1 鱼糜凝胶形成机理
S rm i o ucs Ge o e te n t v l p e t u i d t’ l Pr Pr p r isa d IsDe eo m n
YAO i, Le LUO n k n S Yo g a g , HEN i i g Hu x n
(. ol eo F o ce c, hn giutrl nv ri , e ig1 0 8 , hn ; 1C l g o d i e C iaA r l a i sy B in 0 0 3 C ia e f S n c u U e t j
p o e te n e d v l p e t f me h d o c n r l e r p ri s fs r r d c swe e r v e d. r p ri sa d t e e o m n t o st o to l o e t mi o u t r e i we h o g p e o u p Ke r s u i ; u i i r d c s g l r p ri s a d t e y wo d :s rmi s r o u t ; e o e e ; d i v s m p p t i
中图分类号 :T 244 S 5 .
文献标识码 :A
Hale Waihona Puke 文章编号 :1 0 —8 2 ( 0 ) 1 1 3 2 1 02—0 1 —0 0 0 0 8 5
实验二加热条件对于鱼糜制品凝胶特性的影响(一) 实验原理在鱼糜制品的加工过程中,蛋白质的凝胶特性对于产品的得率、组织特性、持水性、黏结性以及感官质量具有重要的影响,因此,它是鱼糜制品生产过程中关键的控制指标之一。
(三)实验步骤1. 鱼糜的制备称取约5kg原料鱼,去鳞、内脏、头、尾,用清水洗去黏液和血污,采肉并称重,然后用5倍质量的清水(〈10℃〉漂洗4次,以滤布挤压脱水,依次加入4%山梨醇、4%蔗糖、0.2%三聚磷酸钠和0.1%焦磷酸钠。
文献 , 阐述 了 鱼 糜 凝 胶 形 成 的 影 响 因 素 和 加 工
工 艺 的改 良 , 分 析 并 总 结 多 糖 类 和 非 肌 肉蛋 白 类凝 胶 增 强 剂 的 研 究 进 展 , 旨在 为 鱼 糜 制 品行
业 生产 和 开 发 优 质 、 健 康 的 鱼 糜 制 品 提 供 可 参
中在 两 方 面 : 一 是 通 过 了解 影 响 鱼 糜 凝 胶 特 性 的 因素 , 优 化 鱼 糜 加 工 工 艺 来 提 高 鱼 糜 凝 胶 的
强度 ; 二 是 在 鱼 糜 擂 溃 阶段 加 入 各 种 鱼 糜 凝 胶 增 强 剂 来 改 良鱼 糜 凝 胶 特 性 。
个 阶段。凝胶化是 形成鱼糜制 品弹性结构 的过
下, 肌 球 蛋 白 中 的 螺旋 结 构会 不 断地 打 开 , 相 邻 蛋 白质分 子之 间会 通过 一定 的化 学键 相互 连接
成 网状 结 构 。凝 胶 劣 化 发 生 在 温 度 上 升 到 5 0~ 6 5 c i C时 , 由于蛋 白酶 的作用 , 凝 胶形 成 了断 裂 网
鱼糜( s u r i mi ) , 是指将鱼体经过采 肉 、 漂洗 、 脱水 、 精 滤 而 制 得 的 肌 肉蛋 白浓 缩 物 。鱼 糜 制
品 以鱼 糜 为 主 要 原 料 , 配 以淀粉 、 大豆蛋 白、 蛋
在温 度上 升到 5 0℃前 , 肌 动蛋 白和 肌球 蛋 白形成 较松散 的网状 结 构 , 凝 胶 开 始形 成 。蛋 白质 发 生 凝胶化 之后 , 在 一定 的离 子 强度 、 p H、 蛋 白质 浓 度
状 结构 。鱼糕 化 过 程 是 指 当鱼 糜 温 度 升 到 6 5~
鱼糜制品作为历史悠久的传统食品,在许多国家和地区广为 流传。鱼糜制品营养价值高,携带、食用方便, 原料来源 丰富,可以将商品价值低但营养价值高的鱼类资源,充分 而合理地利用。淀粉作为鱼糜制品一种重要的加工配料, 对其凝胶特性有着重要影响。在鱼糜制品中添加淀粉可提 升鱼糜的凝胶强度,改善其质构性能,降低生产成本。
失水率说明了淀粉保持水分的能力,其值越高说明持水能力 越低;持水能力高的变性淀粉添加到鱼糜制品中能使鱼糜制 品中的水分得到保持,增加鱼糜制品的持水性,从而改善鱼糜 制品的凝胶特性。
淀粉能显著降低带鱼鱼糜凝胶的失水率,且随着添加量的增加,失水率降低。不同种类的淀 粉对带鱼鱼糜凝胶持水性的影响不同,添加15%的小麦淀粉、马铃薯淀粉、木薯淀粉、交联 淀粉和羟丙基淀粉,凝胶失水率分别减小至 4.76%、10.67%、4.95%、8. 13% 和 10. 04% 。这 是由于淀粉能够溶胀,可以形成更紧密的凝胶网络。
Effects of modified starches on the gel properties of Alaska Pollock surimi subjected to different temperature treatments(Wenjun Kong,2015)
Whiteness of starch-containing surimi gels. 当在相同温度下加热时,所有添加淀粉的样品比对照具有更大的白度。这种更大的白度可能是由于 淀粉比鱼糜更白。含有NCS和HCS的鱼糜凝胶样品比含有CHCS的凝胶样品更白。这种差异可能是 由以下原因解释的。一方面,不同淀粉的颜色不同,并且一些更白的淀粉的添加对于改善白度(例 如NCS和HCS)是有利的,另一方面,羟丙基淀粉含有亲水性的羟基,吸水膨胀能力较强,有利于增 加鱼糜制品的白度。
Materials and methods:试验原料:鲜活镜鲤鱼发酵剂:葡萄糖、酵母粉、茶多酚设备:鱼糜发酵罐、电子天平、冰箱、高速离心机、臭氧仪实验分析:本研究采用静态发酵法,将鲜活镜鲤鱼经过杀菌、刮鳞、去头去腹腔和去骨等处理后,切成小块,加入适量的葡萄糖、酵母粉和茶多酚,进行鱼糜发酵。
p r e s s re u 6 0 0 a p o s s e s s e d t h e h i g h e s t g e l — s t r e n g t h o f 4 2 9 . 7 7 5 g ‘ c l n , b e ng i 2 3 . 0 3 % h ig h e r t h a n ha t t o f t h e h e a t — i n d u c e d g e 1 . P r e s s u r e - nd i u c e d
Ge l l i n g Pr o p e r t i e s o f t h e S u r i mi I n d u c e ・ d b y Ul t r a - h i g h Pr e s s u r e
低值淡水鱼鱼糜制品凝胶强度的研究3高翔1,王蕊1,刘后祥21(江苏食品职业技术学院,江苏淮安,223003) 2(江苏省宿迁市双湖蟹业有限公司,江苏宿迁,223700)摘 要 凝胶强度是衡量淡水鱼鱼糜制品品质的一项关键指标,对淡水鱼鱼糜添加内源性转谷氨酰胺酶(TGase )、CaCl 2、蛋清、山药进行凝胶实验,结果表明:鲢鱼鱼糜制品中添加30UTGase 凝胶强度增加117倍,添加015%CaCl 2增加113倍,添加3%蛋清、20%山药分别增加7%与5%;TGase 与钙具有协同效应;对添加TGase 、CaCl 2、蛋清、山药进行正交试验,综合淡水鱼鱼糜制品凝胶强度与感官品质两方面因素,TGase 、CaCl 2、蛋清、山药添加量分别为50U 、015%、4%、20%效果最好。
关键词 低值淡水鱼,鱼糜制品,凝胶强度第一作者:硕士,副教授。
3淮安市科技局资助项目(HAG08057);宿迁市双湖蟹业有限公司资助项目(JSSP0902)收稿日期:2009-12-27,改回日期:2010-04-27 淡水鱼中青、草、鲢、鳙、锂、鲫、鳊、鲂八大家鱼占70%,其中鲢鱼生产量最大。
淡水鱼鱼糜制品的生产工艺已基本成熟,添加剂的使用及机理研究已取得一定成果,目前,研究热点主要集中在鱼糜内源性转谷氨酰胺酶(Transglu 2ta m inase 简称“TGase ”)和蛋白质水解酶及其激活剂与抑制剂等方面。
鱼糜制品凝胶特性研究进展励建荣,陆海霞,傅玉颖,李学鹏(浙江工商大学食品、生物与环境工程学院,浙江省食品安全重点实验室,浙江杭州310035)摘 要:鱼糜是海洋食品工业中的一种重要功能性原料,其凝胶特性是评价鱼糜制品质量的重要指标。
关键词:鱼糜制品,凝胶特性,处理条件,凝胶增强剂R e sea rch p r o g re s s o n ge l p r op e rti e s o f su ri m i p r o duc tsL I J i a n -rong,L U Ha i -x i a ,FU Y u -y i n g,L I Xue -peng(College of Food Science and B i otechnol ogy,Zhejiang Gongshang University,Food Safety Key Lab of Zhejiang Pr ovince,Hangzhou 310035,China )Ab s trac t:S u ri m i is w id e l y us e d a s a n i m p o rta n t func tiona l raw m a te ri a l in s e a food ind us try a nd its g e l p rop e rti e s is a n i m p o rta n t i nd e x to d e te r m i ne the q ua lity of s u ri m i p rod uc ts 1How to i m p rove the g e l p rop e rtie s ha s b e c om e a foc us p rob l em d u ring the p roc e s s i ng of s u ri m i a t p re s e n t 1G e l p