



















” 笔者认为实体正义是在法律创制的过程中在规定的内容里来体现公平、公正,是一种终极状态下必须得到实现的规范。






司法理念英语作文英文回答:The concept of justice encompasses a vast array of philosophical and legal principles that underpin the administration of law and the pursuit of fairness within society. However, the fundamental principles of justice can be distilled into two overarching categories:1. Procedural Justice: This principle focuses on the fairness and impartiality of the legal process itself. It requires that individuals are treated equally and fairly by the law, regardless of their background or circumstances. Procedural justice ensures that laws are applied consistently, hearings are conducted impartially, and punishments are imposed justly.2. Substantive Justice: This principle addresses the fairness of the outcomes or laws themselves. It aims to ensure that laws and policies promote equity and protectthe vulnerable members of society. Substantive justice focuses on the distribution of resources, access to opportunities, and the fundamental rights and freedoms guaranteed to all individuals.中文回答:司法理念。



第 2 页,共 598 页
209 n. 电;电流;电学 210 n. 灾难;灾祸 211 掘出;发现 212 n. 矿;矿山;矿井 213 n. 矿工 214 n. 掩蔽;掩蔽处;避身处 215 许多;大量的 216 n. 标题;头衔;资格 217 n. 记者 218 Unit 5 219 n. 质量;品质;性质 220 adj. 热心肠的 221 adj. 吝啬的;自私的;卑鄙的 222 adj. 积极的;活跃的 223 adj. 慷慨的;大方的 224 adj. 随和的 225 温和宽容的 226 n. 自我;自身 227 adj. 自私的 228 adj. 无私的;忘我的 229 adv. 无私地;忘我地 230 vt. (与to连用)献身;专心于 231 adj. 忠实的;深爱的 232 n. 侵略者 233 vt. 建立;建设 234 n. 共和国;共和政体 235 n. 法则;原则;原理 236 n. 民族主义;国家主义 237 n. 生计;谋生 238 adj. 和平的;平静的;安宁的 239 adj. 巨大的;庞大的 240 n. 飞跃;跳跃 241 n. 人类 242 n. 律师 243 n. 指导;领导 244 adj. 法律的;依照法律的 245 n. 费(会费、学费等);酬金 246 失业 247 adj. 怀有希望的;有希望的 248 n. 青年;青年时期 249 同盟;联盟;联合会 250 青年团 251 n. 舞台;阶段;时期 252 vt. & vi. 投票;选举 253 n. 投票;选票;表决 254 vt. 进攻;攻击;抨击 255 n. 暴力;暴行 256 事实上 257 使充气;爆炸 258 adj. 相等的;平等的 259 在危险、、痛苦、忧虑等的处境中 260 adj. 乐意的;自愿的 261 adj. 不公正的;不公平的



法律英语词汇学习文章来源:本站点击数:11482 更新时间:2009-3-3 9:14:58 1、具有特殊法律含义的常用词在英语语言的发展过程中,词义的演变十分复杂。





例如,单词“action”在法律中的含义是“诉讼”;“damage”是造成的“损坏”而“damages”为“损害赔偿金”;“demise”(死亡)在法律中的含义是“转让,遗赠”,这个词经常出现在出租、赠与这类场合,例如:“demise premises”(遗赠房产)。

“consideration”通常指“考虑”“体贴”,而在法律英语中的含义是“对价”“约因”;“instrument”(器具)在法律中的含义是“法律文件”;“present”一词在法律中的含义是“这个法律文件”,当表示提交一份法律文件时,“presents”通常出现在短语“know all men by these presents”中,“by these Presents”的意思是“通过这份法律文件”。

“provided”一词在法律文件中通常表示加入了限制性的条件,例如,在一个长句的结尾部分使用“provided ,however, that...(但是....)”。

