Journal of International Economic Law11(2),263–311doi:10.1093/jiel/jgn010.Advance Access publication26February2008EAST ASIAN FREE TRADE AGREEMENTS IN SERVICES:KEY ARCHITECTURAL ELEMENTS Carsten Fink*and Martı´n Molinuevo**ABSTRACTSince the mid-1990s East Asian countries have negotiated25free trade agreements(FTAs)with a services component.There are important archi-tectural differences in these agreements,which ultimately affect their value in promoting transparency,fostering the credibility of trade policies,and advancing market opening in services.This article reviews key architectural choices,focusing on the approach towards scheduling commitments,the treatment of investment and the movement of natural persons,rules of origin,provisions for the settlement of trade dispute,and selected deeper integration issues.In doing so,it assesses the advantages and drawbacks of different architectural approaches and discusses a number of lessons learned. INTRODUCTIONBilateral and regional free trade agreements(FTAs)are proliferating at an unprecedented pace.Most of the recently negotiated agreements are comprehensive in their coverage and extend their market opening ambition to international commerce in services.This trend is powered by underlying economic forces,such as technological progress which has expanded the scope for trading services internationally and increased private sector partici-pation in the provision of infrastructure services considered public mono-polies not too long ago.Have services FTAs actually served those economic forces?In particular, have they led to liberalization undertakings that go beyond those to which countries are committed under the WTO’s General Agreement on Trade in Services(GATS)?Have they established stronger disciplines than the *Senior Economist at the World Bank Institute.E-mail:cfink_de@yahoo.de**Martı´n Molinuevo is a Research Fellow at the World Trade Institute and a Consultant to the World Bank.E-mail:martin.molinuevo@.This article is an output of a research project undertaken by the World Bank’s Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Department for East Asia.The authors are grateful to Rolf Adlung,Nasser Al Zubi,Daniel Crosby,Panos Delimatsis,Felipe Hees,Christoph Ko¨nig,Juan Marchetti,Se´bastien Miroudot,Christian Pauletto,Sebastia´n Sa´ez,Constantinos Stephanou,Carlos Gimeno Verdejo,and Mahani Zainal-Abidin for helpful comments and suggestions.The views expressed in this article are the authors’own and do not necessarily represent those of their respective institutions. Journal of International Economic Law V ol.11No.2ßOxford University Press2008,all rights reserved264Journal of International Economic Law(JIEL)11(2)GATS?Few studies exist to answer these questions.1This article seeks to answer the latter question by offering a review of key architectural elements of East Asian FTAs in services.2In another paper,we assess the liberaliza-tion content of these agreements and their compliance with WTO rules on regional integration.3The East Asia region offers an instructive case study of services FTAs. Figure1shows all25agreements that had been signed as of January2007. Twenty-four of those agreements were negotiated in this decade.Only the ASEAN-Framework Agreement on Trade in Services(AFAS)dates back to the mid-1990s.East Asian FTAs offer a wide variety in architectural approaches,with some being closely modeled on the GATS and others following the structure of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).In fact,the agreements concluded by East Asian countries offer an insightful window into global negotiating trends.The Singapore–US FTA, for instance,serves as a proxy for the FTA model promoted by the US in different regions of the world.Other NAFTA-inspired agreements in East Asia mirror the approaches adopted by many countries in the Western Hemisphere—including Canada,Chile,and Mexico.The region’s GATS-inspired agreements,in turn,show many commonalities with EU FTAs and the Mercosur services accord.Uniquely,a number of East Asian 1For a review some of the key architectural innovations of services FTAs,see OECD,‘The Relationship between Regional Trade Agreements and the Multilateral Trading System: Services’,Working Party of the Trade Committee,OECD document TD/TC/WP(2002)27/ FINAL,2002;and Sauve´Pierre,‘Adding Value at the Periphery:Elements of GATSþRegional Agreements in Services’,Paper prepared for the seminar Eyes Wide Shut?Beyond Market Access in North-South Regional Trade Arrangements,International Development Research Center,Ottawa2005.Stephenson Sherry,‘Examining APEC’s Progress towards Reaching the Bogor Goals for Services Liberalization’,Draft paper prepared for Pacific Economic Cooperation Council,2005.Available online at /content/apec/ documents_reports/committee_trade_investment/2006.html,visited September2006)and Roy et al.,Services Liberalization in the New Generation of Preferential Trade Agreements(PTAs):How Much Further than the GATS?,WTO Staff Working Paper No.ERSD-2006-07(Geneva:World Trade Organization,2006)evaluate the liberalization content of selected bilateral and regional agreements.On the negotiating experiences of countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, see Stephenson Sherry(ed.)Services Trade in the W estern Hemisphere:Liberalization,Integration, and Reform.