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科技文件效果代码一、高亮效果uniqueOverlayBrush "RebellionResearchOverlay"二、浮点型效果researchFloatModifiers1.武器效果linkedWeaponClass ""包括:所有武器"Invalid"波动武器"WAVE"脉冲武器"PULSEGUN"射束武器"FLASHBEAM"自动火炮"AUTOCANNON"TEC激光"LASERTECH"PSI激光"LASERPSI"束流武器"BEAM"等离子武器"PLASMA"导弹"MISSILE"高斯炮"GAUSS"相位导弹"PHASEMISSILE"武器射程增加researchModifiermodifierType "WeaponRangeAdjustment"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.050000linkedWeaponClass "Invalid"武器伤害增加researchModifiermodifierType "WeaponDamageAdjustment"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.100000linkedWeaponClass "Invalid"武器开火几率增加researchModifiermodifierType "WeaponRateOfFireAdjustment"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.050000linkedWeaponClass "GAUSS"武器穿透护盾的几率researchModifiermodifierType "WeaponIgnoresShieldsAdjustment"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.050000linkedWeaponClass "PHASEMISSILE"2.舰船基础值改动外壳最大值增加researchModifiermodifierType "HullPointsMaxAdjustment"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.062500外壳恢复增加researchModifiermodifierType "HullPointsRegenAdjustment"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.025000反物质容量增加researchModifiermodifierType "AntimatterCapacityAdjustment"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.050000反物质恢复速度增加researchModifiermodifierType "AntimatterRegenAdjustment"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.050000护盾最大值增加researchModifiermodifierType "ShieldPointsMaxAdjustment"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.050000护盾恢复增加researchModifiermodifierType "ShieldPointsRegenAdjustment"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.050000最大护盾缓冲增加researchModifiermodifierType "ShieldMaxMitigationAdjustment"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.020000装甲点数增加researchModifiermodifierType "ArmorBaseAdjustment"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 3.000000舰船质量减少researchModifiermodifierType "MassReduction"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.1000003.相位跳跃科技效果相位引擎充能速率增加researchModifiermodifierType "HyperspaceChargeUpRateAdjustment"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.330000相位门跳跃速度增加researchModifiermodifierType "HyperspaceSpeedPhaseGateAdjustment"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.250000相位跳跃反物质消耗researchModifiermodifierType "HyperspaceAntimatterCostAdjustment"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue -0.750000相位跳跃脱出距离researchModifiermodifierType "HyperspaceExitDistanceAdjustment"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue -0.030000星系间远程跳跃速度增加researchModifiermodifierType "HyperspaceBetweenSystemSpeedAdjustment"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 1.000000星系内跳跃速度增加researchModifiermodifierType "HyperspaceInSystemSpeedAdjustment"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.5000004.几率效果被穿透护盾造成伤害几率researchModifiermodifierType "ChanceT oIgnoreShieldsAsDamageT arget"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue -0.150000控制那些逃离本方重力井的敌对飞船的几率researchModifiermodifierType "ChanceT oConvertFrigatesHyperspacingFromPlanet"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.050000被摧毁飞船在首都复活的几率researchModifiermodifierType "ChanceT oRespawnFrigateAtHomeworldUponDeath"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.100000敌舰被摧毁时创造临时克隆的几率researchModifiermodifierType "ChanceT oT emporarilyCloneEnemyFrigateWhenKilled"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.100000敌舰被摧毁时创造临时克隆的持续时间researchModifiermodifierType"ChanceToTemporarilyCloneEnemyFrigateWhenKilledDuration"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 300.0000005.外交关系效果外交关系奖励researchModifiermodifierType "RelationshipBonus"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.100000自身关系奖励researchModifiermodifierType "SelfRelationshipBonus"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.600000提高在捐赠资源时候获得的最大关系度researchModifiermodifierType "TemporaryRelationshipFromGiveResourceMaxAdjustment"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 1.000000提高在捐赠水晶时候获得的关系度researchModifiermodifierType"TemporaryRelationshipFromGiveCrystalValueAdjustment"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 1.000000提高在捐赠金属时候获得的关系度researchModifiermodifierType "TemporaryRelationshipFromGiveMetalValueAdjustment"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 1.0000006.行星基础效果行星血量恢复速率增加researchModifiermodifierType "PlanetHealthRegenRateAdjustment"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.125000行星人口容量增加researchModifiermodifierType "PlanetPopulationCapAdjustment"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.120000linkedPlanetType "Barren""Barren""Desert""Ice""Iron""Oceanic""Terran""Volcanic""Moon""Greenhouse"行星人口增长率增加researchModifiermodifierType "PopulationGrowthRateAdjustment"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.600000行星人口税率增加researchModifiermodifierType "PopulationT axRateAdjustment"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.250000行星忠诚度上升速率增加researchModifiermodifierType "CultureEnemyAllegianceRateAdjustment"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.250000行星后勤槽增加researchModifiermodifierType "PlanetSlotsCivilianIncrease"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 4.000000行星战术槽增加researchModifiermodifierType "PlanetSlotsT acticalIncrease"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 4.000000行星升级花费降低researchModifiermodifierType "PlanetUpgradeCostAdjustment"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.075000linkedPlanetUpgradeType "CivilianModules"行星升级速率提升researchModifiermodifierType "PlanetUpgradeBuildRateAdjustment"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.250000linkedPlanetUpgradeType "Invalid"所有项目"Invalid"后勤项目"CivilianModules"考古项目"ArtifactLevel"基础设施"Infrastructure"7.轰炸敌方行星效果轰炸敌方行星冷却时间降低modifierType "BombingCooldownDecrease"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.100000轰炸敌方行星人口杀伤researchModifiermodifierType "BombingPopulationKilledAsDamageDealerAdjustment"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.100000轰炸敌方行星伤害增加researchModifiermodifierType "BombingDamageAsDamageDealerAdjustment"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.100000轰炸敌方行星伤害获得资金researchModifiermodifierType "CreditsGainedPerPointOfBombingDamageDealt"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 1.00000轰炸敌方行星时武器开火速率增加researchModifiermodifierType"WeaponRateOfFireAdjustmentWhenInGravityWellBeingBombed"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.150000linkedWeaponClass "Invalid"轰炸敌方行星时武器伤害增加researchModifiermodifierType "WeaponDamageAdjustmentWhenInGravityWellBeingBombed"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.150000linkedWeaponClass "Invalid"8.抵御行星轰炸效果遭受行星轰炸伤害降低modifierType "BombingDamageAsDamageT argetAdjustment"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue -0.100000遭受行星轰炸人口减伤researchModifiermodifierType "BombingPopulationKilledPercAsDamageT arget"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.250000遭受行星轰炸距离降低researchModifiermodifierType "BombingRangeAdjustment"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.4500009.任务完成效果任务成功快乐值增加researchModifiermodifierType "QuestRewardHappinessAdjustment"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.100000任务失败快乐值减少researchModifiermodifierType "QuestFailureHappinessAdjustment"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue -0.050000任务截止时间增加researchModifiermodifierType "QuestDeadlineAdjustment"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.30000010.贸易科技效果贸易商品价值增加researchModifiermodifierType "TradeGoodsValueAdjustment"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.250000无盟友的贸易货物价值增加researchModifiermodifierType "TradeGoodsValueAdjustmentWithNonAlliedPlayers"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue -0.150000精炼船仓位增加researchModifiermodifierType "RefineryShipCapacityAdjustment"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.250000货船载货量提升researchModifiermodifierType "CargoShipCapacityAdjustment"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.500000进口衍生资金率researchModifiermodifierType "DerivativeCreditsFromPurchasesPercent"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.100000交易衍生资金率researchModifiermodifierType "DerivativeCreditsFromTradePercent"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.07500011.主力舰效果主力舰文化击退率researchModifiermodifierType "CapitalShipCultureProtectRateAdjustment"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.200000主力舰可购买升级数researchModifiermodifierType "CapitalShipMaxTrainableLevel"baseValue 2.000000(0表示一级,2表示3级)perLevelValue 1.000000主力舰税收researchModifiermodifierType "CapitalShipTaxIncome"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 2.000000主力舰加速度增加researchModifiermodifierType "CapitalShipAccelerationAdjustment"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.100000主力舰转向速度增加researchModifiermodifierType "CapitalShipAngularThrustAdjustment"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.150000主力舰对周围残骸的打捞百分比researchModifiermodifierType "SalvageWreckagePercent"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.050000主力舰军事实验室数量researchModifiermodifierType "MilitaryLabsPerCapitalShip"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 1.000000主力舰民用实验室数量researchModifiermodifierType "CivilianLabsPerCapitalShip"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 1.000000主力舰和泰坦转向速度增加researchModifiermodifierType "CapitalShipAndTitanAngularThrustAdjustment"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.150000主力舰和星基每个方向锁定目标数增加researchModifiermodifierType "WeaponTargetsPerBankAdjustmentCapitalShipsOrStarbases"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 1.00000012.星际基地效果星际外壳增加researchModifiermodifierType "StarBaseHullPointsMaxAdjustment"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.050000星基装甲增加researchModifiermodifierType "StarBaseArmorAdjustment"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 3.000000星基护盾增加researchModifiermodifierType "StarBaseShieldPointsMaxAdjustment"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.075000星基护盾恢复增加researchModifiermodifierType "StarBaseShieldPointsRegenAdjustment"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.075000星基锁定目标数量提高researchModifiermodifierType "StarBaseWeaponTargetPerBankAdjustment"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 1.000000星基武器伤害提高researchModifiermodifierType "StarBaseWeaponDamageAdjustment"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.100000星基数量每重力井增加researchModifiermodifierType "StarBasesPerGravityWellAdjustment"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 1.000000星际基地升级花费降低researchModifiermodifierType "StarBaseUpgradeCostAdjustment"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue -0.200000星基建造速度提升(敌方重力井内)researchModifiermodifierType "StarBaseBuildRateAtEnemyOrbitBodyAdjustment"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.25000013.