



■谢列琴近日,英特尔宣布推出面向笔记本电脑的英特尔锐炫A 独立显卡系列。


所有搭载英特尔锐炫A系列独立显卡的产品均基于英特尔全新Xe HPG微架构而打造,专为游戏玩家和内容创作者量身设计。



英特尔公司副总裁兼显卡与游戏团队总经理Roger Chandler表示:“数十年来,英特尔一直致力于推动PC平台的创新。





在运行多款热门游戏时,搭载锐炫A370M的笔记本电脑可以提供1080p 60fps以上的画质。



据悉,首款搭载英特尔锐炫3系列独显的笔记本电脑———三星Galaxy Book2Pro已于海外市场上市,搭载锐炫5和锐炫7系列显卡的笔记本以及面向台式机的英特尔锐炫A 系列显卡的产品,预计在2022年夏天上市。



iTrust Adapt 1-20kVA UPS是艾默生网络能源有限公司开发的智能化在线式正弦波不间断电源系统,可为用户的精密仪器设备提供可靠、优质的交流电源,采用模块化设计,可以根据需求装配为塔式或机架式,兼容单进单出和三进单出,适用于小型计算机中心、网络间、通信系统、自动控制系统和精密仪器设备的交流供电。


可调单进单出、三进单出产品突出特点超高功率密度,整机2-3U超宽输入电压/频率范围,适应恶劣电网环境输出功率因数高达0.9,带载量提升20-30%效率高达92-94%三相单相兼容,适合多种应用场合兼容机架式/塔式安装方式支持并联扩展运行(最大4台)提供丰富机架选件,方便机架内的配电/监控等功能的一体化实施可平滑接入艾默生易睿TM监控系统出色的节能环保特性输入高功率因数高达0.99,实现高电能利用率整机效率高达92%以上,节能效益明显满足欧盟RoHS环保指令ITA系列UPS的产品定位?适用于服务器机房等区域,保护服务器、网络通信等关键设备完全匹配艾默生易睿TM机房整体方案黑色机身设计突显了与服务器、机柜的和谐搭配ITA系列UPS如何确保供电的高可靠性?双变换在线式设计,市电掉电无中断支持N+X冗余方式,实现系统可靠性的大幅提升DSP全数字控制,输出稳压精度高采用最新IGBT器件,实现输入超宽抗电网波动范围输入标配防浪涌电路,实现卓越的抗电网浪涌能力ITA系列UPS如何带来绿色环保?整机效率高达92%以上,节能效益明显输入功率因数高达0.99,电能利用率高满足欧盟RoHS指令,物料/工艺无有毒物质可调速智能风扇,风扇转速自适应调节,有效节能降噪提供ECO运行模式,效率高达98%,显著节能ITA系列UPS如何为您省钱?高达0.9的输出功率因数,挂接更多负载支持并机扩展运行,且无需并机插框系统效率高,省电、运行成本低功率密度高,占用机架空间小,节省机架数量ITA系列UPS如何方便的维护?超大尺寸LCD和LED显示,各类运行数据/系统状态/历史情况一目了然操作显示面板旋转设计,可随安装方式不同自由调整角度,方便直观ITA系列UPS如何提高方案的可用性?兼容三单/单单(5/10KVA),三单/三三(16/20KVA)多种应用场合支持多达4台的并机,系统容量随意扩充可通过级联电池模块方便地延长后备时间ITA系列UPS如何满足各种监控需求?提供最新USB监控端口提供可采集环境量的SIC网络适配卡,支持服务器自动安全关机功能后台软件兼容多种操作系统(Windows/Linux/HP-UX/Sun Solaris/IBM AIX等) 兼容艾默生机房监控平台SiteMonitor,支持Web监控提供Mib库,方便接入各类NMS网管系统ITA系列UPS如何保护和延长电池组寿命?超宽输入电压/频率范围,有效减少电池放电几率,延长寿命温度补偿功能,减少环境温度对电池寿命的影响超强充电能力,有效缩短电池回充时间电池组节数设置灵活,便于电池系统的利旧(16/20KVA)支持共用电池组(16/20KVA),节省电池投资。

联想ThinkPad T460s电源适配器数据表说明书

联想ThinkPad T460s电源适配器数据表说明书

Primary Pins
Secondary Pins
52.50 271 3178 3417 1589 0.206 14.35 20
Feedback Circuit
Transformer Construction Parype
E25/13/7 (EF25)
Core Material
Bobbin Reference
Generic, 5 pri. + 5 sec.
Bobbin Orientation
104 15.00 220 x 1 2.912 24386
mm² mΩ µF A hr
Output Rectifier Heatsink Area Synchronous Rectifier RDSON (Manual Overwrite) Output Capacitor - Capacitance Output Capacitor - RMS Ripple Current Output Capacitor - Expected Lifetime



笔记本主板电池型号电池型号和笔记本型号列表导读:就爱阅读网友为您分享以下“电池型号和笔记本型号列表”的资讯,希望对您有所帮助,感谢您对的支持!IBM:92P1071/92P1070; 10.8V, 4.4Ah适用机型:T40/T41/T42/T43/R50/R51/R5292P1089/92P1088; 10.8V, 4.8Ah适用机型:T40/T41/T42/T43/R50/R51/R5292P1087/92P1086; 10.8V, 4.8Ah适用机型: T40/T41/T42/T43/R50/R51/R5292P1007/92P1008; 14.4V, 1.9Ah适用机型:ThinkPad X40/X4102K6627/02K6621 10.8V, 3.6Ah 适用机型:IBM ThinkPad T20/21/22;02K7054/02K7055; 14.4 V, 4Ah 适用机型:thinkpad R32系列/R40系列02K7058/02K7059; 14.4 V, 4Ah 适用机型:thinkpad R32系列/R40系列02K6827/02K6828; 9.6 V, 4.5Ah 适用机型:thinkpad R30/R31 NI-MH92P1126/92P1125, 10.8V/14.4V, 5.2AH, 适用机型:IBM Z60t, ThinkPad 2511,2512,2513,251492P1122/92P1121, 14.4V, 2.6AH,92P1123/92P1124, 14.4V, 2.6AH,92P1131/92P1132;10.8V,7.8AH,适用机型:Z60m92P1133/92P1134;10.8V,7.8AH,92P1127/92P1128;10.8V,5.2AH,92P1129/92P1130;10.8V,5.2AH,92P1141/92P1142;10.8V,5.2AH,92P0994/92P0995; 10.8V, 8.8AH,92P1057/92P1056; 10.8V, 4.0AH,02k6802/02k6803,11.1V,6.0AH,适用机型:ThinkPad S30,S31系列02k6786/02k6787,11.1V,4AH,92P1169/92P1170;14.4V,2.6AH,适用机型:ThinkPad X6092P1163/92P1164;10.8V,2.0AH,92P1173/92P1174;10.8V,5.2AH,92P0998/92P0999;14.4V,1.9AH,适用机型:ThinkPad X40 联想N203(红色),11.1V, 4400mAh,MB06, 11.1V, 4400mAh,适用机型:联想旭日160,S180系列51326680,14.8V,4400mAH,适用机型:HP Pavilion ze1000 Series, Pavilion XF328, 七喜V150系列,联想K71/E310/A1300,紫光A610C , Acer Aspire 1300、Fujitsu Amilo M6300 M6800 M7800 M8800 、LifeBook C1010、Gateway Solo 1400 1450Fujitsu-Siemens,14.8V,4000mAH,MAXDATA,14.4V,4000mAH,小容量:14.8V,2200mAH,SQU-504,11.1V,4400mAh, 适用机型:LE2系列,联想旭日125,E660MB03,14.8V,4400mAh,适用机型:联想E360,Y300系列BATCL00L 14.8V, 3900mAh; 适用机型:联想V60/V66/V68/V80/E420/A800,AccelNote CL00 CL05 CL10,Compal(仁宝)ACL00 ACL05 ACL10,Fosa CL00 CL05 CL10,Gericom(捷锐康)CL10,Intrex CL10,Xeron Sonic Mobile Pro ACL10BATEFL31L6, 10.8V,4400mAh;适用机型:联想天逸100/E370联想未知型号:11.1V, 4400mAh; 适用机型:92P1183/92P1184,10.8V, 4.4Ah; 适用机型:LENOVO 3000 N100 N 100(背面有磨痕)92P1186/92P1185,10.8V, 4.4Ah; 适用机型:同上BATCL50L; 14.8V, 4300mAh; 适用机型:Acer Travlemate290-292,Aspire 9100/9500,联想旭日150/E290,天逸80BATCL50L4; 14.8V, 2000mAh; 适用机型:同上(1块2150mAh)BATBL50L8L; 14.8V, 4000mAh; 适用机型:同上BATBL50L8H; 14.8V, 4800mAh; 适用机型:同上92P1182/92P1181;14.4V,4.3AH,适用机型:LENOVO 3000, C100, C 10092P1179/92P1180;14.4V,4.3AH,适用机型:同上M7,14.8V,4000mAh,适用机型:联想昭阳1500BTP-52EW, 14.8V,4400mAh,适用机型:联想天逸Y510,Y520,联想1+1 L510,紫光T810系列,神舟M130D-M140ST,Fujitsu Siemens Amilo M7400, Amilo Pro V200092P1216/92P1215;10.8V,2.6AH,适用机型:IBM/Lenovo (3000) V100 series92P1220/92P1219;10.8V,5.2AH,适用机型:同上BATHGT31L6, 10.8V,4.8Ah;适用机型:联想F40 V100 笔记本电池BAT30WL, 11.1V,5400mAh,适用机型:Inspiron 5000 Series,联想8350,8510系列3UR18650F-2-QC-CW3(QACWCS22), 11.1V, 4400mAh, 适用机型:F30HITACHI: (同Acer BTP-44A3和DELL 6T226)PC-AB6410; 14.8v, 5880mAh 适用机型:Hitachi Flora 270W NW8, Acer Aspire 1400, Dell Smartstep 200n, Dell Smartstep 250n, Fujitsu Amilo D6800, Fujitsu Amilo D8800, Fujitsu Amilo D8820PC-AB7800(Acer BTP58A1,BTP94A3); 14.8v, 2000mAh 适用机型:PC-AB7830; 14.8v, 4000mAh 适用机型:同上PC-AB8100; 14.8v, 2400mAh 适用机型:PC-AB8110; 14.8v, 4400mAh 适用机型:同上PC-AB6100A; 9.6v, 4000mAh 适用机型:HITACHI Flora 200, PC TNW2-GFF47H410 Acer TravelMate 200,201,202,203,210,211,212 SeriesNEC:PC-VP-BP42/OP-570-76941; 11.1v, 3800mAh; 适用机型:PC-LR900ED,PC-LR700DD,PC-LR500DD,PC-LR700CD,PC-LR500CDPC-VP-BP44/OP-570-76951; 11.1v, 3800mAh;(白色) 适用机型:PC-LA500FD,PC-LA700DD1F,PC-LA790DD PC-LA700DDPC-VP-WP60/OP-570-76701; 14.8v, 4000mAh; 适用机型:NECVERSA E6000 , VERSA E6000X ,PC-LL7509D , PC-LL750AD , PC-LL7709DT , PC-LL770AD , PC-LL9009D , PC-LL900AD , PC-LL9709D , VersaPro VY13M/RF-R , VersaPro VY13M/RX-R , VersaPro VY16F/RF-R , VersaPro VY16F/RX-R , VY13M/RF-R , VY13M/RX-R , VY16F/RF-R , VY16F/RX-R , VY18F/RF-R N, Dell Inspiron 1000PC-VP-WP66/OP-570-76620; 14.8v, 4400mAh;适用机型:同上A2100PC-VP-WP82/OP-570-76961; 14.8v, 4400mAh;PC-VP-BP-51/OP-570-76501; 14.8v, 4400mAh; 适用机型:NEC VERSA E668 ,Versa Aptitude VY17F/DG, VY16F/DF, VY14F/DF, VY14F/DX, VY22X/DF, VY22X/DX,V A16F/DG, V A16F/DF, V A13F/DF, V A13F/DX, VA18X/DF, V A18X/DX 系列,联想昭阳K60/K66系列机型PC-VP-WP22/OP-570-74001; 14.4v, 3800mAh; 适用机型:同上PC-VP-BP34/OP-570-76801; 11.1v, 4800mAh; 适用机型:NEC S1000。

