Lecture 4,
TPO17Lecture4BiologyProfessor:Ok,now I want to talk about an animal that has a fascinating set of defense mechanisms. And that’s the octopus,one of the unusual creatures that live in the sea.The octopus is prey to many species,including humans,so how does it escape its predators?Well,let me back up here a second. Anyone ever heard of Proteous?Proteus was a God in Greek mythology who could change form.He could make himself look like a lion or a stone or a tree,anything you wanted,and he could go through a whole series of changes very quickly.Well,the octopus is the real world version of Proteus.Just like Proteus,the octopus can go through all kinds of incredible transformations.And it does this in three ways:by changing color,by changing its texture,and by changing its size and shape.For me,the most fascinating transformation is when it changes its color.It’s a normal skin color,the one it generally presents,is either red or brown or even grey,and it’s speckled with dark spots.But when it wants to blend in with its environment to hide from its enemies,it can take on the color of its immediate surroundings:the ocean floor,a rock,a piece of coral,whatever.Charles?Student:Do we know how that works,I mean,how they change colors?Professor:Well,we know that the reaction that takes place is not chemical in nature.The color changes are executed by two different kinds of cells in the octopus’skin,mainly by color cells on the skin’s surface call chromatophoresChromatophores consist of tiny sacks filled with color dye.There might be a couple hundred of these color sacks per square millimeter of the octopus’skin,and depending on the species,they can come in as many as five different colors.Each one of these sacks is controlled by muscles. If the muscles are relaxed,the sack shrinks,and all you see is a littl e white point.But if the muscle’s contract,then the sack expands,and you can see the colors.And by expanding different combinations Student:And just with various combinations of those five colors,they can recreate any color in their environment?Professor:Well,they can no doubt create a lot with just those five colors,but you are right,maybe they can’t mimic every color around them,so that’s where the second kind of cell comes in.Just below the chromatophores is a layer of cells that reflect light from the environment,and these cells help the octopus create a precise match with the colors surround them.The colors from the color sacks are supplemented with colors that are reflected from the environment,and that’s how they are able to mimic colors with such pr ecision.So,that’s how octopus mimic colors.But they don’t just mimic the colors in their environment; they can alos mimic the texture of objects in their environment.They have these little projections on their skin that allow them to resemble various textures.The projections are called papillae6If the octopus wants to have a rough texture,it raises the papillae.If it wants to have a smooth texture,it flattens out the papillae, so it can acquire a smooth texture to blend inwith the sandy bottom of the sea.So the octopus has the ability to mimic both the color and the texture of its environment.And it’s truly amazing how well it can blend in with its surroundings.You can easily swim within a few feet of an octopus and never see it.Student:I read that they often hide from predators by squirting out a cloud of ink,or something like that.Professor:Yes.The octopus can release a cloud of ink if it feels threatened.But it doesn’t hide behind it,as is generally believed.Um,the ink cloud is...it serves to distract a predator while the octopus makesits escape.Um,now there’s a third way that octopus can transform themselves to blend in withor mimic their environment,and that’s by changing their shape and size,well,at least their apparent size.The muscular system of the octopus enables it to be very flexible to assume all sorts of shapes and postures.So it can contract into the shape of a little round stone,and sit perfectly still on the seafloor.Or it can nestle up7in the middle of a plant and take the shape of one of the leaves.Even Proteus would be impressed,I think.教授:好的,现在我想讲一讲一种特别的动物,它有一套令人惊叹的防御机制——它就是章鱼,一种生活在大海之中的不凡之物。
Comments on writing
But in the past many years, children had another kind of lifestyle, they had several brothers and sisters. And their parents needed to take care of several children at the same time, so they couldn’t be looked after well like the children who live in the modern time, but they had fine childhoods what they thought of.
When I was a child, I always wear my mother clothes are done, or my brother wearing a small, not clothes. About one year to get a new clothes until my high school age in 1983.
