part no for BG,EMC
EMC Test Systems 产品说明书
© EMC TEST SYSTEMS, L.P. – SEPTEMBER 2002 REV C – PN 399239Model 3148 & 93148Log-Periodic DipoleArray AntennaMANUAL1981MODEL 3148 LOG-PERIODIC DIPOLE ARRAY ANTENNA© EMC TEST SYSTEMS, L.P. – SEPTEMBER 2002 REV C – PN 399239EMC Test Systems, L.P. reserves the right to make changes to any products herein to improve functioning, design, or for any other reason. Nothing contained herein shall constitute EMC Test Systems, L.P. assuming any liability whatsoever arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit described herein. EMC Test Systems, L.P. does not convey any license under its patent rights or the rights of others. © Copyright 2002 by EMC Test Systems, L.P. All Rights Reserved. No part of this document may be copied by any means without written permission from EMC Test Systems, L.P.E-MAIL & INTERNET ************************USA1301 Arrow Point Dr., Cedar Park, TX 78613P.O. Box 80589, Austin, TX 78708-0589Tel 512.531.6400 Fax 512.531.6500 FINLAND Euroshield OY Mekaanikontie 127510, Eura, FinlandTel 358.2.838.3300Fax 358.2.865.1233 SINGAPORE Lindgren RF Enclosures Asia-Pacific 87 Beach Road #06-02 Chye Sing Building Singapore 189695Tel 65.536.7078 Fax 65.536.7093MODEL 3148 LOG-PERIODIC DIPOLE ARRAY ANTENNA © EMC TEST SYSTEMS, L.P. – SEPTEMBER 2002REV C – PN 399239Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION (1)STANDARD CONFIGURATION (2)OPTIONS (2)MOUNTING INSTRUCTIONS.............................................................................................................3 A NTENNA S UPPORTS .. (3)EMISSIONS AND IMMUNITY (4)APPLICATION (5)TYPICAL DATA (7)SPECIFICATIONS..............................................................................................................................10 E LECTRICAL .......................................................................................................................................10 P HYSICAL . (10)MAINTENANCE (10)WARRANTY (11)MODEL 3148 LOG-PERIODIC DIPOLE ARRAY ANTENNA © EMC TEST SYSTEMS, L.P. – SEPTEMBER 2002REV C – PN 399239MODEL 3148 LOG-PERIODIC DIPOLE ARRAY ANTENNA Introduction © EMC TEST SYSTEMS, L.P. – SEPTEMBER 20021REV C – PN 399239 INTRODUCTIONThe ETS-Lindgren Model 3148 Log Periodic Dipole Array is alinearly polarized, broadband antenna designed to operate over thefrequency range of 200 MHz to 2 GHz. The choice of scalingfactors, the various diameters of each element, and the center-tocenter spacing of the booms are such that excellent VSWRcharacteristics are obtained throughout the operating frequencyrange (See Model 3148 VSWR data in the “Typical Data” sectionof this manual). The precise design of the feed and positioning ofthe elements on the boom yield optimum phase relationship. Thiscauses the active region, at any given frequency, to propagate RFenergy towards the smaller elements leaving the elements behind itelectrically dead.The Model 3148 antenna fully satisfies CISPR-16 cross-polarization rejection requirement, and has better than 20 dB cross-polarization rejection below 1000 MHz. The constant gain of theantenna yields an antenna factor which varies linearly withfrequency as shown in the “Typical Data” section of this manual.The variation is smooth; therefore, accurate interpolation ofperformance between specified frequency points is simple.The Model 3148 Log-Periodic antenna is constructed oflightweight, corrosion-resistant aluminum, providing years oftrouble-free indoor and outdoor service.The antenna is provided with an integral mount and the necessaryattachments to mount the antenna to either a tripod (with a ¼-20threaded mount) or an ETS-Lindgren antenna mast. Individualantenna calibration data is included with each antenna.The Model 93148 is a non-characterized version of the Model3148. Should calibration/characterization be desired please contactour calibration department.Standard Configuration MODEL 3148 LOG-PERIODIC DIPOLE ARRAY ANTENNA STANDARD CONFIGURATION• Antenna• Manual• Individually calibrated at 1m per SAE ARP 958 and 3 and 10m per ANSI C63.5. Actual antenna factors and a signedCertificate of Calibration Conformance included. OPTIONSSupport Rod: Antenna mount with insert configured to acceptEMCO or other tripods with standard ¼ in x 20 threads.Tripods: ETS-Lindgren offers two nonmetallic, non-reflectivetripods for use at both indoor and outdoor EMC test sites.The Model 4-TR, constructed of linen phenolic and delrin, isdesigned with an adjustable center post for precise heightadjustments. Maximum height for the 4-TR is 2.0 m (80.0 in),while minimum height is 94 cm (37.0 in). This tripod can supportup to an 11.8 kg (26.0 lb) load.The 7-TR tripod has several different configurations, includingoptions for manual or pneumatic polarization. This tripod providesincreased stability for physically large antennas. Its unique designallows for quick assembly/disassembly and convenient storage.Quick height adjustment and locking wheels provide ease of useduring testing. This tripod can support up to a 13.5 kg (30.0 lb)load. For the 7-TR series, maximum height is 2.17 m (85.8 in),with a minimum height of .8 m (31.8 in). The 7-TR is constructedof PVC and fiberglass components.2 © EMC TEST SYSTEMS, L.P. – SEPTEMBER 2002REV C – PN 399239MODEL 3148 LOG-PERIODIC DIPOLE ARRAY ANTENNA Mounting Instructions © EMC TEST SYSTEMS, L.P. – SEPTEMBER 20023REV C – PN 399239 MOUNTING INSTRUCTIONSThe Model 3148 Antenna consists of the following:1 ea. Log Periodic Dipole Array Antenna1 ea. Log Periodic Antenna Adaptor1 ea. Thread Insert for the AdaptorANTENNA SUPPORTSThe bottom side of the antenna adaptor has a 7/8 in. by 14 threadedreceptacle for mounting the adaptor on a tower or tripod, if this isnot the desired receptacle size, thread the 1/4 in. by 20 thread insertinto the adaptor. Take care not to cross thread this connection aspermanent damage to the adaptor and insert could occur.Next attach the antenna adaptor to the tower or tripod that will beused for testing. This can be accomplished by threading themounting knob or threaded connector into the adaptor.To mount the 3148 antenna, slide the adapter between theshoulders of the mounting bracket on the antenna. One side of themounting bracket is fitted with a hex nut that in conjunction withEmissions and Immunity MODEL 3148 LOG-PERIODIC DIPOLE ARRAY ANTENNA4© EMC TEST SYSTEMS, L.P. – SEPTEMBER 2002 REV C – PN 399239the knob provided will secure the assembly together. Thread theknob through the mounting bracket and adapter so that the knobthreads through the hex nut last. Carefully tighten the knob tosecure the antenna in place.EMISSIONS AND IMMUNITYThe picture and diagrams below illustrate the convenient label thatpinpoints the antenna’s centerline and tip, serving as a reminder ofwhere to perform measurements.MODEL 3148 LOG-PERIODIC DIPOLE ARRAY ANTENNA Application © EMC TEST SYSTEMS, L.P. – SEPTEMBER 20025REV C – PN 399239 APPLICATIONInstall the Model 3148 on an ETS-Lindgren tripod or antenna mastadapter. Connect an N-type coaxial cable from the antennaconnector to a generator (immunity) or receiver (emissions). Bothhorizontal and vertical polarization are easily accomplished whenthe Model 3148 is mounted on a tower or tripod. Contact with anymetallic or non-metallic structure can capacitively load the antennawhich may cause inconsistent results. Therefore, care must betaken to ensure that no part of the dipole elements are in contactwith the tripod or tower, particularly in vertically-polarized tests.Where possible, run the feed cable straight at least 1 meter or moreback from the Model 3148 before dropping vertically.For emissions measurements, electric field strength in db[V/m] isobtained fromE(dBV/m)=V(dBV)+AF(dB1/m)+α(dB),Where V is the receiver or spectrum analyzer voltage reading, AFis antenna factor (see attached calibration data), and α is cable lossin dB, if cable losses are non-negligible. For immunity testing, theelectric field strength generated at a distance d can beapproximated byd pg m V E 30)/(=,where d is in meters, g is the numeric gain (10 G[dB]/10, see attachedcalibration data), and P is antenna net input power in watts. Anestimate of the power required in free space condition for any fieldstrength E can be obtained from the forward power graphs in the“Typical Data” section, which shows power required in watts togenerate 1 V/m. For any other field strength not shown, multiplythe power in watts by the desired E -field squared, orP(E V/m) = E 2 P(1 V/m).Application MODEL 3148 LOG-PERIODIC DIPOLE ARRAY ANTENNAActual transmitted field strength should be verified using anETS-Lindgren Model HI-6005 Electric Field Probe or equivalent.For IEC/EN 31000-4-3 type testing, the antenna tip can be placedat any distance between 1 and 3 meters from the EUT as long asthe front face plane is illuminated according to the –0, +6 dBuniform field specifications. It is usually necessary to place RFabsorbing material between the EUT and antenna to suppressground plane reflection to ensure the field uniformly, or conductthe immunity test in a fully-lined anechoic room. In general, closerdistances require less power to create a given field strength.6 © EMC TEST SYSTEMS, L.P. – SEPTEMBER 2002REV C – PN 399239TYPICAL DATA8 © EMC TEST SYSTEMS, L.P. – SEPTEMBER 2002SPECIFICATIONSELECTRICALFrequency Range 200 MHz – 2 GHzVSWR Ratio 1.2:1 average2.0:1 maximumMaximum Continuous Power 1 kWPeak Power 1.3 kWInput Impedance (Nominal) 50 ohmsSymmetry +/- 0.5 dBCross-Polarization rejection Better than 20 dB below 1000MHzConnector Type N femalePHYSICALHeight 6.4 cm (2.5 in )Width 85.6 cm (33.7 in)Depth (length) 73.7 cm (29.0 in)Weight 2.0 kg (4.5 lb) MAINTENANCETo ensure reliable and repeatable long-term performance, annualrecalibration of your antennas by ETS-Lindgren’s experiencedtechnicians is recommended. Our staff can recalibrate almost anytype or brand of antenna. Please call to receive a service ordernumber prior to sending an antenna to us for calibration.For more information about our calibration services or to place anorder for antenna calibration visit our calibration website at/.10 © EMC TEST SYSTEMS, L.P. – SEPTEMBER 2002WARRANTYEMC Test Systems, L.P., hereinafter referred to as the Seller, warrants that standard EMCO products are free from defect in materials and workmanship for a period of two (2) years from date of shipment. Standard EMCO Products include the following:v Antennas, Loops, Hornsv GTEM cells, TEM cells, Helmholtz Coilsv LISNs, PLISNs, Rejection cavities & Networksv Towers, Turntables, Tripods & Controllersv Field Probes, Current Probes, Injection ProbesIf the Buyer notifies the Seller of a defect within the warranty period, the Seller will, at the Seller’s option, either repair and/or replace those products that prove to be defective.There will be no charge for warranty services performed at the location the Seller designates. The Buyer must, however, prepay inbound shipping costs and any duties or taxes. The Seller will pay outbound shipping cost for a carrier of the Seller’s choice, exclusive of any duties or taxes. If the Seller determines that warranty service can only be performed at the Buyer’s location, the Buyer will not be charged for the Seller’s travel related costs.This warranty does not apply to:v Normal wear and tear of materialsv Consumable items such as fuses, batteries, etc.v Products that have been improperly installed, maintained or usedv Products which have been operated outside the specificationsv Products which have been modified without authorizationv Calibration of products, unless necessitated by defectsTHIS WARRANTY IS EXCLUSIVE. NO OTHER WARRANTY, WRITTEN OR ORAL, IS EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE REMEDIES PROVIDED BY THIS WARRANTY ARE THE BUYER’S SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDIES. IN NO EVENT IS THE SELLER LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, WHETHER BASED ON CONTRACT, TORT, OR ANY OTHER LEGAL THEORY. Note: Please contact the Seller’s sales department for a Return Materials Authorization (RMA) number before shipping equipment to us.。
Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition 10g项目实施问题解答汇总2008年4月10日目录:仪表板: (4)仪表板分组下拉显示: (4)设置默认的仪表板: (7)撤销页面“刷新“按钮(不建议) (8)如何跳过注销页面,直接跳转到登陆界面 (9)交叉表行数限制 (9)报表显示上的列级别控制 (10)报表中现实自己有权限访问的第一个列 (10)登录界面“版权所有“信息客户化 (10)仪表盘顺序定制 (10)时间细度不一样 (11)Prompt值显示的顺序定制: (11)表格下的“125-”是1到25条记录的显示方式,需要改成“1-25”(附图) (11)查询大数量时,出现等待提示,可以在下面修改 (12)Dashboard中钻取返回提示修改: (12)友好打印PDF中的空格 (12)Answer中的主题文件夹层次现实: (13)Excel下载如果不自动变成科学计数法: (13)如何强制Answer中列的宽度 (13)个性化汇总查询: (14)在仪表板上加入当前client日期显示: (15)在Answer的Titel中加入变量显示: (15)客户化仪表盘右上角的产品清单,如去除等多产品中的Marketing (16)在仪表板制定位置显示Deliver的内容 (16)OBI EE and oracle stored procedures WITH parameter passing (16)如何将Go URL中的“页选项”按钮去除 (18)Configuration for the Dashboard Prompt Types Feature (19)图形: (21)中文显示方块问题 (21)BIEE中雷达图中文显示问题: (21)图形鼠标点到的地方的值的背景希望是透明的: (21)BIPublisher Chart Description (21)图形出现“Evaluation Time Limit“ (22)指定BIEE中图形的类型(flash,SVG,PNG) (22)图形中“上”字,“名”字和“作”字的链接错误 (22)配置和服务 (24)几处配置文件的作用优先级别 (24)禁止OC4J自动启动 (24)如何在Office 2003中启用BIEE Excel Add-in (24)BIP (25)BI Publisher 和Oracle BI Server 的安全集成 (25)报表复制 (27)RDF to RTF Template Generator (27)RDF to Data Template Generator (27)其他 (27)修改BIEE中的用户密码 (27)BIEE和其他应用集成,如果出现频繁登录提示: (32)Metadata report (32)Oracle BIEE性能提高 (33)使用BIP和iBot中的外部认证 (33)BIEE中ibot的配置: (34)其他Web程序调用BIEE的报表方式: (34)其他Web程序调用BIEE的仪表板方式: (35)Customizing OBI EE – GO URL Parameters (36)从BIEE的报表链接到其他系统: (39)Writeback for dashboard commentary in OBI EE (40)Siebel Analytics Web Catalog 升级到Oracle BIEE Presentation Catalog (46)How To Log An Oracle Support Service Request Via SupportWeb for Oracle BusinessIntelligence Enterprise Edition (OBIEE) (49)Applies to: (49)Goal (49)Create SR for BIEE from metalink: (51)仪表板:仪表板分组下拉显示:1.配置instanceconfig.xml,加入<DahboardMaxBeforeMenu>的配置,然后重启BI presentation server.数字3表示,当一个组的仪表板数量大于等于3时,会将仪表板分组下拉显示。
RS Pro LS03-15BxxSR2S AC DC 转换器 3W 数据手册说明书
ENDatasheetRS Pro LS03-15BxxSR2S AC/DC Converter3W, AC-DC converterLS03-15BxxSR2S series has an ultra-wide wide input range accepting either AC or DC voltage, high efficiency, low power consumption and Class II reinforced insulation. All models are suitable for industrial control, electric power, instrumentation and smart home applications. We recommend using external components as shown in design reference for enhanced EMC performance in harsh environmental conditions.Selection GuideCertificationRS STOCK NO. (STANDARD PACK)Part No. * Output Power Nominal Output V oltage and Current (V o/Io) Efficiency at 230V AC(%) Typ. Capacitive Load (µF) Max. UL/CE/CB1812108 LS03-15B03SR2S 1.98W3.3V/600mA658201812109LS03-15B05SR2S 3W 5V/600mA 70 680 1812110 LS03-15B09SR2S 9V/333mA 73 470 1812111 LS03-15B12SR2S 12V/250mA 74 470 1812112LS03-15B24SR2S24V/125mA77100Input SpecificationsItemOperating Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit Input V oltage Range AC input 85 -- 305 V AC DC input 70 -- 430 VDC Input frequency 47 -- 63 HzInput current 115V AC -- -- 0.12 A 277V AC -- -- 0.06 Inrush current115V AC -- 13 -- 277V AC --23--Required External Input Fuse 1A, slow fusing, requiredHot PlugUnavailableFeatures⚫ Ultra-wide 85 - 305VAC and 70 - 430VDC input voltage range ⚫ Output short circuit, overcurrent protection ⚫ High efficiency, high power density ⚫ Low power consumption, green power ⚫ Industrial-grade design ⚫ Compact size open frame⚫ Flexible design of peripheral circuit reduces layout problems ⚫ IEC60950, UL60950, EN60950 safety approvedOutput SpecificationsItemOperating Conditions Min. Typ. Max. UnitOutput V oltage AccuracyLS03-15B03SR2S ①-- -- ±6%LS03-15B05SR2S ②-- -- ±5LS03-15B09SR2S ③ -- -- LS03-15B12SR2S ④ -- -- LS03-15B15SR2S -- -- LS03-15B24SR2S---- Line Regulation Full load 3.3V-- ±2.5 -- 5V/9V/12V/15V/24V -- ±1.5 -- Load Regulation 10% - 100% load3.3V/5V/9V/12V/15V -- ±3.0 -- 24V -- ±6.0 -- Ripple & Noise ⑤20MHz bandwidth (peak-to-peak value)-- 80 150 mV Temperature Coefficient-- ±0.15 -- %/° C Stand-by Power Consumption 230V AC input --0.150.25WShort Circuit Protection Continuous, self-recovery Overcurrent Protection110 - 500% Io, self-recoveryMin. Load10----%Note: ①②③④ Use solid-state 270μF/16V for output filter capacitor C2 when operating 3.3V/5V/9V/12V models, especially at temperatures in the -20℃ to -40℃ range.⑤The “parallel cable” method is used for Ripple and noise test, please refer to AC-DC Converter Application Notes for specific information.General SpecificationsItem Operating ConditionsMin. Typ. Max. Unit Isolation Test Input-outputElectric Strength Test for 1min. 3000 -- -- V AC Operating Temperature -40 -- +85 ℃ Storage Temperature -40 -- +105 Storage Humidity -- -- 85 %RH Switching Frequency-- -- 65 kHz Power Derating -40℃ to -20℃(85 - 110V AC) 2.0 -- -- %/℃+70℃ to +85℃ 2.67----Safety Standard IEC60950/EN60950/UL60950 Safety Certification IEC60950/EN60950/UL60950 Safety ClassCLASS II MTBF MIL-HDBK-217F@25°C>300,000 hMechanical SpecificationsCasing Material 35.00 x 18.00 x 11.00 mm Weight 6g (Typ.) Cooling method Free air convectionElectromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)EmissionsCECISPR32/EN55032 CLASS A (See Fig. 1 for typical application)CISPR32/EN55032 CLASS B (See Fig. 2 for recommended circuit) RE CISPR32/EN55032 CLASS A (See Fig. 1 for typical application) CISPR32/EN55032 CLASS B (See Fig. 2 for recommended circuit) ImmunityESD IEC/EN61000-4-2 Contact ±4kVPerf. Criteria B RS IEC/EN61000-4-3 10V/m (See Fig. 2 for recommended circuit) perf. Criteria A EFTIEC/EN61000-4-4 ±2kV (See Fig. 1 for typical application) perf. Criteria B IEC/EN61000-4-4 ±4kV (See Fig. 2 for recommended circuit) perf. Criteria B SurgeIEC/EN61000-4-5 line to line ±1kV (See Fig. 1 for typical application)perf. Criteria B IEC/EN61000-4-5 line to line±1kV/line to ground ±2kV(See Fig. 2 for recommended circuit) perf. Criteria B CSIEC/EN61000-4-6 10Vr.m.s (See Fig. 2 for recommended circuit) perf. Criteria A V oltage dips, short interruptions and voltage variationsIEC/EN61000-4-11 0%, 70% (See Fig. 2 for recommended circuit)perf. Criteria B1Product Characteristic Curve401006080-207085-40Input volta ge :70 - 130 VDC85 - 110 VAC Ambie nt T e mp e ra ture ()℃T e mp e ra ture Dera ting CurveO u t p u t P o w e r P e r c e n t a g e (%)401006080-207085-40Input volta ge :130 - 430VDC110 - 305VAC Ambie nt T e mp e ra ture ()℃T e mp e ra ture De ra ting C urveO u t p u t P o w e r P e r c e n t a g e (%)5240100608013040043070VDC11027730585VAC Input Volta geInput Volta ge De ra ting C urveO u t p u t P o w e r P e r c e n t a g e (%)Ambie nt te mp e ra ture :25℃70Note:①With an AC input between 85 - 110VAC/277- 305VAC and a DC input between 70 - 130VDC/400 - 430VDC, the output power must be derated as per temperature derating curves;② This product is suitable for applications using natural air cooling.LS 03-15B 05S R2SLS 03-15B 12S R2S LS 03-15B 24S R2S5055 60 65 70 75 80 8590 85115180230277305E f f i c i e n c y (%)Input Voltage(VAC)E fficiency Vs Input Voltage (F ull L oad)LS 03-15B 05S R2SLS 03-15B 12S R2S LS 03-15B 24S R2S505560 65 70 75 80 8590 10254050657590100E f f i c i e n c y (%)Output Cur r ent Per centage(%)E fficiency Vs Output L oad(Vin=230VAC )Design Reference1. T ypical application circuit+Vo-VoAC (L )AC (N)C 1+MO V1AC -DCC 2C 3T VS RL L 1C 4L 2C Y0++3①R1NT C F US E5711210Fig. 1: Typical circuit diagramNote: ① is a Pi filter circuit.Model FUSE (necessary)C1 (necessary)L2NTCC2 (necessary)L1 (necessary)C3 (necessary) C4CY0TVSLS03-15B03SR2S 1A/ 300V10µF/450V (-20℃ to +85℃) 22µF/450V (-40℃ to +85℃)4.7mH 13D-5 270µF/ 16V (Solid Capacitor )4.7µH 120µF/25V0.1µF/50V1nF/400 VACSMBJ7.0ALS03-15B05SR2S 68µF/35VLS03-15B09SR2S SMBJ12A LS03-15B12SR2S SMBJ20ALS03-15B24SR2S 220µF/ 35V 47µF/35V SMBJ30ANote:C1: C1 is used as filter capacitor with AC input and as EMC filter capacitor with DC input; R1: R1 is a 12Ω/2W current limiting resistance;An external input NTC (13D-5) is recommended for inrush current limitation and an external MOV (S14K350) for transient suppression.Output filter: We recommend using an electrolytic capacitor with high frequency, high ripple current and low ESR rating for C2 and C3 refer to manufacture’s datasheet). Combined with L1, they form a pi-type filter circuit. Choose a Capacitor voltage rating with at least 20% margin, in other words not exceeding 80%. C4 is a ceramic capacitor, used for filtering high frequency noise. A suppressor diode (TVS) is a recommended to protect the application in case of a converter failure.2. E MC solution-recommended circuitAC (N)AC (L)M OV2LCMC XC Y2C Y3AC-DCC 1+5FUSE12C Y1107-Vo +VoL1C 2C 3T VS RLC 4LDMR2++Ca n us e M O RNS UN s 'FC-L01DV113R3Fig 2Components Recommend ParameterMOV2 S14K350 CY1 2.2nF/400V AC CY2/CY3 561K/400V AC CX 0.1µF/310V AC LCM 3.50mH LDM 0.33mH R2/R3 12Ω/2WFUSE (required)1A/300V , slow-blow fuseCan u se MORNSUN’s FC -L01DV1 EMC modelLS03-15BxxSR2S Dimensions and Recommended LayoutNote:1.External electrolytic capacitors are required to modules, more details refer to typical applications.2.This part is open frame, at least 6.4mm safety distance between the primary and secondary external components of the module is needed to meet the safetyrequirement.3.Unless otherwise specified, parameters in this datasheet were measured under the conditions of Ta=25℃, humidity<75%,nominal input voltage (115V and230V) and rated output load;4.Audio noise maybe heard when the unit is operating with light load, this does not affect the product's reliability or performance.5.All index testing methods in this datasheet are based on our Company’s corporate standards.6.Products are related to laws and regulations: see "Features" and "EMC";7.Our products shall be classified according to ISO14001 and related environmental laws and regulations, and shall be handled by qualified units;8.It is only suitable for safe use in areas under 2000m above sea level.。