文化效果文化传播速度增加(从星球产生的)【神体星球】researchModifiermodifierType "CultureSpreadRateBaseAdjustment"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.500000文化传播速度增加researchModifiermodifierType "CultureSpreadRateAdjustment"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.300000文化抵抗增加researchModifiermodifierType "CultureResistPercent"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.200000文化传播延迟降低researchModifiermodifierType "CultureSpreadDecayAdjustment"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.250000文化内武器伤害增加researchModifiermodifierType "CultureWeaponDamageAdjustment"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.050000文化内护盾恢复增加researchModifiermodifierType "CultureShieldRegenAmount"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.500000文化内反物质恢复速率增加researchModifiermodifierType "CultureAntimatterRegenAmount"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.100000文化内忠诚度上限增加researchModifiermodifierType "AllegianceFromCultureMaxPerc"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.05000014.舰船容量效果主力舰容量最大值researchModifiermodifierType "CapitalShipMaxSlots"baseValue 1.000000perLevelValue 1.000000researchModifiermodifierType "CapitalShipMaxSlotLevel"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 1.000000舰船容量最大值researchModifiermodifierType "ShipMaxSlots"baseValue 100.000000perLevelValue 150.000000researchModifiermodifierType "ShipMaxSlotLevel"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 1.000000容量收入消耗百分比researchModifiermodifierType "IncomePercLost"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.093750舰队船只数量上限提升researchModifiermodifierType "PlanetSlotsShipsAdjustment"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.07500015.轨道大炮效果轨道大炮(死星火炮)槽位花费降低researchModifiermodifierType "OrbitalCannonSlotCostAdjustment"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue -3.000000轨道大炮(死星火炮)建造成本降低researchModifiermodifierType "OrbitalCannonPriceAdjustment"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.250000轨道大炮(死星火炮)最大数量提升researchModifiermodifierType "OrbitalCannonMaxAdjustment"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 1.00000016.友方重力井效果友方重力井内武器伤害增加researchModifiermodifierType "WeaponDamageAdjustmentWhenInFriendlyGravityWell"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.150000linkedWeaponClass "Invalid"友方重力井内装甲增加researchModifiermodifierType "ArmorBaseAdjustmentWhenInFriendlyGravityWell"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 2.000000友方重力井内经验值奖励增加researchModifiermodifierType "ExperienceAwardedAdjustmentWhenInFriendlyGravityWell"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.100000跳往友方重力井反物质消耗降低researchModifiermodifierType"HyperspaceAntimatterCostAdjustmentWhenGoingT oFriendlyGravityWell"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue -1.000000舰船伤害加成与当前重力场内的友方舰船数量成正比【人人为我】researchModifiermodifierType"WeaponDamageAdjustmentForEachAlliedPlayerInGravityWell"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.100000linkedWeaponClass "Invalid"17.敌方处于重力井内效果敌方处于重力井时舰船建造速率调整modifierType "ShipBuildRateAdjustmentWhenEnemyInGravityWell"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.500000敌方处于重力井时人口税率调整researchModifiermodifierType "PopulationT axRateAdjustmentWhenEnemyInGravityWell"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.25000018.敌对势力效果敌对势力叛乱强度researchModifiermodifierType "RebellionLevel"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 1.000000敌对势力舰船与建筑建造速率降低researchModifiermodifierType "CultureEnemyBuildRateAdjustment"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue -0.50000019.黑市效果黑市购买价格降低researchModifiermodifierType "BlackMarketBuyPriceAdjustment"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.075000赏金购买增加(通过悬赏花费上获得更高回报)researchModifiermodifierType "BountyBoughtAdjustment"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.125000赏金收集增加(领取赏金时的数额增加)modifierType "BountyCollectedAdjustment"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.12500020.整体势力效果研究花费调整researchModifiermodifierType "ResearchCostAdjustment"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue -0.250000研究速度增加researchModifiermodifierType "ResearchBuildRateAdjustment"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.150000舰船建造速率增加researchModifiermodifierType "ShipBuildRateAdjustment"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.300000建筑建造速率增加researchModifiermodifierType "ModuleBuildRateAdjustment"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.300000经验获得速率researchModifiermodifierType "ExperienceConstantGainRate"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.916666经验获得上限researchModifiermodifierType "ExperienceConstantGainLevelCap"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 2.000000经验奖励researchModifiermodifierType "ExperienceAwardedAdjustment"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.250000建筑与舰只的建造金钱成本降低researchModifiermodifierType "CreditCostAdjustment"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.040000建筑与舰只的建造晶体与金属成本降低researchModifiermodifierType "ResourceCostAdjustment"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.040000回收速率提升researchModifiermodifierType "ScuttleRateAdjustment"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.500000回收退款增加researchModifiermodifierType "ScuttleValueAdjustment"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.200000降低建造花费researchModifiermodifierType "ModuleCostForSimilarTypesAdjustment"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.20000021.行星建筑效果战术建筑装甲提高researchModifiermodifierType "TacticalStructureArmorAdjustment"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 2.000000战术建筑外壳提高researchModifiermodifierType "TacticalStructureHullPointsMaxAdjustment"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.300000战术建筑武器伤害提高researchModifiermodifierType "TacticalStructureWeaponDamageAdjustment"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.100000文化建筑的建造成本降低researchModifiermodifierType "CultureModuleCostAdjustment"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.40000022.结盟效果与其他相同派系结盟时获得的舰队容量加成researchModifiermodifierType "ShipMaxSlotsWhenOnlyAlliedWithSameRaceSameFactionPlayers"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 75.00000023.货船安全效果货船外壳增加researchModifiermodifierType "CargoShipHullPointsMaxAdjustment"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.100000货船装甲增加researchModifiermodifierType "CargoShipArmorBaseAdjustment"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 2.00000024.资源开采效果资源聚焦萃取率researchModifiermodifierType "ExtractionRateFromResourceFocus"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.083330金属萃取率researchModifiermodifierType "ExtractionRateMetalAdjustment"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.066667晶体萃取率researchModifiermodifierType "ExtractionRateCrystalAdjustment"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.06666725.飞行中队效果舰载战斗机中队增加researchModifiermodifierType "CarrierFightersPerSquadAdjustment"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 2.000000机库战斗机中队增加researchModifiermodifierType "HangarFightersPerSquadAdjustment"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 2.00000026.泰坦研究效果泰坦研究进度增加researchModifiermodifierType "TitanConstructionCap"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.25000027.海盗侵袭效果(废弃语句可能已失效)researchModifiermodifierType " PirateStrengthAgainstYouAdjustment"baseValue 0.000000perLevelValue 0.250000三、布尔型效果researchBoolModifiers1.星系航行效果允许星系间跳跃researchModifiermodifierType "AllowGalaxyTravel"相位跳跃抑制免疫researchModifiermodifierType "JumpBlockerImmune"允许虫洞航行researchModifiermodifierType "AllowWormHoleTravel"2.相位跳跃侦测允许侦测到进行跳跃至己方行星的敌方舰船researchModifiermodifierType "HyperspaceDetectionOneJump"允许侦测到进行二次跳跃至己方行星的敌方舰船researchModifiermodifierType "HyperspaceDetectionTwoJumps"允许侦测到任何船舰的相位跳跃情况researchModifiermodifierType "HyperspaceDetectionAnyJumps"3.文化效果允许你观察敌方文化在整个星系内的传播情况researchModifiermodifierType "CultureSpreadIsAlwaysVisible"允许你观察你的文化领域内的任何行星状况researchModifiermodifierType "PlanetsDetectedByCulture"4.行星殖民允许行星殖民researchModifiermodifierType "PlanetIsColonizable"linkedPlanetType "Greenhouse""Barren""Desert""Ice""Iron""Oceanic""Terran""Volcanic""Moon""Greenhouse"5.条约解锁解锁条约researchModifiermodifierType "AllowPacts"解锁某项条约researchModifiermodifierType "UnlockPact"allianceType "WeaponCooldownPact"pactUnlockEntityDefName"RESEARCHSUBJECT_PACTBONUS_WEAPONCOOLDOWN" "WeaponCooldownPact""TradeIncomePact""ThrusterPact""TacticalSlotsPact""SupplyPact""Invalid""ShieldPact""ResearchPact""PhaseJumpPact""PlanetBombingPact""MetalCrystalPact""MassReductionPact""MarketPact""EnergyWeaponCooldownPact""EfficiencyPact""CulturePact""BeamWeaponPact""ArmorPact""AntimatterPact"6.提议任务允许向其他势力提议任务researchModifiermodifierType "AllowMissionOffers"允许向海盗提供任务researchModifiermodifierType "AllowPirateMissions"允许向其他势力提供或要求金钱,金属和水晶researchModifiermodifierType "AllowResourceDemandAndGifts"7.特殊效果【敌对往来】移除因为种族差异获得的额外关系惩罚researchModifiermodifierType "RemoveRacialRelationPenalty"【跳跃稳定化】所有舰船忽略敌人的星际基地所产生的相位跳跃不稳定researchModifiermodifierType "DestabilizationProtection"【解放抵抗】盟军反叛势力时不时地会在你的首都集结researchModifiermodifierType "FriendlyInsurgentShipsSpawnedAtHomePlanetWhenEnemyPlanetLiberated"【移动王庭】researchModifiermodifierType "CapitalShipsTitansAndStarBasesCountAsPlanetForNoGameLoss"【共享相位网络】允许盟友使用相位门网络researchModifiermodifierType "AllowAlliesT oUsePhaseGates"【机动星际基地】允许星际基地通过相位节点进行跳跃researchModifiermodifierType "StarBasesCanHyperspaceOnlyToPhaseNodes"【核心榨取】(其中的资源效果)当废弃星球时榨取一个星球的所有资源researchModifiermodifierType "StripPlanetsOnScuttle"【与狼共舞】researchModifiermodifierType "FriendlyWithPiratesRebelNeutrals"【外侵仇视】降低一级海盗侵袭力度researchModifiermodifierType "PirateRaidsOneLevelLower"8.BUFF型效果新占领星球的内,短时间内提高该重力场内的武器伤害和人口增长率researchModifiermodifierType "ApplyBuffToPlanetAfterColonization"buffToApply "BuffAssimilatedPopulace"刚征服的星球内,舰船反物质效果提升researchModifiermodifierType "ApplyBuffToPlanetAfterPlayerDestroys"buffToApply "BuffCleanseAndRenew"当敌人最后的一艘舰船离开本方重力井或被摧毁,该星球获得税收奖励和文化奖励researchModifiermodifierType "ApplyBuffToOwnedPlanetAfterLastEnemyShipLeavesOrDies"buffToApply "BuffExpulsion"每当完成一次相位跳跃,你的船只和星际基地都会在短时间内获得一定伤害奖励researchModifiermodifierType "ApplyBuffToShipsAfterHyperspace"buffToApply "BuffPhasicStrike"废弃星球时炸毁星球researchModifiermodifierType "ApplyBuffToPlanetsAfterScuttle"buffToApply "BuffStrippedToTheCoreSelf"、当一个己方星球丢失,对抗侵略者时,提高己方武器伤害和开火速率researchModifiermodifierType "ApplyBuffToAllOwnedShipsWhenOwnedPlanetFalls"buffToApply "BuffPlanetForAPlanet"9.其他效果科研胜利researchModifiermodifierType "ResearchVictory"设置派系researchModifiermodifierType "SetFaction"factionNameID "IDS_PLAYERFACTIONNAME_LOYALIST"。


