



填谷电路工作原理填谷电路(bridge rectifier)是一种用于将交流电转换为直流电的电路。





















Bridge Rectifier 桥式整流器

Bridge Rectifier 桥式整流器

反向重复峰值电压 Repetitive Peak Reverse Voltage 平均整流输出电流
Average Rectified Output Current 正向(不重复)浪涌电流
Surge(Non-repetitive)Forward Current
正向浪涌电流的平方对电流浪涌 持续
热阻 Thermal Resistance
RθJ-A ℃/W
结和环境之间 Between junction and ambient
最大值 Max
1.05 10
Document Number 0018 Rev. 1.0, 22-Sep-11
扬州扬杰电子科技股份有限公司 Yangzhou Yangjie Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
60HZ 正弦波,电阻负载,Ta=40℃ 60HZ sine wave, R- load, Ta=40℃
60HZ正弦波,一个周期,Ta=25℃ 60HZ sine wave, 1 cycle, Ta=25℃
1ms≤t<8.3ms Tj=25℃,单个二 极管
1ms≤t < 8.3ms Tj=25℃,Rating of
per diode

-55 ~+150

-55 ~+125
■电特性 (Ta=25℃ 除非另有规定)
Electrical Characteristics(Ta=25℃ Unless otherwise specified)
符号 单位







2:高压包(ignition coil):学名点火线圈点火线圈主要由一次线圈、二次线圈和铁芯组成,实际上就是一个变压器。




3:点火器(igniter flame lighter)点火器的作用是接收并储存磁电机提供的点火电压,并精确计算点火时间,适时提供给高压包,高压包将点火器的低压电感应为高压电供火花塞点火。

4:调压器(pressure regulator)又称镇流稳压器(rectifier regulator)或者稳压整流器,主要作用就是稳定电压。

IR SmartRectifier IC提升系统效率1.5%

IR SmartRectifier IC提升系统效率1.5%
I 扩展 其 S r et e I R ma R c f r C系列 , t i i
恩 智 浦 展 示 首 款 功 能 性 C r x  ̄ P of - e MO i -
E前 宣 布 推 出 其 最 新 版 本 Liu 平 台 t nx WidR vrLn x3 。 预 集成 、商 用 n ie iu . 0
CE M I 资讯快报 l e &Po u tS o ws r d c s h w N
耗 和 最 低 的 物料 成 本 。 带 有US 接 口的UHFR I B F D读卡
器 RU一1 u  ̄ 适 用 于 物 流 、制 造 和 20 t常
零 售 业 应 用 ,其 性 能 早 已 在 一 些亚 洲 市 场 的 闭 环 托 盘 / 箱 跟 踪 系统 中 得 货
以 及 业 界 首 款 面 向E h r e、US 与 的 消 隐 方 案 和 双 脉 冲 抑 制 来 实 现 ,使 提 高 开 发 灵 活 性 , 同 时 控 制 投 资 成 ten t B
级 、全支 持是这个全新Liu 平 台的 nx
三 大 突 出特 色 。 最 新 的 w i d Ri e n x 30 n v rLiu . 基 于 全 新 的 Li u . . 7 核 和 n x 262 内 GCC . 提 供 了 灵 活 、 通 用 的 4 3,
约 的 特 性 使 之 成 为 当 今 市 场上 最 方 便 拓 扑 上 作 为 同 步 整 流 器 ( R S )的 两 个 等 。新 版 L n x 台还 全 面 支 持 最 尖 iu 平 易 用的 架构 之 一 。
N通 道 功 率 M OS ET。 与 传 统 的 变 端 的 多 核 处 理 功 能 ,例 如 基 于 KVM F



BTA54C BTA54SDO41SCHOTTKY:取第一个字母“S”,SMD:Surface Mounted Devices的缩写,意为:表面贴装器件,取第一个字母“S”,上面两个词组各取第一个字母、即为SS,同普通硅二极管一样,肖特基二极管也是具有单向导电特性的硅二极管。


所以,肖特基二极管的开关速度非常快,反向恢复时间t rr很短(小于几十ns);同时,其正向压降V F较小,尤其适用于高速开关电路和低压大电流输出电路,具有较高的整流效率和可靠性。

这是肖特基二极管的两大优点,但肖特基二极管也有两个缺点,一是反向耐压V R较低,二是反向漏电流I R较大。








关于肖特基MBR系列为什么国际通用常见的肖特基二极管都以“MBR”字头命名?因为最早是摩托罗拉产品型号M:是以最早MOTOROLA的命名,取MB:Bridge 桥;Barrier:势垒R:Rectifier,整流器“MBR”意为整流器件例如:MBR10200CTM:MOTOROLA 缩写MB:Barrier缩写BR:Rectifier 缩写R10:电流10A200:电压200VC:表示TO-220AB封装,常指半塑封。