EMC Conducted Susceptibility, IEC 62132-4, Direct Power Injection
AND8410/DEMC ConductedSusceptibility, IEC 62132-4,Direct Power InjectionIntroductionThe EMC conducted immunity can be significantly improved by terminating the LIN bus with a capacitor to ground. On one hand it will load the bus so the maximum value is limited to ensure t < 5 m s (see LIN Physical Layer Spec Rev. 2.0, paragraph 3.1 LINE characteristics). On the other hand the higher the capacitor level, the more power can be injected in the system.Terminating the LIN output with a capacitor CL to ground improves the EMC conducted susceptibility to the levels indicated in Table 1.Table 1. MEASURED LEVELS OF EMC CONDUCTED SUSCEPTIBILITYCL Power InjectedFrequency Range 1 nF3 W 15 MHz − 300 MHz >4 W17 MHz − 290 MHz 2.2 nF3 W 6 MHz − 500 MHz >4 W8 MHz − 500 MHzMeasurement Set −upFigure 1. Schematic Diagram DUTAPPLICATION NOTEFigure 2. DPI Analyzer DetailsTable 2. LIST OF MEASUREMENT INSTRUMENTS USEDInstrument DescriptionRF Generator Rohde & Schwarz signal generator 5 kHz; 1.5 GHz SMT02Switch Unit Agilent data acquisition / switch unit 34970ASwitch Unit Module HP 20 channel actuator / general−purpose switch 34903AAmplifier research worldwide directional coupler MODEL DC3010 (10 KHz − 1000 MHz, 50 W CW/40 dB)Amplifier research worldwide microwave switches 8761A (DC−18 GHz, 10 W)Power load termination Narda MOD376BNM (DC−12.4 GHz, 50 W/40 W)RF Amplifier Amplifier research worldwide model 25A250A 25 Wats 10 kHz; 250 MHzAmplifier research worldwide model 30A1000B 30 Wats 10 kHz; 1000 MHzSwitch Box Power switch AMIS including directional coupler amplifier researchRF Power Meter Rohde & Schwarz power meter NRVDRF Attenuator Rohde & Schwarz 6 dB, input max. 50 W, DC−2 GHzURV Probes Rohde & Schwarz URV5−Z2AccessoriesMeasurement ResultsPower injected in dBm and W in function of frequency with termination capacitor CL as a parameter.Figure 3. Power Injected in dBmEMC susceptibility − disturbance on LIN bus1101001000Frequency [MHz]P o w e r [d B m ]Figure 4. Power Injected in WEMC susceptibility −disturbance on LIN bus00.511.522.533.544.51101001000Frequency [MHz]P o w e r [W ]RecommendationAt the master node a capacitor CL can be connected between LIN and ground still fulfilling the maximum time −constant of the bus. Giving next equations:RBUS +RMaster øRSlave1øRSlave2øAAA øRSlave_nt +CBUS @RBUSCBUS = CMASTER + n CSLAVE + C’LINE ⋅ LengthBUSAs an example, one can calculate the maximum value for CL:•1 master •3 slaves•Line length = 10 m •C’line = 100 pF/m •Cslave = 220 pF •Rslave = 30 k W •Rmaster = 1 k W •t ≤ 4 m sThis yields in CL = 2.74 nF.Company or Product InquiriesFor more information about ON Semiconductor’s products or services, please visit our web site at .ON Semiconductor and are registered trademarks of Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC (SCILLC). SCILLC reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. SCILLC makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does SCILLC assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation special, consequential or incidental damages.“Typical” parameters which may be provided in SCILLC data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications and actual performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including “Typicals” must be validated for each customer application by customer’s technical experts. SCILLC does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. SCILLC products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as components in systems intended for surgical implant into the body, or other applications intended to support or sustain life, or for any other application in which the failure of the SCILLC product could create a situation where personal injury or death may occur. Should Buyer purchase or use SCILLC products for any such unintended or unauthorized application, Buyer shall indemnify and hold SCILLC and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates,and distributors harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that SCILLC was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part. SCILLC is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. This literature is subject to all applicable copyright laws and is not for resale in any manner.PUBLICATION ORDERING INFORMATION。
S1000.4~2.2kW(0.5~3HP) 1-Phase 200~240Volts0.4~15kW(0.5~20HP) 3-Phase 200~240Volts0.4~75kW(0.5~100HP) 3-Phase 380~480VoltsIP66 NEMA4X 0.4~2.2kW(0.5~3HP) 1-phase 200V~240VoltsIP66 NEMA4X 0.4~15kW(0.5~20HP) 3-Phase 200~240VoltsIP66 NEMA4X 0.4~22kW(0.5~30HP) 3-Phase 380~480Volts2C o n t e n t s0410121417212832S100 Features IP66/NEMA 4X Model and Type SpecificationsWiring / Terminal Configuration Keypad Functions Peripheral Devices DimensionsPowerful sensorless control, and a diverse range of user friendly functions delivers added value to our customers.Meet the new standard drive S100 by LS for the global market.Strong Power with a Compact Size !S10 0High-performanceStandard Drive3High-performance Standard Drive• Built-in safe torque off (STO) • Redundant input circuitSafetyFunctions • Sensorless control functions• Starting torque (200%/0.5Hz)Strong Performance• Side-by-side installation • Decreased dimensions Space EfficientDesign • Various field networksSuitable for Users• Built-in EMC filter • International standardsStandard ComplianceScan the QR code on your drive front and check the key use information4Specialized FeaturesS100 Improves User Convenience with Smart Copier .Drive Control PartDrive Input/Output Part (Flash Memory)Auto-synchronization When Power-onSmart Copier Receives From Drive Input/Output PartSmart Copier Sends to Drive Input/Output PartRead Parameter Memory Write Parameter MemorySmart CopierSmart Copier Flow ChartThe drive does not need to be powered when using the smart copier.Functions Without Power InputI/O input and output can be shared among master and slave drive (RS485 wiring required)P2P Function EmbeddedThe run LED flickers during normal operation. The error LED flickers when events such as communication errors occur.LED Lamp FeedbacksParameters can be copied/loaded from the drive to the smart copier and vise versa,simply with the keypad.Read / Write Function of ParametersMultiple drives can be controlled and monitored with single keypad. (RS485 wiring required)Multi Keypad FunctionParameters saved in the smart copier can be down-loaded to both the drive I/O and the control part.Simple InstallationSimple PLC sequences can be operated with various function block combinations.User Sequence FunctionUser ConvenienceRJ45(Included if Smart Copiers are Purchased)Smart CopierGraphic LCD can be used for parameter copy from drive to drive.6Suitable for UsersS100 Offers a Variety of Customer Conveniencesto Compete in the Global Market.① Profibus-DP ④ CANopen ② Ethernet IP ⑤ EtherCAT ③ Modbus TCP⑥ PROFInet[Various Field Bus Options]Various Field Bus Options Easy to Install and Use.Conduit Kit Acquired UL open type & enclosed type1 certification※ UL open type is offered as default※ UL enclosed type1 needs conduit kit(option) installationThe heat sink can be mounted outside of the panel in case the space is limited.Flange Type• Relay output: 2ea (NO/NC selectable)• Digital input: 3ea (NPN/PNP selectable)• Analog I/O: 2ea/1ea eachExtension I/O Option CardPossible to connect to a variety of fieldbus networks Easy maintenance and mountingSimple Cooling Fan ReplacementReplaceable fan without complete disassemblyMasterSlave2Slave1※ LCD keypad (same as iS7 model) enables handy parameter set up.※ Multi language support will be available.Multi-Keypad FunctionSingle LCD keypad can be used to set up the parameters of a RS485 connected drives.Parameter Change with a Keypad.7High-performance Standard DriveDriveView9 Connection with RJ45 PortiS7 Normal CableRJ45 to USB Cable* RJ45 to USB Cable : Available as option8Space Efficient DesignS100 Increases Efficiency of the Control Panel.50mm50mm2mm2mm50mm 50mm50mm50mmiG5A (500mm) S100 (404mm) Minimized distance between drives enables panel size reduction for multiple drives installation.Side-by-side InstallationMain components have been optimally designedthrough thermal analysis and 3D design to reducethe dimension up to 60% compared to iG5A.Smaller SizeHDWSize Reduction60%400V 11kW Basis9High-performance Standard DriveStandard ComplianceS100 Has Built-in Safety Functions Suitable for Modern Safety Standards.※ Safety relay needs to be purchased separately.Main PowerSafety RelaySC 24VSA SBGate BlockMControl Circuit• Meets the electrical noise reduction regulation.• Related standards: 2nd Environment/Category C3(Class A) - CE standard is certified※ 1-phase 200V 0.4~2.2kW (C2) / 3-phase 400V 0.4~45kW (C3]Designed to be used for heavy and normal duty applications.• Overload capacity - H eavy duty operation: 150% of rated current, 60 seconds - Normal duty operation: 120% of rated current, 60 seconds※ Excludes IP66/NEMA 4XDual Rating OperationThe Safety input function meets EN ISO 13849-1 PLd and EN 61508 SIL2 (EN60204-1, stop category 0).This feature is standard and enables compliance with current safety standards.Built-in Safe Torque Off(STO)Built-in EMC FilterEffective in improving power factor and decreasing THD.※ 3-phase 400V 30~75kWBuilt-in DC ReactorRedundant Input CircuitStandstill or rotary auto-tuning options are available as standard to find motor constants with or without rotating the motor for optimized motor performance.Selectable Rotary / Standstill Auto-tuningGlobal standard complianceGlobal Compliance10High-performance Standard DriveS100 IP66/NEMA 4X SeriesProtected Against Foreign Substances Such as Fine Dust and High Pressure Water Spray.• Satisfies NEMA standard type 4X for indoor use.• Satisfies IEC 60529 standard IP66•1Ø 200V 0.4~2.2kW / 3Ø 200V 0.4~15kW / 3Ø 400V 0.4~22kW • PDS / Non-PDS (PDS; Power Disconnect Switch)The Drive for Harsh Ambient Conditions.IP66 / N EMA 4X※ (F): Built-in EMC or Non-EMC type selectable ※ 55~75kW satisfies EMC class 3* For the rated capacity, 200 and 400V class input capacities are based on 220 and 440V, respectively.* The rated output current is limited depending on the setup of carrier frequency (CN-04).* The output voltage becomes 20~40% lower during no-load operations to protect the drive from the impact of the motor closing and opening (0.4~4.0kW models only). * Dual rating is supported except IP66/NEMA 4X* For the rated capacity, 200 and 400V class input capacities are based on 220 and 440V, respectively.* The rated output current is limited depending on the setup of carrier frequency (CN-04).* The output voltage becomes 20~40% lower during no-load operations to protect the drive from the impact of the motor closing and opening (0.4~4.0kW models only). * Dual rating is supported except IP66/NEMA 4Xequest saLes peRson FoR ensoRLess FunctionDC InputShort Bar2) Use copper wires with 600V, 75°C specification.connected .DC ReactorBraking ResistorR(L1)S(L2)T(L3)P1(+)P2(+)BN(-)U V WR(L1)S(L2)T(L3)P2(+)P3(+)N(-)U V WDC InputBraking Unit1)2) Standard I/O is only provided for P5.3) In case of Standard I/O, Pulse input TI and multi-function terminal P5 share the same terminal. Set the ln.69 P5 define to 54(TI).4) In case of Standard I/O, Pulse output TO and multi-function output Q1 share the same terminal. Set the OU.33Q1 define to 38(TO).S+S-SG VR V1CM I2AO P5P6P7CM SA SB SC TO A1B1C1Q1EG24P1P2P3P4TIS+S-SG VR V1CM I2AOP4P5CM SA SB SC A1B1C1Q1EG24P1P2P30.4~22kW30~75kW0.4~22kWStandard I/OMultiple I/OStandard I/O※ LSLV-S100 can be supplied with either standard I/O or multiple I/O※ I/O board is supplied built in. IS7 LCD loader can be mounted on the front of the drive. ※ NC: Terminal not in use.DisplayFWD during acceleration/deceleration)operationSETLearning how to operate a S100(Smart device with android)2) Visible only when setting the function item of In.65~71 multi-function input terminal as no.26(2nd motor).1) Indicates only the target frequency when LCD keypad is installed. The first code of the operation group is a place to set a target frequency. It had been set as 0.00 when shipping fromthe factory, however, if a user changes the operating frequency, it indicates the changed operating frequency.2) Visible only when setting the function item of In.65~71 multi-function input terminal as no.26(2nd motor).Therefore, an over current trip (OCT) or over voltage trip (OVT) may occur when there is a low-resistance ground fault.1)If you do not want to enter the modified value, you can press the left, right, up or down keys (◀) (▶) (▲) (▼) except the enter key (ENT) in the ON condition to cancel the input.calculated at twice the standard.• The resistance/rated capacity/braking torque/%ED of DB Resistor are valid only for the DB unit of type A and the values of DB Resistor for type B and C refer to the manual of DB Unit..• Rating Watt of DBU has to be doubled when %ED is doubled.• It is not necessary to use option type dynamic braking unit for S100 below 22kW capacity because basically the dynamic braking unit is built in.• You must refer to dynamic braking unit manual for usage recommended dynamic braking unit in the table above due to changeable table.Terminal ArrangementGroup 1Group 3Group 2 :Group 4, 5braking unit.LSLV0022S100-1 / 0037S100-2 / 0037S100-4 / 0040S100-2 / 0040S100-4LSLV0004S100-1 / 0004S100-4 / 0008S100-4 (Built-in EMC)LSLV0008S100-1 / 0015S100-1 / 0015S100-4 / 0022S100-4 (Built-in EMC)LSLV0022S100-1 / 0037S100-4 / 0040S100-4 (Built-in EMC)LSLV0055S100-2 / 0075S100-2 / 0055S100-4 / 0075S100-4LSLV0110S100-2 / 0110S100-4 / 0150S100-4LSLV0150S100-2 / 0185S100-4 / 0220S100-4LSLV0300S100-4LSLV0370S100-4 / 0450S100-4LSLV0550S100-4 / 0750S100-4IP66(NEMA4X) 0.4~4.0kWIP66(NEMA4X) 5.5~7.5kWIP66(NEMA4X) 11~22kWCommunication Option Module (Installation Example)Conduit OptionConduit Option1) eMc LteRBuiLt-in c La※c onduit s ize:1/2inches(Ø:22.3MM),3/4inches(Ø:28.6 MM) 1 inches (Ø : 35 MM), 1+1/4 inches (Ø : 44.5 MM)1) eMc LteRBuiLt-in c Lass3 ※c onduit s ize:1/2inches(Ø:22.3MM),1+1/4inches(Ø:44.5MM) 1+1/2 inches (Ø : 50.8 MM), 2 inches (Ø : 63.5 MM)Flange OptionFlange OptionFlange Option。
All equipment intended for use in a residential, commercial, or light industrial environment that is not covered by one of the product family standards
All equipment intended for use in a residential, commercial, or light industrial environment that is not covered by one of the product family standards
EXPIRED 31/05/2009
EN 61000-6-4:2001
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 6-4: Generic standards – Emission standard for industrial environments
All equipment intended for use in an industrial environment that is not covered by one of the product family standards
EN 50081-2:1993
Harmonics and Flicker not required
EXPIRED 01/12/2009
EN 61000-6-4:2007
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 6-4: Generic standards – Emission standard for industrial environments
