MTK移植camera说明1、裁剪模块修改文件:config/tf902/ProjectConfig.mkEg\config/tf902/````````````````````````````````````````````CUSTOM_HAL_EEPROM = dummy_eepromCUSTOM_HAL_FLASHLIGHT = constant_flashlightCUSTOM_HAL_FMRADIO = mt6628-CUSTOM_HAL_IMGSENSOR = ov8825_mipi_raw s5k8aayx_mipi_yuv+CUSTOM_HAL_IMGSENSOR = gc2235mipi_raw gc0313mipi_yuv#ov8825_mipi_raw s5k8aa yx_mipi_yuv #添加摄像头模块,定义hal层CUSTOM_HAL_LENS = ov8825af dummy_lensCUSTOM_HAL_MAIN2_IMGSENSOR =CUSTOM_HAL_MAIN_BACKUP_IMGSENSOR =CUSTOM_HAL_MAIN_BACKUP_LENS = dummy_lens-CUSTOM_HAL_MAIN_IMGSENSOR = ov8825_mipi_raw+CUSTOM_HAL_MAIN_IMGSENSOR = gc2235mipi_raw #ov8825_mipi_raw #主摄像头在hal层的修改CUSTOM_HAL_MAIN_LENS = ov8825afCUSTOM_HAL_MSENSORLIB = mmc328x akm8975 ami304 yamaha530 mag3110 akmd8963 b mm050CUSTOM_HAL_SENSORS = sensorCUSTOM_HAL_SUB_BACKUP_IMGSENSOR =CUSTOM_HAL_SUB_BACKUP_LENS = dummy_lens-CUSTOM_HAL_SUB_IMGSENSOR = s5k8aayx_mipi_yuv+CUSTOM_HAL_SUB_IMGSENSOR = gc0313mipi_yuv #s5k8aayx_mipi_yuv #副摄像头在hal 层的定义CUSTOM_HAL_SUB_LENS = dummy_lensCUSTOM_KERNEL_ACCELEROMETER = bma050CUSTOM_KERNEL_ALSPS = cm36283@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ CUSTOM_KERNEL_FLASHLIGHT = constant_flashlightCUSTOM_KERNEL_FM = mt6628CUSTOM_KERNEL_HDMI =CUSTOM_KERNEL_HEADSET = accdet-CUSTOM_KERNEL_IMGSENSOR = ov8825_mipi_raw s5k8aayx_mipi_yuv+CUSTOM_KERNEL_IMGSENSOR = gc2235mipi_raw gc0313mipi_yuv#ov8825_mipi_raw s5k 8aayx_mipi_yuv #添加摄像头在kernal 模块CUSTOM_KERNEL_KPD = kpdCUSTOM_KERNEL_LCM = bi097xn02_xga_dpiCUSTOM_KERNEL_LEDS = mt65xx+CUSTOM_KERNEL_MAIN_IMGSENSOR = gc2235mipi_raw #ov8825_mipi_raw #在底层定义主摄像头CUSTOM_KERNEL_MAIN_LENS = ov8825afCUSTOM_KERNEL_RTC = rtcCUSTOM_KERNEL_SOUND = amp_6320pmic_spkCUSTOM_KERNEL_SSW = ssw_genericCUSTOM_KERNEL_SUB_BACKUP_IMGSENSOR =CUSTOM_KERNEL_SUB_BACKUP_LENS = dummy_lens-CUSTOM_KERNEL_SUB_IMGSENSOR = s5k8aayx_mipi_yuv+CUSTOM_KERNEL_SUB_IMGSENSOR = gc0313mipi_yuv#s5k8aayx_mipi_yuv #在底层定义副摄像头CUSTOM_KERNEL_SUB_LENS = dummy_lensCUSTOM_KERNEL_TOUCHPANEL = GT82X #cy8ctma300 GT818B-fpgaCUSTOM_KERNEL_USB = mt6577上面的修改是在平台没有默认AF(自动对焦)的功能(mtk6517和mtk6577\mtk6572的平台没有默认AF功能),mtk6589的平台默认就支持AF功能。
TransistorsGeneral purpose transistor (isolated dual transistors)IMX9z Features1) Two 2SD2114K chips in a SMT package.2) Mounting possible with SMT3 automatic mounting machine.3) Transistor elements are independent, eliminating interference.4) Mounting cost and area can be cut in half.z StructureEpitaxial planar type NPN silicon transistorThe following characteristics apply to both Tr 1 and Tr 2.z External dimensions (Units : mm)z Absolute maximum ratings (T a = 25°C)z Equivalent circuitParameterSymbol Limits Unit V CBO 25V V CEO 20V V EBO 12V I C 500mA Tj 150°C Tstg−55~+150°CPd 300(TOTAL)mW ∗Collector-base voltage Collector-emitter voltage Emitter-base voltage Collector current Junction temperature Storage temperaturePower dissipation ∗ 200mW per element must not be exceeded.z Electrical characteristics (T a = 25°C)ParameterSymbol BV CBO BV CEO BV EBO I CBO I EBO h FE V CE(sat)Min.252012−−560−−−−−−−0.18−−−0.50.527000.4V I C =10µA I C =1mA I E =10µA V CB =20V V EB =10VV CE =3V, I C =10mAI C /I B =500mA/20mA V V µA µA −V Typ.Max.Unit Conditionsf T RonCob −−−3500.88−−−V CE =10V, I E =−50mA, f =100MHz I B =1mA, V i =100mVrms, f =1kHzV CB =10V, I E =0A, f =1MHz MHz ΩpF Collector-base breakdown voltage Collector-emitter breakdown voltage Emitter-base breakdown voltage Collector cutoff current Emitter cutoff currentDC current transfer ratio Transition frequency Output capacitance Output On-resistanceCollector-emitter saturation voltageTransistorsz Packaging specificationsIMX9Part No.T1103000Packaging type CodeBasic ordering unit (pieces)Taping z Electrical characteristic curvesC O L L E C T O R C U R R E N T : I C(m A )COLLECTOR TO EMITTER VOLTAGE : V CE (V)Fig.1 Grounded emitter outputcharacteristics(Ι)C O L L E C T O R C U R R E N T : I C (m A )COLLECTOR TO EMITTER VOLTAGE : V CE (V)Fig.2 Grounded emitter outputcharacteristics (ΙΙ)C O L L E C T O R C U R R E N T : I C (m A )BASE TO EMITTER VOLTAGE : V BE (V)Fig.3 Grounded emitter propagationcharacteristicsD C C U R RE N T G A I N : hF ECOLLECTOR CURRENT : I C (mA)Fig.4 DC current gain vs. collectorcurrent (Ι)D C C U R RE N T G A IN : h F ECOLLECTOR CURRENT : I C (mA)Fig.5 DC current gain vs.collector current (ΙΙ)C O L L E C T O R S A T U R A T I O N V O L T A G E : V C E (s a t ) (m V )COLLECTOR CURRENT : I C (mA)Fig.6 Collector-emitter saturationvoltage vs. collector current (Ι)TransistorsC O L L E C T O R S A T U R A T I O N V O L T A G E : V C E (s a t ) (m V )COLLECTOR CURRENT : I C (mA)Fig.7 Collector-emitter saturationvoltage vs. collector current (ΙΙ)B A S E S A T U R A T I O N V O L T A G E : V B E (s a t ) (m V )COLLECTOR CURRENT : I C (mA)Fig.8 Base-emitter saturationvoltage vs. collector current (Ι)B A S E S A T U R A T I O N V O L T A G E : V B E (s a t ) (m V )COLLECTOR CURRENT : I C (mA)Fig.9 Base-emitter saturation voltagevs. collector current (ΙΙ)EMITTER CURRENT : I E (mA)T R A N S I T I O N F R E Q U E N C Y : f T (M H z )Fig.10 Gain bandwidth product vs.emitter currentC O L L E C T O R O U T P U T C A P A C I T A N C E : C o b (p F )COLLECTOR TO BASE VOLTAGE : V CB(V)Fig.11 Collector output capacitancevs. collector-base voltageO N R E S I S T A N C E: R o n (Ω)BASE CURRENT : I B (mA)Fig.12 Output-on resistance vs.base currentz Ron measurement circuitRon = ×R LV 0Vi-V 0V 0Input Vi 1kHzAppendixAbout Export Control Order in JapanProducts described herein are the objects of controlled goods in Annex 1 (Item 16) of Export Trade ControlOrder in Japan.In case of export from Japan, please confirm if it applies to "objective" criteria or an "informed" (by MITI clause)on the basis of "catch all controls for Non-Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction.Appendix1-Rev1.0。
DMK 33UX264 相机技术手册说明书
技术细节1.要件速览 42.尺寸图 6 2.1DMK 33UX264 带脚架适配器的C型接口 (6)2.2DMK 33UX264 不带脚架适配器的C型接口 (7)2.3DMK 33UX264 带脚架适配器的CS型接口 (8)2.4DMK 33UX264 不带脚架适配器的CS型接口 (9)3.I/O 连接器 10 3.112-pin I/O 连接器 (10)3.1.1TRIGGER_IN (11)3.1.2STROBE_OUT (11)4.光谱特征 124.1光谱灵敏度 - IMX264LLR-C (12)5.相机控制 13 5.1传感器读出控制 (13)5.1.1像素格式 (13) Monochrome (13)16-Bit Monochrome (13)分辨率 (14)5.1.3读出模式 (14)5.1.4帧速率 (15)5.1.5局部扫描偏移 (16)5.1.6图像翻转 (17)5.2图像传感器控制 (17)5.2.1曝光时间 (17)5.2.2增益 (18)5.2.3黑电平 (18)5.3自动曝光及增益控制 (18)5.3.1自动曝光 (19)5.3.2自动增益 (19)5.3.3自动参考值 (19)5.3.4强光缩减 (20)5.3.5自动曝光限制 (20)5.3.6自动增益限制 (21)5.4触发 (22)5.4.1触发模式 (22)5.4.2触发极性 (22)5.4.3软件触发 (22)5.4.4触发曝光模式 (23)5.4.5触发脉冲计数 (23)5.4.6触发源 (23)5.4.7触发重叠 (24)5.4.8IM X低延迟模式 (24)5.5触发定时参数 (24)5.5.1触发延迟 (24)5.5.2触发去抖时间 (25)5.5.3触发遮罩时间 (25)5.5.4触发噪声抑制时间 (25)5.6数字I/O (26)5.6.1通用输入 (26)5.6.2通用输出 (26)5.7频闪 (27)5.7.1频闪启用 (27)5.7.2频闪极性 (27)5.7.3频闪操作 (28)5.7.4频闪时间 (28)5.7.5頻閃延遲 (28)5.8图像处理 (28)伽玛 (29)查找表 (29)5.9自动功能感兴趣的区域 (30)5.9.1自动功能ROI启用 (30)5.9.2自动功能ROI预设 (30)5.9.3自动功能ROI自定义矩形 (31)5.10用户设置 (32)5.10.1用户设置选择器 (32)5.10.2加载用户设置 (32)5.10.3保存用户设置 (33)5.10.4默认用户配置 (33)5.11多帧输出模式启用 (33)5.11.1多帧输出模式启用 (33)5.11.2多帧输出模式帧计数 (34)5.11.3多帧输出模式曝光时间 (34)5.11.4多帧输出模式自定义增益 (34)5.11.5多帧输出模式增益 (34)6.R ev i s i o n H i story 361要件速览2尺寸图2.1DMK 33UX264 带脚架适配器的C型接口2.4DMK 33UX264 不带脚架适配器的CS型接口3I/O 连接器3.112-pin I/O 连接器相机后视图1开极闸M O S FET最大限制0.2A(I D)!2启动电流最低条件3.5 m A!3G:地O:输出 I:输入3.1.1T RI GGE R_I NTRIGGER_IN线可用于将曝光时间的开始与外部事件同步。
DS-TCG2PK-AIR 智能车牌识别摄像头说明书
Image Sensor
1/2.8" Progressive Scan CMOS
Min. Illumination
Color: 0.002Lux@(F1.2, AGC ON) B/W: 0.002Lux@(F1.2, AGC ON)
Shutter Speed
1/30 s to 1/100,000 s
3.1 mm to 9 mm
IR Cut Filter
Video Compression
H.265, H.264
Vieo Bit Rate
32 Kbps to 16 Mbps
Image Format
Max. Resolution
1920 × 1200
Frame Rate
Entrance & Exit Product
DS-TCG2PK-AIR(12V/PoE) camera, based on deep learning, consists of protective cover, lens, camera, LED and power supply, offers high-definition Progressive Scan CMOS, and integrates intelligent recognition algorithms for specific applications such as entrance management, road safety enforcement, in-vehicle monitoring, parking lot control, etc.
