

SM1612 LED驱动控制芯片说明书

SM1612 LED驱动控制芯片说明书

SM1612SOP24内部功能框图管脚定义说明极限参数(Ta = 25℃)电气特性(Ta = 25℃)时序特性(VDD=5.0V ,Ta = 25℃)时序波形图DINDOUTCLKGRIDnSEGnTZL*注:DIN 和DOUT 为芯片内部PAD 位,通过封装合并成DI/O 。

◆ 显示寄存器地址和显示模式该寄存器存储通过串行接口从外部器件传送到SM1612的数据,地址分配如下:◆ 键扫描和按键扫描数据寄存器 按键扫描矩阵为10×2bit ,如下所示:S E G 1/K S 1S E G 2/K S 2S E G 3/K S 3S E G 4/K S 4S E G 5/K S 5S E G 6/K S 6S E G 7/K S 7S E G 8/K S 8S E G 9/K S 9S E G 10/K S 10按键数据储存地址如下所示,用读指令读取,从最低位开始读取:指令用来设置显示模式和LED驱动器的状态。














当RS 和RW共同为低电平时可以写入指令或者显示地址,当RS为低电平RW为高电平时可以读忙信号,当RS为高电平RW为低电平时可以写入数据。



(说明:1为高电平、0为低电平)指令1:清显示,指令码01H,光标复位到地址00H位置指令2:光标复位,光标返回到地址00H指令3:光标和显示模式设置 I/D:光标移动方向,高电平右移,低电平左移 S:屏幕上所有文字是否左移或者右移。

高电平表示有效,低电平则无效指令4:显示开关控制. D:控制整体显示的开与关,高电平表示开显示,低电平表示关显示 C:控制光标的开与关,高电平表示有光标,低电平表示无光标 B:控制光标是否闪烁,高电平闪烁,低电平不闪烁指令5:光标或显示移位 S/C:高电平时移动显示的文字,低电平时移动光标指令6:功能设置命令 DL:高电平时为4位总线,低电平时为8位总线 N:低电平时为单行显示,高电平时双行显示 F:低电平时显示5x7的点阵字符,高电平时显示5x10的点阵字符指令7:字符发生器RAM地址设置指令8:DDRAM地址设置指令9:读忙信号和光标地址 BF:为忙标志位,高电平表示忙,此时模块不能接收命令或者数据,如果为低电平表示不忙。



电气规范:VIN = 3.0V 至 5.5V, FOSC = 1 MHz,占空比 10%, CIN = 0.1 µF。 TA = -40°C 至 +125°C。 参数 温度范围 储存温度范围 最大结温 工作结温范围 封装热阻 8 引脚 MSOP 封装热阻 8 引脚 DFN 封装热阻 θJA θJA — — 208 41 — — TA TJ TA -65 — -40 — — — +150 +150 +125 符号 最小值 典型值 最大值 单位 条件
注:除非另外说明,否则 VIN = VCC = VSHDN = 3.3V,COUT = CIN = 10 µA,L = 3.3 µH,ILOAD = 100 mA,TA = +25°C。粗体数值 适用的 TA 范围为 -40°C 至 +85°C。
100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0
DS21921A_CN 第 4 页
2005 Microchip Technology Inc.
DC 特性 (续)
电气规范:除非另外说明,否则 VIN = Vcc = VSHDN = 3.3V, VOUT = 1.8V, CIN = COUT = 10 µF, L = 3.3 µH, ILOAD = 100 mA, TA = +25°C。粗体数值适用的 TA 范围为 -40°C 至 +85°C。 参数 保护功能 欠压锁定 欠压锁定迟滞 热关断 热关断迟滞 接口信号 (SHDN) 逻辑高电平输入 逻辑低电平输入 注 VIN-HIGH VIN-LOW 45 — — — — 15 VIN 的 % VIN 的 % UVLO UVLO-HYS TSHD TSHD-HYS 2.4 — — — 2.55 200 160 9 2.7 — — — V mV 注 2 注 1 符号 最小值 典型值 最大值 单位 条件




•该码表使用16个字符(0-9, A-F)组成,每个字符都对应一个4位的二进制数。





















Figure 183: WRITE (BC4) OTF to WRITE (BL8) with 1t CK Preamble in Different Bank GroupCommand DQ CK_t CK_cDQS_t,DQS_cBank GroupAddress Address Notes: 1.BL = 8/BC = 4, AL = 0, CL = 9, Preamble = 1t CK.2.DI n (or b ) = data-in from column n (or column b ).3.DES commands are shown for ease of illustration; other commands may be valid atthese times.4.BC4 setting activated by MR0[1:0] = 01 and A12 = 0 during WRITE command at T0.BL8 setting activated by MR0[1:0] = 01 and A12 = 1 during WRITE command at T4.5.CA parity = Disable, CS to CA latency = Disable, Read DBI = Disable, Write CRC = Disable.6.The write recovery time (t WR) and write timing parameter (t WTR) are referenced fromthe first rising clock edge after the last write data shown at T17.WRITE Operation Followed by READ OperationFigure 184: WRITE (BL8) to READ (BL8) with 1t CK Preamble in Different Bank GroupCommand DQ CK_t CK_cDQS_t,DQS_cBank GroupAddress Address Notes: 1.BL = 8, WL = 9 (CWL = 9, AL = 0), CL = 11, READ preamble = 1t CK, WRITE preamble =1t CK.2.DI b = data-in from column b .3.DES commands are shown for ease of illustration; other commands may be valid atthese times.4.BL8 setting activated by either MR0[1:0] = 00 or MR0[1:0] = 01 and A12 = 1 duringWRITE command at T0 and READ command at T15.5.CA parity = Disable, CS to CA latency = Disable, Read DBI = Disable, Write DBI = Disable,Write CRC = Disable.6.The write timing parameter (t WTR_S) is referenced from the first rising clock edge afterthe last write data shown at T13.Figure 185: WRITE (BL8) to READ (BL8) with 1t CK Preamble in Same Bank GroupCommand DQ CK_t CK_c DQS_t,DQS_cBank GroupAddress Address Notes: 1.BL = 8, WL = 9 (CWL = 9, AL = 0), CL = 11, READ preamble = 1t CK, WRITE preamble =1t CK.2.DI b = data-in from column b .3.DES commands are shown for ease of illustration; other commands may be valid atthese times.4.BL8 setting activated by either MR0[1:0] = 00 or MR0[1:0] = 01 and A12 = 1 duringWRITE command at T0 and READ command at T17.5.CA parity = Disable, CS to CA latency = Disable, Read DBI = Disable, Write DBI = Disable,Write CRC = Disable.6.The write timing parameter (t WTR_L) is referenced from the first rising clock edge afterthe last write data shown at T13.Figure 186: WRITE (BC4) OTF to READ (BC4) OTF with 1t CK Preamble in Different Bank GroupCommand DQ CK_t CK_cDQS_t,DQS_cBank GroupAddress Address Notes: 1.BC = 4, WL = 9 (CWL = 9, AL = 0), CL = 11, READ preamble = 1t CK, WRITE preamble =1t CK.2.DI b = data-in from column b .3.DES commands are shown for ease of illustration; other commands may be valid atthese times.4.BC4 setting activated by MR0[1:0] = 01 and A12 = 0 during WRITE command at T0 andREAD command at T15.5.CA parity = Disable, CS to CA latency = Disable, Read DBI = Disable, Write DBI = Disable,Write CRC = Disable.6.The write timing parameter (t WTR_S) is referenced from the first rising clock edge afterthe last write data shown at T13.Figure 187: WRITE (BC4) OTF to READ (BC4) OTF with 1tCK Preamble in Same Bank GroupCommand DQ CK_t CK_cDQS_t,DQS_cBank GroupAddress Address Notes: 1.BC = 4, WL = 9 (CWL = 9, AL = 0), CL = 11, READ preamble = 1t CK, WRITE preamble =1t CK.2.DI b = data-in from column b .3.DES commands are shown for ease of illustration; other commands may be valid atthese times.4.BC4 setting activated by MR0[1:0] = 01 and A12 = 0 during WRITE command at T0 andREAD command at T17.8Gb: x4, x8, x16 DDR4 SDRAM WRITE Operation。



Bus Operations CE# LOW and RST# HIGH enable READ operations. The device internally decodes up-per address inputs to determine the accessed block. ADV# LOW opens the internal ad-dress latches. OE# LOW activates the outputs and gates selected data onto the I/O bus.Bus cycles to/from the device conform to standard microprocessor bus operations. Busoperations and the logic levels that must be applied to the device control signal inputsare shown here.Table 9: Bus OperationsNotes: 1.Refer to the Device Command Bus Cycles for valid DQ[15:0] during a WRITE operation.2.X = "Don’t Care" (H or L).3.RST# must be at V SS ± 0.2V to meet the maximum specified power-down current. ReadTo perform a READ operation, RST# and WE# must be de-asserted while CE# and OE#are asserted. CE# is the device-select control. When asserted, it enables the device. OE#is the data-output control. When asserted, the addressed flash memory data is drivenonto the I/O bus.WriteTo perform a WRITE operation, both CE# and WE# are asserted while RST# and OE# arede-asserted. During a WRITE operation, address and data are latched on the rising edgeof WE# or CE#, whichever occurs first. The Command Bus Cycles table shows the buscycle sequence for each of the supported device commands, while the Command Codesand Definitions table describes each command.Note: WRITE operations with invalid V CC and/or V PP voltages can produce spurious re-sults and should not be attempted.Output DisableWhen OE# is de-asserted, device outputs DQ[15:0] are disabled and placed in High-Zstate, WAIT is also placed in High-Z.StandbyWhen CE# is de-asserted the device is deselected and placed in standby, substantiallyreducing power consumption. In standby, the data outputs are placed in High-Z, inde-pendent of the level placed on OE#. Standby current (I CCS) is the average current meas-Status RegisterRead Status RegisterTo read the status register, issue the READ STATUS REGISTER command at any address.Status register information is available at the address that the READ STATUS REGISTER,WORD PROGRAM, or BLOCK ERASE command is issued to. Status register data is auto-matically made available following a word program, block erase, or block lock com-mand sequence. Reads from the device after any of these command sequences will out-put the devices status until another valid command is written (e.g. READ ARRAY com-mand).The status register is read using single asynchronous mode or synchronous burst modereads. Status register data is output on DQ[7:0], while 0x00 is output on DQ[15:8]. Inasynchronous mode, the falling edge of OE# or CE# (whichever occurs first) updatesand latches the status register contents. However, when reading the status register insynchronous burst mode, CE# or ADV# must be toggled to update status data.The device write status bit (SR7) provides the overall status of the device. SR[6:1]present status and error information about the PROGRAM, ERASE, SUSPEND, V PP, andBLOCK LOCK operations.Note: Reading the status register is a nonarray READ operation. When the operation oc-curs in asynchronous page mode, only the first data is valid and all subsequent data areundefined. When the operation occurs in synchronous burst mode, the same data wordrequested will be output on successive clock edges until the burst length requirementsare satisfied.Table 16: Status Register DescriptionNotes: 1.Default value = 0x80.2.Always clear the status register prior to resuming ERASE operations. This eliminates sta-tus register ambiguity when issuing commands during ERASE SUSPEND. If a commandLatency CountThe latency count (LC) bits tell the device how many clock cycles must elapse from therising edge of ADV# (or from the first valid clock edge after ADV# is asserted) until thefirst valid data word is driven to DQ[15:0]. The input clock frequency is used to deter-mine this value. The First Access Latency Count figure shows the data output latency fordifferent LC settings.Figure 13: First Access Latency CountCLK [C]Address [A]ADV# [V]DQ[15:0] [D/Q]DQ[15:0] [D/Q]DQ[15:0] [D/Q]DQ[15:0] [D/Q]DQ[15:0] [D/Q]DQ[15:0] [D/Q]DQ[15:0] [D/Q]DQ[15:0] [D/Q]Note: 1.First Access Latency Count Calculation:•1 / CLK frequency = CLK period (ns)•n x (CLK period) ≥t AVQV (ns) – t CHQV (ns)•Latency Count = nFigure 14: Example Latency Count Setting Using Code 3CLKCE#ADV#A[MAX:1]D[15:0]End of Wordline ConsiderationsEnd of wordline (EOWL) wait states can result when the starting address of the burst op-eration is not aligned to a 16-word boundary; that is, A[4:1] of the start address does not equal 0x0. The figure below illustrates the end of wordline wait state(s) that occur after the first 16-word boundary is reached. The number of data words and wait states is summarized in the table below.Figure 15: End of Wordline Timing DiagramCLK ADV#OE#WAIT#A[MAX:1]DQ[15:0]Figure 18: Buffer Program ProcedureNotes: 1.Word count values on DQ0:DQ15 are loaded into the count register. Count ranges forthis device are N = 0000h to 01FFh.2.Device outputs the status register when read.3.Write buffer contents will be programmed at the device start or destination address.4.Align the start address on a write buffer boundary for maximum programming perform-ance; that is, A[9:1] of the start address = 0).5.Device aborts the BUFFERED PROGRAM command if the current address is outside theoriginal block address.6.Status register indicates an improper command sequence if the BUFFERED PROGRAMcommand is aborted. Follow this with a CLEAR STATUS REGISTER command.7.Device defaults to SR output data after BUFFERED PROGRAMMING SETUP command(E8h) is issued . CE# or OE# must be toggled to update the status register . Don’t issuethe READ SR command (70h); it is interpreted by the device as buffer word count.8.Full status check can be done after erase and write sequences complete. Write FFh afterthe last operation to reset the device to read array mode.Figure 19: Buffered Enhanced Factory Programming (BEFP) Procedure。



0.000008 –142
Copyright © 2009–2011, Texas Instruments Incorporated
OPA1611 OPA1612
SBOS450B – JULY 2009 – REVISED JULY 2011

This integrated circuit can be damaged by ESD. Texas Instruments recommends that all integrated circuits be handled with appropriate precautions. Failure to observe proper handling and installation procedures can cause damage.
OPA1611AI, OPA1612AI
Total Harmonic Distortion + Noise
G = +1, f = 1kHz, VO = 3VRMS
0.000015 –136
Intermodulation Distortion
The OPA1611 (single) and OPA1612 (dual) bipolar-input operational amplifiers achieve very low 1.1nV/√Hz noise density with an ultralow distortion of 0.000015% at 1kHz. The OPA1611 and OPA1612 offer rail-to-rail output swing to within 600mV with a 2kΩ load, which increases headroom and maximizes dynamic range. These devices also have a high output drive capability of ±30mA.



