LABORATORY PRIMATENEWSLETTERVol. 48, No. 3Ju ly 2009JUDITH E. SCHRIER, EDITORJAMES S. HARPER, GORDON J. HANKINSON AND LARRY HULSEBOS, ASSOCIATE EDITORS MORRIS L. POVAR AND JASON MACHAN, CONSULTING EDITORSELVA MATHIESEN, ASSISTANT EDITORALLAN M. SCHRIER, FOUNDING EDITOR, 1962-1987Published Quarterly by the Schrier Research LaboratoryPsychology Department, Brown UniversityProvidence, Rhode IslandISSN 0023-6861POLICY STATEMENTThe Laboratory Primate Newsletter provides a central source of information about nonhuman primates and related matters to scientists who use these animals in their research and those whose work supports such research. The Newsletter (1) provides information on care and breeding of nonhuman primates for laboratory research, (2) disseminates general information and news about the world of primate research (such as announcements of meetings, research projects, sources of information, nomenclature changes), (3) helps meet the special research needs of individual investigators by publishing requests for research material or for information related to specific research problems, and (4) serves the cause of conservation of nonhuman primates by publishing information on that topic. As a rule, research articles or summaries accepted for the Newsletter have some practical implications or provide general information likely to be of interest to investigators in a variety of areas of primate research. However, special consideration will be given to articles containing data on primates not conveniently publishable elsewhere. General descriptions of current research projects on primates will also be welcome.The Newsletter appears quarterly and is intended primarily for persons doing research with nonhuman primates. Back issues may be purchased for $10.00 each. We are no longer printing paper issues, except those we will send to subscribers who have paid in advance. We will not accept future subscriptions, unless subscribers are willing to pay $100/year. (Please make checks payable to the Brown University Psychology Department.) Readers with access to electronic mail may receive a notice when a new issue is put on the Website by sending the message subscribe LPN-WARN your-own-name to listserv@.(Send the message subscribe LPN-PDF to receive PDF files by e-mail; or the message subscribe LPN-L to receive the nongraphic contents of each issue.) Current and back issues of the Newsletter are available on the World Wide Web at </primate>. Persons who have absolutely no access to the Web, or to the electronic mailing, may ask to have paper copies sent to them.The publication lag is typically no longer than the three months between issues and can be as short as a few weeks. The deadline for inclusion of a note or article in any given issue of the Newsletter has in practice been somewhat flexible, but is technically the tenth of December, March, June, or September, depending on which issue is scheduled to appear next. Reprints will not be supplied under any circumstances, but authors may reproduce their own articles in any quantity.PREPARATION OF ARTICLES FOR THE NEWSLETTER. – Articles, notes, and announcements may be submitted by mail, e-mail, or computer disk, but a printed copy of manuscripts of any length or complexity should also be sent by regular mail.. Articles in the References section should be referred to in the text by author(s) and date of publication, e.g., Smith (1960) or (Smith & Jones, 1962). Names of journals should be spelled out completely in the References section. Latin names of primates should be indicated at least once in each note and article. In general, to avoid inconsistencies within the Newsletter, the Latin names used will be those in Mammal Species of The World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference, 2nd Ed. D. E. Wilson & D. M. Reeder (Eds.). Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1993. For an introduction to and review of primate nomenclature see The Pictorial Guide to the Living Primates, by N. Rowe, Pogonias Press, 1996.All correspondence concerning the Newsletter should be addressed to:Judith E. Schrier, Psychology Department, Box 1853, Brown UniversityProvidence, Rhode Island 02912 [401-863-2511; FAX: 401-863-1300]e-mail address: primate@Current and back issues of the Newsletter are available on the World Wide Web at/primateACKNOWLEDGMENTSThe Newsletter is supported by Brown University.Cover photograph of ring-tailed lemurs (Lemur catta),taken at the San Diego Zoo by Paul Wilde, 1997Copyright © 2009 by Brown UniversityThe Effects of Exposure to an Expanded Environmental Enrichment Program onSelect Individual Behaviors in BaboonsAmy K. Goodwin, Susan A. James, Kelly E. Lane, Michael C. McDermott, Rebecca L. Rodgerson, and Nancy A. Ator Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Division of BehavioralBiologyIn our laboratory, we had often discussed our desire to create an area in which our singly housed, adult male ba-boons could be released to exercise. The opportunity to do so arose when an environmental enrichment grant from the Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing at Johns Hopkins University provided funding for such a project. Thus, the goals of the present study were to cre-ate an area large enough for baboons to safely engage in species-specific behavior (i.e., free movement, explora-tory behavior, foraging) and to learn whether exposure to this environment would be correlated with changes in target behaviors considered indicators of psychological well-being.MethodsSubjects: Six adult male baboons (Papio anubis; Primate Imports, New York, NY, or Southwest Foundation for Biomedical Research, San Antonio, TX) served as sub-jects in the present study. The six baboons (BB, DC, SY, CY, DE and SC) had been in the laboratory for at least three years and had been subjects in behavioral pharma-cology studies. During the present study, the behavioral pharmacology studies in which they participated included acute exposure to psychoactive compounds. Subjects were individually housed in stainless steel primate cages equipped with a bench running along one cage wall. The home cages, which provided 10 square feet of floor space (46.5 cubic feet total space), also served as the experi-mental chambers, so the behavioral pharmacology ex-periments took place in the home cage. Such experiments typically involve the use of one or more levers, stimulus lights, tones, and food pellet delivery. The baboons had visual and auditory access to other baboons.The baboons had continuous access to tap water from a spout at the front of their cages and received a daily ration of Lab Diet (®PMI Nutrition International) or Pri-mate diet (®Harlan Teklad) biscuits, one or two pieces of Amy K. Goodwin, Johns Hopkins Univ. Sch. of Med., Behav-ioral Biology Research Center, 5510 Nathan Shock Dr., Suite 3000, Baltimore, MD 21224 [410-550-2781; fax: 410-550-2780; e-mail: Goodwin@].The establishment of the enrichment room was made possi-ble through an Animal Welfare Enhancement Award made by the Johns Hopkins University Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing. The authors would also like to thank Dan Rodgerson for the technical expertise he lent to the project, and Robert J. Adams, DVM, for helpful comments during the protocol review process and manuscript preparation.fresh fruits or vegetables daily, and children’s chewable multivitamins. Daily feeding occurred in late morning (never prior to time spent in the enrichment room). The enrichment program already established in the colony, which included human interaction, access to three or more toys (forage boxes, puzzle feeders, mirrors, Kong® toys, wood logs), and music continued without change during the present study.The overhead lights in the housing room were on for 13 h/day (6:00-19:00 h) and off for the remaining 11 h/day. Natural light also illuminated the room.Routine physical examinations (under ketamine hy-drochloride anesthesia) occurred every two weeks or ap-proximately once per month, depending on the study in which each subject was serving.All protocols were approved by the Johns Hopkins University Animal Care and Use Committee. Animal care and use and facility maintenance followed the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (1996) and the U. S. Animal Welfare Regulations. Johns Hopkins University is accredited by the Association for Assess-ment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care Inter-national.Room Construction: It was vital that the time and effort required to create the enrichment room space be manage-able and that the expense stay below the $6000 received for the project from the Animal Welfare Enhancement Award. Ultimately, by using resources already available to us, we were able to manage the time and effort required without affecting the normal daily functioning in the labo-ratory.The space designated for the enrichment room had been constructed as an animal housing room (i.e., wall and floor surfaces met Guide standards; air was vented externally), and all environmental aspects (e.g., tempera-ture and humidity) were controllable by laboratory per-sonnel. The space was not needed for housing animals when the project began. The room has 145.8 square feet of floor space (663.5 cubic feet of total space), a fully functional sink, and a steel railing on three walls.A door had to be constructed such that baboons would be able to be safely transferred in and out of the room using the shuttle system described below. In order to accomplish this without permanently altering the room, a door measuring 83.25” by 47.25” was made of aluminumsheets in a frame of 3” x 1.25” 6061 architectural alumi-num, and installed in the existing door frame in front of the existing door (see Figure 1). A sub-frame containing a portion of the front wall of an old baboon cage was mounted in the center of the new aluminum door and welded to the larger door frame such that the shuttle cage could be connected to the embedded guillotine-style door. Once the shuttle is attached, the guillotine-style doors on the shuttle cage and the new “cage front” door are opened and the baboon is able to pass from the shuttle into the room. The cage front door is shut behind the baboon. When a baboon is not in the room, the aluminum door functions as any door would, allowing personnel into theroom so that it may be cleaned between baboons.Figure 1: The door constructed to safely transfer baboons in and out of the enrichment room.A