果。 方法 : 采用 M TA 作活髓保存剂 , 对 26 例 29 颗因龋露髓的年轻恒磨牙采用部分活髓切断术治疗 , 随访 18 个月 , 评价其疗效。 结果 : M TA 部分活髓切断术治疗龋源性露髓年轻恒磨牙成功率为 96 . 55 % , 67. 85 % 治疗 成功患牙有 牙本质桥形成。 结论 : 部分活髓切断术是治疗龋源性露髓年 轻恒牙的有 效方法 , M TA 是可 供选用的 较为理 想的活 髓保存剂。 [ 关键词 ] 三氧化矿化聚合物 R 788 . 2
部分活髓切断术 [ 文献标识码 ] A
龋源性 露髓 [ 文章编号 ]
年轻恒磨牙 1671 7651( 2009) 04 0475 03
[ 中图分类号 ]
Preli m inary Study of M ineral T rioxide Aggregate for Par tia l Pu lpotom y in Car iously E xposure Pulps of Young Per m anent M olars . SUN Yan, SONG Guang - tai. School of S tomato logy, W uhan Univer sity, W uhan, 430079 [ Abstract] O bjective : T o eva luate the preli m ina ry clin ica l outco m e o fm inera l tr iox ide aggregate for partial pulpotomy on young per m anen tm o la rs w ith car ious pulp expose . M ethod s : 29 ca riously expo su red young per m anentm o lars o f 26 patients w ere trea ted w ith a partia l pu lpotomy techn ique , using M TA as a pulp dressing agent . Pa tientsw ere schedu led fo r fo llow - up a fter 2 week, 1 , 3, 6, 12 , 18 months to undergo c lin ica l and rad io log ical ex a m ination . Resu lts : 28 o f the treated teeth did not show any c lin ica l or rad iog raph ic s igns of fa ilure dur ing the follow - up per iod. O ne tee th developed pu lp neo crosis due to the loss of resto ra tion . The success rate o f this treatm ent was 96. 55% . Am ong the successfu lly treated tee th, 67 . 85% of the pu lp adjacent to the M TA dress ing exh ibited dentin br idg es . Conc lu sion : P artia l pulpotomy m ay be a successful and effec tive trea t m ent fo r car iously exposed young pe r manent m o lars andM TA m ay be a su itab le dressing agen t for it . [ K ey words] M inera l tr iox ide agg rega te Pa rtia l pulpotomy Car ies exposure Y oung pe r m anent m o lars
1.I will improve my writing skills. I won’t improve my writing skills.
2.He will go to the market tomorrow. He won’t go to the market tomorrow.
be going to
will do
be going to 使用的两种情况:
2.表示事先经过考虑, 安排好打算要做的事情。
如果出现计划、打算一般 都用be going to .
I am going to watch a film.
1.表示根据目前某种迹象 判断,某事非常有可能发生。
will 使用的三种情况:
It is Friday today.
It will be
Saturday tomorrow.
It will be rainy tomorrow.
She will be at home.
She will be 12 years old .
be It will
rainy. 当句中没有实义动词时,我们需要在will 后加be动词,
1.表示单纯的 未来"将要", 通用各个人称.
They will go to visit the factory tomorrow.
2.表示不以人的 意志为转移的 自然发展的未 来的事。
He will be thirty years old this time next year.
3.问对方是否愿意 做某事或表示客气 地邀请或命令.
Molecular Plant•Volume3•Number5•Pages882–889•September2010RESEARCH ARTICLE New Insight in Ethylene Signaling:Autokinase Activity of ETR1Modulates the Interaction of Receptors and EIN2Melanie M.A.Bisson and Georg Groth1Heinrich-Heine Universita¨t Du¨sseldorf,Biochemie der Pflanzen,Universita¨tsstr.1,40225Du¨sseldorf,GermanyABSTRACT Ethylene insensitive2(EIN2),an integral membrane protein of the ER network,has been identified as the central regulator of the ethylene signaling pathway.Still,the mechanism by which the ethylene signal is transferred from the receptors to EIN2has not been solved yet.Here,we show that protein phosphorylation is a key mechanism to control the interaction of EIN2and the receptors.In vivo and in vitrofluorescence studies reveal that the kinase domain of the receptors is essential for the interaction.Cyanide,an ethylene agonist,which is known to reduce auto-phosphorylation of the ethylene receptor ethylene resistant1(ETR1)or a mutation in the kinase domain of ETR1that prevents auto-phosphorylation(H353A),increases the affinity of the receptors for EIN2.On the other hand,mimicking permanent auto-phosphorylation of ETR1as in the mutant H353E releases the EIN2–ETR1interaction from the control by the plant hormone.Based on our data,we propose a novel model on the integration of EIN2in the ethylene signaling cascade.Key words:Membrane biochemistry;protein phosphorylation/dephosphorylation;receptors;signal transduction; membrane proteins;ethylene;protein–protein interaction.INTRODUCTIONThe plant hormone ethylene is a key regulator of plant growth and development.Ethylene production is regulated by inter-nal signals during development and by various biotic and abi-otic stresses,such as pathogen invasion,flooding,freezing, and drought(Kende,1993;Johnson and Ecker,1998).Isolation of mutants in the plant Arabidopsis thaliana affecting ethyl-ene responses has led to the identification of receptors and several downstream components in the ethylene signaling pathway(Bleecker and Kende,2000;Stepanova and Ecker, 2000).The integral membrane protein EIN2,a central and—as revealed by molecular genetics—most critical element in eth-ylene signaling is supposed to act downstream of the ethylene receptors connecting the receptors via the soluble Raf-like pro-tein kinase constitutive triple response1(CTR1)to the tran-scription factors of the EIN3/EIL family.The central role of EIN2in ethylene signaling is emphasized by the fact that loss-of-function mutants of EIN2show complete insensitivity towards ethylene,regardless of which ethylene-induced re-sponse is considered(Alonso et al.,1999).Still,the molecular mechanism by which EIN2fulfils its essential function is largely unknown.The crystal structure of EIN2that might answer this question has not been solved yet,but sequence analysis suggests that EIN2has a strict bipartite structure consisting of an amino-terminal transmembrane domain(aa1–461)and a carboxy-terminal membrane extrinsic domain(aa462–1294)(Alonso et al.,1999).Expression of the carboxy-terminal domain on its own is already sufficient to constitutively acti-vate several ethylene responses in an ein2loss-of-function background(Alonso et al.,1999).Recent studies by Ecker et al.have shown that protein degradation might be a key el-ement to the molecular function of EIN2.Two F-box proteins, EIN2targeting proteins ETP1and ETP2,have been discovered in these studies that promote degradation of EIN2in the ab-sence of ethylene,but cause accumulation of EIN2when the plant hormone is present(Qiao et al.,2009).Recentfluores-cence studies from our lab revealed that EIN2is localized at the ER network,where it forms strong interactions with the receptor ETR1—the prototype of the ethylene receptor family in Arabidopsis(Bisson et al.,2009).Besides ETR1,another four receptor isoforms—ethylene re-sponse sensor1(ERS1),ETR2,ERS2,and EIN4—have been1To whom correspondence should be addressed.E-mail,fax+492118113569,tel.+492118112822.