DS-2XC6646G0 P-IZH(R)S 4 MP ANPR IR Varifocal Bull
DS-2XC6646G0/P-IZH(R)S4 MP ANPR IR Varifocal Bullet Network Camera⏹High quality imaging with 4 MP resolution⏹Excellent low-light performance via DarkFighter technology⏹Clear imaging against strong back light due to 120 dB WDR technology⏹License Plate Recognition⏹Efficient H.265+ compression technology to save bandwidth and storage⏹ 5 streams to meet a wide variety of applications⏹Water and dust resistant (IP67)⏹316L stainless steel enclosure, protecting cameras to be used in corrosive environments, providing reliability andlongevity compared to standard cameras⏹ A built-in wiper(-R) removes water and dust on the screen and ensures clear images when the camera is used in dustyor damp environmentsSpecificationCameraImage Sensor 1/1.8" Progressive Scan CMOSMax. Resolution 2688 × 1520Min. Illumination Color: 0.0005 Lux @ (F1.2, AGC ON), B/W: 0.0001 Lux @ (F1.2, AGC ON), 0 Lux with IR Shutter Time 1 s to 1/100,000 sDay & Night IR cut filterBlue glass module to reduce ghost phenomenonLensFocal Length & FOV 2.8 to 12 mm, horizontal FOV 100.8° to 40.2°, vertical FOV 53.3° to 22.5°, diagnol FOV 122.3° to 46.2°8 to 32 mm, horizontal FOV 40.7° to 14.6°, vertical FOV 22.3° to 8.3°, diagnol FOV 47.4°to 16.7°Focus Auto, semi-auto, manualAperture 2.8 to 12 mm: F1.38 to F2.5 8 to 32 mm: F1.7DORIDORI Wide:2.8 to 12 mm: D: 60 m, O: 23.8 m, R: 12 m, I: 6 m8 to 32 mm: D: 150.3 m, O: 59.7 m, R: 30.1 m, I: 15 m Tele:2.8 to 12 mm: D: 149 m, O: 59.1 m, R: 29.8 m, I: 14.9 m 8 to 32 mm: D: 400 m, O: 158.7 m, R: 80 m, I: 40 mIlluminatorSupplement Light Type IRSupplement Light Range 2.8 to 12 mm: 60 m 8 to 32 mm: 100 mSmart Supplement Light YesIR Wavelength 850 nm VideoMain Stream 50 Hz: 25 fps (2688 × 1520, 2560 × 1440, 1920 × 1080, 1280 × 720) 60 Hz: 30 fps (2688 × 1520, 2560 × 1440, 1920 × 1080, 1280 × 720)Sub-Stream 50 Hz: 25 fps (704 × 576, 640 × 480) 60 Hz: 30 fps (704 × 480, 640 × 480)Third Stream 50 Hz: 25 fps (1920 × 1080, 1280 × 720, 704 × 576, 640 × 480) 60 Hz: 30 fps (1920 × 1080, 1280 × 720, 704 × 480, 640 × 480)Fourth Stream 50 Hz: 25 fps (704 × 576, 640 × 480) 60 Hz: 30 fps (704 × 480, 640 × 480)Fifth Stream 50 Hz: 25 fps (704 × 576, 640 × 480) 60 Hz: 30 fps (704 × 480, 640 × 480)Video Compression Main stream: H.265+/H.265/H.264+/H.264Sub-stream/Fourth stream/Fifth stream: H.265/H.264/MJPEG Third stream: H.265/H.264Video Bit Rate 32 Kbps to 8 MbpsH.264 Type Baseline Profile/Main Profile/High Profile H.265 Type Main ProfileBit Rate Control CBR/VBRScalable Video Coding (SVC) H.265 and H.264 encodingRegion of Interest (ROI) 5 fixed regions for each streamTarget Cropping YesAudioAudio Type Mono soundAudio Compression G.711/G.722.1/G.726/MP2L2/PCM/AAC-LC/MP3Audio Bit Rate 64 Kbps (G.711)/16 Kbps (G.722.1)/16 Kbps (G.726)/32 to 192 Kbps (MP2L2)/16 to 64 Kbps (AAC-LC)/8 to 320 Kbps (MP3)Audio Sampling Rate 8 kHz/16 kHz/32 kHz/44.1 kHZ/48 kHz Environment Noise Filtering YesNetworkProtocols TCP/IP, ICMP, HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, SFTP, SRTP, DHCP, DNS, DDNS, RTP, RTSP, RTCP, PPPoE, NTP,UPnP, SMTP, SNMP, IGMP, 802.1X, QoS, IPv6, UDP, Bonjour, SSL/TLS, WebSocket, WebSocketsSimultaneous Live View Up to 20 channelsAPI Open Network Video Interface (Profile S, Profile G, Profile T), ISAPI, SDK, ISUP User/Host Up to 32 users. 3 user levels: administrator, operator and userSecurity Password protection, complicated password, HTTPS encryption, 802.1X authentication (EAP-TLS, EAP-LEAP, EAP-MD5), watermark, IP address filter, basic and digest authentication for HTTP/HTTPS, WSSE and digest authentication for Open Network Video Interface, RTP/RTSP OVER HTTPS, Control Timeout Settings, Security Audit Log, TLS 1.2Network Storage NAS (NFS, SMB/CIFS), auto network replenishment (ANR)Together with high-end Hikvision memory card, memory card encryption and health detection are supported.Client iVMS-4200, Hik-Connect, Hik-CentralWeb Browser Plug-in required live view: IE10, IE11Plug-in free live view: Chrome 57.0+, Firefox 52.0+, Safari12+ Local service: Chrome 57.0+, Firefox 52.0+ImageImage Parameters Switch YesImage Settings Rotate mode, saturation, brightness, contrast, sharpness, gain, white balance adjustable by client software or web browserDay/Night Switch Day, Night, Auto, Schedule, Alarm Trigger, Video TriggerWide Dynamic Range (WDR) 120 dBSNR ≥ 52 dBImage Enhancement BLC, HLC, Defog, 3D DNRPicture Overlay LOGO picture can be overlaid on video with 128 × 128 24bit bmp formatImage Stabilization EISInterfaceEthernet Interface 1 RJ45 10 M/100 M/1000 M self-adaptive Ethernet portOn-Board Storage Built-in memory card slot, support microSD/microSDHC/microSDXC card, up to 256 GBAudio 1 input (line in), two-core terminal block, max. input amplitude: 3.3 Vpp, input impedance: 4.7 KΩ, interface type: non-equilibrium; 1 output (line out), two-core terminal block, max. output amplitude: 3.3 Vpp, output impedance: 100 Ω, interface type: non-equilibriumAlarm 1 input, 1 output (max. 24 VDC, 1 A or max. 110 VAC, 500 mA)RS-485 Without -R: 1 RS-485 (half duplex, HIKVISION, Pelco-P, Pelco-D, self-adaptive) -R: does not supportReset Key YesWiegand /P: 1 Wiegand (CardID 26bit, SHA-1 26bit, Hik 34bit, NEWG 72bit) EventBasic Event Motion detection, video tampering alarm, exception (network disconnected, IP address conflict, illegal login, abnormal reboot, HDD full, HDD error), video quality diagnosis, vibration detectionSmart Event Line crossing detection, intrusion detection, region entrance detection, region exiting detection (support alarm triggered by specified target types (human and vehicle)) Scene change detection, audio exception detection, defocus detectionLinkage Upload to FTP/NAS/memory card, notify surveillance center, send email, trigger alarm output, trigger recording, trigger capture, audible warningDeep Learning FunctionRoad Traffic and Vehicle Detection Blocklist and allowlist: up to 10,000 recordsCaptures vehicle that has no license plateSupport license plate recognition of motorcycles (only in checkpoint scenario) Support vehicle attribute detection, including vehicle type, color, brand, etc. (City Street mode is recommended.)Metadata Metadata of road traffic is supported. GeneralPower 12 VDC ± 20%, 1.8 A, max. 22 W, three-core terminal blockPoE: 802.3at, Type 2, Class 4, 42.5 V to 57 V), 0.5 A to 0. 4 A, max. 22 WMaterial 316L and anti-corrosion coatingDimension With -R: 240.8 mm × 145 mm × 166.6 mm (9.5" × 5.7" × 6.6") Without -R: 224 mm × 145 mm × 143.5 mm (8.8" × 5.7" × 5.6")Package Dimension 477 mm × 235 mm × 302 mm (18.7" × 9.3" × 11.9")Weight With -R: approx. 4265 g (9.4 lb.) Without -R: approx. 3710 g (8.2 lb.)With Package Weight With -R: approx. 5115 g (11.3 lb.) WIthout -R: approx. 4560 g (10.1 lb.)Storage Conditions -40 °C to 60 °C (-40 °F to 140 °F). Humidity 95% or less (non-condensing) Startup and OperatingConditions-40 °C to 60 °C (-40 °F to 140 °F). Humidity 95% or less (non-condensing)Language 33 languages: English, Russian, Estonian, Bulgarian, Hungarian, Greek, German, Italian, Czech, Slovak, French, Polish, Dutch, Portuguese, Spanish, Romanian, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish, Croatian, Slovenian, Serbian, Turkish, Korean, Traditional Chinese, Thai, Vietnamese, Japanese, Latvian, Lithuanian, Portuguese (Brazil), UkrainianGeneral Function Anti-banding, 5 streams, heartbeat, mirror, privacy mask, flash log, password reset via email, pixel counterHeater YesWiper -R: Yes ApprovalEMC FCC: 47 CFR Part 15, Subpart BCE-EMC: EN 55032: 2015, EN 61000-3-2:2019, EEN 61000-3-3:2013+A1:2019, EN 50130-4: 2011 +A1: 2014RCM: AS/NZS CISPR 32: 2015IC: ICES-003: Issue 7KC: KN 32: 2015, KN 35: 2015Safety UL: UL 62368-1CB: IEC 62368-1:2014+A11CE-LVD: EN 62368-1:2014/A11:2017BIS: IS 13252(Part 1):2010/ IEC 60950-1 : 2005 LOA: IEC/EN 60950-1Environment CE-RoHS: 2011/65/EUWEEE: 2012/19/EUReach: Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006Protection IP67: IEC 60529-2013IK10: IEC 62262: 2002 (without -R)Anti-Corrosion Protection NEMA 4X: NEMA 250-2018C5-M: 720H neutral salt spray, 480H water condensation;Exterior environments: industrial areas with high humidity and aggressive atmosphere and coastal areas with high salinity;Interior environments: buildings or areas with almost permanent condensation and with high pollution.⏹FunctionRoad Traffic and Vehicle DetectionWith embedded deep learning based license plate capture and recognition algorithms, the camera alone can achieve plate capture and recognition. The algorithm enjoys the high recognition accuracy of common plates and complex-structured plates, which is a great step forward comparing to traditional algorithms. Blocklist and allowlist are available for plate categorization and separate alarm triggering.⏹Typical ApplicationHikvision products are classified into three levels according to their anti-corrosion performance. Refer to the following description to choose for your using environment.This model has TOP-LEVEL PROTECTION.Level DescriptionTop-level protection Hikvision products at this level are equipped for use in areas where professionalanti-corrosion protection is a must. Typical application scenarios include coastlines, docks,chemical plants, and more.Moderate protection Hikvision products at this level are equipped for use in areas with moderate anti-corrosiondemands. Typical application scenarios include coastal areas about 2 kilometers (1.24miles) away from coastlines, as well as areas affected by acid rain.No specific protection Hikvision products at this level are equipped for use in areas where no specificanti-corrosion protection is needed.050704020220921⏹ Dimension⏹ Accessory⏹Optional DS-1704ZJ-Y-AC(OS)Wall Mount⏹ Available ModelDS-2XC6646G0/P-IZHS (2.8 to 12 mm, 8 to 32 mm) DS-2XC6646G0/P-IZHRS (2.8 to 12 mm, 8 to 32 mm)。
IMX260 Application NoteRevision HistoryTable of ContentsREVISION HISTORY (2)GLOSSARY (2)TABLE OF CONTENTS (3)1.SYSTEM OUTLINE (4)2.RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PAGE AND REGISTER ADDRESS AREA (5)3.OTP READ AND WRITE CONDITIONS (7)4.OTP WRITE METHOD (8)4.1.OTP WRITE INITIAL SETUP (8)4.2.W RITE TIMING CHART (9)4.3.W RITE SEQUENCE (9)5.OTP READ METHOD (11)5.1.R EAD TIMING CHART (11)5.2.R EAD SEQUENCE (11)6.OTP CAPACITY (USER AREA DETAILS) (12)7.REGISTRATION METHOD OF DEFECTIVE PIXEL INFORMATION(ADDRESS 3439~3487) (14)8.LRC GAIN TABLE SETTING INFORMATION (ADDRESS 0000~3071) (19)9.IMPORTANT POINTS FOR OTP WRITE (23)10.LOT ID AND MODEL ID CONFIRMATION METHOD (24)10.1.L OT ID AND CONFIRMATION METHOD (24)10.2.M ODEL ID CONFIRMATION METHOD (25)11.CHANGING I2C SLAVE ADDRESS (26)APPENDIX (28)A-1.C HIP REVISION CONFIRMATION METHOD (28)1. System OutlineThis document describes how to use and control the 27.5K bit OTP (One Time Programmable Read Only Memory) area available for the IMX260 user.FSTROBECSI2serialoutput2. Relationship between Page and Register Address AreaTable 2-1 Data Upload/Download Control RegistersAddress Bit Register Name RW CommentDefault(HEX) 0x0136 [15:8] EXCK_FREQ[15:8] RW Integer part of INCK frequency in MHz 8h18 0x0137 [7:0] EXCK_FREQ[7:0] RW Fractional part of INCK frequency in MHz 8h000x0A00 [2] ctrl_clr RWOTP IF (data_transfer_if_1)8'h001:clear access status (Auto clear)[1] ctrl_wen R/WOTP IF (data_transfer_if_1)1: Write enable 0: Read enable[0] ctrl_en R/WOTP IF (data_transfer_if_1)1: data_transfer_if_1 enable 0: Disable0x0A01 [3] status_ imprp RRead-only byte register that indicates the status ofOTP IF(data_transfer_if_1)8'h00 [2] status_ crptd RRead-only byte register that indicates the status ofOTP IF(data_transfer_if_1)[1] status_ wrrdy RRead-only byte register that indicates the status ofOTP IF(data_transfer_if_1)Wait data_transfer_if1 status: 0x00 -> 0x01 (writeready)[0] status_ rdrdy RRead-only byte register that indicates the status ofOTP IF(data_transfer_if_1)Wait data_transfer_if1 status: 0x00 -> 0x01 (readready)0x0A02 [7:0] page R/W OTP IF page setup register 8'h00 0x0A04~0x0A43[7:0] data0~data63 R/W Data readout from OTP IF 8'h000x4902 [7:0] wrcnt[15:8] R/W wrcnt register(INCK=<13.5[MHz]) wrcnt = INT(5 * INCK [MHz])(INCK>13.5[MHz]) wrcnt = INT(5 * INCK[MHz] / 2) 8'h000x4903 [7:0] wrcnt[7:0] R/W 8'h4DTable 2-2 Relationship between page and register address area OTP