siemens ipc3000 smart v2016 操作说明

siemens ipc3000 smart v2016 操作说明

外部设计 ........................................................................................................................... 10
操作员控件 ....................................................................................................................... 14
操作说明, 06/2019, A5E41134026 - AD
前言....................................................................................................................................... 3
需要的基本知识 需要具备个人计算机和 Microsoft 操作系统的相关知识。 同时,最好了解自动化控制工程方面的一般知识。
在信息系统中的位置 SIMATIC IPC3000 SMART 文档包括以下部分: ● SIMATIC IPC3000 SMART 快速安装指南 ● SIMATIC IPC3000 SMART 操作说明 产品随附的附件盒中提供了快速安装指南和“文档和驱动程序”DVD。 操作说明是“文档和 驱动程序”DVD 的一部分。 有关如何使用软件的详细说明,请参见相应的文档。
3.2 3.2.1 3.2.2
安装设备 ........................................................................................................................... 24 安装信息 ........................................................................................................................... 24 安装位置和方式 ................................................................................................................ 25

技嘉GA-Z270X-Gaming SOC主板使用手册说明书

技嘉GA-Z270X-Gaming SOC主板使用手册说明书

Dec. 30, 2016Motherboard GA-Z270X-Gaming SOC目录清点配件 (6)选购配件 (6)GA-Z270X-Gaming SOC主板配置图 (7)第一章硬件安装 (9)1-1 安装前的注意事项 (9)1-2 产品规格 (10)1-3 安装中央处理器及散热风扇 (14)1-3-1 安装中央处理器(CPU) (14)1-3-2 安装散热风扇 (16)1-4 安装内存条 (17)1-4-1 双通道内存技术 (17)1-4-2 安装内存条 (18)1-5 安装扩展卡 (19)1-6 构建AMD CrossFire™/NVIDIA® SLI™系统 (20)1-7 后方设备插座介绍 (21)1-8 内建灯号、按钮及切换器 (23)1-9 更换音频放大器 (25)1-10 插座及跳线介绍 (26)第二章 BIOS 程序设置 (41)2-1 开机画面 (42)2-2 BIOS设定程序主画面 (43)2-3 M.I.T. (频率/电压控制) (45)2-4 System (系统信息) (57)2-5 BIOS (BIOS功能设定) (58)2-6 Peripherals (集成外设) (61)2-7 Chipset (芯片组设定) (64)2-8 Power (省电功能设定) (65)2-9 Save & Exit (储存设定值并结束设定程序) (67)第三章构建磁盘阵列 (69)3-1 设定SATA控制器模式 (69)3-2 安装SATA RAID/AHCI驱动程序及操作系统 (83)3-3 启动Intel® Optane™技术 (86)第四章驱动程序安装 (87)4-1 Drivers & Software (驱动程序及应用软件) (87)4-2 Application Software (软件应用程序) (88)4-3 Information (信息清单) (88)- 4 -第五章独特功能介绍 (89)5-1 BIOS更新方法介绍 (89)5-1-1 如何使用Q-Flash更新BIOS (89)5-1-2 如何使用@BIOS更新BIOS (92)5-2 APP Center (93)5-2-1 3D OSD (94)5-2-2 AutoGreen (95)5-2-3 BIOS Setup (96)5-2-4 Color Temperature (97)5-2-5 Cloud Station (98)5-2-6 EasyTune (103)5-2-7 Easy RAID (104)5-2-8 Fast Boot (107)5-2-9 Game Boost (108)5-2-10 Platform Power Management (109)5-2-11 RGB Fusion (110)5-2-12 Smart TimeLock (111)5-2-13 Smart Keyboard (112)5-2-14 Smart Backup (113)5-2-15 System Information Viewer (115)5-2-16 USB Blocker (116)5-2-17 USB DAC-UP 2 (117)5-2-18 V-Tuner (118)第六章附录 (119)6-1 音频输入/输出设定介绍 (119)6-1-1 2 / 4 / 5.1 / 7.1声道介绍 (119)6-1-2 S/PDIF输出设定 (121)6-1-3 麦克风录音设定 (122)6-1-4 语音录音机使用介绍 (124)6-2 疑难排解 (125)6-2-1 问题集 (125)6-2-2 故障排除 (126)6-3 除错灯号代码说明 (128)管理声明 (132)技嘉主板售后服务及质量保证卡 (134)技嘉科技全球服务网 (135)- 5 -清点配件5GA-Z270X-Gaming SOC主板- 1片5驱动程序光盘- 1片5使用手册- 1本5硬件安装指南- 1张5SATA排线- 4条5后方I/O设备挡板铁片- 1个5G Connector- 1个5后方I/O设备防尘盖- 1包5GC-SLI2P连接器- 1个上述附带配件仅供参考,实际配件请以实物为准,技嘉科技保留修改的权利。


手环,请确保双手干燥,并先碰触金属物以消除静电。 • 主板在未安装之前,请先置放在防静电垫或防静电袋内。 • 当您要拔除主板电源插座上的插头时,请确认电源供应器是关闭的。 • 在开启电源前请确定电源供应器的电压值是设置在所在区域的电压标准值。 • 在开启电源前请确定所有硬件设备的排线及电源线都已正确地连接。 • 请勿让螺丝接触到主板上的线路或零件,避免造成主板损坏或故障。 • 请确定没有遗留螺丝或金属制品在主板上或电脑机箱内。 • 请勿将电脑主机放置在不平稳处。 • 请勿将电脑主机放置在温度过高的环境中。 • 在安装时若开启电源可能会造成主板、其他设备或您自己本身的伤害。 • 如果您对执行安装不熟悉,或使用本产品发生任何技术性问题时,请咨询专
1-2 产品规格
中央处理器(CPU) Hyper Transport Bus
支持AM3 插槽处理器: AMD Phenom™ II 处理器/ AMD Athlon™ II 处理器 (请至技嘉网站查询有关支持的处理器列表)
第三章 驱动程序安装 ............................................................................................35 芯片组驱动程序 ..................................................................................................... 35
1-1 安装前的注意事项......................................................................................... 6 1-2 产品规格 .......................................................................................................... 7 1-3 安装中央处理器及散热风扇 ....................................................................... 9