ªThe Author2010.Published by the Molecular Plant Shanghai Editorial Office in association with Oxford University Press on behalf of CSPP and IPPE,SIBS,CAS.doi:10.1093/mp/ssq036,Advance Access publication29June2010 Received7April2010;accepted1June2010identified in Arabidopsis(Bleecker et al.,1988;Chang et al., 1993;Hua et al.,1995,1998;Sakai et al.,1998;Hua and Meyerowitz,1998).All resemble typical bacterial histidine kinase signaling systems,but based on their sequence,they have been classified into two subfamilies.ETR1and ERS1,be-longing to subfamily-I,are characterized by a canonical histi-dine kinase domain and an amino-terminal sensor domain that binds ethylene via a copper co-factor.Receptors ETR2,ERS2, and EIN4form subfamily-II.They are characterized by an ad-ditional hydrophobic domain at their amino-terminus and a less conserved kinase domain that is lacking essential ele-ments such as the conserved histidine.Receptors ETR1, ETR2,and EIN4are termed‘hybrid-type histidine kinases’,as they contain a carboxy-terminal receiver domain that was shown to specifically interact with histidine phosphotransfer proteins(HPts),strengthening the idea that a multistep-phos-phorelay is involved in ethylene signaling(Urao et al.,2000; Hass et al.,2004;Scharein et al.,2008).Receptors ERS1and ERS2are lacking the carboxy-terminal two-component re-ceiver domain found in the hybrid-type receptors.All receptors form dimers,which—as in bacterial histidine kinases—reflect the functional unit of the receptors.Disulfide-linked homo-dimers have been described for subfamily-I receptors ETR1 and ERS1(Schaller et al.,1995;Hall et al.,2000).Recent inter-action studies in transiently transformed tobacco cells and in yeast indicate that the receptors also can form homomeric and heteromeric complexes of all combinations including subfam-ily-I–subfamily-II co-complexes(Grefen et al.,2008;Gao et al., 2008).The precise mechanism and the mode of action by which the receptors are linked to further downstream components—in particular to the central regulator EIN2—are unclear.Here, we use a combination of in vitro and in vivofluorescence studies to show that EIN2interacts with all members of the ethylene receptor family.Wefind furthermore that the kinase domain of the receptors is crucial for this interaction.The plant hormone itself modulates the EIN2–receptor interaction by shutting down the autokinase activity of the receptors.RESULTSEIN2Interacts with All Members of the Ethylene Receptor Family In PlantaWe previously showed that the central regulator of ethylene responses EIN2is localized at the ER membrane,where it shows specific interaction with the receptor protein ETR1(Bisson et al.,2009).To determine whether the interaction of ETR1 and EIN2reflects a general mechanism in ethylene signaling, we have analyzed the interaction of EIN2with the other mem-bers of the ethylene receptor family by further in planta Fluo-rescence Resonance Energy Transfer(FRET)studies using the fluorophors greenfluorescent protein(GFP)as donor and redfluorescent protein(RFP)as acceptor.The donor was fused to the carboxy-terminus of EIN2and RFP-fusions of the recep-tor proteins ETR1,ERS1,ETR2,ERS2,and EIN4(kindly provided by Klaus Harter)were used as acceptors.The fusion proteins were transiently expressed in tobacco epidermal leaf cells. Analysis by confocal laser scanning microscopy confirms that all members of the ethylene receptor family co-localize with EIN2at the ER membrane(Figure1).Energy transfer between donor and acceptor in planta,and thus interaction of EIN2and different ethylene receptor proteins(ERP),was demonstrated by the acceptor bleaching method(Karpova et al.,2003).FRET-efficiencies were calculated from thefluorescence intensity of the donor in the absence and in the presence of different ac-ceptor receptor proteins(ERP–RFP).Transfer efficiencies of 15–16%were obtained for subfamily-I receptors ETR1and ERS1.Efficiencies for receptors ETR2,ERS2,and EIN4,belonging to subfamily-II,were slightly lower,with11–12%(Figure2A). The lower efficiency may be attributed to the additional mem-brane-spanning helix in the amino-terminal ethylene binding domain of subfamily-II receptors resulting in an increased distance between the donor and acceptorfluorophors and a reduced FRET efficiency.In any case,bothfigures clearly dis-criminate from negative controls.Backgroundfluctuation of cells expressing EIN2–GFP on its own and cells co-expressing EIN2–GFP and CLAVATA2–mCherry(kindly provided by Ru¨diger Simon),a membrane protein involved in stem cell de-velopment that is located to the ER(Bleckmann et al.,2010), corresponds to transfer efficiencies of4–6%only.Positive con-trols using tandem labeled EIN2showed transfer efficiencies of16%,like those obtained with the subfamily-I receptors (Figure2B).Both negative and positive controls emphasize that transfer efficiencies obtained from cellsco-expressingFigure1.The Central Regulator of Ethylene Responses EIN2Co-Localizes with the Arabidopsis Ethylene Receptor Family at the ER Membrane in Transiently Transformed Tobacco Leaf Cells. Confocal images of epidermal leaf cells expressing EIN2–GFP and a RFP fusion protein of the ethylene receptor family.The upper row shows the emission channel for GFP,while the middle column represents RFPfluorescence measured with ETR1–RFP,ERS1–RFP, ETR2–RFP,ERS2–RFP,and EIN4–RFP.The yellow overlay color of the GFP and RFPfluorescence(lower row)demonstrates the co-localization of EIN2and the different members of the Arabidop-sis ethylene receptor family at the ER.Scale bars indicate5l m.Bisson&Groth d Phosphorylation Controls EIN2–Receptor Interaction|883EIN2–GFP and the different members of the ethylene receptor family (ERP–RFP)result from specific protein–protein interac-tions between EIN2and the receptor proteins rather than from non-specific binding of the overexpressed fluorescent probes.Due to the similar excitation and emission maxima,quantum yield,and fluorescence brightness (Shaner et al.,2004)of the acceptor fluorophors FRET-efficiencies obtained with RFP or mCherry,an enhanced RFP-derivate,which was applied as acceptor only in our control experiments,are highly compat-ible.Equivalence of transfer efficiencies using GFP–RFP or GFP–mCherry as donor–acceptor pair is further supported by FRET interaction studies on ETR1and EIN2.A FRET-efficiency of 18.362.3%was observed using ETR1–GFP:EIN2–mCherry (Bisson et al.,2009)that matches very well to the transfer efficiency of 16.462.1%obtained with EIN2–GFP:ETR1–RFP (this work).Tryptophan Quenching as an Analytical Tool to Quantify EIN2–ETR1Interactions In VitroThe data presented above show that the central regulator of ethylene responses EIN2associates with all members of the Arabidopsis ethylene receptor family.To quantify the inter-actions between EIN2and the ERP revealed by the in planta studies,we used the endogenous tryptophan residues in recombinant ETR1as reporter.Intrinsic tryptophan fluores-cence of purified proteins provides a sensitive probe to study protein–protein interactions in vitro .Quenching of fluores-cence upon addition of a tryptophan-less binding partner can be used to evaluate the apparent dissociation constant of the complex unraveling specificity and stability of the com-plex (Bisson et al.,2009).In order to obtain the tryptophan-less EIN2probe for the in vitro fluorescence studies,all nine endog-enous tryptophan residues in the soluble carboxy-terminal part of EIN2(aa 479–1294)were replaced by phenylalanine.To ensure that tryptophan substitution does not affect protein function,we transformed DNA encoding for a tryptophan-less carboxy-terminal domain of EIN2(aa 479–1294)in A.thaliana plants with an ein2loss-of-function background (ein2-1)and checked for phenotypic rescue based on triple-response anal-yses as described before (Alonso et al.,1999;Guzma´n and Ecker,1990).Triple response analysis revealed that comple-mented transgenic lines showed the same phenotype as the