英语国际音标表(48个)一、元音(20个)二、辅音(28个)元音音标例词表/i:/例词:Chin e se t ea cher m e h e sh e s ee t ea k ey /ɪ/例词:l i sten g i ve i t b i g sh i p stud y/e/例词:t e ll th e n b e d g e t e nd l e t h ea d m a ny fri e nd l e sson/æ/ 例词:c a t a pple m a p c a p b a d a nd/ ʌ/ 例词:n u mber m o ther u nder b u t c u p t ou ch/ə/例词:b a nan a teach er a go pand a doct or a bout fam ou s/ ɜ:/例词:b ir d n ur se h er d ir ty ear ly w or ker/ɑ:/ 例词:ar m cl a ss c ar f a st d ar k st ar c ar dh ar d f ar m g ar den/ɒ/例词:d o g b o x wh a t h o t l o t c o ck b ough t/ɔ:/ 例词:m or ning w al k h or se w a ter sh or t d oor t al k s aw au tumn/ʊ/例词:b oo k f oo tball g oo d c oo k t oo k f u ll sh ou ld/u:/例词:s ou p f oo d z oo wh o r u ler fr u it c oo l/eɪ/例词:c a k e pl a n e a ge d ay th ey eigh t gr ea t d a te w ai t r a ce/aɪ/例词:b i k e r i c e r i c e h i m y b ye fl y h igh b uy l i ke l igh t/ɔɪ/ 例词:b oy p oi nt t oy oi l j oi n s oi l n oi se/əʊ/ 例词:n o s e b oa t n o ow n b ow l kn ow sh ou lder /aʊ/ 例词:h ou se fl ow er ou t n ow t ow n br ow n/ɪə/ 例词:ear d ear h ere id ea n ear/eə/ 例词:ch air p ear air h air b ear th ere th eirc are ful/ʊə/ 例词:s ure p oor t our辅音音标例词表/p/ 例词p encil a pp le p en p ig p ark ha pp y s p eak /b/ 例词b anana foot b all b ig b us jo b b ird b ike / t/ 例词t eam grea t t o t ea sea t boa t bo tt le/d/例词d og han d d o d own gla d ma d e win d ow / k/ 例词k ite musi c c ow c ar c ard c ome ba ck/g/ 例词g reen do g ba g e gg pi g g rass g irl g ive /f/ 例词f ish co ff ee f at f ace li f e ph one f ather /v/ 例词v isit lo v e o f v iew v ery v iolin lea v e/s/ 例词s un ri ce s ea s mell s ell s ame fa ce s nake mou s e/z/ 例词z oo no s e eye s knee s pri z e mu s ic/ð/ 例词th is mo th er th at th ese th ose/θ/例词bo th th ree th ing mou th th ank bir th day/ʃ/ 例词sh oe fi sh sh e s ure wa sh sh ip sh eep/ r/ 例词r ed r obot r un r ain r ace w r ite r ead/ h/ 例词h ouse h ead h e h en h ill h igh h air h orse /ts/例词ca ts coa ts pe ts shir ts ska tes studen ts /dz/ 例词be ds frien ds car ds han ds roa ds/tr/ 例词tr ain tr ousers tr ee tr ip/dr/例词dr iver dr ess dr op dr eam/tʃ/ 例词ch air mu ch wat ch ch ild Ch ina lun ch/dʒ/ 例词j ump bri dge j eep j oke oran ge/m/ 例词m um ju m p m y ho m e co m e so m e m outh ga m e m any/n/ 例词n ew fa n so n ru n thi n n eck n oo n k n ife n umber/ŋ/ 例词si ng swimm ing ki ng so ng thi ng stro ng bri ng/ ǀ/ 例词l ion ru l er l etter l esson l ion l amp ba llgir l ta ll bott l e/ w/ 例词w arm w indow wh at wh eel w ay w atch w ash/ j/ 例词y es y ard y ear y ellow/ʒ/ 例词plea s ure u s ually。
以下是一些常见的单词示例:1. /iː/ 音标: sheep (绵羊), see (看见), eat (吃)。
2. /ɪ/ 音标: ship (船), sit (坐), it (它)。
3. /e/ 音标: bed (床), red (红色), said (说)。
4. /æ/ 音标: cat (猫), hat (帽子), bat (球拍)。
5. /ɑː/ 音标: car (汽车), far (远), park (公园)。
6. /ɒ/ 音标: dog (狗), hot (热), not (不)。
7. /ʌ/ 音标: cup (杯子), sun (太阳), fun (有趣的)。
8. /ʊ/ 音标: book (书), look (看), cook (煮)。
9. /uː/ 音标: moon (月亮), soon (很快), room (房间)。
10. /ə/ 音标: about (关于), above (在上面), alone (独自)。
11. /ɜː/ 音标: bird (鸟), girl (女孩), shirt (衬衫)。
12. /ɔː/ 音标: door (门), more (更多), store (商店)。
13. /aɪ/ 音标: sky (天空), my (我的), try (尝试)。
14. /eɪ/ 音标: day (白天), say (说), play (玩)。
15. /ɔɪ/ 音标: boy (男孩), toy (玩具), enjoy (享受)。
16. /aʊ/ 音标: house (房子), mouse (老鼠), mouth (嘴)。
17. /əʊ/ 音标: go (去), no (没有), show (展示)。
18. /ɪə/ 音标: here (这里), near (近), fear (害怕)。
19. /eə/ 音标: bear (熊), care (关心), share (分享)。
一、元音(20个):发音时气流在通路上不受发音器官的阻碍单元音12个 /ɪ / /ɔ / /ʊ/ /ə/ / ʌ/ /e//i:/ /ɔ:/ /U:/ / ɜ:/ /ɑ:/ /æ/双元音8个 /aɪ/ /eɪ/ /ɔɪ/ /ɪə//eə/ /ʊə/ /əʊ/ /aʊ/二、辅音(26个)发音时气流在通路上受到发音器官的阻碍轻辅音/p/ /t/ /k/ /f/ /θ/ /s/ /ʃ/ /ts/ /tʃ/ /tr/浊辅音/b/ /d/ /g/ /v/ /ð/ /z/ /ʒ/ /dz/ /dʒ/ /dr/鼻音 /m/ /n/ /ŋ/边音 / h/ /r/ ( / j/ / w/)舌侧音 / ǀ/三、半元音(2个)既有元音的特点又有辅音的特点,发音时气流受到发音器官的阻碍没有辅音大半元音 /j/ /w/跟读:1、前元音 4个 /i:/ /ɪ/ /e/ /æ/2、爆破辅音6个 /p/ /b/ /t/ /d/ / k/ /g/3、中元音3个 / ɜ:/ /ə/ / ʌ/4、摩擦辅音4个 /f/ /v/ /s/ /z/5、后元音5个 /ɑ:/ /ɒ/ /ɔ:/ /ʊ/ /ʊ:/6、摩擦辅音4个/θ/ /ð/ /ʃ/ /ʒ/7、合口双元音5个 /aɪ/ /ɔɪ/ /eɪ/ /aʊ/ /əʊ/8、鼻辅音3个 /m/ /n/ /ŋ/9、破擦音6个 /tʃ/ /tr/ /ts//dʒ/ /dr/ /dz/10、集中双元音3个 /ɪə/ /eə/ /ʊə/11、舌侧音1个 / ǀ/12、摩擦音2个 / r/ / h/13、半元音2个 /w/ /j/[ i:] i:t mi:t pi:t ni:t[ e ] et met pet net[ p ] pi:t pet pen[ b ] bi:t bet ben[ t ] ti: ten det[ d ] di: den ded[ m ] mi:t met bi:m ti:m[ n ] ni:t net bi:n ti:n[ i:] i:t si:t mi:t bi:t[ ei] eit seit meit beit[ ei] leit meit beid pein[ e ] let met bed pen[ e ] let bet set det[ ə ] letə betə setə detə[ æ ] bæd mæt s mæn[ e ] bed met sed men[ i:] i:t mi:t si:t li:d[ e ] et met set led[ ei] eit meit beit leid[ æ ] æt mæt bæt læd[ l ] li:d let leim læp [ n ] ni:d net neim næp[ l ] mil si:l teil peil[lə] ’milə’si:lə’teilə’peilə[ s ] æs les ni:s beis[ z ] æz lez ni:z beiz[ts] pæts bets si:ts meits [dz] pædz bedz si:ds meids [ i:] i:t si:t li:d bi:d [ i ] it sit lid bid [ i ] it bit did tʃik [ e ] et bet ded tʃek [ æ ] læm bæt mæs bæk [ ai] laim bait mais baik [ ai] aim mait pail lain [ ei] eim meit peil lein [ k ] pik bæk pek kein [ g ] big bæg peg gein [θ] θi:m θik ti:θ deθ[ ð ] ðis ðen si:ðdeið[tʃ] tʃi:p tʃin eitʃbætʃ[dʒ] dʒi:p dʒin eidʒbædʒ[əʊ] kəʊt nəʊt kəʊp həʊp [ ɔ ] kɔt nɔt kɔp hɔp [ ɔ ] kɔt hɔt dɔk pɔk [ a:] ka:t ha:t da:k pa:k [ a:] pa:k la:k ba:k da:k [ ai] paik laik baik daik [ w ] wet went wail wain [ v ] vet vent vail vain [ r ] ri:d rait reit ridl [ l ] li:d lait leit litl [ j ] ji: ji:st ji:ld jet[ i:] i: i:st i:l i:t [ u:] fu:l ku:l tu:l gu:l [ u ] kul kud tuk gus [ ɔ ] pɔt lɔk kɔk bɔk [ u ] put luk kuk buk [ u:] du: nu:d ku:l nu:n [ju:] dju: mju:t kju:t nju:z [ ʌ ] hʌt nʌt lʌk dʌg [ ɔ ] hɔt nɔt lɔk dɔg [ ʌ ] kʌt hʌt lʌk mʌtʃ[ ɑ:] kɑ:t hɑ:t lɑ:k mɑ:tʃ[ n ] sin θin ræn dʌn [ ŋ] siŋθiŋræŋ dʌŋ[ ʃ ] ʃuk ʃip ʃʌt ʃæl [ ʃ ] puʃ fiʃ rʌʃlæʃ[ ʃ ] ʃi: ʃeim meʃlæʃ[ s ] si: seim mes læs [ θ] θik θæŋk bəʊθ[ ð ] ðis ðæt beið[ θ] θi:m θiŋk pa:θ[ s ] si:m siŋk pa:s [ ð ] ðen wið beið[ z ] zed hiz beiz[ ɔ:] kɔ:l pɔ:k ʃɔ:t lɔ:d [ ɔ ] kɔk pɔt ʃɔp lɔk [ aʊ] kaʊ laʊd ʃaʊt maʊθ[ əʊ] kəʊt ləʊd ʃəʊd məʊst[ s ] les ges beis[ ts] lets gets beits[ dz] si:dz ædz meidz[ z ] si:z æz meiz[ ə:] nə:s bə:d dʒə:m[ əʊ] nəʊz bəʊt dʒəʊk[ ə:] ʃə:t hə:t bə:n [ ʌ ] ʃʌt hʌt bʌn[ ɔ:] ʃɔ:t lɔ:n tɔ:n [ ə:] ʃə:t lə:n tə:n [ e ] ʃet len ten[ ʊə] pʊəʃʊə tʊə[aʊə] ’paʊə’ʃaʊə’taʊə[ v ] vi: və:s vain vəʊt [ w ] wi: wə:k wai wəʊk [ w ] wi:d wɔt weit wud [ r ] ri:d rɔt reit rum [ pl] pli:z pleis plæt plæn [ bl] bli:d bleiz blæk blæŋk [pr] praid prik pres prəʊz [br] braid brik bred brəʊk [kl-] klæʃ kla:s klaim kli:n [gl-] glæd gla:s glaid gli:m [ kr] krein kræb kri:m krəʊ[ gr] grein græm gri:n grəʊ[ ɔ:] kɔ:l nɔ:t rɔ:t fɔ:m [ əʊ] kəʊl nəʊt rəʊt fəʊm[ ei] meit beid leit peid [ e ] met bed let pet[ əʊ] həʊm səʊp tʃəʊz ʃəʊz [ u:] hu:m su:p tʃu:z ʃu:z [ æ ] kæt fæt læd bæd [ ai] kait fait laid baid [ v ] vet vain vein vest [ w ] wet wain wein west [ s ] sik si:m sɔ:t siŋ[ θ] θik θi:m θɔ:t θiŋ[ ð ] ðei ðen ðəʊz ðeə[ d ] dei den dəʊz deə[ ʃ ] ʃi: ʃip ʃel ʃeim [ s ] si: sip sel seim [ ts] lets reits hə:ts kɔ:ts [ s ] les reis hə:s kɔ:s[ dz] reidz bʌdz kɔ:dz pli:dz [ z ] reid bʌz kɔ:z pli:z [ n ] ni:d neim nəʊt nais [ ǀ] li:d leim ləʊt lais [ r ] ri:d reim rəʊt rais [ n ] pin sin bæn ræn [ ŋ] piŋ siŋbæŋræŋ[ŋk] piŋk siŋk bæŋk ræŋk [tʃ]tʃi:p tʃu:z tʃein eitʃ[dʒ]dʒi:p dʒu:s dʒein eidʒ[tr] tri: trai tru: tril[dr] dri:m drai dru: dril [θr] θr i: θr aiv θr u: θr il [ t]pa:t sit də:t pit [ti]pa:ti siti də:ti piti。
