















13.He jumped in the air。


ran a few steps。


looked around。


and then XXX.14.As XXX。

I took a step back in fear.15.XXX quickly。


she ran across the field to chase after it.16.We hopped in his car and drove up the road。

ping a few houses down from the tree.17.Abel was incredibly fast。

XXX escape。

but Abel quickly grabbed him。

pulled him down。

and dragged him back.18.In een sobs。

I recounted the story to her.19.I joyfully skipped and ran back home with a big smile on my face.20.Able slammed his foot on the gas and shot up onto the grass。



读后续写心理描写80句必背好句!以下是80句关于心理描写的读后续写好句:1. 我感到内心的害怕和恐惧,心跳加速,仿佛血液都凝固了。

2. 当听到他的声音时,我心中充满了喜悦和兴奋,脸上也不禁露出了微笑。

3. 我的心沉入了悲伤的深渊,眼中充满了泪水。

4. 我感到羞愧得不敢抬头看他,脸也红得像个苹果。

5. 我的内心充满了尴尬和紧张,手心也因为紧张而出汗。

6. 听到那个消息,我感到生气和沮丧,无法接受这个残酷的现实。

7. 我感到绝望,失去了前进的勇气,只能像个木头人一样站在那里。

8. 他的嘲笑让我感到无比的难过和愤怒,我内心的火山爆发了。

9. 他的温暖和关怀让我感到如释重负,心里的沉重感也减轻了不少。

10. 看到他的笑容,我心中的阴霾也渐渐消散了,心情也变得轻松愉快起来。

11. 她的温柔和耐心让我感到深深的感激和感动,内心的孤独感也得到了治愈。

12. 他的话语像阳光一样穿透了我心中的阴霾,让我重新找回了前进的勇气。

13. 她的眼神让我感到有些害怕,但我却无法躲避,只能任由她注视着我。

14. 他的声音像音乐一样温柔,让我感到无比的安心和舒适。

15. 看到他的笑容,我感到心中充满了喜悦和满足,仿佛世界都因此变得更加美好。

16. 听到她的哭泣,我感到心中充满了担忧和焦虑,我不知道该如何安慰她。

17. 她的愤怒让我感到害怕,但我却无法躲避,只能任由她对我发泄。

18. 他的话语让我感到内心一阵温暖,仿佛所有的痛苦都得到了释放。

19. 她的眼神让我感到有些疑惑,但我却无法逃避,只能任由她凝视着我。

20. 他的动作让我感到有些不安,但我却无法躲避,只能任由他触碰我。

21. 他的声音像利剑一样穿透了我心中的阴霾,让我重新找回了前进的勇气。

22. 她的话语让我感到内心一阵刺痛,仿佛所有的期望都破灭了。

23. 他的动作让我感到有些尴尬,但我却无法躲避,只能任由他接触我。

24. 他的话语让我感到有些无助,但我却无法逃避,只能任由他靠近我。



1. 他的心跳如擂鼓般急促,使他无法平静下来思考。

2. 她的手指颤抖着,仿佛它们有自己的生命。

3. 他的脸一下子变得苍白,如同冬日的雪花。

4. 他的内心充满了矛盾和挣扎,仿佛被两种力量撕扯着。

5. 她感到一股寒意从脊背升起,仿佛有什么不好的事情即将发生。

6. 他的眼神中充满了恐惧和不安,仿佛看到了什么可怕的东西。

7. 他的内心如同被撕裂一般,痛苦不堪。

8. 她感到自己的心在狂跳,仿佛要跳出胸膛。

9. 他感到一股强烈的紧张感,仿佛有什么大事情即将发生。

10. 她的脸色变得苍白,仿佛所有的血液都被抽走了。






















After years of hard work, she finally achieved her lifelong dream of becoming a doctor.他在黑暗中探索着,突然感到了一个冰冷的物体。


Never give up on your dreams, as the only way to achieve them is to pursue them with everything you have.你获得了最好的归宿,而我的爱却无疾而终。