wild-type Columbia ecotype upon addition of the ethylene precursor 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC)(Fig-ure 3C),confirming functionality of the tryptophan-less EIN2mutant.Quenching of tryptophan fluorescence of purified recombinant ETR1and truncated ETR1(aa 1–609)lacking the carboxy-terminal receiver domain and thereby mimicking the ERS1receptor showed no significant differences upon addition of tryptophan-less EIN2,respectively.Both receptor forms form specific complexes with the carboxy-terminal do-main of EIN2,which is underlined by the low dissociation con-stant (K d ;400nM)of the respective complexes (Figure 3A and 3B).Correct folding and structure of the purified recom-binant ETR1proteins were confirmed by circular dichroism (Supplemental Figure 1).Stability of the EIN2–ETR1Complex Is Modulated by the Ethylene Agonist CyanideTo study the effect of ethylene binding on the interaction of EIN2with the ethylene receptor family in fluorescence titration studies,we added cyanide—an ethylene agonist—together with the copper co-factor essential for ethylene binding (Figure 3A).Equivalence of cyanide and ethylene on ETR1autokinase activ-ity was demonstrated previously (Voet van Vormizeele and Groth,2008).Ethylene and cyanide reduce autophosphoryla-tion of purified recombinant ETR1.In vivo studies confirm the equivalence of cyanide and ethylene observed in the in vitro studies.They show that cyanide mimics ethylene action and response in planta (Sisler,1977)and efficiently competes with ethylene binding in living cyanide-resistant tissue(SolomosFigure 2.FRET Reveals Specific Interaction of EIN2with All Mem-bers of the Ethylene Receptor Family at the ER Membrane.(A)FRET efficiencies detected with the acceptor bleaching method in cells coexpressing EIN2–GFP and the different ethylene receptor protein–RFP fusion constructs (ERP–RFP).FRET efficiencies calcu-lated from the fluorescence intensity of the donor before and after bleaching of the acceptor receptor proteins are about 15%for sub-family-I receptors ETR1and ERS1and about 11%for subfamily-II receptors ETR2,ERS2,and EIN4.(B)Controls expressing EIN2–GFP on its own (negative control)and a tandem construct of EIN2labeled with GFP and mCherry (positive control).In order to demonstrate that EIN2forms specific interac-tion with the ethylene receptors at the ER membrane,another con-trol is shown in which EIN2–GFP was co-expressed with the mCherry-labeled receptor-like protein CLAVATA2(CLV2),a mem-brane protein shown to localize to the ER membrane when expressed in the absence of the receptor kinase CORYNE.Data rep-resent the mean 6standard error (n =30cells).884|Bisson &GrothdPhosphorylation Controls EIN2–Receptor Interactionand Laties,1974).Titration studies with the purified recombi-nant proteins that are summarized in Figure 3B show that cy-anide substantially increases the stability of the ETR1–EIN2complex.The dissociation constant of the EIN2–ETR1complex in the presence of cyanide and copper is about 100nM.Hence,the ethylene agonist increases the affinity of the receptor for the binding of EIN2by a factor of four compared to the situ-ation in which the stimulus is lacking.Together with the in planta fluorescence studies that revealed interaction of EIN2with all members of the ethylene receptor family,no matter whether they contain a carboxy-terminal receiver domain or not,the in vitro titration studies suggest that the kinase domain of the receptors is essential for the interaction.Site-Directed Mutagenesis of the Predicted Phosphorylation Site H353in ETR1To further assess the role of the histidine kinase domain in the interaction of the ethylene receptors with EIN2,we employed two phosphorylation mutants of ETR1in the in vitro titration studies.In both mutants,the conserved histidine-353pre-dicted to be the site of phosphorylation (Gamble et al.,1998)was mutated.Phosphorylation was abolished in the H353A mutant,while in the other mutant (H353E),histidine-353was replaced by a negatively charged glutamate to mimic permanent phosphorylation of the receptor protein.Folding and structure of the mutant ETR1proteins were probed by CD-spectroscopy.Both proteins showed similar spectra to the ETR1wild-type,suggesting that both substitu-tion mutants adopt a well folded structure (Supplemental Figure 1).Interaction of both mutants with EIN2was studied in the absence and in the presence of pared to the wild-type receptor,the H353A mutant showed an in-creased affinity towards EIN2(K d ;100nM),regardless of the presence or absence of the ethylene antagonist cyanide.The wild-type receptor showed the same increase in affinity only in the presence of cyanide (Figure 3A and 3B).Hence,the mutant H353A simulates constitutive presence of the plant hormone.Addition of an ethylene agonist did notfurtherFigure 3.Analysis of Signaling Complexes Formed by EIN2and the Individual Members of the Arabidopsis Ethylene Receptor Family by Tryptophan Fluorescence.(A)Titration of purified recombinant ETR1,ETR1(aa 1–609)lacking the carboxy-terminal receiver domain,thereby mimicking a recep-tor like ERS1or the phosphorylation mutants H353A and H353E of receptor ETR1,respectively,with the purified recombinant tryptophan-less carboxy-terminal part of EIN2(aa 479–1294).Quenching data were analyzed according to Bisson et al.(2009)and were fitted to a model assuming a single binding site in the interacting partners.Interactions of the recombinant proteins were monitored in the absence (o)or in the presence (d )of the ethylene agonist cyanide and the copper co-factor that was shown essential for ethylene binding.(B)Summary of the dissociation constants K d for EIN2–ETR1inter-action calculated from the fluorescence data.Dissociation con-stants are given as mean 6maximal errors of three independent measurements.(C)Triple response analysis of ein2loss-of-function plants (ein2-1)complemented with the tryptophan-less carboxy-terminal part of EIN2(aa 479–1294).Wild-type A.thaliana Columbia seeds,ethylene-insensitive ein2-1seeds,as well as seeds of complemented transgenic line ein2-1:EIN2479–1294(D W)under control of 35S promo-tor were plated onto GM-Plates (see Methods section)and incubated for 8d in the dark at 21°C.In the absence of ethylene precursor ACC (left panel),no ethylene response could be observed.Wild-type seedlings on plates containing 50l M ACC (right panel)showed the typical triple response to ethylene,inhibition of root and hypo-cotyls elongation,radial swelling of hypocotyls,and exaggeration ofapical hook (Guzma´n and Ecker,1990).Seedlings of the ethylene-insensitive ein2-1mutant showed no such typical responses and had the same phenotype as in the absence of ACC,whereas seedlings of complemented line ein2-1:EIN2479–1294(D W)showed a triple response in the presence of ACC,verifying full functionality of the tryptophan-less carboxy-terminal part of EIN2.Bisson &GrothdPhosphorylation Controls EIN2–Receptor Interaction|885improve binding affinity of this mutant for EIN2.Affinity of the EIN2–ETR1complex was also not affected by cyanide in the H353E mutant.The mutant showed a reduced affinity of the complex(K d;400nM),in both the presence