(Washington,DC:Organization of American States and Brookings Institution Press,2000);Sa´ez Sebastia´n,Trade in Services Negotiations:A Review of the Experience of the United States and the European Union in Latin America.SERIE Comercio Internacional,no.76, (Santiago,Chile:United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean,2005);Marconini Mario,Services in Regional Agreements between Latin American and Developed Countries.SERIE Comercio Internacional,no.71(Santiago,Chile:United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean,2006),and Pereira Goncalves et al.,Financial Services and Trade Agreements in Latin America and the Caribbean: an Overview,Policy Research Working Paper No.4181(Washington,DC:The World Bank,2007).2For the purposes of this article,we adopt the World Bank’s classification of East Asia,which encompasses countries in both Eastern Asia and Southeast Asia,as classified by the United Nations.3Fink Carsten and Molinuevo Martı´n,East Asian FTAs in Services:Liberalization Content and WTO rules,Mimeo,2007.East Asian Free Trade Agreements in Services265Figure1.East Asian FTAs with a services component.FTAs—notably the Trans-Pacific EPA and the Australia–Singapore FTA—have combined elements of different models,setting new standards which, in future,may be adopted by countries outside the region.Ultimately,trade agreements seek to promote international commerce. They can do so in three ways:by reducing barriers to foreign participation, by making trade policies more transparent,and by enhancing the credibility of the trade regime—the latter being defined as reducing the risk of policy becoming more restrictive.Architectural choices can make an important difference in this respect.In comparing the different approaches found in East Asia,we specifically seek to evaluate to what extent agreements promote trade along these three dimensions.266Journal of International Economic Law(JIEL)11(2)Due to space constraints,we cannot review all architectural elements of services FTAs,but rather focus on selected key elements that have not been discussed extensively in the previous literature and for which there is significant variation in East Asian agreements.In particular,our review starts with the scheduling approach adopted by FTAs(Section I)—one of the key distinguishing characteristics of trade agreements in services.We then consider the treatment of investment in services(Section II),the treatment of labor mobility(Section III),the rules of origin adopted(Section IV),and provisions for the settlement of trade disputes(Section V).In Section VI, we discuss to what extent East Asian FTAs have gone beyond the GATS on a number of deeper integration issues—notably recognition of professional qualifications,domestic regulation,and trade rules on government procure-ment,subsidies and emergency safeguards.In the conclusion(Section VII), we briefly discuss several lessons learned.I.SCHEDULING APPROACHNo services FTA has established immediate free trade in all service sectors.4 The East Asian FTAs make no exception in this regard.For a variety of reasons,governments wish to exempt certain activities from the coverage of trade disciplines or maintain certain trade-restrictive measures.A critical question in the design of an FTA is how these exemptions and limitations are inscribed into an agreement.As a first step,most FTAs allow for sectoral carve-outs that exempt one or more activities from the scope of the agreement.Activities falling under such an exemption are not subject to any of the disciplines established in the agreement.The most frequently encountered carve-out pertains to air transport.Twenty FTAs exempt core air transport services related to the exercise of air traffic rights.5This exemption is also found in the GATS and is explained by the fact that the provision of these services has historically been negotiated through separate bilateral treaties.Four FTAs also carve out cabotage in maritime transport—a sector in which foreign participation is often deemed sensitive.More significantly,four FTAs fully exempt financial services from the scope of the agreement—an issue to which we will return later.64Throughout the article and unless other terms are employed,we use the term‘FTA’loosely to also include other types of trade agreements that seek the liberalization of trade in services—such as bilateral trade