我 你 他 她 它 我们 你们 他们
I you he she it we you they
me you him her it us you them
形容词性 所有格
my your his her its our your their
名词性 所有格
mine yours his hers its ours yours theirs
The postman is always putting your letters into my letter-box. (不满情 绪);
认清英汉两种语言旳差别 英语属于“形合”语言,而汉语属于“意合”语言。 所谓“形合”,是
经过语言“形式”来体现意义,主要涉及语言形式(词、词组和句子) 旳 变化以及连接手段旳使用等等。例如, 英语中词旳变化有单数和复数, 动词旳变化有不定 式、动名词和分词, 形容词和副词有原级、比较级和最高级等; 句子旳变化有简朴句,并列 句和主从句。 连接手段有连词(涉及并列连词和隶属连词)和介词等,它们将单词连成 词组, 将词组连成句子,将简朴句连成并列句和从句等。 能够说,语言形式与意义旳统一是"形合" 语言旳基本特征。
柯灵 散文《旳抒情》
参照译文: ①书是我旳恩师。②贫穷剥夺了我童年旳幸福,把我关在学校大门旳外面,
是课本敞开它宽厚旳胸脯,接纳了我,给我以慷慨旳哺育。③没有书,就没 有我旳今日④——可能我旱就委身于沟壑。⑤书是我旳良友。⑥它给我一把 金钥匙,诱导我打开浅短旳视界,愚昧旳头脑、闭塞旳心灵,它从不吝惜对 我帮助。⑦书是我青春期旳恋人,中年旳知己,暮年旳伴侣,有了它,我就 不再愁寂寞,不再怕人情冷暖,世态炎凉。⑧它使我成为精神世界旳富翁。 Books are my beloved teachers. Poverty deprived me of my childhood happiness and school education, while books embraced me liberally and nurtured me generously. It is to them that I owe what I am today. Without them, I would probably have ended up in abject misery long ago. Books are my good friends, which have offered me a golden key to broadening my horizons and ridding myself of stupidity and ignorance. They spare no efforts to help me. Books are my sweethearts in my youth, my bosom friends in my middle age, and my companions in my declining years. They make me never feel lonely, nor fear social snobbery or fickleness of the world. It is no more than them that have made me rich in the inner world.
色度带宽(MHz) 声音载波(MHz)
1.3(I),0.6(Q) 4.5
1.3(U),1.3(V) 6.5
>1.0(U),>1.0(V) 6.5
高质量视频系统分别使用三路信号来表示红、绿、蓝三种图 像分量。这种视频被称为分量视频。 分量视频使用三根信号线连接视频设备( BNC或RCA连接器) 传送信号。 计算机系统一般使用分量视频,包含RGB的分量信号;电视系 统的分量视频使用的是亮度-色差信号。 对于分色系统,由于分量视频的三个信道之间没有任何色度、 亮度干扰,所以颜色再现能力最好。但需要更高的带宽和良 好的同步机制。
作为折中方案,S-Video使用的是两条信号线传送视频信号, 一条传送亮度信号,一条传送混合的色度信号。这样的方案 使得颜色信息与关键的亮度信息之间的干扰变小。 S-Video的视频信号连接设备使用称为S端子的四芯连接器。 S-Video的视频其颜色再现质量介于分量视频和复合视频之间。
分量数字化:先从复合彩色电视图像中分离出彩色 分量,然后数字化。
ITU-RBT.601 (1980s) 该标准规定了 • 彩色电视图像转换成数字图像时使用的采样 频率, • RGB和YCbCr(或者写成YCBCR)两个彩色 空间之间的转换关系等。
• 625行(扫描线)/帧,25帧/秒(40 ms/帧) • 高宽比(aspect ratio):4:3 • 隔行扫描,2场/帧,312.5行/场 • 颜色模型:YUV
1、染色质重塑DNA双链与组蛋白核心颗粒之间位置的相对变化,我们就叫做染色质重塑(Chromatin Remodeling),或者叫做核小体重塑(Nucleosome Remodeling),这包括了核小体在DNA链上的滑动,包括了核小体中组蛋白从DNA上的脱离,或者在另外一个区段的组装,这些过程都可以叫做染色质的重塑。
体内有很多的蛋白因子能够对DNA与组蛋白相互作用的稳定性造成影响,这些大的蛋白复合体叫做染色质重塑复合体(Chromatin Remodeling Complex)或者核小体重塑复合体(Nucleosome Remodeling Complex)。
目前已经鉴定的染色质重塑复合体包括SWI/SNF,ISWI和 SWR1复合体家族等。
SWI/SNF复合体 (pronounced “switch‐sniff ”)是第一个被发现于芽殖酵母中的染色质重塑复合物,人类细胞中的同系物称作BAF(BRG‐1相关因子)。
lecture_4 美国文学史课件
•1912---1914: Pound took over and championed the poetry.
