英语词汇量测试试题及答案Level 11.sure A.治疗 B.确信的 C.纯粹的 D.诱惑力 E.不理解2.feather A.两者都不 B.天气 C.皮革 D.羽毛 E.不理解3.poor A.贫穷的 B.门 C.地板 D.粗野的人 E.不理解4.housework A.建房 B.工地 C.家务活 D.家庭作业 E.不理解5.bread A.面包 B.面条 C.水果 D.甜点 E.不理解6.sugar A.糖 B.醋 C.雪茄烟 D.饥饿 E.不理解7.onto A.到…之上 B.到…里 C.此外 D.依然 E.不理解8.manager A.饲料槽 B.乘客 C.邮递员 D.负责人 E.不理解9.unit A.点 B.直到…才 C.单位 D.套装 E.不理解10.ignore A.打鼾 B.忽视 C.点燃 D.可耻的 E.不理解Level 211.financial A.最终的 B.财政的 C.结束 D.有限的 E.不理解12.immigrant A.移民 B.流动的 C.不流动的 D.留鸟 E.不理解13.roller A.酿酒厂 B.角色 C.冷却器 D.压路机 E.不理解14.ambition A.环境 B.救护车 C.雄心 D.歧义的 E.不理解15.hydrogen A.氦 B.氧 C.氢 D.氯 E.不理解16.pine A.松树 B.葡萄酒 C.矿坑 D.进餐 E.不理解17.surplus A.此外 B.超级的 C.惊喜的 D.剩余 E.不理解18.fireman A.失业者 B.消防员 C.狙击手 D.纵火犯 E.不理解19.outset A.摆放 B.外接装置 C.开始 D.安置 E.不理解20.confusion A.迷惑 B.传播 C.灌输 D.大量 E.不理解Level 321.reliance A.义务 B.信赖 C.宽慰 D.遗迹 E.不理解22.collide A.碰撞 B.巧合 C.滑行 D.滑翔 E.不理解23.sniff A.僵直的 B.东西 C.全体员工 D.嗅…味道 E.不理解24.shaft A.工艺 B.草稿 C.箭杆 D.气味 E.不理解25.cordial A.走廊 B.珊瑚 C.心脏的 D.真挚的 E.不理解26.foul A.灵魂 B.污*的 C.折叠 D.高尚的 E.不理解27.idiot A.笨蛋 B.习语 C.闲混 D.偶像 E.不理解28.inertia A.内部的 B.无活力 C.妨碍 D.间隔 E.不理解29.stall A.安装 B.闲逛 C.凳子 D.畜栏 E.不理解30.prone A.有倾向的 B.促动 C.宣布 D.敏捷的 E.不理解31.shabby A.阴暗的 B.松弛的 C.褴褛的 D.贪婪的 E.不理解32.exotic A.异国风味的 B.色情的 C.神经病的 D.外因的 E.不理解33.cumulative A.刺激性 B.同化 C.清晰的 D.累积的 E.不理解34.corpse A.庄稼 B.汇编 C.尸体 D.兵团 E.不理解35.bishop A.平台 B.主教 C.鱼竿 D.商店 E.不理解Level 436.explicit A.剥削的 B.驱逐的 C.明确的 D.附加的 E.不理解37.dynamite A.动力的 B.炸药 C.氢弹 D.王朝 E.不理解38.idealist A.理想主义者 B.现实主义者 C.唯物论者 D.虚无主义者 E.不理解39.benevolent A.青少年 B.低下的 C.无知的 D.慈善的 E.不理解40.downfall A.落后 B.垮台 C.谷底 D.市中心 E.不理解41.extinct A.卓越的 B.不同的 C.明显的 D.灭绝的 E.不理解42.reptile A.两栖动物 B.爬行动物 C.哺乳动物 D.脊椎动物 E.不理解43.canteen A.食堂 B.瓦罐 C.糖果 D.腌制 E.不理解44.hiker A.劫机犯 B.绑架者 C.徒步旅行者 D.登山者 E.不理解45.fragile A.易碎的 B.易怒的 C.坦诚的 D.狂乱的 E.不理解46.indefensible A.固若金汤的 B.不可原谅的 C.攻无不克的 D.胸怀坦荡的 E.不理解47.lime A.石灰 B.四肢 C.羔羊 D.羊肉 E.不理解48.adventurous A.广告的 B.新兴的 C.喜欢冒险的 D.原创的 E.不理解49.drumstick A.鼓槌 B.指挥棒 C.支架 D.杠杆 E.不理解50.sway A.席卷 B.摇晃 C.膨胀 D.打旋 E.不理解51.respectful A.受人尊敬的 B.表示尊敬的 C.各自的 D.回顾的E.不理解52.alphabetical A.按年代顺序 B.断代的 C.逆序的 D.按字母顺序 E.不理解53.scalar A.标量 B.矢量 C.位图 D.矢量图 E.不理解54.ruthless A.违法的 B.残忍的 C.虚幻的 D.混乱的 E.不理解55.paraphrase A.释义 B.比较 C.空头 D.跳伞 E.不理解Level 556.ballast A.爆炸 B.虚夸 C.导火索 D.压舱物 E.不理解57.corroborate A.搭配 B.合作 C.证实 D.详细说明 E.不理解58.scatterbrain A.失忆的人 B.脑残的人 C.脑力激荡 D.注意力不集中的人 E.不理解59.halter A.缰绳 B.制动装置 C.离合器 D.马蹄铁 E.不理解60.heinous A.不合理的 B.令人发指的 C.可笑的 D.荒谬的 E.不理解61.rearmament A.援军 B.解除武装 C.重置装备 D.后备力量 E.不理解62.trek A.艰辛的路程 B.轨道 C.踪迹 D.路线 E.不理解63.rasp A.竖琴 B.匆忙 C.粗锉刀 D.皮疹 E.不理解64.barrister A.律师 B.障碍 C.美发师 D.炮药桶 E.不理解65.testator A.测试人员 B.见证人 C.品酒师 D.立遗嘱的人 E.不理解66.sappendicitis A.糖尿病 B.阑尾炎 C.附录 D.肺炎 E.不理解67.quixotic A.顽固的 B.不实际的 C.愚忠的 D.势利的 E.不理解68.maniac A.疯狂的 B.冷静的 C.残忍的 D.忧郁的 E.不理解69.transposition A.运输 B.位置互换 C.传播 D.传染 E.不理解70.stamina A.疯狂 B.绝望 C.苦难 D.耐力 E.不理解71.woe A.誓言 B.悲哀 C.愤怒 D.哭泣 E.不理解72.prod A.调查 B.序言 C.有倾向的 D.戳、刺 E.不理解73.arrears A.贫欠款 B.后方 C.空地 D.面积 E.不理解74.forefront A.最前方 B.额头 C.前足 D.前景 E.不理解75.malign A.雄性的 B.高大的 C.有害的 D.无知的 E.不理解Level 676.tauten A.淘气 B.拉紧 C.唆使 D.奚落 E.不理解77.athletics A.抽象艺术 B.神学 C.美学 D.体育运动 E.不理解78.volubility A.自愿 B.环绕 C.喋喋不休 D.旋转 E.不理解79.fosse A.苔藓 B.护城河 C.浮渣 D.总的 E.不理解80.decorticate A.装饰 B.煎药 C.漂泊 D.剥皮 E.不理解81.permissive A.纵容的 B.迷失的 C.思念的 D.长久的 E.不理解82.crochet A.蟋蟀 B.蚂蚱 C.钩针编制 D.螳螂 E.不理解83.purblind A.漩涡的 B.愚钝的 C.流动的 D.默默的 E.不理解84.remonstrance A.* B.回忆 C.传奇 D.汇款 E.不理解85.decrepit A.堕落的 B.收到 C.欺骗 D.破旧的 E.不理解86.outmaneuver A.失控 B.以计谋胜过 C.操作失误 D.退出 E.不理解87.tepefy A.使微热 B.为…典型 C.磁化 D.使钝化 E.不理解88.apocrypha A.佛典 B.箴言 C.伪经 D.咒语 E.不理解89.ringlet A.耳环 B.卷发 C.耳坠 D.耳垂儿 E.不理解90.disinclined A.不屈的 B.执着的 C.虚伪的 D.不情愿的 E.不理解hermost A.恒温的 B.最下面的 C.热固性 D.冷血的 E.不理解92.sibilant A.姐妹的 B.四肢的 C.齐名的 D.发滋滋声的 E.不理解93.sheathe A.讲…差入鞘 B.犀牛皮 C.坚固的 D.坏死的 E.不理解94.eugenic A.优生的 B.遗传的 C.引起过敏的 D.卤素的 E.不理解95.lien A.外星的 B.扣押权 C.亚麻布 D.逗留 E.不理解96.invective A.无礼 B.忤逆 C.刺激 D.咒骂 E.不理解97.liberated A.手工的 B.危险的 C.放纵的 D.上方的 E.不理解98.precipitation A.沉淀物 B.预期 C.预防 D.占据 E.不理解99.innovation A.原始的 B.主动的 C.革新的 D.刺激性的 E.不理解100.wrack A.残骸 B.没用的人 C.愤怒的 D.海藻 E.不理解答案Keys:001—010 B D A C A A A D C B011—020 B A D C C A D B C A021—030 B A D C D B A B D A 031—040 C A D C B C B A D B 041—050 D B A C A B A C A B 051—060 B D A A A D C D A B 061—070 C A C A D B B A B D 071—080 B D A A C B D C B D 081—090 A C B A D B A C B D 091—100 B D A A B D C A C D。
词汇习题100 及答案
1. The curtain have _____ because of the strong sunlight.A. fadedB. dulledC. faintedD. weakened2. We need an umbrella on the beach to give us some ______ at midday.A shedB shadeC shadowD darkness3. Business picked up in the stores during December, but ______ again after Christmas.A dropped outB dropped onC dropped uponD dropped off4. He’s suffered from cancer for many years; it is so strange that he has _____ to the present day.A deprivedB survivedC derivedD revived5. The company has the ______ right to print Mr. Dare’s books.A virtualB exclusiveC overallD flexible6. Since the matter was extremely ______, we dealt with it immediately.A toughB tenseC urgentD instant7. Although they plant trees in this area every year, the tops of some hills are still ______.A bareB vacantC blankD hollow8. It took the man several months to ______ the wide horse.A tendB cultivateC tameD breed9. The ratio of the work done by the machine ______ the work done on it is called the efficiency of the machine.A againstB withC toD for10. The young man doesn’t know what to ______ at the university; he can’t make up his mind about his future.A take overB take afterC take inD take up11. Tom looked very much _____ when he was caught cheating in the exam on the spot.A encouragedB embarrassedC disappointedD excited12. It is impossible to ______ the number of people in China who have acquired an adequate knowledge of English.A estimateB judgeC checkD decide13. If you _____ your children well, you will be proud of them.A grow upB bring upC get upD take up14. I love boiled beef and potatoes; it’s my ______ meal.A fondB popularC favoriteD private15 Free medical treatment in this country covers sickness of mind as well as _____ sickness.A normalB ordinaryC averageD regular16. I know you think I’m talking nonsense, but _____ you will realize I am right.A at one timeB in timeC at timesD on time17. Here are comments about the behavior that people in Japan usually expect on various _____.A occasionsB casesC timesD circumstances18. We didn’t catch the train on _____ of the traffic jam.A basisB chargeC accountD behalf19. The flight was postponed because of technical problems and was finally cancelled last week when a ______was discovered.A defectB defeatC defenderD defence20. The government is to send a delegation to _____ the matter.A look intoB look forward toC look downD look in21. They don’t want to be told that certain jobs or offices are _____ to them just because they are woman.A openedB openC closedD close22. ______ a fire, hotel guests will be asked to remain calm.A As a result ofB In the event ofC In the honor ofD By means of23. The price of beer _____ from 50 cents to $4 per liter during the summer season.A alteredB separatedC rangedD differed24. The manager asked if it was possible for him to ______ the investment plan within a week.A work outB put outC make outD set out25. I’m very sorry to have ______ you with so many questions on such an occasion.A interferedB impressedC offendedD bothered26. From the passage we can _____ that this kind of disease can be cured.A insultB inspireC refuseD infer27. It is believed that ______ spending will certainly lead to the bankrupt.A naturalB mysteriousC publicD excessive28. The team ______ twenty young people who were carefully chose for the work.A faces up toB get acrossC gives rise toD consists of29. I can _____ some noise while I’m studying, but I can’t stand loud noise.A come up withB catch up withC put up withD keep up with30. According to the ______ of the contract, employees must give six months’ notice if they intend to leave.A lawsB rulesC termsD details31. I don’t believe that ridiculous scheme is ______ of our serious consideration.A worthlessB worthwhileC worthyD worth32. This article ______ more attention to the problem of cultural interference in foreign language teaching and learning.A calls ofB calls upC calls inD calls for33. Our family can’t afford to buy a piano, ______ the piano lessons.A let aloneB let inC let onD let off34. When she was busy tiding the room, her little kid is always _____.A under wayB on the wayC in the wayD by the way35. His failure to pay the debts ______ the suspicion that he was not to be trusted.A concernsB confessesC confusesD confirms36. What was their _____ to the proposal that a dam be built at the foot of the mountain.A. remark B reaction C comment D opinion37. If a scene is likely to be offensive to the average person, then you may shorten or ______ that scene.A decreaseB deleteC repayD darken38. I had a terrible dream last night. I dreamed that I was running after something I wanted, but it was always beyond my _______.A reachB excessC controlD favor39. It is not that I mean to find _____ with you, but that you’ve really made a serious mistake.A weaknessB mistakeC errorD fault40. So _______ is the weather in England that by lunchtime there could be thunder and lighting.A variousB variesC variableD variation41. “ Sorry , there are no tickets _____ for tomorrow’s performance. ” the ticket officer said.A preferableB considerableC favorableD available42. A lot of people were ready to work long hours because high unemployment meant that they could easily be ______.A separatedB appointedC transferredD replaced43. Researchers are discovering that music can help healing sorrows in a ______of ways.A varietyB wonderC typeD thousand44. Did you notice the _______on the man’s face when he heard that Kino had found the pearl of the world.A appearanceB expressionC descriptionD outlook45. Those who support the nature side of the conflict believe that our ____ and behavior patterns are largely determined by biological factors.A . personalities B. characteristics C. abilities D. qualifications46. The pupils are told that they can ______ success if they work really hard.A getB achieveC gainD acquire47. Last night, the electric lamps went out so we had to _____ candles to light the room.A lead toB contribute toC amount toD resort to48. He knows nothing about the car accident; it happened ______ to his arrival.A cautiousB curiousC previousD conscious49. You did not say that you were present, but words ______ that you were.A appliedB impliedC repliedD complied50. Internet marketing activities have _____ strategies to pull customers into sites.A figured outB let aloneC approved ofD focused on51. He’s something bad-tempered, but he’s a good fellow _____ .A in heartB out of heartC at heartD by heart52. People were not satisfied with the airport because the plane arrived one hour behind _____.A timeB planC