





二○○○年二月十三日主题词:国家标准规定通知抄送:中国标准出版社、中国标准研究中心国家质量技术监督局办公室2000年2月12日印发打字:王岷校对:张琳国家标准英文版翻译指南国家质量技术监督局标准化司二○○○年二月目次1 前言2 格式3 用词和用语4 引用标准化中心附录A:封面格式附录B:首页格式一、前言为适应我国加入世界贸易组织和我国对外开放的需要,我局从1997年起开始将一部分国家标准翻译成英文。




本指南适用于将我国国家标准翻译成英文文本的标准化中心二、格式2.1 等同/修改(等效)采用国际标准的国家标准应使用原英文版本,并符合ISO/IEC指南21(1999版)的要求。

2.2 对于非等效采用国际标准的国家标准,在翻译时应尽可能与原英文版本格式保持一致。

2.3 对于非采用国际标准的国家标准,在翻译时应尽可能以相应国际标准作为格式参考。

2.4 封面和首页格式见附录A和附录B。

三、用词和用语3.1 封面封面用语的英文表述3.1.1 中华人民共和国国家标准National Standard of the People’s Republic of China3.1.2 国家质量技术监督局发布Issued by China State Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision3.1.3 国家技术监督局发布Issued by China State Bureau of Technical Supervision3.1.4 国家标准局发布Issued by China State Bureau of Standards3.1.5 发布日期Issue date3.1.6 实施日期Implementation date3.1.7 等同采用IDT3.1.8 修改(等效)采用MOD3.1.9 非等效采用NEQ3.2 目次目次用语的英文表述3.2.1 目次contents3.2.2 附录annex3.2.3 参考文献bibliography3.2.4 索引index(es)3.2.5 图figure(s)3.2.6 表table(s)3.3 前言前言部分用语的英文表述3.3.1 前言Foreword3.3.2 本国家标准等同采用IEC(ISO) ××××标准:This national standard is identical to IEC(ISO) ××××3.3.3 本国家标准修改(等效)采用IEC(ISO) ××××标准:This national standard is modified in relation to IEC(ISO) ××××3.3.4 本国家标准非等效采用IEC(ISO) ××××标准:This national standard is not equivalent to IEC(ISO) ××××3.3.5 本国家标准附录××××是标准的附录(补充件)Annex ××××/Annexes ××××of this national standard is/are normative3.3.6 本国家标准附录××××是提示的附录(参考件)Annex ××××/annexes ××××of this national standard is/are informative3.3.7 本国家标准对先前版本技术内容作了下述重要修改There have been some significant changes in this nationals standard over its previous edition in the following technical aspects3.3.8 本国家标准与所采用国际标准的主要技术差异The main technical differences between the national standard and the international standard adopted3.3.9 本国家标准从实施日期起代替××××This national standard will replace ××××from the implementation date of this standard3.3.10 本国家标准由××××提出This national standard was proposed by ××××3.3.11 本国家标准由××××归口This national standard is under the jurisdiction of ××××3.3.12 本国家标准由××××起草This national standard was drafted by ××××3.4 引言3.4.1 引言introduction3.5 范围范围部分用语的英文表述:3.5.1 主题和范围subject and the aspect(s) covered3.5.2 本国家标准规定……的尺寸This national standard specifies the dimensions of ……3.5.3 本国家标准规定……的方法This national standard specifies a method of ……3.5.4 本国家标准规定……的性能This national standard specifies the characteristics of ……3.5.5 本国家标准规定……的系统This national standard establishes a system for ……3.5.6 本国家标准规定……的基本原理This national standard establishes general principles for3.5.7 本国家标准适用于……This national standard is applicable to ……3.6 引用标准引语的英文表述(根据中文文本从a, b中选取):a. 下列标准中所包含的条文,通过在本标准中引用而构成为本标准的条文。


aintenance quality • 检修后达到预期技术效果的程度。通常从以下两方面衡量: (1)达到检修技术标准所规定的技术参数、技术条件和允许 偏差的程度;(2)设备检修验收后在保修期内的返修率,可 用下式计算:返修工时率=100%×返修工时/实际检修总 工时;返修停机时间率100%×时间/计划检修停机时间; 返工率=100%×返修台数/修理总台数。返修率是间接反 映检修质量的指标。考察返修率有利于促进检修部门提高 检修工作质量、检修技术和管理水平。
• 设备润滑“五定” “five fixation” of lubrication • “五定”:定人(定人加油);定时(定时换油);定点(定点 给油);定质(定质选油);定量(定量用油)。 • 精、大、稀、关键设备的“五定” “five” fixed
• 设备维修技术资料 technical document and date for plant maintenance • 它是指设备安装、调试、试车、使用、维护、修理等所需 的图纸、规程、技术标准、维修记录及其它有关技术资料。 • 1.由制造厂提供的设备维修技术资料,一般应包括以下内 容:(1)设备外形图及基础布置图;(2)设备使用、维修说 明书;(3)精度标准;(4)推荐的备件明细表等。 • 2.企业在设备投入使用前和使用、维修过程中,应收集、 制订的设备维修技术资料主要有:(1)设备基础及其它隐蔽 工程竣工图;(2)动力管线系统图;(3)备件图及设备改装 图;(4)备件加工及修复工艺;(5)设备检修专用工具、检 具的图纸资料;(6)设备使用、操作、维护规程;(7)预防 性试验标准和规程;(8)设备检修规程;(9)设备检修技术 标准;(10)其它有关技术资料。
• 设备检修计划 plant maintenance plan • 消除设备技术状况劣化的一项设备管理工作计划。制定检 修计划时,应根据设备的实际负荷、开动时间、技术状况、 检测数据、零部件失效规律、在生产过程中所处地位及其 复杂程度等,采取与实际需要相适应的修理类别;并综合 考虑生产、技术、物资、劳动力与费用等各方面的条件, 来安排检修日期和确定检修时间。设备检修计划是企业生 产经营计划的重要部分,其目标是保证设备经常处于完好 状态。它应与企业的生产技术、财务计划密切协调,并与 企业的生产经营计划同时下达、执行和考核。



