


























(3) 试运行和调试
在操作之前,请检查参数设置。不正确的设置可能导致部分机器执行不可预知的操作。 不能过度改变参数设置。操作将不稳定。
(4) 使用
提供外部紧急停止电路确保能够立即停止操作并切断电源。 必须由合格的技术工程师进行拆卸作业以及维修工作。 在报警复位前,确保输入到伺服放大器的运行信号为断开以防止事故。如果运行信号接通时报警复位将发生 突然再起动。 不要改装设备。 采用噪声滤波器等使电磁干扰的影响最小化,电磁干扰可能由伺服放大器附近的电子设备引起。 使用带指定伺服电机的伺服放大器。 伺服电机上的电磁制动用于保持伺服电机轴,不能用于一般制动。 对于服务寿命和机械结构(如丝杠和伺服电机通过定时带 连接)等原因, 电磁制动可能不保持伺服电机轴。 为了确保安全,在机器侧安装停止装置。
在紧急(强制)停止期间电 路必须为断开。
出现任何报警时,排除原因,确保安全,在重新起动操作之前不能激活报警。 当瞬时电源中断后恢复电源时远离机器,因为机器可能突然起动(机器设计时考虑如果重新起动时保证安全)。
(6) 维护,检查和部件更换
伺服放大器的电解电容将会老化。为防止由于故障而产生的二次事故,建议在用于一般环境中时,电解电容 每 10 年更换一次。 请咨询我们的销售代表。
2. 防止火灾
不要将伺服放大器、伺服电机以及再生电阻安装在易燃物质上或靠近易燃物质。否则,可能导致火灾。 当伺服放大器发生故障时,切断主伺服放大器侧的电源。持续的大电流可能导致火灾。 当使用再生电阻时,如果出现错误的信号,切断主电源。否则,再生电阻故障或类似故障可能使再生制动电 阻过热,导致火灾。


伺服驱动器输出是PWM波,驱动器输出侧如安装有改善功率因数的电容或防雷用的压敏电阻等,易引发伺服驱动器瞬间过 电流甚至损坏伺服驱动器。请不要使用。 ■ 伺服驱动器输入、输出端所用接触器等开关器件
若在电源和伺服驱动器输入端之间加装接触器,则不允许用此接触器来控制伺服驱动器的启停。一定需要用该接触器控制 伺服驱动器的启停时,间隔不要小于一个小时。频繁的充放电易降低伺服驱动器内电容的寿命。若输出端和电机之间装有接触 器等开关器件,应确保伺服驱动器在无输出时进行通断操作,否则易造成伺服驱动器内模块损坏。 ■ 三相输入改成两相输入
HCSE系列交流伺服 用户手册
用户拿到伺服驱动器和电机第一次运行时,请参照适配机型表(如果适配机型表中没有对 应的电机型号,请根据所用电机的额定转速和额定电流,来选择电机机型),确认电机机型设 置是否正确,如果不正确,运行时电机可能会出现振动或误报警现象,不能达到期望的控制效 果。机型参数为Pn223,属于隐藏参数,需要解锁方能进入,在数码管为“run”、”bb”或报 警状态显示界面下,按“上下下下”(一次UP键,三次DOWN键)即可解锁。机型设置正确后, 需重新上电,方可运行电机。以后如果电机型号有变动,则需重新设置。


▪ H982,H981,H983,H952高纯净减压器 ▪ U21,U22,U23 超高纯净减压器
➢ 内部结构与R系列减压器类似 ➢ 内部气体流道及阀杆、膜片、弹簧等零件要经过挤压/EP处理 ➢ 接口多采用VCR接头/焊管焊接形式,以及其他一些特殊接头
▪ U53,U57 超高纯净减压器
➢ 内部气体流道及阀杆、膜片、弹簧等零件要经过EP处理 ➢ 接口多采用VCR接头/焊管焊接形式,以及其他一些特殊接头
➢ 最大进气压力500PSI、 3000PSI
➢ 输出压力25PSI、50PSI、 100PSI、 250PSI、500PSI
➢ Cv=1.1
➢ 最大进气压力500PSI、 3000PSI
➢ 输出压力25PSI、50PSI、 100PSI、 250PSI、
➢ Cv=1.8
R11减压器 聚四氟乙烯、橡胶双膜
片结构,其中橡胶不接 触气体介质 聚四氟乙烯保持气体洁 净,橡胶保持调压平衡 有303,316两种材质可 供选择
R12减压器 将聚四氟乙烯、橡胶双
金属材料 1Cr18Ni9(302) 1Cr18Ni9Ti、 Y1Cr18Ni9(303) 0Cr19Ni9(304) 0Cr17Ni12Mo2(316) 00Cr17Ni14Mo2(316L)




对应牌号:UNS NO7617,W.Nr.2.4663 ,NiCr23Co12Mo(德国)化学成分:C(%): 0.07Si(%): —Mn(%): —Cr(%): 22Ni(%): 54Mo(%): 9Co(%): 13W(%): —Al(%): 1Cu(%): —Ti(%): —Fe(%): —其他(%): —物理性能:密度g/cm3 8.4熔点℃1330-1380机械性能:热导率13.4(100℃)λ/(W/m?℃)比热容420J/kg?℃弹性模量212GPa电阻率 1.22μΩ?m线膨胀系数11.6(20~100℃) a/10-6℃-1力学性能:热处理方式固溶处理抗拉强度680σb/MPa屈服强度300σp0.2/MPa延伸率30σ5 /%金相组织结构:该合金为面心立方晶格结构,具有很好的晶相稳定性。









