A workable definition of computerized agents

Chapter 1 The History and Future of Computers
1.1 The Invention of the Computer
One of the first computerlike devices was developed in Germany by Konrad Zuse in 1941. Called the Z3, it was general-purpose, storedprogram machine with many electronic parts, but it had a mechanical memory. Another electromechanical computing machine was developed by Howard Aiken, with financial assistance from IBM, at Harvard University in 1943. It was called the Automatic Sequence Control Calculator Mark I, or simply the Harvard Mark I. Neither of these machines was a true computer, however, because they were not entirely electronic. 第一个类似计算机的装置之一是1941年由德国的Konrad Zuse研制的 研制的, 第一个类似计算机的装置之一是1941年由德国的Konrad Zuse研制的, 1941年由德国的 叫做Z3,它是通用型储存程序机器,具有许多电子部件, Z3,它是通用型储存程序机器 叫做Z3,它是通用型储存程序机器,具有许多电子部件,但是它的存储器 是机械的.另一台机电式计算机器是由霍华德.艾坎在IBM IBM的资助下于 是机械的.另一台机电式计算机器是由霍华德.艾坎在IBM的资助下于 1943年在哈佛大学研制的 它被称为自动序列控制计算器Mark I,或简称 年在哈佛大学研制的. 1943年在哈佛大学研制的.它被称为自动序列控制计算器Mark I,或简称 哈佛Mark I.然而,这些机器都不是真正的计算机, 哈佛Mark I.然而,这些机器都不是真正的计算机,因为它们不是完全电 子化的. 子化的.

3. Operating System Functions
Starting a computer Providing a User Interface Managing programs Managing Memory Configuring Devices Establishing an Internet Connection Providing File Management and Other Utilities
Disk Defragmenter
A disk defragmenter is a utility that reorganizes the files and unused space on a computer’s hard disk so that the operating system accesses data more quickly and programs run faster.
1. System software
System software
Operating systems
Utility programs
2. Operating Systems
An operating system is a set of programs with instructions that manage all the activities among computer hardware resources.
Explain features common to most operating systems.
Differentiate between stand-alone operating systems and network
A Successful Case of Computer Aided Translation Abstract

The Method
The P r o b l e m
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
The work I a m about to describe originated in the question "Which Machine Translation system should I use to translate m y book from Portuguese into English?". To which the only fair answer from anyone acquainted with the current state of the art of Machine Translation ought to be a (maybe qualified) "None!". The book in question is Semigrupos Finitose Algebra Universal, a textbook on finite semigroup theory. The problem was then reformulated as "What m a y help me in avoiding to type in all the 400 pages of the book, given that it is a book on Mathematics 91
This p a p e r reports on the techniques used to successfully translate with the help of a computer a Mathematics textbook from Portuguese to English. Even if these techniques are simple and this case has some peculiarities, it seems that the same m e t h o d will be useful in other cases as well, and, more importantly, t h a t this experience is a good motivation for some research to be done on the possible refinements of the method.

计算机专业英语试题I.V ocabulary(词汇)(30分)(一)Translate the following words and expressions into Chinese.(写出下列词组的汉语。
共10分,每题1分)1.Operating system____________2.white bOx testing__________3.hard disk_________4.management information system_______________5.electronic commerce___________________6.relational database__________________7.software engineering___________________8.software maintenance__________________9.menu bar______________10. network security___________________(二)Fill in the blank swith the corresponding English abbreviations.(根据汉语写出相应的英语缩写。
共10分,每题1分)1.只读存储器__________ 2.广域网___________3.传输控制协议___________ 4,文件传送[输]协议__________5.通用串行总线__________ 6.面向对象编程____________7.集成开发环境___________ 8.结构化查询语言___________9.数据库管理系统___________ 10.开放系统互连______(三)Match the following words and expressions in the left column with those similar in meaning in the right column.(将左列的词汇与右列相应的汉语匹配。

编程术语英语翻译abstract['æbstrækt] 抽象的抽象的abstraction 抽象体、抽象物、抽象性抽象体、抽象物、抽象性access['ækses, ] 存取、取用存取、访问access level 存取级别访问级别access function['fʌŋkʃən]存取函式访问函数activate ['æktiveit]活化激活active 作用中的adapter [ə'dæptə]配接器适配器address 位址地址address space 位址空间,定址空间address-of operator ['ɔpəreitə]取址运算子取地址操作符aggregation [,æɡri'ɡeiʃən] 聚合algorithm ['ælɡəriðəm]演算法算法allocate ['æləukeit] 配置分配allocator (空间)配置器分配器application [,æpli'keiʃən]应用程式应用、应用程序application framework['freimwə:k] 应用程式框架、应用框架应用程序框架architecture ['ɑ:kitektʃə] 架构、系统架构体系结构argument ['ɑ:ɡjumənt]引数(传给函式的值)。
叁见parameter [pə'ræmitə]叁数、实质叁数、实叁、自变量array [ə'rei]阵列数组arrow operator arrow(箭头)运算子箭头操作符assembly 装配件assembly language 组合语言汇编语言assert(ion) 断言assign 指派、指定、设值、赋值赋值assignment 指派、指定赋值、分配assignment operator 指派(赋值)运算子= 赋值操作符associated [ə'səuʃi,eitid]相应的、相关的相关的、关联、相应的associative [ə'səuʃjətiv]container[kən'teinə] 关联式容器(对应sequential container)关联式容器atomic 不可分割的原子的attribute[ə'tribju:t] 属性属性、特性audio ['ɔ:diəu]音讯音频A.I. 人工智慧人工智能background 背景背景(用於图形着色)後台(用於行程)backward compatible [kəm'pætəbl] 回溯相容向下兼容bandwidth ['bændwidθ] 频宽带宽base class 基础类别基类base type 基础型别(等同於base class)batch [bætʃ] 批次(意思是整批作业)批处理benefit 利益收益best viable ['vaiəbl]function 最佳可行函式最佳可行函式(从viable functions 中挑出的最佳吻合者)binary ['bainəri] search 二分搜寻法二分查找binary tree 二元树二叉树binary function 二元函式双叁函数binary operator 二元运算子二元操作符binding['baindiŋ] 系结绑定bit 位元位bit field ['fi:ld]位元栏位域bitmap ['bit,mæp]位元图位图bitwise 以bit 为单元逐一┅bitwise copy 以bit 为单元进行复制;位元逐一复制位拷贝block [blɔk]区块,区段块、区块、语句块boolean ['bu:liən]布林值(真假值,true 或false)布尔值border ['bɔ:də] 边框、框线边框brace[breis](curly['kə:li] brace) 大括弧、大括号花括弧、花括号bracket ['brækit] (square [skwεə] brakcet) 中括弧、中括号方括弧、方括号breakpoint 中断点断点build 建造、构筑、建置(MS 用语)build-in 内建内置bus 汇流排总线business 商务,业务业务buttons 按钮按钮byte [bait]位元组(由8 bits 组成)字节cache[kæʃ] 快取高速缓存call 呼叫、叫用调用callback 回呼回调call operator call(函式呼叫)运算子调用操作符(同function call operator)candidate ['kændideit, -dət] function 候选函式候选函数(在函式多载决议程序中出现的候选函式)chain 串链(例chain of function calls)链character ['kærəktə字元字符check box 核取方块(i.e. check button) 复选框checked exception 可控式异常(Java)check button 方钮(i.e. check box) 复选按钮child class 子类别(或称为derived class, subtype)子类class 类别类class body 类别本体类体class declaration [,deklə'reiʃən] 类别宣告、类别宣告式类声明class definition[,defi'niʃən] 类别定义、类别定义式类定义class derivation[,deri'veiʃən] list [list] 类别衍化列类继承列表class head 类别表头类头class hierarchy['haiə,rɑ:ki] 类别继承体系, 类别阶层类层次体系class library 类别程式库、类别库类库class template ['templit] 类别模板、类别范本类模板class template partial ['pɑ:ʃəl] specializations[,speʃəlai'zeiʃən]类别模板偏特化类模板部分特化class template specializations类别模板特化类模板特化cleanup 清理、善後清理、清除client['klaiənt] 客端、客户端、客户客户client-server 主从架构客户/服务器clipboard['klipbɔ:d] 剪贴簿剪贴板clone 复制克隆collection 群集集合combo ['kɔmbəu] box 复合方块、复合框组合框command line 命令列命令行(系统文字模式下的整行执行命令)communication [kə,mju:ni'keiʃən] 通讯通讯compatible [kəm'pætəbl]相容兼容compile[kəm'pail] time 编译期编译期、编译时compiler[kəm'pailə] 编译器编译器component[kəm'pəunənt] 组件组件composition [,kɔmpə'ziʃən] 复合、合成、组合组合computer 电脑、计算机计算机、电脑concept ['kɔnsept] 概念概念concrete [kən'kri:t, 'kɔnkri:t]具象的实在的concurrent[kən'kʌrənt] 并行并发configuration[kən,fiɡju'reiʃən] 组态配置connection 连接,连线(网络,资料库)连接constraint [kən'streint] 约束(条件)construct [kən'strʌkt] 构件构件container[kən'teinə] 容器容器(存放资料的某种结构如list, vector...)containment [kən'teinmənt] 内含包容context['kɔntekst] 背景关系、周遭环境、上下脉络环境、上下文control 控制元件、控件控件console [kən'səul]主控台控制台const 常数(constant['kɔnstənt] 的缩写,C++ 关键字)constant 常数(相对於variable ['vεəriəbl] )常量constructor(ctor)建构式构造函数(与class 同名的一种member functions)copy (v) 复制、拷贝拷贝copy (n) 复件, 副本cover 涵盖覆盖create 创建、建立、产生、生成创建creation 产生、生成创建cursor ['kə:sə] 游标光标custom 订制、自定定制data['deitə] 资料数据database 资料库数据库database schema ['ski:mə] 数据库结构纲目data member 资料成员、成员变数数据成员、成员变量data structure 资料结构数据结构datagram 资料元数据报文dead lock 死结死锁debug [di:'bʌɡ] 除错调试debugger [di:'bʌɡə]除错器调试器declaration[,deklə'reiʃən] 宣告、宣告式声明deduction[di'dʌkʃən] 推导(例:template ['templit] argument deduction)推导、推断default[di'fɔ:lt] 预设缺省、默认defer [di'fə:] 延缓推迟define[di'fain] 定义预定义definition[,defi'niʃən] 定义、定义区、定义式定义delegate'[deliɡeit] 委派、委托、委任委托delegation (同上)demarshal 反编列散集dereference 提领(取出指标所指物体的内容)解叁考dereference operator dereference(提领)运算子* 解叁考操作符derived[di'raivd] class 衍生类别派生类design by contract [ kən'trækt] 契约式设计design pattern ['pætən]设计范式、设计样式设计模式※最近我比较喜欢「设计范式」一词destroy [di'strɔi] 摧毁、销毁destructor[di'strʌktə] 解构式析构函数device[di'vais] 装置、设备设备dialog ['daiəlɔɡ] 对话窗、对话盒对话框directive [di'rektiv] 指令(例:using directive)(编译)指示符directory [di'rektəri] 目录目录disk [disk] 碟盘dispatch [dis'pætʃ] 分派分派distributed [di'stribjutid] computing[kəm'pju:tiŋ] 分布式计算(分布式电算) 分布式计算分散式计算(分散式电算)document [ dɔkjument] 文件文档dot [dɔt]基本翻译n. 点,圆点;嫁妆vi. 打上点vt. 加小点于dot [dɔt] operator dot(句点)运算子. (圆)点操作符driver [draivə] 驱动程式驱动(程序)dynamic [dai'næmik] binding ['baindiŋ] 动态系结动态绑定efficiency[i'fiʃənsi] 效率效率efficient [i'fiʃənt] 高效高效end user 终端用户entity['entəti] 物体实体、物体encapsulation [in,-kæpsə'leiʃən] 封装封装enclosing class 外围类别(与巢状类别nested class 有关)外围类enum (enumeration [i,nju:mə'reiʃən]) 列举(一种C++ 资料型别)枚举enumerators [i,nju:mə'reiʃən] 列举元(enum 型别中的成员)枚举成员、枚举器equal 相等相等equality[i:'kwɔləti] 相等性相等性equality operator equality(等号)运算子== 等号操作符equivalence [i'kwivələns] 等价性、等同性、对等性等价性equivalent 等价、等同、对等等价escape [i'skeip] code 转义码转义码evaluate [i'væljueit] 评估、求值、核定评估event 事件事件event driven 事件驱动的事件驱动的exception [ik'sepʃən] 异常情况异常exception declaration [,deklə'reiʃən] 异常宣告(ref. C++ Primer 3/e, 11.3)异常声明exception handling ['hændliŋ] 异常处理、异常处理机制异常处理、异常处理机制exception specification [,spesifi'keiʃən]异常规格(ref. C++ Primer 3/e, 11.4)异常规范exit 退离(指离开函式时的那一个执行点)退出explicit [ik'splisit] 明白的、明显的、显式显式export [ik'spɔ:t,] 汇出引出、导出expression [ik'spreʃən] 运算式、算式表达式facility [fə'siliti] 设施、设备设施、设备feature ['fi:tʃə] 特性field 栏位,资料栏(Java)字段, 值域(Java)file['fail] 档案文件firmware['fə:mwεə] 韧体固件flag[flæɡ] 旗标标记flash memory 快闪记忆体闪存flexibility [,fleksi'biliti] 弹性灵活性flush [flʌʃ] 清理、扫清刷新font [fɔnt] 字型字体form 表单(programming 用语)窗体formal ['fɔ:məl] parameter[pə'ræmitə] 形式叁数形式叁数forward declaration 前置宣告前置声明forwarding 转呼叫,转发转发forwarding function 转呼叫函式,转发函式转发函数fractal['fræktəl] 碎形分形framework 框架框架full specialization 全特化(ref. partial specialization)function 函式、函数函数function call operator 同call operatorfunction object 函式物件(ref. C++ Primer 3/e, 12.3)函数对象function overloaded resolution [,rezə'lu:ʃən]函式多载决议程序函数重载解决(方案)functionality [,fʌŋkʃə'næliti] 功能、机能功能function template 函式模板、函式范本函数模板functor ['fʌŋktə] 仿函式仿函式、函子game 游戏游戏generate ['fʌŋktə] 生成generic [dʒi'nerik] 泛型、一般化的一般化的、通用的、泛化generic algorithm ['ælɡəriðəm] 泛型演算法通用算法getter (相对於setter) 取值函式global 全域的(对应於local)全局的global object 全域物件全局对象global scope [skəup] resolution operator全域生存空间(范围决议)运算子:: 全局范围解析操作符group 群组group box 群组方块分组框guard [ɡɑ:d] clause [klɔ:z] 卫述句(Refactoring, p250) 卫语句GUI 图形介面图形界面hand shaking ['ʃeikiŋ] 握手协商handle['hændl] 识别码、识别号、号码牌、权柄句柄handler ['hændlə] 处理常式处理函数hard-coded 编死的硬编码的hard-copy 硬拷图屏幕截图hard disk 硬碟硬盘hardware ['hɑ:dwεə] 硬体硬件hash[hæʃ] table 杂凑表哈希表、散列表header file ['fail] 表头档、标头档头文件heap[hi:p] 堆积堆hierarchy ['haiə,rɑ:ki] 阶层体系层次结构(体系)hook [huk] 挂钩钩子hyperlink ['haipəliŋk] 超链结超链接icon['aikɔn] 图示、图标图标IDE 整合开发环境集成开发环境identifier [ai'dentifaiə] 识别字、识别符号标识符if and only if 若且唯若当且仅当Illinois 伊利诺伊利诺斯image 影像图象immediate base 直接的(紧临的)上层base class。

