conveyor or start systemSleep(10)endend12 How do I set up 5V Digital inputs on SMC?The following diagram shows the setup to attach a button/switch to an SMC Digital I/O board input for 5V. Operation and switch on UserIn1.Figure 2 -Connection DescriptionAny 5V Out to GPICOM Provides 5V TTL operationOne end of switch to GPI0(Gen. purpose in#0=UserIn1) Provide switch operation I/O to UserIn1One end of switch to GND Provide Ground ref. to switch13 SMD gives me the following error when I try to run a job:“SMC does not have the license to run this job. (200212.)”How do I get a license?Customer Service will need two items of information to send you a license file:1. The sales order number from your controller purchase.2. The internal license key number from the controller:a. For SMC or EC1000, run the corresponding firmware loader application for the controller youare using (see section 4.2 - Running the Firmware Loader).b. For the SMC, you can also access the key using the configuration editor (see step 4 - Selectdevice configuration).Once the Firmware loader is running and the appropriate controller selected, note the license key number that is found in the lower left corner. Send this number along with the original Sales Order number to Cambridge Technology Technical Support. You will receive a license file in via e-mail.14 I installed the software and can see SMC on the network viaping, but the CTI software doesn’t see the SMC device. What may be the problem?Because the Cambridge Technology controllers are network-based devices, Cambridge Technology applications must have permission to go through the Windows Firewall to work properly. If your firewall is blocking the broadcast monitor, it will not show any devices present.For example, most Cambridge Technology applications need to sense the presence of controllers that periodically broadcast system information on the network. If the broadcast packets are blocked from reaching the applications by the Windows Firewall, they will not be aware of them and hence, not be able to connect to them.Please enable Firewall access to the Home/Work, and Public network categories for all Cambridge software products. It may also be necessary to enable the Domain category at some sites.You can access the firewall settings by:Start→Control Panel→System and Security→Windows Firewall→Allowed Programs。
Google Cloud VPN 配置指南说明书
2. On the VPC network page, click on Create VPC Network. 3. Fill in a Name and, optionally, a Description.
ISAKMP peer. 14. Copy this and save it somewhere secure 15. Under Routing options, choose Policy-based. 16. Under Remote network IP ranges, enter the internal IP address range of your router. 17. Under Local IP ranges, enter the local-address-selector that you created earlier.
5. Click on Create to create the VPC network.
6. Once the VPC network has been created, you will be returned to the Home Page. On the Home Page, from the menu on the left under Networking, select Hybrid Connectivity, then VPN.
C613-02084-00 REV A
Introduction | Page 3
Google Cloud VPN
Static routing
To configure static routing to a Google Cloud VPN, use the following steps: 1. Log in to your Google Cloud Account. Navigate to the Home Page. From the menu on the left,
m1ma141kt1g, m1ma142kt1g 单片硅开关二极管 数据表说明书