10.在“我的文档/BB FLASH MOVIES”文件夹中(之前设置的文件保存路径)生成*.swf以及*.html文件。
3.单击左上角“录制视频”(红色圆圈)继续,左下(使用帮助是英文版,看不懂的话还是看本教程吧 )。
3.视频导出设置“General”/“Export Frames”中可以选择导出的帧,“Whole Movie”表示全选。
找到Serial复制粘贴到Licence key框中,然后单击“OK”



太阳帝国的原罪三合⼀——建筑⼀览 D e e p c o r e m e t a l m i n i n g 1座民⽤研究所 2级 400/0/25 60 ⾦属采集增加7% 适⽤建筑⾦属采集器 S e n s o r d r o n e s 1座民⽤研究所 2级 400/0/25 60 解锁P r o b e H i g h d e n s i t y z o n i n g 1座民⽤研究所 2级 400/0/25 60 最⼤⼈⼜增加8% I m p r o v e d a r i d c o l o n i e s 1座民⽤研究所 2级 400/0/25 60 最⼤⼈⼜增加8% M o d u l a r A r c h i t e c t u r e 1座民⽤研究所 2级 400/0/25 60 费⽤减少20% 适⽤建筑⾦属采集器护卫舰制造⼚⽔晶采集器母舰制造⼚ O r b i t a l C o m m e r c e 2座民⽤研究所 1级 600/50/100 80 解锁Tr a d e P o r t R a p i d H y d r o m e t a l l u r g y 2座民⽤研究所;D e e p c o r e m e t a l m i n i n g达到2级 2级 600/50/100 80 ⾦属采集增加13%---20% 适⽤建筑⾦属采集器 E ffic i e n t C r y s i t a l S o r t i n g 2座民⽤研究所 2级 600/50/100 80 ⽔晶采集增加7% 适⽤建筑⽔晶采集器 A r c t i c E x p l o i t a t i o n 2座民⽤研究所 1级 600/50/100 80 可以占领冰原⾏星 Vo l c a n i c E x p l o i t a t i o n 2座民⽤研究所 1级 600/50/100 80 可以占领⽕⼭⾏星 B a s i c P S I D A R 2座民⽤研究所 1级 600/50/100 80 可以探测到正在向⼰⽅⾏星做位相跃变的敌⽅舰船 E x p e d i t e d P e r m i t s 2座民⽤研究所 2级 600/50/100 80 建筑建造速度增加17% R a p i d D e v e l o p m e n t 3座民⽤研究所 2级 800/100/175 100 所有类型的⾏星开发速度增加25% A u t o m a t e d M i n i n g R i g s 3座民⽤研究所;E ffic i e n t C r y s i t a l S o r t i n g达到⼆级 2级 800/100/175 100 ⽔晶采集增加13%---20% 适⽤建筑⽔晶采集器 A d v a n c e d C i v i c D e s i g n 3座民⽤研究所;H i g h d e n s i t y z o n i n g达到2级 2级 800/100/175 100 最⼤⼈⼜增加15%---23% L o n g R a n g e J u m p s 3座民⽤研究所 1级 800/100/175 100 舰船可以跳跃到遥远的星系 I n t e r s t e l l a r N e t w o r k s 3座民⽤研究所 1级 800/100/175 100 解锁B r o a d c a s t C e n t e r C i v i l i a n S h i p S a f e t y A c t 3座民⽤研究所 2级 800/100/175 100 解锁F o r t ifie d C i v i l i a n S h i p s O r b i t a l R efin e m e n t 4座民⽤研究所 1级 1000/150/250 120 解锁O r b i t a l R efin e r y H u g e C a r g o H o l d s 4座民⽤研究所;O r b i t a l C o m m e r c e达到1级;O r b i t a l R efin e m e n t达到1级 2级 1000/150/250 120 货船容积增加8% 适⽤护卫舰Tr a d e S h i p、R efin e r y S h i p N u c l e a r S m e l t i n g 4座民⽤研究所;R a p i d H y d r o m e t a l l u r g y达到2级 2级 1000/150/250 150 ⾦属采集速度增加27%---33% 适⽤建筑⾦属采集器 A d v a n c e d A r c t i c C o l o n i e s 4座民⽤研究所;A r c t i c E x p l o i t a t i o n达到1级 2级 1000/150/250 150 最⼤⼈⼜增加8% A d d i c t i v e C o n s u m e r i s m 4座民⽤研究所;I n t e r s t e l l a r N e t w o r k s达到1级 2级 1000/150/250 120 ⽂化传播速度增加5% 反物质恢复0.4 适⽤建筑B r o a d c a s t C e n t e r S k i l l e d D i p l o m a t s 4座民⽤研究所 2级 1000/150/250 120 幸福奖励15% 幸福损失-10% F a v o r e d C l i e n t D i s c o u n t 4座民⽤研究所 2级 1000/150/250 120 ⿊市交易时减价8% S h o c k w a v e P u l v e r i z a t i o n 5座民⽤研究所;A u t o m a t e d M i n i n g R i g s达到2级 2级 1200/200/325 150 ⽔晶采集速度增加27%---33% 适⽤建筑⽔晶采集器 P l a n e t a r y S h i e l d s 5座民⽤研究所 1级 1200/200/325 150 解锁S h i e l d G e n e r a t o r Wo r m H o l e N a v i g a t i o n 5座民⽤研究所 1级 1200/200/325 180 舰船可以穿越⾍洞 E n h a n c e d P S I D A R 5座民⽤研究所;B a s i c P S I D A R达到1级 1级 1200/200/325 150a 可以探测到距⼰⽅⾏星两次位相跃变的敌⽅舰船 C r i t i c a l M a s s 5座民⽤研究所;A d d i c t i v e C o n s u m e r i s m达到2级 2级 1200/200/325 150 ⽂化损失速度下降25% 适⽤建筑B r o a d c a s t C e n t e r C a t a s t r o p h e R e c o v e r y 5座民⽤研究所 2级 1200/200/325 180 建造速度增加13% I m m e n s e C a r g o H o l d s 6座民⽤研究所;H u g e C a r g o H o l d s达到2级 2级 1400/250/400 180 货船容积增加15%---23% 适⽤护卫舰Tr a d e S h i p、R efin e r y S h i p Q u i c k J u m p C a l c u l a t i o n 6座民⽤研究所 2级 1400/250/400 180 位相跃变充电速度15% 适⽤母舰全部 适⽤护卫舰全部 C u l t u r a l M o n o p o l i z a t i o n 6座民⽤研究所;A d d i c t i v e C o n s u m e r i s m达到2级 2级 1400/250/400 180 ⽂化传播速度增加10%---15% 反物质恢复0.8---1.1 适⽤建筑B r o a d c a s t C e n t e r D e v e l o p m e n t M a n d a t e 6座民⽤研究所 2级 1400/250/400 180 增加民⽤空位4B a s i cC r e w Tr a i n i n g 6座民⽤研究所 1级 1400/250/400 180 最⼤训练等级2---3 适⽤母舰全部 I n d u s t r i a l J u g g e r n a u t 7座民⽤研究所 3级 1600/300/475 210 舰船建造速度增加17% 适⽤建筑护卫舰制造⼚、母舰制造⼚ S u p e r i o r P l a n e t S h i e l d s 7座民⽤研究所;P l a n e t a r y S h i e l d s达到1级 2级 1600/300/475 210 减轻炮击伤害 F o r e i g n S a b o t a g e 7座民⽤研究所;C u l t u r a l M o n o p o l i z a t i o n达到2级 2级 1600/300/475 210 敌⽅建造速度-50% F o r e i g n S a b o t a g e 7座民⽤研究所;C u l t u r a l M o n o p o l i z a t i o n达到2级 2级 1600/300/475 210 敌⽅建造速度-50% P e r v a s i v e E c o n o m y 8座民⽤研究所;I m m e n s e C a r g o H o l d s达到2级 2级 1800/350/550 240 兑换为⾦钱10% ⽤⾦钱购买8% 逗游⽹——中国2亿游戏⽤户⼀致选择的”⼀站式“游戏服务平台。