常用国家标准列表(GB CODE LIST)1.《压力容器安全技术监察规程》Supervision Regulation on Safety Technology for Pressure Vessel2.《钢制压力容器》(GB150-1998)Steel Pressure Vessels3.《管壳式换热器》(GB151-1999)Tubular Heat Exchanger4.《钢制塔式容器》(JB4710-92) Steel Vertical Slender Vessels5.《钢制球形容器》(JB12337-1998)Steel spherical tanks6.《压力容器无损检测》(JB4730-94)Nondestructive Testing of Pressure Vessels7.《钢制压力容器焊接工艺评定》(JB4708-2000)Welding Procedure Qualification for Steel Pressure Vessels8.《钢制压力容器焊接规程》(JB/T4709-2000)Welding Specification for Steel Pressure Vessels9.《金属夏比缺口冲击试验方法》(GB/T229-94)Metallic Materials,Charpy Notch Impact Test10.《输送流体用无缝钢管》(GB8163-87)Seamless Steel Pipes for Liquid Sercice11.《锅炉、热交换器用不锈钢无缝钢管》(GB13296-91)Seamless Steel Tubes for Boilers and Heat Exchanger12.《流体输送用不锈钢无缝钢管》(GB/T14976-94)Stainless Steel Seamless Pipe for Liquid Transport13.《钢制化工容器设计基础规定》(HG20580-1998)Specification for Design Base of Steel Chemical Vessels14.《钢制化工容器材料选用规定》(HG20581-1998)Specification for Material Selected of Steel Chemical Vessels15.《钢制化工容器强度计算规定》(HG20582-1998)Specification for Stress Calculation of Steel Chemical Vessels16.《钢制化工容器结构设计规定》(HG20583-1998)Specification for Structural Design of Steel Chemical Vessels17.《钢制化工容器制造技术规定》(HG20584-1998)Technical Requirements for Fabrication of Steel ChemicalVessels18.《钢制低温压力容器技术规定》(HG20585-1998)Technical Specification for Steel Low Temperature Pressure Vessels19.《石油化工立式圆筒形钢制焊接储罐设计规范》(SH3046-1992)Petrochemical Design Specification for Vertical Cylindrical Steel Welded Storage Tanks 20.《构筑物抗震设计规范》(GB50181-93)Design code for antiseismic of special structure21.《石油化工钢制设备抗震设计规范》(SH3048-1999)Seismic Design Specification for Petrochemical Steel Facilities22.《钢制焊接常压容器》(JB/T4735-97)Steel welded atmospheric pressure vessels23.《压力容器法兰》(JB4700~4703-2000)Pressure vessel flanges24.《钢制压力容器用封头》(JB/T4746-2002)Formed heads for steel pressure vessels25.《补强圈》(JB/T4736-2002)Reinforcing pad26.《容器支座》(JB/T4712~4725-92)Vessel support27.《输送流体用无缝钢管》(GB8163-87)Seamless Steel Pipes for Liquid Sercice28.《非金属软垫片》(JB/T4704-2000)Nonmetallic gaskets29.《缠绕垫片》(JB/T4705-2000)Spiral wound gaskets30.《金属包垫片》(JB/T4706-2000)Double-jacketed gaskets31.《等长双头螺柱》(JB/T4707-2000)Stud bolts32.《钢制管法兰、垫片、紧固件》(HG20592~20635-1997)Steel pipe flanges,gaskets, fastener33.《设备吊耳》(HG/T21574-1994)Lifting lugs34《立式圆筒形钢制焊接油罐施工及验收规范》(GBJ128-90)Vertical Cylindrical Steel Welded Storage Tank,Fabrication,Inspection and Testing Specification。