rop e rti e s of s u ri m i p rod uc ts,the m a in p a ram e te rs of w h ic h i nc lud e rhe o l og ic a l a nd te xtu re c ha ra c te ris tic s,a re no t on ly a ffe c te d b y the in te rna l fa c to rs s uc h a s fis h p ro te ins ’ow n c ha ra c te ris ti c s a nd a c tions of e nd og e nous e nzym e s,b u t a ls o a ffe c te d b y e xte rna l fa c to rs s uc h a s tre a t m e n t c itions,a d d itive s,a nd s o on 1In th is p ap e r,a c tion p rinc i p l e a nd re s e a rc h s ta tus of e ffe c ts of e xte rna l fa c to rs s uc h a s tre a t m e n t c ond iti ons,a d d itive s a nd e nzym e s on g e l p rop e rti e s w e re re view e d,w ith the a i m of d is c us s ing on the e ffe c ti ve w a y to i m p rove g e l p rop e rtie s of s u ri m i p rod uc ts 1Key wo rd s:s u ri m i p rod uc ts;g e l p rop e rtie s;tre a t m e n t c ond itions;g e l in te ns ifie d a d d itive s中图分类号:TS25411 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1002-0306(2008)011-0291-04收稿日期:2008-08-15作者简介:励建荣(1964-),男,博士,教授,博导,研究方向:食品加工与安全控制。
超高压诱导鱼糜凝胶性能的研究周爱梅,林丽英,梁燕,张风,杨慧,刘欣,陈永泉(华南农业大学食品学院,广东广州 510642)摘要:本文研究了压力对六齿金线鱼鱼糜凝胶的凝胶特性、溶解度、电泳和TCA-可溶性肽含量的影响,并与热处理的结果对比。
研究表明,压力诱导凝胶的凝胶强度随压力增大而增大,600 MPa处理的凝胶强度达到最大值为429.775 g·cm,比热处理凝胶高23.03%。
与热处理样相比,压力诱导凝胶的硬度、咀嚼性较低,内聚性较高,弹性在200 MPa以上时较高,持水性较好,白度较低。
压力诱导凝胶的溶解度高于热处理凝胶,SDS-P AGE显示其肌球蛋白重链较深,表明压力会使内源性转谷氨酰胺酶的活性降低,不利于形成ε-(γ-谷氨酰)赖氨酸键。
关键词:超高压;六齿金线鱼;鱼糜;凝胶文章篇号:1673-9078(2013)9-2058-2062Gelling Properties of the Surimi Induced by Ultra-high PressureZHOU Ai-mei, LIN Li-ying, LIANG Y an, ZHANG Feng, YANG Hui, LIU Xin, CHEN Y ong-quan (College of Food Science, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642, China) Abstract:Effect of pressures on the textural properties, solubility, SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and TCA-soluble peptides of gels from threadfin bream (Nemipterus bleekeri) surimi were investigated and compared with heat-induced surimi gels. According to the result, the increased gel strength of surimi gels was observed with the increasing of the pressure. Surimi gels induced by pressure 600 MPa possessed the highest gel-strength of 429.775 g·cm, being 23.03% higher than that of the heat-induced gel. Pressure-induced surimi gels had significant lower hardness and chewiness but higher cohesiveness than heat-induced gels. Higher springiness could be achieved when pressure was beyond 200 MPa. Pressure-induced surimi gels had higher water-holding ability but lower whiteness than heat-induced gels. Higher solubility and MHC band intensity of surimi gels treated with pressurization were observed than those of gels treated with heating, indicating that endogenous transglutaminase might be inactived under pressurization and thus result in the decrease ofε-(γ-glutamyl) lysine linkage formation. The content of TCA-soluble peptide of pressure-induced gels were lower than that of heat-induced gels, suggesting the endogenous proteolysis protease in surimi which could result in gel-weakening might be inactived by high pressure. The above results demonstrated that tender surimi gels with higher springiness and gel strength could be induced by high pressure, which might be due to its inhibitory effect on the activity of the endogenous proteolysis proteinase in surimi.Key words: ultra-high pressure; threadfin bream; surimi; gelatin六齿金线鱼(Nemipterus hexodon),金线鱼科、金线鱼属,隶属于鲈形目,主要分布于印度—西太平洋的热带和亚热带海域,是典型的暖水种。
*通讯作者 收稿日期:2011-11-25 基金项目: 东北农业大学创新团队项目 (CXZ011) ; 黑龙江省自然科学基金项目 (C201122) ; 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金项目 (20102325110011)。 作者简介:李艳青(197—),女,博士研究生,讲师,研究方向为畜产品加工。
Gel formation mechanism of surimi and research progress on new additives of enhancing gel properties of surimi
LI Yan-qing1,2 , KONG Bao-hua1*, XIA Xiu-fang1
FOOD SCIENCE A高鱼糜凝胶 特性的添加物研究新进展
李艳青1,2,孔保华1*,夏秀芳1 (1.东北农业大学食品学院,哈尔滨 150030; 2.黑龙江八一农垦大学食品学院,大庆 163319)
摘要:鱼糜凝胶特性是评价鱼糜品质的重要指标,介绍了鱼糜凝胶形成机理及引起凝胶劣变的 内在因素,综述了目前用于提高鱼糜凝胶特性的添加剂最新研究进展,为我国淡水鱼鱼糜加工 发展提供理论依据。 关键词:鱼糜;凝胶特性;添加物 中图分类号:TS 254.1 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1005-9989(2012)07-0140-05
(1.College of Food Science, Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin 150030; 2.College of Food Science, Heilongjiang Bayi Agricultural University, Daqing 163319)