词组“without prejudice”的含义与偏见无关系,它的意思是“使合法权利受到损害”。





Decree, discipline is.2、战鼓一响,法律无声。

Where drums beat, laws are silent.3、律者,因此定分止争也。

Law of the people, so the fixed points and check also.4、清廉常自勉,公正息纷争。

Clean often high ideals, justice interest disputes.5、言论自由是一切权利之母。

Freedom of speech is the mother of all rights.6、有多少罪孽就会有多少法律。

How many SINS will be how many laws.7、法律有时入睡,但决不死亡。

The laws sometimes sleep, but never die.8、智者以法护身,愚者以身试法。

A wise man and insulation, fools who tested.9、法律在你之上,你切不可愈越。

Law on you, you must not less.10、法律是社会的习惯和思想的结晶。

Law is the crystallization of the habit and thought of society.11、以法治权权生威,以德修心心养廉。

With the rule of law has tiger, good for repairing xinxin YangLian.12 、法律不是保护崇高,而是保护一般。

The law is not to protect the sublime, but to protect.13 、纲纪废弃之日,便是** 兴起之时。

The day of abandoned field, is the rise of tyranny.14、法律和制度务必跟上人类思想进步。



宣纸rice paper衙门yamen叩头kowtow孔子Confucius牌楼pailou;pai-loo武术wushu(Chinese Martial Arts)功夫kungfu ;kung fu中庸the way of medium (cf. Golden Means)中和harmony (zhonghe)孝顺to show filial obedience孝子dutiful son家长family head三纲:君为臣纲,父为子纲,夫为妻纲three cardinal guides: ruler guides subject, father guides son, husband guides wife五常:仁、义、理、智、信five constant virtues: benevolence (humanity), righteousness, propriety, wisdom and fidelity八股文eight-legged essays多子多福:The more sons/children, the more blessing/ great happiness养儿防老:raising sons to support one in one's old ageThe 24 Solar Terms:立春Spring begins.雨水The rains.惊蛰Insects awaken.春分Vernal Equinox清明Clear and bright.谷雨Grain rain.立夏Summer begins.小满Grain buds.芒种Grain in ear.夏至Summer solstice.小暑Slight heat.大暑Great heat.立秋Autumn begins.处暑Stopping the heat.白露White dews.秋分Autumn Equinox.寒露Cold dews.霜降Hoar-frost falls.立冬Winter begins.小雪Light snow.大雪Heavy snow.冬至Winter Solstice.小寒Slight cold.大寒Great cold戏剧表演Theatrical Performances京剧人物脸谱types of facial makeup in Beijing opera 生male characters末middle-aged male characters净“painted face” characters旦female characters丑clown京剧票友amateur performer of Peking Opera木偶戏puppet show独角戏monodrama; one-man play皮影戏shadow play; leather-silhouette show折子戏opera highlights戏剧小品skit哑剧dumb show; mime; mummery; pantomime单口相声monologue comic talk双口相声witty dialogue口技vocal imitations; ventriloquisim说书monologue story-telling杂技acrobatic performance叠罗汉making a human pyramid特技stunt踩高跷stilt walk马戏circus performances神化人物Mythological Figures八仙the Eight Immortals嫦娥Chang’e (the Chinese moon godd ess)伏羲Fu Xi (God of Fishery and Husbandry)福禄寿三星the three gods of fortune, prosperity and longevity共工God of Water后羿Houyi (a legendary hero who shot down nine suns)黄帝Yellow Emperor夸父Kuafu (a fabled sun-chasing giant)女娲Goddess of Sky-patching盘古Pan Gu (creator of the universe)神农Patron of Agriculture禹Yu (the reputed founder of the Xia Dynasty)祝融God of Fire古代建筑Ancient Architecture塔pagoda琉璃塔glazed stupa舍利塔dagoba; sarira stupa (a pagoda for Buddhist relics)舍利子sarira remains from cremation of Buddha’s or saints’ body 喇嘛塔Lamaist pagoda楼storied buildings钟楼bell tower鼓楼drum tower阁pavilion烽火台beacon tower华表ornamental column牌坊memorial archway艺术及工艺Arts and Crafts版画engraving贝雕画shell carving picture彩塑painted sculpture瓷器porcelain; china刺绣embroidery雕刻carving宫灯palace lantern国画Chinese painting剪纸paper-cut景德镇瓷Jingdezhen porcelain景泰蓝cloisonné enamel蜡染batik麦秸画straw patchwork木/石/竹刻wood/stone/bamboo carving木刻画wood engraving泥人儿clay figure皮影shadow puppet漆画lacquer painting漆器lacquerware双面绣two-sided embroidery水墨画Chinese brush drawing; ink and wash painting檀香扇sandalwood fan唐三彩Tang tri-coloured pottery陶器pottery; earthenware图章seal拓碑making rubbings from inscriptions, pictures, etc. on stone tablets 拓片rubbing微雕miniature engraving象牙雕刻ivory carving宜兴陶Yixing pottery篆刻sealcutting中国特色词汇及其英译作者:未知文章来源:转载点击数:1300 时间:2010-12-29 18:33:50一、前言英语从它传入中国的第一天开始就发挥着强大的交流作用,同时也开始了在中国发展的过程。