英语国际音标表( 48 个)元音( 20 个)长元音 / ɑ:// ?:// ?://i://U:/短元音 / ?// ? // ?// ?// ? //e//?/e ?//a ?// ??/双元音 / ??//e ?// ??// ??//a ? /辅音( 28 个)清辅音/p// t// k//f// θ//s/浊辅音/b//d//g//v//e//z/清辅音/ ?// h//ts//t?//tr/浊辅音/ ?// r//dz//d?//dr/鼻音/m//n// ? /半元音/ j// w/边音/ ?/新旧英语国际音标对照表新i:?e?З:? Λ u: ??:Vowels旧i:i e??:? Λ u: u?:元音新?ɑeI aI? ? ? I ? e??:I? a?旧?ɑ:ei ai?i?u au i? ε?u?辅音新旧无变化。
英语音标及字母组合对照1.元音:1) [i:]字母组合:ee ea e ie ei y单词举例: three tree gree n sheep meet beef seeeat tea meat leave lead tea cher speak clean please he she m epiece receive cei ling twent y2)[ I ] [i]发音字母:单词举例:i y e ui u asit pig big it is little six man y happ y dictionar ydefect decide del icious3) [ ? ]发音字母 : a单词举例:bag hand happy hat map mad badblack back gl ad m an4) [e]字母组合 : ea e a单词举例: head brea dbed red elephant rem ember selllesson better desk hot el yes5) [З:]?:字母组合 : ir ur ear er or单词举例: girl sh irt sk irt thirty third birdturn nurse turtle Th ursdaylear n earthterm herwor k world6)[?]字母组合er or ar o a单词举例: teach er rememb er play er speak erdoct or act or auth orfamili ar coll ar doll artogether tomorrow today less onaround account ago eleph antbanan a7)[a:] 字母组合: ar a单词举例: car farm card armfast class gl ass pl ant8)[ ? ] 发音字母:u o ou oo单词举例: up lunch fun gun nut cup buscome mother dose love ab ovetrou ble bl ood flood9) [?: ]字母组合:单词举例:al or au our arsm al l wall talk tall ball wal ksh ort more lord horse for forty sport au thor autumn caught four warm10) [?]发音字母 : o a([? ])单词举例: on hot lot fox box dog rockwant wash w atch11)[u:] 字母组合:单词举例:oo o ufood room goose tooth sh oe do tw otrue blue full12)[u]字母组合:u oo ou单词举例:put full pushlook goo d foot boo k woo dsh ould could13)[ei] 发音字母单词举例:14) [ai]发音字母a ay ea ai eyname cake late plane April play say may waygr eat brea krain paint plai nthey greyi y单词举例: bike fine find nine light night my try fly eye15)[au] 字母组合:单词举例:ou owhouse out grou nd sou nd loud around mou seflow er dow n now cow how16)[??] 发音字母 : o ow oa[?u]单词举例: h ome cold go no kn ow low b el ow grow sh owboat coa t goa l17)[ ?? ] 字母组合:oy oi[?i] 单词举例: boy toyoi l soil v oice choice18)[I ?]字母组合:eer ear[i?]单词举例: beer deerear near idea19)[??] 字母组合: [e?]单词举例:ear air ere pear bearch air air fairthere wh ere care20)[??] 字母组合:ure[u? ]单词举例:sure2、辅音清辅音 :21.[ p ]字母组合:单词举例:ppen pet paper plant22. [ t ]字母组合 :单词举例:23.[ k ]字母组合:单词举例:ttime table stay toyk c ckkite king kitchen can car cake Tri ck lock24. [ f ]字母组合 :单词举例:f ph ghfoot feet fog phone ph oto ele ph ant25. [θ]字母组合 : 单词举例:ththin thank three26.[ s ]字母组合:单词举例:s csix sing snow cinema city27.[ ts ]字母组合:单词举例:tsants stree ts studen ts28 .[ tr ]字母组合:单词举例:trtree truck try29.[ ? ]字母组合 :单词举例:30.[ t? ]字母组合 :单词举例:31.[ h ]字母组合 :单词举例:shship shoe sh op sh ortchchair chicken chinesehhot he hat has浊辅音32.[ b ]字母组合:单词举例:33.[ d ]字母组合:单词举例:34.[ g ]字母组合:单词举例:bboy ball bed bagddog do day doctorgget go girl good35.[ r ]字母组合:r单词举例:red read rain run36 . [ v ]字母组合 : v单词举例: vanvoice seven ele ven37. [ e ]字母组合 : 单词举例:38.[ z ]字母组合 :单词举例:ththis that these thosez szoozero pizz a the se tho se39. [ dz ] 字母组合 : 单词举例:dsbe dshan ds40.[ dr ]字母组合 :单词举例:41. [? ]字母组合:单词举例:drdrydrinkdressdr iversi(on )42.[ d? ] 字母组合 : g单词举例: oran ge gentle page其他辅音43. [ m ]字母组合 : m单词举例:many meat mother music44. [ n ]字母组合 : n单词举例: no not noodle new now45. [ l ]字母组合:l单词举例:look long left light let46. [ ? ]字母组合:ng单词举例: long [l ? ?]sing47. [ j ]字母组合:y单词举例:year yellow you yes48. [ w ]字母组合:w wh单词举例:word winter windowWh at wh ere when元音音素:/i:/【衣发长点】/I/【衣急促地发声】/e/【哎发这个音的时候不要把“哎”的ī给读出来,嘴唇放松自然地读】/? /【哎发这个音的时候不要把“哎”的ī给读出来,嘴唇扁平地发】/?:/【额发长音】/?/【额发短音】/∧ /【阿嘴巴微微地张开发出这个音就可以了】/a:/【啊嘴巴长到最大】/?/【哦急促】/?:/【哦声音拖长】/u/【乌急促】/u:/【乌声音拖长】/eI/【有点像答应人的“诶”的声音】/aI/【唉】/?I/【哦-喂连着读】/?u/【呕】/au/【傲】/I?/【衣-饿连着读】/ ε?/【哎-饿连着读】/u?/【乌-饿连着读】辅音音素:/p/【普不要把ǔ给发出来,轻音】/b/【不不要把ù给发出来,浊音】/t/【特不要把è给发出来,轻音】/d/【得不要把é给发出来,浊音】/k/【克不要把è给发出来,轻音】/g/【各不要把è给发出来,浊音】/f/【福不要把ú给发出来,轻音】/v/【有点像摩托车启动的声音,“呜呜呜”地,但是是像发“ vú vú v一ú”样,不要把ú给发出来,浊音】/s/【丝像蛇吐芯子发出的那种声音,不要把ī给读出来,轻音】/z/【就是 /s/ 的浊音】/ θ /【牙齿咬住舌头的轻音】/ δ /【牙齿咬住舌头的浊音】/ ∫ /【西不要把ī给发出来,轻音】/ з /【衣不要把ī给发出来,浊音】/h/【喝不要把ē给发出来,轻音】/r/【若不要把 uò给发出来,浊音】/t ∫ /【七不要把ī给发出来,轻音】/d з /【姬不要把ī给发出来,浊音】/tr/【缺不要把 uē给发出来,轻音】/dr/【撅不要把 uē给发出来,浊音】/ts/【次不要把ì给发出来,轻音】/dz/【自不要把ì给发出来,浊音】/m/【嘴巴闭住,然后发音,气流从鼻子出来,浊音】/n/【嘴巴微张,舌尖顶住上颚,气流从鼻子出来而不是从嘴巴出来,浊音】/?/【嘴巴长大,舌头向下弯曲,气流从鼻子出来而不是从嘴巴出来,浊音】/l/【有两个读音。
英语国际音标表(48个)元音(20个)长元音/ɑ://ɔ:/ / ɜ:/ /i:/ /U:/短元音/ ʌ/ /ɒ/ /ə/ /ɪ/ /ʊ/ /e/ /æ/双元音/əʊ/ /aʊ/ /eɪ/ /aɪ/ /ɔɪ/ /ɪə/ /eə/ /ʊə/清辅音/p/ / t/ / k/ /f/ /θ//s/ 浊辅音/b/ /d/ /g/ /v/ /ð/ /z/ 清辅音/ʃ/ / h/ /ts/ /tʃ/ /tr/浊辅音/ʒ/ / r/ /dz/ /dʒ/ /dr/鼻音/m/ /n/ /ŋ/半元音/ j/ / w/边音/ ǀ/新旧英语国际音标对照表辅音新旧无变化。