及L,并对活性与温度关系作了研究。结果得知太 平洋产鳍鱼肉的组织蛋白酶H活力不易残存鱼糜 中,但鱼糜中仍有较多的组织蛋白酶B和L,其活 力残存,尤其是组织蛋白酶L在30~75 ℃有相当高 的活性,猜测是造成太平洋产鳍鱼糜热解凝的重 要因素。李树红[4]以淡水鲢鱼为对象研究得出,漂 洗后的鲢鱼鱼糜中残留了大量蛋白酶B、L、H活 性。此外,还发现其中组织蛋白酶L活性最高,这 可能是因为鲢鱼组织白酶L与肌球蛋白的亲和力较 高,不易被漂洗去除。这与海水鱼太平洋牙鳕中 组织蛋白酶L的性质相似。 1.2.2 内源丝氨酸蛋白酶的作用 肌原纤维蛋白酶 是在肌肉组织可溶性的肌浆成分中发现的,它与 细胞器官、结缔组织、肌原纤维相关联,存在于 肌原纤维空间。根据最适pH值活性,肌肉内源蛋 白酶一般可以分为酸性、中性和碱性,中性和碱 性蛋白酶对机体死后影响变化有影响,特别是在 鱼糜生产中对肌肉蛋白的流变学性质有着负面影 响 [5] 。国际生物化学与酶学委员会根据它们对肽 键的水解作用对蛋白酶进行了分类,分为丝氨酸 蛋白酶、半胱氨酸蛋白酶、天冬氨酸蛋白酶和金 属蛋白酶。丝氨酸蛋白酶(EC 3. 4. 21. x)在活性中 心有一个丝氨酸残基,正如组氨酸和天冬氨酸残 基一样。己经证明肌浆丝氨酸蛋白酶(sarcoplasmic serine proteinase)和肌纤维丝氨酸蛋白酶(myofibrillar serine proteinase)都对凝胶劣化现象有影响。而肌 纤维丝氨酸蛋白酶被认为是比较重要的因素,因 为在鱼糜制作的漂洗过程中肌浆丝氨酸蛋白酶大 部分会被除去,因此认为肌原纤维丝氨酸蛋白酶 是产生凝胶劣化现象的重要原因。为了提高鱼糜 的凝胶强度,常在鱼糜中添加一些蛋白酶抑制 剂,如大豆胰蛋白酶制剂(STI),对鲢鱼肌肉中肌 原纤维结合型丝氨酸蛋白酶(MBSP)引起的肌原纤 维蛋白降解有抑制作用,使鱼糜特别是淡水鱼鱼 糜的凝胶强度得到了一定的改善[6]。 1.2.3 蛋白质氧化的作用 关于蛋白质氧化影响食 品质量的问题已引起更多人的重视,通常认为氧 化引起的质量裂变仅次于微生物腐败。氧化会引 起食品变质、变味、营养成分破坏,严重时会产 生有毒化合物。近十几年,已经有很多关于氧化 引起的食品质量劣变的报道,当蛋白质受到游离 基的作用时会表现出强的氧化敏感性,使蛋白质 的理化性发生明显的变化,如氨基酸破坏、蛋白 质溶解性降低、蛋白酶失活,而且氨基酸降解会
肉类研究MEAT RESEARCH 2009.12Received: 11 November 2009About the author: QU Nan Ocean University of China email:qunanbetty@Research Progress on Gel Properties of SurimiQU Nan(Ocean University of China , Qingdao 266003, China )Abstract :Surimi is an important element of the aquatic deep processing industry. The gel property of surimi is an key factor for evaluating the character of surimi products.How to improve the gel properties in surimi processing is a focus issue nowadays. This article summarized the formation,in fl uencing factors and ways of enhancing the gelation of surimi.Key words: surimi ;gel strength ;elasticity0 IntroductionSurimi is made from the fi sh meat through the processof mining, rinsing, dehydration, add an appropriate amount of sugar, poly-phosphate and other additives to prevent freeze denaturation of the protein so that it can be preserved a long time at lower temperature conditions [1]. Because its convenient process and it can take full and effective use of aquatic resources, with high protein, low fat, eat convenience, portability and other characteristics, it has become a kind of promising modern aquatic processing foods which consumer favorite. However, at present the majority of the raw materials of surimi-based products are most dependent on import, which led to high production cost. In recent years, Domestic and foreign research scholars generally agreed that surimi and its products is an important direction of the development of China's freshwater fish processing.The freshwater fish processed into surimi (surimi), can not only solve the contradictions of the freshwater fi sh supply and the different marketing seasons, but also enhance its value, reduce the cost, lower the price of surimi.The evaluation of the quality of surimi-based products primarily through its elasticity, water holding capacity, flavor, color, the most important is the flexibility. The elasticity of surimi-based products is the comprehensive expression of hardness, flexibility, and adhesive. Depends primarily on gelation of surimi protein. The materials of surimi must have a certain ability to gel.This article make a brief review of the gel ability, impact factors and improvement measures of surimi.1 Surimi gelationSurimi gelation mainly refers to gelation of myosin and actin molecules form a loose network structure before 50℃, and then turn into gel from sol. After the gelation of protein,α-helix of myosin molecules loosen slowly. When the temperature reaches 50-60℃, protein gels turn to a fracture network through the hydrophobic interaction and disulfide bond interaction, leading to the surimi modori. If the temperature continue to increase, gel will become orderly and non-transparent-like, gel strength increased significantly. The gel properties of protein is the key factor to determine the quality of fish products, Because it has a direct impact on organizational characteristics, water retention, caking property and product yield of fi shproducts [2].Myo fi brillar protein is a protein group with important biological features which myosin and actin form the main component. It is the most important muscle protein, which is known as salt-soluble protein. Gel properties of the muscle salt-soluble protein