第一部分必须用2B 铅笔作答;第二部分必须用黑色字迹的签字笔作答。


























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“音乐”页签 “最近”页签
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a) 全部成功時: 所有檔已傳輸完成! b) 全部失敗時: 4個檔傳輸失敗! c) 全部暫停時: 4個任務已暫停 d) 有成功,有失敗,有暫停時: 2個檔傳輸成功,1個失敗,1個暫停! e) 有成功,有暫停時: 3個檔傳輸成功,1個暫停! f) 有失敗,有暫停時: 3個檔傳輸失敗,1個暫停! g) 有成功,有失敗: 3個檔傳輸成功,1個失敗!
为空时 按钮
为空时 有内容提示 概要 按钮 title hove工具栏 状态
非空界面 wording
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简体中文 更换帐号 请输入您的独立密码 确定 忘记密码 您输入的独立密码有误,请重新输入 新设置密码 填写您的独立密码 确定密码 请输入密码 确定|取消 您两次输入的密码不一致,请重新输入 密码设置成功 密码长度不能小于6各字符 管理密码 更改密码 填写当前密码 填写新密码 确定新密码 删除密码 输入密码 请输入新密码 新密码长度不能小于6个字符 两次输入的密码不一致 密码修改成功 独立密码已删除 您输入的密码有误,请重新输入 全部 最近 图片 文档 音乐 视频 QQ离线文件 分享的链接 回收站


PlayResX: 该字幕所加载的影片的X轴长度。
PlayResY: 该字幕所加载的影片的Y轴长度。
Timer: 100.0000 时间的精确程度,用默认的100.0000即可。
PlayResX,PlayResY 就是将屏幕画成坐标,左上角为(0,0),右下脚为(PlayResX,PlayResY)这两个数值最好与要转换出的影片的分辨率相同,这样在[Events]部分里确定坐标比较方便。
Scroll up;y1;y2;delay 字幕向上滚动,y1,y2定义了向上滚动的字幕的出现位置和消失位置,delay是该段字幕移动时的延迟量,取值1~???,上限不定,数值越大,速度越慢。具体换算为文字每移动1,所需时间为(1000/delay) 秒。
Scroll down;y1;y2;delay 字幕向下滚动,方法同上。
Dialogue: Marked=0,0:00:00.20,0:00:03.30,New Style,NTP,0000,0000,0000,,UC0079年12月24日
[Events] ——字幕的详细设定,从这里开始,就是正式的字幕部分了(注意英文大小写)
[Script Info]——该部分包含了这个字幕文件的大致信息,"[Script Info]"在ssa字幕中必须是该脚本的第一行
ScriptType:v4.00 版本号,默认即可(这个会影响字幕特效的一些命令,ssa用v4.00,ass用v4.00+)
Collisions: Normal 当字幕发生冲突时的处理方法,基本上都是Normal,没见过其他的-_-
[V4 Styles]
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This is the Police Syberia 2 Shantae: Half- Genie Hero Ultimate Edition! Nintendo Labo Toy-Con 02: Robot Kit The Snack World: Trejarers Gold Shin Sangoku Musou 7 Empires MXGP3 - The Official Motocross Videogame Super Putty Squad Scribblenauts: Showdown Nintendo Labo Toy-Con 01: Variety Kit Snow Moto Racing Freedom Bayonetta Gal*Gun 2 Party Planet VOEZ Yooka-Laylee Atelier Lydie & Suelle: The Alchemists and the Mysterious Paintings Penny-Punching Princess Ostwind - Das Spiel Kirby Star Allies A.O.T 2 (Attack on Titan 2) Bayonetta 2 Human: Fall Flat WWE 2K18 DOOM Schlag den Star Resident Evil: Revelations LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 Wonder Boy: The Dragons Trap Azure Striker GUNVOLT: STRIKER PACK Poi: Explorer Edition Island Flight Simulator Monster Jam Crush It! The LEGO NINJAGO Movie Videogame The Count Lucanor Syberia Snipperclips Plus: Cut it out, together! Tales of the Tiny Planet 3D Mini Golf Batman: The Telltale Series The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Dragon Quest Builders UNBOX: Newbies Adventure Sengoku Musou Sanada Maru Dragon Quest Heroes I・II for Nintendo Switch Monster Hunter XX Nintendo Switch Ver. Lets Sing 2018 SUPERBEAT: XONiC Sonic Forces Rocket League Rime L.A. Noire Lumo 88 Heroes: 98 Heroes Edition