IR扩展SmartRectifier IC系列

IR扩展SmartRectifier IC系列
选 择 。
Vsa ih y推 出具 有 超低 前 向压 降 的
小 型 肖 特 基 整 流 器
L 23 TC 6 4的 小 尺 寸 和 内 部 基 准 对 各 种 工 业 、 车 和 汽 ATE应 用 来 说都 很 重 要 。L TC2 3 6 4具有 ±2 5 S ( 大 .L B 最 值 )I 差 和 <2 4 n ・S串 扰 的 1 NI误 . V 2位 性 能 , 而 确 保 从
Vih y推 出 两款 新 型 肖特 基 整 流 器 —— MS 1 2 和 sa SP U 在 一 个 DAC上 的 电 压 变化 对 另 一 个 DAC产 生 最 小 影 响 。 MS 1 3 在 + 8 ℃ 和 + 2 ℃ 时 的 前 向 压 降 分 别 只 有 S P U, 5 5 L 23 TC 6 4用 2 7 . 的单 电源 工 作 , 源 电流 很 低 , . ~5 5V 电 每 0 3 . 5V和 0 4 V。 器 件 采 用 小 型 M i o MP功 率 封 装 , . c S r 额 个 DAC 为 1 5/ 2 a A。 定 电压 分 别 为 2 MS 1 2 和 3 MS 1 3 , 出 0V( S P u) 0V( S P U) 输
以及 8 6 8V 的宽 泛 Vc . ~1 c操作 范 围 。 品 。L TC2 3 6 4加 上 之 前 推 出 的 L 2 3 TC 6 6八 通 道 DAC 和 迟 , L 2 3 / 2 4 TC 6 0 I TC 6 0单 通 道 DAC, 众 多 应 用 提 供 了 小 体 为
保 ( 4A 微 集成了一个精确 的基 准。L 23 TC 6 4是 凌 力 尔 特 公 司 具 有 动 逻 辑 和 uVI) 护 、 峰 值 关 闭 门驱 动 电 流 、 功 率 1 . 7 s 内部基准 的纤巧 1 2位 、 0位 和 8位 DAC 系 列 的 最 新 产 启 动 和 超 低 静 态 电流 、 O 7V 门驱 动钳 、 0 n 关 闭传 播 延 1



什么是可控硅(What is silicon controlled rectifier)晶闸管又叫可控硅(可控硅整流,可控硅)。
















肖特基二极管、型号的命名、字母含义、解释肖特基二极管的命名:肖特基二极管是以其发明人肖特基博士(Schottky)命名的,完整的叫法是:肖特基整流二极管(Schottky Rectifier Diode 缩写成 SR),也有人叫做:肖特基势垒二极管(Schottky Barrier Diode 缩写成 SBD)的简称。

肖特基:Schottky整流:RectifierSR:即为肖特基整流二极管Schottky Rectifier Diode:肖特基整二极管,简称:SR,比如:SR107,SR10100CT......肖特基:Schottky势垒:BarrierSB:即为肖特基势垒二极管肖特基二极管也称肖特基势垒二极管(简称SBD),国内厂家也有叫做“SB1045CT、SR10100、SL....、BL....Schottky Barrier Diode:肖特基势垒二极管,简称:SB,比如:SB107,SB1045CT......Schottky Barrier Diode:也有简写为:SBD 来命名产品型号前缀的。

但 SBD 不是利用 P 型半导体与 N 型半导体接触形成PN 结原理制作的,而是利用金属与半导体接触形成的金属-半导体结原理制作的。

因此,SBD 也称为金属-半导体(接触)二极管或表面势垒二极管,它是一种热载流子二极管。

关于肖特基 MBR 系列为什么国际通用常见的肖特基二极管都以“MBR”字头命名?因为最早是世界著名半导体公司-摩托罗拉半导体命名的产品型号M:是以最早 MOTOROLA 的命名,取 MB:Bridge 桥;Barrier:势垒R:Rectifier,整流器“MBR”意为整流器件SCHOTTKY:肖特基 SCHOTTKY RECTIFIER DIODES:肖特基整流二极管。

例如:MBR10200CT M:MOTOROLA 缩写 MB:Barrier1 缩写 BR:Rectifier 缩写 R10:电流 10A200:电压 200VC:表示 TO-220AB 封装,常指半塑封。



直流变换器有非电气隔离型和有电气隔离型两类。 以所用功率开关管的数量来分类,单管非隔离直 流变换器有六种基本类型,即降压式(Buck)、 升压式(BOOST)、升降压式(Buck/Boost)、 库克(Cuk)、瑞泰(Zeta)和赛皮克(Sepic)。 双管直流变换器有双管串接的升降压式 (Buck/Boost)。全桥变换器(Full-bridge converter)是常用的四管直流变换器。 隔离型直流变换器也可以用功率管数量来非类。 典型单管隔离直流变换器有正激变换(Forward) 和反激变换(Flyback),双管变换有双管正激 (Double transistor forward converter)、双管反 激变换(Double transistor flyback converter)、 推挽(Push-pull converter)和半桥(Half-bridge converter)。四管直流变换是全桥变换(Fullbridge converter)。
• 拓扑图的介绍
工作原理如下: 开关管以UC3842设定的频率周期开闭,使电感L储存能量 并释放能量。当开关管导通时,电感以V1/L的速度充电, 把能量储存在L中。当开关截止时,L产生反向感应电压, 通过二极管D把储存的电能以(Vo-Vi)/L的速度释放到输 出电容器C2中。输出电压由传递的能量多少来控制,而 传递能量的多少通过电感电流的峰值来控制。 整个稳压过程由二个闭环来控制,即 闭环1 输出电压通过取样后反馈给误差放大器,用于 同放大器内部的2.5V基准电压比较后产生误差电压,误差 放大器控制由于负载变化造成的输出电压的变化。 闭环2 Rs为开关管源极到公共端间的电流检测电阻, 开关管导通期间流经电感L的电流在Rs上产生的电压送至 PWM比较器同相输入端,与误差电压进行比较后控制调 制脉冲的脉宽,从而保持稳定的输出电压。误差信号实际 控制着峰值电感电流。