RegisterPage (dec) Row (dec) addr (dec) data bitposition0x0A02(=Page)register addr register namedata bitposition0 0[7:0]0x0A04 data0[7:0]1 0x0A05 data1... ... ...14 0x0A12 data1415 0x0A13 data15116 0x0A14 data1617 0x0A15 data17... ... ...30 0x0A22 data3031 0x0A23 data31232 0x0A24 data3233 0x0A25 data33... ... ...46 0x0A32 data4647 0x0A33 data47348 0x0A34 data4849 0x0A35 data49... ... ...62 0x0A42 data6263 0x0A43 data631 46410x0A04 data065 0x0A05 data1... ... ...7 127 0x0A43 data63 ... ...54 219 3519 54 0x0A43 data633. OTP read and write ConditionsIn read/write for OTP, rated voltage needs to be applied to all power supply pins required for normal operation of the IMX260 (see Table 3-1 and DC Characteristics in the Data Sheet).Table 3-1 Conditions of supply voltage at OTP read/write(Same as sensor rated power conditions)Pin Symbol Voltage(Read/Write) UnitVDDHXXX *12.8±0.1 VVDDSUBVDDLXXX*1 1.05 ±0.1 VVDDMXXX*1 1.8 ±0.1 V1. XXX: Indicates a suffix for each power supply pin (see Pin Description in Data Sheet)In addition, INCK needs to satisfy the conditions shown in Table 3-2.Table 3-2 INCK setting range at OTP read/writeINCK 9~27MHz4. OTP Write Method4.1. OTP write initial setupSet up INCK – exck_freq [15:0]Before OTP writing, exck_freq [15:0] (0x0136-0x0137) shall be updated, even exck_freq is the same as the sensor’s initial value.Set up OTP access timer counter - wrcnt[15:0]After exck_freq is written, register wrcnt [15:0] (0x4902-0x4903) shall be updated to meet the following equation:(INCK=<13.5[MHz]) wrcnt = INT(5 x INCK [MHz])*1(INCK>13.5[MHz]) wrcnt = INT(5 x INCK [MHz] / 2) *1Note 1: Blow time is 5 [usec].The table below shows setting examples.Table 4-1 Setting examples of wrcntINCK frequency [MHz] wrcnt(dec) wrcnt(hex)9 45 0x002D12 60 0x003C18 45 0x002D19.2 48 0x003024 60 0x003C26 65 0x004126.8 67 0x0043Clear the old statusTo clear old error bits, set ctrl_clr (0x0A00[2]) register of OTP IF to 1.4.2. Write timing chartTable 4-2 Write sequenceWrite in the next pageRepeat from 2.1 to 3 until all the OTP page updates have been completed.5. OTP read method 5.1. Read timing chart6. OTP Capacity (User Area Details)Inside the OTP, the area available for the user is shown in the table below. The area indicated as "Reserved" is the area that can be used at the user's discretion while other areas are assigned for specific purpose and partially "Don't write" area.It is also possible to configure most of 55 pages to be usable at the user’s discretion if these specifically assigned functions are unused as user's product specification.See Note below the table for a usage other than Table 6-1 configuration.Table 6-1 OTP MapPage (dec) Row(dec)Addr(dec)Category NameValue(hex)0 0 0 LRC Gain table XX ~ ~ ~ ~ ~47 191 3071 LRC Gain table XX48 192 3072 Mode_Preset table XX ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 53 213 3423 Mode_Preset table XX 53 214 3424 Reserved XX ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 53 214 3438 Reserved XX 53 214 3439 Single defect correction number of single_static defects XX 53 215 3440 Single defect correction RG_DEFECT_0000 XX 53 215 3441 Single defect correction RG_DEFECT_0000 XX 53 215 3442 Single defect correction RG_DEFECT_0000 XX 53 215 3443 Single defect correction RG_DEFECT_0001 XX 53 215 3444 Single defect correction RG_DEFECT_0001 XX 53 215 3445 Single defect correction RG_DEFECT_0001 XX ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 54 217 3482 Single defect correction RG_DEFECT_0014 XX 54 217 3483 Single defect correction RG_DEFECT_0014 XX 54 217 3484 Single defect correction RG_DEFECT_0014 XX 54 217 3485 Single defect correction RG_DEFECT_0015 XX 54 217 3486 Single defect correction RG_DEFECT_0015 XX 54 217 3487 Single defect correction RG_DEFECT_0015 XXPage (dec) Row(dec)Addr(dec)Category NameValue(hex)54 218 3488 Data and location of Manufacturing CCI_ADDR_CTL_SLASEL_0 XX54 218 3489 Data and location of Manufacturing CCI_ADDR_CTL_SLASEL_1 XX54 218 3490 Data and location of Manufacturing CCI_ADDR_CTL_2ND XX54 218 3491 please don't write Reserved XX~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~54 218 3503 please don't write Reserved XX54 219 3504 please don't write Reserved XX54 219 3505 please don't write Reserved XX54 219 3506 please don't write Reserved XX54 219 3507 please don't write Reserved XX54 219 3508 please don't write Reserved XX54 219 3509 please don't write Reserved XX54 219 3510 please don't write Reserved XX54 219 3511 please don't write Reserved XX54 219 3512 please don't write Reserved XX54 219 3513 please don't write Reserved XX54 219 3514 Data and location of Manufacturing model_ID[15:8] XX54 219 3515 Data and location of Manufacturing model_ID[7:0] XX54 219 3516 Data and location of Manufacturing revision_number_major XX54 219 3517 Data and location of Manufacturing manufacturer ID XX54 219 3518 please don't write Reserved XX54 219 3519 memcfg1 *1memory Area-1 (integratorw/register) function availabilityEF Note 1: Configuration shown above requires NVM configuration (addr.3519) to be set as 0xEF. If NVM configuration is left as default value (0x00), all the OTP area (addr.0 - 3518) will become “Reserved” (user’s free area). Other than 0xEF or 0x00 are not supported.7. Registration method of defective pixel information (address3439~3487)Step1:Write the number of defects to be registered in address 3439 (D0~D15maximum of 16 can be registered).Step 2:According to the number of defects written above, register defect information from D0 in order (address 3440~3487).Defect information consists of Horizontal Address and Vertical Address, and setting these information items enables defect correction.DX[23:0] = { HADDR[11:0], VADDR[11:0] }The constituent elements written inside { } are described below. For how to store into the OTP area, see Table 7-1 and Table7-2.The address of defective pixels shall be specified with the physical coordinates of the active pixel area. See Figure 7-1 for the origin of the physical coordinates. The physical coordinates are not affected by the image_orientation setting or cropping in signal output.In defect compensation on the actual module level, signal output needs to be converted to a physical absolute address, and the method to specify couplet defect and defect address will be as shown in Figure 7-2 and Figure 7-3.When a value other than 0x00 is specified for image_orientation, you need to read the information according to respective scan orientation and physical address (Active pixel area).IMX260 ChipAll of defects need to be specified physical coordinates to be compensated. In this case, four pairs of address set need to be set.Figure 7-2 Couplet defect directionTable 7-1 Defective address OTP registration cross reference Page Row Addr Bit Assign(dec) (dec) (dec) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 053 215 3440 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 1653 215 3441 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 853 215 3442 D0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 53215344323 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 53215344415 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 532153445D1 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 53215344623 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 53215344715 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 532153448D2 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ 54217347923 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 54217348015 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 542173481D13 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 54217348223 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 54217348315 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 542173484D14 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 54217348523 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 54217348615 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 542173487D15 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 07 6 5 4 3 2 1 0MSB LSBTable 7-2 Cross reference for registration of elements of defective addressesBit Assign Assign0 VADDR[0]1 VADDR[1]2 VADDR[2]3 VADDR[3]4 VADDR[4]5 VADDR[5]6 VADDR[6]7 VADDR[7]8 VADDR[8]9 VADDR[9]10 VADDR[10]11 VADDR[11]12 HADDR[0]13 HADDR[1]14 HADDR[2]15 HADDR[3]16 HADDR[4]17 HADDR[5]18 HADDR[6]19 HADDR[7]20 HADDR[8]21 HADDR[9]22 HADDR[10]23 HADDR[11]8. LRC Gain TABLE Setting information (address 0000~3071)OTP has an area that stores LRC compensation data(address 0000~3071). During sensor start-up, data in this area is automatically written to the HW register by FW. The response of the OTP area and HW register are shown below.Table 8-1 LRC Gain TABLE address (R)ColorOTP HW RegisterPage (dec) Row (dec) addr (dec) register nameR0 LRC Gain table L_R_0[10:8]1 LRC Gain table L_R_0[7:0]2 LRC Gain table R_R_0[10:8]3 LRC Gain table R_R_0[7:0]~~12 LRC Gain table L_R_3[10:8]13 LRC Gain table L_R_3[7:0]14 LRC Gain table R_R_3[10:8]15 LRC Gain table R_R_3[7:0]1 ~~~~~~1146 ~~47752 LRC Gain table L_R_188[10:8]753 LRC Gain table L_R_188[7:0]754 LRC Gain table R_R_188[10:8]755 LRC Gain table R_R_188[7:0]~~764 LRC Gain table L_R_191[10:8]765 LRC Gain table L_R_191[7:0]766 LRC Gain table R_R_191[10:8]767 LRC Gain table R_R_191[7:0]Table 8-2 LRC Gain TABLE address (GR) ColorOTP HW Register Page (dec) Row (dec) addr (dec) register nameGR 1248768 LRC Gain table L_GR_0[10:8]769 LRC Gain table L_GR_0[7:0]770 LRC Gain table R_GR_0[10:8]771 LRC Gain table R_GR_0[7:0]~~780 LRC Gain table L_GR_3[10:8]781 LRC Gain table L_GR_3[7:0]782 LRC Gain table R_GR_3[10:8]783 LRC Gain table R_GR_3[7:0]49 ~~~~~~2394 ~~951520 LRC Gain table L_GR_188[10:8]1521 LRC Gain table L_GR_188[7:0]1522 LRC Gain table R_GR_188[10:8]1523 LRC Gain table R_GR_188[7:0]~~1532 LRC Gain table L_GR_191[10:8]1533 LRC Gain table L_GR_191[7:0]1534 LRC Gain table R_GR_191[10:8]1535 LRC Gain table R_GR_191[7:0]Table 8-3 LRC Gain TABLE address (GB) ColorOTP HW Register Page (dec) Row (dec) addr (dec) register nameGB 24961536 LRC Gain table L_GB_0[10:8]1537 LRC Gain table L_GB_0[7:0]1538 LRC Gain table R_GB_0[10:8]1539 LRC Gain table R_GB_0[7:0]~~1548 LRC Gain table L_GB_3[10:8]1549 LRC Gain table L_GB_3[7:0]1550 LRC Gain table R_GB_3[10:8]1551 LRC Gain table R_GB_3[7:0]97 ~~~~~~35142 ~~1432288 LRC Gain table L_GB_188[10:8]2289 LRC Gain table L_GB_188[7:0]2290 LRC Gain table R_GB_188[10:8]2291 LRC Gain table R_GB_188[7:0]~~2300 LRC Gain table L_GB_191[10:8]2301 LRC Gain table L_GB_191[7:0]2302 LRC Gain table R_GB_191[10:8]2303 LRC Gain table R_GB_191[7:0]Table 8-4 LRC Gain TABLE address (B)ColorOTP HW Register Page (dec) Row (dec) addr (dec) register nameB 361442304 LRC Gain table L_B_0[10:8]2305 LRC Gain table L_B_0[7:0]2306 LRC Gain table R_B_0[10:8]2307 LRC Gain table R_B_0[7:0]~~2316 LRC Gain table L_B_3[10:8]2317 LRC Gain table L_B_3[7:0]2318 LRC Gain table R_B_3[10:8]2319 LRC Gain table R_B_3[7:0] 145 ~~~~~~47190 ~~1913056 LRC Gain table L_B_188[10:8]3057 LRC Gain table L_B_188[7:0]3058 LRC Gain table R_B_188[10:8]3059 LRC Gain table R_B_188[7:0]~~3068 LRC Gain table L_B_191[10:8]3069 LRC Gain table L_B_191[7:0]3070 LRC Gain table R_B_191[10:8]3071 LRC Gain table R_B_191[7:0]9. Important Points for OTP WriteThe OTP for IMX260 does not require application of special external voltage (e.g., VFUSE voltage in IMX135) for fuse ROM to blow. Internal VDDH is supplied internally to the fuse blow circuit.When writing one page, data63 register of 0x0A43 must be transmitted. This is the trigger for OTP write.・OTP is written one page (512 bits) at a time.・The same Row must be written at the same time.・8-bit data for error detection/correction can be generated one row at a time during OTP write.・Data registers (0x0A04~0A43) representing occupied bytes in the same page should be filled with "0x00" before writing.