一、摩登舞(Modern) (一)华尔兹(Waltz)铜牌级(Bronze): 1-11 银牌级(Silver): 12-25 金牌级(Gold):26-29 Closed Change 并脚换步Natural Turn 右转Reverse Turn 左转Natural soin Turn 右旋转Whisk 叉形步Chasse from P.P.侧行并步Hesitation 犹豫步Outside Change 外侧换步Reverse Corte 左侧转Back Whisk 后叉形步Double Reverse Spin双左旋转Drag Hesitation 犹豫拖步Back Lock后退锁步Impetus Turn 右推转Telemark 转折步Open Telemark 开式转折步Cross Hesitation 交叉犹豫步Wing 翼步Open Impetus Turn 开式推转Outside Spin 外侧疾转Truning Lock 锁步转Weave 纺织步Weave from P.P 从开位起纺织步Reverse Pivot 左撇转Chasse To Right 右并步Left Whisk 左叉形步Follaway Whisk 并退叉形步Cunirn Check 反截步Closed Wing 闭式翼步(二)探戈(Tango)铜牌级(Bronze):1.Walk 常步2.Progressive Side Step 行进旁步3.Closed Promenade 侧行并步4.Lock Turn 摇转步5.Open Reverse Turn分式左转6.Back Corte 后侧步7.Progressive Link 行进连步8.Open Reverse Turn 分式左转结束9.Progressive Side Step Reverse Turn 行进旁步左转10.Open Promenade 分式侧行步11.R.F&L.F Lock Turn左、右摇转步12.Natural Twist Turn 右拧转13.Natural Promenade Turn 侧行右转银牌级:(Silver)14.Promenade Link 侧行边步15.Basic Reverse Turn 基本左转16.Back Open Promenade 后分式侧行步17.Four Step 四快步18.Promenade Fallaway 侧行并退步19.Outside Swivel 外侧滑旋步20.Brush Tap 刷点步金牌级:(Gold)21.Fallaway Four Step 四快步并退22.The Over Sway 左弓步23.Four Step Change 快步拧身24.Chase 追逐步阻截(三)狐步舞(Foxtrot)铜牌级:(Bronze)1.Feather Step 羽步2.Three Step 三直步3.Natural Turn 右转4.Reverse Turn 左转5. Impetus Turn 推转6.Reverse Wave 左转波浪步7.Telemark 转折步8.Weave 纺织步银牌级:(Silver)9.Change of Direction 换向步10.Open telemark 开式转折步11.Top Spin 陀螺转12.Hover Feather 盘旋羽步13.Hover Telemark 盘旋转折步14.Natural Telemark 右转折步15.Natural Twist Turn 右拧转16.Weave from P.P. 开式纺织步17.Natural Turn With Outside Swivel 右转接外侧滑旋步18.Open Impetus Turn 开式推转19.Natural Weave 右纺织步金牌级:(Gold)20.Hover Cross 盘旋交叉步21.Zig-Zag from P.P. Pivot 开式撇转开始的之字步22.Cured Feather Step & Back Feather Step 弧线羽步和后推羽步23.Promenade Fallaway With Pivot 左转并退24.Natural Hover Telemark 右盘旋转折步(四)快步舞(Quick Step)铜牌级:(Bronze)1.Quarter Turn 四分之一转2.Natural Turn & Natural Turn With Hesitation Finished 右转及犹豫步3.Natural Pivot 右轴转4.Natural Spin Turn 左旋转5.Progressive Chasse 行进并步6.Chasse Reverse Turn左转并步7.Forward Lock 前进锁步8.Backward Lock 后退锁步9.Reverse Pivot 左撇转10.Zig-Zag Backward Lock & Running Finished 之字步锁步和跑步11.Chasse to Right 右并步12.Cross Chasse 交叉并步13.Change of Divaction 换向步14.Double Reverse Spin 双左疾转银牌级:(Silver)15.Quick Open Reverse 快开式左转16.Cross Swivel 交叉旋步17.Fishfail 鱼尾步18.Progressive Chasse to Right 右行进并步19.Four Quick Run 四快跑步20.Impetus Turn 推转21.Running Natural Turn 跑步右转22.V Six 六步23.Natural Lock Turn 右锁步转24.Telemark 转折步金牌级(Gold)25.Six Quick Run六快跑步26.Rumba Cross 伦巴式交叉步27.Rock Step 摇摆步28.Hover Corte 盘旋侧步(五)维也纳华尔兹(Viennese Waltz)1.Natural Turn 右转2.Reverse Turn 左转3.Closed Change 换步4.Flicker(Natural)原地右转5.Flicker(Reverse)原地左转二、拉丁舞(Latin) (一)伦巴(Rumba)铜牌级(Bronze)1.Basic Movement基本动作2.Fan扇形步3.Alemena阿力玛娜4.Hockey Stick 曲棍步5.Progressive Walks行进走步6.Natural Top右陀螺转7.Natur4al Openning Out Movement右展开步8.Closed Hip Twist闭式扭臀9.Cucaracha 库卡拉恰10.Hand to hand手拉手11.Spot turn原地转身银牌级:(silver)12.Reverse Top左陀螺转13.Reverse Top to Opening Out Movement左陀螺转接展开步14.Aida艾依达15.Spiral螺旋转16.Open Hip Twist开式扭臀步金牌级(Gold)17.Kiki walks基本步18.Slip Door滑门步19.Fencing击剑步20.Rope Spining 套索步21. Three Threes三三步22.Advinced Hip Twist Movement摇摆步(二)恰恰恰(Cha Cha Cha)铜牌级:(Bronze)1.Basic Movement基本动作2.Fan扇形步3.Alemena阿力玛娜4.Hockey Stick曲棍步5.Three Cha Cha Cha三个恰恰恰6.Natural Top右陀螺转7.Natural Opening Out Movement右展开步8.Closed Hip Twist闭式扭臀步9.Hand to hand手拉手10.Spot Turn 点转11.Time Step节奏步12.New York纽约步银牌级:(Silver)13.Shoulder to Shoulder肩对肩14.Reverse Top陀螺转15.Reverse Opening Out Movement左展开步16.Aida 艾依达17.Spiral螺旋步18.Open Hip Twist开式扭臀步金牌级:(Gold)19.Rope Spining套索步20.Advanced Hip Twist高级扭臀步21.Cross Basic 交叉基本步22.Cuban Break古巴式中断23.Tokish Towel土耳其毛巾步24.Sweet Heart甜心步25.Follow Me跟随步(三)桑巴(Samba)铜牌级:(Bronze)1.Basic Movement基本移动步(前后左右自由移动)2.Whisk(L.&R.)叉形步3.Samba Walks in P.P并进叉形步4.Samba SIde Walk旁桑巴步5.Progressive Bota Fagos 行进侧点步6.Bota Fagos in P.P&C.P.P正反并进侧点步7.Reverse Turn左转8.Cota Jaca推割步银牌级(Silver)9.Closed Rocks闭式摇摆10.Samba Side Step侧桑巴步11.Volta垫步12.Shadow Bota Fagos遮蔽式舞步13.Agentin Cross阿根廷交叉步金牌级(Gold)14.Stationary Samba Walks原地桑巴步15.Open Rocks开式摇摆16. Back Rocks 后退摇摆17.Plait绳辫步18.Changment of Foot换脚变向19.Contra Bota Fagos反博塔步20.Rolling滚筒步21.Natural Roll右滚转22.Volta(Closed Shadow Profressive)垫步行进(四)帕索多不里(Paso Doble)铜牌级(Bronze)1.Sur Place原地踏步2.Basic Movement基本动作4.Attack攻步5.Chasse追步6.Pregressive Walk in P.P并进走步7.Separation推分离步8.Spearation Fallaway Finished推分离步并退9.Huit八步10.Sixteen十六步银牌级(Silver)11.Progressive Walk in P.P 侧行前进12.Grand Circle大圆圈转13.Open Telemark开式折线步14.Ecarte并退快扫步 Passe斗篷步金牌级(Gold)16.Fallaway Reverse并退左转步17.Syncopated Separation切分推离步18.Banderillas短扎枪步19.Twiste扭摆步20.Coupde Pique矛刺步21.Leftfoot Variation左脚变位步22.Fregolina费列戈利那23.Chasse Cope斗篷追步24.Progressive Spin in P.P从P.P位行进连续转25.Progressive Spin in C.P.P 行进连续转(五)加依布(Jive)铜牌级(Bronze)1.Fallaway Rock并退摇摆2.Fallaway Throwaway 并退抛掷3.Link & Rock连步摇摆4.Change of Place Right to Left右左换位5.Change of Place Left to Right左右换位6.Change of Hand Behind Back背后换手7.American Spin美式疾转8.Jive Walks走步9.Whip绕转银牌级(Silver)10.Whip Throwaway绕转抛掷步11.Stop and Go停和走12.Wind Mill风车步13.Spanish Arms西班牙手势14.Rolling off the Arm滚动转15.Simple Spin单一旋转16.Chicken Walks鸡形步17.Curly Whip挥鞭步18.The Heel Swivels脚掌旋转步19.Tap&Ficks into Break点踏步。