缩写 M
缩写 B
缩写 R
10:电流 10A
200:电压 200V
C:表示 TO-220AB 封装,常指半塑封。
MBR1045CT,其中的“C”:表示 TO-220 封装;MBR6045PT,其中的“P”:表示 TO-3P 封装
MBR30150CT,30A,150V,TO-220AB、TO-220F 全塑封;
MBR30200CT,30A,200V,TO-220AB、TO-220F 全塑封;
MBR3045PT, 30A, 45V,TO-247、TO-3P;
MBR3060PT, 30A, 60V,TO-247、TO-3P;
BMBR1535CT、MBR1545CT:TO-220AB(三脚),15A RFMBR2045CT、MBR20200CT:TO-220AB(三脚),20A 1MBR2535CT、MBR2545CT:TO-220AB(三脚),25A 0MBR3045CT、MBR3060CT:TO-220AB(三脚),30A
MBR6045PT, 60A, 45V,TO-247、TO-3P;
MBR6060PT, 60A, 60V,TO-247、TO-3P;




Silicon Controlled Rectifier (SCR)是一种半导体器件,它具有双向导电性能,可以控制大电流。



















RS1A B - RS1M B 1.0A SMT快恢复晶体极 Rectifier 产品说明书

RS1A B - RS1M B 1.0A SMT快恢复晶体极 Rectifier 产品说明书

Features• Glass Passivated Die Construction • Fast Recovery Time for High Efficiency • Surge Overload Rating to 30A Peak • Ideally Suited for Automated Assembly• Lead-Free Finish; RoHS Compliant (Notes 1 & 2)•Halogen and Antimony Free. “Green” Device (Note 3)Mechanical Data• Case: SMA/SMB• Case Material: Molded Plastic.UL Flammability Classification Rating 94V-0 • Moisture Sensitivity: Level 1 per J-STD-020• Terminals: Finish - Matte Tin Annealed over Copper Alloy Leadframe; Solderable per MIL-STD-202, Method 208 • Polarity: Cathode Band or Cathode Notch •Weight: SMA - 0.064 grams (Approximate) SMB - 0.093 grams (Approximate)SMA/SMBOrdering Information (Note 4)Part Number Case Packaging RS1x-13-F SMA 5000/Tape & Reel RS1xB-13-FSMB 3000/Tape & Reel* x = Device type, e.g. RS1D-13-F (SMA package); RS1JB-13-F (SMB package).Notes: 1. EU Directive 2002/95/EC (RoHS), 2011/65/EU (RoHS 2) & 2015/863/EU (RoHS 3) compliant. All applicable RoHS exemptions applied.2. See https:///quality/lead-free/ for more information about Diodes Incorporated’s definitions of Halogen- and Antimony-free, "Green" and Lead-free.3. Halogen- and Antimony-free "Green” products are defined as those which contain <900ppm bromine, <900ppm chlorine (<1500ppm total Br + Cl) and <1000ppm antimony compounds.4. For packaging details, go to our website at https:///design/support/packaging/diodes-packaging/.Marking InformationSMA/SMBTop View Bottom ViewRS1x = Product Type Marking Code, ex: RS1G (SMA Package) RS1xB = Product Type Marking Code, ex: RS1GB (SMB Package) = Manufacturer’s Code Marking YWW = Date Code MarkingY = Last Digit of Year (ex: 9 for 2019) WW = Week Code (01 to 53)Maximum Ratings(@T A = +25°C, unless otherwise specified.) Single phase, half wave, 60Hz, resistive or inductive load.For capacitive load, derate current by 20%.Characteristic Symbol RS1A/ABRS1B/BBRS1D/DBRS1G/GBRS1J/JBRS1K/KBRS1M/MBUnitPeak Repetitive Reverse Voltage Working Peak Reverse Voltage DC Blocking Voltage (Note 5) V RRMV RWMV R50 100 200 400 600 800 1000 VRMS Reverse Voltage V R(RMS)35 70 140 280 420 560 700 V Average Rectified Output Current @ T T = +120°C I O 1.0 A Non-Repetitive Peak Forward Surge Current, 8.3msSingle Half Sine-Wave Superimposed on Rated Load I FSM30 AThermal CharacteristicsCharacteristic Symbol Value Unit Typical Thermal Resistance, Junction to Terminal (Note 6) RϴJT20 °C/W Operating and Storage Temperature Range T J, T STG-65 to +150 °CElectrical Characteristics(@T A = +25°C unless otherwise specified.)Characteristic Symbol RS1A/ABRS1B/BBRS1D/DBRS1G/GBRS1J/JBRS1K/KBRS1M/MBUnitMinimum Reverse Breakdown Voltage (Note 5) @ I R = 5µA V(BR)R50 100 200 400 600 800 1000 V Maximum Forward Voltage Drop @ I F = 1.0A V FM 1.3 VPeak Reverse Current @ T A = +25°C at Rated DC Blocking Voltage (Note 5) @ T A = +125°C I RM5.0200µAMaximum Reverse Recovery Time (Note 7) t RR150 250 500 ns Typical Total Capacitance (Note 8) C T15 pFNotes: 5. Short duration pulse test used to minimize self-heating effect.6. Valid provided that terminals are kept at ambient temperature.7. Reverse recovery test conditions: I F = 0.5A, I R = 1.0A, I RR = 0.25A. See Figure 5.8. Measured at 1.0MHz and applied reverse voltage of 4.0V DC.1.2I , A V E R A G E R E C T I F I E D C U R R E N T (A )O T , TERMINAL TEMPERATURE (C)Fig. 1 Forward Current Derating CurveT °0.6I I N S T A N T A N E O U S F O R W A R D C U R R E N T (A )F ,V , INSTANTANEOUS FORWARD VOLTAGE (V)Fig. 2 Typical Forward Characteristics F 0I , P E A K F O R W A R D S U R G E C U R R E N T (A )F S M NUMBER OF CYCLES AT 60HzFig. 3 Forward Surge Current Derating Curve 1.01001,000 PERCENT OF RATED PEAK REVERSE VOLTAGE (%)Fig. 4 Typical Reverse Characteristics T = 125C J ° T = 25°C J I , I N S T A N T A N E O U S R E V E R S E C U R R E N T ( µ A ) R I R , I N S T A N T A N E O U S R E V E R S E C U R R E N T (µA )Package Outline DimensionsPlease see /package-outlines.html for the latest version.SMASMBSMBDim Min Max A 3.30 3.94 B 4.06 4.57 C 1.96 2.21 D 0.15 0.31 E 5.00 5.59 G 0.05 0.20 H 0.76 1.52 J 2.00 2.50 All Dimensions in mmSuggested Pad LayoutPlease see /package-outlines.html for the latest version.SMADimensionsValue (in mm) C 4.00 G 1.50 X 2.50 X1 6.50 Y1.70SMB。

