
1. 谁是美国文学史上第一位重要的诗人?
答案:爱德华·泰勒(Edward Taylor)。
2. 19世纪美国文学中,哪位作家的作品以幽默和讽刺著称?
答案:马克·吐温(Mark Twain)。
3. 简述赫尔曼·梅尔维尔的《白鲸》中的主要冲突。
4. 谁是“垮掉的一代”文学运动中最著名的诗人?
答案:艾伦·金斯伯格(Allen Ginsberg)。
5. 在菲茨杰拉德的《了不起的盖茨比》中,盖茨比的悲剧结局是什么?
6. 描述艾米莉·狄金森的诗歌风格。
7. 谁是20世纪美国文学中“南方文艺复兴”的代表人物?
答案:威廉·福克纳(William Faulkner)。
8. 在《杀死一只知更鸟》中,阿提克斯·芬奇律师为何受到小镇居民
9. 简述海明威的“冰山理论”。
10. 在《愤怒的葡萄》中,约德一家的旅程象征着什么?

美国文学试题(2)美国文学(本科)试题5I. Complete each of the following statements with proper words or phrases andput your answers on the Answer Sheet. (20%, 1 point for each)1. The first permanent English settlement in North America was established atJamestown, Virginia in .2. became the first American writer.3. Hard work, thrift, piety and sobriety were the values that dominated muchof the early American writing.4. In American literature, the 18th century was an age of and Revolution.5. Franklin’s best writing is found in his masterpiece .6. On January 10, 1776, Thomas Paine’s famous pamphlet appeared.7. The signing of symbolized the birth of an independentAmerican nation.8. The most outstanding poet in America of the 18th century was .9. Washington Irving’s became the first work by an American writer to win international fame.10. is the summit of American Romanticism.11. With the publication of Emerson’s in 1836,AmericanRomanticism reached its summit.12. Hester Prynne is the heroine in Hawthorne’snovel .13.Henry James’ major fictional theme is .14. brought the Romantic period to an end. So theage of Realism came into existence.15. The Poetic style invented by Whitman is now called .16. “Because I could not stop for Death---” is writtenby .17. The term The Gilded Age is given by todescribe the post-civil war years.18. Theodore Dreiser’s first novelis .19. The leader of the literary movement Imagism is .20. is the spokesman for Lost Generation.II. Each of the following statements below is followed by four alternative answersor completions. Choose the one that is the best in each case and put your answers on the Answer Sheet. (30%, 1 point for each)1. The first American writer of local color to achieve wide popularity was .A. Bret HarteB. Mark TwainC. Henry JamesD. William Dean Howells2. Which of the following is the masterpiece of Mark Twain?A. The Gilded AgeB. The Adventures of Tom SawyerC. The Adventures of Huckleberry FinnD. Jumping Frog3. Which writer has no naturalist tendency?A. Mark TwainB. Jack LondonC. Theodore DreiserD. Frank Norris4. Transcendentalist doctrines found their greatest literary advocates in andThoreau.A.JeffersonB. EmersonC.FreneauD. Oversoul5. Which of the following doesn’t belong to Dreiser’s “Trilogy of Desire”?A. The FinancierB. The TitanC. The StoicD. An American Tragedy6. Which is the character who appears in the novel Moby Dick?A. Hester PrynneB. Mr. HooperC. AhabD. Pearl7. written by Henry James brought him first international fame.A. The Golden BowlB. The AmericanC. The Tragic MuseD. Daisy Miller8. “”was a term created by the French novelist, Emile Zola.A.realismB. naturalismC.transcendentalismD. veritism9. Jack London was at his height of his powers when he wrote , which is deeply influenced by Darwinism.A. The Sea WolfB. To Build a FireC. The Call of the WildD. Martin Eden10. The Cop and the Anthem is written by .A. O. HenryB. Henry JamesC. Jack LondonD. Mark Twain11. “Two small people, without dislike or suspicion.” is a line in the poemThe River-Merchant’s Wife: A Letter written by .A. T. S. EliotB.Robert FrostC.Ezra PoundD. Carl Sandburg12. The imagist poets followed three principles, they are , directtreatment and economy of expression.A. blank verseB. rhythmC. free verseD. common speech13. Of the following American writers, who has NOT been anexpatriate inParis?A. Ernest HemingwayB. Ezra PoundC. F. S. FitzgeraldD. Emily Dickinson14. Who