【素材9】I went to her office, asking shyly whether I could attend the writing competition. She replied, “Of course! I have faith in you.”Seeing her shining smile, a current of happiness swept through me.At first, I had no idea what to write, but suddenly an idea flashed into my mind.Why not share my story with Mrs White—My Beautiful Snow White? 我去了她的办公室,害羞地问她我能不能参加写作比赛。她回答说:“当然!我对你 有信心。”看到她灿烂的笑容,一股幸福的暖流涌上心头。起初,我不知道该写什 么,但突然一个想法在我脑海中闪现。为什么不把我的故事告诉我美丽的白雪公 主夫人呢?
【素材7】With tears of gratitude rolling down his cheeks,Peter said thankfully, “You’ve saved me today.I couldn’t thank you enough.” It was very moving to see how much strangers could care for each other.He smiled with gratitude as he accepted the flowers given by a small boy.Touched deeply, the crowd clapped ter, knowing what had happened, his mother shed tears of joy and gratitude.感激的泪水顺 着他的脸颊滚落,彼得感激地说:“你今天救了我。我怎么感谢你也不为过。”看到 陌生人如此关心彼此,真是令人感动。他感激地微笑着接受了一个小男孩送给他 的花。群众深受感动,热烈鼓掌。后来,他的母亲知道发生了什么事,流下了喜悦和 感激的眼泪。



1. 听到这个消息,他的脸色瞬间变得惨白,仿佛遭到了晴天霹雳。

2. 他的眼神中透露出一种坚定和决心,仿佛任何困难都无法动摇他的信念。

3. 他的心如刀绞般疼痛,无法形容的痛苦让他几乎无法呼吸。

4. 他忍不住流下了眼泪,心中的悲伤如潮水般涌出。

5. 他看着远方,眼神中充满了憧憬和希望,仿佛看到了未来的美好。

6. 他的手微微颤抖,心中的紧张和不安让他无法平静。

7. 他的笑容如阳光般温暖,让人感到无比的舒适和安慰。

8. 他的声音充满了力量和自信,让人感到无比的安心和信任。

9. 他的背影消失在夜幕中,留下的只是那一份深深的思念和无尽的牵挂。

10. 他的心跳加速,心中的激动和期待让他无法平静。




1. 兴奋不已
2. 欲言又止
3. 困惑不解
4. 思绪万千
5. 欣喜若狂
6. 沉默寡言
7. 慷慨激昂
8. 郁郁寡欢
9. 依依不舍
10. 心旷神怡
1. 她兴奋地跳了起来,几乎无法控制自己的喜悦。

2. 他欲言又止,似乎在犹豫是否要说出真相。

3. 我困惑不解地看着他,不明白他为什么突然变得如此冷淡。

4. 面对这个问题,我思绪万千,不知道如何回答。

5. 听到这个好消息,我们欣喜若狂,高兴得手舞足蹈。

6. 他沉默寡言,不善于表达自己的情感,总是让人捉摸不透。

7. 他慷慨激昂地发表演讲,激励着在场的每一个人。

8. 她郁郁寡欢,看起来很失落,需要别人的关心和安慰。

9. 我们依依不舍地告别,约定下次再见面的时间。

10. 我站在山顶上,俯瞰着下面的美景,心旷神怡。



1. 我心里那个纠结啊,就像有两个小人在打架,一个说要勇敢去做,另一个却在喊怕啥呀!就像我面对那高不可攀的山峰,到底要不要去攀登呢?
2. 他当时心里七上八下的,好像十五个吊桶打水——团团转,看着那扇门,心想里面到底有啥呢,这不是让人心里痒痒嘛!
3. 她心里的喜悦简直要溢出来了,仿佛春天里绽放的花朵那般绚烂,哎呀,这感觉可太棒了吧!
4. 我心里一阵慌乱,如同热锅上的蚂蚁,天哪,这可咋办呀,难道真的没办法了吗?
5. 他心里的紧张感如潮水般涌来,好像即将面临一场大战,面对那未知的挑战,能不紧张吗?
6. 她心里充满了期待,就像等待礼物的孩子,想着那即将到来的惊喜,会是什么呢,真让人好奇呀!
7. 我心里的懊悔啊,犹如被千万只蚂蚁啃噬,为啥当时就那么冲动呢,这不是自找麻烦吗?
8. 他心里的自信爆棚,仿佛自己就是世界的主宰,面对困难,哼,那都不是事儿!
9. 她心里的悲伤如乌云般笼罩,好像整个世界都失去了色彩,这痛苦
10. 我心里的兴奋难以言表,就像中了大奖一样,哇塞,这种感觉也太爽了吧!