Olimex TMS320-XDS100-V3 数字信号处理器和 ARM 仿真器和适配器用户手册说明

Olimex TMS320-XDS100-V3 数字信号处理器和 ARM 仿真器和适配器用户手册说明

TMS320-XDS100-V3DSP and ARM emulator and adapter USER’S MANUALRevision F, March 2015Designed by OLIMEX Ltd, 2013All boards produced by Olimex LTD are ROHS compliantDISCLAIMER© 2015 Olimex Ltd. Olimex®, logo and combinations thereof, are registered trademarks of Olimex Ltd. Other product names may be trademarks of others and the rights belong to their respective owners.The information in this document is provided in connection with Olimex products. No license, express or implied or otherwise, to any intellectual property right is granted by this document or in connection with the sale of Olimex products.It is possible that the pictures in this manual differ from the latest revision of the board.The product described in this document is subject to continuous development and improvements. All particulars of the product and its use contained in this document are given by OLIMEX in good faith. However all warranties implied or expressed including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for purpose are excluded. This document is intended only to assist the reader in the use of the product. OLIMEX Ltd. shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising from the use of any information in this document or any error or omission in such information or any incorrect use of the product.This evaluation board/kit is intended for use for engineering development, demonstration, or evaluation purposes only and is not considered by OLIMEX to be a finished end-product fit for general consumer use. Persons handling the product must have electronics training and observe good engineering practice standards. As such, the goods being provided are not intended to be complete in terms of required design-, marketing-, and/or manufacturing-related protective considerations, including product safety and environmental measures typically found in end products that incorporate such semiconductor components or circuit boards.Olimex currently deals with a variety of customers for products, and therefore our arrangement with the user is not exclusive. Olimex assumes no liability for applications assistance, customer product design, software performance, or infringement of patents or services described herein.THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR THE DESIGN MATERIALS AND THE COMPONENTS USED TO CREATE TMS320-XDS100-V3.THEY ARE CONSIDERED SUITABLE ONLY FOR TMS320-XDS100-V3.Table of Contents DISCLAIMER (2)CHAPTER 1 OVERVIEW (4)1. Introduction to the chapter (4)1.1 Features (4)1.2 Target market and purpose of the board (5)1.3 Organization (5)CHAPTER 2 SETTING UP THE TMS320-XDS100-V3 (6)2. Introduction to the chapter (6)2.1 Electrostatic warning (6)2.3 Requirements (6)2.4 Cables, layouts, connection (6)2.5 Powering the board and installation procedure for CCS v5 and CCS v6 (8)2.6 Powering the board and installation procedure for IAR EW for ARM 6 (9)CHAPTER 3 TMS320-XDS100-V3 DESCRIPTION (10)3. Introduction to the chapter (10)3.1 Layout (top view) (10)CHAPTER 4 INTERFACES AND HARDWARE (11)4. Introduction to the chapter (11)4.1 JTAG connectors (11)4.1.1 JTAG (11)4.1.2 TI_JTAG_14 (11)4.1.3 TI_JTAG_20 (11)4.1.4 ARM_JTAG_20 (11)4.2 USB mini (12)4.3 Test pads (12)4.4 LEDs (12)4.4.1 Power LEDs (12)4.4.2 D3 and D4 (12)4.5 Jumpers (12)4.5.1 Jumper ARM_JTAG_E (12)4.5.2 Jumpers J4 and J5 (12)CHAPTER 5 REVISION HISTORY AND SUPPORT (13)5. Introduction to the chapter (13)5.1 Document revision (13)5.2 Hardware revision (14)5.3 Useful web links and purchase codes (15)5.4 Product support (16)CHAPTER 1 OVERVIEW1. Introduction to the chapterThank you for choosing the TMS320-XDS100-V3 emulator from Olimex!TMS320-XDS100-V3 is an implementation of the Texas Instruments' ultra-low-cost USB-interface JTAG hardware reference design. This emulator provides JTAG access to Texas Instruments' JTAG-based devices.This document provides a user’s guide for the Olimex TMS320-XDS100-V3. As an overview, this chapter gives the scope of this document and lists the board’s features. The document’s organization is then detailed.1.1 FeaturesAmong the features of the Olimex implementation of the XDS100v3 design are:•TMS320-XDS100-V3 hardware is designed to work with CCS5 or CCS6 software•Grants free license for TI's Code Composer Studio 5 and TI's Code Composer Studio 6•Supported in IAR EW for ARM (for IAR versions after 6.40)•Equipped with three JTAG connectors for different JTAG layouts: TI 14-pin JTAG; TI 20-pin JTAG and standard ARM 20-pin JTAG layout•All plastic headers have 0.1" pin step for easier access•Two compatible female-female cables included – 14-pin and 20-pin ones.•Works with targets in 1.65V-5.0V range•No need for external power supply, all power is taken from USB and the target•IEEE 1149.7 capable emulator with a USB interface•Can function as an 1149.7 adapter for use with existing scan controllers.•Software compatible with XDS100v2 (except link delay and IEEE 1149.7 modes)•Physical jumper to select emulator or adapter mode•Operates in 1149.7 Class 4, up to 25MHz•LED to indicate IEEE 1149.7 Class 4 operation•LED to indicate operation in adapter mode•Supported devices: TMS320C28xx, TMS320C54xx, TMS320C55xx, TMS320C674x, TMS320C64x+, TMS320C66x, ARM9, ARM Cortex A9, ARM Cortex A8, ARM CortexM3, ARM Cortex R4•Board dimensions (4.15×1.8)" ~ (10.5×4.6)cmFor full list of XDS100v3 design features visit the TI's wiki address:/index.php/XDS100#What_is_the_XDS100.3F1.2 Target market and purpose of the boardThe main purpose of the board is programming and debugging Texas Instruments' JTAG-based devices. Typically, these are DSP (digital signal processing) targets AND high-speed ARM targets. The board can also act as adapter to existing scan controllers.The design of the board follows the schematics and the recommendations provided by Texas Instruments.1.3 OrganizationEach section in this document covers a separate topic, organized as follow:–Chapter 1 is an overview of the board usage and features–Chapter 2 provides a guide for quickly setting up the board–Chapter 3 contains the general board diagram and layout–Chapter 4 mentions the main software tools used with TMS320-XDS100-V3–Chapter 5 is an explanation of the interfaces, the LEDs, the jumpers position–Chapter 6 contains the revision history, useful links and support informationCHAPTER 2 SETTING UP THE TMS320-XDS100-V32. Introduction to the chapterThis section helps you set up the Olimex TMS320-XDS100-V3 emulator/adapter for the first time. Please consider first the electrostatic warning to avoid damaging the board, then discover the hardware and software required to operate the board.The procedure to power up the board is given, and a description of the default board behavior is detailed.2.1 Electrostatic warningTMS320-XDS100-V3 is shipped in a protective anti-static package. The board must not be exposed to high electrostatic potentials. A grounding strap or similar protective device should be worn when handling the board. Avoid touching the component pins or any other metallic element.2.3 RequirementsIn order to set up the TMS320-XDS100-V3 optimally, the following items are required:- USB-A to mini-USB cable- Set of software tools (preferably Code Composer Studio v5 or Code Composer Studio v6 – check the table – /index.php/XDS100#XDS100_Installation_Instructions)- a TARGET from the supported list (can be found here:/index.php/XDS100#Installation_for_Code_Composer_Studio_v5.1.x) Note that there are two ribbon cables included in the package – for the TI_JTAG_14 and theTI_JTAG_20 (or ARM_JTAG) connectors.2.4 Cables, layouts, connectionInitially there might be a slight confusion for the proper cable setup which is caused by the number of different connectors you might meet working with Texas Instruments ARM processors.The TMS320-XDS100-V3's 14pin JTAG connector named “TI_JTAG_14” has the exact layout of TI's 14pin JTAG. Both connectors have 0.1'' step.The 20pin TI JTAG connector is named “TI_JTAG_20”. It might be found next to the 14pin JTAG of TMS320-XDS100-V3. TI_JTAG_20 follows the signal layout proposed by Texas Instruments but it uses bigger connector with pin holes with 0.1'' step again (the original CTI design suggests 0.05''). The 20pin ARM JTAG connector is named “ARM_JTAG”. It is located at the edge of the top side of the board. ARM_JTAG is the official ARM 20-way 0.1'' pitch connector. The signal layout also follows the ARM recommendations. It can be used in either standard JTAG (IEEE 1149.1) mode or Serial Wire Debug (SWD) mode.Refer to the table below for the proper connections. The first 4 columns represent the TI layout of TI_JTAG_14 and TI_JTAG_20 connectors of TMS320-XDS100-V3, the last 2 show the 20-pin ARM_JTAG layout.