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I. turn (n.) 顺序, 轮流

1. It's one's turn to do sth. 轮到某人做某事

It's your turn to make a decision.

2. take one's turn to do sth. = do sth. in turn =do sth. by turns轮流做某事

The nurses attended the patient in turn / by turns. =The nurses took turns to attend the patient.

turn (vi.) 转动,转向,翻转

turn right / left = turn to the right / left

turn to sth. / sb. (for help)

turn to page 84

turn (link-v.) 变得……

turn green / yellow 变绿/黄了

Ten years later,he turned


A. /

B. a

C. an

D. the

注:此题考查turn 作连系动词的特殊用法,即turn 作连系动词时后接表语名词,省略冠词.所以此题的答案为A. 如果turn 后加into 则须在名词前加冠词a.


1. turn against 背叛

Nobody will turn against his country.

2. turn down 关小/ 拒绝

He turned down my suggestion without hesitation.

Please turn down the gas.

3. turn from side to side 把身体转来转去

The naughty boy turned from side to side while answering questions in class.

4. turn in 上交

The child picked up a purse on the way and turned it in to the policeman.

5. turn ... into ... (使……)成为……

The farmers are turning waste land into rice fields.

6. turn off 关(水源、煤气、电灯等) / 避开(问题等)

Turn off the light when you leave the room.

7. turn on 打开(水、煤气、电灯、无线电等) / 对……发怒

turn on the radio

turn the gun on sb.

8. turn out 结果是/ 证明是/ 生产出

The weather yesterday turned out (to be) fine.

The factory turned out more products than they had expected.

9. turn over (使)打翻/ 翻身/ 翻动/ 翻耕(土地) / 转危为安

The man turned over and went to sleep again when the telephone rang.

10. turn up 开大/ 出现/ 找到/ 证明是(= turn out to be)

The meeting is beginning,but he has not turned up. He might have been lost.

turn用作名词时可以和不少介词构成介词短语,使用时须注意各短语意义上的细微差别。l. at every turn每次,总是,到处,主要表示事情发生的频率。例如:

①Because of his drinking,the man was refused a job at every torn.


②Life holds new adventures al every torn.


2.by turn交替地,轮流地,一会儿……一会儿,其含义为:有规律地轮换,根据一个重复性的计划而一个接一个或一个替换另一个。通常位于句末.turn为复数。例如:

①His condition is critical;we have to look after him by toms.


②When John had a fever,he felt cold and hot by turns.


3.in one's turn轮到某人(做事)。例如:

They,in their torn,rejected that.


4.in turn依次地,一次一个地,轮流地,其含义为:按照一个固定的顺序依次进行。in turn 在句中位置较灵活,只有在表示“轮流”时才可和by turns换用,但它表示的时间范围要大些。in turn还可表示“回报”。例如:

①They rowed in turn/by toms.


②The children went on the bus in torn.


③Life becomes possible only when food is converted into energy,which in turn is used to