常见法律英语词汇下面列举了一些常见的法律英语词汇及其翻译:w - 法律2.Legal - 法律的3.Contract - 合同4.Agreement - 协议5.Plaintiff - 原告6.Defendant - 被告7.Judgment - 判决8.Court - 法院9.Evidence - 证据10.Witness - 证人这些词汇是法律文件中经常出现的,熟悉这些词汇对于正确理解和翻译法律文件至关重要。












参考文献 - Smith, J. (2010). Legal English: How to Understand and Master the Language of Law. Routledge.。



PEACE PAPERSISSN 1606-4976辅仁大学若望保禄二世和帄研究中心和平丛书26英国大宪章今译雷敦和译若望保禄二世和帄研究中心2002 年联络地址〆台湾24205 新庄市辅仁大学罗耀拉大楼电话〆886 2-2903-1111ext 3111传真〆886 2-2904-3586E-mail〆peace@.tw网站.tw/homepage2/d4.htm英国大宪章今译1翻译背景中英关系在第十八世纪不很成功,明末清初的传教使中没有英国人,因此中国对英国的认识不深。

鸦片战争后,开始注意英国海军的力量,因此1874 年派人到英国去学海军,其中一位是严复(1853-1921)。




严复的弟子梁启超受到他影响,在其「新民说(1902 年)」赞美英国的制度,认为由于英国政府纳税,因此人民必顸为自己的权利奋斗。




严复(1906 年)倾向于法国法理学者孟德斯鸠的《法意》,不过他很佩服英国的宪法制度﹕英国今日之行法权,乃以首相为付表,而各部院地方辅之,1 梁启超,申论种族革命与政治革命之得失,原载《新民丛报》第76 期。

引自﹕张岱年、敏译(主编),回读百年﹕20 世纪中国社会人文论争第一卷,郑州﹕大象出版社,1999 年,287-308 页,在300 页。





美国最奇葩的十条涉性法律If you're contemplating sex with a rodeo clown in Massachusetts, watch out: The long arm of the law may be coming for you. Mustachioed men, it's probably best if you just avoid Indiana altogether. And ladies, you don't have to put up with your lover's bad breath anymore—in Minnesota, you are legally protected from the smell of garlic and onions.如果你正考虑在马萨诸塞州与一名马戏小丑发生性关系,那你要当心了:法律之手可能正在向你伸出。



Think these laws are weird? We're just getting started. These bizarre rules of attraction give a whole new meaning to the term "penal code."觉得这些法律很怪诞?这还只是刚刚开始。


Is This Your First Rodeo?马萨诸塞州:不能在马匹在场时和驯马师做爱As a Massachusetts native, I think I speak on behalf of the entire Bay State when I say we're totally OK with you having sex with a rodeo clown. As far as we're concerned, what happens at the rodeo stays at the rodeo. We're pretty liberal like that—a solid blue state through and through.作为一名马萨诸塞州本地居民,我认为我可以代表整个海湾州告诉大家,我们完全可以接受你跟马戏小丑发生性行为。


