Casting Specifications




Couplers and Freight Car Draft ComponentsM-201STEEL CASTINGSSpecificationM-201-00Adopted: 1923; Revised: 1984, 1993, 20001.0SCOPEThese specifications cover carbon and alloy steel castings for locomotive and car equipment and for miscellaneous use graded as A, B, B+, C, D, and E. AAR Specification M-201 provides for all cast-ings unless another AAR specification for a particular product provides for a variation.2.0BASIS OF PURCHASEGrade A castings shall be furnished unannealed, annealed, or normalized unless otherwise speci-fied by the purchaser. Grades B and B+ castings shall be furnished normalized or normalized and tempered. Grade C castings shall be furnished normalized and tempered or quenched and tem-pered. Grades D and E castings shall be furnished quenched and tempered.2.1At the purchaser’s request, a certification will be made the basis of acceptance. The certifica-tion shall include a statement that the material has been manufactured, sampled, tested, and inspected in accordance with, and meets the requirements of, all applicable provisions of these specifications. Each certification furnished shall be signed by an authorized agent of the supplier or manufacturer.3.0RECORDSThe manufacturer shall maintain for 15 years records of the mechanical and chemical test reports covering the heats representing the purchased castings. These records will be made available to the purchaser upon request.MANUFACTURE4.0PROCESSThe steel may be made by one or more of the following processes: Open hearth, electric furnace, crucible, converter, or basic oxygen.5.0HEAT TREATMENTCastings shall be cleaned sufficiently to respond to heat treatment. Internal cavities shall not be blocked by molding material. They shall then be treated according to the following procedure appropriate to the requirements of paragraph Treatment5.1.1After pouring, castings shall be allowed to cool to a temperature below 1,000 °F (538 °C) prior to heat treatment at a rate that will not be injurious to the castings.5.1.2Full AnnealingThe casting shall be heated to the proper temperature above the transformation range for the required time to achieve complete austenization and to refine the grain structure. The casting shall then be allowed to cool slowly in the furnace. Unless otherwise required by the purchaser, the manufacturer has the option of normalizing instead of full annealing, where full annealing is spec-ified.5.1.3Normalized steel castings shall be processed in the following order: to the proper uniform temperature above the transformation range and hold for the proper time to achieve complete austenization and to refine the grain structure. from the furnace and cool in still air until temperature is below 700 °F (371 °C). the manufacturer’s option, Grades B and Bϩ castings specified as normalized may receive a subsequent tempering.5.1.4Normalized and tempered steel castings shall be processed in the following order: to the proper uniform temperature above the transformation range and hold for the proper time to achieve complete austenization and to refine the grain structure. from the furnace and cool in still air until castings in their entirety are at least 100 °F below tempering temperature. by reheating to the proper uniform temperature below the transformation range, but not less than 600 °F and hold for the required time. Remove from the furnace and allow to cool at any desired rate.5.1.5Quenched and tempered steel castings shall be processed in the following order: to the proper uniform temperature above the transformation range and hold for the proper time to achieve complete austenization and to refine the grain structure. from the furnace and while castings are above the transformation range, sub-ject to rapid cooling by suitable liquid medium to a temperature substantially below the transfor-mation range. by reheating to the proper uniform temperature below the transformation range, but not less than 800 °F. Hold for the required time, remove from the furnace, and allow to cool at any desired rate. All castings prone to cracking after quenching shall be tempered as soon as nec-essary to prevent cracking, but in no case shall the time between quenching and tempering exceed 8 hours.5.2Heat Treatment DocumentationThese provisions apply only to truck frames, bolsters, coupler bodies, yokes, draft gears, or cushion units. The manufacturer is required to develop and document heat, treating standards that describe the processes, process control procedures, and record keeping requirements. These docu-ments are to be presented and reviewed as part of the Foundry Approval process and are intended to ensure that products are properly heat treated. Furnace temperatures for heat treatment shall be controlled by pyrometers having associated recording equipment that produce time-tempera-ture record charts that are identified by date and furnace number. A log sheet for each load of cast-ings heat treated should show all information pertinent to each heat treat load, including 1) type of product; 2) the prescribed heat treatment; 3) the serial numbers (if not available, the heat num-bers) of the castings on the load; 4) the identification number of the test coupon or coupons charged with the load; and 5) actual time of heat treatment. Alternate procedures will be considered, pro-vided a detailed proposal is submitted in writing to the AAR for approval. This submission must ensure that the intent of this specification is being complied with. Pyrometers shall be calibrated every three months. Records of time-temperature charts, furnace log sheets, and pyrometer cali-brations will be maintained for 3 years and made available to the purchaser upon request.5.3Test LugsFor all castings, at least two and not more than four test lugs shall be cast on all castings 150 lb and over and on such castings less than 150 lb as required by the purchaser. The location of the test lugs shall be such that when removed by the inspector, they shall indicate if the casting has been subjected to heat treatment. If inspection of the test lug indicates that the casting has not been heat treated, the casting will be heat treated. The standard test lug shall be 1in. high, 1in. wide, and 1/2 in. or 5/8 in. thick where it joins the casting.Couplers and Freight Car Draft Components M-2016.0CHEMICAL PROPERTIES AND TESTS6.1Chemical CompositionThe steel analysis shall not exceed the following:6.1.1Grades A, B, and B+ SteelFor each reduction of 0.01% carbon below the maximum specified, an increase of 0.04% manganese above the maximum specified will be permitted, to a maximum of 1.2%.6.1.2The content of elements other than those designated in paragraph 6.1 shall be selected by the manufacturer to obtain the physical properties specified.6.2Hardenability6.2.1Grades D and E SteelComposition of steel, except for coupler locks, shall produce in the standard Jominy test the mini-mum hardness at 7/16 in. from the quenched end for the carbon composition as follows, based on the initial composition:6.2.2Frequency of TestFollowing satisfactory Jominy test results for 10 consecutive heats, the manufacturer shall con-duct one Jominy test at least once every month for Grades D and E steel.6.2.3Hardenability CalculationsThe Ideal Critical Diameter (DI) shall be calculated for each heat of quenched and tempered steel in accordance with ASTM Designation A255, Appendix III, latest revision. The calculated DI value shall be shown as information on the report of mechanical and chemical tests as defined as para-graph Analyses6.3.1Ladle AnalysisAn analysis of test samples taken during the initial 25% of the castings poured from each ladle must be made by the manufacturer to determine the percentage of carbon, manganese, phospho-rus, sulfur, silicon, and intentional alloying elements. The result of this analysis shall be reported to the purchaser or purchaser’s representative upon request and shall conform to the require-ments of paragraph 6.1. If drillings are used, they must be taken at least 1/4 in. beneath the sur-face of the test ingot.6.3.2End of Heat AnalysisFor each heat of steel, a sample representing the last metal going into, or taken after the pouring of, the last acceptable casting must be used by the manufacturer to determine the percentage of manganese. The results of this analysis shall be reported to the purchaser or purchaser’s represen-tative upon request and shall conform to the requirements of paragraph 6.1. If drillings are used,Grades A, B, & B+Grades C, D, & E Carbon, maximum percentage0.320.32Manganese, maximum percentage0.90 1.85Phosphorus, maximum percentage0.040.04Sulfur, maximum percentage0.040.04Silicon, maximum percentage 1.50 1.50Percentage CarbonMinimum Hardness, R c up to .250.25 to 0.300.31 to 0.32303335they must be taken at least 1/4 in. beneath the surface of the test ingot. Records shall be main-tained for 2 years only.6.4Check AnalysisAn analysis may be made by the purchaser from the broken tension test specimen or from a cast-ing of each heat. The chemical composition thus determined shall conform to the requirements specified in paragraph 6.1. Drillings for analysis shall be taken not less than 1/4 in. beneath the surface and shall be taken in such a manner as not to impair the usefulness of a casting.7.0MECHANICAL PROPERTIES AND TESTS7.1Tensile Test Specimen Coupons7.1.1At the manufacturer’s option, coupons shall be either cast attached to the casting or the gating system or produced from keel blocks and prepared in accordance with ASTM Designation A370.7.1.2The process used for the manufacture of keel blocks shall be representative of the manufacturer’s normal process methods.7.1.3Each melt shall be tested for mechanical properties after heat treatment. The coupons from each melt shall be heat treated with castings of the same grade, in the same manner as the cast-ings they represent. Each heat treat furnace load shall include at least one test coupon of the same grade of steel and have its mechanical properties determined and recorded.Batch process heat treat furnace load is defined as all the castings in the heat treat furnace of the same grade of steel. Continuous process heat treat furnace load is defined as all the castings of the same grade of steel that pass a given location in the furnace during the period of one heat treating cycle.7.2Tension Test7.2.1Test shall be conducted in accordance with Standard Methods and Definitions for Mechani-cal Testing of Steel Products , ASTM Standard A370, using 1/2-in. round (13 mm) 2-in. (50 mm)gauge length specimens as illustrated in that specification. Specimens are to be removed from cou-pons produced per paragraph steel used for the casting shall conform to the following minimum requirements.7.2.3The manufacturer shall test specimens from melt heats and record results, excluding flawed specimens. One specimen per heat for each grade of steel shall be tested. If a test specimen shows a defect during machining or exhibits flaws before or after testing, it shall be discarded and another specimen substituted. Specimens to be removed from coupons produced per paragraph7. the percentage of elongation of any tension specimen is less than that specified, and any part of the fracture is more than 3/4 in. from the center of the gauge length as indicated by the gauge marks on the specimen before testing, a retest is allowed. Specimens to be removed from coupons produced per paragraph 7.1.1.Grade AGr. B Gr. B+Gr. C Gr. D Gr. E UnannealedAnnealed or Normalized Tensile strength, ksi6060708090105120Yield point, ksi303038506085100Elongation in 2", %22262424221714Reduction of area, %30383636453530Couplers and Freight Car Draft Components M-2017.2.5At the time of purchase, specimens may be cut from castings (excluding flawed specimens)and must have at least 80% of the tensile and yield properties established in paragraph of testing must show compliance with the requirements of paragraph 7.2.2 prior to shipment of finished castings.7.3Impact Test7.3.1The steel shall possess impact properties determined by testing standard Charpy-V-Notch Type “A” specimens prepared as illustrated in Figure 11 in ASTM Standard A370. Specimens to be removed from coupons produced per paragraph 7.1.1. A test consists of determining the average energy absorbed from three impact specimens from the same heat. The results shall meet the fol-lowing minimum requirements at the stated temperatures:7.3.2Impact tests shall be conducted in accordance with the Standard Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Testing of Steel Products , ASTM Standard A370.7.3.3The manufacturer shall test specimens from melt heats and record results, including chem-istry of that heat, excluding flawed specimens. Frequency of these tests shall be one heat per week per grade of steel obtained during the pouring of the last 25% of heat. Specimens to be removed from coupons produced per paragraph a manufacturer’s alternative, impact properties may be determined by use of the Dynamic Tear Test (ASTM E604) or the Nil Ductility Transition Test (ASTM E208). Specimens to be removed from coupons produced per paragraph Dynamic Tear Test shall consist of determining the average energy absorbed from three specimens from the same heat, which shall be a minimum of 50 ft lb at the temperatures specified in the table in paragraph Nil Ductility test shall consist of testing two specimens at the temperatures specified in the table in paragraph Both specimens shall exhibit “no-break” performance. Tear and Nil Ductility Test Temperatures shall be: record keeping requirements and test frequency are the same as specified in para-graph A check test may be made by purchaser from a casting at purchaser’s expense. Results of this testing shall conform to the minimum values specified in paragraph 7.3.4.Cast SteelTemperature (°F)Energy (ft lb)Grades B and B+Grade C (NT)Grade C (QT)Grade DGrade E +200–40–40–401515202020Dynamic Tear and Nil Ductility Test TemperaturesCast Steel Testing Temperature (°F)Grades B and B+Grade C (NT)Grade C (QT)Grade D Grade E +60+60–60–60–607.4HardnessCast steel components, except as provided for in product specifications, must be within a Brinell Hardness range as follows:Testing to be done on a surface that has been ground to remove decarburization in accordance with ASTM A370.8.0NUMBER OF TESTS, SMALL ORDERSIn case of small orders for castings weighing over 180 lb where the size of the order and the avail-able pattern and foundry equipment are such that not more than five castings can be cast in one heat, the physical properties, as required in paragraph 7.0, will be determined from an extra or spare test coupon cast with and attached to some other casting of the same heat.9.0RE-HEAT TREATMENTIf the results of the physical test lot do not conform to the requirements specified, the manufac-turer may re-heat treat such lot not more than twice, and retests shall be as specified in paragraph 7.0.WORKMANSHIP AND FINISH10.0WORKMANSHIPAll castings shall conform to the dimensions on drawings furnished by the purchaser before manu-facture is started; or to the dimensions predicated by the pattern supplied by the purchaser, if no drawing has been provided.11.0FINISHThe castings shall be free from injurious defects and shall be thoroughly cleaned when offered for inspection.12.0WELD REPAIR OF DEFECTS12.1Weld Repair of DefectsThe entire defect must be removed prior to weld repair. The area to be welded must have the sides contoured to provide for the application of a sound weld. Maximum depth of repaired area must allow at least 1/8 in. sound metal remaining between the bottom of the weld groove and the oppo-site side of the casting wall in areas where welding cannot be accomplished from both sides of the casting wall. Where a defect continues through the casting wall and both sides of the wall are accessible for welding, the casting shall be welded from both sides using a double “V” or a “U” con-tour weld. Where defect continues through the casting and is inaccessible from both sides and unless prohibited by specific component specification, defect may be weld repaired by using a cop-per backup plate provided the surface is smooth and clean.12.2Welders shall be qualified and use procedures under the welder qualification procedure con-tained in AWS 15.1, or equivalent, in the position welding is to be performed.12.3Defects may be repaired by using a metal-electrode arc welding process that will result in sound weld deposit having, in the heat-treated condition, minimum mechanical properties equal to the requirements for the parent metal. Welding may be performed in either the non-heat-treated or heat-treated condition. Post-weld heat-treatment requirements are outlined in the product specification for the component involved.Material Grade IdentificationBHN Range Grade AGrades B and B+Grade CGrade DGrade E 108–160137–208179–241211–285241–311Couplers and Freight Car Draft ComponentsM-20112.4Grade A, B, B+, C, D, or E castings shall not be welded while the temperature of the casting is below 40 °F. Localized preheating is acceptable. If local preheating is performed, the casting shall be uniformly preheated to a temperature between 300 °F and 600 °F, and welding shall be accomplished while the casting is maintained at a temperature above 300 °F. The temperature shall not exceed 600 °F to avoid the possibility of warping.12.5For Welding Grade A Steel CastingsIf shielded metal arc process is used, the electrode shall be E6015, E6016, E6018, or equivalent.12.6For Welding Grades B and B+ Steel CastingsIf shielded metal arc process is used, the electrode shall be a low hydrogen coated type as follows: for Grade B—AWS/ASTM Class E7015, E7016, E7018, E8015, E8016, E8018, or equivalent may be used; for Grade B+—AWS/ASTM E8015, E8016, E8018, or equivalent may be used.12.7For Welding Grade C Steel CastingsIf shielded metal arc process is used, the electrode shall be a low hydrogen coated type, AWS/ASTM Class E9015, E9016, E9018, or equivalent. At the option of the manufacturer, an elec-trode of the AWS/ASTM Class E10015, E10016, E10018, or equivalent may be used for higher mechanical properties after heat treatment.12.8For Welding Grade D Steel CastingsIf shielded metal arc process is used, the electrode shall be a low hydrogen coated type AWS/ASTM E11015, E11016, E11018, or equivalent.12.9For Welding Grade E Steel CastingsThe welding materials used for the repair of defects in Grade E steel castings shall be AWS/ASTM Class electrode E12015, E12016, E12018, E13015, E13016, E13018, or equivalent.13.0MARKINGWhen marking requirements are not covered by individual product specification, the manufac-turer’s identification mark, the pattern number and grade, and, when specified, the purchaser’s initials shall be legibly cast on all castings.VARIATION IN WEIGHT14.0VARIATION IN WEIGHTWhen not covered by individual product specification, the weight agreed upon between the pur-chaser and the manufacturer shall not vary more than 5% above or 3% below the determined weight of the castings.INSPECTION AND REJECTION15.0INSPECTION15.1The inspector representing the purchaser shall have free entry, at all times while the work on the contract of the purchaser is being performed, to all parts of the manufacturer’s works that concern the manufacture of the material ordered. The manufacturer shall afford the inspector, free of charge, all reasonable facilities and necessary assistance to satisfy the inspector that the mate-rial is being furnished in accordance with these specifications. Tests and inspection shall be made prior to shipment at the place of manufacture unless otherwise specified.15.2The purchaser may make tests to govern the acceptance or rejection of the material in pur-chaser’s laboratory or elsewhere. Such tests shall be made at the expense of the purchaser.15.3RejectionMaterial represented by samples that fail to conform to the requirements of these specifications, or to individual product specification, will be rejected.15.4Material that, subsequent to test and inspection at the foundry or elsewhere and its accep-tance, shows injurious defects will be rejected, and the manufacturer shall be notified.15.5AAR RepresentationIn addition to the purchaser’s representation, an AAR official representative shall have free entry at all times to all parts of the manufacturer’s works that concern the manufacture, test, and inspection of materials for use in Interchange Service. This access is for the purpose of providing assurance that industry standards are being maintained. The manufacturer shall afford the AAR representative all reasonable facilities to ensure that materials are being furnished in accordance with these specifications.。



REQUIREMENTS For CASTED ITEMS made of Duplex St. Steel 双向钢铸件的要求Document number 文件号: YYYYIssue date 发布日期: ------Revision / Date 修订日期: 0 /1-Scope 适用范围This specification covers the requirements for duplex stainless steel casted and machined parts. 本规范提出了双向不锈钢铸件和机加工件的要求.This specification is limited to casting and machining of parts, functional tests or other performance tests are excluded from this specification. 本规范只规定了铸造和机加工的技术要求,其它的性能测试和性能试验的要求不包含其中。

Statements or specifications made in the PO have priority over this specification.在PO中提出的要求和说明优先级高于本规范。

2-Objective 目标This specification shall ensure that manufacturing of parts and inspections on these parts will be carried out in accordance with applicable international standards.本技术要求主要是为确保所指的零件的生产和检查都能根据适用的国际标准进行。

3-Definitions 定义NDE Non-Destructive Examination 无损检查(探伤)PT Liquid Penetrant Examination ( Dye Penetrant Examination )着色渗透检查MT Magnetic Particle Examination 磁粉检查UT Ultasonic Examination 超声波检查RT Radiographic Examination 射线照片检查Critical Sections关键部位Sections with abrupt changes in shape or wallthickniss,,lifting points included.形状或壁厚急剧变化的部位,包括起吊点。