一单词和词组第一课1 mechanism 机构2 gear 齿轮3 shaft 轴4 belt皮带 5 pulley 皮带轮 6 cam 凸轮 7 journal bearing 滑动轴承8 failure of bearing 轴承失效 9 oil film 油膜10 applied force 作用力 11 resultant force 合力 12 couple 力偶13 inertia 惯性14 mass 质量15 stress 应力16 strain 应变 17 scalar 标量 18 vector 矢量19 moment 力矩20 momentum 动量 21 displacement 位移 22 statics 静力学23 dynamics 动力学 24 mechanics 力学第二课1 perform work做功2 shearing force 剪力3 torque扭矩4 vertical垂直的5 horizontal水平的6 lathe 车床7 cutting tool刀具 8 chip 切屑 9 workpiece 工件10 lathe dog 车床夹头11 grinding machine ,grinder 磨床12 drilling machine , driller 钻床13 boring machine 镗床 14 milling machine , miller 铣床 15 punching machine 冲床 16 centrifugal force 离心力 17 centripetal force 向心力18 bonding agent 粘合剂19 impurities 杂质 20 intermittent motion 间隙运动 21 reciprocating motion 往复运动 22 rotary motion 旋转运动 23 shaping machine刨床 24 vibration 振动 25 electric motor 电动机26 generator 发电机 27 micrometer 千分尺 27 screw螺丝钉 28 thread螺纹29 nut 螺帽第三课1 overview 概述2 ceramics 陶瓷3 plastics 塑料4 durability 耐用性5 deformation 变形6 computer 计算机7 fastener 紧固件8 lifetime 寿命9 designer 设计师 10 overall cost 总成本第四课1 coupling 联轴器2 diameter 直径3 clutch 离合器4 deflection 偏转5 forge 锻造6 electrical applications 电器7 key 键8 keyway 键槽9 stress concentration 应力集中10 critical speed 临界速度11 flange 法兰盘 12 socket 插座13 knob 旋纽 14 radius 半径 15 bolt 螺杆,螺栓 16 alignment 对准 17 rabbet 缺口 18 axial direction 轴线方向19 rule of thumb 经验规则 20 plug 插头21 1economics 经济性Lesson 61 brakes 刹车器2 chain 链条3 sprocket 链轮4 friction coefficient 摩擦系数5 parallel 平行的6 rayon 人造纤维7 timing belt 同步皮带8 catalog 目录表 9 switch 开关10 windings 线圈11 machine tool 机床 12 kinetic energy 动能 13 potential energy势能14 empirical value 经验值15 synchronized motions 同步运动 16 power ratings 额定功率17 speed ratio 速度比Lesson seven1 fastener 紧固件2 spring 弹簧3 disassembly 拆卸4 rivet 铆接5 weld 焊接6 nonlinear relationship 非线性关系7 temper 回火8 herical coil 螺旋线圈9 operating conditions 运行情况 10 harden 淬火 11 anneal 退火Lesson 91 rolling contact bearing 滚动接触轴承2 wear 磨损3 load rating 额定载荷4 contaminant 污染物质,杂质5 metal fatigue 金属疲劳6 reliability 可靠性7 installation 安装8 inner race 内圈9 sealing 密封 10 technology 技术 11 fretting corrosion 微振磨损 12 clearance 间隙 13 interference 过盈14 lubricant 润滑剂 15 deterioration变质Lesson 131 heat treatment 热处理2 surface roughness 表面粗糙度3 yield strength 屈服强度4 ultimate strength 极限强度5 metal – processing 金属加工6 dynamic load 动态载荷7 data 数据8 brittle material 脆性材料 8 ductile material 塑性材料 9 overload 过载 10 indentation 压痕11 specimen 试样,样本Lesson 161 kinematics 运动学2 production rate 生产率3 definition 定义4 terminology术语5 Technical literature 技术文献资料6 frame 机架7 lower pairs 低副8 variable 变量9 parameter参数 10 criterion 准则 12 degree of freedom 自由度13 planar motion 平面运动 14 spatial motion 空间运动15 coordinate axes 坐标轴 16 closed –loop kinematic chain 闭环运动链 17 planeLesson 171 environmental pollution 环境污染2 manufacturing engineer 制造工程师3 workable design 可行的设计4 drawings 图纸5 prototype 样机6 substitution of cheaper material 便宜材料的替代品7 product liability action 产品责任诉讼8 customer feedback 顾客反馈9 domestic and foreign competition 国内外竞争 10 material recycle 材料回收11Lesson 441 energy sources2 manufacturer3 nontraditional manufacturing processes4 hydraulics5 rejects6 casting7 electric arcs8 electrochemical reactions9 plasmas 10 magnetic fields 11 high–frequency sound waves 12 manufacturing operations 13 conventional processes 14 process parameter 15 laser 16 inspection techniques 17 metallurgical engineersLesson 621 metalworking process2 interchangeability of parts3 integrated manufacturing system4 CAD computer–aided design5 microprocessors6 common software7 number control programmer8 tool designer9 CAM computer–aided manufacturing 10 product diversification 11 flexibility 12 business 13 computer –aided process二Translate the following new words and phrases from English into Chinese1 While following the very best methods in material selection may not eliminate all product- liability claims , the use of proper procedures by designers and industries can greatly reduce their numbers.虽然采用最佳的材料选择方法不可能消除一切产品责任诉讼但是设计人员和工业界使用适当的程序进行材料选择可大大减少诉讼数量2 It is of little value to have a perfect functioning prototype that can not be manufactured economically in the expected sale volume , or one that is substantially different from what the production unit will be in regard toquality and reliabily.66如功能完备样机不能根据预期的销售量经济地制造出来或样机与正式生产装置在质量和可靠性方面有很大不同,那么这种样机就没有任何价值3 Static - carrying capacity has been determined by practical experience as the load which when applied to a bearing results in a total deformation of the rolling – element and racewayat any point of contact not exceeding 0.01 percent of rolling –element diameter.35静态承载能力由实践经验确定为一个载荷,指当它作用在轴承上时,滚动体与与滚道在任何接触点处总变形量不超过滚动体直径的0.01%4 The two elements of a lower pair have theoretical surface contact with one another, while the two elements of a higher pair have theoretical point or line contact ( if we disregarddeflection )\低副的两个零件理论上互相面接触,而高副的两个零件理论上互相点接触或线接触(如果我们忽略变形)5 During the past two decades , there has been a tremendous in the availability of computerized methods for solving problems that previously were beyond solution because the time required to solve them would have been prohibitive.\最近20年里,用计算机方法解决问题已大大增长,而这些问题以前由于解决它们的时间受到限制而不能解决6 We will consider many structural members to be weightless – but they never are.11我们会认为许多结构零件是没有重量的,但它们从来就不是没有重量的7 It is with the last three categories that we shall be mostly concerned.51 就是后面三种类型我们将要进行讨论8 What is needed is a totally automated system ,linked by common software from front door to back240.我们需要的是由通用软件从始端到终端进行控制的全自动化的系统9 The pressure of cutting tools against the workpiece produces tension and compression ,as well as a shearing action 5刀具对工件施加压力不仅产生剪力,而且也产生拉伸力和压缩力10 A mechanism is a component of a machine consisting of two or more bodies arranged so that the motion of one compels the motion of the others 61 机构是机器的一个组成部分,由两个或两个以上的构件组成的,这样一个构件运动迫使另一构件也运动11 The implementation of nontraditional manufacturing processes will continue to increase as manufacturing engineers ,productdesigners and metallurgical engineers become aware of the unique capabilities and benefits that nontraditional manufacturing processes provide175随着制造工程师、产品设计人员和冶金工程师对特种加工工艺所具有的独特能力和优点的了解。

1.Charge is an electrical property of the atomic particles of which matter consists, measured incoulombs. 电荷是构成物质的原子电气属性,其量纲为库伦。
2.The presence of equal numbers of protons and electrons leaves an atom neutrally charged.质子和电子数量相同使得原子呈电中性。
3.The voltage Uab between two points a and b in an electric circuit is the energy(or work)needed to move a unit charge from a to b.电路中a,b两点间电压Uab等于从a到b移动单位电荷所需能量(或所需做的功)。
4.In Fig.1-6(b) the battery is absorbing 24W, as would the case when it is being charged.图1-6中,电池就像充电情况,吸收功率24W。
5.It should be noted that an ideal voltage source(dependent or independent)will produce anycurrent required to ensure that ideal voltage is as stated, whereas an ideal current source will produce the necessary voltage to ensure the stated current flow.应该注意:一个理想电压源(独立或受控)可向电路提供任意电流以保证其端电压为规定值,而电流源可向电路提供任意电压以保证其规定电流。
计算机专业英语 -第11章