dateD schedule53. The government completed the programs _____ great expense.A inB atC ofD with54. A written word is a sign of a certain sound and that sound is _____ the sign of an idea.A in turnB in detailC in caseD in particular55. After years of hard work, researchers have discovered a new ____ to cancer treatment.A approachB methodC channelD route56. The actual cost of the building was much higher than our original _____.A considerationB judgementC estimateD decision57. When we think of communication, we ______ think of using words, talking face to face, writing messages and so on.A shortlyB namelyC vainlyD normally58. Let’s ______ the minor issues for the time being and concentrate on the important ones.A neglectB ignoreC finishD eliminate59. He can always _____ excellent proposal to help the company make profit.A come up withB come uponC come up toD come out60. If these are unavailable, there are many useful study-skills guides which ____ learners to practice these skills independently.A enableB stimulateC advocateD repeat61. Mobile phones have proved to ______ with flight instruments and have a negative effect on flight safety.A interfereB disturbC interruptD trouble62. In fact, the desire to improve one’s material life is an absolutely necessary key to _____ and social development.A economicalB economyC economicD economics63. ______ great efforts, we failed too carry out the plan through.A In spite ofB Now thatC WithD But for64. The student obviously had no _____ of doing any work that day, although it was only a week before the CET-4.A willingnessB ambitionC desireD intention65. With the gradual improvement of transportation and communication, farmers have now had easier _____ to cities and towns.A accessB reachC contactD touch66. We are lucky enough to have ______ supplies to last through the winner.A ancientB efficientC sufficientD proficient67. ______ the immediate danger of war, there will be an extraordinary meeting of Parliament.A Thanks toB Owning toC As toD Resort to68. There are no specific rules concerning eye behavior except that it is considered rude to ______ especially at strangers.A stareB lookC glanceD glimpse69. Yesterday I met an old friend of mine _____, which was really a pleasant surprise.A by means ofB by the wayC by chanceD by and large70. Low pay and poor housing conditions cause great ______ among the intellectuals in the city.A disapprovalB disgraceC distrustD dissatisfaction71. A survey released last week has suggested that air pollution poses a threat to the continued _____ of the race species.A existenceB presenceC absenceD reference72. I must _____ to you that my delay in answering your letter is due mainly to laziness.A regretB apologizeC confessD complain73. The Great Wall is a great tourist ______ drawing millions of visitors every year.A attentionB attractionC appointmentD arrangement74. “You will have an accident unless you slow down,” his wife ______ him, but he did not listen.A warnedB blamedC informedD relieved75. We were deeply impressed by their important _____ to the success of the project.A. work B .determination C .improvement D. contribution.76. Using cable internet services for the first time can be a breathtaking experience. Images and text______ before your eyes instantly.A flashB flameC fleshD fresh77. George had difficulty swimming across the lake, but he finally succeeded on his fourth______.A attemptB processC displayD instance78. The old man choose a card _______ from the deck(一副纸牌)。
词汇学试题及答案一、选择题(每题1分,共10分)1. 下列哪个词属于多义词?A. 桌子B. 苹果C. 跑D. 书2. 词汇的最小单位是:A. 词B. 语素C. 词组D. 句子3. 词汇的同义关系指的是:A. 词与词之间意义相同或相近B. 词与词之间意义相反C. 词与词之间意义无关D. 词与词之间意义有联系但不相同4. “绿色”一词在“绿色食品”中属于:A. 颜色词B. 形容词C. 抽象名词D. 专有名词5. “网络”一词在现代汉语中属于:A. 古汉语词汇B. 外来词C. 新词D. 专业术语6. 下列哪个词属于反义词?A. 快-慢B. 男-女C. 长-短D. 老-少7. 词汇的构成方式不包括:A. 合成B. 派生C. 借用D. 音译8. “美丽”一词的词性是:A. 名词B. 动词C. 形容词D. 副词9. “电脑”一词的构词方式是:A. 合成B. 派生C. 借用D. 音译10. 下列哪个词属于外来词?A. 电视B. 电话C. 网络D. 汽车二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)11. 词汇学是研究语言中________的学科。
12. 词义的演变通常包括词义的________、________和________。
13. 词义的________是指词义在特定语境下临时改变的现象。
14. 词汇的________是指词义的扩大,能够涵盖更多的事物或现象。
15. 词汇的________是指词义的缩小,只能指特定的事物或现象。
三、简答题(每题5分,共10分)16. 简述词汇的构成方式有哪些?17. 简述词义演变的类型。
四、论述题(每题15分,共30分)18. 论述词汇学在语言教学中的重要性。
19. 论述词汇的同义关系和反义关系在语言表达中的作用。
五、案例分析题(共40分)20. 请分析“手机”一词的词义演变过程,并讨论其对现代汉语词汇发展的影响。
(20分)21. 以“环保”为例,分析词汇的派生构成方式及其在现代社会中的应用。
3-18岁纯英式素养教化领航者:纯英式资深外教,纯英式国际领先教材,纯英式学习环境!优尼全能英语:高考英语词汇练习题及参考答案1. Motorists _____ of speeding may be banned from driving for a year.A. convictedB. arrestedC. chargedD. judged[答案] A. convicted.[注释]be convicted to 被判有...... (罪) :He was convicted of murder. (他被法院判有谋杀罪。
)2. The reason why he adapted to the new situations quickly is that he has a _____ attitude.A. changeableB. alternateC. movableD. flexible[答案] D. flexible.[注释] flexible 敏捷的, 可变通的; We need a foreign policy that is more flexible.3. Will all those _____ the proposal raise their hands?A. in relation toB. in excess ofC. in contrast toD. in favor of[答案] D. in favor of.[注释] in favor of 赞成。
in excess of 超过。
in relation to 关系到。
in contrast to 与......相比照。
例如:1) Everyone in the class voted in favor of the party. (=All of the children voted to have a party.)2) We got $5000 in excess of the fixed sum. (我们盯定额多收入5000美元。
文档来源为:从网络收集整理.word 版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持.词汇(一)(一)一、填空题一、填空题1.词汇是语言的.词汇是语言的______________________________________________________,是,是,是__________________________________________________________________________________________的总汇。
高三英语词汇运用练习题及答案一、选择题1. He was so hungry that he ______ the whole plate of noodles.A. finishedB. finishesC. will finishD. has finished【答案】A2. The weather report says it ______ rain tomorrow.A. is going toB. willC. wouldD. has to【答案】B3. Can you tell me ______ at the bus stop?A. how many people are thereB. how many people there areC. there are how many peopleD. there are people how many【答案】A4. Tom isn't very good at English, but his sister is ______ him.A. as well asB. as good asC. as better asD. as bad as【答案】B5. I have ______ neighbors. They always help me when I'm in trouble.A. luckyB. happyC. carefulD. kind【答案】D二、填空题6. I can't find my keys ______.【答案】anywhere7. We had a great time ______ the concert last night.【答案】at8. You should ______ the instructions before you use the machine.【答案】read9. Mary will go to the supermarket ______ some vegetables for dinner.【答案】to buy10. The doctor asked the patient ______.【答案】how he was feeling三、改错题11. We should take the necessary measure to protect the environment.【答案】measures12. I prefer tea than coffee in the morning.【答案】to13. What’s the time on your watch?【答案】is14. Many people think that learning English is very important in today’s world.【答案】the15. She is not only a good teacher but also a good mother.【答案】and四、配对题16. Match the phrases with their correct meanings.A. break up 1. to end a relationshipB. make up 2. to reconcile after an argumentC. turn up 3. to arrive unexpectedlyD. look up 4. to search for information【答案】A-1, B-2, C-3, D-417. Match the words with their correct synonyms.A. generous 1. angryB. furious 2. kindC. upset 3. worriedD. anxious 4. giving【答案】A-4, B-1, C-2, D-3五、句子翻译题18. 尽管困难重重,但他们终于取得了胜利。
试题一:选择合适的单词填空1. My sister has a pet ____(cat/dog) named Lucy.2. The students are ______(study/sleeping) in the classroom.3. We need a ______(large/small) umbrella when it rains.4. The ____ (sun/moon) shines brightly during the day.5. It's important to ____ (listen/talk) carefully in class.答案:1. dog2. studying3. large4. sun5. listen试题二:选择正确的词义1. What is the ______ (color/taste) of grass? - Green.2. A ______ (cake/snake) is a long, legless reptile.3. We eat with a ______ (fork/spoon).4. The _____ (ocean/desert) is full of water.5. The _____ (bird/boat) can fly in the sky.答案:1. color2. snake3. fork4. ocean5. bird试题三:根据图片选择正确的单词1. ![image](image1.jpg)a. catb. dogc. monkeyd. bird2. ![image](image2.jpg)a. appleb. bananac. oranged. strawberry3. ![image](image3.jpg)a. carb. bicyclec. busd. train答案:1. b. dog2. c. orange3. c. bus试题四:填入适当的词汇完成句子1. I ____ (play) football every Saturday.2. My father ____ (drive) to work every day.3. We usually ____ (have) lunch at 12 o'clock.4. She _____ (read) a book in the library.5. They _______ (watch) a movie last night.答案:1. play2. drives3. have4. is reading5. watched结论:通过完成以上的小学生英语词汇试题,小学生们可以巩固并扩展他们的英语词汇量。
小学生英语词汇选择题200道及答案(完整版)1. “Apple”的中文意思是:()A. 香蕉B. 苹果C. 橙子答案:B2. “Cat”是什么意思?()A. 狗B. 猫C. 兔子答案:B3. “Book”指的是:()A. 书包B. 书C. 铅笔答案:B4. “Bird”的意思是:()A. 鸟B. 鸡C. 鸭答案:A5. “Car”的中文是:()A. 自行车B. 公共汽车C. 小汽车答案:C6. “Desk”表示:()A. 椅子B. 桌子C. 床答案:B7. “Dog”是:()A. 猫B. 猪C. 狗答案:C8. “Flower”的意思是:()A. 树B. 草C. 花答案:C9. “House”是什么?()A. 房子B. 学校C. 商店答案:A10. “Juice”是:()A. 水B. 果汁C. 牛奶答案:B11. “Kite”的意思是:()A. 气球B. 风筝C. 飞机答案:B12. “Lion”是指:()A. 老虎B. 狮子C. 大象答案:B13. “Moon”的中文意思是:()A. 太阳B. 星星C. 月亮答案:C14. “Nose”是什么?()A. 眼睛B. 耳朵C. 鼻子答案:C15. “Orange”是:()A. 香蕉B. 橘子C. 草莓答案:B16. “Pencil”指的是:()A. 钢笔B. 铅笔C. 尺子答案:B17. “Queen”的意思是:()A. 国王B. 王后C. 公主答案:B18. “Rabbit”是什么动物?()A. 兔子B. 猴子C. 老鼠答案:A19. “School”的意思是:()A. 家B. 学校C. 公园答案:B20. “Tree”指的是:()A. 花B. 草C. 树答案:C21. “Umbrella”是什么?()A. 雨伞B. 帽子C. 手套答案:A22. “Van”的意思是:()A. 小汽车B. 货车C. 自行车答案:B23. “Water”是:()A. 果汁B. 水C. 茶答案:B24. “X-ray”是什么意思?()A. X 光B. 射线C. 激光答案:A25. “Yellow”的意思是:()A. 红色B. 黄色C. 蓝色答案:B26. “Zoo”指的是:()A. 花园B. 动物园C. 农场答案:B27. “Bag”是什么?()A. 书包B. 盒子C. 袋子答案:A28. “Chair”的意思是:()A. 桌子B. 椅子C. 床答案:B29. “Egg”是:()A. 鸡蛋B. 面包C. 蛋糕答案:A30. “Fish”指的是:()A. 鸟B. 鱼C. 鸭子答案:B31. “Girl”是什么意思?()A. 男孩B. 女孩C. 学生答案:B32. “Hat”的意思是:()A. 帽子B. 袜子C. 鞋子答案:A33. “Ice cream”是:()A. 冰淇淋B. 巧克力C. 糖果答案:A34. “Jacket”指的是:()A. 衬衫B. 夹克衫C. 连衣裙答案:B35. “Key”是什么?()A. 钥匙B. 锁C. 门答案:A36. “Leg”的意思是:()A. 胳膊B. 腿C. 脚答案:B37. “Map”指的是:()A. 地图B. 照片C. 图画答案:A38. “Notebook”是什么?()A. 笔记本B. 故事书C. 字典答案:A39. “Panda”是:()A. 猴子B. 熊猫C. 大象答案:B40. “Rose”的意思是:()A. 菊花B. 荷花C. 玫瑰答案:C41. “Sock”指的是:()A. 短裤B. 袜子C. 手套答案:B42. “Tiger”是什么动物?()A. 狮子B. 老虎C. 狼答案:B43. “Uniform”的意思是:()A. 制服B. 运动服C. 睡衣答案:A44. “Violin”是:()A. 钢琴B. 小提琴C. 吉他答案:B45. “Window”指的是:()A. 门B. 窗户C. 墙答案:B46. “Yacht”是什么?()A. 帆船B. 轮船C. 快艇答案:A47. “Ant”的意思是:()A. 蜜蜂B. 蝴蝶C. 蚂蚁答案:C48. “Bed”是什么?()A. 沙发B. 床C. 衣柜答案:B49. “Cake”是:()A. 蛋糕B. 面包C. 饼干答案:A50. “Duck”指的是:()A. 鸡B. 鸭C. 鹅答案:B51. “Peach”的意思是:()A. 梨B. 桃子C. 李子答案:B52. “Pineapple”指的是:()A. 菠萝B. 草莓C. 芒果答案:A53. “Rabbit”的中文是:()A. 兔子B. 老鼠C. 松鼠答案:A54. “Sheep”是什么?()A. 猪B. 羊C. 牛答案:B55. “Star”的意思是:()A. 月亮B. 星星C. 太阳答案:B56. “Sweater”指的是:()A. 衬衫B. 毛衣C. 外套答案:B57. “Turtle”是什么动物?()A. 乌龟B. 蜗牛C. 螃蟹答案:A58. “UFO”的意思是:()A. 飞机B. 宇宙飞船C. 不明飞行物答案:C59. “Violence”的中文是:()A. 暴力B. 和平C. 安静答案:A60. “Watermelon”是:()A. 西瓜B. 哈密瓜C. 南瓜答案:A61. “Wolf”是什么?()A. 狼B. 狐狸C. 熊答案:A62. “Xylophone”指的是:()A. 钢琴B. 手风琴C. 木琴答案:C63. “Yogurt”的意思是:()A. 牛奶B. 酸奶C. 奶酪答案:B64. “Zebra”是什么动物?()A. 斑马B. 长颈鹿C. 梅花鹿答案:A65. “Apricot”是:()A. 杏子B. 荔枝C. 桂圆答案:A66. “Bamboo”的意思是:()A. 木头B. 竹子C. 树叶答案:B67. “Butterfly”指的是:()A. 蜻蜓B. 蝴蝶C. 蜜蜂答案:B68. “Cherry”是什么?()A. 樱桃B. 枣子C. 核桃答案:A69. “Donkey”的中文是:()A. 