IOR Rectifier AN-978 高压悬浮门驱动IC说明书

IOR Rectifier AN-978 高压悬浮门驱动IC说明书
国际整流器公司的MOS门驱动器族(MGD)集成了大部分所要求的功能,将绝大部分用来驱动高 压侧和低压侧的MOSFET或IGBT的功能都集成在一个紧凑、高性能封装里。对IRS2110来说,只要 提供少数几个元件,就可以达到高速的开关频率,同时损耗很低。如表格II中所示(见30页)。它 们可以通过自举或者悬浮电源的方式工作。在这种自举模式下使用,它们能工作于从数十赫兹到 几百kHz范围的大多数应用。
图2: IRS2110的结构图
LD MOS (电平转换器)
n+ p
Cb-sub p-
n+ p
C d-sub
图 3: 硅横截面显示了寄生电容
有些应用需要用到死区,那么应该使用带有集成死区时间(半桥驱动器)或者高端和低端驱动器 与无源器件相结合的MGD 来提供所需的死区时间,如12节所示。通常,对于导通时和关断时(温 度依赖数据手册所描述那样)的两个通道来说,输入与输出之间的传输延迟大约是一样的。对于 一些正逻辑关断的MGD(譬如,IRS2110)来说,输出将内部被关断。关断时间由关断脚上的脉 冲宽度决定。




