

高中地理 单元活动 学用电子地图

高中地理 单元活动 学用电子地图
单元活动 学用电子地图
一、电子地图及其应用 二、光盘电子地图操作指南
三、网络电子地图的பைடு நூலகம்用
电子地图是建立在地理信息系统(GIS) 的基础上,通过计算机呈现完整的地理信息 的地图。 电子地图实际上是一种数字化的地图, 它展示了某一地区能够用地图表示的多种信 息。

一、电子地图及其应用 二、光盘电子地图操作指南
2.电子地图的特点 电子地图信息量大、检索方便、展示方 式灵活多样,而且可以附加多种智能化服务 功能。 电子地图还可以与互联网和全球定位系 统(GPS)相结合,不仅能及时更新内容, 而且还极大地扩展了应用领域。
智能交通管理 政府管理与决策





















map.addControl(new GMapTypeControl()); map.addControl(new GLargeMapControl()); map.addControl(new GOverviewMapControl());
var latlng = new GLatLng(39.917, 116.397); var marker = new GMarker(latlng); GEvent.addListener(marker,"click", function() { var myHtml = "<b> 这里是北京 </b><br/>"; marker.openInfoWindowHtml(myHtml); }); map.addOverlay(marker);
更多 G oogl M aps API的信息 e
中文文档 htp:/ t /code. googl com /nt/ C N / s/ aps/ e. i lzh- api m 英文文档 htp:/ t /code. googl com / s/ aps/ e. api m 讨论组 htp:/ oups. t /gr googl com / oup/ oogl M aps- e. gr G eAPI C hi na 中文 G oogl M aps API示例 e htp:/ t /code. googl com /nt/ e. i lzhC N / s/ aps/ api m docum ent i exam pl aton/ es
Google Maps
用户 Mapplets 服务器



选择任意一个小区,查询该小区昨天10点至11点的接入小人撒点示意图,查看一个小人的主被 叫号码、释放CFC值和接入导频强度。并以分布图的形式显示用户级的呼叫失败指标和用户接 入距离区间次数 查询昨日从10点到11点,拨打10000号的用户,查看小区接入分布,看看那些小区最多。查看 这些话单的CFC2的次数。 通过输入1个电话号码查询该用户昨天全天的通话记录,并根据查的的数据告知裁判该用户有 无异常的呼叫或掉话、业务分布比例及GIS地理轨迹图。 查询全网,昨日11点的全网CFC。查看CFC2最多的小区。(输出结果严重错误,该题取消) 查询某个市中心小区,昨日从8点至15点的CFC分布饼状图。指出CFC2的趋势。 查询昨天10点全网所有BSC的无线覆盖统计情况,按照覆盖次数(-15至-32之间)说明那个BSC 覆盖最差,查看该BSC所属的小区覆盖情况,按照(-15至-32之间)的比例查看哪个小区覆盖 较差。(模块无法出数据,该题取消) 查询昨天10点BSC1的过覆盖和弱覆盖情况,按照过、弱覆盖的次数和比例说出最坏小区。(模 块无法出数据,该题取消) 图层控制。将地图中的区界、水系、小区覆盖图层去掉然后再勾选上。 网元查找。通过网元查询的方式找出“xxx”第一小区,并测量该基站与其最近1个基站的距离 。 GIS性能分析。分析昨天11点业务信道掉话次数指标,将专题地图的色阶设置为3个区间,0-5 次为1个区间设置为绿色,5-10次为1个区间设置为黄色,10-100次为1个区间设置为红色;用 模拟覆盖的方式去渲染GIS地图,查看掉话次数高的小区分布图。能够按照设正确的置方法渲 染GIS地图。 GIS基础数据分析。以模拟覆盖和小区图层两种方式分析行政区归属去渲染GIS地图。能够按照 正确的去渲染GIS地图
专项优化--邻区优化分析 用户级优化-自定义原始数 据分析 用户级优化-自定义原始数 据分析 网络评估--小区CFC分析 网络评估--小区CFC分析 网络评估--全网覆盖分析 综合分析-小区综合信息分 析 网络评估-自定义CFC分析 网络评估-自定义CFC分析 网络评估-自定义CFC分析 用户级优化-大客户分析 用户级优化-大客户分析 用户级优化-违规用户检查 用户级优化-异常短话监控 用户级优化-异常短话监控 专项优化-导频污染 GIS综合分析-栅格分析-掉话分析 GIS综合分析-栅格分析-导 频污染分析 GIS综合分析-栅格分析-话 务密度分析 数据管理-网元分组管理



精准电子地图简易制作教程来源:原创作者:feiyudz 浏览:37次日期:04-12本文配合专门视频教程,讲解利用GoogleEarth软件生成MapInfo格式电子地图的步骤。



Tips3:jpg格式图片下载完成之前都不要关闭GoogleEarth,GetScreen只是调用GoogleEarth 但不能独立运行!Tips4:Windows图片像素坐标以左上角顶点为原点,向右为x轴正方向,向下为y轴正方向。








1、Google Earth Pro 4.2.0205.5730参考下载地址::8080/系统工具/系统其他/0510/Google%20Earth%20Pro%204.2.0205.5730.rar可能是网站代码的问题,大家注意要把从“http”开始到“.rar”的整个链接都拷全了,才能下到正确的文件哦!PS:我用的是这个版本。





另:如果无法运行,请务必安装net framework后再试。



•此处可以用2档退1档的方法:具体操作为,踩离合 •退回空档,再进1档。
XX815深圳市白石洲电子路考考场详 解图下载可放大
XX815深圳市白石洲电子路考考场详 解图下载可放大
(考场的车大多都方向盘都是不正的,切记不要看方向盘,要看路的前面车正没正就知道了) 2、控制好方向,保持车辆直线行驶状态;(停车没有问题.但方向必须稳)
XX815深圳市白石洲电子路考考场详 解图下载可放大
过完这个圆墩子立马 换二档并摆正车子
在此前的位置会有一根杆上 会有急转弯和禁停标志,在此 标志之前一个或二个车身位停 车换为1档转弯并闪灯。
2、开启左转向灯,并通过内、外后视镜观察后方和左侧交通 情况,开启转向灯3秒后方可超车;
3,听到提示“超车结束”,打右转向灯,观察后视镜,按照 要求变会原车道,并马上换2档,再进3档,因为距离比较远
XX815深圳市白石洲电子路考考场详 解图下载可放大
4.靠边停车:靠边停车后必须拉紧驻车制动器,否则扣10分,完成 后语音提示:“请起步”打左转向灯3秒后再次起步,此时不按喇 叭-5分。(建议连续按2次喇叭.有个别车辆按1次还扣5分)
XX815深圳市白石洲电子路考考场详 解图下载可放大
1、考试过程中全程模拟夜间行驶模式 1、夜间考试起步前应开始前照灯;

GNSS紧凑型高精度板卡 UB4B0M UB482 产品说明书

GNSS紧凑型高精度板卡 UB4B0M UB482 产品说明书

北斗星通产品手册PRODUCTS BROCHURE OF BDStar共同的北斗 共同的梦想w w w .B D S t a r .c o mO U R B E I D O U O U R D R E A M北斗星通北京北斗星通导航技术股份有限公司(简称“北斗星通”,股票代码:002151)成立于2000年9月25日,是我国卫星导航产业首家上市公司。