马B. 驴C. 骡子答案:B70. “Eel”的意思是:()A. 鳗鱼B. 泥鳅C. 黄鳝答案:A71. “Football”指的是:()A. 篮球B. 足球C. 排球答案:B72. “Giraffe”是什么动物?()A. 大象B. 长颈鹿C. 河马答案:B73. “Hawk”的意思是:()A. 鹰B. 麻雀C. 海鸥答案:A74. “Insect”是:()A. 昆虫B. 野兽C. 家禽答案:A75. “Jasmine”指的是:()A. 菊花B. 茉莉C. 玫瑰答案:B76. “Kangaroo”的中文是:()A. 袋鼠B. 考拉C. 树袋熊答案:A77. “Lemon”是什么?()A. 柠檬B. 芒果C. 菠萝答案:A78. “Mango”的意思是:()A. 香蕉B. 芒果C. 榴莲答案:B79. “Noodle”指的是:()A. 米饭B. 面条C. 饺子答案:B80. “Ostrich”是什么动物?()A. 鸵鸟B. 企鹅C. 海鸥答案:A81. “Peanut”是:()A. 花生B. 核桃C. 杏仁答案:A82. “Quail”的意思是:()A. 鹌鹑B. 鸽子C. 乌鸦答案:A83. “Reindeer”指的是:()A. 梅花鹿B. 驯鹿C. 麋鹿答案:B84. “Seal”是什么?()A. 海豹B. 海狮C. 海豚答案:A85. “Swan”的中文是:()A. 鸭子B. 天鹅C. 大雁答案:B86. “Tent”的意思是:()A. 房子B. 帐篷C. 洞穴答案:B87. “Umpire”指的是:()A. 裁判B. 运动员C. 教练答案:A88. “Vase”是什么?()A. 瓶子B. 杯子C. 花瓶答案:C89. “Walnut”的意思是:()A. 核桃B. 板栗C. 榛子答案:A90. “Xmas”是:()A. 圣诞节B. 新年C. 万圣节答案:A91. “Yam”指的是:()A. 红薯B. 土豆C. 山药答案:A92. “Zinc”的中文是:()A. 锌B. 铁C. 铜答案:A93. “Antelope”是什么动物?()A. 羚羊B. 角马C. 野牛答案:A94. “Beaver”的意思是:()A. 海狸B. 水獭C. 浣熊答案:A95. “Camel”指的是:()A. 骆驼B. 骡子C. 毛驴答案:A96. “Dolphin”是什么?()A. 海豚B. 鲸鱼C. 鲨鱼答案:A97. “Elk”的中文是:()A. 麋鹿B. 牦牛C. 羚羊答案:A98. “Fox”的意思是:()A. 狼B. 狐狸C. 狗答案:B99. “Goose”指的是:()A. 鸡B. 鸭C. 鹅答案:C100. “Hamster”是什么动物?()A. 仓鼠 B. 兔子 C. 龙猫答案:A101. “Pepper”的意思是:()A. 辣椒 B. 胡椒 C. 花椒答案:A102. “Pomegranate”指的是:()A. 石榴 B. 荔枝 C. 桂圆答案:A103. “Raccoon”是什么?()A. 浣熊 B. 狐狸 C. 狼答案:A104. “Seahorse”的中文是:()A. 海马 B. 章鱼 C. 水母答案:A105. “Starfish”的意思是:()A. 海星 B. 海胆 C. 海参答案:A106. “Sugar”指的是:()A. 盐B. 糖C. 醋答案:B107. “Tadpole”是什么动物?()A. 蝌蚪 B. 青蛙 C. 蟾蜍答案:A108. “Unicorn”的意思是:()A. 独角兽 B. 双头龙 C. 三头犬答案:A109. “Vulture”指的是:()A. 秃鹫B. 老鹰C. 猫头鹰答案:A110. “Whale”是什么?()A. 鲸鱼B. 海豚C. 鲨鱼答案:A111. “Xylograph”的中文是:()A. 木刻 B. 石刻 C. 铜刻答案:A112. “Yak”的意思是:()A. 牦牛B. 水牛C. 黄牛答案:A113. “Zephyr”指的是:()A. 微风B. 狂风C. 暴风答案:A114. “Apron”是什么?()A. 围裙 B. 帽子 C. 手套答案:A115. “Bat”的中文是:()A. 蝙蝠B. 蝴蝶C. 蜻蜓答案:A116. “Beetle”的意思是:()A. 甲虫 B. 蟑螂 C. 蛐蛐答案:A117. “Caterpillar”指的是:()A. 毛毛虫 B. 蚯蚓 C. 蜈蚣答案:A118. “Dove”是什么动物?()A. 鸽子 B. 麻雀 C. 乌鸦答案:A119. “Eagle”的意思是:()A. 老鹰 B. 猫头鹰 C. 大雁答案:A120. “Frog”指的是:()A. 青蛙B. 蟾蜍C. 牛蛙答案:A121. “Gorilla”是什么?()A. 猩猩B. 猴子C. 狒狒答案:A122. “Hedgehog”的中文是:()A. 刺猬 B. 豪猪 C. 穿山甲答案:A123. “Iguana”的意思是:()A. 鬣蜥 B. 变色龙 C. 壁虎答案:A124. “Jaguar”指的是:()A. 美洲豹B. 雪豹C. 云豹答案:A125. “Koala”是什么动物?()A. 考拉 B. 袋鼠 C. 树懒答案:A126. “Lobster”的意思是:()A. 龙虾 B. 螃蟹 C. 皮皮虾答案:A127. “Magpie”指的是:()A. 喜鹊B. 乌鸦C. 画眉答案:A128. “Newt”是什么?()A. 蝾螈B. 娃娃鱼C. 泥鳅答案:A129. “Otter”的中文是:()A. 水獭 B. 海獭 C. 旱獭答案:A130. “Pheasant”的意思是:()A. 野鸡 B. 鹌鹑 C. 鸽子答案:A131. “Quokka”指的是:()A. 短尾矮袋鼠 B. 袋鼠 C. 树袋熊答案:A132. “Robin”是什么动物?()A. 知更鸟B. 啄木鸟C. 翠鸟答案:A133. “Snail”的意思是:()A. 蜗牛B. 田螺C. 福寿螺答案:A134. “Tortoise”指的是:()A. 乌龟B. 海龟C. 鳖答案:A135. “Urchin”是什么?()A. 海胆B. 海星C. 水母答案:A136. “Viper”的中文是:()A. 毒蛇B. 无毒蛇C. 蟒蛇答案:A137. “Weasel”的意思是:()A. 黄鼠狼 B. 狐狸 C. 狼答案:A138. “Woodpecker”指的是:()A. 啄木鸟 B. 戴胜鸟 C. 蜂鸟答案:A139. “Xanthous”是什么?()A. 黄色的 B. 红色的 C. 蓝色的答案:A140. “Yew”的中文是:()A. 紫杉B. 松树C. 柏树答案:A141. “Zucchini”的意思是:()A. 西葫芦 B. 南瓜 C. 冬瓜答案:A142. “Antenna”指的是:()A. 触角B. 尾巴C. 翅膀答案:A143. “Baboon”是什么动物?()A. 狒狒B. 猩猩C. 猴子答案:A144. “Cob”的中文是:()A. 雄天鹅B. 雄孔雀C. 雄鸡答案:A145. “Duckling”的意思是:()A. 小鸭B. 小鸡C. 小鹅答案:A146. “Emu”指的是:()A. 鸸鹋B. 鸵鸟C. 几维鸟答案:A147. “Falcon”是什么?()A. 猎鹰B. 老鹰C. 猫头鹰答案:A148. “Gazelle”的中文是:()A. 瞪羚B. 羚羊C. 角马答案:A149. “Hummingbird”的意思是:()A. 蜂鸟 B. 翠鸟 C. 啄木鸟答案:A150. “Impala”指的是:()A. 黑斑羚B. 梅花鹿C. 驯鹿答案:A151. “Jaguarundi”的意思是:()A. 美洲山猫 B. 美洲豹 C. 美洲狮答案:A152. “Kestrel”指的是:()A. 红隼B. 苍鹰C. 雀鹰答案:A153. “Llama”是什么?()A. 羊驼B. 骆驼C. 牦牛答案:A154. “Mink”的中文是:()A. 水貂B. 狐狸C. 黄鼠狼答案:A155. “Nightingale”的意思是:()A. 夜莺 B. 画眉 C. 百灵鸟答案:A156. “Osprey”指的是:()A. 鱼鹰B. 海鸥C. 信天翁答案:A157. “Partridge”是什么动物?()A. 鹧鸪 B. 鹌鹑 C. 鸽子答案:A158. “Quail”的中文是:()A. 鹌鹑B. 雉鸡C. 松鸡答案:A159. “Raven”的意思是:()A. 渡鸦B. 乌鸦C. 八哥答案:A160. “Sparrow”指的是:()A. 麻雀B. 燕子C. 黄鹂答案:A161. “Toucan”是什么?()A. 巨嘴鸟B. 啄木鸟C. 翠鸟答案:A162. “Urial”的中文是:()A. 盘羊B. 绵羊C. 山羊答案:A163. “Vulture”的意思是:()A. 秃鹫B. 鹰C. 隼答案:A164. “Wren”指的是:()A. 鹪鹩B. 画眉C. 八哥答案:A165. “Xanthic”是什么?()A. 黄色的B. 红色的C. 绿色的答案:A166. “Yardbird”的中文是:()A. 鸡 B. 鸭 C. 鹅答案:A167. “Zonkey”的意思是:()A. 斑驴 B. 驴骡 C. 斑马驴答案:A168. “Ape”指的是:()A. 猿B. 猴C. 猩猩答案:A169. “Bee”是什么动物?()A. 蜜蜂 B. 黄蜂 C. 马蜂答案:A170. “Canary”的中文是:()A. 金丝雀 B. 画眉 C. 夜莺答案:A171. “Dormouse”的意思是:()A. 睡鼠 B. 仓鼠 C. 田鼠答案:A172. “Eider”指的是:()A. 绒鸭B. 绿头鸭C. 鸳鸯答案:A173. “Finch”是什么?()A. 雀类B. 鸠类C. 鸦类答案:A174. “Grouse”的中文是:()A. 松鸡 B. 雉鸡 C. 鹧鸪答案:A175. “Heron”的意思是:()A. 鹭 B. 鹳 C. 鹤答案:A176. “Ibex”指的是:()A. 北山羊B. 岩羊C. 盘羊答案:A177. “Jackdaw”是什么动物?()A. 寒鸦 B. 乌鸦 C. 八哥答案:A178. “Kingfisher”的中文是:()A. 翠鸟 B. 蜂鸟 C. 啄木鸟答案:A179. “Lark”的意思是:()A. 云雀B. 百灵C. 画眉答案:A180. “Mallard”指的是:()A. 绿头鸭B. 鸳鸯C. 天鹅答案:A181. “Nuthatch”是什么?()A. 五子雀 B. 金丝雀 C. 画眉答案:A182. “Owl”的中文是:()A. 猫头鹰B. 鹰C. 隼答案:A183. “Parrot”的意思是:()A. 鹦鹉B. 八哥C. 鹩哥答案:A184. “Quetzal”指的是:()A. 绿咬鹃B. 红腹锦鸡C. 白腹锦鸡答案:A185. “Rhea”是什么动物?()A. 美洲鸵 B. 鸸鹋 C. 鸵鸟答案:A186. “Swan”的中文是:()A. 天鹅B. 大雁C. 野鸭答案:A187. “Teal”的意思是:()A. 绿头鸭B. 鸳鸯C. 野鸭答案:A188. “Uakari”指的是:()A. 秃猴B. 黑猩猩C. 红毛猩猩答案:A189. “Vervet”是什么?()A. 长尾猴B. 猕猴C. 短尾猴答案:A190. “Wasp”的中文是:()A. 黄蜂B. 蜜蜂C. 马蜂答案:A191. “Xeme”的意思是:()A. 北极鸥B. 海鸥C. 信天翁答案:A192. “Yaffle”指的是:()A. 绿啄木鸟B. 斑啄木鸟C. 大斑啄木鸟答案:A193. “Zebra finch”是什么动物?()A. 斑胸草雀 B. 金丝雀 C. 画眉答案:A194. “Albatross”的中文是:()A. 信天翁B. 海鸥C. 海燕答案:A195. “Babbler”的意思是:()A. 画眉B. 鹪鹩C. 噪鹛答案:C196. “Cassowary”指的是:()A. 食火鸡B. 鸵鸟C. 鸸鹋答案:A197. “Dovekie”是什么?()A. 海雀B. 企鹅C. 海鸥答案:A198. “Egret”的中文是:()A. 白鹭B. 苍鹭C. 夜鹭答案:A199. “Flamingo”的意思是:()A. 火烈鸟 B. 朱鹮 C. 丹顶鹤答案:A200. “Gannet”指的是:()A. 塘鹅 B. 鸬鹚 C. 海鸥答案:A。
词汇练习题目及答案词汇练习第一期1. I wrote down the number so that I remember it.A. couldB. shouldC. mightD. needed2. Richard is American, john is British - they have different .A. nationsB. countriesC. nationalitiesD. lands3. She made to tell her mother the good news.A. speedB. hasteC. hurryD. urge4. -Are you ?-No, I'm serious.A. deceivingB. cheatingC. foolingD. kidding5. A of humour is a great asset for a person.A. feelingB. senseC. meaningD. judgment6. The person is liable to succeed in the challenge.B. graciousC. friendlyD. sociable7. The police showed responsibility the preservation of public order and security.A. forB. toC. inD. on8. He doesn't feel when he is left .A. alone…aloneB. lonely…lonelyC. alone…lonelyD. lonely…alone9. Take a hat with you the sun is very hot.A. in caseB. thoughC. for fearD. in that case10. A of the camel is its ability to live for a long time without water.A. qualityB. featureC. characteristicD. character第二期词汇练习1. They have three dogs to find a home for, not to that cat and the bird.A. referC. commentD. mention2. She likes to quarrel neighbors the little things.A. with…forB. to…aboutC. with…aboutD. about…with3. You mustn't joke him religious belief.A. with…toB. to…aboutC. about…withD. with…about4. Tom, you're not to go out tonight. It's raining heavily now.A. supposedB. oughtC. thoughtD. considered5. The village is by the hills.A. shut offB. shut inC. shut upD. shut out6. I can't him to those people; I don't think he knows them at all.A. joinB. linkC. connectD. collect7. Peter is confident winning the post as the assistant to themanaging director.A. ofB. inC. onD. to8. We described him the cleverest student in the class.A. toB. asC. withD. on9. So, , we've got to try further funding.A. in sum upB. in summaryC. summing inD. on summary10. Her words left us .A. lostB. lossC. at a lossD. losing第三期词汇练习1. He told me that the firm could not afford such large salaries.A. payingB. to payC. to have paidD. being paid2. She has travelled in countries.A. southB. northC. northernD. northwest3. The plane was then able to and it cleared the moutains by 400 feet.A. riseB. raiseC. ariseD. rouse4. He had to go because he doesn't get on well with others.A. everywhereB. anywhereC. somewhereD. nowhere5. Don't be so ; I'm not telling you what I've promised not to say.A.oddB.shockedC.strangeD.curious6. He his previous best performance in the 1000 meters.A. improvesB. improves onC. bettersD. proves7. I to interrupt a man when he's busy working.A. envyB. hateC. admireD. improve8. he was astonished what he found.A. atB. toC. forD. on9. They made no effort to hide their amusement I produceda packet of sweets from my pocket.A. whateverB. whereverC. whoeverD. whenever10. I had hoped to get $1000 for my old car but had to a lot less.A. settle downB. settle inC. settle forD. settle on第四期1. I'll meet you at the place in the forest where the paths .A. acrossB. crossC. connectingD. crossing2. Children are taught to their parents and teachers with respect.A. retreatB. considerC. regardD. treat3. It our family for a long time.A. has been belonged toB. has belonged toD. is belonged to4. Our teacher is strict us; we have to do what she says.A. inB. onC. withD. about5. The astronauts succeeded from the moon to the earth according to the plan.A. in returningB. to returnC. on returningD. to returning6. I can't be bothered him; he can't be bothered to say hello.A. withB. forC. onD. to7. The boys attempted for camping but were stopped by their parents.A. leavingB. to leavingC. to leaveD. for leaving8. We have time to catch the train.A. manyB. plenty ofC. a number ofD. the number of9. The smell of roses me our old house.A. reminds…toB. thinks…ofC. thinks…aboutD. reminds…of10. Because of weather, the school had to delay the sports meeting.A. holdingB. to holdD. to holding第五期词汇练习1. He likes bread, cake, and other foods.A. alikeB. sameC. similarD. like2. Everybody him for his fine sense of humour.A. admiresB. respectsC. fearsD. support3. They warned the boy to his way.A. repairB. correctC. debateD. mend4. We all that we not rest until we finish the work.A. stickB. stick toC. insistD. insist on5. He feels it's difficult to such a big family with five children.A. helpB. aidC. assistD. support6. She into tears when she heard the bad news.A. fellB. burstC. cameD. went7. Peter became a judge but John a fisherman.A. keptB. continuedC. remainedD. followed8. They set out in search of .A. dangerB. adventureC. ventureD. loss9. When he left university, he found it hard to choose between the offers of work that were make to him.A. variedB. variableC. variousD. varying10. You must ask if you want to leave early.A. permitB. permissionC. admissionD. argument第六期词汇练习1. Each college student must take part in the military at the beginning of the first term.A. trainB. trainerC. trainingD. trainee2. Then he smiled and told me I would receive an $100 a year!A. spareB. extraC. surplusD. more3. Why don't you your spare room to other people, and earn some money?A. hireB. fireC. useD. hire out4. Everyone had two of paper to draw on.A. sheetsB. typesC. kindsD. varieties5. He passed the examinations to become a doctor.A. requiredB. requiringC. inquiringD. inquired6. Tonight you can see the Rolling Stones .A. at concertB. in concertC. on concertD. with concert7. The boy was determined a sailor.A. not becomeB. not to becomeD. not becoming8. He shouted insults the woman who had cheated him the other day.A. inB. atC. forD. on9. She waved her hand good-bye.A. to sayB. sayingC. to sayingD. for saying10. We all insist that we until we finish the work.A. not restB. don't restC. didn't