高考读后续写心理描写句子 -回复

高考读后续写心理描写句子 -回复

1. 她心如乱麻,压抑着满心的焦虑和紧张。

2. 脑海中一片空白,思绪仿佛被无形的力量束缚住。

3. 她的手心冷汗直冒,眉头紧皱,表情凝重。

4. 一股紧张的气氛笼罩着她,心跳声仿佛要从胸腔中蹦出来。

5. 深吸一口气,她竭力试图平复内心的激动和不安。

6. 眼神中透露着一丝忐忑和不确定。

7. 双手微微颤抖,她默默念着催眠自己的口诀。

8. 紧咬住嘴唇,以阻止自己的情绪泄露出来。

9. 内心的压力越来越大,她几乎无法承受。

10. 每一次呼吸都让她感到如坠深渊般的窒息。

11. 无形的紧箍带勒住了她的思维,让她感觉束手无策。

12. 眼前的一切都变得模糊起来,集中力几乎为零。

13. 内心的疲惫感让她觉得仿佛随时会倒地不起。

14. 她努力提醒自己要保持冷静,但内心的不安却越来越强烈。

15. 心理上的压力让她感到疲惫不堪,仿佛身体已经无法支撑。

16. 紧贴着额头的汗珠滚落下来,她的神情越发紧绷。

17. 想要平静下来,却发现内心像被无形的火焰燃烧着。

18. 她下意识地不断握紧拳头,试图借此释放压抑的情绪。

19. 心头仿佛有无数只蝴蝶翅膀拍动,让她心神不宁。

20. 内心的不安仿佛带来隐形的负重,让她感觉越来越沉重。


读后续写: 9个心理描写万能句式
距离高考还有一段时间,不少有经验的老师都会提醒考生,愈是临近高考, 能否咬紧牙关、学会自我调节,态度是否主动积极,安排是否科学合理Байду номын сангаас能不 能保持良好的心态、以饱满的情绪迎接挑战,其效果往往大不一样。以下是本 人从事10多年教学经验总结出的超实用新高考英语专题复习讲义希望可以帮助 大家提高答题的正确率,希望对你有所帮助,有志者事竟成!
I lost my job and it was like my world collapsed./I lost my job and
it seemed as if the world was at an end.
【场景 6】表示“不知道做……” 1. sb. did sth., wondering what to do next.
【场景 8】表示“直到……才意识到……” 1. 倒装句:Not until 时间状语 did sb. realize/notice that 从句 2.强调句:It was only 时间状语 that sb. realized that 从句 仿写: 1) 直到那时他才意识到有什么不对劲。 Not until then did he realize that something was wrong. It was only then that he realized that something was wrong. 2) 他这才恍然大悟,他哥哥想为他买圣诞礼物。 Not until then did he realize that his elder brother wanted to buy a present
养成良好的答题习惯,是决定高考英语成败的决定性因素之一。做题前, 要认真阅读题目要求、题干和选项,并对答案内容作出合理预测;答题时,切忌 跟着感觉走,最好按照题目序号来做,不会的或存在疑问的,要做好标记,要 善于发现,找到题目的题眼所在,规范答题,书写工整;答题完毕时,要认真检 查,查漏补缺,纠正错误。总之,在最后的复习阶段,学生们不要加大练习量。 在这个时候,学生要尽快找到适合自己的答题方式,最重要的是以平常心去面 对考试。英语最后的复习要树立信心,考试的时候遇到难题要想“别人也难”, 遇到容易的则要想“细心审题”。越到最后,考生越要回归基础,单词最好再 梳理一遍,这样有利于提高阅读理解的效率。另附高考复习方法和考前30天冲 刺复习方法。




With all the preparations made, he jumped with joy, his eyes glittering with excitement.2.既兴奋又感动,他们泪流满面。

Excited and moved, they were in tears.3.汤姆结婚了,他的父母很激动,脸上洋溢着满意的笑容。

Tom got married and his parents got excited, with their faces expanding with a satisfied smile.4.简的心情如此好,以至于几乎要跳起来,眼里噙满了喜悦的泪水。

Jane was in such a good mood that she almost jumped up, tears of happiness filling her eyes.5.当听到校长所说的话,我欣喜若狂,双眼兴奋地闪闪发光。