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相关型号以及配合该器件使用的推荐产品,请参见:china.maxim-ic. com/MAX16126.related。
Electrical Characteristics
(VIN = 12V, CGATE-SOURCE = 1nF, TA = -40NC to +125NC, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at TA = +25NC.) (Note 2) PARAMETER Input Voltage Range Input Supply Current SRC Input Current IN Undervoltage Lockout OVSET/UVSET Input Current OVSET/UVSET Threshold (Rising) OVSET/UVSET Threshold Hysteresis POK Threshold Rising POK Threshold Falling TERM On-Resistance Startup Response Time Autoretry Timeout GATE Rise Time OVSET to GATE Propagation Delay UVSET to GATE Propagation Delay SYMBOL VIN IIN ISRC VUVLO IUVSET/OVSET VTH VTH-HYS VPOK+ VPOKRTERM tSTART tRETRY tRISE tOVG tUVG VGATE rising (GND to VSRC + 6V) VOVSET rising (VTH - 100mV to VTH + 100mV) VUVSET rising (VTH - 100mV to VTH +100mV) 20 (Note 3) VIN rising 1.2 1.225 5 0.9 x VIN 0.87 x VIN 0.7 150 150 1 0.55 1.2 VIN rising CONDITIONS Operating range Protection range SHDN = high SHDN = low MIN 3 -30 224 34 75 TYP MAX 24 +90 320 50 110 2.8 500 1.25 UNITS V FA FA V nA V % V V kI Fs ms ms Fs Fs


外部32.768kHz晶体或32kHz频率源输入 1/5偏置,1/16占空比,帧频率64赫兹 Max.48´16模 式,16,48段 内置的内部电阻式偏见发电机 电话串行接口 8种时基或WDT选择 时基或WDT溢出输出 内置LCD显示RAM汽车增 量 R / W地址两个选择蜂鸣器频率(2 khz或4 khz) 断电命令 软件配置功能的同时降低功耗数据模式和命令模式指令 VLCD 销三个数据访问模式调整液晶操作电压 100引脚QFP封装通用描述ht1626是专门为I/ o型单片机设计的用于扩展显示能力的外围设 备。Themax。设备显示段为768个图案(48’16)。它还支持串行接口,蜂鸣器声音,看门狗定时器或计时功能。ht1626是一种内存映射 和多功能LCDcontroller。ht1626的软件配置特点使其适用于多种LCD应用,包括LCD模块和显示子系统。主机控制器和HT1626之间的 接口只需要三行代码。HT162X系列有许多种类的产品,以配合各种应用程序OSCI和OSCO板连接到32.768kHz的晶体上,以生成系统 时钟。如果系统时钟来自外部时钟源,则外部时钟源应连接到OSCI pad。ht1621但如果选择了片上RC振荡器,OSCI和OSCO padscan将 保持打开状态。2 oscoo3vdd¾积极supply4VLCDILCD操作电压输入垫。5IRQOTime base或Watchdog定时器溢出标志,NMOS开路漏出 6、7BZ、BZO2kHz或4kHz音频输出对8~11T1~T4INot连接12~27COM0~COM15OLCD共输出28~75SEG0~SEG47OLCD段输出76csichip选 择输入带高电阻。当CS逻辑值高时,从HT1626读取或写入的数据和命令将被禁用。ht1621还对se-rial接口电路进行了复位。但是,如果 CS处于逻辑低级别,并且输入到CS pad,则主机控制器和HT1626之间的数据和命令传输都是启用的。77RDIREAD时钟输入与拉高电 阻。HT1626内存中的数据重新锁定在RD信号的下降边缘。打卡输出的数据将出现在数据线上。主机控制器可以使用下一个上升边来 监视时钟输出的数据。带有高电阻的手写时钟输入。数据线上的数据被挂接在WR信号上升边缘的HT1626上。79年达泰/ OSerial数据输 入或输出pull-high resistor80VSS¾负电源,groundAbsolute最大RatingsSupply电压温度-25°cto - 75°CNote:这些只是应力等级。压力超过指 定的范围下²绝对最大额定参数²maycause实质性损害设备。本设备在本规范所列条件之外的其他条件下的功能操作不作暗示,长时间暴 露在极端条件下可能会影响设备的可靠性。

ESMQ161VSN102MQ30S中文资料(United Chemi-Con)中文数据手册「EasyDatasheet - 矽搜」

ESMQ161VSN102MQ30S中文资料(United Chemi-Con)中文数据手册「EasyDatasheet - 矽搜」

Rated Voltage ( V ) Z ( 25 C ) / Z ( 20 C )
160 - 250 4
315 - 400 8
420, 450 8
DC Rated Voltage 160 - 250V 315 - 450V


3.4 语音输出
SD0432 中集成了一个简单的声音发生器,此发声器可输出一对不同的驱动信号至 BZ 和 BZ 以产生单音,执 行 TONE 4K 与 TONE 2K 命令,可选择两个不现的音频输出,即 4KHZ 与 2KHZ 这两个频率,TONE ON 及 TONE OFF 命令可打开或关闭语音输出,语音输出 BZ 和 BZ,是一对不同的带驱动蜂鸣器。当系统关闭或语音输出被禁止时, BZ 及 BZ 将处于低电平状态。
命令 LCD OFF 是通过关闭 LCD 偏压发生器来关闭 LCD 显示器。反之,LCD ON 则启动 LCD 显示。BIAS COM 是与
LCD 屏面相关命令。使用 LCD 相关命令,SD0432 可与绝大多数类型的 LCD 屏面兼容。
3. 6 命令格式
SD0432 可由 S/W 设置来配置。有两种命令模式分别用来配置 SD0432 和传送 LCD 显示数据。配置 SD0432 的命
令模式(普通模式)识别码为 100,此命令模式由系统配置命令、LCD 配置命令、音频选择命令、定时器/看门狗
定时器设置命令及操作命令组成。另一方面,数据模式包括 READ、WRITE 及 READ-MODIFY-WRITE 操作。下表为数
com 操

le RAM 中的数据由 READ、WRITE 以及 READ-MODIFY-WRITE 指令进行存取,下图为由 RAM 控制 LCD 的映象图。
. SEG0
ww SEG1
w SEG2


时基和看门狗定时器 WDT 时基发生器是一个 8 态增值尖峰计数器 可以产生准确的时基 WDT 由时基发生器和 一个 2 态增值尖峰计数器组成 它可以在主控制器或其它子系统处于异常状态时产生中断 WDT 溢出时产生片内 WDT 溢出标志 可用一命令选项使时基发生器和 WDT 溢出标志输 出到/IRQ 管脚 时基发生器和 WDT 时钟频率有 8 种 fWDT=32KHz/2n 这里的 n 值为 0 7 由命令项决定 等式中 32KHz 为系统频率 由晶振 32.768KHz 片内振荡器 (256KHz)
25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48
58.14 58.14 58.14 58.14 58.14 58.14 58.14 58.14 55.55 48.92 42.29 35.66 29.03 22.40 15.77 9.14 2.42 -4.21 -10.84 -17.47 -24.10 -30.73 -38.17 -45.39
广州周立功单片机发展有限公司 Tel 020 38730976 38730977 Fax:38730925
系统结构 显示内存 RAM 静态显示内存 RAM 以 32 4 位的格式储存所显示的数据 RAM 的数据直接映象 到 LCD 驱动器 可以用 READ WRITE 和 READ-MODIFY-WRITE 命令访问
概述 HT1621 是 128 点 内存映象和多功能的 LCD 驱动器 HT1621 的软件配置特性使它适 用于多种 LCD 应用场合 包括 LCD 模块和显示子系统 用于连接主控制器和 HT1621 的管 脚只有 4 或 5 条 HT1621 还有一个节电命令用于降低系统功耗
































UC3612 Dual Schottky Diode•Monolithic Two Diode Array •Exceptional Efficiency •Low Forward Voltage •Fast Recovery Time •High Peak Current •Small Size The two-diode array is designed for high-current, low duty-cycle applications typical of flyback voltage clamping for inductive loads.The use of Schottky diode technology features high efficiency through lowered forward voltage drop and decreased reverse recov-ery time.This single monolithic chip is fabricated in hermetic CERDIP as well as copper leaded plastic MINIDIP and SOIC surface mount power pack. The UC1612 in ceramic is designed for −55°C to +125°C environments, but with reduced peak current capability; while the UC3612 has higher current rating over a 0°C to +70°C ambient tem-perature range.FEATURES DESCRIPTIONABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSPeak Inverse Voltage (per diode) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50VPeak Forward Current, UC3612 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3APeak Forward Current, UC1612 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1AStorage Temperature Range . . . . . . . . . . . . .−65°C to +150°CJunction Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .−55°C to +150°CLead Temperature (Soldering, 10 seconds) . . . . . . . . . . .300°C Currents are positive into, negative out of the specified terminal.Consult Packaging Section of Databook for thermal limitationsand considerations of packages.CONNECTION DIAGRAM8/94UC3612ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS All specifications apply to each individual diode. T J = 25°C except as noted.Note: At forward currents of greater than 1.0A, a parasitic current of approximately 10mA may be collected by adjacent diodes.UNITRODE INTEGRATED CIRCUITS7 CONTINENTAL BLVD. •MERRIMACK, NH 03054TEL. (603) 424-2410 •FAX (603) 424-34602PACKAGING INFORMATIONOrderable DeviceStatus (1)Package Type Package Drawing Pins Package Qty Eco Plan (2)Lead/Ball FinishMSL Peak Temp (3)UC1612J OBSOLETE UTR 8TBD Call TI Call TI UC1612L OBSOLETE UTR TBD Call TI Call TI UC3612DP OBSOLETE UTR 8TBD Call TI Call TI UC3612J OBSOLETE UTR TBD Call TI Call TI UC3612NOBSOLETEUTR8TBDCall TICall TI(1)The marketing status values are defined as follows:ACTIVE:Product device recommended for new designs.LIFEBUY:TI has announced that the device will be discontinued,and a lifetime-buy period is in effect.NRND:Not recommended for new designs.Device is in production to support existing customers,but TI does not recommend using this part in a new design.PREVIEW:Device has been announced but is not in production.Samples may or may not be available.OBSOLETE:TI has discontinued the production of the device.(2)Eco Plan -The planned eco-friendly classification:Pb-Free (RoHS),Pb-Free (RoHS Exempt),or Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)-please check /productcontent for the latest availability information and additional product content details.TBD:The Pb-Free/Green conversion plan has not been defined.Pb-Free (RoHS):TI's terms "Lead-Free"or "Pb-Free"mean semiconductor products that are compatible with the current RoHS requirements for all 6substances,including the requirement that lead not exceed 0.1%by weight in homogeneous materials.Where designed to be soldered at high temperatures,TI Pb-Free products are suitable for use in specified lead-free processes.Pb-Free (RoHS Exempt):This component has a RoHS exemption for either 1)lead-based flip-chip solder bumps used between the die and package,or 2)lead-based die adhesive used between the die and leadframe.The component is otherwise considered Pb-Free (RoHS compatible)as defined above.Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br):TI defines "Green"to mean Pb-Free (RoHS compatible),and free of Bromine (Br)and Antimony (Sb)based flame retardants (Br or Sb do not exceed 0.1%by weight in homogeneous material)(3)MSL,Peak Temp.--The Moisture Sensitivity Level rating according to the JEDEC industry standard classifications,and peak solder temperature.Important Information and Disclaimer:The information provided on this page represents TI's knowledge and belief as of the date that it is provided.TI bases its knowledge and belief on information provided bythird parties,and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of such information.Efforts are underway to better integrate information from third parties.TI has taken and continues to take reasonable steps to provide representative and accurate information but may not have conducted destructive testing or chemical analysis on incoming materials and chemicals.TI and TI suppliers consider certain information to be proprietary,and thus CAS numbers and other limited information may not be available for release.In no event shall TI's liability arising out of such information exceed the total purchase price of the TI part(s)at issue in this document sold by TI to Customer on an annual basis.PACKAGE OPTION ADDENDUM18-Sep-2008Addendum-Page 1IMPORTANT NOTICETexas Instruments Incorporated and its subsidiaries(TI)reserve the right to make corrections,modifications,enhancements,improvements, and other changes to its products and services at any time and to discontinue any product or service without notice.Customers should obtain the latest relevant information before placing orders and should verify that such information is current and complete.All products are sold subject to TI’s terms and conditions of sale supplied at the time of order acknowledgment.TI warrants performance of its hardware products to the specifications applicable at the time of sale in accordance with TI’s standard warranty.Testing and other quality control techniques are used to the extent TI deems necessary to support this warranty.Except where mandated by government requirements,testing of all parameters of each product is not necessarily performed.TI assumes no liability for applications assistance or customer product design.Customers are responsible for their products and applications using TI components.To minimize the risks associated with customer products and applications,customers should provide adequate design and operating safeguards.TI does not warrant or represent that any license,either express or implied,is granted under any TI patent right,copyright,mask work right, or other TI intellectual property right relating to any combination,machine,or process in which TI products or services are rmation published by TI regarding third-party products or services does not constitute a license from TI to use such products or services or a warranty or endorsement e of such information may require a license from a third party under the patents or other intellectual property of the third party,or a license from TI under the patents or other intellectual property of TI.Reproduction of TI information in TI 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TI products are neither designed nor intended for use in automotive applications or environments unless the specific TI products are designated by TI as compliant with ISO/TS16949requirements.Buyers acknowledge and agree that,if they use any non-designated products in automotive applications,TI will not be responsible for any failure to meet such requirements.Following are URLs where you can obtain information on other Texas Instruments products and application solutions:Products ApplicationsAmplifiers AudioData Converters AutomotiveDSP BroadbandClocks and Timers Digital ControlInterface MedicalLogic MilitaryPower Mgmt Optical NetworkingMicrocontrollers SecurityRFID TelephonyRF/IF and ZigBee®Solutions Video&ImagingWirelessMailing Address:Texas Instruments,Post Office Box655303,Dallas,Texas75265Copyright©2008,Texas Instruments Incorporated。