On the other hand, some naïve persons naï are actually quite familiar with computers but underestimate the difficulty of changing computer systems or of generating certain information. 另一方面,一些新手其实熟悉电脑,但低估了计 算机系统变化或获取某些情报的困难。
database administrator (DBA) (322)A person who uses database management software to determine the most efficient ways to organize and access data desktop publisher (322)A person who creates and formats publication-ready publicationmaterial frustrated (315)A person who feels it is an imposition to have to learn something new or is too impatient to try to understand the manuals.
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Competencies (Page 2 of 2)
Discuss four ways people react to new technology Describe how you can stay current with your career Describe different careers in information technology

计算机专业英语单选题1.A __D_ copy is a copy of a current file made in order to protect against loss or damage.备份拷贝是为了防止丢失或损坏而制作的当前文件的副本。
A.softmost commonly used tool in the design phase is the ____D____.在设计阶段最常用的工具是结构图chart chart chart3.____A____ refers to the parts of the computer that you can see and touch.硬件指的是你能看到和触摸到的电脑的各个部分A.Hardware4.if we want to retrieve data from the database with SQL,we should use the comand of D如果我们想用SQL从数据库中检索数据,我们应该使用comandA.ins_ert _ate _ete _ectof the following is not the stages of programming?A下面哪个不是编程的阶段A.Print the program. the program. the program. a program.will become increasingly __B__ throughout every aspect of our lives.多媒体将在我们生活的各个方面变得越来越普遍A.precisethrough the Internet, the_C___ performs the reverse function.通过Internet进行通信,数据通信设备(DCE)执行反向功能。
A.CRT station controller (STACO) communications equipment (DCE)languages must first be translated into a(n) ____C___language before they can be understood and processed by a computer高级语言必须首先被翻译成(n)机器语言,然后才能被计算机理解和处理。

第一次作业复习题1.2 定义处理器寄存器的两种主要类别用户可见寄存器:优先使用这些寄存器,可以使机器语言或者汇编语言的程序员减少对主存储器的访问次数。
习题1.6 内存层次的各个元素间的特征是什么?a)CPU定期检查FGI.如果FGI=1,CPU将把数据接收后,被储存在INPR 里面,PR里面的内容传送至AC,并把FGI置为0. 当CPU需要传送数据到打字机时,它会检查FGO.如果FGO=0,CPU处于等待.如果FGO =1,CPU将把AC的内容传送至OUTER并把FGO置为0.当数字符号打印后,打字机将把FGI置为1.b)在a描述的过程非常浪费.速度远高于打字机的CPU必须反复不断的检查FGI和FGO.如果中断被使用,当打字机准备接收或者发送数据时,可以向CPU 发出一个中断请求.IEN计数器可以由CPU设置(在程序员的控制下).复习题2.1操作系统设计的三个目标方便Convenience:操作系统使计算机更易于使用.有效Efficiency:操作系统允许以更有效的方式使用计算机系统资源.扩展的能力Ability to evolve:在构造操作系统时,应该允许在不妨碍服务的前提下有效地开发、测试和引进新的系统功能.复习题2.9解释单体内核和微内核的区别单体内核(single kernel)是一个提供操作系统应该提供的功能的大内核,包括调度、文件系统、网络、设备驱动程序、存储管理等。
微内核(microkernel )是一个小的有特权的操作系统内核,只提供包括进程调度、内存管理、和进程间通信等基本功能,要依靠其他进程担当起和操作系统内核联系作用。

Unit 1【Ex1.】根据课文内容,回答以下问题。
1.In human terms and in the broadest sense, information is anything that you are capable of perceiving. 2.It includes written communications, spoken communications, photographs, art, music, and nearly anything that is perceptible.3.If we consider information in the sense of all stimuli as information, then we can’t really find organization in all cases.4.No.5.Traditionally, in libraries, information was contained in books, periodicals, newspapers, and other types of recorded media. People access it through a library’s catalog and with the assistance of indexes, in the case of periodical and newspaper articles.6.Computerized “information systems”.7.The problem for most researchers is that they have yet to discover the organizing principles that are designed to help them find the information they need.8.For library materials, the organizing principle is a detailed subject classification system available for searching in an online “catalog”.9.The one thing common to all of these access systems is organization.10.No, it isn’t.【Ex2.】根据给出的汉语词义和规定的词类写出相应的英语单词。

Chapter 1 An Introduction to Software Engineering1. Why software engineering is important?软件工程由应对软件危机也产生,软件工程的发展极大地完善了我们的软件。
软件工程中新的标记发和工具大大降低了制作大型、复杂系统的工作量2. What is software? What is software engineering?软件工程是一门工程学科,包括了软件开发的各个方面,从最初的系统描述一直到使用后的系统维护,都属于其学科范畴。
3. What is the difference between software engineering and computer science?计算机科学研究的是构成计算机和软件系统基础的有关理论和方法,耳软件工程则研究软件制作中的实际问题。
计算机科学侧重理论和基础; 软件工程侧重软件开发和交付的实际活动。
4. What are the attributes of good software?软件除了提供基本的功能,对用户来说是还应该是可维护的、可依赖的和可接受的。
可维护性,软件必须能够不断变化以满足变化;可依赖性,软件必须可以被信赖;有效性,软件不能浪费系统资源;可用性,使用起来比较容易5. What is CASE?CASE 工具是一些软件系统,被设计成支持软件过程中的常规活动,如编辑设计图表、检查图表的连贯性、跟踪已经运行的程序测试等。
6. What is the difference between software engineering and system engineering?系统工程侧重于计算机系统开发的所有方面,包括硬件、软件和处理工程。

Some computationally intensive processing and exception handling can be offloaded to external services. 一些计算密集型的处理和异常处理可以迁移到外部的服务上。 offload:v. 卸下,卸载 ➢ The cargo was due to be offloaded in Singapore. 货物定于在新加坡卸下。 ➢ Prices have been cut by developers anxious to offload unsold apartments. 开发商降价, 急于把尚未出售的公寓脱手。
Assuming these services conform to certain standards, organizations can create applications by integrating services from a range of providers. 假如这些服务符合某些特定 的标准,有关组织就能够通过集成一系列服务提供者提供的服务来创建应用。 assuming (that):conj. 假定,假如 ➢ Assuming (that) it rains tomorrow, what shall we do? 假定明天下雨,我们该做什么? conform (to/with):v. 遵照;一致,符合 ➢ conform to (或 with) the rules (the law) 遵守规则(法律)