一、摩登舞(Modern) (一)华尔兹(Waltz)铜牌级(Bronze): 1-11 银牌级(Silver): 12-25 金牌级(Gold):26-29 Closed Change 并脚换步Natural Turn 右转Reverse Turn 左转Natural soin Turn 右旋转Whisk 叉形步Chasse from P.P.侧行并步Hesitation 犹豫步Outside Change 外侧换步Reverse Corte 左侧转Back Whisk 后叉形步Double Reverse Spin双左旋转Drag Hesitation 犹豫拖步Back Lock后退锁步Impetus Turn 右推转Telemark 转折步Open Telemark 开式转折步Cross Hesitation 交叉犹豫步Wing 翼步Open Impetus Turn 开式推转Outside Spin 外侧疾转Truning Lock 锁步转Weave 纺织步Weave from P.P 从开位起纺织步Reverse Pivot 左撇转Chasse To Right 右并步Left Whisk 左叉形步Follaway Whisk 并退叉形步Cunirn Check 反截步Closed Wing 闭式翼步(二)探戈(Tango)铜牌级(Bronze):1.Walk 常步2.Progressive Side Step 行进旁步3.Closed Promenade 侧行并步4.Lock Turn 摇转步5.Open Reverse Turn分式左转6.Back Corte 后侧步7.Progressive Link 行进连步8.Open Reverse Turn 分式左转结束9.Progressive Side Step Reverse Turn 行进旁步左转10.Open Promenade 分式侧行步11.R.F&L.F Lock Turn左、右摇转步12.Natural Twist Turn 右拧转13.Natural Promenade Turn 侧行右转银牌级:(Silver)14.Promenade Link 侧行边步15.Basic Reverse Turn 基本左转16.Back Open Promenade 后分式侧行步17.Four Step 四快步18.Promenade Fallaway 侧行并退步19.Outside Swivel 外侧滑旋步20.Brush Tap 刷点步金牌级:(Gold)21.Fallaway Four Step 四快步并退22.The Over Sway 左弓步23.Four Step Change 快步拧身24.Chase 追逐步阻截(三)狐步舞(Foxtrot)铜牌级:(Bronze)1.Feather Step 羽步2.Three Step 三直步3.Natural Turn 右转4.Reverse Turn 左转5. Impetus Turn 推转6.Reverse Wave 左转波浪步7.Telemark 转折步8.Weave 纺织步银牌级:(Silver)9.Change of Direction 换向步10.Open telemark 开式转折步11.Top Spin 陀螺转12.Hover Feather 盘旋羽步13.Hover Telemark 盘旋转折步14.Natural Telemark 右转折步15.Natural Twist Turn 右拧转16.Weave from P.P. 开式纺织步17.Natural Turn With Outside Swivel 右转接外侧滑旋步18.Open Impetus Turn 开式推转19.Natural Weave 右纺织步金牌级:(Gold)20.Hover Cross 盘旋交叉步21.Zig-Zag from P.P. Pivot 开式撇转开始的之字步22.Cured Feather Step & Back Feather Step 弧线羽步和后推羽步23.Promenade Fallaway With Pivot 左转并退24.Natural Hover Telemark 右盘旋转折步(四)快步舞(Quick Step)铜牌级:(Bronze)1.Quarter Turn 四分之一转2.Natural Turn & Natural Turn With Hesitation Finished 右转及犹豫步3.Natural Pivot 右轴转4.Natural Spin Turn 左旋转5.Progressive Chasse 行进并步6.Chasse Reverse Turn左转并步7.Forward Lock 前进锁步8.Backward Lock 后退锁步9.Reverse Pivot 左撇转10.Zig-Zag Backward Lock & Running Finished 之字步锁步和跑步11.Chasse to Right 右并步12.Cross Chasse 交叉并步13.Change of Divaction 换向步14.Double Reverse Spin 双左疾转银牌级:(Silver)15.Quick Open Reverse 快开式左转16.Cross Swivel 交叉旋步17.Fishfail 鱼尾步18.Progressive Chasse to Right 右行进并步19.Four Quick Run 四快跑步20.Impetus Turn 推转21.Running Natural Turn 跑步右转22.V Six 六步23.Natural Lock Turn 右锁步转24.Telemark 转折步金牌级(Gold)25.Six Quick Run六快跑步26.Rumba Cross 伦巴式交叉步27.Rock Step 摇摆步28.Hover Corte 盘旋侧步(五)维也纳华尔兹(Viennese Waltz)1.Natural Turn 右转2.Reverse Turn 左转3.Closed Change 换步4.Flicker(Natural)原地右转5.Flicker(Reverse)原地左转二、拉丁舞(Latin) (一)伦巴(Rumba)铜牌级(Bronze)1.Basic Movement基本动作2.Fan扇形步3.Alemena阿力玛娜4.Hockey Stick 曲棍步5.Progressive Walks行进走步6.Natural Top右陀螺转7.Natur4al Openning Out Movement右展开步8.Closed Hip Twist闭式扭臀9.Cucaracha 库卡拉恰10.Hand to hand手拉手11.Spot turn原地转身银牌级:(silver)12.Reverse Top左陀螺转13.Reverse Top to Opening Out Movement左陀螺转接展开步14.Aida艾依达15.Spiral螺旋转16.Open Hip Twist开式扭臀步金牌级(Gold)17.Kiki walks基本步18.Slip Door滑门步19.Fencing击剑步20.Rope Spining 套索步21. Three Threes三三步22.Advinced Hip Twist Movement摇摆步(二)恰恰恰(Cha Cha Cha)铜牌级:(Bronze)1.Basic Movement基本动作2.Fan扇形步3.Alemena阿力玛娜4.Hockey Stick曲棍步5.Three Cha Cha Cha三个恰恰恰6.Natural Top右陀螺转7.Natural Opening Out Movement右展开步8.Closed Hip Twist闭式扭臀步9.Hand to hand手拉手10.Spot Turn 点转11.Time Step节奏步12.New York纽约步银牌级:(Silver)13.Shoulder to Shoulder肩对肩14.Reverse Top陀螺转15.Reverse Opening Out Movement左展开步16.Aida 艾依达17.Spiral螺旋步18.Open Hip Twist开式扭臀步金牌级:(Gold)19.Rope Spining套索步20.Advanced Hip Twist高级扭臀步21.Cross Basic 交叉基本步22.Cuban Break古巴式中断23.Tokish Towel土耳其毛巾步24.Sweet Heart甜心步25.Follow Me跟随步(三)桑巴(Samba)铜牌级:(Bronze)1.Basic Movement基本移动步(前后左右自由移动)2.Whisk(L.&R.)叉形步3.Samba Walks in P.P并进叉形步4.Samba SIde Walk旁桑巴步5.Progressive Bota Fagos 行进侧点步6.Bota Fagos in P.P&C.P.P正反并进侧点步7.Reverse Turn左转8.Cota Jaca推割步银牌级(Silver)9.Closed Rocks闭式摇摆10.Samba Side Step侧桑巴步11.Volta垫步12.Shadow Bota Fagos遮蔽式舞步13.Agentin Cross阿根廷交叉步金牌级(Gold)14.Stationary Samba Walks原地桑巴步15.Open Rocks开式摇摆16. Back Rocks 后退摇摆17.Plait绳辫步18.Changment of Foot换脚变向19.Contra Bota Fagos反博塔步20.Rolling滚筒步21.Natural Roll右滚转22.Volta(Closed Shadow Profressive)垫步行进(四)帕索多不里(Paso Doble)铜牌级(Bronze)1.Sur Place原地踏步2.Basic Movement基本动作如有帮助,欢迎下载。