was the foremost novelist of the American Depression of the 1930s?A. Ernest HemingwayB. Ezra PoundC. John SteinbeckD.F. S. Fitzgerald15. The first writings that we call American were the narratives and ofthe early settlements.A. journalsB. poetryC. dramaD. folklores16. An American Dictionary of the English Language was published in 1828by .A. Samuel JohnsonB. Noah WebsterC. Daniel WebsterD. Daniel Defoe17. Walden is written by .A. EmersonB. ThoreauC. PoeD. Hawthorne18. is famous for psychological realism.A. Mark TwainB. William Dean HowellsC. Henry JamesD. Walt Whitman19. Which is generally regarded as the Bible of New England Transcendentalism?A. NatureB. WaldenC. On BeautyD. Self-Reliance20. Whi ch is regarded as the “Declaration of Intellectual Independence”?A. The American ScholarB. English TraitsC. The Conduct of LifeD. Nature21. Santiago is the character in Hemingway’s novel .A. In Our TimeB. The Old Man and the SeaC. For Whom the Bell TollsD.The Sun Also Rises22. Which of the following is a much harsher realism?A. local colorismB. naturalismC. romanticismD. imagism23. Who is the arbiter of 19th century literary realism inAmerica?A. Mark TwainB. Bret HarteC. William Dean HowellsD. Henry James24. F. S. Fitzgerald is NOT the author of .A. The Great GatsbyB. Tender is the NightC. A Farewell to the ArmsD. This Side of Paradise25. The pessimism and deterministic ideas of naturalism pervaded the works ofsuch American writers as .A. Mark TwainB. F. S. FitzgeraldC. Walt WhitmanD. Stephen Crane26. Charles Drouet is a character in the novel of______.A. The AmericanB. The Portrait of a LadyC. Sister CarrieD. The Gift of the Magi27. American literature produced only one female poet during the 19th century.She was .A. Anne BradstreetB. Jane AustenC. Emily DickinsonD. Harriet Beecher28. read his poetry at the inauguration of President John F.Kennedy.A. Robert FrostB. T. S. EliotC. Carl SandburgD. Ezra Pound29. With Howells, James and Mark Twain active on the scene, becamethe major trend in the 70s and 80s of the 19th century.A. sentimentalismB. romanticismC.realismD. naturalism。

1 As a philosophical and literary moment, _____ flourished in New England from the 1830s to the Civil War.A modernismB rationalismC sentimentalismD transcendentalism2 Poe’s first collection of stories is _____.A Tales of TravelerB Leather Stocking TalesC Canterbury TalesD Tales of the Goteque and Arabesque3 Which book is not written by Emerson?A The American ScholarB Self-RelianceC NatureD Civil Disobedience4 The finest example of Hawthorn’s symbolism is the recreation of Puritan Boston in _____.A The Scarlet LetterB Young Goodman BrownC The Marble FawnD The Ambitious Guest5 The chief spokesman of New England Transcendentalism is _____.A Nathaniel HawthornB Ralph Waldo EmersonC Henry David ThoreauD Washington Irving6 Transcendentalists recognized _____ as the “highest power of the soul”.A intuitionB logicC data of sensesD thinking7 Which is regarded as the “Declaration of Intellectual Independence”?A The American ScholarB English TraitsC The Conduct of LifeD Representative Men8 American literature produced only one female poet during the nineteenth century. This was _____.A Anne BradstreetB Jane AustinC Emily DickinsonD Harriet Beecher9 Captain, My Captain is written for _____.A LincolnB WhitmanC WashingtonD Hemingway10 _____ is not written by Washington Irving.A The Sketch BookB Rip Van WinkleC The Legend of Sleep HollowD The Autobiography1."Gold Rush" was vividly depicted in ____ novels.A Hemingway’sB Mark Twain’sC Henry Jame’sD Faulkner’s2.The period of Old English literature refers to ____A 449-1066B 14thcentury - mid 17th centuryC 14th century- mid 18th centuryD 16th century- mid 18th century3.The great transcendental work by Henry David Thoreau is ____A NatureB WaldenC ExperienceD Essays4.