5S :5S管理AVL :认可的供货商清单(Approved Vendor List)BOM :物料清单(Bill Of Material)BPR:企业流程再造(Business Process Reengineering)IPQC :制程品质管制(In-Process Quality Control)IQC :进料品质管制(Incoming Quality Control)ISO :国际标准组织(International Organization for Standardization)ISAR :首批样品认可(Initial Sample Approval Request)-JIT:实时管理(Just In Time)PO :订单(Purchase Order)PR :采购申请Purchase RequestQA :品质保证(Quality Assurance)-QC :品质管制(Quality Control)QCC :品管圈(Quality Control Circle)QE :品质工程(Quality Engineering)TQM :全面品质管理(Total Quality Management)WIP:在制品(Work In Process)部门名称的专有名词:1) Engineering Department (工程部)PE: Product Engineering (产品工程)IE: Industry Engineering (工业工程)TE: Testing Engineering (测试工程)ME: Manufacturing Engineering (制造工程)CE: Component Engineering( 零件工程)2) Quality Assurance Department(品质保证部)QA: Quality Assurance (品质保证)QC: Quality Control (品质控制)CS: Customer Service (客户服务)DCC: Document Control Center (文件管制中心)TQEM: Total Quality Environment Management (全面品质环境管理)SQA: Supplier Quality Audit(Assurance) (供货商品质稽核/保证)QE: Quality Engineering (品质工程)IQC: Incoming Quality Control (进料品质管制)IPQC: In process Quality Control (制程品质管制)OQA/OQC : Outgoing Quality Assurance/Control ( 出货品质保证/控制)SI: Sourcing Inspection (客验)FQC: Final Quality Control ( 成品品质控制)3)PD: Production Department (制造)4)PMC: Production / material Control (企划)5)MFG: Manufacturing (制造)6)LOG: Logistics (后勤支持)7) Shipping: (进出口)8) MIS: Management Information System (计算机中心)9)SMT: Surface Mounting T echnology (表面粘着技术)10) M/I: Manual In Process (手插件)EC/CP/ECN:1)Engineering Change/Change Process/Engineering Change Notice (工程变更)2) CRB: Change Review Board (工程变更会议)3) QIT: Quality Improvement Team 品质改善小组4) M.Q.F.S: Material Quality Feedback Sheet (来料品质回馈单)5) SCAR: Supplier Corrective Action Report (供货商改善对策报告)6) 8D Sheet: 8 Disciplines sheet ( 8D单)12) 5S: SEIRI、SEITON、SEISO、SEIKETSU、SHITSUKE (整理,整顿,清扫,清洁,素养)13) BOM/LOM: Bill Of Material/ List Of Material (物料清单)14) OBA: Out of Box Audit (开箱稽核)15) FIFO: First In First Out (先进先出)'16) CAR: Corrective Action Report (改善措施报告)17) MRB: Material Review Board (物料审核小组)18) JIT: Just in time 实时管理19) SPC: Statistic Process Control (预计制程管制)20) PDCA:PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Action) (管理循环)21) WIP: Work in Process (在制品)22) MPQ: Material Packing Quantity (物料最小包装量)23) S/O: Sales Order (业务订单)24) P/O: Purchase Order (采购订单)25) P/R: Purchase Request (请购单)26) DSCN: Delivery Schedule Change Notice (交期变更通知)27) PILOT RUN: (试投产)28) ICT: In Circuit Test (线路测试)29) F/T: Function Test (功能测试)30) T/U: Touch Up (锡面修补)31) DPPM: Defect Part Per Million (不良率的一种表达方式(百万分之)32) Corrective Action: (改善对策)33)Rework: (返工)34) SOP: Standard Operation Process (标准作业流程)35)TOP: Test Operation Process (测试作业流程)36) SMD: Surface Mounting Device (表面粘着装置)37) QAPS: Quality Assurance Process Sheet (品质工程表)AABC: 作业制成本制度(Activity-Based Costing)ABB: 实施作业制预算制度(Activity-Based Budgeting)ABM: 作业制成本管理(Activity-Base Management)APS: 先进规划与排程系统(Advanced Planning and Scheduling)ASP: 应用程序服务供货商(Application Service Provider)ATP: 可承诺量(Available To Promise)AVL: 认可的供货商清单(Approved Vendor List)BBOM:物料清单(Bill Of Material)BPR:企业流程再造(Business Process Reengineering)BSC:平衡记分卡(Balanced ScoreCard)BTF:计划生产(Build To Forecast)BTO:订单生产(Build To Order)CCPM:要径法(Critical Path Method)CPM:每一百万个使用者会有几次抱怨(Complaint per Million)CRM:客户关系管理(Customer Relationship Management)CRP:产能需求规划(Capacity Requirements Planning)CTO:客制化生产(Configuration To Order)DDBR:限制驱导式排程法(Drum-Buffer-Rope)DMT:成熟度验证(Design Maturing T esting)DVT:设计验证(Design Verification T esting)DRP:运销资源计划(Distribution Resource Planning)DSS:决策支持系统(Decision Support System)EEC:设计变更/工程变更(Engineer Change)EC:电子商务(Electronic Commerce)ECRN: 原件规格更改通知(Engineer Change Request Notice)EDI:电子数据交换(Electronic Data Interchange)EIS:主管决策系统(Executive Information System)EMC:电磁相容(Electric Magnetic Capability)EOQ:基本经济订购量(Economic Order Quantity)ERP:企业资源规划(Enterprise Resource Planning)FFAE:应用工程师(Field Application Engineer)FCST: 预估(Forecast)FMS:弹性制造系统(Flexible Manufacture System)FQC:成品质量管理(Finish or Final Quality Control)IIPQC:制程质量管理(In-Process Quality Control)IQC:进料质量管理(Incoming Quality Control)ISO:国际标准组织(International Organization for Standardization) ISAR:首批样品认可(Initial Sample Approval Request)JJIT:实时管理(Just In Time)KKM:知识管理(Knowledge Management)LL4L:逐批订购法(Lot-for-Lot)LTC:最小总成本法(Least Total Cost)LUC:最小单位成本(Least Unit Cost)MMES:制造执行系统(Manufacturing Execution System)MO:制令(Manufacture Order)MPS:主生产排程(Master Production Schedule)MRO:请修(购)单(Maintenance Repair Operation)MRP:物料需求规划(Material Requirement Planning)MRPII: 制造资源计划(Manufacturing Resource Planning)NNFCF:更改预估量的通知(Notice for Changing Forecast)OOEM:委托代工(Original Equipment Manufacture)ODM:委托设计与制造(Original Design & Manufacture)OLAP:在线分析处理(On-Line Analytical Processing)OLTP:在线交易处理(On-Line Transaction Processing)OPT:最佳生产技术(Optimized Production Technology)OQC:出货质量管理(Out-going Quality Control)PPDCA:PDCA管理循环(Plan-Do-Check-Action)PDM:产品数据管理系统(Product Data Management)PERT: 计划评核术(Program Evaluation and Review Technique) PO:订单(Purchase Order)POH:预估在手量(Product on Hand)PR:采购申请(Purchase Request)QQA:质量保证(Quality Assurance)QC:质量管理(Quality Control)QCC:品管圈(Quality Control Circle)QE:质量工程(Quality Engineering)RRCCP:粗略产能规划(Rough Cut Capacity Planning)RMA:退货验收Returned Material ApprovalROP:再订购点(Re-Order Point)SSCM:供应链管理(Supply Chain Management)SFC:现场控制(Shop Floor Control)SIS:策略信息系统(Strategic Information System)SO:订单(Sales Order)SOR:特殊订单需求(Special Order Request)SPC:统计制程管制(Statistic Process Control)SQE:供应商质量工程师(Supplier Quality Engineer)TTOC:限制理论(Theory of Constraints)TPM:全面生产管理Total Production ManagementTQC:全面质量控制(Total Quality Control)TQM:全面质量管理(Total Quality Management)WWIP:在制品(Work In Process)一:常用术语CMM Component module move 机动组件整合CEM Contract Manufaction service 合约委托代工IBSC Internet Business Solution Center 国际互联网应用中心一:常用术语CMM Component module move 机动组件整合CEM Contract Manufaction service 合约委托代工IBSC Internet Business Solution Center 国际互联网应用中心PCEG Personal Computer Enclosure group 个人计算机外设事业群(FOXTEQ)ESBG Enterprise system business group 鸿富锦事业群SABG system assembly business group 系统组装事业群Stamping tool shop I 冲模一厂Stamping tool shop II 冲模二厂Prototype workshop 样品中心Steel factory 裁剪厂PCE molding tooling workshop PCE塑模厂Hua Nan test and measurement center 华南检测中心MPE mobile phone enclosure MPEMBE mobile phone and notebook enclosure 明塑厂MGE Alloy magnesium alloy enclosure 镁合金Engineer standard 工标Document center (database center)资料中心Design Center 设计中心Painting 烤漆(厂) Assembly组装(厂)Stamping 冲压(厂)Education and Training教育训练proposal improvement/creative suggestion提案改善Technological exchange and study 技术交流研习会Technology and Development Committee 技术发展委员会BS Brain Storming 脑力激荡QCC Quality Control Circle 品质圈PDCA Plan Do Check Action 计划执行检查总结DCC delivery control center 交货管制中心3CComputer 计算机类产品Consumer electronics 消费性电子产品Communication 通讯类产品Core value(核心价值)Love 爱心Confidence 信心Decision 决心Corporate culture(公司文化)Integration 融合Responsibility 责任Progress 进步3T STRATEGYTime to market 及时切入生产Time to volume 及时大量生产Time to money 及时大量交货FOUR CONTROL YSTEM 四大管制系统Engineering control system 工程管制系统Quality control system质量管理系统Manufacturing control system生产管制系统Management control system经营管制系统7SClassification整理(sorting, organization)-seiri Regulation整顿(arrangement, tidiness)-seiton Cleanliness清扫(sweeping, purity)-seiso Conservation清洁(cleaning, cleanliness)-seiktsu Culture教养(discipline)-**sukeSave 节约Safety安全二:英文缩写质量人员名称类QC quality control 品质管理人员FQC final quality control 终点质量管理人员IPQC in process quality control 制程中的质量管理人员OQC output quality control 最终出货质量管理人员IQC incoming quality control 进料质量管理人员TQC total quality control 全面质量管理POC passage quality control 段检人员QA quality assurance 质量保证人员OQA output quality assurance 出货质量保证人员QE quality engineering 质量工程人员质量保证类FAI first article inspection 新品首件检查FAA first article assurance 首件确认CP capability index 能力指数CPK capability process index 模具制程能力参数SSQA standardized supplier quality audit 合格供货商质量评估FMEA failure model effectiveness analysis 失效模式分析FQC运作类AQL Acceptable Quality Level 运作类允收质量水平S/S Sample size 抽样检验样本大小ACC Accept 允收REE Reject 拒收CR Critical 极严重的MAJ Major 主要的MIN Minor 轻微的Q/R/S Quality/Reliability/Service 质量/可靠度/服务P/N Part Number 料号L/N Lot Number 批号AOD Accept On Deviation 特采UAI Use As It 特采FPIR First Piece Inspection Report 首件检查报告PPM Percent Per Million 百万分之一制程统计品管专类SPC Statistical Process Control 统计制程管制SQC Statistical Quality Control 统计质量管理GRR Gauge Reproductiveness & Repeatability 量具之再制性及重测性判断量可靠与否DIM Dimension 尺寸DIA Diameter 直径N Number 样品数其它质量术语类QIT Quality Improvement Team 质量改善小组ZD Zero Defect 零缺点QI Quality Improvement 质量改善QP Quality Policy 目标方针TQM Total Quality Management 全面质量管理RMA Return Material Audit 退料认可7QCTools 7 Quality Control Tools 品管七大手法通用之件类ECN Engineering Change Notice 工程变更通知(供货商)ECO Engineering Change Order 工程改动要求(客户)PCN Process Change Notice 工序改动通知PMP Product Management Plan 生产管制计划SIP Standard Inspection Procedure 制程检验标准程序SOP Standard Operation Procedure 制造作业规范IS Inspection Specification 成品检验规范BOM Bill Of Material 物料清单PS Package Specification 包装规范SPEC Specification 规格DWG Drawing 图面系统文件类ES Engineering Standard 工程标准CGOO China General PCE龙华厂文件IWS International Workman Standard 工艺标准ISO International Standard Organization 国际标准化组织GS General Specification 一般规格部类PMC Production & Material Control 生产和物料控制PCC Product control center 生产管制中心PPC Production Plan Control 生产计划控制MC Material Control 物料控制DC Document Center 资料中心QE Quality Engineering 质量工程(部)QA Quality Assurance 质量保证(处)QC Quality Control 质量管理(课)PD Product Department 生产部LAB Laboratory 实验室IE Industrial Engineering 工业工程R&D Research & Design 设计开发部生产类PCs Pieces 个(根,块等)PRS Pairs 双(对等)CTN Carton 卡通箱PAL Pallet/skid 栈板PO Purchasing Order 采购订单MO Manufacture Order 生产单D/C Date Code 生产日期码ID/C Identification Code (供货商)识别码SWR Special Work Request 特殊工作需求L/N Lot Number 批号P/N Part Number 料号OEM Original Equipment Manufacture 原设备制造PC Personal Computer 个人计算机CPU Central Processing Unit 中央处理器A.S.A.P As Soon As Possible 尽可能快的E-MAIL Electrical-Mail 电子邮件N/A Not Applicable 不适用QTY Quantity 数量I/O input/output 输入/输出NG Not Good 不行,不合格C=0 Critical=0 极严重不允许APP Approve 核准,认可,承认CHK Check 确认ASS’Y Assembly 装配,组装T/P True Position 真位度5WIH When, Where, Who, What, Why, How to6M Man, Machine, Material, Method, Measurement, Message4MTH Man, Material, Money, Method, Time, How 人力,物力,财务,技术,时间(资源) SQA Strategy Quality Assurance 策略质量保证DQA Design Quality Assurance 设计质量保证MQA Manufacture Quality Assurance 制造质量保证SSQA Sales and service Quality Assurance 销售及服务质量保证LRR Lot Reject Rate 批退率SPS Switching power supply 电源箱DT Desk Top 卧式(机箱)MT Mini-Tower 立式(机箱)DVD Digital Video DiskVCD Video Compact DiskLCD Liquid Crystal DisplayCAD Computer Aided DesignCAM Computer Aided ManufacturingCAE Computer Aided EngineeringPCB Printed Circuit Board 印刷电路板CAR Correction Action Report 改善报告NG Not Good 不良WDR Weekly Delivery Requirement 周出货要求PPM Percent Per Million 百万分之一TPM Total Production Maintenance 全面生产保养MRP Material Requirement Planning 物料需计划OS Operation System 操作系统TBA To Be Assured 待定,定缺EMI Electrical-Music Industry 电子音乐工业Electrical Magnetic Interference 电子干扰RFI Read Frequency Input 读频输入LED lighting-emitting diode 发光二极管通用类president董事长operator作业员position职务general manager总经理special assistant 特助deputy manager |’depjuti| =vice manager副理deputy supervisor =vice supervisor副课长group leader组长line leader线长supervisor 课长responsible department负责单位Human Resources Department 人力资源部Head count 人头数production department生产部门planning department企划部QC Section品管课stamping factory冲压厂painting factory烤漆厂molding factory成型厂administration/general affairs dept./总务部production unit生产单位缩写英文对照中文术语8D 8 Disciplines Of Solving Problem 解决问题8步法AC./RE. Acceptable / Rejective 允收/拒收AQL Acceptable Quallity Level 允收水准ABB Activity-Based Budgeting 实施作业制预算制度ABC Activity-Based Costing 作业制成本制度ABM Activity-Based Mangement 作业制成本管理APS Advanced Planning And Scheduling 应用程式服务供应商APQP Advanced Product Quality Planning 先期产品品质规划ANOVA Analysis Of Variance 方差分析AAR Appearance Approval Report 外观承认报告AC Appraisal Cost 鉴定成本ASL Approved Suplier List 合格供应商清单AVL Approved Vendor List 认可的供应商清单ATP Available To Promise 可承诺量BSC Balanced Score Card 平衡记分卡BOM Bill Of Material 材料明细BTF Build To Forecarst 计划生产BTO Build To Order 订单生产BPR Business Process Reengineering 企业流程再造CPK Capability Of Process 修正过程能力指数Ca. Capability Of Accuraty 精确度指数Cp. Capability Of Precesion 精密度指数CRP Capacity Requirement Planning 产能需求规划C. OF C. Certificate Of Compliance (质量)承诺证明书CEO Chief Excutive Officer 执行总裁CQC Companywide Quality Control 全公司范围的品质管理CPM Complaint Per Illion 每百万报怨次CAD Computer Aided Design 计算机辅助设计CTO Configuration To Order 客制化生产CRC Contract Review Committee 合同评审委员会CIF Cost Inusance And Freight 到岸价格COQ Cost Of Quality 品质成本CPM Critical Path Method 要径法CTQ Critical Quality 关键质量CAR Crrective Action Report 纠正措施报告CRM Customer Relationship Management 客户关系管理CR Customer's Risk 消费者冒险率DSS Decision Support System 决策资源系统DS/SS Def.Size/Sample Size 缺点数/样品数DPU Defect Per Unit 单位缺陷数DPMO Defects Per Million Opportunity 百万个机会中的缺陷数DMADV Define\Measurement\Analysis\Design\Verify 确定、测量、分析、设计、验证DMAIC Define\Measurement\Analysis\Improvement\Control 确定、测量、分析、改善、控制DEPT. Department 部门DMT Design Matuing Testing 成熟度验证DOE Design Of Experiment 实验设计DVT Design Verification Testing 设计验证DRP Distribution Resource Planning 运销资源计划DTS Dock To Stock 免验DCC Document Control Centre 文管中心DBE Drum-Buffer-Rope 限制驱导式排程法EOQ Economic Order Quantity 基本经济订购量EMC Electric Magnetic Capability 电磁相容EC Electronic Commerce 电子商务EDI Electronic Data Imterchange 电子资料交换EC Engenering Change 工程变更ECN Engenering Change Notice 工程变更通知ECRN Engineer Change Request Notice 原件规格更改通知ERP Enterprise Resource Planning 物料需求计划EI&PM Employee Involvement & participative Management 全员参与法EIS Executive Information System 主管决策系统FAE Field Application Engineer 应用工程师FQC Finish Or Final Quality Control 成品品质管制FAI First Article Inspection 首件检验FMEA Failure Mode And Efects Analysis 失效模式及效应分析Yft First Time Yield 首次通过率FMS Flexible Manufacture System 弹性制造系统FCST Forecast 预估FOB Free Of Board 离岸价G R&R Gauge Reproducility & Repeatability 量具再现性与再生性GWQC Groupwide Quality Control 全集团范围的品质管理IQC Incoming Quality Control 进料品质管制ISAR Initial Sample Approval Request 首批样品认可IPQC In-Process Quality Control 过程品质管制ISO International Standardization Orgnization 国际标准化组织JIT Just In Time 即时管理KCP Key Control Point 关键控制点KM Knowledge Management 知识管理LDPU Latent DeFect Per Unit 单位产品潜在缺陷LTC Least Total Cost 最小总成本法LUC Least Unit Cost 最小单位本法LS Lobour Scrap 工时损失LRR lot Rejective Rate 批退率LTPD Lot Tolerance Percent Defective 拒收水准,批量允许的次品百分数L4L Lot-For-Lot 逐批订购法LCL Lower Control Limit 下控制界限LSL Lower Specification Limit 下规格界限MRO Maintenance Repair Operation 请修(购)单MIS Management Information System 资讯系统MO Management Order 制令MES Manufacturing Execution System 制造执行系统MRP-II Manufacturing Resourece Planning 制造资源规划MPS Master Production Scheduling 主生产排程MRP Material Requirement Plan 物料需求规划MRB Material Review Board 物料鉴审委员会MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet 物质安全资料表MS Material Scrap 材料报废MTBF Mean Time Between Failure 平均故障间隔时间MSA Measurement System Analysis 测量系统分析NG Not Good 不良OLAP On-Line Analytical Processing 线上分析处理OLTP On-Line Transaction Processing 线上交易处理OPT Optimized Production Technology 最佳生产技术ODM Original Design & Manufacture 委托设计与制造OEM Original Equeitpment Manufacture 原始设备制造商/委托代工OQC Out-Going Quality Control 出货品质管制PPM Part Per Million 百万分之……PDCA Plan Do Check Action PDCA管理循环PSO President Staff Office 总经理办公室PM Prevention Mmaintenance 预防维护PC Preventive Cost 预防成本PR Producer's Risk 生产者冒险率PDM Product Data Management 生产资料管理系统POH Product On Hand 预估在手量PPAP Production Part Approval Process 生产品核工业准程序PERT Program Evaluation And Review Technique 计划评核术P/O Purchase Order 订单QA Quality Assurance 质量保证QC Quality Control 质量管制QCC Quality Control Circle 品管圈QCFS Quality Control Flow Sheet 品质控制流程图QDN Quality Deviation Notice 品质异常通知QDR Quality Deviation Request 品质异常回复QE Quality Engineering 品质工程QFD Quality Function Depioyment 品质功能展开QIT Quality Improvement Team 品质改善团队QIS Quality Information System 品质信息系统QS9000 Quality System 9000 品质系统9000QSA Quality System Assessment 品质系统评鉴ROP Re-Order Point 再订购点R&D Research And Development 研究开发RMA Returned Material Approval 进货验收RC Rework Cost 返工费用RPN Risk Priority Number 风险领先指数Yrt Rolled Thoughtput Yield 全过程通过率RCCP Rough Cut Capacity Planning 粗略产能规划S S 样本偏差SO Sales Order 订单SFC Shop Floor Comtrol 现场控制σ Sigma 标准差SOR Special Order Request 特殊订单需求SPEC. Specification 规范/规格SDCA Standardzation Do Check Action SDCA管理循环SPC Statistical Process Control 过程统计控制SIS Strategic Information System 策略资讯系统SWOT Strength\ Weakness \Oportunity\ Treats 企业SWOT分析资料SQD Supplier Quality Develepment 供应商品质开发SCM Supply Chain Management 供应链管理TOC Theory Of Constraints 限制理论Ytp Thoughtout Yield 过程通过率TMC Total Manufacture Cost 总制造成本TPM Total Production Management 全面生产管理TQM Total Quality Management 全面品质管理UCL Upper Control Limit 上控制界限USL Upper Specification Limit 上规格界限WIP Work In Process 在制品Xbar X bar X平均值Cmk是机器设备的能力指数Cpk——过程能力指数Accuracy 准确度Active 主动Action 评价、处理Activity 活动Add 添加Addition rule 加法运算规则Analysis Covariance 协方差分析Analysis of Variance 方差分析Appraisal Variation 评价变差Approved 承认ASQC 美国质量学会Attribute 计数值Audit 审核Automatic database recovery 数据库错误自动回复Average 平均数balance 平衡Balance sheet 资产负债对照表Binomial 二项分配Body 机构Brainstorming Techniques 脑力风暴法Business Systems Planning 企业系统规划Cable 电缆Capability 能力Cause and Effect matrix 因果图.鱼骨图Center line 中心线check 检查Check Sheets 检查表Chi-square Distribution 卡方分布Clutch spring 离合器弹簧Coining 压印加工Common cause 普通原因Complaint 投诉Compound factor 復合因素Concept 新概念Condenser 聚光镜Conformity 合格Connection 关联Consumer’s risk消费者之风险Control 控制Control characteristic 管制特性Control chart 管制图Control plan 管制计划Correction 纠正Correlation Methods 相关分析法Cost down 降低成本CPI: continuouse Process Improvement 连续工序改善Creep 渐变Cross Tabulation Tables 交叉表CS: customer Sevice 客户中心Cushion 缓冲Customer 顾客DSA: Defects Analysis System 缺陷分析系统Data 数据Data Collection 数据收集Data concentrator 资料集中缓存器DCC: Document Control Center 文控中心Decision 决策.判定Defects per unit 单位缺点数Description 描述Detection 难检度Device 装置Digital 数字Do 执行DOE: Design of Experiments 实验设计Element 元素Else 否则Engineering technology 工程技术Entropy 函数Environmental 环境Equipment 设备Estimated accumulative frequency 计算估计累计数EV: Equipment Variation 设备变异Event 事件External Failure 外部失效,外部缺陷FA: Failure Analysis 坏品分析Fact control 事实管理Fatique 疲劳FMEA: Failure Mode and Effect analysis 失效模式与效果分析FPY 合格率FQA: Final Quality Assurance 最终品质保证FQC: Final Quality control 最终品质控制Full-steer 完全转向function 职能Gauge system 量测系统Grade 等级Gum-roll 橡皮滚筒Health meter 体重计Heat press 冲压粘着Histogram 直方图Hi-tech 高科技hypergeometric 超几何分配hysteresis 磁滞现象Improvement 改善Inductance 电感Information 信息Initial review 先期审查Inspection 检验Internal Failure 内部失效,内部缺陷IPQC: In Process Quality Control 制程品质控制IQC: Incomming Quality Control 来料品质控制ISO: International Organization for Standardization 国际标准组织Law of large number 大数法则Link 连接LCL: Lower Control limit 管制下限LQC: Line Quality Control 生产线品质控制LSL: Lower Size Limit 规格下限Machine 机械Manage 管理Materials 物料Measurement 量测Median 中位数Miss feed 漏送Module,sub-system,sub-unit 单位Momentum 原动力Monte garlo method 原子核分裂热运动法MSA: Measurement System Analysis 量测系统分析Multiplication rule 乘法运算规则NIST 美国:标准技术院Normal 常态分布Occurrence 发生率 system 开,关系统Operation Instruction 作业指导书Organization 组织Parameter 参数Parto 柏拉图Parts 零件Parts per million 不良率Passive 消极的,被动的Plan 计划Pulse 脉冲Policy 方针Population 群体Power 力量,能源PQA: Process Quality Assurance 制程品质保证Practice 实务Precision 精密度preemptive 先占式多任务Pressure 压缩Prevention 预防Probability 机率Probability density function 机率密度函数Procedure 流程Process 过程Process capability analysis 制程能力分析图Process control and process capability 制程管制与制程能力Producer’s risk生产者之风险Product 产品Production 生产Program 方案Projects 项目QA: Quality Assurance 品质保证QC: Quality Control 品质控制QE: Quality Engineering 品质工程QFD: Quality Function Desgin 品质机能展开Quality 质量Quality manual 品质手册Quality policy 品质政策Random experiment 随机试验Random numbers 随机数Range 全距Record 记录Reflow 回流Reject 拒收Repair 返修Repeatability 重復性Reproducibility 再現性Requirement 要求Residual 误差Response 响应Responsibilities 职责Review 评审Reword 返工Robustness 稳健性Rolled yield 直通率RPN: Risk Priority Number 风险系数sample 抽样,样本Sample space 样本空间Sampling with replacement 放回抽样Sampling without peplacement 不放回抽样Scatter diagram 散布图分析Scrap 报废Screw 螺旋Severity 严重度Shot-peening 微粒冲击平面法Simple random sampling 简单随机取样Size 规格SL: Specification Line 规格中心线Slip 滑动Stratified random sampling 分层随机抽样SOP: Standard Operation Procedure 标准作业书SPC: Statistical Process Control 统计制程管制Special cause 特殊原因Specification 规范SQA: Source(Supplier) Quality Assurance 供货商品质保证Stage sampling 分段随机抽样Standard Deviation 标准差Sum of squares 平方和supplier 供方System 體系systematic sampling 系统抽樣Statistical tables 統計表Taguchi-method 田口方法Technical committees 技术委员会Test piece 测试片Theory 原理Time stamp 时间戳印Time-lag 延迟Title 标题Torque 转矩Total 求和TQC: Total Quality Control 全面品质控制TQM: Total Quality Management 全面品质管理Traceablity 追溯Training 培训Transaction processing and logging 交易处理Trouble 困扰Up and down 上和下UCL: Upper Control Limit 管制上限USL: Upper Size Limit 规格上限Validation 确认Variable 计量值Variance 变异和Vector 向量Verification 验证Version 版本VOC: voice of Customer 客户需求VOE: Voice of Engineer 工程需求下面是缩写汇总:1.APQP Advanced production quality planning 先期质量策划2. SPC Statistical process control 统计过程控制3. BOM Bill of materials 物料清单4. P.O. Purchasing order 采购单5. CAR Corrective action request 纠正措施要求6. PCB Printed circuit board 印刷电路板7. COP Company operation procedure/Customer oriented process 公司操作程序/客户导向过程8. PE Production engineering 生产工程9. ECO/N Engineering change order/notice 工程更改指令/通知10. QA Quality assurance 质量保证11. EMS Environment management system 环境管理体系12. QC Quality control 质量控制13. FQC Final/finished quality control 成品/完工质量控制14. QE Quality engineering 质量工程15. FRACAS Failure report analyse and corrective action system 故障报告分析与纠正措施系统16. QM Quality management/Quality manual 质量管理/质量手册17. IE Industrial engineering 工业工程18. QMS Quality management sysytem 质量管理体系19. IPQC In-process quality control 过程(工序)质量控制20. QP Quality plan/planning/procedure 质量计/策划/程序21. IQC Incoming quality control 进料质量控制22. QR Quality record 质量记录23. LCA Life cycle analyse 寿命周期分析24. TQM/C Total quality management/control 全面质量管理/控制25. ME Manufacturing engineering 制造工程26. PPAP Production parts approval procedure 生产件批准程序27. MRB Material research board 物料研究会议(不合格处理)28. WI Work instructions 作业指导书29. MSA Measurement system analyze 测量系统分析30. Logo 标志/表识31. NG No-good 不通过32. Re. Reject 拒绝(抽样检验)33. OA Office Automation 办公自动化34. Ac. acceptance 接受(抽样检验)35. OQC Outgoing quality control 出厂质量控制36. L/C Letter of credit 信用证(国际贸易)37. TI Technical inspection/Test instructions 技术检查/测试指导书38. B/L Bill of lading 船运提货单39. FMEA Failure mode and effects analyze 故障模式及影响分析40. TE Test engineer 测试工程师41. TL Telecom 电信/通讯42. UL Underwrites laboratory 美国电子产品安全认证43. CE Certification of Europe 欧洲产品认证44. CCC China compulsory certification 中国产品强制认证45. CRT Cathode-ray tube 阴极射线管(监视器)46. CQC China quarantine certification 中国进出口认证47. LCD Liquid crystal display 液晶显示器48. MOP Management oritented process 管理导向过程49. SP Support Process 支持过程A-D三维网技术论坛4 `/ H# \6 w) L* ^Absolute deviation, 绝对离差三维网技术论坛" u3 [# Z: K& }$ Q/ n" |9j Absolute number, 绝对数Absolute residuals, 绝对残差三维|cad|机械|汽车|技术|catia|pro/e|ug|inventor|solidedge|solidworks|caxa4 w8 Acceleration array, 加速度立体阵三维|cad|机械|汽车|技术|catia|pro/eAcceleration in an arbitrary direction, 任意方向上的加速度# [$ a" y y9 m" m8 u Acceleration normal, 法向加速度三维网技术论坛2 P5 t) _5 x3 h+ b$ f$ ]+ ?Acceleration space dimension, 加速度空间的维数三维网技术论坛1 H0 g( Y7 R8 V; h; o7 AAcceleration tangential, 切向加速度Acceleration vector, 加速度向量三维|cad|机械|汽车|技术|catia|pro/e|ug|inventor|solidedge|solidworks|caxa" a5 j Acceptable hypothesis, 可接受假设3 F- X! E/ p8 i( _Accumulation, 累积8 p" C4 ]0 i; U6 M+ j7 l2 J,Accuracy, 准确度三维|cad|机械|汽车|技术|catia|pro/e|ug|inventor|solidedge|solidworks|caxa3 J! `2 u# ?: I6 R Actual frequency, 实际频数三维,cad,机械,技术,汽车,catia,pro/e,ug,inventor,solidedge,solidworks,caxa,时空Adaptive estimator, 自适应估计量三维,cad,机械,技术,汽车,catia,pro/e,ug,inventor,solidedge,solidworks,caxa,时空,镇江$ [$ g% F" z9 b5 Addition, 相加Addition theorem, 加法定理/ ~7 z" ^/ j& b2 A1 }Additivity, 可加性三维网技术论坛 F) d- X# J+ T2 C. a8 vAdjusted rate, 调整率( k8 f) s# W; p# L3 U# B3 o, ^Adjusted value, 校正值三维|cad|机械|汽车|技术|catia|pro/e|ug|inventor|solidedge|solidworks|caxa5 m9 {2 {! ?3 f8 n# z5 [+ V% e Admissible error, 容许误差. r, D/ U" [6 U' ?