painted wooden structure was also manufactured to block baboon access to the sink and its pipes (see Figure 2).The structure is hinged at the front, allowing easy ac-cess to the sink by personnel; fasteners prevent the baboon from opening the lid to the sink. Electrical outlets were covered with metal plates that were screwed in over them. Experimental Design and Procedures: The psychologi-cal well-being of nonhuman primates must be based on individual needs, thus a single-subject design was used in which each subject served as his own experimental control (Sidman, 1960). A subject’s target behavior was meas-ured before the intervention (i.e., exposure to enrichment room) and then measurements in the home cage continued as baboons were periodically exposed to the enrichment room. Prior to any enrichment room exposure, the fre-quency of the target behavior in the home cage was re-corded using a time-sampling procedure (Martin & Pear, 1992) in which 2-minute observations were conducted every hour for 8 hours (i.e., every hour from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m.) at least three days a week, over at least three weeks (i.e., a minimum of 72 two-minute observations). After subjects began spending time in the enrichment room, the home cage observations occurred once per week on a day when the baboon was not scheduled to be in the enrich-ment room (e.g., eight 2-minute observations on Fridays). Figure 2: A baboon in the enrichment room. The wooden structure on the left is the painted and hinged structure used to block baboon access to a sink located in the enrichment room. Shown in the picture are various types of plastic zoo balls, plas-tic tires, tree branches, mirrors, plastic chains, and cardboard for shredding. In addition, small food items (e.g., raisins, peanuts, cashews, popcorn, sunflower seeds, etc.) are placed throughoutthe room to encourage foraging behavior.The frequency of behaviors was recorded by the ob-server marking a behavioral checklist that included the following behaviors: pacing, rocking, bouncing, circling, self-biting, self-grooming, sleeping, huddled posture, masturbating, aggressive behaviors, playing with toy, lip-smacking, grunting, eating, and drinking. Similar behav-iors have been defined previously in our lab as a part of assessments to examine acute and chronic drug effects (Ator et al., 2000; Goodwin et al., 2005; Goodwin et al., 2006).Three baboons (BB, DC, and SY) were identified as exhibiting behaviors in their home cages for which a de-crease in the frequency may indicate improvement in psy-chological well-being. For baboon BB, the behaviors were pacing and circling in his home cage. For baboons DC and SY, a “huddled” posture, operationally defined assitting with chin on chest and being unresponsive to nor-mal stimuli (e.g., our saying his name or offering food treats), was identified as such a behavior. In addition, baboon SY was identified as engaging in excessive grooming. For all three baboons, manipulating items/toys provided in the home cage was identified as a behavior for which increases in frequency may signal improve-ments in psychological well-being and was also recorded.Periodic cage washes (e.g., every two weeks) require baboons to be transferred out of their home cages and into a temporary cage via a “shuttle”. After the shuttle is at-tached to the front of a baboon’s home cage, the guillo-tine style doors on the cage front and shuttle front are lifted and the baboon is able to enter the shuttle. The doors are then shut, and the baboon is transferred to a temporary cage while his home cage is washed. The same procedures are used to transfer the baboons back to their home cages. Although most baboons readily par-ticipate in this procedure, some baboons consistently re-quire coaxing to enter the shuttle. Typically, veterinary technicians attempt to coax baboons into the shuttle by placing fruit in it, and when this fails, the back wall of the home cage is cranked forward so baboons have no choice but to enter the shuttle. In these extreme situations, ba-boons may experience some level of stress associated with the cage wall being cranked forward.Three baboons (CY, DE, and SC) from the colony were identified as consistently required coaxing and/or cranking of the back wall in their home cage in order to transfer them in the shuttle for routine cage washes. De-creasing the time taken for these baboons to enter the shuttle was presumed to lower the stress levels experi-enced by these baboons when they require such transfer.Exposure to the enrichment room began after pre-intervention data had been collected. Between 7 a.m. and 12 p.m. (i.e., prior to daily feedings), individual baboons were transported from their home cages to the enrichment room in the shuttle 2-3 times per week. Two dependent variables were used to measure the effectiveness of expo-sure to the enrichment room:1.Target Behaviors: For baboons BB, DC, and SY, the frequency of the behavior(s) identified for each baboon as described above (i.e., circling/pacing, huddled posture, excessive grooming, and handling toys) were systemati-cally recorded by a trained observer before any subject entered the room (i.e., in the weeks prior to entering the enrichment room the first time) using checklists described above.2.Shuttle Behavior: For baboons CY, DE and SC, the latency to enter the shuttle for transportation was re-corded in multiple instances before any exposure to the enrichment room; recording continued after exposure to the enrichment began. The maximum latency to enter the shuttle voluntarily was defined as five minutes, after which time the back wall was cranked forward to leave the baboon with no choice but to enter the shuttle.Each baboon spent 30 minutes in the enrichment room where he had access to numerous objects and toys manu-factured or otherwise suggested for nonhuman primates, including tires, various types of plastic balls, trees, mir-rors, wood pieces, knotted ropes, plastic chains, etc. (see Figure 2; Bio-Serv, Frenchtown, NJ; Desert Plastics, Al-buquerque, NM; Otto Environmental, Milwaukee, WI; Primate Products Inc., Woodside, CA; and Steiner Enter-prises, Lafayette, IN). The same objects were kept in the room, but were cleaned and arranged differently between baboon visits. In addition, small food items (e.g., raisins, peanuts, cashews, popcorn, sunflower seeds) were placed throughout the room for each baboon to encourage forag-ing behavior. The objects manipulated and duration spent in the enrichment room were recorded for each baboon.After 30 minutes, the shuttle was pushed up against the guillotine door to the room and the doors on the shut-tle and the cage door were raised for transportation to the home cage. Baboons typically returned readily to the shuttle. If a baboon did not do so, a technician placed a piece of fruit in the shuttle to coax the baboon into it. As noted above, daily feeding (i.e., primate biscuits and fresh produce) was restricted to post-enrichment room partici-pation, to increase the likelihood that baboons resisting entering the shuttle might be coaxed with the fruit.Data Analysis: Data are presented for individual ba-boons. As subjects were also participants in on-going behavioral pharmacology studies, only data collected on days when no drugs were administered were included in this data analysis. As described above, a time-sampling procedure was used to assess the frequency of a specific behavior in the home cage for any given day Martin & Pear,1992).Thus, the total number of episodes across the eight 2-min.observations (one each hour for eight con-secutive hours)that occurred in one 24-hr period was av-eraged across days for the periods before and after en-richment room exposure. In addition, the 2-min. observa-tions were combined within each day by adding the fre-quency of occurrences of any given behavior and then dividing the total frequency by the number of total min-utes spent observing in order to express a rate. In this way, the rate for each day served as an independent ob-servation for comparing frequencies before and during exposure to the enrichment room using Student’s t-test (one-tailed).For the individual latencies to enter the transport shuttle, logarithmic transformation of individual latencies were analyzed using Student’s t-test (one-tailed). Changes in the mean frequency of a specific behavior, or the mean latency to enter the shuttle, were deemed statis-tically significant at the 0.05 level or better for individual baboons after exposure to the enrichment room.The data are also presented in graph form as (1) the mean (±SD) frequency of each measure for each baboon prior to any exposure in the enrichment room (PRE) and (2) the frequency of that measure following each expo-sure to the room. In this way, patterns of change over time as a result of repeated exposure to the enrichment room may be detected.ResultsFor baboon BB, repetitive pacing/circling in the home cage was identified as the target behavior prior to the start of this study. Using the time-sampling procedure de-scribed above, the mean (±SD) frequency of pac-ing/circling episodes in the home cage prior to any visits to the enrichment room was 2.19 (±1.39) (see Figure 3). After exposure to the enrichment room, the mean (±SD) number of pacing/circling episodes significantly de-creased to 0.643 (±0.63) (t=3.948; p=0.0002).Figure 3: The mean frequency of pacing/circling episodes per two-minute interval in the home cage of baboon BB. Data here, and in Figures 4, 5, and 6, are the mean (±SD) frequency ob-tained using a time-sampling procedure before exposure to the enrichment room (PRE), and the frequency observed following exposure to the enrichment room.For baboons DC and SY, a “huddled” posture was identified as a target behavior for which a decrease fol-lowing exposure to the enrichment room may indicate an improvement in psychological well-being (see Figure 4). As noted previously, the “huddled” posture is defined as sitting with chin on chest and being unresponsive to nor-mal stimuli. For baboon DC, the mean (±SD) frequency of the “huddled” posture prior to exposure to the enrich-ment room was 5.25 (±1.29). The mean frequency after exposure decreased to 4.21 (±1.31), a statistically signifi-cant decrease (t=2.02; p=0.03; see Figure 4). For baboon SY, the frequency of “huddled” posture observed in the home cage also decreased after exposure to the enrich-ment room. Prior to the first exposure to the