*The entries NA means the standard signal was not routed (was not used for the JTAG connection). **The value of TDIS is controlled by the ARM_JTAG_E jumper. If you use ARM_JTAG connector keep the jumper closed. If you use TI_JTAG_14 or TI_JTAG_20 – open the ARM_JTAG_E jumper.A useful table for the relations of the signals might be found at the following web address: /index.php/JTAG_Connectors#Pinout2.5 Powering the board and installation procedure for CCS v5 and CCS v6 The XDS100v3 board is powered via the mini USB.A. Install Code Composer Studio 5.1.x (or newer) before connecting XDS100 USB hardware.B. Install the EmuPack with XDS100v3 support. It is usually downloaded via the update button.C. Connect the XDS100 hardware1. Make sure the Code Composer Studio v5.1.x (or newer) and EmuPack with XDS100v3support is installed FIRST before plugging in the XDS100 HW to the PC.2. Connect USB cable from the PC to the XDS100 hardware. Connect the JTAG to thetarget board (be careful to plug it in correctly: pin 1 should go to pin 1. Red strip usually indicates the side of pin 1)3. You will notice small popups to inform user that USB hardware is recognized andinstalled correctly. No input are required.D. Setup Code Composer Studio v5.1.x4. Start Code Composer Studio and create a new target configuration.5. Select XDS100v3 as connection type6. Select device (target).E. The configuration of the emulator in CCS v5.1.x is shown below (the one in CCS v6 is quite similar):2.6 Powering the board and installation procedure for IAR EW for ARM 6A. Install IAR EW for ARM (version 6.40 or newer) before connecting XDS100 USB hardware.B. Connect the TMS320-XDS100-V3 to the mini USB of a computer.C. Install the drivers for XDS100v3 hardware – there is an executable typically located in“C:\Program Files (x86)\IAR Systems\Embedded Workbench for ARM 6\arm\drivers\ti-xds”D. Load a demo project and right-click over the project in the “Workspace” window. Select “Options” and click the “Debugger” group then choose “TI XDS100” from the drop-down menu. Then in the tab under the “Debugger” group go to “TI XDS100” and from the emulator menu select “TI XDS100v3 USB Emulator”.E. You are now ready to debug your project!CHAPTER 3 TMS320-XDS100-V3 DESCRIPTION3. Introduction to the chapterHere you get acquainted with the main parts of the board. Note the names used on the board differ from the names used to describe them. For the actual names check the TMS320-XDS100-V3 board itself.3.1 Layout (top view)CHAPTER 4 INTERFACES AND HARDWARE4. Introduction to the chapterIn this chapter the connectors function will be pointed, the meaning of the LEDs states will be explained, and the function of the jumpers would be clarified.4.1 JTAG connectorsThere are four JTAG connectors on this board. Each of them has 0.1'' step between pins. They are in the sub-chapters below.4.1.1 JTAGThe JTAG connector (note the one WITHOUT any prefix or suffix to the name) is used during production to upload the firmware of TMS320-XDS100-V3. It has a 14-pin TI JTAG layout.You can not program targets using this connector! It is used to program the emulator itself!It can be used to restore the firmware of the the unit. The firmware is located inside the FPGA integrated circuit.4.1.2 TI_JTAG_14Used for 14-pin TI JTAG connection. The TI_JTAG_14 follows the JTAG layout of Texas Instruments. This interface might be used to communicate with Olimex TMS320-P28016 and Olimex TMX320-P28027. The interface might be used with any target that follows the 14-pin TI JTAG layout.Jumper ARM_JTAG_E has to be open to be able to use TI_JTAG_14 successfully!4.1.3 TI_JTAG_20Used for 20-pin TI JTAG connection. The TI_JTAG_20 follows the JTAG layout of Texas Instruments. Note that the step is different from the original TI JTAG connector. The original connector has a 0.05'' step connector, while the one used by Olimex has 0.1''. The interface might be used with any target that follows the 20-pin TI JTAG layout.Jumper ARM_JTAG_E has to be open to be able to use TI_JTAG_20 successfully!4.1.4 ARM_JTAG_20ARM_JTAG_20 connector was added in hardware revision C. It is used for 20-pin ARM JTAG connection. The interface might be used with any TI target that follows the 20-pin ARM JTAG layout. For example, boards like “Stellaris EKS-LM3S3748” can be debugged externally only using tools with ARM JTAG layout.Jumper ARM_JTAG_E has to be closed to be able use ARM_JTAG_20 successfully!4.2 USB miniStandard USB mini cable connector. Used to connect the emulator to a personal computer.4.3 Test padsThere are six testpads provided (CTS; RXD; GND; RTS; RXD; 3.3V). They allow access to the FTDI chip of the board. They can be used for debugging purposes and also for direct communication with the FT2232HL IC. The names are easily visible near each pad.4.4 LEDsThere are four LEDs on TMS320-XDS100v3. Two for indicating power input and power output and two for the current board-mode.4.4.1 Power LEDsThe PWR_LED shows whether the board is powered. The PWR_EN shows whether the board can power the target.4.4.2 D3 and D4The D3 and D4 LEDs show the state of, respectively, J4 and J5 jumpers.4.5 JumpersThere are three PTH jumpers on TMS320-XDS100-V3: ARM_JTAG_E, J4, and J5.4.5.1 Jumper ARM_JTAG_EThe value of pin 4 (signal “TDIS”) of every JTAG interface is controlled by ARM_JTAG_E jumper. Important:In the Texas JTAG layouts TDIS is used to detect when the target is disconnected from the emulator. It is usually a pull-up in the emulator and GND on the target. The emulator senses the removal of GND. If you use TI_JTAG_14 or TI_JTAG_20 – open the ARM_JTAG_E jumper.Pin 4 needs to be pulled-down in the ARM JTAG layout. If you use ARM_JTAG connector keep the jumper closed.4.5.2 Jumpers J4 and J5They are responsible for the emulation – adapter configuration. When J4 and J5 are open – the chosen mode is emulator mode. When J4 an J5 are closed the chosen mode is adapter.For general use of the TMS320-XDS100-V3 as emulator and debugger, please, keep jumpers J4 and J5 open.CHAPTER 5 REVISION HISTORY AND SUPPORT5. Introduction to the chapterIn this chapter you will find the current and the previous version of the document you are reading. Also the web-page for your device is listed. Be sure to check it after a purchase for the latest available updates and examples.5.1 Document revision5.2 Hardware revisionRemember to check the schematics and the board design files to compare the differences.5.3 Useful web links and purchase codesThe web page you can visit for more info on your device ishttps:///Products/DSP/Emulators/TMS320-XDS100-V3/.ORDER CODES:TMS320-XDS100-V3 – completely assembled and tested JTAG emulatorHow to purchase?You can purchase directly from our online shop or from any of our distributors. Note that usually it might be faster and cheaper to purchase Olimex products from our distributors. List of confirmed Olimex LTD distributors and resellers: https:///Distributors.Please visit https:/// for more info.5.4 Product supportFor product support, hardware information and error reports mail to: ******************. All document or hardware feedback is welcome. Note that we are primarily a hardware company and our software support is limited. Please consider reading the paragraph below about the warranty of Olimex products.All goods are checked before they are sent out. In the unlikely event that goods are faulty, they must be returned, to OLIMEX at the address listed on your order invoice.OLIMEX will not accept goods that have clearly been used more than the amount needed to evaluate their functionality.If the goods are found to be in working condition, and the lack of functionality is a result of lack of knowledge on the customers part, no refund will be made, but the goods will be returned to the user at their expense.******************************************************************************* number before shipping back any merchandise. Please include your name, phone number and order number in your email request.Returns for any unaffected development board, programmer, tools, and cables permitted within 7 days from the date of receipt of merchandise. After such time, all sales are considered final. Returns of incorrect ordered items are allowed subject to a10%restocking fee.What is unaffected? If you hooked it to power, you affected it. To be clear, this includes items that have been soldered to,or have had their firmware changed.Because of the nature of the products we deal with (prototyping electronic tools) we cannot allow returns of items that have been programmed, powered up, or otherwise changed post shipment from our warehouse.All returned merchandise must be in its original mint and clean condition. Returns on damaged, scratched, programmed, burnt, or otherwise 'played with' merchandise will not be accepted.All returns must include all the factory accessories which come with the item. This includes any In-Circuit-Serial-Programming cables, anti-static packing, boxes, etc.With your return, enclose your PO#. Also include a brief letter of explanation of why the merchandise is being returned and state your request for either a refund or an exchange. Include the authorization number on this letter, and on the outside of the shipping box.Please note: It is your responsibility to ensure that returned goods reach us. Please use a reliable form of shipping. If we do not receive your package we will not be held liable. Shipping and handling charges are not refundable.We are not responsible for any shipping charges of merchandise being returned to us or returning working items to you.The full text might be found at https:///wiki/GTC#Warranty for future reference.。