When hearing what the headmaster said, I was wild with joy, my eyes sparkling with excitement.6.看着我的成绩单,我爸爸满意地点了点头,脸上绽开了微笑。

Looking at my report card my father nodded with satisfaction, a smile spreading across his face.7.被他为我所做的事情所感动,我没能控制住自己,感激的泪水顺着脸颊流下来。

Because I was struck with/by what he had done for me, I couldn't contain myself,tears of gratitude flowing down my cheeks.8.我如鲠在喉,泪水模糊了我的眼眶。



高考英语读后续写心理描写高分佳句一、好奇1.The curiosity within her led her to explore every unknown corner.她内心的好奇驱使她探索每一个未知的角落。

2.With a keen interest in science, he spent hours studying the mysteries of the universe.他对科学充满了好奇,花了数小时研究宇宙的奥秘。

3.Curiosity, being a powerful motivation, propelled the young scientist to make new discoveries.好奇心作为一种强大的动力,推动这位年轻的科学家做出新的发现。

4.Her eyes sparkled with curiosity as she gazed at the strange artifact.她凝视着这件奇怪的古董,眼中闪烁着好奇的光芒。

5.The question of what lay beyond the horizon filled him with an insatiable curiosity.地平线之外是什么这个问题让他充满了好奇心。

6.It was the mystery surrounding the ancient temple that aroused her curiosity.正是围绕这座古庙的神秘感激起了她的好奇心。

7.The child was so curious about the world that he asked questions nonstop.这个孩子对这个世界充满了好奇,不停地提问。

8.The scientist's curiosity about the unseen world was what drove his research forward.科学家对未知世界的好奇心推动了他的研究向前发展。