agreements(BTAs)or economic partnership agreements(EPAs). Similarly,we refer to‘countries’in a broad sense,so as to encompass any geographical entity with international personality and capable of conducting an independent foreign economic policy.5However,this exception usually does not apply to aircraft repair and maintenance services,the selling and marketing of air transport services,and computer reservation system services.6In addition to the sectoral carve-outs found in the services chapters of FTAs,investment chapters may also exclude certain activities from the scope of investment disciplines.For example,under the Japan–Mexico EPA,Mexico scheduled a list of activities reserved to theEast Asian Free Trade Agreements in Services267 Five FTAs do not provide for any carve-out of service activities,making all service sectors subject to the agreements’underlying provisions.7However, it does not automatically follow that all sectors are subject to liberalization undertakings.The liberalization content of FTAs is detailed in country-specific market-opening schedules.A variety of approaches exist in drawing up these schedules.Fundamentally,these approaches differ along two dimensions:(i)the listing of service activities subject to liberalization com-mitments and(ii)the listing of levels of openness.Lists can either be drawn up on a positive basis—identifying what is covered or allowed—or on a negative basis—identifying what is not covered or not allowed,though mixed approaches are also possible.T able1indicates the scheduling approaches adopted by the East Asian FTAs.In what follows,we first describe key features of these scheduling approaches.We then compare and assess these approaches,focusing on the three dimensions outlined above:incentives for liberalization,transparency, and credibility.A.Agreements with a positive list of sectorsFifteen East Asian FTAs have adopted a positive list of sectors in which trade commitments are undertaken(T able1).In other words,only the sectors that parties have expressly identified are subject to market opening undertakings. Countries are free to maintain or impose trade-restrictive measures in non-scheduled sectors,although those measures may still be subject to an agree-ment’s general disciplines(such as on transparency).Once a sector is scheduled,the next question is how to set the level of openness in that sector.Interestingly,this question is not relevant for one of the East Asian FTAs—the Lao PDR–US Bilateral Trade Agreement(BTA). Under this agreement,Laos is committed to unrestricted market access and national treatment in listed sectors.8However,the Lao PDR–US BTA should be considered a special case and,indeed,is unparalleled in its ambition.All other trade agreements in services allow parties not to immediately commit to free trade in sectors subject to liberalization undertakings.For the remaining14East Asian FTAs with a positive list of state—including telegraph services,postal services,and electricity distribution—and for which foreign entry may be refused.7Namely,the Lao PDR–US BTA,the Mainland–Hong Kong CEPA,the Mainland–Macao CEPA,the New Zealand–Singapore FTA,and the Vietnam–US BTA.8In principle,the agreement specifies that‘each party’is not allowed to maintain any restriction on market access in the listed sectors and on national treatment.However,the agreement also provides that the obligations of the US are subject to the market access and national treatment limitations scheduled by the US under the GATS(see Articles32and33of the Lao PDR–US BTA).In addition,market access and national treatment do not apply to the United States with respect to the financial services sector(see Article35of the agreement).sectors,we observe two approaches for specifying levels of openness:pure positive lists and GATS-style hybrid lists.1.Pure positive list agreementsUnder a pure positive list,parties to an agreement specify for each listed service sector the level (and type)of foreign participation that is allowed.Only two East Asian FTAs follow this approach:the Mainland–Hong Kong and the Mainland–Macao Closer Economic Partnership Agreements (CEPAs).Interestingly,these two agreements do not establish binding disciplines,such as the ones created by the GATS market access and national treatment provisions.They also do not define any modes of supply,as is done for all other trade agreements in services (see subsequently).In fact,the legal disciplines established by the agreements’services chapters are arguably the weakest among all the East Asian FTAs.Y et,China’s marketT able 1.Scheduling approachesAgreement(s)Listing of sectors Listing of level ofopennessLao PDR–US BTA Positive Not applicable,asno trade-restrictivemeasures arescheduledMainland–Hong Kong CEPA,Mainland–Macao CEPA Positive PositiveAFAS,ASEAN–China TISAgreement,Australia–Thailand FTA,India–Singapore