英语音标及字母组合对照1.元音:1) [i:] 字母组合:ee ea e ie ei y单词举例:thr ee tr ee gr ee n sh ee p m ee t b ee f s eeea t t ea m ea t l ea ve l ea d t ea cher sp ea k cl ea n pl ea seh e sh e m ep ie ce rec ei ve c ei ling twent y2) [ I ] [i] 发音字母: i y e ui u a单词举例:s i t p i g b i g i t i s l i ttle s i xman y happ y d i ctionar yd e fect d e cide del i cious3) [ æ ]发音字母: a单词举例:b a g h a nd h a ppy h a t m a p m a d b a d bl a ck b a ck gl a d m a n4) [e]字母组合: ea e a单词举例:h ea d br ea db e d r e d e lephant rem e mber s e ll l e sson b e tter d e skhot e l y e s5) [З:] ə: 字母组合: ir ur ear er or单词举例:g ir l sh ir t sk ir t th ir ty th ir d b ir dt ur n n ur se t ur tle Th ur sdayl ear n ear tht er m h erw or k w or ld6) [ə] 字母组合er or ar o a单词举例:teach er rememb er play er speak erdoct or act or auth orfamili ar coll ar doll art o gether t o morrow t o day less o na round a ccount a go eleph a ntb a nan a7) [a:] 字母组合: ar a单词举例:c ar f ar m c ar d ar mf a st cl a ss gl a ss pl a nt8) [ ʌ ]发音字母: u o ou oo单词举例:u p l u nch f u n g u n n u t c u p b u sc o me m o ther dose l o ve ab o vetr ou ble bl oo d fl oo d9) [ɔ: ] 字母组合: al or au our ar单词举例:sm al l w al l t al k t al l b al l w al ksh or t m or e lord h or se f or f or ty sp or tau thor au tumn c au ghtf our w ar m10) [ ɔ ] 发音字母: o a([ɒ]) 单词举例:o n h o t l o t f o x b o x d o g r o ckw a nt w a sh w a tch11) [u:] 字母组合: oo o u单词举例:f oo d r oo m g oo se t oo thsh o e d o tw otr u e bl u e f u ll12) [u]字母组合: u oo ou单词举例: p u t f u ll p u shl oo k g oo d f oo t b oo k w oo dsh ou ld c ou ld13) [ei] 发音字母 a ay ea ai ey单词举例: n a me c a ke l a te pl a ne A prilpl ay s ay m ay w aygr ea t br ea kr ai n p ai nt pl ai nth ey gr ey14) [ai]发音字母 i y单词举例:b i ke f i ne f i nd n i ne l i ght n i ghtm y tr y fl y e y e15) [au] 字母组合: ou ow单词举例:h ou se ou t gr ou nd s ou nd l ou d a rou nd m ou sefl ow er d ow n n ow c ow h ow16) [əʊ] 发音字母: o ow oa[əu]单词举例: h o me c o ld g o n okn ow l ow bel ow gr ow sh owb oa tc oa t g oa l17) [ ɔɪ ] 字母组合: oy oi[ɔi]单词举例: b oy t oyoi l s oi l v o ice ch oi ce18) [Iə] 字母组合:eer ear[iə]单词举例:b eer d eerear near id ea19) [ɛə]字母组合: ear air ere[eə]单词举例:p ear b earch air air f airth ere wh ere c are20) [ʊə] 字母组合: ure[uə]单词举例:sure2、辅音清辅音:21. [ p ] 字母组合: p单词举例:p en p et p a p er p lant22. [ t ] 字母组合:t单词举例:t ime t able s t ay t oy23. [ k ]字母组合: k c ck单词举例:k ite k ing k itchen c an c ar c akeTri ck lo ck24. [ f ]字母组合: f ph gh单词举例:f oot f eet f og ph one ph oto ele ph ant25. [ θ ]字母组合: th单词举例:th in th ank th ree26. [ s ]字母组合: s c单词举例:s ix s ing s now c inema c ity27. [ ts ]字母组合: ts单词举例:an ts stree ts studen ts28. [ tr ]字母组合: tr单词举例:tr ee tr uck tr y单词举例:sh ip sh oe sh op sh ort30. [ tʃ ]字母组合: ch单词举例:ch air ch icken ch inese31. [ h ]字母组合: h单词举例:h ot h e h at h as浊辅音32. [ b ]字母组合: b单词举例:b oy b all b ed b ag33. [ d ]字母组合: d单词举例:d og d o d ay d octor34. [ g ]字母组合: g单词举例:g et g o g irl g ood35. [ r ]字母组合: r单词举例:r ed r ead r ain r un36. [ v ]字母组合: v单词举例:v an v oice se v en ele v en37. [ ð ]字母组合: th单词举例:th is th at th ese th ose单词举例:z oo z ero pi zz a the se tho se39. [ dz ]字母组合: ds单词举例: be ds han ds40. [ dr ] 字母组合: dr单词举例:dr y dr ink dr ess dr iver41. [ ʒ ] 字母组合: si(on)单词举例:42. [ dʒ ] 字母组合: g单词举例: oran ge g entle pa ge其他辅音43. [ m ]字母组合: m单词举例:m any m eat m other m usic44. [ n ]字母组合: n单词举例:n o n ot n oodle n ew n ow45. [ l ] 字母组合: l单词举例:l ook l ong l eft l ight l et46. [ ŋ ]字母组合: ng单词举例:lo ng [lɔŋ] si ng47. [ j ]字母组合: y单词举例:y ear y ellow y ou y es48. [ w ] 字母组合: w wh单词举例:w ord w inter w indowWh at wh ere wh en。
英语语音共有48个音素, 其中元音音素20个。
辅音音素28个元音:发音时声带振动, 气流在通过口腔时不受发音器官阻碍的音素。
•其中声带振动的叫浊辅音, 声带不震动的•叫清辅音。
英语音标及字母组合对照1.元音:1) [i:]字母组合:ee ea e ie ei y单词举例:thr ee tr ee gr ee n sh ee p m ee tb ee f s ee ea t t ea m ea tl ea ve l ea d t ea cher sp ea kcl ea n pl ea se h e sh e m ep ie ce rec ei ve twent y2) [i] 发音字母: i y e ui u a单词举例:s i t p i g b i g i t i s l i ttles i x man y happ yd i ctionar y de cidedel i cious3) [e]字母组合: ea e a单词举例:h ea d br ea db e d r e d e lephantrem e mber s e ll l e ssonb e tter d e sk hot e l y e s4) [ æ ]发音字母: a单词举例:b a g h a nd h a ppy h a t m a pm a d b a d bl a ck b a ck gl a dm a n5) [a:] 字母组合: ar a单词举例:c ar f ar m c ar d ar m f a stcl a ss gl a ss pl a nt6) [ ɔ ] 发音字母: o a([ɒ]) 单词举例:o n h o t l o t f o x b o xd o g r o ck w a nt w a shw a tch单词举例:sm al l w al l t al k t al lb al l w al k sh or t m or eh or se f or f or ty sp or tau thor au tumn c au ghtf our w ar m8) [u]字母组合: u oo ou单词举例:p u t f u ll p u sh l oo kg oo d f oo t b oo k w oo dsh ou ld c ou ld9) [u:] 字母组合: oo o u单词举例:f oo d r oo m g oo se t oo thsh o e d o tw otr u e bl u e f u ll10) [ ʌ ]发音字母: u o ou oo单词举例:u p l u nch f u n g u n n u tc u p b u s c o me m o ther dosel o ve ab o ve tr ou ble bl oo dfl oo d11) [З:] ə: 字母组合: ir ur ear er or单词举例:g ir l sh ir t sk ir t th ir tyth ir d b ir d t ur n n ur se Th ur sday l ear n ear th t er m h er w or k w or ld12) [ə] 字母组合er or ar o a单词举例:teach er rememb er play er speak er doct or act or famili ar coll ardoll ar t o gether t o morrow t o day less o n a round a go eleph a nt b a nan a13) [ei] 发音字母 a ay ea ai ey单词举例:n a me c a ke l a te pl a neA pril pl ay s ay m ay w aygr ea t br ea k r ai n p ai ntpl ai n th ey gr ey14) [ai]发音字母i y单词举例:b i ke f i ne f i nd n i nel i ght n i ght m y tr y fl ye y e15) [ ɔɪ ] 字母组合: oy oi[ɔi]单词举例: b oy t oy oi l s oi lv o ice ch oi ce16)[əʊ] 发音字母: o ow oa[əu]单词举例: h o me c o ld g o n okn ow l ow bel ow gr owsh ow b oa t c oa t g oa l17) [au] 字母组合:ou ow单词举例:h ou se ou t gr ou nd s ou ndl ou d a rou nd m ou se fl ow erd ow n n ow c ow h ow18) [Iə] 字母组合:eer ear[iə]单词举例:b eer d eerear near id ea19) [ɛə]字母组合: ear air ere[eə]单词举例:p ear b earch air air f airth ere wh ere c are20)[ʊə] 字母组合: ure[uə]单词举例:sure2、辅音21. [ p ] 字母组合: p单词举例:p en p et p a p er p lant 22. [ b ]字母组合: b单词举例:b oy b all b ed b ag23. [ t ] 字母组合:t单词举例:t ime t able s t ay t oy24. [ d ]字母组合: d单词举例:d og d o d ay d octor25. [ k ]字母组合: k c ck单词举例:k ite k ing k itchenc an c ar c akelo ck26. [ g ]字母组合: g单词举例:g et g o g irl g ood27. [ f ]字母组合: f ph gh单词举例:f oot f eet f og ph oneph oto ele ph ant28. [ v ]字母组合: v单词举例:v an v oice se v enele v en29. [ s ]字母组合: s c单词举例:s ix s ing s now c inemac ity30. [ z ]字母组合: z s单词举例:z oo z ero pi zz a the setho se31. [ θ ]字母组合: th单词举例:th in th ank th ree32. [ ð ]字母组合: th单词举例:th is th at th ese th ose33. [ ʃ ]字母组合: sh单词举例:sh ip sh oe sh opsh ort34. [ ʒ ] 字母组合: si(on)单词举例:televi sion deci sion35. [ tʃ ]字母组合: ch单词举例:ch air ch icken Chinese36. [ dʒ ] 字母组合: g单词举例:oran ge g entle pa ge37. [ tr ]字母组合: tr单词举例:tr ee tr uck tr y38. [ dr ] 字母组合: dr单词举例:dr y dr ink dr essdr iver39. [ ts ]字母组合: ts单词举例:an ts stree ts studen ts40. [ dz ]字母组合: ds单词举例:be ds han ds41. [ m ]字母组合: m单词举例:m any m eat m otherm usic42. [ n ]字母组合: n单词举例:n o n ot n oodle n ewn ow43. [ ŋ ]字母组合: ng单词举例:lo ng si ng44. [ h ]字母组合: h单词举例:h ot h e h at h as45. [ l ] 字母组合: l单词举例:l ook l ong l eft l ight l et46. [ r ]字母组合: r单词举例:r ed r ead r ain r un 47. [ w ] 字母组合: w wh单词举例:w ord w inter w indowWh at wh ere wh en48. [ j ]字母组合: y单词举例:y ear y ellow y ou y es。
1 国际音标48音素 字母读音 词例