鑄造合金 Casting Alloys
鋅 (Zinc)
±0.002 (±0.05mm)
鋁 (Aluminum)
鎂 (Magnesium)
±0.002 (±0.05mm) ±0.002 (±0.05mm)
銅 (Copper)
±0.007 (±0.18mm)
±0.001 (±0.025mm)
±0.001 (±0.025mm)
+0.009 (+0.23mm)
+0.005 (+0.153mm)
+0.010 (+0.25mm)
+0.008 (+0.203mm)
+0.012 (+0.305mm)
201 in2 到300 in2 (1296.8cm2ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้1935.5cm2 )
+0.012 (+0.305mm)
+0.016 (+0.406mm)
+0.016 (+0.406mm)
NADCA Product Specification Standard for Die Castings
壓鑄件的投影面積 平方英寸(cm2)
鑄造合金 Casting Alloys
201 in2 到300 in2
(1296.8cm2到1935.5cm2 ) (+0.46mm) (+0.61mm) (+0.61mm)



ALL WELDS CONTINUOUS UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED. 未注焊缝均为连续焊ALL WELDS 3mm FILLET UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED 未注焊角高3mm.ALL UNSPECIFIED RADI - R3 未注圆角R3REMOVE ALL BURRS AND SHARP EDGES 棱角倒钝CHANNEL 槽钢RSA 708 角钢70X70X8M30X1.5 pitch M30X1.5的锥螺纹Tackweld 点焊OD 1/4" outside dimension 1/4"的缩写外径直1/4"75 CRS 尺寸为75 材质为冷轧钢板410 OPENING REF 410 开口参考尺寸40 REF 尺寸为40,参考值2.5" BSP 2.5” 圆锥管螺纹2.5" BSPT HEXAGON 2.5” 六角圆锥管螺纹(即对丝)30x2.5 FLAT BAR 30X2.5 扁钢TYP 2 POSNS 2处11 TOTAL COILS APROX.9 WORKING COILS APROX.RIGHT HAND WOUND ONLY,END COILS SQUARE TO TOUCH.总圈数约11圈;工作圈数约9圈;右旋;弹簧的端部磨平以便于接触.(此为弹簧技术说明)FEMALE: 内扣(母扣)MALE: 外扣(公扣)偏心轴eccentric shaft /ik’sentrik/销轴PIN开口销COTTER PIN螺杆screw紧定螺钉SET SCREW圆螺母ROUND NUT内六角螺钉SOCKET HEAD CAP SCREW六角螺钉HEX HD SET SCREW六角螺栓HEX HD BOLT挡圈closing ring弹性挡圈circlip轴承隔套distance sleeve of axletree轴承axletree深沟球轴承DEEP GROOVE BALL BEARING无扣长non-buckle longth弹簧SPRING吊环螺钉LIFTING EYE BOLT开槽盘头螺钉SLOTTED PAN HEAD SCREW圆锥滚子轴承TAPERED ROLLER BEARING推力球轴承THRUST BALL BEARING平键FLAT KEY弹簧垫圈SINGLE COIL SPRING WASHER平垫圈FLAT WASHER螺母FULL NYLOCK NUT圆螺母ROUND NUT缩写全称翻译ACCESS Accessory 附件ADJ Adjustable,Adjust 调整ADPT Adapter 使适应ADV Advance 提前AL Aluminum 铝ALLOW Allowance 允许ALT Alternate 改变ALY Alloy 合金AMT Amout 数量ANL Anneal 锻炼ANSL Amer Natl Stds InstituteAPPROX Approximate 大约ASME Amer Society of Mech Engrs ASSEM Assemble 装配ASSY Assembly 装配AUTH Authorized 授权的AUTO Automatic 自动的AUX Auxiliary 辅助的AVG Average 平均AWG American Wire GaugeBC Bolt Circle 螺栓圆周BET Between 之间BEV Bevel 斜角BHN Brinell Hardness Number 布氏硬度值BLK Blank ,Block 空白B/NM Bill of Material 材料费BOT Bottom 底部BP or B/P Blueprint 蓝图BRG Bearing 轴承BRK Break 破裂BRKT Bracket 支架BRO Broach 钻孔BRS Brass 黄铜BRZ Bronze 青铜B&S Brown&Shape 棕色&形状BSC Basic 基本的BUSH Bushing 套管BWG Birmingham Wire GaugeC TO C Center-to-Center 中心到中心CAD Computer-Aided Drafting 电脑辅助设计CAM Computer-Aided MfgCAP Capacity 容量CAP SCR Cap Screw 螺帽CARB Carburize 使渗碳CBORE Counterbore 扩孔CCW Counter Clockwise 逆时针CDRILL CounerdrillCDS Cold-Drawn Steel缩写全称翻译EFF Effective 有效的ENCL Enclose,Enclosure 附上ENG Engine 引擎ENGR Engineer 工程师ENGRG Engineering 工程学EQLSP Equally Spaced 等距EQUIV Equivalent 相等EST Estimate 估计EX Extra 额外EXH Exhaust 消耗EXP Experimental 实验性的EXT Exension,External 范围,外部FAB Fabricate 伪造FAO Finish All Over 全部加工FDRY Foundry 铸造FIG Figure 数据FIL Fillet,fillister 带子FIM Full Indicator MovementFIN FinishFLX Fixture 结构FLX Floor.Fluid,Flush 基地,液体,冲洗FLEX Flexible 易弯曲的FLG Flange 边缘FORG Forging 锻炼FR Frame,Front 边框FIG Fitting 装置FURN Furnish 提供FWD Forward 向前GA Gage,Gauge 测量GALV Galvanized 电镀GR Grade 等级GRD Grind 磨碎GRV Groove 凹槽GSKT Gasket 垫圈H&G Harden and Grind 加硬和磨碎HD Head 主要的HDL Handle 处理HDLS Headless 无领导的HDN Harden 使硬化HDW Hardware 硬件HEX Hexagon 六边形HGR Hanger 衣架HGT Height 高度HOR Horizontal 水平的HRS Hot-Rolled SteelHSG Housing 外罩HT TR Heat Treal缩写全称翻译EFF Effective 有效的ENCL Enclose,Enclosure 附上ENG Engine 引擎ENGR Engineer 工程师ENGRG Engineering 工程学EQLSP Equally Spaced 等距EQUIV Equivalent 相等EST Estimate 估计EX Extra 额外EXH Exhaust 消耗EXP Experimental 实验性的EXT Exension,External 范围,外部FAB Fabricate 伪造FAO Finish All OverFDRY Foundry 铸造FIG Figure 数据FIL Fillet,fillister 带子FIM Full Indicator MovementFIN FinishFLX Fixture 结构FLX Floor.Fluid,Flush 基地,液体,冲洗FLEX Flexible 易弯曲的FLG Flange 边缘FORG Forging 锻炼FR Frame,Front 边框FIG Fitting 装置FURN Furnish 提供FWD Forward 向前GA Gage,Gauge 测量GALV Galvanized 电镀GR Grade 等级GRD Grind 磨碎GRV Groove 凹槽GSKT Gasket 垫圈H&G Harden and Grind 加硬和磨碎HD Head 主要的HDL Handle 处理HDLS Headless 无领导的HDN Harden 使硬化HDW Hardware 硬件HEX Hexagon 六边形HGR Hanger 衣架HGT Height 高度HOR Horizontal 水平的HRS Hot-Rolled SteelHSG Housing 外罩HT TR Heat Treal缩写全称翻译NTS Not to ScaleOA Over All 所有OBS ObsotetcOC On CenterOD Outside Diameter 外直径OPP Opposite 对立OPTL Optional 可选择的OR Outside Radius 外半径ORIG Original 初始的PAT. Patent 专利PATT Pattern 形式PC Piece,Pitch Circle 件,节距圆PCH Punch 打孔PD Pitch DiameterPERF Perforate 打孔PERM Permanent 永久的PERP Perpendicular 垂直的PFD Preferred 首选的PKG Package,Packing 包装PL Parting Line,Places,PlatePNEU PncumaticPNL Panel 面板POL Polish 磨光POS Position,Postive 位置PR Pair 对立PRI Primary 基本的PROC Process 程序PROD Product,Production 产品,产量PSI Pounds per Square InchPT Part,Point 零件,点QTR Quarter 四份之一QTY Quantity 数量QUAL Quality 质量R Radius 半径RA Rockwell Harden,A-ScaleRB Rockwell Harden,B-ScaleRC Rockwell Harden,C-ScaleRECD Received 巳收到的RECT Rectangle 长方形REF Reference 相关的REINF Reinforce 增强REL Release,Relief 释放,缓解REM Remove 移除REQD Requird 有需要REE Retainer,ReturnREV Reverse,Revision,RevolutionRFS Regardless of Feature SizeRGH Rough 粗糙的RH Right Hand 右手RIV Rivet 起皱RM Ream 扩展RND Round 周围RPM Revolutions per MinuteRPW Resistance Projection WeldSAE Society of Automotive EngrsSCH Schedule 进度表行业标准规范(英汉对照)-加工工艺standerd of machining and technics (Chinese -English version)1 GB/T 780-1979 汽油发动机化油器出口凸缘尺寸Carbureters fo r automobile engines--Dimensions of outlet flanges2 GB/T 983-1995 不锈钢焊条Stainless steel covered electrodes3 GB/T 984-1985 堆焊焊条Covered electrodes for hardfacing4 GB/T 985-1988 气焊、手工电弧焊及气体保护焊焊缝坡口的基本形式与尺寸Basic forms and sizes of weld grooves for gas welding manual arc welding and gas-Shielded arc welding5 GB/T 986-1988 埋弧焊焊缝坡口的基本形式和尺寸Basic forms and sizes of weld grooves for submerged arc welding6 GB/T 1173-1995 铸造铝合金Casting aluminium alloys7 GB/T 1174-1992 铸造轴承合金cast bearing metals8 GB/T 1176-1987 铸造铜合金技术条件Specification for cast copper alloys9 GB/T 1177-1991 铸造镁合金Casting magnesium alloys10 GB/T 1348-1988 球墨铸铁件Spheroidal graphite iron castings11 GB/T 1954-1980 铬镍奥氏体不锈钢焊缝铁素体含量测量方法Determination of the weldign seam iron element contentin chromium,nickel austenitic stainless steel12 GB/T 2100-1980 不锈耐酸钢铸件技术条件Stainless acid-resistant steel castings--Specifications13 GB/T 2649-1989 焊接接头机械性能试验取样方法Methods of sampling for mechanical properties tests of welded joint14 GB/T 2650-1989 焊接接头冲击试验方法Method of impact test for welded joint15 GB/T 2651-1989 焊接接头拉伸试验方法Method of tensile test for welded joint16 GB/T 2652-1989 焊缝及熔敷金属拉伸试验方法Method of tensile tests for weld and deposited metal17 GB/T 2653-1989 焊接接头弯曲及压扁试验方法Methods of bend and compression tests for welded joint18 GB/T 2654-1989 焊接接头及堆焊金属硬度试验方法Methods of hardness tests for welded joint and surfacing metal19 GB/T 2655-1989 焊接接头应变时效敏感性试验方法Method of strain-age sensibillity test for welded joint20 GB/T 2656-1981 焊缝金属和焊接接头的疲劳试验法Weld beads metal and welds--Fatigue test21 GB/T 2684-1981 铸造用原砂及混合料试验方法Foundry sands and sand mixtures for casting--Method of testing22 GB/T 3180-1982 中锰抗磨球墨铸铁件技术条件Specification for medium manganese wear-resistant spheroidal iron castings23 GB/T 3375-1994 焊接术语Welding terminology24 GB/T 3669-1983 铝及铝合金焊条Coated electrodes for aluminium and aluminium alloys25 GB/T 3670-1995 铜及铜合金焊条Coated electrodes for copper and copper alloys26 GB/T 3731-1983 涂料焊条效率、金属回收率和熔敷系数的测定Covered electrodes--Determination of the efficiency, metal recovery and deposition coefficient27 GB/T 3934-1983 普通螺纹量规Gauges for general purpose screw threads28 GB/T 3965-1995 熔敷金属中扩散氢测定方法Methods for determination of diffusible hydrogen in deposited metal 29 GB/T 4675.1-1984 焊接性试验斜Y型坡口焊接裂纹试验方法Weldability testing--Method of Y-groove cracking test30 GB/T 4675.2-1984 焊接性试验搭接接头(CTS) 焊接裂纹试验方法Weldability testing--Method of controlled thermal severity cracking test31 GB/T 4675.3-1984 焊接性试验T型接头焊接裂纹试验方法Weldability testing--Method of cracking test for welded tee joint32 GB/T 4675.4-1984 焊接性试验压板对接(FISCO) 焊接裂纹试验方法Weldability testing--Method of FISCO cracking test33 GB/T 4675.5-1984 焊接性试验焊接热影响区最高硬度试验方法Weldability testing--Testing method of maximum hard ness in weld heat-affected zone34 GB/T 4863-1985 机械制造工艺基本术语General terminology of machine -building technology35 GB/T 5117-1995 碳钢焊条Carbon steel covered electrodes36 GB/T 5118-1995 低合金钢焊条Low alloy steel covered electrodes37 GB/T 5185-1985 金属焊接及钎焊方法在图样上的表示代号Welding, brazing, braze welding and soldering of metals--List of processes for symbolic representation on drawings38 GB/T 5293-1985 碳素钢埋弧焊用焊剂Fluxes for the submerged arc welding of carbon steel39 GB/T 5613-1995 铸钢牌号表示方法Code for representing cast steels40 GB/T 5614-1985 铸铁件热处理状态的名称、定义及代号The designations definitions and symbols for heat treatment tempers of iron castings41 GB/T 5615-1985 铸钢件热处理状态的名称、定义及代号The designations, definitions and symbols for heat treatment tempers of steel castings42 GB/T 5676-1985 一般工程用铸造碳钢Cast carbon steels for general engineering purposes43 GB/T 5677-1985 铸钢件射线照相及底片等级分类方法Methods of radiographic testing and classification of radiographs for steel castings44 GB/T 5678-1985 铸造合金光谱分析取样方法The method for sampling cast alloys for spectrochemical analysis45 GB/T 6208-1995 钎料型号表示方法Filler metal for soft soldering and brazing--Designation46 GB/T 6296-1986 灰铸铁冲击试验方法Grey cast iron impact test47 GB/T 6416-1986 影响钢熔化焊接头质量的技术因素Technical factors influencing the quality of the fusion welded joints in steel48 GB/T 6417-1986 金属熔化焊焊缝缺陷分类及说明Classification ofimperfections in metallic fusion welds, with explanations49 GB/T 6418-1993 铜基钎料Copper base brazing filler metals50 GB/T 6967-1986 工程结构用中、高强度不锈钢铸件Medium and high strength stainless steel castings for engineering structure purposes51 GB/T 7032-1986 T型角焊接头弯曲试验方法Method of bend test for T type fillet welded joint52 GB/T 7143-1986 铸造用硅砂化学分析方法Methods for chemical analysis of silica sand for foundry53 GB/T 7216-1987 灰铸铁金相Gray cast iron metallography54 GB/T 7232-1987 金属热处理工艺术语Terminology of metal heat treatment55 GB/T 7233-1987 铸钢件超声探伤及质量评级标准Methods for ultrasonic testing and for specifying quality levels of steel castings56 GB/T 7659-1987 焊接结构用碳素钢铸件Carbon steel castings suitable for welded structure57 GB/T 8063-1994 铸造有色金属及其合金牌号表示方法Designation of cast nonferrous metals and their alloys58 GB/T 8110-1995 气体保护电弧焊用碳钢、低合金钢焊丝Welding wires for gas shielding arc welding of carbon and low alloy steels59 GB/T 8121-1987 热处理工艺材料名词术语The terminology of technological materials for heat treatment60 GB/T 8263-1987 抗磨白口铸铁技术条件Specification for abrasion resistant white cast irons61 GB/T 8454-1987 焊条用还原钛铁矿粉中亚铁量的测定Determination of ferrous iron content in reduced ilmenite powder for welding rod62 GB/T 8491-1987 高硅耐蚀铸铁件Corrosion resistant high silicon iron castings63 GB/T 8492-1987 耐热钢铸件Heat resistant steel castings64 GB/T 8493-1987 一般工程用铸造碳钢金相Metallograph of cast carbon steels for general engineering purposes65 GB/T 8539-1987 齿轮材料及热处理质量检验的一般规定General specification for quality inspection of gear materials and their heat treatment 66 GB/T 8619-1988 钎缝强度试验方法Method of the strength test for brazed and soldered seam67 GB/T 9437-1988 耐热铸铁件Heat resistant iron castings68 GB/T 9438-1988 铝合金铸件技术条件Aluminium alloy castings--Technical specification69 GB/T 9439-1988 灰铸铁件Grey iron castings70 GB/T 9440-1988 可锻铸铁件Malleable iron castings71 GB/T 9441-1988 球墨铸铁金相检验Metallographic test for spheroidal graphite cast iron72 GB/T 9446-1988 焊接用插销冷裂纹试验方法Welding--Cold cracking test method using implants73 GB/T 9447-1988 焊接接头疲劳裂纹扩展速率试验方法Test method forfatigue crack growth rates of welded joints74 GB 9448-1988 焊接与切割安全Safety in welding and cutting75 GB/T 9450-1988 钢件渗碳淬火有效硬化层深度的测定和校核Determination and verification of the effective depth of carburizod and hardened cases of steel parts76 GB/T 9451-1988 钢件薄表面总硬化层深度或有效硬化层深度的测定Determination of total or effective thickness of thin surface hardened layers of steel parts77 GB/T 9452-1988 热处理炉有效加热区测定方法Testing method for working zone of heat treating furnace78 GB/T 9460-1988 铜及铜合金焊丝Welding wire and rods of copper and copper alloys79 GB/T 10044-1988 铸铁焊条及焊丝Covered electrodes and welding rods for welding cast iron80 GB/T 10045-1988 碳钢药芯焊丝Carbon steel flux cored wires for arc welding81 GB/T 10046-1988 银基钎料Silver brazing filler metals82 GB/T 10858-1989 铝及铝合金焊丝Aluminium and aluminium alloy welding rods and wires83 GB/T 10859-1989 镍基钎料Nickel base brazing filler metals84 GB/T 11350-1989 铸件机械加工余量Machining allowances on castings85 GB/T 11351-1989 铸件重量公差Mass tolerances for castings86 GB/T 11352-1989 一般工程用铸造碳钢件Carbon steel castings for general engineering purposes87 GB/T 11354-1989 钢铁零件渗氮层深度测定和金相组织检验Steel-iron parts—Determination of nitrided case depth and metallographic examination of nitriding structure88 GB/T 11363-1989 钎焊接头强度试验方法Methods of the strength tests for brazed and soldered joint89 GB/T 11364-1989 钎料铺展性及填缝性试验方法Test method of spreadability and clearance filling ability for filler metal90 GB/T 12214-1990 熔模铸造用硅砂、粉Silica sand and flour for investment casting91 GB/T 12215-1990 熔模铸造用铝矾土砂、粉Bauxite sand and flour for investment casting92 GB/T 12216-1990 铸造用合脂粘结剂The residue from distillation of synthetic fatty acids as binder for foundry93 GB/T 12361-1990 钢质模锻件通用技术条件General specification of steel die forgings94 GB/T 12362-1990 钢质模锻件公差及机械加工余量Tolerances and machining allowances of steel die forgings95 GB/T 12363-1990 锻件功能分类Classification of forging functions96 GB/T 12469-1990 焊接质量保证钢熔化焊接头的要求和缺陷分级Quality assurance of welding—Requirement for fusion welding joint of steel andclassification for imperfection97 GB/T 12470-1990 低合金钢埋弧焊用焊剂Fluxes for the submerged arc welding of low alloy steel98 GB/T 12603-1990 金属热处理工艺分类及代号Classification and designation on metal heat treatment99 GB 12935-1991 焊条烘干炉运行能耗标准Energy consumption standard in operation of covered electrode furnace100 GB/T 13311-1991 锅炉受压元件焊接接头机械性能试验方法Boiler pressure parts—Mechanical test for welded joints101 GB/T 13320-1991 钢质模锻件金相组织评级图及评定方法Metallographic grading atlas and assessing method for steel die forgings102 GB/T 13450-1992 对接焊接头宽板拉伸试验方法Method of wide plate tension test for butt welded joint103 GB/T 13679-1992 锰基钎料Manganese base brazing filler metals104 GB/T 13814-1992 镍及镍合金焊条Nickel and nickel alloy covered welding electrodes105 GB/T 13815-1992 铝基钎料Aluminium base brazing filler metals106 GB/T 13816-1992 焊接接头脉动拉伸疲劳试验方法Test method for pulsed tensile fatigue of welded joints107 GB/T 13817-1992 对接接头刚性拘束焊接裂纹试验方法Method of rigid restraint cracking test for welding butt joint108 GB/T 13818-1992 压铸锌合金Zinc die-casting alloys109 GB/T 13819-1992 铜合金铸件Copper alloy castings110 GB/T 13820-1992 镁合金铸件Magnesium alloy castings111 GB/T 13821-1992 锌合金压铸件Zinc alloy die castings112 GB/T 13822-1992 压铸有色合金试样Test specimens for non ferrous diecasting alloys113 GB/T 13914-1992 冲压件尺寸公差Tolerance of dimensions for stampings114 GB/T 13915-1992 冲压件角度公差Tolerance of angles for stampings 115 GB/T 13916-1992 冲压件形状和位置未注公差Unnoted tolerance of shape and position for stampings116 GB/T 13925-1992 铸造高锰钢金相Metallographs for high manganese cast steel117 GB/T 14235.1-1993 熔模铸造模料熔点测定方法(冷却曲线法) Testing method for melting point of pattern materials in investment casting118 GB/T 14235.2-1993 熔模铸造模料抗弯强度测定方法Testing method for bending strength of pattern materials in investment casting119 GB/T 14235.3-1993 熔模铸造模料灰分测定方法Testing method for ash content of pattern materials in investment casting120 GB/T 14235.4-1993 熔模铸造模料线收缩率测定方法Testing method for linear contraction of pattern materials in investment casting121 GB/T 14235.5-1993 熔模铸造模料表面硬度测定方法Testing method for surface hardness of pattern materials in investment casting122 GB/T 14235.6-1993 熔模铸造模料酸值测定方法Testing method for acid number of pattern materials in investment casting123 GB/T 14235.7-1993 熔模铸造模料流动性测定方法Testing method for fluidity of pattern materials in investment casting124 GB/T 14235.8-1993 熔模铸造模料粘度测定方法Testing method for viscosity of pattern materials in investment casting125 GB/T 14235.9-1993 熔模铸造模料热稳定性测定方法Testing method for thermal stability of pattern materials in investment casting126 GB/T 14408-1993 一般工程与结构用低合金铸钢件Low alloy steel castings for general engineering and structural purposes127 GB/T 15055-1994 冲压件未注公差尺寸极限偏差Permissible stamping varitions in dimensions without tolerance indication128 GB/T 15056-1994 铸造表面粗糙度评定方法Evaluation method on cast surface roughness129 GB/T 15111-1994 点焊接头剪切拉伸疲劳试验方法Test method for shear tensile fatigue of spot welded joints130 GB/T 15114-1994 铝合金压铸件Aluminium alloy die-castings131 GB/T 15115-1994 压铸铝合金Die casting aluminium alloys132 GB/T 15116-1994 压铸铜合金Die casting copper alloys133 GB/T 15117-1994 铜合金压铸件Copper alloy die castings134 GB/T 15169-1994 钢熔化焊手焊工资格考核方法Approval testing of manual welders--Fusion welding-steel135 GB/T 15620-1995 镍及镍合金焊丝Nickel and nickel alloy welding wires 136 GB 15735-1995 金属热处理生产过程安全卫生要求Requirements for the safety and health in production process of metal heat treatment137 GB/T 15747-1995 正面角焊缝接头拉伸试验方法Method of tension test for front fillet welded joint138 GB/T 15825.1-1995 金属薄板成形性能与试验方法成形性能和指标Sheet metal formability and test methods--Formability and indexes139 GB/T 15825.2-1995 金属薄板成形性能与试验方法通用试验规程Sheet metal formability and test methods--General test rules140 GB/T 15825.3-1995 金属薄板成形性能与试验方法拉深与拉深载荷试验Sheet metal formability and test methods--Drawing and drawing load test 141 GB/T 15825.4-1995 金属薄板成形性能和试验方法扩孔试验Sheet metal formability and test methods--Hole expanding test142 GB/T 15825.5-1995 金属薄板成形性能与试验方法弯曲试验Sheet metal formability and test methods--Bending test143 GB/T 15825.6-1995 金属薄板成形性能与试验方法锥杯试验Sheet metal formability and test methods--Conical cup test144 GB/T 15825.7-1995 金属薄板成形性能与试验方法凸耳试验Sheet metal formability and test methods--Earing test145 GB/T 15825.8-1995 金属薄板成形性能与试验方法成形极限图(FLD)试验Sheet metal formability and test methods--Forming limit diagram (FLD) test146 GB/T 15826.1-1995 锤上钢质自由锻件机械加工余量与公差一般要求Machining allowances and tolerances for steel open die forgings on hammer--General reguirement147 GB/T 15826.2-1995 锤上钢质自由锻件机械加工余量与公差盘、柱类Machining allowances and tolerances for steel open die forgings on hammer--Disks and columns148 GB/T 15826.3-1995 锤上钢质自由锻件机械加工余量与公差带孔圆盘类Machining allowances and tolerances for steel open die forgings on hammer--Disk swith holes149 GB/T 15826.4-1995 锤上钢质自由锻件机械加工余量与公差圆环类Machining allowances and tolerances for steel open die forgings on hammer--Rings150 GB/T 15826.5-1995 锤上钢质自由锻件机械加工余量与公差套筒类Machining allowances and tolerances for steel open die forgings on hammer--Seamles cylinder hushings151 GB/T 15826.6-1995 锤上钢质自由锻件机械加工余量与公差光轴类Machining allowances and tolerances for steel open die forgings on hammer--Shaft without steps152 GB/T 15826.7-1995 锤上钢质自由锻件机械加工余量与公差台阶轴类Machining allowances and tolerances for steel open die forgings on hammer--Shaft with steps153 GB/T 15826.8-1995 锤上钢质自由锻件机械加工余量与公差单拐曲轴类Machining allowances and tolerances for steel open dle forgings on hammer--Single throw crankshaft154 GB/T 15826.9-1995 锤上钢质自由锻件机械加工余量与公差黑皮锻件Machining allowances and tolerances for steel open die forgings on hammer--Forging without machining155 GB/T 15829.1-1995 软钎焊用钎剂分类、标记与包装Soldering fluxes --Classification, labelling and packaging156 GB/T 15829.2-1995 软钎焊用钎剂树脂类钎剂Soldering fluxes--Resin basis fluxes157 GB/T 15829.3-1995 软钎焊用钎剂有机物类钎剂Soldering fluxes--Organic fluxes158 GB/T 15829.4-1995 软钎焊用钎剂无机物类钎剂Soldering fluxes--Inorganic fluxes159 GB/T 16253-1996 承压钢铸件Steel castings for pressure purposes 160 GB/T 16672-1996 焊缝工作位置倾角和转角的定义Welds--Working positions--Definitions of angles of slope and rotation161 GB/T 8541-1997 锻压术语Terminolgy of forging and stamping162 GB/T 16743-1997 冲裁间隙Blanking clearance163 GB/T 16746-1997 锌合金铸件Zinc alloy castings164 GB/T 1175-1997 铸造锌合金Casting zinc alloys165 GB/T 16923-1997 钢件的正火与退火Normalizing and annealing of steel parts166 GB/T 16924-1997 钢件的淬火与回火Quenching and tempering of steel parts167 GB/T 16957-1997 复合钢板焊接接头力学性能试验方法Mechanical tests on welded joints in clad plates168 GB/T 6060.1-1997 表面粗糙度比较样块铸造表面Roughness comparison specimens Cast surfaces169 GB/T 5611-1998 铸造术语Foundry terminology170 GB/T 5680-1998 高锰钢铸件Austenitic manganese steel castings171 GB/T 9442-1998 铸造用硅砂Foundry silica sand172 GB/T 17445-1998 铸造磨球Cast grinding balls173 GB/T 12467.1-1998 焊接质量要求金属材料的熔化焊第一部分: 选择及使用指南Quality requirements for welding--Fusion welding of metallic materials--Part 1: Guidelines for selection and use174 GB/T 12467.2-1998 焊接质量要求金属材料的熔化焊第二部分: 完整质量要求Quality requirements for welding--Fusion welding of metallic materials--Part 2: Comprehensive quality requirements175 GB/T 12467.3-1998 焊接质量要求金属材料的熔化焊第三部分: 一般质量要求Quality requirements for welding--Fusion welding of metallic materials--Part 3: Standards quality requirements176 GB/T 12467.4-1998 焊接质量要求金属材料的熔化焊第四部分: 基本质量要求Quality requirements for welding--Fusion welding of metallic materials--Part 4: Elementary quality requirements177 GB/T 17493-1998 低合金钢药芯焊丝Low alloy steel flux cored electrodes for arc welding自改革开放以来,我国引进了不少国外设备、图纸和其它技术资料,有不少发达国家的机械图样投影方法与我国所采用的投影方法不同。