中译英参考答案Unit 1A computer system consists of hardware system and software system. The hardware of the computer is usually divided into three major parts or three primary subsystems: the CPU, the memory subsystem, and the I/O subsystem.The CPU performs many operations and controls computer. The memory subsystem is used to store program being executed by the CPU, along with the program’s data. The I/O subsystem allows the CPU to interact with input and output devices such as the keyboard and monitor of a personal computer. The components of the computer are connected to the buses.The part of the computer that performs the bulk of data processing operations is called the central processing unit and is referred to as the CPU. In microcomputer, it is often called the microprocessor. The CPU is made up of three major parts: control unit, ALU, and register set.Memory is also known as internal memory or main memory. It refers to the circuits in the computer that hold whatever programs and data are available for immediate use by the CPU.I/O subsystem includes I/O devices and interface. There are a wide variety of I/O devices, such as mouse, printer, sensor, disk, and so on. Input-output interface provides a method for transferring information between internal storage and external I/O devices. Peripherals connected to a computer need special communication links for interfacing them with the CPU. The purpose of the communication link is to resolve the differences that exist between the central computer and each peripheral.Unit 2Storage hardware provides permanent storage of information and programs for retrieval by the computer. Hard disk drives store information in magnetic particles embedded in a disk. Usually a permanent part of the computer, hard disk drives can store large amounts of information and retrieve that information very quickly.Although fixed hard drive systems offer faster access and have a higher storage capacity than optical discs, optical disc systems use removable media – a distinct benefit. Optical discs – primary CDs and DVDs – are much more widely used than removable hard drive systems. They are the standard today for software delivery, as well as commonly used for storing high-capacity music and video files. There are also versions of both CD and DVD drives available for home audio and home theater use. Optical discs are commonly referred to as compact discs.CD and DVD discs are read by CD and DVD drives. The speed of a CD or DVD drive is rated as 24x, 32x, 36x, and so on. These labels describe how fast the drive is compared to the first version of that drive. For example, a 36x drive is 36 times the speed of the baseline unit that was originally manufactured.Most optical discs have a title and other text printed only on one side and they are inserted into the drive with the printed side facing up. When inserting such a CD or DVD, be careful not to get dirt, fingerprints, scratches, or anything else that might hinder light reflectivity on the disc’s surface.Unit 3(a) A program is a list of instructions or statements for directing the computer to perform a required data processing task. Programming is a multistep process for creating that list of instructions.(b) It is important to understand the difference between a class and an object of that class. A class is simply a specification for creating objects. Thus, a single class may create multiple objects.(c) Java is an object-oriented, network-friendly high-lever programming language that allows programmers to build applications that can run on almost any operating system.(d) ActiveX is a set of controls, or reusable components that enables programs or content of almost any type to be embedded within a Web page. Whereas a Java must be downloaded each time you visit a Web site, with ActiveX the component is downloaded only once, then stored on your hard disk for later, repeated use.(e) Programming involves a great deal of creativity. The design is guide to the function or purpose of each component, but the programmer has great flexibility in implementing the design as code. No matter what language is used, each program component involves at least three major aspects: control structures, algorithms, and data structures.Unit 4The software system can be divided into two broad categories: application software and system software. Application software consists of the program for performing tasks particular to the machine’s utilization. In contrast to application software, system software comprises a large number of programs. These programs start up the computer and function as the principle coordinator of all hardware components and application software. Without system software loaded into RAM of your computer, your hardware and application software are useless.System software can be grouped into three basic parts: operating system, utility software, and language translators. The majority of an installation’s utility software consists of programs for performing activities that are fundamental to computer installations yet not included in the operating system. In a sense, utility software consists of software units that extend the capabilities of the operating system.A computer’s OS is the main collection of programs that manage its activities.The primary chores of an OS are management and control. The OS ensures that all actions requested by a user are valid and processed in an orderly fashion. It also manages the computer system’s resources to perform these operations with efficiency and consistency.Application software is the software designed to help you solve problems specific to business or perform specific business tasks. Application software then is the layer of software closest to you. Basically, there are four categories of application software: productivity software, business and specialty software, entertainment software and education/reference software.Unit 5A computer network is often classified as being either a local area network (LAN), a metropolitan area network (WAN), or a wide area network (WAN). The connection of two or more networks is called an internetwork. The worldwide Internet is a well-known example of an internetwork.LANs are privately owned networks within a single building or campus of up to a few kilometers in size. They are widely used to connect personal computers and workstations in company offices and factories to share resources and exchange information.In general, a given LAN will use only one type of transmission medium. Various topologies are possible for LANs. The most common LAN topologies are bus, ring and star.A MAN is basically a bigger version of a LAN and normally uses similar technology. MAN is designed to extend over an entire city. It may be a single network such as a cable television network, or it may be a means of connecting a number of LANs into a large network so that resources may be shared LAN-to-LAN as well as device-to-device. For example, a company can use a MAN to connect the LANs in all of its offices throughout a city.A W AN spans a large geographical area that may comprise a country, a continent, or even the world. It provides long-distance transmission of data, voice, image, and video information over large geographical area.In contrast to LANs, W ANs may utilize public leased, or private communication devices, usually in combinations, and can therefore span an unlimited number of miles.Unit 6Transmission media are used to transfer messages over a network. For instance, the transmission media used in a network may be a privately owned set of cables, the public phone lines, or a satellite system. Transmission media can either be wired or wireless.The three types of wired media most commonly used to carry messages are twisted-pair wire, coaxial cable, and fiber-optic cable. One of the most successful developments in transmission media in recent years has been fiber optics. Fiber-optic cable is commonly used for the high-speed backbone lines of a network, or for Internet infrastructure.Wireless transmission media have become especially popular in recent years. They support communications in situations in which physical wiring is impractical or inconvenient, as well as facilitate mobility. Wireless media are commonly used to connect devices to a network, to share information between computers, to connect wireless mice to a computer, and for handheld PCs, wireless phones, and other mobile devices. Radio signals transferred through the air are the heart of most types of wireless media. In addition to conventional broadcast radio application, the microwave, cellular, and satellite transmission media also use radio signals to transmit data.Radio transmissions require the use of a transmitter to send the radio signals through the air. A receiver (usually containing some type of antenna) accepts the date at the other end. When a device functions as both a receiver and transmitter, it is commonly called a transceiver or transmitter-receiver.Unit 7(a) Since many database systems users are not computer trained, developers hide the complexity from users through several levels of abstraction, to simplify user’s interactions with the system: physical level, logical level, and view level.(b) A database schema is specified by a set of definitions expressed by a special language called a data-definition language (DDL). The result of compilation of DDL statements is a set of tables that is stored in a special file called data dictionary, or data directory.(c) The structured query language (SQL) is the most widely used and standard query language for relational database management systems. It is a kind of non-procedural language.(d) An entity is a “thing” or “object” in the real world that is distinguishable from other objects. For example, each person is an entity, and bank accounts can be considered to be entities. Entities are described in a database by a set of attributes.(e) Data warehouse is one of the newest and hottest buzzwords and concepts in the IT field and the business environment. A data warehouse is a logical collection of information——gathered from many different operational databases——that supports business analysis activities and decision-making tasks.Unit 8Animation is the term used to describe a series of graphical images that are displayed one after the other to simulate movement. Cartoons on television are one example of animation.Video differs from animation in that it usually begins as a continuous stream of visual information that is broken into separate images or frames when the video is recorded. When the frames are projected—typically at a rate of 30 frames per second—the effect is a smooth reconstruction of the original continuous stream of information. As you might imagine, at 30 frames per second, the amount of data involved in displaying a video during a multimedia presentation can require a substantial amount of storage space. Consequently, video data—like audio data—is often compressed. A variety of compression standards exist. Some of the most common video file formats are .avi, .mpeg, .mov, .rm.For multimedia presentation, video may be recorded using a standard (analog) video camera and then converted to digital form as it is input into a computer. Alternatively, the film can be recording digitally using a digital video camera. Streaming video is frequently used on Web pages to reduce file size. Similar to streaming audio, Streaming video files can begin playing once a portion of the video has been downloaded.Unit 9(a) AI is currently being applied in business in the form of knowledge systems, which use human knowledge to solve problems. The most popular type of knowledge-based system is the expert system. An expert system is a computer program that attempts to represent the knowledge of human experts in the form of heuristics. The term heuristic is derived from the same Greek root as the word eureka, which means “to discover”.(b) The user interface enables the manager to enter instructions and information into the expert system and to receive information from it. The instructions specify the parameters that guide the expert system through its reasoning processing. The information is in the form of values assigned to certain variables.(c) The knowledge base contains both facts that describe the problem area and knowledge representation techniques that describe how the facts fit together in a logical manner. The term problem domain is used to describe the problem area.(d) An expert system, also called a knowledge-based system, is an artificial intelligence system that applies reasoning capabilities to reach a conclusion. Expert systems are excellent for diagnostic and prescriptive problems.(e) The DSS is not intended to replace the manager. The computer can be applied to the structured portion of the problem, but the manager is responsible for the unstructured portion——applying judgment or intuition and conducting analyses.Unit 10The linked list (see figure 1) consists of a series of nodes, which are not necessarily adjacent in memory. Each node contains the element and a link to a node containing its successor. We call this the next link. The last cell’s next link references null.To execute printList or find(x) we merely start at the first node in the list and then traverse the list by following the next links. This operation is clearly linear-time, as in the array implementation, although the constant is likely to be larger than if an array implementation were used. The findKth operation is no longer quite as efficient as an array implementation; findKth(i) takes O(i) time and works by traversing down the list in the obvious manner. In practice, this bound is pessimistic, because frequently the calls to findKth are in sorted order (by i). As an example, findKth(2), findKth(3), findKth(4), and findKth(6) can all be executed in one scan down the list.The remove method can be executed in one next reference change. Figure 2 shows the result of deleting the second element in the original list.The insert method requires obtaining a new node from the system by using a new call and then executing two reference maneuvers. The general idea is shown in figure 3. The dashed line represents the old next reference.Unit 11(a) A set is pure if all of its members are sets, all members of its members are sets, and so on. For example, the set containing only the empty set is a nonempty pure set.(b) A language is a describable set of finite strings, drawn from a fixed alphabet. A grammar is one way to "describe" the language. The grammar consists of a finite list of rules, where each rule replaces one substring with another. The string on the left must contain at least one nonterminal. The first string "produces" or "generates" the second. Thus a rule is also called a production.(c) A finite-state machine (FSM) or finite-state automaton(FA)is a mathematical abstraction sometimes used to design digital logic or computer programs. It is a behavior model composed of a finite number of states, transitions between those states, and actions, similar to a flow graph in which one can inspect the way logic runs when certain conditions are met.(d) Sometimes it is inconvenient or impossible to describe a set by listing all of its elements. Another useful way to define a set is by specifying a property that the elements of the set have in common. The notation P(x) is used to denote a sentence or statementP concerning the variable object x. The set defined by P(x) written {x | P(x)}, is just a collection of all the objects for which P is true.Unit 12(a) Because drawings are typically displayed in 3D, CAD is especially helpful in designing automobiles, aircraft, ships, buildings, electrical circuits (including computer chips), and even clothing.(b) Computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM) is the manufacturing approach of using computers to control the entire production process. This integration allows individual processes to exchange information with each other and initiate actions. Through the integration of computers, manufacturing can be faster and less error-prone, although the main advantage is the ability to create automated manufacturing processes.(c) In addition to supporting decision making, coordination, and control, information system may also help managers and workers analyze problems, visualize complex subjects, and create new products.(d) Knowing the history and evolution of ERP is essential to understanding its current application and its future developments.(e) In addition to monitoring operational activities such as tracking the status of orders and inventory levels, enterprise system also improve organization-wide reporting and decision making.Unit 13(a) There are a wide variety of educational application programs available. Educational software is designed to teach one or more skills, such as reading, math, spelling, a foreign language, world geography, or to help prepare for standardized tests.(b) Electronic business (e-business) is the use of information technology and electronic communication networks to exchange business information and conduct transactions in electronic, paperless form.(c) Word processing software allows you to use computers to create, edit, store, and print documents. You can easily insert, delete, and move words, sentences, and paragraphs——without ever using an eraser.(d) What is a spreadsheet? Spreadsheet software takes its name from the accountant’s columnar worksheet, which it imitates. A spreadsheet is a worksheet consisting of a collection of cells formed by the intersection of rows and columns. Each cell can store one piece of information: a number, word or phrase, or formula.Unit 14(a) A geographic information system (GIS) is a system that captures, stores, analyzes, manages and presents data with reference to geographic location data. In the simplest terms, GIS is the merging of cartography, statistical analysis and database technology.(b) The GPS receiver uses the messages it receives to determine the transit time of each message and computes the distance to each satellite. These distances along with the satellites' locations are used to compute the position of the receiver. This position is then displayed, perhaps with a moving map display or latitude and longitude; elevation information may be included.(c) Virtual reality (VR) is a term that applies to computer-simulated environments that can simulate physical presence in the real world. Most current virtual reality environments are primarily visual experiences, displayed either on a computer screen or through special stereoscopic displays, but some simulations include additional sensory information, such as sound through speakers or headphones.Unit 15(a) The software development process is sometimes called the software development life cycle (SDLC), because it describes the life of a software product from its conception to its implementation, delivery, use, and maintenance.(b) How can the CMM help your organization? There are three key roles the CMM plays. First, the CMM helps build an understanding of software process by describing the practices that contribute to a level of process maturity. The second role of the CMM is to provide a consistent basis for conducting appraisals of software processes. The CMM’s third key role is to serve as a blueprint for software process improvement.(c) The UML offers a standard way to write a system’s blueprints, including conceptual things such as business processes and system functions as well as concrete things such as programming language statements, database schemas, and reusable software components. The UML represents a collection of the best engineering practices that have proven successful in the modeling of large and complex systems.(d) Object modeling is a technique for identifying objects within the system environment and the relationships between those objects. The object-oriented approach to system development is based on several concepts, such as object, attribute, behavior, encapsulation, class, inheritance, polymorphism, persistence, etc.Unit 16“Security” is an all-encompassing term that describes all the concepts, techniques, and technologies to protect information from unauthorized access. There are several requirements for information security.Confidentiality: hiding data, usually with encryption, to prevent unauthorized viewing and access.Authenticity: the ability to know that the person or system you are communicating with is who or what you think it is.Access control: once a person or system has been authenticated, their ability to access data and use systems is determined by access controls.Data integrity: providing assurance that an information system or data is genuine.Availability: making sure that information is available to users in a secure way.To prevent unauthorized access, some type of identification procedure must be used. These vary from passwords to physical access object (access cards, etc.) to biometric devices that verify some type of personal characteristic, such as a fingerprint.Some of the most secure access control systems address both identification and authentication. Identification involves verifying that the person’s name or other identifying feature is listed as an authorized user; authentication refers to determining whether or not the person is actually who he or she claims to be.Unit 17A distributed system is a collection of independent computers which appear to the users of system as a single computer. Nearly all large software systems are distributed. For example, enterprise-wide business systems must support multiple users running common applications across different sites.A distributed system encompasses a variety of applications, their underlying support software, the hardware they run on, and the communication links connecting the distributed hardware. The largest and best-known distributed system is the set of computers, software, and services comprising the World Wide Web, which is so pervasive that it coexists with and connects to most other existing distributed systems. The most common distributed systems are networked client/server systems. Distributed systems share the general properties described below.●Multiple nodes●Message passing or communication●Resource sharing●Decentralized control●Concurrency or parallelism●Fault tolerance●Heterogeneity●OpennessDistributed systems have many inherent advantages, especially over centralized systems. Some applications are inherent distributed as well. In general, distributed systems:●Yield higher performance●Allow incremental growth●Allow one user to run a program on many different machines in parallel ●Provide higher reliability● .●●。
ky-5 英译汉

Unit 1 Computer and Behavior2. In the short space of forty years, computers have become central to the operation of complex societies. Without computers and communication systems, much of manufacturing, industry, commerce, transport and distribution, government, the military, health services, education, and research would grind to a halt. Yet as society becomes more dependent on computers, it also becomes more vulnerable to the misuse of computers by human beings.短短的40年期间,电脑已成为复杂社会的运转核心,没有电脑和通讯系统,许多生产制造业,工业,商业,运输和销售业,政府部门,军队,公共医疗卫生服务,教育,以及研究工作都会停滞下来。
5. Because computing is a relatively new and open field, the computer profession as such has had neither the time nor the organizational capability to establish a binding set of moral rules or ethics. Older professions, like medicine and the law, have had literally centuries to formulate their codes of conduct. And there is another problem, too: computer usage, unlike the practice of medicine or of the law, goes outside the profession. We are all computer users now, and we are all to some extent faced with the same ethical dilemmas and conflicts of loyalty as computer professionals. Many of these dilemmas - whether or not to copy software, for instance - are new "grey areas" for which there is little in the way of accepted rules or social conventions, let alone established case law.由于电脑业是一个相对比较新的和开放的领域,所以电脑职业本身既无时间,也无组织能力去建立一套有约束力的道德规范。