maxim MAX16122-MAX16125 单电源监视器按钮复位器数据手册说明书

maxim MAX16122-MAX16125 单电源监视器按钮复位器数据手册说明书

General DescriptionThe MAX16122–MAX16125 pushbutton controllers with single-supply monitors monitor one or two pushbuttons and generate a hard reset signal if the buttons are pushed and held for a setup delay. These devices make it easy to “hide” the hard reset function in an existing pushbutton, such as a soft power switch. The devices operate from 1.6V to 5.5V and consume a quiescent current of only 5µA at 3V.The MAX16122–MAX16125 have pin-programmable or resistor-adjustable setup delay. Connect the SEL pin to GND, V CC , or leave it unconnected to select the different setup delays (depending on part suffix, see Table 1a ) or connect an external resistor from SEL to GND to set the setup delays (E suffix only, see Table 1b ).The MAX16124/MAX16125 have one manual reset input (MR ), a reset output (RESET ), and a soft reset output (SRESET ) which mirrors the state of the input . The MAX16122/MAX16123 have two identical manual reset inputs (MR1 and MR2) and one reset output (RESET ). A deglitch block is connected to each input to add a delay to the falling edge with a fixed deglitch period of 20ms (t DB ).The devices feature a comparator that monitors the input supply voltage. A variety of factory-trimmed threshold options accommodate different supply voltages and tolerances, eliminating external components. The factory-set reset thresholds range from 1.58V to 4.63V to monitor 5V, 3.3V, 2.5V, and 1.8V supplies.The MAX16122–MAX16125 are offered in a tiny 0.86mm x 1.25mm, 6-bump WLP package and are specified over the automotive temperature range (-40°C to +125°C).Benefits and Features●Low Supply Current: < 5μA (typ) at 3V OverTemperature ●Precision Factory-Set V CC Monitoring Threshold for1.8V,2.5V,3.3V, and 5V Supplies ●Fixed/Pin-Programmable or Resistor-AdjustablePushbutton Setup Delay ●Up to 2 Reset Outputs and 2 Debounced PushbuttonInputs ●Guaranteed RESET Valid for V CC Down to 0.95V ●Active-Low RESET Output (Push-Pull or Open-Drain) ●Immune to Short Power-Supply Transients ●0.86mm x 1.25mm 6-Bump WLP Package ●-40°C to +125°C Operating Temperature RangeApplications●Smartphones ●Tablet PCs●eBook Readers●Portable/Battery-Powered Equipment ●Glucose Monitors/Patient Monitors●Portable InstrumentationOrdering Information appears at end of data sheet.19-6398; Rev 3; 6/18Typical Operating CircuitsMAX16122–MAX16125Dual Pushbutton Controllers inTiny 6-Bump WLP PackageClick here for production status of specific part numbers.(All pins referenced to GND)V CC ..........................................................................-0.3V to +6V RESET , SRESET to GNDOpen-Drain ..............................................................-0.3V to +6V Push-Pull ..................................................-0.3V to (V CC + 0.3V)MR , MR1, MR2........................................................-0.3V to +6V SEL ..........................................................................-0.3V to +6VInput/Output Current (all pins) ............................................20mA Continuous Power Dissipation (T A = +70°C) (Multilayer Board) WLP (derate 10.5mW/°C above +70°C) ......................840mW Operating Temperature Range .........................-40°C to +125°C Junction Temperature ......................................................+150°C Storage Temperature Range ............................-65°C to +150°C Soldering Temperature (reflow) .......................................+260°CWLPJunction-to-Ambient Thermal Resistance (θJA ) ..........95°C/W(Note 1)(V CC = 1.6V to 5.5V, T A = -40°C to +125°C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at T A = +25°C.) (Note 2)Note 1: Package thermal resistances were obtained using the method described in JEDEC specification JESD51-7, using a four-layerboard. For detailed information on package thermal considerations, refer to /thermal-tutorial .Absolute Maximum RatingsStresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.Package Thermal Characteristics Electrical CharacteristicsPARAMETERSYMBOL CONDITIONSMIN TYP MAX UNITS Operating Voltage Range V CC RESET state guaranteed for V CC ≥ 0.95V1.65.5V V CC Undervoltage Lockout V CCUVLO1.25 1.55V V CC Supply CurrentI CC V CC = 5V, steady-state condition; MR , MR1, MR2, RESET , and SRESET not asserted 810µASupply Current with Oscillator RunningI CC2V CC = 3V 510µA V CC Reset ThresholdV TH V CC falling-2.5%V TH +2.5%V V CC Reset Threshold Hysteresis V HYST2%Reset Threshold Tempco 30ppm/°C V CC to RESET Output Delay t D V CC falling at 10mV/µs from (V TH + 100mV) to (V TH - 100mV)10µsReset Timeout Period t RP See Table 2-10t RP +10 %Manual Reset Setup Delay t SU Internal timing (see Tables 1a, 1b, 1c)-10t SU +10%Debounce Periodt DB182022msTiny 6-Bump WLP Package(V CC = 1.6V to 5.5V, T A = -40°C to +125°C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at T A = +25°C.) (Note 2)Note 2: All parameters are production tested at T A = +25°C. Limits over the operating temperature range are guaranteed by design.Electrical Characteristics (continued)PARAMETERSYMBOLCONDITIONSMINTYPMAXUNITSOUTPUTS (RESET , SRESET )RESET , SRESET Output LowV OLV CC = V TH(MIN), V TH > 4.25V, I SINK = 10mA0.4V V CC = V TH(MIN), V TH > 2.5V, I SINK = 3.2mA0.4V V CC = V TH(MIN), V TH > 1.67V, I SINK = 1mA0.4V V CC = V TH(MIN), V TH > 1V, I SINK = 100µA 0.4V V CC > 0.95V, V CC falling, I SINK = 15µA 0.4V RESET , SRESET Output High (Push-Pull Outputs)V OHV CC > 0.95V, I SOURCE = 15µA0.8 x V CC V V CC > 1.2V, I SOURCE = 100µA0.8 x V CC V V CC > 1.67V, I SOURCE = 150µA 0.8 x V CC V V CC > 2.7V, I SOURCE = 500µA 0.8 x V CC V V CC > 4.5V, I SOURCE = 800µA0.8 x V CCV RESET , SRESET OutputLeakage Current (Open-Drain Outputs)1µAMANUAL RESET INPUTS (MR , MR1, MR2)MR1, MR2, MR Input Voltage LowV IL 0.3 x V CCV MR1, MR2, MR Input Voltage HighV IH0.7 x V CCV Manual Reset Minimum Pulse Width1µs Manual Reset Glitch Rejection 100ns Manual Reset to Soft Reset Delayt MRD200ns MR1, MR2, MR Internal Pullup Resistance255080kΩSELECT (SEL) LOGIC INPUT SEL Input Low Voltage 0.15 x V CCV SEL Input High Voltage 0.85 x V CC V SEL Input Leakage-8+8µATiny 6-Bump WLP Package(V CC = 5V, MAX16125WTDB29+, T A = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)Typical Operating CharacteristicsSUPPLY CURRENT vs. SUPPLY VOLTAGESUPPLY VOLTAGE (V)S U P P L Y C U R R E N T (µA ) 4.52.5 3.0 3.52.023*********1.56.0MAXIMUM V CC TRANSIENT DURATION vs. RESET THRESHOLD OVERDRIVERESET THRESHOLD OVERDRIVE (V)M A X I M U M V C C T R A N S I E N T D U R A T I O N (µs ) CC RESET THRESHOLD vs. TEMPERATURETEMPERATURE (°C)V C C R E S E T T H R E S H O L D (%)1109580655035205-10-255-5-40125-4-3-2-112340SUPPLY CURRENT vs. TEMPERATURETEMPERATURE (°C)S U P P L Y C U R R E N T (µA )1109580655035205-10-252468100-40125RESET TIMEOUT PERIOD vs. TEMPERATURETEMPERATURE (°C)R E S E T T I M E O U T P E R I O D (m s )1109580655035205-10-251.952. 6-Bump WLP Package(V CC = 5V, MAX16125WTDB29+, T A = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)Typical Operating Characteristics (continued)V CC TO RESET OUTPUT DELAYvs. TEMPERATUREM A X 16122 t o c 06TEMPERATURE (°C)V C C T O R E S E T O U T P U T D E L A Y (µs )1109580655035205-10-252468100-40125V CC TO RESET DELAYMAX16122 toc094µs/divV TH + 100mV 100mV/divRESET 2V/divt SU vs. R SELM A X 16122 t o c 10SEL RESISTANCE TO GND (k Ω)S E T U P D E L A Y (s )460410310360110160210260602468101214161820222410RESET OUTPUT-LOW VOLTAGEvs. SINK CURRENTSINK CURRENT (mA)R E S E T V O L (V ) 1.0 1.5 2.5 3.02.0 TIMINGt SU = 13.03µs2s/divMR12V/div MAX16125WTDB29+SRESET 2V/divRESET 2V/divTiny 6-Bump WLP PackageBump DescriptionBump ConfigurationsBUMPNAMEFUNCTIONMAX16122/MAX16123MAX16124/MAX16125A1A1RESETActive-Low Reset Output. RESET is either an open-drain or a push-pull output (see the Selector Guide ). RESET asserts low when V CC drops below the selected threshold and remains low for the V CC reset timeout period after V CC rises above the reset threshold. The RESET one-shot asserts low for the reset timeout period when the manual reset input is asserted longer than the setup delay. The open-drain output requires an external pullup resistor.—A2SRESET Soft Reset Output. SRESET is the debounced version of MR.B1B1SELSetup Delay Select Input. Connect SEL to V CC , GND, or leave unconnected to select a desired setup delay (see Table 1a); or connect an external resistor between SEL and GND to select a desired setup delay (E suffix only, see Tables 1a and 1b).—B2MRManual Reset Input. Internal 50kΩ pullup to V CC . Pull MR low for the setup delay (t SU ) to one-shot pulse RESET for the reset timeout period.Tiny 6-Bump WLP PackageDetailed DescriptionThe MAX16122–MAX16125 low-current microprocessor reset circuits feature single or dual manual reset inputs with an extended setup period. The devices also feature an internal comparator to monitor 5V, 3.3V, 2.5V, and 1.8V supplies.When the monitored supply voltage drops below the specified threshold, the active-low RESET output asserts low and remains low for the reset timeout period (tRP). The RESET output is one-shot pulse asserted for the reset timeout period. For applications that do not require reset timeout period at startup, devices with that con-figuration are offered. Supply voltage reset threshold is selectable through part suffix, see Table 3.Connect SEL to GND, V CC , or leave unconnected to select the different setup delays (depending on part suffix, see Table 1a ), or connect to an external resistor to set the setup delays (E suffix only, see Table 1b ).The MAX16124/MAX16125 have one manual reset input (MR ), one reset output (RESET ), and one soft reset output (SRESET ). The MAX16122/MAX16123 have two identical manual reset inputs (MR1 and MR2) and one reset output (RESET ). A deglitch block is connected to each manual reset input to add a delay to the falling edge with a fixed deglitch period of 20ms (t DB ).Resistor-Adjusted Setup DelayFor the MAX16122–MAX16125 with the E setup delay suffix (MAX1612_WTE_+T), a resistor connected from SEL to GND sets the setup delay. Table 1b shows com-mon resistor values and the resulting setup delays. For resistor values not in the table, use the following formula to compute the setup delay:SU R t 20=where R is the resistor value in kΩ and t SU is the result-ing setup delay in seconds. For best results, use resistor values between 10kΩ and 500kΩ.Reset OutputThe reset output is typically connected to the reset input of a microprocessor (µP). A µP’s reset input starts or restarts the FP in a known state. The MAX16122–MAX16125 FP supervisory circuits provide the reset logic to prevent code-execution errors during power-up, power-down, and brownout conditions (see the Typical Operating Characteristics ).The MAX16122/MAX16123 have a reset output RESET . The MAX16124/MAX16125 have a reset output RESET and a soft-reset output SRESET which is the debounced “mirror image” of MR (see Figure 1a ).Pin Description (continued)BUMPNAMEFUNCTIONMAX16122/MAX16123MAX16124/MAX16125C1C1V CC Power-Supply Input. V CC provides power to the device and is also a monitored voltage. When V CC drops below the selected threshold, RESET asserts low and remains low for the reset timeout period after V CC rises above the threshold. Bypass V CC to GND with a 0.1µF capacitor. C2C2GND GroundB2—MR1Active-Low Manual Reset Input 1. Internal 50kΩ pullup to V CC . Pull both MR1 and MR2 low for the setup delay (t SU ) to one-shot pulse RESET for the reset timeout period. A2—MR2Active-Low Manual Reset Input 2. Internal 50kΩ pullup to V CC . Pull the MR2 and MR1 low for the setup delay (t SU ) to one-shot pulse RESET for the reset timeout period.Tiny 6-Bump WLP PackageAll reset outputs are either active-low open-drain or active-low push-pull (see the Selector Guide ). RESET changes from high to low whenever the monitored voltage V CC drops below the reset threshold voltage. Once V CC exceeds its respective reset threshold voltage, RESET remains low for the reset timeout period (t RP ) and then goes high. RESET is one-shot pulsed whenever selected manual reset inputs are asserted longer than the setup delay (t SU ). RESET stays asserted for the normal reset timeout period.RESET is guaranteed to be in the proper output logic state for V CC ≥ 0.95V. For applications requir -ing valid reset logic when V CC is less than 0.95V, see the Ensuring a Valid RESET Output Down to V CC = 0V (Push-Pull RESET Output) section.Manual Reset InputEach device in the MAX16122–MAX16125 family includes at least one manual reset input, which must be held logic-low for an extended setup period (t SU ) before the RESET output asserts. An internal pullup resistor is connected to each manual reset input. When valid manual reset input conditions/setup periods are met, the RESET output ispulsed low for the reset timeout period (see Table 2). Existing front-panel pushbutton switches (i.e., power-on/-off, channel up/down, or mode select) can be used to drive the manual reset inputs. The extended manual reset setup period prevents nuisance system resets dur-ing normal front-panel usage or resulting from inadvertent short-term pushbutton closure.The MAX16124/MAX16125 include a single manual reset input (MR ) and two reset outputs (RESET and SRESET ). The MAX16122/MAX16123 include two manual reset inputs (MR1 and MR2) and one reset output, RESET . For dual MR1 and MR2 devices, both inputs must be simulta-neously pulled low and held for the extended setup period (t SU ) before the reset output is pulsed. The dual extended setup provides greater protection from nuisance resets.The MAX16122–MAX16125 RESET output is asserted once for the reset timeout period after each valid manual reset input condition. At least one manual reset input must be released (go high) and then be driven low for the extended setup period before RESET asserts again. Internal timing circuitry debounces low-to-high manual reset logic transitions, so no external circuitry is required.Figure 1a. Reset Timing DiagramTiny 6-Bump WLP PackageTiny 6-Bump WLP PackageFigure 1b. Timeout Periods at StartupSupply Voltage MonitorThe MAX16122–MAX16125 have an internal comparator with a programmable trip threshold to monitor the sup-ply voltage. The V CC monitoring thresholds are select-able through the part number suffix (see the Ordering Information and Table 3).Applications InformationFalling V CC TransientsIn addition to issuing a reset to the µP during power-up, power-down, and brownout conditions, the MAX16122–MAX16125 are relatively immune to short-duration fall-ing V CC transients (glitches). The Typical Operating Characteristics show the Maximum Transient Duration vs. V CC Overdrive graph for which the MAX16122–MAX16125 do not generate a reset pulse. This graph was generated using a falling pulse applied to V CC starting above the actual reset threshold and ending below the threshold by the magnitude indicated (V CC overdrive). The graph indicates the typical maximum pulse width that a falling transient can have without initiating a reset pulse. As the magnitude of the transient increases (go farther below the reset threshold), the maximum allowable pulse width decreases.Ensuring a Valid RESET Output Down toV CC = 0V (Push-Pull RESET Output)The MAX16122–MAX16125 guarantee proper operation down to V CC = 0.95V. In applications that require valid reset levels down to V CC = 0V, add a pulldown resis-tor between RESET and GND for the push-pull outputs (MAX16122/MAX16124). The resistor sinks any stray leakage currents, holding RESET low (Figure 2). The resistor value used is not critical, but it must be small enough not to overload the RESET output when V CC is above the reset threshold. For most applications, use 100kΩ to 1MΩ. This scheme does not work with open-drain outputs of the MAX16123/MAX16125.Layout and BypassingEnsure 0.1µF (minimum) capacitance is connected from V CC to GND.Figure 2. Ensuring RESET Output to V CC = 0VTiny 6-Bump WLP PackageTiny 6-Bump WLP Package Typical Operating Circuits (continued)Tiny 6-Bump WLP Package Functional DiagramsTiny 6-Bump WLP Package Functional Diagrams (continued)Table 1a. SEL Pin Connection Setup Delays (t SU )Table 1b. Resistor-Adjusted Setup Delays (t SU )Table 2. Reset Timeouts (t RP )Table 3. V CC Reset Threshold Voltage (V TH )PART SUFFIXSETUP DELAYS (s)SEL = GNDSEL =UNCONNECTEDSEL = V CCA 0.512B 345C 6810D 131517ESee Table 1bRESISTOR (kΩ)SETUP DELAYS (s)100.5180.922 1.127 1.3539 1.9547 2.3556 2.882 4.11005180922011PART SUFFIXMINIMUM RESET TIMEOUT (ms)A0.9B 1.8C 3.6D 7.2E 14.4F 28.8G 57.6H 86.4I 115.2J 172.8K 230.4L 259.2M 345.6N 460.8O 691.2P 921.6Q 1843.2R 3686.4S7372.8SUFFIX V CC RESET THRESHOLDVOLTAGE (V) (typ)00No Monitoring16 1.5817 1.6722 2.1923 2.3229 2.9331 3.0844 4.38464.63Tiny 6-Bump WLP PackageNote: Insert the desired setup delay (A to Q, from Table 1a ) into the blank following the letters WT. Insert the letter corresponding to the desired minimum reset timeout period (A to S, from Table 2) into the blank following the setup delay suffix. Insert the two digit number corresponding to the desired nominal reset threshold (from Table 3) into the blanks following the reset timeout suffix.+Denotes a lead(Pb)-free/RoHS-compliant package. Devices are available only in lead-free packaging.T = Tape and reel.*Future product—Contact factory for availability.Note: MAX16125WTDB29+T is a standard option. For additional options, please contact factory.Chip InformationPROCESS: BiCMOSOrdering InformationSelector GuidePackage InformationFor the latest package outline information and land patterns (footprints), go to /packages . Note that a “+”, “#”, or “-” in the package code indicates RoHS status only. Package drawings may show a different suffix character, but the drawing pertains to the package regardless of RoHS status.PARTTEMP RANGE PIN-PACKAGEMAX16122WT_ _ _ _+T*-40°C to +125°C 6 WLP MAX16123WT_ _ _ _+T*-40°C to +125°C 6 WLP MAX16124WT_ _ _ _+T*-40°C to +125°C 6 WLP MAX16125WT_ _ _ _+T-40°C to +125°C6 WLPPARTDUAL MANUAL RESET INPUTSRESETSEL ACTIVE-LOW RESET OUTPUTMAX16122WT_ _ _ _+T √—√Push-pull MAX16123WT_ _ _ _+T √—√Open-drain MAX16124WT_ _ _ _+T —√√Push-Pull MAX16125WT_ _ _ _+T—√√Open-drainPACKAGE TYPE PACKAGE CODE OUTLINE ND PATTERN NO.WLPW61F0+121-0217Refer toApplication Note 1891Tiny 6-Bump WLP PackageRevision HistoryREVISION NUMBERREVISION DATE DESCRIPTIONPAGES CHANGED07/12Initial release—111/14No /V OPNs in Ordering Information ; removed automotive reference from Applications section124/16Updated Electrical Characteristics table and text7, 936/18Updated General Description and Benefits and Features sections1Maxim Integrated cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a Maxim Integrated product. No circuit patent licenses are implied. Maxim Integrated reserves the right to change the circuitry and specifications without notice at any time. The parametric values (min and max limits) shown in the Electrical Characteristics table are guaranteed. Other parametric values quoted in this data sheet are provided for guidance.Tiny 6-Bump WLP PackageFor pricing, delivery, and ordering information, please visit Maxim Integrated’s online storefront at https:///en/storefront/storefront.html.。

Model 1612QS 音响楼阁说明说明书

Model 1612QS 音响楼阁说明说明书

specifications and performance requirements for color retention, chalk resistance, gloss retention, erosion, corrosion and chemical resistance as well as dry film thickness and hardness. Our state-of-the-art powder coat system provides an environment friendly finishing solution with more uniform coverage and coating thickness. The result is an exceptional finish that better resists scratching, fading and general wear. Additional liquid coat facilitiesFluoropolymer Powder Coat AAMA 2605-Superior Finish (AKA: Powdura®5000, Coraflon®Powder,Interpon®D3000-Fluoromax)A vailable Finishes"Ultimate" − A next generation hyper durable powder coating, based onFEVE fluoropolymer resins and ceramic pigmentation that the industryhas acknowledged as the foundation for superior performance coatings.They provide a hard surface that is resistant to scratching and scuffing,with superior color and gloss retention, when applied to a variety ofexterior architectural applications. This technology represents the“ultimate” in environmentally friendly finishes, with Zero-VOC emissions.A new alternative to traditional 70% Kynar 500®/ Hylar 500®PVDFfluoropolymer liquid coatings.10 years(Consult Nailorfor availabilityof extendedwarranty)High Performance Powder CoatAAMA 2604 −High Performance Finish (AKA: Powdura®4000, Envirocron®Ultra Durable Powder, Dynadure™400, Interpon®D2000)"Better" − A high performance polyester powder coating, based on“super durable” resins that utilize infrared reflective pigments, whichprovides excellent resistance to outdoor weathering. A harder and more environmentally friendly coating than other liquid paint counterparts andwith Zero-VOC emissions.A good alternative to 50% Kynar 500®/ Hylar 5000®liquid coatings.5 yearsDurable Powder CoatAAMA 2603 −Pigmented Organic Coatings (AKA: Powdura®3000, Envirocron®Durable Powder, Dynadure™300, Interpon®D1000)"Good" − A durable powder coat based on thermosetting polyester resin technology.Provides a good economical combination of physical and chemical resistance properties. Environmentally superior to liquid spray paints andZero – VOC emissions.1 yearClear Anodize 215-R1 AA-M10C22A41(0.7 mil. min.)Architectural Class I. Clear, colorless and hard oxide aluminum coatingthat resists weathering and chemical attack. Recommended for severelycorrosive and abrasive atmospheric exposure.5 yearsColor Anodize AA-M10C22A44 (0.7 mil. min.)Architectural Class I. "Two-step" aluminum coating process. Following astandard anodizing procedure, a second electrolytic process depositscolored metallic pigments which penetrate the aluminum oxide pores,producing a corrosion resistant, colorfast finish. Available in light,medium, dark bronze and black.5 yearsPrime Coat Prime coat provides a stable base for painting of louvers in the field.Surface pretreatment includes degreasing and a chemical cleaningbefore an epoxy prime coat is applied. Finish coat should be field appliedas soon as possible for best adhesion, after a thorough cleaning for dust etc.that can contaminate the final finish and cause premature flaking or peeling.N/AClear Anodize 204-R1 AA-M10C22A31(0.4 − 0.7 mil.)Architectural Class II. Clear, colorless and hard oxide aluminum coatingthat resists weathering and chemical attack. Recommended for normalweather exposure.1 yearPaint finish warranties are not applicable to steel products.Powdura®is a registered trademark of The Sherwin-Williams Company. Coraflon®and Envirocron®are registered trademarks of PPG Industries Ohio, Inc. Interpon®is a registered trademark of Akzo Nobel Powder Coatings Ltd.Kynar 500®is a registered trademark of Arkema, Inc.。

