Outlierdetection in the multiple clustersetting
该算法通常包括以下几个步骤:1. 图像预处理:对输入的图像进行去噪、灰度化和尺寸调整等预处理操作,以便后续的目标检测算法能够更好地处理图像数据。
2. 目标检测:利用深度学习模型,如卷积神经网络(CNN)或循环神经网络(RNN),对图像中的目标进行检测。
常用的目标检测算法有Faster R-CNN、YOLO和SSD等。
3. 特征提取:从检测到的目标中提取特征信息,以便后续的拥挤分析和预测。
4. 拥挤分析:根据目标的位置、数量和运动轨迹等信息,分析交通场景中的拥挤程度。
1. 交通管理:利用拥挤目标检测算法,交通管理部门可以实时监测道路交通情况,及时采取措施缓解拥堵。
2. 智能监控:拥挤目标检测算法可以应用于城市中的摄像头监控系统,实时监测人流、车流等信息,为城市安全和治安管理提供有力的支持。
3. 城市规划:通过拥挤目标检测算法,城市规划部门可以分析交通拥堵的原因和影响,优化道路布局和交通规划。
三、发展方向拥挤目标检测算法在不断发展和改进中,未来的研究方向主要包括以下几个方面:1. 提高检测准确率:通过优化模型结构、增加训练数据和改进训练算法等方式,提高拥挤目标检测算法的准确率和鲁棒性。
基于多层特征嵌入的单目标跟踪算法1. 内容描述基于多层特征嵌入的单目标跟踪算法是一种在计算机视觉领域中广泛应用的跟踪技术。
1.1 研究背景随着计算机视觉和深度学习技术的快速发展,目标跟踪在许多领域(如安防、智能监控、自动驾驶等)中发挥着越来越重要的作用。
1.2 研究目的本研究旨在设计一种基于多层特征嵌入的单目标跟踪算法,以提高目标跟踪的准确性和鲁棒性。
摘 要
在竞争激烈的工业自动化生产过程中,机器视觉对产品质量的把关起着举足 轻重的作用,机器视觉在缺陷检测技术方面的应用也逐渐普遍起来。与常规的检 测技术相比,自动化的视觉检测系统更加经济、快捷、高效与 安全。纹理物体在 工业生产中广泛存在,像用于半导体装配和封装底板和发光二极管,现代 化电子 系统中的印制电路板,以及纺织行业中的布匹和织物等都可认为是含有纹理特征 的物体。本论文主要致力于纹理物体的缺陷检测技术研究,为纹理物体的自动化 检测提供高效而可靠的检测算法。 纹理是描述图像内容的重要特征,纹理分析也已经被成功的应用与纹理分割 和纹理分类当中。本研究提出了一种基于纹理分析技术和参考比较方式的缺陷检 测算法。这种算法能容忍物体变形引起的图像配准误差,对纹理的影响也具有鲁 棒性。本算法旨在为检测出的缺陷区域提供丰富而重要的物理意义,如缺陷区域 的大小、形状、亮度对比度及空间分布等。同时,在参考图像可行的情况下,本 算法可用于同质纹理物体和非同质纹理物体的检测,对非纹理物体 的检测也可取 得不错的效果。 在整个检测过程中,我们采用了可调控金字塔的纹理分析和重构技术。与传 统的小波纹理分析技术不同,我们在小波域中加入处理物体变形和纹理影响的容 忍度控制算法,来实现容忍物体变形和对纹理影响鲁棒的目的。最后可调控金字 塔的重构保证了缺陷区域物理意义恢复的准确性。实验阶段,我们检测了一系列 具有实际应用价值的图像。实验结果表明 本文提出的纹理物体缺陷检测算法具有 高效性和易于实现性。 关键字: 缺陷检测;纹理;物体变形;可调控金字塔;重构
Keywords: defect detection, texture, object distortion, steerable pyramid, reconstruction
1.1 深度学习在目标检测中的应用深度学习,尤其是卷积神经网络(CNN),在图像识别和处理领域取得了革命性的进展。
1.2 目标检测的挑战尽管基于深度学习的目标检测方法取得了显著的成果,但仍面临一些挑战:- 计算复杂性:深度学习模型通常需要大量的计算资源,这限制了它们在资源受限的设备上的部署。
- 实时性:在许多应用场景中,如视频监控、自动驾驶等,需要目标检测系统能够实时响应。
- 多尺度问题:目标在图像中可能出现在不同的尺度上,这要求检测系统能够处理不同大小的目标。
2.1 特征金字塔网络(FPN)特征金字塔网络(FPN)是一种流行的多尺度特征融合方法,它通过构建一个自顶向下的路径来融合不同尺度的特征。
用于目标检测的多头混合自注意力机制目录一、内容简述 (2)二、多头混合自注意力机制概述 (3)1. 自注意力机制简介 (4)2. 多头注意力机制 (5)3. 混合自注意力机制 (6)三、目标检测相关技术 (7)1. 传统目标检测方法 (8)2. 基于深度学习的目标检测方法 (9)3. 目标检测常用数据集与评价指标 (11)四、用于目标检测的多头混合自注意力机制 (11)1. 机制构建 (12)1.1 整体架构设计 (13)1.2 多头注意力模块设计 (14)1.3 混合自注意力模块设计 (15)2. 机制实现细节 (16)2.1 数据预处理与特征提取 (17)2.2 模型训练与优化方法 (19)2.3 模型评估与改进方向 (20)五、实验与分析 (22)1. 实验环境与数据集准备 (23)2. 实验方法与步骤介绍 (24)3. 实验结果分析讨论等总结性内容展示区按照您实验的详细步骤划分25一、内容简述随着深度学习技术的不断发展,目标检测作为计算机视觉领域的重要研究方向之一,受到了广泛的关注。
2021年1月25日第5卷第2期现代信息科技Modern Information TechnologyJan.2021 Vol.5 No.2702021.1收稿日期:2020-11-29基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(61 872230,61572311)基于时空卷积神经网络GL-GCN的交通流异常检测算法徐红飞,李婧(上海电力大学 计算机科学与技术学院,上海 200090)摘 要:交通流异常检测通常要考虑时间信息、空间信息等信息,这让交通流异常检测变得具有挑战性。
新提出的算法(GL-GCN )利用交通的时空数据,空间信息采用图卷积网络捕获,时间依赖性采用深度神经网络DeepGLO 的方法建模。
关键词:交通流;异常检测;深度神经网络;图卷积网络;时空特征中图分类号:TP39文献标识码:A文章编号:2096-4706(2021)02-0070-06Traffic Flow Anomaly Detection Algorithm Based on Spatiotemporal Convolution Neural Network GL-GCNXU Hongfei ,LI Jing(School of Computer Science and Technology ,Shanghai University of Electric Power ,Shanghai 200090,China )Abstract :Traffic flow anomaly detection usually considers time information ,spatial information and others ,which makestraffic flow anomaly detection challenging. This paper focuses on the non-recurrent traffic anomaly inspection caused by traffic accidents or short-term events. The new algorithm (GL-GCN )uses the spatiotemporal data of traffic ,the spatial information is captured by graph convolution network ,and the time dependence is modeled by DeepGLO neural network. This algorithm captures spatiotemporal characteristics at the same time and establishes the traffic flow prediction model ,and the traffic flow anomaly is judged by the anomaly score. The model is proved to be effective and superior by using the real traffic flow data.Keywords :traffic flow ;anomaly detection ;deep neural network ;graph convolutional network ;spatiotemporal characteristics0 引 言异常检测是数据挖掘的一个重要分支,是发现数据集中异常的现象,在金融、安全、医疗、执法等领域有着广泛的应用。
1. 数据预处理:在使用 MLP 提取空间特征之前,需要对输入数据进行预处理。
这可能包括对图像进行灰度变换、归一化、裁剪、翻转等操作,以便更好地适应 MLP 的输入要求。
2. 构建 MLP 模型:构建一个包含多个隐藏层的 MLP 模型。
3. 训练 MLP 模型:使用训练数据对 MLP 模型进行训练。
4. 特征提取:一旦 MLP 模型训练完成,可以将输入数据送入模型中进行特征提取。
5. 特征评估:为了评估提取的空间特征的质量,可以使用一些标准的评估指标,如准确率、召回率、F1 分数等。
此外,还可以将提取的特征与其他特征提取方法进行比较,以确定 MLP 方法的优势和劣势。
需要注意的是,MLP 提取空间特征的效果很大程度上取决于模型的结构、训练数据的质量以及模型的超参数设置等因素。
1. 下采样下采样是指将输入图像缩小到较小尺寸以提高计算效率。
具体来说,YOLOv5使用了深度可分离卷积(Depthwise Separable Convolution)来减少计算量。