面向未来,北斗星通将继续高擎“共同的北斗,共同的梦想”旗帜,顺应用户需求与商业模式变革、技术融合发展等趋势,大力推进“1+1”业务布局(云+IC/端 +汽车智能网联),矢志成为客户信赖、员工自豪、受人尊重、国际一流的百亿级产业集团。


共同的北斗 共同的梦想O U R B E I D O U O U R D R E A M目录CONTENTS01GNSS 高精度产品PAGE模块/ 02板卡/ 02接收机/ 03天线/ 03/ 07无线数据传输电台惯性导航系统/ 0810GNSS 导航型产品PAGE芯片/ 11模组/ 11天线/ 13车载信息娱乐系统 IVI/ 37T-BOX/ 37DA / 37全液晶数字仪表/ 38/ 38HUD智能座舱/ 3836汽车智能网联产品PAGE工程服务/ 40测试及仿真产品/ 4139汽车工程服务与产品PAGE模组/ 15板卡/ 15天线/ 16/ 19/ 23/ 25/ 27终端微波组件系统其他电子元件/ 29通信模块/ 29板卡/ 31/ 31/ 32/ 33通信天线物流终端其他14特种产品PAGE28通信及物流相关产品PAGE北斗船联网/ 45智能驾考/ 46物流信息化解决方案/ 4744系统解决方案PAGE面向高精度应用领域,北斗星通自主研发的导航定位芯片、模块、板卡、天线、接收机等产品全面领跑行业,代表了我国在该领域的最高水平,具备了较强的全球竞争力。