and absence of the ethylene agonist.For the wild-type protein,this reduced affinity is only observed the absence of cyanide(Figure3A and 3B).Hence,the H353E mutant mimics constitutive absence of the plant hormone.Taken together,these results show that the interaction between EIN2and the ethylene receptor family is controlled by the phosphorylation in the kinase domain of the receptors.The plant hormone itself triggers the interaction by controlling the phosphorylation status of the receptors.DISCUSSIONOur study provides compelling evidence that the central reg-ulator of ethylene responses EIN2forms contacts with all mem-bers of the Arabidopsis ethylene receptor family.Moreover, the results implicate a novel model for ethylene signaling. Phosphorylation seems to be a key mechanism to modulate in-teraction of EIN2and the subfamily-I receptors rather than serving(merely)for phosphotransfer on HPts and two compo-nent signaling.In the presence of the plant hormone,the auto-kinase activity of the receptors is inhibited and the non-phosphorylated kinase domain of the receptors binds tightly to the corresponding domain of EIN2(Figure4B).Iso-lated EIN2is subject to degradation by the proteasome, explaining the rapid protein turnover observed in the absence of the plant hormone(Qiao et al.,2009).In addition to the phosphorylation of the kinase domain of the receptor,the Raf-like protein kinase CTR1,a negative regulator of ethylene responses acting downstream of the receptors(Kieber et al., 1993;Huang et al.,2003),is assumed to play a critical role in the ETR1–EIN2interaction.In the absence of ethylene, CTR1is tightly associated with the receptor complex(Clark et al.,1998),preventing the receptor from interacting with EIN2(Figure4A).Upon binding of ethylene to the receptor, CTR1is released or a conformational shift in CTR1is triggered, allowing interaction of the kinase domain of the receptor with EIN2.The release of CTR1or the induced conformational shift, in turn,causes the inactivation of CTR1,resulting in phosphor-ylation and stabilization of the nuclear transcription factor EIN3(Yoo et al.,2008).Both mechanisms controlling the inter-action of EIN2with the receptors,modulation of the autoki-nase activity,and interaction with CTR1are complementary, like disulfide reduction in the c subunit and release of the in-hibitory e subunit in the activation of the chloroplast ATPase. Here,reduction in the disulfide decreases the affinity for sub-unit e(Soteropoulos et al.,1992),while removal of subunit e significantly enhances the accessibility of the c-disulfide for reduction by thiol reagents(Richter et al.,1985).The pro-posed role of CTR1in our model should become testable once purified recombinant tryptophan-less CTR1becomes available or by in planta FRET studies usingfluorescent fusion proteins of CTR1,ETR1,and EIN2.Our proposed model(Figure4)is consistent with the central role of EIN2in ethylene signaling(Alonso et al.,1999),with the observed accumulation of EIN2upon ethylene exposure as well as with the lack of EIN2accumulation found in the etr1-1mutant(Qiao et al.,2009).Furthermore,it is consistent with the elevated level of EIN2in ctr1-1mutants(Qiao et al., 2009).Remaining association of EIN2with the phosphorylated receptors as found in our experiments(see Figures2and3) might be owed to the strong overexpression of thereceptorsFigure4.Signaling Complexes Formed at the ER Membrane in Re-sponse to Ethylene.Schematic model of the processes induced at the ER membrane by the binding of the plant hormone to the ethylene receptor com-plexes.Autokinase activity of ETR1and interaction with the soluble protein kinase CTR1control formation of signaling complexes of receptors and EIN2.Both processes are regulated by ethylene. (A)Without ethylene,binding receptor complexes are kept in their phosphorylated state due to their intrinsic autokinase activity(Voet van Vormizeele and Groth,2008)and combine with CTR1,a nega-tive regulator of ethylene signaling(Kieber et al,1993;Huang et al., 2003).Both processes distract the receptor complexes from interact-ing with the central regulator of ethylene signaling EIN2.Detached EIN2is promptly degraded by a proteasome-dependent pathway (Qiao et al.,2009).Hence,almost no EIN2accumulates in the ab-sence of the plant hormone.(B)Upon ethylene binding,autokinase activity of the receptors is inhibited,converting them to their non-phosphorylated status (Voet van Vormizeele and Groth,2008)and CTR1is inactivated by a conformational change or the release from the ER membrane (Gao et al.,2003).Both mechanisms result in a tight interaction of the ethylene receptor complexes with EIN2,causing the observed ethylene-dependent accumulation of EIN2at the ER membrane (Qiao et al.,2009).886|Bisson&Groth d Phosphorylation Controls EIN2–Receptor Interactionand of EIN2in planta and to the fact that no CTR1is present in the in vitro studies.Whether phosphorylation of subfamily-II on serine or thre-onine residues that has been shown in in vitro experiments with the isolated kinase domains of the receptors(Moussatche and Klee,2004)directly controls interaction with EIN2as well or whether this interaction is modulated by heterodimers of subfamily I and subfamily II receptors has to be addressed in further studies.METHODSCloning,Expression,and Purification of the Arabidopsis Ethylene Signaling Components ETR1and EIN2in Escherichia coliThe tryptophan-less carboxy-terminal part of EIN2(aa479–1294),full-length ETR1(aa1–738),and a truncated form of ETR1(aa1–609)lacking the receiver domain were cloned from Arabidopisis,expressed in Escherichia coli,and purified as de-scribed before(Bisson et al.,2009;Scharein et al.,2008).Phos-phorylation mutants H353A and H353E of the Arabidopsis ethylene receptor ETR1were obtained by site-directed muta-genesis of plasmid pET16b-ETR1expressing wild-type ETR1by sequential PCR steps as described by Cormack(1992).Amplifi-cation reactions were carried out in two sequential PCR-reactions in a BioMetra Gene Cycler using Pfu-polymerase, plasmid pET16b-ETR1as template and mutagenic oligonucleo-tides5’-AGCGGTTATGAACGCAGAAATGCGAACACC-3’for mu-tant H353A or5’-AGCGGTTATGAACGAAGAAATGCGAACACC-3’for mutant H353E,respectively.T7-terminator primer5’-GCTA-GTTATTGCTCAGCGG-3’was used as complementary primer in these reactions.Finally,T7-promotor sense primer5’-AGCGGT-TATGAACGCAGAAATGCGAACACC-3’was used to amplify the fragment encoding for full-length ETR1(aa1–738).Amplified fragments were agarose gel-purified,digested with Nde I and Bam HI,and ligated into the equivalent sites of vector pET16b. Inserted fragments were sequenced to confirm substitutions and to exclude additional mutations.Resulting plasmids pET16b-ETR1-H353A and pET16b-ETR1-H353E were expressed in E.coli C43(DE3)and proteins were purified following the protocol described for wild-type ETR1(Scharein et al.,2008). Protein concentrations of recombinant proteins were deter-mined by the bicinchoninic acid assay(Pierce Chemicals).Puri-fication of the proteins was analysed by SDS–PAGE according to Laemmli(1970).After electrophoresis,proteins were detected by silver staining(Heukeshoven and Dernick,1988).CD SpectroscopyFor CD measurements,purified recombinant ETR1constructs were dissolved in50mM potassium phosphate and0.03% (w/v)b-dodecyl-maltoside at afinal concentration of0.1–0.2 mg mlÀ1.Measurements were carried out in a Jasco720 spectropolarimeter at room temperature as described pre-viously(Voet van Vormizeele and Groth,2008).Cloning and Expression In PlantaFor transient expression in tobacco,the pDONR201-EIN2entry clone(Bisson et al.,2009)was combined with pMDC83(Curtis and Grossniklaus,2003)via the Gateway cloning system(Invi-trogen)to create a carboxy-terminal GFP fusion protein under control of a35S-promotor.Carboxy-terminal RFP-labeled ex-pression vectors containing cDNA fragments encoding for the different proteins of ethylene receptor family(ETR1, ERS1,ETR2,ERS2,EIN4)were kindly provided by Klaus Harter(Grefen et al.,2008).The transient expression vector encoding for mCherry-labeled CLAVATA2was kindly provided by Ru¨diger Simon(Bleckmann et al.,2010).Transient expres-sion in tobacco was performed as described in detail in Bisson et al.