• 1914---1917: Amy Lowell took over from Pound and pushed the movement in to the period of “Amygism” as Pound called it.
It offered a new way of writing which was valid not only for the Imagist poets but for modern poetry as a whole.
❖ The movement was a training school in whirned their first lessons in poetic art.
Lecture 4 Literature in 1920s 1920s American Literature
I. Background: 1. Economic Boom : “Dollar Decade” carefree prosperity pursuit of pleasure Social labor movement almost
precision new rhythms free choice of subject matter
lecture 4
一价定律的数学表达: Pi=S· Pi* 其中,Pi、Pi*分别表示本国和外国第i种商品的价格水 平 ,S为直接标价法下的均衡汇率。 一价定律表明,一种商品的价格在国内和国外的价格应 该是一致的,否则会导致商品套购活动,拉平差价。 案例演示 例:美国:100斤大米=25美元;中国:100斤大米=200元人 民币。求人民币对美元的汇率。 答: S=外币购买力/本币购买力=(100/25)/(100/200)=8.00 则:$1=¥8.00或$100=¥800这就是人民币对美元的汇率。
汇率取决于两种货币的购买力。 汇率最终由本国价格水平和外国价格水平的比率决 定。1/P表示单位货币的购买力 外币购买力 1/Pt* Pt S= = = 本币购买力 1/Pt Pt* (直接标价法的汇率水平)
Purchasing power parity theory
/show/9WBZRsojGjbWe2qq.ht ml
“汉堡经济报告”的基础是购买力平价理论。这份报告 研究的商品是麦当劳的汉堡,约120个国家的麦当劳都提 供这种汉堡。
Exchange Rates in the Longasing power parity 相对购买力平价理论
Relative purchasing power parity postulates
that the change in the exchange rate is equal to the difference in the change in the price levels (rates of inflation) of the two countries.
【托福听力资料】托福TPO14听力文本——Lecture 4
【托福听力资料】托福TPO14听力文本——Lecture 4众所周知,托福TPO材料是备考托福听力最好的材料。
TPO 14 Lecture 4 ArcheologyNarrator: Listen to part of a lecture in an archaeology classProfessor:When we think of large monumental structures built by early societies, an Egyptian pyramid probably comes to mind. But there are some even earlier structures in the British Isles also worth discussing, and besides thewell-known circle of massive stones of Stonehenge, which don’t get me wrong is remarkable enough, well, other impressive Neolithic structures are found there too. Oh, yes, we are talking about the Neolithic period here, also called new Stone Age, which was the time before stone tools began to be replaced by tools made of bronze and other metals. It was about 5000 years ago, even before the first Egyptian pyramid that some amazing Neolithic monuments---tombs, were erected at various sites around Ireland, Great Britain and coastal islands nearby.I am referring particular to structures that in some cases, look likeordinary natural hills but were definitely built by humans, well-organized communities of humans to enclose a chamber or room within stone walls and sometimes with a high, cleverly designed ceiling of overlapping stones. These structures are called Passage Graves, because the inner chamber, sometimesseveral chambers in fact, could only be entered from the outside through a narrow passageway.Michael: Excuse me, professor, but you said Passage Graves. Were these just monuments to honor the dead buried there or were they designed to be used somehow by the living?Professor: Ah, yes! Good question, Michael. Besides being built as tombs, some of these Passage Graves were definitely what we might call Astronomical Calendars, with chambers that were flooded with sunlight on certain special days of the year, which must’ve have seemed miraculous and inspired a good deal of religious wonder. But research indicates that not just light but also the physics of sound helped enhance this religious experiences.Michael: How so?Professor:Well, first the echoes. When a religious leader started chanting with echoes bouncing off the stonewalls over and over again, it must’ve seemed like a whole chorus of other voices, spirits of Gods maybe, joining