restD. haven't rest第七期词汇练习1. She always gives her children good meals so that they could study hard at school.A. deliciousB. wiseC. strange2. Ted wondered he was wanted by the police, but the went to the station yesterday.A. whyB. thatC. whenD. where3. I must ask someone of judgment than myself what to do.A. drierB. more deliciousC. more terribleD. riper4. I don't need the literature . Thank you very much all the same.A. at presentB. for presentC. on presentD. in present5. I apologized her not coming to attend meeting on time.A. for…forB. to…forC. no…forD. to…about6. Are you very disappointed losing the game?A. inB. withC. ofD. on7. He stood on the of the cliff shouting the name of his wife.A. marginC. borderD. edge8. They showed us how to a printing page.A. lay asideB. lay downC. lay offD. lay out第八期词汇练习1. Rice is the crop in most southern provinces.A. chiefB. importantC. seniorD. valuable2. We were talking sensibly until he with his foolish ideas.A. acceptedB. interruptedC. believedD. doubted3. I'd like to go with you, my hands are full.A. AlthoughB. ThoughC. As thoughD. In spite of4. This new model car is of high and is not expensive either.A. quantityB. qualityC. conditionD. character5. They are thirsty new skills so that they can be qualified thejobs in various fields to which they are strange.A. for…ofB. of…forC. for…forD. to…on6. She signed the letter , not realizing its implication.A. in faithB. in good faithC. in the faithD. on the faith7. You don't have to be angry. He wanted to know the truth.A. hardlyB. barelyC. seldomD. merely8. We were by heavy smog from seeing anything.A. forbiddenB. preventedC. controlledD. blamed9. Those sweet potatoes have been for 20 minutes.A. boilingB. boiledC. producedD. producing10. Every day she must feed the baby milk.A. withB. inC. toD. for第九期词汇练习1. he his prospects by carelessness.A. destroyedB. ruinedC. rainedD. broke2. He felt very when he went into the hospital.A. excitedB. worriedC. nervousD. anxious3. You should be ashamed having done so little work.A. ofB. inC. onD. with4. The boy threw stones at the little dog.A. fierceB. cruelC. coldD. kind5. It was so dark that I could see.A. almostB. nearlyC. hardlyD. just第十期词汇练习1. The clock is the main of his interest.A. thingB. objectC. articleD. matter2. The airport is about ten miles distant the city.A. towardB. inC. withD. form3. She up the old furniture in the shed.A. gaveB. putC. piledD. held4. I blew my against the mirror.A. steamB. airC. breathD. gas5. The track and field events are .A. as followB. as followsC. followingD. followed十一期词汇练习1. I've got into the of watching TV as soon as I get home.A. habitB. practiceC. customD. exercise2. We fail one student per year on .A. maximumB. minimumC. averageD. level3. I hardly see around here.A. nobodyB. somebodyC. anybodyD. no one4. Her performance got mixed .A. speechB. reviewC. ideasD. thoughts5. The child is really highly .A. musicB. musicalC. musicianD. museum第十二期词汇练习1. There is a limit the amount of money I can afford.A. toB. ofC. inD. for2. one old lady, the bus was empty.A. ExceptB. Except forC. BesideD. Besides3. Cheers greeted the of the Queen.A. gettingB. landingC. arrivalD. going4. She me by the wrist.A. tookB. holdC. gotD. seized5. He used to lectures in the university when he was a student.A. hiveB. listen toC. attendD. join第十三期词汇练习1. The building of the largest bridge across the river in Asiais .A. in advanceB. in progressC. in characterD. in shape2. Most of the students are making good progress but Mike seems a case.A. clearB. goodC. hopelessD. hopeful3. They suggest a report to the headmaster.A. writeB. writesC. to writeD. writing4. New soldiers have three hours of a day.A. trainB. exerciseC. practiceD. drill5. They said they liked to do on primary education.A. studyB. researchC. searchD. discussion第十四期词汇练习1. He carried on teaching well tetirement age.A. aboveB. overC. beyondD. after2. She got excellent in her exams.A. classB. gradeC. remarkD. marker3. He wants to study the mechanism of a watch.A. completeB. comfortC. complexD. comparable4. The child pressed her mose the window.A. forB. byC. againstD. toward5. I saw three old tress on the ground after the storm.A. liesB. layingC. lyingD. to lie第十五期词汇练习1. We want to live in the of Beijing.A. neighbourshipB. neighbouringC. neighbourhoodD. neighbour2. When I was a child, I used to with my friend.A. have houseB. make houseC. play houseD. work house3. The poems were printed a small hand press.A. withB. forC. onD. by4. He shouldn't risk his life .A. for no purposeB. on no purposeC. to no purposeD. in no purpose5. We provided food the hungry children.A. onB. withC. toD. for第十六期词汇练习1. His in life is to be a great pianist.A. goatB. goldC. golfD. goal2. The trained teacher managed the children with .A. artB. techniqueC. skillD. power3. We should follow the on a tin of paint.A. orderB. printC. instructionsD. instruction4. French is a , in which supreme power is held by the people, with an elected President.A. publishB. republicC. reportD. reply5. The of the system is to let each student realize his own educational .A. aim…purposeB. purpose (i)C. end…goalD. goal…end第十七期词汇练习1. When I was very young, I was terribly of school, but I soon got over it.A. frighteningB. frightenC. frightD. frightened2. No doctors could cure the patient his strange disease.A. withB. ofC. fromD. off3. I walked too much yesterday and my leg muscles are still now.A. harmingB. achingC. sufferingD. injuring4. It isn't easy to real pearls from imitation pearls.A. differB. distinguishC. decideD. elect5. She is to what people think of her.A. sensitiveB. tenderC. delicateD. sensible。
高中词汇表测试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. The word "benevolent" means:A. kind and gentleB. cruel and harshC. indifferent and uninterestedD. selfish and greedy2. Which of the following is the correct spelling of the word "unanimous"?A. unanamousB. unanamousC. unanimousD. unanamous3. The opposite of "deteriorate" is:A. improveB. worsenC. maintainD. enhance4. "Consecutive" is used to describe:A. things that are unrelatedB. things that are in a sequenceC. things that are randomD. things that are scattered5. The word "permeate" is similar in meaning to:A. penetrateB. evaporateC. dissolveD. condense6. "Ephemeral" is best defined as:A. lasting for a long timeB. lasting for a short timeC. lasting for a moderate timeD. lasting for an indefinite time7. "Intrinsic" is the opposite of:A. extrinsicB. superficialC. essentialD. extraneous8. The word "meticulous" is often used to describe someone who is:A. carelessB. precise and carefulC. lazyD. impatient9. "Peculiar" can be used to describe something that is:A. commonB. strange or unusualC. typicalD. ordinary10. "Resilient" is a word that describes someone who is:A. easily brokenB. easily bentC. able to recover quickly from adversityD. slow to adapt二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. The ________ (A. kind and gentle) nature of the teacher made her popular among students.2. The company's profits have been ________ (B. worsen) over the past year.3. The ________ (B. things that are in a sequence) order of the events was crucial to the investigation.4. The material is so thin that it can easily ________ (A. penetrate) through the fabric.5. The ________ (B. lasting for a short time) life of the insect made it difficult to study.6. The ________ (A. extrinsic) factors did not affect the outcome of the experiment.7. The ________ (B. precise and careful) attention to detail was evident in the artist's work.8. The ________ (B. strange or unusual) behavior of the new student caught everyone's attention.9. The ________ (C. able to recover quickly from adversity) spirit of the team was admirable.10. The ________ (B. easily bent) metal was not suitable for the construction of bridges.三、翻译题(每题3分,共15分)1. 请将"The benevolent king ruled his kingdom with wisdom and compassion."翻译成中文。
二、词汇题(650题)1. The manager asked his secretary if it was possible for her to ______ the investment planwithin five days.A) work out B) make outC) take out D) set out2. She called me up______ she received my letter.A) promptly B) immediatelyC) quickly D) properly3. Leaning a foreign language is a question of learning new skills, or a question of ______ newknowledge.A) obtaining B) gainingC) achieving D) acquiring4. Scientists have found new uses for some ______ such as mercury and lead.A) stuff B) mattersC) substances D) materials5. This book is ______ as it is the only one ever signed by the author.A) special B) uniqueC) rare D) unusual6. Ann’s boss is always finding ______with her the way she does things.A) error B) mistakeC) fault D) flaw7. Mozart began to ______ poems and taught literature at the age of 20.A) compose B) makeC) write D) create8. The young doctor treated his ______ with great patienceA) clients B) clerksC) consumers D) customers9. If a person talks about his weak points, his listener is expected to say something in the way of______.A) discouragement B) persuasionC) encouragement D) confirmation10. His superior is often caught ______ by his smart questions dealing with transactionsA) up B) outC) on D) up with11. The accused man was found not guilty and was ______.A) excluded B) dischargedC) driven D) dismissed12. The lawyer really didn’t know how to ______ the problem.A) tackle B) copeC) deal D) dispose13. A witness in a murder trial is ______ to know the facts in the case.A) assumed B) resumedC) consumed D) assured14. Gettysburge was the ______ of the most important battle in the American civil war.A) view B) sceneC) sight D) landscape15. She claimed she was ______ to a social position high above those of the commons due to hernoble birth.A) entitled B) givenC) granted D) assumed16. It was ______ for Mary to wear a T shirt at the press conference.A) out of question B) out of placeC) out of order D) out of practice 5117. At the end of her trial, she was ______ to three years’ imprisonment.A) found B) convincedC) sentenced D) condemned18. If you have a ______ to make about the quality, we are willing to help you.A) dislike B) discomfortC) discontent D) complaint19. Although I had told them not to keep me waiting, they made no ______ to speed up thedeliveries.A) trial B) attemptC) action D) progress20. John’s black eye gave ______to rumours that he had been in a fight.A) rise B) reasonC) suspicion D) impulse21. It seemed as if all of a ______ the animal had smelt danger in the air.A) sudden B) momentC) minute D) once22. The patient’s condition is now ______; if he can’t get proper treatment, he will die.A) vital B) urgentC) emergent D) critical23. When the maid was questioned about the missing nacklace, she firmly ______ having seen itbefore.A) rejected B) refusedC) denied D) ignored24. The two countries have always been on good ______ with each other.A) friendship B) relationsC) connection D) terms25. Mr. Wang wants to get his decayed tooth ______ this afternoon.A) repaired B) mendedC) filled D) cured26. The engineer ______ a rare disease when he was working in Africa.A) took B) sufferedC) caught D) infected27. After the music had ______ there was a moment of absolute silence.A) died out B) died offC) died away D) died down28. Fred’s good nature makes him the most ______ boy in the school.A) well-known B) favorableC) preferable D) popular29. What he described as a ____ detail, I thought, was the most important part of the plan.A) common B) plainC) mere D) flat30. Without the friction between their feet and the ground, people would ____ be able to walk.A) in no time B) by all meansC) in no way D) on any account31. There is pressure on the British Government to ____ the number of immigrants permitted tosettle in the U.K.A) confine B) decreaseC) restrain D) limit32. The tourist is prevented from entering a country if he doesn’t have ______ passport.A) an operative B) a validC) an effective D) an efficient33. According to the psychoanalyst Signumd Freud, wisdom comes from the ____ of maturity.A) achievement B) accomplishmentC) fulfilment D) establishment34. The board of the company has decided to ____ its trade to all parts of the world.A) enlarge B) expandC) stretch D) extend35.Accuracy and preciseness are vital in academic ____.A) circus B) cyclesC) circles D) circuits36.In many societies, a person who fails to conform to conventional behavior is likely to be ____ by others.A) avoided B) neglectedC) retreated D) ignored37. We are now living in an age where every mind feels the ____ of the new ideas.A) impact B) impulseC) impression D) shock38. John’s news report covering the conference was so ____ that nothing had been omitted.A) concrete B) integratedC) comprehensive D) abstract39. I thought you might be interested to hear about a ____ phenomenon which I had observed. Itwas really peculiar.A) revealed B) brilliantC) scarce D) curious40. I hope Mrs. Smith will take my recent illness into ____ when judging my examination.A) account B) regardC) count D) observation41. The lawyer asked the witness to ______ the facts just as he remembered them.A) setting down B) setting outC) putting across D) putting away42. ____ of money prevented us from finishing the research work this year.A) Expense B) LackC) Limit D) Short43. Tall-growing crops should be planted where they will not shade or ____ with the growth ofsmaller crops.A) interrupt B) interfereC) disturb D) distract44. The farmers are more anxious for rain than the people in the city because they have more at____.A) danger B) stakeC) loss D) threat45. The famers in the mountain area bring their ______ to town early each Saturday morning.A) products B) outputC) manufactures D) produce46. The lady was detained by the police at the airport because his passport was found to be ____.A) an artificial one B) an unnatural oneC) an untrue one D) a false one47. The ____ of the book, with the text on the left and the notes on the right, makes pleasantreading.A) layout B) systemC) pattern D) style48. In the long-distance race, Marvin took the lead , and ______ it till the end of the race..A) obtained B) maintainedC) persisted in D) insisted on49. Experts say walking is one of the best ways for a person to ______ healthy.A) preserve B) stayC) maintain D) reserve50. It is natural for young people to be critical of their parents ____.A) at a time B) between timeC) at times D) at the time51. Normally he is rather _____ but sometimes he talks freely about himself.A) sociable B) reservedC) serious D) peaceful52. Please give my ______sincere regards to all the members of your family.A) honest B) sincereC) true D) hopeful53. With night falling we employed a guide to ______ us on our way up the mountain.A) take B) guideC) conduct D) lead54. Current hiring policies in China seek to ____ equal employment opportunities for women andminority groups.A) continue B) confirmedC) provide D) presented55. The mechanic examined the car engine ______ but could find nothing wrong with it.A) exactly B) completelyC) thoroughly D) throughout56. After giving birth to children, many women now take active part in sports and ______ ofdifferent kinds.A)matches B) gamesC) races D) events57. Your grandfather is rather tired so do not ______ your visit.A) postpone B) lengthenC) delay D) prolong58. He has recently got an interesting ______ in a textile factory.A) work B) jobC) profession D) employment59. Only thoroughly unpleasant people leave the ______ of their picnics to spoil the appearance ofthe countryside.A) remains B) restC) container D) content60. Papers clips, drawing pins and safety-pins were ______ all over the floor.A) delivered B) scatteredC) separated D) sprayed61. The neighbors do not consider him quite ______ as most evenings he awakens them with hisdrunken singing.A) respective B) respectedC) respectable D) respectful62. The autumn air felt ______ so she went to fetch a coat.A) cool B) chillyC) cold D) fresh63. The melting of the snow has caused flooding by _____ riversA) increased B) expandedC) overgrown D) swollen64. Make sure you ______ your food properly before you swallow it.A) have B) eatC) chew D) bite65. The leather goods failed to _____ the required standard and were sent back to the shop.A) live up to B) face up toC) come up to D) give way to66. With an eighty-hour week and little change of enjoyment, life must have been very ______ forthe nineteenth-century factory workers.A) weary B) anxiousC) dark D) dreary67. Peter wants to rent a flat, ______ , one reasonably near his company.A) eventually B) in factC) if possible D) really68. One of the tigers has got ______. Warn everyone of the danger.A) lose B) looseC) loosened D) lost69. Free medical treatment in this country covers sickness of mind as well as ______ sickness.A) usual B) regularC) ordinary D) average70. Now my parents live partly on their pension and partly on the ______ of their savings account.A) income B) wagesC) interest D) salary71. Every day thousands of ______ fly the Atlantic for negotiations with American firms.A) merchants B) dealersC) businessman D) tradesmen72. He ______ spends his holidays in the mountains though occasionally he goes to the seasideinstead.A) usually B) invariablyC) rarely D) always73. Before you ______ down other people, it is as well to consider your own faults.A) turn B) bringC) run D) send74. Though it was only a ______fever, the doctor gave me an injection.A) mild B) smallC) weak D) faint75. This was one of many horrible crimes they ______ against Chinese people.A) make B) performC) commit D) achieve76. As a result of the radio ______ for help for those who lost their homes in the earthquake, overa million pounds has been raised.A) appeal B) callC) program D) demand77. An ambulance must have priority as it usually has to deal with some kind of ______.A) urgency B) dangerC) crisis D) emergency78. The brain needs a ______ supply of blood.A) continual B) constantC) continuous D) lasted79.The explorer ____ all the way to the source of the river by boat.A) drove B) rodeC) travelled D) followed80. Remember not to ______ your stomach by eating too much rich food.A) hurt B) destroyC) harm D) upset81. The kindergarten is half empty as a serious epidemic of measles has broken ______.A) up B) outC) in D) down82. To our amazement, both his health and his business ______ within a year.A) fell B) sankC) dropped D) collapsed83. The old couple were ______ to hear that their son had been sentenced innocent.A) relieved B) relaxedC) released D) relayed84. Tom failed in the physics exam, it ______ him right because he had not studied for thesemester.A) served B) taughtC) got D) put85. The country is well-known for its impressive mountainous ______ .A) views B) scenesC) scenery D) nature86.The _______ in which a child grows up may have an effect on his development.A) condition B) atmosphereC) surroundings D) environments87. These figures can not be ______ with the results obtained in previous experiments.A) constant B) consistentC) conventional D) convenient88. It is frightening to think that the cruel murderer is still ______.A)as follows B) in placeC) at intervals D) at large89. As the cloud is drifted away, an even higher peak became ______ to the climbers.A) in sight B) visibleC) obvious D) clear90. They were required to ______ the house to the way it might have looked on the 1930s.A) repaired B) builtC) recovered D) restored91.The rise in the price of raw material will _____ the market.A) affect B) effectC) confirm D) depress92. A historical novel is a form of ______, which may include many facts.A) legend B) taleC) myth D) fiction93. All of us had been exhausted but felt considerably ______ after a meal and a rest.A) relieved B) refreshedC) recreated D) renewed94. It is really impolite to ______ when someone is speaking to you on the phone.A) hold up B) give upC) hang up D) hang on95. I was sorry to see that you were ______ me as if I had been a criminal.A) regarding B) treC) thinking D) considering96. Since many students like to fin an apartment near the University, there are very few _____apartments in the area.A) free B) emptyC) bare D) vacant97. The invention of the train enabled many more people to travel ______.A) independently B) freelyC) readily D) free98. Our compass and maps proved ______ to us in the walking tours.A) valuable B) worthC) profitable D) valueless99. As one of the four ______ of the company he often had to attend important policy meetings.A) directors B) bossesC) presidents D) governors100. Under the Constitution, government can not interfere ______ the private lives of citizens.A) in B) intoC) with D) of101. There was a short______ after the second act of the play.A) gap B) pauseC) break D) interval102. The city government has planned to ______ the two islands with a bridge.A) connect B) contactC) combine D) unite103. I can’t advise you what to do; you must use your own ______.A) opinion B) justiceC) thought D) judgement104. By that time, Li siguang had already risen to ______ in the geographical circle in the world..A) elevation B) prominenceC) phenomenon D) significance105. The fundamental ______, which govern all physical processes, are also related to many everyday occurrences.A) rules B) regulationsC) principals D) principles106. Negotiations about fixing the ______ between the two countries are still going on.A) border B) boundaryC) edge D) frontier107. It is difficult to express it in ______ of science.A) words B) termsC) expressions D) vocabulary108. It is said that great men often have great ______.A) errors B) mistakesC) faults D) flaws109. His wife earns a high ______ as an account.A) salaries B) wagesC) incomes