院夏令营,为青少年提供与警官的良性互动,并教育他们 警察工作的挑战与职责。 ·市民警察学院,在那里公众可以了解基本法律知识和警察局流程。 ·执法探索职位(Law Enforcement Explorer Post),提供给对执法 执法探索职位(Law Post),提供给对执法 工作感兴趣的年轻人。 市民投诉调查委员会(CCRB): 市民投诉调查委员会(CCRB): 市民投诉调查委员会(Civilian 市民投诉调查委员会(Civilian Complaint Review Board)成立于 Board)成立于 1993年,由纽约市民组成,负责调查市民对警察失职行为的投诉。该 1993年,由纽约市民组成,负责调查市民对警察失职行为的投诉。该 委员会由时任纽约 市长的大卫· 狄更斯(David Dinkins)发起,每年处理上千起 市长的大卫·N·狄更斯(David N. Dinkins)发起,每年处理上千起 投诉。目前该委员会已发展成独立的市民团体,由13位委员会委员领 投诉。目前该委员会已发展成独立的市民团体,由13位委员会委员领 导。
约市警察局成立于1845年。当时纽约市的人口为32万,但 约市警察局成立于1845年。当时纽约市的人口为32万,但 维安机构已经陈旧不堪,包括一名守夜人、100名小队长、 维安机构已经陈旧不堪,包括一名守夜人、100名小队长、 31名治安官以及51名市立警官. 皮特·库珀(Peter Cooper) 31名治安官以及51名市立警官. 皮特·库珀(Peter Cooper) 在市议会的要求下,提议建立一个包括1200名警官的警察 在市议会的要求下,提议建立一个包括1200名警官的警察 系统。约翰·沃茨·德佩斯特(John 系统。约翰·沃茨·德佩斯特(John Watts de Peyster)是将军 Peyster)是将军 队的纪律与组织引入警察部门的最初倡导者之一。州立法 机关通过了该提议,授权于1844年 机关通过了该提议,授权于1844年5月7日建立警察机构, 并废除旧制。 在警长威廉·海威梅尔的领导下,纽约市立 在警长威廉· 警察局于1845年 13日重组,全市划分为3 警察局于1845年5月13日重组,全市划分为3个区域,相应 的法院、文官、职员、警察分局也随之建立起来。纽约市 警察局紧随伦敦警政 厅建立起来,而后者也采用了类似军 队的组织形式,设立了警衔和勋章。

invoke 用法

invoke 用法

Invoke 的用法1. 援用,援引(法律)援用,援引(法律) If you invoke a law, you state that you are taking a particular action because that law allows or tells you to.E.g. The judge invoked an international law that protects refugees.法官援引了一项保护难民的国际法。

2. 引用,援引(原则、格言、名人) If you invoke something such as a principle, a saying, or a famous person, you refer to them in order to support your argument.E.g. He invoked memories of Britain's near-disastrous disarmament in the 1930s...他援引英国20 世纪30 年代几近灾难性的裁军事件。

3. 引起,唤起,激发(感情或景象,许多人认为这种用法不正确) If something such as a piece of music invokes a feeling or an image, it causes someone to have the feeling or to see the image. Many people consider this use to be incorrect.E.g. The music invoked the wide open spaces of the prairies.该音乐营造出了一幅大草原上宽广辽阔的景象。

4. 向(神灵)祈求(帮助或宽恕) If someone invokes a god, they ask the god for help or forgiveness.E.g. The great magicians of old always invoked their gods with sacrifice.旧时一些有名的巫师经常以祭品祈求他们所供奉神灵的助佑。



亚里士多德名言篇一:中英哲理名言名句(中英文)Life consists not in holding good cards, but in playing well those you hold.生活不在于握有一手好牌,而在于把手里的牌打好。

Keep your friends close,but your enemies closer.亲近你的朋友,但更要亲近你的敌人。

He who would search for pearl must dive deep.不入虎穴,焉得虎子。

The value of life lies not in the length of days, but in the use we make of them. 生命的价值不在于能活多少天,而在于我们如何使用这些日子。

Life is like an onion: You peel it off one layer at a time, and sometimes you weep. 生活就像洋葱头:你只能一层一层地把它剥开,有时你还会流泪。

He will shoot higher who shoots at the moon than he who aims at a tree.目标远大,效果必佳The most exhausting thing in life is being insincere.生活中最使人筋疲力尽的事是弄虚作假。

The land did not move, but moved. The sea was not still, yet was still.大地止而亦行,大海动而亦静。

Today I‘ll do what others won’t, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can’t. 今天我愿意做别人不愿做的事,明天我就可以做别人不能做的事。