in.But even more intriguing is what physicists calledStanding Waves. Basically, the phenomenon of Standing Waves occurs when sound waves of the same frequency reflect off the walls and meet from opposite directions. So, the volume seems to alternate between very loud and very soft. You can stand quite near a man singing in loud voice and hardly hear him. Yetstep a little further away and his voice is almost deafening. As you move around the chamber, the volume of the sound goes way up and way down, depending on where you are in these standing waves. And often the acoustics make it hard to identify where sounds are coming from. It’s as if powerful voices are speaking to you or chanting from inside your own head. This had to engender a powerful sense of awe in Neolithic worshipers.And another bit of physics at play here is something called Resonance. I am no physicist, but well I imagine you have all blown air over the top of an empty bottle and heard the sound it makes. And you’ve probably noticed that depending on its size--- each empty bottle plays one particular musical note. Or as a physicist might put it, each bottle resonates at a particular frequency. Well, that’s true of these chambers too. If you make a constant noise inside the chamber, maybe by steadily beating drum at a certain rate, a particular frequency of sound will resonate, will ring out intensely, depending on the size of the chamber. In some of the larger chambers though, these intensified sound may be too deep for us to hear, we can feel it. We are mysteriously agitated by it….but it is not a sound our ears can hear.The psychological effects of all these extraordinary sounds can be profound, especially when they seem so disconnected from the human doing the drumming or chanting. And there can be observable physical effects on people too. In fact, the sounds can cause headaches, feelings of dizziness, increased heart rate, that sort of thing, you see. Anyway, what was experienced inside one of thesePassage Graves clearly could be far more intense than the everyday realityoutside, which made them very special places.But back to your question, Michael, as to whether these Graves were designed to be used by the living. Well, certainly, with regard to astronomical orcalendar function. That seems pretty obvious, and I wanna go into more detail onthat now.。
lecture 4 汉英语言类型对比与翻译(动态与静态)
III. 汉英动态与静态取向对比
• The computer is a far more careful and industrious inspector than human beings. • 【原译】计算机比人检查的更细心、更勤快。 • 【试译】机检比人检要细致、勤快得多。 • 3. 名词优势加上介词优势,使英语的静态倾向更加显著。英 语介词具有丰富多样的词汇意义,常常表达汉语中要用动词 表达的概念,例如, • (1) He has someone behind him. • 【原译】有人给他撑腰。 • 【试译】他有人撑腰。(他有后台。) • (2) The smell of wild flowers came to us on the light breeze that was blowing. • 【原译】野花的芬芳乘着轻风向我们扑来。 • 【试译】和着微风,野花香扑鼻而来。
II. Main Concepts
• Nominalization • In linguistics, nominalization is the use of a word which is not a noun (e.g. a verb, an adjective or an adverb) as a noun, or as the head of a noun phrase, with or without morphological transformation. • The term can also refer specifically to the process of producing a noun from another part of speech via the addition of derivational affixes. • Two types of nominalization are found in English. One type requires the addition of a derivational suffix to create a noun. For example, in the sentence “Combine the two chemicals,” “combine” acts as a verb. This can be turned into a noun via the addition of -ation, as in “The experiment involved the combination of the two chemicals.”