INTEGRATED GIGABIT ETHERNET CONTROLLERFOR PCI EXPRESS™ APPLICATIONSDATASHEETRev. 1.402 December 2005Track ID: JATR-1076-21Realtek Semiconductor Corp.No. 2, Innovation Road II, Hsinchu Science Park, Hsinchu 300, Taiwan Tel.: +886-3-578-0211. Fax: +886-3-577-6047 RTL8111B-GRCOPYRIGHT©2005 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language in any form or by any means without the written permission of Realtek Semiconductor Corp.DISCLAIMERRealtek provides this document “as is”, without warranty of any kind, neither expressed nor implied, including, but not limited to, the particular purpose. Realtek may make improvements and/or changes in this document or in the product described in this document at any time. This document could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors.TRADEMARKSRealtek is a trademark of Realtek Semiconductor Corporation. Other names mentioned in this document are trademarks/registered trademarks of their respective owners.USING THIS DOCUMENTThis document is intended for the software engineer’s reference and provides detailed programming information.Though every effort has been made to ensure that this document is current and accurate, more information may have become available subsequent to the production of this guide. In that event, please contact your Realtek representative for additional information that may help in the development process.REVISION HISTORYRevision Release Date Summaryrelease.First1.0 2005/01/171.1 2005/03/24 Changed Table 8, Power & Ground, page 6.Added package identification information on page 3 and on page 24.1.2 2005/06/14 Changed Figure 1, Pin Assignments, Page 3.Table 4, Transceiver Interface, Page 5.Table 11, Absolute Maximum Ratings, Page 16.Table 12, Recommended Operating Conditions, Page 16.Table 15, DC Characteristics, Page 17.Removed SPI flash related items.Removed Lead-free package information.Added ‘Green package’ information on page 3 and on page 24.1.3 2005/08/17 Added ‘Exposed pad size’information on page 24.Changed Figure 1, Pin Assignments, Page 3.Changed Table 21 Ordering Information, page 24.1.4 2005/12/02 Changed Table 5, Clock, page 5.Changed Table 12, Recommended Operating Conditions, Page 16.Changed Table 15, DC Characteristics, Page 17.Integrated Gigabit Ethernet Controller for PCI Express ii Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.4Table of Contents1.General Description (1)2.Features (2)3.System Applications (2)4.Pin Assignments (3)4.1. P ACKAGE I DENTIFICATION (3)5.Pin Descriptions (4)5.1. P OWER M ANAGEMENT/I SOLATION (4)5.2. PCI E XPRESS I NTERFACE (4)5.3. EEPROM (4)5.4. T RANSCEIVER I NTERFACE (5)5.5. C LOCK (5)5.6. R EGULATOR &R EFERENCE (5)5.7. LED S (5)5.8. P OWER &G ROUND (6)5.9. NC(N OT C ONNECTED)P INS (6)6.Functional Description (7)6.1. PCI E XPRESS B US I NTERFACE (7)6.1.1.PCI Express Transmitter (7)6.1.2.PCI Express Receiver (7)6.2. LED F UNCTIONS (7)6.2.1.Link Monitor (7)6.2.2.Rx LED (8)6.2.3.Tx LED (8)6.2.4.Tx/Rx LED (9)6.2.5.LINK/ACT LED (10)6.3. PHY T RANSCEIVER (11)6.3.1.PHY Transmitter (11)6.3.2.PHY Receiver (11)6.4. N EXT P AGE (12)6.5. EEPROM I NTERFACE (12)6.6. P OWER M ANAGEMENT (13)6.7. V ITAL P RODUCT D ATA (VPD) (15)7.Characteristics (16)7.1. A BSOLUTE M AXIMUM R ATINGS (16)7.2. R ECOMMENDED O PERATING C ONDITIONS (16)7.3. C RYSTAL R EQUIREMENTS (16)7.4. T HERMAL C HARACTERISTICS (17)7.5. DC C HARACTERISTICS (17)7.6. AC C HARACTERISTICS (18)Integrated Gigabit Ethernet Controller for PCI Express iii Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. EEPROM Interface Timing (18)7.7. PCI E XPRESS B US P ARAMETERS (20)7.7.1.Differential Transmitter Parameters (20)7.7.2.Differential Receiver Parameters (21)7.7.3.REFCLK Parameters (21)7.7.4.Auxiliary Signal Timing Parameters (23)8.Mechanical Dimensions (24)9.Ordering Information (24)Integrated Gigabit Ethernet Controller for PCI Express iv Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.4List of FiguresFigure 1. Pin Assignments (3)Figure 2. Rx LED (8)Figure 3. Tx LED (8)Figure 4. Tx/Rx LED (9)Figure 5. LINK/ACT LED (10)Figure 6. Serial EEPROM Interface Timing (18)Figure 7. REFCLK Single-Ended Measurement Points for T rise and T fall (22)Figure 8. REFCLK Single-Ended Measurement Points for V ovs, V uds, and V rb (22)Figure 9. REFCLK Differential Measurement Points for T period, Duty Cycle, and Jitter (22)Figure 10. REFCLK V cross Range (23)Figure 11. Auxiliary Signal Timing (23)Integrated Gigabit Ethernet Controller for PCI Express v Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.41.General DescriptionThe Realtek RTL8111B-GR Gigabit Ethernet controller combines a triple-speed IEEE 802.3 compliant Media Access Controller (MAC) with a triple-speed Ethernet transceiver, PCI Express bus controller, and embedded memory. With state-of-the-art DSP technology and mixed-mode signal technology, the RTL8111B-GR offers high-speed transmission over CAT 5 UTP cable or CAT 3 UTP (10Mbps only) cable. Functions such as Crossover Detection & Auto-Correction, polarity correction, adaptive equalization, cross-talk cancellation, echo cancellation, timing recovery, and error correction are implemented to provide robust transmission and reception capability at high speeds.The device supports the PCI Express 1.0a bus interface for host communications with power management and is compliant with the IEEE 802.3u specification for 10/100Mbps Ethernet and the IEEE 802.3ab specification for 1000Mbps Ethernet. It also supports an auxiliary power auto-detect function, and will auto-configure related bits of the PCI power management registers in PCI configuration space.Advanced Configuration Power management Interface (ACPI)—power management for modern operating systems that are capable of Operating System-directed Power Management (OSPM)—is supported to achieve the most efficient power management possible. PCI Message Signaled Interrupt (MSI) is also supported.In addition to the ACPI feature, remote wake-up (including AMD Magic Packet™, Re-LinkOk, and Microsoft® Wake-up frame) is supported in both ACPI and APM (Advanced Power Management) environments. To support WOL from a deep power down state (e.g., D3cold, i.e. main power is off and only auxiliary exists), the auxiliary power source must be able to provide the needed power for the RTL8111B-GR.The RTL8111B-GR is fully compliant with Microsoft® NDIS5 (IP, TCP, UDP) Checksum and Segmentation Task-offload features, and supports IEEE 802 IP Layer 2 priority encoding and IEEE 802.1Q Virtual bridged Local Area Network (VLAN). The above features contribute to lowering CPU utilization, especially benefiting performance when in operation on a network server.The device also features next-generation inter-connect PCI Express technology. PCI Express is a high-bandwidth, low pin count, serial, interconnect technology that offers significant improvements in performance over conventional PCI and also maintains software compatibility with existing PCI infrastructure.The RTL8111B-GR is suitable for multiple market segments and emerging applications, such as desktop, mobile, workstation, server, communications platforms, and embedded applications.Integrated Gigabit Ethernet Controller for PCI Express 1Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.42.FeaturesIntegrated 10/100/1000 transceiverAuto-Negotiation with Next Page capabilitySupports PCI Express™ 1.0aSupports pair swap/polarity/skew correctionCrossover Detection & Auto-Correction Wake-on-LAN and remote wake-up supportMicrosoft® NDIS5 Checksum Offload (IP, TCP, UDP) and Largesend Offload supportSupports Full Duplex flow control (IEEE 802.3x)Fully compliant with IEEE 802.3, IEEE 802.3u, IEEE 802.3ab Supports IEEE 802.1P Layer 2 Priority EncodingSupports IEEE 802.1Q VLAN tagging Serial EEPROMTransmit/Receive on-chip buffer (48KB) supportSupports power down/link down power savingSupports PCI Message SignaledInterrupt (MSI)64-pin QFN package (Green package)3.System ApplicationsPCI Express™ Gigabit Ethernet on Motherboard, Notebook, or Embedded systemIntegrated Gigabit Ethernet Controller for PCI Express 2Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.4Integrated Gigabit Ethernet Controller for PCI Express 3 Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.4M D I P 0M D I N 0M D I P 1M D I N 1V C T R L 18M D I P 2M D I N 2M D I P 3M D I N 3I S O L A T E BE E S KE E D I /A U XE E D OE E C SN CVDD33V D D 33V D D 33V D D 33V D D 15V D D 15V D D 15V D D 15V D D 15VDD15VDD15VDD15VDD15A V D D 18A V D D 18A V D D 18A V D D 18EVDD18EVDD18GVDD A V D D 33AVDD33EGND EGND N CN CN CN CNC NC LED3LED2LED1LED0CKTAL2CKTAL1RSETVCTRL15VDD15HSON HSOP REFCLK_N REFCLK_P HSIN HSIP PERSTB LANWAKEB NC NCFigure 1. Pin Assignments4.1. Package Identification‘Green’ package is indicated by a ‘G’ in the location marked ‘T’ in Figure 1.Integrated Gigabit Ethernet Controller for PCI Express 4Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.4The signal type codes below are used in the following tables:I: Input S/T/S: Sustained Tri-State O: Output O/D: Open Drain T/S: Tri-State bi-directional input/output pin5.1. Power Management/IsolationTable 1. Power Management/IsolationSymbol Type Pin No DescriptionLANWAKEB O/D 19Power Management Event: Open drain, active low.Used to reactivate the PCI Express slot’s main power rails and reference clocks. ISOLATEB I 36Isolate Pin: Active low.Used to isolate the RTL8111B-GR from the PCI Express bus. The RTL8111B-GRwill not drive its PCI Express outputs (excluding LANWAKEB) and will not sample its PCI Express input as long as the Isolate pin is asserted.5.2. PCI Express InterfaceTable 2. PCI Express InterfaceSymbol Type Pin No Description REFCLK_P I 26REFCLK_N I 27 PCI Express Differential Reference Clock Source: 100MHz ± 300ppm.HSOP O 29HSON O 30 PCI Express Transmit Differential Pair.HSIP I 23HSIN I 24PCI Express Receive Differential Pair.PERSTB I 20PCI Express Reset Signal: Active low.When the PERSTB is asserted at power-on state, the RTL8111B-GR returnsto a pre-defined reset state and is ready for initialization and configuration after the de-assertion of the PERSTB.5.3. EEPROMTable 3. EEPROMSymbol Type Pin No Description EESK O 48 Serial data clock.EEDI/AUX O/I 47EEDI: Output to serial data input pin of EEPROM.AUX: Input pin to detect if Aux. Power exists or not on initial power-on. This pin should be connected to EEPROM. To support wakeup from ACPID3cold or APM power-down, this pin must be pulled high to Aux. Power via a resistor. If this pin is not pulled high to Aux. Power, the RTL8111B-GR assumes that no Aux. Power exists.EEDO I 45 Input from serial data output pin of EEPROM. EECS O 44 EECS: EEPROM chip select.Integrated Gigabit Ethernet Controller for PCI Express 5Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.45.4. Transceiver InterfaceTable 4. Transceiver InterfaceSymbol Type Pin No DescriptionMDIP0 I/O 3MDIN0 I/O4In MDI mode, this is the first pair in 1000Base-T, i.e. the BI_DA+/- pair, and is the transmit pair in 10Base-T and 100Base-TX. In MDI crossover mode, this pair acts as the BI_DB+/- pair, and is the receive pair in 10Base-T and 100Base-TX.MDIP1 I/O 6MDIN1 I/O7In MDI mode, this is the second pair in 1000Base-T, i.e. the BI_DB+/- pair, and is the transmit pair in 10Base-T and 100Base-TX. In MDI crossover mode, this pair acts as the BI_DA+/- pair, and is the transmit pair in 10Base-T and 100Base-TX.MDIP2 I/O 9 MDIN2 I/O 10In MDI mode, this is the third pair in 1000Base-T, i.e. the BI_DC+/- pair.In MDI crossover mode, this pair acts as the BI_DD+/- pair. MDIP3 I/O 12MDIN3 I/O 13In MDI mode, this is the fourth pair in 1000Base-T, i.e. the BI_DD+/- pair. In MDI crossover mode, this pair acts as the BI_DC+/- pair.5.5. ClockTable 5. ClockSymbolType Pin No DescriptionCKTAL1 I 60 Input of 25MHz clock reference. CKTAL2O61Output of 25MHz clock reference.5.6. Regulator & ReferenceTable 6. Regulator & Reference Symbol Type Pin No DescriptionVCTRL15 O 63 Regulator Control. V oltage control to external 1.5V power transistor. VCTRL18 O 1 Regulator Control. V oltage control to external 1.8V power transistor. RSETI64Reference. External resistor reference.5.7. LEDsTable 7. LEDsSymbol Type Pin No DescriptionLED0 O 57 LED1 O 56 LED2 O 55LED3 O 54 LEDS1-0 00 01 10 11 LED0 Tx/Rx LINK10/1000/ACT Tx LINK10/ACTLED1 LINK100 LINK100/1000/ACT LINKLINK100/ACTLED2 LINK10 FULL Rx FULLLED3 LINK1000 LINK1000 FULLLINK1000/ACTNote 1: During power down mode, the LED signals are logic high.Note 2: LEDS1-0’s initial value comes from the 93C46. If there is no 93C46, the default value of the (LEDS1, LEDS0) = (1, 1).Integrated Gigabit Ethernet Controller for PCI Express6 Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.45.8. Power & Ground Table 8. Power & GroundSymbol Type Pin No DescriptionVDD33 Power 16, 37, 46, 53 Digital 3.3V power supply.VDD15 Power 15, 21, 32, 33, 38, 41, 43, 49, 52, 58Digital 1.5V power supply. A VDD18 Power 5, 8, 11, 14 Analog 1.8V power supply.EVDD18 Power 22, 28 Analog 1.8V power supply.GVDD O 62 Output 1.5V .A VDD33 Power 2, 59 Analog 3.3V power supply.EGND Power 25, 31 Analog Ground.Note 1: GVDD is tied to the internal 1.5V power supply. Do not connect this pin to any other power supply. Connect only to two capacitors.Note 2: Refer to the most updated schematic circuit for correct configuration.5.9. NC (Not Connected) PinsTable 9. NC (Not Connected) PinsSymbol Type Pin No DescriptionNC 17, 18, 34, 35, 39, 40, 42, 50, 51Not Connected.6.Functional Description6.1.PCI Express Bus InterfaceThe RTL8111B-GR is compliant with PCI Express Base Specification Revision 1.0a, and runs at a 2.5GHz signaling rate with X1 link width, i.e., one transmit and one receive differential pair. The RTL8111B-GR supports four types of PCI Express messages: interrupt messages, error messages, power management messages, and hot-plug messages. To ease PCB layout constraints, PCI Express lane polarity reversal and link reversal are also supported.6.1.1.PCI Express TransmitterThe RTL8111B-GR’s PCI Express block receives digital data from the Ethernet interface and performs data scrambling with Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR) and 