ECA,Japan–Malaysia EPA,Japan–PhilippinesEPA,Japan–Singapore EPA,EFTA–Korea FTA,EFTA–SingaporeFTA,Jordan–Singapore FTA,New Zealand–Singapore FTA,Vietnam–US BTAPositive Hybrid Australia–Singapore FTA,Chile–Korea FTA,Guatemala–T aiwan (China)FTA,Japan–MexicoEPA,Panama–T aiwan (China)FTA,Trans-Pacific EPANegative Negative Nicaragua–T aiwan (China)FTA,Singapore–Panama FTA,Singapore–US FTANegative,except for cross border trade in financial services for which a positive list is adopted Negative Korea–Singapore FTA Negative,except for finan-cial services for which apositive list is adopted Negative,except for financial services for which a hybrid listis adopted268Journal of International Economic Law (JIEL)11(2)East Asian Free Trade Agreements in Services269 opening undertakings under the two CEPAs grant service providers from Hong Kong and Macao substantial trade preferences.92.GATS-style hybrid list agreementsUnder a GATS-style hybrid list,parties may define the level of openness in listed sectors either on a positive or negative list basis.In particular, agreements following this approach typically adopt the market access and national treatment provisions of the GATS.Schedules of commitments then specify the market access‘terms,limitations and conditions’and national treatment‘conditions and qualifications’.10In other words,countries are free to describe either how trade is restricted or what type of services transac-tions are allowed in a listed sector.As a rule of thumb,an entry in a GATS schedule that takes the form‘None,except...’signifies a negative list of trade-restrictive measures,whereas an entry that takes the form‘Unbound, except...’signifies a positive list of market-opening concessions.11One clarifying remark is in order.The GATS approach to the scheduling of commitments has frequently been referred to in the literature as a positive list approach.This terminology focuses solely on the selection of sectors subject to trade commitments.For the purposes of this article,we refer to GATS-style agreements as hybrid list agreements,because the fixing of the level of openness under this approach involves elements of both negative and positive listing.12We use the term positive list agreements to describe all agreements that adopt a positive list of sectors subject to trade commitments, encompassing the special case of the Lao PDR–US BTA,the pure positive list agreements,and the hybrid list agreements.Several features associated with the GATS-style hybrid list approach are worth pointing out.First,commitments in each listed sector are made with respect to four different modes of supply:cross-border trade(mode1), consumption abroad(mode2),commercial presence(mode3),and movement of natural persons(MNP)(mode4).13In actual GATS schedules,most entries 9See Fink Carsten,‘A Macroeconomic Perspective on China’s Liberalization of Trade in Services’,in Henry Gao and Donald Lewis(eds),China’s Participation in the WTO(London: Cameron May,2005).10See GATS Articles XVI.1and XVII.1.11A negative list of trade-restrictive measures also prevails,when a scheduling member does not explicitly indicate‘None,except...’,but inscribes one or more limitations applying to a listed sector.For further details on the scheduling of GATS commitments,see WTO document S/CSC/W/19.12Other studies have also characterized GATS-style agreements as hybrid list agreements.See Hoekman Bernard and Sauve´Pierre,Liberalizing Trade in Services,Discussion Paper No.243 (Washington,DC:The World Bank,1994);OECD,above n1;and UNCTAD,‘National Treatment’,UNCTAD Series on Issues in International Investment Agreements(New Y ork and Geneva:United Nations,1999).13For a more comprehensive discussion of modes of supply,see Adlung Rudolf and Mattoo Aaditya,‘The GATS’,in Aaditya Mattoo et al.(eds),A Handbook of International Trade in Services(Washington,DC:The World Bank and Oxford University Press,2008).270Journal of International Economic Law(JIEL)11(2)for modes1,2,and3set the level of openness on a negative list basis,whereas the great majority of entries for mode4are made on a positive list basis. Eleven,of the12East Asian hybrid list FTAs follow the structure of the GATS by distinguishing between four modes of supply and between market access and national treatment measures.The only exception is the Australia–Thailand FTA,whose schedule does not differentiate between modes of supply nor between market access and national treatment measures.T o which mode and to which measures a particular commitment applies is determined by the nature of the scheduled pared to the GATS,this scheduling approach appears to reduce difficulties in scheduling measures that may be inconsistent with both market access and national treatment obligations.14 Second,several GATS-style hybrid list agreements adopt a most-favored nation(MFN)obligation which is subject to the