中国国家标准中英文对照翻译(城镇建设工程标准)中国国家标准——城镇建设工程标准GB〖CJJ1-90〗市政道路工程质量检验评定标准Standard for quality test and estimation of municipal road engineering〖CJJ2-2008〗城市桥梁工程施工与质量验收规范Code for construction and quality acceptance of bridge works in city〖CJJ6-85〗排水管道维护安全技术规程Technical specification for safety maintenance of sewerage pipes〖CJJ7-2007〗城市工程地球物理探测规范Code for engineering geophysical prospecting and testing in city〖CJJ8-99〗城市测量规范Code for urban survey〖CJJ11-93〗城市桥梁设计准则The Criteria of Municipal Bridge Design〖CJJ12-99〗家用燃气燃烧器具安装及验收规程Specification for installation and acceptance of domestic gas burning appliances 〖CJJ13-87〗供水水文地质钻探与凿井操作规程Specification for operation of hydrographic geological drilling and digging for water-supply〖CJJ14-2005〗城市公共厕所设计标准Standard for design of public toilets in city〖CJJ15-87〗城市公共交通站、场、厂设计规范Code for design of urban public transportation station, ground and house〖CJJ17-2004〗生活垃圾卫生填埋技术规范Technical code for municipal solid waste sanitary landfill〖CJJ18-88〗市政工程施工、养护及污水处理工人技术等级标准Technical level standard for workers of construction maintenance and sewerage treatment of municipal engineering〖CJJ27-2005〗城镇环境卫生设施设置标准Standard for setting of town environmental sanitation facilities〖CJJ28-2004〗城镇供热管网工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of city heating pipelines〖CJJ/T29-98〗建筑排水硬聚氯乙烯管道工程技术规程Technical specification of PVC-U pipe work for building drainage〖CJJ30-2009〗城市粪便处理厂运行维护及其安全技术规程Technical specification for operation maintenance and safety of night soil treatment plants〖CJJ32-89〗含藻水给水处理设计规范Code for design of water supply treatment for water with algae〖CJJ33-2005〗城镇燃气输配工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of city and town gas distribution works〖CJJ34-2002〗城市热力网设计规范Design code of district heating network〖CJJ36-2006〗城镇道路养护技术规范Technical code of urban road maintenance〖CJJ37-90〗城市道路设计规范Code for design of municipal road〖CJJ39-91〗古建筑修建工程质量检验评定标准(北方地区)Standard for quality test and estimation of ancient building repairing engineering (in northern area)〖CJJ40-91〗高浊度水给水设计规范Code for design of water-supply for muddy water〖CJJ43-91〗热拌再生沥青混合料路面施工及验收规程Specification for construction and acceptance of hot-mixed and regenerated asphalt mixture road face〖CJJ45-2006〗城市道路照明设计标准Standard for lighting design of urban road〖CJJ47-2006〗生活垃圾转运站技术规范Technical code for transfer station of municipal solid waste〖CJJ48-92〗公园设计规范Code for design of parks〖CJJ50-92〗城市防洪工程设计规范Code for design of flood control engineering in city〖CJJ51-2006〗城镇燃气设施运行、维护和抢修安全技术规程Safety technical specification for operation, maintenance and rush-repair of city gas facilities〖CJJ/T52-93〗城市生活垃圾好氧静态堆肥处理技术规程Technical specification for static aerobic composting of municipal solid waste〖CJJ/T53-93〗民用房屋修缮工程施工规程Code for repairing construction of civil buildings〖CJJ/T54-93〗污水稳定塘设计规范Code for design of wastewater stabilization ponds〖CJJ55-93〗供热术语标准Standard for terminology of heat-supply〖CJJ56-94〗市政工程勘察规范Code for investigation and surveying of municipal engineering〖CJJ57-94〗城市规划工程地质勘察规范Code for geotechnical investigation and surveying of urban planning engineering〖CJJ58-2009〗城镇供水厂运行、维护及安全技术规程Technical specification for operation, maintenance and safety of city and town waterworks〖CJJ60-94〗城市污水处理厂运行、维护及其安全技术规程Technical specification for operation, maintenance and safety of municipal wastewater treatment plants〖CJJ61-2003〗城市地下管线探测技术规程Technical specification for detecting and surveying of under-ground pipelines and cables in city〖CJJ62-95〗房屋渗漏修缮技术规程Technical specification for repairing water creep of houses〖CJJ63-2008〗聚乙烯燃气管道工程技术规程Technical specification for polyethylene (PE) gas pipeline engineering〖CJJ64-2009〗城市粪便处理厂设计规范Code for design of night soil treatment plant〖CJJ/T65-2004〗市容环境卫生术语标准Standard for terminology of environmental sanitation〖CJJ66-95〗路面稀浆封层施工规程Slurry sealing specification〖CJJ67-95〗风景园林图例图示标准Standard for graphic of landscape architecture〖CJJ68-2007〗城镇排水管渠与泵站维护技术规程Technical specification for maintenance of sewers & channels and pumping station in city〖CJJ69-95〗城市人行天桥与人行地道技术规范Technical specification of urban pedestrian overcrossing and underpass〖CJJ70-96〗古建筑修建工程质量检验评定标准(南方地区)Standard for quality test and estimation of ancient building repairing engineering (in southern area)〖CJJ71-2000〗机动车清洗站工程技术规程Technical specification for automotive rinsing station engineering〖CJJ72-97〗无轨电车供电线网工程施工及验收规范Code for installation and acceptance of trolley bus network〖CJJ73-97〗全球定位系统城市测量技术规程Technical specification for urban surveying using global positioning system〖CJJ74-99〗城镇地道桥顶进施工及验收规程Specification for construction and acceptance of underpass bridges in town by jacking method〖CJJ75-97〗城市道路绿化规划与设计规范Code for planting planning and design on urban roads〖CJJ/T76-98〗城市地下水动态观测规程Specification for dynamic observation of ground water in urban area〖CJJ/T78-97〗供热工程制图标准Drawing standard of heat-supply engineering〖CJJ/T81-98〗城镇直埋供热管道工程技术规程Technical specification for directly buried heating pipeline engineering in city〖CJJ/T82-99〗城市绿化工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of plant engineering in city and town〖CJJ83-99〗城市用地竖向规划规范Code for vertical planning on urban field〖CJJ/T85-2002〗城市绿地分类标准Standard for classification of urban green space〖CJJ/T86-2000〗城市生活垃圾堆肥处理厂运行、维护及其安全技术规程Technical specification for operation maintenance and safety of municipal solid waste composting plant〖CJJ/T87-2000〗乡镇集贸市场规划设计标准Standard for market planning of town and township〖CJJ/T88-2000〗城镇供热系统安全运行技术规程Technical specification for safe operation of heating system in city〖CJJ89-2001〗城市道路照明工程施工及验收规程Specification for construction and inspection of urban road lighting engineering〖CJJ90-2009〗生活垃圾焚烧处理工程技术规范Technical code for projects of municipal solid waste incineration〖CJJ/T91-2002〗园林基本术语标准Standard for basic terminology of landscape architecture〖CJJ92-2002〗城市供水管网漏损控制及评定标准Standard for leakage control and assessment of urban water supply distribution system〖CJJ93-2003〗城市生活垃圾卫生填埋场运行维护技术规程Technical specification for operation and maintenance of municipal domestic refuse sanitary landfill〖CJJ94-2009〗城镇燃气室内工程施工与质量验收规范Code for construction and quality acceptance of city indoor gas engineering〖CJJ95-2003〗城镇燃气埋地钢质管道腐蚀控制技术规程Technical specification for control of external corrosion on underground gas pipeline of steel in area of cities and towns〖CJJ96-2003〗地铁限界标准Standard of metro gauges〖CJJ/T97-2003〗城市规划制图标准Standard for drawing in urban planning〖CJJ/T98-2003〗建筑给水聚苯乙烯类管道工程技术规程Technical specification of polyethylene (PE), cross-linked polyethylene (PE-X) and polyethylene of raised temperature resistance (PE-RT) pipeline engineering for water supply in building〖CJJ99-2003〗城市桥梁养护技术规范Technical code maintenance for city bridge〖CJJ100-2004〗城市基础地理信息系统技术规范Technical specification for urban fundamental geographic information system〖CJJ101-2004〗埋地聚乙烯给水管道工程技术规程Technical specification for buried polyethylene pipeline of water supply engineering〖CJJ/T102-2004〗城市生活垃圾分类及其评价标准Classification and evaluation standard of municipal solid waste〖CJJ103-2004〗城市地理空间框架数据标准Standard for urban geospatial framework data〖CJJ104-2005〗城镇供热直埋蒸汽管道技术规程Technical specification for directly buried steam heating pipeline in city〖CJJ105-2005〗城镇供热管网结构设计规范Code for structural design of heating pipelines in city and town〖CJJ/T106-2005〗城市市政综合监管信息系统技术规范Technical code for urban municipal supervision and management information system〖CJJ/T107-2005〗生活垃圾填埋场无害化评价标准Standard of assessment on municipal solid waste and fill〖CJJ/T108-2006〗城市道路除雪作业技术规程Technical specification of snow removal operation for city road〖CJJ109-2006〗生活垃圾转运站运行维护技术规程Technical specification for operation and maintenance of municipal solid waste transfer station〖CJJ110-2006〗管道直饮水系统技术规程Technical specification of pipe system for fine drinking water〖CJJ/T111-2006〗预应力混凝土桥梁预制节段逐跨拼装施工技术规程Technical specification for construction of span by span method of precast segment in prestressed concrete bridge〖CJJ112-2007〗生活垃圾卫生填埋场封场技术规程Technical code for municipal solid waste sanitary landfill closure〖CJJ113-2007〗生活垃圾卫生填埋场防渗系统工程技术规范Technical code for liner system of municipal solid waste landfill〖CJJ/T114-2007〗城市公共交通分类标准Standard for classification of urban public transportation〖CJJ/T115-2007〗房地产市场信息系统技术规范Technical code for real estate market information system〖CJJ/T116-2008〗建设领域应用软件测评通用规范General code for measure and evaluation of application software in the field of construction〖CJJ/T117-2007〗建设电子文件与电子档案管理规范Code for management of electronic construction records and archives〖CJJ/T119-2008〗城市公共交通工程术语标准Terminology standard for urban public transport engineering〖CJJ120-2008〗城镇排水系统电气与自动化工程技术规程Technical specification of electrical & automation engineering for city drainage system〖CJJ124-2008〗镇(乡)村排水工程技术规程Technical specification of wastewater engineering for town and village〖CJJ/T126-2008〗城市道路清扫保洁质量与评价标准Standard for quality and assessment of city road sweeping and cleaning〖CJJ/T125-2008〗环境卫生图形符号标准Standard for figure symbols of environmental sanitation〖CJJ122-2008〗游泳池给水排水工程技术规程Technical specification for water supply and drainage engineering of swimming pool〖CJJ123-2008〗镇(乡)村给水工程技术规程Technical specification of water supply engineering for town and village〖CJJ128-2009〗生活垃圾焚烧厂运行维护与安全技术规程Technical specification for operation maintenance and safety of municipal solid waste incineration plant〖CJJ127-2009〗建筑排水金属管道工程技术规程Technical specification of metal pipe work for building drainage。