8B/10B coding technology into 10-bit code groups. Data scrambling is used to reduce the possibility of electrical resonance on the link, and 8B/10B coding technology is used to benefit embedded clocking, error detection, and DC balance by adding an overhead to the system through the addition of 2 extra bits. The data code groups are passed through its serializer for packet framing. The generated 2.5Gbps serial data is transmitted onto the PCB trace to its upstream device via a differential driver.6.1.2.PCI Express ReceiverThe RTL8111B-GR’s PCI Express block receives 2.5Gbps serial data from its upstream device to generate parallel data. The receiver’s PLL circuits are re-synchronized to maintain bit and symbol lock. Through 8B/10B decoding technology and data de-scrambling, the original digital data is recovered and passed to the RTL8111B-GR’s internal Ethernet MAC to be transmitted onto the Ethernet media.6.2.LED FunctionsThe RTL8111B-GR supports four LED signals in four different configurable operation modes. The following sections describe the various LED actions.6.2.1.Link MonitorThe Link Monitor senses link integrity, such as LINK10, LINK100, LINK1000, LINK10/100/1000, LINK10/ACT, LINK100/ACT, or LINK1000/ACT. Whenever link status is established, the specific link LED pin is driven low. Once a cable is disconnected, the link LED pin is driven high, indicating that no network connection exists.Integrated Gigabit Ethernet Controller for PCI Express 7Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. LEDIn 10/100/1000Mbps mode, blinking of the Rx LED indicates that receive activity is occurring.Figure 2. Rx LED6.2.3.Tx LEDIn 10/100/1000Mbps mode, blinking of the Tx LED indicates that transmit activity is occurring.Figure 3. Tx LEDIntegrated Gigabit Ethernet Controller for PCI Express 8Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. LEDIn 10/100/1000Mbps mode, blinking of the Tx/Rx LED indicates that both transmit and receive activity is occurring.Figure 4. Tx/Rx LEDIntegrated Gigabit Ethernet Controller for PCI Express 9Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. LEDIn 10/100/1000Mbps mode, blinking of the LINK/ACT LED indicates that the RTL8111B-GR is linked and operating properly. When this LED is high for extended periods, it indicates that a link problem exists.Figure 5. LINK/ACT LEDIntegrated Gigabit Ethernet Controller for PCI Express 10Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.46.3.PHY Transceiver6.3.1.PHY TransmitterBased on state-of-the-art DSP technology and mixed-mode signal processing technology, the RTL8111B-GR operates at 10/100/1000Mbps over standard CAT.5 UTP cable (100/1000Mbps), and CAT.3 UTP cable (10Mbps).GMII (1000Mbps) ModeThe RTL8111B-GR’s PCS layer receives data bytes from the MAC through the GMII interface and performs the generation of continuous code-groups through 4D-PAM5 coding technology. These code groups are passed through a waveform-shaping filter to minimize EMI effect, and are transmitted onto the 4-pair CAT5 cable at 125MBaud/s through a D/A converter.MII (100Mbps) ModeThe transmitted 4-bit nibbles (TXD[3:0]) from the MAC, clocked at 25MHz (TXC), are converted into 5B symbol code through 4B/5B coding technology, then through scrambling and serializing, are converted to 125Mhz NRZ and NRZI signals. After that, the NRZI signals are passed to the MLT3 encoder, then to the D/A converter and transmitted onto the media.MII (10Mbps) ModeThe transmitted 4-bit nibbles (TXD[3:0]) from the MAC, clocked at 2.5MHz (TXC), are serialized into 10Mbps serial data. The 10Mbps serial data is converted into a Manchester-encoded data stream and is transmitted onto the media by the D/A converter.6.3.2.PHY ReceiverGMII (1000Mbps) ModeInput signals from the media pass through the sophisticated on-chip hybrid circuit to subtract the transmitted signal from the input signal for effective reduction of near-end echo. Afterwards, the received signal is processed with state-of-the-art technology, e.g., adaptive equalization, BLW (Baseline Wander) correction, cross-talk cancellation, echo cancellation, timing recovery, error correction, and 4D-PAM5 decoding. Then, the 8-bit-wide data is recovered and is sent to the GMII interface at a clock speed of 125MHz. The Rx MAC retrieves the packet data from the receive MII/GMII interface and sends it to the Rx Buffer Manager.MII (100Mbps) ModeThe MLT3 signal is processed with an ADC, equalizer, BLW (Baseline Wander) correction, timing recovery, MLT3 and NRZI decoder, descrambler, 4B/5B decoder, and is then presented to the MII interface in 4-bit-wide nibbles at a clock speed of 25MHz.MII (10Mbps) ModeThe received differential signal is converted into a Manchester-encoded stream first. Next, the stream is processed with a Manchester decoder and is de-serialized into 4-bit-wide nibbles. The 4-bit nibbles are presented to the MII interface at a clock speed of 2.5MHz.Integrated Gigabit Ethernet Controller for PCI Express 11Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.46.4.Next PageIf 1000Base-T mode is advertised, three additional Next Pages are automatically exchanged between the two link partners. Users can set PHY Reg4.15 to 1 to manually exchange extra Next Pages via Reg7 and Reg8 as defined in IEEE 802.3ab.6.5.EEPROM InterfaceThe RTL8111B-GR requires the attachment of an external EEPROM. The 93C46/93C56 is a 1K-bit/2K-bit EEPROM. The EEPROM interface permits the RTL8111B-GR to read from, and write data to, an external serial EEPROM device.Values in the external EEPROM allow default fields in PCI configuration space and I/O space to be overridden following a power-on or software EEPROM auto-load command. The RTL8111B-GR will auto-load values from the EEPROM. If the EEPROM is not present, the RTL8111B-GR initialization uses default values for the appropriate Configuration and Operational Registers. Software can read and write to the EEPROM using bit-bang accesses via the 9346CR Register, or using PCI VPD (Vital Product Data). The interface consists of EESK, EECS, EEDO, and EEDI.The correct EEPROM (i.e. 93C46/93C56) must be used in order to ensure proper LAN function.Table 10. EEPROM InterfaceEEPROM DescriptionEECS 93C46/93C56 chip select.EESK EEPROM serial data clock.EEDI/Aux Input data bus/Input pin to detect whether Aux. Power exists on initial power-on.This pin should be connected to EEPROM. To support wakeup from ACPI D3cold or APM power-down, this pin must be pulled high to Aux. Power via a resistor. If this pin is not pulled high to Aux. Power, the RTL8111B-GR assumes that no Aux. Power exists.EEDO Output data bus.Integrated Gigabit Ethernet Controller for PCI Express 12Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.46.6.Power ManagementThe RTL8111B-GR is compliant with ACPI (Rev 1.0, 1.0b, 2.0), PCI Power Management (Rev 1.1), PCI Express Active State Power Management (ASPM), and Network Device Class Power Management Reference Specification (V1.0a), such as to support an Operating System-directed Power Management (OSPM) environment.The RTL8111B-GR can monitor the network for a Wakeup Frame, a Magic Packet, or a Re-LinkOk, and notify the system via a PCI Express Power Management Event (PME) Message, Beacon, or LANWAKEB pin when such a packet or event occurs. Then the system can be restored to a normal state to process incoming jobs.When the RTL8111B-GR is in power down mode (D1 ~ D3):•The Rx state machine is stopped. The RTL8111B-GR monitors the network for wakeup events such asa Magic Packet, Wakeup Frame, and/or Re-LinkOk, in order to wake up the system. When in powerdown mode, the RTL8111B-GR will not reflect the status of any incoming packets in the ISR register and will not receive any packets into the Rx on-chip buffer.•The on-chip buffer status and packets that have already been received into the Rx on-chip buffer before entering power down mode are held by the RTL8111B-GR.•Transmission is stopped. PCI Express transactions are stopped. The Tx on-chip buffer is held.•After being restored to D0 state, the RTL8111B-GR transmits data that was not moved into the Tx on-chip buffer during power down mode. Packets that were not transmitted completely last time are re-transmitted.The D3cold_support_PME bit (bit15, PMC register) and the Aux_I_b2:0 bits (bit8:6, PMC register) in PCI configuration space depend on the existence of Aux power (bit15, PMC) = 1.If EEPROM D3cold_support_PME bit (bit15, PMC) = 0, the above 4 bits are all 0’s.Example:If EEPROM D3c_support_PME = 1:•If aux. power exists, then PMC in PCI config space is the same as EEPROM PMC (if EEPROM PMC = C2 F7, then PCI PMC = C2 F7)•If aux. power is absent, then PMC in PCI config space is the same as EEPROM PMC except the above 4 bits are all 0’s (if EEPROM PMC = C2 F7, then PCI PMC = 02 76)In the above case, if wakeup support is desired when main power is off, it is suggested that the EEPROM PMC be set to C2 F7 (Realtek EEPROM default value).If EEPROM D3c_support_PME = 0:•If aux. power exists, then PMC in PCI config space is the same as EEPROM PMC (if EEPROM PMC = C2 77, then PCI PMC = C2 77)•If aux. power is absent, then PMC in PCI config space is the same as EEPROM PMC except the above 4 bits are all 0’s (if EEPROM PMC = C2 77, then PCI PMC = 02 76)In the above case, if wakeup support is not desired when main power is off, it is suggested that the EEPROM PMC be set to 02 76.Integrated Gigabit Ethernet Controller for PCI Express 13Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.4Link Wakeup occurs only when the following conditions are met:•The LinkUp bit (CONFIG3#4) is set to 1, the PMEn bit (CONFIG1#0) is set to 1, and the corresponding wake-up method (message, beacon, or LANWAKEB) can be asserted in the current power state.Magic Packet Wakeup occurs only when the following conditions are met:•The destination address of the received Magic Packet is acceptable to the RTL8111B-GR, e.g., a broadcast, multicast, or unicast packet addressed to the current RTL8111B-GR adapter.•The received Magic Packet does not contain a CRC error.•The Magic bit (CONFIG3#5) is set to 1, the PMEn bit (CONFIG1#0) is set to 1, and the corresponding wake-up method (message, beacon, or LANWAKEB) can be asserted in the current power state.•The Magic Packet pattern matches, i.e. 6 * FFh + MISC (can be none) + 16 * DID (Destination ID) in any part of a valid Ethernet packet.A Wakeup Frame event occurs only when the following conditions are met:•The destination address of the received Wakeup Frame is acceptable to the RTL8111B-GR, e.g., a broadcast, multicast, or unicast address to the current RTL8111B-GR adapter.•The received Wakeup Frame does not contain a CRC error.•The PMEn bit (CONFIG1#0) is set to 1.•The 16-bit CRC A of the received Wakeup Frame matches the 16-bit CRC of the sample Wakeup Frame pattern given by the local machine’s OS. Or, the RTL8111B-GR is configured to allow direct packet wakeup, e.g., a broadcast, multicast, or unicast network packet.Note: 16-bit CRC: The RTL8111B-GR supports two normal wakeup frames (covering 64 mask bytes from offset 0 to 63 of any incoming network packet) and three long wakeup frames (covering 128 mask bytes from offset 0 to 127 of any incoming network packet).The corresponding wake-up method (message, beacon, or LANWAKEB) is asserted only when the following conditions are met:•The PMEn bit (bit0, CONFIG1) is set to 1.•The PME_En bit (bit8, PMCSR) in PCI Configuration Space is set to 1.•The RTL8111B-GR may assert the corresponding wake-up method (message, beacon, or LANWAKEB) in the current power state or in isolation state, depending on the PME_Support(bit15-11) setting of the PMC register in PCI Configuration Space.• A Magic Packet, LinkUp, or Wakeup Frame has been received.•Writing a 1 to the PME_Status (bit15) of the PMCSR register in the PCI Configuration Space clears this bit and causes the RTL8111B-GR to stop asserting the corresponding wake-up method (message, beacon, or LANWAKEB) (if enabled).Integrated Gigabit Ethernet Controller for PCI Express 14Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.4When the RTL8111B-GR is in power down mode, e.g., D1-D3, the IO and MEM accesses to the RTL8111B-GR are disabled. After a PERSTB assertion, the device’s power state is restored to D0 automatically if the original power state was D3cold. There is almost no hardware delay at the device’s power state transition. When in ACPI mode, the device does not support PME (Power Management Enable) from D0 (this is the Realtek default setting of the PMC register auto-loaded from EEPROM). The setting may be changed from the EEPROM, if required.6.7.Vital Product Data (VPD)Bit 31 of the Vital Product Data (VPD) capability structure in the RTL8111B-GR’s PCI Configuration Space is used to issue VPD read/write commands and is also a flag used to indicate whether the transfer of data between the VPD data register and the 93C46/93C56 has completed or not.1.Write VPD register: (write data to the 93C46/93C56)Set the flag bit to 1 at the same time the VPD address is written to write VPD data to EEPROM.When the flag bit is reset to 0 by the RTL8111B-GR, the VPD data (4 bytes per VPD access)has been transferred from the VPD data register to EEPROM.2.Read VPD register: (read data from the 93C46/93C56)Reset the flag bit to 0 at the same time the VPD address is written to retrieve VPD data fromEEPROM. When the flag bit is set to 1 by the RTL8111B-GR, the VPD data (4 bytes per VPDaccess) has been transferred from EEPROM to the VPD data register.Note1: Refer to the PCI 2.2 Specifications for further information.Note2: The VPD address must be a DWORD-aligned address as defined in the PCI 2.2 Specifications.VPD data is always consecutive 4-byte data starting from the VPD address specified.Note3: Realtek reserves offset 40h to 7Fh in EEPROM mainly for VPD data to be stored.Note4: The VPD function of the RTL8111B-GR is designed to be able to access the full range of the 93C46/93C56 EEPROM.Integrated Gigabit Ethernet Controller for PCI Express 15Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.4。