英语国际音标(48个音素)I.元音(Vowels)(20个):前元音(Front Vowels)(4个):/i:/ /ɪ/ /e/ /æ/中元音(Central Vowels)(3个):/∧/ /ǝ/ /ɜ:/后元音(Back Vowels)(5个):/ɑ:/ /D/ /ɔ:/ /ʊ/ /u:/合口双元音(Closing Diphthongs)(5个):/eɪ/ /ǝʊ/ /aɪ/ /aʊ/ /ɔɪ/集中双元音(Centering Diphthongs)(3个)/ɪǝ/ /eǝ/ /ʊǝ/ II.辅音(Consonants)(28个):(成对的辅音前为清辅音,红色标出;后为浊辅音;其余的单音为浊辅音。
)爆破音(Plosions)(6个):/P//b/ /t//d // k //g/摩擦音(Fricatives)(13个):/f//v//s//z//θ/ /ð//ʃ//ʒ //l/ /r/ /h/ /w/ / j /破擦音(Affricates)(6个):/ ʧ // ʤ // tr // dr//ʦ//ʣ/鼻音(Nasals)(3个):/m/ /n/ /ŋ/英语26个字母读音A a /eɪ/Bb/b i:/Cc/s i:/ Dd/d i:/ Ee/i:/Ff /e f/Gg/ʤi:/ Hh /eɪʧ/ Ii /aɪ/Jj/ʤeɪ/Kk/k eɪ/Ll/el/Mm/em/ Nn/en/ Oo/ǝʊ/Pp/P i:/Qq/ k ju:/Rr/ɑ:/Ss/e s/Tt/t i:/Uu /ju:/ Vv/v i:/Ww/'dЛb lju:/Xx/e ks /Yy/waɪ /Zz/z i:/(/z e d/)(注意:26个英语字母中,有12个字母是以元音发音开头的,红色标记,这些字母前若要用不定冠词是,只能用an。
a, e , i ,o ,u 这5个字母为元音字母,y 为半元音字母。
英语国际音标元音:20个[a:][ʌ][ɔ:][ɔ][ə:][ə][i:][i][u:][u][e][æ][ei][ai][ɔi][iə][εə][uə][əu][au]辅音:28个[p][b][t][d][k][g][f][v][s][z][θ][ð][ʃ][ʒ][tʃ][dʒ][ts][dz][tr][dr][ŋ][n][m][l][j][h][w][r]元音字母:Aa Ee Ii Oo Uu半元音字母:w ybanana ask fast last grass classroom glasses bathroom pass tomato dance father giraffe aunt art car postcard scarf cartoon farmer hard arm March 2.[ʌ]under bus subway studies puzzle duck funny uncle but puppy lunch up sunny summer jump Sunday umbrella sunglasses worried brother monkey one glove Monday front above mother young cousin3[ɔ:]tall small wall ball fall bought water watermelon warm strawberry saw draw autumn August blackboard door floor yours story sports fork four short shorts horse fourteen more before dinosaur4.[ɔ]hospital crossing stop tomorrow comic hobby long strong orange body dog chopsticks doctor job office hot sock song clock bottle forest October on box wash watchturn tonight tomorrow word worker hurt bird nurse first skirt shirt Thursday hamburger hers turn thirteen girl6. [ə]cinema pilot afraid elephant computer breakfast tomato potato carrot umbrella above China banana doctor worker7. [i:]police sea deep clean read greenthree key beef people beans sheep these cheap weekend read ice-cream tea sweet between tree season eating sleeping keep she he teacher thirteen peach jeep 8. [i]spring winter picnic pick December his drink thin ship visit film trip big fish gift gym pig milk six friendly kitchen chicken fridge dinner in windy pretty expensive strict sing swim forest river hill bridge village sister twenty9. [u:]moon ruler blue school zoo juice two classroom shoe bedroom noodles soup spoon cool whose do cartoon fruit 10. [u]bookstore took book foot cook woman 11. [e]left breath slept went pencil pen fresh healthy February September desk red head leg bread egg seven ten bed vegetable ready second breakfast get hen dress sweater helpful clever 12. [æ]taxi tracffic (pen pal) factory angry sad man grandpa family fat cap badminton bag black hand cat panda fan maths candy hat pants jacket Saturday sandwich carrot salad hamburger January Canada and dad13. [ei]straight plane subway train afraid chase stayed yesterday ate ice-skate eraser crayon face cake eight platetable baby playground way rainy play lake take April May tail grape great 14. [ai]science right by buy tonight hiking pilot mice (dining hall) cycling white eye tiger rice five nine light Chinese quietly find knife try driver library nice kind polite shy Friday bike beside behind exercise July mine climbing China kite15. [ɔi]toy boy16. [iə]ear year realy near deer17. [εə]wear bear hair parents there their chair pear18. [uə]sure poor19. [əu]post slow tomorrow coach old rode ago no know yellow nose window notebook phone sofa bowl go home cold snowytomato potato clothes coat photo snowman20. [au]down count brown mouth playground cloudy cow mountain house ours how一.找出下列划线部分发音不同的单词. ( )1.A.cake B.take C.map D.wave ( )2.A.breaed B.eat C.tea D.seat ( )3.A.never B.leg C.red D.he ( )4.A.good B.too C.book D.neighborhood ( )5.A.father B.taxi C.March D.car ( )6.A.sofa B.hot C.box D.not ( )7.A.bike B.five C.my D.his ( )8.A.order B.doctor C.boring D.corner ( )9.A.what B.water C.walk D.talk ( )10.A.go B.no C.to D.nose ( )11.A.day B.play C.they D.Sunday ( )12.A.lot B.not C.to D.follow ( )13.A.each B.idea C.theatre D.dear ( )14.A.flower B.follow C.how D.brown ( )15.A.slide B.hi C.toilet D.bike( )16.A.you B.house C.blouse D.trousers ( )17.A.study B.puzzle C.bus D.busy ( )18.A.find B.dining-room C.behind D.pumpkin ( )19.A.kitchen B.sandwich C.China D.peach ( )20.A.street B.coffee C.meet D.see ( )21.A.toilet B.apple C.bottle D.table ( )22.A.back mp C.parent D.have ( )23.A.pig B.together C.garden D.swing ( )24.A.music B.telescope C.newspaper D.maths ( )25.A.sofa B.off C.pot D.lot ( )26.A.room B.foot C.too D.food ( )27.A.teacher B.driver C.term D.waiter( ) 28.A.behind B.bedroom C.jacket D.eleven( )29.A.family B.camping C.dance D.blanket ( )30.A.over B.other C.clothes D.home( )31.A.morning B.horse C.door D.tomorrow( )32.A.diamond B.around C.elephant D.change( )33.A.house B.blouse ugh D.mouth( )34.A.building B.child C.children D.buscuit( )35.A.tennis B.find C.white D.kite( )36.A.street B.theatre C.triangle D.tree ( )37.A.wash B.want C.parent D.what( )rge ugh C.sofa D.vase( ) mp C.camping D.am( )40.A.food B.cook C.foot D.look( )41.A.cry B.circle C.class D.picture( )42.A.thing B.theatre C.bathroom D.there( )43.A.wash. B.sure C.shape D.square( )44.A.on B.diamond C.crayon D.o’clock( )45.A.near B.heart C.tear D.Hear从下列四个单词中选出划线部分读音不同的那个单词。
英语语音共有48个音素, 其中元音音素20个。
辅音音素28个元音:发音时声带振动, 气流在通过口腔时不受发音器官阻碍的音素。
●其中声带振动的叫浊辅音, 声带不震动的●叫清辅音。
英语音标及字母组合对照1.元音:1) [i:] 字母组合:ee ea e ie ei y单词举例:three tree green sheep meet beef see eat tea meat le ave lead teacher speak clean please he she me piece receive twenty2) [i] 发音字母: i y e ui u a单词举例:sit pig big it is little sixmany happy dictionary decide delicious3) [e] 字母组合: ea e a单词举例:head breadbedred elephant remember sell lesson better desk hotel yes4) [ ? ] 发音字母: a单词举例:bag hand happy hat map mad bad black back glad man5) [a:] 字母组合: ar a单词举例:car farm card arm fast class glass plant6) [ ? ] 发音字母: o a([?]) 单词举例:on hot lot fox box dog rock want wash watch7) [?: ] 字母组合: al or au our ar单词举例:small wall talk tall ball walk short more horse for forty sport author autumn caught four warm8) [u] 字母组合: u oo ou单词举例: put full push look good foot book wood should could9) [u:] 字母组合: oo o u单词举例:food room goose toothshoe do twotrue blue full10) [ ? ] 发音字母: u o ou oo单词举例:up lunch fun gun nut cup bus come mother dose love above trouble blood flood11) [З:] ?: 字母组合: ir ur ear er or单词举例:girl shirt skirt thirty third bird turn nurse Thur sday learn earth term her work world12) [?] 