程序员英语手册一、基础词汇A2A integration A2A整合abstract 抽象的abstract base class (ABC)抽象基类abstract class 抽象类abstraction 抽象、抽象物、抽象性access 存取、访问access level访问级别access function 访问函数account 账户action 动作activate 激活active 活动的actual parameter 实参adapter 适配器add-in 插件address 地址address space 地址空间address-of operator 取地址操作符ADL (argument-dependent lookup)ADO(ActiveX Data Object)ActiveX数据对象advanced 高级的aggregation 聚合、聚集algorithm 算法alias 别名align 排列、对齐allocate 分配、配置allocator分配器、配置器angle bracket 尖括号annotation 注解、评注API (Application Programming Interface) 应用(程序)编程接口app domain (application domain)应用域application 应用、应用程序application framework 应用程序框架appearance 外观append 附加architecture 架构、体系结构archive file 归档文件、存档文件argument引数(传给函式的值)。
参见parameter array 数组arrow operator 箭头操作符ASP(Active Server Page)活动服务器页面 worker process 工作者进程assembly 装配件、配件assembly language 汇编语言assembly manifest 装配件清单assert(ion) 断言assign 赋值assignment 赋值、分配assignment operator 赋值操作符associated 相关的、相关联的associative container 关联式容器(对应sequential container)asynchronous 异步的atomic 原子的atomic operation 原子操作attribute 特性、属性authentication service 验证服务authorization 授权audio 音频A.I. 人工智能B2B integration B2B整合、B2B集成(business-to-business integration)background 背景、后台(进程)backward compatible 向后兼容、向下兼容backup 备份backup device备份设备backup file 备份文件bandwidth 带宽base class 基类base type 基类型batch 批处理BCL (base class library)基类库binary 二进制binary search 二分查找binary tree 二叉树binary function 双参函数binary large object二进制大对象binary operator 二元操作符binding 绑定bit 位bitmap 位图bitwise 按位...bitwise copy 为单元进行复制;位元逐一复制,按位拷bitwise operation 按位运算block 块、区块、语句块bookkeeping 簿记boolean 布林值(真假值,true或false)border 边框bounds checking 边界检查boxing 装箱、装箱转换brace (curly brace) 大括号、花括号bracket (square brakcet) 中括号、方括号breakpoint 断点browser applications 浏览器应用(程序) browser-accessible application 可经由浏览器访问的应用程序build 编连(专指编译和连接built-in 内建、内置bus 总线business 业务、商务(看场合)business Logic 业务逻辑business rules 业务规则buttons 按钮bug 臭虫by/through 通过byte 位元组(由8 bits组成)cache 高速缓存calendar 日历call 调用callback 回调call-level interface (CLI)调用级接口(CLI)call operator 调用操作符candidate key 候选键(for database) cascading delete 级联删除(for database) cascading update 级联更新(for database) casting 转型、造型转换catalog 目录chain 链(function calls)character 字符character format 字符格式character set 字符集CHECK constraints CHECK约束(for database) checkpoint 检查点(for database) check box 复选框check button 复选按钮child class 子类CIL (common intermediate language)通用中间语言、通用中介语言class 类class declaration 类声明class definition 类定义class derivation list 类继承列表class factory 类厂class hierarchy 类层次结构class library 类库class loader 类装载器class template 类模板class template partial specializations 类模板部分特化class template specializations 类模板特化classification 分类clause 子句client application 客户端应用程序client cursor 客户端游标(for database)code page 代码页cleanup 清理、清除CLI (Common Language Infrastructure) 通用语言基础设施client 客户、客户端client area 客户区client-server 客户机/服务器、客户端/服务器clipboard 剪贴板clone 克隆CLS (common language specification) 通用语言规范code access security 代码访问安全COFF (Common Object File Format) 通用对象文件格式collection 集合COM (Component Object Model) 组件对象模型combo box 组合框command line 命令行comment 注释commit 提交(for database) communication 通讯compatible 兼容compile time 编译期、编译时compiler 编译器component组件composite index 复合索引、组合索引(for database)composite key 复合键、组合键(for database) composition 复合、组合concept 概念concrete具体的concrete class 具体类concurrency 并发、并发机制constraint 约束(for database)configuration 配置、组态connection 连接(for database)connection pooling 连接池console 控制台constant 常量construct 构件、成分、概念、构造(for language)constructor (ctor) 构造函数、构造器container 容器containment包容context 环境、上下文control 控件cookie (不译)copy 拷贝CORBA 通用对象请求中介架构(Common Object Request Broker Architecture)cover 覆盖、涵盖create/creation 创建、生成crosstab query 交叉表查询(for database) CRTP (curiously recurring template pattern)CTS (common type system)通用类型系统cube 多维数据集(for database)cursor 光标cursor 游标(for database)custom 定制、自定义data 数据data connection 数据连接(for database)Data Control Language (DCL) 数据控制语言(DCL) (for database)Data Definition Language (DDL) 数据定义语言(DDL) (for database)data dictionary 数据字典(for database)data dictionary view 数据字典视图(for database) data file 数据文件(for database)data integrity 数据完整性(for database)data manipulation language (DML)数据操作语言(DML) (for database)data mart 数据集市(for database)data pump 数据抽取(for database)data scrubbing 数据清理(for database)data source 数据源(for database)Data source name (DSN) 数据源名称(DSN) (for database)data warehouse 数据仓库(for database) dataset 数据集(for database)database 数据库(for database)database catalog 数据库目录(for database) database diagram 数据关系图(for database) database file 数据库文件(for database) database object 数据库对象(for database) database owner 数据库所有者(for database) database project 数据库工程(for database) database role 数据库角色(for database) database schema 数据库模式、数据库架构(for database)database script 数据库脚本(for database)data-bound 数据绑定(for database) data-aware control数据感知控件(for database) data member 数据成员、成员变量dataset 数据集(for database)data source 数据源(for database)data structure数据结构data table 数据表(for database)datagram 数据报文DBMS (database management system)数据库管理系统(for database)DCOM (distributed COM)分布式COMdead lock 死锁(for database)deallocate 归还debug 调试debugger 调试器decay 退化decision support 决策支持declaration 声明declarative referential integrity (DRI)声明引用完整性(DRI) (for database)deduction 推导DEFAULT constraint默认约束(for database) default database 默认数据库(for database) default instance 默认实例(for database) default result set 默认结果集(for database)default 缺省、默认值defer 推迟definition 定义delegate 委托delegation 委托dependent namedeploy 部署dereference 解引用dereference operator (提领)运算子derived class 派生类design by contract 契约式设计design pattern 设计模式destroy 销毁destructor(dtor)析构函数、析构器device 设备DHTML (dynamic HyperText Markup Language)动态超文本标记语言dialog 对话框digest 摘要digital 数字的DIME (Direct Internet Message Encapsulation)直接Internet消息封装directive (编译)指示符directory 目录dirty pages脏页(for database)dirty read 脏读(for database)disassembler 反汇编器DISCO (Discovery of Web Services)Web Services的查找disk 盘dispatch 调度、分派、派发(我喜欢“调度”)DISPID (Dispatch Identifier)分派标识符distributed computing 分布式计算distributed query 分布式查询(for database) DNA (Distributed interNet Application) 分布式网间应用程序document 文档DOM (Document Object Model)文档对象模型dot operator (圆)点操作符driver 驱动(程序)DTD (document type definition) 文档类型定义double-byte character set (DBCS)双字节字符集(DBCS)dump 转储dump file 转储文件dynamic cursor 动态游标(for database) dynamic filter 动态筛选(for database) dynamic locking 动态锁定(for database) dynamic recovery 动态恢复(for database) dynamic snapshot 动态快照(for database) dynamic SQL statements 动态SQL语句(for database)dynamic assembly 动态装配件、动态配件dynamic binding 动态绑定EAI (enterprise application integration)企业应用程序集成(整合)EBCO (empty base class optimization) 空基类优化(机制)e-business 电子商务EDI (Dlectronic Data Interchange)电子数据交换efficiency 效率efficient 高效end-to-end authentication 端对端身份验证end user 最终用户engine 引擎entity 实体encapsulation 封装enclosing class 外围类别(与巢状类别nested class有关)enum (enumeration) 枚举enumerators 枚举成员、枚举器equal 相等equality 相等性equality operator 等号操作符error log 错误日志(for database)escape code 转义码escape character 转义符、转义字符exclusive lock 排它锁(for database)explicit transaction 显式事务(for database) evaluate 评估event 事件event driven 事件驱动的event handler 事件处理器evidence 证据exception 异常exception declaration 异常声明exception handling 异常处理、异常处理机制exception-safe 异常安全的exception specification 异常规范exit 退出explicit 显式explicit specialization 显式特化export 导出expression 表达式facility 设施、设备fat client 胖客户端feature 特性、特征fetch 提取field 字段(java)field 字段(for database)field length 字段长度(for database)file 文件filter 筛选(for database)finalization 终结firewall 防火墙finalizer 终结器firmware 固件flag 标记flash memory 闪存flush 刷新font 字体foreign key (FK) 外键(FK) (for database)form 窗体formal parameter 形参forward declaration 前置声明forward-only 只向前的forward-only cursor 只向前游标(for database) fragmentation 碎片(for database)framework 框架full specialization 完全特化function 函数function call operator (即operator ()) 函数调用操作符function object 函数对象function overloaded resolution函数重载决议functionality 功能function template函数模板functor 仿函数GAC (global assembly cache) 全局装配件缓存、全局配件缓存GC (Garbage collection) 垃圾回收(机制)、垃圾收集(机制)game 游戏generate 生成generic 泛化的、一般化的、通用的generic algorithm通用算法genericity 泛型getter (相对于setter)取值函数global 全局的global object 全局对象global scope resolution operator 全局范围解析操作符grant 授权(for database)granularity 粒度group 组、群group box 分组框GUI 图形界面GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) 全球唯一标识符hand shaking 握手handle 句柄handler 处理器hard-coded 硬编码的hard-copy 截屏图hard disk 硬盘hardware 硬件hash table 散列表、哈希表header file头文件heap 堆help file 帮助文件hierarchy 层次结构、继承体系hierarchical data 阶层式数据、层次式数据hook 钩子Host (application)宿主(应用程序)hot key 热键hyperlink 超链接HTML (HyperText Markup Language) 超文本标记语言HTTP pipeline HTTP管道HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) 超文本传输协议icon 图标IDE (Integrated Development Environment)集成开发环境IDL (Interface Definition Language) 接口定义语言identifier 标识符idle time 空闲时间if and only if当且仅当IL (Intermediate Language) 中间语言、中介语言image 图象IME 输入法immediate base 直接基类immediate derived 直接派生类immediate updating 即时更新(for database) implicit transaction隐式事务(for database) incremental update 增量更新(for database) index 索引(for database) implement 实现implementation 实现、实现品implicit 隐式import 导入increment operator 增加操作符infinite loop 无限循环infinite recursive 无限递归information 信息infrastructure 基础设施inheritance 继承、继承机制inline 内联inline expansion 内联展开initialization 初始化initialization list 初始化列表、初始值列表initialize 初始化inner join 内联接(for database)in-place active 现场激活instance 实例instantiated 具现化、实体化(常应用于template)instantiation 具现体、具现化实体(常应用于template)integrate 集成、整合integrity 完整性、一致性integrity constraint完整性约束(for database) interprocess communication (IPC)进程间通讯(IPC) interacts 交互interface 接口for GUI 界面interoperability 互操作性、互操作能力interpreter 解释器introspection 自省invariants 不变性invoke 调用isolation level 隔离级别(for database)iterate 迭代iterative 反复的、迭代的iterator 迭代器iteration 迭代(回圈每次轮回称为一个iteration) item 项、条款、项目JIT compilation JIT编译即时编译key 键(for database)key column 键列(for database)laser 激光late binding 迟绑定left outer join 左向外联接(for database)level 阶、层例high level 高阶、高层library 库lifetime 生命期、寿命link 连接、链接linkage 连接、链接linker 连接器、链接器literal constant 字面常数list 列表、表、链表list box 列表框livelock 活锁(for database)load 装载、加载load balancing 负载平衡loader 装载器、载入器local 局部的local object 局部对象lock 锁log 日志login 登录login security mode登录安全模式(for database) lookup table 查找表(for database)loop 循环loose coupling 松散耦合lvalue 左值machine code 机器码、机器代码macro 宏maintain 维护managed code 受控代码、托管代码Managed Extensions 受控扩充件、托管扩展managed object 受控对象、托管对象mangled namemanifest 清单manipulator 操纵器(iostream预先定义的一种东西)many-to-many relationship 多对多关系(for database)many-to-one relationship 多对一关系(fordatabase)marshal 列集member 成员member access operator 成员取用运算子(有dot和arrow两种)member function 成员函数member initialization list成员初始值列表memberwise 以member为单元…、members 逐一…memberwise copymemory 内存memory leak 内存泄漏menu 菜单message 消息message based 基于消息的message loop 消息环message queuing消息队列metadata 元数据metaprogramming元编程method 方法micro 微middleware 中间件middle tier 中间层modeling 建模modeling language 建模语言modifier 修饰字、修饰符modem 调制解调器module 模块most derived class最底层的派生类mouse 鼠标mutable 可变的mutex 互斥元、互斥体multidimensional OLAP (MOLAP)多维OLAP(MOLAP) (for database) multithreaded server application 多线程服务器应用程序multiuser 多用户multi-tasking 多任务multi-thread 多线程multicast delegate 多点委托named parameter 命名参数named pipe 命名管道namespace 命名空间native 原生的、本地的native code 本地码、本机码Native Image Generator (NGEN)本地映像生成器nested class 嵌套类nested query 嵌套查询(for database)nested table 嵌套表(for database)network 网络network card 网卡object 物件对象object based基於对象的object file目标文件object model对象模型object oriented面向对象的online在线opaque 不透明的operand操作数operating system (OS)操作系统operation操作operator操作符、运算符option选项ordinary常规的overflow溢出(underflow:下溢)overhead额外开销overload重载overloaded function重载的函数overloaded operator被重载的操作符overloaded set重载集合override重新定义(在derived class 中重新定义虚拟函式package包pair 对palette工具箱pane窗格(有时为嵌板之意,例Java Content Pane)parallel 平行并行parameter叁数、形式叁数、形叁parameter list叁数列表parent class父类parentheses圆括弧、圆括号parse解析part部件partial specialization 偏特化、局部特化(ref. full specialization)pass by address 传址(函式引数的传递方式)pass by reference 传址(函式引数的一种传递方式)传地址, 按引用传递pass by