(2009).For stable expression of the tryptophan-less carboxy-terminal part of EIN2in Arabidopsis,the DNA fragment encoding this region of the protein was cloned via the Gateway system into the binary plant transformation plasmid pMDC32(Curtis and Grossniklaus,2003).Resulting ex-pression vector pMDC32-EIN2479–1294(D W)was transformed in-to ein2-1mutants of A.thaliana(obtained from the Nottingham European stock centre,ecotype Columbia(Guzma´n and Ecker, 1990))using thefloral dip method(Clough and Bent,1998). Transgenic lines were isolated by selection of the T1generation seeds on plates with GM-Medium(0.22%(w/v)Murashige and Skoog Medium(Duchefa),0.05%(w/v)MES,1%(w/v) sucrose, 1.2%(w/v)plant agar,pH7.8)containing50l M hygromycin.Fluorescence SpectroscopySteady-statefluorescence measurements on purified recombi-nant proteins were carried out in spectroluminometer LS55 (Perkin Elmer)at a controlled temperature of20°C using an excitation wavelength of295nm.Maximalfluorescence sig-nals were monitored at345nm emission wavelength.Titra-tions of EIN2479–1294(D W)to the different ETR1receptor constructs(ETR1,ETR11–609,ETR1-H353A,and ETR1-H353E) were performed according to the protocol described in Bisson et al.(2009).For measurements in the presence of the ethylene agonist cyanide,the different ETR1constructs were dissolved at a concentration of0.1l M in50mM Tris/HCl,pH7.6, 100mM potassium chloride,50mM NaCl,0.1%(w/v) b-dodecylmaltoside and pre-incubated with10l M copper chloride in order to provide the essential co-factor for binding of the ethylene agonist and10l M potassium cyanide.Titra-tions with EIN2479–1294(D W)were performed as in the absence of the ethylene agonist.The dissociation constant of the ETR1–EIN2complex was determined from thefluorescence data using the program GraFit(Erithacus Software)by afit of the experimental data to a model assuming a single binding site in the interacting partners.Confocal MicroscopyConfocal microscopy was performed using a LSM510Meta La-ser Scanning Microscope(Zeiss).GFPfluorescence was excitedBisson&Groth d Phosphorylation Controls EIN2–Receptor Interaction|887。
ROCkt 1.0.1 商品说明书
Package‘ROCket’October12,2022Type PackageTitle Simple and Fast ROC CurvesVersion1.0.1Description A set of functions for receiver operating characteristic(ROC)curve estimation and area under the curve(AUC)calculation.All functions are designed to work with aggregated data;nevertheless,they can also handle raw samples.In'ROCket',we distinguish two types of ROC curve representations:1)parametric curves-the true positive rate(TPR)and the false positive rate(FPR)are functions of a parameter(the score),2)functions-TPR is a function of FPR.There are several ROC curve estimation methods available.An introduction tothe mathematical background of the implemented methods(and much more)can be found in de Zea Bermudez,Gonçalves,Oliveira&Subtil(2014)<>and Cai&Pepe(2004)<doi:10.1111/j.0006-341X.2004.00200.x>.License GPL-3Encoding UTF-8LazyData trueURL https:///da-zar/ROCketBugReports https:///da-zar/ROCket/issuesImports data.table(>=1.13.0)Suggests testthatRoxygenNote7.1.1Collate'ROCket.R''generics.R''auc.R''rkt_ecdf.R''rkt_prep.R''rkt_roc.R''roc_methods.R''utils.R''zzz.R'NeedsCompilation noAuthor Daniel Lazar[aut,cre]Maintainer Daniel Lazar<**************>Repository CRANDate/Publication2021-02-1709:10:07UTC12auc R topics documented:auc (2)rkt_ecdf (3)rkt_prep (4)rkt_roc (5)show_methods (6)variance (6)Index7 auc Calculate the AUCDescriptionCalculate the AUCUsageauc(x,...)##S3method for class functionauc(x,...)##S3method for class curveauc(x,lower,upper,n=10000,...)##S3method for class rkt_rocauc(x,exact=TRUE,...)Argumentsx An R object....Further parameters.lower,upper The limits of integration.n The number of integration points.exact Logical.If the exact formula should be used for calculating the AUC instead of numerical approximation.ValueThe area under the curve as a numeric value.rkt_ecdf3 rkt_ecdf Empirical estimate of the CDFDescriptionCalculate an empirical cumulative distribution function based on a sample x and optionally a vector w of weights.Usagerkt_ecdf(x,w)##S3method for class rkt_ecdfprint(x,...)##S3method for class rkt_ecdfmean(x,...)##S3method for class rkt_ecdfvariance(x,...)##S3method for class rkt_ecdfplot(x,...)Argumentsx Numeric vector containing the sample.Alternatively,if w is supplied,distinct values within the sample.For S3methods,a function of class rkt_ecdf.w Optional.Numeric vector containing the weights of each value in x....Further parameters.DetailsThe weights vector w can contain the counts of each distinct value in x,this is the most natural use case.In general the weights are describing the jumps of thefinal ecdf.Normalization is handled internally.If x contains duplicates,corresponding values in w will be summed up.Only positive weights are allowed.Elements in x with non-positive weights will be ignored.ValueA function of class rkt_ecdf.4rkt_prepExamplesrequire(ROCket)plot(rkt_ecdf(rnorm(100)))plot(rkt_ecdf(c(0,1)))plot(rkt_ecdf(c(0,1),c(1,10)))rkt_prep ROC pointsDescriptionCalculate the ROC points for all meaningful cutoff values based on predicted scores.Usagerkt_prep(scores,positives,negatives=totals-positives,totals=1)##S3method for class rkt_prepprint(x,...)##S3method for class rkt_prepplot(x,...)Argumentsscores Numeric vector containing the predicted scores.positives Numeric vector of the same length as scores.The number of positive entities associated with each score.If data is not aggregated,a vector of0’s and1’s.negatives Similar to positives.Defaults to totals-positives.totals How many times each score was predicted.Defaults to1(assuming data is not aggregated).If any value in positives is greater than1(aggregated data),totals must be a vector.Not needed if negatives is supplied.x An environment of class rkt_prep for S3methods....Further parameters.DetailsIn a situation where many of the predicted scores have the same value it might be easier and faster to use aggregated data.ValueAn environment of class rkt_prep.rkt_roc5Examplesrequire(ROCket)plot(rkt_prep(1:4,c(0,1,0,1)))plot(rkt_prep(1:4,c(0,1000,0,1000),totals=1000))plot(rkt_prep(1:4,c(100,200,300,400),totals=c(1000,800,600,400)))rkt_roc Empirical estimate of the ROCDescriptionCalculate the empirical estimate of the ROC from raw sample or aggregated data.Usagerkt_roc(prep,method=1)##S3method for class rkt_rocprint(x,...)