读后续写背诵段落—心理描写读后续写微技能--心理描写之激动与兴奋On the journey to the lake, a wide excitement took hold of Mom. Mom insisted that we go camping in the next village, her eyes twinkling with excitement. When we arrived at the camping place, Mom couldn't wait to storm out and excitedly urged us to put up the tent. Then, Mom walked towards the lake, and then came a scream of excitement. Enjoying the beautiful view, Mom could hardly contain her excitement. Certainly, as it was the first time that we had helped fathercook food outdoors, my brother and I also felt thrilled. Breathing the fresh air and smelling the delicious food, we jumped up and down with excitement.读后续写微技能--心理描写之感激与感动Peter was nearly knocking into a passing car when a passer-by pushed him to safety. With tears of gratitude rolling down his cheeks, Peter said thankfully, “You've saved me today. I couldn't thank you enough.”It was very moving to see how much strangers could care for each other. Hesmiled with gratitude as he accepted the flowers given by a small boy. Touched deeply, the crowd clapped violently. Later, knowing what had happened, his mother shed tears of joy and gratitude.读后续写微技能--心理描写之愤怒Tom's recent behaviour made Mr Smith burst into anger. Finding his homework was unfinished again,Mr Smith let out a cry of anger, with his eyes shining with annoyance. Mr Smith,whose patience had worn thin, called Tom's father. Learning his son had been so badly-behaved,Tom's father felt so angry that he turned around and glared at Tom, “You'd better explain what's going on !”However, Tom hung his head and said nothing, which made him frown. He pulled a long face in anger. Eventually, unable to contain his anger, he stormed out of the room, slamming the door furiously behind him.读后续写微技能--心理描写之开心She stood by the window, joyfully and patiently watching. Golden sunlight danced in her long hair and the children's laughter floated in the air. She stared at the end of the road, hoping herclose friend would come earlier. It seemed as if she had been standing there for a century. Suddenly a wave of happiness and excitement seized/took hold of/swept over/came over her when she caught sight of a familiar figure. Her heart leaped with joy, and a shining smile lit up her face. She ran to her friend and threw herself into her friend's arms. Tears of joy/happiness /excitement welled up intheir eyes as they hugged tightly together.读后续写微技能--心理描写之悲伤Everyone in the classroom was chatting happily while Jane sat alone, at a loss. An air of sorrow and loneliness settled over her. Feeling left out, Jane was getting desperate with loneliness. She rode home from school slowly, numb with sorrow. Then she locked herself in her room, abandoning herself to great sadness. She felt so sad that she found herself crying unconsciously, unable to hold back her tears. She wept quietly, feeling it was the saddest moment for her young life.读后续写微技能--心理描写之惊恐I felt that the blood in my body froze rapidly at the sight of the polar bear. A burst of horror held me entirely in its power, and I was unable to move an inch. Extremely frightened, I felt my legs were trembling and my palms were sweating. Beside me was my wife, who was standing still, frozen with fear. Looking at the polar bear's bloody mouth, she was nearly dead with fright. Fear flooded over her, making her shaking all over. Her throat tightened and her knees felt weak.读后续写微技能--心理描写之紧张Upon entering the big hall, she found there were a huge number of audience waiting for their performance. Suddenly, nervousness came flooding over her. She stepped forward, her face white and nervous, and her legs trembling. She tried to hide her nervousness, but she could feel her heart thump, thump, thump; and the painful beats choked her and made her feel faint. Finally she made it to the front. Breathing deeply, she tried to calm herself down, her mind getting blank. Therefore, she reached to grab her partner's hand, only to find her freezing fingers sweating and trembling.读后续写微技能--心理描写之尴尬与羞愧When Jenny rolled, she fell heavily on the blanket. Kids laughed in surprise at the noise. Standing uncomfortably and hopelessly and feeling as if the whole world was laughing at her, Jenny was so ashamed that the color flooded her cheeks. She must be really stupid to fall down in the game! Disappointment and embarrassment written in her burning face, she felt tears began to well up in her eyes. In bitter disappointment and desperation, she ran swiftly to her room and locked herself in. Embarrassment and the feeling of failure flooding to her, she threw herself into the bed,weeping wildly.读后续写微技能--心理描写之惊讶John had always told him that outside the window there was an amazing park. Mike struggled to walk to the window. Surprisingly, it faced a blank wall. Mike rubbed his eyes hard,and stared. His mouth dropped/hung open in surprise. He froze there for a while, wide-eyed, as if rooted to thespot. He was speechless with shock when he thought of the beautiful scene John had described to him every day. Confused and astonished, he gaped at the wall,“Why is it a wall?”he murmured. Shaking his head in disbelief, he still couldn't believe his eyes.读后续写微技能--心理描写之宽慰与温暖Alice felt relieved to see a car approaching. When the driver with a smile offered a ride to her, she gasped with relief. Alice finally got in the car, and a mixture of warmth and relief flooded over her. Reaching the tall building where her office was, Alice breathed a sigh of relief. Tears of appreciation welled up in her eyes as she thanked the stranger for his help, but he just smiled warmly. She felt warm in the cold day, and believed there was kindness in every corner.读后续写微技能--心理描写之内疚与自责Looking at Anne's face wet with tears, I began to feel regretful and guilty. Suddenly, Anne let out a cry of regret,“I'm so silly.”Then she dashed out before I could say a word, leaving me dumb with deep regret. I froze there, with regretful tears in my eyes. If only I had not quarreled withAnne! Finally, with guilt and regret flowing in my mind, Irushed out to apologize to Anne.读后续写微技能--心理描写之焦虑与担忧Lost in the mountain, they had nothing to do but wait for rescue anxiously. As the evening wore on, they grew increasingly/more and more worried. Worse still/Even worse, fog began creeping into the forest. Everything around them was swallowed by the darkness, undoubtedly leaving them even more helpless. Tony stood there helplessly, frowning. Mary was close to crying with anxiety and fear.。
