play an important role in structure features, determining the output, texture, adhesion, fat content and water retention of the product. Ferry [3] pointed out that the mechanism of the protein gel is myofibrillar protein heated lead to the dissociation of non-covalent bond, conformational changes to expose reactive groups, especially the hydrophobic groups of myosin which conducive to the interaction between肉类研究proteins, so that the denaturation protein-based group polymerization to a larger molecules gels.Muscle protein myosin is the most important factor in gel, can form a good gel alone. Other myofi brillar proteins such as actin, regulatory proteins, and cytoskeleton proteins do not form gels, but have a signifi cant impact on the viscoelastic properties of gels[4].Lin[5] assume that the most important factor impacting the fi sh gel properties is the content of sarcoplasmic protein. Sarcoplasmic proteins reduce the gel-forming ability of myofibrillar protein and properties (such as strength, water retention, etc.) by affecting the aggregation of myosin. So it is critical to rinse to remove as much as sarcoplasmic proteins to increase the ability of the gel of myofi brillar protein.2 Surimi modoriModori is a common phenomenon in the process of surimi-based products which will lead to decline of the quality of surimi-based products. Overseas studies have shown that the softening of surimi-based products due to the hydrolysis of myosin caused by endogenous heat-stable protease. These protease include the lysosomal cysteine protease cathepsin B, L, or L-like, H and other protease [6 ~ 8]. For a long time, rinsing process is used in production to remove the gel softening induced protease in sarcoplasmic proteins to enhance the gel strength, in order to enhance the quality of surimi products.. However, many studies have shown that rinsing process can not completely remove the cathepsin B, L, L-like and H, in particular, cathepsin L [9-12]. However, Li-hong [13] have shown that silver carp surimi have the residue activity of the protease B, L, H after rinsing, consistented with the results of the study. In addition, it is also found that the activity of cathepsin L the highest residual rate, this may be because the white silver carp enzyme L can not easily removed by rinsing for its higher affinity with the organization of myosin..This is similar with the nature of the Pacific Alaska pollack’s cathepsin L[13]. There are also studies have shown that cathepsin L has no obvious effect on fi sh such as pollock. According to the different species, myosin may also be bound with other types of self-hydrolysis protease, such as myofi brils combination of serine protease (MBSP).3 Affecting factors of surimi gel strength andthe strengthening omeasuresThe gel strength of surimi and its products can be measured by fracture strength, degree of depression and the water holding capacity. Gelatin is the product of the breaking strength and the degree of depression, can also be measured by gel-based index and gel degradation index. The influencing factors of gel strength of surimi include species of fi sh freshness, rinsing process, heating methods, gels enhancer additions, etc. In addition, the high-pressure treatment can also enhance the gel strength.3.1 The species of fishBasic ingredients are also different between different types of fi sh, the diffi culty and facility of gel may be different. For example, gel-forming ability of marine fi sh is stronger than freshwater fish, white meat fish stronger than red meat fi sh, bony fi sh is stronger than cartilaginous fi sh.3.2 The freshness of fishMany scholars have already made a lot of research on protein denaturation of fish stored at low temperatures. These studies show that fi sh proteins will denature under storage at low temperature, mainly refl ected in the changes in the spatial structure[15-16]and solubility of myofibrillar protein[17], ATPase activity of actomyosin[16-20], the content of mercapto group, hydrophobicity of myofi brillar protein, and hydrolyze of myofibrillar protein under the effect of exogenous enzyme and endogenous enzyme, ect[22-23].A large number of studies have shown that there is a certain correlation between the changes in the