(2)弱碱型: F-<C1-<Br-<I-<CH3COO-<Mo052-<P043-< AsO43-<NO3-<酒石酸根离子<CrO42-<SO42-< OH-
为H+型。 • 阴离于交换树脂可用l mol/L氢氧化钠处理,将其
四、 离子交换分离法的应用
1. 电解质与非电解质的分离: 如:牛奶中重金属离子的分离富集。
2. 水的净化——去离子水的制备。
3. 微量组分的分离富集
例:矿石中痕量铂、钯的测定。 (1)矿石溶解 (2)加入较浓的HCl,Pt(Ⅳ),Pd(Ⅱ)转化为 PtCl62-或PdCl42-阴离子 (3)试液通过装有Cl-强碱性阴离子交换树脂微型 交换柱 (4)PtCl62-或PdCl42-被交换于树脂上 (5)取出树脂 → 高温灰化→王水浸取残渣→ 定容 (6)分光光度法测定Pt(Ⅳ),Pd(Ⅱ)。
3. 洗涤过程
• 洗涤过程: 将离子交换树脂柱上的残留试液(包括未 与树脂发生交换作用的物质)及被树脂交 换出的离子洗去的过程。
• 洗涤剂:不含试样的、其它成分及酸度与 试样溶液相同的“空白”试液或水。
4. 洗脱过程
• 洗脱(淋洗)过程:将交换到树脂上的离子,用洗 脱剂(或淋洗剂)置换下来的过程,是交换过程的 逆过程。
• 主要的有机离子交换剂: 1. 凝胶树脂 2. 大孔树脂 3. 阳离子交换树脂 4. 阴离子交换树脂 5. 螯合离子交换树脂 6. 氧化还原离子交换树脂
英语专业语法书Lecture 4 Noun and Noun__ Phrase
Lecture 4Noun and Noun PhraseAs has been pointed out, the noun phrase is a phrase with a noun as its head. It is the noun head that determines the way the noun phrase is organized.4.1 Classification of nounsNouns can be classified according to word formation, lexical meaning and grammatical form.I) Simple, compound and derivative nounsAccording to word formation, nouns can be divided into simple, compound and derivative nouns. A simple noun is a noun that contains only one free morpheme (eg: man, chair, land, faith). A compound noun is a noun that is composed of two or more morphemes (mostly free morphemes) (eg: armchair, farmland, seaside, roommate). A derivative noun is a noun that comes from a verb, an adjective or a simple noun with affix (eg: arrangement, greatness, patriotism).2) Proper and common nounsAccording to lexical meaning, nouns fall into two major categories: proper nouns and common nouns. A proper noun is a name used for a particular person, place or thing, and spelt with a capital letter, (eg: Anderson, Britain, New York Times). A common noun is a noun common to a class of people, things or abstract ideas. Common nouns can be further classified into individual, co1lective, material, and abstract nouns (eg: boy, tiger, family, team, water, air, honesty, glory).3) Count and noncount nounsAccording to grammatical form, nouns can be divided into two classes: count nouns and noncount nouns. A count noun (or countable noun) is a noun that has a plural and which can collocate with numbers and with such determiners as a(n), many, few, these, those, several, etc (eg: a car, two cars, many cars, several cars),. A noncount noun (or uncountable noun) is a noun that cannot go with theabove-mentioned words (eg: bread, furniture, merchandise) .4.2 Number forms of: nounsNUMBER is a grammatical category that indicates the change in the form of nouns and verbs, depending on whether one or more than one is talked about. Some English nouns have singular and plural forms, and some have not.1) Number forms of individual nounsIndividual nouns are all countable and therefore have singular and plural forms. The singular form of an individual noun, which shares the same form as the base of the word, can take such determiners as a (n) and one (eg: a / one desk, an / one article,. The plural form of an individual noun can be regular or irregular. The regular plural is formed by adding -s or -es to the base (eg: days, houses, donkeys, tomatoes, boxes,churches, brushes, classes, babies, countries, loaves, wives, etc.), while the irregular plural is not formed in the above way but by other means such as by changing the internal vowel or by changing the ending of the noun (eg: tooth--teeth, man--men, mouse-mice, child-children, ox-oxen).2) Number forms of collective nounsSome collective nouns are countable, some are not. Countable collective nouns behave just like individual nouns. An uncountable collective noun has no plural form. If we want to count the number, we will have to use a kind of individual noun related semantically to the collective (eg: a piece of furniture, two articles of equipment). There is also a kind of collective noun which can be used either in the singular or in the plural sense. When viewed as a single unit the collective is singular in meaning and is to be followed by a singu1ar verb. When, on the other hand, the noun is used to refer to the individuals that form the collective, it is plural in meaning and should be followed by a plural verb.3) Number forms of material nounsMaterial nouns are generally uncountable and have