D) savings110. Some famous experts and engineers have been called in to plan ______ for boating , tennis, refreshments and children’s games in the projected town park.A) equipment B) instrumentsC) implement D) facilities111. Canadians use their cars for nearly 90 per cent of all personal ______.A) trips B) voyageC) travels D) journey112. Would you mind repeating what you said, I didn’t quite ______.A) catch at B) catch onC) catch up D ) catch out113. It gave me a strange feeling of excitement to see my name ______.A) in print B) in pressC) for publication D) out of the newspaper114. To my great delight, I read in your February ______the letter to the Editor written by my uncle.A) issue B) copyC) magazine D) printing115. It is said that old people do not like having their daily ______ upset.A) custom B) habitC) routine D) practice116. Anyone who has spent time with children is aware of the difference in the way boys and girls respond to ______ situations.A) similar B) sameC) alike D) likely117. Though Mr. Ker is not a professional writer, he has became an ______ member of the Writer s’ Association.A) honor B) honoredC) honorary D) honorable118. It is absolutely ______ that our team will win the game.A) exact B) sureC) right D) certain119. The beauty of the mountain is more than I can describe. I’m sure whoever sees it will ______ its charm.A) yield to B) appeal toC) stick to D) draw to120. The new secretary has written a remarkable ______ report in a few pages but with all the details.A) concise B) clearC) exact D) precise121. The foreigner reads the Chinese article remarkably well, with a clear ______ agreeable voice.A) delicious B) sincereC) distinct D) distant122. We made plans for a visit but ____ difficulties with the car prevented it.A) frequent B) subsequentC) inefficient D) insufficent123. They have the ____ rights for the sale of Ford cars in this town.A) flexible B) virtualC) essential D) exclusive124. It is a ____ error for people to fancy others in their own position.A) general B) commonC) usual D) ordinary125. The difference is only very ____; we can hardly see it.A) slight B) delicateC) light D) careful126. It is the practice of the local club to give ____ performances during the summer.A) desperate B) dangerousC) dramatic D) domestic127. He told me his digestive trouble is cured ____ and all.A) for long B) for lifeC) for ever D) for good128. Today’s newspaper ______ that there will be campaign for find raising.A) writes B) reportsC) tells D) states129. Your socks ______ your shoes, they look very well together.A) fit B) suitC) match D) correspond130. The speaker talked about sports in general and about football in ______.A) peculiar B) specialC) particular D) unusual131. As it is possible now to import food from distant countries, people today have a more ____ diet than their ancestors.A) various B) variety.C) varied D) variable132. Never use such ____ language in front of your children.A) strong B) forcefulC) heavy D) rigid133. Although the area is very poor now, its _____ wealth is great.A) practical B) possibleC) potential D) powerfu134. The ____ length of a meter is 40 inches; the exact length is 39.37 inches.A) appropriate B) approximateC) nearby D) strict135. Someone shouted “fire” but it was a ____ alarm and there was no danger.A) untrue B) wrongC) false D) fierce136. You must obtain ______ from the landowner to fish in the river.A) right B) freedomC) permission D) allowance137. That ____ instrument can record even very slight changes.A) tender B) tenseC) delicious D) delicate138. The boss failed to carry out some of the provisions of the contract, and now he has to ______ the consequences.A) answer for B) apply forC) run into D) blame on139. Government institutes of statistics are usually ____ the birth rate and the death rate, and the collection and interpretation of other official statistics.A) familiar with B) concerned withC) consistent with D) communicating with140. All units of measurement are ____, because space, time, weight, and other dimensions are not naturally divided into units.A) virtual B) beneficialC) artistic D) artificial141. At that time, the people of this area were ______ to every kind of danger: flood, starvation, disease and war.A) supposed B) proposedC) opposed D) exposed142. Success in diving requires not only skill and balance but also ____ alertness and concentration.A) nervous B) manualC) mental D) mortal143. Economic progress is closely bound up ____ educational development.A) with B) fromC) at D) to144. Her grandfather’s condition looks very serious and it is doubtful if he will ______.A) pull out B) pull backC) pull up D) pull through145. Mrs. Mawson is becoming increasingly ____. Last week she locked herself out of her house twice.A) unconscious B) forgetfulC) senseless D) mindless146. it is ______ to insure your jewellery and valuables separately from your house contents.A) probable B) valuableC) advisable D) considerable147. My house is very ____ for getting to work as it is only a few minutes from the station.A) reliable B) availableC) suitable D) convenient148. _____ aids are ictures that help you to understand something.A) visual B) visibleC) video D) virtual149. One should not be ____ to traffic regulations.A) forgetful B) unconsciousC) inconsiderate D) indifferent150. This copy is ______ with the ones you bought last week.A) identical B) parallelC) equivalent D) equal151. Seen from the top of the mountains, it looks ____ glorious at sunrise.A) fairly B) justlyC) practically D) perfectly152. The liquid was heated until the temperature ____ 1000 C.A) arrived B) reachedC) achieved D) attained153. He’s ______ too pleased with himself.A) fairly B) ratherC) very D) quite154. Kerry and his two sisters each had three cookies, and when they went out, hardly ____ cookies were left.A) any B) someC) ever D) few155. The basketball match will be televised ____ from the Worker’s Stadium.A) alive B) livelyC) live D) life156. One car ran too fast and ____ missed hitting the other one.A) slightly B) narrowlyC) nearly D) closely157. Half the planet always faces the sun, while the other half is ____ dark.A) clearly B) consequentlyC) continually D) continuously158. She tried to explained that she was going to pay him forty pounds without _____ next week.A) miss B) failC) failure D) disappointment159. I know Zoe______ but I have never actually spoken to him.A) by sight B) with sightC) in sight D) on sight160. Kent would like to rent a flat, modern, comfortable and ____ in a quiet environment.A) before all B) first of allC) after all D) above all161. This is a photograph of Lucy taken a few years ____ by her father.A) previously B) preciselyC) primarily D) primitively162. Some ____ good luck brought us nothing but trouble.A) seemingly B) satisfactorilyC) uniformly D) universally163. With the civil war lasting for several years, the people of the country are longing for ______ peace.A) previous B) practicalC) permanent D) periodical164. She made a ______ mistake of giving him her telephone number.A) mortal B) fatalC) critical D) incurable165. It is very convenient for a businessman to carry a _____ computer when they go on business trip.A) mobile B) flexibleC) movable D) portable166. Automobile production of the present time has been increased ____.A) greatly B) highlyC) infinitely D) much167. Our company’s business has been ______ quickly in the recent years.A) enlarged B) extendedC) expanded D) broadened168. It is agreed that a good teacher should _____ as well as teach.A) amuse B) instructC) dedicate D) entertain169. The article is so badly written that I can hardly ______ what the writer is trying to say.A) find out B) fill outC) think out D) figure out170. Paula likes to walk through the woods ____. Her brother prefers to walk with a companion.A) to herself B) by herselfC) by herself D) in itself171. It is amazing that a small child of 3 or 4 years of age can sing a song without______ understanding its meaning.A) fully B) really wellC) entirely well D) very much172. The international situation has been growing ____ difficult for the past few years.A) simply B) mainlyC) potentially D) increasingly173. The essay is a model of style, whether considered ____ or in part.A) as the whole B) on the wholeC) in whole D) on whole174.You have done your best to _____ him in correcting his mistakes.A) guide B) assistC) help D) favor175. He came all the way to China for promoting friendship ____ for making money.A) other than B) more thanC) better than D) rather than176. Jack is the only person in the office who has been drinking ____.A) heavily B) stronglyC) deeply D) seriously177. She knows little of mathematics, and ____ of chemistry.A) none the less B) even moreC) still less D) still more178. He made an excellent speech, and everything he said was ______.A) at this point B) to the pointC) beside the point D) off the point179. At age 16, he _____ his mother could do anything.A) considered B) supposedC) claimed D) assumed180. For five miles ______ the road is bordered with apple orchards.A) on end B) without endC) to the end D) to this end181. No longer are contributions to computer technology confined to any one country; ____ is this more true than in Europe.A) little B) hardlyC) seldom D) nowhere182. Countless revolutionary martyrs have ____ down their lives in the interest of the people.A) lain B) laidC) lied D) lay183. After a careful investigation, the committee has decided to ____ the run-down city hall.A) replace B) renovateC) remove D) revise184. In a typhoon, winds ____ a speed greater than 120 kilometers per hour.A) retain B) assembleC) attain D) accomplish185. He always takes full ______ of the mistakes made by his rivals.A) interest B) advantageC) benefit D) profit186. It ____ him more than what was reasonable to have his watch repaired.A) cost B) consumedC) wasted D) spent187. The patient could no longer ____ between illusion and reality.A) compare B) contrastC) separate D) distinguish188. Jean doesn’t ______ her roommates and there are often disagreements between them.A) get on with B) take toC) put up with D) go on with189. The _____ estimate of grains in gross national product suggested a fast recovery from economic recession.A) primary B) introductoryC) preliminary D) previous190. Airline seats should be ______ at least a fornight before you want to travel.A) book B) buyC) occupy D) preserve191. You can see these apples ______ in size from small to medium.A) alter B) differC) change D) vary192. The bus driver ____ himself badly in the traffic accident.A) injured B) damagedC) hurt D) harmed193. Every year a national plan outlines and ____ special problems for research.A) assigns B) assistsC) designs D) delivers194. Mr. Maxwell always takes a ______ with him to clean the windscreen