##S3method for class rkt_rocplot(x,...)Argumentsprep A rkt_prep object.method A number specifying the type of ROC estimate.Possible values can be viewed with show_methods().x An object of class rkt_roc....Further parameters passed to plot and linesValueAn object of class rkt_roc,i.e.a function or a list of two functions(for method=1).Examplesrequire(ROCket)scores<-c(1,2,3,4)positives<-c(0,1,0,1)prep<-rkt_prep(scores,positives)roc1<-rkt_roc(prep,method=1)roc2<-rkt_roc(prep,method=2)roc3<-rkt_roc(prep,method=3)6varianceplot(roc1)plot(roc2)plot(roc3)show_methods Available ROC estimation methodsDescriptionShow the implemented ROC estimation methods.Usageshow_methods()ValueA data.table containing the number and a short description of each implemented method. variance Sample VarianceDescriptionSample VarianceUsagevariance(x,...)##Default S3method:variance(x,...)Argumentsx An R object....Further parameters.ValueThe(biased)sample variance as a numeric value.See Alsovariance.rkt_ecdf,varIndexauc,2data.table,6lines,5mean.rkt_ecdf(rkt_ecdf),3plot,5plot.rkt_ecdf(rkt_ecdf),3plot.rkt_prep(rkt_prep),4plot.rkt_roc(rkt_roc),5print.rkt_ecdf(rkt_ecdf),3print.rkt_prep(rkt_prep),4print.rkt_roc(rkt_roc),5rkt_ecdf,3rkt_prep,4rkt_roc,5show_methods,6var,6variance,6variance.rkt_ecdf,6variance.rkt_ecdf(rkt_ecdf),37。
TYPE相同只有下部的 CUP的 THICKNESS不同,安装时特别注意.安装 错误时 ALL CUTTING后需要重新安装,安装时和OUTSIDE COLOR区分开
APPLICATION DECK NO.1~4, 6~13 适用数量:27,870EA/SHIP
APPLICATION DECK NO.1,3,5,8 适用数量:26,470EA/SHIP(Φ60)
RO-RO是什么? What is a RoRo (Roll-on / Roll-off) ship?TRAILER,运 输机械和货物在一起的货物(图片2) 货物本身载在带有轮子的TRAILER,港口的运输机械可以把货物拖到船上(图片3) 运输类似货物的船舶称作RoRo 也叫(Roll-on/Roll-off)船
a——一个 ab(阿伯) ac(扑克牌ace) ad(阿弟) af(阿飞) ag(阿哥)ai(爱) am(是) ao(袄子) ak (AK47) an (按) all (所有)ar (啊—谐音) as (阿 sir) ap (阿婆)b—— 6 ba(爸爸) bi(笔) bl(保龄) bo(60) br(白人、病人)bu(不,布) be (是)c——月亮 ca(叉,擦) cai(菜) ce(册、厕) cha(茶) chan(铲) chang (常)che(车) chi(吃) ci (刺) cl (吃和拉) com (孔子) con (啃) co (cola) cr (超人) cu (醋) ck (内裤)站在古人的角度记单词d——大肚子 da(大) dan(蛋、但是) de(德国、的) del(剔除) di(第一)dis(的士) du(肚、堵) dy (大爷) dr /dir(敌人) do (做) dou (都)e——鹅 ed(一地) er(恶人,二,儿子,耳朵) es(饿死) ex(一休)fe(飞蛾、肥鹅) pe(胖鹅) te(天鹅)f——拐杖 fa(头发) fo(佛) fr(夫人、飞人) fu (福气) fl (服了……)fe (肥鹅)g——9 ge(哥) gl(格力) gr(工人) gu(鼓、骨头) gui(鬼) gen (跟)go (去、狗) gun(枪) gr (古人)h——椅子 ha(哈) ho(猴) hr(黑人) hu(虎) he (他)i——我 , 蜡烛 , 烟 ic(ic卡) im(我是) in (在里面) ing(鹰) iv(四)iq (智商) is (是)j——鸡 ja(家) jo(舟) ju(锯)k——机枪 ka (卡片) ke(客) ki(kiss) ko (扣子) ku (苦) kai (开) kan (看)l——1、棍子 lan(篮子、懒) lang(狼) le(乐) ll(筷子) lu(路)ly(老爷) la(拉) li (梨子) lo (10) long(龙) lai (来) m——麦当劳 ma(马) mo(魔鬼、摸) mou(某) mu(母) mi (米) mao (猫,毛) mai (买,卖) mb (抹布)n——门 na(拿、那) ni(你) ne(呢) nu (奴隶,努力) no (no的意思,没有) ng (电影暂停)o——太阳 ob(元宝) op(open) or(猿人) ou(海鸥,藕) oo(眼镜) p——旗 pa(爬) pi(皮、劈) pl(漂亮) po(婆婆、破) pt(葡萄)py(朋友) pu (瀑布) pai (派) pre (提前) pr (仆人、骗人、胖人)r——小草、人、海鸥 rn(人脑) ro/rou(肉) rt(人体) ru(乳,如果) re (热)ry (人妖、人员、人猿) cr(超人) fr(飞人) pr(胖人)s——蛇 su(叔叔) se(色) si(死) sc(蔬菜) sp(手帕、算盘)sw(食物) st(石头) str (石头人) sa(傻、沙子) ss(两条蛇)sh(水壶) so (如此)t——雨伞 ta(塔) ti(踢) te(天鹅) tu(兔) ting(艇) tr (铁人)th(天河) ty(汤圆、太阳) tan(毯) tang (汤) to /tou (头、偷) u——杯子、船 un(联合国) us(我们)v——胜利手势 ve(五只鹅) iv (四) vi (六,五支烟)w——钉耙 wa(蛙) wr(蛙人) wai(歪) wy(乌鸦)x——剪刀 xy(蜥蜴)y——叉子,树杈 ya(牙) ye(叶) yo(游泳,有)z——楼梯 zi(子) zu (猪) ze (责备) za (榨干)英语单词最新编码组合表及记忆规则顺序一、单个拼音字母编码:a:啊;一个b: 6;c:月亮d:弟;敌人e:鹅;姨f:拐杖g:哥;小蝌蚪h:喝;椅子i:烟;我j:鸡k:渴;肯德基l:棍子;冰棍;光棍m:双开门;麦当劳n:单开门;你o:泡泡;0;嗷嗷叫p:屁;皮;五星红旗q:9r:人;小草;s:蛇;S形美女t:伞;他u:U形管;你v:胜利(victory)w:无,没有;乌黑x:错误;未知数y:衣服z:之字形二、词组编码An:一个;俺Ant:俺和她;蚂蚁Ance:按死Ence:摁死Tant:向她坦白Sant:离开她Dant:单恋她Dent:等她Cent:蹭她Sent:送她Tent:疼她Ture:土很热Sure:当然可以Ment:男人帮(men+t(他))Nent:哄她Cious:蛇死了Ck: CK国际知名服饰Ed:医德Tr:铁人;Str:石头人Dr:大人;医生、博士Ap:阿婆For:为了;佛Fr:飞人Ce:厕所Ch:吃Sh:屎;狮子Th:天天哈哈笑;挺狠Thr:她忽然Gh:够狠Wh:我恨…Er:儿子San:三;散、离Ex:一休Te:特别;天鹅Se:好色;颜色Le:了;快乐De:的;Tion:神Sion:韧劲Nion:高高在上Um:幽默;呃Ty:汤圆;踢一下,踢你Ct:餐厅;CT片En:嗯Ly:离异;Tive:踢我Ing:鹰;进行中Et:外星人Vi:六To:去Re:阿姨Ie:IE浏览器;Ea:呀Ang:俺哥Ong:大哥Ism:是吗/么?Gui:鬼 Ne:呢三、记忆规则及顺序第一步:找拼音(全拼、近似拼音、拼音首字母);1,找全拼:1,change――改变分析:chang――“嫦”的拼音;e――“娥”的拼音。
2024年湘少版小学英语复习速写手册 课件
71.衬衫shsihirt rt 73.十六sixsitxeeteen n 75.晴朗的susunnnyny 77.他(她;它)们(宾格)ththemem 79.十三ththirteiretneen 81.也;太t too oo
72.短裤shsohrorts ts 74.下雪的snsonowywy 76.教师tetaecachehrer 78.他(她;它)们(主格)ththey ey 80.时间ti timeme 82.火车tratirain n
11.圆cicr irclecle 13.跳舞的人dadnancer cer 15.门dodooror 17.向下dodown wn 19.蛋e egg gg 21.远的;远地fafar r
12.来;来到cocomeme 14.书桌;写字台d deskesk 16.点ddot ot 18.饺子dudmumplipnlging 20.八十eiegihghty ty 22.快的;快速地fafast st
71.桌子tatableble 73.三十thtihr irtyty 75.树trtreeee 77.在……下面unundedrer 79.非常vevreyry mumcuhch 81.钱包wwa alletllet
72.这些ththeseese 74.那些thtohose se 76.转弯tuturn rn 78.向上u up p 80.墙wwall all 82.我们wwe e
59.飞机plpalane ne 61.男警察poplolicemicaemn an 63.邮递员popsotmstmanan 65.下雨的rari ainyny 67.学校scshcohool ol 69.十七sesveevnetnteeenen
60.请plpleaesease 62.女警察poplioclicewewomomanan 64.学生p pupilupil 66.红色;红色的rered d 68.看见s see ee 70.轮船shsihip p
Troyke 钻头类型说明书
MODEL PTS-T5C PTS-6.5 PTS-9 PTS-10 PTS-12 PTS-15 PTS-16.5 PTS-20 PTS-25
4.75 [120] 5188 [130.0] 6.375 [161.9] 7.000 [177.8] 8.500 [215.9] 10.000 [254.0] 10.000 [254.0] 13.000 [330.0] 15.750 [400.0]
【课件】Unit 1Reading and Thinking课人教版(2019)选择性必修第四册
1. Claire thought it was ridiculous that she was being offered sympathy by
salary more like appointment nail saleswoman guilty
suspend dismiss declare weekly calculate on a ... basis
Activity 2: Look at the following pictures, and then discuss these questions.
Para 9:
C Larry persuaded Clair to accept the robot that would be tested out.
Task 2 Take notes on who these people are and their relationships to each other.
Opening statement
Sample Speech
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. A great philosopher Emil Cioran once said: "A man is a robot with defect."
Ccoontnratsrt ainsfotrmation.aItltihs oeausigerh however
圆孔拉刀及矩形花键铣刀设计说明书前言 (1)绪论 (2)三刀具设计 (3)(一)矩形花键铣刀的设计 (3)1齿形设计计算 (3)2结构参数选择计算............................3矩形花键铣刀的技术条件 (5)4刀具的全部计算 (7)(二)圆孔拉刀的设计 (8)1选定刀具类型、材料的依据 (8)2刀具几何参数的选择设计 (9)15四总结五致谢 (16)六参考文献 (17)、八一、冃IJ 言大学三年的学习即将结束,在我们即将进入大四,踏入社会之前,通过课程设计来检查和考验我们在这几年中的所学,同时对于我们自身来说,这次课程设计很贴切地把一些实践性的东西引入我们的设计中和平时所学的理论知识相关联。
To read without reflecting is like eating without digesting
whiteboard n. 白板;白色书写板 由“white(白色)+board(板)”构成,类似的 单词还有blackboard(黑板)、keyboard(键盘)、noticeboard(布告板)等。 The whiteboard in our classroom is next to the screen.我们教室的白板
(Section A 2a-2f)
To read without reflecting is like eating without digesting
2a Read the conversation. Match the questions with the answers.
1. What’s Peter’s classroom like? 2. Where’s the teacher’s desk? 3. Is there a smart whiteboard in the classroom? 4.Are there any lockers in the classroom?
car arm white + board
Listen again and role-play the conversation in pairs. 2c
To read without reflecting is like eating without digesting
( B ) What might you see on the blackboard at the back of the classroom? A. Some pictures. B. Some notices. C. Some homework. ( C ) Where do the students put their books? A. In the lockers. B. On their desks. C. In drawers of their desks.