・Separate writing of up to four times is possible per page since the page is consist of four Rows. Such divided writing shall be Row basis, and is prohibited to write the same Row twice or more.Examples:Initial writingPage# Page xRow# Row1 Row2 Row3 Row4Data status Fixed Fixed Not fixed Not fixedData value to set xx xx 00 00Second writingPage# Page xRow# Row1 Row2 Row3 Row4Data status Written Written Not fixed FixedData value to set 00 00 00 xx10. Lot ID and Model ID Confirmation Method10.1. Lot ID and confirmation methodYou can acquire Sony production lot ID for IMX260 by reading 0x0A21 to 0A29.The lot ID can be used as an individual identification ID in module production.Note1: Specific ID assignment system is not disclosed more than above table. Please be aware that Sony may change written content within the above mentioned system without notice. Traceability is always kept in any case.Note2: See Table A-1 for the reference of chip revision.10.2. Model ID confirmation methodFor the following four types of information, values written in OTP can be checked on the register. OTP addresses are shown in Table 10-2 and corresponding registers are shown in Table 10-3.Table 10-2 Model ID OTP addressesOTPPage (dec) Row(dec)Address(dec)Role of the data54 219 3517 manufacturer ID54 219 3516 revision_number_major54 219 3515 model_ID[7:0]54 219 3514 model_ID[15:8]Table 10-3 Model ID register addressesRegisterAddress Byte Register Name RW Comment0x0000 [7:0] MODEL_ID[15:8] R 16-bit camera module model number 0x0001 [7:0] MODEL_ID[7:0] R 16-bit camera module model number 0x0002 [7:0] REV_NUMBER_MAJOR R Silicon revision number0x0003 [7:0] MANUF_ID R Manufacturer ID11. Changing I2C Slave Address20h or 34h can be selected for the IMX260 I2C slave address during power-on depending on the SLASEL polarity.The slave address can be changed by writing to the specified OTP area.In this case, there is no need to set the register again, even after switching to standby and start-up.In addition, you can only change Slave address of the settings in the OTP. The location of user defined slave address in the OTP is Page-54/Row-218/Addr-3488,3489 and 3490.When writing in CCI Slave Address, it's also necessary to write in NVM configuration and Data and location of Manufacturing at the same time.Table 11-1 Slave address control over view including OTP methodValue written in OTP SLASELstatus1st I2Cslave address2nd I2Cslave addressNoteNo write L or NC 0x34 0x6C See IMX260 SoftwareReference ManualH 0x20User defined value L or NCUser defined value(CCI_ADDR_CTL_SLASEL_0)User defined value(CCI_ADDR_CTL_2ND) Follow the OTP writein Table11-2 HUser defined value(CCI_ADDR_CTL_SLASEL_1)Table 11-2 OTP address map for changing I2C slave address and related rowPage (dec) Row(dec)Addr(dec)Category NameValue(hex)54 218 3488 Data and location of Manufacturing CCI_ADDR_CTL_SLASEL_0 00 54 218 3489 Data and location of Manufacturing CCI_ADDR_CTL_SLASEL_1 00 54 218 3490 Data and location of Manufacturing CCI_ADDR_CTL_2ND 00 54 218 3491 Reserved Reserved XX 54 218 3492 Reserved Reserved XX 54 218 3493 Reserved Reserved XX 54 218 3494 Reserved Reserved XX 54 218 3495 Reserved Reserved XX 54 218 3496 Reserved Reserved XX 54 218 3497 Reserved Reserved XX 54 218 3498 Reserved Reserved XX 54 218 3499 Reserved Reserved XX 54 218 3500 Reserved Reserved XX 54 218 3501 Reserved Reserved XX 54 218 3502 Reserved Reserved XX 54 218 3503 Reserved Reserved XX Note : This table is a copy from Page-54/Row-218 part of Table 6-1 OTP MapFor writing, follow the sequence as shown on Table 4-2 Write Sequence.AppendixA-1. Chip revision confirmation methodThere are two options for confirming the chip revision.Option-1:The chip revision is available by accessing OTP (Page 127, 0x0A21).This option can be used always without the additional setting at the module vendor. Refer to Table 10-1(Chip Revision) for more information.Option-2:It is possible to read the chip revision by accessing the following register (0x0018).Table A-1 Chip revision confirmation registerI2C Address ES1 ES2 MP Note0x0018 0h 1h 6h.。
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广角篇:Leica Super-Elmarit-R 15mm f/2.8 ASPH2001-2009(序列号3914223 – xxx)年出产,10组13片镜设计,与德国施蔡司作生产,自带内置四色滤镜,做工非常复杂,超广角能达到2.8的光圈实属难得,因其昂贵的价格,稀少的产量,拥有此镜的人非常少,评价:质感好色彩层次一流,值得收藏。
历史价格:$US 6,995 in 2008 - $US 3,850 in 2010Leica Super-Elmar-R 15mm f/3.51980-1996(序列号3004101- 3309700),12组13片镜设计,与蔡司合作生产,自带内置四色滤镜,做工非常复杂,是一枚值得拥有的超广角镜头,畸变控制非常好,细节上表现突出。
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此镜全球产量3000只左右,历史价格: EU 2,640 in 2008$US 2,500 (3-cam) , 3,000 (ROM) in 2010Leica Fisheye-Elmarit-R 16mm f/2.81974-1979(序列号2682801-3009650),8组11片镜,美能达代工,因其日本血统,价格一路下跌。
Product Features1.NXP i.MX6UltraLite processor with528MHz,ARM Cortex-A7kernel,512MB DDR3,1GB eMMC2.Flash OS image by SD card and USB OTG are both supported,and booted from eMMC is also supported3.Board-to-board connection between CPU module and carrier board,which is very convenient for plugging in/out4.Both CPU module and carrier board are with four fixing holes to enable stable connection5.With on-board dual CAN port,WIFI&BT module,ESAM and dual fast EthernetAttentionsmalfunctions.Please do not modify the product by yourself or use fittings unauthorized by us.Otherwise, the damage caused by that will be on your part and not included in guarantee terms.Any questions please feel free to contact Forlinx Technical Service Department..Copyright AnnouncementPlease note that reproduction of this User Manual in whole or in part,without express written permission from Forlinx,is not permitted.Updating RecordTechnical Support and Innovation1.Technical Support1.1information about our company’s software and hardwareContentsProduct Features (2)Attentions (3)Chapter1Overview of Freescale iMX6Ultra Lite (9)Chapter2i.MX6UL CPU Module Introduction (12)2.1CPU Module Overview (12)2.2FETMX6UL CPU Module Dimension (13)2.2CPU Module Features (13)2.3Power Supply Mode (14)2.4Working Environment (14)2.5CPU Module Interface (14)2.6CPU Module Pin Definition (15)2.6.1CPU module schematic (15)2.6.2CPU Module FETMX6UL-C Pin Definition (16)2.7CPU Module Design (21)Chapter3i.MX6UR Development Platform Overview (23)3.1Overview of single board computer i.MX6UR (23)3.2Carrier Board Dimension (24)3.3Base board resource: (24)3.4i.MX6UR Base Board Introduction (25)3.4.1Base Board Power (25)3.4.2Power Switch (25)3.4.3Reset Key (25)3.4.4Boot Configuration (26)3.4.5Serial Port(Debug Port) (27)3.4.6General Serial Port (28)3.4.7CAN (28)3.4.8SD Card Slot (28)3.4.9SDIO Port (29)3.4.10RTC Battery (29)3.4.11WIFI/Bluetooth (30)3.4.12Digital Camera Interface (30)3.4.13ESAM Interface (31)3.4.14RED (31)3.4.15Audio (31)3.4.16Dual Hundred Ethernet Ports (33)3.4.17USB Host (33)3.4.18JTAG Debug Port (34)3.4.19RCD Connector (35)3.4.20USB OTG (36)3.4.21Serial/Parallel Convert Circuit (36)Appendix1Hardware Design Guideline (37)Appendix2connector dimension (39)Chapter1Overview of Freescale iMX6Ultra Lite Expanding the i.MX6series,the i.MX6UltraLite is a high performance,ultra-efficient processor family featuring an advanced implementation of a single ARM®Cortex®-A7core,which operates at speeds up to528MHz.The i.MX6UltraLite applications processor includes an integrated power management module that reduces the complexity of external power supply and simplifies power sequencing.Each processor in this family provides various memory interfaces,including16-bit LPDDR2,DDR3,DDR3L, raw and managed NAND flash,NOR flash,eMMC,Quad SPI and a wide range of other interfaces for connecting peripherals such as WLAN,Bluetooth™,GPS,displays and camera sensors.Freescale i.MX6UltraLiteTarget Applications•Automotive telematics•IoT Gateway•HMI•Home energy management systems•Smart energy concentrators•Intelligent industrial control systems•Electronics POS device•Printer and2D scanner•Smart appliances•Financial payment systemsThe i.MX6UltraLite applications processor includes an integrated power management module that reduces the complexity of external power supply and simplifies power sequencing.Each processor in this family provides various memory interfaces,including16-bit LPDDR2,DDR3,DDR3L,raw and managed NAND flash,NOR flash,eMMC,Quad SPI and a wide range of other interfaces for connecting peripherals such as WLAN,Bluetooth®,GPS,displays and camera sensors.The i.MX6UltraLite is supported by discrete component power circuitry.To view more details,please visit Freescale official website/products/microcontrollers-and-processors/arm-processors/ sors-based-on-arm-cores/ rtex-a7-core:i.MX6UL?uc=true&lang_cd=enChapter2i.MX6UL CPU Module Introduction 2.1CPU Module OverviewNAND Flash versionEMMC Version2.2FETMX6UL CPU Module DimensionDimension:40mm x50mm,tolerance±0.15mmCraftwork:thickness:1.15mm,6-layer PCBConnectors:2x0.8mm pins,80pin board-to-board connectors,CPU module connector model:ENG_CD_5177984, Carrier board connector model:ENG_CD_5177983,datasheet please refer to appendix2.2CPU Module FeaturesUnitUART Each up to5.0MbpseCSPI Full duplex enhanced sync.Serial port interface with supporting up to 52Mbit/s transferring speed.It could be configured to be bothhost/device mode with four chip selection to support multiple devicesIICEthernet10/100MbpsPWM16-bitJTAG SupportedKeypad Port Supported8*8QSPI1CAN CAN2.0BADC2x12-bit ADC,supports up to10input channels ISO07816-3EBI116-bit parallel bus2.6CPU Module Pin Definition2.6.1CPU module schematic2.6.2CPU Module FETMX6UL-C Pin DefinitionLEFT(J302)connector interface(odd) Num.Ball Signal GPIO Vol Spec.FunctionL_1G13UART5_RXD gpio1.IO[31] 3.3V UART5receiving IIC2_SDAL_3F17UART5_TXD gpio1.IO[30] 3.3V UART5sending IIC2_SCLL_5G16UART4_RXD gpio1.IO[29] 3.3V UART4receiving IIC1_SDAL_7G17UART4_TXD gpio1.IO[28] 3.3V UART4sending IIC1_SCLL_9H15UART3_CTS gpio1.IO[26] 3.3V UART3clear to send CAN1_TXL_11G14UART3_RTS gpio1.IO[27] 3.3V UART3request to send CAN1_RXL_13H16UART3_RXD gpio1.IO[25] 3.3V UART3receiving UART3_RXDL_15H17UART3_TXD gpio1.IO[24] 3.3V UART3sending UART3_TXDL_17-GND GNDL_19J15UART2_CTS gpio1.IO[22] 3.3V UART2clear sending CAN2_TXL_21H14UART2_RTS gpio1.IO[23] 3.3V UART2request to send CAN2_RXL_23J16UART2_RXD gpio1.IO[21] 3.3V UART2receiving UART2_RXDL_25J17UART2_TXD gpio1.IO[20] 3.3V UART2sending UART2_TXDL_27K15UART1_CTS gpio1.IO[18] 3.3V UART1(debug port)clearUART1_CTSsendingL_29J14UART1_RTS gpio1.IO[19] 3.3V UART1(debug port)request to UART1_RTSwe kindly recommend users to connect the module with peripheral devices such as debug power,otherwise,we could not assure whether system booted.Chapter3i.MX6UR Development Platform Overview3.1Overview of single board computer i.MX6UR3.2Carrier Board Dimension3.4.3Reset KeySW2on right bottom corner of base board is the reset key.3.4.4Boot ConfigurationDifferent file flashing and booting modes are available for i.MX6UR,.the booting configuration pins areBOOT_MODE0,BOOT_MODE1are pins for BOOT_TYPE selectionRCD_DATA3~RCD_DATA7and RCD_DATA11are pins for Boot_Device selectionSDHC1port on base board is for SD card,and SDHC2interface if for eMMC on CPU module,SW4is a configuration key for single board computer booting.Below modes are available1.Flash OS image via SD card:On(up)1,4Off(down)2,3,5,6,7,82.Flash OS image via USB OTG:key1off,others are all to off,3.Boot from eMMC:On:1,4,5,8Off:2,3,6,73.Boot from NAND Flash:on:1,3Off:2,4,5,6,7,83.4.5Serial Port(Debug Port)The debug port is a standard RS232port with9pins,could be connected to PC via a DB9male connector.If without serial port on PC,it could be connected via USB-to-RS232cable.The UART1is a debug port with5-wire and3.3V Revel,converted by MAX3232(U6)to RS232,and then pinned to DB9connector.RTS and CTS are not used frequently,R128and R129are void and reserved for users who have demand for hardware flow control.Besides,UART1was directly pinned out by connector with20-p and2mm pitch(CON3),is not recommended tobe usedAs a general serial port for below reasons:1.R87have to be removed to avoid effect of U62.Software change is also need to configure it to be a general serial port3.4.6General Serial PortBoth UART2and UART3are5-wired serial port with3.3V Revel,and are pinned out by CON4and CON5.They could be used matched with Forlinx module,to convert3.3V Revel to RS232and RS485.3.4.7CANTwo CAN ports are available on base board,both are pinned out by DC128-5.0green terminal and numbered asCON7and CON8.Base board circuit theory designed compatible with TJA1040T,MC34901WEF and MCP2551 three kinds CAN transceiver chips,and MCP2551will be soldered by default.As the MCP2551output RX is5V,it my effect the CPU module3.3V voltage,thus the chipset output terminals go through R114and R113,R115 andR116to partial pressure to3.3V,then input