physical and chemical indicators of surimi protein which is frozen storage. Long time storage will lead to degeneration of myosin, hydrophobic area exposed hydrophobicity increased, the spatial structure of the head of myosin changes, leading to the decrease of ATPase activity, sulfhydryl group oxidation, disulfi de bonds increased. Pan Jin-feng [24] found that there is some correlation between the decline in different physical and chemical properties of silver carp surimi protein. Silver carp surimi proteins form the disulfi de bonds during frozen storage, which led to a decline in salt-soluble and enzyme activity, and eventually lead to a decline in its water retention. Zhou Yan [25] found that the denaturation temperature of salt-soluble protein of surimi reduced as the increase of the amount of protein loss. Wang Yu [26] study on the optimum conditions of cross-linking reaction and gel-based of silver carp surimi. The result is that there exists an obvious positive correlation between cross-linking and gel strength of myosin.In short, surimi gel reduced as the fall of the freshness, so fresh ingredients is necessary to get high-quality surimi.3.3 Rinsing processGel breaking strength, sag and gel strength of the surimi which is unrinsed are of the lowest degree, with the highest rate of separated water. The breaking strength, sag and gel strength of surimi gel increase and rate of separated water decline after rinsed with different concentrations of CaCl2solution. This shows that due to the presence of a large number of water-soluble proteins in unrinsed surimi gel, salt-soluble myosin can not form a dense gel network. After rinsing, the soluble sarcoplasmicprotein, degradation factors of fi sh gel such as pigment are removad, furthur more, the presence of Ca2 + activate the endogenous. The enzyme can catalyze the cross-linking of myosin heavy chain. In addition, Ca2 + also has the ability of bridging, reinforcing the protein network. Therefore, after rinsing, the surimi gel quality can be significantly increased. Baxter [27] studied the cleansing’s influence on the crabs gel, water-retaining property and strength of the crabs gel increased if cleaned no more than 3 times.3.4 Heating conditions methodHeating conditions and manner have a signifi cant infl uence on the surimi gel properties. Due to various surimi has a strong gel-forming ability at 40℃ or so, therefore, fi rst to make surimi gel at low-temperature, then quickly heated through the gel deterioration temperature can signifi cantly increase its gel strength. There are many studies on the gelling properties of eight kinds of West Africa frozen surimi with different heating temperature, heating time and heating method. The results shows that the surimi heated at 40℃ basically has a strong gel strength, 60~70℃ gel degradation. Heating 20min at 40℃and then heated at 90℃ for 40min, surimi-based products can have a high hardness, elasticity and gel strength.3.5 Additivessome additives are often added in the surimi processing to enhance the gel performance. In the freshwater fi sh surimi processing, starch, dietary fiber, protease preparations, Ca2+-containing substances and reducing substances are commonly used. They have a important influence on the freshwater fish surimi gel properties and quality. In addition to consider the impact of the single factors on the freshwater fi sh surimi, their synergistic effect should also be taken into account.3.5.1 Starch and dietary fiberStarch is a commonly used thickener and excipients in meat products. It can affect the quality of carp surimi gel. Studies have shown that potato starch is better than corn starch and potato starch on increase the quality of carp surimi gel. Egg white protein is significantly better than the peanut protein with the same amount on the role of carp surimi gel. Carrageenan can improve the quality of carp surimi gel. the quality of the carp surimi is the best when the addition of Potato starch, egg white protein and carrageenan in proportion to 10:1:1 [28]. Dietary fi ber have water-retention capacity, can signifi cantly improve surimi gel strength and effectively delay the deterioration of surimi gel.3.5.3 ReductionAdding a number of reduction at the begining of