硬件工程师 英语词汇(新手必备,挺全的)

硬件工程师 英语词汇(新手必备,挺全的)

英文电子专业词汇(新手必备)1 backplane 背板2 Band gap voltage reference 带隙电压参考3 bench top supply 工作台电源4 Block Diagram 方块图5 Bode Plot 波特图6 Bootstrap 自举7 Bottom FET Bottom FET8 bucket capacitor 桶形电容9 chassis 机架10 Combi-sense Combi-sense11 constant current source 恒流源12 Core Saturation 铁芯饱和13 crossover frequency 交叉频率14 current ripple 纹波电流15 Cycle by Cycle 逐周期16 cycle skipping 周期跳步17 Dead Time 死区时间18 DIE Temperature 核心温度19 Disable 非使能,无效,禁用,关断20 dominant pole 主极点21 Enable 使能,有效,启用22 ESD Rating ESD额定值23 Evaluation Board 评估板24 Exceeding the specifications below may result in permanent damage to the device, or device malfunction. Operation outside of the parameters specified in the Electrical Characteristics section is not implied. 超过下面的规格使用可能引起永久的设备损害或设备故障。


25 Failing edge 下降沿26 figure of merit 品质因数27 float charge voltage 浮充电压28 flyback power stage 反驰式功率级29 forward voltage drop 前向压降30 free-running 自由运行31 Freewheel diode 续流二极管32 Full load 满负载33 gate drive 栅极驱动34 gate drive stage 栅极驱动级35 gerber plot Gerber 图36 ground plane 接地层37 Henry 电感单位:亨利38 Human Body Model 人体模式39 Hysteresis 滞回40 inrush current 涌入电流41 Inverting 反相42 jittery 抖动43 Junction 结点44 Kelvin connection 开尔文连接45 Lead Frame 引脚框架46 Lead Free 无铅47 level-shift 电平移动48 Line regulation 电源调整率49 load regulation 负载调整率50 Lot Number 批号51 Low Dropout 低压差52 Miller 密勒53 node 节点54 Non-Inverting 非反相55 novel 新颖的56 off state 关断状态57 Operating supply voltage 电源工作电压58 out drive stage 输出驱动级59 Out of Phase 异相60 Part Number 产品型号61 pass transistor pass transistor62 P-channel MOSFET P沟道MOSFET63 Phase margin 相位裕度64 Phase Node 开关节点65 portable electronics 便携式电子设备66 power down 掉电67 Power Good 电源正常68 Power Groud 功率地69 Power Save Mode 节电模式70 Power up 上电71 pull down 下拉72 pull up 上拉73 Pulse by Pulse 逐脉冲(Pulse by Pulse)74 push pull converter 推挽转换器75 ramp down 斜降76 ramp up 斜升77 redundant diode 冗余二极管78 resistive divider 电阻分压器79 ringing 振铃80 ripple current 纹波电流81 rising edge 上升沿82 sense resistor 检测电阻83 Sequenced Power Supplys 序列电源84 shoot-through 直通,同时导通85 stray inductances. 杂散电感86 sub-circuit 子电路87 substrate 基板88 Telecom 电信89 Thermal Information 热性能信息90 thermal slug 散热片91 Threshold 阈值92 timing resistor 振荡电阻93 Top FET Top FET94 Trace 线路,走线,引线95 Transfer function 传递函数96 Trip Point 跳变点97 turns ratio 匝数比,=Np / Ns。



Investment Casting=Precision Casting=Lost Wax CastingPattern Production熔模制造The pattern is usually made by injecting wax or plastic into a metal die. These mated multi-cavity tool, depending on production quantities and complexity of the part.A heat-disposable pattern is required for each casting. These disposable patterns have the exact geometry of the required finished part with allowances made to compensate for volumetric shrinkage in the pattern production stage and during solidification of metal in the ceramic mold.The pattern carries one or more gates which are usually located at the heaviest casting diction. The gate has three functions:●to attach patterns to the sprue or runner, forming a cluster/tree●to provide a exit for pattern material as it melts upon heating;●to guide molten metal entering the mold cavity in the casting operation; and to ensurea sound part by feeding the casting during solidification.Pattern Assembly熔模组装(模组Cluster/Tree)Patterns are fastened by the gate to one or more runners and the runners are attached to a pouring cap, Patterns, runners and pouring cap comprise the cluster or tree, which is needed to produce the ceramic mold. The number of runners per section and their arrangement on the pouring cap depend on alloy type, size and structure of the casting.The Ceramic Shell Mold Process 型壳的制造The ceramic shell mold technique involves dipping the entire cluster into a ceramic slurry, draining it, then coating it with fine ceramic sand. After drying, this process is repeated again and again, using progressively coarser grades of ceramic material, until a self-supporting shell has been formed. The shell may be from 3/16 to 5/8 in. thickThe coated cluster is then placed in a high temperature furnace or steam autoclave where the pattern melts and runs out through the gates, runners and pouring cap. This leaves a ceramic shell containing cavities of the casting shape desired together with a suitable running and feeding systemCastingThe ceramic shell molds are fired to burn out the last traces of pattern material, to develop the high temperature bond of the ceramic system and to preheat the mold in preparation for casting. Because shell molds have relatively thin walls, they can be fired and be ready to pour after only a few hours in the furnace.The hot molds may be poured utilizing static pressure of the molten metal heat, as is common in sand casting, or with assistance of vacuum, pressure and/or centrifugal force. This enables the investment casting foundry to reproduce the most intricate details and extremely thin walls of an original wax or plastic pattern.Melting equipment employed depends on the alloy. For nonferrous alloys, gas fired or electric crucible furnaces are usually used. High-frequency induction furnaces are most commonly used for melting ferrous alloys.CleaningAfter the poured molds have cooled, the mold material is removed from the casting cluster. This is done by mechanical vibration and chemical cleaning. Individual castings are then removed from the cluster by means of cut-off wheels and any remaining protrusions left by gates or runners are removed by belt grinding. The casting is then ready for secondary operations such as heat treating, sizing, machining and for whatever inspection is specified.The products’ dimensional accuracy can be up to ±0.3mm/100mm; surface roughness Ra up to 12.5-1.6μm; weights of casts from several grams to dozens of kilograms; local wall as thin as 0.5mm.。

铸造术语 中英文对照

铸造术语  中英文对照

一、基本术语1.铸造:casting , founding ,foundry2。

砂型铸造:Sand casting process3.特种铸造:Special casting process4。

铸件:casting5.毛坯铸件:Rough casting6。

砂型铸件: Sand casting7.试制铸件:Pilot casting8。

铸态铸件:as—cast casting9。

铸型[型]: mold10。

铸造工艺:Casting process,foundry technology11。

铸造用材料: Foundry materials12。

铸造工艺材料: Consumable materials13.铸造设备:Foundry equipment,foundry facilities14.铸工:Caster,founder,foundry worker15。