字母组合 er or ar o a单词举例:teacher remember player speakerdoctor actor familiar collar dollar together tomorrow t oday lesson around ago elephant banana13) [ei] 发音字母 a ay ea ai ey单词举例: name cake late plane Aprilplay say may way great break rain paint plain they grey14) [ai] 发音字母 i y单词举例:bike fine find nine light night my try fly eye15) [ ?? ] 字母组合: oy oi[?i] 单词举例: boy toy oil soil voice choice16) [??] 发音字母: o ow oa[?u] 单词举例: home cold go noknow low below grow show boat coat goal17) [au] 字母组合: ou ow单词举例:house out ground sound loud around mouse flower down n ow cow how18) [I?] 字母组合: eer ear[i?] 单词举例:beer deerear near idea19) [??] 字母组合: ear air ere[e?] 单词举例: pear bearchair air fairthere where care20) [??] 字母组合: ure[u?] 单词举例:sure2、辅音21. [ p ] 字母组合: p单词举例:pen pet paper plant22. [ b ] 字母组合: b单词举例:boy ball bed bag23. [ t ] 字母组合: t单词举例: time table stay toy24. [ d ] 字母组合: d单词举例:dog do day doctor25. [ k ] 字母组合: k c ck单词举例: kite king kitchen can car cake lock 26. [ g ] 字母组合: g单词举例:get go girl good27. [ f ] 字母组合: f ph gh单词举例: foot feet fog phone photo elephant 28. [ v ] 字母组合: v单词举例: van voice seven eleven29. [ s ] 字母组合: s c单词举例:six sing snow cinema city30. [ z ] 字母组合: z s单词举例: zoo zero pizza these those31. [ θ ]字母组合: th单词举例:thin thank three32. [ e ] 字母组合: th单词举例: this that these those33. [ ? ] 字母组合: sh单词举例: ship shoe shop short34. [ ? ] 字母组合: si(on)单词举例: television decision35. [ t? ] 字母组合: ch单词举例: chair chicken Chinese36. [ d? ] 字母组合: g单词举例: orange gentle page37. [ tr ] 字母组合: tr单词举例: tree truck try38. [ dr ] 字母组合: dr单词举例: dry drink dress driver 39. [ ts ] 字母组合: ts单词举例:ants streets students 40. [ dz ] 字母组合: ds单词举例: beds hands41. [ m ] 字母组合: m单词举例: many meat mother music 42. [ n ] 字母组合: n单词举例: no not noodle new now 43. [ ? ] 字母组合: ng单词举例:long sing44. [ h ] 字母组合: h单词举例: hot he hat has45. [ l ] 字母组合: l单词举例: look long left light let 46. [ r ] 字母组合: r单词举例: red read rain run47. [ w ] 字母组合: w wh单词举例: word winter windowWhat where when48. [ j ] 字母组合: y单词举例: year yellow you yes。
10)[ɔ]发音字母:o a
want[wɔnt, wɔ:nt]wash[wɔʃ, wɔ:ʃ]
11)[u:]字母组合:oo o u
[ɔi]单词举例: boy[bɔi]toy[tɔi]
18)[Iə]字母组合:eer ear
19)[eə]字母组合:ear air ereare
7)[a:]字母组合:ar a
fast[fɑ:st, fæst]class[klɑ:s, klæs]plant[plɑ:nt, plænt]
8)[ʌ]发音字母:u o ou oo
13)[ei]发音字母a ay ea ai ey
英语国际音标表(48个)元音(20个)48个英语音标分类发音表辅音(28个)清辅音 /p/ /?t/ /?k/ /f/ /θ/ /s/ 浊辅音 /b/ /d/? /g/ /v/ /e/?/z/?清辅音 /?/ /?h/ /ts/ /t?/ /tr/? 浊辅音 /?/ /?r/? /dz/?/d?/ /dr/? 鼻音 /m/ /n/? /?/?半元音 /?j//w/边音/??/元音单元音前元音中元音 后元音 双元音开合双元音集中双元音辅音爆破音清辅音长元音 /ɑ:/ /?:/ /??:/ /i:/ /U:/短元音 /??/ /?/ /?/ /?/ /?/ /e/ /?/ /e?/ /a?/ /??/ 双元音 /??//e?/ /??//??//a?/浊辅音清辅音摩擦音浊辅音清辅音破擦音浊辅音鼻音(浊辅音)舌则音(浊辅音)半元音(浊辅音)注:不同词典有不同的音标符号系统,本表为最新DJ英语国际音标表符号新旧英语国际音标对照表辅音新旧无变化。
英语音标及字母组合对照1.元音:1)[i:]字母组合:eeeaeieei单词举例:thr ee tr ee gr ee nsh ee pm ee tb ee fs eeea tt ea m ea tl ea vel ea dt ea chersp ea kcl ea npl ea sehe sh e m ep ie cerec ei vec ei ling2)[I][i]发音字母:iyeuiua单词举例:s i tp i gb i g i t i sl i ttles i xman y happ y d i ctionar yd e fectd e cidedel i cious twent y3)[?]发音字母:a单词举例:b a gh a ndh a ppyh a tm a pm a db a dbl a ckb a ckgl a dm a n 4)[e]字母组合:eaea单词举例:h ea dbr ea db e dr e d e lephantrem e mbers e lll e ssonb e tterd e skhot e ly e s5)[З:]?:字母组合:irureareror单词举例:g ir lsh ir tsk ir tth ir tyth ir db ir dt ur nn ur set ur tleTh ur sdayl ear n ear tht er mh erw or kw or ld6)[?]字母组合eroraroa单词举例:teach er rememb er play er speak erdoct or act or auth orfamili ar coll ar doll art o gethert o morrowt o dayless o na round a ccount a goeleph a ntb a nan a7)[a:]字母组合:ara单词举例:c ar f ar mc ar d ar mf a stcl a ssgl a sspl a nt8)[?]发音字母:uoouoo单词举例:u pl u nchf u ng u nn u tc u pb u sc o mem o therdosel o veab o vetr ou blebl oo dfl oo d9)[?:]字母组合:alorauourar单词举例:sm al lw al lt al kt al lb al lw al ksh or tm or elordh or sef or f or tysp or tau thor au tumnc au ghtf our w ar m10)[?]发音字母:oa([?])单词举例:o nh o tl o tf o xb o xd o gr o ckw a ntw a shw a tch11)[u:]字母组合:ooou单词举例:f oo dr oo mg oo set oo thsh o ed o tw otr u ebl u ef u ll12)[u]字母组合:uooou单词举例:p u tf u llp u shl oo kg oo df oo tb oo kw oo dsh ou ldc ou ld13)[ei]发音字母aayeaaiey单词举例:n a mec a kel a tepl a ne A prilpl ay s ay m ay w aygr ea tbr ea kr ai np ai ntpl ai nth ey gr ey14)[ai]发音字母iy单词举例:b i kef i nef i ndn i nel i ghtn i ghtm y tr y fl y e y e15)[au]字母组合:ouow单词举例:h ou se ou tgr ou nds ou ndl ou da rou ndm ou sefl ow erd ow nn ow c ow h ow16)[??]发音字母:oowoa[?u]单词举例:h o mec o ldg o n okn ow l ow bel ow gr ow sh owb oa tc oa tg oa l17)[??]字母组合:oyoi[?i]单词举例:b oy t oyoi ls oi lv o icech oi ce18)[I?]字母组合:eerear[i?]单词举例:b eer d eerearnear id ea19)[??]字母组合:earairere[e?]单词举例:p ear b earch airair f airth ere wh ere c are 20)[??]字母组合:ure[u?]单词举例:sure元音字母读音例词a在开音节中[ei]nameplaneJanebabycake在闭音节中[?]bagdadhatmapblackbacke在开音节中[i:]hethesemeChinese在闭音节中[e]bedletpendeskyeseggi在开音节中[ai]bikeflydrivetimenicekite在闭音节中fishbigdrinksitmilkswimo在开音节中[ou]thoseclosegohoehomeno在闭音节中[C]clocknotboxshopsocku在开音节中[ju:]studentexcusedutyTuesday在闭音节中[∧]buscupjumpmuchlunch在开音节中,元音字母u在辅音字母jlrs后面时读[u:]音,例如:Juneblueruler2、辅音清辅音:21.[p]字母组合:p单词举例:p en p et p a p er p lant22.[t]字母组合:t单词举例:t ime t ables t ay t oy23.[k]字母组合:kcck单词举例:k ite k ing k itchen c an c ar c akeTri ck lo ck24.[f]字母组合:fphgh单词举例:f oot f eet f og ph one ph otoele ph ant25.[θ]字母组合:th单词举例:th in th ank th ree26.[s]字母组合:sc单词举例:s ix s ing s now c inema c ity27.[ts]字母组合:ts单词举例:an ts stree ts studen ts28.[tr]字母组合:tr单词举例:tr ee tr uck tr y29.[?]字母组合:sh单词举例:sh ip sh oe sh op sh ort30.[t?]字母组合:ch单词举例:ch air ch icken ch inese31.[h]字母组合:h单词举例:h ot h e h at h as浊辅音32.[b]字母组合:b单词举例:b oy b all b ed b ag33.[d]字母组合:d单词举例:d og d o d ay d octor34.[g]字母组合:g单词举例:g et g o g irl g ood35.[r]字母组合:r单词举例:r ed r ead r ain r un36.[v]字母组合:v单词举例:v an v oicese v enele v en 37.[e]字母组合:th单词举例:th is th at th ese th ose 38.[z]字母组合:zs单词举例:z oo z eropi zz athe se tho se 39.[dz]字母组合:ds单词举例:be ds han ds40.[dr]字母组合:dr单词举例:dr y dr ink dr ess dr iver 41.[?]字母组合:si(on)单词举例:42.[d?]字母组合:g单词举例:oran geg entlepa ge其他辅音43.[m]字母组合:m单词举例:m any m eat m other m usic 44.[n]字母组合:n单词举例:n o n ot n oodle n ew n ow45.[l]字母组合:l单词举例:l ook l ong l eft l ight l et46.[?]字母组合:ng单词举例:lo ng[l??]si ng47.[j]字母组合:y单词举例:y ear y ellow y ou y es48.[w]字母组合:wwh单词举例:w ord w inter w indowWh at wh ere wh en元音发音方法/i:/嘴唇微微张开,舌尖抵下齿,嘴角向两边张开,流露出微笑的表情,与字母E的发音相同。