同时,为了保持特征的丰富性,YOLOv5还采用了跨层连接(Skip Connection)的方式将不同层次的特征进行融合。
2. 上采样上采样是指将下采样后得到的特征图恢复到原始大小。
三、多尺度特征融合算法在YOLOv5中,多尺度特征融合算法主要包括两个模块:FPN (Feature Pyramid Network)和PAN(Path Aggregation Network)。
1. FPNFPN是一种常用的多尺度特征融合算法。
Outlier Detection for High Dimensional Data
多目标检测算法原理的应用1. 简介多目标检测算法是计算机视觉领域中的一项重要技术,它可以在图像或视频中同时检测出多个目标,并标注它们的位置和类别。
2. 常见的多目标检测算法目前,有许多不同的多目标检测算法被广泛应用于实际场景中。
以下是一些常见的多目标检测算法:•Faster R-CNN:Faster R-CNN 是一种先进的多目标检测算法,它采用了两阶段的检测流程。
首先,通过Region Proposal Network (RPN)生成候选框,然后使用候选框进行目标的分类和位置回归。
•YOLO:YOLO (You Only Look Once) 是一种基于单阶段的多目标检测算法。
•SSD:SSD (Single Shot MultiBox Detector) 是另一种常见的基于单阶段的多目标检测算法。
3. 多目标检测算法原理多目标检测算法的原理是通过图像处理和机器学习技术来实现的。
这些特征可以是局部特征、全局特征或混合特征,通常使用卷积神经网络 (CNN) 来提取高级特征。
这些候选框是可能包含目标的区域,可以使用滑动窗口或区域提议网络 (Region ProposalNetwork) 来生成。
1.基于显著图的红外图像显著轮廓提取方法研究 [J], 苏爱柳;徐贵力;蔡博;贾银亮;李开宇
2.基于空间分布特性和局部复杂度的显著目标检测算法 [J], 胡正平;孟鹏权
3.视频序列中基于多尺度时空局部方向角模式直方图映射的表情识别 [J], 付晓峰;付晓鹃;李建军;余正生
4.基于全局和局部特征融合的显著性提取方法 [J], 王红艳;高尚兵
5.基于局部层次化混合高斯模型的视频序列运动目标检测 [J], 王威;张鹏;高伟;王润生
使用的数据集包括Massachusetts Roads Dataset数据集和CVPR DeepGlobe 2018道路提取挑战赛数据集。
1.基于数字图像相关方法的含双裂纹复合材料薄板应力强度因子测量 [J], 郝文峰;原亚南;姚学锋;马寅佶
2.地面激光点云强度噪声的三维扩散滤波方法 [J], 张毅;闫利
3.一种基于中心投影的地面激光雷达反射强度图像的生成方法 [J], 胡春梅;李天烁
4.图像平滑在地面激光点云与影像融合中的应用 [J], 胡春梅;李天烁
5.双旁路耦合电弧GMAW熔池图像边缘提取算法 [J], 薛诚;石玗;樊丁;李卫东因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
【摘要】提出一种基于泊松图像融合的自监督缺陷检测方法,采用泊松图像融合对无标注的正常样本进行数据增强,生成多样化的、更贴近实际的模拟缺陷样本,解决缺陷样本数量少且不易标注的问题.结合缺陷样本的特征提出一种CANet网络,引入卷积注意力模块对编码器—解码器结构进行优化,防止采样过程中的信息丢失,并在网络末端添加掩码卷积层以提高输入数据的重建精度.在MV Tec数据集上进行实验,总体检测AUROC达到96.1%;通过与三种典型检测方法的比较,证明所提方法的有效性且具备较好的泛化性,能满足工业生产中不同种类产品的表面缺陷检测要求.
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Computational Statistics&Data Analysis44(2004)625–638/locate/csda Outlierdetection in the multiple clustersetting using the minimum covariance determinantestimatorJohanna Hardin a;∗,David M.Rocke ba Department of Mathematics,Pomona College,610N.College Ave.,Claremont,CA91711,USAb Center for Image Processing and Integrated Computing,University of California at Davis,USAReceived1January2002;received in revised form1August2002AbstractMahalanobis-type distances in which the shape matrix is derived from a consistent high-breakdown robust multivariate location and scale estimator can be used toÿnd outlying points. Hardin and Rocke(/∼dmrocke/preprints.html)developed a new method foridentifying outlier s in a one-clustersetting using an F distribution.We extend the method to the multiple cluster case which gives a robust clustering method in conjunction with an outlier identiÿcation method.We provide results of the F distribution method for multiple clusters which have di erent sizes and shapes.c 2002Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.Keywords:Minimum covariance determinant;Robust clustering;Outlier detection1.IntroductionGood methods for identifying clusters of well-separated uncontaminated groups of data have been available for many years.The process of clustering becomes more di cult,however,when the data include points which do not belong to any cluster. (Everitt,1993)Outlying points can skew the shape estimates of the clusters or distort optimization criterion which in turn can mask separation between clusters.A group of diabolically placed points can completely change the cluster arrangement under many clustering algorithms.∗Corresponding author.Fax:+909-607-8717.E-mail addresses:jo.hardin@(J.Hardin),dmrocke@(D.M.Rocke).0167-9473/$-see front matter c 2002Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.PII:S0167-9473(02)00280-3626J.Hardin,D.M.Rocke/Computational Statistics&Data Analysis44(2004)625–638 Robust clustering methods often give an accurate depiction of the underlying data format,but even so,they do not usually identify particular outlying points which may be of interest or importance in their own right.Along with robust clustering methods, it is important to have a complimentary outlier identiÿcation method.Various method for detecting outliers in the one cluster multiple dimensional set-ting have been studied(Atkinson,1994;Barnett and Lewis,1994;Gnanadesikan and Kettenring,1972;Hadi,1992;Hawkins,1980;Maronna and Yohai,1995;Penny,1995; Rocke and Woodru ,1996;Rousseeuw and VanZomeren,1990).One way to identify possible multivariate