第一部分化学品及企业标识化学品中文名:1-碘-3,3,3-三氟丙烷化学品英文名:1-Iodo-3,3,3-trifluoropropaneCAS No.:460-37-7分子式:C3H4F3I产品推荐及限制用途:工业及科研用途。




GHS危险性类别皮肤腐蚀/刺激类别 2严重眼损伤/眼刺激类别 2特异性靶器官毒性一次接触类别 3标签要素:象形图:警示词:警告危险性说明:H315 造成皮肤刺激H319 造成严重眼刺激H335 可引起呼吸道刺激●预防措施:—— P264 作业后彻底清洗。

—— P280 戴防护手套/穿防护服/戴防护眼罩/戴防护面具。

—— P261 避免吸入粉尘/烟/气体/烟雾/蒸气/喷雾。

—— P271 只能在室外或通风良好处使用。

●事故响应:—— P302+P352 如皮肤沾染:用水充分清洗。

—— P332+P313 如发生皮肤刺激:求医/就诊。

—— P362+P364 脱掉沾染的衣服,清洗后方可重新使用——P305+P351+P338 如进入眼睛:用水小心冲洗几分钟。



—— P337+P313 如仍觉眼刺激:求医/就诊。

—— P304+P340 如误吸入:将人转移到空气新鲜处,保持呼吸舒适体位。

—— P312 如感觉不适,呼叫解毒中心/医生●安全储存:—— P403+P233 存放在通风良好的地方。


—— P405 存放处须加锁。

●废弃处置:—— P501 按当地法规处置内装物/容器。









手持频谱分析仪 FSH3 用户手册说明书

手持频谱分析仪 FSH3 用户手册说明书

HandheldSpectrum Analyzer ¸FSHF i r s t Ed i t ion M a y 2004i¸FSH3 100 kHz to 3 GHz ¸FSH6 100 kHz to 6 GHz 800-404-ATEC (2832)E s t a b l i s h e d 19812Handheld Spectrum Analyzer ¸FSHThe ¸FSH is the ideal spectrum analyzer for rapid, high-precision, cost-effective signal investi-gations. It provides a large number of measure-ment functions and so can handle anything from the installation or maintenance of a mobile radio base station up to on-site fault location in RF cables as well as development and service – an extensive range of applications.Spectrum analysis anywhere, anytime– on earth and in spaceDue to its excellent characteristics, the ¸FSH3 is used on board the International Space Station (ISS) for distance-to-fault measurements on RF antenna cables.12Handheld Spectrum Analyzer ¸FSHHandheld Spectrum Analyzer ¸FSHGeneral instrument setupsDefault settingCurrent instrument settingRotary knobCursor keysColour display with 320×240 pixel, switchable to mono-chrome display for high-contrastdisplay when used in directsunlight in the fieldRS-232-C optical interfaceSimple menu-based operationvia softkeysMemory for up to 100 traces and setupsDirect printout of measure- ment resultsSelection of following functions: MarkerDelta marker Noise marker Frequency counter MultimarkerSelection of measurement functions:Spectrum analysisScalar network analysis Vector network analysis Receiver mode Channel power TDMA powerOccupied bandwidth DTF PowerTransducer factors Limit lines Display line4Handheld Spectrum Analyzer ¸FSH+¸FSH-Z1/-Z18+¸FSH-Z44+¸FSH-Z1/-Z18+¸FSH-Z2+¸FSH-B1+¸FSH-Z2+¸FSH-B1+¸FSH-Z44+¸FSH-Z1/-Z18+¸FSH-Z44+¸FSH-Z2+¸FSH-Z2+¸FSH-K3+¸FSH-K3+¸FSH-K3+¸FSH-K1+¸FSH-K1+¸FSH-K1A p p l i c a t i o n T D M A p o w e r m e a s u r e m e n t s C h a n n e l -p o w e r m e a s u r e m e n t s F i e l d -s t r e n g t h m e a s u r e m e n t s P o w e r m e a s u r e m e n t s u p t o 8 G H z /18 G H z D i r e c t i o n a l p o w e r m e a s u r e m e n tsu p t o 4 G H z M e a s u r e m e n t s o n c a b l e s (d i s t a n c e -t o -f a u l t )S c a l a r t r a n s m i s s i o n m e a s u r e m V e c t o r t r a n s m i s s i o n m e S c a l a r r e f l e c V e c t o Product1)¸FSH-K2 required¸FSH standard function Not availableThe ¸FSH is available as 3 GHz and 6 GHz models either with or without an internal tracking generator. When the tracking generator is included, the ¸FSH can be used for distance-to-fault (DTF) measurements, scalar and vector network analysis, and one-port cable loss measurement. Almost all models come standard with an adjustable preamplifier, making them suitable for measuring very small signals. Two power sensors are available as accessories – one for high-precision terminating power measurements up to 8 GHz or 18 GHz and one for directional power measurements up to 4 GHz. The following tables show possible configurations for various applications and an overview of available models.¸FSH – options and applicationsR e c e i v e r m o d e ¸FSH (models .03/.06) with preamplifier ¸FSH (model .13)with tracking generator ¸FSH (models .23/.26)with tracking generator and preamplifier¸FSH – modelsFrequency rangeTracking generatorOutput power of tracking generator PreamplifierResolution bandwidth¸FSH3 model .03100 kHz to 3 GHz –– 100 Hz to 1 MHz ¸FSH3 model .13100 kHz to 3 GHz –20 dBm– 1 kHz to 1 MHz ¸FSH3 model .23100 kHz to 3 GHz –20 dBm/0 dBm selectable 100 Hz to 1 MHz ¸FSH6 model .06100 kHz to 6 GHz ––100 Hz to 1 MHz ¸FSH6 model .26100 kHz to 6 GHz–10 dBm (f < 3 GHz)–20 dBm (f > 3 GHz)100 Hz to 1 MHzHandheld Spectrum Analyzer ¸FSH8Runs under Windows 98/ME/NT/2000/XPRapid and simple transfer of measurement data from the ¸FSH to a PC and vice versa Data export in ASCII or MS Excel formatPrintout of all relevant data via Windows(screenshot of the ¸FSH display for documentation) Graphics data stored in standard formats (.bmp, .pcx, .png, .wmf)Permanent and continuous transfer of sweeps to the PC; facilities for subsequent analysis (markers, zoom, etc)Storage space for traces and measurement data as well as forcomparisons of current and previous measurements (availablespace is limited only by the size of the hard diskof the controlling PC)Automatic storage of measurement results at selectable intervals Generation of cable data with a built-in cable editor; downloading to the ¸FSH for distance-to-fault mea-surements (¸FSH-B1) Editor for the generation of limit lines, transducerfactors and correction factors for external attenuators or amplifiers Generation of channel lists and uploading to the ¸FSH for the receiver mode (¸FSH-K3)Macro function for Word for fast and easy documentation of measurement results Connection between PC and ¸FSH via interference-free, RS-232-C optical interfaceFeatures:The powerful software package for documenting your measurements is supplied with every ¸FSH.Control Software ¸FSH View¸FSH3 ¸FSH6 FrequencyFrequency range100 kHz to 3 GHz100 kHz to 6 GHz Reference frequencyAging 1 ppm/yearTemperature drift0 °C to 30 °C30 °C to 50 °C 2 ppmin addition 2 ppm/10 °CFrequency counterResolution 1 HzCounter accuracy S/N > 25 dB± (frequency × reference frequency errror) Frequency span 0 Hz, 10 kHz to 3 GHz0 Hz, 10 kHz to 6 GHz Spectral puritySSB phase noise f = 500 MHz, 20 °C to 30 °C30 kHz from carrier<85 dBc (1 Hz)100 kHz from carrier<100 dBc (1 Hz)1 MHz from carrier<120 dBc (1 Hz)Sweep time span = 0 Hz 1 ms to 100 sspan > 0 Hz20 ms to 1000 s, min. 20 ms/600 MHz BandwidthsResolution bandwidths (–3 dB)1145.5850.131, 3, 10, 30, 100, 200, 300 kHz, 1 MHz1145.5850.03/.23,1145.5850.06/.26in addition 100 Hz, 300 HzTolerance≤300 kHz±5 %, nominal1 MHz±10 %, nominalResolution bandwidths (–6 dB)with option ¸FSH-K3installedin addition 200 Hz, 9 kHz, 120 kHz, 1 MHzVideo bandwidths10 Hz to 1 MHz in 1, 3 steps1) 80 V valid as of serial number 100900 (model 1145.5850.03) or 101600 (model 1145.5850.13); models 1145.5850.23, 1145.5850.06 and 1145.5850.26 all serial numbers.2)As of serial number 101362.