enrichment room, the mean (±SD) frequency of a “huddled” posture for SY was 1.88 (±1.37). This was significantly de-creased to 0.71 (±0.83) (t=2.92; p=0.003).Figure 4: The mean frequency of “huddled” posture per two-minute interval in the home cages of baboons DC and SY.Excessive grooming was also identified as a target behavior for baboon SY for which a decrease in the fre-quency may signal an improvement in his psychological well-being (see Figure 5). The mean (±SD) frequency of grooming episodes prior to exposure to the enrichment room was 3.77 (±1.45). The mean (±SD) frequency of grooming episodes after exposure decreased to 2.36 (±0.74), a statistically significant decrease (t=3.34;p=0.0008).Figure 5: The mean frequency of grooming episodes per two-minute interval in the home cage of baboon SY.Figure 6: The mean frequency of episodes of “playing with toys” per two-minute interval in the home cage of baboon BB.Behaviors for which an increase in frequency might signal improved psychological well-being were also char-acterized. For baboon BB, there was a significant in-crease in the frequency of “playing with toys” in his home cage after exposure to the enrichment room (t=4.48; p<0.0001). As shown in Figure 6, the frequency since exposure to the enrichment room generally increased. Prior to enrichment room exposure, the mean (±SD) fre-quency of baboon BB “playing with toys” in the home cage was 2.27 (±1.91). After the first exposure, the mean (±SD) frequency was 4.9 (±1.54).Figure 7: The mean (±SD) latency (min.) to enter the shuttle from the home cages of baboons DE and CY before (PRE) ex-posure to the enrichment room and after exposure. The maxi-mum latency was five min., after which the back wall of the home cage was cranked forward.Some of SY’s and DC’s behaviors in the home cage that may signal improvement in psychological well-being when increased (i.e., playing with toys, lip smacking, and grunting) were not significantly changed (data not shown) after exposure to the enrichment room.The latency to enter the shuttle for transportation from the home cage to the enrichment room was studied in three baboons (DE, CY, SC) known to require coaxing, and often cranking the back wall of the home cage, to get them into the shuttle. As shown in Figure 7, baboon DE required a mean (±SD) latency of 3.45 (±1.82) minutes to enter the shuttle prior to any exposure in the enrichment room. After the first exposure, the mean latency to enter the shuttle significantly decreased (t=7.4; p<0.0001). For baboon CY, the mean (±SD) latency to enter the shuttle prior to exposure was 0.53 ± 0.57 minutes, a significant decrease after exposure (t=2.1; p=0.023).Despite coaxing with fruit, one baboon (SC) failed to return to the shuttle after entering the enrichment room. Fortunately, the baboon was one who readily pressed his thigh up against the bars for ketamine injections in the home cage and also did so in the enrichment room. While ketamine is routinely used in lab settings for its sedative effects, it is a drug with potential for abuse, and studies have illustrated that nonhuman primates will self-administer ketamine (Lukas et al., 1984; Moreton et al., 1977). Thus, since intramuscular ketamine clearly served as a reinforcer for this baboon, the veterinary technician was able to sedate the animal with ketamine in order to remove him from the room. When this also needed to be done at the end of his second visit to the room, this ba-boon was dropped from the study.DiscussionThe objective of the present study was to improve the quality of life for baboons in our lab through exposure to an expanded environmental enrichment program. We could not simply assume, however, that exposure to the enrichment room would result in an improvement in the psychological well-being of our subjects. Thus, we iden-tified three baboons with maladaptive behaviors in their home cages and compared the frequency of these behav-iors prior to enrichment room exposure to the frequency of the same behaviors after exposure, and found signifi-cant decreases in their frequency.In addition, we found that two baboons would more readily enter the transport shuttle after exposure to the enrichment room. That is, the stress resulting from crank-ing the back wall forward and “forcing” baboons out of the cage and into the shuttle for transport no longer oc-curs for these baboons, since they now readily enter the shuttle. This is important because baboons must be trans-ported out of their home cages for regular cage washes.Thus, our data support the idea that exposure to the enrichment room improved the psychological well-being of the baboons. In addition, while only one of the ba-boons showed an increase in the use of toys in his home cage, it is possible the baboons experienced significant increases in their psychological well-being that were un-detected by our outcome measures. Moreover, by docu-menting the smaller objects manipulated (e.g., Kong® toys, balls made of different materials, plastic chains, mirrors) while the baboons were in the enrichment room, we also were able to identify individual toy preferences for individual baboons. This has resulted in more effec-tive enrichment being provided in the home cages.Another goal was simply to increase the amount of activity in which the baboons were able to engage. Tech-nicians consistently noted in the records that baboons spend a majority of time in the enrichment room moving around and “exploring.”A discussion of promoting the psychological well-being of nonhuman primates in laboratories would not be complete without mentioning possible causes of abnormal cage behaviors. While it is not possible to know why one baboon engages in maladaptive behaviors when others do not, one theory with an abundance of evidence asserts that removing an infant from his mother’s care too soon can result in the formation of abnormal cage behaviors later in life (Altmann, 2001; Bellanca & Crockett, 2002). Neither information about the age at which a baboon was removed from his mother’s care, nor descriptions of early life experiences, are routinely provided with nonhuman primates upon arrival at research facilities. For example, while the actual age of baboon BB is not known, he was a wild-caught baboon who weighed a mere 8.2 kg and was lacking his canine teeth upon arrival, leaving no doubt he arrived as a juvenile. Moreover, when he arrived at quar-antine (and for a period of time after arriving in our facil-ity), BB was housed with a second male baboon that was bigger and dominated BB. Thus, the cage behaviors ex-hibited by BB later in life may have been shaped as a consequence of being taken from his mother too soon and/or being caged with a dominant older male early in life. While many factors certainly influence the formation of maladaptive behaviors, housing and rearing conditions, early life experience, and colony procedures clearly play a role. Indeed, a retrospective analysis in a colony of rhesus macaques concluded that factors influencing the development of stereotypic and self-injurious behaviors in rhesus macaques included intrinsic factors (i.e., males exhibit more maladaptive behaviors than did females), rearing conditions, housing conditions, colony manage-ment practices, and research protocols (Lutz et al., 2003). Regardless of the cause of abnormal cage behaviors, it is important to examine how environmental enrichment may be useful for decreasing these behaviors.Since we ended our data collection, the enrichment room has been available for all baboons in our colony, and we have encountered baboons that do not readily return to the shuttle for transportation back to their home cages. Specifically, we have had three instances, other than the one reported above, when baboons would not readily exit the enrichment room. In these instances, the technicians tried to coax the baboon into the shuttle by placing fruit in it, but found it required considerable time before the baboons would exit. That is, after a period of 1-4 hours baboons eventually returned to the shuttle, and those baboons are not currently visiting the enrichment room. Other methods for encouraging return to the shut-tle, however, are being tried. For example, we have found that turning off the room light was successful with one baboon. Based on our experience during and after the present study, 30-45 minutes seems to be the ideal amount of time in the room after which the majority of baboons will readily exit the room without incident.It is our hope that other laboratories will use an en-richment room for caged nonhuman primates and will find it a valuable tool for increasing their psychological well-being. Facilities that house very large numbers of nonhuman primates may find it difficult to expend the time, space, and money to offer such enrichment to all animals. While it would be wonderful to give all the animals in a lab access to an enrichment room, it would not be as expensive to at least provide it to those animals who need it most. Indeed, our data support the notion that the psychological well-being of nonhuman primates exhibiting maladaptive behaviors can improve by expo-sure to an enrichment room.It should be noted, however, that some unique vari-ables may have contributed to our success. The veteri-nary technicians in the Division of Behavioral Biology are responsible for the daily care of the same animals, and the baboons serve as subjects in behavioral experiments for a number of years (i.e., studies are not terminal). Thus, the baboons are extremely familiar with their vet-erinary technicians. In addition, the baboons have a his-tory of shuttling for cage washes and so the act of moving from their home cages to the enrichment room was famil-iar to them. Nonetheless, exposing baboons with target behaviors indicative of poor psychological well-being to the enrichment room resulted in an apparent improvement in psychological well-being. The ease of replication of the enrichment room in other nonhuman primate colonies is contingent on the availability of space, time, and some financial support.In conclusion, participation in the expanded enrich-ment program enhanced the standard enrichment provided in the home cages, and also appeared to improve the psy-chological well-being of individual baboons with identi-fied maladaptive behaviors in our research program. We。
在质量方面指挥和控制组织的协调活 动。
• 传统管理阶段
• 质量检验阶段
• 统计控制阶段
通过抽样检查、统计、改进来控制和保证产品质量,将实质进 步到“事前预防”。
▼什么是“全面”? ▼ 什么是“质量”? ▼ 什么是“质量管理” ?