outliers is to calculate a distance from each point to a“center”of the data.An outlierwould then be a point with a distance lar gerthan some pr ede-termined value.A conventional measurement of quadratic distance from a point X to a location Y given a shape S,in the multivariate setting isd2S(X;Y)=(X−Y)T S−1(X−Y):This quadratic form is often called the Mahalanobis squared distance(MSD).In the clustering context,an outlier can be thought of as a point with a large MSD from the center of each and every one of the clusters.After a robust clustering algorithm is applied to the data,each of the clusters can be thought of as coming from a unique population,and outlieridentiÿcation methods can be used individually on each cluster. For data that come from one population,the distribution of the MSD with both the true location and shape parameters and the conventional location and shape parameters is well known(Gnanadesikan and Kettenring,1972).However,the conventional loca-tion and shape parameters are not robust to outliers,and the distributionalÿt breaks down when robust measures of location and shape are used in the MSD(Rousseeuw and VanZomeren,1990).Hardin and Rocke(2002)developed a distributionalÿt to Mahalanobis distances which uses a robust shape and location estimate,namely the minimum covariance determinant(MCD).Given n data points,the MCD of those data is the mean and covariance matrix based on the sample of size h(h6n)that minimizes the determinant of the covariance matrix (Rousseeuw,1984).MCD=( X∗J;S∗J);whereJ={set of h points:|S∗J|6|S∗K|∀sets K s:t:#|K|=h}where#|!|deÿnes the numberof elements in set!X∗J =1hi∈Jx iS∗J=1hi∈J(x i− X∗J)(x i− X∗J)tThe value h can be thought of as the minimum numberof points which must not be outlying.The MCD has its highest possible breakdown at h= (n+p+1)=2 where · is the greatest integer function(Rousseeuw and Leroy,1987;Lopuha a andJ.Hardin,D.M.Rocke/Computational Statistics&Data Analysis44(2004)625–638627 Rousseeuw,1991).We will use h= (n+p+1)=2 in ourcalculations and r efer to a sample of size h as a half sample.The MCD is computed from the“closest”half sample,and therefore,the outlying points will not skew the MCD location or shape estimates.The concept of the MCD can be modiÿed easily toÿt the multiple clustersetting.With a good initialization and a known numberof cluster s,g,the MCD can be found separately for each of the clusters.The size of each cluster is determined by the number of points which are closer to that cluster’s center than to any otherclustercenter.The sizes of the cluster s and the MCD samples will be n i and h i= (n i+p+1)=2 i=1;:::;g,respectively.Using the MCD estimates in the MSD leads to robust distances from each of the clustercenter s foreach of the data points.A datum which is outlying will have a large robust distance from each of the cluster centers.However,not every data set will give rise to an obvious separation between extreme points which belong to the data set (i.e.are not outliers)and those which do not(i.e.are outliers.)In order to distinguish between these two types of extrema,outliers can be identiÿed using the quantiles of an F distribution(Hardin and Rocke,2002)on a clusterby clusterbasis.An outlying point will be labeled as such only if it is outlying with respect to all of the clusters. Note that throughout this paper,the number of groups is assumed to beÿxed and known.This assumption is malleable in that additional small clusters will be ignored in the robust analysis,so they will not have an impact on estimating the g principal clusters.If an analyst is unsure of the number of populations present in the data,it is wise to try the analysis on a variety of values for the number of clusters.We will apply cuto values to multi-cluster,multivariate normal data given di erent values of g;n;p,and di erent arrangements and percentages of outlying points.2.Clustering methodsMany algorithms exist for clustering various types of data.These algorithms use data,multivariate or univariate,as input,and as output the algorithm gives each datum a classiÿcation into a particular group.Some algorithms require that the number of clusters be pre-speciÿed,and some algorithms allow for an unknown number of clusters. Those algorithms