铸造工作者: foundryman16。

铸造车间: Foundry shop17。


铸造分厂:Attached foundry, captive foundry, tied foundry 19.铸造三废:Foundry affluent20。

一批: A batch21。

一炉: A cast,a heat,a melt22。

铸焊: Cast welding,flow welding23.铸锭:ingot二、铸造合金及熔炼、浇注2.1铸造合金基础术语1。

铸造合金: Cast alloy2。

共晶合金系:Eutectic alloy system3。

共晶合金: Eutectic alloy4。

亚共晶合金:Hypoeutectic alloy5。

过共晶合金:Hypereutectic alloy6。

共晶团: Eutectic cell7。

共晶温度: Eutectic temperature8。

共晶转变:Eutectic reaction,eutectic transformation 9。

ductile iron castings

ductile iron castings

球墨鑄鐵標準規格書1. Scope1.1 This specification covers castings made of ductile iron, also known as spheroidal or nodular iron, that is described as cast iron with the graphite substantially spheroidal in shape and essentially free of other forms of graphite, as defined in Definitions A 644.1.2 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded as the standard.1.3 No precise quantitative relationship can be stated between the properties of the iron in various locations of the same casting or between the properties of castings and those of a test specimen cast from the same iron(see Appendix X1).2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM standards:A370 Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Testing of Steel ProductsA644 Terminology Relating to Iron CastingsA732/A 732/M Specification for Castings, Investment, Carbon and Low-Alloy steel for General Application, and Cobalt Alloy for High Strength at Elevated Temperatures E 8 Test Methods for Tension Testing of Metallic Materials2.2 Military Standard:MIL-STD-129 Marking for shipment and storage3. Ordering Information3.1 Orders for material to this specification shall include the following information:3.1.1 ASTM designation,3.1.2 Grade of ductile iron required (see Table 1, and Sections 4 and 9)3.1.3 Special Properties, if required (see Section 7)3.1.4 If a different number of samples are required (see Section 10)3.1.5 Certification, if required (see Section 14), and3.1.6 Special preparation for delivery, if required (see Section 15)4. Tensile Requirements4.1 The iron represented by the test specimen shall conform to the requirements as to tensile properties presented in Table 1 and Table 2. The irons listed in Table 2 are used for special applications (such as pipes, fittings. Etc.)4.2 The yield strength shall be determined at 0.2% offset by the offset method (see Test Methods E 8). Other methods may be used by mutual consent of the manufacturer and purchaser.5. Heat Treatment5.1 The 60-40-18 grade will normally require a full ferritizing anneal. The 120-90-02 and temper or a normalize and temper, or an isothermal heat treatment. The other two grades can be met either as-cast or by heat treatment. Ductile iron, that is heat treated by quenching tomartensite and tempering, may have substantially lower fatigue strength than as cast material of the same hardness.6. Test Coupons6.1 The separately cast test coupons from which the tension test specimens are machined shall be cast to the size and shape shown in Fig.1 or Fig.2. A modified keel block cast from the mold shown in Fig.3 may be substituted for the 1-in. Y-block or the 1-in. Keel block. The test coupons shall be cast in open molds made of suitable core sand having a minimum wall thickness of 211 in. (38-mm) for the 21 in. (12.5 mm)。



保护渣专用词汇英中对照连铸(continuous casting)钢种(steel grade)浇铸断面(casting format)拉速(casting speed)润滑(lubrication)传热(heat transfer)菜籽油(rape seed oil)热流(heat flow)浸入式水口(SEN-submerged entry nozzle)坯壳(steel sheel)保护渣渣膜(slag film)粉煤灰(fly ash)石灰石(limestone)苏打灰(soda ash)萤石(fluorite)硅酸盐(silicate)矿物质(mineral)合成渣(synthetic powder)熔点(melt point)成分(composition)性能(performance)炭黑(carbon black)微合金钢(microalloy steel)不锈钢(stainless steel)渣耗(powder consumption)粘结漏钢(sticker breakout)表面质量(surface quality)摩擦力(friction force)黏度(viscosity)熔化速度(melting rate)凝固系数(solidification coefficient)薄板坯(thin slab )异型坯(beam blank近终形连铸(near net shape continuous casting)石墨(black lead)焦炭(coke)硅灰石(CaO·SiO2)碱度(basicity)粉渣(granulated powder)实心颗粒渣(sincere granuled powder)预熔型保护渣(prefused powder)低碳铝镇静钢(LCAK-low carbon Alumina killed steel)针孔(pinhole)高碳钢(high carbon steel)弯月面(meniscus)振痕(oscillation mark)熔化温度(melting temperature)相图(phase diagram)伪硅灰石(wollastonite,又名tabular spar) 磷(phosphorus)硫(sulfur)助熔剂(fluxing agent)结晶(crystallizing)枪晶石(Cuspidine)钙黄长石(Akermanite)离子(ion)CaO(calcium oxide)氧化物夹杂物(oxide inclusion)玻璃性(vitrecence)CaF2(fluorite)枪晶石(3CaO。

精密铸造 英文词汇

精密铸造 英文词汇

精密铸造英文词汇Precision Casting: A Technical Overview.Precision casting, also known as lost-wax casting or investment casting, is a metalworking process that produces complex and intricate parts with exceptional accuracy and surface finish. This process is suitable for a wide range of materials, including ferrous and non-ferrous metals, and is widely used in various industries, such as aerospace, automotive, medical, and energy.The precision casting process begins with the creation of a wax pattern, which is a replica of the desired part. This pattern is then coated with several layers of a refractory material, typically ceramic, to form a mold. Once the mold is dry, the wax pattern is removed through a process called dewaxing, leaving an empty cavity within the mold.The mold is then placed in a furnace and heated to ahigh temperature, causing the ceramic to harden and the wax to melt and be removed. The resulting cavity is then filled with molten metal, which is poured into the mold through a sprue, a small hole in the top of the mold. The metal cools and solidifies within the mold, taking the shape of the original wax pattern.After the metal has solidified, the mold is broken away, revealing the cast part. The sprue and any excess metal are then trimmed away, and the part is ready for further processing, such as machining, finishing, or heat treatment.The precision casting process offers several advantages. Firstly, it allows for the production of complex geometries and intricate details that would be difficult or impossible to achieve with other casting methods. Secondly, theprocess provides excellent dimensional accuracy and surface finish, making it suitable for applications that require high precision and low tolerances. Additionally, precision casting can produce parts with thin walls and intricate internal features, making it an ideal choice for parts with complex internal geometries.In terms of materials, precision casting is suitablefor a wide range of metals, including steel, copper, bronze, aluminum, and titanium. The choice of material depends onthe specific requirements of the application, such as strength, corrosion resistance, and weight.The precision casting process is also highly versatile and can be used to produce parts of various sizes, from small, delicate components to large, heavy-duty parts. This flexibility makes precision casting an attractive optionfor manufacturers seeking to produce complex parts in small batches or large-scale production.However, while precision casting offers many advantages, it also has some limitations. One of the main limitationsis the cost, which can be higher compared to other casting methods due to the complexity of the process and the needfor specialized equipment and skilled labor. Additionally, the process can be time-consuming, as it involves multiple steps and requires careful attention to detail.Despite these limitations, precision casting remains a popular choice for manufacturers seeking to produce high-quality, complex parts. With the advent of new technologies and improvements in the process, precision casting islikely to continue to evolve and find new applications in various industries.In conclusion, precision casting is a highlyspecialized metalworking process that produces complex and intricate parts with exceptional accuracy and surface finish. Its versatility, precision, and ability to produce parts with complex geometries make it an ideal choice for a wide range of applications, particularly in industries that require high-quality, precision-made components. While the process has some limitations, its advantages outweigh these, making precision casting a valuable addition to any manufacturer's toolbox.。

VW_01014 大众图纸图框及字体规范

VW_01014 大众图纸图框及字体规范

Engineering DrawingsDrawing Frames and Text MacrosPrevious issuesVW 01014: 1971-05, 1984-03, 1992-08, 1998-04, 1998-10, 2000-09, 2001-03, 2002-06, 2003-11,2006-01, 2007-01, 2008-03, 2009-04, 2010-05, 2010-12, 2011-05, 2011-12ChangesThe following changes have been made compared with VW 01014: 2011-12:–Technical responsibility changes–Section 1 "Scope of application": the note concerning the application in section 6 has been re‐moved. It now appears as NOTE 3 in section 1–Section 2.3 "PDM drawing frame": English legal notice updated and table of existing PDM draw‐ing frame formats in KVS added.–Section 3.7 "Volkswagen AG Know-How Protection": text macro NO-A12 added ContentsPageScope .........................................................................................................................4Drawing frames ..........................................................................................................5Drawing frame for Design Engineering (series-production drawing), see Figure 1....................................................................................................................................5Type approval drawing frame, see Figure 2 ...............................................................6PDM drawing frame, see Figure 3 .............................................................................7Drawing frames for operating equipment ...................................................................8Basic drawing frame for operating equipment, see Figure 4 ......................................8Drawing frame for method plan, see Figure 5 ............................................................9Text macros .............................................................................................................10Basic title block .. (10) StandardVW 01014Issue 2012-09Class. No.:02115Descriptors:drawing frames, text macro, standard frame, drawingVerify that you have the latest issue of the Standard before relying on it.This electronically generated Standard is authentic and valid without signature.The English translation is believed to be accurate. In case of discrepancies, the German version is alone authoritative and controlling.Page 1 of 43Confidential. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be provided to third parties or reproduced without the prior consent of the Standards Department of a Volkswagen Group member.This Standard is available to contracting parties solely via the B2B supplier platform .© Volkswagen AktiengesellschaftVWNORM-2011-08gTitle blocks for drawings with restrictions on use .....................................................11Title block for layout drawings (ENT) > A0 ...............................................................12Symbol for European projection method ..................................................................13Change block for formats > A0 .................................................................................13Tolerancing principle as per VW 01054 ...................................................................13Volkswagen Group know-how protection .................................................................13Drawing field ............................................................................................................14Lower left corner of drawing for formats > A0 ..........................................................14Left drawing edge for formats > A0 ..........................................................................14Explanation of parenthesized dimensions for formats > A0 (lower left corner ofdrawing field) ............................................................................................................14References for formats > A0 ....................................................................................15Migration from CATIA V4 to CATIA V5 ....................................................................15Parts marking ...........................................................................................................15Part number assignment drawn / symmetrically opposite ........................................15Note on utilization of scrap material .........................................................................16NO-F1 Drawings with multiple sheets ......................................................................16Repeating and unchanging notes, mostly on body components ..............................16Drawing only for the company stated .......................................................................16Note on parts which are subject to build sample approval (BMG) ...........................17Notes on testing as per Technical Supply Specifications (TL) .................................17Note on type approval ..............................................................................................17Note on undimensioned design models in the data record ......................................17Note on open-air weathering ....................................................................................17Note on model approval ...........................................................................................17Note on master model ..............................................................................................18Note on second original, font size 7 mm ..................................................................18Note on second original, font size 3,5 mm ...............................................................18Note on heavy-duty component ...............................................................................18Note on mandatory type approval ............................................................................19Note on avoidance of hazardous substances ..........................................................19Note on other relevant drawings ..............................................................................19Note on undimensioned bend and trim radii ............................................................19Note on simplified representation .............................................................................19Note on flawless condition of surfaces .....................................................................19Note on material for form tool in grain area ..............................................................20Table for RPS ...........................................................................................................20Note on emission behavior .......................................................................................20Note on length dimensions to be measured up to relevant functional datum plane ..................................................................................................................................20Note on related tolerances for nominal dimension ranges up to relevant functional datum plane .............................................................................................................21Note on tolerances of surfaces as compared to the data record and defined RPS..................................................................................................................................21Note on tolerances of marked surfaces as compared to the data record anddefined RPS .............................................................................................................21Note on tolerances of marked and limited surfaces as compared to the datarecord and defined RPS ...........................................................................................21Note on tolerances of marked edges as compared to the data record and defined RPS ..........................................................................................................................21Note on alternative materials and surface protection types .....................................22Note on color and grain .. (22) 2VW 01014: 2012-09Note on temperature resistance ...............................................................................22Note on color consistency ........................................................................................22Note on lightfastness ................................................................................................22Note on fixing, clamping and contact surface ..........................................................23Note on related finished part drawing ......................................................................23Note on material specifications, complete ................................................................23Note on material specifications, subdivided .............................................................24Note on optional welding technology .......................................................................24Note on flammability features ...................................................................................24Note on table containing gear tooth data .................................................................25Note on weight indication .........................................................................................25Note on amine emission of foam parts .....................................................................25Note on cleanliness requirements for engine components ......................................25Countersinks for internal threads .............................................................................26Testing of rolled bushings ........................................................................................26Table for limit dimensions ........................................................................................26Detail drawing for radius under screw head, mostly for standard part drawings (27)Test specification for disk wheels .............................................................................27Test specification for brake drums ...........................................................................28General tolerances for castings ...............................................................................28General tolerances for forgings ................................................................................29Coordinate dimensioning for tubes and bars ...........................................................30Bill of materials for layout drawings (ENT) ...............................................................30Distribution list for layout drawings (ENT) ................................................................31Text macros for operating equipment ......................................................................31Title block for individual part .....................................................................................31Note on pass direction, left .......................................................................................32Note on pass direction, right ....................................................................................32Title block for operating equipment label .................................................................32General tolerances for nominal dimensions without tolerance specification ............32Note on simplified drawing specifications on surface roughnesses .........................33Permissible deviations for nominal sizes without tolerance specification onweldments ................................................................................................................33Permissible deviations for nominal dimensions without tolerance specificationson flame-cut parts ....................................................................................................33Note on parts used ...................................................................................................34Note on rolled flame-cutting template plots ..............................................................34Note on "Add ½ kerf" ................................................................................................34Note on "designed" and "symmetrical opposite" ......................................................34Text macros for the "3D drawingless process" (3DZP – German abbreviation) ......35VW copyright ............................................................................................................35Note on restriction on use ........................................................................................35Note on type approval documentation and type approval number ...........................35Draft number ............................................................................................................36Note on engineering project number ........................................................................36Note on safety documentation .................................................................................36Recycling requirements as per VW 91102 ...............................................................36All dimensions apply to the finished part including surface protection .....................36Surface roughness as per VW 13705 and VDA 2005 ..............................................36Surface roughness as per VW 13705 and VDA 2005 (reference without symbol) (37)4.394.404.414.424.434.444.454.464.474.484.494.504.514.524.534.544.554.564.574.584.594.604.614.6255. 3VW 01014: 2012-09Surface roughness as per VW 13705 and VDA 2005 (reference with symbol) .......37Surface roughness as per VW 13705 and VDA 2005 (reference with symbol,collective specification 1) .........................................................................................38Surface roughness as per VW 13705 and VDA 2005 (reference with symbol,collective specification 2) .........................................................................................39Workpiece edges as per VW 01088 .........................................................................39Workpiece edges as per VW 01088 (reference without symbol) .............................40Workpiece edges as per VW 01088 (reference with symbol) ..................................40Workpiece edges as per VW 01088 (reference with symbol, collectivespecification 1) .........................................................................................................41Workpiece edges as per VW 01088 (reference with symbol, collectivespecification 2) .........................................................................................................42Applicable documents ..............................................................................................426. standard applies to the computer-aided graphical representation and presentation of drawing templates, standard frames and text macros for drawings within the Volkswagen Group.NOTE 1 The standardized text macros are subject to drawing standard regulations and are centrally managed by the "Virtual Systems and Standardization" department.NOTE 2 All drawing frames and text macros shown here are available in the appropriate standard system environment of the CAD systems CATIA and Creo Elements/Pro (formerly PRO/E). The PDM drawing frames are also available as IsoDraw and Excel templates in the KVS, and also as Catia V5templates.NOTE 3 The text macros shown in section 6 are for the drawingless process only. The creator and the user of the data must agree whether their process chain allows for the use of documents as per the 3DZP method, and whether this is permissible.1Page 4VW 01014: 2012-09Drawing framesDrawing frame for Design Engineering (series-production drawing), see Figure 1Figure 1 – Drawing frame for Design Engineering (series-production drawing)2 2.1Page 5VW 01014: 2012-09Type approval drawing frame, see Figure 2Figure 2 – Type approval drawing frame2.2 Page 6VW 01014: 2012-09PDM drawing frame, see Figure 3Figure 3 – PDM drawing frame2.3 Page 7VW 01014: 2012-09Drawing frames for operating equipmentBasic drawing frame for operating equipment, see Figure 4Figure 4 – Basic drawing frame for operating equipment2.4 2.4.1Page 8VW 01014: 2012-09Drawing frame for method plan, see Figure 5Figure 5 – Drawing frame for method plan2.4.2 Page 9VW 01014: 2012-09Text macrosBasic title blockFigure 6 – Code no: NO-A1Basic title block for formats > A03 3.1Page 10VW 01014: 2012-09Title blocks for drawings with restrictions on useFigure 7 – Code no: NO-A7 A3The title block may only be used if supplier original drawings are used as modified finished part drawings.Notes on the usage of these title blocks see VW 01058.3.2Title block for layout drawings (ENT) > A0Figure 8 – Code no: NO-A3ENT = Draft3.3Symbol for European projection methodFigure 9 – Code no: NO-A5Change block for formats > A0Figure 10 – Code no: NO-A6Tolerancing principle as per VW 01054Figure 11 – Code no: NO-A11Volkswagen Group know-how protectionFigure 12 – Code no: NO-A123.4 3.5 3.6 3.7Drawing fieldLower left corner of drawing for formats > A0Figure 13 – Code no: NO-B1Left drawing edge for formats > A0Figure 14 – Code no: NO-B3Explanation of parenthesized dimensions for formats > A0 (lower left corner of drawingfield)Figure 15 – Code no: NO-B644.1 4.2 4.3References for formats > A0Figure 16 – Code no: NO-B7Migration from CATIA V4 to CATIA V5Figure 17 – Code no: NO-B8Parts markingFigure 18 – Code no: NO-E2Part number assignment drawn / symmetrically oppositeFigure 19 – Code no: NO-E54.4 4.5 4.6 4.7Note on utilization of scrap materialFigure 20 – Code no.:NO-F1 Drawings with multiple sheetsFigure 21 – Code no: NO-F2Repeating and unchanging notes, mostly on body componentsFigure 22 – Code no: NO-F3Drawing only for the company statedFigure 23 – Code no: NO-F4 (do not use for new designs!)4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11Note on parts which are subject to build sample approval (BMG)Figure 24 – Code no: NO-F5Notes on testing as per Technical Supply Specifications (TL)Figure 25 – Code no: NO-F6Note on type approvalFigure 26 – Code no: NO-F7Note on undimensioned design models in the data recordFigure 27 – Code no: NO-F8Note on open-air weatheringFigure 28 – Code no: NO-F9Note on model approvalFigure 29 – Code no: NO-F104.12 4.13 4.14 4.15 4.16 4.17Note on master modelFigure 30 – Code no: NO-F11Note on second original, font size 7 mmFigure 31 – Code no: NO-F12Note on second original, font size 3,5 mmFigure 32 – Code no: NO-F13Note on heavy-duty componentFigure 33 – Code no: NO-F144.18 4.19 4.20 4.21Note on mandatory type approvalFigure 34 – Code no: NO-F15Note on avoidance of hazardous substancesFigure 35 – Code no: NO-F16Note on other relevant drawingsFigure 36 – Code no: NO-F17Note on undimensioned bend and trim radiiFigure 37 – Code no: NO-F18Note on simplified representationFigure 38 – Code no: NO-F19Note on flawless condition of surfacesFigure 39 – Code no: NO-F204.22 4.23 4.24 4.25 4.26 4.27Note on material for form tool in grain areaFigure 40 – Code no: NO-F22Table for RPSFigure 41 – Code no: NO-F23Note on emission behaviorFigure 42 – Code no: NO-F24Note on length dimensions to be measured up to relevant functional datum planeFigure 43 – Code no: NO-F254.28 4.29 4.30 4.31Note on related tolerances for nominal dimension ranges up to relevant functional datumplaneFigure 44 – Code no: NO-F26Note on tolerances of surfaces as compared to the data record and defined RPSFigure 45 – Code no: NO-F27Note on tolerances of marked surfaces as compared to the data record and defined RPSFigure 46 – Code no: NO-F28Note on tolerances of marked and limited surfaces as compared to the data record anddefined RPSFigure 47 – Code no: NO-F29Note on tolerances of marked edges as compared to the data record and defined RPSFigure 48 – Code no: NO-F304.32 4.33 4.34 4.35 4.36Note on alternative materials and surface protection typesFigure 49 – Code no: NO-F31Note on color and grainFigure 50 – Code no: NO-F32Note on temperature resistanceFigure 51 – Code no: NO-F33Note on color consistencyFigure 52 – Code no: NO-F35Note on lightfastnessFigure 53 – Code no: NO-F364.37 4.38 4.39 4.40 4.41Note on fixing, clamping and contact surfaceFigure 54 – Code no: NO-F37Note on related finished part drawingFigure 55 – Code no: NO-F38Note on material specifications, completeFigure 56 – Code no: NO-F394.42 4.43 4.44Note on material specifications, subdividedFigure 57 – Code no: NO-F40Note on optional welding technologyFigure 58 – Code no: NO-F41Note on flammability featuresFigure 59 – Code no: NO-F424.45 4.46 4.47Note on table containing gear tooth dataFigure 60 – Code no: NO-F43Note on weight indicationFigure 61 – Code no: NO-F44Note on amine emission of foam partsFigure 62 – Code no: NO-F45Note on cleanliness requirements for engine componentsFigure 63 – Code no: NO-F464.48 4.49 4.50 4.51Countersinks for internal threadsFigure 64 – Code no: NO-G0Testing of rolled bushingsFigure 65 – Code no: NO-G1Table for limit dimensionsFigure 66 – Code no: NO-G24.52 4.53 4.54Detail drawing for radius under screw head, mostly for standard part drawingsFigure 67 – Code no: NO-G4Test specification for disk wheelsFigure 68 – Code no: NO-G64.55 4.56Test specification for brake drumsFigure 69 – Code no: NO-G7General tolerances for castingsFigure 70 – Code no: NO-G84.57 4.58General tolerances for forgingsFigure 71 – Code no: NO-G94.59Coordinate dimensioning for tubes and barsFigure 72 – Code no: NO-G10Bill of materials for layout drawings (ENT)Figure 73 – Code no: NO-H14.60 4.61Distribution list for layout drawings (ENT)Figure 74 – Code no: NO-H2Text macros for operating equipmentTitle block for individual partFigure 75 – Code no: R001 individual part4.62 55.1Note on pass direction, leftFigure 76 – Code no: R002 pass direction, leftNote on pass direction, rightFigure 77 – Code no: R003 pass direction, rightTitle block for operating equipment labelFigure 78 – Code no: R004 operating equipment labelGeneral tolerances for nominal dimensions without tolerance specificationFigure 79 – Code no: R005 machining operation5.2 on simplified drawing specifications on surface roughnessesFigure 80 – Code no: R006 surfacesPermissible deviations for nominal sizes without tolerance specification on weldmentsFigure 81 – Code no: R007 welded partsPermissible deviations for nominal dimensions without tolerance specifications on flame-cut partsFigure 82 – Code no: R008 flame-cut parts5.6 5.75.8Note on parts usedFigure 83 – Code no: R009 parts usedNote on rolled flame-cutting template plotsFigure 84 – Code no: R010 flame-cutting templateNote on "Add ½ kerf"Figure 85 – Code no: R011 kerfNote on "designed" and "symmetrical opposite"Figure 86 – Code no: R012 symmetrical opposite5.9 macros for the "3D drawingless process" (3DZP – German abbreviation)The following text macros are not created in CAD systems, but only in the PDM system KVS.The design engineer must add the necessary parameters to the text macros.VW copyrightFigure 87 – Code no: NOZ-01Note on restriction on useLegend P01Company nameFigure 88 – Code no: NOZ-02Note on type approval documentation and type approval numberLegend P01Type approval doc. and type approval numberFigure 89 – Code no: NOZ-036 numberLegend P01Draft numberFigure 90 – Code no: NOZ-04Note on engineering project numberLegend P01Engineering project numberFigure 91 – Code no: NOZ-05Note on safety documentationLegend P01TLD number (technical guideline for documentation – German abbreviation)Figure 92 – Code no: NOZ-06Recycling requirements as per VW 91102Figure 93 – Code no: NOZ-07All dimensions apply to the finished part including surface protectionFigure 94 – Code no: NOZ-08Surface roughness as per VW 13705 and VDA 2005The design engineer must add the required parameters to the symbols shown here (e.g., Rz value).Two types of text macros (with and without graphical representation) have been defined. Variant NOZ-09 is a reference to Standard VW 13705, additional information possible, but restricted. Variants NOZ-09-01 a to f are reserved for the main surface roughness value. Due to system restrictions,identical symbols cannot be used more than once. For this reason, the symbols in section 6.9.3 and6.4 6.9.4 must be used for cases of multiple use. If surface roughness values are added as a note, the text macros are placed beneath each other instead of beside each other. This deviating representation has been released for the 3DZP drawingless process.Surface roughness as per VW 13705 and VDA 2005 (reference without symbol)Figure 95 – Code no: NOZ-09Surface roughness as per VW 13705 and VDA 2005 (reference with symbol)Figure 96 – Code no: NOZ-09-01-aFigure 97 – Code no: NOZ-09-01-bFigure 98 – Code no.: NOZ-09-01-cLegend P01Machining allowance (numerical value in mm)P02Production processP03Surface parameter and numerical valueP04if applicable, additional requirement as per VDA 2005P05if applicable, additional requirement as per VDA 2005P06if applicable, second requirement on surface texture (surface parameter,numerical value)P07Specification of the surface groovesLegend P01Letter for simplified drawing specification. Method defined in section "simplified specifi‐cation" in VDA 2005Figure 99 – Code no: NOZ-09-01-d6. 100 – Code no: NOZ-09-01-e Figure 101 – Code no: NOZ-09-01-fSurface roughness as per VW 13705 and VDA 2005 (reference with symbol, collectivespecification 1)Figure 102 – Code no: NOZ-09-02-aFigure 103 – Code no: NOZ-09-02-bFigure 104 – Code no: NOZ-09-02-cLegend P01Machining allowance (numerical value in mm)P02Production processP03Surface parameter and numerical valueP04if applicable, additional requirement as per VDA 2005P05if applicable, additional requirement as per VDA 2005P06if applicable, second requirement onsurface texture (surface parameter,numerical value) P07Specifica‐tion of thesurface groovesCode no.:Legend P01Letter for simplified drawing specification. Method defined in section "simplified specifi‐cation" in VDA 2005Figure 105 – NOZ-09-02-dFigure 106 – Code no: NOZ-09-02-e Figure 107 – Code no: NOZ-09-02-f6.9.3。