中国国家标准英文翻译指南-- 中国国家标准英文翻译指南中国国家标准英文翻译指南出处:中国电力标准化网站作者:国家质量技术监督局国家质量技术监督局质技监局标函[2000]39号关于印发《国家标准英文版翻译指南》的通知国务院务有关部门,全国各专业标准化技术委员会:为适应我国加入世界贸易组织(WTO)和标准化活动对外交流的需要,及时准确地把我国国家标准翻译成英文版本,我局组织制定了《国家标准英文版翻译指南》,现予以公布。


二○○○年二月十三日主题词:国家标准规定通知抄送:中国标准出版社、中国标准研究中心国家质量技术监督局办公室2000年2月12日印发打字:王岷校对:张琳国家标准英文版翻译指南国家质量技术监督局标准化司二○○○年二月目次1 前言2 格式3 用词和用语4 引用标准化中心附录A:封面格式附录B:首页格式一、前言为适应我国加入世界贸易组织和我国对外开放的需要,我局从1997年起开始将一部分国家标准翻译成英文。




本指南适用于将我国国家标准翻译成英文文本的标准化中心二、格式2.1 等同/修改(等效)采用国际标准的国家标准应使用原英文版本,并符合ISO/IEC指南21(1999版)的要求。

2.2 对于非等效采用国际标准的国家标准,在翻译时应尽可能与原英文版本格式保持一致。

2.3 对于非采用国际标准的国家标准,在翻译时应尽可能以相应国际标准作为格式参考。

2.4 封面和首页格式见附录A和附录B。

三、用词和用语3.1 封面封面用语的英文表述3.1.1 中华人民共和国国家标准National Standard of the People’s Republic of China3.1.2 国家质量技术监督局发布Issued by China State Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision3.1.3 国家技术监督局发布Issued by China State Bureau of Technical Supervision3.1.4 国家标准局发布Issued by China State Bureau of Standards3.1.5 发布日期Issue date3.1.6 实施日期Implementation date3.1.7 等同采用IDT3.1.8 修改(等效)采用MOD3.1.9 非等效采用NEQ3.2 目次目次用语的英文表述3.2.1 目次contents3.2.2 附录annex3.2.3 参考文献bibliography3.2.4 索引index(es)3.2.5 图figure(s)3.2.6 表table(s)3.3 前言前言部分用语的英文表述3.3.1 前言Foreword3.3.2 本国家标准等同采用IEC(ISO) ××××标准:This national standard is identical to IEC(ISO) ××××3.3.3 本国家标准修改(等效)采用IEC(ISO) ××××标准:This national standard is modified in relation to IEC(ISO) ××××3.3.4 本国家标准非等效采用IEC(ISO) ××××标准:This national standard is not equivalent to IEC(ISO) ××××3.3.5 本国家标准附录××××是标准的附录(补充件)Annex ××××/Annexes ××××of this national standard is/are normative3.3.6 本国家标准附录××××是提示的附录(参考件)Annex ××××/annexes ××××of this national standard is/are informative3.3.7 本国家标准对先前版本技术内容作了下述重要修改There have been some significant changes in this nationals standard over its previous edition in the following technical aspects3.3.8 本国家标准与所采用国际标准的主要技术差异The main technical differences between the national standard and the international standard adopted3.3.9 本国家标准从实施日期起代替××××This national standard will replace ××××from the implementation date of this standard3.3.10 本国家标准由××××提出This national standard was proposed by ××××3.3.11 本国家标准由××××归口This national standard is under the jurisdiction of ××××3.3.12 本国家标准由××××起草This national standard was drafted by ××××3.4 引言3.4.1 引言introduction3.5 范围范围部分用语的英文表述:3.5.1 主题和范围subject and the aspect(s) covered3.5.2 本国家标准规定……的尺寸This national standard specifies the dimensions of ……3.5.3 本国家标准规定……的方法This national standard specifies a method of ……3.5.4 本国家标准规定……的性能This national standard specifies the characteristics of ……3.5.5 本国家标准规定……的系统This national standard establishes a system for ……3.5.6 本国家标准规定……的基本原理This national standard establishes general principles for3.5.7 本国家标准适用于……This national standard is applicable to ……3.6 引用标准引语的英文表述(根据中文文本从a, b中选取):a. 下列标准中所包含的条文,通过在本标准中引用而构成为本标准的条文。