no plural forms. But there are some such items that can be used either uncountably or countably. When used to mean the material itself, they are uncountable, but when used in other senses, for example, two coffees in the sense of "two cupfuls of coffee", they are countable, behaving just like individual nouns. There are also material nouns that can take plural endings, for example, sands / waters in the sense of "large expanse of sand or water" and foods / fruits in the sense of "a variety of food or fruit"; these nouns, though ending in' -s, remain uncountable.4) Number forms of abstract nounsAbstract nouns are mostly uncountable. They cannot take such determiners as a(n) / one or plural forms. But there are a few abstract nouns (eg : "a victory", "two victories" ) that are countable like individual nouns. There are also abstract nouns that have plural endings but which are uncountable. We can say, for instance, "He is in financia1 difficulties", but not "*He is in several difficulties." In the case of some abstract nouns, the mere addition of a plural ending has the effect of changing the meaning of the base. For instance, the word experience in "We meet once a year to exchange our teaching experience" is used in the sense of "经验", while the plural form experiences means "经历" in "We told each other our experiences in foreign countries". Some abstract noncount nouns have semantically related individual nouns as their countable equivalents. This is clear when we use photos or photographs instead of photography to express the idea of "taking a lot of pictures".5) Number forms of proper nounsProper nouns are unique in reference and therefore have no- plural forms, except for such proper names as the United States, the Philipines, the Netherlands, etc which are themselves plural in form. When a proper noun takes a plural ending, it takes onsome characteristics of a common noun, eg:Have you invited the Browns?There are two Miss Smiths / Misses Smith in our class.4.3 PartitivesPartitives, also called unit nouns, are commonly used to denote a part of a whole or the quantity of an undifferentiated mass. Both count and noncount nouns can enter partitive constructions. With plural count nouns, partitive constructions can denote the idea of "a group", "a pack", etc. With noncount nouns, such constructions can achieve countability. Partitives fall into the following categories:1) General partitivesWith noncount nouns the expression of quantity can be achieved by means of certain general partitives, particularly piece, bit, article, and item, followed by an of-phrase, eg:a piece of advicea bit of troublean item of newsan article of furnitureseveral pieces of bread three items of news2) Partitives related to the shape of thingsThere are partitives that are semantically related to the shape of things and whose power of collocation is, therefore, quite limited, eg:a cake of soapa bar of chocolatetwo ears of comten head of cattle / cabbage3) Partitives related to volumeA third class of partitives are those that are semantically related to volume, and all of which are common nouns. They can freely collocate with related noncount nouns, eg:a bottle of ink / oiltwo bowls of rice several pails of watera glass of beer4) Partitives related to the state of actionThe use of these partitives is limited to certain set phrases, eg:a fit of anger / coughing / laughter / fevera peal of applause / laughter / thundera flash of hope / light / lightninga display of courage / force / power / skill / fireworks5) Partitives denoting pairs, groups, flocks, etcThese partitives commonly occur with plural count nouns, eg:a pair of shoes / scissors / trousersa flock of birds / chickens / sheep / goatsa herd of elephants / cattlea swarm of pees / flies / animals / peoplea troupe of actorsa gang of hooligans / criminals a pack of lies / cards / thieves a bench of judges keys to the exercisesEx. 4A1.description2.arrangement3.attendance4.peculiarity5.expectation6.argument7.dependence 8.originality9.exaggeration10.measurement11.purity12.persistence13.extension14.statement15.gel1erosity16.entrance17.loneliness18.forgetfulness19.happiness20.seriousness名词一、名词概述名词表示人、事物、地点或抽象概念等的名称。