MOCK EXAM SolutionsYou can download Mock Exam Questions on:/acca/PAPER F9FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT This material is © protected and is licensed by Kevin J Kelly to Live Online tuition includes•Focused advice & help on WHAT and HOW to learn for the December F9 Exam, plus targeted EXAM TIPS•Revise a topic that you nd di fficult,•Essential THEORY skills – I will teach you theAPPROACH required to be MARK – TIMEaware in the exam … don’t lose easy marksanymore. Instead, let me show you how to pick up the easy marks to help you passrst time! Students frequently forget that inF9 50% of the marks are available fortheory!•Essential NUMERIC skills – don’t risk failing theexam because you have got bogged down on aparticular numeric question in the exam. Do you have a reliable and structured approach for dealing with important numerical questions on Investment Appraisal, Financial Analysis, Working Capital Management, Cost of Capital, calculating WACC, Foreign Exchange calculations, etc., ? I will teach you essential numeric skills quickly and e ffectively using my unique “TEMPLATES ”.Can you provide your answers to numeric and theory questions at speed, demonstrating e ffective planning & logical layout? If not, let me show you how.•EXAM TECHNIQUE skills signi cantly improved – students often frequently under-perform in the exam when dealing with questions on Financial analysis, Investment Appraisal. Calculating WACC, Forex, etc., •Past F9 Exam Papers - explained in a simple and easy to understand fashionone-to-one tuition with ACCA Tutor Kevin Kelly For further information email Kevin Kelly: info@ or visit: Paper F9Book your one-to-one tuition with ACCA F9 Tutor, Kevin Kelly,(You choose any topic from within the F9 syllabus)Available Live on-line now £9.99 for 15 minutes or only £35.00 for 1 hr (All you will need is access to the internet and Skype)Contact: info@ or Mock Exam Service – Correction, Feedback and Assessment•Mock exam Assessment and Feedback. Correction Service for only £3.00 per question (£9.99 per paper - 4 questions). Marked and returned to you with DETAILED comments and suggestions for improvements online within 24 hours.•Revision questions marked and returned to you with comments and suggestions forimprovements £3.00 per question (£9.99 per paper - 4 questions)Mock Exam Assessment From only £3.00Solution 1Cost of Capital and Investment AppraisalBefore attempting this question you are advised to have carefully revised the following chapters of the Course NotesChapter 6 Management of Working Capital (4) - CashChapter 7 Investment AppraisalChapter 8 Relevant Cash Flows for DCFChapter 11 Sources of Finance - EquityChapter 12 Sources of Finance – DebtChapter 14 The Valuation of Securities – theoretical approachChapter 15 The Valuation of Securities – practical issuesChapter 16 The Cost of CapitalChapter 17 When (and when not!) to use the WACC for Investment AppraisalSolution 1a)Calculate the after-tax weighted average cost of capital of Orihuela SA (6 marks)*Tutors Note: Firstly, let’s recap on the procedure (Answer Plan) to follow in the exam … so that you produce an answer with a well structured layout that the marker can easily follow.WACC procedure may be summarised under the following headings. You will then only need to decide on which components of the following structure will be relevant to answering our specific exam question.WACC states: Ko = Ke (%) + Kdat (%)Approach / Procedure in the EXAMKe DVM (Growth or no Growth in Dividends?)P/E modelCAPMNPV # 1 Kdat Redeemable => IRR => NPV # 2InterpolateIRRedeemable => IRR => CI (1-t) / MV Weightings Preferably Market Values*Tutors Note: Looking at our question it is easily apparent that in our answer we will need to calculate Ke (the cost of equity) by reference to a suitable Dividend Valuation Model (DVM.. in this case Gordon’s Dividend Growth Formula) and the Kdat (the cost of redeemable debt AFTER TAX) by reference to first principles, using IRR.1This material is © protected and is licensed by Kevin J Kelly to Ke - Cost of EquityGordon’s formula states that Ke = Do (1+g) + gPe*Tutors Note: “Just Paid” = Do = $53, Current MPS = $18, Growth = g = 0.06Filling in the blanks we get:Ke = 3.0 (1+.06) + .0618Ke= 23.67%KDAT - Cost of Redeemable Debt*Tutors Note: We calculate Kdat from first principles - based on examination of the Relevant Cash Flows (Relevant Costs) associated with the bond. These c/f’s may be summarized as followsCalculation of NPV @ say 5%Table of Relevant Cash FlowsT o t1t2!!!.>t10Cost (MV) (93)Coupon Interest (1-t) 4.2 4.2……..> 4.2Redemption @par 100Redemption premium 10% 10Net Cash Flows (93) 4.2 4.2……. 114.20Df @5% 1 0.952 0.907 …. 0.614P.V. (93) 4.0 3.81 ……. 70.12NPV = 6.97*Tutors Note: Within the strict time constraints of the exam it would be a little time consuming to work out the NPV in this “normal” fashion. Clearly, it would be more efficient to use the Cumulative Discount Tables (or Annuity Factor Tables) to work out the Present Value of the constant CI cash flow ($4.20) between years 1 & 10 as follows:KDAT- Cost of Redeemable DebtCalculation of NPV @ say 5%Summary of Relevant Cash FlowsPVCost T o (93) x 1.00 (Real Cost) (93)CI after tax t1 to t10 4.20 x 7.722 (AF for 10 yrs) 32.43 Redemption t10 110 x .614 (df for yr 10) 67.54NPV+ 6.972This material is © protected and is licensed by Kevin J Kelly to This material is © protected and is licensed by Kevin J Kelly to 3*Tutors Note: The 2nd approach to calculating the NPV is much faster in this instance. Therefore, I will derive the 2nd NPV in this way also.Calculation of NPV @ say 10%Summary of Relevant Cash Flows PV Cost T o (93) x 1.00 (Real Cost) (93)CI after tax t 1 to t 10 4.20 x 6.145 (AF for 10 yrs) 25.81Redemption t 10 110 x .386 (df for yr 10) 42.46NPV - 24.73NPV = (24.73)*Tutors Note: We can now proceed to INTERPOLATE in order to estimate the Cost of Capital (df) that gives us a breakeven NPV … => the Kdat (of Redeemable Debt).*Tutors Note: The Formula for the IRR is either:IRR !- or if you prefer -Difference in Pos. NPV IRR ! Pos. Coc + Coc X Sum of NPV’s Where:L = Lower rate of InterestH = Higher rate of InterestN L = NPV @ Lower rate of InterestH L = NPV @ Higher rate of InterestInterpolateKdat = IRR ! ! 6.10%Weightings (based on Market Values)Market# ‘000 MPU Value %[E ] Equity 1,500 18.00 27,000 85.31[D ] Debt 5,000 93% 4,650 14.69[V ] Value 31,650 100%WACC states: Ko = Ke (%) + Kdat (%)*Tutors Note: Now, filling in the blanks in the formula we get:! Ko = 23.67(.8531) + 6.10(.1469) ! 21.09%Solution 1 contd.,(b)Advise the MD of Orihuela SA, with reasons, whether or not you believe theinvestment appears worthwhile. (6 marks) *Tutors Note: Questions of this nature, which question the economic value of investments (whether or not they are worthwhile) require you ALWAYS (unless you are instructed otherwise) to calculate the NPV of the investments. The DECISION CRITERION is then to choose the investment with the highest NPV.Why is this? The answer is simple, NPV is THEORETICALLY, the superior decision making technique.Calculation of NPVBased on examination of the Relevant Cash Flows (Relevant Costs)Table of Relevant Cash Flows- 000’s -t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6Cash from Operations:Operating cash flows 710 745.5 782.8 821.9 863Tax - Payable (213) (223.6) (234.8) (246.6) (258.9) - Saved on CA’s (W1) 225 168.7 126.6 94.9 248.8 Other Relevant Cash Flows:Cost (3,000)Scrap Value 120Working Capital (W2)(390) (19.50) (20.5) (21.5) (22.5) 474Net Cash Flow (3,390)690.5 737 706.4 691.2 1305.3(10.1)d.f @21%(W3) 1.0 .826 .683 .564 .466 .385 .319P.V. (3,390) 570.3 503.4 398.4 322.1 502.5 (3.2) NPV = (1,096) Negative REJECT(W1)Calculation of Tax Relief on Capital AllowancesTaxYear WDV CA Relief Timing1 3,000 750 225 t22 2,250 562.5 168.75 t33 1,687.5 421.9 126.57 t44 1,265.6 316.4 94.92 t55 949.2 *829.2 248.76 t6Total Entitlement 2,880 x 30% 864This material is © protected and is licensed by Kevin J Kelly to 4* Calculation of Balancing Allowance / ChargeTax WDV of 949.2 – Sale Proceeds of 120 = Balancing Allowance of 829.2(W2)Calculation of annual Incremental Working Capital requirementBeginning Opening AnnualYear Balance Increment Timing1 390 (390) t02 409.5 (19.5) t13 429.975 (20.475) t24 451.474 (21.499) t35 474.047 (22.573) t4End of year 5 Repayment 474.047 t5(W3)Calculation of an appropriate df (Discount Factor) to use in the evaluationAssumption: that 21.09%, the WACC calculated in part (a) rounded to 21%, is the correct average cost of capital (df) to use in this instance. This assumption is based on the assertion that the new investment will have the same Business Risk (same Industry) and will be financed in the same way (the same Financial Risk / same Financing mix of capital, D:E) as the company’s existing operations. Consequently, it is considered appropriate to use the existing company WACC. If both of these conditions were not met then a project specific WACC would have to be calculated using CAPMAdvise the MD, with reasons, whether or not you believe the investment appears worthwhile.Purely on financial grounds I would advise the MD not to proceed with the proposed investment.The principle reason is that, in THEORY, proceeding with the proposed investment will result in an immediate DECREASE in shareholders wealth in the amount of $1,096,000.This advice however ignores consideration of a range of non-financial and/or qualitative factors which will necessarily be an important part of the strategic decision making process of the MD and the board of Orihuela Plc in this instance.*Tutors Note: Refer to the points listed under part ( c) below for further information on non-financial/qualitative factors.5This material is © protected and is licensed by Kevin J Kelly to Solution 1 contd.,(c)Advise the Managing Director on what factors he should consider before decidingon a “correct” buying price to pay for the target company. (3 marks) *Tutors Note: It is important to appreciate, when considering what price the predator company should pay for the target company, that questions about “correct price” are like trying to consider “how long is a piece of string”! There are many practical considerations to take into a/c, each varying in importance depending on the circumstances or motivations surrounding the takeover discussions. There are financial considerations (valuation methods, funding issues, stock market & share price reaction, synergies,…) as well as non-financial considerations (strategic, managerial, operational issues,…) to take into a/c. Suffice it to say that every minute aspect of the business and the industry in which it operates in are likely to be considered. …… Thus following on from this logic you should now be able to appreciate that there is NO SUCH THING as a “correct buying price” – in the final analysis it will depend on the negotiation skills of the people involved and sitting around the table! Having said all this an acceptable answer for 3 marks might look like this:(i) Range of Prices - Valuation methodsThere are several possible valuation models available, each of which have different underlying assumptions and thus each model will produce a different BUYING PRICE. For example, there are;•Dividend valuation models•Price / Earnings models•Discounted Cash Flow Models•Net Asset based modelsThe Net Assets or Balance Sheet approaches are often quite useful in these types of negotiations; the Net Realizable Value basis can provide a useful MINIMUM PRICE and the Net Replacement Cost basis can provide a useful MAXIMUM PRICE….around which the negotiations can take place.The other bases (P/E, DVM and DCF models) tend to provide prices which lie between the two extremities of the price range provided by the NRV and NRC.As I have stated above, the FINAL or “correct” buying price will be a matter of judgment and will very much depend on the negotiation skills of the people involved in the discussions.*Tutors Note: To recap:EQUITY valuation models include:•Dividend valuation models•Price / Earnings models•Discounted Cash Flow Models•Net Asset (Balance Sheet) based models providing valuations based on:N.B.V !Little useN.R.V !Min. (Seller)N.R.C !Max. (Buyer)6This material is © protected and is licensed by Kevin J Kelly to (ii) Other Financial considerationsCosts (accountants, legal, brokers, underwriting), Goodwill, stock marketreaction, EPS, Share Price, Funding arrangements,(iii) Other Non-Financial considerationsStrategic (rapid growth, acquire expertise, diversification, enhance EPS),Managerial & Operational….Solution 1 contd.,(d)(i)Calculate the theoretical ex-rights price of an ordinary share. (2 marks) Theoretical ex-rights price per ordnary share.Shares Price MVExisting (original) holding 4 2.80 11.20Rights Issue 1 2.20 2.2013.40TERP=> 13.40/5= $2.68*Tutors Note: => this implies that the value of the rights are $2.68 -$2.20 = $0.48 for every 4 shares held or new share acquired.