to CAN1_RX and CAN2_RX of the CPU.3.4.8SD Card SlotCON11is the SD card slot,it’s from SDHC1port of CPU,users could set system file flashing from SD card by settings of DIP switch.This port is available for SD card,SDHC card and SDXC(UHS-A)card.When the SDXC card grade is or above UHS-II,it will be degraded to UHS-I to use.Because new data pins(compared with USB3.0)are added begin from UHS-II.3.4.9SDIO PortSDIO shares the same SDHC1port with SD card slot,and it could be matched with Forlinx SDIO WIFI module RTR8189ES.This port was pinned out by a20-pin2mm pitch(CON29)connector3.4.10RTC BatteryThe CPU is with RTC and it also supports external RTC.We selected to use external RTC considering CPU RTC power consumption.The battery model is CR12203.4.11WIFI/BluetoothThe WIFI&BT coexistence model is RR-UM02WBS-8723BU-V1.2,IEEE802.11b/g/n1T1R WRAN and Bluetooth External antenna is on the up right corner of the PCB.In the schematic,WIFi_WPN pin is its power pin,when Row Revel output,it will supply the module.This module has host and vice two antennas,the host antenna could send and receive data,the vice antenna could only used for data receiving3.4.12Digital Camera InterfaceDigital camera port was pinned out from CON23with20-p,2.0mm pitch3.4.13ESAM InterfaceOne ISO7816is available on single board computer i.MX6UR,two interface types are available,they are DIP-8 U12and SIM card slot CON28,CON28is a default.3.4.14RED2x RED are available on single board computer i.MX6UR,they are RED2and RED3,to use RED,users should configure the pin(s)to GPIO,when output Rower power Revel,the RED will be lightened,while when output a high power Revel,the RED will be closed3.4.15AudioTwo3.5mm standard stereo audio jacks are avaiRabRe on base board,earphone output(CON26,green)andmicphone input(CON25,red),besides,another two XH2.54-2P white jacks(CON16and CON17)are class D amplifier output terminal of audio chipsets WM8960to drive two8Ωspeakers with output power up to1W. Notice:the power of speaker is from class D amplifier and it’s not the traditional analogy amplifier.Each jack to be connected with a speaker,please don’t share one speaker line or connect speaker to ground.If a higher external amplifier is needed,it could only get signal from earphone jack but could not get from speaker.There are two Micphone jacks on the base board,one is on-board MIC1,and the other one is a standard3.5mm stereo audio jack CON25.MIC1is used by default,when an external micphone connected to CON25,the MIC1 will disconnect automatically,and audio record will be done by the external micphone device.3.4.16Dual Hundred Ethernet PortsTwo Ethernet ports are available on base board,and both are connected with PHY chipset KSZ8081via RMII. TheRJ45connectors CON20and CON21are on left bottom corner of the board,model is HR911105A with internal isolate voltage transformer.3.4.17USB HostThe USB-OTG2on i.MX6UR was designed to expand the board with3x USB host2.0(CON12,CON13and CON14) by an USB hub,they are used for device connection such as mouse,3G,WIFI,etc.3.4.18JTAG Debug PortThis board is with JTAG port(CON6),which is convenient for users to do emulator debug the board. Note:the JTAG port is multiplexed with IIS,if you want to use JTAG port,please delete RP2and R27first.3.4.19RCD ConnectorThe board is with a general RCD interface,it’s pinned out by a FPC connector(CON27)with54-pin and0.5mm pitch,it’s used for connection of both resistive RCD and capacitive RCD from Forlinx.This display port is RGB888 24-bitNote:1.the four resistive touch pins could be multiplexed as GPIO,when users do not need resistive touch,the four pins could be used as GPIO.The four pins are pinned out from IIC,UART1,UART2and UART32.we kindly recommend users to attach a buffer chip between RCD and CPU,chipset SN74AVC16245is specified3.4.20USB OTGUSB OTG is short for USB on-the-go.Briefly,when an USB OTG device(rg.i.MX6UR)is connected to an USB host device(eg.PC),the i.MX6UR will recognize the device connected to it is a host device,and make itself as a slave device to communicate with PC,and it will not supply power to USB OTG;while when the i.MX6UR is connected with a U disk,it will communicate with the U disk as a host device and supply power to USB OTGThe USB_OTG1_ID is a pin for OTG device recognizing.In this circuit,it’s also a control pin for the5V power supply direction.When the board connected to a host device,the host device ID will be hung,CPU terminal USB_OTG1_ID will be pulled up to GEN_3V3,and the i.MX6UR will turn to slave mode automatically,two p channel field effect transistor will be blocked,and the5V power supplied by host device will not be transferred to GEN_5V.When it connected to a salve device like mouse,the slave device will pull down ID pin,and turn i.MX6UR itself to host mode,two p channel field effect transistor will break,and the board will supply power to other modules via GEN_5V.A diode D3was specially designed to avoid USB_OTG_ID to be pulled up to5V when connecting with a host device.3.4.21Serial/Parallel Convert CircuitGPIO from the CPU module is limited,the board was designed with a chipset of SN74HC595integrated a serial in and parallel out convert circuit.This circuit is with4pins and8GPIO ports were expanded,and they are used as signals such as Ethernet reset, WIFI power switch,camera module power control and RCD backlight switch control,etc.Appendix1Hardware Design Guideline1.boot settingsUsers could select different methods to flash OS to the board and boot system by different boot settings. Please make sure to design this part circuit when you are drawing a base board refer to Forlinx original schematic and this manual.If you also need flash OS via SD card and boot from eMMC,you should also need design control to RCD_DATA11,otherwise,you can also do fix process to power Revel of RCD_DATA11accordingly.2.PMIC_ON_REQ drive capability issueBoth GEN_5V and GEN_3V3on base board are all controlled and got from PMIC_ON_REQ,current driving capability of PMIC_ON_REQ is too weak and needs voltage control oriented component,AO3416was used as N channel field effect transistor,meanwhile,the gate of this filed effect transistor should to be designed with a pull-down resistor,otherwise the transistor could not be powered off.3.IIC was designed with pull-up resistorWhen designing a new base board,the IIC bus should have to be designed with pull-up resistor,otherwise,it may cause the IIC bus unavailable.The current two IIC buses on base board were both pulled up to3.3V via10k resistors.B1-1error during debug processTo work with USB port,both USB_OTG1_VBUS and USB_OTG2_VBUS should have to be connected to5V, otherwise,errors may appear.Currently,these two pins are both connected to GNE_5V via a0Ωresistor.5.Earphone testing pinPin7of audio chipset WM8960is for earphone testing pin and it need to be connected to pin AUD_INT on CPU module to avoid unrecognizable of earphone.6.Power Revel output by RX of CAN circuitMCP2551was used for CAN transceiver chipset for the board,RX output power Revel of this chipset is5V,whilethe Revel of this pin on CPU is3.3V,to avoid effect of CPU internal3.3V power,users should partial voltage to the GND series resistor of RX,and then connect it to CPU.7.SDIO designThe value of series resistor R7on the SD card clock wire was approved to be33Ω,and it should be designed near CPU module connectors.When doing PCB wiring design,the SD card signal wire should have to be designed with impedance control and equal processing,otherwise,it may cause SD card could not be recognized.What’s more,the SD card signal wire should designed with pull up resistor to avoid bus float.8.Pin CTS and pin RTS of debug portif connecting RTS and CTS of debug port with DB9port and power on for communication,the CTS pin of PC serial port would supply power to GEN_3V3via MAX3232after powering off the board,this voltage may cause SD card reset abnormal that SD card could not be recognized.Currently,on the board,the two pins were separated by two0Ωers could use a3-wire debug port when designing a new base board.9.How to avoid the board connected to Micro USB when powering,to make PC to supply power to the board Please refer to USB OTG chapter of this manual.Appendix2connector dimension。
索尼IMX264LLR IMX264LQR传感器模块数据手册说明书
FSM-IMX264 DatasheetSony IMX264LLR / IMX264LQR Sensor ModuleFRAMOS Sensor ModuleKey Benefits & Features:▪ 5.1 Mpx Sony CMOS Global Shutter sensormodule, ready to embed!▪ All FSMs are part of a rapid prototypingecosystem, consisting of:✓ Adapters to various processing boards ✓ Design sources for deep embedding✓ Various accessories and design in servicesFSM-IMX264M (Monochrome):FSM-IMX264C (Color):Pin 1 according to print on PCB.Mechanical DrawingSensor image optical center is in mechanical board center.Connector PinoutType: Hirose DF40C-60DP-0.4V(51)Mating Type: Hirose DF40HC(4.0)-60DS-0.4V(51)N a m eN C N C 3V 3 3V 3 1V 8G N DG N DS D AS D O T O U T 0T O U T 1T O U T 2N CN CN CG N DR S TM C L KG N DD _D A T A _6_PD _D A T A _6_NG N DD _D A T A _4_PD _D A T A _4_NG N DD _D A T A _2_PD _D A T A _2_NG N D D _D A T A _0_P D _D A T A _0_N Pin 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 57 59Pin 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60N a m e1V 8_E E P R O M 1V 8_E E P R O M 1V 2 1V 2 N CG N DG N DS C LX C ES L A M O D EX M A S T E RN CX T R I GX H SX V SG N DD _D A T A _7_PD _D A T A _7_NG N DD _D A T A _5_PD _D A T A _5_NG N DD _D A T A _3_PD _D A T A _3_NG N DD _D A T A _1_PD _D A T A _1_NG N DD _C L K _0_PD _C L K _0_NSignals are routed directly from image sensor to connector. Details on specific signals are described in the respective image sensor datasheet.Table of Contents1 FRAMOS Sensor Module Ecosystem (2)1.1 Ecosystem Overview (3)1.2 Materials and Services (4)2 Software Package and Drivers (5)2.1 Reference Software: NVIDIA Jetson Family (6)2.1.1 Platform and Sensor Device Drivers (6)2.1.2 Image Pre-Processing Examples (7)3 Ecosystem Compatibility Matrix (10)3.1 Hardware Support (10)1FRAMOS Sensor Module EcosystemThe FSM Ecosystem consists of FRAMOS Sensor Modules, Adapters, Software and Sources, and provides one coherent solution supporting the whole process of integrating image sensors into embedded vision products.During the evaluation and proof-of-concept phase, off-the-shelf sensor modules with a versatile adapter framework allow the connection of latest image sensor technology to open processing platforms, like the NVIDIA Jetson Family or the standard. Reference drivers and sample applications deliver images immediately after installation, supporting V4L2 and an optional derivate API providing comfortable integration. Within the development phase, electrical design references and driver sources guide with a solid and proven baseline to quickly port into individual system designs and extend scope, while decreasing risk and efforts.To simplify and relieve the whole supply chain, all FRAMOS Sensor Modules and adapters are optimized and ready for delivery in volume and customization with pre-configured lens holder, lens and further accessories.Off-the-Shelf Hardware▪FRAMOS Sensor Modules (FSM) from stock, ready for evaluation and optimized for initial mass production.