施耐德TeSys岛-EcoStruxure控制专家经典快速入门指南 说明书

施耐德TeSys岛-EcoStruxure控制专家经典快速入门指南 说明书
Leabharlann DOCA0236ZH-00
TeSys island – 数字电机管理解决方案
本文档提供了在 EcoStruxure™ Control Expert Classic 软件中使用 TeSys™ island 及应用 Modbus TCP 协议的逻辑/运动控制器来创建项目所需的步骤。
ISO 12100:2010 EN 60204-1:2006 ISO 14119:2013 ISO 13850:2015 IEC 62061:2015 IEC 61508-1:2010 IEC 61508-2:2010
IEC 61508-3:2010 IEC 61784-3:2016 2006/42/EC 2014/30/EU 2014/35/EU
TeSys island – 数字电机管理解决方案
在尝试安装、操作、维修或维护本设备之前,请对照设备仔细阅读这些说明,以使 自己熟悉该设备。下列专用信息可能出现在本文档中的任何地方,或出现在设备 上,用以警告潜在的危险或提醒注意那些对某过程进行阐述或简化的信息。
创建项目 ..................................................................................................13 将 TeSys island 添加到项目 .......................................................................15 配置 CPU 的 IP 地址 .................................................................................17 配置 TeSys island 的 IP 地址 .....................................................................19 上传 TeSys island 项目至 PLC ...................................................................20 通过以太网电缆将 TeSys island 项目上传到 PLC ........................................24




















红警中的各种语言配音中文翻译生产:没钱了 Insufficient funds可以造新东西了 New construction options开始建造建筑物 building开始生产作战单位 Training暂停生产 On hold取消生产 Canceled生产进行中目前不接受新的生产指令 Can not comply building in progress建筑已造好 Construction complete单位已造好 Unit ready建筑被卖掉 Structure sold建筑修理 Repairing电力不足生产减缓 Low power选定主要建筑物(战车工厂/兵营等)Primary building selected作战:单位已修好 Unit repaired单位升级了 Unit promoted作战单位被灭 Unit lost(战车工厂/兵营/维修厂)建立新的集结点 New ___ point established 我们的建筑物正遭受攻击 Our base is under attack援军(空降部队)准备好了 Reinforcements ready进入该建筑盗得金钱 Building ininfiltrated cash stolen进入该建筑盗得科技 Building ininfiltrated New technology acquired进入该建筑敌方电力切断 Building ininfiltrated enemy base power down进入该建筑敌方雷达探明 Building ininfiltrated radar subtouched 占领(敌方)建筑 Building captured占领科技(油井空降场等)建筑 Tech building captured(油井空降场等)建筑被敌占领 Tech building lost被敌方盗得金钱 Cash stolen桥梁已修好 Bridge repaired大兵驻扎建筑物 Structure garrisoned脱离驻扎建筑物 Structure abandoned(超级武器)选择目标 Select target玩家被击败 Player defeated你胜利了 You are victorious谭雅:shake it,baby!(炸建筑时喊!)move now,boss!(是的,老大!)you`ve gonna order?(你有命令么?)美国大兵:can~ do!(拖长喊:能搞定!)All the move!(保持行动!)Closing in!(接近中!)Sir,yes sir!(是的,先生!)Enemy spotted!(遭遇敌人!)驱逐舰:Man in battlestation!(准备作战!)order`selvier no headache!(抱怨:“发命令的人自己倒不觉得什么!”)间谍:operation on the way!(正在行动中!)You Give me a plan!(给个计划!)yes commandor!(是的指挥官先生!)超时空转换:Telegraphing troops arriving in 5,4,3,2,1,Reinforcements have arrived!(传送部队到达倒记时:5,4,3,2,1,援军到达!——任务版)闪电风暴:lighting storm created!(闪电风暴已经生成!)苏联矿车:war miner is here!(战斗矿车在此!汗!)天启坦克:it is the judgement day!(今天就是审判日!)Soviet power superian!(苏联力量强大无比!)雷达:Spy plane ready!(侦察机完毕!)尤里:tell me your wish~(告诉我你在想什么~ )your mind disclevered!(清除你的个体意识!)苏联动员兵:Attack it!(攻击吧!)Yes comrade!(是,同志!)Da!(是!), Comrade?(同志,请下令!)Moving out!(出发!),Waiting orders!(等待指示!)Conscript reporting!(动员兵报告!)All that received!(收到!)For the Union!(为了苏维埃!),Attacking!(全力攻击!)You are shot!(你完蛋了!)For the mothers at Russia!(为了远在俄罗斯的母亲!)For the whole country!(为了国家!).基洛夫空艇:Giroff Report!(基洛夫刚刚造好.基洛夫报道!)*美国大兵Sir yes sir!长官,是长官!Ready!准备好了!Squared away sir!正远方,长官![猜的] Orders?命令是?How about some action?来一些行动,怎么样?Can do!能干!Who's next?下一个是谁(目标)?Move'n out!移动并出去[猜的]Got it!拿下它!On my way!正在路上!Double time!快跑时间!On the move!在移动中!Attacking!正在攻击!You got it!你干掉它!Enemy sighted!敌人已看见!Let's do it!让我们行动!Diggin' in!渗人里面![猜的]Safety first, sir!安全第一,长官!We're pinned down!我们被压制了!We're being attacked!我们正在被攻击!*动员兵Waiting orders.等待命令中。



1、1、金融用语:受取手形:应收票据;外貨ポジジョン:外汇头寸;公定歩合:法定贴现率;最割引率:再贴现率;つなぎ融資:过渡性融资;変動為替レート:浮动汇率2、股市用语:上げ幅:升幅;先安:看跌;そこを割る:跌破最低大关;持ち合い:暂告平息;軟調:疲软3、缩略语:ADBゕジゕ開発銀行(亚洲开发银行);CIEC 国際経済協力会議(国际经济合作会议);GA TT関税貿易一般協定(国际关税和贸易总协定);FAO 国連食料農業機構(联合国粮农组织);IMF 国際通貨基金(国际货币基金组织);JICA国際協力事業団(日本国际事业协力团)OPEC石油輸出国機構(石油输出国组织);UNDP国連開発計画(联合国开发计划署)一、经济类文章○円の国際化変動相場制の第二の不均衡は、日本の貿易収支の大幅な黒字である。












1.3 应用 MOD
建立 MOD 后,需要在游戏中应用 MOD 才 可以使用。运行战锤 40KDOW 灵魂风暴,在游
品 目录名
作 Ai
AI 发展与战斗的设置
创 Art
原 Attrib

盛 选 择 建 立 的 MOD , 再 单 击 【 建 成 】 按 钮

定,即可添加新的键值(和 windows 的注册表 编辑器很象)。
原 盛


【starting_res_quickstart】即可修改。(这个就不 用修改了吧?-_-!!!)
强项黄门吕汉盛 原创作品 未经本人允许,严禁转载
最近在研究战锤 40k 战争黎明 MOD 的修 改。这方面国内国外高手颇多,但是写给新手们
工出身,英语也是个半调子,因此不涉及到模型 修改,只修改原游戏参数。由于写作仓促,错误 难以避免,还请不吝指正。
单击 base_squad_cap,在右侧的【Properties】 (属性)栏下单击相应的数值,将其修改为需要 的数值即可。修改其他数值的方式大同小异,在 此就不多说了。
强项黄门吕汉盛 原创作品 未经本人允许,严禁转载



六年级阅读《丑石》及答案本页仅作为文档封面,使用时可以删除This document is for reference only-rar21year.March丑石贾平凹①我常常遗憾我家门前的那块丑石呢:它黑黝黝地卧在那里,牛似的模样,谁也不知道是什么时候留在这里的,谁也不去理会它。























U.S. Solar Photovoltaic Manufacturing Industry Trends, Global Competition June 13, 2012

U.S. Solar Photovoltaic Manufacturing Industry Trends, Global Competition June 13, 2012