读后续写好句积累1. “长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海。

”——李白《行路难》2. “天生我材必有用,千金散尽还复来。

”——李白《将进酒》3. “安能摧眉折腰事权贵,使我不得开心颜。

”——李白《梦游天姥吟留别》4. “抽刀断水水更流,举杯消愁愁更愁。

”——李白《宣州谢朓楼饯别校书叔云》5. “会当凌绝顶,一览众山小。

”——杜甫《望岳》6. “安得广厦千万间,大庇天下寒士俱欢颜。

”——杜甫《茅屋为秋风所破歌》7. “无边落木萧萧下,不尽长江滚滚来。

”——杜甫《登高》8. “出师未捷身先死,长使英雄泪满襟。

”——杜甫《蜀相》9. “沉舟侧畔千帆过,病树前头万木春。

”——刘禹锡《酬乐天扬州初逢席上见赠》10. “千淘万漉虽辛苦,吹尽狂沙始到金。

”——刘禹锡《浪淘沙》11. “采菊东篱下,悠然见南山。

”——陶渊明《饮酒》12. “山气日夕佳,飞鸟相与还。

”——陶渊明《饮酒》13. “大漠孤烟直,长河落日圆。

”——王维《使至塞上》14. “行到水穷处,坐看云起时。

”——王维《终南别业》15. “海内存知己,天涯若比邻。

”——王勃《送杜少府之任蜀州》16. “落霞与孤鹜齐飞,秋水共长天一色。

”——王勃《滕王阁序》17. “欲穷千里目,更上一层楼。

”——王之涣《登鹳雀楼》18. “羌笛何须怨杨柳,春风不度玉门关。

”——王之涣《凉州词》19. “日出江花红胜火,春来江水绿如蓝。

”——白居易《忆江南》20. “同是天涯沦落人,相逢何必曾相识。




心理描写51. I felt a great weight taken off my mind by this promise.=由于这一许诺,我感到卸去了心头重负。

2.What a great weight I felt taken off my mind the moment I heard I had passed the College Entrance Examination!=一听到通过高考了,我就感到多么如释重负!3.Well, that’s a weight off my mind.=啊,这让我心里的一块石头落了地。

4.When I learned they’d arrived safely, it was a great load off my mind.=我听到他们已经安全到达心里才如释重负。

5.The good news has taken a load off my mind.=这好消息使我如释重负。

6.With a great weight taken off her mind, she passed all the tests successfully.=由于放下了极大的思想包袱,她成功地通过了所有考试。

7.Please phone David and tell him that his missing wallet has been found, so set his mind at rest.-请打个电话给戴维,告诉他遗失的钱包找到了,让他放心。

8.As soon as you hear that your father is out of danger, let me know:it will set my mind at rest.听到你父亲脱险的消息,你就立即告诉我,以免我挂念。

9.Not until they heard that she was safe and sound were their minds set at rest.=听到她平安无事的消息,大家心里才一块石头落地。

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【读后续写】好词好句积累,让心理描写活起来快乐1. He felt the warmth surging through his body.他感到身体里涌动着一股暖流。