(d)(ii)H ow will the wealth of an investor holding 10,000 ordinary shares in Murcia Plc be affected by the rights issue if they take up their rights to buy new shares or decline the option to do so. (3 marks) Expected effect on Wealth of Shareholders - Wealth -$ 10,000 sharesBefore $Current position (as above) 4 x 2.80 = 11.20 28,000Take up RightsNew position 5 x 2.68 = 13.40Cost of new share 1 x 2.20 = (2.20)Wealth 11.2028,000Before = 11.20After = 11.20of the ShareholderDecline Rights Issue offer but sells rightsNew value of existing sh/holding 4 x 2.68 = 10.72Proceeds from sale of rights 1 x 0.48 = 0.48Wealth 11.20 28,000 Before = 11.20 After = 11.20of the ShareholderThis material is © protected and is licensed by Kevin J Kelly to 7Decline Rights Issue offer and does nothing (does not sell rights)New value of existing sh/holding 4 x 2.68 = 10.72 26,800Before = 11.20After = 10.72 Wealth of the*Tutors Note: => this implies that the Wealth of the shareholder has decreased by the value of the rights that have not been taken up ($2.68 -$2.20 = $0.48). On 10,000 shares this is a fall in wealth of 2,500 shares x $0.48 = $1,200.To recap: In THEORY, the only way the investor can lose is if he IGNORES the rights issue offer and neglects to SELL the rights. Consequently, in THEORY, there is NO EFFECT on the wealth of the shareholder whether he decides to take up the rightsand/or sells the rights. But, from the point of view of retaining some influence within the company however, the decision whether to invest in the rights or not would be an important one.Solution 1 contd.,(e)Explain what you understand by the term “Funding Gap” and suggest remediesthat an SME (small or medium sized enterprise) finding itself in this positionmight consider. (5 marks) *Tutors Note: Given the economic climate that exists within the UK and Europeat present, it would be unwise not to be prepared for a question that refers to the current“Liquidity Crisis”, “Banking Crisis” or “Credit Crisis”.More than ever before, if companies are to survive these harsh economic times it is imperative that they operate sound principles of working capital management – note specifically that from a practical point of view good Cash Management involves knowing not only how to raise more money and/or spend less money but also importantly an understanding of the variety of Sources of Finance available through the EQUITY Markets, BOND Markets, MONEY MARKETS and central and regionalGovernment/European initiatives.As a corollary, part (e) should be an important part of your THEORY preparations for the forthcoming December 2010 examination. For this reason I am providing you with a solution that goes WAY BEYOND what might be expected in the exam for 5 marks but nevertheless I hope that you find this summary of Sources of Finance generally useful and that it helps to “bring together” what is an otherwise potentially expansive part of the syllabus.The FUNDING GAP ... facing SME’sThis material is © protected and is licensed by Kevin J Kelly to 8Funding Gap…. arises when the SME wants to expand beyond its existing Funding Capacity and finds that it is unable to access suitable Debt and/or Equity Finance to do so.•For investments below £500,000 most SME’s can access an informal funding network of their friends, families and business angels. Once companies requirefunding above £2m they are usually quite established and therefore perceived as lower risk and therefore are more likely to be able to secure funding frominstitutional investors.•The gap between these two finance situations is known as the Funding Gap.Maturity Gap……arises because LT loans are easier to raise than MT or ST loans.•LT loans can be secured against Personal Property and/or other assets via Mortgages.•Banks are basically unwilling to lend further without a corresponding increase in SECURITYEquity Gap…..arises out of the difficulty associated with obtaining additional Equity Finance beyond the Initial equity finance injected by the Owners and/or BUSINESS ANGELS… many assets are intangible.Compounding the Funding Gap difficulties being faced by SME’s are also the following:SecurityLack of suitable assets available to PLEDGE as security on Bank Borrowings - Fixed and/or Floating Charges on assetsSizeUsually SME is un-quoted…..a draw back to raising D and EUn-quoted (normally the SME is unquoted)•Greater difficulty in raising finance thru a Rights Issue or a Placing …. often family and friends will be exhausted (as well as financially!) from the SME.•Other external Investors are difficult to attract because of greater perceived Systematic Financial Risk and Systematic Business RiskTrack RecordYoung Entrepreneurial companies often have no or limited borrowing history / track record.Competitive Market Place for FinanceLarge quoted companies, government all competing for a limited pool of deposits.Lack of Financial ExpertiseDeficit of knowledge in identifying and raising suitable sources of financeRisk•Both D and E Investors consider SME’s more risky investments•High Failure rate of start-ups and SME’sUncertaintyNo or Poor Credit Rating with Credit Rating Agencies or the Banks themselves.Lack of adequate MIS or FISDetailed Accounting Records, Fixed Asset Registers (re; Fixed or Floating Charges), Projections, Budgets, Business Plans, suitably Qualified Directors with Financial Skills (ACCA qualified accountants)Exit Route• A problem for Equity Investors as the company is usually Un-quoted.•If company tries to buy back its own shares this can often just exacerbate C/F problemsPotential Sources of Finance for SME’s ….. REMEDIAL ACTIONEquity (E)Debt (D)Government AidShare Issues R.E’s ST LTOwners Div Policy B/Overdraft Loans (SFLGS)Business Angels Operating Lease Finance LeaseRI (Rights Issue) Factoring Mortgage LoansPrivate Placing Invoice Discounting MezanineFinanceVenture Capital Commercial Paper Franchise Finance(see definition in OT Course Notes) Trade Credit Sale & Lease back Flotation (IPO on AIM or maybe Official List) Euro-CurrencyLoansAfter Flotation could lead to: Working Capital mgt PreferenceShares- Offer for Sale -by Tender Cash Operating Cycle Public Debt- Offer for Sale -@ Fixed Price Debentures - if SME isquotedScrip DividendsIrredeemable DebenturesConvertible DebenturesDebentures with WarrantsZero Coupon BondsDeep Discount BondsJunk Bonds- SFLGS- Govt Grants- Govt.Loans- Govt. Tax Incentives- E.C.F’s (Enterprise Capital Funds)Government AidThe assistance available, in order to encourage Loans and/or Equity Investment into SME’s, is very Country Specific …. the various schemes available in the UK can differ to the variety and extent of the schemes available in Ireland, Spain, Germany, etc.,Considering the UK situation.., the main points to consider are:SFLGS- Definition. .. The Small Firms Loan Guarantee Scheme is designed to help Small Firms get a loan from the bank…..especially when they lack the SECURITY the Bank ordinarily needs.- Under the scheme, the bank can lend up to £250,000 without SECURITY over PERSONAL assets or a PERSONAL GUARANTEE being required of the borrower.- All available BUSINESS assets must be used as security if required by the bank.- The Government will guarantee 75% of the Loan.- A PREMIUM of 2% is payable on the guaranteed part of the loan.GRANTS- Definition…a CAPITAL or REVENUE Grant is a sum of money given to an individual or business for a specific project or purpose. The Grant usually covers only part of the total costs involved.- Grants to help with Business Development are available from a variety of sources such as the following sources:•Government•European Union•Regional Development Agencies•Business Link•Local Authorities•Charitable Organisations- Grants are awarded on the basis of:•Business Activity•Specific Industry Sector (e.g. Technology)•Geographical Area (e.g. areas in need of economic Regeneration or Regional Development)- Examples of various Government Grant schemes:•RSA – REGIONAL SELECTIVE ASSISTENCE SCHEME•RIG – REGIONAL INNOVATION GRANTS•ENTERPRISE GRANTS- Examples of various Government Loan schemes:•SFLGS – SMALL FIRMS LOAN GUARANTEE SCHEME•STFL – SMALL FIRMS TRAINING LOANS•EIB – EUROPEAN INVESTMENT BANK•EIF – EUROPEAN INVESTMENT FUND- Examples of various Government Tax Incentive schemes:•EIS – ENTERPRISE INVESTMENT SCHEME•VCT – VENTURE CAPITAL TRUSTS•EMPLOYEE SHARE INCENTIVE SCHEMES•DECREASING CORPORATION TAX THRESHOLD•INCREASING SALES TAX THRESHOLD•ECF - ENTERPRISE CAPITAL FUNDS- Definition…ECFs were launched in the UK in 2005. ECF’s are designed to becommercial funds, investing a combination of private and public money/funds in high-growth businesses.- Each ECF will be able to make Equity investments of up to 2 million intoeligible SMEs that have genuine growth potential but whose funding needs arenot currently met.Further Points to remember on the …“Equity” Sources of Finance mentioned above Business AngelsHigh net worth individuals who invest in Start-Ups and Development Stage of SMEs Usually have very good knowledge / expertise of INDUSTRY ( BUSINESS RISK ) they are buying into…..do you watch ‘Dragons Den” ? !RIThe key points to remember with Rights Issues are:Voting Rights remain Unchanged / RIs are at Directors Discretion / Rarely Fails / Cheaper / Pre-emption RightsVCDefinition…Venture Capital is the provision of Risk Finance to young Entrepreneurial Companies on a 5 – 7 year investment time horizon.Consider the following points in Choosing between Sources (E -v- D) Finance •Amount of Finance (Loan or Equity) required•Cost (Interest Rates – Fixed or Floating - versus Dividends)•Term Structure of Interest Rates (The Yield Curve)•Duration / Maturity / Redemption•Gearing / Capital Structure (Optimal balance reached?)•Accessibility•Control•Dividend Policy•Memorandum and Articles of Association•Debt CovenantsSolution 2Working Capital Management & Financial AnalysisBefore attempting this question you are advised to have carefully revised the following chapters of the Course NotesChapter 3 Management of Working Capital (1)Chapter 4 Management of Working Capital (2) - Inventory Chapter 5 Management of Working Capital (3) – Receivables & Payables Chapter 6 Management of Working Capital (4) - CashChapter 11 Sources of Finance - EquityChapter 12 Sources of Finance - DebtChapter 13 Capital Structure and Financial RatiosChapter 18 Cost of Capital – the Effect of Changes in Gearing Solution 2(a)Comment on why you think the bank has refused the additional loan facilityrequested and advise on what remedial action you think might be available.(13 marks) Tutor’s note: a discussion on the working capital financing policy, capital structure and the financial performance of UK Plc is required hereFirstly, a quick Tutorial on RatiosFINANCIAL ANALYSIS: SOME BASIC EXAMPLESRatios are potentially useful in financial analysis since they help summarize extensive amounts of data in a meaningful format.Ratios may be grouped into 5 broad categories:1. Profitability }Return on Capital employed (ROCE) + Return on Equity (ROI)2. Liquidity3. Working Capital4. Capital Structure5. Investor RatiosTutor’s note: There is no universal agreement on the definitions of the ratios to use here. Different textbooks/professors utilize alternative measures and even use alternative grouping schemes. For the purposes of ACCA F9 this classification is fine.Remember1.Be Selective……. Choose to calculate /use those ratios that will help you toanswer what you want to know:1.How well is the Company managed?2.How well is the Working Capital managed?3.How is the company financed?4.How good is the company’s Liquidity?5.How good an Investment is the company?2.Individual Ratios are of little use…... Look at the (a) TREND over timeand/or (b) inter-company comparisons within the SAME INDUSTRY and/or (c) BUDGETS.3.Look at trends over time in terms of ……..1. E.P.S.2.Dividends3.Sales4.Do not forget to adjust for INFLATION5.Look out for OVER-TRADING….. a successful company with insufficientinvestment in w/c (under-capitalized for Working Capital).Symptoms:1)HIGH ROCE2)POOR Liquidity Ratios3)POOR Creditors day ratio6.Working Capital Management can be assessed by an analysis of the CashOperating Cycle+ Debtors + Trade Debtors * 365 = x daysAnnual Credit Sales+ Stocks + Raw Material Stocks *365 = x daysAnnual Purchases+ Work in Progress *365 = x daysCost of Sales+ Finished Goods Stocks *365 = x daysCost of Sales- Creditors - Trade Creditors *365 = (x days)Annual Purchases…………Length of Cash Operating (W/C) Cycle X……….7.If a company Requires Finance consider:!Equity!Debt - rem: Loan Guarantee Scheme!Factoring / Invoice Discounting!Better Debtors Control!Better Stock management!Take more Credit from supplier!Sale and lease-back of Free Hold property!Sale of Investments and / or Assets!“Management-Buyout” …. Sell–off one of your divisions for cash.Finally, remember that in a Financial Analysis (ratio analysis) question you can expect the marks for the CALCULATIONS and the marks for COMMENTS to be broadly evenly split. In other words, expect a MAXIMUM of 50% of the marks for the calculations….. You have been warned!Tutor’s note: For those of you who find answering exam questions on Financial Analysis difficult can I suggest that you Study and Learn the following TEMPLATE and I hope you will thus find that your understanding and approach to answering questions on Financial Analysis improves accordingly. Use this template approach to practice ALL previous ACCA F9 questions on Financial Analysis so far examined.Financial Analysis TEMPLATE for UK Plc。