什么是“全面” ?
• 质量管理只有涵盖到以下三个方面才能称为“全面”。 ★ 运用多种手段,系统地保证和提高产品质量;
★ 控制质量形成的全过程,而不仅仅是制造过程; ★ 质量管理的有效性应当是以质量成本来衡量和优化的。
• 质量的两种理解
然增加成本,但同时也会使顾客满意度增加, 从而促进产品需求、收益增长,因此要对其综 合效益进行评估。
► 第二种理解:提高产品质量将会减少次品和报
什么是“质量管理” ?
• 心理上:反映心理感受和审美价值的特性,如:味道、
式样、舒 适、美观等。
• 时间性:与时间相关的特性,如:及时、准点、周期、
耐久性、 使用寿命等。
• 安全性:对顾客的保障能力,如:环保、安全、绝缘、
• 社会化:对社会利益龚举的成:保全面障质量特管理性-(2),如:合法、规范、伦
流程 管理
工业 工程
价值 工程
统计 技术
软性 技巧
基础二 彻底的现场5S管理 基础一 正确的现场管理意识
怀海涛 ·《工业工程与生产效率改善》
怀海涛 ·《工业工程与生产效率改善》
课程一 课程二 课程三 课程四 课程五 课程六 课程七
Use的U字形 A 利用器具或装置所 做的动作
手中掉物形状 A 放开控制物的动作
怀海涛 ·《工业工程与生产效率改善》
18种动明 分类
8 检查
A 将目的物与进行质 量、数量比较
9 寻找
眼找物品形状 B 通过五官寻找物品 的动作
10 发现
怀海涛 ·《工业工程与生产效率改善》
观察动作 包含眼睛移动
价值判断 寻找动作浪费
观察 记录
分析 浪费
动作经济 原则
设定标准 更轻松更有效
重编 作业
动作 改善
消除浪费 费时动作快化7
怀海涛 ·《工业工程与生产效率改善》
以目视直接观测 现场作业 发现问题 实时改善
5、 18种动作要素分析
6、 动作要素分析的用途
7、 动作要素分析的方法
8、 动作要素改善的步骤
9、动作要素改善的重点 5
怀海涛 ·《工业工程与生产效率改善》
程序 分析
19 专题5 第14课
所占比例的变化情况。下列对其原因的分析正确的是( )。
20 世纪 80 年代初
1990 年 1997 年
15.88% 12.21%
A.社会主义教育方针的确立 B.国民教育体系的初步形成 C.高考制度的恢复 D.《义务教育法》的实施
【解析】 根据表格数据可知,20 世纪 90 年代我国的文盲、半 文盲比例有所下降。这说明我国政府采取了有效措施发展教育。A、 B 两项发生在新中国成立之初,C 项发生在 1977 年,均不符合题意。 《义务教育法》的实施,使适龄儿童都能接受教育,对扫除文盲、半 文盲有重要作用。
【答案】 D
(教师用书独有) 【学习思考】 1.(P88)新中国的教育方针是在什么背景下提出的?
【答案提示】三大改造完成,社会主义制度已经确立,中国进入 社会主义全面建设的开始时期,1957 年由毛泽东提出。
2.(P89)查找相关资料,谈谈你对知识青年“上山下乡”运动的 看法。
①新中国的人民教育,为中国社会主义事业培养了大量建设人 才;“文化大革命”给中国教育事业带来了严重的破坏;“文化大革 命”结束后,中国教育重获生机,“科教兴国”战略极大地推动了中 国教育的持续发展。
②“文化大革命”后,我国教育事业蓬勃发展的主要前提是政 局稳定,拨乱反正;重要保证是教育立法。
【答案】 C
4.(选做)1952 年全国高校院系调整,清华大学文、法、理学院并入 北京大学等高校,只设置机械制造、土木工程和水利工程等八个工科 系。这样做的主要原因是( )。
人民版必修二2024年高考复习专题 4-2 交通和通讯工具的进步
2.19世纪80年代,对中国刚兴起的通讯事业 有人赋诗曰:“从此千里争片刻,无须尺幅 费笔砚……枝枝节节环四海,地角天涯连一 线。”
思考:(1)诗中所赞是什么通讯?除此之外还 有哪些通讯工具?
答案: (1)电话;有线电报、无线电报等。
(2)促进信息的交流与传递,改变人们的生活方式和 思想观念,有利于推动经济和社会发展。
原 的传入
因 (2)国内民族资本主义工商业的发展
作 用
(2)推动民族资本主义的发展 (3)有利于加强国防建设,提高军情传 递的及时性与军队的机动性
2.[学习思考](教材P70)你与朋友联系时使用的邮电通 信方式都有哪些?
提示: 普通信件、电子邮件、固定电话、是( )
解析: 由材料的后一句“从此不愁鱼雁少, 音书万里一时通”便可以判断出正确答案。
答案: C
4.“人之言语,轻者达数尺,重者达数丈,数 丈以外,不复可闻。自有电话,则虽相去千里 ,而无语不可达矣。”这是选自光绪十三年 (1887年)国文教科书的一篇课文,从中我们可以 了解到当时( )
1.历史学家白寿彝先生在1937年指出:“九 十年来中国交通事业之设施,殆非以前数千 年间之交通事业所可比拟。在此一点上,我 们不能不说是近年交通事业之进步。”他所 说的“进步”应包括( )
①传统的代步工具逐渐被新式交通工具所取代 ②由机械动力牵引的电车与汽车出现 ③城
市交通系统有所发展 ④内地与西北、西南等 地区之间都有铁路交通
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The branch of engineering concerned with the design, improvement, and installation of integrated systems of people, material, information, equipment, and energy. It draws upon specialized knowledge and skills in the mathematical, physical, and social sciences together with the principles and methods of engineering analysis and design to specify, predict, and evaluate the results to be obtained from such systems.