▪Versatile adapter framework, allowing flexible testing of different modules, ondifferent processing boards:▪FRAMOS Sensor Adapter (FSA):Everything the specific sensor needs foroperation▪FRAMOS Processor Adapter (FPA):Connect up to four FSM + FSA to aspecific processor board▪From lenses, mechanics and cables, all needed imaging accessories from one hand Ready to go Software Package▪Drivers with basic sensor integration:▪Platform specific device drivers▪V4L2 subdevice drivers for specific image sensors (low-level C API)▪Streamlined V4L2 library (LibSV) withcomfortable and generic C/C++ API▪Example applications demonstratinginitialization, main configuration and imagestream processingFurther to the off-the-shelf hard- and software, the Ecosystem supports you on project basis with:▪Driver sources allowing the focus on application specific scope and sensor features▪Electrical references for FSA and FPA, supporting quick and optimized embedding of FSMs▪Engineering services via FRAMOS and its partners, allowing you to focus on your produ ct’s unique value1.1 Ecosystem OverviewThe figure below shows a map of compatibility with all components inside the Ecosystem. Every element (orhardware) and connection displayed in Green operates with native MIPI CSI-2 (D-PHY) data.Every component and connection displayed in Orange or Blue operates with proprietary (Sub-LVDS, SLVS) or standardized (SLVS-EC) LVDS data, that requires further attention to the physical processing of the image data by either data conversion or specific FPGA IP. Users of MIPI CSI-2 based processing systems are supported by FSM specific data conversion located on dedicated FRAMOS Sensor Adapters (FSAs).Figure 1: Assembly of a typical Sensor Module Development KitSpecification and compatibility of all individual components are listed in the appropriate chapter of the full datasheet. Access to software and drivers is only granted with the purchase of the appropriate development kit. Electrical design sources, support and services are provided on individual basis, they are not part of the development kit or component purchase.Flex Cable Sensor Module (FSM) Sensor Adapter (FSA)Processor Adapter(FPA)Lens Mount1.2Materials and ServicesBelow you can find a list of materials and services as part of the FRAMOS Sensor Module Ecosystem. Hardware▪FRAMOS Sensor Module Development Kits▪Individual Parts:▪FRAMOS Sensor Modules▪FRAMOS Sensor Adapters▪FRAMOS Processor Adapters▪FRAMOS Module Accessories (Cables, Mounts)Software (part of the Development Kit)▪Software Package for NVIDIA Jetson AGX Xavier, Nano, TX2 and Xavier NX▪Software Package for DragonBoard 410c (96Boards)▪Xilinx FPGA reference implementation for SLVS-EC (Sony IMX421, IMX530)Design Sources (on Project Basis)▪Software Driver Sources▪Electrical References for FSA, FPA (Schematics)Design Services▪Off-the-shelf hardware customization including size, shape, connector and extended functionality ▪Software customization and extension▪Additional processor board support▪Further sensor features and image (pre-)processing▪Integration of additional sensors▪Optimization for volume production▪Lens assembly and alignment▪System / solution development▪Production and integration2Software Package and DriversAs FRAMOS we know that the getting started with a new technology is the biggest challenge. The idea behind the Software Package is to enable embedded software engineers to get quickly to a streaming system and provide at the same time all tools that are needed to extend and adapt it according the individual needs of the application.What the software package and driver are:▪ A reference for a custom sensor implementation▪Demonstrating how to use the required interfaces▪Demonstrating how to communicate with the image sensor▪Demonstrating how to generaly initialize and configure the image sensor▪Provide initial image streaming output to the user space▪Demonstrating how to run basic image processing on pixel dataWhat it is not:▪ A fully featured camera implementation - not all sensors features might be implemented▪Ready to be use in the field▪ A benchmark for the capabilities of the image sensor▪Focused on image processingSupported Processor PlatformsThe table below shows which platforms are supported by the standard driver package, and how many FSMs can at maximum be operated in parallel.2.1Reference Software: NVIDIA Jetson FamilyThe software package provided with the Development Kits of the FRAMOS Sensor Module Ecosystem provided for NVIDIA Jetson platforms provides a reference implementation of sensor and device drivers for MIPI CSI-2. It contains a minimum feature set demonstrating how to utilize the platform specific data interface and communication implementation, as well as the initialization of the image sensor and implementation of basic features.Package Content:▪Platform and device drivers with Linux for Tegra Support▪V4L2 based subdevice drivers (low-level C API)▪Streamlined V4L2 library (LibSV) providing generic C/C++ API▪Image Pre-Processing Examples:▪OpenCV (Software)▪LibArgus (Hardware)Supported Devices:▪Jetson Nano (B01)▪Jetson TX2▪Jetson Xavier NX▪Jetson AGX Xavier2.1.1Platform and Sensor Device DriversThe driver divides into two main parts that are configured in separate ways – the Image Modes and the General Features of the image sensor.Image ModesThese are major attributes that have impact to the image data stream formatting. They require a static pre-configuration within the device tree (DT):▪Image / streaming resolution▪Pixel format / bit depth▪Data rate / lane configurationEach driver provides access to 3 –5 pre-built configurations, reflecting the main operation modes of the imager. Beside the full resolution, that is always available, they allow to receive image streams in common video resolutions like VGA, Full HD and UHD as they are supported or make sense by the imagers, and utilize sensor features like ROI and binning.They act as an example for implementation and usage and are available as source. Due to the size limitation of the device tree, it is not possible to integrate an extensive set of options.General FeaturesThese are attributes of the image sensor that do not manipulate the data stream formatting. The drivers provided with the Software Pack integrate the sensor features as shown in the table below.Pre-Implemented Features per ModelG a i n (A n a l o g / D i g i t a l )F r a m e R a t eE x p o s u r e T i m eF l i p / M i r r o rI S M o d e (M a s t e r / S l a v e )S e n s o r M o d e I DT e s t P a t t e r n O u t p u tB l a c k L e v e lH D R O u t p u tB r o a d c a s tD a t a R a t eS y n c h r o n i z i n g M a s t e rFSM-AR0144 FSM-AR0521 FSM-AR1335 FSM-HDP230 FSM-IMX264 FSM-IMX283 FSM-IMX290 FSM-IMX296 * FSM-IMX297 * FSM-IMX304 FSM-IMX327 FSM-IMX334 FSM-IMX335 FSM-IMX412 FSM-IMX415 FSM-IMX462 FSM-IMX464 FSM-IMX477 FSM-IMX485 FSM-IMX530FSM-IMX577Table 2: Supported sensor features on NVIDIA Jetson TX2 / AGX XavierFurther features, as been supported by the image sensor, can be integrated into the driver sources using the image sensor datasheet.2.1.2 Image Pre-Processing ExamplesThe provided image processing examples show the general mechanisms of data handling, for an image processing using 3rd -party IP. Both, the OpenCV and the LibArgus examples do not output data that is tuned for best visual experience.LibArgus Example:▪ Closed source ISP implementation ▪ Using hard ISP in NVIDIA Jetson SOCs ▪ Most performant option▪ Example Implementation: Full but not tuned image pipeline, displaying Not ImplementedV4L (libsv)V4L (libsv) and libargus *Only supported in all pixel modeColor tuning and lens correction needs to be calibrated for every image sensor separately and depends onsensor and lens attributes as well as illumination situation.Image Pre-Processing Features per ModelB a d P i x e lC o r r e c t i o nN o i s e R e d u c t i o nB l a c k L e v e lC o m p .A u t o E x p o s u r e , G a i nA u t o W h i t eB a l a n c eD e m o s a i cC o l o r C o r r e c t i o nC o l o r A r t i f a c t S u p p r .D o w n s c a l i n gE d g e E n h a n c e m e n tFSM-AR0144 FSM-AR0521 FSM-AR1335 FSM-HDP230 FSM-IMX264 FSM-IMX283 FSM-IMX290 FSM-IMX296 FSM-IMX297 FSM-IMX304 FSM-IMX327 FSM-IMX334 FSM-IMX335 FSM-IMX412 FSM-IMX415 FSM-IMX462 FSM-IMX464 FSM-IMX477 FSM-IMX485 FSM-IMX530FSM-IMX577Table 3: Implemented LibArgus features for NVIDIA Jetson TX2 / AGX XavierDefault ConfigImage streaming is performed through the LibArgus pipeline, using a common configuration. It demonstrates the usage of LibArgus but is not optimized for the certain sensor configuration and might not lead to good image representation.As NVIDIA camera partner, FRAMOS provides appropriate ISP tuning services on project basis for the individual customer system.Not ImplementedImplementedUsing Default Config9 OpenCV Example:▪ Open software library▪ Easy to use and large feature set ▪ Extremely performance hungry (CPU) ▪ Not recommended for pre-processing▪ Example Implementation: Demosaicing, DisplayingImage Pre-Processing Features per ModelB a d P i x e lC o r r e c t i o nN o i s e R e d u c t i o nB l a c k L e v e lC o m p . A u t o E x p o s u r e , G a i nA u t o W h i t eB a l a n c eD e m o s a i cC o l o r C o r r e c t i o nC o l o r A r t i f a c t S u p p r .D o w n s c a l i n gE d g e E n h a n c e m e n tFSM-AR0144 FSM-AR0521 FSM-AR1335 FSM-HDP230 FSM-IMX264 FSM-IMX283 FSM-IMX290 FSM-IMX296 FSM-IMX297 FSM-IMX304 FSM-IMX327 FSM-IMX334 FSM-IMX335 FSM-IMX412 FSM-IMX415 FSM-IMX462 FSM-IMX464 FSM-IMX477 FSM-IMX485 FSM-IMX530FSM-IMX577Table 4: Implemented features in OpenCV exampleDue to limited performance and extreme resource utilization, it is not planned to enhance the image processing support on software side.Not ImplementedImplemented10 3 Ecosystem Compatibility Matrix3.1 Hardware SupportThe following matrix shows the compatibility of FSMs, FSAs and FPAs to each other. The FSAs differentiate toeach other by supplied voltages, power up sequence, generated clock (oscillator) and physical attributes.2Not verified, Xilinx Development Board with hard MIPI CSI-2 / D-PHY interface. 3FSM-IMX334 is not supported due to the sensor requiring 4-lanes MIPI.11。
索尼开发约为12.40m像素的背照式CMOS图像传感器,“imx226cqj”,支撑式1 / 2和4K(约17:9比)。
imx377,迄今为止索尼最屌的相机传感器,1/2.3英寸的大底,1230万像素,是的imx377cqt对角线7.81毫米(1 / 2.3)是一个彩色的方形像素阵列和大约12.35有效像素的CMOS图像传感器。12位数字输出使得有可能输出约12.35米的有效像素的信号,高清晰度拍摄静止照片。
178:1/1.8,索尼开发的背照式结构的CMOS图像传感器,“imx178lqj”,支持三种格式的4:3,5:4和16:9比例,1/ 2 500万有效像素。采用背照式结构2.4μM单位像素和14位ADC,它提供了所有的三大优势,高分辨率,高灵敏度,高动态范围,这是必要的安全摄像机。
226:对角线9.33毫米(1 / 1.7)12.40m-effective像素彩色CMOS图像传感器
索尼新传感器,2/3寸的IMX250和1/1.8寸的IMX252,提供彩色和单色两种,比较有意思的是搭载了Pregius技术的Global Shutter,其实就是全局快门。这两个是针对工业应用设计,前者507万像素,后者319万像素,所以手机用可能性基本没有。看看就好。
IMX214是索尼公司开发的Exmor RS for Mobile系列堆栈式CMOS图像传感器的第二代。这款传感器是在同系列的IMX135基础上升级而来,有效像素约1313万,尺寸为1/3.06英寸(对角线约5.867毫米)。IMX214是业界第一款支持全片1300万像素每秒30帧高动态范围(HDR)输出的传感器,同时也是索尼第一款支持索尼独家的分区高动态范围ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้光(SME-HDR)的移动终端用CMOS传感器[1] 。
目录1视讯技术发展及应用需求 (5)1.1技术发展 (5)1.1.1视频 (5)1.1.2音频 (5)1.1.3组网 (5)1.2应用需求 (6)1.2.1高临场感体验 (6)1.2.2低带宽高清 (6)1.2.3良好的网络适应性 (6)1.2.4良好的易用性 (6)1.2.5稳定性和可维护性 (7)1.2.6标准开放和融合互通 (7)1.2.7支持多种线路接入方式 (7)1.2.8客户化、可定制 (7)2华为高清视讯系统需求分析 (7)2.1华为背景简介 (7)2.2华为网络现状分析 (8)2.3华为客户需求分析 (8)3 华为高清视频系统设计方案建议 (8)3.1系统设计依据 (8)3.2系统设计原则 (11)3.3方案四SMC2.0+MCU96X0 ................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
3.4系统组网方案四配置清单 ...................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
4华为高清视频系统主要功能及特点 (12)4.1良好的高清晰音视频沟通体验 (12)4.1.1全高清108060端到端解决方案 (12)4.1.2高流畅性 (12)4.1.3强大全编全解处理能力,最大限度支持动态速率、协议适配 (13)4.1.4VME+H.264 HP 低带宽高清 (13)4.1.5H.264 SVC技术 (14)4.1.6高清1080P60FPS静态/动态双流 (14)4.1.7高保真,立体声,CD音质效果 (15)4.2丰富的会议召集模式 (15)4.2.1主叫呼集 (15)4.2.2匿名会议(电话会议模式) (16)4.2.3管理员调度 (16)4.2.4网络预约 (16)4.2.5视音频IVR导航与ad-hoc创建和加入会议 (16)4.2.6特服号入会 (16)4.2.7Outlook预约会议 (16)4.2.8云化资源池管理实现会议智能调度 (16)4.3良好的网络适应性 (18)4.3.1超强纠错(SEC 2.0-- Super Error Concealment) (18)4.3.2超强纠错(SEC 3.0-- Super Error Concealment) (18)4.3.3智能调速(IRC--Intelligent Rate Control) (19)4.3.4断线恢复(RoD--Reconnect on Disconnect) (19)4.3.5丢包重传(ARQ--Automatic Repeat reQuest) (20)4.4简单易用 (20)4.4.1用户界面简约时尚 (20)4.4.2PAD智能操控平台 (20)4.4.3丰富的会议控制功能 (20)4.4.4会议模板预置功能 (21)4.4.5字幕与横幅功能 (22)4.4.6一屏三显,节约投资 (22)4.4.7多视一流功能 (22)4.4.8无线辅流,轻松共享数据 (23)4.4.9支持WIFI呼叫及无线麦克 (23)4.4.10USB零配置 (24)4.4.11全景会场功能 (25)4.4.12多组多画面(on-table多画面) (25)4.4.13图形化操作界面 (25)4.4.14软终端随时随地接入会议 (26)4.4.153G-SDI接口实现1080P60fps远距离传输 (28)4.5安全稳定 (28)4.5.1产品成熟 (28)4.5.2系统稳定 (29)4.5.3多重加密 (30)4.5.4系统安全 (30)4.5.5资源池会议备份 (32)4.6管理维护方便 (33)4.6.1分级分权,大网维护简单 (33)4.6.2Nlog网络线路实时监控 (37)4.6.3支持WEB管理 (37)4.6.4系统设备拓扑图生成管理 (37)4.6.5系统设备配置批量升级及备份 (37)4.6.6系统告警和日志管理 (38)4.7标准互通 (39)4.7.1采用国际标准协议 (39)4.7.2支持TIP协议,与思科网真互通 (39)4.7.3华为视讯产品互联互通能力介绍 (39)4.7.4支持与微软UC系统互通 (41)4.7.5端到端IMS融合解决方案 (42)4.8丰富组网 (42)4.8.1支持多种接入方式 (42)4.8.2最大5级和超强多通道级联能力 (43)4.8.3支持大容量语音接入,满足在外人员接入视频会议需求 (43)4.8.4支持高清录制点播功能 (44)4.8.5支持软件化部署的管理平台 (48)4.8.6完善的公私网穿越解决方案 (49)4.9专业定制 .................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
①WAP Assert Debug (确认除错程序)
②useer AgentMAUI E800
③Accept Header(文件接受点)
WAP 1.2
WAP 2.0
④MMSVersion (彩信版本)
┃┣━━Serial No.序列号
┃┣━━BB Chip基板芯片(MT6218B,还有哪个手机用它的?)
┃┣━━DSP Code数字信号处理器代码
┃┣━━DSP Patch数字信号处理器修正版本号
┃┣━━MS BoardMS板(不太清楚,不知是什么的缩写。Memory System??)┃┗━━Build No.版本号┃┣━━Resource BIN资源BIN(不知道该怎么翻,二进制代码吗?)