value 传值pattern模式performance性能persistence 永续性持久性pixel像素placement delete ref. C++ Primer 3/e, 15.8.2 placement new ref. C++ Primer 3/e, 15.8.2 platform平台pointer指针址位器(和址叁器reference 形成对映,满好)poll轮询polymorphism多态pop up弹出式port端口postfix後置式precedence 优先序(通常用於运算子的优先执行次序)prefix前置式preprocessor预处理器prime 质数素数primitive type 基本型别(不同於base class,基础类别)print打印printer打印机priority 优先权(通常用於执行绪获得CPU 时间的优先次序)procedure过程procedural过程化的process进程profile评测profiler评测器programmer 程式员程序员programming编程progress bar 进度指示器进度指示器project项目、工程property 属性protocol协议pseudo code伪码qualified 经过资格修饰(例如加上scope 运算子)限定qualifier限定修饰词quality质量queue队列radian弧度radio button单选按钮raise 引发(常用来表示发出一个exception)random number随机数range围、区间rank 等级、分等等级raw 生鲜的、未经处理的未经处理的recordset记录集recursive 递回递归re-direction重定向refactoring重构refer叁考refer to 指向、指涉、指代reference引用、叁考register寄存器reflection反射、映像relational database关系数据库represent表述,表现resolve解析resolution解析过程resolution分辨率restriction 局限return返回return type返回类型return value返回值robust健壮robustness健壮性routine例程runtime运行时common language runtime (CLR) 译为「通用语言执行层」rvalue右值save存储schedule调度scheduler调度程序scheme 结构纲目、组织纲目scroll bar滚动条scope 生存空间、作用域scope operator作用域操作符scope resolution operator 作用域解析操作符(与scope operator同)screen屏幕search查找semantics语义sequential container 序列式容器顺序式容器(对应於associative container)server 伺服器、伺服端服务器、服务端serial 串行serialization序列化(serialize)setter (相对於getter) 设值函式signal 信号signature签名slider滑块slot槽smart pointer智能指针snapshot屏幕截图specialization特化specification 规规格、规范splitter切分窗口software软件solution方案source源码、源代码stack栈stack unwinding 堆叠辗转开解(此词用於exception 主题)栈辗转开解*standard library 标准程式库standard template library 标准模板程式库statement语句、声明status bar状态条STL 见standard template librarystream流string 字串字符串subroutinesubscript operator下标操作符subtype 子型别子类型support支持suspend挂起symbol记号syntax语法tag标记索引标签,页签target 标的目标task switch任务切换template 模板、范本template argument deduction模板引数推导模板叁数推导template explicit specialization模板显式特化(版本)模板显式特化template parameter 模板叁数temporary object临时对象text文本text file文本文件thread线程thread safe多线程安全throw 丢掷(常指发出一个exception)引发token符号、标记transaction 交易事务transparent(ly) 透通的(地)traverse遍历trigger触发type类型UML unified modeling language 统一建模语言unary function单叁函数unary operator一元操作符underflow下溢unchecked exception 不可控异常(Java) unqualified 未经资格修饰(而直接取用)unwinding ref. stack unwindinguser用户user interface用户界面variable变量vector向量、矢量viable可行的viable function可行函数(从candidate functions 中挑出者)video视频view (1) 视图(document/view) 文档/视图view (2) 映件virtual function虚函数virtual machine虚拟机virtual memory虚内存, 虚存volatile 易挥发的、易变的vowel元音字母window 视窗窗口window function 视窗函式窗口函数window procedure 视窗函式窗口过程word单词word processor字处理器wrapper外包包装二、java 中的英语词汇JDK(Java Development Kit) java开发工具包JVM(Java Virtual Machine) java虚拟机Javac 编译命令 java 解释命令 Javadoc 生成java 文档命令classpath 类路径 Version 版本 author 作者 public 公共的 class 类 static 静态的 void 没有返回值 String 字符串类 System 系统类 out 输出 print 同行打印 println 换行打印 JIT(just-in-time) 及时处理 第二章:byte 字节 char 字符 boolean 布尔 short 短整型 int 整形 long 长整形 float 浮点类型 double 双精度 if 如果 else 否则 switch 多路分支 case 与常值匹配 break 终止 default 默认 while 当到循环 do 直到循环 for 已知次数循环 continue 结束本次循环进行下次跌代 length 获取数组元素个数 第三章: OOP object oriented programming 面向对象编程 Object 对象 Class 类 Class member 类成员 Class method 类方法 Class variable 类变量 Constructor 构造方法 Package 包 Import package 导入包第四章: Extends 继承 Base class 基类 Super class 超类 Overloaded method 重载方法 Overridden method 重写方法 Public 公有 Private 私有 Protected 保护 Static 静态 Abstract 抽象 Interface 接口 Implements interface 实现接口第五章: Exception 意外,异常 RuntimeExcepiton 运行时异常 ArithmeticException 算术异常 IllegalArgumentException 非法数据异常 ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException 数组索引越界异常 NullPointerException 空指针异常 ClassNotFoundException 类无法加载异常(类不能找到) NumberFormatException 字符串到float 类型转换异常(数字格式异常) IOException 输入输出异常 FileNotFoundException 找不到文件异常 EOFException 文件结束异常 InterruptedException (线程)中断异常 try 尝试 catch 捕捉 finally 最后 throw 投、掷、抛 throws 投、掷、抛 print Stack Trace() 打印堆栈信息 get Message () 获得错误消息 get Cause () 获得异常原因 method 方法 able 能够 instance 实例 check 检查第六章:byte(字节)char(字符)int(整型)long(长整型)float(浮点型)double(双精度)boolean(布尔)short(短整型)Byte (字节类)Character (字符类)Integer(整型类)Long (长整型类)Float(浮点型类)Double (双精度类)Boolean(布尔类)Short (短整型类)Digit (数字)Letter (字母)Lower (小写)Upper (大写)Space (空格)Identifier (标识符)Start (开始)String (字符串)length (值)equals (等于)Ignore (忽略)compare (比较)sub (提取)concat (连接)replace (替换)trim (整理)Buffer (缓冲器) reverse (颠倒)delete (删除)append (添加)Interrupted (中断的)第七章:Date 日期,日子After 后来,后面Before 在前,以前Equals 相等,均等toString 转换为字符串SetTime 设置时间Display 显示,展示Calendar 日历Add 添加,增加GetInstance 获得实例getTime 获得时间Clear 扫除,清除Clone 克隆,复制Util 工具,龙套Components 成分,组成Month 月份Year 年,年岁Hour 小时,钟头Minute 分钟Second 秒Random 随意,任意Next Int 下一个整数Gaussian 高斯ArrayList 对列LinkedList 链表Hash 无用信息,杂乱信号Map 地图Vector 向量,矢量Size 大小Collection 收集Shuffle 混乱,洗牌RemoveFirst 移动至开头RemoveLast 移动至最后lastElement 最后的元素Capacity 容量,生产量Contains 包含,容纳Copy 副本,拷贝Search 搜索,查询InsertElementAt 插入元素在某一位置第八章:io->in out 输入/输出File 文件import 导入exists 存在isFile 是文件isDirectory 是目录getName 获取名字getPath 获取路径getAbsolutePath 获取绝对路径lastModified 最后修改日期length 长度InputStream 输入流 OutputStream 输出流 Unicode 统一的字符编码标准, 采用双字节对字符进行编码 Information 信息 FileInputStream 文件输入流 FileOutputStream 文件输出流 IOException 输入输出异常 fileobject 文件对象 available 可获取的 read 读取 write 写 BufferedReader 缓冲区读取 FileReader 文本文件读取 BufferedWriter 缓冲区输出 FileWriter 文本文件写出 flush 清空 close 关闭 DataInputStream 二进制文件读取 DataOutputStream 二进制文件写出 EOF 最后 encoding 编码 Remote 远程 release 释放 第九章: JBuider Java 集成开发环境(IDE ) Enterprise 企业版 Developer 开发版 Foundation 基础版 Messages 消息格 Structure 结构窗格 Project 工程 Files 文件 Source 源代码 Design 设计 History 历史 Doc 文档 File 文件 Edit 编辑 Search 查找 Refactor 要素 View 视图 Run 运行 Tools 工具 Window 窗口 Help 帮助 Vector 矢量addElement 添加内容 Project Winzard 工程向导 Step 步骤 Title 标题 Description 描述 Copyright 版权 Company 公司 Aptech Limited Aptech 有限公司 author 作者 Back 后退 Finish 完成 version 版本 Debug 调试 New 新建 ErrorInsight 调试 第十章: JFrame 窗口框架 JPanel 面板 JScrollPane 滚动面板 title 标题 Dimension 尺寸 Component 组件 Swing JAVA 轻量级组件 getContentPane 得到内容面板 LayoutManager 布局管理器 setVerticalScrollBarPolicy 设置垂直滚动条策略 AWT (Abstract Window Toolkit ) 抽象窗口工具包 GUI (Graphical User Interface ) 图形用户界面 VERTICAL_SCROLLEARAS_NEEDED 当内容大大面板出现滚动条 VERTICAL_SOROLLEARAS_ALWAYS 显示滚动条 VERTICAL_SOROLLEARAS_NEVER 不显示滚动条 JLabel 标签 Icon 图标 image 图象 LEFT 左对齐 RIGHT 右对齐 JTextField 单行文本 getColumns 得到列数 setLayout 设置布局 BorderLayout 边框布局 CENTER 居中对齐 JTextArea 多行文本setFont 设置字体setHorizontalAlignment 设置文本水平对齐方式setDefaultCloseOperation 设置默认的关闭操作add 增加JButton 按钮JCheckBox 复选框JRadioButton单选按钮addItem 增加列表项getItemAt 得到位置的列表项getItemCount 得到列表项个数setRolloverIcon 当鼠标经过的图标setSelectedIcon 当选择按钮的图标getSelectedItem 得到选择的列表项getSelectedIndex 得到选择的索引ActionListener 按钮监听ActionEvent 按钮事件actionPerformed 按钮单击方法三、算法常用术语中英对照Data Structures 基本数据结构Dictionaries 字典Priority Queues 堆Graph Data Structures 图Set Data Structures 集合Kd-Trees 线段树Numerical Problems 数值问题Solving Linear Equations 线性方程组Bandwidth Reduction 带宽压缩Matrix Multiplication 矩阵乘法Determinants and Permanents 行列式Constrained and Unconstrained Optimization 最值问题Linear Programming 线性规划Random Number Generation 随机数生成Factoring and Primality Testing 因子分解/质数判定Arbitrary Precision Arithmetic 高精度计算Knapsack Problem 背包问题Discrete Fourier Transform 离散Fourier变换Combinatorial Problems 组合问题Sorting 排序Searching 查找Median and Selection 中位数Generating Permutations 排列生成Generating Subsets 子集生成Generating Partitions 划分生成Generating Graphs 图的生成Calendrical Calculations 日期Job Scheduling 工程安排Satisfiability 可满足性Graph Problems -- polynomial 图论-多项式算法Connected Components 连通分支Topological Sorting 拓扑排序Minimum Spanning Tree 最小生成树Shortest Path 最短路径Transitive Closure and Reduction 传递闭包Matching 匹配Eulerian Cycle / Chinese Postman Euler回路/中国邮路Edge and Vertex Connectivity 割边/割点Network Flow 网络流Drawing Graphs Nicely 图的描绘Drawing Trees 树的描绘Planarity Detection and Embedding 平面性检测和嵌入Graph Problems -- hard 图论-NP问题Clique 最大团Independent Set 独立集Vertex Cover 点覆盖Traveling Salesman Problem 旅行商问题Hamiltonian Cycle Hamilton回路Graph Partition 图的划分Vertex Coloring 点染色Edge Coloring 边染色Graph Isomorphism 同构Steiner Tree Steiner树Feedback Edge/Vertex Set 最大无环子图Computational Geometry 计算几何Convex Hull 凸包Triangulation 三角剖分Voronoi Diagrams Voronoi图Nearest Neighbor Search 最近点对查询Range Search 范围查询Point Location 位置查询Intersection Detection 碰撞测试Bin Packing 装箱问题Medial-Axis Transformation 中轴变换Polygon Partitioning 多边形分割Simplifying Polygons 多边形化简Shape Similarity 相似多边形Motion Planning 运动规划Maintaining Line Arrangements 平面分割Minkowski Sum Minkowski和Set and String Problems 集合与串的问题Set Cover 集合覆盖Set Packing 集合配置String Matching 模式匹配Approximate String Matching 模糊匹配Text Compression 压缩Cryptography 密码Finite State Machine Minimization 有穷自动机简化Longest Common Substring 最长公共子串Shortest Common Superstring 最短公共父串DP——Dynamic Programming——动态规划recursion ——递归四、编程词汇台湾和大陆对比英语原词台湾大陆#define 定义预定义abstract 抽象的抽象的abstraction 抽象体、抽象物、抽象性抽象体、抽象物、抽象性access 存取、取用存取、访问access level 存取级别访问级别access function 存取函式访问函数activate 活化激活active 作用中的adapter 配接器适配器address 位址地址address space 位址空间,定址空间address-of operator 取址运算子取地址操作符aggregation 聚合algorithm 演算法算法allocate 配置分配allocator (空间)配置器分配器application 应用程式应用、应用程序application framework 应用程式框架、应用框架应用程序框架architecture 架构、系统架构体系结构argument 引数(传给函式的值)。
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A workable definition of computerized agentsBertil EkdahlPaul DavidssonDepartment of Software Engineering and Computer Science,University of Karlskrona/Ronneby, S-372 25 Ronneby, Sweden.E-mail: {bek, pdv}@ide.hk-r.seAbstractRecently, several suggestions for (multi-) agent theories have been presented. In order to develop a meaningful formal theory it is necessary also to specify a model, i.e., how to interpret the theory. This, in turn, requires a well-defined domain, otherwise it is not possible to define predicates, etc. We argue that current suggested agent theories do not have a well-defined domain and consequently there is neither a well-defined interpretation of the used symbols. In fact, the common interpretation is more of a metaphysical character. The reason behind the failure, we believe, is that the attempts are based on a diffuse idea of the internal structure of computerized agents, often described in terms of human-like “mental states” such as beliefs, desires, and intentions. This is in fact a circle reasoning since a computerized agent is not defined and consequently cannot have an internal structure.Because of the “internal structure”idea, a sound definition of agents in these terms is necessary to get a formal theory. We show that none of the most known agent definitions fulfills this requirement, and that it is very hard, perhaps impossible, to come up with such a definition. Another problem with current so called theories is that they aim to be very general, covering every aspect of agenthood. This is too optimistic since there is obvious evidence that some aspects of the human agency are not describable. In short, the task of developing a general agent theory is simply not feasible. Instead we argue that agent theories should be relativized to particular human-like situations without reference to obscure metaphysical interpretations as internal structures of agents that are yet to be defined. We suggest that the proper approach to constructing agent theories is to take suitable social theories and transform them to technical domains where the new artificial actors become (machine) agents. In fact, there already exist successful transformations of this kind, e.g., theories of market behavior into market-oriented programming.Keywords: Agent, agent theory, agent definition, agents and social science, computer and social science.1.IntroductionSoftware agents is a rapidly growing area of research interest. Despite the big efforts, there is still no agreement on what should be meant by “agent”. It seems as everything could be called an agent and according to Petrie (1996, p.24) there has also been such definition as “someone or something that acts on your behalf” which does not seem to throw light on the subject. Nwana (1996, p.208) expresses this vagueness as “we have as much chance of agreeing on a consensus definition for the word “agent”as AI researchers have of arriving at one for “artificial intelligence” itself —nil!” This state of affairs may be acceptable if we just were to write programs and call them agents. However, as many researchers claim that they study agent theory this is not an acceptable situation. In fact, it indicates that there is at least no coherent theory of the topic and that despite all the programs that have been written under the title “agent”, none has been valuable in a theory formation. Every program is a “one shot” with no relevance to a theory; it is just another program.Despite the difficulties in defining agents it seems that in the “agent community” there is a wish to stick to the term “agent”. We suppose this is due to its epistemological attraction, which, besides its instrumental meaning, suggests human capacities beyond that of mere calculation. A human agent is a “doer”who acts autonomously and behaves intelligently. The appealing is the same, we presume, as that behind AI, namely the wish to create more and more human-like systems and thereby get a grip on intentional properties. The belief that intentional properties can be formally described is widely held and seems to be supported by two unreasonable beliefs, viz.