scheduling of reservations. However,MFN reservations are always inscribed on a negative list basis in relation to both service activities and trade restrictive measures.Interestingly, some hybrid list agreements have not incorporated binding MFN disciplines in their text.15MFN obligations in an FTA context have a different meaning than the multilateral MFN principle under the GATS.They mainly take two forms.On the one hand,regional trade agreements involving more than two countries may wish to establish an MFN obligation to ensure non-discriminatory treatment between service providers from countries within the region.In East Asia,this is the case for the ASEAN Framework Agreement on Services,which calls for preferential treatment to be accorded on an MFN basis.16On the other hand,some FTAs require non-discrimination between parties and non-parties.In other words,a non-party MFN clause guarantees FTA parties the best current and future treatment that the other party grants to services suppliers from any country.14The relationship between the GATS market access and national treatment disciplines has been subject to conflicting legal interpretations.See Mattoo Aaditya,‘National Treatment in the GATS:Corner-Stone or Pandora’s Box?’31(1)Journal of World Trade(1997),at 107–35;Pauwelyn Joost,‘Rien ne Va Plus?Distinguishing Domestic Regulation From Market Access in GATT and GATS’,4(2)World Trade Review(2005),at131–70;Delimatsis Panagiotis,‘Don’t Gamble with GATS—The Interaction Between Articles VI,XVI,XVII and XVIII in the Light of the US-Gambling Case’,40Journal of World Trade(2006),at 1059–80;and Molinuevo Martı´n,‘GATS Article XX—Schedules of Specific Commitments’, in R.Wolfrum et al.(eds),Max Planck GATS Commentary(Biggleswade,UK:Brill Publishers,forthcoming in October2008).15Namely,the ASEAN–China TIS,the Australia–Thailand FTA,the India–Singapore ECA,the Japan–Singapore EPA,the Jordan–Singapore FTA,and the New Zealand–Singapore FTA. 16However,a2003amendment to the AFAS allows for departure from MFN if two or more members agree to liberalize trade in services faster than the remaining ASEAN members.It is worth pointing out that an intra-regional MFN obligation may not be necessary for regional agreements involving WTO members,as FTA parties would already be bound by the MFN obligation under the GATS.It would only be needed if FTA parties wanted to eliminate at the regional level the application of MFN exemptions scheduled under the GATS or desired to make MFN subject to a regional dispute settlement mechanism.East Asian Free Trade Agreements in Services271 Third,GATS-style schedules allow for horizontal commitments.Measures scheduled in these horizontal commitments apply to all listed service sectors, unless the wording of a sectoral commitment unambiguously indicates other-wise.In assessing the level of openness of specific service sectors,it is therefore critical to take these horizontal commitments into account.Sometimes they can be far-reaching—for example,a joint venture requirement with foreign equity participation limited to49%,or an entry that limits the movement of individual service providers to specific types of intra-corporate transferees.In such cases, they effectively fix a low level of openness across all sectors.Fourth,GATS-style hybrid list agreements typically do not require signa-tories to make bindings at the level of actual openness.In fact,existing GATS commitments are often characterized as being less liberal than status quo policies—not least because substantial unilateral liberalization has taken place in many countries since the conclusion of the Uruguay Round of Trade Negotiations in1994.17A gap between bound and actual policies—a so-called binding overhang—may introduce uncertainty,because governments at any point can restrict foreign participation in their domestic service market,as long as they stay within their trade commitments.Most East Asian hybrid list FTAs similarly do not impose any requirement to bind at the actual level of openness. However,Japan’s Economic Partnership Agreements(EPAs)with Malaysia and the Philippines have introduced an innovation that serves to reduce the uncertainty associated with a binding overhang.18These agree-ments offer the possibility to identify in schedules those service sectors in which a party agrees to bind status quo policies.In addition,the identified service sectors are subject to upward ratcheting:once a party unilaterally eliminates a trade-restrictive measure,policy will automatically be bound at the more liberal level.19B.Negative list agreementsT en East Asian FTAs have adopted a negative list approach in scheduling their market opening commitments.Negative listing generally applies to both sectors and measures.In other words,trade is unrestricted across all covered service activities,unless scheduled limitations indicate