M1MA141KT1G,M1MA142KT1GSingle Silicon Switching DiodeThis Silicon Epitaxial Planar Diode is designed for use in ultra high speed switching applications.This device is housed in the SC--70 package which is designed for low power surface mount applications. Features∙Fast t rr,<3.0ns∙Low C D,<2.0pF∙These Devices are Pb--Free,Halogen Free/BFR Free and are RoHS CompliantMAXIMUM RATINGS(T A=25︒C)Rating Symbol Value UnitReverse VoltageM1MA141KT1M1MA142KT1V R4080VdcPeak Reverse VoltageM1MA141KT1M1MA142KT1V RM4080VdcForward Current I F100mAdc Peak Forward Current I FM225mAdcPeak Forward Surge Current I FSM(Note1)500mAdcTHERMAL CHARACTERISTICSRating Symbol Max Unit Power Dissipation P D150mW Junction Temperature T J150︒C StorageTemperature T stg--55~+150︒C Stresses exceeding Maximum Ratings may damage the device.MaximumRatings are stress ratings only.Functional operation above the Recommended Operating Conditions is not implied.Extended exposure to stresses above the Recommended Operating Conditions may affect device reliability.1.t=1secSC--70(SOT--323)CASE419STYLE2MARKING DIAGRAMMx=Device Codex=H for141I for142M=Date Code*G=Pb--Free PackageDevice Package Shipping†ORDERING INFORMATION†For information on tape and reel specifications, including part orientation and tape sizes,please refer to our Tape and Reel Packaging Specifications Brochure,BRD8011/D.Mx M GGM1MA142KT1G SC--70(Pb--Free)3000/Tape&Reel M1MA141KT1G SC--70(Pb--Free)3000/Tape&Reel (Note:Microdot may be in either location)*Date Code orientation may vary depending upon manufacturing location.CATHODE12ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(T A=25 C)Characteristic Condition Symbol Min Max Unit Reverse Voltage Leakage CurrentM1MA141KT1 M1MA142KT1V R=35VV R=75VI R--0.1m AdcForward Voltage I F=100mA V F-- 1.2VdcReverse Breakdown VoltageM1MA141KT1M1MA142KT1I R=100m A V R4080--VdcDiode Capacitance V R=0,f=1.0MHz C D-- 2.0pFReverse Recovery Time(Figure1)I F=10mA,V R=6.0V,R L=100Ω,I rr=0.1I Rt rr(Note2)-- 3.0ns2.t rr Test CircuitRt p =2m s t r =0.35nsrr RI F =10mA V R =6V R L =100ΩRECOVERY TIME EQUIVALENT TEST CIRCUITINPUT PULSEOUTPUT PULSEFigure 1.Recovery Time Equivalent Test Circuit100V F ,FORWARD VOLTAGE (VOLTS)101.00.110V R ,REVERSE VOLTAGE (VOLTS) R ,REVERSE VOLTAGE (VOLTS)0.640.60.560.52C D ,D I O D E C A P A C I T A N C E (p F )2468I F ,F O R W A R D C U R R E N T (m A )Figure 2.Forward Voltage Figure 3.Reverse CurrentFigure 4.Diode CapacitanceI R ,R E V E R S E C U R R E N T (μA )SC −70 (SOT −323)CASE 419ISSUE PDATE 07 OCT 2021SCALE 4:1STYLE 3:PIN 1.BASE2.EMITTER3.COLLECTOR STYLE 4:PIN 1.CATHODE2.CATHODE3.ANODE STYLE 2:PIN 1.ANODE2.N.C.3.CATHODE STYLE 1:CANCELLEDSTYLE 5:PIN 1.ANODE 2.ANODE 3.CATHODE STYLE 6:PIN 1.EMITTER 2.BASE3.COLLECTORSTYLE 7:PIN 1.BASE 2.EMITTER 3.COLLECTORSTYLE 8:PIN 1.GATE 2.SOURCE 3.DRAINSTYLE 9:PIN 1.ANODE 2.CATHODE3.CATHODE-ANODESTYLE 10:PIN 1.CATHODE 2.ANODE3.ANODE-CATHODEXX M G G XX = Specific Device Code M = Date CodeG= Pb −Free PackageGENERICMARKING DIAGRAM1STYLE 11:PIN 1.CATHODE2.CATHODE3.CATHODE*This information is generic. Please refer to device data sheet for actual part marking.Pb −Free indicator, “G” or microdot “G ”, may or may not be present. Some products maynot follow the Generic Marking.MECHANICAL CASE OUTLINEPACKAGE DIMENSIONSPUBLICATION ORDERING INFORMATIONTECHNICAL SUPPORTNorth American Technical Support:Voice Mail: 1 800−282−9855 Toll Free USA/Canada Phone: 011 421 33 790 2910LITERATURE FULFILLMENT :Email Requests to:*******************onsemi Website: Europe, Middle East and Africa Technical Support:Phone: 00421 33 790 2910For additional information, please contact your local Sales Representative。
2013 Acura ILX Hybrid 技术指南说明书