一、摩登舞(Modern) (一)华尔兹(Waltz)铜牌级(Bronze): 1-11 银牌级(Silver): 12-25 金牌级(Gold):26-29 Closed Change 并脚换步Natural Turn 右转Reverse Turn 左转Natural soin Turn 右旋转Whisk 叉形步Chasse from P.P.侧行并步Hesitation 犹豫步Outside Change 外侧换步Reverse Corte 左侧转Back Whisk 后叉形步Double Reverse Spin双左旋转Drag Hesitation 犹豫拖步Back Lock后退锁步Impetus Turn 右推转Telemark 转折步Open Telemark 开式转折步Cross Hesitation 交叉犹豫步Wing 翼步Open Impetus Turn 开式推转Outside Spin 外侧疾转Truning Lock 锁步转Weave 纺织步Weave from P.P 从开位起纺织步Reverse Pivot 左撇转Chasse To Right 右并步Left Whisk 左叉形步Follaway Whisk 并退叉形步Cunirn Check 反截步Closed Wing 闭式翼步(二)探戈(Tango)铜牌级(Bronze):1.Walk 常步2.Progressive Side Step 行进旁步3.Closed Promenade 侧行并步4.Lock Turn 摇转步5.Open Reverse Turn分式左转6.Back Corte 后侧步7.Progressive Link 行进连步8.Open Reverse Turn 分式左转结束9.Progressive Side Step Reverse Turn 行进旁步左转10.Open Promenade 分式侧行步11.R.F&L.F Lock Turn左、右摇转步12.Natural Twist Turn 右拧转13.Natural Promenade Turn 侧行右转银牌级:(Silver)14.Promenade Link 侧行边步15.Basic Reverse Turn 基本左转16.Back Open Promenade 后分式侧行步17.Four Step 四快步18.Promenade Fallaway 侧行并退步19.Outside Swivel 外侧滑旋步20.Brush Tap 刷点步金牌级:(Gold)21.Fallaway Four Step 四快步并退22.The Over Sway 左弓步23.Four Step Change 快步拧身24.Chase 追逐步阻截(三)狐步舞(Foxtrot)铜牌级:(Bronze)1.Feather Step 羽步2.Three Step 三直步3.Natural Turn 右转4.Reverse Turn 左转5. Impetus Turn 推转6.Reverse Wave 左转波浪步7.Telemark 转折步8.Weave 纺织步银牌级:(Silver)9.Change of Direction 换向步10.Open telemark 开式转折步11.Top Spin 陀螺转12.Hover Feather 盘旋羽步13.Hover Telemark 盘旋转折步14.Natural Telemark 右转折步15.Natural Twist Turn 右拧转16.Weave from P.P. 开式纺织步17.Natural Turn With Outside Swivel 右转接外侧滑旋步18.Open Impetus Turn 开式推转19.Natural Weave 右纺织步金牌级:(Gold)20.Hover Cross 盘旋交叉步21.Zig-Zag from P.P. Pivot 开式撇转开始的之字步22.Cured Feather Step & Back Feather Step 弧线羽步和后推羽步23.Promenade Fallaway With Pivot 左转并退24.Natural Hover Telemark 右盘旋转折步(四)快步舞(Quick Step)铜牌级:(Bronze)1.Quarter Turn 四分之一转2.Natural Turn & Natural Turn With Hesitation Finished 右转及犹豫步3.Natural Pivot 右轴转4.Natural Spin Turn 左旋转5.Progressive Chasse 行进并步6.Chasse Reverse Turn左转并步7.Forward Lock 前进锁步8.Backward Lock 后退锁步9.Reverse Pivot 左撇转10.Zig-Zag Backward Lock & Running Finished 之字步锁步和跑步11.Chasse to Right 右并步12.Cross Chasse 交叉并步13.Change of Divaction 换向步14.Double Reverse Spin 双左疾转银牌级:(Silver)15.Quick Open Reverse 快开式左转16.Cross Swivel 交叉旋步17.Fishfail 鱼尾步18.Progressive Chasse to Right 右行进并步19.Four Quick Run 四快跑步20.Impetus Turn 推转21.Running Natural Turn 跑步右转22.V Six 六步23.Natural Lock Turn 右锁步转24.Telemark 转折步金牌级(Gold)25.Six Quick Run六快跑步26.Rumba Cross 伦巴式交叉步27.Rock Step 摇摆步28.Hover Corte 盘旋侧步(五)维也纳华尔兹(Viennese Waltz)1.Natural Turn 右转2.Reverse Turn 左转3.Closed Change 换步4.Flicker(Natural)原地右转5.Flicker(Reverse)原地左转二、拉丁舞(Latin) (一)伦巴(Rumba)铜牌级(Bronze)1.Basic Movement基本动作2.Fan扇形步3.Alemena阿力玛娜4.Hockey Stick 曲棍步5.Progressive Walks行进走步6.Natural Top右陀螺转7.Natur4al Openning Out Movement右展开步8.Closed Hip Twist闭式扭臀9.Cucaracha 库卡拉恰10.Hand to hand手拉手11.Spot turn原地转身银牌级:(silver)12.Reverse Top左陀螺转13.Reverse Top to Opening Out Movement左陀螺转接展开步14.Aida艾依达15.Spiral螺旋转16.Open Hip Twist开式扭臀步金牌级(Gold)17.Kiki walks基本步18.Slip Door滑门步19.Fencing击剑步20.Rope Spining 套索步21. Three Threes三三步22.Advinced Hip Twist Movement摇摆步(二)恰恰恰(Cha Cha Cha)铜牌级:(Bronze)1.Basic Movement基本动作2.Fan扇形步3.Alemena阿力玛娜4.Hockey Stick曲棍步5.Three Cha Cha Cha三个恰恰恰6.Natural Top右陀螺转7.Natural Opening Out Movement右展开步8.Closed Hip Twist闭式扭臀步9.Hand to hand手拉手10.Spot Turn 点转11.Time Step节奏步12.New York纽约步银牌级:(Silver)13.Shoulder to Shoulder肩对肩14.Reverse Top陀螺转15.Reverse Opening Out Movement左展开步16.Aida 艾依达17.Spiral螺旋步18.Open Hip Twist开式扭臀步金牌级:(Gold)19.Rope Spining套索步20.Advanced Hip Twist高级扭臀步21.Cross Basic 交叉基本步22.Cuban Break古巴式中断23.Tokish Towel土耳其毛巾步24.Sweet Heart甜心步25.Follow Me跟随步(三)桑巴(Samba)铜牌级:(Bronze)1.Basic Movement基本移动步(前后左右自由移动)2.Whisk(L.&R.)叉形步3.Samba Walks in P.P并进叉形步4.Samba SIde Walk旁桑巴步5.Progressive Bota Fagos 行进侧点步6.Bota Fagos in P.P&C.P.P正反并进侧点步7.Reverse Turn左转8.Cota Jaca推割步银牌级(Silver)9.Closed Rocks闭式摇摆10.Samba Side Step侧桑巴步11.Volta垫步12.Shadow Bota Fagos遮蔽式舞步13.Agentin Cross阿根廷交叉步金牌级(Gold)14.Stationary Samba Walks原地桑巴步15.Open Rocks开式摇摆16. Back Rocks 后退摇摆17.Plait绳辫步18.Changment of Foot换脚变向19.Contra Bota Fagos反博塔步20.Rolling滚筒步21.Natural Roll右滚转22.Volta(Closed Shadow Profressive)垫步行进(四)帕索多不里(Paso Doble)铜牌级(Bronze)1.Sur Place原地踏步2.Basic Movement基本动作4.Attack攻步5.Chasse追步6.Pregressive Walk in P.P并进走步7.Separation推分离步8.Spearation Fallaway Finished推分离步并退9.Huit八步10.Sixteen十六步银牌级(Silver)11.Progressive Walk in P.P 侧行前进12.Grand Circle大圆圈转13.Open Telemark开式折线步14.Ecarte并退快扫步 Passe斗篷步金牌级(Gold)16.Fallaway Reverse并退左转步17.Syncopated Separation切分推离步18.Banderillas短扎枪步19.Twiste扭摆步20.Coupde Pique矛刺步21.Leftfoot Variation左脚变位步22.Fregolina费列戈利那23.Chasse Cope斗篷追步24.Progressive Spin in P.P从P.P位行进连续转25.Progressive Spin in C.P.P 行进连续转(五)加依布(Jive)铜牌级(Bronze)1.Fallaway Rock并退摇摆2.Fallaway Throwaway 并退抛掷3.Link & Rock连步摇摆4.Change of Place Right to Left右左换位5.Change of Place Left to Right左右换位6.Change of Hand Behind Back背后换手7.American Spin美式疾转8.Jive Walks走步9.Whip绕转银牌级(Silver)10.Whip Throwaway绕转抛掷步11.Stop and Go停和走12.Wind Mill风车步13.Spanish Arms西班牙手势14.Rolling off the Arm滚动转15.Simple Spin单一旋转16.Chicken Walks鸡形步17.Curly Whip挥鞭步18.The Heel Swivels脚掌旋转步19.Tap&Ficks into Break点踏步。