处理器型号 MSM8255T MSM8655T MSM8260 MSM8660
制造工艺 65nm 65nm 45nm 45nm
CPU架构 Scorpion Scorpion
核心频率 1GHz 1GHz
GPU Adreno 205 Adreno 205 Adreno 220 Adreno 220
双核Scorpion 1.2~1.7GHz 双核Scorpion 1.2~1.7GHz
骁龙820降频版 (MSM8996)
14nm FinFET
双核Kyro+双 1.8+1.36GHz 核Kyro
Adreno 530 双通道 510MHz LPDDR4-1333
骁龙820 (MSM8996)
14nm FinFET
双核Kyro+双 2.15+1.59GHz 核Kyro
Adreno 530 双通道 624MHz LPDDR4-1866
骁龙800/600系列 处理器型号 骁龙800 (MSM8x74) 骁龙801 (MSM8x74AA) 骁龙801 (MSM8x74AB) 骁龙801 (MSM8x74AC) 骁龙805 (APQ8084) 制造工艺 28nm HPM 28nm HPM 28nm HPM 28nm HPM CPU架构 四核Krait 400 四核Krait 400 四核Krait 400 四核Krait 400 四核Krait 450 核心频率 2.26GHz 2.26GHz 2.36GHz 2.45GHz GPU 内存 Adreno 330 双通道 LPDDR3-800 450MHz Adreno 330 双通道 450MHz LPDDR3-800 Adreno 330 双通道 LPDDR3-933 578MHz Adreno 330 双通道 578MHz LPDDR3-933 Adreno 420 双通道 600MHz LPDDR3-800