6debug1: Applying options for * 78ddseesbbhuu: ggc11o::nCcnoeoncnntneteocctthitnoogsattdo1d01r.e00s..02s.521050.03.0.3p.2o[5r1t008..300.:p2Co5ro0tn.83n0]e:pcCotirootnn8n0ree.cfutisoendrefused 9
8 debug: Applying options for *
9 debug: Connecting to ... [...] port .
Connection established. permanently_set_uid: / identity file /root/.ssh/identity type identity file /root/.ssh/identity-cert type identity file /root/.ssh/id_rsa type identity file /root/.ssh/id_rsa-cert type identity file /root/.ssh/id_dsa type identity file /root/.ssh/id_dsa-cert type -
用法: wget ip:port
1[root@localhost ~]# wget ...: 2---- ::-- http://.../ 3Connecting to ...:... failed: Connection refused.
ror1分子量ROR1分子量是指Rotary of Rhodopsin-like receptor 1的分子量。
一、ROR1的基本信息ROR1是一种ECD膜蛋白,含有1个Ig-like C2-type (immunoglobulin-like C2型)结构域和1个FN3(fibronectin type III)结构域。
Dalton是一个物质的分子量单位,等于质量数的相对分子质量(molecular weight,简称MW)。
三、ROR1分子量测定的方法ROR1分子量的测试方法有多种,其中最常用的是SDS-PAGE(聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳)和Western blot(免疫印迹法)。
1. SDS-PAGE方法:将蛋白质样品通过电泳分离在聚丙烯酰胺凝胶上,然后用染料(如Coomassie Brilliant Blue)染色,最后将蛋白条带放在紫外线下观察和拍照。
2. Western blot方法:先将ROR1蛋白样品通过SDS-PAGE分离,再将其转移到有机膜上,通过抗体的结合检测蛋白质的存在和数量。
中考英语 中考课标版英语教材知识盘点 教材知识盘点 考点精讲十五 九年级(上)Unit3
regarded as B.名词短语
28.oofffifciicailalalnguage 官方语言 29.flfoaornerigegnuiglaangngeuage 外语 30.oorarlala/snlp/goskupeaongkEeennglish 英语口语
考点精讲十五 九年级(上) Unit 3
1.n.漫画 ccaratrooton o 2.n.(书、n剧本、电影等中的)人物,角色;(汉)字,字体;
品格 cchhaararcatecr
3.pretpe.r遍及;贯穿 ththroruoguhoguht 4.n.停车房;车库 ggaoaruargtaeg
pronou nce
9.discussion(n.)→(v.)讨论 discus复习→(v.)预s习 previe
B.动词 w
11.communicate (v.)→(n.)通讯;交流;交往
communica tion
12.consider (v.)→(n.)考虑 cconnssididereartiaonti
do sth.
重点短 语归纳
oommpparaer…et…o…t把……比作…… 17.o…ccoommpapreawreith 与……比较 18.mwmaiaktehkmeimstaiksetsa/akmesis/taake 犯错误 19.smstitciikcskttoatk(odeo(indgo)isnthg. ) sth. 坚持(做)某事
08 环境氛围烘托凸显技巧-2024年高考英语一轮复习读后续写
4.The sky was____d_o_tt_e_d_/ d_e_c_o_r_a_te_d___ with sparkling stars.
星星:shine闪耀sparkle/twinkle闪耀 wink/blink眨眼睛 hide 躲藏 decorate装饰 dot装饰
The d_a_r_k__(漆黑的), ___r_a_i_n_y____ (下雨的) evening, the wind, the_t_h_u_n_d__er_i_n_g__(雷鸣的) clouds held me entirely in their__p_o_w_e_r____ (威力).
— Book1 “Anne’s Best Friend”
2. The wind was widely _h_o_w__lin_g_/_ro_a_r_in_g_.
风:howl嚎叫 blow吹 whip鞭打 sting刺痛 kiss亲吻
3. The heavy rain was ___b_e_a_tin_g______against the window.
2 / 11
I can well remember that there was a __t_im__e____when a d__e_sei_gp_h_bt _lu__e_sky, the me_ssl_ooo_udn_i_dog_uosfstohnegbirds, _mg_e_on_toot_luen_c_lmhi_go_ho_tn_l_ig_ht
Eaton I.T. Protector技术数据手册说明书
Eaton Innovative TechnologyI.T. ProtectorContentsDescription PageProduct application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2General description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2Features, functions, and benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2Optional features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2S .M .A .R .T . diagnostics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3Standards and certifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3Product specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3Standard I .T . Protector product selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4Standard I .T . Protector standard dimensions—inches (mm) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4Legacy I .T . Protector product selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7Legacy I .T . Protector standard dimensions—inches (mm) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .72Technical Data TD01006002EEffective April 2023Eaton Innovative T echnologyI.T . ProtectorEATON Product applicationEaton’s Innovative T echnology T I .T . Protector E surge protective device (SPD) protects electronic equipment from damaging transients . The I .T . Protector is suitable for high, medium and low exposure levels, and sensitive mission-critical load applications including:• Switchboards/main panels • Distribution panels • Branch panels • Critical loadcenters • Dedicated load protection • Variable frequency drives (VFDs)•Motor protectionGeneral descriptionSince 1980, Eaton has been designing and producing SPDs thatprovide field-proven power quality solutions worldwide . The Protector is a rugged device that is easy to install adjacent or even internal to electrical equipment . Based on extensive proven field performance, Eaton was the first to offer a 20-year full replacement warranty for the Protector . Electrical engineers around the world recognize Eaton as a leader in the SPD industry . A leading research company in a survey of over 10,000 users rated Eaton No . 1 in both product quality and service . Protector products are listed to UL T 14495th Edition and have a complementary UL 1283 7th Edition listing . All of Eaton’s Innovative Technology products are manufactured in an ISO T 9001:2000 and ISO 14001 certified facility .Features, functions, and benefits•Advanced surge path technology for high fault current capacity, low impedance, high frequency design•Encapsulation technology provides a high dielectric and ultimate protection from adverse environmental conditions • Industry-best nominal discharge current (I n ) of 20 kA • Rugged NEMA T Type 4 (IP66) powder-coated steel enclosure •Large diameter metal oxide varistors provide long life under high stress transient environments• Dry Form C contacts for remote s tatus monitoring • LED monitoring on each phase• Wide range of voltage applications from 120 to 600 Vac •20-year free replacement warranty with registrationOptional features•NEMA Type 4X stainless-steel enclosure provides unparalleled corrosion protection and environmental strength for the most adverse installation conditions•Enhanced filtering, Active Tracking Network T (ATN) provides the best in transient protection against the continuous barrage of everyday transients; this filter is also UL 1283 7th Edition listed as an EMI/RFI filter•Available integral circuit breaker and disconnect switch for convenient installation and maintenance•Available integral circuit breaker for installations requiring no external overcurrent protection•S .M .A .R .T .E diagnostics provide state-of-the-art diagnostics in the form of a digital surge event counter and audible alarm in conjunction with the standard status indicator lamps •Available flushmount for recessed installations3Technical Data TD01006002EEffective April 2023Eaton Innovative T echnology I.T . Protector EATON S .M .A .R .T . diagnostics panelS.M.A.R.T . diagnostics• Comprehensive monitoring of critical system functions•Real-time audible and visual reporting of unit status, phase loss/protection loss, and transient events (alarm with reset and mute)•Records low, medium, and high surge events