Decree, discipline is.2、战鼓一响,法律无声。

Where drums beat, laws are silent.3、律者,因此定分止争也。

Law of the people, so the fixed points and check also.4、清廉常自勉,公正息纷争。

Clean often high ideals, justice interest disputes.5、言论自由是一切权利之母。

Freedom of speech is the mother of all rights.6、有多少罪孽就会有多少法律。

How many SINS will be how many laws.7、法律有时入睡,但决不死亡。

The laws sometimes sleep, but never die.8、智者以法护身,愚者以身试法。

A wise man and insulation, fools who tested.9、法律在你之上,你切不可愈越。

Law on you, you must not less.10、法律是社会的习惯和思想的结晶。

Law is the crystallization of the habit and thought ofsociety.11、以法治权权生威,以德修心心养廉。

With the rule of law has tiger, good for repairing xinxin YangLian.12、法律不是保护崇高,而是保护一般。

The law is not to protect the sublime, but to protect.13、纲纪废弃之日,便是**兴起之时。

The day of abandoned field, is the rise of tyranny.14、法律和制度务必跟上人类思想进步。



家风家训家规名言名句英文回答:As a parent, I've always placed a high value on instilling good values and principles in my children. One way I do this is through our family motto, which serves as a guiding light for our household. Our motto, "Honesty, Integrity, and Respect," is ingrained in everything we do. We believe honesty is the foundation of any strong relationship, so we encourage our kids to always tell the truth, even when it's difficult. Integrity means doing the right thing, even when no one is watching, and we emphasize the importance of being true to ourselves and our values. Finally, respect encompasses not only treating others with kindness and consideration, but also respecting ourselves, our environment, and the world around us.In addition to our family motto, we also have a set of household rules that help our family run smoothly. These rules are designed to promote responsibility, safety, andcooperation. For example, we have a rule that everyone is expected to help with household chores, such as setting the table, cleaning up after themselves, and taking out the trash. This teaches our kids the importance of contributing to the family and taking pride in their home. We also have a rule about being respectful of each other's space and belongings, which helps to foster a sense of privacy and independence.中文回答:我是一个大家庭中的一员,自小深受家风家训家规的熏陶。




Life can't be twice, but many people are not good at it even once.2、宁肯本身去包涵别人,莫等别人来包涵本身。

Rather than wait for others to embrace themselves, I would rather embrace others by myself.3、放松与娱乐,被认为是生活中不可缺少的要素。

Relaxation and entertainment are considered indispensable elementsin life.4、盲目的寻找属于我的东西一切总是那么茫然!Blind search belongs to me, everything is always so confused!5、你必须成功,因为你不能失败。

You must succeed because you can't fail.6、该放弃的时就放弃,有舍才有得,不在得中求得,而要在舍中求得。

When it's time to give up, give up, get what you give up, not get what you get, but get what you give up.7、凡夫那个心靠不住,全是虚情假意,不能相信。

Fanfu's heart is unreliable. It's all hypocrisy and can't be believed.8、得意时应善待他人,因为你失意时会需要他们。

Be kind to others when you are proud, because you need them when you are disappointed.9、人生有几件绝对不能失去的东西;自制的力量,冷静的头脑,希望和信心。