一、必要性/重要性+指定观点The Importance of Extracurricular Activities (2000) Extracurricular activities to the all-round development of college students are what water to life. They can exert positive influence on college students in various facets. Therefore, it is no exaggeration to say that the importance of extracurricular activities can’t be overemphasized. (43words)二、理想+现实对比+引出指定观点The Importance of Extracurricular Activities (2000)Most of us hold it to be self-evident: that college life should be diversified and colorful; that extracurricular activity plays an essential role in it.(同学们的期待)But the reality does not meet our expectations. The variety and number of extracurricular activity are far from being enough(问题所在). One of the reasons which lead to such situation is that we haven’t paid enough attention to the importance of it. (引出观点:问题的原因)三、缺乏主题导致社会问题+指定观点The Importance of Keeping a Good Mood (2003) Modern people are said to endure a lot of pressure, from education, career or family. There are often tragic stories in the newspaper about people who went insane or committed suicide. (没有保持好心情所引发的社会问题)Those tragedies once again indicate how important it is to keep a good mood. (引出指定观点)可用于写作开头和结尾的几条常见的英文谚语。
【托福听力资料】托福TPO18 听力文本——Lecture 4
【托福听力资料】托福TPO18 听力文本——Lecture 4众所周知,托福TPO材料是备考托福听力最好的材料。
TPO 18 Lecture 4 BiologyA:Well, it’s finally looking like spring is arriving. The last of thewinter snow would be melting away in a few days. So before we close today, I thought I’d mention a biological event that’s a part of the transition from winter to spring, something you can go outside and watch if you have some patience. There is a small creature that lives in this area; you’ve probably seen it. It’s the North American wood frog. Now the wood frog’s not that easy tosspot since it stays pretty to close to the ground, under leaves and things and it blends in really well with its background as you can see. But they are worth the effort because they do something very unusual, something you might not have even thought possible. OK North American wood frogs live over a very broad territory or range. They’re found all over the northeastern United States and all through Canada and Alaska, even inside the Arctic Circle. No other frog is able to live that far and north. But wherever they live, once the weather starts to turn cold and the temperature starts to drop below freezing, as soon as the frog even touches an ice crystal or a bit of frozen ground, well, it begins to freeze. Yeah...yes to me. You look a little bit taken aback.B: Wait, you mean it’s still alive but it freezes, solid?A: Well, almost. Ice forms in all the spaces outside the cells but neverwithin a cell.B: But… then how does its heart beat?A: It doesn’t.B: But…then how could it…….A: You are gonna do such a thing? Well, that first touch of ice apparently triggers a biological response inside the frog. That first of all starts drawing water away from the center of its body, so the middle part of the frog, its internal organs, its heart, lungs, liver, these start getting drier and drier while the water that’s being pulled away is forming a puddle around the organsjust underneath the skin. And then that puddle of water starts to freeze. OK, upto known, the frog’s heart is still beating, right? Slower and slower but…and inthose last few hours before it freezes, it distributes glucose, a blood sugar throughout its body, its circulatory system, sort of acts like an anantifreeze.B: A solution of antifreeze like you put in your car in the winter?A: Well, you tell me. In frogs, the extra glucose makes it harder for the winter inside the cells to freeze. So the cells stay just slightly wet, enough so that they can survive the winter. Then after that, the heart stops beating altogether. So is that the same?B: I don’t really know, but how long dose it stay that way?A: Well, it could be days or months, all winter in fact but umm, see theheart really doesn’t need to do any pumping now because the blood is frozen too.B: I just, I guess I just don’t see how it isn’t, you know, clinically dead.A: Well, that’s the amazing thing and how it revives is pretty amazing too.After months without a heartbeat, spring time came around again, the earth starts to warm up and suddenly one day, ping, a