that do require as input a number of groups can be run multiple times with di er ent values forthe numberof gr oups.The usercan then choose the r esult that makes the most sense according to the problem or according to some statistical criterion.Finding an appropriate criterion may prove to be a hard problem.For the method we use,ÿnding the correct number of groups for a particular data set is beyond the scope of this work.Our methods are applicable to data with no known structure or a priori metric,so we restrict out work to partitioning clustering methods,and we disregard hierarchical clustering methods for the time being.These methods can be used toÿnd a bestÿt to a problem with a given number of groups.2.1.Robust optimization clusteringThe clustering method we used assumes only that the clusters are elliptical.(The outlier identiÿcation methods,however,are calibrated at the multivariate normal.)Since628J.Hardin,D.M.Rocke/Computational Statistics&Data Analysis44(2004)625–638the cluster shape is estimated from assigned points,it is required that p+1points be assigned to each of the main clusters.However,this method allows for unassigned points,so ther e could easily be allowed a clusterof points which is smallerthan p+1 included in the group of outlying points.A program,called CLUSTER,implementing this method is described in(Reiners and Woodru ,2001).3.Robust estimators in a cluster settingEstimating clusterlocation and shape,even when the clustermember ship is known,is a di cult problem if outliers are present(Rocke and Woodru ,1996).Since clustering methods need also to assign points to clusters as well as simultaneously estimate the cluster location and shape,the problem of cluster analysis in the presence of outliers is even more di cult.3.1.A ne equivariant estimatorsWe are particularly interested in a ne equivariant estimators of the data.A location estimator y n∈R p is a ne equivariant if and only if for any vector v∈R p and any nonsingular p×p matrix M,y n(M x+v)=My n(x)+v:A shape estimator S n∈PDS(p)(the set of p×p positive deÿnite symmetric matrices) is a ne equivariant if and only if for any vector v∈R p and any nonsingular p×p matrix M,S n(M x+v)=MS n(x)M T:Stretching or rotating the data will not change an a ne estimate of the data.If the location and shape estimates are a ne equivariant,the MSDs are a ne invariant, which means the shape of the data determines the distances between the points.The only other real alternative to a ne estimates is to make a prior assumption about the correct distance measure.It is important to have a ne equivariant estimators so that the measurement scale,location,and orientation can be ignored.Since MSDs are a ne invariant,the properties and procedures that use the MSD can be calculated without loss of generality for standardized distributions.For the properties under normality,we can use N(0,I).3.2.Minimum covariance determinantThe MCD location and shape estimates are used as robust estimates of the location and shape of the clusters.Points that are outliers with respect to a particular cluster will not be involved in the location and shape calculations of that cluster,and points that are outliers with respect to all clusters will not be involved in the calculations of any clusters.The di erence between the single population case and the multiple cluster case is that,in the latter,MCD samples need to be computed for each cluster.ThisJ.Hardin,D.M.Rocke /Computational Statistics &Data Analysis 44(2004)625–638629important di erence leads to a need for a good robust starting point in the clustering situation.3.3.Estimating the MCDThe exact MCD is impossible to ÿnd except in small samples ortr ivial cases.So,the algorithm used to estimate the MCD will be the estimator.The algorithm used in the multiple clustercase will be similarto the single population algor ithm (Hawkins,1999;Rousseeuw and VanDriessen,1999)with the exception that the start-ing point of the algorithm will no longer be a random sub-sample of the data.The reason that it is important to have a non-random starting point for robust clustering is that random starts often give rise to shapes that are more representative of the entire data metric than the individual cluster metrics.Even