M U L T I -I N F O R M A T I O N D I S P L A Y p.6E C O N B U T T O Np.10A U D I Op.22BLUETOOTH ®H A N D S F R E E L I N K ®p.15A D V A N C E D T E C H N O L O G Y G U I D EThe Advanced Technology Guide is designed to help you get acquainted with your new Acura and provide basic instructions on some of its technology and convenience features.This guide covers the ILX Hybrid.This guide is not intended to be a substitute for the Owner’s Manual.For more detailed information on vehicle controls and operation,please refer to the respective sections in the Owner’s Manual.Bluetooth ®Audio (22)iPod ®or USB Flash Drive (23)Pandora ®.............................................24My Acura ............................................25Safety Reminder (26)Fuel Recommendation (26)Keyless Access System ..................................2Instrument Panel Indicators ..............................4Multi-Information Display (MID) (6)Eco Assist TM ...........................................10Color Information Display ...............................13One-Touch Turn Signal .................................14Auto Headlights with Wiper Integration . (14)Bluetooth ®HandsFreeLink ® (15)either front door handle. handles.e n i n g t h e T r u n kSTART/STOP button. S t a r t i n g t h e E n g i n eENGINE START/STOP T u r n i n g t h e E n g i n e O f fthe brake pedal).c k i n g t h e D o o r sunder the spoiler.M a l f u n c t i o n I n d i c a t o r sIf an indicator remains on,there may be a problem;see your dealer.Charging system Low brake fluid VSA ®(Vehicle Stability Assist)TPMS (blinks)Door/trunk open indicator:Close door/trunkLow tire pressure (stays on):Add airBlue and green indicators are used for general information.Message indicator:See MID Low fuel:RefillsOutside temperature,Odometertemperature,Trip AOutside Trip BPower RecordsTo toggle between the different displays:•Press either Info button (▲/▼)for the main displays.SEL/RESET buttonInfo buttonsNote:The driver’s and passenger’s door can be opened pulling the inner front regardless of the setting.Changing the setting useful for rear passengers.significantly below indicator comes “CHECK TPMS SYSTEM”problem with the system.See your dealer.2.Select AUTO DOOR UNLOCK.3.Select the option you want.activate the menu.1.Select DOOR SETUP.D oVisually inspect the tires for damage.which tire(s)have low pressure.3.Inflate the tire(s),if necessary,to the recommended pressures listed on the label on the driver’s doorjamb.4.The setting is displayed,the display returns AUTO DOOR UNLOCK SEL/RESET buttonInfo buttons3.Check the MID.Press ECON again to turn system off.NOTE:When turned on,performance vehicle’s engine,transmission,cruise control,and air conditioning affected to achieve maximum fuel efficiency.Real-time Fuel Efficiency CoachECO ScoreEvery time your vehicle is turned off,your lifetime driving score appears on the MID.Depending on your driving style,your lifetime points can increase or decrease.Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3comes on.SEL/RESET buttonInfo buttonstoggle to the Fuel Economy Indicator.s p l a y O p t i o n sPress DISPLAY.Rotate theselector knob to choose andenter your selection.orinstructions on how to uploadAudio/PhoneShow current audiotake yourbattery.(IMA)system.W I T H W I P E R I N T E G R A T I O Nyour vehicle’s headlights automatically turn on wipers.thenavigate through previous screen.prompt appears.Select your phone.4.HFL gives you a four-digit code.Enter it on your phone when now paired.3.HFL searches for your phone.Select it when it appears on the list.2.Make sure your phone is discovery mode.Select access the Phone screen.If your phone does not Select Phone Not Foundand search for HandsFreeLink HFL.8.HFL gives you a four-digit code.Enter it on your when prompted.The is now paired.discovery mode,2.Select Phone setup.3.Select Connection.4.Select Add a New Phone.5.Select an empty location for the phone.If a prompt appears asking to connect to a phone,select No.7.HFL searches for your phone.Select your phone when it appears on the list.Select call is connected andheard through the vehiclespeakers.Press theend orbutton toSelect,and select it.The call is connectedheard through the want to call.Say the stored voice tagname.speakers.Yes to open the message.aloud. y i n g t o T e x t M e sSelect Reply.Select Yes to send theSelect Call.HFL begins dialing Text Message.Themost recent text messagesfrom your phone are displayed.From your phone,open the desired audio player or app audio system.Notes:•Make sure the volume •You may need to playback.Connect the cable to your iPod dock connector flash drive.iPod is a registered trademarkConnect the cable to youriPhone dock connector.You can select items such as theStation List,SKIP,Like/Dislike,andPause/Resume.