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现场浪费之源IE的主要分析技术 1、方法研究--程序分析 2、人的效率——动作分析 3、设定时间标准方法 4、提高效率的改善方法 5、效率与生产平衡全员参与改善
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内容:即过分加工的浪费, (1)多余的加工和过分精确的加工。 例如实际加工精度过高造成资源浪费。 (2)需要多余的作业时间和辅助设备,还要增加生产用电、 气压、油等能源的浪费,另外还增加了管理的工时。
Vol. 29, No. 6the magazinefor high-tech innovatorsEditor-in-ChiefRavi M. TodiIBM MicroelectronicsStudent EditorDavid Zihe TianCase Western Reserve UniversityAssociate EditorsElizabeth T.B. JohnstonDesign Alaska, Inc.Stamatios KartalopoulosUniversity of OklahomaSuzanne RivoireSonoma State UniversityKim W. TracyNortheastern Illinois UniversityPhilip A. WilseyUniversity of CincinnatiGeorge W. ZobristUniversity of Missouri-RollaCraig CauserManaging EditorGeraldine Krolin-TaylorSenior Managing EditorJanet DudarSenior Art DirectorGail A. SchnitzerAssistant Art DirectorTheresa L. SmithProduction CoordinatorSusan SchneidermanBusiness Development Manager+1 732 562 3946 Fax: +1 732 981 1855Dawn M. MelleyEditorial DirectorPeter M. TuohyProduction DirectorFelicia SpagnoliAdvertising Production ManagerFran ZappullaStaff Director, Publishing OperationsRavi M. Todi, Chair (Potentials EIC)Barry L. Shoop (MGA Chair)Martin J. Bastiaans (SAC Chair)Cecelia Jankowski(MGA Managing Director)Editorial BoardStaffCover: Road courtesy of Sander Lamme.Darwin chart is public domain.Protozoa courtesy of . Cyborg courtesyof Mr. Sparky. Turin courtesy of Rita WisniewskiVol. 29, No. 6Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MPOT.2010.938689Cover:Road courtesy of SanVNOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2010 1Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MPOT.2010.9386902IEEE POTENTIALSDigital Object Identifier 10.1109/MPOT.2010.938691Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MPOT.2010.938692NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2010 3er of IEEE members in the school was also at-tained through the organization of numerous studentool kits such as the establishment of a Web site that includes information about the SB, the b enefits In December 2009, the SB organized a student paper con-test, and the winner took part in the Region 8 student paper contest. The branch is also a member of the Region 8 Stu-dent Activities Committee Twin Student Branch Programs.Technical© STOCKBYTEA NINTERNATIONAL4IEEE POTENTIALSNOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2010 5technologies, a second work-shop on computational intel-ligence in systems design, and a third titled “Intelligent Machines: Theories and Ap-plications.” “In addition, the SB organized a workshop on stress management and two panel discussions on robot-ics,” Kammoun says. “One of the newest and most attended activities was the organiza-tion of the first robotics com-petition in Tunisia and in the school, dubbed ‘RoboComp 2010,’ which was held 23–25 April 2010. This competition was under the guidance ofthe Secretary of State to the Ministry for Higher Education and Scientific Research.”Since technical activities hold great importance to theSB , the executive committee planned to establish student chapters in order to improve technical activities and in-crease the number of society members. In this way, the SB executive committee has encouraged students to re-new their IEEE memberships by adding technical society memberships and requesting volunteers to establish new student chapters including the IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society (SMCS), IEEE Aerospace and Electron-ic Systems Society, IEEE Com-putational Intelligence Soci-ety, IEEE Education Society, IEEE Computer Society, IEEE Engineering in Medicine and B iology Society, IEEE Robot-ics and Automation Society,SB members gather in March 2009 during a technical workshop with Dr. William A. Gruver from Simon Fraser University.SB Members are involved with the local community, as evidenced by their visit to the SOS Children’s Village inMahres where they organized a drawing contest for the kids.ENIS’s first robotics competition (RoboComp’2010), was attended by Dr. Refaat Chaabouni, secretary of state to the Ministry for Higher Education and Scientific Research; Dr. Hamed Ben Dhia, head of the University of Sfax;Dr. Adel M. Alimi, SB counselor, Tunisia section treasurer, and the school director; Dr. Mourad Loulou, Tunisiasection chair; and Dr. Fathi Ghorbel from Rice University in Houston, Texas.Students are provided numerous opportunities to join the SB or renew their IEEE membership during many organized SB stands that are set up throughout the year.6 IEEE POTENTIALSand the IEEE Signal Processing Society. In June 2009, theSB chair established the first student chapter with the SMCS, which was the first one in Region 8. During January and Feb-ruary 2010, the other student chapters were established.Fun, games, and feedbackDuring 2010, the SB planned social events includ-ing a day trip to Chambi Mountain in Tunisia, a visit to SOS C hildren’s Village inMahres, and a one-day tripto Zaghouane Mountain.More home-based eventsthat were used to rally SBmembers were a videogame contest, a dinner, anda buffet to celebrate theend of the academic year.The SB also organized freeeducational activities forthe benefit of students atENIS. These included Latex,a s ecurity contest, and IEEEXplore training.“Since women’s activitiesare also beneficial in order tointensify the female presencein electrical and electronicsengineering areas, the SBexecutive committee has encouraged female volunteers toestablish a Student Affinity Group in the school,” Hammounadds. “This group was organized by Fatma Elleuch and ap-proved in February 2010. As of June 2010, 37% of members are women and 80% of them are members of IEEE Women in Engineering.”One of the successful keys of getting the ball rolling so quickly was that the SB has a good relationship with school leaders, the section executive committee, the local chapter chairs, and other scientific association leaders,” Kammoun says. A good number of high-quality free activities—tech-nical, educational, and social—that are organized for IEEEMembers in the school have helped the SB to attract new members and keep members involved. The most notable achievements for the SB were the inauguration in ENIS and the SB s membership devel-opment, he adds.“The SB goals are updated annually taking into account the students’ feedback and the degree of success of the orga-nized activities during the past years,” Kammoun explains. “The SB goals in the near future are to help students in other schools to establish new SB s in Tunisia, organiz-ing more educational activities such as the Technical English Program and attracting good sponsors for SB events.”—Craig Causer is the managing editor of IEEE Potentials .The opening of the SB office in January 2010 continued the rapid growth trend for the ENIS branch.IEEE Potentials is interested in hear-dent branch grown in popularity? Do you organize innovative, fun, and educational activities? Are your ranch officers particularly bers? How would you like to share your experiences with other IEEE If your Student B ranch has a it. Simply e-mail potentials@ • What are the goals of your Stu-• How does your Student of IEEE Potentials. These profiles help open up lines of communica-inspire increased involvement and ing what other branches are doing and what has and has not been ranches espond. is interested in hear-s ing from students who are active intheir Student B ranch. Has your stu-dent branch grown in popularity? Do you organize innovative, fun, and educational activities? Are yourStudent B ranch officers particularlyadept at meeting the needs of mem-bers? How would you like to share your experiences with other IEEE Student Branches across the world?ranch has a story to tell, we would like to hear it. Simply e-mail potentials@ for details. In your response, please include brief answers to the follow-ing questions:dent Branch?• What do you consider the Stu-dent Branch’s most notable achieve-ment and why?• How does your Student Branch attract new members?• How does your Student Branch keep members involved?A profile of your Student Branch could appear in an upcoming issue of IEEE Potentials. These profiles help open up lines of communica-tion between Student Branches and inspire increased involvement and activity sharing information regard-ing what other branches are doing and what has and has not beensuccessful. All Student B ranchesfrom Regions 1–10 are welcome tor f I a t e r e f a l s l n i a f o r s e t w i h t o n o e n o t h e r a i ,t od se t i m a e k a o s n u ?d Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MPOT.2010.93915popularity of the approach. Most students get through these classes daydreaming. The only motivationthat brings them back to these classes is amark against their names, which would oth-erwise hold them back from taking theirexams. The irony is that the lecturers arewell aware of the rationale of theiraudience and find pride in coercingrelate the true meaning of educationbetter when made to delve in a subject.The reach between “what it does” to“how it does” mutates a listener to alearner. No wonder more and more stu-dents are scouting for research-oriented projects as well as mentors. The variousapex institutions of academics as well as industries appraise research as one of theirkey criteria for selecting applicants ratherthan their ability to grasp topics when lec-tured for continuous hours. It is this timewhen those letters of recommendation from sor type, from my perspective, best