湖南省中考地理 第二章 地图复习课件

湖南省中考地理 第二章 地图复习课件

析,不正确的是( )
A.山顶与出发地的相对高度为500米 B.山顶和出发地的温差在3℃以上
找一找:猴岛在熊猫馆的什么(shén me)方向?
箭头 指向北方 (2).指向(zhǐ 标定向法 xiànɡ)
练一练: 1.a在b的什么(shén me)方向? 2.b在c的什么方向?
(3).经纬网定向(dìnɡ 法 xiànɡ)
分层设色 地形图
地图的构成 陆地地形特征



地图 上的方向 (dìtú)
• 如何(rúhé)在下面几幅图中确定 方向?
北京市地图 中国地图
比例尺 表示范围 内容详略


《学用电子地图》 学习任务单

《学用电子地图》 学习任务单












电子地图--电子地图基本概念 ppt课件

电子地图--电子地图基本概念  ppt课件

计算机为主体的电子技术的全面应用,地图信息论、 地图感受论、地图符号学、地图模式论及地图传输论 等现代地图学理论的产生和不断引向深入,逐渐发展 成为现代地图学。
1.1 电子地图的定义
Taylor(1991):在电子介质上使用的地图; 郭仁忠(1995):基于电子技术,在屏幕上显 示的地图的总称; 祝国瑞(2004):是数字地图经过可视化处理 在屏幕上显示出来的地图; 吴忠性(1993)、张文诗(1994):以数字地 图为基础,在屏幕上显示的地图形式。
负责电子地图数据采集、数据处理、图面配置符号设计和存储管 理等功能
CDBMS(Cartographic Database Management System),承担电子 地图数据库的组织和管理
狭义:以数字地图数据为数据基础,以计算机 系统为处理平台,在屏幕上实时显示的地图。 广义:屏幕地图和支持其显示的地图软件的总 称。
古代地图学的萌芽 和发展
古 埃 及 绘 在 苇 草 上 的 金 图 矿
