大学法律宣传发言稿英语Ladies and gentlemen,Good morning/afternoon/evening! I am honored to stand here today to talk to you about the importance of law and legal education in our society. As we all know, law plays a crucial rolein maintaining peace, justice, and order in any nation. It governs our actions, protects our rights, and provides a framework for resolving disputes. Therefore, it is vital for us to educate ourselves about the law and the legal system.At the heart of any nation lies the rule of law, which ensures equality and fairness for all citizens. It guarantees our fundamental rights, including freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and the right to a fair trial. It also provides a system of checks and balances, preventing abuses of power and holding individuals accountable for their actions. Without the rule of law, chaos and injustice would prevail.To understand and appreciate the law, one must study it. Pursuing a legal education is not only for future lawyers but for anyone who wants to be an informed and responsible citizen. The study of law equips us with critical thinking, analytical skills, and a deep understanding of human behavior and society. It broadens our perspectives and enables us to make sound judgments and decisions.In a university setting, legal education not only cultivates intellectual growth but also fosters personal and professional development. Law students learn to hone their research, writing,and communication skills, which are essential for success in any profession. Moreover, law schools often provide opportunities for internships, clinics, and moot court competitions, giving students hands-on experiences to apply their knowledge and develop practical skills.One of the greatest benefits of legal education is the ability to advocate for justice and make a positive impact on society. As law students and future legal professionals, we have a duty to ensure equal access to justice for all individuals, regardless of their background or social standing. We can work to address issues such as poverty, discrimination, and inequality by providing legal aid, promoting human rights, and advocating for policy changes.While studying law, it is also crucial to cultivate ethical values and professional responsibility. The legal profession holds a high standard of ethics and integrity, and it is essential for law students to understand and uphold these values. As lawyers, we are entrusted with the responsibility of ensuring justice and acting in the best interest of our clients and the society at large. This requires us to maintain professional ethics, respect confidentiality, and avoid conflicts of interest.Lastly, law schools can contribute to the development and improvement of the legal system through research and scholarship. Law professors and researchers play a crucial role in advancing legal knowledge, influencing legislative reforms, and shaping public policy. Their expertise and research contribute to the evolution of the law, ensuring its relevance and effectiveness in a rapidly changing world.In conclusion, legal education is essential for creating a just and orderly society. It empowers individuals with knowledge, skills, and values to uphold the rule of law and promote social justice. As responsible citizens, it is our duty to educate ourselves about the law and actively participate in shaping our legal system. Together, we can build a society where justice prevails, human rights are protected, and the rule of law is upheld. Thank you.(Note: An exact word count wasn't provided. However, this speech is approximately 442 words long.)。




Law is the safest helmets.2、法立于上则俗成于下。

On the method in common as below.3、最好的法律从习惯产生。

One of the best law come from habits.4、法律应当与道德保持一致。

Should be consistent with the moral law.5、人心是杆秤,法律是准绳。

The heart is a steelyard, law is the criterion.6、法律之内,应有天理人情在。

Within the law, should have them in.7、法律应该是铁的,像铁锁那样。

The law should be iron, like chains.8、法,国之权衡也,时之准绳也。

The advantages of the method, weigh, also at the time of the criterion.9、滥施极刑从来没有使人改恶从善。

Without capital punishment never change his ways.10、程序是法治和恣意而治的分水岭。

Program is the rule of law and artificially divide and rule.11、在法庭上,只有证据,没有事实。

Evidence in a court of law, only, no fact.12、法令者,民之命也,为治之本也。

Law, the lives of the people also, to conquer this also.13、法律地在**面前是没有发言权的。

The law is no say in the presence of violence.14、法律与利益同在,依法与文明同行。



法不能向不法让步观后感英文回答:In the realm of jurisprudence, the adage "law cannot yield to lawlessness" serves as a fundamental principlethat upholds the integrity and authority of the legal system. This maxim postulates that the rule of law must prevail over any attempts to subvert or undermine it, ensuring that justice and order prevail.The concept of law not yielding to lawlessness findsits expression in various legal frameworks and constitutional provisions. It recognizes that the law is not merely a set of abstract rules but an essential pillar of society, providing a framework for peaceful coexistence and protecting the rights and freedoms of individuals. When the law is weakened or compromised, it creates a vacuum in which lawlessness and disorder can flourish.One of the primary reasons why law cannot yield tolawlessness is its role in maintaining social order and protecting the vulnerable. A society governed by the rule of law provides a sense of stability, predictability, and fairness. When laws are not enforced or are flouted with impunity, it creates a breeding ground for crime and undermines public trust in the justice system. Moreover, it disproportionately affects the most vulnerable members of society, who often lack the resources to defend themselves against lawlessness.Furthermore, law not yielding to lawlessness is crucial for preserving the integrity of the legal system itself. If the law were to tolerate or acquiesce to acts of lawlessness, it would undermine its own legitimacy and authority. It would send a message that the law can be disregarded or manipulated by those who are willing to break it, thereby eroding the very foundation of justice.In practice, the principle of law not yielding to lawlessness is often put to the test in situations where individuals or groups attempt to challenge or defy thelegal order. These challenges may take various forms, suchas civil disobedience, protests, or even armed resistance. While it is important to protect the right to dissent and freedom of expression, the law must not be allowed to become a tool for undermining its own authority.In conclusion, the maxim "law cannot yield to lawlessness" is a vital tenet of any civilized society. It ensures that the rule of law prevails, protecting the rights of individuals, maintaining social order, and preserving the integrity of the justice system. By upholding this principle, societies can safeguard the foundations of peace, stability, and justice.中文回答:法不向不法让步,这一法学格言是维护法律体系的完整性和权威的基本原则。