+ l3 y( ?8 n/ t Aggregation, 聚集性Alternative hypothesis, 备择假设Among groups, 组间Amounts, 总量Analysis of correlation, 相关分析Analysis of covariance, 协方差分析Analysis of regression, 回归分析Analysis of time series, 时间序列分析三维网技术论坛8 _& G: P, ]( aAnalysis of variance, 方差分析Angular transformation, 角转换三维网技术论坛1 }& t! c/ [" vANOV A(analysis of variance), 方差分析ANOV A Models, 方差分析模型Arcing, 弧/弧旋三维,cad,机械,技术,汽车,catia,pro/e,ug,inventor,solidedge,solidworks,caxa,时空,镇江: _4 {, p# t4 K- q _Arcsine transformation, 反正弦变换Area under the curve, 曲线面积8 ~' B3 ]$ X5 i7 V, F6 WAREG , 评估从一个时间点到下一个时间点回归相关时的误差三维网技术论坛$ `/ I, `. q4 ]" h2 w/ c. S ARIMA, 季节和非季节性单变量模型的极大似然估计三维网技术论坛$ c3 C# M, e9 }1 X! |0 Z6 y Arithmetic grid paper, 算术格纸Arithmetic mean, 算术平均数" y! [" i6 D0 D2 p+ e3 {# `Arrhenius relation, 艾恩尼斯关系Assessing fit, 拟合的评估三维|cad|机械|汽车|技术|catia|pro/e|ug|inventor|solidedge|solidworks|caxa. @8 U Q+ b2 S# x- I, S: L,Associative laws, 结合律Asymmetric distribution, 非对称分布Asymptotic bias, 渐近偏倚Asymptotic efficiency, 渐近效率Asymptotic variance, 渐近方差三维|cad|机械|汽车|技术|catia|pro/e|ug|inventor|solidedge|solidworks|caxa/ c, t1 G: X& f1 c1 [5 u% _Attributable risk, 归因危险度Attribute data, 属性资料Attribution, 属性' F# w! L1 m& I3 a) g$ X。
Schroff产品目录E 10 2019 - 电子保护前面板说明书
Front PanelsELECTRONICS PROTECTIONSCHROFF PRODUCT CATALOG E 10//SCHROFFModules –Front panels|7.2OVERVIEW MAIN KATALOGCabinets . . . . . . . 1Wall mountedcases . . . . . . . . . 2 Accessories for cabinets and wall mounted cases . . 3Climate control . . 4Electronicscases . . . . . . . . . 5Subracks/19" chassis . . . . . 6Front panels,plug-in units . . . . 7Systems . . . . . . . 8Power supplyunits . . . . . . . . . . 9Backplanes . . . . 10Connectors, front panel component system . . . . . . . 11Appendix . . . . . 1204292001STANDARDS•IEC 60297-3-101/IEEE 1101.1/10SERVICEPLUSe.g. individual colouring e.g. customised cut-outs e.g. printinge.g. mounting service e.g. special dimensions323040030421000104603009Modules –Front panelsOVERVIEW7.3/SCHROFF |FRONT PANELS FOR FITTING IN SUBRACKS, CASES AND SYSTEMS• Extensive standard range with various finishes and materials (aluminium or stainless steel)• Front Panel Express:Fast delivery service of customised versions (from 2 days)• EMC shielding retrofittableFRONT PANELS, UNSHIELDED•Aluminium, clear anodised•Aluminium, clear pre-anodised, cut edge untreated •Aluminium, front anodised, rear iridescent green chromated•Other finishes on request04292001FRONT PANELS SHIELDABLE, FLAT•With lateral grooves to fit EMC gaskets (stainless steel)•Compatible with the shielded U profile version04600006FRONT PANELS, SHIELDABLE, U PROFILE•With lateral groove to fix a textile self-adhesive EMC gasket•Compatible with the shielded flat version •High robustness through U profile04602004FURTHER FRONT PANELS•Hinged/folding front panels •Front panels with GND/earthing •Mezzanine front panels •AdvancedTCA front panels •MicroTCA front panels •AdvancedMC front panels0429500104295002Overview . . . . . . 7.2Front panelsUnshielded . . . . . . . 7.4Shieldable . . . . . . . . 7.5EMC stainless steel gaskets . . . . . . . . . . 7.6Assembly tool . . . . . 7.6Front panelsShieldable(U profile) . . . . . . . . 7.7EMC textile gasket . 7.6Further front panelsHinged . . . . . . . . . . 7.8Hinged, shielded . . . 7.9For D-Subconnectors . . . . . . 7.10For Coaxconnectors . . . . . . . 7.113 U with GND/earthing . . . . . . . . . 7.11Mezzanine frontpanels . . . . . . . . . . . 7.12Assembly kit . . . . . . 7.107AdvancedTCA frontpanels . . . . . . . . . . . 8.12MicroTCA frontpanels . . . . . . . . . . . 8.65AdvancedMC frontpanels . . . . . . . . . . . 8.60SCHROFF PRODUCT CATALOG E 10/20197.4/SCHROFFModules –Front panels|•Front panel, Al, 2.5mm•Versions:•Al, anodised•Al, anodised, cut edges plain•Al, front anodised, rear iridescent green chromatedNOTE•Other sizes and finishes available on request•Please order fixing material separately, see chapter Assemply parts, page 7.107ORDER INFORMATION•Please order fixing material (sleeves, collar screws) separately, see page 7.107FRONT PANELS, UNSHIELDED04602084046020512 HP> 2 HPH Width B b1b2Qty 1)Anodised, cut edges plain Anodised Front anodised, rear colorless chromated mm HP mm mm mm Part no.Part no.Part no.139.584426.4411.5203.21––20850-426284.084426.4411.5203.2130818-27130807-41630847-4613128.429.8–– 1 (SPQ 5)1)30810-43330810-43230847-4703128.4314.9–– 1 (SPQ 5)1)30818-27230807-50830847-4713128.4420.0–– 1 (SPQ 5)1)30818-27330807-48130838-0433128.4525.0–– 1 (SPQ 5)1)30818-27430807-51030838-0443128.4630.1–– 1 (SPQ 5)1)30818-27530807-48230838-0453128.4735.2–– 1 (SPQ 5)1)30818-27630807-50930838-0463128.4840.325.4 2)–1 (SPQ 5)1)30818-27730807-48430838-0473128.41050.535.6– 1 (SPQ 5)1)30818-27930807-48330838-0493128.41260.645.7– 1 (SPQ 5)1)30818-28130807-48530838-0513128.41470.855.9– 1 (SPQ 5)1)30818-28230807-50130838-0533128.421106.391.4– 1 (SPQ 5)1)30818-28930807-48730838-0603128.428141.9127.0– 1 (SPQ 5)1)30818-29630807-49630838-0673128.442213.0198.1101.6 2)130818-31030807-49430838-0813128.463319.7304.8157.5130818-33130808-06730838-1023128.484426.4411.5203.2130818-35230807-50630838-1234172.984426.4411.5203.2130818-43430807-59630847-4656261.829.8–– 1 (SPQ 5)1)30818-74730818-74130847-4726261.8420.0–– 1 (SPQ 5)1)30818-51830807-77830838-1246261.8525.0–– 1 (SPQ 5)1)30818-51930807-77730838-1256261.8630.1–– 1 (SPQ 5)1)30818-52030807-75230838-1266261.8735.2–– 1 (SPQ 5)1)30818-521–30838-1276261.8840.325.4 2)– 1 (SPQ 5)1)30818-52230807-77930838-1286261.81050.535.6– 1 (SPQ 5)1)30818-52430807-75330838-1306261.81260.645.7– 1 (SPQ 5)1)30818-52630807-75530838-1326261.81470.855.9– 1 (SPQ 5)1)30818-52830807-75830838-1346261.81680.966.0– 1 (SPQ 5)1)30818-53030807-78030838-1366261.821106.391.4– 1 (SPQ 5)1)30818-53530807-75730838-1416261.828141.9127.0– 1 (SPQ 5)1)30818-54230807-76630838-1486261.842213.0198.1101.6 2)130818-55630807-76430838-1626261.863319.7304.8157.5130818-57730807-77130838-1836261.884426.4411.5203.2130818-59830807-77630838-2049395.184426.4411.5203.21––30847-5561) SPQ (standard pack quantity): Part number includes 1 piece, but delivery is exclusively made in standard pack quantity (SPQ); please order at least the SPQ quantity or a multiple2) This dimension is only available for "front anodised, rear iridescent green chromated" version7.5Modules –Front panels/SCHROFF |Part number in bold face type: ready for despatch within 2 working days Part number in normal type: ready for despatch within 10 working days046020522 HP> 2 HP•Front panel, Al, 2.5 mm, front anodised, rear iridescent green chromated,2 alignment pins pressed-in, stainless steel •Shielding with stainless steel EMC gasketORDER INFORMATIONDelivery is exclusively made in Standard Pack Quantity (SPQ): Please order at least 5 pieces or a multiple. Pricing is per individual item.NOTE•Please order fixing material (sleeves, collar screws) separately, see page 7.107•Please order stainless steel EMC gasket separately, see page 7.6FRONT PANELS, SHIELDABLEHeight H Width B b1b2Align-ment pin QtyPart no.U mm HP mm mm mm 28484426.4411.5203.2–130846-5883128.429.8––– 1 (SPQ 5)1)30846-8643128.4314.9––x 1 (SPQ 5)1)20846-4253128.4420––x 1 (SPQ 5)1)20846-4263128.4525––x 1 (SPQ 5)1)20846-4273128.4630.1––x 1 (SPQ 5)1)20846-4283128.4735.2––x 1 (SPQ 5)1)20846-4293128.4840.325.4–x 1 (SPQ 5)1)20846-4303128.41050.535.6–x 1 (SPQ 5)1)20846-4313128.41260.645.7–x 1 (SPQ 5)1)20846-4323128.41470.855.9–x 1 (SPQ 5)1)20846-4333128.421106.391.4–x 1 (SPQ 5)1)20846-4343128.428141.9127–x 1 (SPQ 5)1)20846-4363128.442213198.1101.6x 120846-4373128.463319.7304.8157.5x 120846-4383128.484426.4411.5203.2–130846-6764172.984426.4411.5203.2–130846-6836261.829.8––– 1 (SPQ 5)1)30846-8656261.8420––x 1 (SPQ 5)1)20846-4436261.8525––x 1 (SPQ 5)1)20846-4446261.8630.1––x 1 (SPQ 5)1)20846-4456261.8735.2––x 1 (SPQ 5)1)20846-4466261.8840.325.4–x 1 (SPQ 5)1)20846-4476261.81050.535.6–x 1 (SPQ 5)1)20846-4486261.81260.645.7–x 1 (SPQ 5)1)20846-4496261.81470.855.9–x 1 (SPQ 5)1)20846-4506261.81680.966–x 1 (SPQ 5)1)20846-4566261.821106.391.4–x 1 (SPQ 5)1)20846-4516261.828141.9127–x 1 (SPQ 5)1)20846-4526261.842213198.1101.6x 120846-4536261.863319.7304.8157.5x 120846-4546261.884426.4411.5203.2–130846-7719395.184426.4411.5203.2–130846-859SCHROFF PRODUCT CATALOG E 10/2019/SCHROFFModules –Front panels|•The stainless steel EMC gaskets are inserted into the lateral slots of the shieldable front panels (2pieces per front panel)DELIVERY COMPRISESORDER INFORMATIONNOTE•Please order assembly tool separatelySTAINLESS STEEL EMC GASKETbga45760aza45937Item Qty Description110/100EMC gasket (stainless steel)Height Height Qty/PU Part no.U mm 2521021101-7753971021101-70539710021101-70641421021101-713414210021101-71451871021101-777518710021101-77862321021101-707623210021101-70893671021101-709936710021101-710Assembly tool for EMC gasket (stainless steel), 1 piece24560-270B1 (red): -40 ... -70 °C, B2 (blue): -40 ... -85 °C046140527.7Modules –Front panels/SCHROFF |Part number in bold face type: ready for despatch within 2 working days Part number in normal type: ready for despatch within 10 working days•High stability through U profile•Front panel, U profile, Al, front anodised, rear conductive, 2 alignment pins pressed-in, stainless steel•Differerences in the finish between 2 ... 12 HP and 14 ... 84 HPORDER INFORMATION1) Delivery is exclusively made in Standard Pack Quantity (SPQ): Please order at least 5 pieces or a multiple. Pricing is per individual item.NOTE•Differences in finish between 2...12HP and 14...84HP • 2 ... 12 HP: one-part U-profile•14 ... 84 HP: multi-part U-profile (front panel with crimped profiles)•Please order fixing material (sleeves, collar screws) separately, see page 7.107•Please order textile EMC gasket separately, see page 7.6FRONT PANELS, U PROFILE, SHIELDABLE2 HP3 U0460815504608158> 3 HP04608156Height H Width B b1b2Align-ment pin Qty Part no.U mm HP mm mm mm 28484426.4411.5203.2– 1 (SPQ 5)1)20848-2623128.429.8––x 1 (SPQ 5)1)30849-0013128.4314.9––x 1 (SPQ 5)1)30849-0043128.4420––x 1 (SPQ 5)1)30848-3543128.4525––x 1 (SPQ 5)1)30848-3783128.4630.1––x 1 (SPQ 5)1)30848-3803128.4735.2––x 1 (SPQ 5)1)30848-3823128.4840.325.4–x 1 (SPQ 5)1)30848-3563128.41050.535.6–x 1 (SPQ 5)1)30848-3863128.41260.645.7–x 1 (SPQ 5)1)30848-3583128.41470.855.9–x 1 (SPQ 5)1)20848-0133128.41680.966–x 1 (SPQ 5)1)20848-0153128.421106.391.4–x 1 (SPQ 5)1)20848-0203128.428141.9127–x 1 (SPQ 5)1)20848-0273128.442213198.1101.6x 120848-0473128.463319.7304.8157.5x 120848-0683128.484426.4411.5203.2– 1 20848-0974172.984426.4411.5203.2– 120848-2716261.829.8––x 1 (SPQ 5)1)30849-0026261.8420––x 1 (SPQ 5)1)30848-3556261.8525––x 1 (SPQ 5)1)30848-3796261.8630.1––x 1 (SPQ 5)1)30848-3816261.8735.2––x 1 (SPQ 5)1)30848-3836261.8840.325.4–x 1 (SPQ 5)1)30848-3576261.81050.535.6–x 1 (SPQ 5)1)30848-3876261.81260.645.7–x 1 (SPQ 5)1)30848-3596261.81470.855.9–x 1 (SPQ 5)1)20848-1066261.81680.966–x 1 (SPQ 5)1)20848-1086261.821106.391.4–x 1 (SPQ 5)1)20848-1136261.828141.9127–x 1 (SPQ 5)1)20848-1206261.842213198.1101.6x 120848-1396261.863319.7304.8157.5x 120848-1606261.884426.4411.5208.3–120848-1899395.184426.4411.5203.2–120848-280SCHROFF PRODUCT CATALOG E 10/2019/SCHROFFModules –Front panels|0429500104602080Unshielded04602079Shielded•Suitable for subracks (europacPRO) and cases (ratiopacPRO, propacPRO, compacPRO)•Front panel can be unhinged at 135° (not ratiopacPRO) opening angle•The useable width is not restricted •Mounts on the horizontal rails• 2 versions:•unshielded•shielded, U front panel with textile EMC gasketDELIVERY COMPRISES (kit)ORDER INFORMATIONDIMENSIONSFRONT PANELS, BOTTOM-HINGEDItem QtyDescriptionUnshielded Shielded 11-Front panel, hinged, Al, 2.5 mm, anodised, cut edges plain1a-1Front panel, U profile, hinged,Al, 2.5 mm, front anodised, rear iridescent green chromated22 2 (28 HP) / 3Hinge, Zn die-cast, nickel-plated 3 2 / 3 (84 HP)2 (28 HP) / 3Sleeve, PA4 2 / 3 (84 HP)2 (28 HP) / 3Collar screw M2.5 x 12.3, nickel-plated 5-1EMC textile gasket, core: foam,sleeve: textile cladding with CuNi coating611Assembly kitDimensions Height Width Unshielded Shielded U HP Part no.Part no.32820838-28020848-60834220838-27120848-59936320838-27220848-60038420838-27320848-60144220838-27720848-60546320838-27820848-60648420838-27920848-607628–20848-69664220838-27420848-60266320838-27520848-60368420838-27620848-604Shielded Dimensions Unshielded Width AB C D H Part no.Height Width A B C H Part no.HP mm mm mm mm mm U HP mm mm mm mm 328141.9127.0––128.420848-608328141.9127.0–128.420838-280342213.0198.1101.686.4128.420848-599342213.0198.1–128.420838-271363319.7304.8157.5137.2128.420848-600363319.7304.8–128.420838-272384426.4411.5203.2 193.0128.420848-601384426.4411.5203.2 128.420838-273442213.0198.1101.686.4172.920848-605442213.0198.1–172.920838-277463319.7304.8157.5137.2172.920848-606463319.7304.8–172.920838-278484426.4411.5203.2193.0172.920848-607484426.4411.5–172.920838-279628141.9127.0––261.820848-696642213.0198.1101.686.4261.820848-602642213.0198.1–261.820838-274663319.7304.8157.5137.2261.820848-603663319.7304.8–261.820838-275684426.4411.5203.2193.0261.820848-604684426.4411.5203.2261.820838-2767.9Modules –Front panels/SCHROFF |Part number in bold face type: ready for despatch within 2 working days Part number in normal type: ready for despatch within 10 working days04295002•Suitable for subracks (europacPRO) and cases (ratiopacPRO, propacPRO, compacPRO)•Mounts on horizontal rails •Front panel with textile EMC gasket •Hinges can be fitted on left or rightDELIVERY COMPRISES (kit)ORDER INFORMATIONFRONT PANEL, HINGED, SHIELDEDItem Qty Description11Front panel, hinged, Al, 2.5 mm,front anodised, rear iridescent green chromated 22Hinge, Zn die-cast, chrome-plated 31Textile EMC gasket,core: foam, sleeve: textile cladding with CuNi coating 41Assembly kitHeight H h W w Part no.U mm mm mm mm 3128.489.9426.4203.220848-6116261.8223.2426.4203.220848-617SCHROFF PRODUCT CATALOG E 10/2019/SCHROFFModules –Front panels|Cut-out 9-pin0460814404608145Cut-out 15-pin0460814604608147Cut-out 25-pinUnshielded046081500460815104608149046081480480815204808153For textile EMC gasket • 3 U/4 HP•Aluminium, front anodised, rear irisdescent green chromated•Shielding through: stainless steel EMC or textile EMC gasket (please order separately)DELIVERY COMPRISESORDER INFORMATIONDelivery is exclusively made in Standard Pack Quantity (SPQ): Please order at least 5 pieces or a multiple. Pricing is per individual item.NOTE•Please order fixing material (sleeves, collar screws) separately, see page 7.107•Please order stainless steel EMC gasket separately, see page 7.6•Please order textile EMC gasket separately, see page 7.6FRONT PANELS FOR D-SUB CONNECTORSItem Description1a Front panel, Al, 2.5 mm, front anodised, rear irisdescent green chromated 1b Front panel, Al, 2.5 mm, front anodised, rear iridescent green chromated;for EMC stainless steel gasket1cFront panel, U profile, Al, 2.5 mm, front anodised, rear conductive;for EMC gasket (textile)Cut-outQtyUnshielded For EMC gasket Stainless steel Textile Part no.Part no.Part no.1a1b 1c 1 × 9-polig1 piece (SPQ 5)30118-34130118-34830849-7492 × 9-polig 1 piece (SPQ 5)30118-34430118-35130849-7503 × 9-polig1 piece (SPQ 5)30118-34730118-35430849-7511 × 15-polig1 piece (SPQ 5)30118-34230118-34930849-7522 × 15-polig 1 piece (SPQ 5)30118-34530118-35230849-7531 × 25-polig1 piece (SPQ 5)30118-34330118-35030849-7542 × 25-polig1 piece (SPQ 5)30118-34630118-35330849-7557.11Modules –Front panels/SCHROFF |Part number in bold face type: ready for despatch within 2 working days Part number in normal type: ready for despatch within 10 working days04602057•3U/4HP•Aluminium, 2.5 mm, front anodised, rear irisdescent green chromatedORDER INFORMATIONNOTE•Please order fixing material (sleeves, collar screws) separately, see page 7.10702998001•Earthed front panel (protection class 1)DELIVERY COMPRISES (items 1–3assembled)ORDER INFORMATIONDelivery is exclusively made in Standard Pack Quantity (SPQ): Please order at least 5 pieces or a multiple. Pricing is per individual item.NOTE•Please order fixing material (sleeves, collar screws) separately, see page 7.107FRONT PANELS FOR COAX CONNECTORSDescriptionQty/PU Part no.Cut-out 4 x Coax, unshielded130118-355FRONT PANELS 3 U WITH GND/EARTHING CONNECTIONItem Qty Description11Front panel 3 U, Al, 2.5 mm, front anodised, rear iridescent green chromated with GND/earthing connection 24Plastic sleeve, PA, grey34Collar screws, M2.5 x 11 and 12.3 Pozidrive, St, nickel-plated41GND/earthing kit, length of GND/earthing cable 320 mmHeight Width QtyPart no.U HP 37 1 piece (SPQ 5)20119-159314 1 piece (SPQ 5)20119-160321 1 piece (SPQ 5)20119-161328 1 piece (SPQ 5)20119-162342120119-163SCHROFF PRODUCT CATALOG E 10/2019/SCHROFFAssemblies –Front panels|•Based on PCI 2.2 specification(PCI = P eripheral C omponent I nterface)•In accordance with PMC mezzanine specification IEEE P 1386•PMC= P CI M ezzanine C ard •For module size 194 x 74 mm 2•In accordance with specification IEEE P1386 (CMC= C ommon M ezzanine C ard)• 6 U/4 HP front panel with stainless steel EMC gasket and front handlesDELIVERY INCLUDES (assembled)ORDER INFORMATIONPMC MEZZANINE FRONT PANELS04615054PMC MEZZANINE FRONT PANEL KIT, SHIELDED, WITH TRAPEZOIDAL EXTRACTOR HANDLE TYPE 1MPA44845Item 3: front panel, item 5: EMC gasket, item 6: front handleItem Qty Description31PMC front panel, Al extrusion, 6U, 4HP, clear passivated 51EMC gasket (St, stainless)62Trapeziform extraxtor handle, type 1Item Description Part No.PMC cover for front panel cutouts for EMC shielding, PMC gasket for mezzanine front panelssee page 7.13PMC gasket for mezzanine front panelssee page 7.137.13Modules –Front panels/SCHROFF |Part number in bold face type: ready for shipping within 2 working days Part number in normal type: ready for shipping within 10 working days•EMC cover to close unused cut-outs in the PMC mezzanine front panels•Material stainless steel, 0.2mm •Colour: black or brightORDER INFORMATIONDelivery is exclusively made in Standard Pack Quantity (SPQ): Please order at least 10 pieces or a multiple.Pricing is per individual item.