LCM1-1262A LoRaWAN 终端模块说明书

LCM1-1262A LoRaWAN 终端模块说明书

LCM1-1262A LoRaWAN终端模块说明书V2.2 LCM1-1262A LoRaWAN终端模块说明书版本V2.2LCM1-1262A LoRaWAN终端模块说明书V2.2一、产品说明LoRa联盟是2015年3月Semtech牵头成立的开放的、非盈利的组织.联盟发布一个基于开源的MAC层协议的低功耗广域网。



网络构成:LoRa模块、网关(Gateway或称基站)、Server(包括Network Server,Network control,Application Server)。



1.1技术参数类别指标名称无线模块无线射频调制方式LoRaTM扩频频率范围150-960MHz发射功率5dBm~22dBm接收灵敏度-148dBm(SF=12,BW=10.4K)传输速率扩频因子(SF)和带宽(BW)设置传输距离4000-6000米天线连接外置SMA天线、弹簧天线数据接口数据接口TTL电平串口信号TxD,RxD串口速率1200~115200bps 串口校验None,Even,Odd 数据位8LoRaWAN支持模式Class A/Class C功耗输入电压 3.3V最大发射电流≤105mA(20dBm)最大接收电流<5mA休眠电流<1.5uA工作环境工作温度-40℃~85℃外观尺寸长*宽*高38*20*4(mm)LCM1-1262A LoRaWAN终端模块说明书V2.2 1.2模块尺寸图1.3模块引脚定义无线数传模块提供了大量的外部接口供给客户进行二次开发,如只使用串口进行透传,可只保留所需对应焊盘,方便用户封装和使用,具体的引脚如下表:标识功能备注1VCC 3.3V2GND电源地3RXD串口接收口,接用户TX4TXD串口发送口,接客户RX5SWIM MCU芯片程序烧入,可做二次开发6RST复位脚,低电平复位7VCC 3.3V8GND电源地LCM1-1262A LoRaWAN终端模块说明书V2.29~20 24~31I/O足够的包括SPI,UART,ADC等各类功能接口,帮助进行二次开发,如有需要请联系21GND模块地22ANT天线23GND模块地二、LoRaWAN模式介绍LoRaWAN分成3种工作模式,分别为Class A,Class B,Class C2.1Class A模式主要用于定时主动上报,平时处理休眠状态,需要上报数据时,才会起动发送机制。



SM16126内部功能简单框图管脚说明输出及输入等效电路◆OE输入端LE输入端◆CLK,SDI输入端SDO输出端◆OUT0~OUT15输出端时序图真值表最大极限参数特性代表符号最大限定范围单位电源电压VDD 0~7.0 V输入端电压V SDA,V CLK,V LE,V OE-0.4~VDD+0.4V V 电流输出端电流I OUT+65 mA 输出端承受电压V DS-0.5~+18.0 V 时钟频率f CLK25 MHz IC 工作时的环境温度T opr-40~+85 ℃IC 储存时的环境温度T stg-55~+150 ℃直流特性测试电路动态特性(VDD= 5.0V)特性代表符测量条件最小值一般值最大值单位延迟时间(低电平到高电平) CLK——OUT t pLH1V IH=VDDV IL=GNDRext=1100ΩVDD=5.0VR L=240ΩC L=10pF-- 30 -- ns LE——OUT t pLH2-- 25 -- ns OE——OUT t pLH3-- 27 -- ns CLK——SDO t pLH-- 24 -- ns延迟时间(高电平到低电平) CLK——OUT t pHL1-- 40 -- ns LE——OUT t pHL2-- 38 -- ns OE——OUT t pHL3-- 37 -- ns CLK——SDO t pHL-- 24 -- ns电流输出上升沿时间t OUT-RISE-- 40 -- ns电流输出下降沿时间t OUT-FALL-- 30 -- ns 动态特性(VDD= 3.3V)特性代表符测量条件最小值一般值最大值单位延迟时间(低电平到高电平) CLK——OUT t pLH1V IH=VDDV IL=GNDRext=1100ΩVDD=3.3VR L=120ΩC L=10pF-- 24 -- ns LE——OUT t pLH2-- 22 -- ns OE——OUT t pLH3-- 25 -- ns CLK——SDO t pLH-- 30 -- ns延迟时间(高电平到低电平) CLK——OUT t pHL1-- 42 -- ns LE——OUT t pHL2-- 39 -- ns OE——OUT t pHL3-- 39 -- ns CLK——SDO t pHL-- 30 -- ns电流输出上升沿时间t OUT-RISE-- 38 -- ns 电流输出下降沿时间t OUT-FALL-- 24 -- ns动态特性测试电路时序波形图CLKSDISDOLEOEOUTn产品应用将SM16126应用于LED面板设计上时,通道间甚至芯片间的电流,差异极小。