in approximateaccordance with ANSI C62 .41-1991, Type A, B, and C surge levels •Dual-function surge counter provides non-volatile event history recordingStandards and certifications•UL 1449 5th Edition and UL 1283 7th Edition listed surge protective devices (SPD)• CE marked (PTX/E048, PTX/E065, PTX/E080, PTX160)•All Eaton’s Innovative Technology Protector units have been tested as per NEMA LS-1 and ANSI/IEEE T C62 .45• Can be used for UL 96A compliance • Can be used for NFPA T 780 compliance •Can be used for RoHS complianceProduct specificationT able 1. Protector series specificationsDescriptionSpecificationkA per phase 48, 50, 65, 80, 100, 120, 160, 200, 240, 300, 400kA per mode24 to 200Nominal discharge current (I n )20 kA (Models 120, 160, 240, 300 and 400 kA per phase) 10 kA (Models 48, 65 and 80 kA per phase)Protection modes Wye system: L-L, L-N, L-G and N-G / delta system: L-L, L-G Split-phase system: L-L, L-N, L-G and N-GWye system voltages100/175, 110/190, 120/208, 127/220, 220/380, 230/400, 240/415, 277/480, 305/525, 347/600Delta system voltages 200, 208, 220, 230, 240, 380, 400, 415, 440, 480, 525, 600Split-phase voltages 100/200, 110/220, 120/240, 127/254Single-phase voltages100, 110, 120, 127, 200, 208, 220, 230, 240, 277ote: N U .S . voltages in bold .T able 2. Protector let-through voltage ratingsRatingsL-LL-GL-NN-GDelta systemL-LL-GANSI IEEE Cat A1120/240 V; 120/208 V wye; 240 V delta90100606070590277/480 V wye; 480 V delta 1001207070601100347/600 V wye; 600 V delta901207070401100ANSI IEEE Cat C3120/240 V; 120/208 V wye; 240 V delta1240100083089012601420277/480 V wye; 480 V delta 206015801370137021202130347/600 V wye; 600 V delta257018801680170026702640ANSI IEEE Cat B3/C1120/240 V; 120/208 V wye; 240 V delta900550520520860850277/480 V wye; 480 V delta 1640105098094019901840347/600 V wye; 600 V delta 211013201250121020902040UL 1449, 5th Edition voltage protection rating120/240 V, 120/208 V wye; 240 V delta100060060060010001000277/480 V wye, 480 V delta 200012001200120020001800347/600 V wye, 600 V delta250015001500150025002500ote: N All tests performed with 6-inch lead length, positive polarity . Voltages are peak ±10% . All measurements are taken from the zero reference per NEMA LS-1 .ote: N Let-through voltage figures shown are for selected models and vary per Protector model . See individual submittal specification sheets for specificlet-through voltage measurements .4Technical Data TD01006002EEffective April 2023Eaton Innovative T echnologyI.T . ProtectorEATON Standard I.T . Protector product selectionT able 3. Standard I.T . Protector catalog numbering systemStandard I.T. Protector standard dimensions—inches (mm)Figure 1. PTE050, 080, 100 (-NL) and (-NS) models and PTX100 (-NL) and (-NS) models5Technical Data TD01006002EEffective April 2023Eaton Innovative T echnology I.T . Protector EATON Figure 2. Protector series for PTE120, 160, 200 (-NL) and (-NS) models and PTX120, 160, 200 (-NL) and (-NS) modelsFigure 3. FLUSHMNTPLATE15 PTE units 050, 080, and 100 kA and PTX 100 kA6Technical Data TD01006002EEffective April 2023Eaton Innovative T echnologyI.T . ProtectorEATON Figure 4. FLUSHMNTPLATE16 PTE/X units 120, 160, 200 kA7Technical Data TD01006002EEffective April 2023Eaton Innovative T echnology I.T . Protector EATON Legacy I.T . Protector product selectionT able 4. Legacy I.T . Protector catalog numbering systemLegacy I.T . Protector standard dimensions—inches (mm)Figure 5. Protector series for PTX048, 065, 080 all models8Technical Data TD01006002EEffective April 2023Eaton Innovative T echnologyI.T . ProtectorEATON Figure 6. Protector series for PTX240 medium-voltage models onlyFigure 7. Protector series for PTE/PTX240 low-voltage models, PTE/PTX300 all models and PTE/PTX400, all models9Technical Data TD01006002EEffective April 2023Eaton Innovative T echnology I.T . Protector EATON Figure 8. Protector series for integral circuit breaker (-C) and circuit breaker and external disconnects (-CD) 80, 120 a , 160, 240 a and 300 kA modelsa Available only in low-voltage units.Figure 9. Protector series for integral circuit breaker (-C) and circuit breaker and external disconnect (-CD) 400 kA models10Technical Data TD01006002EEffective April 2023Eaton Innovative T echnologyI.T . ProtectorEATON Figure 10. FLUSHMNTPLATE3A PTX units 48, 65, 80 kA11Technical Data TD01006002EEffective April 2023Eaton Innovative T echnology I.T . Protector EATON Eaton1000 Eaton Boulevard Cleveland, OH 44122 United StatesEaton .com© 2023 EatonAll Rights ReservedPrinted in USAPublication No . TD01006002E / Z27488 April 2023Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks are propertyof their respective owners.Eaton Innovative T echnologyI.T. ProtectorTechnical Data TD01006002E Effective April 2023。
1.4.3.烟气的密度 在标准状况下烟气的密度可按下式计算:
dr g
V0 (dg Vf
V0da )
式中 f 0 —标准状态下烟气的密度(kg/m3); g dr —燃气的密度(kg/m3 干燃气)。
• 1.226 —— 标准大气压,15 ℃时,空气的密度,kg/m3; 0 ℃时该值为1.293。
(1)热量计温度 tc 。假设燃烧过程在绝热条件下( Q2 0 ) 进行,且完全燃烧( Q3 0 ),忽略烟气成分的高温分解( Q4 0 ), 由燃气和空气带入的全部热量完全用于加热烟气本身,这时 烟气所能达到的温度称为热量计温度tc ,即:
VO2 0.21( 1)V0
式中 VO 2 —实际烟气中过剩氧的体积(m3/m3 干燃气)。
(5)实际烟气总体积 V f VRO2 VH2O VN2 VO2
式中 V f —实际烟气量(m3/m3 干燃气)。
如果忽略过剩空气带入的H2O,实际烟气量即理论烟气量 与过剩空气量之和:
燃气 燃烧(火焰) 燃烧装置
✓ 燃气燃烧基本理论
燃烧反应计量方程式是进行燃气燃烧计算的依据。它可 以表示出燃烧反应前后,燃气中的各可燃物质与其燃烧 产物之间的量值比例关系。
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Episode un -- Trotro est un petit monstre
Trotro: Je suis un petit monstre.
C'est moi le plus fort des petits monstres.
J'ai une idée.
* C'est moi + n. 我是……
J'ai une idée. 我想到了/我有个主意。
Lily: Et voilà, mon joli château.
Tu m'a fait peur, Trotro.
* avoir peur à qn 使(某人)感到害怕
Trotro: haha, c'est moi le petit monstre.
Lily: En plus, tu as cassé mon château, tu es méchan t.
* en plus 另外
Trotro: C'est normal, je suis le plus méchant des pet its monstres, haha
C'est moi le plus vilain des petits monstres.那是当然!我可是最坏的小怪兽,哈哈。
Maman: Je connais un vilain petit monstre qui n'aur a pas de gâteau ce soir si sa maman n'a plus d'œufs.我只知道如果妈妈没有鸡蛋的话,今晚这个邪恶的小怪兽就没有蛋糕吃了!
Trotro: Les monstres ne mangent pas de gâteau.
Papa: Ah, que c'est?
Trotro: C'est moi, le petit monstre.
Papa: Oh je t'attrape, petit monstre.
Trotro: C'est rigolo d'être un petit monstre, tout le monde a peur de moi.
A qui je vais faire peur maintenant?
Ah une
araignée! Au secours, maman, maman, au secours.当小怪兽真有趣,所有人都怕我。
* C'est rigolo de faire 做……是有趣的
avoir peur de qn 害怕(某人)
Maman: Mais qu'est-ce qui se passe, Trotro? De quoi tu as peur comme ça?
* Qu'est-ce qui se passe? 发生什么事情了?
Trotro: Dans...dans le jardin, il y
a une grosse araignée.
Maman: Mon petit Trotro, tu n'as rien à craindre.
Les petits bêtes ne mangent pas les petits monstres.
* n'avoir rien à faire 没有什么可(做……)
Oui,eh bien...Je ne veux plus être un petit monstre.
Comme ça, je pourrais manger du gateau.