of his car.A) cloth B) clothesC) clothing D) stuff195. When you apply for your passport to be renewed, you have to send a ____ photograph.A) up-to-date B) fashionableC) recent D) modern196. Peter came in and ______ something in Daddy’s ear.A) shouted B) utteredC) screamed D) whispered197. The meal was excellent; the pears were particularly ______.A) flavored B) deliciousC) tasteful D) desirable198. She was extremely lucky; when her great-uncle died, she ______ a fortune.A) came by B) came overC) came into D) came about199. Advertising costs are no longer in reasonable ______ to the total cost of the product.A) relationship B) matchC) measure D) proportion200. The noise was so faint that only those with excellent ______ were aware of it.A) ear B)listeningC)hearing D) ears201. Some teenagers are said to harbor a generalized resentment against society, which ____ them the rights and privileges of adults, although physically they are mature.A) rejects B) deniesC) deprives D) declines202. It won’t ______ to postpone the matter for a few days.A) pain B) acheC) harm D) hurt203. It was in the Far East that I ______ a liking for shellfish.A) achieved B) realizedC) acquired D) required204. The secretary went through the typescript carefully to ______ all errors from it.A) abandon B) eliminateC) discharge D) desert205. The oral composition gave the student an opportunity to through speech first.A) showed B) expressedC) displayed D) revealed206. Jean asked her elder sister to ______ the holes in the pocket of her trousers.A) fill B) fixC) mend D) repair207. The judges have decided who the prize winners will be, and will ______the names at the closing ceremony tomorrow.A) declare B) nameC) claim D) announce208. They gazed at the stars______ in the lake.A) shaded B) reflectedC) shadowed D) refreshed209. The mayor refused to ______ on the rumor that he had voted against the new housing project..A) explain B) scoldC) talk D) comment210. I have been trying to read this book all day, but somehow I can’t ______ to it properly.A) settle for B) settle inC)settle up D) settle down。
A. ensure B. convinceC. agreeD. believe
22. I wish we had a color television. I’m _____ pictures in black and white.
A. accidents B. casesC. eventsD. things
14. ________ the population is too large, the government has to take measures to control the birth rate.
A. Although B. SinceC. IfD. Until
7. I don’t think these books are _____ for young children.
A. capableB. probableC. suitableD. reasonable
8. He found it difficult to _____ the fact that the ship was lost in a heavy storm.
A. atB. onC. overD. under
6. He suddenly left for Paris yesterday, _____ was more than we had expected.
A. thatB. whatC. whichD. this
7. You should take care that you have not _____ any detail in the design.
A. seriousB. silentC. simpleD. slight
词汇题(每题1分,共46分)1. It is __________ true that no artwork can satisfy everyone. [单选题] *A、evicionB、entranceC、entirely(正确答案)D、evidence2. We have fully described this historical __________ of Japanese art here because it has an important bearing on Japanese philosophy. [单选题] *A、imitationsB、imitatesC、incident(正确答案)D、imitate3. The city hopes historic districts will _______ a sense of community, which can be lacking in young and fast-growing places. [单选题] *A、foster(正确答案)B、frustratedC、flawD、functional4. Most consumers prefer eating cooked nuts as opposed to raw although cooking_____________ their health benefits. [单选题] *A、detrimentalB、depositedC、demographyD、diminishes(正确答案)5. The results of my research _________________ that identity is important in all cultures in the world. *A、surviveB、suggest(正确答案)C、survivedD、suggested(正确答案)6. The survey was distributed to over 1,000 people, but unfortunately, only about half of the __________ completed it correctly. [单选题] *A、participants(正确答案)B、procedureC、pandemicD、propagate7. The government has launched a series of programs to ____________ knowledge about the recent pandemic outbreak and preventive measures against it. [单选题] *A、participantsB、procedureC、pandemicD、propagate(正确答案)8. One of the traditional Chinese values is __________, referring to the quality of being humble, the quality of not thinking that you are better than other people. [单选题] *A、humanB、humility(正确答案)C、humanityD、humority9. We designed three- and four-storey houses, combining a modern __________ with a high level of sustainability. [单选题] *A、ascribeB、aesthetic(正确答案)C、affiliationD、artistry10. The applicant was ______ very high in technical skills, but rather low in social skills. [单选题] *A、rivalryB、rivalriesC、rated(正确答案)D、romantic11. I trust that the above ____________________ will be taken fully into account in determining which design to use. *A、objectiveB、objectC、objection(正确答案)D、objections(正确答案)12. Laughing at the same joke would help us to show __________ with others, and this may be why it is especially infectious. [单选题] *A、ascribeB、aestheticC、affiliation(正确答案)D、artistry13. Chronic, prolonged (持久的) stress can be _____________ to our overall health if left untreated. [单选题] *A、detrimental(正确答案)B、depositedC、demographyD、diminishes14. I have _______ my social media contacts into family, close friends, and work colleagues. *A、categorize(正确答案)B、consequenceC、categorise(正确答案)D、contaminate15. In the hospital, every patient is potentially at risk of acquiring and ____________ infectious diseases to other patients and healthcare workers. [单选题] *A、traitB、transmitting(正确答案)C、temptD、treat16. Discovered an obvious design __________, his new work, a building in a Scottish city, has been ridiculed by people on social media. [单选题] *A、fosterB、frustratedC、flaw(正确答案)D、functional17. Sharing family photos in the workplace helps ___________ become and remain connected. [单选题] *A、co-workerB、co-workers(正确答案)C、co-authorD、founder18. Among the many types of _____________ medical mistakes that occur, surgical errors can be the most dreadful. [单选题] *A、contaminateB、correlationC、catastrophic(正确答案)D、craftsman19. Experts across the globe predict that there will be another viral ____________ sooner rather than later. [单选题] *A、participantsB、procedureC、pandemic(正确答案)D、propagate20. In past decades, the field of cardio-oncology (肿瘤心脏病学) has _____________ focused on prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease in cancer survivors. [单选题] *A、propagateB、pandemicC、predominantly(正确答案)D、pharmaceutical21. Immunization provides the chief defense for children to ____________ the deadly diseases. [单选题] *A、survivedB、suggestC、survive(正确答案)D、suggested22. This psychology journal has an interesting article about a very ______________ study carried out on a group of 500 volunteers. [单选题] *A、correlationB、catastrophicC、comprehensive(正确答案)D、craftsman23. More than 2,000 years ago, Lu Ban, the most famous ___________ of China, solved many architectural problems. [单选题] *A、correlationB、catastrophicC、comprehensiveD、craftsman(正确答案)24. Obesity occurs when too much fat is ____________ in the body due to an imbalance of energy intake and consumption. [单选题] *A、detrimentalB、deposited(正确答案)C、demographyD、diminishes25. I can only ________ the uncommon behavior of the strangers I meet to my being a foreigner. [单选题] *A、ascribe(正确答案)B、aestheticC、affiliationD、artistry26. The following standard operating ____________________must be followed by all laboratory workers where laboratory work involves the use of hazardous chemicals. [单选题] *A、participantsC、pandemicD、propagate27. Some social media companies are ____________ attracting users to their products for financial gain. [单选题] *A、depositB、delicateC、deliberately(正确答案)D、demography28. Several models have been proposed to explain the changing _____________ of chronic diseases of affluence, such as cardiovascular disease. [单选题] *A、detrimentalB、depositedC、demography(正确答案)D、diminishes29. Once you graduate from school, you’ll start to feel fierce ______________ as you compete for a good job. *A、rivalry(正确答案)B、rivalries(正确答案)C、ratedD、romantic30. She said exactly what she thought, without thinking about the _______. [单选题] *B、categorizeC、comprehensiveD、contaminate31. International travel has grown to the point that many hotels find it necessary to employ ________ staff members. [单选题] *A、multilingual(正确答案)B、multiplicationalC、magnificationalD、muitimedial32. Governments should make laws to guarantee the manufacturing and delivery of urgently needed _____________ products used to treat emerging threats. [单选题] *A、propagateB、pandemicC、predominantlyD、pharmaceutical(正确答案)33. Some modern designers believe that well-designed buildings should be _________ as well as beautiful. [单选题] *A、fosterB、frustratedC、flawD、functional(正确答案)34. The _______ of this clock offers a thoughtful marriage of form and function. [单选题] *A、ascribeB、aestheticC、affiliationD、artistry(正确答案)35. Is there any __________ between gender and personality traits? [单选题] *A、correlation(正确答案)B、catastrophicC、comprehensiveD、craftsman36. It normally takes years to design a manufacturing process and develop a new_____________ or drug. [单选题] *A、vacantB、vacuumC、vaccine(正确答案)D、vaccinate37. When I don’t understand something even after the teacher has explained it twice, I feel __________. [单选题] *A、fosterB、frustrated(正确答案)C、flawD、functional38. In general, shyness is a personality ________ that is partly biological and partly environmental. [单选题] *A、trait(正确答案)B、transmitC、temptD、treat39. An important invention of the ancient Chinese people was that of a fine, _________ item known as porcelain. [单选题] *A、depositB、delicate(正确答案)C、deliberatelyD、demography40. The gel (凝胶) quickly coats the point of bleeding, resulting in the physical_____________ of the broken blood vessel. [单选题] *A、correlationB、catastrophicC、closure(正确答案)D、craftsman41. My parents can’t judge their old home realistically. They have a(n) _________ impression of it, and think it’s better than it really was. [单选题] *A、rivalryB、rivalriesC、ratedD、romantic(正确答案)42. Fast-food chains will ______ you with more efficient takeout options. [单选题] *A、traitB、transmittingC、tempt(正确答案)D、treat43. People may be infected by touching something ____________ by the COVID-19 virus and then touching their own mouth, nose, or eyes. [单选题] *A、contaminateB、catastrophicC、contaminated(正确答案)D、craftsman44. Current literature provides adequate ____________ that intensive lifestyle modifications could lower the incidence of diabetes and cardiovascular (心血管的)diseases. [单选题] *A、evicionB、entranceC、entirelyD、evidence(正确答案)45. Chinese landscape paintings are not the kind of art that merely __________ nature but expresses the artist’s heart and mind. [单选题] *A、imitationsB、imitates(正确答案)C、incidentD、imitate46. Traditional Japanese ideas of beauty contain __________ that may seem quite foreign to Westerners, who name them “Japaneseness.” [单选题] *A、nationsB、notions(正确答案)C、noticesD、notifications。