(i) intentional predicates can be introduced at will,(ii) once introduced, they are describable.While the analogy with human agents is attractive, it is also a source of misunderstandings.A human agent is not an agent per se but becomes an agent in different situations. This means that we cannot study agents in the same way as biological or physical phenomena but have to study agents in situations where agency emerges. Thus, it is not a general human agent that should be in focus but situations where agency occurs. Here we mean situations, which can be sufficiently described and for which agency seems to be a relevant property. Humanagents can in fact not be completely described, see e.g. Ekdahl (1997). However, we believe that human agent behavior in certain situations can be at least partially described. It is then in such situations it could be justified to talk about agents and agent theory in a figurative sense. As it is now standing the word “agent”is really watered down and has been “an umbrella term for a heterogeneous body of research and development. The response of some agent researchers to this lack of definition has been to invent yet some more synonyms, and it is arguable if these solve anything or just further add to the confusion.”(Nwana 1996, p.208) As examples Nwana mentions knowbots, softbots, taskbots, userbots, robots, personal agents, autonomous agents and personal assistants. This division is certainly not what we mean by the situations mentioned above since the confusion remains in each part.In this article we assert that agent situations, and not agents, should be the area of investigation. In the next section we discuss agent definitions and the relation between models and theories. Based on the conclusion that no formal definition exists, and thus no formal agent theory, we then introduce the idea of situation-specific theories, which are social theories transferred to the computer domains.2.Models of agentsThe essence of a theory is to be a description of a model. In natural sciences, theory formation starts from a model. When we have an idea (a hypothesis) about how part of reality can be regarded, we form a theory consisting of axioms that describe what we believe are true, i.e., our beliefs constitute the model. When interpreted, the description will make predictions about reality (since not every case computable from the theory is observed). Hence, the purpose of a natural science theory is to be predictive and to give us more information of how the world is organized from the point of view of our beliefs (model).Mathematical theories, on the other hand, are partly different from natural science theories because in mathematics the study of structures is of interest. Thus, in mathematics the situation is sometimes the other way around, namely “What interesting models can be the result of a certain set of axioms?”. The Euclidean geometry is such an example of where the change of the fifth axiom led to very interesting models, even useful in physics.Because of their connections to human (and animal) agency (which is part of reality), we will treat agent theories on a par with theories of natural sciences.2.1 Models and definabilitySo, if a theory is going to be established, we have to start with the model. A model has the following general form{}pmnccffRRA,...,,,...,,,...,,111=A, where, in our case, A is the set of agents, s'i R are relations (predicates) between agents, s'j f are functions and s'k c are names of elements in A. In fact, we do not believe that there are any functions between agents, nor any need to name some of the agents. However, this is unimportant since for the moment we are more interested in the set A. What are the elements of A? Is it definable? If not, then it cannot be justified to assert that there is a theory of agents since in that case there is no model.Let us call a set definable if there is some property (predicate) )(xP such that a is the unique object satisfying P, i.e.))((axxPx=⇔∀)(xP may be expressed in a natural language, for example English, together with mathematical symbols. Since there are only countable many English expressions, there are only countable many definable sets. (Astonishingly, not all ordinals are definable.) For convenience we will use the notation{})(:x Pxa=.What counts as a property? Intuitively any meaningful assertion in English about the variable x is a property. Then, does “x believes b” or “x is a cup” be a property? Obviously, we need a rigorous definition of what should count as a property. Since it is necessary to know which elements belong to A and which do not, we insist that the predicate is recursive, i.e., effectively decidable (by Church’s Thesis). However, no one has given a recursive predicate for agents so the set A is not yet recursively defined.12.2 Agent definitionsThat there exists no generally accepted definition of “agent” is not news for most “agent researchers”. It has been pointed out by Nwana (1996) and Petrie (1996) among others. (Franklin and Graesser (1996) provide a comprehensive list of proposed agent definitions.) According to Nwana the set of agents will never be defined, i.e., there is no recursive predicate that characterizes the set.1Of course, a set can be defined without being recursive. For example {}↓=)(:xxK xϕ where xϕ is the x-th partial recursive function is well defined. K is recursive enumerable (r.e.) but not recursive so K is not even r.e. but still well defined. A definition of agents comparable with K should be worthless and this is why we claim the set of agents in the model to be decidable.As mentioned above, if A is not defined then it is obviously impossible to establish a model for agents and consequently there cannot exist a theory of agents. In spite of this, many researchers argue that they study formal agent theory (Wooldridge and Jennings, 1995).However, as none of these theories are based on a well-definition set of agents, it is impossible to define any predicates (relations) for the set of agents.Let us determine in detail what is missing in current proposed agent theories, besides the set A , by taking the natural numbers as an example.The language in which we are doing arithmetic consist ofRelation symbol . ≤,Function symbols . ⋅+ , ,Numerical Constants . ... ,2,1,0Structure for this language is ...,2 ,1 ,0 , , , , ⋅+≤=ωN where ω is the natural numbers. (It is convenient to let the relation symbol and the function symbols be the same as for the corresponding relation and functions in the model.)If we are now going to establish a theory of arithmetic we have to do this in form of axioms (or axiom schemata) which show the properties for the relations and the functions in the structure. The theory R is an example of a theory for the natural numbers.R1. z y x =+, if z y x =+ R2. z y x =⋅, if z y x =⋅ R3. y x =¬, if yx ≠ R4.)0 ... 1000(0x v v v x v v =∨∨=∨=→≤∀ R5. )00(0v x x v v ≤∨≤∀It is the axiom schemata R1 – R5 that basically is the theory, not the language itself.Now let us see what could be considered as axioms in theories of the kind that many agent researchers suggest. First, there is only one predicate, believe , which,as far as we understand, has its ordinary meaning; “a believes b ” means that the agent a believes that the proposition b is true. Let us write the relation as b)Bel(a,2. If this is a relation in a structure (model) it means that the set in the structure, the domain, must be AxB where A is the set of agents and B is the set of beliefs. The set B is not related to A . So, what is a set of beliefs? How is it defined? The answer is that there is no such a set as B . Taking B as “everything that could possibly be believed” is not a good definition since it tacitly understood that there is someone who held this belief, e.g., an agent. It is also impossible to decide if an2For the sake of simplicity, we do not here make any difference between b and the Gödel number of b.element belongs to B or not without guessing or ask someone. Thus, AxB cannot be defined and hence there is no relation b)Bel(a,. There is a simpler way to recognize that there exists no such relation as b)Bel(a,.It is namely what we believe about the world that becomes our model, i.e., the model is our belief. This has been unfolded at great length in [Ekdahl, 97] and we will just give a short justification of the proposition.Copernicus held the belief that the sun and the planets orbit around the earth. This becomes his model from which he built a theory. It was when the predicted value from the theory did not agree with observations that the model was questioned and finally abandon to the benefit of another belief. The whole of physics rests on beliefs and all physical theories are theories of beliefs. In fact every empirical science rests on beliefs, which forms the models. Thus there is no such relation as belief and accordingly there is neither a theory of agents as those suggested. Second, no axioms are stated and this is peculiar because why should one claim that there is a theory of agents if no theorem can be proved from it? As we have already mentioned, the whole purpose with a theory is to prove theorems, i.e. to make predictions.Let us again examine definitions of “agent”. Nwana seems to realize the difficulties with formal descriptions and suggests three minimal demands for an agent:autonomy, learning and cooperation. However, this leads to the following characterization based on these new “predicates”:{})()()(: x Coop x Learn x Auto x A ∧∧=.Given that the predicates of the definition are recursive, this would of course be an adequate definition.Unfortunately, this means that we are facing the same problem as before, and if we do not manage to give recursive definitions of these new predicates, it seems that nothing has been gained. Franklin and Graesser (1996) has proposed the following “definition”: “An autonomous agent is a system situated within and part of an environment that senses that environment and acts on it, over time, in pursuit of its own agenda and so as to effect what it senses in the future.” Such a characterization seems to be of little value and even Petrie questions this definition and asks “But what is an operational, objective definition of autonomy?” (1996,p.25). Thus, he is asking for a recursive predicate that would make the set A (effectively) decidable. It is easy to present similar objections against definitions of learning and cooperation. So, Nwana’s attempt to define agents was not more successful than the previous attempts.The way above to characterize agents may be useful when discussing agents in informal contexts, but as a basis for a general agent theory that will not do. Russell and Norvig put it this way: "The notion of an agent is meant to be a tool for analyzing systems, not an absolute characterization that divides the world into agents and non-agents." (1995, p.33) However, as there are obvious reasons for having formal theories of agency, it would beunfortunate if we just had to give up the idea. In the next section we will sketch another approach to agent theories that do not suffer from the limitations discussed above.3.Agent situationsThe human calculating capability is the model of computation. All attempts to prove that this model is not appropriate have so far been fruitless. However, there are some researchers who believe that the Turing machine model can also capture other capabilities of man, or at least that other human capabilities could be shown to be on par with the calculating capability. All attempts to prove this has failed. Yet, this idea has led to serious attempts to ascribe social abilities to programs (agents) (e.g., Werner (1989)). The problem is exactly the same as before, namely to give a suitable definition, this time about what should be meant by “social ability”.Wooldridge & Jennings have as one of four criteria that agents should have a social ability: “agents interact with other agents (and possible humans) via some kind of agent communication language.”