U.S. Solar Photovoltaic Manufacturing: Industry Trends, Global Competition, Federal SupportMichaela D. PlatzerSpecialist in Industrial Organization and BusinessJune 13, 2012Congressional Research Service7-5700R42509 CRS Report for CongressSummaryEvery President since Richard Nixon has sought to increase U.S. energy supply diversity. In recent years, job creation and the development of a domestic renewable energy manufacturing base have joined national security and environmental concerns as rationales for promoting the manufacturing of solar power equipment in the United States. The federal government maintains a variety of tax credits, loan guarantees, and targeted research and development programs to encourage the solar manufacturing sector, and state-level mandates that utilities obtain specified percentages of their electricity from renewable sources have bolstered demand for large solar projects.The most widely used solar technology involves photovoltaic (PV) solar modules, which draw on semiconducting materials to convert sunlight into electricity. By year-end 2011, the total number of grid-connected PV systems nationwide reached almost 215,000. Domestic demand is met both by imports and by about 100 U.S. manufacturing facilities employing an estimated 25,000 U.S. workers in 2011. Production is clustered in a few states, including California, Oregon, Texas, and Ohio.Domestic PV manufacturers operate in a dynamic and highly competitive global market now dominated by Chinese and Taiwanese companies. All major PV solar manufacturers maintain global sourcing strategies; the only U.S.-based manufacturer ranked among the top 10 global cell producers in 2010 sourced the majority of its panels from its factory in Malaysia. Some PV manufacturers have expanded their operations beyond China to places like the Philippines and Mexico. Overcapacity has led to a significant drop in module prices, with solar panel prices falling more than 50% over the course of 2011. Several PV manufacturers have entered bankruptcy and others are reassessing their business models. Although hundreds of small companies are engaged in PV manufacturing around the world, profitability concerns appear to be driving consolidation, with 10 firms now controlling half of global cell and module production. The Department of Commerce and the U.S. International Trade Commission are investigating allegations that U.S. producers have been injured by dumped and subsidized imports from China. If significant duties are ultimately imposed, U.S. production could become more competitive with imports, but the cost of installing solar systems might rise. On the other hand, a number of federal policies that have helped to spur domestic demand for solar PV products have expired or reached their funding limits. These include the 1603 cash grant program and the advanced energy manufacturing tax credit; S. 591, which would extend the credit, has been introduced in the 112th Congress. Unless extended, the commercial Investment Tax Credit for PV systems will revert to 10% from its current 30% rate after 2016, while the 30% credit for residential investments will expire.The competitiveness of solar PV as a source of electric generation in the United States will likely be adversely affected both by the expiration of these tax provisions and by the rapid development of shale gas, which has the potential to lower the cost of gas-fired power generation and reduce the cost-competitiveness of solar power, particularly as an energy source for utilities. In light of these developments, the ability to build a significant U.S. production base for PV equipment is in question.ContentsIntroduction (1)Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Manufacturing (3)Historical Overview (4)The Manufacturing Process (5)Production Locations (9)Domestic Production (10)U.S. Solar Manufacturing Employment (14)Global Production Shifts (15)U.S. Trade in Solar Products (19)Allegations of Dumped and Subsidized Solar PV Products from China (20)Domestic Content (21)U.S. Exports (22)U.S. Government Support for Solar Power (23)Advanced Energy Manufacturing Tax Credit (MTC) (23)DOE Loan Guarantee Programs (24)Investment Tax Credit (ITC) (25)SunShot and Other Department of Energy Initiatives (26)Conclusions (27)FiguresFigure 1. PV Value Chain (8)Figure 2. U.S. PV Installations and Global Market Share (10)Figure 3. U.S. Cell/Module and Polysilicon Production Facilities (12)Figure 4. Domestic Solar Industry Employment Trends (15)Figure 5. Annual Solar Cell Production by Country (17)TablesTable 1. Cell and Module Production in the United States (11)Table 2. Selected Recent PV Facility Closures (12)Table 3. Selected New or Planned PV Plants (13)Table 4. Top PV Cell Manufacturers by Production (18)Table 5. U.S. Imports of Solar Cells and Modules, Select Countries (20)Table 6. 1705 Loan Guarantees for Solar Generation and Manufacturing Projects (24)Table A-1. Solar PV Manufacturers Receiving a 48C Manufacturing Tax Credit (28)Appendixes Appendix (28)ContactsAuthor Contact Information (29)Acknowledgments (29)IntroductionMajor trends shaping the domestic photovoltaic (PV) manufacturing sector include technological advances, improved production methods, and a global surplus of manufacturing capacity,1 especially from China. At the same time, PV manufacturers are grappling with falling module prices, which have adversely affected the operations of many solar companies, forcing some to reassess their business models and others to close factories or declare bankruptcy. Lower prices may be good for PV consumers, but they are squeezing manufacturers, especially in theUnited States and Europe. In addition, the rapid development of shale gas has thepotential to lower the cost of gas-fired power generation in the United States, potentially affecting the competitiveness of solar power.In light of these trends, the ability to build a sustained U.S. production base for PV equipment is now in question. U.S. solar manufacturing comprises a small part of the U.S. manufacturing base. In 2011,it directly employed about 25,000 workers, according to the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA), a trade group.2 The U.S. cell and module market, measured by domestic shipment revenues, has grown in size from $1.2 billion in 2006 to $6.4 billion in 2010, reports the U.S. Energy Information Administration.3 Following an unprecedentedperiod of growth, the number of installed PVsystems in the United States reached 214,157 by the end of 2011, more than twice the total at the end of 2009.4Government support has been instrumental in sustaining the solar industry worldwide. In the United States, tax incentives and stimulus funding spurred recent double-digit growth rates in new PV installations.5 Nevertheless, even with direct government involvement, solar energy still1Bloomberg New Energy Finance estimates global module production capacity in 2012 to be 50% in excess of demand; see “Week in Review,” vol. 6, issue 131, April 16-23, 2012.2 Solar Foundation, National Solar Jobs Census 2011, October 2011, p. 25. Its count reflects solar jobs as of August 2011. By comparison, there were 11.7 million jobs in overall U.S. manufacturing in 2011.3 U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), Solar Photovoltaic Cell/Module Shipments Report , January 2012, Table 2, p. 7, /renewable/annual/solar_photo/. Shipments data for 2006 are from Table 3.6 of EIA’s 2007 annual PV module/cell manufacturing survey./renewable/annual/solar_photo/archive/solarpv07.pdf.4 SEIA reports that in 2009, cumulative PV installations totaled 99,900. SEIA, U.S. Solar Market Insight Report , A4 2011 & 2011 Year-in-Review Full Report, March 2012, pp. 29-30.5 SEIA, U.S. Solar Market Insight Report , 2011 Year-in-Review Executive Summary, March 2012, p. 3,/SEIA/us-solar-market-insight-report. A PV Glossary PV stands for photovoltaic derived from “photo” for light and “voltaic” for a volt, a unit of electrical force. Solar photovoltaic , or solar PV for short, is a technology that uses the basic properties of semiconductor materials to transform solar energy into electrical power. A solar PV cell is an electricity-producing device made of semiconducting materials. Cells come in many sizes and shapes. Materials used to make cells include monocrystalline silicon, polycrystalline silicon,amorphous silicon (a-Si), cadmium telluride (CdTe), copper indium gallium (dis)selendie (CIGS), and copperindium (di)selinide (CulnSe2 or CIS). Panels , or modules, are comprised of a number of solar cells. An array is the collective name for a number of solar modules connected together. The anatomy of a solar cell, and how solar panels work, can be viewed at /wgbh/nova/tech/how-solar-cell-works.html.accounts for less than 0.1% of overall U.S. electricity generation.6 The Obama Administration actively supports greater deployment of solar energy and sees it as one way to encourage advanced manufacturing in the United States, create skilled manufacturing jobs, and increase the role of renewable energy technology in energy production, among other objectives. In its Blueprint for a Secure Energy Future, the Obama Administration argues:We invented the photovoltaic solar panel, built the first megawatt solar power station, andinstalled the first megawatt-sized wind turbine. Yet today, China has moved past us in windcapacity, while Germany leads the world in solar. To rise to this challenge, we need to tapinto the greatest resource we have: American ingenuity.7This report discusses the solar photovoltaic industry and its supply chain; employment trends; international trade flows; and federal policy efforts aimed at supporting the industry. It does not cover other methods of solar-power generation, such as concentrated solar power.8 Concentrated solar technologies, largely dormant prior to 2006, are suitable mainly for utility-scale generation, whereas solar photovoltaics can be arranged in small-scale installations to produce power for individual buildings as well as in large installations to supply power to utilities.One of the main federal policy tools to encourage solar generation is the federal solar investment tax credit (ITC)9 for both residential and commercial solar installations, which is in effect until the end of 2016, when it will lapse to a permanent rate of 10% for business and expire altogether for residential.10 Stimulus funding in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA)11 included a U.S. Department of the Treasury grant in lieu of the ITC, the 1603 program, under which applicants through the end of 2011 received a 30% cash grant for eligible installed PV costs.12 Other policy drivers include a federal loan guarantee program and the advanced6 DOE reported that annual installed solar PV capacity grew at a compound annual growth rate of 61.3% between 2000 and 2010, but provided 0.1% of total electricity generation in 2010. By comparison, U.S. wind installations grew at a compound annual growth rate of 31.6% from 2000 to 2010 and represented 2.3% of total electricity generation in 2010. See pp. 25 and 29 of the U.S. Department of Energy’s 2010 Renewable Energy Data Book, which can be accessed at /analysis/pdfs/51680.pdf.7 The White House, Blueprint for a Secure Energy Future, March 30, 2011, p. 32.8 Two principal technologies are used in concentrated solar power installations. Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) employs large arrays of mirrors to focus energy on a single point and results in tremendous amounts of heat, creating steam to turn turbines. CSP projects are large-scale and require high initial investment, thus mainly utilities or large tower producers use this technology. Examples of CSP manufacturers include Solargenix, Schott Solar, and Solel. In 2010, about 740 MW of CSP was added worldwide, in contrast to the installation of 17 GW of solar PV. See the Duke University report, Concentrating Solar Power: Clean Energy for the Electric Grid by Gary Gereffi and Kristen Dubay at /environment/climatesolutions/greeneconomy_Ch4_ConcentratingSolarPower.pdf. Concentrated Photovoltaic (CPV) technology, which has been around since the 1970s, uses optics such as lenses to concentrate a large amount of sunlight onto a small area of solar photovoltaic materials to generate electricity. A 2011 report by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Opportunities and Challenges for Development of a Mature Concentrating Photovoltaic Power Industry, by Sarah Kurtz, reports that dozens of companies are developing new products for the CPV market, such as Concentrix Solar, Cool Earth Solar, Emcore, Greenvolts, and Energy Innovations. The NREL report can be found at /docs/fy11osti/43208.pdf.9 If the ITC lapses in 2016, businesses will remain eligible for a permanent 10% business tax credit for solar installations and the personal income tax credit for residential installations will end. SEIA, Solar Policies, The Investment Tax Credit, /cs/solar_policies/solar_investment_tax_credit.10 For a detailed discussion of energy tax credits see CRS Report R41953, Energy Tax Incentives: Measuring Value Across Different Types of Energy Resources, by Molly F. Sherlock.11 ARRA; P.L. 111-5.12 CRS Report R41635, ARRA Section 1603 Grants in Lieu of Tax Credits for Renewable Energy: Overview, Analysis, and Policy Options, by Phillip Brown and Molly F. Sherlock.manufacturing tax credit along with state renewable portfolio standards in more than half the states, mandating production of electricity from “clean” sources.13 The SunShot initiative to advance domestic solar-based electricity generation includes various research and development (R&D) programs to strengthen PV manufacturing in the United States. No nationwide renewable electricity standard currently exists. However, the Obama Administration and some Members of Congress have endorsed the concept of a Clean Energy Standard, which would require utilities to purchase renewable energy.14 While some of these policies do not directly address manufacturing, greater solar power adoption may support the development of a U.S. solar-energy manufacturing base.Over the years, some European and Asian governments have enacted solar-promoting policies, including tax and electricity rate-payer subsidies, like feed-in tariffs (FITs), to spur their domestic markets.15 Because of the recent economic crisis, European governments are beginning to eliminate, reduce, or change their incentive programs for solar power. The Japanese government has also sustained its domestic solar PV market by offering various inducements including a FIT, tax incentives, and direct grants for solar PV.16 Elsewhere in Asia, countries such as China, Malaysia, and the Philippines provide various types of support to develop their domestic solar manufacturing sectors, which along with low labor costs have made them hubs for solar PV production.Even with decreasing PV prices, producing equipment that generates solar power at prices competitive with electricity generated from fossil fuels remains a challenge for manufacturers. This is especially true for utility-scale installations, as wholesale purchasers of electricity will compare the cost per megawatt hour of solar power directly with the cost of power from other sources. The cost-competitiveness of solar power is better in the residential and business markets, as the relevant comparison is with the delivered cost of electricity rather than with the generating cost. But even if the popularity of solar systems grows, falling equipment prices are likely to further challenge the profitability of manufacturers and interfere with efforts to sustain a solar manufacturing base in the United States.Solar Photovoltaic (PV) ManufacturingSolar PV manufacturing, previously undertaken by numerous small firms, is rapidly maturing into a global industry dominated by a far smaller number of producers. Cell manufacturers typically have proprietary designs that seek to convert sunlight into electricity at the lowest total cost per 13 Information about state-level renewable portfolio standards (RPS) can be found on the EIA’s website, including an overview of RPS standards, Most States Have Renewable Portfolio Standards, January 2012,/todayinenergy/detail.cfm?id=4850.14 The Clean Energy Standard Framework announced by the White House in 2011 is discussed in CRS Report R41720, Clean Energy Standard: Design Elements, State Baseline Compliance and Policy Considerations, by Phillip Brown. 