* Open Pandora fromNotes:•If the Pandora app is not selected•If you shut down。
德尔XPS 9380说明书
XPS 9380Setup and SpecificationsNotes, cautions, and warningsNOTE: A NOTE indicates important information that helps you make better use of your product.CAUTION: A CAUTION indicates either potential damage to hardware or loss of data and tells you how to avoid the problem.WARNING: A WARNING indicates a potential for property damage, personal injury, or death.© 2018-2019 Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries. All rights reserved. Dell, EMC, and other trademarks are trademarks of Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries. Other trademarks may be trademarks of their respective owners.2019 - 03Rev. A021 Set up your XPS 9380 (4)2 Create a USB recovery drive for Windows (6)3 Views of XPS 9380 (7)Front (7)Right (7)Left (8)Base (9)Display (10)Bottom (10)4 Specifications of XPS 9380 (11)Dimensions and weight (11)Processors (11)Chipset (12)Operating system (12)Memory (12)Ports and connectors (13)Communications (13)Wireless module (13)Audio (14)Storage (14)Media-card reader (15)Keyboard (15)Camera (15)Touchpad (16)Touchpad gestures (16)Power adapter (16)Battery (17)Display (18)Fingerprint reader (optional) (18)Video (19)Computer environment (19)5 Keyboard shortcuts (20)6 Getting help and contacting Dell (22)Self-help resources (22)Contacting Dell (22)Contents3Set up your XPS 9380 NOTE: The images in this document may differ from your computer depending on the configuration you ordered.1Connect the power adapter and press the power button.NOTE: T o conserve battery power, the battery might enter power saving mode. Connect the power adapter and pressthe power button to turn on the computer.2 Finish operating system setup.For Ubuntu:Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the setup. For more information about installing and configuring Ubuntu, see the knowledge base articles SLN151664 and SLN151748 at /support.For Windows:Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the setup. When setting up, Dell recommends that you:•Connect to a network for Windows updates.NOTE: If connecting to a secured wireless network, enter the password for the wireless network access whenprompted.•If connected to the internet, sign-in with or create a Microsoft account. If not connected to the internet, create an offline account.•On the Support and Protection screen, enter your contact details.3 Locate and use Dell apps from the Windows Start menu—RecommendedTable 1. Locate Dell apps1 4Set up your XPS 93804 Create recovery drive for Windows.NOTE: It is recommended to create a recovery drive to troubleshoot and fix problems that may occur with Windows.For more information, see Create a USB recovery drive for Windows.Set up your XPS 93805Create a USB recovery drive for Windows Create a recovery drive to troubleshoot and fix problems that may occur with Windows. An empty USB flash drive with a minimum capacity of 16 GB is required to create the recovery drive.NOTE: This process may take up to an hour to complete.NOTE: The following steps may vary depending on the version of Windows installed. Refer to the Microsoft support site forlatest