•Mezzanine front panel is fitted into PMC front panel cut-outs;EMC shielding with conductive O-ring•Material:•Aluminium extrusion (anodised, contact surfaces conductive)•Zinc die-cast (untreated, black or chrome-plated, matt)DELIVERY COMPRISES (kit)ORDER INFORMATIONPMC CUTOUT COVER FOR EMC PROTECTION04610028Item 9: EMC cover; Item 3: front panelColour QtyPart no.Black 1 piece (SPQ 10)60835-024Bright1 piece (SPQ 10)60835-022PMC BEZEL FOR MEZZANINE FRONT PANELS47Item Qty Description41PMC bezel for mezzanine front panel, Zn die-cast or Al extrusion 71EMC gasket (O-ring), Cho-SealPMC mezzaninefront panelQty/PUwith EMC gas-ket without EMC gasket MaterialPart no.Part no.Al extrusion, anodised,contact surfaces conductive 120835-598–Al extrusion, anodised,contact surfaces conductive 1020835-88920835-899Zn die-cast, untreated 120835-890–Zn die-cast, untreated 1020835-89320835-896Zinc die-cast, black, chromated 120835-922–Zinc die-cast, black, chromated 1020835-92420835-931Zinc die-cast, chrome-plated, matt 120835-923–Zinc die-cast, chrome-plated, matt 1020835-92820835-929Cheesehead screw M2.5 × 5 mm, PU 100 pieces 21100-624EMC gasket O-ring, 1 piece(Standard Pack Quantity 10pieces)60835-021SCHROFF PRODUCT CATALOG E 10/2019/SCHROFFAssemblies –Front panels|•FMC = FPGA mezzanine card•For standard defined I/O mezzanine modules which connect to carrier cards•For single 69.0 x 76.5 mm or double 139.0x 76.5 mm modules •In accordance with Vita 57.1 specification•3U or 6U, 4 HP, U-shaped front panels with textile gasketing• 1 or 3 FMC cutouts (depending on height)• 1 or 2 IEL front handles (depending on height)•EMC shielded, both the front panel and the FMC bezelsDELIVERY INCLUDES (assembled)ORDER INFORMATIONFMC MEZZANINE FRONT PANELSFMC MEZZANINE FRONT PANEL KIT, SHIELDED, WITH IEL HANDLE04615050Item Qty Description 3U 6U 111FMC front panel, U profile, Al, 4HP, front anodized,rear conductive, 3U has 1cut out,6U has 3cut outs 211EMC textile gasket for front panel 312IEL handle (handel, black, RAL 9005; button,light grey,RAL 7035)413FMC bezel for front panel cut outs 513EMC gasket (O-ring)611Assembly kitHeight Part no.U7.15Assemblies –Front panels/SCHROFF |Part number in bold face type: ready for shipping within 2 working days Part number in normal type: ready for shipping within 10 working days•FMC bezel is fitted into FMC Mezzanine front panel cut-outs •Material, Al extrusion (anodised, contact surface conductive)•Shielding for FMC bezels with an optional conductive O-ring, please order separatelyORDER INFORMATION•To provide a standoff between mezzanine boards per the IEEE P1386 or VITA 57.1 specification and the carrier cardORDER INFORMATIONDelivery is exclusively made in Standard Pack Quantity (SPQ): Please order at least 10 pieces or a multiple. Pricing is per individual item.Delivery is exclusively made in Standard Pack Quantity (SPQ): Please order at least 10 pieces or a multiple. Pricing is per individual item.EMC BEZEL FOR FMC MEZZANINE FRONT PANEL CUT-OUTS0461002904615053Front panel express solutionDescriptionItemQty/PU Part no.pieceEMC bezel for FMC Mezzanine front panel41020835-849SPACER TO MOUNT PMC AND FMC MEZZANINE BOARDSMPA44850mpa4443704615055Spacer within PMC applicationDescription Item MaterialQtyPart no.Spacer 10St, zinc-plated 1 piece (SPQ 10)60897-27806710007mpa44437coding pin 5V/3.3V11plated1 piece (SPQ 10)60827-02645North AmericaWarwick, RI, USATel +1.800.525.4682San Diego, CA, USATel +1.800.854.7086Europe, Middle East & IndiaStraubenhardt, GermanyTel +49 7082 794 0Betschdorf, FranceTel +33 3 88 90 64 90Warsaw, PolandTel +48 22 209 98 35Hemel Hempstead,Great BritainTel +44 1442 24 04 71Lainate, ItalyTel +39 02 932 714 1Dubai, United Arab EmiratesTel +971 4 37 81 700Bangalore, IndiaTel +91 80 67152000Istanbul, TurkeyTel +90 216 250 7374Asia PacificShanghai, ChinaTel +86 21 2412 6943SingaporeTel +65 6768 5800Shin-Yokohama, JapanTel +81 45 476 0271Our powerful portfolio of brands:CADDY ERICO HOFFMAN RAYCHEM SCHROFF TRACER/SCHROFF ©2018 nVent. All nVent marks and logos are owned or licensed by nVent Services GmbH or its affiliates. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.nVent reserves the right to change specifications without notice.。
Korea- Radio Research Laboratory, MIC ?Standard No. Standard Name Int''l StandardKN16-1 Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods - Radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus CISPR16-1KN16-2 Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods - Methods of measurement of disturbances and immunity CISPR16-2KN11 Limits and methods of measurement of radio disturbance characteristics of industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) radio-frequency equipment CISPR11KN13 Limits and methods of measurement of radio disturbance characteristics of broadcast receivers associated equipment CISPR13KN14-1 Requirements for household appliances, electric tools and similar apparatus CISPR14-1KN15 Limits and methods of measurement of radio disturbance characteristics of electrical lighting and similar equipment CISPR15KN19 Guidance on the use of the substitution method for measurements of radiation from microwave ovens for frequencies above 1 GHz CISPR19KN20 Electromagnetic immunity of broadcast receivers associated equipment CISPR20KN41 Vehicles, boats and internal combustion engine driven devices - Radio disturbance characteristics - Limits and methods of measurement for the protection of receivers except those installed in the vehicle/boat/device itself or in adjacent vehicles/boats/devices CISPR12KN22 Information technology equipment - Radio disturbance characteristics –Limits and methods of measurements CISPR22KN24 Information technology equipment –Immunity characteristics –Limits and methods of measurement(2000-183) CISPR24KN61000-4-2 Testing and measurement techniques - Electrostatic discharge immunity test IEC61000-4-2KN61000-4-3 Testing and measurement techniques –Radiated, radio-frequency, electromagnetic field immunity test IEC61000-4-3KN61000-4-4 Testing and measurement techniques - Electrical fast transient/burst immunity test IEC61000-4-4KN61000-4-5 Testing and measurement techniques - Surge immunity test IEC61000-4-5KN61000-4-6 Testing and measurement techniques - Immunity to conducted disturbances, induced by radio-frequency fields IEC61000-4-6KN61000-4-8 Testing and measurement techniques - Power frequency magnetic field immunity test IEC61000-4-8KN61000-4-11 Testing and measurement techniques - Voltage dips, short interruptions and voltage variations immunity tests IEC61000-4-11European Union - EuropaStandard No. Standard Name Int''l StandardEN50081-1 Electromagnetic compatibility – Generic emission standard Part 1. Residential, commercial and light industry IEC61000-6-3EN50081-2 Electromagnetic compatibility –Generic emission standard Part 2. Industrial environment IEC61000-6-4EN50082-1 Electromagnetic compatibility – Generic immunity standard Part 1. Residential, commercial and light industry IEC61000-6-1EN50082-2 Electromagnetic compatibility –Generic immunity standard Part 2. Industrial environment IEC61000-6-2EN55011 Limits and methods of measurement of radio disturbance characteristics of industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) radio-frequency equipment CISPR11EN55012 Vehicles, boats and internal combustion engine driven devices - Radio disturbance characteristics - Limits and methods of measurement for the protection of receivers except those installed in the vehicle/boat/device itself or in adjacent vehicles/boats/devices CISPR12EN55013 Limits and methods of measurement of radio disturbance characteristics of broadcast receivers associated equipment CISPR13EN55014-1 Electromagnetic compatibility – Requirements for household appliances, electric tools and similar apparatus Part 1. Emission – Product family standard CISPR14-1EN55014-2 Electromagnetic compatibility – Requirements for household appliances, electric tools and similar apparatus Part 2. Immunity – Product family standard CISPR14-2EN55015 Limits and methods of measurement of radio disturbance characteristics of electrical lighting and similar equipment CISPR15EN55020 Electromagnetic immunity of broadcast receivers associated equipment CISPR20EN55022 Information technology equipment - Radio disturbance characteristics –Limits and methods ofmeasurements CISPR22EN55024 Information technology equipment – Immunity characteristics – Limits and methods of measurement CISPR24EN61326 Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use – EMC requirementsEN55103-1 Electromagnetic compatibility –Product family standard for audio, video, audio-visual and entertainment lighting control apparatus for professional use Part 1. EmissionEN55103-2 Electromagnetic compatibility –Product family standard for audio, video, audio-visual and entertainment lighting control apparatus for professional use Part 2. ImmunityEN61000-3-2 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) Part 3. Limits Section 2. Limits for harmonic current emissions (equipment input current <=16A per phase) IEC61000-3-2EN61000-3-3 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) Part 3. Limits Section 3. Limitation of voltage fluctuations and flicker in low-voltage supply systems for equipment with rated current <= 16A IEC61000-3-3EN61000-4-2 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) Part 4: Testing and measurement techniques - Section 2: Electrostatic discharge immunity test Basic EMC publication IEC61000-4-2EN61000-4-3 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) Part 4-3: Testing and measurement techniques – Radiated, radio-frequency, electromagnetic field immunity test IEC61000-4-3EN61000-4-4 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) Part 4: Testing and measurement techniques - Section 4: Electrical fast transient/burst immunity test Basic EMC publication IEC61000-4-4EN61000-4-5 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) Part 4: Testing and measurement techniques - Section 5: Surge immunity test IEC61000-4-5EN61000-4-6 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) Part 4: Testing and measurement techniques - Section 6: Immunity to conducted disturbances, induced by radio-frequency fields IEC61000-4-6EN61000-4-8 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) Part 4: Testing and measurement techniques - Section 8:Power frequency magnetic field immunity test Basic EMC Publication IEC61000-4-8EN61000-4-11 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) Part 4: Testing and measurement techniques - Section 11: Voltage dips, short interruptions and voltage variations immunity tests IEC61000-4-11EN45001 General criteria for the operation of testing laboratoriesEN60950 Specification for safety of information technology equipment, including electrical business machines EN61010-1 Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use - part 1: general requirements IEC61010-1EN60204-1 Safety of machinery - electrical equipment of machines –part 1: specification for general requirements IEC60204-1USA- Federal Communications CommissionStandard No. Standard Name Int''l StandardCFR47 Part2 Frequency Allocations and Radio Treaty Matters, General Rules and RegulationsCFR47 Part15 Radio Frequency Devices CISPR22CFR47 Part18 Industrial, Scientific, and Medical Equipment CISPR11CFR47 Part68 Connection of Terminal Equipment to the Telephone NetworkCFR47 Part90 Private Land Mobile Radio ServicesCFR47 Part95 Personal Radio ServicesTIA/EIA-603 Land Mobile FM or PM Communications Equipment Measurement and Performance Standards FCC MP-5 FCC Methods of Measurements of Radio Noise Emissions from Industrial, Scientific, and Medical EquipmentANSI Electromagnetic noise and field strength, 10 kHz to 40 GHz specificationsANSI American National Standard for Methods of Measurement of Radio-Noise Emissions from Low-Voltage Electrical and Electronic Equipment in the Range of 9 kHz to 40 GHzANSI American National Standard For Calibration of Antennas Used for Radiated Emission Measurements in Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) ControlANSI Guide for Construction of Open Area Test Sites for Performing Radiated Emission MeasurementsUL 1950 Safety for Information Technology EquipmentCanada - Certification and Engineering BureauStandard No. Standard Name Int''l StandardInterference-Causing Equipment StandardsICES-001 Industrial, Scientific and Medical Radio Frequency Generators CISPR11ICES-002 Spark Ignition Systems of Vehicles and Other Devices Equipped with Internal Combustion Engines ICES-003 Digital ApparatusICES-004 Alternating Current High Voltage Power SystemsICES-005 Radio Frequency Lighting DevicesICES-006 AC Wire Carrier Current Devices (Unintentional Radiators)CS-03 Specification for Terminal Equipment, Terminal Systems, Network Protection Devices, Connection Arrangements and Hearing Aids CompatibilitySDSL Requirements and Test Methods for Symmetric Digital Subscriber Line (SDSL) Terminal EquipmentRadio Equipment Technical Standards (Industry Canada)RSS-xxx License Exempt Radio Apparatus StandardsBETS-1/ BETS-3 Broadcasting Certificate Exempt Radio ApparatusBETS-xRSS-xxx Category I Equipment StandardsBETS-3/BETS-7ICES001~005RSS-xxx Category II Equipment StandardsCanadian Standards Association Standard (CSA-International)Electromagnetic Interference Measuring Instrument (CISPR Type)Electromagnetic Interference Measuring Instrument (ANSI Type)1.5 M Line Impedance Stabilization NetworkLimits and Measurement Methods of Electromagnetic Noise From AC Power Systems, MHzLimits and Methods of Measurement of Radio Interference Characteristics of Vehicles, Motor Boats and Spark-Ignited Engine-Driven DevicesLimits and Methods of Measurement of Electromagnetic Disturbance Characteristics of Industrial, Scientific and Medical (ISM) Radio-Frequency Equipment Adopted CISPR 11:1990Electromagnetic Emissions from Data Processing Equipment and Electronic Office MachinesSound and Television Broadcasting Receivers and Associated Equipment - Limits and Methods of Measurement of Immunity CharacteristicsCAN/CSACEI/IEC 61000-4-x Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) - Part 4: Testing and Measurement Techniques - Section x IEC 61000-4-xCAN/CSACISPR22-96 Limits and Methods of Measurement of Radio Disturbance Characteristics of Information Technology Equipment CISPR22CSANo. 950 Safety for Information Technology EquipmentCSANo. 1010 TEM / LABCSANo. MedicalCSANo. E65 Audio / VideoCSANo. E335 HouseholdAustralia - Australian Communications AuthorityStandard No. Standard Name Int''l StandardAS/NZS Generic Emission StandardAS/NZS Generic Immunity StandardAS/NZS 3548 Limits and Methods of Measurement of Radio Disturbance Characteristics of Information Technology EquipmentAS/NZS 2064 ISM EquipmentAS/NZS 1044 Electrical Motor-Operated $ Themal Appliances, Electric Tools & Similar ApparatusAS/NZS 1053 TV Receivers and Audio EquipmentAS/NZS 4051 Electrical Lighting and Similar EquipmentAS/NZS-4053 Immunity of Broadcast Receivers Associated EquipmentAS/NZS 2557 Spark Ignition EnginesAS/NZS 2279-2 Powerline HarmonicsAS/NZS 2279-3 Voltage FluctuationsChina - China Quality Certification CenterStandard No. Standard Name Int''l StandardGB 9254-88 Limits and Methods of Measurement of Radio Interference Characteristics of ITE CISPR22GB 13837 Limits and Methods of Measurement of Radio Interference Characteristics of Sound and Television Broadcast Receivers and Associated Equipment CISPR13Taiwan - The Bureau of Standards, Metrology and InspectionStandard No. Standard Name Int''l StandardCNS 13438 CNS C 6357 Limits and methods of measurement of radio interference characteristics of information technology equipmentCNS 13439 CISPR13CNS 13803 CISPR11CNS13783-1 CISPR14-1CNS 14115 CSPR15Japan - Voluntary Control Council for InterferenceStandard No. Standard Name Int''l StandardVCCI V-1 Agreement of Voluntary Control Council for Interference by Information Technology Equipment VCCI V-2 Regulations for Voluntary Control MeasuresVCCI V-3 Technical RequirementsVCCI V-4 Instruction for Test Conditions for Equipment Under TestVCCI V-5 Regulations for Registration of Measurement FacilitiesVCCI V-6 Guidelines for Management of Measurement FacilitiesVCCI V--7 Regulations for Market Sampling TestsVCCI V-10 Guidelines for the Calibration and Inspection of Measurement EquipmentVCCI V-11 Outline How to Fill Registration Documents of Measurement FacilitiesPSE Electrical Appliance and Material Safety LawRussia - Gosstandart of RussiaStandard No. Standard Name Int''l StandardGOST 29216-91 EmissionsGOST R50628-95 ImmunityFCC(Federal Communications Commission,美国联邦通信委员会)于1934年由COMMUNICATIONACT 建立是美国政府的一个独立机构,直接对国会负责。