V.KEL Communications Equipment(SHENZHEN)Co.,Ltd
VK1612U7M3L DataSheet
产品名称: VK1612U7M3L
VK1612U7M3L GPS/GNSS模块是一个低功耗主芯片癿超小外型GPS接收模组,该产品采用了新 一代U-blox芯片,超高灵敏度,具备全方位功能,能满足丏业定位癿严格要求。内嵌在使用GPS服 务癿智慧型手机、平板电脑、PND、DVR、可携式装置,测量设备,人员定位管理,测速设备,授 时设备,交车跟踪定位、出租车跟踪定位、公司车辆跟踪定位、物流车辆跟踪定位、汽车故障检测、 汽车油量检测、汽车物联网、挖掘机定位等等。
V.KEL Communications Equipment(SHENZHEN)Co.,Ltd
VK1612U7M3L DataSheet
1.产品描述 .................................................................................................................. 2 2.产品型号编码规则 .................................................................................................... 3 3.产品应用范围 ........................................................................................................... 4 4.技术特性 .................................................................................................................. 5 5.模块工作原理 ........................................................................................................... 6 6.模块信号测试图和模块 RF 射频图............................................................................. 7
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ALM-16121.575GHz GPS High-Gain Low Noise Amplifier with Integrated Filter and Variable Current/Shutdown FunctionData SheetDescriptionAvago Technologies’ ALM-1612 is a GPS front-end module that combines a low-noise amplifier (LNA) with a GPS FBAR filter. The LNA uses Avago Technologies’ proprietary GaAs Enhancement-mode pHEMT process to achieve high gain with very low noise figure and high linearity. Noise figure distribution is very tightly controlled. A CMOS-compati-ble shutdown pin is included either for turning the LNA on/off, or for current adjustment. The integrated filter utilizes an Avago Technologies’ leading-edge FBAR filter for exceptional rejection at Cell/PCS-Band frequencies.The low noise figure and high gain, coupled with low current consumption make it suitable for use in critical low-power GPS applications or during low-battery situations.Features• Very Low Noise Figure: 0.95 dB typ.• High Gain: 18.2 dB typ.• High IIP3 and IP1dB• Exceptional Cell/PCS-Band rejection • Advanced GaAs E-pHEMT & FBAR Technology • Low external component count • Shutdown current: < 5 uA• CMOS compatible shutdown pin (SD) current @ 2.7 V: 0.1mA • ESD: For RFin (Pin 3): ESD Human Body Model > 3kV; All other pins: ESD Machine Model = 70V, ESD Human Body Model = 350V • Meets MSL3• Useable down to 1.8V supply• Adjustable current via single external resistor/voltage • Small package dimension: 3.3(L)x2.1(W)x1(H) mm3Specifications (Typical performance @ 25°C)At 1.575GHz, Vdd = 2.7V, Idd = 6.0mA • Gain = 18.2 dB • NF = 0.95 dB• IIP3 = +2 dBm, IP1dB = -8 dBm • S11 = -9 dB, S22 = -14 dB • Cell-Band Rejection: 69 dBc • PCS-Band Rejection: 67 dBcApplication• GPS Receiver Front-end ModuleComponent ImageNote:Package marking provides orientation and identification “1612” = Product Code “YY” = Year of manufacture“WW” = Work week of manufactureSurface Mount 3.3x2.1x1 mm3 12-lead MCOBApplication CircuitBOTTOM VIEWTOP VIEW WWYY1612SD (1)Gnd (2)RFin (3)G n d (4)G n d (5)G n d (6)Gnd (9)RFOut (8)Gnd (7)V d d (12)G n d (11)G n d (10)SD (1)Gnd (2)RFin (3)G n d (4)G n d (5)G n d (6)Gnd (9)RFOut (8)Gnd (7)V d d (12)G n d (11)G n d (10)Absolute Maximum Rating [1] T A = 25°CSymbolParameterUnitsAbsolute Max.Vdd Device Drain to Source Voltage [2] V 3.6 Idd Drain Current [2]mA 15 P in,max CW RF Input Power (Vdd = 2.7V, Idd = 6mA) dBm 13 P diss Total Power Dissipation [4] mW 54 T j Junction Temperature °C 150 T STGStorage Temperature°C-65 to 150Thermal Resistance[3](Vdd = 2.7 V, Idd = 6mA), Θjc = 133.3°C/WNotes:1. Operation of this device in excess of any of these limits may cause permanent damage.2. Assuming DC quiescent conditions.3. Thermal resistance measured using Infra-Red measurement technique.4. Board (module belly) temperature TB is 25°C. Derate 7.5 mW/°C for Tb > 142° C.LSLUSL17181920. 1.1 1.2567891011USL50607080LSL506070756555LSLNotes:5. Distribution data sample size is 5900 samples taken from 7 different LNA wafer lots and 2 different filter wafer lots. Future wafers allocated to this product may have nominal values anywhere between the upper and lower limits.6. Measurements are made on a production test board, which represents a trade-off between optimal Gain, NF, IIP3, IP1dB, VSWR, Cell Band and PCS Band Rejection. Circuit trace losses have not been de-embedded from actual measurements.Product Consistency Distribution Charts [5,6]Figure 1. Gain at 1.575 GHzFigure 2. NF at 1.575GHzFigure 3. Id at 1.575 GHzFigure 4. Cell band Rejection at 827.5MHz relative to 1.575 GHzFigure 5. PCS band Rejection at 1885MHz relative to 1.575 GHzLSL = 16.5 dB nominal = 18.2 dBUSL = 1.2 5 dB, nominal = 0.95 dBLSL = 50 dBc, nominal = 69 dBcUSL = 11.5 mA, nominal = 6 mALSL = 50 dBc, nominal = 67 dBcElectrical SpecificationsT A = 25°C, DC bias for RF parameters is as specified below. Freq=1.575GHz – Typical Performance[7]Table 1a. Performance table under nominal operating conditions (Vdd = Vsd 2.7V, Idd = 6mA, R2 = 3.9 kOhm)Symbol Parameter and Test Condition Units Min. Typ. Max.G Gain dB 16.5 18.2 -NF Noise Figure dB -0.95 1.25IP1dB Input 1dB Compressed Power dBm --8 -dBm -+2 -IIP3[2] Input 3rd Order Intercept Point(2-tone @ Fc +/- 2.5MHz)S11 Input Return Loss dB --9 -S22 Output Return Loss dB --14 -S12 Reverse Isolation dB --27 -Cell Band Rejection Relative to 1.575GHz @ 827.5MHz dBc 50 69 -PCS Band Rejection Relative to 1.575GHz @ 1885MHz dBc 50 67 -dBm -8.0IP1dB1885MHz Input 1dB gain compression interferer signallevel at 1885MHzIP1dB890MHz Input 1dB gain compression interferer signaldBm +1.0level at 890MHzmA - 6 11.5Idd Supply DC current at Shutdown (SD) voltageVsd=2.7VIsh Shutdown Current @ VSD = 0V uA - 0.5-Table 1b. Performance table at low voltage operation (Vdd = Vsd 1.8V, Idd = 4mA, R2 = 3.9 kOhm)Symbol Parameter and Test Condition Units Typ.G Gain dB 16.1NF Noise Figure dB 1.05IP1dB Input 1dB Compressed Power dBm -8.5IIP3[8] Input 3rd Order Intercept Point (2-tone @ Fc +/- 2.5MHz) dBm 0S11 Input Return Loss dB -7.2S22 Output Return Loss dB -14.5S12 Reverse Isolation dB -28Cell Band Rejection Relative to 1.575GHz @ 827.5MHz dBc 68PCS Band Rejection Relative to 1.575GHz @ 1885MHz dBc 67IP1dB1885MHz Input 1dB gain compression interferer signal level at 1885MHz dBm -5.0IP1dB890MHz Input 1dB gain compression interferer signal level at 890MHz dBm 0Idd Supply DC current at Shutdown (SD) voltage Vsd=1.8V mA 4Ish Shutdown Current @ VSD = 0V uA 0.5 Notes:7. Measurements at 1.575GHz obtained using demo board described in Figures 6 and 78. 1.575GHz IIP3 test condition: F RF1 = 1572.5 MHz, F RF2 = 1577.5 MHz with input power of -20dBm per tone measured at the worst case side bandCircuit Symbol Size DescriptionL1040222 nH Inductor (Taiyo Yuden HK100522NJ-T)L20402 2.2 nH Inductor (Taiyo Yuden AQ1052N2S-T)L304029.1 nH Inductor (Taiyo Yuden AQ1059N1J-T)C104020.1 uF Capacitor (Murata GRM155F51C104ZA01E) C2040247 pF Capacitor (Murata GRM1555C1H470JZ01D) C30402330 pF Capacitor (Murata GRM1555C1H331JA01D) R1040210 Ohms Resistor (KOA RK73B1ETTB100J )R20402 3.9 kOhm Resistor (KOA RK73B1ETTB392J) Figure 6. Demoboard and application circuit components tableFigure 7. Demoboard and application schematic diagram Notes• L3 and the module’s internal input pre-match form the input matching network. The LNA module has built-in coupling and DC-blocking capacitors at the input and output. Best noise performance is obtained using high-Q wirewound inductors. This circuit demonstrates that low noise figures are obtainable with standard 0402 chip inductors. Replacing L2 and L3 with high-Q wirewound inductors (eg. Coilcraft 0402CS series) will yield lower NF and higher Gain.• C2 and L2 form a matching network at the output of the LNA, which can be tuned to optimize gain, output return loss and linearity. For example, higher gain can be obtained by increasing the value of C2 but at the expense of stability.• L1 and R1 isolates the demoboard from external disturbances during measurement. It is not needed in actual application. Likewise, C1 and C3 mitigate the effect of external noise pickup on the Vdd and SD lines respectively. These components are not required in actual operation.• The output of the module is internally ac-coupled to pin 8.• Bias control is achieved by either varying the SD voltage with/ without R2, or fixing the SD voltage to Vdd and adjusting R2 for the desired current. R2 = 3.9 kOhm will result in 6mA when Vdd=Vsd =2.7V and 4mA when Vdd = Vsd = 1.8V.