impulsive a 冲动的(impulse+ive)propulsion n 推进(力)(pro 向前+puls+ion→推进;动词;propel) repulse n 打退,击退(re 反+pulse;动词:repel) repulsive a 排斥的,击退的(repulse+ive)大耳朵 vis,vid=see看visible [vis看,-ible形容词后缀,可…的] 看得见的,可见的 invisible [in-不,见上] 看不见的,无形的visit [vis看,观看→参观] 参观,游览,访问visitor [见上, -or表示人] 参观者,观光者,游客,访问者 advise [ad-表示to向,vis看→看法,意见;’to give one’s opinion to”,’向别人提出自己的看法”] 向…提意见,建议,作顾问,劝告 adviser,advisor [见上,-er或-or表示人] 顾问,劝告者advisory [见上,-ory形容词后缀,…的] 顾问的,劝告的,咨询的 advice [见上,字母变换;s=c] (医生,顾问的)意见,劝告,忠告 revise [re-再,vis看;’再看”→审阅→重新审查] 修订,修改,修正revision [见上,-ion名词后缀,表示行为,行为的结果] 修订,修改,修正,修订本previse [pre-前,先,预见,vis看见] 预见,预知,预测 prevision [见上,-ion名词后缀] 预见,预知,预测supervise [super-上,上面,vis看;’从上面往下看”] 监视,监督,管理supervisor [见上,-or表示人] 监视者,监督(人),管理人 supervision [见上,-ion名词后缀,表示行为] 监督,管理 supervisory [见上,-ory形容词后缀,…的] 监督的,管理的visual [vis看,-ual形容词后缀,…的] 看的,视觉的,视力的 visage [vis看,-age 表示物] 外观,脸,面容,外表 vision [vis看,-ion名词后缀] 视,视力,视觉television [tele远,vis看,-ion名词后缀;’由远处通过电波传来可观看的图像”] 电视televise [见上] 电视播送televisual [见上,-ual形容词后缀,…的] 电视的visa [vis看→审视,审查→审查后的签字] 签证,签准evident [e-出,vid看,-ent形容词后缀,…的;’看得出来的”] 明显的,明白的evidence [见上,-ence名词后缀] 明显,明白,迹象,证据provide [pro-前,先,预先,vid看见;’预先见到而作准备”] 作准备,预防,提供,装备,供给provision [见上,-ion名词后缀] 预备,防备,供应,供应品provident [pro-前,先,vid看见,-ent形容词后缀,…的] 有远见的 improvident [im-无,见上] 无远见的video [vid看;’可观看的图像”] 电视;电视的 videophone [见上,phone电话] 电视电话,可视电话 videocast [见上,cast广播] 电视广播吾爱单词tain ten tin= hold。

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The greater the harm of crime to public interests, the more powerful the means to stop people from committing crimes should be.2、受刑者不应被当作受辱者,而应被当作悔过者重新回归社会。

The victim should not be treated as a humiliated person, but as a repentant person to return to society.3、公心在胸,不止一事一案;廉字当头,贵乎贯穿始终。

Public heart is in the mind, not just one case; honest words are the first, and it is precious throughout the whole process.4、人心是杆秤,法律是准绳。

The human heart is a bar scale, and the law is the criterion.5、听讼当庭审公正办案则是非明辨,断案凭证据严肃依法则曲直分明。

It is not clear to handle a case impartially when hearing a lawsuit, but it is clear to judge a case by serious evidenceaccording to law.6、了解和掌握神圣法典的人越多,犯罪就越少。

The more people who know and master the Holy Code, the fewer crimes they commit.7、堂堂正正做人,清清白白为官,公公正正办案。

Be honest and upright, be clean and honest as an official, handle cases impartially and impartially.8、民众对权利和审判的漠不关心的态度对法律来说,是一个坏兆头。