¸FSH3¸FSH6AmplitudeDisplay rangeaverage noise level displayed to +20 dBm Maximum permissible DC voltage at RF input50 V/80 V 1)Maximum power20 dBm, 30 dBm (1 W) for max. 3 minutesIntermodulation-free dynamic rangethird-order IM products,2 × –20 dBm, reference level = –10 dBmtyp. 66 dB (typ. +13 dBm third-order intercept, IP3)Displayed average noise level 10 MHz to 3 GHz 3 GHz to 5 GHz 5 GHz to 6 GHz resolution bandwidth 1 kHz, video bandwidth 10 Hz, reference level ≤–30 dBm<–105 dBm, typ. –114 dBm ––<–105 dBm, typ. –112 dBm <–103 dBm, typ. –108 dBm <–96 dBm, typ. –102 dBm With preamplifier 10 MHz to 2.5 GHz 2.5 GHz to 3 GHz 3 GHz to 5 GHz 5 GHz to 6 GHz only models 1145.5850.032), 1145.5850.23, 1145.5850.06 and 1145.5850.26<–120 dBm, typ. –125 dBm <–115 dBm, typ. –120 dBm ––<–120 dBm, typ. –125 dBm <–115 dBm, typ. –120 dBm <–115 dBm, typ. –120 dBm <–105 dBm, typ. –110 dBmInherent spuriousreference level≤–20 dBm, f > 30 MHz, RBW ≤ 100 kHz <–80 dBm <–80 dBm Input related spuriousUp to 3 GHz 3 GHz to 6 GHzSignal frequency minus –2.0156 GHz for signal frequencies 2 GHz to 3.2 GHz mixer level –40 dBm,carrier offset >1 MHz<–70 dBc (nominal)–typ. <–55 dBc <–70 dBc (nominal)<–64 dBc (nominal)typ. <–55 dBc 2nd harmonic mixer level –40 dBmtyp. <–60 dBctyp. <–60 dBcLevel display Reference level –80 dBm to +20 dBm in steps of 1 dB Display range 100 dB, 50 dB, 20 dB, 10 dB, linear Display unitsLogarithmic Linear dBm, dBµV, dBmVwith transducer also dBµV/m and dBµA/m µV, mV, V, nW, µW, mW, Wwith transducer also V/m, mV/m and µV/m Traces 1 trace and 1 memory traceDetectorsauto peak, maximum peak, minimum peak, sample, RMSwith option ¸FSH-K3 installedin addition average and quasi-peak Level measurement errorfrequency >1 MHz,at reference level down to –50 dB, 20 °C to 30 °C<1.5 dB, typ. 0.5 dB¸FSH3¸FSH6 MarkersNumber of markers or delta markers max. 6Marker functions peak, next peak, minimum,center = marker frequency,reference level = marker level, all markers to peak Marker displays normal (level), noise marker, frequency counter (count)Trigger free-running, video, externalAudio demodulation AM (video voltage without AGC) and FM InputsRF input N femaleInput impedance50 ΩVSWR10 MHz to 3 GHz10 MHz to 6 GHz typ. 1.5––typ. 1.5Trigger/external reference input BNC female, selectable Trigger voltage TTLReference frequency10 MHzRequired level from 50 Ω10 dBm OutputsAF output 3.5 mm mini jackOutput impedance Open-circuit voltage 100 Ωadjustable up to 1.5 VTracking generator only models 145.5850.13,1145.5850.23 and1145.5850.26Frequency range 5 MHz to 3 GHz 5 MHz to 6 GHzOutput level model 1145.5850.13model 1145.5850.23model 1145.5850.26f < 3 GHzf > 3 GHz –20 dBm (nominal)0 dBm/–20 dBm, selectable–10 dBm (nominal)–20 dBm (nominal)Output impedance50 Ω, nominalInterfacesRS-232-C optical interfaceBaud rate1200, 2400, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200 baud Power sensor7-contact female connector (type Binder 712)¸FSH3¸FSH6 AccessoriesPower Sensors ¸FSH-Z1 and ¸FSH-Z18Frequency range¸FSH-Z110 MHz to 8 GHz¸FSH-Z1810 MHz to 18 GHzVSWR10 MHz to 30 MHz 30 MHz to 2.4 GHz 2.4 GHz to 8 GHz 8 GHz to 18 GHz <1.15 <1.13 <1.20 <1.25Maximum input power average powerpeak power(<10 µs, 1 % duty cycle)400 mW (+26 dBm) 1 W (+30 dBm)Measurement range200 pW to 200 mW (–67 dBm to +23 dBm) Signal weighting average powerEffect of harmonics Effect of modulation <0.5 % (0.02 dB) at harmonic ratio of 20 dBc<1.5 % (0.07 dB) for continuous digital modulationAbsolute measurement uncertainty sine signals, no zero offset10 MHz to 8 GHz 8 GHz to 18 GHz 15 °C to 35 °C0 °C to 50 °C15 °C to 35 °C0 °C to 50 °C<2.5 % (0.11 dB)<4.5 % (0.19 dB)<3.5 % (0.15 dB)<5.2 % (0.22 dB)Zero offset after zeroing<150 pWDimensions (W × H × D)48 mm × 31 mm × 170 mm, connecting cable 1.5 m Weight<0.3 kgDirectional Power Sensor ¸FSH-Z44Frequency range200 MHz to 4 GHzPower measurement range30 mW to 120 W (300 W with unmodulated envelope) VSWR referenced to 50 Ω200 MHz to 3 GHz 3 GHz to 4 GHz <1.07 <1.12Power-handling capacity depending on temperatureand matching(see diagram below)120 W to 1000 W Insertion loss200 MHz to 1.5 GHz 1.5 GHz to 4 GHz <0.06 dB <0.09 dBDirectivity200 MHz to 3 GHz 3 GHz to 4 GHz >30 dB >26 dBSignal weighting average powerMeasurement uncertainty200 MHz to 300 MHz300 MHz to 4 GHz sine signals,18 °C to 28 °C,no zero offset4 % of measured value (0.17 dB)3.2 % of measured value (0.14 dB)¸FSH3¸FSH6Zero offsetafter zeroing ± 4 mWRange of typical measurement error with modulationFM, PM, FSK, GMSK AM (80 %) cdmaOne, DAB3GPP WCDMA, cdma2000 DVB-T π/4-DQPSKif standard is selected on ¸FSH0 % of measured value (0 dB)±3 % of measured value (±0.13 dB)±1 % of measured value (±0.04 dB)±2 % of measured value (±0.09 dB)±2 % of measured value (±0.09 dB)±2 % of measured value (±0.09 dB Temperature coefficient 200 MHz to 300 MHz 300 MHz to 4 GHz0.40 %/K (0.017 dB/K)0.25 %/K (0.011 dB/K)Matching measurement range Return loss200 MHz to 3 GHz 3 GHz to 4 GHz VSWR 200 MHz to 3 GHz 3 GHz to 4 GHz 0 dB to 23 dB 0 dB to 20 dB >1.15>1.22Minimum forward powerspecs met from 0.2 W0.03 WDimensions (W × H × D)120 mm × 95 mm × 39 mm, connecting cable 1.5 m Weight 0.65 kg���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Power-handling capacity Limits of measurement error for matching measurements¸FSH3¸FSH6 VSWR Bridge and Power Divider ¸FSH-Z2Frequency range10 MHz to 3 GHzImpedance50 ΩVSWR bridgeDirectivity10 MHz to 1 GHz 1 GHz to 3 GHz typ. 30 dB typ. 25 dBDirectivity, corrected10 MHz to 3 GHz option ¸FSH-K2typ. 43 dBReturn loss at test port typ. 20 dBReturn loss, corrected option ¸FSH-K2 typ. 35 dBInsertion loss typ. 9 dBPower dividerReturn loss at test port typ. 20 dBConnectorsGenerator input/RF output N maleTest port N femaleControl interface7-contact connector (type Binder) Calibration standardsShort/open N male50 Ω load N maleImpedance50 ΩReturn loss up to 3 GHz>43 dBPower-handling capacity 1 WGeneral dataPower consumption500 mW (nominal) Dimensions (W × H × D)169 mm × 116 mm × 30 mm Weight485 gDistance-to-Fault Measurement ¸FSH-B1 (only model 1145.5850.13, 1145.5850.23 or 1145.5850.26) Display301 pixelsMaximum resolution, distance to fault maximum zoom cable length/1023 pixels Display rangeReturn lossVSWRwith option ¸FSH-K210, 5, 2, 1 dB/div, linear1 to2 and 1 to 6in addition 1 to 1.2 and 1 to 1.5Cable length depending on cable loss 3 m to max. 1000 mMaximum permissible spurious signal1st mixer 1 dB compression point typ. +10 dBmIF overload at reference level typ. +8 dB¸FSH3¸FSH6 Transmission measurements (only with ¸FSH3 models 1145.5850.13, 1145.5850.23 and ¸FSH6 model 1145.5850.26)Frequency range 5 MHz to 3 GHz 5 MHz to 6 GHzDynamic range10 MHz to 2.2 GHz2.2 GHz to 3 GHz3 GHz to 5 GHz5 GHz to6 GHz scalar modevector mode,option ¸FSH-K2scalar modevector mode,option R&S FSH-K2scalar modevector mode,option ¸FSH-K2scalar modevector mode,option ¸FSH-K2typ. 60 dBtyp. 80 dBtyp. 50 dBtyp. 65 dB––––typ. 80 dBtyp. 90 dBtyp. 70 dBtyp. 85 dBtyp. 40 dBtyp. 55 dBtyp. 35 dBtyp. 50 dBReflection measurements(only with ¸FSH3 model 1145.5850.13 or 1145.5850.23, ¸FSH6 model 1145.5850.26 and ¸FSH-Z2)Frequency range10 MHz to 3 GHz10 MHz to 3 GHz Display range of return loss10, 20, 50, 100 dB, selectableVSWR display range 1 to 2 and 1 to 6, selectable,with option ¸FSH-K2 also 1 to 1.2 and 1 to 1.5 Measurement uncertainty see diagramsMeasurement uncertainty with vector measurements,(option ¸FSH-K2)Measurement uncertainty with scalar measurementsGeneral dataDisplay14 cm (5.7“) LC colour display Resolution320 × 240 pixelsMemory Settings and traces CMOS RAM 100Environmental conditions TemperatureOperating temperature range¸FSH powered from internal battery ¸FSH powered from AC power supply 0 °C to 50 °C 0 °C to 40 °CStorage temperature range–20 °C to +60 °CBattery charging mode0 °C to 40 °CClimatic conditionsRelative humidity95 % at 40 °C (EN 60068)IP class of protection51Mechanical resistanceVibration, sinusoidal complies with EN 60068-2-1, EN 61010-15 Hz to 55 Hz: max 2 g, 55 Hz to 150 Hz: 0.5 g constant,12 minutes per axisVibration, random complies with EN 60068-2-64, 10 Hz to 500 Hz, 1.9 g,30 minutes per axisShock complies with EN 60068-2-27, 40 g shock spectrum RFI suppression complies with EMC directive of EU (89/336/EEC)and German EMC legislationImmunity to radiated interferenceLevel display at 10 V/m (reference level ≤–10 dBm) Input frequencyIFOther frequencies 10 V/m<–75 dBm (nominal) <–85 dBm (nominal) < displayed noise levelPower supplyAC supply plug-in AC power supply (¸FSH-Z33)100 V AC to 240 V AC, 50 Hz to 60 Hz, 400 mA External DC voltage15 V to 20 VInternal battery NiMH battery, type Fluke BP190 (¸FSH-Z32)Battery voltage 6 V to 9 VOperating time with fully-charged battery 4 h with tracking generator off,3 h with tracking generator onLifetime300 to 500 charging cyclesPower consumption typ. 7 WSafety complies with EN 61010-1, UL 3111-1,CSA C22.2 No. 1010-1Test mark VDE, GS, CSA, CSA-NRTLDimensions (W × H × D)170 mm × 120 mm × 270 mmWeight 2.5 kgHeadphonesRS-232-C cableAC power supplyAC supply connector (country-specific)VSWR Bridge and Power Divider R&S FSH-Z2Power Sensor R&S FSH-Z1Power sensorconnector on R&S FSH3Ordering informationDesignationType Order No.Handheld Spectrum Analyzer, 100 kHz to 3 GHz, with preamplifier¸FSH31145.5850.03Handheld Spectrum Analyzer, 100 kHz to 3 GHz, with tracking generator¸FSH31145.5850.13Handheld Spectrum Analyzer, 100 kHz to 3 GHz, with tracking generator and preamplifier ¸FSH31145.5850.23Handheld Spectrum Analyzer, 100 kHz to 6 GHz, with preamplifier¸FSH61145.5850.06Handheld Spectrum Analyzer, 100 kHz to 6 GHz, with tracking generator and preamplifier¸FSH61145.5850.26Accessories suppliedExternal power supply, battery pack (built-in), RS-232-C optical cable, headphones, Quick Start manual, CD-ROM with Control Software ¸FSH View and documentationOptionsDesignationType Order No.Distance-to-Fault Measurement(includes 1 m cable, ¸FSH-Z2 required)¸FSH-B11145.5750.02Remote Control via RS-232-C¸FSH-K11157.3458.02Vector Transmission and Reflection Measurements ¸FSH-K21157.3387.02Receiver Mode¸FSH-K31157.3429.02Optional accessoriesDesignationType Order No.Power Sensor, 10 MHz to 8 GHz¸FSH-Z11155.4505.02VSWR Bridge and Power Divider, 10 MHz to 3 GHz (open, short, 50 Ω load)¸FSH-Z21145.5767.02Power Sensor, 10 MHz to 18 GHz¸FSH-Z181165.1909.02Directional Power Sensor, 200 MHz to 4 GHz ¸FSH-Z441165.2305.02Matching Pad 50/75 Ω, 0 Hz to 2700 MHz¸RAZ 0358.5714.02Spare RF Cable (1 m), connectors N male/N female for ¸FSH-B1¸FSH-Z201145.5867.0212 V Car Adapter¸FSH-Z211300.7579.02Serial/Parallel Converter ¸FSH-Z221145.5880.02Carrying Bag¸FSH-Z251145.5896.02Transit case¸FSH-Z261300.7627.00Combined Short/Open and 50 Ω Load for VSWR and DTF calibration ¸FSH-Z291300.7504.02Spare Short/Open Calibration Standard for ¸FSH-Z2 for VSWR calibration ¸FSH-Z301145.5773.02Spare 50 Ω Load Standard for ¸FSH-Z2 for VSWR and DTF calibration ¸FSH-Z311145.5780.02Spare Battery Pack ¸FSH-Z321145.5796.02Spare AC Power Supply ¸FSH-Z331145.5809.02Spare RS-232-C Optical Cable¸FSH-Z341145.5815.02Spare CD-ROM with Control Software ¸FSH View and documentation¸FSH-Z351145.5821.02�����������������������������������������������������������������������More information at Rohde &Schwarz direct: Tel. (+49 2203) 807-800Fax (+49 2203) 807-66E-mail:************************。