precision casting procedure

precision casting procedure

precision casting procedure "Precision Casting Procedure: Shaping Innovations with Exactness and Detail"Introduction:Precision casting, also known as investment casting or lost-wax casting, is a manufacturing process that enables the production of complex and intricate metal parts with exceptional accuracy and detail. Throughout the years, this procedure has evolved and been refined to meet the demands of various industries, from aerospace and automotive to medical and jewelry. This article will provide a step-by-step guide on the precision casting procedure, highlighting the key stages and highlighting the importance of each step in achieving superior results.Step 1: Pattern CreationThe first step in precision casting involves the creation of a pattern, which is a replica of the final desired part. Traditionally, patterns were hand-made using wax, but advancements in technology have introduced computer-aided design (CAD) and 3D printing, making the process more efficient. The pattern is crafted meticulously, considering factors such as shrinkage allowances, gating, andrisering.Step 2: Assembly and Shell BuildingOnce the pattern is ready, it is mounted on a gating system, which includes sprue, runners, and risers. These components help in the flow of the molten metal during the casting process and also separate the desired part from the gating system. The pattern, along with the gating system, is then dipped multiple times in a ceramic slurry and coated with fine sand or refractory powders. Each coating is dried before applying the next one. This repetitive dipping and coating process forms a ceramic shell around the pattern, ensuring precise replication.Step 3: DewaxingAfter the ceramic shell has dried and hardened, the assembly is placed in a kiln or oven to eliminate the wax from within. This process is known as dewaxing or "burnout." The intense heat causes the wax to melt and drain out through strategically placed vents, leaving behind an empty mold in the exact shape of the desired part. Dewaxing is a crucial stage as any remaining wax residue may result in defects during the subsequent steps.Step 4: Preheating and PouringBefore the pouring of molten metal, the ceramic shell needs to be preheated to eliminate any remaining moisture or gases that could cause defects or cracks. The shell is heated gradually to reduce thermal shock. Once the preheating stage is complete, the shell is immediately transferred to a furnace, where it is heated to the required temperature. The molten metal, typically an alloy, is then poured into the heated mold through the gating system. The alloy fills the cavity, taking the shape of the pattern.Step 5: Cooling and SolidificationAfter pouring, the ceramic shell with the molten metal is allowed to cool and solidify. The cooling process must be controlled to ensure uniform solidification and prevent the formation of internal defects, such as shrinkage or cracks. Cooling can be controlled through the use of insulating materials or by controlling the furnace temperature. Once the metal has solidified, the shell is removed through various methods, such as vibration, mechanical shock, sandblasting, or chemical dissolution.Step 6: Finishing and Quality ControlOnce the shell is removed, the casting undergoes various finishingprocesses to remove any remaining ceramic residue, burrs, or irregularities. These processes may include grinding, sanding, polishing, or machining to achieve the desired final appearance and dimensions. Finally, the cast part undergoes rigorous quality control checks, including dimensional inspection, visual examination, non-destructive testing, and material analysis, to ensure it meets the required specifications and standards.Conclusion:Precision casting is an intricate and highly controlled procedure that allows for the production of complex and accurate metal parts. The step-by-step guide outlined in this article illustrates the careful planning, craftsmanship, and quality control involved in achieving superior results. From pattern creation to finishing and quality control, each stage plays a crucial role in the precision casting process, enabling innovations with exactness and detail.。



cast工艺进水条件英文回答:Water Requirements for Casting Process.The water used in the casting process plays a crucial role in determining the quality of the final product. The water should meet specific requirements to ensure the proper functioning of the casting equipment and the production of high-quality castings.1. Temperature.The temperature of the water used for cooling the dies and cores should be controlled within a specific range. High water temperatures can lead to thermal cracking of the dies and cores, while low water temperatures can result in incomplete cooling and poor casting quality.2. Hardness.The hardness of the water should be within acceptable limits to prevent scale formation on the dies and cores. Scale buildup can interfere with heat transfer and affect the dimensional accuracy of the castings.3. pH Level.The pH level of the water should be maintained within a neutral range (pH 7) to prevent corrosion of the dies and cores. Acidic water can cause pitting and erosion, while alkaline water can promote scale formation.4. Dissolved Solids.The amount of dissolved solids in the water should be kept to a minimum to prevent clogging of the cooling channels and affecting the heat transfer efficiency. High levels of dissolved solids can also lead to the formation of deposits on the dies and cores.5. Chlorine Content.The chlorine content of the water should be controlledto prevent corrosion of the dies and cores. Chlorine can react with the metal surfaces and form corrosive compounds that can damage the equipment.6. Biological Growth.The water used in the casting process should be free from biological growth, such as bacteria and algae. Biological growth can clog the cooling channels andinterfere with heat transfer. It can also lead to the formation of slime and other deposits on the dies and cores.7. Treatment and Filtration.To ensure that the water meets the required specifications, it is often necessary to treat and filterthe water before use. Treatment methods may include softening, filtration, and disinfection.中文回答:铸造工艺进水要求。



铸造开箱流程Manufacturing and casting are significant steps in the production of various components and products. The casting process starts with an open box, where the molten metal is poured into the cavity to attain the desired shape.铸造开箱流程是制造过程中非常重要的一步,铸造流程是从一个开放的箱子开始,熔化的金属被倒入腔体以获得所需的形状。

Firstly, it is crucial to ensure that the mold is properly prepared for the casting process. This involves cleaning the mold to remove any debris or residue that may affect the quality of the final product. The surfaces of the mold must be smooth and free from any imperfections that could result in defects in the casting.首先,确保模具为铸造过程做好了充分准备是至关重要的。



Furthermore, the selection of the right casting material is vital to the success of the process. Different materials have unique properties that make them suitable for specific applications. Understanding the characteristics of each material and how it responds to the casting process is crucial in achieving the desired results.此外,选择正确的铸造材料对于流程的成功非常重要。