otherwise.17For example,see Hoekman Bernard,‘Assessing the General Agreement on Trade in Services’,in Will Martin and L.Alan Winters(eds),The Uruguay Round and the Developing Countries(Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1996).18For example,Article99.3of the Japan–Malaysia EPA provides that‘[w]ith respect to sectors or sub-sectors where the specific commitments are undertaken[...]and which are indicated with‘‘SS’’,any terms,limitations,conditions and qualifications[...]other than those based on measures pursuant to immigration laws and regulations,shall be limited to those based on non-conforming measures,which are in effect on the date of entry into force of this Agreement’.19Even though upward ratcheting enhances the credibility of unilateral trade reforms,it arguably implies a loss of transparency in committed policies,because parties are not required to notify these reforms or periodically update their schedules.272Journal of International Economic Law(JIEL)11(2)Again,it is useful to review several key features of negative list agreements. First,these agreements typically establish separate disciplines for cross-border trade and investment in services.Cross-border trade in services in the negative list model covers the GATS equivalent of modes1,2,and4, although commitments do not formally distinguish between these three modes of supply.The GATS equivalent of mode3is covered by a horizontal investment chapter that applies to both goods and services,though the typical investment disciplines go beyond those established by the GATS.20 Second,trade in financial services receives separate treatment in several of the negative list FTAs.Four agreements revert to a positive list for trade in financial services,either by adopting a positive list for cross border trade in financial services(modes1,2,and4)or by entirely following GATS-style hybrid lists(T able1).Furthermore,four of the remaining six negative list FTAs21carve out trade in financial services entirely from the scope of the agreement,leaving only the Australia–Singapore FTA and the Panama–T aiwan(China)FTA for which the negative list applies,in principle,to financial services.Third,negative list agreements establish additional classes of measures for the scheduling of specific commitments.T able2lists the obligations identi-fied by the10negative list FTAs in the three areas subject to trade commit-ments:cross-border trade in services,investment,and trade in financial services.A number of patterns are worth pointing out:All10negative list FTAs feature obligations on national treatment, subject to sectoral reservations.22Only six negative list FTAs feature a market access discipline mirroring GATS Article XVI.23Three of the remaining four agreements follow20Two negative list agreements in East Asia depart from this basic model.The Trans-Pacific EPA does not establish separate investment disciplines,but services supplied through commercial presence are covered under the agreement’s services disciplines—reverting to the structure of the GATS.Similarly,the Australia–Singapore FTA covers commercial presence in the services chapter,but in this case separate investment disciplines still apply.21Namely,the Guatemala–T aiwan(China)FTA,the Korea–Chile FTA,the Trans-Pacific EPA, and the Japan–Mexico EPA.The latter agreement features a chapter on financial services.However,provisions in that chapter merely ratify existing multilateral and plurilateral commitments,and carve out financial services from the services,investment and dispute settlement chapters of the agreement.22The language of the national treatment provision mostly follows the NAFTA standard of providing for national treatment for services and services suppliers‘in like circumstances’.The only exception is the Australia–Thailand FTA,which incorporates the‘like services and service suppliers’language found in GATS Article XVII.For a discussion of the‘likeness’standard under the GATS,see Cossy Mireille,Determining‘Likeness’under the GATS: Squaring the Circle?WTO Staff Working Paper ERSD-2006-8(Geneva:World Trade Organization,2006).23The catalog of measures covered by these agreements is the same as the one adopted by the GATS,with the exception that all six agreements except the Australia–Singapore FTA do not cover restrictions on foreign equity participation under market access.In the case of the Korea–Singapore FTA,market access does not apply to investment in services and the。
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1975年出版的报刊、杂志、回忆录、译著一、报纸1、沈阳日报出版时间:1975-05期号:1975-05 1期至1975-05 31期总2592期至2622期2、解放军报出版单位:解放军报出版时间:1975期号:1975-09 1期至1975-09 30期总6443期至6472期3、解放日报责任人(主编):解放日报出版单位:解放日报出版时间:1975期号:1975-02 1期至1975-03 31期总9355期至9413期4、文汇报出版单位:文汇报出版社出版时间:1975-01-12期号:1975-01 1-31期至1975-12 1-31期总9929期至10293期5、人民日报责任人(主编):人民日报出版单位:人民日报出版时间:1975期号:1975-01 1期至1975-06 6期6、北京日报责任人(主编):北京日报社出版单位:北京日报社出版出版时间:1975-10期号:1975-10-02 3087期至1975-10-31 3116期总3087期至3116期二、杂志1、刊名:南洋问题研究主办:厦门大学南洋研究院周期:季刊出版地:福建省厦门市历史沿革:现用刊名:南洋问题研究Southeast Asian Affair 创刊时间:1974出版时间:1975年05期主要内容:主要从外国文献表明南海诸岛主权属于中国,某些国际条约和国际会议以及有关各国政府承认南海诸岛是中国的领土。