(1995, p.4) Similarly, in Nwana’s characterization of agents, cooperation is one of three attributes that an agent should exhibit. “In order to cooperate, agents need to possess a social ability, e.g., the ability to interact with other agents and possibly humans via some communication language”(1996, p.209). Thus, if programs send messages to each other this is regarded as a social ability. In our opinion, this is not much of a social ability and seems as a violation of the true meaning of the word. For example, UNIX-tasks “communicate” with each other and operating systems “communicate”with other programs but no one think about it as a social ability.We think it is fair to say that one characteristic of the software agent movement is the “dream” to formalize man’s social ability. One of the forerunners is von Neumann who tried to lay the foundation of a mathematical theory of biological phenomena. Together with Morgenstern (1944), he analyzed rational behavior in situations where there are conflicting goals. He did not try to describe an over-all rational agent but realized that he had to stick to situations where rationality could be defined. Also, in his book The Computer and the Brain (1958), which discusses the difference and similarities between the computer and the brain, he was well aware of the important of a precise definition of the basic concepts used. It is a regrettable fact that no significant progress has been made since von Neumann. We believe that the reason for this is probably that social abilities are at most partially describable. Nevertheless, these strivings show that there is a strong tendency to compare the behavior of interacting computer programs with human group behavior. As we have shown, what has been significant, possibly with few exceptions, is the attempt to describe the human social ability without having a model.3.1 Agent and social theoriesNow, in the spirit of von Neumann, we will turn the perspective to social situations where there are both a model and at least a rudimentary theory. Thus, instead of trying to describe the human social ability in general we look at limited social situations applicable to some technical domain. Our idea here is to take ideas from the social sciences, to which we count all sciences that study group behavior of human and animals, and apply them to technical domains. Typical areas where we find theories of this kind are, as already has been mentioned, economics, biology, and game theory.Social ConceptionFig. 3.1When we face a problem where many different programs are going to “cooperate”(or compete), we should try to find a social model, analogous to our problem and whose corresponding description is possible to transfer to computer programs. Figure 3.1 illustrates the idea. If we have a situation in a technical domain, which seems to resemble a social situation (which is described in some social theory), we adopt the model, possibly with some changes, then transfer the theory into a software system. If only an informal theory exists, we first have to formalize or adapt the social model. The benefit of this approach is that we can be sure that there is a model of the program, which, as we have seen above, is not always the case today. Given that the discrepancy between the models is fairly small, we can, of course, use the social theory to make predictions about the corresponding technical situation in the same way as the social scientist can make predictions about the corresponding social situation.Then, which social theories are transferable to technical domains? As pointed out in section 2, all predicates of the theory must be recursive (computable) in order to be describable. We discussed one example of a non-recursive predicate in detail, namely “belief”. In fact, it turns out that most, if not all, predicates corresponding to “mental states”are non-recursive. Hence, we should be very careful when trying to transfer social theories that are based on “mental states”.The social theory is a description of how human agents proceed in a certain situation and the corresponding programs become a theory of the similar behavior of a technical system. The programs, when executed, are acting in accordance with human agents. It is this correspondence that makes it reasonable to talk about computerized agents.3.2 Examples of situation-specific agenttheoriesActually, the approach we suggest is not new. In fact, it has been successfully applied in several different domains. Take for instance the idea of market-oriented programming (Clearwater, 1996) which exploits the concept of markets and uses the (economical) model of them to build computational economies to solve particular problems such as distributed resource allocation. This approach is inspired in part by economists' metaphors of market systems “computing”the activities of the (human) agents involved, but also by the “agent researchers” view of modules in a distributed system as autonomous agents. In market-oriented programming these metaphors are taken literally, and are directly used to implement the distributed computation as a market price system. The program agents interact in a very restricted manner; by offering to buy or sell quantities of commodities at fixed unit prices. When the computing system reaches equilibrium, the computational market has indeed computed the allocation of resources throughout the system, and dictates the activities and consumption of the various modules.A particularly good example from our point of view is the work of Wellman (1994). By adopting one of the most well known market models, the general equilibrium theory (Hildenbrand and Kirman, 1976), he specifically proposes to build on concepts and theory of microeconomics as a formal foundation. This work is a clear step in turning the idea of computational markets from an attractive but informal metaphor for a software system into a full-fledged theory for an artificial agent.3.3 CharacterizationIn our perspective we consider agent technology as the translation of social theories into computer programs. The idea can be more precisely formulated in the following way:(i)Every theory, informal or formal, thatdescribes situations in which two or morehumans or animals cooperate or compete iscalled a social theory.(ii)Agent theories are social theories transformed or adapted to computerprograms.(iii)The actors in the social theory become agents in the corresponding agent theory.We should remember that not all social theories are transferable to technical domains. For instance, all predicates of the social theory must be decidable. Besides, most social theories are not formalized, implying that the agent researcher first has to do this before it can be transferred to an agent theory. Moreover, it may be the case that not all social theories are interesting in the context of software agents.4. ConclusionsMany researchers in the field of software agents seem annoyed by the fact that there is no proper definition of the term “agent”. All the proposed definitions are a sure sign of this. Unfortunately, most, if not all, proposals aim at defining agents with the human agent as a starting-point. It is here that the problems start, i.e., with the assumption that all relevant aspects of human agenthood are describable. There are convincing indications that this is not the case. However, we do believe that the behavior of human agents in certain situations is describable and we argue that such situations are in fact what social theories describe.As we have argued above, agent theories should be seen as the application of social theories to computer science. Software agents should not be studied in isolation. It is necessary to have a good understanding of certain social theories in order to develop good agent theories. This implies that agent programming is in fact an interdisciplinary task.The main advantage of our approach is twofold:(a)It emphasizes the resemblance to social theoriesand brings into focus the question of whichsocial theories that can be transferred or adaptedto technical situations. (This may even be aresearch area.)(b)The engineering process and the development oftools for agent theories can be more directed.The drawback with our approach is that we cannot define agents without respect to a suitable social theory. It would be preferable if the set of agents were defined independent of other theories. The problem is that the great focusing on social abilities from a computational perspective is not justified and has so far not contributed to a suitable definition. However, we imagine that the focusing on social theories and their transferability to computer programs will make it possible to improve this situation.ReferencesClearwater, S.(ed.), Market-oriented programming: Some early lessons, World Scientific, 1996.Ekdahl, Bertil, Computerized Agents form a Linguistic Perspective, Ph.D. thesis, Lund University, Lund, Sweden, October 1997.Franklin, Stan and Graesser Art, Is It an Agent, or Just a Program?: A Taxonomy for Autonomous Agents, Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Agent Theories, Architectures, and Languages (published as Intelligent Agents III, LNAI 1193), pp. 21-35, Springer-Verlag, 1997.Hildenbrand, W. and Kirman, A.P., Introduction to Equilibrium Analysis: Variations on Themes by Edgeworth and Walras, North-Holland, 1976.Neumann, John von and Morgenstern, O., Theory of Games and Economic Behavior, Princeton Univ. Press, 1944.Neumann, John von, The Computer and the Brain, Yale University Press, 1958.Nwana, Hyacinth S., Software agents: an overview, in The Knowledge Engineering Review, Vol. 11:3, pp. 205-244, 1996.Petrie, Charles J., Agent-Based Engineering, the Web, and Intelligence, in IEEE Expert, December 1996. Russell, Stuart J. and Norvig, Peter, Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, Prentice Hall, 1995.Wellman, M. A Computational Market Model for Distributed Configuration Design, Proceedings of AAAI `94, Morgan-Kaufman, pp. 401-407, 1994.Werner, Eric, 1989, Cooperating Agents: A unified theory of communication and social structure, in Distributed Artificial Intelligence, (L. Gasser and M.N. Huhns, eds.) Vol. 2, pp. 3-36, Morgan Kaufmann. Wooldridge, Michael and Jennings, Nicholas R., Intelligent Agents: Theory and Practice, in Knowledge Engineering Review, Vol. 10, No. 2, 1995.。