instructions.1 Connect the USB flash drive to your computer.2 In Windows search, type Recovery.3 In the search results, click Create a recovery drive.The User Account Control window is displayed.4 Click Yes to continue.The Recovery Drive window is displayed.5 Select Back up system files to the recovery drive and click Next.6 Select the USB flash drive and click Next.A message appears, indicating that all data in the USB flash drive will be deleted.7 Click Create.8 Click Finish.For more information about reinstalling Windows using the USB recovery drive, see the Troubleshooting section of your product's Service Manual at /support/manuals.6Create a USB recovery drive for WindowsViews of XPS 9380 Front1Power and battery-status lightIndicates the power state and battery state of the computer.Solid white—Power adapter is connected and the battery is charging.Solid amber—Battery charge is low or critical.Off—Battery is fully charged.NOTE: On certain computer models, the power and battery-status light is also used for system diagnostics. For moreinformation, see the Troubleshooting section in your computer’s Service Manual.2Microphones (4)Provide digital sound input for audio recording, voice calls, and so on.Right1Right speakerProvides audio output.2microSD-card slotReads from and writes to the microSD-card.3USB 3.1 Gen 2 (T ype-C) port with Power Delivery/DisplayPortConnect peripherals such as external storage devices, printers, and external displays.Supports Power Delivery that enables two-way power supply between devices. Provides up to 7.5 W power output that enables faster charging.Views of XPS 93807NOTE: The Dell Adapter USB-C to USB-A 3.0 is shipped with this computer. Use this adapter to connect legacy USB3.0 accessories to USB (T ype-C) ports on your computer.NOTE: A USB Type-C to DisplayPort adapter (sold separately) is required to connect a DisplayPort device.4Headset portConnect headphones or a headset (headphone and microphone combo).Left1Security-cable slot (wedge-shaped)Connect a security cable to prevent unauthorized movement of your computer.2Thunderbolt 3 (USB T ype-C) port with Power Delivery (Primary)Supports USB 3.1 Gen 2 Type-C, DisplayPort 1.2, Thunderbolt 3 and also enables you to connect to an external display using a display adapter. Provides data transfer rates up to 10 Gbps for USB 3.1 Gen 2 and up to 40 Gbps for Thunderbolt 3. Supports Power Delivery that enables two-way power supply between devices. Provides up to 5 V/3 A power output that enables faster charging.NOTE: A USB Type-C to DisplayPort adapter (sold separately) is required to connect a DisplayPort device.3Thunderbolt 3 (USB T ype-C) port with Power DeliverySupports USB 3.1 Gen 2 T ype-C, DisplayPort 1.2, Thunderbolt 3 and also enables you to connect to an external display using a display adapter. Provides data transfer rates up to 10 Gbps for USB 3.1 Gen 2 and up to 40 Gbps for Thunderbolt 3. Supports Power Delivery that enables two-way power supply between devices. Provides up to 5 V/3 A power output that enables faster charging.NOTE: A USB Type-C to DisplayPort adapter (sold separately) is required to connect a DisplayPort device.4Battery-charge status buttonPress to check the charge remaining in the battery.5Battery-charge status lights (5)Turns on when the battery-charge status button is pressed. Each light indicates approximately 20% charge.6Left speakerProvides audio output.8Views of XPS 9380Base1TouchpadMove your finger on the touchpad to move the mouse pointer. Tap to left-click and two finger tap to right-click.2Left-click areaPress to left-click.3Right-click areaPress to right-click.4Power button with optional fingerprint readerPress to turn on the computer if it is turned off, in