The public's indifference to rights and justice bodes ill for the law.9、法律应当与道德保持一致。

Law should be consistent with morality.10、从真理到谬误就一步之遥,从法官到被告仅一念之差。

From truth to falsehood is a step away, from the judge to the defendant is only one idea apart.11、法律是明灯,指引着生活的航程;法律是标尺,刻划出人生的去从。

Law is the beacon, guiding the voyage of life; law is the yardstick, describing the course of life.12、无论何人,如为他人制定法律,应将同一法律应用于自己身上。

Whoever makes laws for others should apply the same law to himself.13、没有法律就没有犯罪,没有法律就没有刑罚。

There is no crime without law, and there is no penalty without law.14、风俗能够造就法律,也能够废除法律。

Customs can make laws and abolish them.15、法律规定得愈明确,其条文就愈容易切实行。

The clearer the legal provisions are, the easier their provisions will be implemented.16、法律之内,应有天理人情在。

Within the law, there should be justice and humanity.17、我们因为自由并为了自由而遵守一切法律。

We abide by all laws for freedom and for freedom.18、作为一个法官要时刻牢记:千里之堤易溃于蚁穴,立身处世须防微杜渐。

As a judge, we should always bear in mind that the dike of thousands of miles is easy to collapse in the ant cave, and we must guard against the gradual decline of the dike when we live in the world.19、法律是一面双棱镜,它不仅对着当事人,还时时刻刻照着司法者。

Law is a double prism, which not only faces the parties, but also the judiciary at all times.20、在由意志而不是由法律行使统治的地方没有正义可言。

There is no justice where will, not law, governs.21、最好的法律从习惯产生。

The best laws come from habit.22、法律与利益同在,依法与文明同行。

Law and interests coexist, and go with civilization according to law.23、以无情的目光论事,以慈悲的目光看人。

Talk about things with a ruthless eye and look at people with a compassionate eye.24、法,国之权衡也,时之准绳也。

Law is the balance of the state and the criterion of the times.25、没有人不受法律制约,没有人不受法律保护。

No one is not subject to legal restrictions, no one is not protected by law.26、洁身自好,方能不失自我;公正执法,方显法官本色。

Only by being clean and self-serving can we lose ourselves; only by enforcing the law impartially can we show the nature of judges.27、法是一套权威性的审判指南或者基础。

Law is an authoritative set of judicial guidelines or basis.28、一切法律的总目标一般是或应该是全面增进社会幸福。

The general goal of all laws is, or should be, to promote social well-being in an all-round way.29、法理学问题的核心是道德原则问题,而不是法律事实或战术问题。

The core of jurisprudence is the issue of moral principles, not of legal facts or tactics.30、滥施极刑从来没有使人改恶从善。

The indiscriminate use of capital punishment has never changed people from evil to good.31、法律的真正目的是诱导那些受法律支配的人求得他们自我的德行。

The real purpose of law is to induce those who are governed by law to seek their own virtue.32、法律职业的社会地位是一个民族礼貌的标志。

The social status of legal profession is a sign of national politeness.33、普遍的道德是社会的基础,普遍的良心是法律的基础。

Universal morality is the foundation of society, and universal conscience is the foundation of law.34、在法庭上,只有证据,没有事实。

In court, there is only evidence and no facts.35、程序是法治和恣意而治的分水岭。

Procedure is the watershed between the rule of law and arbitrary governance.36、法令者,民之命也,为治之本也。

The decree, the people's life, is also the foundation of governance.37、法律地在暴力面前是没有发言权的。

Legally, there is no voice in the face of violence.38、法律是最保险的头盔。

Law is the safest helmet.39、法分明,则贤不得夺不肖,强不得侵弱,众不得暴寡。

If the law is clear, the virtuous must not be overtaken, the strong must not invade the weak, and the common people must not be outrageous.40、法律解释所关注的核心是法律的目的和结构,而非法律的语词。

The core of legal interpretation is the purpose and structure of law, not the words of law.41、法律应该是铁的,像铁锁那样。

The law should be iron, like an iron lock.42、法庭的威严由国徽赋予,法官的威严由公正铸就。

The dignity of the court is conferred by the emblem, and the dignity of the judge is cast by justice.43、法立于上则俗成于下。