4B Unit8基础知识一、词汇开放日我们的教室在窗户的旁边在课堂上在你的教室里一块大黑板八张地图一些书橱又大又明亮在钢琴上三台电脑许多音乐书让我看看在图书馆里一间音乐教室四幅画一间办公室七只黄色的盒子读它们多少课桌一件时髦的T恤一些单词许多玩具火车打开这个蓝色的盒子我爱中国在椅子旁边有时看电视我的电脑在操场上有让我们去看看在桌子上弹钢琴一只办公室一张中国地图二、按要求改写单词open(反义词) my(复数) there’s(完全形式)it’s(完全形式)watch(复数) I(复数)class(复数) what’s(完全形式) bookcases(单数)piano(复数) many(同义词) library(复数)let’s(完全形式) their(同音词) I’ve(完全形式)big(反义词) old(反义词) they(宾格)box(复数) toy(复数) OK(同义词)you(所有格) I(宾格) this(相对词)三、选词填空1. in the classroom? –There are some desks. ( What What’s What are )2. There a computer and two chairs in the office. ( is am are be )3. There two chairs and a computer in the office. ( is am are be )4. There lots of milk on the table. ( is am are be )5. Let’s open the box. -- . ( That’s all right That’s OK All right )6. How many are there? ( watchs librarys pianos)7. I a new TV. ( have got have get )8. Is this plane for ( Chinese China )9. --What’s on the wall? -- some maps. ( They’re There’s There are )10. How much are the ? ( box boxes boxs )11. There are many near the computer. ( toy car toys cars toy cars )12. This is school. ( we us our )13. What’s in bookcase? ( you your )14. There’s office near the playground. ( a an some many )15. There are some new words. Please read . ( they them their )16. Where are the balloons? They are the tree. ( in on )17. I’ve got new shirts. ( lots lot of a lots of lots of )18. There a cup of tea for you. ( is are )19. There two glasses of water for you. ( is are )20. you a doctor? -- Yes, I . ( am is are )四、用括号内词的适当形式填空1. There (be) lots of juice in the bottle.2. There (be) lots of students in the classroom.3. How many (box) are there in the room?4. What’s in (they) classroom?5. There (be) two songbooks on the piano.6. (we) school is big and bright.7. This is (he) new computer.8. What’s (you) mother’s job?9. There (be) a pair of (shoe) near the bed.10. There (be) two cartons of milk on the table.11. There (be) some milk in the cup.12. How much (be) the chairs?13. Those (watch) are Helen’s.14. There are two big (library) in our school.15. There (be) a desk and chairs in the office.16. There (be) two chairs and a desk in the office.17. What (be) on the T-shirt? -- There (be) some flowers.五、句子配对( ) 1. Your jacket is smart. A. Not at all.( ) 2. What’s in your bag? B. Yes, I am.( ) 3. What are their jobs? C. All right.( ) 4. Are you a cook? D. Thank you.( ) 5. Are you teachers? E. There are some sweets.( ) 6. Where are the boys? F. They are cooks.( ) 7. Let’s go to school.G.. They are twelve yuan.( ) 8. Thank you very much. H. They are in the playground.( ) 9. How much are the pictures? I. That’s all right.( ) 10. I’m late. I’m sorry. J. Yes, we are.六、改错1. There are an apple and two peaches on the table.2. --What’s in the bookcase? -- They are some books.3. --Is it big? -- Yes, it is small.4. There are lots of coffee in the bottle.5. --What are in the music room? -- There are some pianos.6. These picture are near the blackboard.七、根据中文完成句子1. There are twenty (教室)in the school.2. We can play football in the (操场).3. There are two small (办公室) near the music room.4. I like those (图画).5. I’ve got a new (电脑)6. The man with big eyes is (我们的) English teacher.7. There is a (书橱) between the two (黑板).8. How many (椅子) are there in the library?八、句型转换1. There are lots of apples on the tree. (划线部分提问)2. There’s an orange on the table.(改成复数句)3. Can you read this word? (作肯定回答)4. is box the there a big on the desk (.) (连词成句)5. near the what’s window small (?) (连词成句)6. There is a blackboard in the classroom.(改一般疑问句)。