sleep state, or in hibernate state.When the computer is turned on, press the power button to put the computer into sleep state; press and hold the power button for10 seconds to force shut-down the computer.Press and hold power button over 25 seconds to reset RTC battery if encounter no post issue.If the power button has a fingerprint reader, place your finger on the power button to log in.NOTE: You can customize power-button behavior in Windows. For more information, see Me and My Dell at/support/manuals.NOTE: The power-status light on the power button is available only on computers without the fingerprint reader.Computers shipped with the fingerprint reader integrated on the power button will not have the power-status light onthe power button.Views of XPS 93809Display1CameraEnables you to video chat, capture photos, and record videos.2Camera-status lightTurns on when the camera is in use.Bottom1Service T agThe Service T ag is a unique alphanumeric identifier that enables Dell service technicians to identify the hardware components in your computer and access warranty information.10Views of XPS 93804Specifications of XPS 9380 Dimensions and weightT able 2. Dimensions and weightProcessorsT able 3. ProcessorsSpecifications of XPS 938011ChipsetT able 4. ChipsetOperating system•Windows 10 Home (64-bit)•Windows 10 Professional (64-bit)•UbuntuMemoryT able 5. Memory specifications12Specifications of XPS 9380Ports and connectorsT able 6. External ports and connectorsT able 7. Internal ports and connectorsCommunicationsWireless moduleT able 8. Wireless module specificationsSpecifications of XPS 938013AudioT able 9. Audio specificationsStorageYour computer supports one of the following configurations:•One M.2 2230/2280 PCIe/NVMe solid-state drive•One M.2 2230/2280 SATA solid-state driveNOTE: The 2280 and 2230 solid-state drive has a unique thermal plate and cannot be interchanged.T able 10. Storage specifications14Specifications of XPS 9380Media-card readerT able 11. Media-card reader specificationsKeyboardT able 12. Keyboard specificationsCameraT able 13. Camera specificationsSpecifications of XPS 938015TouchpadT able 14. Touchpad specificationsTouchpad gesturesFor more information about touchpad gestures for Windows 10, see the Microsoft knowledge base article 4027871 at .Power adapterT able 15. Power adapter specifications16Specifications of XPS 9380BatteryT able 16. Battery specificationsSpecifications of XPS 938017DisplayT able 17. Display specificationsFingerprint reader (optional) T able 18. Fingerprint reader specifications18Specifications of XPS 9380VideoT able 19. Discrete graphics specificationsT able 20. Discrete graphics specificationsComputer environmentAirborne contaminant level: G1 as defined by ISA-S71.04-1985T able 21. Computer environment* Measured using a random vibration spectrum that simulates user environment.† Measured using a 2 ms half-sine pulse when the hard drive is in use.‡ Measured using a 2 ms half-sine pulse when the hard-drive head is in parked position.Specifications of XPS 938019Keyboard shortcuts NOTE: Keyboard characters may differ depending on the keyboard language configuration. Keys used for shortcuts remain the same across all language configurations.Some keys on your keyboard have two symbols on them. These keys can be used to type alternate characters or to perform secondary functions. The symbol shown on the lower part of the key refers to the character that is typed out when the key is pressed. If you press shift and the key, the symbol shown on the upper part of the key is typed out. For example, if you press 2, 2 is typed out; if you press Shift + 2, @ is typed out.The keys F1-F12 at the top row of the keyboard are function keys for multi-media