suits the need.It has been my experience that full-time lecturers,especially if they have industry or consulting expe-rience, bring a broader perdents or course material presented. In general,they know the theory behind the material,but, more importantly for the future engi-time lecturer will more often have time tospend with his/her associated studentclasses, more time to spend on the generalpopulation. This will go a long way in helpingthe engineers-to-be grasp the material being pre-sented in class—they can ask more specific ques-tions on the material from someone who hastime to respond and has their interests at heart.In my opportunities to associate with research-oriented professors, I found them mostoften being assigned to graduate students, orgraduate assistants, having little, or nothing, to dowith the undergraduate population. Their primaryDigital Object Identifier 10.1109/MPOT.2010.938611EYES—NASALecturers versus research professorsNOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2010 7into a practical model, although its relevance cannot be demeaned as it lays the foundation to applied knowledge. But this is not where the plug needs to be pulled. A practical know-how of everything being put across in the theoretical world with all the exceptions and modifications is very important for a better under-standing of a concept. Research leads to in-depth study and realization. One starts at the surface and keeps digging until its core. This is better than being made to start at the core where you can relate noth-ing and finally when you real-ize the surface applications,you are not in a position torecollect your way out fromthe core.Professors who are more intoresearch are better equipped tohandle a novice mind of thestudent and mold it a properway. They are aware of thecommon doubts, setbacks, andmyths a student faces as com-p a r e d t o t h e i r c l a s s r o o m-oriented counterparts. Mentors encouraging research are known to share a better rap-port with their pupils. Hence, they are subjected to doubts and problems with lesser hesitation. These pro-fessors encouraging research are able to better reach the minds of students by encouraging deeper move-ment into the subject until a clear picture is obtained. It is when students are made to study something with their mind exploring all possible directions that they are able to get a better hold of the subject. On the other hand, when being subjected to long lectures, the equation between a teacher and student is like that between a computer and a programmer. The program does only what it has been programmed to do without reaching for new possibilities and venturing into newer directions.Most of the research being undertaken is done with a commercial end product/service in mind. The economic and commercial viability of any research and its end prod-uct is always taken into consideration all through its course. Students are exposed to opportunities and experi-ence closer to the industrial world. This is the sole reason as to why engineering students are made to undergo industrial training, working on some project as a part of their curriculum.Although both genres may be indispensable for a qual-ity education, nevertheless the debate between the prom-inences of two may have defendants on the other side also. I however, have always been a staunch believer of the talisman: “I listen, I forget. I write, I remember. I do, I understand.”—Nakul Jain (nakul17@) is the vice-chairperson of IEEE-ASET (Amity School of Engineer-ing and Technology) New Delhi, India. He is pursuing an engineering degree in electronics and communications.simply an observation of their drive to advance the base of knowledge in their particular field of study, that drive being more important than education of the students.That also brings to mind my experiences while recruiting engineers from Georgia Tech, Rensselaer Polytechnic Insti-tute, Carnegie-Mellon, and Perdue, all well known for their research activities. While the graduates of those institutes were well trained as e ngineers, I had difficulty in recruiting engineers for m anufacturing support, field e ngineering, field support, and similar nonresearch engineering jobs. The stu-dents were more interested indevelopment (and research) posi-tions and lacked the interest inother aspects of a career. I was ableto bring some into the company,and they were highly successfulwith an engineering career outsideof the development arena.From my perspective, we needboth types of professors in oureducational programs today. Thefull-time lecturer has the greatestimpact on the engineering profes-sion in that he/she provides thebase knowledge for the practicing engineer-to-be. Themajority of new engineers will not continue their educa-tion into graduate-level programs. Most often, the newengineer is more interested in getting a job and startinghis/her new career. The task of the full-time lecturer is toensure the students have the needed knowledge and skillset to be successful in industry. At the same time, theresearch- o riented lecturer is important in the continuingadvancement of knowledge, especially in technology.When I began my career, circuit boards had lines and linespacing measured in ten mil line widths. With continuedresearch and development, line width and spacing todayare measured in nanometers. Such continued advances donot just happen by accident. It requires the desire anddrive of the research-oriented lecturer (as well as the workof dedicated scientists who may have had the opportunityto associate with those lecturers).A final thought on the subject: While I have not done anybasic research on the topic, I suspect that most of the newtexts are written by research-oriented lecturers, as new tech-nology is discovered, brought to maturity, and proven to bea workable solution to some of today’s problems. As thenew texts are written, they become the new material to beincorporated into the curriculum of the courses taught by thefull-time lecturer. Thus, the knowledge base continues toexpand and change, allowing the full-time lecturer to bringnew material to the attention to the students in their classes.I believe that the full-time lecturer and research-oriented lecturer are both important to the success of oureducational system. While one provides the day-to-dayeducation of the new engineer, the other probes to under-stand and determine future direction of technology. As towhich is more important—I say again, “It depends,” but Ilean more to the full-time lecturer’s overall impact to thestudent and their preparation for their future career.Nakul Jain Raymond E. Floyd(continued on page 15)8IEEE POTENTIALSfaster than humans, theyMy landline home phone did not work for two days in a row. Using my cell phone, I called my landline service pro-vider to see what was wrong. I was greeted by a pleasant nonemotional voice that wanted to understand the problem. This was easy: My phone did not work, I had no signal. This ject for that. Does that mean that computational humor is unreachable? What was wrong with the eager-to-help cus-tomer service computer?The computer answering a telephone call is following a predetermined list of questions or pattern of questions called a script, similar to dialogue in a play. The script reads “ask the customer their name.” If the customer responds with aDigital Object Identifier 10.1109/MPOT.2010.938150© PHOTODISC, © LUSHPIX ILLUSTRATION, & © INGRAM PUBLISHINGNOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2010 90278-6648/10/$26.00 © 2010 IEEE10IEEE POTENTIALSNOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2010 1112IEEE POTENTIALSsolution to energy moniker includesA dual-purpose electric machine, integrated starter cilitates stop-startcle. For example, to avoid wasting can be turned off when the vehicleequired. This can be implemented by theodification of a belt-drive between the ISA and the transmission’s flywheel. Typically, fuel economy increases by a few miles per gallon in city, stop-start, driving. Mild hybrids provided automakers an opportunity to transition to hybrid vehicle engineer-ing but are now being discontinued. However, there are yields maximum torque at a standstill and the ICE achieves peak torque at several thousand revolutions per minically, the electric motor is used at city street speeds and the ICE is required at higher speeds.The Ford Fusion Hybrid has a parallel architecture, which uses an approximately 30% efficient regen. Add stop-start and this car achieves a rated 41 City mi/gal.NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2010 130278-6648/10/$26.00 © 2010 IEEE2009 Formula Hybrid Champ, Texas A&M (Parallel Hybrid).