压力容器常用术语缩写1.检验检测术语(1)MET——力学性能试验(2)CT——化学成分分析(3)NDT——无损检测(4)DT——尺寸检查(5)VT——外观检查(6)RT——射线检测(7)UT——超声检测(8)MT——磁粉检测(9)PT——渗透检测(10)HB——布氏硬度(11)HV——维氏硬度(12)HR——洛氏硬度(13)HL——里氏硬度2.热处理术语(1)NT——正火+回火热处理(2)ISR——中间消除应力热处理(3)PWHT——焊后热处理(4)MAX.PWHT——可能达到的最大(5)MIN.PWHT——可能达到的最小程度焊后热处理程度焊后热处理(6)DHT——消氢处理(7)S.C——分步冷却脆化热处理ASME常用词汇Abrasion, allowance for 磨损,裕量Accessibility,pressure vessels 压力容器可达性Access openings 通道孔Allowance for corrosion, erosion, or abrasion 腐蚀裕量侵蚀或/磨损裕量Applied linings, tightness 应用衬里密封性Approval of new materials 新材料的批准Articles in Section V 第V卷中的各章Article 1, T-150 第1章T150Article 2 第2章Attachments 附件lugs and fitting 支耳和配件lugs for platforms, ladders, etc. 平台,梯子等的支耳nonpressure parts 非受压件nozzles 接管pipe and nozzle necks to vessel walls 在器壁上的管子和接管颈stiffening rings to shell 壳体上的刚性环Backing strip垫板Bending stress, welded joints弯曲应力,焊接接头Bend test弯曲试验Blind flanges盲板法兰Bolted flange connections螺栓法兰连接bolt lands 螺栓载荷bolt stress 螺栓应力design of 关于设计flange moments 法兰力矩flange stresses 法兰应力materials 材料studs 双头螺栓tightness of 紧密性types of attachment 附件类型Bolts 螺栓Braced and stayed surfaces 支持和支撑面Brazed connections for nozzles 接管的钎焊连接Brazed joints, efficiency of 钎焊接头,焊缝系数maximum service temperature 最高使用温度strength of 强度Brazing, cleaning of brazed surfaces 钎焊,钎焊的表面清理fabrication by用……制造filler metal 填充金属fluxes 钎焊剂heads into shells 封头接入壳体operating temperature 操作温度Buttstraps, curvature 对接盖板,曲率forming ends of 成型端thickness and corrosion allowance 厚度和腐蚀裕量welding ends of 焊接端Carbon in material for welding 焊接用材料中的碳Cast ductile iron vessels, design 可锻铸铁容器,设计pressure-temperature limitations 压力-温度界限service restrictions 使用限制Castings 铸件carbon steel 碳钢defects 缺陷impact test 冲击试验inspection 检查quality factor 质量系数specifications 标准Cast iron circular dished heads 铸铁碟形封头Cast iron standard parts, small 铸铁标准部件,小件Cast iron pipe fittings 铸铁管件Cast iron vessels 铸铁容器corners and fillets 圆角和倒角head design 封头设计hydrostatic test 水压试验nozzles and fittings 接管和配件pressure-temperatures limitations 压力-温度界限Certificate of Authorization for Code Symbol Stamp 规范符号标志的认可证书Certification of material 材料证明书Certification of Nondestructive Personnel 无损检验人员证明书Magnetic Particle Examination 磁粉检验Liquid Penetrant Examination液体渗透检验Radiographic Examination 射线超声检验Ultrasonic Examination 超声检验Chip marks on integrally forged vessels 整体锻造容器上的缺口标志Circumferential joints alignment tolerance环向连接,组对公差assembling装配brazing钎焊vessels subjected to external pressure 承受外压的容器Clad material, inserted strips 覆层材料,嵌条examination 检查Clad plate 复合板Cleaning ,of brazed surfaces 钎焊表面清理of welded surfaces 焊接表面Clearance between surfaces to be brazed 钎焊表面间的间隙Combination, of different materials 不同材料组合of methods of fabrication制造方法Computed working pressure from hydrostatic tests 由水试验计算的工作压力Conical heads 锥形封头Conical sections 圆锥截面Connections ,bolted flange (see Bolted flange connections)连接,螺栓法兰(见螺栓法兰连接)brazed 钎焊clamp 卡箍expanded 胀接from vessels to safety valves 由容器至安全阀studded 双头螺栓threaded 螺纹welded 焊接Cooling, after postweld heat treating冷却,焊后热处理Corrosion allowance腐蚀裕度Corrosion resistant linings防腐蚀衬里Corrugated shells波纹形壳体Corrugating Paper Machinery 波纹板机械Cover plates 盖板on manholes and handholes 在人孔和手孔上的spherically dished 球形封头Cracking, stress corrosion 应力腐蚀裂缝Cutting plates 板材切割Cylindrical shells, supplementary loading 柱状壳体,附加载荷thickness 厚度transition in 过渡段Data report, guide for preparation 准备数据报告的指南Defects in welded vessels, repair 修理焊接容器中的缺陷Definitions定义Design, brazed vessels 设计钎焊容器carbon and low alloy steel vessels 碳钢及低合金钢容器cast ductile iron vessels 可锻铸铁容器cast iron vessels 铸铁容器clad vessels 覆层容器ferritic steel vessels with properuts enhanced by heat treatment 经热处理后提高抗拉性能的铁素体钢容器forged vessels 锻造容器high-alloy steel vessels 高合金钢容器loadings 载荷multichamber vessels 多受压室容器nonferrous vessels 非铁金属容器welded vessels 焊接容器design pressure 设计压力Diameter exemption 直径的豁免Dimensions, checking of 尺寸,校核Discharge of safety valves 安全阀泄放Dished heads (see formed heads) 碟形封头(见成形封头)Disks, rupture 防爆膜Dissimilar weld metal 不同金属的焊接Distortion, of welded vessels 大变形、焊接容器supports to prevent 用支撑防止Drainage, discharge from safety and relief valves 排放,由安全阀和泄压阀泄放Drop weight tests 落锤试验Eccentricity of shells 壳体的偏心度Edges of plates, metal removal from 由加工板边去除金属tapered 锥度Efficiency, around openings for welded attachments 焊缝系数,环绕焊接附件孔口Elasticity, modulus of 弹性模量Electric resistance welding 电阻焊Ellipsoidal heads 椭圆封头Erosion, allowance for 侵蚀裕量Etching, of sectioned speciments 侵蚀,关于截面试样solutions for examination for materials 检验材料的溶液Evaporators 蒸发器Examination, of sectioned speciments 剖面试样的检验of welded joints 焊接接头的检验Exemptions diameter and volume 直径和容积的豁免Expanded connections 胀接连接External pressure, tube and pipe 外压管External pressure vessels 外压容器allowable working pressure for 许用工作压力charts 算图design of heads for 封头设计joints in shells of 壳体上的接头reinforcement for openings 开孔补强stiffening rings in shells 壳体上的刚性环supports for 支承thickness of shell 壳体厚度reducers 变径段Fabrication, brazed vessels 制造,钎焊容器Ferritic steels vessels with tensile properties enhanced by heat treatment, design 经热处理后提高抗拉性能的铁素体钢容器,设计fabrication 制造head design 封头设计heat treatment热处理heat treatment verification tests 热处理验证试验marking 标志materials 材料stamping 标记welded joints 焊接接头Field assembly of vessels 容器的现场安装Filler plugs for trepanned holes 锥孔的管塞Fillet welds 角焊Fired process tubular heaters 直接火管式加热炉Fitting attachments 附件装配Flange connections 法兰连接Flange contact facings 法兰接触面Flanges 法兰bolted design 螺柱法兰设计of formed heads for welding 用于焊接成型封头type of attachment 附件的类型Flat heads and covers, unstayed 无支撑平封头和盖板reinforcement of openings 开孔补强Flat spots on formed heads 成型封头上的平坦部分Flued openings 翻边开孔Forged parts, small 锻造部件,小的Forged vessels 锻造容器heat treatment 热处理localized thin areas 局部薄壁区welding 焊接Forgings 锻件identification of 识别Ultrasonic Examination 超声检验Form manufacturer’s data report 制造厂数据报告格式partial report 零部件数据报告Formed heads 成型封头flued openings in 封头上翻边开孔insertion of, welded vessels 插入,焊接容器joint efficiency 接头系数knuckle radius 转角半径length of skirt 直边长度on welded vessels 在焊接容器上reinforcement for openings 开孔补强Forming 成型ends of shell plates and buttstraps 壳体板和对接搭板端forged heads 锻造封头shell sections and heads 筒节和封头Furnaces 炉子temperatures for postweld head treatment 焊后热处理温度Furnaces for heat treating 热处理炉temperature control of 炉温控制Galvanized vessels 镀锌容器Gasket materials 垫片材料Girth joints (see circumferential joints) 环缝接头(见环向接头)Handhole and manhole openings 手孔和人孔开孔Head flange (skirt) length 封头翻边(直边)长度Head joints 封头接头brazing 钎焊welded 焊接Head openings 封头开孔entirely in spherical portion 全部在球体部分Head joints 封头接头concave and convex 凹面和凸面flat (see flat heads) 平板(见平封头)forged 锻造的formed (see Formed heads) 成型的(见成形封头)forming 面型thickness, after forming 厚度,成型之后Heads, design, conical 封头,设计,锥形ellipsoidal 椭圆形hemispherical 半球形spherically dished 球状碟形toriconical 带折边的锥形torispherical 带折边的球形torispherical, knuckle radius 带折边的球形,转角半径Heads and shells 封头和壳体external pressure, out-of-roundness 外压,不圆度openings through or near welded joints 通过或靠近焊缝处的开孔roundness tolerance 不圆度公差Heat exchangers 热交换器Heat treatment 热处理by fabricator 由制造厂进行carbon and low-alloy steel vessels 碳钢和低合金钢容器ferritic steel vessels with tensile properties enhanced by heat treatment 经过热处理后提高抗拉性能的铁素体的容器forged vessels 锻造容器furnaces 炉子high-alloy vessels 高合金容器of test specimens 试样的热处理verification tests of 热处理验证试验Hemispherical heads 半球形封头High pressure vessels 高压封头Holes 小孔for screw stays 用于螺丝固定for trepanning plug sections, refilling 用于穿孔螺塞部分,再填充telltale 指示孔unreinforced, in welded joints 不补强,在焊缝上Hubs, on flanges 高颈,在法兰上Hydrostatic proof tests 水压验证试验destructive 破坏性prior pressure application 在升压之前Hydrostatic test 水压试验cast iron vessels 铸铁容器combined with pneumatic 与气压试验混合的enameled vessels 搪玻璃容器external pressure vessels 外压容器galvanized vessels 镀锌容器standard 标准welded vessels 焊接容器Identification 识别of forging 锻件of plates 平板of welds 焊接Identification markers, radiographs 识别标志,射线照相Impact test 冲击试验certification 证明properties 性能specimens 试样temperature 温度Inspection 检查before assembling 组装之前carbon and low-alloy steel 碳钢和低合金钢cast ductile iron vessels 可锻铸铁容器cast iron vessels 铸铁容器clad vessels 覆层容器during fabrication 在制造期间ferritic steel vessels with tensile properties enhanced by heat treatment 经过热处理后提高抗拉性能的铁素体的容器fitting up 组对forged vessels 锻造容器heat treatment, forgings 热处理,锻件high-alloy steel vessels 高合金钢容器magnetic particle 磁粉material 材料nonferrous vessels 非铁金属容器plate 板材postweld heat treatment 焊后热处理pressure vessels, accessibility 压力容器,可达性quality control 质量管理sectioning of welded joints 焊接接头的剖面检验spot examination 抽样检查steel castings 铸钢件surfaces exposed and component parts 暴露的表面和元件部分test specimens 试样vessels 容器vessels exempted from 免检容器welded vessels 焊接容器Inspection openings 检查孔Inspectors 检查师access to plant 在厂内应有的便利control of stamping 打印管理duties 职责facilities 装备qualification 资格reports 报告Installation 安装pressure-relieving devices 泄压装置pressure vessel 压力容器Integral cast iron dished heads 整体铸铁碟形封头integrally finned tubes 整体翅片管Internal structures 内部构件Jacketed vessels 夹套容器Joints 接头brazed 钎焊circumferential (see Circumferential joints) efficiency, brazed 环缝(见环向接头)系数,钎焊welded 焊接electric resistance, butt welding 电阻,对接焊in cladding and applied linings 在覆层及衬里in vessels subjected to external pressure 在承受外压的容器lap (see Lap joints) 搭接(见搭接接头) longitudinal (see Longitudinal joints) 纵向(见纵向接头)tube-to-tubesheet 管子对管板Jurisdictional Review 权限审查Knuckles 过渡圆角radius 半径transition section 变径段Lap joints 搭接接头amount of overlap 搭接量brazed 钎焊longitudinal under external pressure 在外压作用下纵向的welded 焊接Laws Covering Pressure Vessels 涉及压力容器的法规Lethal gases or liquids 致命的气体或液体Ligaments, efficiency of 孔带,系数Limitation on welded vessels 焊接容器的限制Limit of out-of-roundness of shells 壳体不圆度的限制Linings 衬里corrosion resistant 抗腐蚀Liquid penetrant examination 液体渗透检验Loadings 载荷Local postweld heat treatment 局部焊后热处理Longitudinal joints 纵向接头alignment tolerance 对准公差brazing 钎焊vessels subjected to external pressure 承受外压的容器Low-temperature operation 低温操作Low-temperature vessels brazed 低温容器,钎焊for gases and liquids 用于气体和液体impact test requirements 冲击试验要求impact test, when not required 冲击试验,当不要求时marking 标志materials 材料testing of materials 材料试验Lugs for ladders, platforms, and other 梯子,平台及其它附件的支耳Magnetic particle inspection 磁粉检查Manholes, and handholes 人孔,手孔cover plate for 盖板minimum vessel diameter requiring 所需最小容器直径Manufacture, responsibility of 制造者,职责Manufacturer’s Data Report (see Data Report) 制造厂数据报告(见数据报告) Manufacturer’s stamps 制造厂的印记Marking castings 标志,铸件materials 材料plates 板材standard pressure parts 标志受压件valves and fittings 阀门和配件with Code symbol 带有规范符号Markings, transfer after cutting plates 标志,板材切割以后的转移Materials, approval of new 材料,新材料的批准approval of repairs 修补的批准brazed vessels 钎焊容器carbon and low-alloy steel vessels 碳钢和低合金钢容器cast ductile iron 可锻铸铁castings 铸铁cast iron vessels 铸铁容器certification 合格证clad vessels 覆层容器combination of 组合材料ferritic steel vessels with tensile properties enhanced by heat treatment 经热处理后提高抗拉性能的铁素体钢容器forged vessels 锻造容器for nonpressure parts 非受压元件heat treatment of 热处理high-alloy steel vessels 高合金钢容器inspection of 检查nonferrous vessels 非铁金属容器pipe and tube 管子plate 板rods and bars 杆和棒specification for 标准standard pressure, parts 标准受压元件unidentified 未鉴别的use of over thickness listed in SectionⅡ采用超过列于第Ⅱ卷表中的厚度welded vessels 焊接容器Measurement, 测量dimensional 尺寸of out-of-roundness of shells 壳体不圆度Metal temperature determination 金属温度,确定control of 控制Mill undertolerance 钢厂负公差控制Minimum thickness of plate 板材的最小厚度控制Miscellaneous pressure parts 其它受压件控制Multichamber vessels design 多承压室容器,设计Multiple duplicate vessels 多个相同的容器Multiple safety valves 多个安全阀Nameplates 铭牌New materials 新材料Noncircular vessels 非圆形容器ligament efficiency 孔带系数nomenclature 术语obround design 长圆形设计rectangular design 矩形设计reinforcement 补强examples 实例Nonpressure parts, attachment of 非受压元件的连接Notch ductility test 缺口韧性试验Nozzle openings, reinforced 接管开孔,补强的unreinforced 非补强的vessels subjected to external pressure 承受外压得容器Nozzles attachment of to shell 接管,与壳体的连接minimum thickness of neck 缩颈的最小厚度(see also Connections)(也可见连接件)Nuts and washers 螺母和垫圈Offset of edges of plates at joints 在接头处板边的偏差Openings adjacent to welds 开孔,邻近焊缝closure of 封闭for connections to brazed vessels 用于对钎焊容器的连接for drainage 用于排放head (see Openings head and shell) 封头(见开孔,封头和壳体)in flat heads 在平板封头上inspection 检查manhole (see Manholes) 人孔(见人孔) nozzle (see Nozzle opening) 接管(见接管开孔)shell (see Openings, head and shell) 壳体(见开孔,封头和壳体)through welded joints 通过焊接接头Openings, head and shell, computation of 开孔,封头和壳体,计算not requiring additional reinforcement 不需要附加补强reinforced, size 补强,尺寸reinforcement for adjacent openings 邻近开孔的补强reinforcement of 补强requiring additional reinforcement 需要附加补强shapes permissible 许用形式unreinforced, size 不补强的,尺寸Outlets, discharge, pressure relieving devices 排放口,出料,泄压装置Out-of-roundness 不圆度Overpressure limit for vessels 容器的超压极限Partial data report, manufacturer’s 零部件数据报告,制造厂的Parts, miscellaneous 部件,各种各样的Peening 捶击Pipe connections openings for 管子的连接,用于开孔Pipe fittings vessels built of 管子配件,制造的容器Pipe and tubes 各类管子Pipe used for shells 用作壳体的管子piping external to vessel 容器外的管子Plate, curvature 板,曲率measurement, dimensional check 测量,尺寸校核Plate edges cutting 板边,切割exposed left unwelded 留下不予焊接的显露部分inspection of 检查Plates 平板alignment 找准cover 盖板cutting 切割forming 成型heat treatment 热处理identification 标志impact test 冲击试验inspection 检查laying out 划线less than 6 mm thickness 厚度小6mm markings transfer after cutting 标志,在切割以后的转移minimum thickness 最小厚度repair of defects 缺陷修理specifications 标准structural carbon steel 结构碳钢Plug welds 塞焊Pneumatic test 气压试验pressure 压力yielding 屈服Porosity welded joints 气孔,焊接接头Porosity charts 气孔图Postheat treatment 后热处理connections for nozzles and attachments 用于接管和附件的连接cooling after 随后的冷却furnace temperature 炉温inspection 检查local 局部requirements 要求temperature range 温度范围welded vessels 焊接容器Preheating 预热Preparation of plates for welding 焊接板材的准备pressure, design 压力,设计limits 极限(see also Working pressure, allowable) (也可见工作压力,许用)Pressure parts miscellaneous 受压件,其它的Pressure relieving devices 泄压装置discharge 排放installation and operation 安装和运转rupture disks 防爆模setting 整定Pressure vessels 压力容器exempted from inspection 免检Produce form of Specification 产品技术条件Proof test hydrostatic (see Hydrostatic proof test) 验证试验,水压(见水压试验) Qualification 评定of brazers 钎焊工of welders 焊工of welding procedure 焊接工艺Quality Control System 质量保证体系Quenching and tempering 淬火及回火Quick-actuating closures 快开盖Radiograph factor 射线照相系数Radiographing 射线照相examination by 检查partial 部分quality factors 质量系数requirements 要求spot examination 抽样检查retests 重新试验thickness, mandatory minimum 规定最小厚度Radiographs, acceptance by inspector 射线照相,由检查员认为合格gamma rays, radium capsule γ射线,装镭的盒子interpretation by standard procedure 由标准程序的说明rounded indications 圆形显示Reaming holes for screw stays 为固定螺钉用的铰孔Reducer sections, rules for 变径段,规程Reinforcement 补强defined limits 规定的范围head and shell openings 封头及壳体开孔large openings 大开孔multiple openings 多个开孔nozzle openings 接管开孔of openings in shells, computation of 壳体上开孔,计算openings subject to rapid pressure fluctuation 经受压力突然波动的开孔Fluctuation 经受压力突然波动的开孔strength 强度Relief devices 泄放装置(see also Pressure relieving devices, Safety and relief Valves)(也可见泄压装置,安全阀和泄压阀)Relieving capacity of safety valves 安全阀排量Repairs, approval of defects in material 修理,材料中缺陷的认可defective Brazing 有缺陷的钎焊defects in forgings 锻件中的缺陷defects in welds 焊缝中的缺陷Responsibility of manufacturer 制造者的职责Retention of Records 记录的保存Radiographs 射线照相Manufacturer’s Data Reports 制造厂的数据报告Retests, frogings 复试,锻件impact specimens 冲击试样joints, welded 接头,焊接Rods, bars, and shapes 杆棒喝型材Rolled parts, small 轧制件,小件Rupture disks 爆破模Safety 安全性safety relief, and pressures relief valves, adjustable blow down, capacity certification 安全泄放和泄压阀,可调节的泄放,排放量证明capacity, conversion 排量,换算connection to vessels 连接至容器construction 结构discharge pipe 排放管indirect operation 间接操作installation 安装installation on vessels in service 容器在役时的安装liquid relief 液体泄放marking 标志minimum requirements 最低要求pressure setting 压力整定spring loaded 受载弹簧springs, adjustment 弹簧,调节stop valves adjacent to 邻近的截止阀test 试验protective devices 防护装置for unfired steam boiler 对非直接火蒸气锅炉Scope 适用范围sectioning, closing holes left by 解剖,解剖孔的封闭etching plugs taken 解剖样的侵蚀examination by 检查Service restriction 使用限制Shapes, special 形状,特殊Shell plates, forming ends of 壳体用材料,封头成型Shells 壳体allowable working pressure 许用工作压力computation of openings in 开孔计算forming 成型made from pipe 由管子制造的stiffening rings 刚性环thickness 厚度Transition section 过渡段Sigma-phase formation σ相的形成Skirts length on heads 直边、封头上的长度support of vessels 裙座,容器支撑Slag inclusion welds 焊缝中的夹渣Special constructions 特殊结构Specification for materials 材料标准Spherical sections of vessels 容器的球形部分Spot examination of welded joints 焊接接头的抽样检查Springs for safety valves 安全阀的弹簧Stamping location of 打印位置multipressure vessels 多重压力容器omission of 省略safety valves 安全阀with Code symbol 带有规范标记Stamps, certificate of authorization 钢印,授权low stress 低压力not to be covered 不应覆盖to be visible on plates 在板上可见Static head, in setting safety valves, effect of on limiting stresses 静压头,在整定安全阀时,影响,对极限应力Stayed surfaces 支撑表面Staying formed heads 成型封头的支撑Stays and staybolts, adjacent to edges of staybolted surface 支撑件及拉撑螺栓,邻近用螺栓拉撑得表面周边处allowable stress 许用应力area supported 支撑面dimensions 尺寸ends 端部location 位置pitch 节距screw, holes for 螺孔upset for threading 为车制螺纹的镦粗welded 焊接的Steam generating vessels, unfired 蒸汽锅炉,非直接火Steel, carbon content 钢,含碳量Stenciling plates for identification 在板材上打印标志Stiffening rings, attachment to shell 刚性环,和壳体的装配for vessels under external pressure 用于外压容器Stiffness, support of large vessels for 刚性,大容器支座Stop valves 截止阀adjacent to safety and relief valves 邻近于安全和泄压阀Strength of brazed joints 钎焊接头的强度Stress corrosion cracking 应力腐蚀裂缝Stress values, attachment weld 应力值,连接焊缝basis for establishing 确定的基础carbon and low-alloy steel 碳钢和低合金钢cast iron 铸铁ferritic steels with tensile properties enhanced by heat treatment 经热处理后提高抗拉性能的铁素体刚high-alloy steel高合金钢nonferrous metals 非铁金属Stud bolt threads 双头螺栓螺纹Studded connections 双头螺纹连接Supplementary design formulas 补充设计公式Supports, design 支座,设计pressure vessels 压力容器temperature free movement under 在温度下活动不受约束types of steel permissible for 容许的钢材类型vessels subjected to external pressure 承受外压的容器Surface Weld Metal Buildup 金属堆焊表面Tables, effective gasket width b 表,有效垫片宽度bgasket materials and contact facings 垫片材料和接触面maximum allowable efficiencies for arc and gas welded joints 电弧焊和气焊接头的最大许用系数minimum number of pipe threads for connections 管螺纹连接的最少螺纹牙数molecular weights of gases and vapors 气体和蒸汽的分子量of stress values, carbon and low-alloy steel 应力值,碳钢和低合金钢cast iron 铸铁cast ductile iron 可锻铸铁ferritic steels with tensile properties enhanced by heat treatment经热处理后提高抗拉性能的铁素体钢high-alloy steel 高合金钢nonferrous metals 非铁金属welded carbon low-alloy pipe and tubes 焊接低合金碳钢管of values factor K系数K值factor M 系数Mfactor 系数postweld heat treatment requirements 焊后热处理要求recommended temperature ranges for heat treatment 推荐的热处理温度范围spherical radius factor K1 球半径系数K1 Telltale holes 指示孔in opening reinforcement 开孔补强Temperature, definitions 温度,定义design 设计determination 确定free movement of vessel on supports 支座上的容器活动不受约束heat treatment 热处理limitations, of brazed vessels 限制,钎焊容器of cast ductile iron 可锻铸铁of postweld heat treating 焊后热处理metal, control of 金属,控制operating or working, definitions 操作或工作,定义zones of different 不同区域Termination point of a vessel 容器的界限点Test coupons 试样Test gages requirements 试验仪表,要求Test plates heat treatment 试板,热处理impact test 冲击试验production 生产Tests, hydrostatic proof 试验,水压验证pneumatic (see pneumatic test) 气压,见气压试验vessels whose strength cannot be calculated 不能由计算求得强度的容器calculated 不能由计算求得强度的容器Thermal buffers 热缓冲器Thermocouples attachment 热电偶,安装Thickness gages, details 厚度量规,细节Thick shells, cylindrical 厚壳体,圆柱形spherical 球形Thin plates marking 薄板,标志Threaded connection 螺纹连接Threaded inspection openings 螺纹检查孔Threads, stud bolts 螺纹,双头螺栓Tolerances, forged shells and heads 公差,锻造容器及封头Toriconical heads 带折边的锥形封头Torispherical heads 带折边的球形封头Transfering marking on plates 板上标志的移植Transition in cylindrical shells 柱状壳体的过渡Trays and baffles, acting as partial shell stiffeners 塔盘及挡板,作为部分壳体加强圈Tubes and pipe 管子Tube-to-tubesheet joints 管子与管板的连接Ultrasonic examination of welds 焊缝的超声检验UM vessels UM 容器Unfired steam boiler 非直接火蒸汽锅炉Unidentified materials 未识别的材料Valves, connections 阀,连接safety and relief (see safety and relief valves) 安全和泄压装置Valves and fittings, marking 阀及其配件,标志Verification tests, heat treatment 验证试验,热处理Volume exemption 容器的免检Weld deposits, cleaning 焊接熔敷金属,清理peening 捶击Welded joints, category 焊接接头,类别description of types 类型的描述efficiency 焊缝系数impact test, across 冲击试验,横向postweld heat treating 焊后热处理radiographic examination, complete 射线照相检查,整个的rounded indications 圆形显示sectioning, etch test 解剖,侵蚀试验spot examination 抽样检查staggered, longitudinal 错开,轴向taper, plates of unequal thicknesses 锥度,不等厚板types around openings 类型,环绕开孔ultrasonic examination of 超声检验Welded reinforcement of nozzle openings 接管开孔的焊缝补强Welded vessels 焊接容器holes in joints of 接头处的孔inspection 检查limitations on 限制tests of 试验Welders and welding operators 焊工和自动焊工identifying stamps 识别标记records of, by manufacturers 由制造厂所作的记录test of qualification 评定试验Welding 焊接cleaning of welded surfaces 焊件表面清理details, limitations 细节,限制forged vessels 锻造容器materials 材料materials having different coefficients of expansion 膨胀系数不同的材料of attachment around openings 开孔周围的连接plate, fitting up joints 平板,连接处的装配plate edges, matching 板边,匹配preparation of plates 钣材的制备procedure qualification 工艺评定processes 工艺test requirement 试验要求Weld metal, composition 焊缝金属,成分Welds acceptability, when radiographed 焊缝合格,用射线照相时when sectioned 解剖时fillet 填角identification of 识别plug 塞焊reinforcement, butt welds 补强,对接焊repairs of defects in 焊缝中缺陷的修补sharp angles, avoid at weld edges 尖角,避免在焊缝边上structural 结构tack 定位焊types, description 类型,描述ultrasonic examination of 超声检验Working pressure allowable, braced and stayed surfaces 许用工作压力,有拉撑和支撑表面by proof test 验证性试验definition of 定英汉锅炉及压力容器词汇AA-number A-No(焊缝金属成分分类号,A=Analysis)A-number analysis A-Number 化学成分A-scan A形扫描ability 能力abnormal situation 异常情况abrupt change in section 截面突变处abrupt transitions 转变的过渡部分absolute coil 绝对线圈absolute manometer 绝对压力计,绝对压强计absolute measurement 绝对测量absolute pressure 绝对压力absolute readout 绝对读数absolute system 绝对系统absolute value 绝对值absorbed energy value 吸收能值absorber 吸收塔absorption 吸附absorption characteristics 吸附特性absorption of hydrogen 吸收氢absorptivity 吸收率abutting pressure parts 相连承压件abutting sections 相连截面accelerated cooling 加速冷却acceptability 可接受性acceptable abbreviation 允许的缩写代号acceptable deviations 允许偏差acceptance criteria 合格指标,验收标准acceptance level 验收标准,合格标准acceptance limit 验收极限acceptance of material 材料的验收acceptance standard 验收标准acceptance test 验收试验access 可达性access door 检查门access for inspector 为检验师提供的方便access for welding 焊接可达性access opening 检查孔,出入孔accessibility of joint 接头可达性access opening 检查孔,出入孔accredit 授权,认可accumulation of time 时间的总和,累加时间accumulation of water 积水accumulation test 蓄汽试验,累积试验accumulation test pressure 蓄汽试验压力accuracy 精度acicular ferrite 针状铁素体acidic slag 酸性渣acidity 酸度acoustic holography 声全息照相acoustic impedance 声阻抗active carbon filter 活性炭过滤器active flux 活性焊剂active gas 活性气体actual design pressure 实际设计压力actual metal temperature 金属实际温度actual stress 真实应力actual stress distribution 实际应力分布actual thickness 实际厚度actual throat (角)焊缝实际厚度actual throat of a fillet weld 角焊缝实际厚度actual value 实际值Adamson furnace 阿登生式炉胆Adamson ring 阿登生圈Adamson type furnace 阿登生式炉胆Adaptor 承接接头adaptive control welding 适应控制焊接added mass 外加质量addenda 增补(在ASME规范中“addenda”一词的内涵甚广,包括“增”“删”“修补”“勘误”等,不仅限于“补遗”)additional bending stress 附加弯曲应力additional data 附加数据additional design principles 补充设计规则additional distortion 附加变形additional fabrication test 附加工艺试验additional inspection 附加检验additional reinforcement 附加补强additional requirements 附加要求additional strain 附加应变additional strength 附加强度additional stress 附加应力additional tension test 附加拉伸试验additional term 附加项additional testing 附加试验additional wall thickness 附加壁厚additional weld metal build-up 额外堆焊的焊缝金属adhering slag 挂渣adhesive content 粘合剂含量adjacent chamber 相邻室,相邻舱adjacent course 相邻筒节adjacent cylinder 相邻筒体adjacent cylindrical section 相邻筒节adjacent hole 邻孔adjacent layer 相邻层adjacent opening 相邻孔adjacent region 临区,相邻区域adjacent sliding surface 邻接的滑动表面,相邻滑动面adjacent surface 相邻面adjoining edge 连接边缘接口adjustable distance piece 可调定距块,可调定距管adjusted pressure ratings for flanges and fittings 法兰和附件的折算压力级别administration fee 管理费用administration supervision 行政监督,管理上的监督adsorbed(surface) moisture (表面)吸附的水分affinity 亲和力affinity for carbon 对碳的亲和力age-hardening crack 时效硬化裂纹ageing 时效ageing induced crack 时效裂纹ageing treatment 时效处理agglomerate flux 粘结焊剂aggregate area 截面积的总和,总截面积aggregate relieving capacity 总泄放量aggregate time 总时间aggregate value capacity 叠加的安全阀排放量air arc cutting 空气电弧切割air-cooled condition 空冷状态air dried hard wood 风干硬木air dried peat 风干泥煤air dried soft wood 风干软木air dried wood 风干木材air entrainment 卷吸空气air pockets 气泡,气袋air-tight coating 气密性覆层air-tight protective coating 气密性保护覆层air-underwater pressure test (管子)水下气压试验algebraic sum 代数和algorithm 算法aligning parts 对准部件alignment tolerance 对准公差alkali ion diode 碱离子二极管alligator crack pattern 鳄鱼皮状裂纹图象(热疲劳裂纹的表现)allowable bolt design stress 螺栓许用设计应力allowable external working pressure 许用工作外压allowable flange stress 法兰许用应力allowable flange stress intensity 法兰许用应力强度allowable maximum service stress 许用最大工作应力allowable staybolt pitch 拉撑螺栓许用节距,拉撑螺栓允许节距allowable stress value 许用应力(值)allowable working pressure 许用工作压力allowance for abrasion 腐蚀裕量allowance for corrosion 腐蚀裕量alloy clad steel plate 合金复合钢板alloy composition 合金成分alloy layer 合金层alloying element 合金元素all-position welding 全位置焊all-weld tensile test 全焊缝金属拉伸试验alternate base material 代用母材alternate heat treatment 另一种热处理(工艺)alternate internal and external pressures 交变内外压alternate plastic strain 交替塑性应变alternate specimen 另一种试样alternate tension test orientation 另一种拉伸试样取样方位alternating stress 交变应力alternating stress amplitude 交变应力幅alternating stress intensity 交变应力强度aluminium (aluminum) 铝aluminium alloy 铝合金aluminium alloy gas cylinder 铝合金气瓶aluminium-base material 铝基材料aluminium-base alloy 铝基合金aluminium bronze 铝青铜aluminium nitride 铝的氮化物aluminium overlay 铝铁合金层American Boiler Manufactures’Association (ABMA) 美国锅炉制造者协会American Society of Metals (ASM) 美国金属学会American Welding Society (AWS) 美国焊接学会ambient temperature 环境温度ammeter shunt 安培计分流器ammonia converter 氨合成塔ammonia liquor scrubber 氨母液洗涤塔ammonium copper acetate solution scrubber 醋酸铜胺洗涤塔amount of corrosion allowance 腐蚀裕量amount of forge work 锻造量amount of machining 机加工量amount of melting 熔化量amount of paperwork 资料工作量amount of trapped jet 捕集的射流量ampere turns 安匝ample drains 足够大的疏水量(器)ample size 足够大的尺寸amplitude 幅度,振幅amplitude distortion 幅度畸变amplitude linearity 幅度线性,垂直线性amplitude response 幅度响应analogue system 模拟系统analyticalapproach 分析方法analytical procedure 分析程序analytical solution 解析解决anchor bolt 基础螺栓anchor bolt chair 基础螺栓座。