Aability 能力accident事故act 行为,简短的节目action 情节动作activity 活动actor 男演员actress女演员address通讯处,地址advantage 优势,有利条件adventure冒险,冒险经历advertisement广告advice动告,忠告,建议Africa非洲African非洲人afternoon下午age年龄,年纪agreement同意,应允air空气,大气airport机场America 美国,美洲American美国人,美洲人animal 动物answer回答,答复,答案ant蚂蚁apple 苹果April 四月area地区arm臂,胳膊army陆军部队art艺术,美术,艺术品article文章,冠词artist艺术家,画家Asia亚洲Asian亚洲人astronaut宇航员,航天员atmosphere大气层attention 注意,留心,注意力August八月aunt姨,舅母,姑姑Australia 澳大利亚,澳洲Australian 澳大利亚人autumn秋天Bbaby要儿back背部,后面background背景badminton羽毛球bag书包,口袋ball球balloon气球bamboo竹子banana香蕉band乐队bank银行baseball棒球运动basket篮子basketball篮球bathroom浴室beach海滩bean豆,豆荚bear熊bed床bedroom卧室bee蜜蜂beef牛肉bell门铃best最好的人或物bike自行车bicycle自行车bill账单bird鸟birth出生,出世,诞生birthday生日biscuit饼干bit一点儿,有点儿back黑色blackboard 黑板block街区blood血液blouse女村衫blue蓝色board甲板,木板boat船body身体,躯体book书boss老板bottle瓶子bottom底部bowl碗,盆box盒子boy男孩brain脑bread面包break休息,中断breakfast早餐bridge桥Britain英国British英国人,英国英语brother兄弟brown棕色brush刷子,毛笔,画笔bud体形,体格,身材building建筑,房屋bus公共汽车business商业,买卖,交易Ccafe咖啡馆cake蛋糕,饼calendar日历,历法,日程表call电话camera照相机camp野营,营地can金属罐Canada加拿大Canadian加拿大人candle蜡烛candy糖果cap(无帽檐的)帽子capital首都,省会car小汽车care纸牌,卡片care照顾,小心career 事业,职业carrot胡萝卜cartoon卡通片,动画片cat猫cent分center/centre 中央,中心century 世纪,百年chain链子chair 椅子chalk粉笔challenge 挑战chance 机会,机遇change 改变,变化character人物,符号,文字,角色check账单,支票cheer欢呼声chemical化学品chemistry化学chess国际象棋chicken鸡,鸡肉child小孩( children)China中国Chinese中国人,汉语chocolate巧克力choice选择chopstick 筷子(常用复数)Christmas圣延节cinema电影院,电影circle 圆,圈子,阶层city城市class班级,课,类别,等级classmate同班同学classroom教室clock时钟clothes衣服,服装cloud云club俱乐部,社团coach教练,长途汽车coal 煤,煤炭coast海岸,海滨coat 外套,上衣,涂料层,覆盖层coffee I如啡coin硬币,钱币cold伤风,感目college学院,大学colour(英)/color(美)颜色comment 评论communication 交流,交往community社区,团体company公司,伙伴competition 竞争,比赛,竞赛computer 电脑,计算机concert音乐会condition 条件,状况congratulation 祝贺(常用复数)continent 大陆,洲control控制,支配conversation 交谈,谈话cook 厨师cookie 饼干,小甜点copy 副本corn 谷类,谷类corner 角,街角,墙角cost价钱,费用country国家countryside乡下,农村,多村couple 双,对,夫妻courage勇气,胆量course课题,课程,讲座cousin堂兄弟、堂姐妹cover封面,盖子cow 母牛,乳牛crayon蜡笔,蜡笔画crowd人群,一伙culture文化cup小茶杯,一杯的容量customer顾客cycle循环,自行车Ddance跳舞,舞会danger危险,风险dark黄昏,黑暗date日期daughter女儿day 天,日子deal协议,交易December+二月decision决定dentist牙医desert沙漠,荒漠desk书桌,课桌development 发展,壮大dialogue对话diamond钻石diary日记dictionary 字典,词典diet规定饮食difference不同,差异,区别difficulty困难dining 进餐dinner正餐,晚餐direction 方向director导演,主管,主任discovery发现discussion议论dish盘,碳,一盘菜doctor医生dog狗dollar美元door 门doubt怀疑dream 梦,梦想dress女装,连衣裙,衣服drink饮料drive驾驶,驱车旅行driver 司机,驾驶员drop 滴duck鸭子dumpling饺子dust灰尘Eear 耳朵earth地球earthquake地震east东方education教育,教育程度effect效果,效应egg鸡蛋electricity电elephant大象email电子邮件end末端,终点,结束enemy敌人energy活力,力量engineer工程师England英国English英国人,英语environment环境,围绕eraser橡皮,铅笔擦,黑板擦Europe 欧洲European 欧洲人evening 傍晚,黄昏,晚上event 公开活动,事件exam=examination考试example例子exchange交流,互访exercise练习,体操experience经验,经历experiment试验,实验eye 眼睛Fface脸fact 事实factory工厂fair 展销会fall瀑布family 家,家庭fan迷,狂热者,电风扇farm农场farmer农夫fat脂肪father爸爸,父亲favourite 最喜欢的人或物fear害怕,担心February 二月feeling 感觉,知觉fence栅栏festival节日,喜庆日fever发烧,发热field田地,领域film电影finger手指fire火fish 鱼,鱼肉fisherman渔夫,渔民flag旗flat公寓floor地板flower花food食物foot脚,英尺football 足球footprint脚印forest 森林fork餐又form形式,类型France法国French 由法国人,法语Friday周五fridge=refrigerator 电冰箱friend朋友friendship友情,友front前面,前边fruit 水果fuel燃料furniture家具future将来Ggame 游戏garden花园gas气体gate大门gentleman绅士geography地理学German 德国人,德语Germany德国gift 礼物,赠品giraffe长颈鹿girl女孩glass 玻璃杯,玻璃glasses 眼镜glove手套glue 胶水gold黄金,金色goodbye再见government政府grade 年级,分数graduation 毕业典礼grammar语法granddaughter(外)孙女grandfather=grandpa(外)祖父grandmother=grandma(外)祖母grandparent(外)祖父/祖母grandson (外)孙子grass草grape 葡萄green 绿色greeting 问候grey(英)/gray(美)灰色ground地面guard防护装置,警戒guest客人guide手册,指南,导游guitar古他gun枪,炮Hhabit习惯hair头发,毛发,(一根)头发/毛发half半,一半hall大厅,礼堂,过道,会堂hamburger汉堡hand手hat(有沿的)帽子handbag女用手提包,旅行用手提包head头,头部headache头痛health健康,健康状况heart心脏,内心heat热,热度height高度help帮助,授助hen母鸡hero英雄hill小山history历史hit成功而轰动一时的事物hobby爱好,喜爱的话题hole洞,孔,坑holiday假期,假日,节日home家hometown家乡,故乡homework家庭作业,课外作业hope希望,盼望,期待horse马hospital医院hotel旅馆hour小时house房子,住宅housework家务,家事hurry赶快husband丈夫Iillness疾病,病ice冰ice-cream冰淇淋idea主意,想法idiom习语,惯用语impression印象India印度Indian印度人,印度语,印第安人industry工业influence影响information信息,资料inside里面,内部instruction命令,指示,用法说明intelligence才智,智慧,情报instrument工具,乐器interest兴趣,趣味internet网络,互联网interview面试,面谈introduction引言,介绍invention发明,创造,发明物iron 铁,熨斗island 岛,岛屿Jjacket 夹克衫January -月,正月Japan日本Japanese日语,日本人job工作,零工,任务,职位joke玩笑,笑话journey旅行,旅程joy欢乐,高兴juice果汁,果汁饮料July七月June六月Kkey钥匙,答案,关键keyboard键盘kick踢kid小孩,年轻人kilo公斤,干克kilometer公里,千米kind种类king君主,国王kiss吻kitchen厨房kite风筝knee膝,膝盖knife(有柄的)刀knock敲击声,叩打声knowledge知识,学间Llab(=laboratory)实验室lady女土,贵妇人,淑女lake湖,湖泊land陆地language语言last末尾,最后laugh笑声law法律,法令lead主角,领导leader领导者,指挥者leaf叶,树叶leave假lecture讲座,演讲left左边leg腿,腿部lemon柠檬lesson课,课程Letter信,字母level水平,标准library图书馆lie谎言,假话life生命,生活lift电梯light灯line排,队,线,电话线路lion狮子list清单litter垃圾lock锁London伦敦(英国首都)look看love爱,热爱luck幸运,运气lunch午餐lot许多,很多Mmachine机器magazine杂志,期刊magic魔术,戏法major主修科目man男人,人,人类manager经理,负责人map地图March三月mark记号,痕迹market市场,集市match比赛,竞赛math(=mathematics)数学matter题,事情,差错May 五月meal膳食,一餐meaning意思,含义meat(食用)肉,肉类medicine药,药物,药剂meeting会议,集会member成员,会员memory记忆力、回忆mention提到的事物,提及menu菜单mess 杂乱,不整洁message消息,信息meta1金属method方法,办法metre米,公尺middle中间,中央midnight子夜,午夜mile英里milk牛奶mind头脑,大脑,聪明人minute分钟Miss 女士,小姐(对未婚女子的称呼)mistake错误,过失,误解model模特,模型moment瞬间,片刻Monday 星期一money钱,金钱,货币monkey猴子month月,月份moon月亮,月球morning早晨,上午mother (mum)妈妈,母亲mountain山,山脉mouse老鼠,鼠标mouth嘴,口movie电影Mr.先生(用于姓前)Mrs.夫人,太太museum博物馆Ms.女士(用在婚姻状况不明的女子姓名前)music音乐musician音乐家,作曲家Nname名字nature自然,大自然neck脖子,颈部neighbour邻居news新闻报道,消息net网news 新闻报道,消息newspaper报纸next 下一个night夜间,夜noise喧闹声,嘈杂, noodle面条(常用复数)noon中午,正午nose鼻子north北方,北部note说明,笔记,硬币,注释notebook笔记本notice注意,通知novel(长篇)小说November 十一月number数字,号码nurse护士Oobject物体o,clock点钟October 十月offer提供,提议office办公室officer官员oil油类,油Olympics奥林匹克运动会orange橙子,橘子,橙汁order订货单,一份菜organization组织,机构oxygen氧气PPacific太平洋Page页pain痛苦,苦恼pair对,一双palace宫殿pancake薄煎饼,烙饼Panda熊猫paper纸parent父亲或母亲park公园part部分,地区,区域party晚会passage文章Passenger乘客passport护照Past过去patient病人pay付钱,支付PE=physical education体育peace 和平,平静peal 梨pen钢笔pencil铅笔people人民,民族period时期,时代person人,人物pet物phone电话photo=photograph照片,相片physics物理pity可惜,遗憾,可惜的事place地点,顺序plan计划,规划,方案plane飞机planet行星plant植物plate盆子play戏剧,剧本,演出player比赛者,运动员,电唱机playground运动场,操场pleasure偷快,快乐,乐事pocket衣袋poem诗歌,韵文police警方,警察policeman/policewoman 警察pollution污染pool水池,水塘Population人口,族群post邮件,邮递postcard明信片postman邮递员potato 土豆pound英镑power能量practice练习present礼物,现在,出席president总统pressure压力price价格prison监狱prize奖赏,奖金,奖品Problem问题product产品,制品programme=program节目,表演progress进步,前进project计划,工程,设计promise诺言pronunciation发音,发音法pull拔,拉pupil小学生purpose目的picture图画,照片piece片,块,张,条pilot 飞行员pipe管道picnic野餐pie馅饼pig猪pink粉色pioneer先锋,少先队员Qquantity数量quarrel争吵quarter一刻钟,四分之queen女王,王后question问题,难题quiz知识竞赛,小测验Rrabbit兔,家兔race比赛radio收音机,无线电railway铁路系统rain雨水,雨天raise筹款reason原因,理由record记录,唱片red红色regret后悔,遗憾relationship关联,联系relative亲戚,亲属repair修理,修补reply回答,答复report报告,汇报research调查,研究rest剩余部分,其余restaurant餐馆,饭店result结果,成果review复习,评论ride乘骑,搭乘right右边ring环状物,戒指risk风险river江,河road路,公路robot机器人rock播滚乐,岩石,石头rocket火箭role角色,作用room房间,空间rope绳子rose玫瑰花row一排,一行rubbish垃圾,废物rule规则ruler直尺Ssafety安全,平安,安全住所sail驾驶帆船航行salad沙拉sale出售,廉售sat盐,食盐sand沙子sandwich三明治satellite卫星Saturday星期六scarf围巾school学校schoolbag书包science科学,(科学的)学科scientist科学家scissors剪刀score得分,分数screen屏幕,荧光屏sea海,海洋season季节seat座位second秒secret秘密secretary秘书,文书sense感觉,知觉,理解力,判断力sentence句子,判……有罪September九月service服务,服务性工作set套,一组shake一种混合饮料shame羞愧,羞耻shape形状,外形sheep绵羊ship轮船shirt男衬衫shoe鞋sorts短裤shoulder肩膀shower淋浴sign 招牌,标牌silence寂静,沉默silk丝织物,丝绸silver白银single单打比赛sir 先生sister 姐妹situation情景,形式size大小,尺すskate溜冰鞋skill技能,技巧,技术skirt女裙sky天,天空sleep睡觉smell气味smile微笑snake蛇snow雪,下雪天气society社会sock短袜sofa沙发soil土壤soldier军人,士兵solution解决办法,处理手段son儿子song歌曲sound声音soup汤south南方speaker扬声器speech演说,讲演,发言speed速度spirit精神spoon匙sport运动,游戏spring春天square(方形的)广场stir楼梯(常用复数)amp邮票standard标准,水准star星星,明星,体坛高手start开始,开端state州station政府机关的局,署,车站stay停留,留下steam蒸汽动力,蒸汽step步骤,措施,脚步声,台阶stick棍,棒stomach胃,胃部stomachache胃疼stone石头,石块stop停车站store百货商店storm暴风雨story故事stranger陌生人strawberry草莓street街,街道stress精神压力,紧张student学生study学习,研究,书房subject学科,科目success成功sugar糖suggestion提议,建议summer夏天,夏季sun太阳Sunday星期日,星期天supermarket超级市场support支持surface表面,表层surprise惊奇,惊讶survey民意调查sweater毛衣sweet糖果swimming游泳Ttable桌子tail尾巴talk交谈,讨论tape录音带,带子task任务taste口味,审美力,感受taxi出租车,的士tea茶,茶叶teacher老师team组,队technology科技,工艺学teenager青少年telephone电话television电视temperature温度,气温tennis网球term术语,学期test考试,测试text课文,课本thank感谢theater=theatre剧院,戏院thought思想Thursday 星期四ticket票tie领带tiger老虎time时间,次数title标题today今天toilet 厕所tomato西红布tomorrow明天ton吨tool工具tooth牙齿toothache牙痛top顶,上部total总数,合计tour旅行,游历tourist旅行者,游客tower塔town城镇toy玩具trade商业,贸易traffic交通train火车training训练,锻炼treasure财富,珍宝tree树木trip旅途,观光旅行trouble困难,苦恼trousers裤子truck卡车truth真相,真理T-shirt T恤衫Tuesday星期turn 一次机会type类型,种类UUK联合王国,英国umbrella伞,雨伞uncle叔,伯,舅,姨夫,姑父uniform校服unit单元universe宇宙university(综合性)大学use用法,用途vacation假期,休假value价值,重要性vegetable蔬菜victory胜利,成功video录像village乡村violin小提琴visitor参观者,游客,访问者voice嗓音,说话声volleyball排球Wwalk散步,步行wall墙,墙壁wale钱包,皮夹子war战争waste废品,废弃物watch手表water水watermelon西瓜wave浪,波浪,波涛wealth财富,财产way路,道路,方法,手段,方式,样式,方面,点weather天气,气候website网站Wednesday星期三week星期,周weekday工作日weekend周末weight 重量,分量west西方,西westerner I西方人wheel轮子while一会,一段时间white白色wife妻子wild自然环境,野生状态wind风window窗户,窗wine酒,葡萄酒wing翅,(飞行器的)翅膀,winner获胜者winter 冬季,冬天wish希望,祝愿woman女人,妇女wood木头,木材word字,词语wonder奇观,奇迹,惊奇,惊叹,惊work工作worker工人wound伤口worry烦恼,忧虑word世界writer作者,作家XX-ray X射线,X光Yyard院子,庭院,码(长度单位)year 年yellow黄色yesterday昨天,昨日Zzero零 zoo动物园。