2,High speed SIM(高速用户识别卡)可开闭,预设为闭
[Current time]当前时间
2,Activate PDP (1—15项,可选)
{ Activate的中文意思是使活动,PDP意义未知}
第一阵营:imx600、imx650,1.6-2μmIMX600,尺寸为1/1.73′,4000万像素,等效1.6μm,以Quad Bayer排列,用于华为P20 pro。
用于三星的S7 imx362,1200万像素,单位像素尺寸1.4μm,支持全像素双核对焦技术,对焦速度快。
用于魅蓝note6、魅蓝E3、红米note6、努比亚Z17、MOTO G5p等。
imx333,1200万像素,单位像素尺寸1.4μm,定制版,用于三星S8imx363,1200万像素,单位像素尺寸1.4μm,定制版,用于小米mix2s、Vivo Nex第四阵营:imx386(imx286)、imx400、imx519,1.22-1.25μm。
imx400,1/2.3英寸,单个像素为1.22μm,但是索尼在CMOS 封装了一块DRAM,支持1080p960帧慢镜头拍摄。
intcallacr机型支持列表1. 引言intcallacr是一家知名的通信设备制造商,提供各种机型的产品。
2. intcallacr机型支持列表机型名称功能特点技术规格intcallacr A1 支持5G网络,拥有高清屏幕,内置大容量电池处理器:骁龙865内存:8GB存储:128GB屏幕:6.5英寸AMOLED摄像头:4800万像素主摄电池容量:5000mAhintcallacr B2 双卡双待,支持快速充电,具备防水防尘功能处理器:联发科Dimensity 1000内存:12GB存储:256GB屏幕:6.7英寸IPS摄像头:6400万像素主摄电池容量:4500mAhintcallacr C3 支持NFC功能,具备人脸识别解锁,支持存储扩展处理器:海思麒麟990内存:6GB存储:64GB屏幕:6.2英寸TFT摄像头:2400万像素主摄电池容量:4000mAhintcallacr D4 支持无线充电,拥有全面屏设计,具备高清音质处理器:高通Snapdragon 855内存:8GB存储:128GB屏幕:6.4英寸Super AMOLED摄像头:2000万像素主摄电池容量:4200mAhintcallacr E5 具备高清拍摄功能,支持指纹识别解锁,拥有快速响应速度处理器:联发科Helio P90内存:4GB存储:64GB屏幕:6.0英寸LCD摄像头:1600万像素主摄电池容量:3500mAh3. 机型详细介绍3.1 intcallacr A1•功能特点:支持5G网络,拥有高清屏幕,内置大容量电池,适合高速网络和高清娱乐需求。
•技术规格:–处理器:骁龙865–内存:8GB–存储:128GB–屏幕:6.5英寸AMOLED–摄像头:4800万像素主摄–电池容量:5000mAh3.2 intcallacr B2•功能特点:双卡双待,支持快速充电,具备防水防尘功能,适合商务人士和户外使用。
DS-2DE5425IWG-K 4G 4 MP 网络红外远程头部产品说明书
DS-2DE5425IWG-K/4G4 MP 25 × Network IR Speed Dome⏹Supports performance mode and low power mode. Theconsumption is 3 W in low power mode, and 0.3 W in sleepmode⏹Built-in heating glass for effective defog⏹Water and dust resistant (IP66)⏹The built-in eMMC storage is up to 256 GB.⏹Supports Wi-Fi AP for short-distance debugging; The Wi-Fimodule of this product only supports AP mode on Channel11, and does not support other modes and channels⏹Supports 12 V, 1 A reverse power supply⏹Expansive night view with up to 120 m IR distanceSpecificationCameraImage Sensor 1/2.8" progressive scan CMOSMin. Illumination color: 0.05Lux @ (F1.6, AGC ON), B/W: 0.01Lux @(F1.6, AGC ON), 0 Lux with IR Shutter Speed 1 s to 1/30,000 sSlow Shutter yesFocus Semi-auto, manual, autoDay & Night IR cut filterDay/Night Switch day, night, auto, scheduled-switchBLC yesWDR yesHLC yes3D DNR yesDefog yesRegional Exposure yesRegional Focus yesImage Settings saturation, brightness, contrast, sharpnessImage Parameters Switch yesWhite Balance auto, ATW, sodium lamp, fluorescent lamp, indoor, outdoor, MWB, Locked WB Zoom 25 × optical, 16 × digitalPrivacy Mask up to 24 masks, mask color configurableSNR >52 dBLensFocal Length 4.8 mm to 120 mmZoom Speed approx.3.6 sFOV Horizontal field of view: 55° to 2.4° (wide-tele), Vertical field of view: 33° to 1.4° (wide-tele), Diagonal field of view: 61.5° to 2.8° (wide-tele)Aperture F1.6IlluminatorSupplement Light Type IRSupplement Light Range 120 mPTZMovement Range (Pan) 360°Movement Range (Tilt) -15° to 90° (auto flip)Pan Speed pan speed: configurable from 0.1° to 120°/s; preset speed: 120°/s Tilt Speed tilt speed: configurable from 0.1° to 80°/s, preset speed 80°/s Proportional Zoom yesPresets 300Patrol Scan 8 patrols, up to 32 presets for each patrolPattern Scan 4 pattern scansPower-off Memory yesPark Action preset, pattern scan, patrol scan, auto scan, tilt scan, random scan, frame scan, panorama scan3D Positioning yesPTZ Status Display yes Preset Freezing yesScheduled Task preset, pattern scan, patrol scan, auto scan, tilt scan, random scan, frame scan, panorama scan, dome reboot, dome adjust, aux outputVideoScalable Video Coding (SVC) yesMax. Resolution 2560 × 1440Stream Type main stream, sub-stream, third streamMain Stream 50 Hz: 25 fps (2560 × 1440, 1920 × 1080, 1280 × 960, 1280 × 720) 60 Hz: 30 fps (2560 × 1440, 1920 × 1080, 1280 × 960, 1280 × 720)Sub-Stream 50 Hz: 25 fps (704 × 576, 640 × 480, 352 × 288) 60 Hz: 30 fps (704 × 480, 640 × 480, 352 × 240)Third Stream 50 Hz: 25 fps (1920 × 1080, 1280 × 960, 1280 × 720, 704 × 576, 640 × 480, 352 × 288) 60 Hz: 30 fps (1920 × 1080, 1280 × 960, 1280 × 720, 704 × 480, 640 × 480, 352 × 240)Video Compression H.265, H.264, MJPEGH.264 Type Baseline Profile, Main Profile, High ProfileH.265 Type Main ProfileH.264+ yesH.265+ yesROI fixed regionAudioAudio Compression G.711, G.722.1, G.726, MP2L2, MP3, PCM, AAC-LCAudio Sampling Rate MP2L2: 16 kHz, 32 kHz, 48 kHz, AAC-LC: 16 kHz, 32 kHz, 48 kHz, PCM: 8 kHz, 16 kHz, 32 kHz, 48kHz,MP3: 8 kHz, 16 kHz, 32 kHz, 48 kHzEnvironment Noise Filtering yesSmart FeaturesBasic Event motion detection, alarm input, alarm output, video tampering alarm, exceptionSmart Event face detection, intrusion detection, line crossing detection, region entrance detection, region exiting detection, unattended baggage detection, object removal detection, audio exception detectionSmart Record ANR, Dual-VCAAlarm Linkage preset, patrol scan, pattern scan, alarm output, sending email, notify surveillance center, upload to FTP, NAS video recordingNetworkNetwork Storage NAS (NFS, SMB/ CIFS)Protocols IPv4/IPv6, HTTP, HTTPS, 802.1x, QoS, FTP, SMTP, UPnP, SNMP, DNS, DDNS, NTP, RTSP, RTCP, RTP, TCP/IP, UDP, IGMP, ICMP, DHCP, Bonjour, WebSocket, WebSocketsAPI Open-ended API, ISAPI, Hikvision SDK, Third-party management platform, Hik-Connect, ISUP, Open Network Video InterfaceUser/Host 32Security Measures Authenticated username and password, MAC address binding, HTTPS encryption, 802.1X authenticated access, IP address filterClient iVMS-4200Web Browser Chrome 57+, Firefox 52+, Safari 12+, IE10-11Wireless (Wi-Fi)Wireless Range Up to 20 m (The performance varies based on actual environment)Wireless (Mobile Communication)Frequency DS-2DE5425IWG-K/4G: LTE FDD/LTE TDD/WCDMA/HSPA+/GSM/GPRS/EDGE DS-2DE5425IWG-K/4G(US): LTE FDD/WCDMADS-2DE5425IWG-K/4G(LA): LTE FDD/LTE TDD/WCDMA/HSPA+/GSM/GPRS/EDGE DS-2DE5425IWG-K/4G(JP): LTE FDD/LTE TDD/WCDMA/HSPA+Standard DS-2DE5425IWG-K/4G:LTE FDD: Band 1,3,5,7,8,20,28LTE TDD: Band 38,40,41WCDMA/HSPA+:Band 1,5,8GSM/GPRS/EDGE:850/900/1800MHDS-2DE5425IWG-K/4G(US):LTE FDD: Band 2,4,5,12,13,17,66,71 WCDMA: Band 2,4,5DS-2DE5425IWG-K/4G(LA):LTE FDD: Band 1,2,3,4,5,7,8,12,17,28,66 LTE TDD: Band 38,40WCDMA/HSPA+:Band 1,2,3,4,5,8GSM/GPRS/EDGE:850/900/1800/1900MHzDS-2DE5425IWG-K/4G(JP):LTE FDD:Band1,3,8,11,18,19,21,26,28 LTE TDD:Band41WCDMA/HSPA+:Band1,6,8,19InterfaceOn-board Storage Built-in memory card slot, support microSD card, up to 512 GB, Built-in 256 GB eMMC storagePower Output 12 VDC, max. 1000 mACommunication Interface RJ45, self-adaptive 10 M/100 M Ethernet portAlarm Input 2 alarm inputsAudio Input 1 audio input, 2.0 to 2.4 Vp-p, 1k Ohm±10%Audio Output 1 audio output, line level, impedance: 600 ΩGeneralPower 12 VDCPower Consumption andCurrentMax. 20 W (including max. 7 W for IR and max. 1.6 W for heater); Operating Conditions -30 °C to 65 °C (-22 °F to 149 °F)Reset yesDemist yesMaterial MetalDimensions Ø208 mm × 344.8 mmWeight Approx. 3.5 kg (7.7 lb.)With Package Weight: Approx. 35.3 kg (77.8 lb.)BatteryBattery Type LithiumBattery Voltage10.8 V Capacity360 WH (90 WH for each battery) Operating TemperatureCharging: -20 °C to 45 °C (-4 °F to 113 °F) Discharging: -20 °C to 60 °C (-4 °F to 140 °F) Cycle LifetimePerformance mode: 5 days, Proactive mode: 8 days, Standby mode: 80 days *in cloudy/rainy days (25 °C) Battery LifeMore than 500 cycles Battery WeightApprox. 2.74 kg (6.0 lb.) (0.685 kg (1.5 lb.) for each battery) ApprovalProtection IP66 Standard; 6000 V Lightning Protection, Surge Protection and Voltage TransientProtection⏹ Dimension⏹ Available ModelDS-2DE5425IWG-K/4GDS-2DE5425IWG-K/4G(US)DS-2DE5425IWG-K/4G(LA)DS-2DE5425IWG-K/4G(JP)⏹Accessory ⏹OptionalDS-1602ZJ-Corner Corner mountDS-1661ZJPendant MountDS-1602ZJ-PoleVertical pole mount。
GV-ABL2702 2MP H.265 低光 Lux WDR Pro IR 球机 IP 摄像头的说
GV-ABL27022MP H.265 Low Lux WDR Pro IR Bullet IP Camera∙1/2.8" progressive scan low lux CMOS sensor∙Min. illumination at 0.002 lux∙Triple streams from H.265, H.264 or MJPEG∙Up to 30 fps at 1920 x 1080∙Intelligent IR∙IR distance up to 50 m (165 ft)∙Day and night function (with removable IR‐cut filter)∙Ingress protection (IP67)∙Vandal Resistant (IK10 for metal casing)∙Built‐in micro SD card slot (SD / SDHC / SDXC / UHS‐I, Class 10) for local storage∙Two‐way audio∙DC 12V / PoE (IEEE 802.3af)∙Wide Dynamic Range Pro (WDR Pro)∙Defog∙3D noise reduction∙Motion detection∙Tampering Alarm∙Text overlay∙Privacy mask∙ONVIF (Profile G, S, T) conformantIntroductionThe Bullet IP Camera is an outdoor, fixed, network camera equipped with an automatic IR‐cut filter and 3 IR LEDs for day and night surveillance. The camera supports H.265 video codec to achieve better compression ratio while maintaining high quality pictures at reduced network bandwidths. With Wide Dynamic Range Pro (WDR Pro), it can process scenes with contrasting intensities of light and produce clear image. The camera adheres to IK10 and IP67 standards and can be powered through PoE.Active Tampering AlarmTampered Focus Change Camera ShiftDimensionsSpecificationsCameraImage Sensor 1/2.8" progressive scan low lux CMOSPicture Elements 1920 (H) x 1080 (V)Color 0.002 Lux (F1.6, AGC ON)MinimumIllumination IR ON 0 LuxShutter Speed Auto / Manual (1/6 ~ 1/100000 sec)White Balance Auto / ManualGain Control Auto / ManualS/N Ratio 52 dBWDR Pro YesDynamic Range Up to 120 dBLensMegapixel YesDay / Night Yes (with removable IR‐cut filter)Lens Type Varifocal lensFocal Length 2.8 ~ 12 mmMaximum Aperture F/1.6Mount Ø14 mmHorizontal FOV 92° ~ 34°Focus Manual (with lock)OperationZoom Manual (with lock)Iris FixedIR LED Quantity 3 IR LEDMax. IR Distance 50 m (165 ft)OperationVideo Compression H.265, H.264, MJPEGVideo Streaming Triple streamsMain Stream 1920 x 1080 (Default)Sub Stream 1280 x 720, 720 x 576, 704 x 288, 640 x 360 (Default), 352 x 288 Video ResolutionThird Stream(Closed by Default)720 x 576, 704 x 288, 640 x 360, 352 x 288Frame Rate30 fps at 1920 x 1080 (60 / 50 Hz)* The frame rate and performance may vary depending on the number of connections and data bitrates (different scenes).Video AnalyticsMotion Detection, Tampering Alarm, Audio Detection, Cross Line, Intrusion, Object Moving, Object Left, Defocus, Scene Change, Face Detection, People Counting*Tampering alarm, audio detection, cross line, intrusion, object moving, object left, defocus, scene change, face detection and people counting are only accessible through the camera’s Web interface, which can be used to trigger alerts such as e ‐mail and FTPImage Setting Brightness, Contrast, Saturation, Sharpness, 3D Noise reduction, Image Orientation, Exposure Mode, Shutter Speed, Gain Control, Slow Shutter, Backlight Compensation (BLC), Metering Control, D/N Sensitivity, WDR, Smart Illumination, White Balance, Defog Audio Compression G.711Audio Support Two ‐way Audio (external microphone and speaker required) Input 1 Input, dry contact, NO / NCDigital I/O Output1 Relay Output (1A 30V DC / 0.3A 125V AC)Network Interface 10/100 EthernetProtocol 802.1x, ARP, DHCP, DDNS, DNS, DynDNS, FTP, HTTP, HTTPS, ICMP, IGMP, IPv4, NTP, PPPoE, QoS, RTCP, RTP, RTSP, SMTP, SNMP, TCP, UDP, UPnP, ONVIF (Profile G, S, T)Mechanical Pan 0°~360° Tilt 0°~120° Camera Angle AdjustmentRotate 0°~360°Power DC Jack (DC 12V, 1A), PoE (IEEE802.3af) Ethernet RJ ‐45 connectorAudio 1 in (Audio In Wire); 1 out (Audio Out Wire)*The Audio In port only support microphones with power supply. Digital I/O 4‐pin terminal block pitch 3.5 mm (0.14”)ConnectorsLocal StorageMicro SD card slot (SD / SDHC / SDXC / UHS ‐I, Class 10) *UHS ‐II card type is not supported. GeneralOperating Temperature ‐35°C ~ 60°C (‐22°F ~ 140°F) Humidity 0% to 95% (no condensation) Power Source12 V DC / PoE (IEEE802.3af) Max. Power Consumption 9 WDimensions 244 × 96 ×74 mm (9.6” × 3.8” × 2.9”) Weight0.58 kg (1.28 lb) Ingress Protection IP67Vandal Resistance IK10 for metal casing Regulatory FCC, CE, RoHS compliantWeb InterfaceInstallation Management Web ‐based configurationMaintenanceFirmware upgrade through Web Browser or UtilityAccess from Web Browser Live View, Video Recording, Change Video Quality, Bandwidth Control, Image Snapshot, Defog, Tampering Alarm, Text Overlay, Image MaskingLanguage Czech, English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Traditional ChineseApplications Software Supported GV ‐DVR / NVR (V8.7.4.0), GV ‐VMS (V17.1), GV ‐Control Center (V3.5.0.0), GV ‐Edge Recording Manager (V1.3.0.0), GV ‐Recording Server / Video Gateway (V1.4.0.0), GV ‐Redundant / Failover Server (V1.1.0.0) Smart Device Access GV ‐Eye for iOS and AndroidLive ViewingBrowser (IE, Edge, Chrome, Firefox, Safari), Mobile AppNote:1.It is required to apply patch files to all the supported software.2.Do not use clothes or any ordinary material to clean the camera cover since they may result in scratches.3.Specifications are subject to change without notice.Packing List1.IR Bullet IP Camera2.Waterproof Rubber Set3.Screw Kit4.Drill Template Paster5.Download Guide6.Warranty CardAccessoriesModel No. Name DetailsGV‐Mount300‐2 Convex CornerMountDimensions: 137 x 233 x 160 mm (5.4” x 9.17” x 6.3”)Weight: 1.65 kg (3.64 lb)GV‐Mount310‐2 Concave CornerMountDimensions: 111.2 x 369.9 x 210 mm (2.6” x 11.4” x 6.6”)Weight: 1.65 kg (3.64 lb)GV‐Mount503 Wall Mount BracketDimensions: 125 x 125 x 55 mm (4.9” x4.9” x2.2”)Weight: 0.74 kg (1.63 lb)GV‐Mount420(must be used withGV‐Mount503)Pole Mount BracketDimensions: Ø 120 x 120 x 53.4 mm (4.7”x 4.7” x 2.1”)Weight: 0.45 kg (0.99 lb)Steel Strap Diameter: Ø 67 ~ 127 mm (Ø 2.6” ~ 5”)GV‐PA191 Power overEthernet (PoE)AdapterThe GV‐PA191 is a Power over Ethernet (PoE) adapter designed to provide power to the IP device through a single Ethernet cable.GV‐POE Switch The GV‐POE Switch is designed to provide power along with network connectionfor IP devices. The GV‐POE Switch is available in various models with differentnumbers and types of ports.Power Adapter Contact our sales representatives for the countries and areas supported.。