ADC-EMCUser ManualAD001174Version 1.3Copyright © 2007 Alpha Data Parallel Systems Ltd. All rights reserved.This publication is protected by Copyright Law, with all rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, in any shape or form, without prior written consent from Alpha Data Parallel Systems Limited.Alpha Data Parallel Systems Ltd.4 West Silvermills LaneEdinburgh EH3 5BDScotlandUKPhone: +44 (0) 131 558 2600Fax: +44 (0) 131 558 2700Email: **********************Reserved rightsThis manual is designed to provide outline information only. Alpha Data has acontinual policy of improving its products; hence it reserves the right to changeproduct specification without prior warning. Alpha Data cannot accept any liabilityfor loss or damages arising from the use of this manual or the use of productsdetailed within it.Trademark acknowledgementsPCI TM, PCI-X TM, PCI EXPRESS® and PCIe® are registered trademarks of PCI-SIG TM.Warranty and SupportAll Alpha Data products enjoy parts and labour warranty for 12 months afterpurchase. The warranty is based on the customer returning the defective goods toAlpha Data for repair or replacement, which will be at the discretion of thecompany. The warranty does not cover damages caused by negligence, misuse, andnormal wear and tear. No liability is accepted by the company for any damagecaused by the use of its hardware or software.All goods from Alpha Data carry a 6 months free support service. This service isavailable by letter, phone, fax, and email. Technical support contracts for longerperiods are available on request. Support contracts for software components alsonormally cover the cost of upgrades.Table of Contents1.Introduction...........................................................................................................................1-11.1About the Hardware......................................................................................................1-11.2Board Architecture Description.....................................................................................1-11.3Board Clocking.............................................................................................................1-21.4JTAG Debugging..........................................................................................................1-32.Installation.............................................................................................................................2-42.1Into a PC.......................................................................................................................2-42.2Adding PMC/XMC cards..............................................................................................2-42.3Software Support...........................................................................................................2-42.4Power Considerations....................................................................................................2-53.Hardware Information............................................................................................................3-63.1Switches........................................................................................................................3-63.2JP1................................................................................................................................3-63.3JP4................................................................................................................................3-63.4J1 JTAG Connector.......................................................................................................3-63.5J2 / J3 Samtec QSE-DP Connector................................................................................3-73.6J4 Disk Power Connector..............................................................................................3-73.7J16 / J17 JTAG Headers................................................................................................3-73.8J18 I2C Header.............................................................................................................3-73.9Board LEDs..................................................................................................................3-73.10J5 Header Configuration................................................................................................3-83.11P15 / P25 XMC Primary Connector.............................................................................3-103.12P11, P21, P12, P22 PMC Connectors..........................................................................3-103.13P13, P23, P14, P24 PMC Connectors..........................................................................3-11 Revision History............................................................................................................................3-121.Introduction1.1About the HardwareThe ADC-EMC is a full length PCI Express card designed to carry two PCI Mezzanine Cards (PMC) or Switched Mezzanine Cards (XMC). It can be used in x1, x2, x4 and x8 PCIesignalling environments installed in x8 or x16 PCIe slots. There are two PMC slots on the card which support 32 or 64-bit operation on independent PCI/PCI-X busses. The secondary busVIO is configured for 3.3V operation, and a key pin prevents 5V signalling devices from being installed.The board has many configurations for XMC support. The high speed serial lanes of twoXMC cards can be connected for inter-XMC communication, can route to the PCI expressbridge for host communication and can route to a Samtec QS-DP connector for intra-carriercard communication.The ADC-EMC carrier card also supports features of Alpha Data FPGA boards in a PCIenvironment with the provision of Pn4 routing between the two PMC sites and selectively to a 64-way header.The secondary bus interfaces are rated at up to 133MHz operation in PCI-X mode. Theprimary PCIe interfaces are rated for Gen1 at 2.5GHz.1.2Board Architecture DescriptionThe ADC-EMC is based on the PEX8525 PCIe switch and PEX8114 PCIe-PCIX bridges.Each PMC site is connected to an independent PCI/PCI-X bus as shown in Figure 1.Each of the two PMC sites supports Pn4 IO with quick-switch isolation to permit various IO combinations. A set of switches on the board enables each of the quick-switch blocks. The IO-Bus is 64 bits wide and connects to all 64 signals from the Pn4 connector of each PMC site.Further, all of the IO-Bus can be routed to the J5 header through a quick-switch block thatprovides a level of protection to the IO bus signals by limiting the external signal levels.Figure 1 ADC-EMC Board Block DiagramFigure 2 XMC SwitchingFigure 2 shows the interface between primary XMC connectors of the two PMC/XMC sites.There are two groups of x4 SERDES signals between the two sites using switched routing.Each SERDES lane (x1) consists of a TX and RX pair.The first group of x4 connects via a multiplexer to a x4 PCIe port of the 8525 switch to allow host communication to XMC resources. Alternatively, the XMCs may be connected via the multiplexer to each other for sideband communication.The second group of x4 connects via a multiplexer to a Samtec QSE-DP connector to allow linking of multiple ADC-EMC boards. Alternatively, the XMCs may be connected via the multiplexer to each other for sideband communication. The cable used to connect 2 carrier cards via the QSE-DP connectors is a Samtec EQDP-014-06.00-TTR-TBL-2.1.3Board ClockingFigure 3 Clock DistributionThe clock distribution network on the ADC-EMC uses a 1:6 buffer to replicate the 100MHz reference clock from the edge connector to all PCI Express devices. Each clock driven to an XMC connector is automatically disabled if the plug-in card is not present.1.4JTAG DebuggingThe ADC-EMC features a versatile JTAG debugging chain that has selectable routing to the carrier card devices, and either of the PMC JTAG headers. The main JTAG connector (J1)connects to a Xilinx Parallel IV or Xilinx Platform Cable USB using the IDC ribbon cableprovided with these devices.There are 2 JTAG headers (J16 and J17) which allow connections to the PMC/XMC cards’JTAG chains by using flying leads which are available from Xilinx. The I/O voltage of theJTAG header signals is controlled by the VCC signal from the PMC, and is supported from2.5V to 5.0V.There are 3 switches on the ADC-EMC that control the routing of the JTAG chain. When the corresponding switch is closed, the devices will automatically be inserted into the JTAG chain in the following order: SW2-1 will include the PEX8525, and both PEX8114 devices in the chain, SW2-2 will include the PMC1 header in the chain, and SW2-3 will include the PMC2 header in the chain. When the corresponding switch is open, the JTAG signals will be set in an idle state and the JTAG chain routed around them.The PMC JTAG headers have an auto-detect feature that will remove them from the JTAGchain if the header is not connected.Note: Routing is also included for JTAG connections to each PMC via the PMC connectors,and can be enabled with a firmware change from the factory.Figure 4 JTAG Routing2.InstallationIn order to ensure that the board operates correctly first time, please read these instructionscompletely before attempting installation. It will also help you to read the whole manual first so that you know how you want the board to be set up. The installation instructions for your PC should be followed at all times.2.1Into a PCThe ADC-EMC can be installed in any x8 or x16 PCIe host connector.2.2Adding PMC/XMC cardsFit any PMC modules that are required. If only one PMC module is to be fitted, either site can be used. PMC site #1 is positioned so that an I/O connector on the module aligns with theaperture in the ADC-EMC's edge panel. The PMC modules should be supplied with mounting kits, which normally include spacers, nuts, bolts and washers. Figure 1 shows the typicalassembly of a PMC to the ADC-EMC. It is recommended that washers be used on both sides of the ADC-EMC to avoid damage to the PCB.Figure 5 Assembly of a PMC to the ADC-EMC2.3Software SupportThe ADC-EMC uses transparent bridge devices that are compatible with most operatingsystems that adhere to the PCI Bios specification.No software is required to enable operation of the ADC-EMC.Configuration of the 8525 switch is by a dedicated pre-programmed SPI EEPROM on theADC-EMC. Configuration of each of the 8114 bridges is also by individual dedicated pre-programmed SPI EEPROMs. The 8525 switch can also be controlled via a dedicated I2Cconnection available via a header for debug purposes.2.4 Power ConsiderationsThe ADC-EMC is designed to support standard PMC or PMC/XMC format boards. These cards are usually specified to consume a maximum of 7.5W each and these, together with the background power consumed by the ADC-EMC amount to around 22W, within the budget of a typical PCI Express slot (x16/x8).The ADC-EMC can operate using the power provided by the PCI Express edge connector if the PMC/XMC cards will require less than 19W total. Where additional power is required, a disk drive type connector is provided to allow a controlled connection to the system power supply to source and additional 24W (12V at up to 2.0A).A protection mechanism will prevent the board from exceeding the current limit of the PCIe connector by more than 50%. A red LED will illuminate and the 12V power will be removed automatically if this condition is reached. This indicates the auxiliary disk power connector must also be used. This protection mechanism is set at a higher limit than the recommended maximum, so care should be taken to ensure the board has adequate power supplied. The ADC-EMC seamlessly controls the two sources of 12V power, and will not allow current to flow from one source back to the other (when jumper JP4 is removed).The PMC/XMC cards are supplied with +12V, -12V, +5V and +3.3V power rails. Figure 6 shows the maximum power limit on each supply rail to the combined load of both PMC/XMC cards. The system must not exceed any of these limits in the given configuration. The total power provided to the PMC/XMC cards must not exceed 19W, or 43W if the disk power connector is supplied.PMC Power Limits Using External PowerConnector PCIe Power Only Total available for both PMC Sites 43W 19W +12V Rail available power 43W 19W -12V Rail available power 18W 18W +5V Rail available power 28W 19W +3.3V Rail available power 25W19WFigure 6 Power Supply LimitsFigure 7 Power Supply Diagram3. Hardware Information3.1 SwitchesThere are 16 switches on the board that are used for configuration settings.* Note: Switch controls the corresponding lanes of both XMC sites** Note: Root signal is used in PCI-express mode to enable a processor XMC root features (bus enumeration). It also enablesthe carrier card to propagate the XMC (Reset) MRSTOn to both XMC sites MRSTIn.3.2 JP1JP1 is connected to the PortEN signal of the CPLD. It is used at the factory to configure the device and should and should only be installed in manufacturing as changes to this device could cause system failure.3.3 JP4JP4 should be left installed, unless the system uses separate power supplies for the PCIebackplane and J4 Power connector. It is connected to the power controller device and can be removed to enable the OR’ing feature between the disk power connector and PCIe edgeconnector. This feature will protect the ADC-EMC from feeding power from one power supply back to the other.3.4 J1 JTAG ConnectorNC 14NC 12TDI 10TDO 8TCK 6TMS 4VREF 213 GND 11 GND 9 GND 7 GND 5 GND 3 GND 1 GNDSWITCH FUNCTION CLOSED (ON) OPEN (OFF)SW1-1 XMC1 NVM WRITE PROHIBIT ALLOW NON-VOLITILE MEM WRITES PROHIBIT SW1-2 XMC2 NVM WRITE PROHIBIT ALLOW NON-VOLITILE MEM WRITES PROHIBIT SW1-3 XMC MUX SELECT LANES 0-1 * CONNECT LANES TO BRIDGE CONNECT LANES (J15-J25) SW1-4 XMC MUX SELECT LANES 2-3 * CONNECT LANES TO BRIDGE CONNECT LANES (J15-J25) SW1-5 XMC MUX SELECT LANES 4-5 * CONNECT LANES TO HEADER CONNECT LANES (J15-J25) SW1-6 XMC MUX SELECT LANES 6-7 * CONNECT LANES TO HEADER CONNECT LANES (J15-J25) SW1-7 XMC1 ROOT COMPLEX ** ENABLE DISABLE SW1-8XMC2 ROOT COMPLEX **ENABLEDISABLESW2-1 JTAG CARRIER DEBUG BYPASS CARRIER (8525 & 8114) INCLUDE IN JTAG CHAIN SW2-2 JTAG PMC1 DEBUG BYPASS PMC1 JTAG HEADER INCLUDE IN JTAG CHAIN SW2-3 JTAG PMC2 DEBUG BYPASS PMC2 JTAG HEADER INCLUDE IN JTAG CHAIN SW2-4 80 PIN HEADER J5 ENABLE CONNECT BUSSED Jn4 SIGNALS HEADER UNCONNECTED SW2-5 PMC1 J14 BUS CONNECT CONNECT LOWER 32 BITS UNCONNECTED SW2-6 PMC1 J14 BUS CONNECT CONNECT UPPER 32 BITS UNCONNECTED SW2-7 PMC2 J24 BUS CONNECT CONNECT LOWER 32 BITS UNCONNECTED SW2-8PMC2 J24 BUS CONNECTCONNECT UPPER 32 BITSUNCONNECTEDFor use with Xilinx Parallel IV or Platform Cable USB IDC ribbon cables. For more information see DS300 or DS097 available at .3.5 J2 / J3 Samtec QSE-DP Connector(Note: J2 Connects to XMC1 J15 signals, J3 connects to XMC2 J25 signals)LINK DESCRIPTION PIN PIN DESCRIPTIONLINK XMC_ DP4 + 1 2 XMC_ DP14 +TXA XMC_ DP4 - 3 4 XMC_ DP14 – RXAXMC_ DP5 + 5 6 XMC_ DP15 +TXB XMC_ DP5 - 7 8 XMC_ DP15 – RXBXMC_ DP6 + 9 10 XMC_ DP16 +TXC XMC_ DP6 - 11 12 XMC_ DP16 – RXCXMC_ DP7 + 13 14 XMC_ DP17 +TXD XMC_ DP7 - 15 16 XMC_ DP17 –RXDUnused 17 18 Unused Unused 19 20 Unused Unused 21 22 Unused Unused 23 24 Unused Unused 25 26 Unused Unused 27 28 Unused3.6 J4 Disk Power Connector+12VGNDGNDNC3.7 J16 / J17 JTAG HeadersPinFunction1 VCC (JTAG I/O Voltage input from PMC)2 GND3 Unused4 TCK5 NC6 TDO7 TDI8 *KEY* Not Installed 9TMS3.8 J18 I2C HeaderPin Function 1 SDA 2 GND3 GPO (General Purpose Output of PEX8525)4 VCC (3.3V Fused) 5SCLThe 1/10 inch header can be used to access the internal registers of the PEX8525, at I2C bus address 0x58. The I2C bus is also routed to the XMC connectors J15 and J16 with I2C channel select addresses of 0x00 and 0x01 respectively. The ADC-EMC board has the necessary pull-ups for I2C communication.3.9 Board LEDsReference Color FunctionD1 Green PCIe-PCI Bridge PMC2 Port Good D2 Green PCIe-PCI Bridge PMC1 Port Good D3GreenPCIe Host Port GoodD4 Green3V3 Power OK Indicator D5 Green XMC2 PCIe Port Good D6 Green XMC1 PCIe Port Good D7 Green 12V Power OK Indicator D8RedPCIe 12V Supply Limit Exceeded3.10 J5 Header ConfigurationThe IO header, J5, is suitable for mating with IDC connectors and is a RN P50E-080-P1-SR1-TG or equivalent. The signaling level is dependant on the PMC drivers and the header inputs, but is limited to 3.3V in either direction by level shifting circuitry on the ADC-EMC carrier card.179J5gnd 1 2 gnd gnd 3 4 gnd gnd 5 6 gnd gnd 7 8 gnd gnd 9 10 gnd Pn4-1 11 12 Pn4-3 Pn4-2 13 14 Pn4-4 Pn4-5 15 16 Pn4-7 Pn4-6 17 18 Pn4-8 Pn4-9 19 20 Pn4-11 Pn4-10 21 22 Pn4-12 Pn4-13 23 24 Pn4-15 Pn4-14 25 26 Pn4-16 Pn4-17 27 28 Pn4-19 Pn4-18 29 30 Pn4-20 Pn4-21 31 32 Pn4-23 Pn4-22 33 34 Pn4-24 Pn4-25 35 36 Pn4-27 Pn4-26 37 38 Pn4-28 Pn4-29 39 40 Pn4-31 Pn4-30 41 42 Pn4-32 Pn4-33 43 44 Pn4-35 Pn4-34 45 46 Pn4-36 Pn4-37 47 48 Pn4-39 Pn4-38 49 50 Pn4-40 Pn4-41 51 52 Pn4-43 Pn4-42 53 54 Pn4-44 Pn4-45 55 56 Pn4-47 Pn4-46 57 58 Pn4-48 Pn4-49 59 60 Pn4-51 Pn4-50 61 62 Pn4-52 Pn4-53 63 64 Pn4-55 Pn4-54 65 66 Pn4-56 Pn4-57 67 68 Pn4-59 Pn4-58 69 70 Pn4-60 Pn4-61 71 72 Pn4-63 Pn4-62 73 74 Pn4-64 gnd 75 76 gnd gnd 77 78 gnd gnd7980gndThe IO header is optimised for LVDS pairing to ADM-XRC-4FX and later mezzanine card connections. All odd number J5 header signals are “P” with even numbers being “N”. For example J5-11 and J5-12 are a P/N pair connected to Pn4-1 and Pn4-3. The pairing on this connector is consistent with the heritage ADC-PMC board, and the routing from Pn4 is updated for the new pairing system on the ADM-XRC-4FX and later PMC boards.3.11P15 / P25 XMC Primary ConnectorA B C D E F01 DP00+ DP00- 3.3V DP01+ DP01- VPWR02 GND GND NC GND GND MRSTI#03 DP02+ DP02- 3.3V DP03+ DP03- VPWR04 GND GND NC GND GND MRSTO#05 DP04+ DP04- 3.3V DP05+ DP05- VPWR06 GND GND NC GND GND +12V07 DP06+ DP06- 3.3V DP07+ DP07- VPWR08 GND GND NC GND GND -12V09 NC NC NC NC NC VPWR10 GND GND NC GND GND GA011 DP10+ DP10- NC DP11+ DP11- VPWR12 GND GND GA1 GND GND MPRESENT#13 DP12+ DP12- NC DP13+ DP13- VPWR14 GND GND GA2 GND GND MSDA15 DP14+ DP14- NC DP15+ DP15- VPWR16 GND GND MVMRO GND GND MSCL17 DP16+ DP16- NC DP17+ DP17- NC18 GND GND NC GND GND NC19 REFCLK + REFCLK- NC PCIE_WAKE PCIE_ROOT NCNotes:VPWR = 5.0VJTAG Connections pulled high to inactive state and TDI is connected to TDO.For signal definitions, see VITA42.0, VITA42.2 (Serial Rapid IO) or VITA42.3 (PCI-Express)3.12 P11, P21, P12, P22 PMC ConnectorsPn1/Jn1 32 Bit PCI Pn2/Jn2 32 Bit PCIPin Signal Signal Pin Pin Signal Signal Pin1 TCK -12V2 1 +12V TRST# 23 Ground INTA#4 3 TMS TDO 45 INTB# INTC#6 5 TDI Ground 67 BUSMODE1# +5V 8 7 Ground NC 89 INTD# NC 10 9 NC NC 1011 Ground NC 12 11 BUSMODE2# +3.3V 1213 CLK Ground 14 13 RST# BUSMODE3# 1415 Ground GNT# 16 15 3.3V BUSMODE4# 1617 REQ# +5V 18 17 PME# Ground 1819 V(I/O) AD[31] 20 19 AD[30] AD[29] 2021 AD[28] AD[27] 22 21 Ground AD[26] 2223 AD[25] Ground 24 23 AD[24] +3.3V 2425 Ground C/BE[3]# 26 25 IDSEL AD[23] 2627 AD[22] AD[21] 28 27 +3.3V AD[20] 2829 AD[19] +5V 30 29 AD[18] Ground 3031 V(I/O) AD[17] 32 31 AD[16] C/BE[2]# 3233 FRAME# Ground 34 33 Ground IDSELB 3435 Ground IRDY# 36 35 TRDY# +3.3V 3637 DEVSEL# +5V 38 37 Ground STOP# 3839 PCIXCAP LOCK# 40 39 PERR# Ground 4041 NC NC 42 41 +3.3V SERR# 4243 PAR Ground 44 43 C/BE[1]# Ground 4445 V(I/O) AD[15] 46 45 AD[14] AD[13] 4647 AD[12] AD[11] 48 47 M66EN AD[10] 4849 AD[09] +5V 50 49 AD[08] +3.3V 5051 Ground C/BE[0]# 52 51 AD[07] REQB# 5253 AD[06] AD[05] 54 53 +3.3V GNTB# 5455 AD[04] Ground 56 55 NC Ground 5657 (I/O) AD[03] 58 57 NC NC 5859 AD[02] AD[01] 60 59 Ground NC 6061 AD[00] +5V 62 61 ACK64# +3.3V 6263 Ground REQ64# 64 63 Ground MONARCH# 64Notes:V(I/O) = 3.3VFor signal definitions, see IEEE Std 1386-20013.13P13, P23, P14, P24 PMC ConnectorsPn3/Jn3 64 Bit PCI Pn4/Jn4 User Defined I/O Pin Signal Signal Pin Pin Signal Signal Pin1 NC Ground2 1 I/O I/O 23 Ground C/BE[7]#4 3 I/O I/O 45 C/BE[6]# C/BE[5]#6 5 I/O I/O 67 C/BE[4]# Ground 8 7 I/O I/O 89 V(I/O) PAR64 10 9 I/O I/O 1011 AD[63] AD[62] 12 11 I/O I/O 1213 AD[61] Ground 14 13 I/O I/O 1415 Ground AD[60] 16 15 I/O I/O 1617 AD[59] AD[58] 18 17 I/O I/O 1819 AD[57] Ground 20 19 I/O I/O 2021 V(I/O) AD[56] 22 21 I/O I/O 2223 AD[55] AD[54] 24 23 I/O I/O 2425 AD[53] Ground 26 25 I/O I/O 2627 Ground AD[52] 28 27 I/O I/O 2829 AD[51] AD[50] 30 29 I/O I/O 3031 AD[49] Ground 32 31 I/O I/O 3233 Ground AD[48] 34 33 I/O I/O 3435 AD[47] AD[46] 36 35 I/O I/O 3637 AD[45] Ground 38 37 I/O I/O 3839 V(I/O) AD[44] 40 39 I/O I/O 4041 AD[43] AD[42] 42 41 I/O I/O 4243 AD[41] Ground 44 43 I/O I/O 4445 Ground AD[40] 46 45 I/O I/O 4647 AD[39] AD[38] 48 47 I/O I/O 4849 AD[37] Ground 50 49 I/O I/O 5051 Ground AD[36] 52 51 I/O I/O 5253 AD[35] AD[34] 54 53 I/O I/O 5455 AD[33] Ground 56 55 I/O I/O 5657 V(I/O) AD[32] 58 58 I/O I/O 5859 NC NC 60 59 I/O I/O 6061 NC Ground 62 61 I/O I/O 6263 Ground NC 64 63 I/O I/O 64Notes:V(I/O) = 3.3VFor signal definitions, see IEEE Std 1386-2001Revision HistoryDate Rev CommentNov-2007 1.0 Initial releaseJun – 2008 1.1 Added JP4 InformationAug – 2008 1.2 Section 3.3Recommendation to install JP4 unless different powersupplies are used in the system.Section 3.10Updated J5 Header table to clarify connections to Pn4 andpairing of differential signals.Jun – 2009 1.3 Fixed LED Definitions。