surimi gelation can inhibit thiol oxidized to disulfide bonds, restore the activity of frozen denatured protein. For example, add 0.08%~0.10% reduction of mercaptoethanol and sodium and so on at the begining of gelation can recovery the activity of oxidized sulfhydryl group in muscles of freshwater fi sh surimi after frozen storage. the level is up to 80%.3.5.4 hydrocolloidsHydrocolloids affected the gel properties of horse mackerel surimi. The addition of the available glue, tamarind gum, konjac gum, carrageenan, agar and CMC can improve the gel strength of horse mackerel surimi. Adding guar gum and sodium alginate on the horse mackerel surimi leads to slightly affected of its gel properties, but not signifi cant. Xanthan gum and pectin can lower the gel properties of mackerel surimi[30]. Konjac gum has little effect on the intensity of the myosin heavy chain band, but can make surimi to form dense, uniform gel network. At the same time, increasing the gel strength and water holding capacity, reducing the whiteness of surimi gel [31].3.5.5 protein additiveProtein additives can make some improvement on the gel strength of surimi especially freshwater fish surimi. such as soybean trypsin inhibitor (STI) can inhibit the degradation of myofibrillar protein caused by myofibril-国 际 交 流3.5.2 CryoprotectantsCryoprotectants are mainly sucrose, sorbitol, compound phosphate and other oligosaccharides. The -OH group of sucrose, sorbitol can form a stable structure with the water molecules around the myofi brillar protein of surimi. Compound phosphate can adjust the pH value of surimi, prevent the surimi protein denaturation; chelate metal ions in surimi, increase ionic strength; allows actomyosin decomposed into actin and myosin protein, it can also dissolved salt-soluble proteins.The flavor of surimi products will be affected after adding sugar and some other sweet substances as Cryoprotectants. so the non-sweet taste of Cryoprotectantsresearch is getting more and more attention.Rehalose is non-reducing disaccharide, with the ability of protect biological dehydration, inhibit the decrease of salt-soluble myofibrillar proteins, Ca2+-ATPase activity and sulfhydryl content and the increase of the surface hydrophobicity during frozen, delaying the freezing-thawing of bighead carp myofi bril protern. More effective than sucrose, sorbitol and their mixtures[29]. There are also studies have shown that polyphenols can be added in the frozen surimi to signifi cantly lower the acid value, peroxide value, TVBN value. It also can inhibit the reduction of water content in frozen surimi and slow down the decrease of frozen surimi gel strength significantly, while the impact on the gel strength frozen surimi was not signifi cant.肉类研究bound serine protease (MBSP) in the muscle of silver carp. It is found that caspase can inhibit the modori of the marine fi sh, but the inhibition of modori of freshwater fi sh is less. Soy protein isolate (SPI) can enhance the intensity of MHC [31]. Studies have shown that tyrosinase has an impact on thermal stability and gel formation of myofibrillar protein of breast [32]. SDS-PAGE gel electrophoresis showed that myosin, troponin are of the most sensitive to tyrosinase while the actomyosin not changed signifi cantly. Globulin play a decisive role in gelation. Thus the addition of tyrosinase to breast can increase the gel strength, hardness, moisture retention. Egg albumin and bovine plasma protein could slow down the softening of surimi gel due to its inhibition on the cathepsins of fi sh.The addition of TGase can catalyzes the formation of cross-linked bond between MHC of Eel surimi, thereby enhancing its gel properties. The gel strength of add 5% TGase Eel surimi is three times higher[33]. At the same time, additives and seasoning additions can affect or limit the production of fishy smell substances. Because they have the activity to inhibit microbial producing fi shiness substances, they can neutralize, transform, adsorption, embed or mask fi shiness substances to achieve the purpose of the reduction or removal of fi shiness smell.3.5.6 PressureStudies have shown that the appropriate pressure is conducive to protein gel. Because it lead to changes in the covalent structure of