2、题名:技术标准简介发表时间:1975年3月2日主要内容:有关机械制图的标准刊名:汽车电器Auto Electric Parts 主办:长沙汽车电器研究所周期:月刊出版地:湖南省长沙市历史沿革:现用刊名:汽车电器创刊时间:1960 期刊荣誉:中科双效期刊、Caj-cd规范获奖期刊3、刊名:兰州大学学报 1975年02期题名:山黧豆中毒素分析与去毒方法的研究 1975年7月2日发表4、刊名:上海纺织动态 1975年09期题名:关于纤维、织物和整理方面研究的几项展望1975年7月2日发表5、题名:《石油化工设计给排水》70—74年文章总索引 1975年4月1日发表刊名:工业用水与废水Industrial Water & Wastewater主办:东华工程科技股份有限公司周期:双月出版地:安徽省合肥市历史沿革:现用刊名:工业用水与废水曾用刊名:化工给排水设计创刊时间:1970主要内容:该刊自1970年出版以来至1974年止共发行了17期,刊载了给水工程排水工程以及环境保护综合利用和各项报导、会议纪要思想评论、两报一刊元旦社论等共计195篇文章,为便于阅读参考,特将各期刊载论文分列为:一、两报一刊社论二、思想评论三、会议纪要和报导四、环境保护,综合利用五、给水工程六、排水工程给水排水工程又按各篇论文内容分类细目并注出所刊期号页数,以便索引查阅。
充分尊重他人成果是科学研究和文学创作中最重要的原则之一 。 违反这个基本原则将导致严重后果。
最极端的例子就是剽窃:作者将他人成果据为己有。 “在自己的写作中 使用他人的观点或措辞而不说明出处的即为剽窃” (MLA);
在国际学术界,剽窃行为一旦被发现,惩罚非常严厉。 哈佛大学校方每年都会颁发相关文件给所有新生,指导他们如何规范论
姜勋平 (华中农业大学)
一、学术研究的基本策略 二、研究成果发布的必要性 三、学术研究成果形式 四、学术研究的基本规范 五、研究成果的书写格式
挑战理论问题 探索科学规律
批评的眼光看前人的结果和理论 前人的理论都是有条件的,具体的 批评的眼光检验自己的结果-没有对照不做实验 实验结果必须及时分析,总结一般规律 观察、分析、归纳,上升为理论 总结重要创新点
随时分析结果 关注相关研究动态 及时调整实验设计和课题方向
正文的章节与段落是有规则可循的。一般而言,理工方面的报告 是:
前言或导论:介绍自己的研究主题及目的,并作文献回顾。 方法章节:说明方法程序步骤。 结果与讨论:陈述主要的结果并作出合理的解释。 结论:作者自己所下的结论与研究心得。
绪论:陈述问题、研究目的、范围,以及方法与步骤之说明。 文献分析:将有关的研究文献作重点说明,点出研究主题所在。 研究设计或调查结果分析。 结论与建议。
一、选题和构思 二、预实验和初步设想 三、实验研究和结果分析 四、根据结果调整课题设计和构思 五、整理数据、撰写论文 六、投稿 七、修改、补充数据 八、发表
1. Find a deterministic rule for orienting the edges and analyze it on the the worst input sequence. 2. Suggest a rule and analyze it under some assumption on the distribution of the sequence, in particular that each edge in the sequence is chosen uniformly from all possible edges and independently of the rest of the sequence. 3. Suggest a randomized rule for orienting the edges and analyze its expected performance on the worst sequence. The greedy algorithm is the one where an edge is oriented from the node with the smaller di erence between the outdegree and indegree to the one with the larger di erence. In the deterministic version of the rule ties are broken according to the lexicographic order. In the randomized version of the rule ties are broken at random. We address the three avors of the problem and obtain the following results: 1. The optimal worst-case unfairness of a deterministic algorithm is linear. There is a method (the greedy algorithm) that achieves the bound n?1 on unfairness, and for any deterministic 2 1 rule there is a sequence where a di erence of 2 d n?1 e will occur. (In the broader setting of 2 the "carpool" problem, discussed below, a stronger lower bound of n?1 has been provided in 3 16].) These results are described in Section 2. p 2. There is a randomized rule (local greedy) with expected unfairness O( n log n) on any seplog n). These results are described in Section 3. quence. The lower bound is ( 3. The expected unfairness of the greedy algorithm on a uniform distribution on the edges is (log log n) and we derive a complete description of the process in this case. This is the main technical contribution of the paper. These results are described in Section 4. We view the edge orientation problem as a game played between an algorithm that chooses the edge orientations and an adversary that determines the sequence of edges. Each of the above cases corresponds to one of the three main types of adversaries treated in the literature: the adaptive, the oblivious, and the uniformly random, where the distinction is made according to the way the adversary determines which edges appear in the sequence. An adaptive adversary constructs the sequence on the y, making decisions that may depend on the whole previous history of the game. An oblivious adversary must x its sequence before the game starts, though it may choose this sequence based on knowledge of the algorithm. Finally, the uniformly random adversary produces a sequence in which each edge is chosen independently and uniformly at random. In addition, we investigate the relationship between the edge orientation problem and the vector rounding problem, a very general problem to which many problems in fair scheduling can be reduced. In this problem, we are given a real matrix column by column and should produce an integer matrix so that each column in the output matrix is a rounding of the corresponding column in the input matrix that preserves the sum. The goal is to minimize the maximum over all rows of the di erence between the sum of the rows in the integer and real matrix. (A formal de nition can be found in Section 5.) We show: 4. A general transformation from the vector rounding problem to the edge orientation problem, at the price of doubling the expected di erence. The transformation applies to both deterministic and randomized algorithms. It is described in Section 5.
