SBS3 Lenson4
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Phrases: 晚餐吃意大利面 have spaghetti for dinner, --had, had 玩宾果游戏 play Bingo --played, played p44 尽力做某事 try very hard to do sth. 摆脱 get rid of 在月初 at the beginning of the month 听从医生的建议 follow / take the doctor’s advice 卧床休息 rest in bed 事到如今 at this point 极度沮丧的 be extremely frustrated p45 写诗歌 write poetry 划皮划艇 go kayaking 玩大富翁游戏 play Monopoly 做她自己的衣服 make her own clothes 上舞蹈课 take dance lesson 变魔术 do magic tricks 吃你的药 take your medicine 前往学校 leave for school 写你的学期论文 write your term paper
Phrases: 穿和服 wear a kimono -wore, worn 吃棉花糖 eat cotton candy—ate, eaten 上急救课 take a first-aid course -took, taken 在课堂上睡着 fall asleep in class -fell, fallen 被困于电梯内 get stuck in an elevator -got, gotten p41 开一辆新的厢式货车 drive a new van –drove, driven 进行她的陈述 give her presentation --gave,given 得到他们的薪水支票 get their paychecks -got, gotten 盘点存货 take inventory –took, taken 遇见新老板 meet the new boss –met, met 解释现在完成时态 explain the present perfect tense; --explained p42 献血 give blood 带她的孩子们去动物园 take her children to the zoo 打他的紫色领带 wear his purple tie wore, worn 开车去山区 drive to the mountains --drove, driven 给她最好的朋友写信 write to her best friend --wrote, written 在健身俱乐部游泳 swim at the health club– swan, swum buy, bought, bought
Phrases: P37 去银行 go to the bank—went, gone 在洗衣店洗衣服 do the laundry-did, done 在洗衣店洗他的衣服 do his laundry-did, done 理发 get a haircut-got, gotten 给祖母写信 write to Grandma- wrote, written 遛狗 take the dog for a walk / walk the dog; -- took, taken; 给狗洗澡 give the dog a bath / bathe the dog; gave, given 和房东交谈 speak to the landlord-spoke, spoken 开车送孩子们去上舞蹈课 drive the kids to their dance lesson 吃午餐 eat lunch- ate, eaten 骑我的运动单车 ride my exercise bike- rode, riden 看电影 see a movie-saw, seen P38 知道如何开卡车 know how to drive trucks-knew, known 写报告 write reports- wrote, written 开飞机 fly airplanes- flew, flown 拍X光片 take X-rays –took, taken 用筷子吃 eat with chopsticks -ate, eaten 给予注射 give injections --gave, given
Structures : ——你在地中海里游泳过吗?(ever) Have you ever swum in the Mediterranean? ——有过啊。我去年在那里游泳的。 Yes, I have. I swan there last year. ——你写报告了吗? (yet) Have you written the report yet? ——写过了。一会儿之前写的。 Yes, I have. I wrote a report a little while ago. 他这星期已经打过保龄球了。 He has gone bowling this week. 现在已经晚上9点了,我们还没有决定今晚去干什么。(2) It’s already 9 P.M., and we still haven’t decided what we’re going to do tonight. It’s already 9 P.M., and we still haven’t decided what to do tonight. 他所做的都于事无补。 Nothing he has done has helped. 为什么你好久都不画画了? Why haven’t you drawn in a long time?
Phrases: 一家电脑公司的一名职员 an employee of a computer company 一个典型的星期五下午 a typical Friday afternoon 一名办公室职员 an office clerk 分发所有邮件 deliver all the mail 等着见某人 wait to see sb. 至于我 as for me 对……感到满意(2) be satisfied with … / be pleased with … 去到帝国大厦的顶楼 go to the top of the Empire State Building 自由女神像 the Statue of Liberty 参观联合国 take a tour of the United Nations 看几场百老汇演出 see several Broadway shows 和老板谈谈我的薪水 speak to the boss about my salary
Structures : 为什么不画画呢? Why not draw? 从A地出发前往B地 leave A for B ——我还没有完成我的工作。 I haven’t finished my work. ——我也还没有。(2) I haven’t finished my work yet either. / Neither have I. 这是我去过的最好的饭店之一。 It’s one of the best restaurants I have ever been to. ——电影怎么样? How was the movie? ——太棒了。(8) It was excellent / very good / wonderful / great / fantastic / terrific / phenomenal / awesome. 琳达还有很多事情没有做呢。 There are a lot of things Linda hasn’t done yet. 仍然还有更多事情要做。 There are still a lot more things to do.
SBS3 Lenson4
Words: 注射(n.) injection 注射(v.) inject 嫉妒的(adj.) jealous 演说者 speaker 说英语的(adj.) English-speaking 解释(v.) explain 解释(n.) explanation 记帐员 bookkeeper 管理员 custodian 最近(2) recently / lately 使……满意(v.) satisfy 满意(n.) satisfaction
Biblioteka Baidu
Phrases: 画卡通 draw cartoons ---drew, drawn 做瑜伽 do yoga ---did, done 骑马 ride horses --rode, ridden 和老板一起吃午餐 eat lunch with the boss 对……感到嫉妒的 be jealous of, ---was/were, been P39 乘直升飞机 fly in a helicopter --flew, flown 看百老汇演出 see a Broadway show, --saw, seen 乘游轮出游 go on a cruise --went, gone 在白宫唱歌 sing at the White House -sang, sung 得到加薪 get a raise -got, gotten 上电视 be on television --was/were, been 乘热气球 take a ride in a hot-air balloon –took, taken 乘豪华轿车 ride in a limousine –rode, ridden P40 看见彩虹 see a rainbow -saw, seen 水肺潜水 go scuba diving -went, gone 做演说 give a speech -gave, given 英语口语 speak English—spoke, spoken