专治各种不服!松下CF1高强度金属护甲最大化机身坚固性回顶部【PConline 单机评测】提起松下笔记本,想必大家都会想到TOUGHBOOK“三防”系列,这种笔记本可应对环境十分恶劣的野外作业,不仅防水防尘甚至几乎达到了防弹的标准,由此也成为了很多特殊行业在任何条件下实现IT化的必选设备,而因其差异化极强的军工品质,TOUGHBOOK在国内也被很多PC发烧友所收藏——极具代表性的TOUGHBOOK绝对是“三防”笔记本的标杆产品。

松下 CF-31(i5-2520M) 图片评测论坛报价TOUGHBOOK发布于1996年,松下将其称作坚固型笔记本电脑,并在当时的广告中着重强调了这款产品的“三防”特性,比如在早间的电视节目中播出让吉普车压过TOUGHBOOK电脑,把它们摔在地上,或是在电脑上浇咖啡的广告。

同时,在松下工厂,TOUGHBOOK 需要经过近乎严苛的测试才能够最终出厂,其中包括用水喷测试防水性、经历50度的高温烘烤和零下20度的严寒考验,最后还要进行各个角度的跌落测试。







GA-8I945PLGE-RH CPU支持列表主板型号GA-8I945PLGE-RH PCB 版本1.xCPU 广商CPU 型号外频800Intel Core™ 2 Extreme QX9770(C1,Yorkfield,45nm,3.2GHz,12 MB) 1600 - Intel Core™ 2 Extreme QX9770(C0,Yorkfield,45nm,3.2GHz,12 MB) 1600 - Intel Core™ 2 Extreme QX9650(C1,Yo rkfield,45nm,3GHz,12 MB) 1333 - Intel Core™ 2 Extreme QX9650(C0,Yorkfield,45nm,3GHz,12 MB) 1333 - Intel Core™ 2 Quad Q9650(E0,Yorkfield,45nm,3.0 GHz,12MB) 1333 - Intel Core™ 2 Quad Q9550(E0,Yorkfield,45nm,2.83GHz,12MB) 1333 - Intel Core™ 2 Quad Q9550(C1,Yorkfield,45nm,2.83GHz,12MB) 1333 - Intel Core™ 2 Quad Q9450(C1,Yorkfield,45nm,2.66GHz,12MB) 1333 - Intel Core™ 2 Quad Q9400(R0,Yorkfield,45nm,2.66GHz,6MB) 1333 -Intel Core™ 2 Quad Q9300(M1,Yorkfield,45nm,2.50GHz,6MB) 1333 -Intel Core™ 2 Qu ad Q8200(M1,Yorkfield,45nm,2.33GHz,4MB) 1333 -Intel Core™ 2 Duo E8600(E0,Wolfdale,45nm,3.33GHz,6MB) 1333 -Intel Core™ 2 Duo E8500(C0,Wolfdale,45nm,3.16GHz,6MB) 1333 -Intel Core™ 2 Duo E8500(E0,Wolfdale,45nm,3.16GHz,6MB) 1333 -Intel Core™ 2 Duo E8400(C0,Wolfdale,45nm,3GHz,6MB) 1333 -Intel Core™ 2 Duo E8400(E0,Wolfdale,45nm,3GHz,6MB) 1333 -Intel Core™ 2 Duo E8300(C0,Wolfdale,45nm,2.83GHz,6MB) 1333 -Intel Core™ 2 Duo E8200(C0,Wolfdale,45nm,2.66GHz,6MB) 1333 -Intel Core™ 2 Duo E8190(C0,W olfdale,45nm,2.66GHz,6MB) 1333 -Intel Core™ 2 Extreme QX6850(G0,Kentsfield,65nm,3GHz,8MB) 1333 - Intel Core™ 2 Extreme QX6800(G0,Kentsfield,65nm,2.93GHz,8MB) 1066 - Intel Core™ 2 Extreme QX6700(B3,Kentsfield,65nm,2.66GHz,8MB) 1066 - Intel Core™ 2 Extreme X6800(B2,Conroe XE,65nm,2.93GHz,4MB) 1066 - Intel Core™ 2 Quad Q6700(G0,Kentsfield,65nm,2.66GHz,8MB) 1066 - Intel Core™ 2 Quad Q6600(G0,Kentsfield,65nm,2.40HGz,8MB) 1066 - Intel Core™ 2 Quad Q6600(B3,Kentsfield,65nm,2.40GHz,8MB) 1066 - Intel Core™ 2 Duo E7500(M0,Wolfdale,45nm,2.93GHz,3MB) 1066 -Intel Core™ 2 Duo E7400(R0,Wolfdale,45nm,2.8GHz,3MB) 1066 -Intel Core™ 2 Duo E7300(M0,Wolfdale,45nm,2.66GHz,3MB) 1066 -Intel Core™ 2 Duo E7200(M0,Wolfdale,45nm,2.53GHz,3MB) 1066 -Intel Cor e™ 2 Duo E6850(G0,Conroe,65nm,3GHz,4MB) 1333 -Intel Core™ 2 Duo E6750(G0,Conroe,65nm,2.66GHz,4MB) 1333 -Intel Core™ 2 Duo E6700(B2,Conroe,65nm,2.66GHz,4MB) 1066 -Intel Core™ 2 Duo E6600(B2,Conroe,65nm,2.40GHz,4MB) 1066 -Intel Core™ 2 Duo E6550(G0,Conroe,65nm,2.33GHz,4MB) 1333 -Intel Core™ 2 Duo E6540(G0,Conroe,65nm,2.33GHz,4MB) 1333 -Intel Core™ 2 Duo E6420(B2,Conroe,65nm,2.13GHz,4MB) 1066 -Intel Core™ 2 Duo E6400(L2,Conroe,65nm,2.13GHz,2MB) 1066 -Intel Core™ 2 Duo E6400(B2,Conroe,65nm,2.13GHz,2MB) 1066 -Intel Core™ 2 Duo E6320(B2,Conroe,65nm,1.86GHz,4MB) 1066 -Intel Core™ 2 Duo E6300(L2,Conroe,65nm,1.86GHz,2MB) 1066 -Intel Core™ 2 Duo E6300(B2,Conroe,65nm,1.86GHz,2MB) 1066 -Intel Core™ 2 Duo E4700(G0,Conroe,65nm,2.60GHz,2MB) 800 -Intel Core™ 2 Duo E4600(M0,Conroe,65nm,2.40GH,2MB) 800 -Intel Core™ 2 Duo E4500(M0,Conroe,65nm,2.20GHz,2MB) 800 -Intel Core™ 2 Duo E4400(M0,Conroe,65nm,2GHz,2MB) 800 -Intel Core™ 2 Duo E4400(L2,Conroe,65nm,2GHz,2MB) 800 -Intel Core™ 2 Duo E4300(L2,Conroe,65nm,1.80GHz,2MB) 800 -Intel Pentium Dual-Core E5200(M0,Wolfdale,45nm,2.50GHz,2MB) 800 -Intel Pentium Dual-Core E2220(M0,Conroe,65nm,2.40GHz,1MB) 800 -Intel Pentium Dual-Core E2200(M0,Conroe,65nm,2.2GHz,1MB) 800 -Intel Pentium Dual-Core E2180(M0,Conroe,65nm,2.0GHz,1MB) 800 -Intel Pentium Dual-Core E2160(M0,Conroe,65nm,1.8GHz,1MB) 800 -Intel Pentium Dual-Core E2160(L2,Conroe,65nm,1.8GHz,1MB) 800 -Intel Pentium Dual-Core E2140(M0,Conroe,65nm,1.6GHz,1MB) 800 -Intel Pentium Dual-Core E2140(L2,Conroe,65nm,1.6GHz,1MB) 800 -Intel Celeron Dual-Core E1400(M0,Conroe,65nm,2.0GHz,512KB) 800 -Intel Celeron Dual-Core E1200(M0,Conroe,65nm,1.60GHz,512KB) 800 -Intel Pentium Extreme Edition 965(C1,Presler,65nm,3.73GHz,4MB) 1066 -Intel Pentium Extreme Edition 955(B1,Presler,65nm,3.46GHz,4MB (2x2)) 1066 - Intel Pentium Extreme Edition 840-XE(A0,Smithfield,90nm,3.20GHz,2MB) 800 - Intel Pentium D 960(D0,Presler,65nm,3.60GHz,4MB) 800 -Intel Pentium D 960(C1,Presler,65nm,3.60GHz,4MB (2x2)) 800 -Intel Pentium D 950(B1,Presler,65nm,3.40GHz,4MB (2x2)) 800 -Intel Pentium D 945(D0,Presler,65nm,3.40GHz,4MB) 800 -Intel Pentium D 945(C1,Presler,65nm,3.40GHz,4MB) 800 -Intel Pentium D 940(C1,Presler,65nm,3.20GHz,4MB) 800 -Intel Pentium D 940(B1,Presler,65nm,3.20GHz,4MB (2x2)) 800 -Intel Pentium D 935(D0,Presler,65nm,3.20GHz,4MB) 800 -Intel Pentium D 930(C1,Presler,65nm,3GHz,4MB) 800 -Intel Pentium D 930(B1,Presler,65nm,3GHz,4MB (2x2)) 800 -Intel Pentium D 925(C1,Presler,65nm,3GHz,4MB) 800 -Intel Pentium D 920(B1,Presler,65nm,2.80GHz,4MB (2x2)) 800 -Intel Pentium D 915(C1,Presler,65nm,2.80GHz,4MB) 800 -Intel Pentium D 840(B0,Smithfield,90nm,3.20GHz,2MB) 800 -Intel Pentium D 840(A0,Smithfield,90nm,3.20GHz,2MB) 800 -Intel Pentium D 830(B0,Smithfield,90nm,3GHz,2MB) 800 -Intel Pentium D 830(A0,Smithfield,90nm,3GHz,2MB) 800 -Intel Pentium D 820(B0,Smithfield,90nm,2.80GHz,2MB) 800 -Intel Pentium D 820(A0,Smithfield,90nm,2.80GHz,2MB) 800 -Intel Pentium D 805(B0,Smithfield,90nm,2.66GHz,2MB) 533 -Intel P4-Extreme Edition(N0,Prescott,90nm,3.73GHz,2MB) 1066 -Intel P4-Extreme Edition(M0,Northwood,0.13 micron,3.46GHz,2MB) 1066 - Intel P4-Extreme Edition(M0,Northwood,0.13 micron,3.40GHz,2MB) 800 -Intel Pentium 4 672(R0,Prescott,90nm,3.80GHz,2MB) 800 -Intel Pentium 4 670(R0,Prescott,90nm,3.80GHz,2MB) 800 -Intel Pentium 4 670(N0,Prescott,90nm,3.80GHz,2MB) 800 -Intel Pentium 4 662(R0,Prescott,90nm,3.60GHz,2MB) 800 -Intel Pentium 4 661(B1,Cedar Mill,65nm,3.60GHz,2MB) 800 -Intel Pentium 4 660(N0,Prescott,90nm,3.60GHz,2MB) 800 -Intel Pentium 4 651(D0,Cedar Mill,65nm,3.40GHz,2MB) 800 -Intel Pentium 4 651(B1,Cedar Mill,65nm,3.40GHz,2MB) 800 -Intel Pentium 4 650(R0,Prescott,90nm,3.40GHz,2MB) 800 -Intel Pentium 4 650(N0,Prescott,90nm,3.40GHz,2MB) 800 -Intel Pentium 4 641(D0,Cedar Mill,65nm,3.20GHz,2MB) 800 -Intel Pentium 4 641(B1,Cedar Mill,65nm,3.20GHz,2MB) 800 -Intel Pentium 4 640(N0,Prescott,90nm,3.20GHz,2MB) 800 -Intel Pentium 4 631(D0,Cedar Mill,65nm,3GHz,2MB) 800 -Intel Pentium 4 631(B1,Cedar Mill,65nm,3GHz,2MB) 800 -Intel Pentium 4 630(N0,Prescott,90nm,3GHz,2MB) 800 -Intel Pentium 4 571(E0,Prescott,90nm,3.80GHz,1MB) 800 -Intel Pentium 4 570J(E0,Prescott,90nm,3.80GHz,1MB) 800 -Intel Pentium 4 561(E0,Prescott,90nm,3.60GHz,1MB) 800 -Intel Pentium 4 560(D0,Prescott,90nm,3.60GHz,1MB) 800 -Intel Pentium 4 560J(E0,Prescott,90nm,3.60GHz,1MB) 800 -Intel Pentium 4 551(G1,Prescott,90nm,3.40GHz,1MB) 800 -Intel Pentium 4 551(E0,Prescott,90nm,3.40GHz,1MB) 800 -Intel Pentium 4 550(E0,Prescott,90nm,3.40GHz,1MB) 800 -Intel Pentium 4 550J(E0,Prescott,90nm,3.40GHz,1MB) 800 -Intel Pentium 4 541(E0,Prescott,90nm,3.20GHz,1MB) 800 -Intel Pentium 4 540(E0,Prescott,90nm,3.20GHz,1MB) 800 -Intel Pentium 4 531(E0,Prescott,90nm,3.00GHz,1MB) 800 -Intel Pentium 4 530(D0,Prescott,90nm,3GHz,1MB) 800 -Intel Pentium 4 530J(E0,Prescott,90nm,3GHz,1MB) 800 -Intel Pentium 4 524(G1,Prescott,90nm,3.06GHz,1MB) 533 -Intel Pentium 4 521(E0,Prescott,90nm,2.80GHz,1MB) 800 -Intel Pentium 4 520(D0,Prescott,90nm,2.80GHz,1MB) 800 -Intel Pentium 4 519K(G1,Prescott,90nm,3.06GHz,1MB) 533 -Intel Pentium 4 516(G1,Prescott,90nm,2.93GHz,1MB) 533 -Intel Pentium 4 516(E0,Prescott,90nm,2.93GHz,1MB) 533 -Intel Pentium 4 506(E0,Prescott,90nm,2.66GHz,1MB) 533 -Intel Pentium 4 505J(E0,Prescott,90nm,2.66GHz,1MB) 533 -Intel Celeron 400 Sequence 440(A1,Conroe-L,65nm,2GHz,512KB) 800 - Intel Celeron 400 Sequence 430(A1,Conroe-L,65nm,1.8GHz,512KB) 800 - Intel Celeron 400 Sequence 420(A1,Conroe-L,65nm,1.60GHz,512KB) 800 - Intel Celeron D 365(D0,Cedar Mill,65nm,3.60GHz,512KB) 533 -Intel Celeron D 360(D0,Cedar Mill,65nm,3.46GHz,512KB) 533 -Intel Celeron D 356(C1,Cedar Mill,65nm,3.33GHz,512KB) 533 -Intel Celeron D 355(G1,Prescott,90nm,3.33GHz,256KB) 533 -Intel Celeron D 352(C1,Cedar Mill,65nm,3.20GHz,512KB) 533 - Intel Celeron D 351(E0,Prescott,90nm,3.20GHz,256KB) 533 - Intel Celeron D 346(E0,Prescott,90nm,3.06GHz,256KB) 533 - Intel Celeron D 345J(E0,Prescott,90nm,3.06GHz,256KB) 533 - Intel Celeron D 341(E0,Prescott,90nm,2.93GHz,256KB) 533 - Intel Celeron D 340J(E0,Prescott,90nm,2.93GHz,256KB) 533 - Intel Celeron D 336(E0,Prescott,90nm,2.80GHz,256KB) 533 - Intel Celeron D 335J(E0,Prescott,90nm,2.80GHz,256KB) 533 - Intel Celeron D 331(E0,Prescott,90nm,2.66GHz,256KB) 533 - Intel Celeron D 330J(E0,Prescott,90nm,2.66GHz,256KB) 533 - Intel Celeron D 326(E0,Prescott,90nm,2.53GHz,256KB) 533 - Intel Celeron D 325J(E0,Prescott,90nm,2.53GHz,256KB) 533 - Intel Core™ 2 Extreme QX9770(3.2GHz,12 MB) 1600 N/AIntel Core™ 2 Extreme QX9650(3.0GHz,12MB) 1333 N/AIntel Core™ 2 Quad Q9650(3.0 GHz,12MB) 1333 N/AIntel Core™ 2 Quad Q9550(2.83GHz,12MB) 1333 N/AIntel Core™ 2 Quad Q9450(2.66GHz,12MB) 1333 N/AIntel Core™ 2 Quad Q9400(2.66GHz,6MB) 1333 N/AIntel Core™ 2 Quad Q9300(2.50GHz,6MB) 1333 N/AIntel Core™ 2 Quad Q8200(2.33GHz,4MB) 1333 N/AIntel Core™ 2 Duo E8600(3.33GHz,6MB) 1333 N/AIntel Core™ 2 Duo E8500(3.16GHz,6MB) 1333 N/AIntel Core™ 2 Duo E8400(3GHz,6MB) 1333 N/AIntel Core™ 2 Duo E8300(2.83GHz,6MB) 1333 N/AIntel Core™ 2 Duo E8200(2.66GHz,6MB) 1333 N/AIntel Core™ 2 Duo E8190(2.66GHz,6MB) 1333 N/AIntel Core™ 2 Extreme QX6850(3.0GHz,8MB) 1333 N/AIntel Core™ 2 Extreme QX6800(2.93GHz,8MB) 1066 N/AIntel Core™ 2 Extreme QX6700(2.66GHz,8MB) 1066 N/AIntel Core™ 2 Quad Q6700(2.66MHz,8MB) 1066 N/AIntel Core™ 2 Quad Q6600(2.4GHz,8MB) 1066 N/AIntel Core™ 2 Extreme X6800(2.93GHz,4MB) 1066 N/AIntel Core™ 2 Duo E7500(2.93GHz,3M B) 1066 N/AIntel Core™ 2 Duo E7400(2.8GHz,3MB) 1066 N/AIntel Core™ 2 Duo E7300(2.66GHz,3MB) 1066 N/AIntel Core™ 2 Duo E7200(2.53GHz,3MB) 1066 N/AIntel Core™ 2 Duo E6850(3.0GHz,4MB) 1333 N/AIntel Core™ 2 Duo E6750(2.66GHz,4MB) 1333 N/AIntel Core™ 2 Duo E6550(2.33GHz,4MB) 1333 N/AIntel Core™ 2 Duo E6540(2.33GHz,4MB) 1333 N/AIntel Core™ 2 Duo E6700(2.66GHz,4MB) 1066 N/AIntel Core™ 2 Duo E6600(2.4GHz,4MB) 1066 N/AIntel Core™ 2 Duo E6420(2.13GHz,4MB) 1066 N/AIntel Core™ 2 Duo E6400(2.13GHz,2MB) 1066 N/AIntel Core™ 2 Duo E6320(1.86GHz,4MB) 1066 N/AIntel Core™ 2 Duo E6300(1.86GHz,2MB) 1066 N/AIntel Core™ 2 Duo E4700(2.60GHz,2MB) 800 N/AIntel Core™ 2 Duo E4600(2.40GHz,2MB) 800 N/AIntel Core™ 2 Duo E4500(2.2GHz,2MB) 800 N/AIntel Core™ 2 Duo E4400(2.0GHz,2MB) 800 N/AIntel Core™ 2 Duo E4300(1.8GHz,2MB) 800 N/AIntel Pentium Dual-Core E5200(2.50GHz,2MB) 800 N/AIntel Pentium Dual-Core E2220(2.40GHz,1MB) 800 N/AIntel Pentium Dual-Core E2200(2.2GHz,1MB) 800 N/AIntel Pentium Dual-Core E2180(2.00GHz,1MB) 800 N/AIntel Pentium Dual-Core E2160(1.8GHz,1MB) 800 N/AIntel Pentium Dual-Core E2140(1.6GHz,1MB) 800 N/AIntel Celeron Dual-Core E1400(2.0GHz,512KB) 800 N/A Intel Celeron Dual-Core E1200(1.60GHz,512KB) 800 N/A Intel Pentium-Extreme Edition 965(3.73GHz,4MB) 1066 N/A Intel Pentium-Extreme Edition 955(3.46GHz,4MB) 1066 N/A Intel Pentium-Extreme Edition 840-XE(3.2GHz,2MB) 800 N/A Intel Pentium D 960(3.6GHz,4MB) 800 F4Intel Pentium D 950(3.4GHz,4MB) 800 F2Intel Pentium D 945(3.4GHz,4MB) 800 F4Intel Pentium D 940(3.2GHz,4MB) 800 F2Intel Pentium D 935(3.2GHz,4MB) 800 F2Intel Pentium D 930(3.0GHz,4MB) 800 F2Intel Pentium D 925(3.0GHz,4MB) 800 F4Intel Pentium D 920(2.8GHz,4MB) 800 F2Intel Pentium D 915(2.8GHz,4MB) 800 F4Intel P4-Extreme Edition 3.73GHz(2MB) 1066 F2(Run at FSB 800 MHz)Intel P4-Extreme Edition 3.46GHz(2MB) 1066 F2(Run at FSB 800 MHz)Intel P4-Extreme Edition 3.4GHz(2MB) 800 F2Intel Pentium D 840(3.2GHz,2MB) 800 F2Intel Pentium D 830(3.0GHz,2MB) 800 F2Intel Pentium D 820(2.8GHz,2MB) 800 F2Intel Pentium D 805(2.66GHz,2MB) 533 F2Intel Pentium 4 672(3.8GHz,2MB) 800 F2Intel Pentium 4 670(3.8GHz,2MB) 800 F2Intel Pentium 4 662(3.6GHz,2MB) 800 F2Intel Pentium 4 661(3.6GHz,2MB) 800 F2Intel Pentium 4 660(3.6GHz,2MB) 800 F2Intel Pentium 4 651(3.4GHz,2MB) 800 F2Intel Pentium 4 650(3.4GHz,2MB) 800 F2Intel Pentium 4 641(3.2GHz,2MB) 800 F2Intel Pentium 4 640(3.2GHz,2MB) 800 F2Intel Pentium 4 631(3.0GHz,2MB) 800 F2Intel Pentium 4 630(3.0GHz,2MB) 800 F2Intel Pentium 4 571(3.8GHz,1MB) 800 F2Intel Pentium 4 570J(3.8GHz,1MB) 800 F2Intel Pentium 4 561(3.6GHz,1MB) 800 F2Intel Pentium 4 560(J)(3.6GHz,1MB) 800 F2Intel Pentium 4 551(3.4GHz,1MB) 800 F2Intel Pentium 4 550(J)(3.4GHz,1MB) 800 F2Intel Pentium 4 541(3.2GHz,1MB) 800 F2Intel Pentium 4 540(J)(3.2GHz,1MB) 800 F1Intel Pentium 4 531(3.0GHz,1MB) 800 F2Intel Pentium 4 530(J)(3.0GHz,1MB) 800 F2Intel Pentium 4 524(3.06GHz,1MB) 533 F4Intel Pentium 4 521(2.8GHz,1MB) 800 F2Intel Pentium 4 520(J)(2.8GHz,1MB) 800 F2Intel Pentium 4 519K(3.06GHz,1MB) 533 F2Intel Pentium 4 516(2.93GHz,1MB) 533 F2Intel Pentium 4 515(J)(2.93GHz,1MB) 533 F2Intel Pentium 4 511(2.8GHz,1MB) 533 F1Intel Pentium 4 510(J)(2.8GHz,1MB) 533 F1Intel Pentium 4 506(2.66GHz,1MB) 533 F2Intel Pentium 4 505(J)(2.66GHz,1MB) 533 F2Intel Celeron 400 Sequence (Conroe-L) 440(2.0GHz,512KB) 800 N/A Intel Celeron 400 Sequence (Conroe-L) 430(1.8GHz,512KB) 800 N/A Intel Celeron 400 Sequence (Conroe-L) 420(1.6GHz,512KB) 800 N/A Intel Celeron D 360(3.46GHz,512KB) 533 F4Intel Celeron D 356(3.33GHz,512KB) 533 F4Intel Celeron D 355(3.33GHz,256KB) 533 F2Intel Celeron D 352(3.2GHz,512KB) 533 F4Intel Celeron D 351(3.2GHz,256KB) 533 F2Intel Celeron D 347(3.06GHz,512KB) 533 F4Intel Celeron D 346(3.06GHz,256KB) 533 F1Intel Celeron D 345J(3.06GHz,256KB) 533 F2Intel Celeron D 341(2.93GHz,256KB) 533 F1Intel Celeron D 340J(2.93GHz,256KB) 533 F2Intel Celeron D 336(2.8GHz,256KB) 533 F2Intel Celeron D 335J(2.8GHz,256KB) 533 F2Intel Celeron D 331(2.66GHz,256KB) 533 F2Intel Celeron D 330J(2.66GHz,256KB) 533 F2Intel Celeron D 326(2.53GHz,256KB) 533 F1Intel Celeron D 325J(2.53GHz,256KB) 533 F1。