缩略语/名词缩略语缩略语ACSE Association Control Service ElementASN.1 Abstract Syntax Notation number oneBER Basic Encoding RulesCMIP Common Management Information ProtocolCOM Common ManagementDN Distinguished NameEFD Event Forwarding DiscriminatorFRI First Research Institute of MPTFTP File Transfer ProtocolFU Functional UnitGDMO Guide line for Definitions of Managed ObjectLDN Local Distinguished NameMCB Mobile Communication BureauMFA Management Function AreaOID Object IdentifierRDN Relative Distinguished NameAC Authentication Center 鉴权中心Alternate Current 交流ACCH Associated Control Channel 随路控制信道ACOM Antenna Combiner 天线合路器ADPCM Adaptive PCM 自适应脉冲编码调制AGCH Access Grant Channel 准予接续信道APC Automatic Power Control 自动功率控制APS APPlication Program System 应用程序系统ASE Application Service Element 应用业务单元BBSIG BaseBand and Signal processing 基带和信号处理BCCH Broadcast Control Channel 广播控制信道BCD Binary Coded Decimal 二/十进制代码BCH Bose—Chaudhuri—Hoc—quenghem 一种以三人之姓命名的码型BER Bit Error Rate 比特设码率BHCA Busy Hour Call Attempts 忙时呼叫尝试BSC Base Station Controller 基站控制器BSCI BSC Interface BSC的接口BSIC Base Station Identity Code 基站识别码BSS Base Station System 基站系统BSSMAP BSS Management Application Part BSS管理应用部分BSSOMAP BSS operation and Maintenance BSS操作和维护应用部分Application PartBTS Base Transceiver Station 基站收发信机BTSM BTS Site Management BTS的站址管理CBCH Cell Broadcast Control Channel 小区广播控制信道CBSM Cell Broadcast Short Message 小区广播短消息CC Calling Control 呼叫控制Cell Radio cell 蜂窝小区CCH公用控制信道CCIR International Radio Consultative 国际无线电咨询委员会CommitteeCCITT International Telegraph and 国际电报电话咨询委员会Telephone Consultative CommitteeCCSS7Common channel Signaling No.7共路信令系统System No.7 (CCS7或CSS7)CEPT Conference of European Postand 欧洲邮政和电信行政会议Telecommunication AdministrationCM Communication Management 通信管理CM Call Management 呼叫管理CMCC China Mobile Communications Corp.中国移动通信总公司CMIP Common Management Information 公共管理信息协议ProtocolCMISE Common Management Information 公共管理信息业务单元Service ElementCPU Central Processing Unit 中央处理单元CRC Cyclical Redundancy Correction 循环冗余校验DAL Data Access Layer 数据接入层DC Direct Current 直流DCCH Dedicated Control Channel 专用控制信道DCM DataConversion Module 数据转换模块DCN Data Communication Network 数据通信网DDN Digital Data Network 数字数据网DLCI Digital Link Connection Identity 数据链路连接证实DSP Digital Signal Processor 数字信号处理器DTAP Direct Transfer Application Part 直接传送应用部分DTMF Dual Tone Multi~frequency 双音多频DTX Discontinuous transmission 非连续发信EIR Equipment Identification Register设备识别登记器EMC Elctromagnetic Compatibility 电磁兼容性EMI Elctromagnetic Interference 电磁干扰ETSI European Telecommunication 欧洲电信标准协会Standard InstituteFACCH Fast Associated Control Channel 快速随路控制信道FCCH Frequency Correction Channel 频率校正信道FCS Frame check sequence 帧校验序列FT A Final Type Approval 最终型号批准FT AM File Transfer ,Access and 文件传输、接入及使用ManipulationIT A Interim Type Approval 中间型号批准GMCC Guang Dong Mobile Communications CorP. 广东移动公司GMSC Gateway Mobile Switch Center 网关交换机(GSM网与PSTN间的交换机)GMSK Goussion Filtered MSK 高斯滤波最小移频键控GPSU General Power Supply Unit 通用功率电源单元HC/HY Hybrid Combiner 混合桥型合路器HLR Home Locate Register 归属位置登记器HO Hand Over 越区切换HSTP High_Level Signal Transfer Point 一级信令转接点HW Hardware 硬件IC Incoming Calls 入局呼叫IMEI Internatial Mobile Station Equipment Identity 国际移动设备识别码IMSI International Mobile Station 国际移动台识别号码IdentityI/0InPut/OutPut 输入/输出ISDN Integrated Service Digital 综合业务数字网NetworkISO International Standard Organization 国际标准化组织ITU International Telecommunication Union 国际电信联盟IWE Inter-working EquiPment 互连设备IWF Inter一working Function 互连功能ITU International Telecommunication Union国际电信联盟LAC Local Area Code 位置区码LAI Local Area Identity 位置区域识别码LAPB Link Access Protocol for B一B通道链路接续规约channelBLAPD Link Access Protocol for D—D通道链路接续规约channeIDLI Link Interface/Line Interface 链路接口/线路接口LMT Local Maintenance Terminal 本地维护终端LMSI Local Mobile Station Identity 本地移动台识别码LNA Low Noise Amplifier 低噪声放大器L-NMS Local-Network Management System 本地网络管理系统LSPC Local Signal Point Code 本地信令点编码LSTP Local signal Transfer Point 二级信令转接点MAP Mobile Application Part 移动应用部分MCC Mobile Country Code 移动业务国家号码MLSE Maximum Likelihood Sequence 最大似然序列估算MM Mobility Management 移动性管理MMI Man Machine Interface 人机界面MNC Mobile Network Code 移动网号码MOC Mobile Originating Call 移动主叫MS Mobile Station 移动台MSC Mobile一service Switching Center 移动业务交换中心MSIN Mobile Statation Identification Number移动占识别码MTBF Mean Time Between Failure 平均无故障时间MTC Mobile Terminating Call 移动被叫MTP Message Transfer Part 消息传输部分MP Micro Processor 微处理器NMC Network Management Center 网管中心NNMC National Network Maintenance Center 国家网络维护中心OACSU Off Air Call Set up 不占用空中通道的呼叫启动OBR Siemens OMC-R 西门子公司的无线部分OMCOC Outgoing CallS 出局呼叫O&M OPeration and Maintenance 操作和维护OMAP OPeration and Maintenance 操作维护应用部分Application PartOMC operation and Maintenance Center 操作维护中心OMS—B operation and Maintenance 对BSS的操作维护系统System for the BSSos Operation System 操作系统OSI Open System Interconnection 开放系统互连OMC Operation and Maintenance Center 操作维护中心OMS-S operation and Maintenance 针对交换系统的操作维护系统System for the SwitchOMS-R operation and Maintenance 针对无线系统的操作维护系统System for the RadioOSR Siemens OMC-S 西门子公司的交换部分OMC OSS OPerating SuPPort Subsystem 操作支持子系统,爱立信的OMC PA Power Amplifier 功率放大器PCH Paging Channel 寻呼信道PCM Pulse Code Modulation 脉冲编码调制PDN Public Data Network 公用数据网PIN Personal Identity Number 个人识别码PLL Phase Locked Loop 锁相环路PLMN Public Land Mobile Network 公用陆地移动网PM Performance Management 性能管理PPCC Peripheral Processor for CCSS7 对CCSS7的外围处理器PPLD Peripheral Processor for LAPD 对LAPD的外围处理器PSDN Public Switched Data Network 公用数据交换网PSPDN Packet Switch Public Data Network 分组交换公用数据网PSTN Public Switching Telephone 公用电话交换网NetworkPUK PIN Unblodking Key PIN码解锁密钥PWRS Power Supply 功率电源RACH Random Access Channel 随机接入信道RAM Random Access Memory 随机存取记存器Rec. Recommendation 建议书RF Radio Frequency 射频RLP Radio Link Protocal 无线链路规约ROSE Remote OPeration Service 遥控操作业务单元ElementRR Radio Resource management 无线资源管理RSM Radio Subsystem Management 无线分系统管理RTE Real Time Executive 实时执行RX Receiver/RecePtion 收信机/接收RXAMOD Receiver Antenna Module 接收天线模块RXMUCO Receiver Multi Coupler 接收多路耦合器SACCH SLOw Associated Control Channel 慢速随路控制信道SCCP Signaling Connection Control Part 信令连接控制部分SCH Synchronization Channel 同步信道SDCCH Stand alone dedicated Control 独立专用控制信道ChannelSIM Subscriber Identification Module 用户识别模块SM Security Management 安全性管理SMAP System Management Application 系统管理应用程序ProcessSMISE Special Management Information 专用管理信息业务单元Service ElementSMS ShortMessage Service 短消息业务SMSC short Message Service Center 短消息业务中心SPC Signal Point Code 信令点编码SW Software 软件SWM Software Management 软件管理T A Timing Advance 时间提前量T A Terminate Adapter 终端适配器T AC TyPe APProval Code 型号批准码T AF Terminate Adamer Function 终端适配功能TCAP Transaction Capabilities Appli- 事务处理能力应用部分cation PartTCH/F Traffic Channel(full rate)全速率话务信道TCH/H Traffic Channel(Half rate)半速率话务信道TM Test Management 测试管理TMN Telecommunication Management 电信管理网络NetworkTMSC Tendon Mobile Switch Center 汇接移动交换中心TMSI TemPerate Mobile Station Identity 临时移动台识别号码TRAU Transcoding and rate AdaPtation 码型转换和速率适配单元UnitTRX收发设备TUP Telephone User Pant 电话用户部分TX Transmitter/Transmission 发信机/发射V AD V oice Activity Detection 话音活性检测vLR Visitor Location Register 拜访位置登记器VSWR V oltage Standing Wave Radio 电压驻波比W AP Wirless Application propotocol 无线应用协议W-NMS Wireless Network Management System 无线网管系统W ARC World Administrative Radio 世界无线电行政大会Conference。
International StandardsCategory Vendor Title VersionIPC-2221 Feb 1998, General Standard On Printed Board Design 1998IPC-2222 Feb 1998, Sectional Design Standard For Rigid Organic Printed Board 1998IPC-D-279 July 1996, Design Guidelines For Reliable Surface Mount Technology Printed Board Assemblies 1996IPC-SM-782 Revision A Oct 1996, Surface Mount Design And Land Patten Stabdard 1996--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Design Management JIS Standard JIS-K7104 (Methods for Comparison of Surface Roughness of Plastics) 2000--------------------------------------------------------------------------------EMC Raj's Office ANSI STANDARD ANSI C63.4-1992 (Revision Of ANSI C63.2-1991) Methods of Measurement of Radio-Noise Emission from Low-Voltage Electrical And Electronic Equipment in the Range of 9kHz to 40Ghz 1994 1992BSI STANDARD BS EN 50081-1, EMC-Generic Emission Standard Part 1. Residential, commerical and light industry 1992BS EN 50082-1, EMC-Generic Immunity Standard Part 1. Residential, commerical and light industry 1992BS EN 55022:1995, EN 55022:1994, CISPR 22:1993, Limits And Methods Of Measurement Of Radio Disturbance Characteristics Of Information Technology Equipment 93-95BS EN 61000-3-2, IEC 1000-3-2, Limits For Harmonic Current Emission (I/P Current<=16A) 1995 BS EN 61000-4-2, IEC 1000-4-2, Part 4. Testing and measurement techniques Section 4.2 Electrostatic Discharge immunity test-Basic EMC Publication 1995BS EN 61000-4-3, EN 61000-4-3, Part 4. Testing and measurement techniques Section 3 Radiated, Radio-Frequency, Electromagnetic Field Immunity Test 1997BS EN 61000-4-4, IEC 1000-4-4, Part 4. Testing and measurement techniques Section 4 Electrical fast transient.burst immunity test-Basic EMC publication 1995BS EN 61000-4-5, IEC 1000-4-5, Part 4. Testing and measurement techniques Section 5 Surge immunity test 1995EN 50082-1, BS EN 50082-1, EMC-Generic Immunity Standard Part 1. Residential, commerical and light industry 1998CISPR CISPR 22 : Third edition 1997-11, Information Technology Equipment - Radio Disturbance Characteristics - Limits And Methods Of Measurement 1997IEC STANDARD CEI/IEC 801-4, ELECTROMAGNETIC Compatibility For Industrial-Process Measurement And Control Equipment Part 4 : Electrical Fast Transient Burst Requirements 1988IEC 1000-4-3: First edition, 1995-02, Part 4. Testing and measurement techniques Section 3 Radiated, Radio-Frequency, Electromagnetic Field Immunity Test 1995IEC 1000-4-4 1995IEC 1000-4-5 1995IEC 1000-4-6: First edition, 1996, Part 4. Testing and measurement techniques Section 6 Immunity ToConducted Disturbance, Induced By Radio-Frequency Fields 1996IEC 801-2: Second Editing 1991-04 (same as 1995) EMC for industrial-process measurement and control equipment Part 2: Electrostatic Discharge Requirement 1991IEEE STANDARD IEEE STD C62.41-1992 (Revision of IEEE STD C62.41-1980) IEEE Guide on Surge Testing for Equipment connected to Low-Voltage AC-Power Circuits Approved December3,1992 IEEE Standard Board & Approved April 22,1993 American National Standard Institute 1992 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------EMC Roger Hsu BELLCORE GR-1089-CORE: Issue 2, December 1997, Revision 1, February 1999 EMC and Electrical Safety Generic Criteria for Network Telecommunication Equipment Issues List Report 1999GR-1089-ILR: Issue 1B, September 1997, Revision 1, December 1996. EMC and Electrical Safety Generic Criteria for Network Telecommunication Equipment Issues List Report 1996CNS CNS Classified No. C6357; General No. 13438, Chinese & English Version Limits And Methods Of Measurement Of Radio Interference Characteristics Of Information Technology Equipment 27/5/97 1997EN STANDARD EN 50081-1 1992EN 50082-1 1992ETS ETS 300 132-1/2: September 1996, Equipment Engrineering(EE); Power Supply Interface At The Input To Telecommunications Equipment Part 1: Opreated By Alternating Current (AC) Derived From Direct Current (DC) Sources Part 2: perated By Direct Current 1996ETS 300 342-1: Second edition June 1997, Radio Equipment And Systems(RES); Electro Magnetic Compatibility(EMC) For European Digital Cellular Telecommunication System (GSM 900 MHz and DCS 1800 MHz) Part 1: Mobile And Portable Radio And Ancillary Equipment 1997ETS 300 386-1: April 1997, Equipment Engrineering(EE) Public Telecommunication Network Equipment EMC Requirements Part 1: Product Family Overview, Compliance Criteria And Test Levels 1997--------------------------------------------------------------------------------MAGNETIC Engg. NEMA STANDARD NEMA Magnet Wire Standard No. MW1000--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Product Design AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD ANSI S12.10--------------------------------------------------------------------------------PRODUCT SAFETY BSI STANDARD BS EN 132400, SECTIONAL SPECIFICATION: FIXED CAPACITORS FOR ELECTROMAGNETIC INTERFERENCE SUPPRESSION AND CONNECTION TO THE POWER MAINS (ASSESSMENT LEVEL D) 1995BS EN 60950 Amed. No. 5/11 Specification for safety of information Technology Equipment, Including Electrical Business Equipment 1997CANADA STANDARD ASSOC. [CSA] C22.2 No. 0 General Requirement - Canadian Electrical Code, Part 2 1982C22.2 No. 0, Definitions And General Requirements 1975C22.2 No. 0.4 Bonding Grounding Of Electrical Equipments 1982C22.2 No. 234-M90, Safety Of Component Power Supply 1991C22.2 No. 950-95 afety Of Information Technology Equipment 1993C22.2 No. 950-M89 General Instruction No. 1 1989C22.2 No.950-93 Safety Of Information Technology Equipment 1998IEC STANDARD CEI/IEC 384-14, Fixed Capacitor For Use In Electronic Equipment 1993CEI/IEC 417 1973CEI/IEC 664, Insulation C0-ordination Within Low Voltage System Including Clearances & Creepage Distances For Equipment 1980CEI/IEC 950 Upto Amd.4, Safety Of Information Technology Equipment 1996CEI/IEC STD 320, Appliance Couplers For Household And Similar General Purposes 1981IEC Report Publication 664, International Electrotechnical Commission IEC Report 1980IEC Report Publication 664A, International Electrotechnical Commission IEC Report 1981UL STANDRARD UL 1012 POWER SUPPLY 1997UL 1310 Class 2 Power Units 1998UL 1439 Standard for Test for Sharpness of Edges on Equipment 1993Ul 1446 Systems Of Induslating Materials - General 1997UL 1950 Information Technology Equipment 1998UL 746C Polymeric Materials Use In Electrical Equipment Evaluation 1998UL 746D Polymeric Materials Fabricated Parts 1991UL 840 Instulation Coordination Including Clearances And Creepage Distance For Electrical Equipment 1995VDE STANDARD VDE 0804/5.72, Regulation For Telecommunication Apparatuses Including Information Processing Equipment 1974--------------------------------------------------------------------------------QAE ASTM STANDARDS D775-80BELLCORE GR-63TR-NWT-000332(4)IEC STANDARD IEC 68-1 1991IEC 68-2-10 1988IEC 68-2-11 1981IEC 68-2-28IEC 68-2-29IEC 68-2-3IEC 68-2-31 1969IEC 68-2-32 1975IEC 68-2-34 1973IEC 68-2-6 1982IEC 721-3-0 1984IEC 721-3-1 1987IEC 721-3-2 1985IEC 721-3-3 1994IEC 721-3-7 1995MILITARY STANDARD MIL-HDBK-217FMIL-STD-202FMIL-STD-750B--------------------------------------------------------------------------------QMS ISO Standard Quality management systems - Fundamentals and vocabulary ISO 9000:2000 2000Quality management systems - Requirements ISO 9001:2000。
FERRITES Ferrites for EMI Suppression RH RU series
F E R R I T E SApril 2020Ni-ZnFerrites for EMI SuppressionRH/RU series(Cylindrical)RHRUPlease be sure to read this manual thoroughly before using the products.The products listed on this catalog are intended for use in general electronic equipment (AV equipment, telecommunications equipment, home appliances, amusement equipment, computer equipment, personal equipment, office equipment, measurement equipment, industrial robots) under a normal operation and use condition.The products are not designed or warranted to meet the requirements of the applications listed below, whose performance and/or quality require a more stringent level of safety or reliability, or whose failure, malfunction or trouble could cause serious damage to society, person or property.When using the products for specific purposes, please first make confirmations in areas such as safety, reliability, and quality.Please understand that we are not in a position to be held responsible for any damage or the like caused by any use exceeding the range or conditions of this specification sheet or by any use in the specific applications.(1) Aerospace/Aviation equipment(2) T ransportation equipment (electric trains, ships, etc.)(3) Medical equipment(4) Power-generation control equipment(5) Atomic energy-related equipment(6) Seabed equipment(7) T ransportation control equipment (8) Public information-processing equipment(9) Military equipment(10) Electric heating apparatus, burning equipment(11) Disaster prevention/crime prevention equipment(12) Safety equipment(13) Other applications that are not considered general-purposeapplicationsWhen using this product in general-purpose standard applications, you are kindly requested to take into consideration securing protection circuit/equipment or providing backup circuits, etc to ensure higher safety.REMINDERS FOR USING THESE PRODUCTSFerrites for EMI Suppression FEATURESexisting cable while avoiding removal or cutting of the cable.APPLICATIONImaging devices, audio equipment, automotive electronics, telecommunication devices, office automation equipment, and digital interfacevarious other cables.PART NUMBER CONSTRUCTION RH series (Regular type)RU series (Clamp-on typeRANGE OF USE AND STORAGE TEMPERATURE* The temperature range has a different case by materials.**The Storage temperature range is for after the circuit board is mounted.Overview of the RH SeriesHF70RH7×8×4MaterialCore shapeOuter diameter dimensions(A)Width dimensions(B)Inner diameter dimensions(C)Internal codeHF70RU10×20×5MaterialCore shapeOuter diameter dimensions(A)Length dimensions(B)Inner diameter dimensions(C)Internal codeTemperature range *Operating temperature Storage temperature **°C °C –40 to +85–40 to +85Product compatible with RoHS directiveHalogen-freeSHAPES AND DIMENSIONSHF70RH7×8×4MaterialCoreshapeOuter diameterdimensions(A)Widthdimensions(B)Inner diameterdimensions(C)Internal codePart No.Dimensions Electrical characteristicsA B C Impedance Ztyp.(mm)( )23°C10MHz 100MHzHF70RH7X8X47.0±0.38.0±0.3 4.0±0.22849 HF70RH7X14X47.0±0.314.0±0.5 4.0±0.25285 HF70RH8X8X48.0±0.28.0±0.2 4.0±0.23963 HF70RH8X9X48.0±0.29.0±0.3 4.0±0.24472 HF70RH8X15X48.0±0.315.0±0.4 4.0±0.2570113 HF70RH8X20X48.0±0.320.0±0.5 4.0±0.2592151 HF70RH10X20X510.0±0.320.0±0.5 5.0±0.281154 HF70RH12X15X7.312.0±0.315.0±0.57.3±0.24483 HF70RH12.3X20X712.3±0.320.0±0.57.0±0.275124 HF70RH13X20X513.0±0.320.0±0.5 5.0+0.2, –0127210 HF70RH14X14X1014.0±0.314.0±0.310.0±0.253360 HF70RH14.3X14.3X6.3514.3±0.314.3±0.3 6.35±0.270130 HF70RH14.3X28.6X6.3514.3±0.328.6±1.0 6.35±0.2125210 HF70RH14X28X814.0±0.528.0±1.08.0±0.5110185 HF70RH16X12X9.116.0±0.312.0±0.49.1+0.3, –04574 HF70RH16X15X916.0±0.315.0±0.49.0±0.246103 HF70RH16X17X916.0±0.517.0±0.59.0±0.560120 HF70RH16X28X916.0±0.528.0±1.09.0±0.5100185 HF70RH16X28X1016.0±0.328.0±0.710.0±0.2570130 HF70RH17.4X28.57X9.517.4±0.528.57±1.09.5±0.590200 HF70RH19X29X1319.0±0.529.0±1.013.0±0.580145 HF70RH26X29X1326.0±0.529.0±1.013.0±0.5145220ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSHF70RH7X8X4HF70RH7X14X4HF70RH8X8X4HF70RH8X9X4HF70RH8X15X4HF70RH8X20X4HF70RH10X20X5HF70RH12X15X7.3HF70RH12.3X20X7HF70RH13X20X5HF70RH14X14X10HF70RH14.3X14.3X6.35HF70RH14.3X28.6X6.35HF70RH14X28X8HF70RH16X12X9.1ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSHF70RH16X15X9HF70RH16X17X9HF70RH16X28X9HF70RH16X28X10HF70RH17.4X28.57X9.5HF70RH19X29X13HF70RH26X29X13SHAPES AND DIMENSIONS* The RU core is delivered 2 pieces/set. It is possible to offer in single unit.HF70RU10×20×5MaterialCore shapeOuter diameter dimensions(A)Length dimensions(B)Inner diameter dimensions(C)Internal codePart No.Dimensions Electrical characteristics SHAPESABCDImpedance Z typ.(mm)(Ω)23°C 10MHz 100MHz HF70RU10X20X5S 10205981145Fig.2HF70RU12X15X7.3S 12157.3—3182Fig.1HF70RU13X22X7S 132271281144Fig.2HF70RU16X28X9S 16289—78170Fig.1HF70RU17X28X11S 1728111677141Fig.2HF70RU26X29X13S 262913—120245Fig.1Fig.1Fig.2ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSHF70RU10X20X5S HF70RU12X15X7.3SHF70RU13X22X7SHF70RU16X28X9SHF70RU17X28X11SHF70RU26X29X13S。
3)→人工电源网络 AMN 电压分压的估计值 Lamn 可由校准报告获得,经查供应商校准报告给出其扩展不 确定度 0.35dB。
4)→查供应商提供校准报告,接收机正弦波电压准确度 δVsw 的上下限值为 0.6dB。
5)→查供应商提供校准报告,接收机脉冲幅度响应 δVpa 的上下限值为 0.7dB。 →查供应商提供校准报告,接收机脉冲重复频率响应 δVpr 的上下限值为 0.8dB。
5. 结果处理 根据 4 中的测量不确定度分析结果可知,目前可靠性实验室的传导骚扰试验测量结果不确定度为: U=2.80dB (k=2)
All rights reserved. Passing on and copying of this document , use and communication of its contents not permitted without authorization from Alcatel Shanghai Bell.