SBR是指垂直结型整流器(Schottky Barrier Rectifier)的简称。

























最常见的整流器类型是桥式整流器(Bridge Rectifier)。








广东红星科技有限公司 氧化锂电阻 rectifier SS12F-SS120F 产品说明书

广东红星科技有限公司 氧化锂电阻 rectifier SS12F-SS120F 产品说明书

FEATURES● For surface mounted applications● Metal silicon junction, majority carrier conduction ● Built-in strain relief, ideal for automated placement ● Low power loss, high efficiency. ● High forward surge current capability ● Plastic package has Underwriters LaboratoryFlammability Classification 94V-0MECHANICAL DATA● Case: SMAF Molded plastic ● Terminals: Pure tin plated, lead free ● Polarity: Indicated by cathode band ● Weight: 27mg (approx.)MAXIMUM RA TINGS AND ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSRating at 25°C ambient temperature unless otherwise specified. Single phase, half wave ,60Hz, resistive or inductive load.For capacitive load, derate current by 20%Note:1.Measured at 1MHz and applied reverse voltage of 4.0V D.C.2.P .C.B. mounted with 0.2x0.2”(5.0x5.0mm) copper pad areasParameterSymbolSS12F SS 13F SS 14F SS 15F SS 16F SS 18F SS 110F SS 115F SS 120FUnit Maximum Repetitive Peak Reverse Voltage V RRM 20 30 40 50 60 80 100 150 200 V Maximum RMS Voltage V RMS 14 21 28 35 42 56 70 105 140 V Maximum DC Blocking VoltageV DC 2030405060 80100150200V Maximum Average Forward Rectified Current I F(AV) 1.0 A Peak Forward Surge Current 8.3 ms Half Sine-wave Superimposed on Rated Load (JEDEC method)I FSM30.0AMaximum Instantaneous Forward Voltage at 1A V F 0.45 0.55 0.70 0.85 0.95 V Maximum DC Reverse CurrentCat Rated DC BlockingVoltage@ T A =25°C@ T A =100°CI R 0.50.2mA 10.0 5.0 2.0mA Typical Junction Capacitance(Note1) C j 11090pF Typical Thermal Resistance (Note2) R θJA 88 °C/w Operating Temperature Range T J -50 to +150 °C Storage Temperature RangeT STG-50 to +150°CSMAFCathodeTypical Characteristics1. 1.0 10 1000.01 0.1 1 10 1001001010.1REVERSE VOLTAGE,VOLTSt,PULSE DURATION,sec.FIG. 5-TYPICAL JUNCTION CAPACITANCEFIG. 6-TYPICAL TRANSIENT THERMAL IMPEDANCENUMBER OF CYCLES AT 60 HzFIG. 2-MAXIMUM NON-REPETITIVE PEAK FORWARDFIG. 1- FORWARD CURRENT DERATING CURVEA V E R A G E F O R W A R D R E C T I F I E D C U R R E N T ,A M PE R E SJ U N C T I O N C A P A C I T A N C E , p FP E A K F O R W A R D S U R G E C U R R E N T ,A M P E R ES1001010.10.010.001PERCENT OF PEAK REVERSE VOLTAGE,%FIG. 4-TYPICAL REVERSE CHARACTERISTICSI N S T A N T A N E O U S R E V E R S E C U R R E N T ,M I L L I A M P E R E ST R A N S I E N T T H E R M A L I M P E D A N C E ,C /WAMBIENT TEMPERATURE, C FIG. 3-TYPICAL INSTANTANEOUS FORWARDCHARACTERISTICSI N S T A N T A N E O U S F O R W A R D C U R R E N T ,A M P E R E SINSTANTANEOUS FORWARD VOLTAGE,VOLTS5010.010.10.01UNITmm1.10.20 3.72.7 2.44.47°maxminmil maxmin43357.94.714613010694193173A C D E H E∠1.61.36351eBottom View Top View1.20.84731gPackage Outline Dimensions SMAF。