casting quality level 2 -回复

casting quality level 2 -回复

casting quality level 2 -回复什么是Casting Quality Level 2?Casting Quality Level 2是指铸造质量的等级二级。






Casting Quality Level 2是由国际铸造协会(International Casting Association)制定的一项标准。



Casting Quality Level 2所涉及的方面有很多,首先是尺寸精确性。






Casting Quality Level 2要求铸造件表面不能有严重的缺陷,如气泡、裂缝、疤痕等。



Casting Quality Level 2要求内部缺陷的数量和尺寸必须在可接受范围内,并且对于一些关键应用,内部缺陷甚至应该接近零。

那么,如何保证达到Casting Quality Level 2标准呢?首先,铸造过程的控制至关重要。





压铸英语(Die casting English)压铸英语(Die casting English)Die cast EnglishDie casting material 2007-10-13 07:55 read 599 review 2: big, medium and smallA installation size install dimensionDie retainer plate retainer plateDie female, die, female, mold, negative, moldB spare parts spare partsMetamorphic modificationModifier modification, agentSkimming slagging-offHolding furnace holding furnaceThe holding pressure is dwell pressureSurface defects surface, defectC quenching hardness quenching hardnessCore pulling coreSide core pulling side coreCore pulling cylinder core, oil, cylinderPlug and play structure plugCore pulling mechanism core pullerCore cylinder support bracket, of, cylinderRoughness roughness/degreeSurface roughness of casting surface roughnessScrape gallingDimensional tolerances dimension, tolerance, of, casting Degassing degassingPurge blow purifyingDegassing agent degassing, fluxSlag out de-slaggingSlag outlet slag holeSediment sludgeTap holeCauliflower head Cauli-floweringUltrasonic inspection, ultrasonic, testRemelting re-meltingD end cap coverMoving die pad spacer parallelForged steel forged steelNitriding treatment of nitriding treatmentFracture fracturePlastic fracture plastic, fractureGuide post guide pillarGuide sleeve guide sleeveGuide plate guide plateGuide piece guide partMoving, die/ejector, die/movable, mouldMoving die seat plate moving, clamp, plate/bottom, clamping, plateDie setting plate fixed, clamp, plate/top, plateStereotype fixed, die/cover, dieDie bolster/fixed die setEjector rod ejector pinEjector structure ejector mechanismEjection ejectorLifting hole lifting eyeRings lifting ringTi plating treatment titaniumFleshy defects in metallic projectionElectrical discharge electric sparkSanding grindingF shunt cone divider/blast coneParting surfaces mold, parting/parting, face/mold, joint Attached page attachment/appendixThe reset lever is reset bar (rod)Accessory fault, accessoryCovering agent covering, fluxScrap metal scrapScum cinderReverberatory furnace reverberatory furnaceWaste rejectFlying edge joint flashSimulation simulationG specifications specification/standardThe numerical aperture is numerical aperture (N.A) Fixed segment segmentCrucible crucible坩埚炉坩埚炉感应电炉感应电炉沟槽盲痂硅硅H滑块滑块滑块部件运动部件滑块退让回报/后退焊补焊接横浇道转轮合模锁模横流道转轮回炉料铸造的回报合型模具装配/关闭/锁模合型力锁模力化学成分不合格化学成分分析J浇口套浇口套浇排道系统浇注系统浇不足浇不足浇注浇注浇注断裂间断浇注浇道比浇口比浇包钢包精整梳妆整理精度精度接口连接器击伤射击金相组织金相结构金属残液脚跟金相检验金相检验金属型涂料模涂料/涂层的金属模具加压速度压力上升速率间隙间隙精炼精炼精炼剂精炼剂精密铸造精密铸造静置控股/炖渗透浸渍集渣装置污垢陷阱夹杂类缺陷夹杂缺陷夹渣夹渣、夹渣夹具工具夹具K壳体住房开炉吹孔洞缺陷腔库存库存我冷却冷却冷却水管冷却水管道冷却耐压管冷却压力管冷却水管用密封圈O型圈/密封圈/密封圈冷室卧式压铸机水平(冷室压铸机)冷却系统冷却系统冷却水接口冷却水接头冷裂冷裂纹冷隔冷隔铝铝裂纹裂纹拉伤抓住铸造拉杆孔拉杆螺纹螺钉螺纹螺纹结构螺杆结构螺纹公称直径(直径直径)公称尺寸(名义尺寸)尺寸/公称尺寸指定漏油渗漏油棱边倒角边缘炉料电荷炉衬炉衬炉气分析烟气分析炉前分析现场采样分析流痕盛开/流程线力学性能不合格物理力学特征的异常我毛坯粗糙/空白Rough casting; rough castingBurr veining / burrCore of die coreFramed revolverDie channelDie chase / / bolster revolverDie steelDie drawingInner gateRiser riser / feeder headRiser gating system gating feeder head system MagnesiumManganese manganese carbonateClosed pressure system tightness testThe sprue in the doorNickel nickleP with oil pressure plateExhaust block, exhaust, BraqueExhaust tank, vent, aviationExhaust port vent / venting channelExhaust plug venting fillMatching sleeve round: fitting sleeve square fitting case: Run aluminum slop away from mold aluminumJet metallurgy injecting metallurgyShot blasting lens cleaning blasting zoneShot blasting, cleaning wheel, cleaning blasting zone Segregation segregationDestructive experiment; destructive testQ fetching machine extractorRemove the riser de - gatingShovel chippingDefecting casting of defect castingsPorosity blowhole gas porosity pinhole hole / / /Stomatal retraction blowhole, shrinkageDeburring de - burringRemove the oxide skin de - scalingHydrogen gasClean up cleaningHeat treatment, heat treatment, RThermocouple temperature hole thermocouple good Thermocouple thermocouple (TC) / pyodThermal cracking heat heatingSmelting smeltingThe melting rate is melting rateMelting total loss of smelting lossBath bathFluxSlag slagWater pipes, pipeThree dimensional modeling 3 DCoordination of 33 coordinate measuring instruments Upper die seat plate, clamping plateCratering shrinkageRetraction dispersed, shrinkageLoose porosity (dispersed, shrinkage)Leakage leakageBe lost / depressed / depressed / depressedTest block test / test / coupon Block blockReal time control system Real time control system Tryout de - buggingI don't know the pushing boardThe putter knows RodA push plate pillar push plate guide post guideA push plate, sleeve push plate, guide sleeve guide Punch plate & inky retainer boardCopperTitaniumMesh crack craze W / check / crazing crack Not poured full, shortX coreCavity moldInsert splicing place斜导柱孔孔斜导柱楔紧块楔型芯弯曲芯弯曲下模座板降低夹板型芯固定板型芯固定板X射线检查光射线检验Y压铸机压铸机压室压力室压室止口(定位)尺寸尺寸压实挤压实压射镜头/注射压射冲头注射活塞/柱塞(RAM)压铸型压铸模具压力铸造模具压铸模具易损镶块穿插入易损件易损件预应力预应力永久型永久模硬点硬点过流溢流槽印痕压痕氧氧荧光检验荧光测试Z真空接口真空接头真空排气管真空排气管总接头主要连接器中接头中间接头直浇道浇口转接处(转口)交通装配图(铸型装配图)模具装配图铸钢铸钢支架顶房屋/模具底座造渣成渣真空熔炼真空熔炼真空压铸真空压铸、真空压铸增压加压针孔针孔沾铝胶铝直读光谱分析仪直读光谱仪转运包铁水包转向器转向架柴油式传动叉车柴油叉车复印机复制机服务器服务器绘图仪绘图仪兼容机兼容机材料库仓库投影仪投影机半自动车床半自动车床半自动立式钻床钻孔机表面粗度测量仪表面粗糙度测量仪布洛维硬度计布氏硬度计测氢仪氢计叉车充电机充电器程控交换机交换器齿轮油泵油泵储气罐蓄电池槽电动葫芦龙门吊电动试压泵压测试仪电动斜切机偏置刀电子秤秤电子扫描仪扫描仪吊斗勺斗高压离心风机燃烧机管道泵工艺水泵烘箱炉监控系统监测系统简易数控车床 digital lathe交流弧焊机 are welder抛光机 polisher锯床 saw空压机 air compressor冷冻式干燥机 dryer红外线测温仪冷却塔 cooling tower立式带锯床 band saw滤油机 oil filter焊接机 welder模温机 die heater喷粉室回收设备 painter.平面磨床 grinder气动量仪 air gauge切割机 cut - off machine清洗机 washer散热器攻丝机 tapping machine 台式光谱仪 spectrograph台式砂轮机 abrasive machine卧式液压拉床 broaching machine 铣床 milling machine钻床 drilling machine液压机 hydraulic machine真空机 vacuum pump时效炉 aging furnace电阻炉 stress relief furnace探伤机 diagnosis machine加工中心 machining center车床 lathe钻削中心 drilling & cutting center别克 buick切边机 trim press冷却塔循环泵 cooling tower pump循环水离心泵 process water pump脱模剂压送机 die lube station取件机 extractorfl充痒压铸系统 fl oxygen feed die cast system 装卸车 loader在建工程 construction in progress捡漏机 picker纸芯式滤油器paper element filter电磁阀 solenoid valve溢流阀spillover valve调速阀 speed control valve压力传感器pressure transducer三角带wedge shaped belt节流阀throttle governor同步齿型带timing belt喷涂机spray coaterin order to 轴承 (hand)浮球阀 float ball cock valve.行车bridge crane平衡重式叉车counter balanced forklift轮毂螺栓wheel hub bolt制动蹄片brake shoe制动液braking fluid叶片lamina / vane侧护板side guard plateradial thrust ball bearing 单列向心推力球轴承single row shielded 带防尘盖单列轴承single row bearing急停按钮 scram button三相开关threephase switch行程开关 limit / travel switch断路器circuit breaker接触器 contactor中间继电器intermediate relay时间继电器 time relay控制变压器control transform开关电源switching supply节能灯energy saving lamp日光灯管荧光灯管自整流高压汞灯泡自整流高压水银灯电工胶布Garre /电工胶带焊条焊条石笔石笔外圆磨床外圆磨床液压油液压油安全钩螺栓安全钩十字头十字头尾尾架尾座护板框盖框盖肘环顶拨动顶盖耦合联轴器拉杆拉杆,系杆控制面板控制面板电源板分配板,配电板检修大修,拆修软管软管,水龙带保修期保修期喷嘴管口,喷嘴自然谈日晒后的颜色,茶色电装电装、橡胶垫橡胶垫减震橡胶塞减震橡皮塞模子闭合高度模高度动模行程模行程强化比标准增强比标准柱塞行程柱塞行程冲头穿透冲头穿透力粘度指数粘度指数额定压力额定压力插头插座插口,塞孔通风通风的地脚螺栓孔地锚(脚)螺栓孔进口入口镀锌通电流碳粒碳粒砂浆火泥,砂浆担架拉伸机接地电缆接地电缆流形总管,集合管夹紧力传感器夹紧力传感器削弱衰减乳化乳化作用中子线丝滑出模斜度拔模角隔皮钻掉肉浇不足研配磨浊度浑浊度折光仪折射仪沙沉淀物乙二醇乙二醇可燃易燃的水溶性水溶性的油脂泵黄油泵,油脂泵流口水滴料二硫二硫化物锂锂试水位旋塞表旋塞比赛的压力阀压力拟合阀锁止螺母防松螺母/斜倾斜核心型芯滑面滑动面磁处理熔剂处理模具夹紧缸模具夹紧气缸堵塞堵塞,闭合电极棒电极棒熏蒸消毒证书熏蒸证书机箱条板箱,柳条箱树脂零件树脂零件油环油环齿轮箱齿轮箱,传动箱,变速箱拔模角出模斜度丝锥和钻头规丝锥及钻头规螺孔钻螺纹底孔钻丝锥刀具丝锥刀具丝锥板牙架丝锥板牙两用夹头水龙头的手柄丝锥扳手分液漏斗螺旋漏斗螺丝机螺纹切削机螺纹切削螺纹切削螺距规螺距规螺丝钉螺纹铆钉螺杆通孔放气螺丝住房齿条罩架架管油缸杯密封进料管输油管线轴卷轴恢复密封(恢复性密封)充气管充气。