NPN-Silizium-Fototransistor imSMT TOPLED ®-GehäuseSilicon NPN Phototransistor inSMT TOPLED ®-PackageMaße in mm, wenn nicht anders angegeben/Dimensions in mm, unless otherwise specified.f p l 06724f p l f 6724Wesentliche Merkmaleq Speziell geeignet für Anwendungen imBereich von 380 nm bis 1150 nm(SFH 320) und bei 880 nm (SFH 320 FA)q Hohe Linearität q P-LCC-2 Gehäuse q Gruppiert lieferbarqfür alle Lötverfahren geeignetAnwendungenq Miniaturlichtschranken für Gleich- und Wechsellichtbetrieb q Lochstreifenleser q Industrieelektronikq “Messen/Steuern/Regeln”Featuresq Especially suitable for applications from380 nm to 1150 nm (SFH 320) and of 880 nm (SFH 320 FA)q High linearityq P-LCC-2 package q Available in groupsqSuitable for all soldering methodsApplicationsq Miniature photointerrupters q punched tape readers q Industrial electronicsq For control and drive circuitsSFH 320SFH 320 FAGrenzwerteMaximum Ratings Typ Type Bestellnummer Ordering Code Typ (*vorher)Type (*formerly)Bestellnummer Ordering Code SFH 320Q62702-P0961SFH 320 FA (*SFH 320 F)Q62702-P0988SFH 320-3Q62702-P390SFH 320 FA-3(*SFH 320 F-3)Q62702-P393SFH 320-4Q62702-P1606SFH 320 FA-4(*SFH 320 F-4)Q62702-P1607Bezeichnung DescriptionSymbol SymbolWert Value Einheit Unit Betriebs- und LagertemperaturOperating and storage temperature range T op ;T stg – 55...+ 100°C Kollektor-Emitterspannung Collector-emitter voltage V CE 35V Kollektorstrom Collector currentI C 15mA Kollektorspitzenstrom,τ <10 µs Collector surge current I CS 75mA Verlustleistung,T A = 25°C Total power dissipationP tot 165mW Wärmewiderstand für Montage auf PC-Board Thermal resistance for mounting on pcbR thJA450K/WKennwerte (T A = 25°C,λ = 950 nm)Characteristics Bezeichnung DescriptionSymbol SymbolWert ValueEinheit UnitSFH 320SFH 320 FA Wellenlänge der max. Fotoempfindlichkeit Wavelength of max. sensitivityλS max 860900nm Spektraler Bereich der Fotoempfindlichkeit S = 10 % von S maxSpectral range of sensitivity S = 10 % of S maxλ380...1150730...1120nmBestrahlungsempfindliche Fläche (∅240 µm)Radiant sensitive area A 0.0450.045mm 2Abmessung der Chipfläche Dimensions of chip areaL ×B L ×W 0.45×0.450.45×0.45mm ×mm Abstand Chipoberfläche zu Gehäuseober-flächeDistance chip front to case surface H0.5...0.70.5...0.7mmHalbwinkel Half angleϕ±60±60Grad deg.Kapazität,V CE = 0 V,f = 1 MHz,E = 0Capacitance C CE 5.0 5.0pF Dunkelstrom Dark currentV CE = 25 V,E = 0I CEO1 (≤200)1 (≤200)nADie Fototransistoren werden nach ihrer Fotoempfindlichkeit gruppiert und mit arabischen Ziffern gekennzeichnet.The phototransistors are grouped according to their spectral sensitivity and distinguished by arabian figures.1)I PCEmin ist der minimale Fotostrom der jeweiligen Gruppe 1)I PCEmin is the min. photocurrent of the specified groupBezeichnung DescriptionSymbol SymbolWert ValueEinheit UnitSFH 320/FA-2-3-4Fotostrom,λ =950 nm PhotocurrentE e = 0.1 mW/cm 2,V CE = 5 V SFH 320:E v = 1000 Ix, Normlicht/standard light A,V CE = 5 VI PCE I PCE ≥ 1616 (32420)25...50650≥401000µA µA Anstiegszeit/Abfallzeit Rise and fall timeI C = 1 mA,V CC = 5 V,R L = 1 k Ωt r , t f7678µsKollektor-Emitter-SättigungsspannungCollector-emitter saturation voltage I C =I PCEmin 1)×0.3,E e = 0.1 mW/cm 2V CEsat150150150150mVDirectional characteristics S rel =f (ϕ)Relative spectral sensitivity, SFH 320S rel =f (λ)Total power dissipation P tot =f (T A )Dark currentI CEO =f (T A ),V CE = 5 V , E= 0Relative spectral sensitivity ,SFH 320 FA S rel =f (λ)PhotocurrentI PCE =f (V CE ),E e = Parameter CapacitanceC CE =f (V CE ), f = 1 MHz,E= 0PhotocurrentI PCE =f (E e ),V CE = 5 VDark currentI CEO =f (V CE ),E = 0PhotocurrentI PCE /I PCE25o =f (T A ),V CE= 5 V。