[Photo courtesy of Thayer school of Engineering].IEEE official with 2010 Formula Hybrid Champ, PolytechnicUniversity of Turin (Parallel Hybrid). [Photo by Rita Wisniewski.]product(s) can deliver an attractive profit over time. Researchis key and takes engineers into the nontechnical areas suchas market analysis, manufacturing and sales strategy, man-Figure from the first U.S. parallel hybrid patent (US 913,846).14IEEE POTENTIALSNOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2010 15—Raymond E. Floyd (rfloyd@) holds a B.S.E.E., an M.S.E.E., and a Ph.D. in engineering manage-ment. He retired from IBM as a senior engineer after 26 years, with assignments primarily in product development and product test. He then formed the consulting firm of Innovative Insights, with emphasis on the application of radio frequency identification technology. He has taught graduate-level classes in factory automation, robot appli-cations, and other manufacturing automation subjects as an adjunct professor.R EADER COMMENTS AREENCOURAGED AND SHOULD BE SENT TO potentials@ WITH THE SUBJECT LINE “T HE WA Y I SEE IT .”LECTURERS VERSUS RESEARCH PROFESSORS(continued from page 8)16 IEEE POTENTIALS0278-6648/10/$26.00 © 2010 IEEE Claude Elwood Shannon’s classic paper on information theory is into its 60th year of existence, having appeared in the Bell System Technical Journal in 1948. Shannon passed away in 2001, at the age of 84, but information theory is 60 years young. Shannon himself demonstrated discrete sources of information through the example of natural language, and today a similar analysis is being applied in the realm of yet another language, the language of life. One of the unique features of information theory is its sim-plicity, not withstanding the mathemati-cal rigor that Shannon has used in his seminal 1948 paper. The definitions for information content and information entropy are both elegantly conceived, though counterintuitive, in certain ways. As per information theory, a random selection of English alphabets and space would be more informative than aphrase that is picked out at random from a newspaper or a blog (hence the choice of the title for this article). When we reconcile with this apparent coun-ter-intuitiveness, we are on the learning curve of information theory.In this article, we take a fresh look at the two seminal concepts of infor-mation theory—information content and information entropy. We also dem-onstrate how these could be used to analyze DNA sequences, through toy example.Information contentShannon defined a measure for infor-mation contained in a message, based on the probability of each symbol 5a 1, a 2,c a n 6 in it. Suppose we have n symbols emanating independent of each other from a source, with probabilities 5p 1, p 2,c p n 6 respectively, then the information content of any message ofDigital Object Identifier 10.1109/MPOT.2010.938146© INGRAM PUBLISHINGsize k made out of these symbols is given byI52ani51log p i.This equation is easily explained with an example of English language. It is well known that the different letters of the English language appear with differ-ent frequencies in text. A popular esti-mate is given in Table 1. We can conceive these estimates as probability of occur-rences of the concerned alphabets (by dividing by 100) and these figures can be used to calculate the information con-tent of “kpb wcy xz” and “i love you,” which are shown in Tables 2 and 3 respectively.In the case of “i love you,” the infor-mation content is computed as shown in Table 3 (we ignore spaces). “kpb wcy xz” has a higher information con-tent (53.859) than “i love you” (36.38). Thus, in information theoretic perspec-tive, “kpb wcy xz” is more informative than “i love you.” Is this not a counter-intuitive conclusion? How could one say “kpb wcy xz” is more informative than “i love you?” To the layman, the first phrase is mere rubbish than infor-mative, and the second one makes per-fect sense.Perhaps one needs to discard the l ayman’s interpretation of the term “information” (a message received and understood or knowledge acquired through study, experience, or instruc-tion) and associate information in S hannon’s sense with “surprise.” The information content in a message would then be linked to the amount of surprise it creates in us; in other words, an unusual scenario has more information than a usual scenario. Would a newspa-per run a headline like, “President of the United States Alive”? The counterintu-itiveness now starts to vanish. The reader is warned about the danger of carrying these examples too far.From the sense of real-world knowl-edge, these examples can be debated in very different ways. One could also reexamine the examples by taking the probability of an adjacent pair of letters (or even trigram of letters) and see that “i love you” is much more “informative” that what we have computed initially. It may also be noted that other measures of information content are possible. A simple equation I5g1/p would be an example. Here, information will be inversely proportional to probability, which captures Shannon’s idea.Calling all bellsA more real life example could be that of a calling bell. Consider a house where a calling bell is installed for the visitors to announce their presence at the door. The on/off state of the calling bell indicates the presence or absence of visitors. Now imagine various kinds of houses—from one where people try to gate-crash and one where nobody ever visits. We quan-tify the cases by the on/off probabilities of the calling bell, P on and P off. Let us consider seven cases, as in Table 4.Table 4 is amenable to intuitive expla-nation. A calling bell that is always ring-ing and also a calling bell that neverNOVEMBER/DECEMBER 20101718IEEE POTENTIALSrings, both have no useful functions. Both of them naturally have zero infor-mation content and can never deliver any surprises. We find that in houses where there is a surprising visitor after a long time or in a busy house where there is a rare silence, the calling bell delivers maximum information.Information entropyShannon’s next great idea is that of information entropy. The general notion of entropy, as in thermodynamics, is worth steering clear of, espe-cially if it is also new to the reader. After decades, the idea of entropy in thermodynamics seems to be still cloudy. We could attempt to look at infor-mation entropy H (after Hartly, by one popular account) as the average information per symbol in a message.Consider a message of length n , with symbol set 5a 1c a n 6 and probabili-ties 5p 1, p 2,c p k 6 respec-tively, where n is assumed to be large. The symbol a i , which has a probabil-ity of p i to occur, is expected to occur n 3 p i times in the whole mes-sage. Then the total infor-mation I T , of the message is given byI T 52a 1n 3 p i 2 log p i .The average information per symbol is the informa-tion entropy H , given byH 5I T /n 51/n 2a 1n 3p i 2 log p i5a p i log p i .The significance of information entropy is that it tells us the minimum number of bits required to encode the message digitally. This would mean that if wemeasure the entropy of a message, we can know if there is scope for com-pression of the message. For example, a DNA sequence consists of four let-ters, A, G, C, and T. A simple coding mechanism is to code each letter with two bits (as there are four signals, log 24 = 2). However, if it is known that probability of symbols of A, G, C, and T are 0.15, 0.35, 0.15, and 0.35, respec-tively then H 52a p i log p i 5210.15#log 10.15211220.35#log 10.35210.15#log 10.15210.35#log 10.352251.88 b.This would mean that this DNA sequence can be c ompressed ((2 – 1.88) / 2) = 5.9%. Such measures are extremely useful in building huge biosequence databases. They give us clear directions on what is achievable in terms of compression. For instance, many experiments to com-press DNA sequences have resulted in actually expanding it. Once the theoreti-cal limits are understood, futile efforts can be avoided.With English text, the entropy is (based on Table 1):2a p i log p i 5 p (‘a’) 3 log p (‘a’) 1 p (‘b’) 3 log p (‘b’) 1 % 1 p (‘z’) 3 log p (‘z’) 1 p (‘ ’) 3 log p (‘ ’)5 2.7 bThe number of bits required to represent English text, if we consider that all letters and space have same probability is log 2(27) = 4.75 b. This shows that Eng-lish text can be ideally compressed to 42.55%.All the previous examples are based on a model of probability of one letter at a time. If we take probabilities of two letters at a time, entropy reduces to 4.07 b; three letters reduces it to 3.36 b, and four letters further reduces entropy to 2.77 b. Such an approach of considering “n -mer” probabilities is possible with DNA sequences also.Finally, we would like to give a pic-ture to applying information measures in analyzing biosequences. Important biomolecules like DNA and proteins are2018161412108I nf or m a t i o n C o n t e n t64200204060Window PositionInformation Contentper Window Versus Window Position80100120Fig. 2 Information content plotted against the position for the non-coiled coiled protein 1G9E. No specificpattern is seen.20181********I n f o r m a t i o n C o n t e n t64200204060Window PositionInformation Contentper Window Versus Window Position80100120Fig. 1 Information content plotted against the position for the coiled coiled protein 1CE5. Coiled-coil regions are 16–52, 63–99 and 110–141. Repeating patterns can be seen this regions.。
一、为何“5S” 初步规划后的效果
刚刚开始,需再行规划和定置, 希望大家认识和保持。
认识到了贫困户贫困的根本原因,才 能开始 对症下 药,然 后药到 病除。 近年来 国家对 扶贫工 作高度 重视, 已经展 开了“ 精准扶 贫”项 目
一、5S是最佳的推销员 ①、干净整洁的工厂,顾客对工厂满意,增强下订单的
整顿其实也是研究提高效率的科学。它 研究怎样才可以立即取得物品,以及如何立
•消除寻找物品的时间; •井井有条的工作秩序。
•能拿到工具箱的钥匙,但物品常常找不到; •通道和作业区已经区分; •相似的物品被集中摆放,没有明确的区分。
三、5S是安全专家 ①、遵守作业标准,不会发生工伤事故;
认识到了贫困户贫困的根本原因,才 能开始 对症下 药,然 后药到 病除。 近年来 国家对 扶贫工 作高度 重视, 已经展 开了“ 精准扶 贫”项 目
可惜! 后来又找到
数量太多 合适
认识到了贫困户贫困的根本原因,才 能开始 对症下 药,然 后药到 病除。 近年来 国家对 扶贫工 作高度 重视, 已经展 开了“ 精准扶 贫”项 目
(1)估計機器產能. (2)估計人員需求.
(9)制定激勵機制的參考. (10)估計生產成本與產品價格. (11)調整薪資所得,改善勞資關係的參考.
(2)上班時間內機臺的保養,現場的“7s”活動,操作前的 準備時間及操作後的結束處理時間,都要給予寬放時 間. (3)操作過程中必要的停機、停線時間(如:初件、自主檢、 換槽、架版、架模、修模、調整、換線等),需要給予 寬放. 所以,有必要對正常時間進行寬放.
相当行走速度 (km/h)
200Biblioteka 9.6舉例Confidential
正常 时间 18 133 24 ( s ) 100
評比系數 =133/100 =1.33
評比系數 =150/100 =1.50
觀測時間與理論上的正常時間大多數情況下是不吻合 的,需要加以調整,使其與一操作者在正常情況下操作所需的 正常時間相同,這種技術即被稱為評比. 評比至今還沒有一個完整而客觀的方法可循,所以評比 係數就以時間分析人員的主觀判斷為準.