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RectifierFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaFor other uses, see Rectifier (disambiguation).A rectifier is an electrical device that converts alternating current (AC), which periodically reverses direction,to direct current (DC), which is in only one direction, a process known as rectification. Rectifiers have many uses including as components of power supplies and as detectors of radio signals. Rectifiers may be madeof solid state diodes, vacuum tube diodes, mercury arc valves, and other components.A device which performs the opposite function (converting DC to AC) is known as an inverter.When only one diode is used to rectify AC (by blocking the negative or positive portion of the waveform), the difference between the term diode and the term rectifier is merely one of usage, i.e., the term rectifier describes a diode that is being used to convert AC to DC. Almost all rectifiers comprise a number of diodes in a specific arrangement for more efficiently converting AC to DC than is possible with only one diode. Before the development of silicon semiconductor rectifiers, vacuum tube diodes and copper(I) oxide or selenium rectifier stacks were used.Early radio receivers, called crystal radios, used a "cat's whisker" of fine wire pressing on a crystalof galena (lead sulfide) to serve as a point-contact rectifier or "crystal detector". Rectification may occasionally serve in roles other than to generate direct current per se. For example, in gas heating systems flame rectification is used to detect presence of flame. Two metal electrodes in the outer layer of the flame provide a current path, and rectification of an applied alternating voltage will happen in the plasma, but only while the flame is present to generate it.Half-wave rectificationIn half wave rectification, either the positive or negative half of the AC wave is passed, while the other half is blocked. Because only one half of the input waveform reaches the output, it is very inefficient if used for power transfer. Half-wave rectification can be achieved with a single diode in a one-phase supply, or with three diodes in a three-phase supply.The output DC voltage of a half wave rectifier can be calculated with the following two ideal equations:[1]Full-wave rectificationA full-wave rectifier converts the whole of the input waveform to one of constant polarity (positive or negative) at its output. Full-wave rectification converts both polarities of the input waveform to DC (direct current), and is more efficient. However, in a circuit with a non-center tapped transformer, four diodes are required instead of the one needed for half-wave rectification. (See semiconductors,diode). Four diodes arranged this way are called a diode bridge or bridge rectifier.Graetz bridge rectifier: a full-wave rectifier using 4 diodes.For single-phase AC, if the transformer is center-tapped, then two diodes back-to-back (i.e. anodes-to-anode or cathode-to-cathode) can form a full-wave rectifier. Twice as many windings are required on the transformer secondary to obtain the same output voltage compared to the bridge rectifier above.Full-wave rectifier using a center tap transformer and 2 diodes.Full-wave rectifier, with vacuum tube having two anodes.A very common vacuum tube rectifier configuration contained one cathode and twin anodes inside a single envelope; in this way, the two diodes required only one vacuum tube. The 5U4 and 5Y3 were popular examples of this configuration.A three-phase bridge rectifier.3-phase AC input, half & full wave rectified DC output waveformsFor three-phase AC, six diodes are used. Typically there are three pairs of diodes, each pair, though, is not the same kind of double diode that would be used for a full wave single-phase rectifier. Instead the pairs are in series (anode to cathode). Typically, commercially available double diodes have four terminals so the user can configure them as single-phase split supply use, for half a bridge, or for three-phase use.Disassembled automobile alternator, showing the six diodes that comprise a full-wave three-phase bridge rectifier.Most devices that generate alternating current (such devices are called alternators) generate three-phase AC. For example, an automobile alternator has six diodes inside it to function as a full-wave rectifier for battery charging applications.The average and root-mean-square output voltages of an ideal single phase full wave rectifier can be calculated as:Where:V dc,V av - the average or DC output voltage,V p - the peak value of half wave,V rms - the root-mean-square value of output voltage.π = ~ 3.14159Peak lossAn aspect of most rectification is a loss from the peak input voltage to the peakoutput voltage, caused by the built-in voltage drop across the diodes (around 0.7 Vfor ordinary silicon p-n-junction diodes and 0.3 V for Schottky diodes). Half-waverectification and full-wave rectification using two separate secondaries will have apeak voltage loss of one diode drop. Bridge rectification will have a loss of twodiode drops. This may represent significant power loss in very low voltage supplies.In addition, the diodes will not conduct below this voltage, so the circuit is onlypassing current through for a portion of each half-cycle, causing short segments ofzero voltage to appear between each "hump".Rectifier output smoothingWhile half-wave and full-wave rectification suffice to deliver a form of DC output,neither produces constant-voltage DC. In order to produce steady DC from arectified AC supply, a smoothing circuit or filter is required.[2] In its simplest form thiscan be just a reservoir capacitor or smoothing capacitor, placed at the DC output ofthe rectifier. There will still remain an amount of AC ripple voltage where the voltageis not completely smoothed.RC-Filter Rectifier: This circuit was designed and simulated using Multisim 8 software.Sizing of the capacitor represents a tradeoff. For a given load, a larger capacitor will reduce ripple but will cost more and will create higher peak currents in the transformer secondary and in the supply feeding it. In extreme cases where many rectifiers are loaded onto a power distribution circuit, it may prove difficult for the power distribution authority to maintain a correctly shaped sinusoidal voltage curve. For a given tolerable ripple the required capacitor size is proportional to the load current and inversely proportional to the supply frequency and the number of output peaks of the rectifier per input cycle. The load current and the supply frequency are generally outside the control of the designer of the rectifier system but the number of peaks per input cycle can be affected by the choice of rectifier design.A half-wave rectifier will only give one peak per cycle and for this and other reasons is only used in very small power supplies. A full wave rectifier achieves two peaks per cycle and this is the best that can be done with single-phase input. For three-phase inputs a three-phase bridge will give six peaks per cycle and even higher numbers of peaks can be achieved by using transformer networks placed before the rectifier to convert to a higher phase order.To further reduce this ripple, a capacitor-input filter can be used. This complements the reservoir capacitor with a choke(inductor) and a second filter capacitor, so that a steadier DC output can be obtained across the terminals of the filter capacitor. The choke presents a high impedance to the ripple current.