control, as indicated by the icon at the bottom of the key. Press the function key to invoke the task represented by the icon. For example, pressing F1 mutes the audio (refer to the table below). However, if the function keys F1-F12 are needed for specific software applications, multi-media functionality can be disabled by pressing Fn + Esc. Subsequently, multi-media control can be invoked by pressing Fn and the respective function key. For example, mute audio by pressing Fn + F1.NOTE: You can also define the primary behavior of the function keys (F1–F12) by changing Function Key Behavior in BIOS setup program.T able 22. List of keyboard shortcuts5 20Keyboard shortcutsThe Fn key is also used with selected keys on the keyboard to invoke other secondary functions.T able 23. List of keyboard shortcutsKeyboard shortcuts21Getting help and contacting Dell Self-help resourcesYou can get information and help on Dell products and services using these self-help resources:T able 24. Self-help resourcesIn Windows search, typeContacting DellT o contact Dell for sales, technical support, or customer service issues, see /contactdell.NOTE: Availability varies by country/region and product, and some services may not be available in your country/region.NOTE: If you do not have an active internet connection, you can find contact information on your purchase invoice, packing slip, bill, or Dell product catalog.6 22Getting help and contacting Dell。
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德玛快速色谱CP2013A型操作手册Ver2.02013-1-10中国石油渤海钻探工程有限公司目录第一章硬件部分 (2)1.色谱柱 (2)2.微信号放大器 (3)3.仪器电路 (3)4.仪器气路 (4)5.开机步骤 (6)第二章软件概述 (7)1. DML-CHROM for CP2013A型应用概述 (7)2. 系统配置要求 (7)3. 软件界面 (7)4. 软件的基本设置 (8)5. 菜单说明 (10)6. 工具栏说明 (11)第三章标定 (12)1. 概述122. 标准曲线生成 (12)3. 全烃标定 (16)第四章实时分析 (19)1. 前期准备工作 (19)2. 实时气测分析 (19)3. 关机操作 (20)4. 与采集机关系说明 (20)第五章色谱数据后期分析 (29)第六章辅助设备维护 (30)1. 氢空一体机维护 (30)2.冷凝器检查 (30)第七章常见问题及处理 (31)第一章硬件部分快速氢火焰色谱仪用于石油钻井勘探领域中天然气的实时测量。
德玛新研制的快速色谱,具有简洁的前面板,有三个压力表指示,一个触摸屏电脑,一个电源开关,两个USB口,一个前注样口;后面板具有样品气、空气、氢气和放空管线接口,两个风扇,一个网络接口,一个RS232接口,一个220V 电源接口,如下图所示。
1.色谱柱色谱柱分气相色谱柱和液相色谱柱,气相色谱柱又分为毛细管色谱柱和填充色谱柱,毛细管色谱柱一般采用石英玻璃管,直径只有0.1-0.9mm ,长度10-40米长,内壁涂有5μm厚的吸附材料,根据目标样品气体的不同而采用相宜的吸附材料; 填冲色谱柱一般采用铝合金或不锈钢管, 直径2-4mm ,长度1-4米长,里面填冲40-60目微孔颗粒状的吸附材料,同样根据目标样品气体的不同而采用相宜的吸附材料。
技术指标如下:线性范围: 1012灵敏度: 5×10-13A精度:±0.1%静态噪声:5µV动态噪声:20µV漂移:5µV(24小时)3.仪器电路仪器电路分为高压电路和信号控制电路。
第二章软件概述欢迎使用DML—CHROM for CP2013A型软件。
DM—CHROM for CP2013A型是DML CP2013A型色谱分析仪针对录井行业开发的专用色谱分析工作站软件。
1. DML-CHROM for CP2013A型应用概述DML-CHROM for CP2013A型软件界面清爽,使用方便。
2. 系统配置要求本软件可以安装在手提式电脑或者工控机上到现场工作,对电脑的运行环境有以下要求:a)Windows 2000/XP /2003(建议使用Windows XP);b)Pentium 4或者更快的处理器c)内存要求512 MB以上;d)磁盘剩余空间1GB以上;3. 软件界面在您使用DML-CHROM for CP2013A型之前,您需要熟悉本软件的界面。
当您打开DML-CHROM for CP2013A型,您会看到如下界面:软件初次打开时是实时数据采集和分析的界面。
4. 软件的基本设置打开安装目录下的DML-Chrom.ini,如下所示,各参数说明。
[Setting]WITSPORT=8667 //TCP/IP WITS输出端口COMA=2 //组份采集器串口号COMB=3 //全烃采集器串口号COMC=4 //控制总线串口号LastLang=1LastUnit=0Calibrate=1GateAB=3MachineState=1GraphAB=3NOISE0=0.000000NOISE1=0.000000NOISE2=0.000000NOISE3=0.000000NOISE4=0.000000NOISE5=0.000000NOISE6=0.000000NOISE7=0.000000NOISE8=0.000100WITS0=1212WITS1=1213WITS2=1214WITS3=1215WITS4=1216WITS5=1217WITS6=1218WITS7=0140WITS8=1222CHABASELINE=0CHBBASELINE=0[DML-LS]IP= //综合录井井系统IP PORT=7668 //综合录井TCP/IP 输出端口LAGDEPTH=1208 //迟到井深WITS代码PUMP1=0123 //1#泵WITS代码PUMP2=0124 //2#泵WITS代码PUMP3=0125 //3#泵WITS代码5. 菜单说明5.1 系统菜单项语言:选择软件当前的界面语言,可选三种语言,中文,英文,和西班牙语;(本功能屏蔽了)工作状态:有两种“分析”和“文件”状态。
分析状态是色谱进行标定或者正常样品分析时的状态,主界面显示实时的分析谱图;文件状态为软件进行浏览历史保存的谱图数据文件;通道:可选A,B,AB通道,指谱图显示是是单独显示A或B通道谱图,还是同时显示AB通道谱图;退出:退出DML-CHROM for CP2013A型软件系统;5.2 色谱文件菜单项打开:打开谱图数据文件,可以连续打开多个谱图数据文件,数据文件错开或者重叠显示在图形区。
5.3 仪器菜单项标定组份:进行色谱标定。
5.4 视图菜单项工具栏:在显示和不显示工具栏状态中进行切换。
6. 工具栏说明连接CP2013A型:出现连接CP2013A型对话框。
第三章标定1. 概述德玛快速色谱标定主要经过如下几个步骤完成。