二、学习目标1. 知识与理解:掌握质量互变的基本概念,理解量变与质变的含义及其相互关系。
2. 过程与方法:通过案例分析、小组讨论等方式,培养学生运用质量互变原理分析问题的能力。
3. 情感态度与价值观:树立辩证唯物主义的世界观,培养实事求是的学习态度和科学的精神。
三、评价任务1. 评价学生对于质量互变基本概念的理解程度,能够准确解释量变与质变的含义。
2. 评价学生运用质量互变原理分析现实问题的能力,能否将理论知识与实际生活相联系。
3. 评价学生在小组讨论中的表现,包括参与度、合作精神和表达能力等方面。
四、学习过程1. 导入新课:通过生活实例引导学生思考事物发展的变化过程,引出质量互变的概念。
2. 新课讲解:(1)讲解量变与质变的含义及特点,帮助学生建立基本概念。
3. 小组讨论:学生分组讨论质量互变原理在现实生活中的运用,并分享讨论成果。
4. 教师点评:教师对学生的讨论成果进行点评,强调质量互变原理的重要性及运用方法。
5. 课堂小结:总结本课所学内容,强调质量互变的辩证关系及现实意义。
五、检测与作业1. 课堂检测:通过课堂小测验检测学生对质量互变基本概念的理解程度。
2. 课后作业:要求学生运用质量互变原理分析一个现实生活中的例子,并写出分析报告。
六、学后反思1. 学生反思:学生在完成作业后,应反思自己在运用质量互变原理分析问题时的方法和思路,总结经验教训。
2. 教师反思:教师应对本课教学进行反思,总结教学方法和效果,为今后的教学提供参考。
3. 改进措施:根据学生反馈和教师反思,对教学方法和内容进行适当调整,以提高教学效果。
本实例通过We 服务技术扩展其功能, b 使自 动售货服务不再仅仅由移动运营商提供, 还可以 由与移动运营商有业务联系的商业公司提供。商
p关 网
}墙 x
图 2 移动 We b服务系统的网络结构 图
2 无线网络和有线网络的互联 . 2 从图2 可以看出, We 服务移动客户端与 在 b Ie e的企业服务端通信的时候, nr t t n 还必须考虑无 线网络和有线网络的互联问题。移动电话主要是 以声音和数据的形式与服务端进行通信的。对于 声信消息而言,可以使用 ViX L oe o eM ( i e- c Vc x
由于使用中立于平台的标准来发布底层应用 程序组件, b We 服务使企业所提供的服务可以被 任何应用程序、 平台和设备在任何位置使用。
2 移动We 服务系统分析 b
移动设备可以接收天气、 股票、 新闻、 交通、 体 育活动等各种信息, 通过简单的移动电子商务活 动, 手机已经初步具有了消费这些服务的能力。 若 能把原有的移动电子商务和 W b e 服务相结合, 可 以更好地扩展移动设备的功能,使移动用户可以 与连接到 Ie e 的各种企业进行电子交易, nr t t n 从 而随时随地获取所需的服务、 应用、 信息和娱乐。
(eam t ltn n Cm uitn en Nr h a ci oe noE coiad m n ao E e i , tCi Eet Pwr Dpr e f r c o t e c i 峪n rg oh n l r c Uirt Boi ,ee 01 3Ci ) n ei, d gHbi 0 ,h a vs a n y 70 n A s at h a he u o We Srcs t ho g s av t m be cm e e bt cTe ic r f b v e ad nl i r te oi e o mr r : r t te c e i n e o e e i o l - c l c wr ds i d ts e Te pci mt d o M be b rcs r ao e e re i h ppr h a lao e os oi We S ve w e e cb n a . i p itn h f l ei e l s p ps . hr e a p apc i o M be b ve,oi poe oa r o d Fre mr, i l plao f i W Src mbe n at t o e u t o s e itn o l e e is l h m um - i v dr e ws i e. c o s t a dsnd e n y m eg s
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依次经过三个阶段: 科学管理、系统管理、现代管理
Department of Industrial Engineering , School of Economics and Management
科学管理阶段 1911~1945
特点 –管理成为科学 –管理成为职业 代表技术 –福特:流水生产线 –泰勒:时间研究、“公正的一天”、计件、定额… –吉尔布雷斯: 动作研究、电影法、方法研究(操作方法、流 程分析) –甘特图 科学管理+行为科学
Department of Industrial Engineering , School of Economics and Management
■ IE的功能
规 划
确定一个组织在未来指定时间 内所应采取的特定行动,IE的规 划着重于技术发展方面的规划
设 计
IE的设计不是一般的机器设计, 而是着重工程系统方面的设计, 包括系统整体和部分设计、概念 设计及具体工程项目设计等。
评 价
对现有各种系统规划、设计方 针及人事组织的绩效作出评定, 为高层决策者提供具有科学根据 的资料,避免决策失误。
创 新
崭新的、富有创造性和建设性的 方案,已达到最佳的运作效果。
Department of Industrial Engineering , School of Economics and Management
素的作用,提高其使用效率。例如: 改进生产技术 提高企业管理水平 提高劳动者的素质 增加生产要素的投入 学的管理方法两个方面。
1.3 提高生产率的途径
经营管理知识(包括经营学、市场学、生产管理、物资管理、组织与行 政管理等)
管理科学知识(包括SE,OR,模拟技术、预测和决策理论等) 人类和社会科学知识(包括工业心理学、人类工程学、组织行为学等)
总之,IE技术人员需要懂得广泛的技术和管理知识,与其他专业工程技 术人员相比,要求IE技术人员的知识面更宽,但掌握专业知识的深度 则不及专业工程技术人员。
Department of Industrial Engineering , School of Economics and Management
生产活动从制造领域扩展到非制造领域 狭义的生产是指制造产品(有形物的生产),广义的生
产不仅包括制造产品,而且还包括提供服务(即无形生 产,如运输、销售、邮电、通讯、服务贸易等)
如国内外市场规模、市场需求的变化、生产要素的变动性、 原材料的质量和适用性、有效的培训机制等
工厂布置、机器和设备 成本会计和降低成本的技术 生产的组织、计划和控制 人事策略
Department of Industrial Engineering , School of Economics and Management
泰勒制及后来发展的现代工业工程 是经济发展过程中实现管理现代化所不
Department of Industrial Engineering , School of Economics and Management
Department of Industrial Engineering , School of Economics and Management
中人、物料和设备的使用及其费用做详细的分析研究,这 种工作由IE工程师完成,目的是使组织能够提高生产率、 利润率和效率。
Department of Industrial Engineering , School of Economics and Management
工程技术知识(如机械工程、电气工程等专业理论和应用技术) 基础IE知识(方法研究、作业测定、设施规划与设计、物料搬运、质 量管理等) 数学与统计学知识(包括应用数学、概率论与数理统计、统计学等) 经济学知识(包括工程经济、会计学特别是成本会计等)
产品 经济
科学管理 传统管理 系统管理 经济与管理学院工业工程系 现代管理
Department of Industrial Engineering , School of Economics and Management
– 科学管理产生于制造企业现场管理
Department of Industrial Engineering , School of Economics and Management
产要素组成生产力更高和更有效运行的系统,实现提高生产 率目标的工程学科。 经济与管理学院工业工程系
产系统及该系统的控制方法,使它以最低的成本生产具有 特定质量水平的某种或几种产品,并且这种生产必须是在 保证工人和最终用户的健康和安全的条件下进行。
用,降低成本,保证质量和安全,提高生产率,获得最佳 效益。
Department of Industrial Engineering , School of Economics and Management
提高方式 1.开发新技术,或 投 对现有工艺做 根本性改变 2.增设先进设施, 资 或使现有工厂 现代化 3.减少产品的工 作量 采取方法 基础研究,应用 研究,实验开发 工艺研究 成本代价 高昂 见效快慢 数年 生产率提高程度 无明显限制
工效学 组织设计
IE 内 容 体 系
现代经营工程 生产及其制造 系统工程
设施规划与物流分析 现代制造工程
质量管理与可靠性 工程经济 工业设计 企业战略管理
工业系统分析 方法与技术
量化分析方法 计算机系统技术
Department of Industrial Engineering , School of Economics and Management
Department of Industrial Engineering , School of Economics and Management
1.1 工业工程概述
IE是对人员、物料、设备、能源和信息所组成的集成系统进 行设计、改善和配置的一门学科。它综合运用数学、物理学 和社会科学方面的专门知识和技术,以及工程分析和设计的 原理和方法,对该系统所取得的成果进行确定、预测和评价。 ——AIIE(1955) 定义的说明 研究的对象不是一般孤立事物,而是一个系统(其中人是 主体); 研究的手段综合运用系统理论、运筹学、工程分析等知识 和技术; 研究的目标是通过不断改进和优化系统,产生最佳综合效 益。
生产要素 投入
人力 物料 设备 设施 信息 能源 ……
转 换 过 程 生产过程
成品 半成品
O / I转换
Department of Industrial Engineering , School of Economics and Management
Department of Industrial Engineering , School of Economics and Management
桶的一个耳子(A),而工业工程应是另一个耳子(B),C 为管理。管理目标是多提水,但如果缺乏工业工程,水 桶只有一个耳子(A),技术上再下功夫,也只能提出半桶 水,不可能提满水。
Department of Industrial Engineering , School of Economics and Management
1.2 生产及生产系统
Department of Industrial Engineering , School of Economics and Management