with random samples of only g ×(p +1)points (where g is the numberof cluster s and p is the dimension),it is highly unlikely that a random starting point would partition the points into their g clusters respectively.From a starting point which re ects the entire data metric,it is di cult to separate the points into the correct g clusters.For a robust start,we used the method of Reiners and Woodru (2001)discussed previously.The outlier detection methods described in this paper are not dependent on the particular robust clustering algorithm CLUSTER .Any robust initialization would presumably give similar results.Random starts could be used if a condition was added to prevent the clusters from converging to the large dataset shape.The core of the MCD estimation algorithm is as follows:•Let H 1be a subset of h points.•Find XH 1and S H 1.(If det(S H 1)=0then add points to the subset until det(S H 1)¿0.)•Compute the distances d 2S H 1(x i ; X H 1)=d 2H 1(i )and sort them for some permutationsuch that,d 2H 1( (1))6d 2H 1( (2))6···6d 2H 1( (n )):•H 2:={ (1); (2);:::; (h )}Foreach dataset,the complete pr ocedur e forcalculating the MCDs foreach clusterisas follows.1.Decide from how many populations the data came.e the program CLUSTER (or similar clustering algorithm)to ÿnd an initial robust clustering of the data.3.From the initial clustering,calculate the mean and covariance of each of the clusters.(Each point belongs to at most one cluster,use the points belonging to a particular clusterto calculate its mean and covar iance in the usual way.)4.Calculate the MSD to each cluster,based on the most recently calculated mean and covariance,for each point in the dataset.5.Assign each point to the clusterforwhich it has the smallest MSD,ther eby deter -mining a clustersize (n j )foreach clusterbased on the numberof points that ar e closest to that cluster.630J.Hardin,D.M.Rocke /Computational Statistics &Data Analysis 44(2004)625–6386.Foreach cluster ,choose a “half sample”(h j = (n j +p +1)=2 )of those points with the smallest MSDs from step 4.7.For each cluster,compute the mean and covariance of the current half sample.8.Repeat steps 4–7until the half sample no longerchanges.9.Report estimates.Foreach cluster ,the MCD sample will then be the ÿnal half sample (step 6).Foreach cluster(j ),a robust distance like d 2S ∗j (x i ; X ∗j ),where S ∗j and X ∗j are the MCDshape and location estimates forcluster j ,is likely to detect outliers because outlying points will not a ect the MCD shape and location estimates.Forpoints x i that areextreme,d 2S ∗j (x i ; X ∗j )will be large for all j ,and forpoints x i that are not extreme,d 2S ∗j(x i ; X ∗j )will not be large for a particular j .We note that this algorithm may not converge for clusters with signiÿcant overlap.In this case,a model based likelihood algorithm should be used with the identiÿed outliers classiÿed as noise (or removed)and an iteration step that includes the model based algorithm each time instead of simply the partitioning given by the distances.4.Distance distributions4.1.Single population distance distributionsMSDs give a one-dimensional measure of how far a point is from a location with respect to a ing MSDs we can ÿnd points that are unusually far away from a location and call those points outlying.Unfortunately,using robust estimates gives MSDs with unknown distributional properties.In Hardin and Rocke (2002),an approximate distributional result for MSDs based on location and shape derived from an MCD sample is given.Although the robustdistances are asymptotically 2p ,an F distribution ÿts the extreme points much more accurately across all sample sizes but especially in small samples.The distances based on the MCD metric can be expressed asc (m −p +1)pmd 2S ∗X (X i ; X∗)·∼F p;m −p +1;(4.1)where X∗and S ∗X are the location and shape estimates of the MCD sample,p is the dimension of the sample,and m and c are both parameters based on the size and shape of the MCD sample.The unknown parameters,m and c ,can be estimated in three ways:using simulations,using an asymptotic result,or using an adjustment to the asymptotic result.The simulation results are the most accurate but also the most time consuming.The parameter c can be estimated