15 Feed-in tariffs reimburse renewable energy producers at a set price for the electricity they contribute to the grid. Typical FIT’s also have a guaranteed pricing structure for utility companies purchasing the power and often require grid connection. In the United States, FIT policies may require utilities to purchase either electricity, or both electricity and renewable energy attributes from eligible energy generators. A detailed discussion of FIT policy can be founded in the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) report, “Feed-In Tariff Policy: Design, Implementation, and RPS Policy Interaction,” NREL/TP-6A2-45549, March 2009.16 Unlike some European countries, Japan continues to support renewable energy. In 2011, it enacted a Renewable Energy Law, which introduced FITs for solar, wind, biomass, geothermal and small hydro effective July 1, 2012.kilowatt hour. Vertical integration is becoming more important among the world’s largest solar cell and module manufacturers, but many still rely on extensive supply chains for components such as wafers, glass, wires, and racks. Worldwide, the market for solar PV (including modules, system components, and installations) expanded from $2.5 billion in 2000 to $71.2 billion in 2010, according to one estimate, with the United States accounting for roughly 7%, or just over $5 billion, in 2010.17Historical OverviewModern photovoltaic technology traces its roots back to 19th-century breakthroughs by scientists from Europe and the United States. In 1839, a French physicist, Alexandre Edmond Becquerel, discovered the photovoltaic effect,18 and in 1883, an American inventor, Charles Fritts, made the first primitive solar cell.19 Progress in modern solar cell manufacturing began in the 1940s and 1950s when Russell Ohl discovered that a rod of silicon with impurities created an electric voltage when illuminated and three scientists at Bell Laboratories in New Jersey (Daryl Chapin, Calvin Fuller, and Gerald Pearson) developed the first commercial photovoltaic cell.Further advancing PV cell manufacturing was the space race of the 1960s, with the competition between the United States and the former Soviet Union driving demand for solar cells, which were, and still are, used to power some spacecraft and satellites.20 The first generation of photovoltaic manufacturing firms included such names as Hoffman Electronics, Heliotek,21 RCA, International Rectifier, and Texas Instruments. The technology, however, remained too expensive for other uses, and the market remained very small.22 The Japanese manufacturer Sharp pioneered the use of photovoltaics on earth, using them to power hundreds of lighthouses along the Japanese coast, but it could not identify other applications for which photovoltaics were cost-competitive. The oil crises of the 1970s hastened the development of modern solar panels by a second generation of PV firms, which focused on ground applications. Major oil and gas companies entered the field.23 Exxon underwrote the Solar Power Corporation.24 Atlantic Richfield Company (ARCO) purchased Solar Technology International and renamed it ARCO Solar in 1977; its17 CleanEdge, The Texas Solar PV Market: A Competitive Analysis, 2011, p. 2.18 The photovoltaic effect is the basic physical process through which a PV cell converts sunlight into electricity. Sunlight is composed of photons—packets of solar energy. These photons contain different amounts of energy that correspond to the different wavelengths of the solar spectrum. When photons strike a PV cell, they may be reflected or absorbed, or they may pass right through. The absorbed photons generate electricity.19 Fritts made his first cell from selenium. The semiconductor had a thin coat of gold around it and was not very effective in generating electricity. The reason, now known, is that selenium is not a very good semiconductor.20 In 1958, PV solar cells received considerable attention because they partially powered the Vanguard 1 satellite launched by the United States. PV cells power nearly all of today’s satellites because they can operate for long periods with virtually no maintenance.21 Heliotek merged with Spectrolab and produces high-efficiency cells today.22 Phech Colatat, Georgeta Vidican, and Richard K. Lester, Innovation Systems in the Solar Photovoltaic Industry: The Role of Public Research Institutions, Industrial Performance Center Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, June 2009, p. 4, /ipc/research/energy/pdf/EIP_09-007.pdf.23 Oil and gas companies used solar power to protect wellheads and underground pipelines from corrosion and to power navigational aids on offshore oil rigs.24 Elliott Berman, who founded Solar Power Corporation, pioneered a number of manufacturing changes, including buying cheap solar wafers that had been cast aside by the semiconductor industry, which helped to reduce the cost of solar cells, lowering the selling price from $100 per watt in 1970 to $20 per watt in 1973.corporate descendant is now part of SolarWorld, presently the largest cell manufacturer in the United States. First Solar, one of the biggest manufacturers of PV thin-film cells, can trace its roots to Toledo, OH, where it was established in 1984 as Glasstech Solar.The first direct federal support for solar manufacturing was during the Carter Administration. The Energy Tax Act (ETA) of 197825 provided tax credits for homeowners who invested in solar and certain other technologies. Additionally, the federal government through the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act required utilities to purchase power produced by qualified renewable power facilities.26Notwithstanding this support, production of solar PV power in the United States remained small. By the mid-1980s, domestic photovoltaic manufacturers were selling products at a loss and many were struggling. President Reagan’s Tax Reform Act of 1986 reduced the Investment Tax Credit (ITC) to 10% in 1988, where it remained until 2005. Because of these policy changes, combined with the sustained drop in petroleum prices, solar manufacturing slumped until 2005, when President George W. Bush signed the Energy Policy Act (EPAct).27 That law included a 30% ITC for property owners who installed commercial and residential solar energy systems.28The Manufacturing ProcessPV systems do not require complex machinery and thousands of parts. In fact, most PV systems have no moving parts at all. They also have long service lifetimes, typically ranging from 10 to 30 years, with some minor performance degradation over time. In addition, PV systems are modular; to build a system to generate large amounts of power, the manufacturer essentially joins together more components than required for a smaller system. These characteristics make PV manufacturing quite different from production of most other types of generating equipment. In particular, PV systems offer little opportunity for manufacturers to make customized, higher-value products to meet unique needs. Manufacturers offer competing technological approaches to turning sunlight into electricity, but many customers have no reason to care about the technology so long as the system generates the promised amount of electricity. Economies of scale are significant, as increasing output tends to lower a factory’s unit costs.A technology known as crystalline silicon PV accounts for roughly 80% to 85% of global PV production capacity.29 Production of a crystalline silicon system involves several stages:25 P.L. 95-618. ETA created residential solar credits of up to $2,000 for devices installed on homes. They were in effect from April 20, 1977 to January 1, 1986.26 P.L. 95-617. For more information on the history of renewable energy policy see CRS Report RL33588, Renewable Energy Policy: Tax Credit, Budget, and Regulatory Issues, by Fred Sissine.27 P.L. 109-5828 EPAct tax incentives for solar energy applied from January 1, 2006, through December 31, 2007, and the Tax Relief and Health Care Act of 2006 (P.L. 109-432) extended these credits for one additional year. For background on the Solar Investment Tax Credit see SEIA backgrounder, The Case for the Solar Investment Tax Credit, SEIA,/galleries/pdf/The_Case_for_the_Solar_Investment_Tax_Credit.pdf.29 Business Insights, The Solar Cell Production Global Market Outlook, June 2011, p. 16. In the 1950s, Bell Labs in New Jersey developed and deployed the first commercial solar cells based on c-Si technology, and Kyocera, a Japanese manufacturer, started mass production in 1983. Today, no U.S.-headquartered manufacturer ranks among the top 10 c-Si producers in the world.•Polysilicon manufacturing. Polysilicon, based on sand, is the material used to make the semiconductors that convert sunlight into electricity. Its productionrequires large processing plants, with the construction of a polysilicon planttaking about two years and costing between $500 million and $1 billion.30Polysilicon comprises about a quarter of the cost of a finished solar panel.31Historically, polysilicon prices have been volatile, because the construction of anew plant can add a large amount of supply to the market. High polysiliconprices can adversely affect the profitability of manufacturers further down thesupply chain. A handful of manufacturers from the United States, Europe, andJapan currently dominate polysilicon production, with much of it now located inEurope and the United States,32 but increasingly manufacturers like GLC Solarfrom China and OCI from South Korea have expanded their production levels.•Wafer manufacturing. Using traditional semiconductor manufacturingequipment, wafer manufacturers, including companies such as Sumco, Siltronic,Nexolon, and MEMC, shape polysilicon into ingots and then slice the ingots intothin wafers. The wafers are then cut, cleaned, and coated according to thespecifications of the system manufacturers.•Cell manufacturing. Solar cells are the basic building blocks of a PV system.They are made by cutting wafers into desired dimensions (typically 5 x 5 or 6 x 6inches) and shapes (round, square, or long and narrow). The manufacturer thenattaches copper leads so the cell can be linked to other cells. Minimizing the areacovered by these leads is a key issue in cell design, as the lead blocks sunlightfrom reaching parts of the cell surface and thus reduces potential energy output.The U.S. Department of Energy estimates that a manufacturing plant to produce120 MW of cells per year would require an investment of around $40 million.33•Module manufacturing. Modules, which normally weigh 34 to 62 pounds, are created by mounting 60 to 72 cells on a plastic backing within a frame, usuallymade of aluminum.34 The module is covered by solar glass to protect against theelements and to maximize the efficiency with which the unit coverts sunlight intopower. Production of solar glass is highly capital intensive, and approximately60% of the global market is controlled by four global manufacturers: Ashai, NSGGroup (Pilkington), Saint Gobain, and Guardian.35 The glass is expensive to ship,30 Green Rhino Energy, Value Chain Activity: Producing Polysilicon./solar/industry/ind_01_silicon.php.31 Alim Bayaliyev, Julia Kalloz, and Matt Robinson, China's Solar Policy, George Washington University, Subsidies, Manufacturing Overcapacity & Opportunities, December 23, 2011, p. 16,/Research/ChinaSolarPolicy_BayaKallozRobins.pdf. The semiconductor industry also uses polysilicon, but increasingly demand for it has shifted to solar PV products.32 Two of the world’s largest polysilicon manufacturers are U.S.-based companies (Hemlock (a joint venture of Dow Corning and two Japanese manufacturers Shin Etsu and Mitsubishi) and MEMC. European and Japanese manufacturers also rank among the world’s leading companies of polysilicon: Renewable Energy Corporation (REC), Wacker-Chemie, Mitsubishi, and Tokuyama. European Photovoltaic Industry Association, Solar Generation 6, Solar Photovoltaic Electricity Empowering the World, 2011, p. 27, /international/Global/ international/publications/climate/2011/Final%20SolarGeneration%20VI%20full%20report%20lr.pdf.33 U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy, Solar Photovoltaic Economic Development, Building and Growing a Local PV Industry, November 2011, p. 53.34 European Photovoltaic Industry Association, Solar Photovoltaic Electricity Empowering the World, 2011, p. 20.35 Green Rhino Energy, Value Chain Activity: Manufacturing Solar Glass, /solar/ (continued...)。