1.英文标题统一为词首大写(介词、连词、定冠词除外),其它字母小写例如:Study of Target System and Empirical Analysis on Industrial Structure of Water Conservancy2.多个作者间用“,”连接。
例如:(作者是同一单位)经济政策模拟实验研究张世伟,邓创(吉林大学数量经济研究中心,吉林长春130012)The Simulation Experiments of Economic PoliciesZHANG Shi-wei,DENG Chuang(Center for Quantitative Economics, Jilin University, Changchun 130012, China)(作者是不同单位)国有森林资源产权制度变迁的理论与实证分析王兆君1,2,刘文燕2(1. 青岛科技大学经济与管理学院,山东青岛266061;2. 东北林业大学人文与社会科学学院,黑龙江哈尔滨150040 )Theoretical and Empirical Analysison Changes of State-owned Forest Resources Property Right SystemWANG Zhao-jun 1,2, LIU Wen-yan2(1.College of Econoomics &Management,QUST,Qingdao 266061,Cnina;2.College ofHumanities and Science,NEFU,Harbin 150040,China)要求三:在正文中用上角标标注参考文献批示序号,与文末的参考文献序号(方括号[1],[2],…)相对应.要求四:相关的时间、数目之间的连接号,统一用“-”。
《现代外语》稿件的体例与格式(2018新版)1. 文章标题(1) 具有高度的概括性,体现研究问题的重点或创新之处;(2) 中文标题用楷体3号字,加粗;英文标题用Times New Roman 4号字,加粗;(3) 中文的副标题用破折号连接,英文的副标题用冒号连接。
2. 作者信息(1) 中文:作者单位在前,楷体小4号字;姓名在后,楷体4号字;(2) 英文/拼音:作者姓名用Times New Roman 4号字,斜体,单独一行居中;单位信息包括名称(如xx大学)、所在城市与国家,Times New Roman小4号字。
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如:* 本研究为国家哲学社科基金一般项目“中国大学生跨文化能力综合评价研究”(10BYY091)的阶段性成果。
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(2) 标题及编号:各类标题均独占一行,左边顶格排版,一律用阿拉伯数字(从1开始),格式为:1. 1.1 1.1.1……2. 2.1 2.1.1……。
【示例】Study of Target System and Empirical Analysis on Industrial Structure of Water Conservancy2.多个作者间用“,”连接。
【示例】经济政策模拟实验研究张世伟,邓创(吉林大学数量经济研究中心,吉林长春130012)The Simulation Experiments of Economic PoliciesZHANG Shi-wei,DENG Chuang(Center for Quantitative Economics, Jilin University, Changchun 130012, China)要求三:在正文中引用的参考文献用上角标标注,与文末的参考文献序号(方括号[1],[2],…)相对应。
【示例】[1] 王鑫.区域循环经济发展[M].北京:社会科学文献出版社,2004.6,45-47,181-183.要求四:相关的时间、数目之间的连接号,统一用“-”。
题目A Contrastive Study between English and Chinese Idioms(题目:二号,黑体,加粗,居中,除了英语小词外,其他单词首字母都要大写;另外:除了题目外,论文中所有英文的字体均采用“Times New Roman”)(学院、专业、学号、作者姓名、指导教师姓名(小四号宋体字,加粗),依次排印在论文题目下,上空二行,居中)AbstractThis paper centers on the different expressions of …… (英文摘要:上空二行;题目采用五号“Times NewRoman”字体,加粗,置于粗体方括号【】内,顶格放置;随后的内容与前面的粗体方括号【】之间空一格,不用其他任何标点符号;采用五号“TimesNew Roman”字体,不加粗;单倍行距。
)Key Wordsidiom; comparison; English; Chinese(英文关键词:题目采用五号“Times NewRoman”字体,加粗,两个单词的首字母要大写,置于粗体方括号【】内,顶格放置;随后的内容与前面的粗体方括号【】之间空一格,不用任何其他标点符号,采用五号“Times New Roman”字体,不加粗,除了专有名词外,其他单词的首字母不大写,各单词之间用分号“;”隔开,分号之后空一格;最后一个关键词之后不用任何标点符号;单倍行距。
)Introduction(顶格,除了第一个单词及专有名词外,其他单词首字母都不要大写;标题最后不用任何标点符号,上空两行)In both English and Chinese, …. So, this essay is trying tofocus on the differences between Chinese and English idoms in termsof their essential meaning, customary usage and typical expression(Chang Liang, 1993:44; Li Guangling, 1999).(段落第一行缩进4个英文字符;夹注的标注法:出现在夹注中的作者必须与文后的参考文献形成一一对应关系;注意一个或多个作者间的标点符号,时间、页码等的标注法;另外,汉语参考文献的作者要以拼音形式出现,不能出现汉语姓氏;夹注出现在标点符号之前) 正文. The similarities between English idioms and Chinese idiomsIn English, …. And it can be clearly seen in the below examples:(1) I don’t know。
洛阳师范学院毕业论文格式史类样张(上边距30mm,下边距25mm,左边距30mm,右边距20mm)论孙中山利用外资的思想(二号,黑体,居中,与姓名行之间空一行)杨飞(政法学院思想政治教育专业学号:020314071 指导教师:王大洞副教授)(小四号,仿宋GB_2312,词与词之间空两格,姓名行与学号行之间不空行,学号行与摘要之间空一行)摘要:(小四号黑体,顶格)伟大的民主革命先行者孙中山在领导辛亥革命的同时创造性地提出了确保主权、利用外资、发展实业的经济思想,为救国救民设计了一条富强之路。
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( ) K ig r 9 a a tr Q a tr ,o.() 2 W. r e, 4 , Ra e dP o ls n h i p ie” T e r s n u r l V 1 2 . e 1 a it P i F E e ey 4
I n By nT me(d . s & ra u r s ,H n b o iznh tde, o d n S GEP bi t n. i e ) a d o k fCtes i Su i L n o : A u l ai s o i p s c o
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