byc =P ( 2p +2¡ 2(p;h=n ))h=n;J.Hardin,D.M.Rocke/Computational Statistics&Data Analysis44(2004)625–638631 where 2 is a Chi-Square random variable with degrees of freedom,and 2 ; is the quantile fora 2 random variable(Croux and Haesbroeck,1999).We treat the extreme points as e ectively independent of the MCD estimates,since they have little orno e ect on the estimates themselves(Hardin and Rocke,2002).For m there exists an asymptotic expression that is good in large samples and only moderately accurate in small samples(Croux and Haesbroeck,1999).Forsmall sam-ples,an adjustment to the parameter is provided using a linear equation to estimate m more accurately.The following interpolation formula is used to modify the theoretical parameter value of the degrees of freedom(Hardin and Rocke,2002).m pred=m asy·e(0:725−0:00663p−0:0780ln(n));(4.2) where m pred is the predicted degrees of freedom from adjusting the asymptotic degrees of freedom,m asy,given by Croux and Haesbroeck(1999).Croux and Haesbroeck used in uence functions to determine an asymptotic expression for the variance elements of the MCD sample.Details are given in Appendix A.In this paperwe use only the theoretical and adjusted parameter estimates in the interest of computing time.The empirical results for m hold forclustersample sizes in the hundr eds.Forclustersample sizes in the thousands,the asymptotic value of m should be used.4.2.Multiple population distance distributionsUsing the same arguments from the single population setting in the cluster setting, an F distribution can be used to approximate distances which are large with respect to a cluster location and shape.However,in this setting there are new factors to consider such as how many points ar e in each clusterand whetherextr eme points simply belong to anothercluster.In the single clustercase,the sample size of the dataset is used in the F cuto calculation.Therefore,in the multiple cluster case,a sample size must be known or estimated for each cluster.The sample size also determines the“h”parameter used in the MCD calculation.The sizes from theÿnal MCD iteration(step5in Section3.3) will be used as the sizes of each of the clusters.The last MCD iteration also provides a robust location and shape for each cluster,these estimates are used to compute distances from each cluster.For a particular point,the distance from each cluster center will be found,and a point will be counted in the clusterforwhich its distance is the smallest.#in cluster j=n j=ni=1I(d2S∗j(X i; X∗j)6d2S∗k(X i; X∗k)∀k=1;:::;g groups);where X∗j and S∗j are the location and shape estimates of the MCD sample,and m j and c j are both parameters based on the size and shape of the MCD sample from the j th cluster.With these constructs in mind,the distances of interest are those associated with the clusterto which a point is closest.Let˜d i be the distance from point x i to the closest cluster.An outlying point,x i,will be one with˜d i greater than some cuto value.632J.Hardin,D.M.Rocke/Computational Statistics&Data Analysis44(2004)625–638 Consider g groups of multivariate normal data in dimension p,and let X ij∼N p( j; j)where i=observation and j=cluster.Let S j be an estimate of j such that,m j S j·∼Wishart p( j;m j).Forthe multiple clustercase,c j=P( 2p+2¡ 2p;hj=n j)h j=n jandc j(m j−p+1)pm j d2S∗j(X i; X∗j)·∼F p;mj−p+1:Distributional cuto results for distances based on the above type of clustered data with four di erent types of outlier arrangements:none,cluster,radial,and di use are given.5.ResultsOutliers can be identiÿed as points with robust distances that exceed some cuto value.The cuto s are computed from distributional quantiles of 2and F distributions. Becauseÿnding estimates for the parameters m and c by simulation is so computation-ally intensive,results are provided only for the F cuto with theoretical and adjusted estimates for m and forthe 2p cuto .To compare the accuracy of these three esti-mates,we ran experiments on clean multivariate normal data and also on contaminated multivariate normal data.The contamination was done in three ways:1.As a distinct clusterof outlier s.2.As radial outliers.3.As di use outliers generated using a covariance structure equal to the entire dataset. The Monte Carlo experiments were done at p=4;7;10with g=2;3forthe clean data and g=2forthe contaminated data.Let n p g be the size of the groups simulated fora par ticulardimension(p)and numberof gr oups(g).