FUTABA 6exhp遥控器中文说明书

FUTABA 6exhp遥控器中文说明书

FUTABA 6exhp 中文说明书目录:介绍 (1)服务 (1)内容和规格 (2)对6exhp系统的介绍 (2)发射器控制和描述 (3)接受设备安装 (4)接收器和伺服连接 (5)安装ni-cd电池 (5)lcd 和程序控制 (5)t6ehap发射机程序设定 (7)modl 模型选择功能 (7)modl 模型选择功能 (7)rest 数据重新设定功能 (7)plus 调变选择功能 (7)模型名字设定 (8)revr 伺服机构反向 (8)d/r 双重比率和指数的设定 (8)d/r 双重比率设定 (8)expo 指数 (9)epa 舵角调整 (9)trim微调设定 (9)n-th 常规油门曲线 (10)n-pi 常规螺距曲线 (10)i-th惰速油门曲线功能 (10)i-pi惰速螺距曲线功能 (11)hold油门保持功能 (11)revo 螺距-方向舵混控功能 (12)gyro 陀螺仪 (12)swsh 十字盘模式选择和舵角调整(swash afr) (13)fs 安全控制(仅pcm模式下有效) (14)流程图 (15)t6exhp 的其他功能 (16)教练功能 (16)可调长度的操纵杆 (16)改变手柄模式 (16)飞行安全指导方针 (17)飞行准备 (17)模型数据记录页 (19)介绍非常感谢你购买futaba 6exhp数字比例r/c直升飞机控制系统。


虽然这是智能的飞行遥控系统,但为了使你的futaba 6exhp设备更好地被好使用和安全地操作它,你一定要仔细地阅读以下所有说明。

提议: 如果,当你读指令的时候,你对一些程序或功能是不是很了解的时候,或者显示“stuck”的时候,请查阅本说明书。





抗氧剂 AO1613 化学成分
亚磷酸三(十三烷基)酯 CAS
68610-62-8 分子式
C 39H 81O 3P 分子量
单位 标准 外观
无色透明液体 折光率
1.4600-1.4650 比重 0.882-0.900
镀锌桶包装 净重 200KG/桶

若以适当的方式贮存在25°C 以下的干燥区域,保质期为一年





● AO1613是高分子量亚磷酸酯抗氧剂,磷含量非常高。

作为辅抗氧剂, AO1613分解氢经过氧化物的能力强。


● AO1613与受阻酚类抗氧剂复配后可广泛用于PVC,聚氨酯等高分子材料






[结果]推导设计了一种稳定的可控硅220kA级大容量聚变用crowbar旁路保护电子开关系统,经试验模拟实测验证及实载160 kA冲击考验,实现了HL-3保护用大容量旁路开关的匹配要求。







1 技术指标1.1 电特性本文所设计产品规定的电特性见表1。

表1 主要电特性极限值(绝对值)特性符号条件-55℃≤T A≤85℃ 最小最大单位输出电压E U OE 满载,I OE=2.0 A 4.80 5.20V输出电压C U OC 满载,I OC=1.0 A 11.80 12.20 V输出电压D U OD 满载,I OD=0.6 A -11.80-12.20 V 输出电压A U OA 满载,I OA=2.5 A 11.80 12.20 V输出电压B U OB 满载,I OB=0.5 A -11.80-12.20 V电压调整率 S V U CC=18 V~36 V,实际负载 - 0.5%纹波电压 U PP 满载 - 70 mV温度系数 C T T C=-55℃、+85℃,满载 -0.02%/℃绝缘电阻 R I 直流电压250 V 20 - MΩ重量 W - 600g1.2 额定使用条件电源电压(U CC):+18.0 V~+36.0 V;控制电压(U I):+3.0 V~+5.5 V;外同步频率(F S):400 k Hz±20 k Hz;工作温度范围(T A):-55℃~+85℃;贮存温度范围(T S):-55℃~+125℃。



溢油分散剂———————————————————————————————————————第一节产品说明———————————————————————————————————————产品名称:溢油分散剂型号:海鸥3#说明:脂肪酸聚氧乙烯酯、白油的混合物主要用途:主要用于消除海面溢油及平台、船舶、码头油类污染———————————————————————————————————————第二节物理和化学性质———————————————————————————————————————物理形态:透明液态颜色:黄色至棕红色pH值(20.0℃): 6.5──7.5倾点(℃):≤10闪点(℃):193比重(20.0℃):0.80~0.90水溶性(℃):可分散于水———————————————————————————————————————第三节稳定性和反应活性自聚可能无避免自聚反应的条件:不需稳定性:在一般使用和储存条件下稳定危险分解产物:一氧化碳,二氧化碳应避免接触的化学品(不相容物):强氧化剂应避免发生的情况:热源、明火、着火源和不相容物———————————————————————————————————————第四节危险组分———————————————————————————————————————危害健康的组份CAS编号大致含量(wt%)白油8012-95-1 60~65———————————————————————————————————————第五节危险说明———————————————————————————————————————警告! 如误服或吸入对身体有害。







———————————————————————————————————————第六节毒性研究和健康危害———————————————————————————————————————毒性研究国家海洋局北海监测中心对本品的生物毒性进行了检测,对纹缟蝦虎鱼的24小时半致死浓度(24hLC50)>3000mg/L,检测结果符合中华人民共和国行业标准HY 044—1997“海洋石油勘探开发常用消油剂性能指标及检验方法”对生物毒性的要求,具体检验结果如下:健康危害皮肤接触:长时间接触会使皮肤受刺激,若出现皮炎则是因为过敏导致的。






- 碳(C)的相对原子质量为12.01;
- 氢(H)的相对原子质量为1.008;
- 铝(Al)的相对原子质量为26.98。

因此,三甲基铝的分子量为:12.01×6 + 1.008×15 + 26.98 = 100.98。








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