[2]A more usual alternative to a filter, and essential if the DC load is very demanding of a smooth supply voltage, is to follow the reservoir capacitor with a voltage regulator.The reservoir capacitor needs to be large enough to prevent the troughs of the ripple getting below the voltage the DC is being regulated to. The regulator serves both to remove the last of the ripple and to deal with variations in supply and load characteristics. It would be possible to use a smaller reservoir capacitor (these can be large on high-current power supplies) and then apply some filtering as well as the regulator, but this is not a common strategy. The extreme of this approach is to dispense with the reservoir capacitor altogether and put the rectified waveform straight into a choke-input filter. The advantage of this circuit is that the current waveform is smoother and consequently the rectifier no longer has to deal with the current as a large current pulse, but instead the current delivery is spread over the entire cycle. The downside is that the voltage output is much lower – approximately the average of an AC half-cycle rather than the peak.Voltage-doubling rectifiersMain article: voltage doublerThe simple half wave rectifier can be built in two versions with the diode pointing in opposite directions, one version connects the negative terminal of the output direct to the AC supply and the other connects the positive terminal of the output direct to the AC supply. By combining both of these with separate output smoothing it is possible to get an output voltage of nearly double the peak AC input voltage. This also provides a tap in the middle, which allows use of such a circuit as a split rail supply.A variant of this is to use two capacitors in series for the output smoothing on a bridge rectifier then place a switch between the midpoint of those capacitors and one of the AC input terminals. With the switch open this circuit will act like a normal bridge rectifier with it closed it will act like a voltage doubling rectifier. In other words this makes it easy to derive a voltage of roughly 320V (+/- around 15%) DC from any mains supply in the world, this can then be fed into a relatively simple switched mode power supply.Cockcroft Walton Voltage multiplierCascaded stages of diodes and capacitors can be added to make a voltage multiplier (Cockroft-Walton circuit). These circuits can provide a potential several times that of the peak value of the input AC, although limited in current output and regulation. Voltage multipliers are used to provide the high voltage for a CRT in a television receiver, or for powering high-voltage tubes such as image intensifiers or photo multipliers.ApplicationsA rectifier diode (silicon controlled rectifier) and associated mounting hardware. The heavy threaded stud helps remove heat.The primary application of rectifiers is to derive DC power from an AC supply. Virtually all electronic devices require DC, so rectifiers find uses inside the power supplies of virtually all electronic equipment.Converting DC power from one voltage to another is much more complicated. One method of DC-to-DC conversion first converts power to AC (using a device called an inverter), then use a transformer to change the voltage, and finally rectifies power back to DC.Rectifiers also find a use in detection of amplitude modulated radio signals. The signal may be amplified before detection, but if un-amplified, a very low voltage drop diode must be used. When using a rectifier for demodulation the capacitor and load resistance must be carefully matched. Too low a capacitance will result in the high frequency carrier passing to the output and too high will result in the capacitor just charging and staying charged.Output voltage of a full-wave rectifier with controlled thyristorsRectifiers are also used to supply polarised voltage for welding. In such circuits control of the output current is required and this is sometimes achieved by replacing some of the diodes in bridge rectifier with thyristors, whose voltage output can be regulated by means of phase fired controllers.Thyristors are used in various classes of railway rolling stock systems so that fine control of the traction motors can be achieved. Gate turn-off thyristors are used to produce alternating current from a DC supply, for example on the Eurostar Trains to power the three-phase traction motors.[3]Rectification technologiesElectromechanicalEarly power conversion systems were purely electro-mechanical in design, since electronic devices were not available to handle significant power. Mechanical rectification systems usually rely on some form of rotation or resonant vibration in order to move quickly enough to match the frequency of the input power source, and cannot operate beyond several thousand cycles per second.Due to the complexity of mechanical systems, they have traditionally needed a high level of maintenance to keep operating correctly. Moving parts will have friction, which requires lubrication and replacement due to wear. Opening mechanical contacts under load results in electrical arcs and sparks that heat and erode the contacts.Synchronous rectifierTo convert AC currents into DC current in electric locomotives, a synchronous rectifier may be used[citation needed]. It consists of a synchronous motor driving a set of heavy-duty electrical contacts. The motor spins in time with the AC frequency andperiodically reverses the connections to the load just when the sinusoidal current goes through a zero-crossing. The contacts do not have to switch a large current, but they need to be able to carry a large current to supply the locomotive'sDC traction motors.VibratorIn the past, the vibrators used in battery-to-high-voltage-DC power supplies often contained a second set of contacts that performed synchronous mechanical rectification of the stepped-up voltage.Motor-generator setMain articles: Motor-generator and Rotary converterA motor-generator set, or the similar rotary converter, is not a rectifier in the sense that it doesn't actually rectify current, but rather generates DC from an AC source. In an "M-G set", the shaft of an AC motor is mechanically coupled to that of aDC generator. The DC generator produces multiphase alternating currents inits armature windings, and a commutator on the armature shaft converts these alternating currents into a direct current output; or a homopolar generator produces a direct current without the need for a commutator. M-G sets are useful for producing DC for railway traction motors, industrial motors and other high-current applications, and were common in many high power D.C. uses (for example, carbon-arc lamp projectors for outdoor theaters) before high-power semiconductors became widely available.ElectrolyticThe electrolytic rectifier[4] was an early device from the 1900s that is no longer used. When two different metals are suspended in an electrolyte solution, it can be found that direct current flowing one way through the metals has less resistance than the other direction. These most commonly used an aluminum anode, and a lead or steel cathode, suspended in a solution of tri-ammonium ortho-phosphate.The rectification action is due to a thin coating of aluminum hydroxide on the aluminum electrode, formed by first applying a strong current to the cell to build up the coating. The rectification process is temperature sensitive, and for best efficiency should not operate above 86 °F (30 °C). There is also a breakdown voltage where the coating is penetrated and the cell is short-circuited. Electrochemical methods are often more fragile than mechanical methods, and canbe sensitive to usage variations which can drastically change or completely disrupt the rectification processes.Similar electrolytic devices were used as lightning arresters around the same era by suspending many aluminium cones in a tank of tri-ammomiumortho-phosphate solution. Unlike the rectifier, above, only aluminium electrodes were used, and used on A.C., there was no polarization and thus no rectifier action, but the chemistry was similar.