英语词汇学试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. The word "university" is derived from the Latin word "universitas," which originally meant:A. A place of higher educationB. A legal entityC. A group of studentsD. A city2. In English, the term "neologism" refers to:A. An old word that has been revivedB. A new word or expressionC. A word that has fallen out of useD. A word that has been borrowed from another language3. Which of the following is an example of a compound word?A. BicycleB. TelephoneC. UnicycleD. Both A and B4. The word "breakfast" is a:A. Compound wordB. BlendC. AcronymD. Back-formation5. The word "mouse" when referring to a computer device is anexample of:A. HomonymyB. PolysemyC. SynonymyD. Hyponymy6. The term "morpheme" in linguistics refers to the:A. Smallest meaningful unit of languageB. Largest meaningful unit of languageC. Smallest grammatical unit of languageD. Largest grammatical unit of language7. Which of the following is an example of a prefix?A. -lyB. un-C. -nessD. re-8. The word "unhappy" is formed by adding the prefix "un-" to the root word "happy," which is an example of:A. AffixationB. ConversionC. CoinageD. Blending9. The word "edit" can be traced back to the Latin word "edere," which means:A. To eatB. To publishC. To give outD. To cut10. The process of creating a new word by shortening an existing one is known as:A. ClippingB. Back-formationC. BlendingD. Acronym formation二、填空题(每题1分,共10分)11. The word "kindergarten" is a compound of two German words, "kind" meaning ______ and "garten" meaning garden.12. The term "semantic shift" refers to a change in the______ of a word over time.13. An example of a back-formation is the word "edit," which was derived from the noun "editor."14. The word "geek" originally had a negative connotation but has undergone ______ to become a term of endearment for tech enthusiasts.15. The process of creating a new word by combining parts of two or more words is known as ______.16. The prefix "auto-" in "autonomous" comes from the Greek word for ______.17. The suffix "-able" in "readable" is used to form ______ adjectives.18. The term "etymology" refers to the study of the ______ of words.19. A word that has the same form as another but a different meaning is an example of ______.20. The word "smog" is a blend of "smoke" and "fog," which is an example of a ______ word.三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)21. Explain the difference between a homograph and a homophone.22. Describe the process of semantic change known as amelioration.23. What is the role of borrowing in the development of a language's vocabulary?24. Discuss the concept of word class conversion and provide an example.四、论述题(每题15分,共30分)25. Discuss the impact of globalization on the English lexicon.26. Analyze the factors that contribute to the creation of new words in English.答案:一、选择题1. B2. B3. D4. A5. A6. A7. D8. A9. C 10. A二、填空题11. child 12. meaning 13. back-formation 14. semantic shift 15. blending 16. self 17. adjective 18. history 19. homonym 20. portmanteau三、简答题21. A homograph is a word that is spelled the same as another word but has a different meaning and possibly a different pronunciation, while a homophone is a word that is pronounced the same as another word but has a different meaning andspelling.22. Amelioration refers to the。
自考英语词汇学试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. The word "anonymous" is derived from which language?A. LatinB. GreekC. FrenchD. German答案:B. Greek2. Which of the following is an example of a compound word?A. BlackboardB. BreakdownC. ClassroomD. Both A and C答案:D. Both A and C3. The term "morpheme" refers to the smallest meaningful unit in a language. What is its role in vocabulary?A. It forms the basis of all words.B. It is used for grammatical purposes.C. It is a type of prefix or suffix.D. It is a collection of synonyms.答案:A. It forms the basis of all words.4. What is the process called when a word changes its meaningover time?A. Semantic shiftB. SynonymyC. PolysemyD. Homonymy答案:A. Semantic shift5. Which of the following is a false friend in English and Spanish?A. ActualB. CurrentC. ActualmenteD. Fact答案:C. Actualmente6. The word "serendipity" is an example of a ________ word.A. BorrowedB. NeologismC. CognateD. Archaic答案:A. Borrowed7. What is the meaning of the prefix "un-" in the word "unhappy"?A. NotB. OneC. UpD. Out答案:A. Not8. Which of the following words is a back-formation?A. EditB. TypewriteC. InventD. Hostage答案:B. Typewrite9. The term "collocation" refers to the way in which words are often found together in a language. Which of the following is an example of collocation?A. "Strong coffee"B. "Big mouse"C. "Tall mountain"D. "Long sleep"答案:A. "Strong coffee"10. Which of the following is an example of a phrasal verb?A. "To look"B. "To come"C. "To look up"D. "To come up"答案:D. "To come up"二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)11. The root of the word "biology" is ________, which meanslife.答案:bio-12. An idiom is a type of ________ expression that is often metaphorical.答案:fixed13. The word "avocado" is a(n) ________ noun because it ends with an "o" but is not singular.答案:plural14. The process of creating new words by combining existing words is known as ________.答案:compounding15. A word that has more than one meaning is said to exhibit ________.答案:polysemy16. The term "etymology" refers to the ________ of a word, including its origin and historical development.答案:history17. In English, the word "mouse" can be both a noun and a verb, which is an example of ________.答案:conversion18. The phrase "kick the bucket" is an example of a(n)________ idiom.答案:idiomatic19. A word that is spelled but not pronounced is known as a(n) ________ letter.答案:silent20. The word "geography" is derived from the Greek words "geo" meaning earth and "graphia" meaning ________.答案:writing or description三、简答题(每题10分,共30分)21. Explain the difference between a homograph and a homophone.答案:A homograph is a word that is spelled the same as another word but has a different meaning and may have a different pronunciation. For example, "lead" can mean toguide or the metal. A homophone is a word that is pronounced the same as another word but has a different meaning and is usually spelled differently. For example, "their," "there," and "they're" are homophones.22. What is the role of context in determining the meaning ofa word?答案:Context plays a crucial role in determining the meaning of a word because it provides clues about thesituation in which the word is used. It helps to disambiguate。
英语词汇试题及答案一、选择题1. The word "abandon" means:A) To leave behindB) To pick upC) To continueD) To support答案:A2. Which of the following is the antonym of "happiness"?A) SadnessB) JoyC) ExcitementD) Pleasure答案:A3. The phrase "break the ice" is used to describe:A) To stop a conversationB) To start a conversationC) To end a meetingD) To interrupt a discussion答案:B二、填空题4. The opposite of "fail" is usually considered to be _______.答案:succeed5. If you are "indifferent" to something, it means you are _______.答案:unconcerned6. The word "anticipate" is often used to express that you are looking forward to something or that you are _______.答案:expecting三、改错题7. The following sentence contains a mistake. Identify the incorrect word and provide the correct one."I have a lot of confidence in my abilities, but I'm not arrogant about them."答案:The sentence is correct.8. Correct the error in the sentence below."He was so tired that he fell asleep in the middle of the conversation."答案:The sentence is correct.四、翻译题9. Translate the following sentence from English to Chinese. "The young man is ambitious and has a bright future ahead of him."答案:这个年轻人很有抱负,前途光明。
英语词汇梳理试题及答案一、词汇匹配题(将下列单词与对应的中文意思匹配)1. A. 机会2. B. 环境3. C. 勇气4. D. 影响5. E. 能力A. InfluenceB. CourageC. AbilityD. EnvironmentE. Opportunity二、词义辨析题(选择与题干意思最接近的单词)1. 他是一个有远见的人。
A. VisionB. ViewC. SightD. Insight2. 这个项目对公司的发展产生了积极的影响。
A. ImpactB. ImpressionC. InfluenceD. Effect3. 她有处理复杂问题的能力。
A. PowerB. AbilityC. CapacityD. Strength1. D2. D3. B三、填空题(用适当的单词填空)1. The company is looking for a new _______ to expand its market.2. The _______ of the city is very clean and pleasant.3. She showed great _______ when she faced the difficult situation.4. The _______ of the new policy will be felt in the coming years.5. He has the _______ to lead the team to success.1. opportunity2. environment3. courage4. impact5. ability四、翻译题(将下列句子翻译成英文)1. 我们有责任保护环境。
2. 他有领导团队的能力。
3. 这个决定将对我们的生活产生长远的影响。
4. 她抓住了这个难得的机会。
5. 这个项目需要一个有远见的领导者。
1. We have the responsibility to protect the environment.2. He has the ability to lead the team.3. This decision will have a long-term impact on our lives.4. She seized the rare opportunity.5. The project requires a visionary leader.五、阅读理解题(阅读短文,回答问题)The young man had a dream of becoming a successful entrepreneur. He worked hard, saved money, and finally had the opportunity to start his own business. The environment in which he lived was very supportive, and it gave him the courage to take risks. He used his ability to analyze the market and make strategic decisions, which had a positive impact on his business. Over time, his business grew and became a source of inspiration for others.1. What did the young man dream of becoming?2. What did he do to prepare for his dream?3. What was the environment like where he lived?4. What did he use to make strategic decisions?5. What was the result of his efforts?1. He dreamed of becoming a successful entrepreneur.2. He worked hard, saved money, and prepared for the opportunity to start his own business.3. The environment was very supportive and gave him courage to take risks.4. He used his ability to analyze the market.5. His business grew and became a source of inspiration for others.。
1. Analyze2. Contemplate3. Deteriorate4. Exacerbate5. InevitableA. 恶化B. 必然的C. 分析D. 深思熟虑E. 加剧答案:1. C2. D3. A4. E5. B二、同义词替换题选择与下列句子中划线单词意义最接近的同义词。
1. The situation is deteriorating rapidly.2. The new policy will inevitably lead to a rise in taxes.3. She is contemplating a career change.4. The evidence clearly analyzes the cause of the accident.5. His condition was exacerbated by the stress.A. WorseningB. InevitableC. ConsideringD. InvestigatingE. Aggravated答案:1. A2. B3. C4. D5. E三、反义词选择题选择与下列句子中划线单词意义相反的词。
1. The patient's condition is deteriorating.2. The decision was inevitable.3. He is contemplating the implications of his actions.4. The report analyzes the data in detail.5. The disease was exacerbated by poor nutrition.A. ImprovingB. AvoidableC. IgnoringD. SummarizingE. Alleviated答案:1. A2. B3. C4. D5. E四、填空题请在下列句子中的空白处填入合适的词汇。
⑵中国的封建社会( )了三千多年。
⑶人固然应该生存,但为的是进化;也不妨受苦,但为的是( )将 来的一切苦;更应该战斗,但为的是改革。
1.语素是( )
C、最小的语音语义结合单位 位
2.“员、祖、乡、分、妊、严”中包含的自由语素是( )
3.“一对花瓶”、“你说的对”、“面对未来”中三个“对”代表 ( )
9.“反法西斯主义者”中的语素有( )
10.“雄性”是( )
11.“龟缩”一词的构词方式是( )
12.“安培”是( )