-80-70-60-50-40-30-20-1001020Freq (GHz)G a i n (d B )Return Loss (dB)-20-15-10-505Figure 8a. Typical S-Parameter Plot @ Vdd = 2.7V, Idd = 6mA.Freq (GHz)-30-25-20-15-10-50510G a i n (d B )Return Loss (dB)Figure 8b. Passband response of typical S-Parameter Plot @ Vdd = 2.7V, Idd = 6mAFigure 9b. Passband response of typical S-Parameter Plot @ Vdd = 1.8V, Idd = 4mAFigure 9a. Typical S-Parameter Plot @ Vdd = 1.8V, Idd = 4mA.G a i n (d B )Return Loss (dB)1020Freq (GHz)-20-15-10-5050Freq (GHz)-30-25-20-15-10-50510G a i n (d B )Return Loss (dB)Rbias (kohm)01234567800.511.52 2.533.54Vsd (V)012345678Vsd (V)I d d (m A )I d d (m A )I d d (m A )ALM-1612 Typical Performance Curves at 25°C, R2 = 3.9kohmFigure 10. Idd vs Rbias at 25°C Figure 12. Idd vs Vsd for Vdd = 1.8V, Rbias = 3.9k OhmFigure 11. Idd vs Vsd for Vdd = 2.7V, Rbias = 3.9k OhmIdd (mA)1Idd (mA)Idd (mA)Idd (mA)Idd (mA)62646668707274Idd (mA)NF(dB)NF(dB)Gain(dB)Gain(dB)CellBandRejection(dBc)CellBandRejection(dBc)Figure 13. NF vs. Idd at Vdd = 2.7VFigure 15. Gain vs. Idd at Vdd = 2.7VFigure 14. NF vs Idd at Vdd = 1.8VFigure 16. Gain vs. Idd at Vdd = 1.8VFigure 17. Cell band rejection vs. Idd at Vdd = 2.7V Figure 18. Cell band rejection vs. Idd at Vdd = 1.8VIdd (mA)Idd (mA)Vdd (V)0241.61.822.22.4 2.6 2.833.23.4Vdd (V)-3-2-1012-40-20020406080Temperature (°C)-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-10-40-2020406080Temperature (°C)P C S B a n d R e j e c t i o n (d B c )I P 1d B (d B )I I P 3 (d B )O u t o f B a n d G a i n C o m p r e s s i o n (d B m )O u t o f B a n d G a i n C o m p r e s s i o n (d B m )P C S B a n d R e j e c t i o n (d B c )Figure 19. PCS band rejection vs. Idd at Vdd = 2.7V Figure 21. IP1dB vs. Vdd at 25°C Figure 20. PCS band rejection vs. Idd at Vdd = 1.8VFigure 22. IIP3 vs. Vdd at 25°CFigure 23. Input signal required at 890MHz interference signal to cause 1dB gain compression at 1.575GHz Figure 24. Input signal required at 1885MHz interference signal to cause 1dB gain compression at 1.575GHz1., GHzM u _25C ..M u 1M u _85C ..M u 1M u _n 30C ..M u 124681012141618201., GHzM u _25C ..M u P r i m e 1M u _85C ..M u P r i m e 1M u _n 30C ..M u P r i m e 124681012141618201., GHzM u _25C ..M u 1M u _85C ..M u 1M u _n 30C ..M u 124681012141618201., GHzM u _25C ..M u P r i m e 1M u _85C ..M u P r i m e 1M u _n 30C ..M u P r i m e 1ALM-1612 Typical Performance Curves at 25°C, R2 = 3.9 kohmFigure 25. Edwards-Sinsky Output Stability Factor (Mu) at Vdd = 2.7V Figure 27. Edwards-Sinsky Output Stability Factor (Mu) at Vdd = 1.8V Figure 26. Edwards-Sinsky Input Stability Factor (Mu’) at Vdd = 2.7VFigure 28. Edwards-Sinsky Input Stability Factor (Mu’) at Vdd = 1.8VALM-1612 Scattering Parameter and Measurement Reference PlanesFigure 29. Scattering parameter measurement reference planesThe S- parameters are measured using the PCB described in Figures 6 and 7. The PCB is 10 mils Rogers® RO4350. Figure 29 shows the input and output reference planes.Freq (GHz) S11 S11 S21 S21 S12 S12 S22 S22 Mag. Ang. Mag. Ang. Mag. Ang. Mag. Ang.0.5 -0.7785 44.18 -56.8601 -10.52 -72.8716 -121.59 -0.1274 -18.42 0.6 -0.7506 32.94 -55.0043 -15.02 -80.0736 86.57 -0.2102 -22.26 0.7 -0.6648 23.84 -52.1547 -24.85 -74.7253 71.17 -0.1601 -26.12 0.8 -0.6042 16.42 -49.9825 -32.68 -77.4252 64.81 -0.2263 -29.83 0.8275 -0.6137 14.78 -48.6563 -32.50 -69.5135 -2.21 -0.1724 -30.760.9 -0.6229 10.48 -47.2617 -34.22 -69.5453 139.64 -0.1397 -33.191.0 -0.6654 4.95 -44.5559 -61.11 -76.7777 25.12 -0.2127 -36.77 1.1 -0.6727 0.54 -47.6306 -65.64 -75.8557 176.11 -0.2095 -40.31 1.2 -0.6465 -2.68 -45.6251 -61.59 -74.6636 88.12 -0.2282 -43.93 1.3 -0.5859 -5.69 -44.0532 -61.83 -76.7417 60.19 -0.2170 -47.84 1.4 -0.4520 -8.81 -42.7782 -73.88 -62.8534 -104.12 -0.3065 -53.56 1.5 -0.2877 -13.41 -58.2487 67.00 -65.6890 -92.87 -1.3025 -68.56 1.575 -1.1478 -16.32 13.3800 -90.39 -34.2681 -120.11 -14.2884 -110.51 1.6 -0.8658 -12.76 8.1985 -27.72 -39.6075 -54.86 -2.9021 22.93 1.7 -1.4825 -27.38 -39.3046 -158.09 -67.1454 140.81 -0.3004 -42.71 1.8 -2.5637 -18.39 -52.9092 138.60 -78.6153 -35.16 -0.2592 -49.34 1.885 -2.4763 -15.39 -48.2956 -58.46 -76.2853 -119.55 -0.2811 -53.171.9 -2.4087 -15.08 -48.1655 -69.90 -65.8787 -115.33 -0.2847 -53.822.0 -2.2605 -14.59 -44.0011 -88.16 -64.5209 -95.01 -0.2957 -57.57 2.1 -2.2052 -14.14 -43.8760 -88.56 -59.1524 -123.24 -0.2774 -60.88 2.2 -2.2215 -13.94 -42.0618 -88.55 -63.6041 -150.03 -0.3112 -64.26 2.3 -2.2808 -14.08 -41.2957 -90.96 -63.2398 -115.80 -0.3810 -67.90 2.4 -2.3324 -13.83 -41.4967 -95.11 -60.7304 -124.47 -0.3735 -71.752.5 -2.3823 -13.85 -39.8518 -88.45 -54.9415 -125.33 -0.3740 -75.733.0 -3.2707 -14.03 -42.2116 -113.06 -52.0561 -155.09 -0.8787 -108.453.5 -4.4623 -17.99 -29.7162 -6.54 -49.0823 152.96 -2.1071 169.214.0 -5.9525 -31.03 -18.4689 -73.50 -49.1777 39.56 -2.1395 38.674.5 -6.7960 -55.35 -14.2173 -128.99 -46.3292 -56.12 -1.9420 -48.335.0 -5.6189 -77.55 -12.4400 -179.36 -42.2124 -93.33 -1.8958 -129.866.0 -2.8119 -85.51 -14.7532 131.52 -38.0442 -108.07 -1.5875 174.927.0 -1.6484 -67.74 -21.9179 -16.68 -33.4585 116.06 -0.7321 -168.938.0 -1.6278 -42.97 -23.6043 123.46 -24.8750 -163.37 -0.7431 -177.849.0 -9.3129 -12.81 -15.6438 -168.36 -12.0885 102.71 -2.1181 169.3410.0 -16.0654 99.97 -12.3737 97.29 -12.7812 96.29 -10.4962 -175.7011.0 -3.7110 -173.47 -25.5827 32.18 -25.3910 26.90 -0.4715 4.7812.0 -2.0010 -141.57 -24.5929 -74.90 -24.4084 -73.61 -17.6186 120.4813.0 -9.2519 -50.59 -17.2556 -114.95 -17.4588 -114.00 -3.5048 73.9714.0 -4.8730 40.73 -19.0614 18.68 -17.9859 14.40 -1.5870 109.7015.0 -2.7067 69.20 -17.7912 -52.56 -15.8326 -61.78 -12.8338 -17.6416.0 -8.8478 -130.39 -30.6104 29.07 -32.6534 69.83 -3.0367 -83.4217.0 -9.6137 -121.96 -20.5610 -79.15 -20.6445 -85.32 -1.9001 -53.9018.0 -6.6562 -52.58 -10.2894 -75.48 -10.3545 -76.03 -14.4891 -58.2519.0 -4.9019 -18.13 -23.4953 -82.85 -23.2433 -90.08 -3.1023 113.4720.0 -36.2840 -142.53 -33.0754 118.59 -30.1496 140.75 -1.9995 115.96Freq (GHz) S11 S11 S21 S21 S12 S12 S22 S22 Mag. Ang. Mag. Ang. Mag. Ang. Mag. Ang.0.5 -0.7357 44.02 -57.1057 -4.31 -83.1340 154.18 -0.1287 -18.44 0.6 -0.6893 32.78 -57.3861 -15.68 -73.4521 88.54 -0.2063 -22.26 0.7 -0.5886 23.55 -54.7768 -23.62 -65.4481 71.64 -0.1639 -26.11 0.8 -0.5278 16.05 -52.6326 -25.49 -61.1594 89.26 -0.2213 -29.84 0.8275 -0.5277 14.42 -50.0113 -32.04 -67.8387 138.36 -0.1749 -30.750.9 -0.5374 10.09 -49.3239 -38.55 -69.9456 97.44 -0.1485 -33.141.0 -0.5650 4.45 -45.6111 -61.80 -75.5252 -67.66 -0.2120 -36.80 1.1 -0.5525 0.06 -49.2614 -69.39 -79.6829 137.80 -0.2083 -40.19 1.2 -0.5335 -3.33 -47.7874 -55.40 -69.5266 -46.77 -0.2257 -43.89 1.3 -0.4706 -6.51 -46.2704 -60.28 -68.7346 97.35 -0.2152 -47.81 1.4 -0.3334 -9.68 -44.1557 -70.11 -72.8212 174.76 -0.3027 -53.54 1.5 -0.1827 -14.43 -62.1912 47.91 -71.8197 155.83 -1.3032 -68.54 1.575 -0.9941 -16.83 11.4766 -91.16 -33.2253 -125.97 -13.4311 -128.59 1.6 -0.7146 -13.81 6.4869 -25.94 -38.4966 -57.31 -2.8908 21.26 1.7 -1.5469 -26.26 -41.6176 -164.98 -69.5373 -109.83 -0.2988 -42.68 1.8 -2.1247 -18.68 -55.9010 160.49 -70.3822 -94.19 -0.2599 -49.34 1.885 -2.0732 -16.92 -50.2762 -64.61 -64.2464 -157.35 -0.2824 -53.151.9 -2.0221 -16.73 -49.5981 -68.46 -64.6221 -94.85 -0.2874 -53.802.0 -1.9165 -16.72 -46.5307 -89.20 -65.4717 -122.65 -0.2893 -57.69 2.1 -1.9261 -16.68 -46.7480 -86.20 -62.1990 174.19 -0.2910 -57.82 2.2 -1.9108 -16.65 -45.5321 -81.43 -62.0815 -133.03 -0.2818 -60.87 2.3 -1.9498 -16.65 -44.3528 -84.26 -62.3982 -96.47 -0.3236 -64.26 2.4 -2.0421 -17.12 -43.2175 -89.70 -67.6244 -104.85 -0.3887 -67.882.5 -2.1086 -17.20 -42.9046 -92.45 -56.8481 -131.09 -0.3742 -71.753.0 -2.1726 -17.44 -41.8507 -90.50 -54.2337 -139.36 -0.3718 -75.653.5 -3.1894 -19.33 -43.0515 -114.43 -51.7606 -147.18 -0.8796 -108.464.0 -4.5669 -25.90 -31.3715 -4.95 -47.1123 145.37 -2.1099 169.264.5 -6.2367 -42.09 -19.8561 -74.20 -49.7849 36.86 -2.1418 38.685.0 -5.6800 -88.27 -13.8713 178.75 -41.5461 -94.46 -1.8931 -129.966.0 -3.0839 -91.28 -16.1219 128.54 -36.4153 -110.05 -1.6055 174.767.0 -2.0582 -71.47 -23.4886 -21.27 -32.1238 114.46 -0.7278 -169.038.0 -2.6699 -49.61 -28.7416 99.94 -24.0242 -156.20 -0.7697 -177.869.0 -9.0944 21.63 -14.7129 145.19 -12.6332 83.05 -2.8840 168.5410.0 -16.7975 64.15 -13.1513 100.49 -13.5492 100.41 -10.3707 -176.2911.0 -3.7417 -173.04 -25.1791 30.19 -25.6756 26.62 -0.4694 4.8012.0 -2.0287 -141.79 -24.6353 -73.48 -24.3484 -73.58 -17.7023 120.5513.0 -9.6101 -49.51 -17.2236 -112.88 -17.3532 -112.08 -3.5058 74.0514.0 -4.7862 41.01 -18.9774 16.63 -18.2620 12.78 -1.5615 109.6315.0 -2.6778 69.96 -17.4290 -54.27 -15.9875 -62.61 -12.7980 -18.6016.0 -8.9930 -130.22 -32.2404 35.69 -32.7469 72.95 -3.0341 -83.5117.0 -9.6235 -122.15 -20.4414 -80.81 -20.6597 -85.47 -1.9043 -54.0018.0 -6.6496 -52.80 -10.3330 -75.79 -10.3845 -76.15 -14.4604 -57.8819.0 -5.1682 -17.85 -23.3950 -84.52 -23.3082 -90.18 -3.0998 113.4420.0 -42.3408 -157.64 -33.0632 125.61 -30.3055 140.41 -1.9975 115.96Freq (GHz) S11 S11 S21 S21 S12 S12 S22 S22 Mag. Ang. Mag. Ang. Mag. Ang. Mag. Ang.0.5 -0.8131 44.07 -60.6396 -35.60 -64.8643 -66.67 -0.1912 -18.58 0.6 -0.7679 32.89 -57.0556 -12.65 -67.5326 0.81 -0.2661 -22.43 0.7 -0.6946 23.72 -53.4753 -24.62 -67.1765 -147.58 -0.2003 -26.18 0.8 -0.6562 16.26 -50.6285 -32.15 -65.1079 136.19 -0.2555 -29.87 0.8275 -0.6630 14.70 -48.7148 -30.21 -78.1137 127.74 -0.2153 -30.850.9 -0.6842 10.41 -47.6657 -38.46 -73.3524 167.30 -0.1830 -33.261.0 -0.7187 4.82 -45.2631 -61.23 -67.0688 149.41 -0.2620 -36.96 1.1 -0.7271 0.56 -48.2095 -71.65 -62.3562 78.02 -0.2612 -40.35 1.2 -0.7258 -2.77 -46.8288 -62.50 -72.3837 107.20 -0.2813 -44.03 1.3 -0.6998 -5.74 -44.9244 -65.79 -72.8240 89.85 -0.2796 -48.05 1.4 -0.6126 -8.53 -44.4930 -70.62 -69.6211 -143.80 -0.3680 -53.71 1.5 -0.5287 -11.72 -57.2347 -78.69 -75.7353 -77.93 -1.3667 -68.64 1.575 -0.8914 -15.80 12.6443 -71.35 -34.9978 -100.73 -10.3730 -27.90 1.6 -0.8845 -12.64 7.0827 -22.43 -40.7448 -49.08 -2.9545 29.75 1.7 -0.2325 -22.32 -40.4914 -121.41 -63.6700 -92.48 -0.3466 -42.86 1.8 -2.2702 -26.01 -49.3567 177.70 -62.6740 -142.17 -0.3100 -49.48 1.885 -2.7693 -18.92 -46.7315 -58.29 -66.6226 -171.87 -0.3347 -53.271.9 -2.7143 -18.07 -46.0783 -59.43 -67.0855 -148.62 -0.3396 -53.882.0 -2.4811 -15.75 -42.4452 -94.56 -66.2346 -85.00 -0.3610 -57.74 2.1 -2.3573 -14.87 -45.0212 -97.98 -66.7675 -90.26 -0.3529 -61.08 2.2 -2.3422 -14.42 -43.1673 -88.47 -64.7674 -119.00 -0.3822 -64.44 2.3 -2.3862 -14.58 -42.2214 -94.58 -61.2282 -122.66 -0.4510 -68.05 2.4 -2.4158 -14.30 -42.0805 -90.48 -58.6937 -107.71 -0.4391 -71.972.5 -2.4598 -14.21 -40.2886 -88.36 -58.8387 -129.26 -0.4378 -75.883.0 -3.3349 -14.21 -42.9558 -112.16 -51.4054 -145.18 -0.9475 -108.623.5 -4.4979 -18.18 -29.0462 -5.79 -48.0911 151.76 -2.1983 168.874.0 -6.0150 -31.33 -18.1979 -73.73 -49.9007 36.58 -2.2041 38.504.5 -6.8764 -56.28 -14.0823 -129.37 -46.0580 -55.21 -2.0294 -48.645.0 -5.6439 -78.49 -12.3893 -179.79 -42.6518 -93.70 -1.9681 -129.976.0 -2.8375 -85.99 -14.7976 130.95 -38.0914 -109.28 -1.6807 174.457.0 -1.6907 -68.10 -22.1229 -17.45 -33.4330 118.71 -0.8106 -168.958.0 -1.7047 -43.86 -23.8322 130.77 -25.1732 -169.22 -0.7636 -177.149.0 -9.3860 -0.19 -15.0676 -151.17 -11.1442 109.25 -2.5378 168.8210.0 -15.4654 106.76 -11.9943 94.25 -12.7470 91.01 -10.4567 -175.1011.0 -3.8538 -175.85 -25.8483 30.32 -25.9501 25.89 -0.5768 4.5112.0 -2.0413 -143.10 -24.7801 -75.87 -24.4677 -74.56 -16.9210 120.2913.0 -9.3615 -52.47 -17.2805 -115.98 -17.4920 -114.88 -3.6873 73.6514.0 -4.8242 39.08 -19.3725 17.92 -18.2976 13.42 -1.7068 109.7415.0 -2.7410 68.66 -17.9022 -56.26 -15.8749 -65.14 -12.8916 -20.1416.0 -8.1760 -130.59 -28.4911 6.79 -32.0416 25.70 -3.1080 -83.1417.0 -9.8809 -119.28 -20.6321 -79.88 -20.7334 -86.07 -1.9612 -54.1718.0 -7.1379 -52.57 -10.5066 -78.24 -10.5894 -78.90 -15.0750 -61.5119.0 -6.1976 -21.37 -23.9662 -87.12 -23.7476 -94.33 -3.2211 112.7320.0 -22.5145 -165.08 -34.5753 108.62 -31.7788 135.28 -2.0962 115.81Freq (GHz) S11 S11 S21 S21 S12 S12 S22 S22 Mag. Ang. Mag. Ang. Mag. Ang. Mag. Ang.0.5 -0.7658 43.87 -61.8178 15.89 -75.3954 157.67 -0.1973 -18.66 0.6 -0.7073 32.73 -56.3334 -7.92 -68.8592 -72.44 -0.2610 -22.44 0.7 -0.6264 23.44 -55.4500 -8.45 -69.2883 95.54 -0.2067 -26.20 0.8 -0.5791 15.88 -50.9238 -30.22 -72.0964 99.27 -0.2681 -29.92 0.8275 -0.5877 14.23 -50.9813 -30.12 -71.5672 109.11 -0.2113 -30.810.9 -0.6017 9.93 -49.1567 -35.65 -78.6610 -139.40 -0.1953 -33.301.0 -0.6201 4.31 -47.6391 -60.55 -66.9842 96.64 -0.2710 -36.95 1.1 -0.6162 -0.05 -51.0099 -66.27 -75.8242 116.14 -0.2718 -40.38 1.2 -0.6092 -3.54 -49.4545 -49.03 -75.1833 -15.22 -0.2929 -44.04 1.3 -0.5836 -6.60 -46.8634 -61.76 -75.8187 -32.10 -0.2810 -48.06 1.4 -0.4968 -9.51 -46.1046 -66.93 -72.5768 -128.85 -0.3736 -53.70 1.5 -0.4118 -12.70 -58.6997 -55.05 -69.0171 -138.16 -1.3782 -68.64 1.575 -0.7662 -16.64 10.9096 -72.01 -33.8686 -106.58 -11.2941 -38.32 1.6 -0.7388 -13.80 5.3007 -20.88 -39.4996 -52.95 -2.9130 28.04 1.7 -0.2204 -23.91 -41.4809 -129.06 -70.1367 -121.66 -0.3555 -42.87 1.8 -2.0770 -24.60 -51.9090 165.15 -81.5358 -95.91 -0.3137 -49.51 1.885 -2.3174 -19.48 -49.2549 -61.16 -89.1608 145.68 -0.3406 -53.241.9 -2.2659 -18.99 -47.7977 -63.23 -67.3168 -166.64 -0.3434 -53.962.0 -2.1019 -17.79 -44.5938 -90.13 -67.6921 -73.23 -0.3655 -57.80 2.1 -2.0415 -17.33 -46.0979 -96.79 -69.9572 -123.55 -0.3664 -61.11 2.2 -2.0518 -17.23 -45.4141 -90.76 -64.2145 -101.37 -0.4004 -64.49 2.3 -2.1318 -17.60 -44.4803 -82.82 -58.1494 -119.34 -0.4595 -68.08 2.4 -2.1818 -17.66 -43.4668 -86.98 -59.7800 -96.45 -0.4542 -71.972.5 -2.2550 -17.86 -41.4119 -88.92 -58.3817 -113.69 -0.4462 -75.943.0 -3.2511 -19.68 -44.5796 -113.95 -51.0543 -169.24 -0.9490 -108.663.5 -4.6166 -26.11 -30.5364 -4.54 -47.3319 141.95 -2.2130 168.854.0 -6.3163 -42.47 -19.6162 -74.32 -49.7894 39.23 -2.2082 38.404.5 -7.0647 -69.32 -15.4946 -130.94 -45.5544 -55.15 -2.0412 -48.765.0 -5.6987 -89.13 -13.8165 178.40 -41.4088 -93.19 -1.9819 -130.146.0 -3.1136 -91.72 -16.1658 128.08 -36.8211 -109.38 -1.7053 174.237.0 -2.1140 -71.86 -23.8209 -22.51 -31.9895 115.78 -0.8202 -169.098.0 -2.7395 -50.48 -28.2823 114.62 -24.7704 -162.88 -0.7890 -177.279.0 -7.8461 19.51 -15.1981 161.48 -12.2986 95.34 -3.3024 164.6310.0 -16.2470 69.77 -13.0891 95.61 -13.8028 94.77 -10.2966 -176.8411.0 -3.8779 -175.28 -25.4794 28.97 -26.1626 25.57 -0.5879 4.3912.0 -2.0653 -143.43 -24.7017 -75.10 -24.5077 -75.21 -16.6655 118.9813.0 -9.7155 -51.69 -17.2289 -114.51 -17.3207 -113.90 -3.7247 73.8714.0 -4.7810 39.34 -19.3007 15.88 -18.5576 11.88 -1.6987 109.5615.0 -2.7133 69.34 -17.6153 -58.16 -16.1184 -66.24 -12.8725 -20.3016.0 -8.3111 -130.35 -29.1597 7.22 -31.9817 26.06 -3.1456 -83.2717.0 -9.9724 -119.03 -20.5744 -81.41 -20.7276 -86.32 -1.9716 -54.3518.0 -7.1646 -52.89 -10.5687 -78.90 -10.6414 -79.34 -15.1186 -61.6319.0 -6.5028 -20.94 -23.9174 -88.60 -23.8331 -94.70 -3.2397 112.5920.0 -23.2496 -170.18 -34.8906 113.14 -32.3125 133.52 -2.1124 115.75Freq (GHz) S11 S11 S21 S21 S12 S12 S22 S22 Mag. Ang. Mag. Ang. Mag. Ang. Mag. Ang.0.5 -0.8508 43.98 -56.4978 -5.34 -66.3422 -4.93 -0.2095 -18.68 0.6 -0.7902 32.79 -55.4198 -4.24 -68.0447 35.52 -0.2747 -22.45 0.7 -0.6994 23.73 -52.1422 -27.84 -69.2773 131.30 -0.2186 -26.26 0.8 -0.6521 16.27 -49.6615 -32.38 -68.8214 50.38 -0.2853 -29.92 0.8275 -0.6730 14.63 -49.0137 -31.09 -74.7060 -90.35 -0.2449 -30.830.9 -0.6997 10.34 -46.8850 -43.06 -71.4051 129.04 -0.2306 -33.381.0 -0.7370 4.74 -45.5093 -61.72 -66.2909 64.58 -0.3096 -37.07 1.1 -0.7590 0.44 -47.8845 -68.04 -65.6100 -2.29 -0.2964 -40.42 1.2 -0.7325 -2.85 -45.8350 -58.51 -67.7805 126.34 -0.3132 -44.06 1.3 -0.6683 -5.95 -44.0661 -62.46 -84.2492 -74.42 -0.2960 -48.11 1.4 -0.5492 -8.90 -43.6235 -69.43 -72.1357 -9.22 -0.3962 -53.78 1.5 -0.4046 -12.99 -60.4259 -48.56 -71.1756 -161.06 -1.3972 -68.70 1.575 -1.1151 -16.53 13.1762 -85.84 -34.3610 -116.74 -14.4374 -80.97 1.6 -0.9094 -12.90 7.7137 -27.42 -39.8042 -55.90 -2.9274 23.89 1.7 -1.1105 -27.55 -39.9431 -150.12 -63.9542 -127.58 -0.3798 -42.99 1.8 -2.6838 -19.88 -52.2585 160.71 -70.1666 -54.11 -0.3412 -49.59 1.885 -2.6102 -16.14 -48.4309 -67.28 -63.4824 -123.45 -0.3647 -53.361.9 -2.5458 -15.76 -46.9286 -72.00 -70.1487 -83.67 -0.3710 -54.042.0 -2.3688 -14.95 -44.2286 -94.83 -73.5652 -36.99 -0.3972 -57.88 2.1 -2.2776 -14.43 -44.7850 -100.77 -76.4603 -178.15 -0.3879 -61.24 2.2 -2.2889 -14.18 -43.4947 -90.04 -62.9732 -178.03 -0.4204 -64.52 2.3 -2.3573 -14.40 -42.1654 -86.83 -66.3488 -138.20 -0.4880 -68.14 2.4 -2.4103 -14.21 -42.0634 -92.42 -60.6960 -114.04 -0.4829 -72.092.5 -2.4681 -14.12 -39.9132 -87.15 -56.0355 -125.21 -0.4786 -76.023.0 -3.3523 -14.29 -42.6728 -114.63 -54.3278 -144.08 -0.9760 -108.783.5 -4.5333 -18.35 -29.7720 -6.76 -47.7104 147.14 -2.2479 168.654.0 -6.0251 -31.29 -18.7158 -74.25 -50.3577 32.70 -2.2365 38.244.5 -6.9056 -55.90 -14.4589 -129.53 -47.1780 -54.01 -2.0823 -48.945.0 -5.6848 -78.25 -12.6734 179.93 -42.8769 -96.76 -2.0047 -130.336.0 -2.8872 -86.00 -14.9381 130.53 -38.2405 -109.85 -1.7264 174.197.0 -1.7286 -68.28 -21.3853 -16.78 -33.7679 116.37 -0.8842 -171.018.0 -1.9159 -42.52 -24.0171 -171.43 -22.5533 168.96 -0.8448 -171.699.0 -20.6479 -126.46 -21.8645 37.56 -20.7384 154.52 -1.6726 160.3610.0 -21.6341 76.56 -12.4184 107.85 -11.3800 102.62 -11.5648 179.1211.0 -3.2693 -173.86 -23.0325 34.00 -22.2620 20.40 -0.7264 3.8712.0 -2.1667 -143.32 -24.8807 -68.77 -24.1097 -68.10 -16.7958 119.2313.0 -9.7181 -47.52 -17.1172 -114.44 -17.3197 -113.13 -3.7783 73.5414.0 -4.6530 39.43 -19.1594 13.08 -18.2333 6.29 -1.7994 109.9515.0 -2.9907 68.84 -18.7181 -59.17 -17.0669 -66.05 -12.6505 -16.5516.0 -8.9127 -129.31 -29.5427 13.07 -34.2705 35.96 -3.1465 -84.0717.0 -9.9123 -120.48 -20.4156 -80.40 -20.4841 -86.51 -2.0971 -55.0118.0 -6.8757 -53.48 -10.5617 -77.22 -10.6427 -77.82 -14.6979 -60.4219.0 -5.1347 -18.87 -23.7351 -83.73 -23.5253 -91.31 -3.2962 112.0020.0 -35.0228 -159.70 -34.0661 112.95 -30.9527 138.32 -2.2086 115.59Freq (GHz) S11 S11 S21 S21 S12 S12 S22 S22 Mag. Ang. Mag. Ang. Mag. Ang. Mag. Ang.0.5 -0.8005 43.81 -64.3067 -13.71 -68.8860 48.70 -0.2103 -18.67 0.6 -0.7231 32.61 -58.0791 -1.35 -81.8005 97.22 -0.2661 -22.46 0.7 -0.6327 23.43 -54.7972 -20.25 -73.7019 -49.37 -0.2123 -26.23 0.8 -0.5726 15.89 -52.4005 -23.44 -73.1847 -2.50 -0.2849 -29.93 0.8275 -0.5848 14.26 -51.5743 -21.62 -70.9518 118.52 -0.2398 -30.850.9 -0.6121 9.93 -49.3450 -40.57 -70.6973 42.52 -0.2235 -33.391.0 -0.6407 4.23 -47.8450 -60.35 -69.9925 -57.96 -0.2987 -36.99 1.1 -0.6354 -0.13 -50.6344 -71.81 -74.8633 -37.09 -0.2994 -40.39 1.2 -0.6141 -3.55 -48.1610 -60.37 -77.4503 -134.59 -0.3053 -44.05 1.3 -0.5509 -6.72 -45.9482 -62.22 -69.0531 -1.71 -0.2942 -48.11 1.4 -0.4282 -9.75 -44.3501 -67.36 -66.7635 -77.00 -0.3898 -53.72 1.5 -0.2917 -13.94 -63.0593 -55.30 -63.8307 -175.58 -1.3891 -68.66 1.575 -0.9722 -17.17 11.3418 -86.38 -33.3644 -121.62 -14.5906 -100.60 1.6 -0.7585 -14.01 6.0379 -25.31 -38.9172 -58.37 -2.9346 22.73 1.7 -1.2358 -27.27 -41.4757 -156.08 -67.9086 -124.43 -0.3743 -42.90 1.8 -2.2438 -19.78 -55.1438 158.97 -69.8518 -170.63 -0.3339 -49.56 1.885 -2.1862 -17.51 -51.3824 -66.43 -74.3319 21.91 -0.3697 -53.311.9 -2.1459 -17.36 -49.7331 -68.24 -75.5842 27.79 -0.3708 -54.022.0 -2.0223 -17.07 -46.2064 -89.12 -68.7289 -127.55 -0.3903 -57.82 2.1 -1.9893 -16.92 -46.4764 -95.98 -62.0992 -91.87 -0.3910 -61.18 2.2 -2.0173 -16.90 -45.6463 -83.17 -62.6366 -122.42 -0.4181 -64.54 2.3 -2.1103 -17.36 -43.6970 -82.99 -62.0481 -89.05 -0.4776 -68.12 2.4 -2.1759 -17.46 -43.6927 -91.12 -58.4355 -130.67 -0.4830 -72.062.5 -2.2561 -17.69 -41.6075 -88.11 -57.4772 -139.52 -0.4754 -76.023.0 -3.2612 -19.64 -43.4018 -112.10 -50.8317 -165.87 -0.9674 -108.693.5 -4.6339 -26.15 -31.3506 -5.41 -48.0218 148.19 -2.2322 168.754.0 -6.3077 -42.31 -20.0808 -74.36 -50.0652 32.80 -2.2336 38.324.5 -7.0760 -68.79 -15.8360 -131.21 -45.8956 -54.22 -2.0640 -48.895.0 -5.7500 -88.78 -14.1068 178.05 -41.7553 -93.23 -1.9988 -130.376.0 -3.1588 -91.70 -16.2840 127.65 -36.9386 -111.20 -1.7291 174.097.0 -2.1254 -71.95 -22.8013 -20.76 -32.3789 113.71 -0.8655 -171.058.0 -2.8259 -47.51 -22.9586 -172.90 -22.6615 164.20 -0.8430 -171.699.0 -6.7912 46.21 -36.1622 67.28 -23.3342 120.78 -1.6055 160.6710.0 -21.5920 46.16 -12.2569 108.60 -11.8635 104.31 -11.5091 179.6711.0 -3.3162 -174.15 -22.5085 30.34 -22.6646 20.74 -0.7183 3.8812.0 -2.1862 -143.36 -24.6645 -66.63 -24.1618 -67.78 -17.0858 120.2713.0 -9.9335 -46.12 -17.1277 -112.30 -17.1937 -111.45 -3.7491 73.5114.0 -4.5790 39.57 -19.1022 10.95 -18.4649 5.35 -1.7678 109.9115.0 -2.9315 69.74 -18.3371 -60.61 -17.1600 -66.51 -12.5930 -17.4216.0 -9.0499 -128.28 -30.5603 14.81 -33.8235 38.67 -3.1199 -83.9717.0 -9.8552 -120.90 -20.3836 -81.97 -20.5047 -86.52 -2.0695 -55.0318.0 -6.8433 -53.74 -10.5714 -77.29 -10.6440 -77.62 -14.7085 -59.8419.0 -5.3937 -18.60 -23.6801 -84.82 -23.5932 -90.88 -3.2775 112.1120.0 -38.7915 -173.00 -33.9513 123.04 -30.9675 137.82 -2.1924 115.58。