• Precision Forging 精密锻造 • Cold Forging 冷锻 • Press Forging 冲锻 • Compacting Molding 粉末压出成形 • Rocking Die Forging 摇动锻造 • Compound Molding 复合成形 • Rotary Forging 回转锻造 • Compression Molding 压缩成形 • Rotational Molding 离心成形
• Outer Bush 外导套 • Punch 冲头 • Insert 入块(嵌入件) • Deburring Punch 压毛边冲子 • Groove Punch 压线冲子 • Stamped Punch 字模冲子 • Round Punch 圆冲子 • Special Shape Punch 异形冲子 • Bending Block 折刀
• Stripping Plate 内外打(脱料板) • Outer Stripper 外脱料板 • Inner Stripper 内脱料板 • Lower Stripper 下脱料板 • Inner Guiding Post 内导柱 • Inner Hexagon Screw 内六角螺钉 • Dowel Pin 固定销 • Mould Coil Spring 模具弹簧



• • • • • • • •
Belling 压凸加工 Bending 弯曲加工 Blanking 下料加工 Bulging 撑压加工 Burring 冲缘加工 Cam Die Bending 凸轮弯曲加工 Caulking 压合加工 Coining 压印加工
• • • • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • • •
Injection Molding 射出成形 Warm Forging 温锻 Investment Casting 精密铸造 Matched Die Method 对模成形法 Laminating Method 被覆淋膜成形 Low Pressure Casting 低压铸造 Lost Wax Casting 脱蜡铸造 Matched Mould Thermal Forming 对模热成形模 Barreling 滚光加工
• • • • • • • • • •
Roll Finishing 滚压加工 Rolling 压延加工 Roughing 粗加工 Scrapless Machining 无废料加工 Seaming 折弯重叠加工 Shaving 缺口修整加工 Shearing g 割缝加工 Spinning 卷边旋接
• • • • • • • • • •
Parting 分断加工 Piercing 冲孔加工 Progressive Bending 连续弯曲加工 Progressive Blanking 连续下料加工 Progressive Drawing 连续引伸加工 Progressive Forming 连续成形加工 Reaming 铰孔加工 Restriking 二次精冲加工 矫形锻压 Riveting 铆接加工 Roll Bending 滚筒弯曲加工



Leader Bush 导梢衬套 Lifting Pin 起模顶针 Lining 内衬 Locating Center Punch 定位中心冲头 Locating Pilot Pin 定位导梢 Locating Ring 定位环 Lock Block 压块 Locking Block 定位块 Locking Plate 定位板 Loose Bush 活动衬套
• • • • • • • •
Inner Punch 内冲头 Inserts 嵌件 Insert Pin 嵌件梢 King Pin 转向梢 King Pin Bush 主梢衬套 Knockout Bar 脱模杵 Land 合模平坦面 Land Area 合模面
• • • • • • • • • •
Retainer Plate 托料板 Return Pin 回位梢 Riding Stripper 浮动脱模器 Ring Gate 环型浇口 Roller 滚筒 Runner 流道 Runner Ejector Set 流道顶出器 Runner Lock Pin 流道拉梢 Screw Plug 头塞
• • • • • • • •
Making Die 打印冲子 Manifold Block 歧管档块 Master Plate 靠模样板 Match Plate 分型板 Mold Base 塑胶模座 Mold Clamp 铸模紧固夹 Mold Platen 模用板 Moving Bolster 换模保持装置
• • • • • • • •
Finish Machined Plate 角形模板 Finish Machined Round Plate 圆形模板 Fixed Bolster Plate 固定侧模板 Flanged Pin 带凸缘针 Flash Gate 毛边形浇口 Flask 上箱 Floating Punch 浮动冲头 Gate 浇口
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