机械制造专业英语第7章SAND CASTING(砂型铸造)

机械制造专业英语第7章SAND CASTING(砂型铸造)

SAND CASTINGMost metal castings are made by pouring molten metal into a prepared cavity and allowing it to solidify. The process dates from antiquity. The largest bronze statue in existence today is the great Sun Buddha in Nara, Japan. Cast in the eighth century, it weighs 551 tons (500 metric tons) and is more than 71 ft (21m) high. Artisans of the Shang Dynasty in China (1766 - 1222B.C.) created art works of bronze with delicate filigree as sophisticated as anything that is designed and produced today.There are many casting processes available today, and selecting the best one to produce a particular part depends on several basic factors, such as cost, size, production rate, finish ,tolerance, section thickness, physical-mechanical properties, intricacy of design, machinability, and weldability.Sand casting, the oldest and still the most widely used casting process, will be presented in more detail than the other processes since many of the concepts carry over into those processes as well.Green SandGreen sand generally consists of silica sand and additives coated by rubbing the sand grains together with clay uniformly wetted with water. More stable and refractory sands have been developed, such as fused silica, zircon, and mullite, which replace lower-cost silica sand and have only 2% linear expansion at ferrous metal temperatures. Also, relatively unstable water and clay bonds are being replaced with synthetic resins, which are much more stable at elevated temperatures.Green sand molding is used to produce a wide variety of castings in sizes of less than a pound to as large as several tons. This versatile process is applicable to both ferrous and nonferrous materials.Green sand can be used to produce intricate molds since it provides for rapid collapsibility; that is, the mold is much less resistant to the contraction of the casting as it solidifies than are other molding processes. This results in less stress and strain in the casting.The sand is rammed or compacted around the pattern by a variety of methods, including hand or pneumatic-tool ramming, jolting (abrupt mechanical shaking),squeezing (compressing the top and bottom mold surfaces), and driving the sand into the mold at high velocities (sand slinging). Sand slingers are usually reserved for use in making very large stings where great volumes of sand are handled.For smaller castings,a two-part metal box or flask referred to as a cope and drag is used. First the pattern is positioned on a mold board, and the drag or lower half of the flask is positioned over it. Parting powder is sprinkled on the pattern and the box is filled with sand. A jolt squeeze machine quickly compacts the sand. The flask is then turned over and again parting powder is dusted on it. The cope is then positioned on the top half of the flask and is filled with sand, and the two-part mold with the pattern board sandwiched in between is squeezed.PatternsPatterns for sand casting have traditionally been made of wood or metal. However, it has been found that wood patterns change as much as 3% due to heat and moisture. This factor alone would put many castings out of acceptable tolerance for more exacting specifications. Now, patterns are often made from epoxies and from cold-setting rubber with stabilizing inserts. Patterns of simple design, with one or more flat surface, can be molded in one piece, provided that they can be withdrawn without disturbing the compacted sand. Other patterns may be split into two or more parts to facilitate their removal from the sand when using two-part flasks. The pattern must be tapered to permit easy removal from the sand. The taper is referred to as draft. When a part does not have some natural draft, it must be added. A more recent innovation in patterns for sand casting has been to make them out of foamed polystyrene that is vaporized by the molten metal. This type of casting, known as the full-mold process, does not require pattern draft.Sprues, Runners, and Gates.Access to the mold cavity for entry of the molten metal is provided by sprues, runners, and gates, as shown in Fig.7-1. A pouring basin can be carved in the sand at the top of the sprue, or a pour box, which provides a large opening, may be laid over the sprue to facilitate pouring. After the metal is poured, it cools most rapidly in the sand mold. Thus the outer surface forms a shell that permits the still molten metal nearthe center to flow toward it. As a result, the last portion of the casting to freeze will be deficient in metal and, in the absence of a supplemental metal-feed source, will result in some form of shrinkage. This shrinkage may take the form of l shrinkage (large cavities) or the more subtle microshrinkage (finely dispersed porosity). These porous spots can be avoided by the use of risers,as shown in Fig.7-1,which Provide molten metal to make up for shrinkage losses.Fig.7-1 Sectional view of a casting moldCoresCores are placed in molds wherever it is necessary to preserve the space it occupies in the mold as a void in the resulting castings. As shown in Fig.7-11 the core will be put in place after the pattern is removed. To ensure its proper location, the pattern has extensions known as core prints that leave cavities in the mold into which the core is seated. Sometimes the core may be molded integrally with the green sand and is then referred to as a green-sand core. Generally, the core is made of sand bonded with core oil, some organic bonding materials, and water. These materials are thoroughly blended and placed in a mold or core box. After forming, they are removed and baked at 350°to 450°F (177°to 232°C). Cores that consist of two or more parts are pasted together after baking.CO2 CoresCO2 cores are made by ramming up moist sand in a core box. Sodium silicate is used as a binder, which is quickly hardened by blowing CO2 gas over it. The CO2 system has the advantage of making the cores immediately available.Pouring the MetalSeveral types of containers are used to move the molten metal from the furnace tothe pouring area. Large castings of the floor-and-pit type are poured with a ladle that has a plug in the bottom, or, as it is called, a bottom-pouring ladle. It is also employed in mechanized operations where the molds are moved along a line and each is poured as it is momentarily stopped beneath the large bottom-pour ladle.Ladles used for pouring ferrous metals are lined with a high alumina-content refractory. After long use and oxidation, it can be broken out and replaced. Ladles used in handling ferrous metals must be preheated with gas flames to approximately 2600° to 2700°F (1427° to 1482 °C) before filling. Once the ladle is filled, it is used constantly until it has been emptied.For nonferrous metals, simple clay-graphite crucibles are used. While they are quite susceptible breakage, they are very resistant to the metal and will hold up a long time under normal conditions. They usually do not require preheating, although care must be taken to avoid moisture pickup. For this reason they are sometimes baked out to assure dryness.The pouring process must be carefully controlled, since the temperature of the melt greatly affects the degree of liquid contraction before solidification, the rate of solidification, which in turn affects the amount of columnar growth present at the mold wall, the extent and nature of the dendritic growth, the degree of alloy burnout, and the feeding characteristics of the risering system.Finishing OperationsAfter the castings have solidified and cooled somewhat, they are placed on a shakeout table or grating on which the sand mold is broken up, leaving the casting free to be picked out. The casting is then taken to the finishing room where the gates and risers are removed. Small gates and risers may be broken off with a hammer if the material is brittle. Larger ones require sawing, cutting with a torch, or shearing. Unwanted metal protrusions such as fins, bosses, and small portions of gates and risers need to be smoothed off to blend with the surface. Most of this work is done with a heavy-duty grinder and the process is known as snagging or snag grinding. On large castings it is easier to move the grinder than the work, so swing-type grinders are used. Smaller castings are brought to stand- or bench-type grinders. Hand and pneumaticchisels are also used to trim castings. A more recent method of removing excess metal from ferrous castings is with a carbon-air torch. This consists of a carbon rod and high-amperage current with a stream of compressed air blowing at the base of it. This oxidizes and removes the metal as soon as it is molten. In many foundries this method has replaced nearly all chipping and grinding operations.New Wordscasting n.铸造,铸件cavity n.空腔,型腔solidify vt.凝固antiquity n.古代Buddha n.佛Nara n.奈良市artisan n.工匠filigree n.精细之作finish n.光洁度tolerance n.公差intricacy n.复杂machinability n.(可)切削性weldability n.(可)焊接性silica n.石英additive n.添加剂clay n.粘土refractory a.难熔的,耐火的fuse vt.使熔化zircon n.锆石mullite n.富铝红柱石ferrous a.铁的resin n.树脂,松香molding n.铸型,造型nonferrous a.非铁的intricate a.复杂的collapsibility n.退让性contraction n.收缩ram vt.夯实pattern n.模型,木模pneumatic a.气动的jolt vi.振动,摇动sling n.抛(砂)flask n.砂箱cope n.上砂箱drag n.下砂箱sprinkle vt.撒epoxy n.环氧树脂(胶)taper n.锥度,起模斜度draft n.起模斜度foamed a.泡沫的polystyrene n.聚苯乙烯sprue n.直浇口runner n.内浇口,横浇口basin n.浇口杯deficient a.不足的,缺乏的shrinkage n.收缩subtle a.细微的porosity n.多孔,缩松porous a.多孔的void n.空间integrally ad.整体地bonding n.粘结剂sodium n.钠silicate n.硅酸盐plug n.塞ladle n.浇勺,铁水包alumina n.氧化铝line v.做内衬susceptible a.容易的columnar a.柱状的dendritic a.树枝状的burnout n.熔蚀risering n.冒口protrusion n.凸出物fin n.周缘翅边boss n.表面凸出部分snag n.毛刺,凸出物;vt.清除(毛刺,浇口等)chisel n.凿子,凿刀chipping n.修整,清理Phrases and Expressionsbe applicable to (sb/sth)适用于be referred to as被称为gross shrinkage缩孔make up for 补偿be put in place放置在该放的位置上be susceptible to易于Notes1.Green sand generally consists of silica sand and additives coated by rubbing the sand grains together with clay uniformly wetted with water.型砂通常含有石英砂和添加剂,通过砂粒与用水均匀溅湿的粘土的搅拌,使砂粒及添加剂表面包复一层粘结薄膜。

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Casting Specification1. Material:1.1. Steel Castings, Carbon, for General Applications2. Scope:2.1. This standard covers carbon steel castings for general applications.3. Specification Numbers:3.1. ASTM A-27 provides a cross reference of specification numbers whichdescribe equivalent materials.4. Heat Treat Requirements:4.1. All castings must be delivered in the full annealed, normalized,normalized and tempered, or quenched and tempered condition toconform with the mechanical properties. The heat treat shall beperformed after castings have been allowed to cool from the pouringtemperature to below the transformation range.5. Surface Integrity and Roughness:5.1. The surface of the casting shall be examined visually and shall be free ofadhering sand, scale, cracks, porosity, blowholes, shrinkage defects, and hot tears.5.2. No discontinuities detrimental to the structural integrity of the casting willbe accepted.5.3. Surface discontinuities must not exceed 0.060” in diameter and 0.030” indepth within 0.25” of stress risers such as holes, fillets or other changesin cross section that are structurally loaded.5.4. Surface discontinuities must not exceed 0.060” in diameter and 0.060” indepth in other areas.5.5. Internal discontinuities may take the form of solidification shrinkagecavities, gas porosity, sand inclusions, etc and shall not exceed 0.063”spherical diameter or equivalent volume.5.6. Unacceptable surface discontinuities shall be removed and their removalverified by visual examination.5.7. Unacceptable visual surface discontinuities are shown in, but not limitedto, Visual Method MSS-SP-55.6. Quality/Dimensions6.1. All castings shall be made in a workmanlike manner and shall conform tothe dimensions on the drawings.6.2. If not specified on part drawing, parts shall be received with no surfaceblemishes due to rust or shipping damage.7. Additional Inspections:7.1. When specified by purchase order or drawing, additional inspections(mag particle, X-ray, ultrasonic, dye penetrate, etc) may be required.Additional inspections shall be in accordance with ASTM A781/A781Mand it’s supplemental requirements.8. Weld Repair:8.1. Repair of defects will not be allowed in casting sections where gear teeth,threads, or holes will be formed. Weld repairs should, if possible, bemade prior to final heat treatment of the casting. All welds shall beinspected to the same quality standards as were used to inspect thecasting.8.2. Weld repairs of Class 1 material must be post-weld heat treated. Weldrepairs for Class 2 material do not require post-weld heat treatment.must be notified of repair operations in accordance with the “Request to Repair” portion of this specification.8.3. Any filler metal used in weld repair shall produce a weldment withproperties similar to the properties of the casting.8.4. Welders shall be qualified in accordance with ASTM A488/A488M.8.5. Request to Repair:8.5.1. Casting Supplier: The casting Supplier shall submit toPurchasing Department, a written request for approval to repair including the proposed repair procedure. The proposedprocedure for repair by welding shall include, as a minimum, the typeof weld metal, welding process, weld preparation, preheattemperature, minimum inter-pass temperature and post weld heattreatment. The request shall state the location and size of thedefect(s)to be repaired and the heat treated condition of the casting.8.5.2. Purchasing Department: The PurchasingDepartment shall forward the request and proposed procedure asreceived, to the Quality Department for approval or disapproval. TheQuality Department will coordinate with the Engineering Departmentas required in order to determine acceptability. Upon receipt of theapproval or disapproval of the proposed repair and procedure, thePurchasing Department shall notify the casting Supplier regarding thedisposition of the defective casting.9. Certification Requirements:9.1. Certificate of Conformance: Required for all materials purchased.Chemical analysis and/or mechanical testing with the appropriate reportsmay be required by the Quality, Engineering or Purchasing Departments,or by the customer.9.2. Chemical Analysis Report:: If stated as a requirement on the castingorder, the Supplier shall furnish a chemical analysis report for each heatof castings. If no chemical analysis report is required, the Supplier isrequired to maintain a certificate of analysis at the suppliers facility for aminimum of two years.9.3. Mechanical Properties Report: If stated as a requirement on thecasting order, the Supplier shall furnish information regarding themechanical properties for each heat of castings. If no mechanical analysis report is required, the Supplier is required to maintain a material testreport including mechanical properties for a minimum of two years.9.4. Casting Identification: When possible, the drawing and/or casting ordershall designate the type and location of the marking by the Supplier.Identification marking, as a minimum, shall include:9.4.1. Supplier identification code & Casting part number9.4.2. Heat and/or serial number10. Ordering Information:10.1. The following information, as a minimum, should be included on thecasting order:10.1.1. Part name10.1.2. Part number10.1.3. Quantity required10.1.4. Required Grade and Class10.1.5. Delivery schedule10.1.6. Title, number and date of this standard10.1.7. Test and inspection reports which are required for the particularorder11. REFERENCE SPECIFICATIONS11.1. ASTM A27 Standard Specification for Steel Castings, Carbon, forGeneral Application11.2. ASTM A370 Mechanical Testing of Steel Products11.3. ASTM A488 Standard Practice for Welding Castings11.4. ASTM A781 / 781M Specifications for Castings, Steel & Alloy, CommonRequirements for General Use。