表 A2:传导骚扰测量的不确定度评定 (采用 50Ω/50μH 的人工电源网络)
(测量频率为 150 kHz~30 MHz)
概率分布或 k dB
Lamn ±0.35
δVsw ±0.6
2.2 ISO/IEC 17025: 2005 General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories
Design Techniques For Emc Part 1 - Circuit Design, And Choice Of Components
Design Techniques for EMC – Part 1Circuit Design, and Choice of ComponentsBy Eur Ing Keith Armstrong CEng MIEE MIEEEPartner, Cherry Clough Consultants, Associate of EMC-UKThis is the first in a series of six articles on best-practice EMC techniques in electrical/electronic/mechanical hardware design, to be published in this journal over the following year. The series is intended for the designer of electronic products, from building block units such as power supplies, single-board computers, and “industrial components” such as motor drives, through to stand-alone or networked products such computers, audio/video/TV, instruments, etc.These articles were first published in the EMC Journal as a series during 1999. This version includes a number of corrections, modifications, and additions, many of which have been made as a result of correspondence with the following, to whom I am very grateful: Feng Chen, Kevin Ellis, Neil Helsby, Mike Langrish, Tom Liszka, Alan Keenan, T Sato, and John Woodgate. I am also indebted to Tom Sato for translating these articles into Japanese and posting them on his website:, as well as suggesting a number of improvements.The techniques covered in these six articles are:1) Circuit design (digital, analogue, switch-mode, communications), and choosingcomponents2) Cables and connectors3) Filters and transient suppressors4) Shielding5) PCB layout (including transmission lines)6) ESD, electromechanical devices, and power factor correctionA textbook could be written about any one of the above topics (and many have), so this magazine article format can do no more than introduce the various issues and point to the most important of the best-practice techniques.Before starting on the above list of topics it is useful see them in the context of the ideal EMC lifecycle of a new product design and development project.The project EMC lifecycleThe EMC issues in a new project lifecycle are summarised below:• Establishment of the target electromagnetic specifications for the new product, including: The electromagnetic environment it must withstand (including continuous, high-probability, and low-probability disturbance events) and the degradation in performance to be allowedduring disturbance events;Its possible proximity to sensitive apparatus and allowable consequences, hence the emissions specifications;Whether there are any safety issues requiring additional electromagnetic performance specifications. Safety compliance is covered by safety directives, not by EMC Directive;All the EMC standards to be met, regulatory compliance documentation to be created, and how much “due diligence” to apply in each case (consider all markets, any customers’ in-house specifications, etc.).• System design:Employ system-level best-practices (“bottom-up”);flow the “top-level” EMC specifications down into the various system blocks (“top-down”).• System block (electronic) designs:Employ electrical/electronic hardware design best-practices (“bottom-up”) (covered by these six articles);Simulate EMC of designs prior to creating hardware, perform simple EMC tests on early prototypes, more standardised EMC tests on first production issue.• Employ best-practice EMC techniques in software design.• Achieve regulatory compliance for all target markets.• Employ EMC techniques in QA to control:All changes in assembly, including wiring routes and component substitutions;All electrical/electronic/mechanical design modifications and software bug-fixes;All variants.• Sell only into the markets originally designed for;To add new markets go through the initial electromagnetic specification stage again. • Investigate all complaints of interference problemsFeed any resulting improvements to design back into existing designs and new products (a corrective action loop).This may look quite daunting, but it is only what successful professional marketeers and engineers already know to do, so as not to expose their company to excessive commercial and/or legal risks.As electronic technology becomes more advanced, more advanced management and design techniques (such as EMC) are required. There is no escaping the ratcheting effects of new electronic technologies if a company wants to remain profitable and competitive. But new electronics technologies are creating the worlds largest market, expected to exceed US$1 trillion annually in value (that’s $1 million million) within a couple of years and continue to increase at 15% or so per annum after that. Rewards are there for those that can take the pace.The following outlines a number of the most important best-EMC-practices. They deal with “what” and “how” issues, rather than with why they are needed or why they work. A good understanding of the basics of EMC is a great benefit in helping to prevent under or over-engineering, but goes beyond the scope of these articles.Table of contents for Part 11. Circuit design and choice of components for EMC1.1 Digital components and circuit design for EMC1.1.1 Choosing components1.1.2 Batch and mask-shrink problems1.1.3 IC sockets are bad1.1.4 Circuit techniques1.1.5 Spread-spectrum clocking1.2 Analogue components and circuit design1.2.1 Choosing analogue components1.2.2 Preventing demodulation problems1.2.3 Other analogue circuit techniques1.3 Switch-mode design1.3.1 Choice of topology and devices1.3.2 Snubbing1.3.3 Heatsinks1.3.4 Rectifiers1.3.5 Problems and solutions relating to magnetic components1.3.6 Spread-spectrum clocking for switch-mode1.4 Signal communication components and circuit design1.4.1 Non-metallic communications are best1.4.2 Techniques for metallic communications1.4.3 Opto-isolation1.4.4 External I/O protection1.4.5 “Earth – free” and “floating” communications1.4.6 Hazardous area and intrinsically safe communications1.4.7 Communication protocols1.5 Choosing passive components1.6 References:1. Circuit design and choice of components for EMCCorrect choice of active and passive components, and good circuit design techniques used from the beginning of a new design and development project, will help achieve EMC compliance in the most cost-effective way, reducing the cost, size, and weight of the eventual filtering and shielding required. These techniques also improve digital signal integrity and analogue signal-to-noise, and can save at least one iteration of hardware and software. This will help new products achieve their functional specifications, and get to market, earlier. These EMC techniques should be seen as a part of a company’s competitive edge, for maximum commercial benefit.1.1 Digital components and circuit design for EMC1.1.1 Choosing componentsMost digital IC manufacturers have at least one glue-logic range with low emissions, and a few versions of I/O chips with improved immunity to ESD. Some offer VLSI in “EMC friendly” versions (some “EMC” microprocessors have 40 dB lower emissions than regular versions).Most digital circuits are clocked with squarewaves, which have a very high harmonic content, as shown by Figure 1.The faster the clock rate, and the sharper the edges, the higher the frequency and emissions levels of the harmonics.So always choose the slowest clock rate, and the slowest edge rate that will still allow the product to achieve its specification. Never use AC when HC will do. Never use HC when CMOS 4000 will do. Choose integrated circuits with advanced signal integrity and EMC features, such as:• Adjacent, multiple, or centre-pinned power and ground.Adjacent ground and power pins, multiple ground and power pins, and centre-pinned power and ground all help maximise the mutual inductance between power and ground current paths, and minimise their self-inductance, reducing the current loop area of the power supply currents and helping decoupling to work more effectively. This reduces problems for EMC and ground-bounce. • Reduced output voltage swing and controlled slew rates.Reduced output voltage swing and controlled slew rates both reduce the dV/dt and dI/dt of the signals and can reduce emissions by several dB. Although these techniques improve emissions, they could worsen immunity in some situations, so a compromise may be needed• Transmission-line matching I/Os.ICs with outputs capable of matching to transmission-lines are needed when high-speed signals have to be sent down long conductors. E.g. bus drivers are available which will drive a 25Ωshunt-terminated load. These will drive 1 off 25Ω transmission line (e.g. RAMBUS); or will drive 2 off 50Ω lines, 4 off 100Ω lines, or 6 off 150Ω lines (when star-connected).• Balanced signalling.Balanced signalling uses ± (differential) signals and does not use 0V as its signal return. Such ICs are very helpful when driving high-speed signals (e.g. clocks > 66MHz) because they help to preserve signal integrity and also can considerably improve common-mode emissions and immunity.• Low ground bounce.ICs with low ground-bounce will generally be better for EMC too.• Low levels of emissions.Most digital IC manufacturers offer glue-logic ranges with low emissions. For instance ACQ and ACTQ have lower emissions than AC and ACT. Some offer VLSI in “EMC friendly” versions, for example Philips have at least two 80C51 microprocessor models which are up to 40dB quieter than their other 80C51 products.• Non-saturating logic preferred.Non-saturating logic is preferred, because its rise and fall times tend to be smoother (slew-rate controlled) and so contain lower levels of high-order harmonics than saturating logic such as TTL.• High levels of immunity to ESD and other disturbing phenomena.Serial communications devices (e.g. RS232, RS 485) are available with high levels of immunity to ESD and other transients on their pins. If their immunity performance isn’t specified to at least the same standards and levels that you need for your product, additional suppression components will be needed.• Low input capacitance.Low input capacitance devices help to reduce the current peaks which occur whenever a logic state changes, and hence reduce the magnetic field emissions and ground return currents (both prime causes of digital emissions).• Low levels of power supply transient currents.Totem-pole output stages in digital ICs go through a brief period when both devices are on, whenever they switch from one state to the other. During this brief period the supply rail is shorted to 0V, and the power supply current transient can exceed the signal’s output current.Both the transient current (sometimes called the ‘shoot-through’ current) and the voltage noise it causes on the power rails are prime causes of emissions. Relevant parameters may include the transient current’s peak value, its d I/d t (or frequency spectrum) and its total charge, any/all of which can be important for the correct design of the power supply’s decoupling. ICs with specified low levels of power supply transients should be chosen where possible.• Output drive capability no larger than need for the application.The output drive current of an IC (especially a bus driver) should be no larger than is needed.Drivers rated for a higher current have larger output transistors, which can mean considerably larger power supply transients. Their increased drive capability can also mean that the traces they drive can experience faster rise and falltimes than are needed, leading to increased overshoot and ringing problems for signal integrity as well as higher levels of RF emissions.All of the above should have guaranteed minimum or maximum (as appropriate) specifications (or at least typical specifications) in their data sheets.Second-sourced parts (with the same type number and specifications but from different manufacturers) can have significantly different EMC performance – something it is important to control in production to ensure continuing compliance in serial manufacture. If products haven’t been EMC tested with the alternative ICs fitted, it will be best to stick with a single source.Suppliers of high-technology ICs may provide detailed EMC design instructions, as Intel does for its Pentium MMO chips. Get them, and follow them closely. Detailed EMC design advice shows that the manufacturer cares about the real needs of his customers, and may tip the balance when choosing devices.Some FPGAs (and maybe other ICs) now have the ability to program the slew rate, output drive capability and/or output impedance of their drive signals. Their drive characteristics can be adjusted to give better signal integrity and/or EMC performance and this should help save time in development by reducing the need to replace ICs, change the values of components on the PCB, or modify the PCB layout.Where ICs’ EMC performances are unknown, correct selection at an early design stage can be made by EMC testing a variety of contenders in a simple standard functional circuit that at least runs their clocks, preferably performs operations on high-rate data too.Testing for emissions can easily be done in a few minutes on a standard test bench with a close-field magnetic loop probe connected to a spectrum analyser (or a wideband oscilloscope). Some devices will be obviously much quieter than others. Testing for immunity can use the same probe connected to the output of a signal generator (continuous RF or transient) – but if it is a proprietary probe (and not just a shorted turn of wire) first check that its power handling is adequate.Close-field probes need to be held almost touching the devices or PCBs being probed. To locate the “hottest spots” and maximise probe orientation they should first be scanned in a horizontal and vertical matrix over the whole area (holding the probe in different orientations at 90o to each other for each direction), then concentrating on the areas with the strongest signals.1.1.2 Batch and mask-shrink problemsSome batches of ICs with the same type numbers and manufacturers can have different EMC performance.Semiconductor manufacturers are always trying to improve the yields they get from a silicon wafer, and one way of doing this is to mask-shrink the ICs so they are smaller. Mask-shrunk ICs can have significantly different EMC performance, because smaller devices means:• less energy is required (in terms of voltage, current, power or charge) to control the internal transistors, which can mean lowered levels of immunity• thinner oxide layers, which can mean less immunity to damage from ESD, surge, or overvoltage• lower thermal capacity of internal transistors can mean higher susceptibility to electrical overstress• faster operation of transistors, which can mean higher levels of emissions and higher frequencies of emissions.Large users can usually arrange to get advance warnings of mask-shrinks so they can buy enough of the ‘old’ ICs to keep them in production while they find out how to deal with the changed EMC from the new mask-shrunk IC.It is possible to perform simple goods-in checks of IC EMC performance to see whether a new batch has different EMC performance, for whatever reason. This helps discover problems early on, and so save money.Alternatively, sample-based EMC testing in serial manufacture is required to avoid shipping non-compliant or unreliable products, but it is much more costly to detect components with changed EMC performance this way than it is at goods-in.1.1.3 IC sockets are badIC sockets are very bad for EMC, and directly soldered surface-mount chips (or chip and wire, or similar direct chip termination techniques) are preferred. Smaller ICs with smaller bondwires and leadframes are better, with BGA and similar styles of chip packaging being the best possible to date. Often the emissions and susceptibility of non-volatile memory mounted on sockets (or, worse still, sockets containing battery backup) ruin the EMC of an otherwise good design. Field-programmable low-profile SMD non-volatile memory ICs soldered direct to the PCB are preferred.Motherboards with ZIF sockets and spring-mounted heatsinks for their processors (to allow easy upgrading) are going to require additional costs on filtering and shielding, even so it will help to choose surface-mounted ZIF sockets with the shortest lengths of internal metalwork for their contacts.1.1.4 Circuit techniques• Level detection (rather than edge-detection) preferred for control inputs and keypresses.Use level detection ICs for all control inputs and keypresses. Edge detecting ICs are very sensitive to high-frequency interference such as ESD. (If control signals need to use such very high rates that they need to use edge-detecting devices, they should be treated for EMC as for any other high-speed communication link.)• Use digital edge-rates that are as slow and smooth as possible should be used wherever possible, especially for long PCB traces and wired interconnections (without compromising skew limits).Where skew is not a problem very slow edges should be used (could be ‘squared-up’ with Schmitt gates where locally necessary).• On prototype PCBs allow for control of logic edge speed or bandwidths (e.g. with soft ferrite beads, series resistors, RC or Tee filters at driven ends).Many IC data books don’t specify their output rise or fall times at all (or only specify the maximum times, leaving typical rates unspecified). Because it is often necessary to control unwanted harmonics, it is advisable to make provision for control of logic edge speed or bandwidths, (on prototype PCBs at least).Series resistors or ferrite beads are usually the best way to control edge rates and unwanted harmonics, although R-C-R tee filters can also be used and may be able to give better control of harmonics where transmission lines are used. (simple capacitors to ground can increase output transient currents and increase emissions.)• Keep load capacitance low.This reduces the output current transient when the logic state changes over and helps to reduce magnetic field emissions, ground bounce, and transient voltage drops in the ground plane and power supply, all important issues for EMC.• Fit pull-ups for open-collector drivers near to their output devices, using the highest resistor values that will work.This helps reduce the current loop area and the maximum current, and so helps to reduce magnetic field emissions. However, this could worsen immunity performance in some situations, so a compromise may be needed.• Keep high speed devices far away from connectors and wires.Coupling (e.g. crosstalk) can occur between the metallisation, bond wires, and lead frame inside an IC and other conductors nearby. These coupled voltages and currents can greatly increase CM emissions at high frequencies. So keep high speed devices away from all connectors, wires, cables, and other conductors. The only exception is high-speed connectors dedicated to that IC(e.g. motherboard connectors).When a product is finally assembled, flexible wires and cables inside may lie in a variety of positions. Ensure that no wires or cables can lie near any high-speed devices. (Products without internal wires or cables are usually easier to make EMC compliant anyway.)A heatsink is an example of a conductor, and clearly can’t be located a long way away from theIC it is to be cooling. But heatsinks can suffer from coupled signals from inside an IC just like any other conductor. The usual technique is to isolate the heatsink from the IC with a thermal conductor (the thicker the better as long as thermal dissipation targets are met), then ‘ground’ the heatsink to the local ground plane with many very short connections (the mechanical fixings can often be used).• A good quality watchdog that ‘keeps on barking’ is required.Interference often occurs in bursts lasting for tens or hundreds of milliseconds. A watchdog which is supposed to restart a processor will be no good if it allows the processor to be crashed or hung permanently by later parts of the same burst that first triggered the watchdog. So it is best if the watchdog is an astable (not a monostable) that will keep on timing out and resetting the microprocessor until it detects a successful reboot. (Don’t forget that the watchdog’s timeout period must be longer than the processor’s rebooting time.)AC-coupling of the watchdog input from a programmable port on the micro helps ensure reliable watchdog operation. For more on watchdogs, see section 7.2.3 in [1].• An accurate power monitor is needed (sometimes called a ‘brownout’ monitor).Power supply dips, dropouts interruptions, sags, and brownouts can make the logic’s DC rail drop below the voltage required for the correct operation of logic ICs, leading to incorrect functioning and sometimes over-writing areas of memory with corrupt instructions or data. So an accurate power monitor is required to protect memory and prevent erroneous control activity.Simple resistor-capacitor ‘power-on reset’ circuits are almost certainly inadequate.• Never use programmable watchdogs or brownout monitors.Because programmable devices can have their programs corrupted by interference, programmable devices must not be used for watchdog or power monitor functions.• Appropriate circuit and software techniques also required for power monitors and watchdogs so that they cope with most eventualities, depending on the criticality of the product, (not discussed further in this series of articles).• High quality RF bypassing (decoupling) of power supplies is vital at every power or reference voltage pin of an IC (refer to Part 5 of this series).• High quality RF reference potential and return-current planes (usually abbreviated to ‘ground planes’) are needed for all digital circuits (refer to Part 5 of this series).• Use transmission line techniques wherever the rise/fall time of the logic signal edge is shorter than the “round trip time” of the signal in the PCB track (transmission lines are described in detail in the 5th article in this series).Rule of thumb: round trip time equals 13ps for every millimetre of track length. For best EMC it may be necessary to use transmission line techniques for tracks which are even shorter than this rule of thumb suggests.• Asynchronous processing is preferred.Asynchronous (naturally clocked) techniques have much lower emissions than synchronous logic, and much lower power consumption too. ARM have been developing asynchronous processors for many years, and other manufacturers are now beginning to produce asynchronous products.One of the limitations on designing asynchronous ICs was the lack of suitable design tools (e.g.timing analysers). But at least one asynchronous IC design tool is now commercially available. Some digital ICs emit high level fields from their own bodies, and often benefit from being shielded by their own little metal box soldered to the PCB ground plane. Shielding at PCB level is very low-cost, but can’t always be applied to devices that run hot and need free air circulation.Clock circuits are usually the worst offenders for emissions, and their PCB tracks will be the most critical nets on a PCB, requiring component layout to be adjusted to minimise clock track length and keep each clock track on one layer with no via holes.When a clock must travel a long distance to a number of loads, fit a clock buffer near the loads so the long track (or wire) has smaller currents in it. Where relative skew is not a problem clock edges in the long track should be well-rounded, even sine-waves, squared up by the buffer near the loads.1.1.5 Spread-spectrum clockingSo-called "spread-spectrum clocking" is a recent technique that reduces the measured emissions, although it doesn't actually reduce the instantaneous emitted power so could still cause the same levels of interference with some fast-responding devices. It modulates the clock frequency by 1 or 2% to spread the harmonics and give a lower peak measurement on CISPR16 or FCC emissions tests. The reduction in measured emissions relies upon the bandwidths and integration time constants of the test receivers, so is a bit of a trick, but has been accepted by the FCC and is in common use in the US and EU. The modulation rates in the audio band so as not to compromise clock squareness specifications.Figure 2 shows an example of an emission improvement for one clock harmonic.Debate continues about the possible effects of spread-spectrum clocking on complex digital ICs with the suppliers claiming no problems and some pundits still urging caution, but at least one major manufacturer of high-quality PC motherboards is using this technique as standard on new products. Spread-spectrum clocking should not be used for timing-critical communications links, such as Ethernet, Fibre channel, FDDI, ATM, SONET, and ADSL.Most of the problems with emissions from digital circuits are due to synchronous clocking. Asynchronous logic techniques (such as the AMULET microprocessors being developed by Prof. Steve Furber’s group at UMIST) will dramatically reduce the total amount of emissions and also achieve a true spread-spectrum instead of concentrating emissions at narrow clock harmonics.1.2 Analogue components and circuit design1.2.1 Choosing analogue componentsChoosing analogue components for EMC is not as straightforward as for digital because of the greater variety of output waveshapes. But as a general rule for low emissions in high-frequency analogue circuits: slew rates, voltage swings, and output drive current capability should be selected for the minimum necessary to achieve the function (given device and circuit tolerances, temperature, etc.).But the biggest problem for most analogue ICs in low-frequency applications is their susceptibility to demodulating radio frequency signals which are outside their linear band of operation, and there are few if any data sheet specifications which can act as a guide for this. Specifications and standards for immunity testing of ICs are being developed, and in the future it may be possible to buy ICs which have EMC specifications on their data sheets.Different batches, second-sourced, or mask-shrunk analogue ICs can have significantly different EMC performance for both emissions and immunity. It is important to control these issues by design, testing, or purchasing to ensure continuing compliance in serial manufacture, and some suitable techniques were described earlier (section on choosing digital ICs).Manufacturers of sensitive or high-speed analogue parts (and data converters) often publish EMC or signal-to-noise application notes for circuit design and/or PCB layout. This usually shows they havesome care for the real needs of their customers, and may help tip the balance when making a purchasing decision.1.2.2 Preventing demodulation problemsMost of the immunity problems with analogue devices are caused by RF demodulation.Opamps are very sensitive to RF interference on all their pins, regardless of the feedback schemes employed (see Figure 3).All semiconductors demodulate RF. Demodulation is more common problem for analogue circuits, but can produce more catastrophic effects in digital circuits (when software gets corrupted).Even slow opamps will happily demodulate interference up to cellphone frequencies and beyond, as shown by the real product test results of Figure 4. To help prevent demodulation, analogue circuits need to remain linear and stable during interference. This is a particular problem for feedback circuits. Test the stability and linearity of the feedback circuit by removing all input and output loads and filters, then injecting very fast-edged (<1ns risetime) square waves into inputs (and possibly into outputs and power supplies, via small capacitors). The test signal amplitude is set so that the output pk-pk is about 30% maximum, to prevent clipping. The test signal’s fundamental frequency should be near the centre of the intended passband of the circuit.。
emc试验标准(EMC test standard)The publication of the technical committee IEC seventy-seventh(IEC publications prepared Technical Committee No.77).The IEC555: interference introduced by household appliances and similar electrical equipment in power system (Disturbances in supply systems caused by household appliances and similar electrical equipment).IEC 555-1 (1982) the first part: the definition (Part1:Definitions).IEC 555-2 (1982): second (Part 2: Harmonics) harmonic.In 1984 the first revision (Amendment No.1) (1984).In 1988 second the revised (Amendment No.2) (1988).In 1991 third the revised (Amendment No.3) (1991).The IEC725 (1981) is used to determine the reference impedance in the disturbance characteristics of household appliances and similar electrical equipment in consideration (Considerations on reference impedances for use in determining the disturbance characteristics of household appliances and similar electrical equipment).The IEC816 (1984) guidelines for the measurement of short transient signals in low voltage power line and the signal line of the (Guide on methods of measurement of short durationtransients on low voltage power and signal lines).The IEC827 (1985) for voltage fluctuation on household appliances in the (IEC555-3) (Guide to voltage fluctuation limits for hoursehold appliances (relating to IEC Publication 555-3)).The IEC868 (1986) flash tester (Flickermeter). (the function and design index (Functional and) design specifications).1990 (Amendment No.1) the first amendment (1990).Will IEC868-0 (1991) - Part zeroth: evaluation of flicker severity (Part 0:evaluation of flicker severity).2 published by the IEC seventy-seventh Technical Committee of the relevant publications (1000 Series)(IEC publications prepared by Technical Committee No.77)IEC1000: EMC standard (Electromagnetic compatibility) (EMC).IEC1000-1-1: (1992) the first part: section first: general use and interpretation of basic definitions and terminology (Part 1:General. Section 1: Application and interpretation of fundamental definitions and terms).The IEC1000-2-1 (1990) - Part second: environment. Section 1: environmental part: low frequency interference and signal transmission in the public power supply system of the electromagnetic environment (Part 2:Environment. Section 1:Description of the environment environment for low-frequencyconducted - Electromagnetic disturbances and signaling in public power supply systems).The IEC1000-2-2 (1990) - Part second: environment. Section second: Compatibility levels for low-frequency interference and signal conduction in public low-voltage supply systems (Part 2; Environment. Section 2:Compatibility levels for low-frequency conducted disturbances and signaling in public low-voltage power supply systems).The IEC1000-2-3 (1992) - Part second: environment. The third section: Part2:Environment. Section 3:Description of the environment-radiation and non-network-frequency-related phenomena conducted, which is related to the conduction of radiation and non network frequencyThe IEC1000-2-4 (1994) - Part second: environment. The third section: in a factory environment low frequency EMI level (Part 2 compatible;环境4:用于低频传导干扰的工业装置中的相容性等级)。
832020年第6期 安全与电磁兼容引言测量不确定度为“表征赋予被测量量值分散性的非负参数”[1]。
标准不确定度的评定有两种方式:A 类(白盒,统计计算所得)和B 类(黑盒,预估方式所得),而实际测量中往往给出测量结果的扩展不确 定度。
对于EMC 类测试,存在多个影响测量结果的量,一般来说不只局限于测量仪器或是测量设备的范畴,而是对测试设备、测量人员、测试方法、被测对象、场地、环境、程序、数据处理等要素的综合研究。
1 测量不确定度评定步骤评定测量不确定度的一般步骤:① 找出所有影响测量结果的量;② 确定输入量X 和被测量Y 之间的关系;③ 建立满足测量不确定度评定的模型;④ 确定不确定度分量;⑤ 计算标准不确定度;⑥ 计算合成标准不确定度;⑦ 确定扩展不确定度;⑧ 提供测量不确定度报告 [4]。
由以上评定步骤,对EMC 辐射抗扰度测量不确定度评定分为四个阶段。
(1)画出测试系统框图,针对引起EMC 辐射抗扰度测试不确定度的因素,进行误差源的全面分析,从测试人员、设备、测试方法、测试环境、测试软件找出影响因素。
(2)选择适合各影响分量指标特征的不确定度评定方法,根据各个不确定度来源,采用A 类评定或B 类评定方法求解出标准不确定度。
我们所提及的影响分量以及转化后的不确定度分量彼此关系独立,对于线性模型可表示为:()()()222211nn i i c i i i i u y c u x u y ====∑∑ (1)式(1)中,u c (y )为合成标准不确定度,u i (y )为各分量的标准不确定度。
扩展不确定度U p 等于包含因子k 乘以合成标准不确定度u c :U p =k ×u c (2)在统计学领域中,凡采用极限方法所得出的定理统称为极限定理[5]。
CS C/T Dam D.R. DT Date Code DPU DSS Dept. DFMEA DMT DPPM DA Dam DTSOP DC_erase DST DPPO DO DOE DRO DVT DM Device DPS Device Type Dut Blade Dicing Die Diff DL DLT DW
客服部 周期 废料箱 受损 數據保持力 资料转换 週期碼 直流測試與可程式電源供 DC Test & Programmable Power Supply 應 Decision Support System 决策支持系统 部,部门 Department 设计实效模式与效应分析 Design FMEA 成熟度验证 Design Maturing Testing 每百万零件的次品数 Defective parts per million Die Attach 贴片:贴片工艺 损伤 Damage TSOP containing 2 memory die DTSOP Charge gain or loss from cell due to voltage fields DC_erase 芯片推力测试 Die shear strength Defective parts per opportunity 产品的缺陷数 当天有效订单 Day orders Design of Experiments 实验设计 具有設計职責的組織 Design Responsible Organization 设计验证 Design Verification Testing 撕贴片 De-taping Mount 型号, 元件 Device Device Power Supply 设备供应电源 產品型號 Device Type 測試物 Device under test 切割刀 dicing Blade 切割 Dicing saw Die 晶粒 差异 Difference Direct Labor 直接人员 动态寿命测试 Dynamic Life Testing 芯片切割 Wafer saw 其间封装类型 Device Package Types 去离子水 DI Wafer Die tilt 芯片倾斜度 干燥箱 Dry Box Customer Service Department Cycle Time Cull box Damage Data Retention Data Transform Date Code
EMC TerminologyEMC专业术语BASIC CONCEPTS 基本概念Electromagnetic environment: The totality of electromagnetic phenomena existing ata given location.电磁环境:存在于给定场所的电磁现象的总和。
Radio environment: The electromagnetic environment in the radio frequency range.The totality of electromagnetic fields created at a given location by operation, of radio transmitters.无线电环境:无线电频率范围内的电磁环境。
Electromagnetic noise: A time-varying electromagnetic phenomenon apparently not conveying information and which may be superimposed or combined with a wanted signal.电磁噪声:一种明显不传送信息的时变电磁现象,它可能与有用的信号叠加或组合。
Natural (atmospheric) noise: Electromagnetic noise having its source in natural (atmospheric) phenomena and not generated by man-made devices.自然(天电)噪声:来源于自然(天电)现象而非人工装置产生的电磁噪声。
Man- made (equipment) noise: Electromagnetic noise having its source in the man-made devices人为(设备)噪声:来源于人工装置的电磁噪声。