2. It was a welcome relief once again. Stanley felt that destiny was on his side.这又是一次令人欣慰的解脱。


3. A bright smile appeared on/spread across his face.他脸上露出了灿烂的笑容。

4. Her face lit up/brightened/glowed when I gave her the present.我给她礼物时,她的脸上焕发出光彩。

5. Everyone was in a good mood.每个人的心情都很好。

6. I’m in a good mood at the moment, just like the white clouds in the blue sky.我此刻心情舒畅,就像蓝天白云那样自在。

7. My heart is as sweet as honey.我的心情像吃了蜜一样甜。

8. A thrill of joy filled her heart.她心中充满了喜悦。

9. She was overflowing with happiness.她内心洋溢着幸福。

10. He was grinning from ear to ear.他笑得合不拢嘴。

悲伤1. A ripple of sadness welled up inside him.他内心涌起一阵阵悲伤。

2. The loneliness and grief comes in waves.孤独和悲伤不断涌上心头。

3. Grief comes in waves.悲伤如潮水一般涌来。

4. The last word went like a bullet to my heart.最后一句话像一颗子弹一样击中了我的心。

5. My heart seemed to be torn.我的心都要碎了。

6. An air of sorrow and depression settled over the crowd.人群中弥漫着悲伤和沮丧的气氛。

7. It is heartbreaking for him that he cannot see his children.无法见到孩子,这使他很伤心。

8. The sorrow she felt at the death of her husband was almost too much to bear.她丈夫去世时,她所经受的悲伤几乎是难以忍受的。

9. She felt a deep pang of sorrow for the woman.她为那个女人感到深深的悲痛。

10. She grieved the loss of her only son.失去了唯一的儿子,她非常悲痛。

11. He became severely depressed after her mother’s death.她母亲死后,他变得非常压抑。

12. The girl was crying and clearly in distress.那女孩哭了,显然很痛苦。

激动1. Mary felt her heart race.玛丽感到她的心跳在加速。

2. Her heart was thumping with excitement.她激动得心怦怦跳。

3. I was overjoyed and ran three steps at once.我欣喜若狂,三步并作两步跑过去。

4. Her face is red, excitement in the heart, as a deer jumping with joy.她激动得满脸通红,像有只小鹿在心里跳跃。

5. I was so excited inside, like a rough sea.我内心像汹涌的大海般激动。

震惊1. We were all astonished at the unexpected news.听到这意外的消息,我们都震惊了。

2. When I looked at the grade on my math paper my jaw dropped to the ground.看到数学卷子成绩的那一刻,我惊得下巴掉在了地上。

3. The little boy was speechless with shock.小男孩惊得说不出话。

4. Hearing the bad news, Mary froze with shock, as if rooted on the ground.听到这个坏消息,玛丽吓得愣住了,好像长在了地上。

5. The car was gone in seconds, leaving Alice shaking her head in disbelief.汽车在几秒钟内就开走了,爱丽丝难以置信地摇着头。

6. I sensed a flash of surprise in his eyes.我看到他眼中闪过一丝惊讶。

哭泣1. In between sobs I told her the story.我抽泣着告诉她这件事。

2. Every night she cried into her pillow as though her heart would break into pieces.每一个夜晚,她都把头埋在枕头里哭,肝肠寸断。

3. Tears blurred her eyes.泪水模糊了她的双眼。

4. I felt tears well up in my eyes.我的泪水涌了出来。

5. She chocked and her eyes brimmed with tears.她哽咽着,眼里满是泪水。

6. With tears streaming down her face, words failed her.眼泪顺着她的脸颊流下来,她说不出话来。

7. A tear slid down her cheek.一滴眼泪顺着她的脸颊流下来。

8. Eyes begin to water.眼睛开始流泪。

9. I sobbed bitterly, tasting the salt from the tears that streamed down my face.我痛苦地抽泣着,泪流满面,尝着咸咸的泪水。

10. There was clearly nothing left to do but drop herself onto the shabby little couch and weep.显然,除了躺在破旧的小沙发上哭泣,她什么也做不了。

羞愧1. So ashamed was she that she could feel the blood rush to her face.她羞愧至极,脸如充血般发烫。

(倒装)2. He hung/dropped/lowed/bent/bowed his head in shame.他羞愧地低下了头。

3. He felt his cheeks burning with shame.他羞得两颊发红。

4. I dropped my eyes.我垂下了双眼。

5. So ashamed did she feel that she was close to tears.她羞愧得几乎要哭了。

(倒装)恐惧1. I was seized by a strong sense of horror and my palms were sweating.我感到强烈的恐惧,手心都出汗了。

2. The fear made him dizzy.恐惧使他头晕眼花。

3. He felt the scream explode inside him.他的内心在尖叫。

4. Stanley could hear his heart beat, each beat told him he was still alive, at least for one more second.斯坦利能听到他的心跳,每一次心跳都告诉他他还活着,至少这一刻是活着的。

5. Hearing the terrible news, people got into panic.听到这个可怕的消息,人们惊慌失措。

6. A look of panic crossed his face.他脸上掠过惊恐的神情。

7. She shrieked in fright.她吓得尖叫起来。

8. Fear clutched at his heart.他心中充满了恐惧。

9. The girl is as timid as a rabbit.那女孩胆小得像只兔子。

10. He was terrified at the thought of being lost in the woods.他一想到在树林里迷路就吓坏了。

愤怒1. Her rage swept through her like a tidal wave.她的愤怒像潮水一样席卷了她。

2. He roared in his heart like a lion.他在心里怒吼着。

3. Mowgli, still in a temper, came sliding down a tree trunk.毛克利,从树上滑了下来,还生着气。

4. He walked into the camp office, slamming the door behind him.他走进营地办公室,砰地关上门。

5. So angry was she that she could feel the blood rush to her face.(倒装)她太气愤了,感到血液涌上了脸。

6. She flushed with anger.她气得涨红了脸。

7. His anger has cooled.他的怒气平息了。

8. Lisa was white and trembling with anger.丽萨气得脸色发白,身体颤抖。

9. Mike managed to restrain his anger.约翰努力压制住自己的怒气。

焦虑1. She frowned at her anxiously.她焦急地皱了皱眉。

2. She gives me a worried look.她忧虑地看了我一眼。