v1.0可编辑可修改英语国际音标表( 48 个)元音( 20 个)长元音 / ɑ:/ /? :// ?:/ /i:/ /U:/短元音 / ? // ? / / ? / / ? // ? //e// ?/e ? //a ? / /??/ 双元音 / ? ? //e ? / /??// ? ? / /a ? /辅音( 28 个)清辅音 /p/ / t/ / k/ /f/ / θ//s/ 浊辅音 /b/ /d/ /g/ /v/ / e / /z/清辅音 / ? / / h/ /ts/ /t ? / /tr/ 浊辅音 / ? / / r/ / dz/ /d ? / /dr/鼻音 /m/ /n/ / ? / 半元音 / j/ / w/边音 / ? /新旧英语国际音标对照表i:?e З ? Λu ?? :新?::i:ie ? ?u u? :Vowels 旧 ?Λ: 元音:? ? a I e ??ɑ:eI新aI? ? ? ??I旧? ɑ:ei ai ?? au i ε u?i u? ?辅音新旧无变化。
英语音标及字母组合对照1.元音 :1)[i:]字母组合:ee ea e ie ei y单词举例: thr ee tr ee gr een sh eep m eet b eef s eeeat t ea m eat l eave l ead t eacher sp eakcl ean pl ease h e sh e m epie ce rec ei ve c ei ling twent y2) [ I ][i]发音字母: i y e ui u a单词举例: si t p i g b i g i t i s l i ttle s i xmany happ y d i ctionar ydefect d ecide del i cious3)[ ? ] 发音字母: a单词举例: bag h and h appy h at m ap m ad b ad bl ack back gl ad m an4)[e] 字母组合: ea e a单词举例: head br eadb ed r ed elephant rem ember s elll esson b etter d esk hot el y es5)[ З:] ? : 字母组合: ir ur ear er or单词举例: gir l sh ir t sk ir t th ir ty th ir dbir dt ur n n ur se t ur tle Th ur sdayl ear n ear tht er m h erwor k w or ld6)[ ? ]字母组合er or ar o a单词举例: teach er rememb er play er speak erdoct or act or auth orfamili ar coll ar doll art ogether t omorrow t oday less onaround account ago eleph antbanana7)[a:] 字母组合: ar a单词举例: car f ar m c ar d ar mf ast cl ass gl ass pl ant8)[ ? ] 发音字母: u o ou oo单词举例: up l unch f un g un n ut c up b uscome mother dose l ove ab ovetr ouble bl ood fl ood9) [ ? : ]字母组合:al or au our ar单词举例: smal l w al l t al k t al l b al l w al kshor t m or e lord h or se f or f or ty spor tauthor au tumn c aughtf our war mv1.0可编辑可修改10)[ ? ]发音字母:o a([ ? ])单词举例:on h ot l ot f ox b ox d og r ockwant w ash w atch11)[u:] 字母组合: oo o u单词举例: f ood r oom g oose t oothshoe d o tw otr ue bl ue f ull12)[u]字母组合:单词举例:u oo ouput f ull p ushl ook g ood f oot b ook w ood should c ould13) [ei]14)[ai]发音字母 a ay ea ai ey单词举例:name c ake l ate pl ane Aprilpl ay s ay m ay w aygr eat br eakr ai n p ai nt pl ai nth ey gr ey发音字母i y单词举例: bi ke f i ne f i nd n i ne l i ght n i ght my tr y fl y e ye15)[au]字母组合:ou ow单词举例: house out gr ound s ound l oudarou nd m ousefl ower d own n ow c ow h ow44v1.0可编辑可修改16) [? ? ]发音字母:o ow oa[ ? u]单词举例: h ome c old g o n oknow l ow bel ow gr ow sh owboat c oat g oal17)[ ? ? ]字母组合:oy oi[ ? i]单词举例: b oy t oyoi l s oi l v oice ch oi ce18)[ I ? ] 字母组合:eer ear[i ? ]单词举例:beer d eerear near id ea19)[ ? ? ] 字母组合:ear air ere [ e? ]单词举例:pear b earchair air f airth ere wh ere c are20)[ ? ? ]字母组合:ure[u ? ]单词举例:sure2、辅音清辅音 :21.[ p ]字母组合:p单词举例: pen p et paper plant22.[ t ]字母组合:tv1.0可编辑可修改23.[ k ] cake24.[ f ]单词举例:t ime t able s t ay t oy字母组合 :k c ck单词举例:kite king kitchen c an carTri ck lo ck字母组合 : f ph gh单词举例: f oot f eet f og ph one photo elephant25.[ θ ]字母组合:th单词举例: th in th ank th ree26. [ s ] 字母组合 : s c单词举例: six sing snow cinema city27.[ ts ]字母组合:ts单词举例: ants stree ts studen ts28. [ tr ] 字母组合 : tr单词举例: tr ee tr uck tr y29.[ ? ]字母组合:sh单词举例:ship shoe shop short30. [t ? ]字母组合:ch单词举例:chair chicken chinese31. [ h ]字母组合:h单词举例:hot h e hat hasv1.0可编辑可修改32.[ b ]字母组合: b单词举例: boy ball b ed bag33.[ d ]字母组合:d单词举例: dog do day doctor34.[ g ]字母组合:g单词举例: get go girl good35.[ r ]字母组合:r单词举例:r ed r ead r ain r un36. [ v ] 字母组合 :单词举例:vvan v oice se ven ele ven37.[ e ]字母组合:th单词举例:th is th at th ese th ose38. [ z ] 字母组合 : z s单词举例:zoo zero pi zza the se tho se39.[ dz ]字母组合:ds单词举例: beds hands40.[ dr ]字母组合:dr单词举例:dr y dr ink dr ess dr iver41.[ ? ]字母组合:si(on)单词举例:42.[ d ? ]字母组合:g单词举例: oran ge g entle pa ge77v1.0可编辑可修改其他辅音43. [ m ]字母组合:m单词举例:many meat mother music44. [ n ] 字母组合 : n单词举例: no not noodle n ew now45. [ l ] 字母组合 : l单词举例:l ook l ong l eft l ightl et46. [?]字母组合:ng单词举例: lo ng [ l?? ] si ng47. [ j ]字母组合:y单词举例:year yellow you yes48. [ w ] 字母组合 :w wh单词举例: word winter windowWhat where when元音音素:/i:/ 【衣发长点】/I/ 【衣急促地发声】/e/ 【哎发这个音的时候不要把“哎”的ī给读出来,嘴唇放松自然地读】/ ? / 【哎发这个音的时候不要把“哎”的ī给读出来,嘴唇扁平地发】/ ? :/ 【额发长音】/ ? / 【额发短音】/ ∧/ 【阿嘴巴微微地张开发出这个音就可以了】/a:/ 【啊嘴巴长到最大】/ ? / 【哦急促】/ ? :/ 【哦声音拖长】/u/ 【乌急促】/u:/ 【乌声音拖长】/aI/ 【唉】/ ?I/ 【哦-喂连着读】/ ? u/ 【呕】/au/ 【傲】/I?/ 【衣-饿连着读】/ ε ? / 【哎-饿连着读】/u ? / 【乌-饿连着读】辅音音素:/p/ 【普不要把ǔ给发出来,轻音】/b/ 【不不要把ù给发出来,浊音】/t/ 【特不要把è给发出来,轻音】/d/ 【得不要把é给发出来,浊音】/k/ 【克不要把è给发出来,轻音】/g/ 【各不要把è给发出来,浊音】/f/ 【福不要把ú给发出来,轻音】/v/ 【有点像摩托车启动的声音,“呜呜呜”地,但是是像发“vúvúvú”一样,不要把ú给发出来,浊音】/s/ 【丝像蛇吐芯子发出的那种声音,不要把ī给读出来,轻音】/z/ 【就是 /s/ 的浊音】/ θ/ 【牙齿咬住舌头的轻音】/ δ/ 【牙齿咬住舌头的浊音】/ ∫/ 【西不要把ī给发出来,轻音】/ з/ 【衣不要把ī给发出来,浊音】/h/ 【喝不要把ē给发出来,轻音】/r/ 【若不要把 uò给发出来,浊音】/t ∫/ 【七不要把ī给发出来,轻音】/d з/ 【姬不要把ī给发出来,浊音】/tr/ 【缺不要把 uē给发出来,轻音】/dr/ 【撅不要把 uē给发出来,浊音】/ts/ 【次不要把ì给发出来,轻音】/dz/ 【自不要把ì给发出来,浊音】/m/ 【嘴巴闭住,然后发音,气流从鼻子出来,浊音】/n/ 【嘴巴微张,舌尖顶住上颚,气流从鼻子出来而不是从嘴巴出来,浊音】99/ ? /【嘴巴长大,舌头向下弯曲,气流从鼻子出来而不是从嘴巴出来,浊音】/l/【有两个读音。
英语音标及例词共48个国际音标,其中元音20个,辅音28个发音规则是:长音长,短音短,双元音要饱满,辅音一带而过20个元音(12个单元音+8个双元音)/i:/see tea key free clean/ɪ /ship sit visit limit study/e/bed head many friend/æ/map man cap carry act/ɑ:/ fast arm last march car/ɔ /dog what top hot long cost/ɔ:/water short door talk saw autumn blackboard /ʊ/put book would woman/u:/zoo who ruler tooth food lose/ /cup mother touch fun some/ɜ:/her bird worker purse early heard/ə/ago teacher agree order doctor/eɪ/late wait day they eight great/əʊ/no boat know shoulder so hope/aɪ/hi my bye eye tie buy lie why high/aʊ/house brown now out doubt mouth/ɔɪ/boy toy voice oil join boy/ɪǝ/idea near tear fear real here/eə/hair bear there their carefully fair/ʊə/sure February poor tour辅音辅音共有28个,可分为:爆破音(6个)摩擦音(12个)鼻音(3个)舌侧音(1个):/l /破擦音(6个)其中摩擦音/j /,/w/又称半元音。
英语国际音标表(48个)元音(20个)长元音/ɑ://ɔ:// ɜ://i://U:/短元音/ ʌ//ɒ//ə//ɪ//ʊ//e//æ/eɪ//aɪ//ɔɪ/双元音/ɪə//eə//ʊə//əʊ//aʊ/辅音(28个)清辅音/p// t// k//f//θ//s/浊辅音/b//d/ /g//v//ð/ /z/清辅音/ʃ// h//ts//tʃ//tr/浊辅音/ʒ// r/ /dz/ /dʒ//dr/鼻音/m//n/ /ŋ/半元音/ j// w/边音/ ǀ/新旧英语国际音标对照表辅音新旧无变化。