pulse, followed by another one, then another until maybe ten, twelve hours later, the animal is fullyrecovered.B: And does the thawing process have some kind of trigger as well?A: Well, we are not sure actually, the clearer thing is even though the sun is warning the frog up on the outside, its inside thaw out first, the heart and brain and everything. But somehow it all just happens that way every spring.B: But after they thaw does it affect them like their lifespan?A: Well, hmm, we really don’t know a lot about how long a wood frognormally lives, probably just a few years but there is no evidence itslongevity. It does have some other impacts though. In studies, we found that when it comes to reproduction, freezing diminishes the mating performance ofmales. After they’ve been frozen and thawed of course, they don’t seem quite asvocal. They move slower and they seem to have a harder time recognizing apotential mate. So if the male frog could manage not to go through this freezing cycle, he’d probably have more success in mating.希望这些对你的托福备考有帮助,预祝大家托福考试能取得理想成绩。
Lecture 4 翻译与文体
语态,而儿童文学作品以及神话故事则多用简 单句。不同文体的语篇结构也不同。如叙事文 体一般以时间顺序组句成篇,而描写性文体通 常以空间顺序为主线,论说文则主要以逻辑关 系来组句谋篇。(李运兴,2003:79) 由此可见,要想成为一个好的译者,不仅要准 确传达原文的基本信息,还要传达其文体风格 和语言特色。译者须在着手翻译时要熟悉原文 的文体特征及其语言特色,为忠实地再现原文 文体特征奠定基础。 二、什么是文体? 程永生(2003:355)指出,文体和体裁 (genre)是一个较为复杂的问题。汉语的文体 与英语的style极易混淆;另外,文体与品种或
根据《辞海》1980年版,体裁的定义是:1) 中国古代文学中,指诗文的文风辞藻。2)文 学的体裁,又称“样式”。指文学作品中的类 别,如诗、小说、散文、戏剧等。在每一种文 学体裁中,按作品体制长短大小 长短大小划分,小说又 长短大小 有长篇小说、中篇小说,戏剧有多幕剧、独幕 剧等;按作品内容 性质 内容、性质 内容 性质划分,诗中有叙事诗、 抒情诗等,戏剧中有悲剧、喜剧、正剧等,散 文中有随笔、小品、杂文、报告文学等。文学 体裁是随着历史发展而不断丰富发展的。 英语genre指得是:1)kind, category or sort, especially of literary or artistic work.(种类、类型、 类别,尤指文学作品和艺术作品。) 2)a category of painting in which domestic scenes or incidents from everyday life are depicted.
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• Foreign Influence: Foreign literary masters, especially the English counterparts exerted a stimulating impact on the writers of the new world. Like the Europeans, the American Romantics demonstrated a high level of moral enthusiasm, commitment to individualism and the unfolding of the self, an emphasis on intuitive perception etc.
Lecture 4 Introduction to American Romanticism
Romanticism American Romanticism Background of American Romanticism Features of American Romantic Literature American Romanticists
★Features of American Romantic
New emphasis upon the imaginative and emotional qualities of literature, which included a liking for the picturesque, the exotic, the sensuous, the sensational and the supernatural. Increasing attention to the psychic states of the characters. Heroes and heroines exhibited extremes of sensitivity and excitement. Strong tendency to exalt the individual and the common man.
Background of American Romanticism
• Social Background: With the independence and development of America, the nation felt an urge to make known its new experience through literary expressions. A strong sense of optimism and the mood of ‘feeling good’ of the whole nation.
Romanticism: (the Romantic Era or the
Romantic Period)
An artistic, literary and intellectual movement that originated in the second half of the 18th century in Europe. In part, it was a revolt against aristocratic social and political norms of the Age of Enlightenment and a reaction against the scientific rationalization of nature. The protest against the bondage of rules, the return to nature and human heart, and emphasis upon individual genius are some of its characteristics.
• Being a period of great flowering of American literature, it is also called “the American Renaissance”. • The most clearly defined romantic literary movement in the U. S.A was Transcendentalism.
★American Romanticism
• The Romantic Period, one of the most important periods in the history of American literature stretches from the end of the 18th century to the outbreak of the Civil War. It started with the publication of Washington Irving’s The Sketch Book and ended with Whitman’s Leaves of Grass.
American Romantic Writers
The term ‘American Romanticists’ often refers to Washington Irving,Emerson, Hawthorne, Whitman, Melville and some others from the end of the 18th century to the outbreak of the Civil War.