protein, which is conductive to to the interaction of protein. As a result, the elasticity of surimi gel is improved. But the excessive pressure may result in the denaturation of action, which is not conducive to protein gelation. Iwasaki et al [34] have reported a similar conclusion is that it is conducive to protein gel under the pressure of 200MPa, the pressure of more than 200MPa would inhibit the fl exibility of rubber.4 Prospects and outlookImprove gel strength become the focus of the study as the demands for surimi-based products increasing. Muscle salt-soluble protein is the decisive factor of surimi gel. The formation of myofi brillar protein gel which is induced by heat is a complex dynamic process. There are a number of factors will affect the gel formation in varying degrees. Therefore, the myofibrillar protein gel formation and its infl uencing factors also need further research.(Translated from Meat Research 2009.10,pp80-83)。
实验二加热条件对于鱼糜制品凝胶特性的影响(一) 实验原理在鱼糜制品的加工过程中,蛋白质的凝胶特性对于产品的得率、组织特性、持水性、黏结性以及感官质量具有重要的影响,因此,它是鱼糜制品生产过程中关键的控制指标之一。
(三)实验步骤1. 鱼糜的制备称取约5kg原料鱼,去鳞、内脏、头、尾,用清水洗去黏液和血污,采肉并称重,然后用5倍质量的清水(〈10℃〉漂洗4次,以滤布挤压脱水,依次加入4%山梨醇、4%蔗糖、0.2%三聚磷酸钠和0.1%焦磷酸钠。
压头直径为5mm,样品上升速度为6cm/min,压到凝胶破断时的凹陷深度为凝胶的强度值(cm),此时的破断强度为硬度值(g),根据以下公式计算凝胶强度:凝胶强度(g·cm)=硬度值×强度值4.结果分析蓝色:加热20min 红色:加热60min根据得到的实验室结果,以凝胶强度为纵坐标、以加热温度为横坐标作图,分别讨论加热温度、时间和加热方式(一段或两段式)对于凝胶特性的影响。
Food Science And Technology And Economy
Aug.2023 Vol.48, No.4
王 缓 1,2,王乐姣 1,祝 媛 2,杨林伟 2,李 超 2,张 涛 1,陈银基 1 (1. 南京财经大学 食品科学与工程学院,江苏 南京 210023;2. 雨润集团肉品加工
1 外源添加剂对鱼糜凝胶性能影响的研究进展
近年来,鱼糜制品因其具有高蛋白、低脂肪的 特性而备受消费者青睐。但是,在鱼糜产品加工过 程中常常会添加过多的钠盐,鱼糜中钠盐一方面可 以增加鱼糜的味道,另一方面在鱼糜加工过程中为 了获得理想的鱼糜产品,需要用钠盐来提取盐溶性 肌原纤维蛋白。可溶性肌原纤维蛋白的提取量与盐 的含量密切相关,并额外影响蛋白质结合能力。除 此,盐还可以通过抑制微生物的细胞的渗透压,降 低食源性病原体的活性 [9]。但是,过量的钠盐摄入, 不仅会增加高血压患病的风险,还会增加中风和心 血管疾病的可能。因此,常常会引起消费者的担忧。 制作低盐产品通常有两种方法,一种是直接降低钠 盐的含量,另一种是寻找替代盐的产品。但直接降 低盐的含量会导致鱼糜凝胶性能变差。目前研究人 员正在寻找可替代性钠盐的添加剂,使其在提高鱼 糜产品健康性的同时,又可以改善鱼糜的凝胶性能。 鱼糜从最初的清洗到最终加热成凝胶的过程中,使 用具有某些功能特性的添加剂替代钠盐具有巨大潜 力。膳食纤维具有非热量成分,在体内不容易被消 化且能增加饱腹感,可用于控制体重,增强胃肠蠕 动,改善肠道菌群,降低胆固醇,抑制肿瘤的发生; 植物油脂类不含胆固醇,且有多种不饱和脂肪酸, 可以满足人体的需求;水溶性胶体等添加剂有助于 吸收金属离子,同时具有降血压、降血糖、降血脂 等功效。将这些功能性添加剂加入鱼糜中,不仅使
(一)加工1. 鱼去鳞、去内脏、去骨,保留肉质。
2. 将鱼肉和食盐按照一定比例混合均匀,静置一段时间后,用绞肉机将鱼肉绞碎,制成细鱼浆。
3. 在细鱼浆中加入淀粉、蛋清、水、酵母菌等调料,搅拌均匀。
(二)发酵1. 将搅拌均匀的鱼浆倒入沙锅内,用文火加热至50-55℃。
2. 将加热后的鱼浆倒入发酵罐内,加入发酵剂和发酵辅料。
3. 发酵罐内保持适宜的温度和湿度,发酵10-12小时。
(三)烹调1. 将发酵好的鱼糜倒入煮沸的水中,搅拌均匀。
2. 煮沸后,调低火候,继续煮2-3小时。
结果表明:随着凝胶化温度从30℃升高到50℃,酸化速率升高,凝胶p H 达到稳定所需要的时间缩短,GDL诱导鱼糜凝胶的凝胶强度逐渐下降,失水率逐渐上升。
SDS-PAGE结果显示 GDL诱导鱼糜凝胶 MHC 条带强度受温度影响较小。
当凝胶化条件为30℃、3.5 h 时,可通过电镜扫描观察到一个致密均匀的网络结构。
%This research investigated the influence of setting tempera-ture and time on the gel properties of glucono-δ-lactone (GDL)-in-duced surimi gel.The results showed that the acidification rate in-creased with the temperature increasing from 30 ℃ to 50 ℃.Conse-quently,the time for the gel pH to stabilize decreased which induce to the decline of gel strength and the increase of the expressible water content of GDL-induced surimi gel.It is indicated that protein sub-units solubilized in various solvents revealed that the formation of GDL-induced surimi gel mainly through hydrophobic interactions and it increased with temperature.The content of total SH increased with temperature indicating the reduction of disulphide bond content.The results of SDS-PAGE revealed that the temperature has littleimpact on the MHC band intensity.The microstructure is compact andfine through the SEM under the condition of 30 ℃,3.5 h.【期刊名称】《食品与机械》【年(卷),期】2016(032)012【总页数】5页(P17-21)【关键词】鱼糜;葡萄糖酸内酯;凝胶化条件;凝胶特性【作者】吴雪微;姜启兴;许艳顺;于沛沛;夏文水【作者单位】江南大学食品学院,江苏无锡 214122;江南大学食品学院,江苏无锡 214122;江南大学食品学院,江苏无锡 214122;江南大学食品学院,江苏无锡214122;江南大学食品学院,江苏无锡 214122【正文语种】中文鱼糜制品具有高蛋白、低脂肪的特点,并且食用方便,从20世纪60年代以来,已成为一种极具发展前景的水产加工食品,其年产量由2004年的32.98万t增长到2014年的151.79万t,增长360.24%,是近年增长最快的水产食品之一[1-2]。
毕业论文文献综述食品科学与工程鱼糜制品国内外研究现状[摘要] 本文从鱼糜制品保鲜技术的国内外研究进展、方法及其对鱼糜制品保鲜技术的研究进行了综述。
[关键词] 鱼糜制品;凝胶;保鲜技术将鱼肉绞碎经配料、擂溃、成为稠而富有粘性的鱼肉浆(生鱼糜)、再做成一定形状后进行水煮、油炸、焙烤烘干等加热或干燥处理而制成的食品称为鱼糜制品。
2006 年中国水产总量超过5 000 万t,但中国鱼糜及其制品的年产量只有50 万t 左右[1-3]。
1 国内外鱼糜制品的研究概述1.1 鱼糜制品的研究进展我国有着非常悠久的鱼类加工利用历史,如传统的腌制、腊制、干制、熏制等地方特色鱼制品一直广受欢迎,但是随着社会发展和人们生活水平的提高,人们对于各种不同种类食品的选择也越来越多,传统风味制品也由于其贮藏功能被取代,逐渐失去了其原有的在食物构成中的位置。
我国科研人员和生产工作者也在不断探询对鱼新的加工利用途径,如研制鱼肉切片火腿,休闲食品和婴儿食品的试制等,但是目前都没有得到很好的推广和应用(吴光红,1999;张伟,1999;王海洪,1999) 。