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大学语文试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共10分)1. 下列哪部作品不是鲁迅的代表作?A.《狂人日记》B.《阿Q正传》C.《边城》D.《呐喊》2. “但愿人长久,千里共婵娟”出自哪位诗人之手?A. 李白B. 杜甫C. 苏轼D. 王维3. “床前明月光,疑是地上霜”是哪位诗人的诗句?A. 李白B. 杜甫C. 李清照D. 辛弃疾4. 以下哪部作品是现代诗歌?A.《再别康桥》B.《滕王阁序》C.《琵琶行》D.《春江花月夜》5. “白日依山尽,黄河入海流”是哪位诗人的诗句?A. 王之涣B. 李白C. 杜甫D. 王勃答案:1. C2. C3. A4. A5. A二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)1. 《红楼梦》是清代作家______的作品,被誉为中国古典小说的巅峰之作。

2. “春眠不觉晓,处处闻啼鸟”是唐代诗人______的名句。

3. 现代诗歌《再别康桥》的作者是______。

4. 古代文学中,被誉为“诗圣”的是______。

5. “路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索”出自屈原的______。

答案:1. 曹雪芹2. 孟浩然3. 徐志摩4. 杜甫5. 《离骚》三、简答题(每题5分,共10分)1. 简述《诗经》在中国文学史上的地位和影响。

2. 请简述《史记》的作者司马迁的生平及其作品的特点。

答案:1. 《诗经》是中国最早的诗歌总集,它不仅记录了西周至春秋时期的社会生活,也反映了当时人民的思想感情。



2. 司马迁是西汉时期的著名史学家、文学家,他因直言进谏而被汉武帝处以宫刑,后发愤著书,完成了《史记》。





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(4)羊的探路:找到四只羊后,将两只牵回来,另外两只羊与小马一起出去探路,这里要注意的一点是,如果你的控制力还达不到一定程度时这样的操作只会让你很乱,干脆就都将羊牵回TC 旁边(比如我运气好的时候,小马才跑了两秒钟八只羊一下就都找到了,为了能在最短的时间里控制这么多只羊去探路反而让我娇喘连连方寸大乱);小绵羊在开局里的探路作用是功不可没的,当然前提是如果你有足够的控制力的话。



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