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应用例子化工厂,电厂,钢厂,铁厂,焦化用厂等技术参数工作电压:AC220V或120V±10% 50Hz功率:30W频率特性:250~4000 Hz失真度:≤3%话路:5条呼叫线路:1条扩音输出功率:0~25W(连续可调)输出阻抗:8或16Ω传输信号幅度:0.3~1.5V(音频)安装方式:壁挂(室内、室外)进线口尺寸:G1"(2个)、G3/4"(1个)重量:约11kg外形尺寸:370×220×300(mm)使用环境环境温度:-30℃~+50℃相对湿度:≤95%RH(25℃)大气压力:80~110Kpa爆炸性气体混合物危险场所:1区、2区爆炸性气体混合物:ⅡA、ⅡB温度组别:T1~T5CHY-2型防爆扩音指令对讲电话机产品简介CHY-2型防爆扩音指令对讲电话机是组成CHY-Ⅰ、CHY-Ⅱ型扩音指令对讲系统的核心设备。



1200AP40 1200AP60、1203P60200D6、203D6 DAP8A 可互代203D6/1203P6 DAP8A2S0680 2S08803S0680 3S08805S0765 DP104、DP7048S0765C DP704加24V的稳压二极管ACT4060 ZA3020LV/MP1410/MP9141ACT4065 ZA3020/MP1580ACT4070 ZA3030/MP1583/MP1591MP1593/MP1430 ACT6311 LT1937ACT6906 LTC3406/AT1366/MP2104AMC2576 LM2576AMC2596 LM2596AMC3100 LTC3406/AT1366/MP2104AMC34063A AMC34063AMC7660 AJC1564AP8012 VIPer12AAP8022 VIPer22ADAP02 可用SG5841 /SG6841代换DAP02ALSZ SG6841DAP02ALSZ SG6841DAP7A、DP8A 203D6、1203P6DH321、DL321 Q100、DM0265RDM0465R DM/CM0565RDM0465R/DM0565R 用cm0565r代换(取掉4脚的稳压二极管)DP104 5S0765DP704 5S0765DP706 5S0765DP804 DP904FAN7601 LAF0001LD7552 可用SG6841代(改4脚电阻)LD7575PS 203D6改1脚100K电阻为24KOB2268CP OB2269CPOB2268CP SG6841改4脚100K电阻为20-47KOCP1451 TL1451/BA9741/SP9741/AP200OCP2150 LTC3406/AT1366/MP2104OCP2160 LTC3407OCP2576 LM2576OCP3601 MB3800OCP5001 TL5001OMC2596 LM2596/AP1501PT1301 RJ9266PT4101 AJC1648/MP3202PT4102 LT1937/AJC1896/AP1522/RJ9271/MP1540SG5841SZ SG6841DZ/SG6841DSM9621 RJ9621/AJC1642SP1937 LT1937/AJC1896/AP1522/RJ9271/MP1540STR-G5643D STR-G5653D、STR-G8653DTEA1507 TEA1533TEA1530 TEA1532对应引脚功能接入THX202H TFC719THX203H TFC718STOP246Y TOP247YVA7910 MAX1674/75 L6920 AJC1610VIPer12A VIPer22A[audio01]ICE2A165(1A/650V.31W);ICE2A265(2A/650V.52W);ICE2B0565(0.5A/650V.23W):ICE2B165(1A/650V.31W);ICE2B265(2A/650V.52W);ICE2A180(1A/800V.29W);ICE2A280(2A/800.50W).KA5H0365R, KA5M0365R, KA5L0365R, KA5M0365RN# u) t! u1 W1 B) R, PKA5L0365RN, KA5H0380R, KA5M0380R, KA5L0380R1、KA5Q1265RF/RT(大小两种体积)、KA5Q0765、FSCQ1265RT、KACQ1265RF、FSCQ0765RT、FSCQ1565Q这是一类的,这些型号的引脚功能全都一样,只是输出功率不一样。