关键词:斩拌;鱼糜;凝胶性Research Progress on the Effect of Chopping on the Characteristics of Surimi GelsDENG Xiudie1, YANG Mei2, LIAO Changwen1, HUANG Ao1*, HUANG Shuiwen1(1.Xiangsihu College of Guangxi Minzu University, Nanning 530000, China;2.Nanning University, Nanning 530000, China)Abstract: Chopping process is one of the key processes to obtain good surimi gel properties. This paper summarizes the reports on the effect of chopping on the gel properties of surimi in recent years, analyzes and compares the advantages and disadvantages of chopping and smashing, as well as the effects of chopping time, chopping temperature, chopping speed and chopping salt added. The influence of the characteristics of surimi, and the effects of vacuum chopping and atmospheric chopping on the characteristics of surimi were compared and analyzed, which provided a reference for future research on surimi products.Keywords: chopping; surimi; gel property魚糜凝胶是指肌原纤维蛋白质之间相互交联形成的连续性基质,其主要的分子间作用力有疏水作用力、共价键、氢键以及离子键。
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鱼糜制品凝胶特性研究进展励建荣,陆海霞,傅玉颖,李学鹏(浙江工商大学食品、生物与环境工程学院,浙江省食品安全重点实验室,浙江杭州310035)摘 要:鱼糜是海洋食品工业中的一种重要功能性原料,其凝胶特性是评价鱼糜制品质量的重要指标。
关键词:鱼糜制品,凝胶特性,处理条件,凝胶增强剂R e sea rch p r o g re s s o n ge l p r op e rti e s o f su ri m i p r o duc tsL I J i a n -rong,L U Ha i -x i a ,FU Y u -y i n g,L I Xue -peng(College of Food Science and B i otechnol ogy,Zhejiang Gongshang University,Food Safety Key Lab of Zhejiang Pr ovince,Hangzhou 310035,China )Ab s trac t:S u ri m i is w id e l y us e d a s a n i m p o rta n t func tiona l raw m a te ri a l in s e a food ind us try a nd its g e l p rop e rti e s is a n i m p o rta n t i nd e x to d e te r m i ne the q ua lity of s u ri m i p rod uc ts 1How to i m p rove the g e l p rop e rtie s ha s b e c om e a foc us p rob l em d u ring the p roc e s s i ng of s u ri m i a t p re s e n t 1G e l p rop e rti e s of s u ri m i p rod uc ts,the m a in p a ram e te rs of w h ic h i nc lud e rhe o l og ic a l a nd te xtu re c ha ra c te ris tic s,a re no t on ly a ffe c te d b y the in te rna l fa c to rs s uc h a s fis h p ro te ins ’ow n c ha ra c te ris ti c s a nd a c tions of e nd og e nous e nzym e s,b u t a ls o a ffe c te d b y e xte rna l fa c to rs s uc h a s tre a t m e n t c itions,a d d itive s,a nd s o on 1In th is p ap e r,a c tion p rinc i p l e a nd re s e a rc h s ta tus of e ffe c ts of e xte rna l fa c to rs s uc h a s tre a t m e n t c ond iti ons,a d d itive s a nd e nzym e s on g e l p rop e rti e s w e re re view e d,w ith the a i m of d is c us s ing on the e ffe c ti ve w a y to i m p rove g e l p rop e rtie s of s u ri m i p rod uc ts 1Key wo rd s:s u ri m i p rod uc ts;g e l p rop e rtie s;tre a t m e n t c ond itions;g e l in te ns ifie d a d d itive s中图分类号:TS25411 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1002-0306(2008)011-0291-04收稿日期:2008-08-15作者简介:励建荣(1964-),男,博士,教授,博导,研究方向:食品加工与安全控制。
1 鱼糜蛋白质凝胶的形成过程目前的研究认为,鱼糜蛋白质凝胶的形成主要经过三个阶段:凝胶化、凝胶劣化和鱼糕化。
当蛋白质凝胶化后,在一定的蛋白质浓度、pH 和离子强度下,鱼肉的肌球蛋白分子的α-螺旋会慢慢解开,蛋白质分子间通过疏水作用和二硫键相互作用。
2 鱼糜制品的凝胶特性蛋白质的凝胶性能是决定鱼糜制品的质量优劣的关键因素,因为它直接影响着鱼肉制品的组织特性、保水性、粘结性以及产品的得率。
例如,G o mez-Guillen等[6]对多种海鱼的流变学特性(如粘弹性、凝胶强度等)及化学结构特性(分子量分布、三维结构等)进行了对比,发现不同的海鱼具有较大的凝胶形成性能差异,而且得到的凝胶体系热稳定性也具有明显差别。
3 处理条件对凝胶特性的影响311 温度和压力的影响鱼糜制品的凝胶劣化现象主要是由蒸煮加工时肌球蛋白的自溶作用导致的,温度对鱼糜制品的凝胶特性具有显著影响。
A bu D agga等[7]研究了蒸煮温度下鱼糜的热物理特性,通过热源电极和差示扫描量热仪对不同温度和含水率下鱼糜的导热性、显热及密度进行了测定,发现导热性和显热均随着水分含量和温度的升高而增大,而密度则随着水分含量和温度的升高而下降,说明温度升高可能导致蛋白质的自溶作用。
如,Kaga wa等[8]通过S DS-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(S DS-P AGE)研究发现,当鱼肉在4℃下冷藏4h以后,肌肉的渗透性提高;冷藏时间超过48h,肌肉蛋白的水溶性增强,分子量为580k D a的成分含量迅速减少,从而使得鱼糜的凝胶形成性能降低。
Sootta wat等[9]研究了多种海鱼在长时间冷藏条件下的化学与凝胶特性,结果表明:随着冷藏时间的延长,鱼肉中的Ca2+-ATP酶含量下降,盐溶性减弱,鱼糜制品的凝胶性也随之变差,凝胶体系的微观结构也证明了这一现象。
Tabil o-M unizaga等[10]以阿拉斯加狭鳕(A laska poll ock)和太平洋鳕鱼(Pacific whiting)为原料,分别在20℃下以400、650M Pa压力处理10m in,或以90℃处理40m in获得热诱导凝胶,对不同的处理条件下得到的鱼糜制品进行了凝胶特性参数对比。
结果显示,加压处理比热诱导可以更好地提高鱼糜制品的白度,400M Pa处理得到的凝胶白度比热诱导凝胶可提高10%,但650M Pa处理只能提高8%左右。
郝磊勇等[11]研究了高压与热结合处理对鱼糜凝胶质构特性的影响,将高压处理(400、600M Pa,40℃, 15m in)作为鱼糜“凝胶化”的另一种方法,与热处理凝胶化(40℃,75m in)比较,然后都作后热处理(90℃,25m in)。
结果表明,600M Pa压力凝胶化后再热处理样品质构特性均不及热处理,而400M Pa压力凝胶化后再热处理样品比典型热处理样品表现出更好的质构特性。
而且,400M Pa压力凝胶化时间仅为典型热力凝胶化的1/5。
所以,400M Pa压力凝胶化再后热处理可以作为传统热处理方法的替代方法。
312 离子强度的影响以鱿鱼等低档水产品为原料得到高品质的鱼糜制品一直是工业化中的一个难题,主要原因在于肌原蛋白本身的特性。