[5]The modern electrolytic capacitor, an essential component of most rectifier circuit configurations was also developed from the electrolytic rectifier.Plasma typeMercury arcMain article: Mercury arc valveA rectifier used in high-voltage direct current power transmission systems and industrial processing between about 1909 to 1975 is a mercury arcrectifier or mercury arc valve. The device is enclosed in a bulbous glass vessel or large metal tub. One electrode, the cathode, is submerged in a pool of liquid mercury at the bottom of the vessel and one or more high purity graphite electrodes, called anodes, are suspended above the pool. There may be several auxiliaryelectrodes to aid in starting and maintaining the arc. When an electric arc is established between the cathode pool and suspended anodes, a stream of electrons flows from the cathode to the anodes through the ionized mercury, but not the other way. [In principle, this is a higher-power counterpart to flame rectification, which uses the same one-way current transmission properties of the plasma naturally present in a flame].These devices can be used at power levels of hundreds of kilowatts, and may be built to handle one to six phases of AC current. Mercury arc rectifiers have been replaced by silicon semiconductor rectifiers and high power thyristor circuits, from the mid 1970s onward. The most powerful mercury arc rectifiers ever built were installed in the Manitoba Hydro Nelson River Bipole HVDC project, with a combined rating of more than 1 GW and 450 kV.[6][7]Argon gas electron tubeThe General Electric Tungar rectifier was an argon gas-filled electron tube device with a tungsten filament cathode and a carbon button anode. It was useful for battery chargers and similar applications from the 1920s until low-cost solid-state rectifiers (the metal rectifiers at first) supplanted it. These were made up to a few hundred volts and a few amperes rating, and in some sizes strongly resembledan incandescent lamp with an additional electrode.The 0Z4 was a gas-filled rectifier tube commonly used in vacuum tube car radios in the 1940s and 1950s. It was a conventional full wave rectifier tube with two anodes and one cathode, but was unique in that it had no filament (thus the "0" in its type number). The electrodes were shaped such that the reverse breakdown voltage was much higher than the forward breakdown voltage. Once the breakdown voltage was exceeded, the 0Z4 switched to a low-resistance state with a forward voltage drop of about 24 volts.Vacuum tube (valve)Main article: DiodeSince the discovery of the Edison effect or thermionic emission, various vacuum tube devices have been developed to rectify alternating currents. Low-power devices are used as signal detectors, first used in radio by Fleming in 1904. Many vacuum-tube devices also used vacuum rectifiers in their power supplies, for example the All American Five radio receiver. Vacuum rectifiers were made for very high voltages, such as the high voltage power supply for the cathode raytube of television receivers, and the kenotron used for power supply in X-ray equipment. However, vacuum rectifiers generally had low current capacity owing to the maximum current density that could be obtained by electrodes heated to temperatures compatible with long life. Another limitation of the vacuum tube rectifier was that the heater power supply often required special arrangements to insulate it from the high voltages of the rectifier circuit.Solid stateCrystal detectorMain article: cat's-whisker detectorThe cat's-whisker detector, using a crystal such as galena, was the earliest type of solid state diode.Selenium and copper oxide rectifiersMain article: Metal rectifierOnce common until replaced by more compact and less costly silicon solid-state rectifiers, these units used stacks of metal plates and took advantage ofthe semiconductor properties of selenium or copper oxide.[8] While selenium rectifiers were lighter in weight and used less power than comparable vacuum tube rectifiers, they had the disadvantage of finite life expectancy, increasing resistance with age, and were only suitable to use at low frequencies. Both selenium and copper oxide rectifiers have somewhat better tolerance of momentary voltage transients than silicon rectifiers.Typically these rectifiers were made up of stacks of metal plates or washers, held together by a central bolt, with the number of stacks determined by voltage; each cell was rated for about 20 volts. An automotive battery charger rectifier might have only one cell: the high-voltage power supply for a vacuum tube might have dozens of stacked plates. Current density in an air-cooled selenium stack was about 600 mA per square inch of active area (about 90 mA per square centimeter).Silicon and germanium diodesMain article: DiodeIn the modern world, silicon diodes are the most widely used rectifiers for lower voltages and powers, and have largely replaced earlier germanium diodes. For very high voltages and powers, the added need for controllability has in practice causedsimple silicon diodes to be replaced by high-power thyristors (see below) and their newer actively-gate-controlled cousins.High power: thyristors (SCRs) and newer silicon-based voltage sourced convertersTwo of three high-power thyristor valve stacks used for long distance transmission of powerfrom Manitoba Hydro dams. Compare with mercury arc system from the same dam-site, above. Main article: high-voltage direct currentIn high power applications, from 1975-2000, most mercury valve arc-rectifiers were replaced by stacks of very high power thyristors, a silicon device with an extra layer of semiconductor in comparison to a diode.In medium power-transmission applications, more complex andsophisticated voltage sourced converter (VSC) silicon semiconductor rectifier systems, such as insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBT) and gate turn-off thyristors (GTO), have made smaller high voltage DC power transmission systems economical. All of these devices function as rectifiers.In the future, these high-power silicon "self-commutating switches," in particular IGBTs and a variant thyristor (related to the GTO) called the integrated gate-commutated thyristor (IGCT), are expected to be scaled-up in power-rating to the point that they will eventually replace the simple-thyristor based AC rectification systems now in use for the highest power transmission DC applications. [9] Recent developmentsHigh-speed rectifiersResearchers at Idaho National Laboratory (INL) have proposed high-speed rectifiers that would sit at the center of spiral nanoantennas and convert infrared frequency electricity from AC to DC.[10] Infrared frequencies range from 0.3 to 400 terahertz.Unimolecular rectifiersMain article: Unimolecular rectifierA Unimolecular rectifier is a single organic molecule which functions as a rectifier. The technology is still in the experimental stage.。