(In the interest of brevity, only results for the balanced case are reported.The unbalanced sample size results are equivalent to those reported for the equal sample sizes.)n42=300;300and200;400n43=300;300;300and200;300;400n72=500;500and300;700n73=500;500;500and300;500;700n102=500;500and300;700n103=500;500;500and300;500;700J.Hardin,D.M.Rocke/Computational Statistics&Data Analysis44(2004)625–638633 Table1Clean data(2and3clusters)2Clusters3ClustersBalanced Balanced 1%F40.630.64P70.810.82100.800.81 1%Adj F40.910.90P70.990.99100.96 1.00 1%Chisq421.6621.57P717.9417.881017.5917.30 Each entry represents the percent of simulated data that was misclassiÿed according to a speciÿed cuto and percentage.Theÿrst column reports data that come from two populations,and the second column reports data that come from three populations.Balanced refers to data that consist of equal sized clusters;results were similar for unbalanced clusters.These data were generated as clusters of multivariate normal data with no contamination.The analysis was done using the MCD estimates.Results were equivalent for cuto s at the5%and0.1%level.The cluster centers were separated by a distance of2D where D=2p;:99=p.The value2p;:99is the asymptotic radius of a99%containment ellipsoid around a cluster of standard normal data.By separating the clusters at a distance of2D,we have clusters that do not overlap with high probability.In a clustersituation the size of the entir e dataset is known,but the size of the individual clusters in not known.Therefore,the clustering algorithm must be applied before outliers can be identiÿed.In the clustering algorithm n j,the numberof points belonging to cluster j,is determined.From n j we apply the theoretical formulas given for m j and c j,and we calculate the adjustment for m j.The cuto values for5%,1% and0.1%rejection are calculated for F p;mj−p+1(with both variants of m)and 2p. 5.1.Clean dataForeach combination of size,dimension,and numberof cluster s100sets of inde-pendent data were simulated,and the number of points the cuto s identiÿed as outlying was counted.(The numberof independent data sets is small due to the computational intensity of the initial clustering algorithm.)The tabulated results in Table1report the percentage of data identiÿed as outlying foreach nominal level at p=4;7;10and clustersizes as mentioned above.The F cuto results are much closer to the target signiÿcance level than the 2p cuto s,and the adjusted cuto is the most accurate.Also,because the cluster sizes are relatively large,the asymptotic F cuto is only slightly conservative.634J.Hardin,D.M.Rocke /Computational Statistics &Data Analysis 44(2004)625–6385.2.Contaminated dataThree methods were employed to generate outliers in each dataset,and both type I (i.e.“masked”data)and type II (i.e.“swamped”data)errors were measured.The type II error measures what percentage of true outlying points would be identiÿed as non-outlying.The type I error measures the percentage of points which were generated underthe null hypothesis that wer e not allocated to a clusterunderthe identiÿcation method.The outliers which were generated as a separate cluster were placed along the axis that was used to separate the clean clusters at the same distance the clean clusters were separated.E.g.cluster 1is distributed N (0;I ),cluster2was distr ibuted N (2D;I ),andthe cluster of outliers was distributed N (4D;I ).(Where D = 2p;:99=p ).The radial outliers were generated with the same center as their respective clean clusters but with a covariance of 5times the cluster’s covariance.We are interested in points that are truly outlying so that we can calculate the type II error of our method,but some points that are generated with a large covariance matrix may still be close to the cluster’s center.In dimension 4,38%of points generated with N (0;5I )will bewithin the 24;:99bound of a N (0;I )ing an acceptance-rejection algorithm,each outlying radial point that was generated was accepted if and only if it was outside the ellipse of clean data.The outliers