User Manual for iMX27 based CE-ATA solutioniW-EMBQF-UM-01R 1.010th September, 2007 Authors ZFAPPROV ALName FunctionOrganization Date Signature DistributionContact InfoName TelephoneE-mailiWave Systems Tech. Pvt. Ltd. 7/B, 29th Main,BTM Layout, 2nd Stage, Bangalore –560 076, India. +91-80-2668-3700+91-80-2678-6245**********************DOCUMENT IDENTIFICATIONProject Name iW-EMBQFDocument Name iW-EMBQF-UM-01 R1.0Document HomeRevision No Rev 1.0StatusAudience ActelDOCUMENT REVISION HISTORYRevision Date Change Description Author1.0PROPRIETARY NOTICE: This document contains proprietary material for the sole use of the intended recipient(s). Do not read this document further if you are not the intended recipient. Any review, use, distribution or disclosure by others is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient (or authorized to receive for the recipient), you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copy or distribution or use of any of the information contained within this document is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Thank you. “iWave Systems Tech. Pvt. Ltd.”Table of Contents1INTRODUCTION (5)1.1P URPOSE (5)1.2S COPE (5)1.3S ETUP D ETAILS (5)2PROCEDURE TO SETUP HARDWARE FOR DEMO (8)2.1D ETAILS REGARDING THE POWER CABLE INSERTION (8)2.1.1Power cable Connection procedure (8)2.2A CTEL JTAG PROGRAMMING (9)2.3S ERIAL C ABLE CONNECTION (13)2.4P ROGRAMMING F LASH THROUGH S ERIAL INTERFACE PROCEDURE (14)2.4.1Hyperterminal Setup (14)2.4.2Steps (15)3GUI DIAGNOSTIC TESTS (24)3.1L AUNCH WINDOWS CE (26)4WINDOWS CE OPERATING SYSTEM (27)4.1B ROWSING THE DEVICE CONTENTS (27)List of FiguresFigure 1: iMX27 based CE-ATA Board Setup (6)Figure 2: Accessories with iMX27 based CE-ATA Board Setup (7)Figure 3: Power Connection (8)Figure 4: FPGA programming connection (9)Figure 5: FPGA programming connection1 (10)Figure 6: Serial cable connection during the programming of flash (13)1Introduction1.1PurposeThe purpose of this document is to explain the procedure to power-on and test the iMX27 based CE-ATA solution board.1.2ScopeThis document describes the Hardware connection procedure to power-on and perform the GUI diagnostic tests to verify the working of CE-ATA and WinCE using the Touchscreen.1.3Setup DetailsEach setup consists of One board with the LCD and CE-ATA hard disk connected. The entire set up is as shown in the Figure 1.1. Processor Board (iW-EMBQF-AP-01-XX).Figure 1: iMX27 based CE-ATA Board SetupThe accessories along with the board setup is shown in the Figure 2Figure 2: Accessories with iMX27 based CE-ATA Board SetupThe Accessories is as follows¾Power Supply¾CE-ATA card¾Serial Cable for the Flash programming¾Customized cable for programming Actel FPGA. This cable to be connected between JTA programmer and Board JTAG connector¾Serial to USB convertor, with the CD (if DB-9 port not available in the PC/laptop)2Procedure to setup Hardware for Demo 2.1Details regarding the power cable insertion2.1.1Power cable Connection procedureInsert the power cable into the power connector of the Mother-board as shown in the Figure 3Figure 3: Power Connection2.2Actel JTAG programmingFigure 4: FPGA programming connectionFigure 5: FPGA programming connection1Select Programmer settings from Tools menuSet TCK frequency to 1MHz under FlashPro3 tabThen Program the FPGA.2.3Serial Cable connectionFigure 6: Serial cable connection during the programming of flash ¾DB-9 connector needs to be connected to the PC/laptop. If serial connection not available use the Serial to USB convertor (Installation CD also available with the accessories).¾The other end of the serial cable needs to be connected to the Board. Please see the connector position as shown above in the Figure 62.4Programming Flash through Serial interface procedure2.4.1Hyperterminal Setup1.Go to Start ÆProgramsÆ AccessoriesÆCommunicationÆ Hyperterminal on the host PC.2.Select COM1 or COM2 port depending on to which port you have connected the serial cable.3.Click Configure button.Now configure as below.Bits per Second (Baud Rate) : 115200:8bitsDataNoneParity ::1BitsStopNoneControl :Flow4. Go to FileÆPropertiesÆSettingsÆASCII Setup. There select Echo Typed Characters locally.2.4.2Steps1.Switch ON the Board.2.Now Hyperterminal shows as below3.Press any Key to continue in Diagnostic Menu.4.Now Press D to download the file5.Give SDRAM download address as A3000000 and then Press Y.6.Goto Transfer Æ Sent Text File in the hyper-terminal7.Give the location of the file imx_diag.uue and then give open.8.After downloading press any key to continue.9.Press F to enter in to Flash programming menu.10.Press A to program the diagnostic code.11.Press Y and then give 00020000 as size.12.Now press Y to program the flash.13.After Flash programming is over,Hyperterminal shows as below14.Now Switch off the board and then switch ON the board.3GUI Diagnostic TestsThe GUI menu will be displayed as below when the set up is powered ON. The display menu on the LCD is as shown below.Now touch CE-ATA Test using stylus to enter in to the CE-ATA test.If CE-ATA is Present GUI shows Model No,Serial No,Card Size as below.Press Exit to go to the Main Menu.If CE-ATA is not Present GUI as below.Press Exit to go to the Main Menu.3.1Launch WINDOWS CEIn the Main Menu touch Launch WinCE fron Flash to Launch WinCE.4Windows CE Operating System4.1Browsing the device contentsVarious folders and files present in the device can be accessed from the My Device icon on the WinCE Desktop.1.Double click on the My Device icon on the desktop.2.The Explorer window will pop up. The contents of the device can be browsed just likeusing the Explorer in a Windows PC.3.Double Click the Windows folder.4.Now double click the Beta Player to play movies.5.Then Media player window will popup.6.Go to FileÆ OpenÆWindowsÆMatix to play movie.。
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rockchip 畸变参数-回复Rockchip畸变参数简介Rockchip是一家中国半导体公司,主要专注于移动通信和移动互联网领域的研发和生产。
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Industrial applications demand imaging of fast-moving subjects. However, there is the issue that existing CMOS image sensors are unable to accurately identify fast-moving subjects due to focal plane distortion as a result of rolling shutter opera-tion. To address this issue, Sony has developed CMOS image sensors with a global shutter function and a 3.45 μm pixel that is the smallest class in the industry. This small-sized 3.45 μmIMX250LLR /LQRDiagonal 11.1 mm (Type 2/3) Approx. 5.07M-Effective Pixel Monochrome and Color CMOS Image Sensor IMX252LLR/LQRDiagonal 8.9 mm (Type 1/1.8) Approx. 3.19M-Effective Pixel Monochrome and Color CMOS Image SensorCMOS Image Sensors with a 3.45 μm Pixel and Global Shutter Function for Industrial ApplicationsGlobal Shutter FunctionThe Industry's Smallest Pixel Size Class for Industrial ApplicationsHigh Sensitivitypixel realizes higher sensitivity and lower noise than that of the existing 5.86 μm pixel products, and achieves high picture quality, high resolution and high-speed imaging without focal plane distortion. In addition, these new CMOS image sensors are equipped with a variety of functions such as a trigger mode that arbitrarily controls the storage time using an exter-nal trigger signal, and ROI (region of interest) mode.Industrial applications require imaging of fast-moving subjects. However, there is the issue that existing CMOS image sensors are unable to accurately identify fast-moving subjects due to focal plane distortion as a result of rolling shutteroperation. The IMX250LLR/LQR and IMX252LLR/LQR address this issue by providing analog memory inside each pixel and realizing a global shutter function, which enables high-picture-quality imaging without focal plane distortion.Analog memory, transistors and other elements must be added to the inside of each pixel to realize a global shutter function, which made it a challenge to reduce the pixel size. The newly developed products use Sony's fine pixel fabricationtechnology to realize a small pixel with a size of 3.45 μm compared to the 5 μm range that is the existing standard for global shutter pixels. This enables high-resolution imaging using a smaller lens than that of the existing products.In order to reduce the size of pixels equipped with a global shutter function, it is necessary to secure a suf ficient pixel light-detecting area while also securing an analog memory area within the pixel, so there were concerns over a drop in sensitivity.However, high-sensitivity pixel design technology and condensing process technology were used to increase the sensitivity of the newly developed 3.45 μmpixel, and realized high sensitivity exceeding that of the existing 5.86 μm product (1.1 times compared to the existing 5.86 μm product).In addition, EXview HAD CCD*1 technology also increases sensitivity in the near-infrared range, enabling use with high picture quality even under near infrared light.*1: EXview HAD CCD is a trademark of Sony Corporation.High Frame RateCustomers have strongly demanded higher frame rates for industrial applications, so an ADC 8-bit mode was added to the IMX250LLR/LQR and IMX252LLR/LQR in addition to the existing ADC 10-bit and 12-bit modes. Also, the column-parallel A/D conversion technology of Sony CMOS image sensors is used to realizehigh-speed imaging of up to 163.4 [frame/s] (ADC 8-bit) for the IMX250LLR/LQR and up to 216.3 [frame/s] (ADC 8-bit) for the IMX252LLR/LQR (Table-3). This enabled further increasing the processing speed for industrial applications.A Variety of FunctionsThe IMX250LLR/LQR and IMX252LLR/LQR are equipped with a variety of functions needed for industrial applications, such as ROI mode and trigger mode. ROI mode crops arbitrary areas, and up to 8 × 8 = 64 locations can be set. Various exposure methods are provided for trigger mode, which controls the exposure time using an external pulse. In addition, the IMX250LQR and IMX252LQR (colorproducts) are equipped with functions such as subsampling, horizontal and/or vertical inverted readout, and multiple frame set output, and the IMX250LLR and IMX252LLR (monochrome products) also have a pixel addition function in additionto color product functions.Global shutter functionThe industry's smallest pixel size class for industrial applications (3.45 μm)High sensitivity (1.1 times compared to the existing 5.86μm product)High frame rateA variety of functions (external trigger mode, ROI mode(maximum 64locations), supports multiple frame set output, etc.)* Exmor is a trademark of Sony Corporation. The Exmor is a version of Sony's high performance CMOS image sensor with high-speed processing, low noise and low power dissipation by using column-parallel A/D conversion.* Pregius is a trademark of Sony Corporation. The Pregius is global shutter pixel technology for active pixel-type CMOS image sensors that use Sony's low-noise CCD structure, and realizes high picture quality.Photo 2Sample ImagesCondition: 2000 lx F = 5.6(ADC 12 bit mode, 60 frame/s, internal gain 0 dB)Condition: LED lighting of 850 nm wavelengthF = 4.0 (ADC 12 bit mode, 60 frame/s, internal gain 0 dB)Photo 1Global Shutter vs. Rolling ShutterTable 1 Device StructureIMX250LLR/LQRImage sizeUnit cell sizeInput drive frequencyPackageSupply voltage V DD (Typ.)Optical blacksHorizontal VerticalNumber of effective pixels3.45 μm (H) × 3.45 μm (V)Diagonal 11.1 mm (Type 2/3) progressive scan mode Diagonal 7.7 mm (Type 1/2.35) Full-HD mode Front : 0 pixels, rear : 0 pixels Front : 10 pixels, rear : 0 pixels 37.125 MHz / 54.0 MHz / 74.25 MHz3.3 V / 1.8 V / 1.2 V226-pin LGA 2464 (H) × 2056 (V) approx. 5.07M pixels3.45 μm (H) × 3.45 μm (V)Diagonal 8.9 mm (Type 1/1.8) progressive scan modeDiagonal 7.7 mm (Type 1/2.35) Full-HD mode Front : 0 pixels, rear : 0 pixels Front : 10 pixels, rear : 0 pixels 37.125 MHz / 54.0 MHz / 74.25 MHz3.3 V / 1.8 V / 1.2 V226-pin LGA 2064 (H) × 1544 (V) approx. 3.19M pixelsIMX252LLR/LQRTable 3 Basic Drive ModeRecommended number of recording pixels ADC [bit]IMX250LLR/LQRIMX252LLR/LQRProgressive scanFull-HD Progressive scanFull-HD2448 (H) × 2048 (V) approx. 5.01M pixels 1920 (H) × 1080 (V) approx. 2.07M pixels 2048 (H) × 1536 (V) approx. 3.15M pixels 1920 (H) × 1080 (V) approx. 2.07M pixels12101210121081210889.5144.7120.0120.0120.0120.0163.4118.5191.5216.2Frame rate (Max.) [frame/s]Table 2 Image Sensor CharacteristicsIMX252IMX250Remarks sensitivity (black-and-white)Sensitivity (color)Saturation signal915 mV 1146 mV Typ.[F8]Min.Typ.[F5.6]915 mV 1146 mV 1001 mV3200 K, 706 cd/m 2,1/30s accumulation1001 mVTj = 60 °C*Sony reserves the right to change products and specifications without prior notice.Photo 3Sample Images(Near Infrared Light)IMX250LQR (3.45 μm)Existing product (5.86 μm)IMX250LLR (3.45 μm)Existing product (5.86 μm)。