英语音标及字母组合对照1.元音:1) [i:]字母组合:ee ea e ie ei y单词举例:thr ee tr ee gr ee n sh ee p m ee t b ee f s eeea t t ea m ea t l ea ve l ea d t ea cher sp ea kcl ea n pl ea se h e sh e m ep ie ce rec ei ve c ei ling twent y2)[ I ] [i]发音字母: i y e ui u a单词举例:s i t p i g b i g i t i s l i ttle s i xman y happ y d i ctionar yd e fect d e cide del i cious3)[ æ ]发音字母: a单词举例:b a g h a nd h a ppy h a t m a p m a d b a dbl a ck b a ck gl a d m a n4)[e]字母组合: ea e a单词举例:h ea d br ea db e d r e d e lephant rem e mber s e lll e sson b e tter d e sk hot e l y e s5)[З:]ə: 字母组合: ir ur ear er or单词举例:g ir l sh ir t sk ir t th ir ty th ir d b ir dt ur n n ur se t ur tle Th ur sdayl ear n ear tht er m h erw or k w or ld6) [ə] 字母组合er or ar o a单词举例:teach er rememb er play er speak erdoct or act or auth orfamili ar coll ar doll art o gether t o morrow t o day less o na round a ccount a go eleph a ntb a nan a7) [a:] 字母组合: ar a单词举例:c ar f ar m c ar d ar mf a st cl a ss gl a ss pl a nt8) [ ʌ ]发音字母: u o ou oo单词举例:u p l u nch f u n g u n n u t c u p b u sc o me m o ther dose l o ve ab o vetr ou ble bl oo d fl oo d9) [ɔ: ] 字母组合: al or au our ar单词举例:sm al l w al l t al k t al l b al l w al ksh or t m or e lord h or se f or f or ty sp or tau thor au tumn c au ghtf our w ar m10) [ ɔ ] 发音字母: o a([ɒ]) 单词举例:o n h o t l o t f o x b o x d o g r o ckw a nt w a sh w a tch11) [u:]字母组合: oo o u单词举例:f oo d r oo m g oo se t oo thsh o e d o tw otr u e bl u e f u ll12) [u]字母组合: u oo ou单词举例:p u t f u ll p u shl oo k g oo d f oo t b oo k w oo dsh ou ld c ou ld13) [ei] 发音字母 a ay ea ai ey单词举例:n a me c a ke l a te pl a ne A prilpl ay s ay m ay w aygr ea t br ea kr ai n p ai nt pl ai nth ey gr ey14) [ai]发音字母i y单词举例:b i ke f i ne f i nd n i ne l i ght n i ghtm y tr y fl y e y e15) [au] 字母组合:ou ow单词举例:h ou se ou t gr ou nd s ou nd l ou da rou nd m ou sefl ow er d ow n n ow c ow h ow 16)[əʊ] 发音字母: o ow oa[əu]单词举例: h o me c o ld g o n okn ow l ow bel ow gr ow sh owb oa tc oa t g oa l17) [ ɔɪ ]字母组合: oy oi[ɔi]单词举例: b oy t oyoi l s oi l v o ice ch oi ce18) [Iə] 字母组合:eer ear[iə]单词举例:b eer d eerear near id ea19) [ɛə]字母组合: ear air ere[eə]单词举例:p ear b earch air air f airth ere wh ere c are20)[ʊə] 字母组合: ure[uə]单词举例:sure2、辅音清辅音:21. [ p ] 字母组合: p单词举例:p en p et p a p er p lant22. [ t ] 字母组合:t单词举例:t ime t able s t ay t oy23. [ k ]字母组合: k c ck单词举例:k ite k ing k itchen c an c ar c akeTri ck lo ck24. [ f ]字母组合: f ph gh单词举例:f oot f eet f og ph one ph otoele ph ant25. [ θ ]字母组合: th单词举例:th in th ank th ree26.[ s ]字母组合: s c单词举例:s ix s ing s now c inema c ity27. [ ts ]字母组合: ts单词举例:an ts stree ts studen ts28. [ tr ]字母组合: tr单词举例:tr ee tr uck tr y29. [ ʃ]字母组合: sh单词举例:sh ip sh oe sh op sh ort30. [ tʃ ]字母组合: ch单词举例:ch air ch icken ch inese31. [ h ]字母组合: h单词举例:h ot h e h at h as浊辅音32.[ b ]字母组合: b单词举例:b oy b all b ed b ag33.[ d ]字母组合: d单词举例:d og d o d ay d octor34. [ g ]字母组合: g单词举例:g et g o g irl g ood35. [ r ]字母组合: r单词举例:r ed r ead r ain r un36. [ v ]字母组合: v单词举例:v an v oice se v en ele v en37. [ ð ]字母组合: th单词举例:th is th at th ese th ose38.[ z ]字母组合: z s单词举例:z oo z ero pi zz a the se tho se39. [ dz ]字母组合: ds单词举例:be ds han ds40. [ dr ] 字母组合: dr单词举例:dr y dr ink dr ess dr iver41.[ ʒ] 字母组合: si(on)单词举例:42.[ dʒ ] 字母组合: g单词举例:oran ge g entle pa ge其他辅音43. [ m ]字母组合: m单词举例:m any m eat m other m usic44. [ n ]字母组合: n单词举例:n o n ot n oodle n ew n ow45. [ l ] 字母组合: l单词举例:l ook l ong l eft l ight l et46. [ ŋ]字母组合: ng单词举例:lo ng [lɔŋ] si ng47. [ j ]字母组合: y单词举例:y ear y ellow y ou y es48. [ w ] 字母组合: w wh单词举例:w ord w inter w indowWh at wh ere wh en。
第一课元音[i:][i][ә:][ә][i:]发这个音的字母和字母组合e ea ee 【衣声音拖长】e: me be she he we eveningee: sweet bee sweep sheep see sleep three greenea: meat leaf sea pea teach eat clean[i]发这个音的字母和字母组合i e y ey ay 【诶急促地发声】i: pig fish in fifteen six ship thine: begin behind jacket basketbally: happy heavy busy lorry carry sunny lovely study thirsty twenty thirty windy rainyey: monkey moneyay: Sunday Saturday Friday[ә:]发这个音的字母和字母组合er ir ur ear or【额声音拖长】er: her serve termir: bird girl skirt first dirty skirt shirtur: nurse Thursday turtle purple curtainear: early learnor: word work world[ә]发这个音的字母和字母组合 ure er ar or a e 【额发短音】ure: pictureer: teacher brother dinner father sisterar: sugaror: doctora: panda about above camera sofa China第二课音标[ɔ:] [ɔ] [u:] [u][ɔ:]发这个音的字母和字母组合a aw al or oor 【凹声音拖长】a: wateraw: draw strawberryal: ball wallor: horse corn fork or shortoor: floor door[ɔ]发这个音的字母和字母组合o a 【凹急促】o: fox coffee dog shop dog doctor longa: watch[u:]发这个音的字母和字母组合o oo ui u 【乌声音拖长】o: do who whoseoo: food moon tooui: fruit juiceu: ruler rude[u]发这个音的字母和字母组合o oo u 【乌急促】o: woman wolfoo: look good book foot woodu: bull bullet第三课音标[a:] [Λ] [æ][e][a:]发这个音的字母和字母组合a ar au ear 【啊嘴巴张到最大】a: grass glass class plant dance fast father lastar: car star arm March garden dark scarfau: laugh auntear: heart发这个音的字母和字母组合o u oo ou 【啊嘴巴微微张开】o: son come colour love moneyu: sun nut jump gum bus brush supper usou: touch cousin country[æ]发这个音的字母和字母组合a 【安嘴巴张到最大】a: dad cap cat bad apple bag flag hand rabbit ant black fat has stand rat map[e]发这个音的字母和字母组合e ea 【安嘴巴自然张开,不要太大】e: egg bell desk leg pet ten penea: bread head breakfast第四课元音音标[ei] [ai] [ɔi] [au][ei]发这个音的字母和字母组合a ai ay【诶拐个弯读】a: cake make name game snake gate lazyai: rain train waitay:day May play taday way[ai]发这个音的字母和字母组合i y ie uy 【唉拐个弯读】i: kite bike nice tiger write knifey: by cry fly my sky try whyie: tie pieuy: buy[ɔi]发这个音的字母和字母组合oi oy 【凹诶连着读】oi: oil boil coinoy: boy toy[au]发这个音的字母和字母组合ou ow 【啊呜嘴巴张大】ou: house mouse mouth trousersow: flower cow how now down第五课元音音标[әu] [iә] [eә] [uә]发这个音的字母和字母组合o oa ow 【怄】o: nose rose poen overoa: boat coat soap goatow: show window snow bowl[iә]发这个音的字母和字母组合ear eer 【诶尔连着读】ear: ear hear teareer: deer beer[ɛə]发这个音的字母和字母组合air ear 【爱尔连着读】air: hair chair pairear:pear bear wear[uә]发这个音的字母和字母组合oor our ure 【乌尔连着读】oor: poorour: tourure: sure pure第六课辅音音标[p] [b] [t] [d][p]发这个音的字母和字母组合p pp 【泼轻音】p: piano panda parrot pet ship sheep pig stoppp: apple happy[b]发这个音的字母和字母组合b bb 【波浊音】b: book ball bird big boy bag bananabb: rubber rabbit cabbage[t]发这个音的字母和字母组合 t tt 【特轻音】t: table tea taxi cat rat fat tickettt: butter matter[d]发这个音的字母和字母组合d ed 【的浊音】d: duck seed door desk day red head bed read cold ed: smiled opened played第七课辅音音标[k] [g] [s] [z][k]发这个音的字母和字母组合c k ck 【科轻音】c: cap cook cup car can classk: cook milk key desk kite cakeck: clock sock cock neck[g]发这个音的字母和字母组合g gg 【歌浊音】g: glass golf get girl bag goat flaggg: egg[s]发这个音的字母和字母组合s c ss ce 【斯轻音】s: star sun snake sea seec: pencil city cedar ceiling celebratess: grass glass class bossce: face race rice nice[z]发这个音的字母和字母组合z s se 【“斯”浊音】z: zero zebra zoos: bags photos sistersse: nose rose第八课辅音音标[∫] [ʒ] [t∫] [dʒ][∫]发这个音的字母和字母组合s sh 【师轻音】s: sugar suresh: ship sheep wash cash shop she[ʒ]发这个音的字母和字母组合s 【日浊音】s: television usually measure unusual collision decision pleasure[t∫]发这个音的字母和字母组合ch tch 【吃轻音】ch: teacher peach cherry chairtch: watch match[dʒ]发这个音的字母和字母组合g j dge 【知浊音】g: ginger giraffej: jump job jamge: orange cabbage cage第九课音标[f] [v] [θ] [ð][f]发这个音的字母和字母组合f ff ph gh 【佛轻音】f: five fan flower fish four leafff: giraffeph: phone elephant photogh: laugh[v]发这个音的字母和字母组合v ve 【呜上牙齿咬住下嘴唇浊音】v: video vase vestve: five love violin[θ]发这个音的字母和字母组合th 【牙齿咬住舌头轻音】th: three thin third teeth mouth[ð]发这个音的字母和字母组合th 【与[θ]相同,只不过清浊有变化牙齿咬住舌头浊音】th: father mother brother clothes weather第十课辅音音标[ts][dz] [tr] [dr][ts]发这个音的字母和字母组合ts tes 【词轻音】ts: seats goats coats cats pets eatstes: gates kites dates tastes[dz]发这个音的字母和字母组合ds des 【紫浊音】ds: seeds woods friends birds bedsdes: rides[tr]发这个音的字母和字母组合tr 【戳轻音】tr: tree truck trousers strawberry trick[dr]发这个音的字母和字母组合dr 【捉浊音】dr: draw drink driver dragon dry第十一课辅音音标[h][r][l][m][h]发这个音的字母和字母组合h wh 【喝轻音】h: he her head heart hair hamwh: who whose[r]发这个音的字母和字母组合r rr wr 【若浊音】r: rice room ride road roserr: mirror carrot parrotwr: write wrong wrap[l]发这个音的字母和字母组合l ll 【词末呕浊音;词首了浊音】l: look light lock lucky lion tailll: ball pull dollar tell[m]发这个音的字母和字母组合m mb 【莫浊音】m: mouth mouse milk monkey moon money mummb: climb comb thumb第十二课音标[n] [η] [w] [j][n]发这个音的字母和字母组合n kn gn 【嘴巴微张,舌尖顶住上颚,气流从鼻子出来而不是从嘴巴出来,浊音】n: nose net nut banana noodles train rain plane downkn: knee knife knockgn: sign[η]发这个音的字母和字母组合n ng(就是ang eng ing ong的后半部分)【嘴巴长大,舌头向下弯曲,气流从鼻子出来而不是从嘴巴出来,浊音】n: ink bank tank fingerng: sing hang song king reading running[w]发这个音的字母和字母组合w wh 【我浊音】w: winter window watch water well wouldwh: white where which when why wheel whale[j]发这个音的字母和字母组合y 【也浊音】y: yo-yo yogurt yard yes you your音节是读音的基本单位,任何单词的读音,都是分解为一个个音节朗读。
1)长元音:/ɑ:/ /ɔ:/ /u:/ /i:/ /ə:/2)短元音:/ ʌ/ /ɒ/ /ə/ /ɪ/ /u/ /e/ /æ/另一种分类是:一个是单元音,一个是双元音。
1)单元音:[i:]、[i]、[ɔ:]、[ɔ]、[u:]、[u]、[ə:]、[ə]、[ɑ:]、[ʌ]、[e]、[æ]2)双元音:[ei]、[ai]、[ɔi]、[ɛə]、[uə]、[i— 1 —ə]、[au]、[əu]根据元音发音过程中舌头在口腔中抬起的部位不同,我们可以把元音分为前元音、中元音和后元音。
例— 2 —如:3. /ɔː/:后、半低、圆唇、长元音;二、辅音辅音分为两类:清辅音和浊辅音(1)清辅音:不震动声带的音标:[t] [k] [f](2)浊辅音:能引起声带震动的音标。
辅音的合集:、[b]、[t]、[d]、[k]、[g]、[f]、[v]、展开、[z]、[θ]、[ð]、[tr]、[dr]、[ts]、[dz]、[m]、[n]、[ŋ]、[h]、[l]、[r]、[j]、[w]三、音节— 3 —开音节:1)辅音+元音+辅音+不发。
例如:e ;2)辅音+元音。
例如:he hi go no tree three hello闭音节:1)辅音+元音+辅音。
例如::sit bed bad hop let map 2)元音+辅音。
例如: it on up ant 例词1. /ɑ: / are car class banana2. /ʌ/ but bus cup3. /ɔ: / horse tall ball floor4. /ɒ/ box dog mop hot clock5. /ɜ: / her bird shirt6. /ə/ ruler number supper doctor— 4 —7. / i:/ he she be three team8. / ɪ/ in is sit Jim English9. /u: / too school move ruler who10. /ʊ/ book look cook put11. /e/ egg yes pen seven spell12. /æ/ and cat bag dad13. /eɪ/ cake Kate late play14. /aɪ/ kite bite bike15. /ɔɪ/ boy toy oil noise16. / ɪə/ here near dear cheer17. /eə/ pear chair where their18. /ʊə/ sure tour poor19. /əʊ/ no go nose coat— 5 —20. /aʊ/ how now mouse21. /p/ play park sheep22. /b/ bike banana bag web23. /t/ tea too teacher cat24. /d/ dog friend desk25. /k/ car cake Kate desk26. /g/ green glad good dog27. /f/ friend fax floor28. /v/ very seven have29. /θ/ three birthday sixth30. /ð/ the this brother31. / s / sit see nice32. /z/ zoo hers33. /ʃ/ she ship shirt English34. /ʒ/ usually treasure不规则35. /ts / students cats hats — 6 —36./dz/ beds birds friends37. /tʃ/ chair check China watch38. /dʒ/ jeep orange39. /tr/ tree trip40. /dr/ draw drive41. /h/ he who hot help42. /r/ red right read room43. / ǀ/ look like light44. /m/ map mum name number45. /n/ nine fine46. /ŋ/ sing shopping sink Englis47. /j / yellow yes you48./w/ win white war— 7 —— 8 —。
英语音标是记录英语发音的音素符号,英语共有48个音标,其中元音20个(单元音12个,双元音8个),辅音包含清辅音和浊辅音26个(一舌、二半、三鼻、六爆、六破、十摩擦 )。
根据国际音标的特点,以下将国际音标例词及发音规则归纳如下:(一)单元音(12个)1、/i:/ 例词: me he she see tea key east发音要诀:舌抵下齿,嘴唇扁平,做微笑状,发“一”之长音。
2、/ I / 例词: it big ship study listen发音要决:舌抵下齿,双唇扁平分开,牙床近于全合,发短促之“一”音。
3、/e/ 例词: bed get end let head many friend lesson发音要决:舌近硬颚,舌尖抵下齿,牙床半开半合,做微笑状。
4、/ / 例词: map cap cat bad and apple发音要决:双唇扁平,舌前微升,舌尖抵住下龈,牙床全开,软腭升起,唇自然开放。
5、/ɑ:/ 例词: car fast dark star card hard farm garden的发音:双唇张而不圆,牙床大开,舌后微升,舌尖向后收缩,微离下齿,发“啊”之长音。
6、/ / 例词: on hot cup want mother touch发音要决:双唇张而不圆,牙床大开,舌后微升,舌尖向后收缩,微离下齿,发短促之“啊”音。
7、/ :/ 例词: her bird dirt early worker purse发音要决:舌上抬,唇成自然状态,口半开半闭,发“厄”之长音。
8、/ / 例词: ago panda teacher doctor around famous发音要决:舌上抬,唇成自然状态,口半开半闭,牙床较张开,发“厄”之短音。
9、/u:/ 例词: zoo who ruler food fruit cool shoot发音要决:双唇成圆形,牙床近于半合,舌尖不触下齿,自然而不用力,发“屋”之长音。
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长元音/ɑ://ɔ:// ɜ://i://U:/
短元音/ ʌ//ɒ//ə//ɪ//ʊ//e/ /eɪ//aɪ//ɔɪ/
清辅音/p// t// k//f//θ//s/
浊辅音/b//d/ /g//v//ð/ /z/
清辅音/ʃ// h//ts//tʃ//tr/
浊辅音/ʒ// r/ /dz/ /dʒ//dr/
鼻音/m//n/ /ŋ/
半元音/ j// w/
边音/ ǀ/
1) /i:/ 字母组合:ee ea e ie ei
three teacher she piece receive
2) / I /发音字母i y e ui u o
list miss many twenty dictionary decide build minute women
3) / æ / 发音字母a
bag hand happy hat map bad black glad shall man
4) /e/ 字母组合ea e a (ue,u,ie,ai,ei,ay)
head bread sell lesson bed desk hotel yes many any 5) /ɜ:/ 字母组合ir ur ear er or
girl thirty thirteen turn burn nurse Thursday learn earth heard term her work world
6) /ə/ 字母组合er or ou ar o a e ur
teacher remember farmer doctor actor delicious similar dollar together today lesson polite around ago banana men listen Saturday
7) /a:/ 字母组合ar a
car farm card garden fast class glass plant
8) / ʌ / 发音字母u o ou oo
up supper lunch fun cup bus come dose brother love trouble young blood flood
9) /ɔ: /字母组合al or oor au our ar
small talk tall ball short horse forty sport door floor store caught autumn four court bought warm quarter 10) / ɒ /发音字母o a
hot lost box not want wash watch
11) /u:/ 字母组合oo o u
food moon room too shoe do two true blue
12) /u/ 字母组合oo ou u o
look good foot book should could put full bull pull push woman wolf
13) /eɪ/发音字母a ay ea ai ey
name late plane April play say may great break rain paint they grey
14) /aɪ/发音字母i igh y
bike find die nine light night high my try fly eye 15) /aʊ/字母组合ou ow
house out flour ground account count sound loud around mouse
flower down now cow how town
16) /əʊ/发音字母o ow oa
home cold go no phone host ghost
know low below grow blow show flow
boat coat goal
17) / ɔɪ / 字母组合oy oi
boy toy joy
oil soil voice choice
18) /ɪə/字母组合eer ear
beer deer
ear near
here fierce idea
19) /eə/字母组合ear air ere
pear bear
chair air fair
there where care
20) /ʊə/our ure
tour sure
21)/aʊ/字母组合ou ow
house how now /aʊ/+/ʊə/ flower shower
Vowels 元音新i:ІeæЗ:əΛu:ʊɓ:旧i:i eæə:əΛu:uɓ:新ɒɑ:eI aIɓIəʊaʊIəeəʊə旧ɓɑ:ei aiɓiəu au iəεəuə
p b t d k g f v s z
ϑðm n ŋl r h w j
∫ʒt∫dʒtr dr ts dz。