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符号法: 用不同形状,大小和颜色区分.
(1)ArcMap 是ArcGIS Desktop 中一个主要的应用程序,具有基于地图的所有功能,包括制图、地图分析和编辑。

3.在ArcMap 中进行建模和分析
4.生成地图,并与ArcReader,ArcGIS Engine 应用程序,ArcIMS ArcMap Server 和ArcGIS
Server 共享
(2)ArcCatalog 用于组织和管理所有GIS 数据。


ArcCatalog 应用模块帮助你组织和管理你所有的GIS 信息,比如地图,数据集,模型,元数据,服务等。



⏹导入和导出geodatabase 结构和设计。

⏹在局域网和广域网上搜索和查找的GIS 数据。

⏹管理ArcGIS Server。

ArcCatalog 组织管理GIS 数据,预览GIS 信息
ArcToolbox 是一个简单的包含了各种用于空间处理的GIS 工具的应用程序。

ArcToolbox 内嵌在ArcCatalog 和ArcMap 中,在ArcView、ArcEditor 和ArcInfo 中都可以使用。

ArcToolbox 具有许多复杂的空间处理功能,包括的工具有:
⏹Coverage 的处理
一个Shape文件至少包括一个主文件、一个索引文件及一个dBASE 数据表文件
.SHP主文件Main file: counties.shp贮存地理要素的几何数据
.SHX 索引文件Index file: counties.shx,贮存图形要素索引信息,用于查询
.DBF dBASE 数据表文件: counties.dbf ,贮存要素属性信息的dBASE文件
.PRJ 投影参数文件: counties.prj
.sbn和.sbx 这两个存储的是shapefile的空间索引,它能加速空间数据的读取。

.shp.xml 这是对shapefile进行元数据浏览后生成的xml元数据文件.