HP服务器产品资料hpML系列服务器HP ProLiant ML110G7(C8R00A)参数规格基本参数产品类型工作组级产品类别塔式产品结构4U处理器CPU类型奔腾双核CPU型号奔腾双核G860CPU频率3GHzHP ProLiant ML330 G6(600911-AA1)参数规格基本参数产品类型企业级产品类别塔式产品结构5U处理器CPU类型Intel 至强5600CPU型号Xeon E5620CPU频率 2.4GHz智能加速主2.666GHz频标配CPU1颗数量最大CPU2颗数量制程工艺32nm三级缓存12MB总线规格QPI 5.86GT/sCPU核心四核HP ProLiant ML330 G6(B9D22A)参数规格基本参数产品类型企业级产品类别塔式产品结构5U处理器CPU类型Intel 至强5600 CPU型号Xeon E5606CPU频率 2.13GHz标配CPU1颗数量最大CPU2颗数量制程工艺32nm三级缓存8MB总线规格QPI 4.8GT/sHP ProLiant ML330 G6(600911-AA1)参数规格基本参数产品类型企业级产品类别塔式产品结构5U处理器CPU类型Intel 至强5600CPU型号Xeon E5620CPU频率 2.4GHz智能加速主2.666GHz频标配CPU1颗数量最大CPU2颗数量制程工艺32nm三级缓存12MB总线规格QPI 5.86GT/sCPU核心四核HP ProLiant ML350 G6(638180-AA1)参数规格基本参数产品类别塔式产品结构5U处理器CPU类型Intel 至强5600CPU型号Xeon E5606CPU频率 2.13GHz标配CPU1颗数量最大CPU2颗数量制程工艺32nm三级缓存8MB总线规格QPI 4.8GT/sCPU核心四核CPU线程四线程数主板HP ProLiant ML350 G6(600431-AA5)参数规格基本参数产品类别塔式产品结构5U处理器CPU类型Intel 至强5600CPU型号Xeon E5620CPU频率 2.4GHz智能加速主2.666GHz频标配CPU1颗数量最大CPU2颗数量制程工艺32nm三级缓存12MB总线规格QPI 5.86GT/sCPU核心四核CPU线程八线程数HP ProLiant ML350 G6(594869-AA1)参数规格基本参数产品类别塔式产品结构5U处理器CPU类型Intel 至强5600CPU型号Xeon E5620CPU频率 2.4GHz智能加速主2.666GHz频标配CPU1颗数量最大CPU2颗数量制程工艺32nm三级缓存12MB总线规格QPI 5.86GT/sCPU核心四核CPU线程八线程数HP ProLiant ML310e Gen8(686146-AA5)参数规格基本参数产品类型企业级产品类别塔式产品结构4U处理器CPU类型Intel 至强E3-1200 v2 CPU型号Xeon E3-1220 v2CPU频率 3.1GHz标配CPU1颗数量最大CPU4颗数量制程工艺22nm三级缓存8MB总线规格DMI 5GT/sHP ProLiant ML310e Gen8(686147-AA5)参数规格基本参数产品类型企业级产品类别塔式产品结构4U处理器CPU类型Intel 至强E3-1200 v2 CPU型号Xeon E3-1240 v2CPU频率 3.4GHz智能加速主3.8GHz频标配CPU1颗数量最大CPU4颗数量制程工艺22nm三级缓存8MBHP ProLiant ML350e Gen8(C3Q10A)参数规格基本参数产品类型企业级产品类别塔式产品结构5U处理器CPU类型Intel 至强E5-2400 CPU型号Xeon E5-2403CPU频率 1.8GHz标配CPU1颗数量最大CPU4颗数量制程工艺32nm三级缓存10MB总线规格QPI 6.4GT/sHP ProLiant ML350e Gen8(C3Q08A)参数规格基本参数产品类型企业级产品类别塔式产品结构5U处理器CPU类型Intel 至强E5-2400 CPU型号Xeon E5-2407CPU频率 2.2GHz标配CPU1颗数量最大CPU4颗数量制程工艺32nm三级缓存10MB总线规格QPI 6.4GT/sHP ProLiant ML350e Gen8(C3Q09A)参数规格基本参数产品类型企业级产品类别塔式产品结构5U处理器CPU类型Intel 至强E5-2400 CPU型号Xeon E5-2420CPU频率 1.9GHz标配CPU1颗数量最大CPU4颗数量制程工艺32nm三级缓存15MB总线规格QPI 6.4GT/sHP ProLiant ML350e Gen8(C3F91A)参数规格基本参数产品类型企业级产品类别塔式产品结构5U处理器CPU类型Intel 至强E5-2400 CPU型号Xeon E5-2430CPU频率 2.2GHz标配CPU1颗数量最大CPU4颗数量制程工艺32nm三级缓存15MB总线规格QPI 6.4GT/sHP ProLiant ML350p Gen8(646675-AA1)参数规格基本参数产品类别塔式产品结构5U处理器CPU类型Intel 至强E5-2600 CPU型号Xeon E5-2609CPU频率 2.4GHz标配CPU1颗数量最大CPU2颗数量制程工艺32nm三级缓存10MB总线规格QPI 6.4GT/sHP ProLiant ML350p Gen8(668271-AA5)参数规格基本参数产品类别塔式产品结构5U处理器CPU类型Intel 至强E5-2600 CPU型号Xeon E5-2620CPU频率2GHz智能加速主2.5GHz频标配CPU1颗数量最大CPU2颗数量制程工艺32nm。



















液晶背光块去保护的方法:本帖最后由南召修电视于2015-3-18 21:06 编辑TL494 1和16 对地短路TL5001 5 对地短路TL1451 15 对地短路TL5451 15 对地短路TA9687CN 1脚吸空Ta9687gn 12脚对地MB3775 15 对地短路INL837GN 14脚对地IT3713 15脚空AZ7500BM-E1 第4脚接地AT1741 15 对地短路AT1380 2 对地短路KA7500 1和16 对地短路FA3629 15和16 将外接电容短路FA3630 7和10 对地短路FAN7318 1脚对地FAN7311 1脚接地MP1008ES 4 对地短路MP1009ES 5脚对地MP1038EY 6脚对地..取消保护,灯管老化造成保护,MP1038EY 用导线11脚连接2脚MP1048EY 1、5接地mps1012 5脚接地ozl68gn 8去保护OZ960gn 4、7脚短接或2脚对地OZ960 OZ962 2 对地短路OZ965 4 对地短路OZ9RR 8 对地短路OZ9933gn 12脚接地OZ9937 14接地OZ9938去掉保护电路方法:1.把3脚直接对地短路, 2.把6脚直接对地短路3.把7脚接地电阻取下不用OZ9910GN 6脚接地OZ9976 8脚去保护对地OZT1060GN 1脚对地st 324 5脚接地BA9741 15 对地短路BA9743 15 对地短路BD9215F 23欠压保护 17过压保护 18过流保护BD9893: 10脚接地BD9893F 7脚对地BD9897FSBIT3101 2和15 吸空引脚BIT3102 5 吸空引脚BIT3105 4 吸空引脚BIT3106 4和27 吸空引脚BIT3107 4 吸空引脚BIT3193 15 吸空引脚BIT3195G 15脚吸空BIT3713 15脚吸空去保护BIT3715 12脚对地BIT7313 15 吸空BIT3501 4J脚悬空或连接4、7脚经证实1和5脚短接去保护成功OB3306QPOB3328UNQP0B3316NQP 5脚对地OB3316QP功能;1;ON/OF电压输入2;比较端电容。

Eaton MTL surge protection 产品说明书

Eaton MTL surge protection 产品说明书

MTL MA3350 rangeSurge Protection Device forLow-voltage power distribution systemsEaton Electric Limited,Great Marlings, Butterfield, Luton Beds, LU2 8DL, UK.Tel: + 44 (0)1582 723633 Fax: + 44 (0)1582 422283E-mail:********************© 2018 EatonAll Rights ReservedPublication No. INS 801-704 Rev E February 20181SPECIFICATIONSCategory EN 61643-11 Type 1 & 2 IEC 61643-11: 2011 Class I & II T emperature range - 40 ºC to +80 ºC Lead cross section Models 1R through 4R = 3mm 2 (#12 AWG) Models XR = 8mm 2 (#8 AWG)Mounting EN 60715 35mm top hat Dimensions DIN 438801 TE Location Indoor Humidity 5-95% RH ( Non condensing)Residual current to PE < 0.3mAMounting• Mounting of overvoltage arresters must be carried out by qualified personnel only.• Overvoltage arresters must beinstalled in compliance with national regulations and consideration of protection conditions (I E C 60364-5-534).• Overvoltage arresters can be damaged if exposed to electrical loading which exceeds the values given in the table.• Unauthorized intervention within the arrester is not permitted and invalidates the guarantee.Remote signal connectionNote: Contacts will change state if there is an internal failure or if a power loss occurs.SMAX = 2mm 2Contacts Ratings:62.5VA, AC; 60W DC, 1A maxC NO NCPhase wireswires2INS 801-704 Rev EHandling after expiration of life expectancyThe product can be taken apart and the plastic and metal parts recycled in compliance with local regulations.InstallationBack-up fuseNone required. If back-up fuse is desired, use the following table.SPD connectionsCAUTION: Verify voltage and earthing configuration of this product; match the voltage and earthing configuration of the installation.MA3350-120-3R MA3350-100-3RC MA3350-240-2R MA3350-480-2R MA3350-200-2R MA3350-380-2R MA3350-415-2RB L EN MA3350-120-1R MA3350-240-1R MA3350-100-1R MA3350-200-1RSingle phase A L 2L 1L 2L 1EDelta/TT/ITE NSplit phase3INS 801-704 Rev E MA3350-120-XR MA3350-240-XR MA3350-100-XR MA3350-200-XRMA3350-120-4R MA3350-240-4R MA3350-100-4R MA3350-200-4R MA3350-240-3R MA3350-480-3R MA3350-200-3R MA3350-380-3RMA3350-415-3RE EDelta/TT/ITD L 2L 1WYE/TNC-SAllL 1L 3L 2L 3FNE• Mount the MA3350 to the DIN rail close to the connection points.• Connect the phase wires to the applicable supply phases (L1, L2, L3)*. • Connect the neutral wire (if applicable) to the supply neutral buss.• Connect the ground (earth) wire to the supply ground (earth) buss.* Note: For MA3350 SPD used in the protection of a 3 phase AC circuit, the electric path of the L pole (L1, L2, L3) input lines within the SPD are identical. Therefore if L pole (L1 or L2 or L3) are connected to different L pole of the target protected electric circuit, there will be no problem with the operation of the SPD. The installation of the MA3350 SPD must be carried out by qualifiedpersonnel following national and local electrical installation rules and regulations.LED IndicationGreen LED ON - Power ON Red LED OFF - Protection OK Green LED OFF - Power ON Red LED ON - Replace unitGreen LED OFF - Check AC supply Red LED OFF - Faulty unit, replacement neededEaton Electric Limited,Great Marlings, Butterfield, Luton Beds, LU2 8DL, UK.Tel: + 44 (0)1582 723633 Fax: + 44 (0)1582 422283E-mail:********************© 2018 EatonAll Rights ReservedPublication No. INS 801-704 Rev E 050218February 2018EUROPE (EMEA): +44 (0)1582 723633 ********************THE AMERICAS: +1 800 835 7075*********************ASIA-PACIFIC: +65 6 645 9888***********************The given data is only intended as a productdescription and should not be regarded as a legal warranty of properties or guarantee. In the interest of further technical developments, we reserve the right to make design changes.4Table defining cable colours。

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