were constructed to form an annulus around theclean data such that the average squared distance of an outlying point was 2 2p;:99away from the center of the clean data.By creating an annulus of outliers,we can correctly measure our type II error as those outlying points that get clustered.The di use outliers were generated using the location and shape of the entire dataset.Again,we are only interested in points that are truly outlying,so we use the same acceptance-rejection algorithm to reject points that fall among the clusters of good data.In dimension 4,n 42=300;300,82.7%of the disperse points would have fallen within 24;:99of one of the two clusters.The numberof outlier s simulated foreach combination of size and dimension was constructed relative to the smallest cluster.For dimension 4,n 42=200;400,if the numberof outlier s is 20%of the lar gercluster(80points),it would be di cult to distinguish between the good clusterof 200points and the bad clusterof 80points.So,the percentage of outliers of each pair of size and dimension is relative to the smaller of the two cluster s.Foreach dimension,size,and outliertype we simulated outlier s of size 20%of the smallest cluster.(In preliminary work di erent outlier percentages were tried and results were virtually identical.)Foreach combination of size,dimension,and type of outlier s,100sets of indepen-dent data were simulated,and the number of points the asymptotic F ,the adjusted F ,and the 2cuto s identiÿed as outlying was counted.5.2.1.Cluster outliersTable 2gives the results for both type I and type II errors for contaminated data.These simulations were done with two di erent cluster conÿgurations,but the total sample size of the clean data stayed constant across dimension (600total clean pointsJ.Hardin,D.M.Rocke/Computational Statistics&Data Analysis44(2004)625–638635 Table2Contaminated data(2clusters)Type I Error Type II ErrorClusterRadial Di use ClusterRadial Di use 1%F40.420.370.371%F40.17 1.730.32 P70.570.470.51P70.000.060.00 100.530.480.49100.000.000.00 1%Adj F40.600.540.521%Adj F40.12 1.430.10 P70.680.560.61P70.000.060.00 100.640.570.60100.000.000.00 1%Chisq418.0318.0217.591%Chisq40.000.120.00 P715.0214.7214.53P70.000.000.00 1014.3914.3114.20100.000.000.00 Each entry represents the percent of simulated data that was misclassiÿed according to a speciÿed cuto and percentage.Theÿrst column of tables reports the type I error for the procedure,and the second column reports the type II error.Cluster refers to data that was contaminated by generating clusters of multivariate normal data with a cluster of contamination of size20%of the smallest clean cluster.Radial refers to data that was contaminated by generating radial outliers of size20%of the smallest clean cluster.Di use refers to data that was contaminated by generating di use outliers of size20%of the smallest clean cluster.The analysis was done using the MCD estimates.Results were equivalent for cuto s at the5%and0.1%level.in dimension4and1000total clean points in dimensions7and10.)The theoretical F cuto is a little conservative,but it is an improvement over the 2cuto .Also,the adjusted F cuto o ers a slight improvement over the theoretical F.For type II error, there is virtually no clustering of the outlying points.5.2.2.Radial outliersLike the clusteroutlier s,the total sample size of the clean data stayed constant across dimension,and the outliers were always generated as20%of the smallest cluster size.We see again that the theoretical F is an improvement over the 2which is far too liberal at identifying outliers.Also,again the adjusted F cuto o ers a slight improvement over the theoretical F both in terms of type I and type II error.There is more type II error with the radial outliers,but the amount is negligible except for dimension4with an extreme cuto (0.1%or less.)5.2.3.Di use outliersThe results for di use outliers are similar to those for radial outliers.Once again, the theoretical F cuto gives an improved but conservative bound for the type I error while the adjusted F gives the best results for type I error and improved results over the theoretical F for type II error.The type II error is seen as a problem again only in dimension4with extreme cuto s(0.1%or less.)。