____has been entitled the "Father of American Poetry".A Philip FreneauB Ralph Waldo EmersonC William Cullen BryantD Walt Whitman5. The emotional effect and social significance made ____ the first well-known sociological novel in American Literature.A The Sun Also RisesB Uncle Tom’s CabinC The Old Man and The SeaD Sister Carrie6. Stephen Crane is famous for ____A An American TragedyB The AmbassadorsC Main StreetD The Red Badge of Courage7.Which of the following is NOT true for Benjamin Franklin?A He was a famous writerB He was a member to draft the Declaration of IndependenceC He was a great scientistD He was once elected American President8. Whitman’s poems are characterized by all the following features EXCEPT____A a strict poetic formB a simple and conversational languageC a free and natural rhythmic patternD an easy flow of feelings9.American fiction in the 1960s is retered to as ____A imagismB black humorC new fictionD the Beat Generation10.William Faukener is the author of ____A Far From the Madding CrowdB Sound and FuryC For Whom the Bell TollsD Scarlet Letter__10__ “The Lost Generation” refers to the young people ___. A In the post-WWII era B In the post-WWI era C In the post-Vietnam-War era D In the post-Cold-War era__1__ Henry James’ novels are referred to as ___.A novels of humorB novels of criticismC novels of manners“世态小说”D novels of history__2__ Henry James’ fame rested largely upon his handling of his major fictional theme, “the international theme”, which includes all the following but ___.A the meeting of American and EuropeB American innocence in contact and contrast with European decadenceC the moral and psychological complicationsD the nostalgic feeling of ancient Europe__3__ In his whole writing career James was concerned with ___ which is at the center of his aesthetic of the novel.A “point of wiew”B “character”C “plot”D “theme”__4__ Most of William Dean Howells’s literary-aesthetic ideas are best elucidated in his ___.A Aspects of fictionB Philosophy of CompositionC Arts of FictionD Criticism and Fiction__5__ As a poet, Ezra Pound is best known for his active involvement in ___.A the Beat Generation movementB the radical political protestsC the poetic revolutionD the school of Naturalism__6__ F. Scott Fitzgerald shows an interest in the spiritual predicament of ___ in his fiction.A the working class peopleB the upper class societyC the exiles in ParisD intellectuals and artists__7__ which of the following is NOT written by Theodore Dreiser?.A The GeniusB The TitanC Light in AugustD Jennie Gerhardt__8__ Which of the Hemingway’s novels describe the drifting life of American exiles in Europe?A The Sun Also RisesB A Farewell to ArmsC For Whom the Bell TollsD The Old Man and the Sea__9__ Which statement about Eugene O’Neill is NOT true?A He was awarded the Nobel PrizeB He experimented with expressionismC He has produced over 40 plays in his lifetimeD His later works are generally inferior in quality__10__ Apart form the dislocation of time and the modern stream-of-consciousness, the other narrative techniques Faulkner used to construct his stories include ___, symbolism and mythological and biblical allusions.A impressionismB expressionismC multiple points of viewD first person point of view美国文学__1__ It’s generally known that the “First book of American” is ___ by John Smith.A A True Relation of VirginiaB The True Travels of Captain John SmithC Map of the Bay and the RiversD A Description of New England__2__ The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung up in America was written by ___.A John SmithB John EllisC Anne BradstreetD Nathaniel Morton__3__ A Funeral Elegy upon That Pattern and Patron of Virtue was written by John Norton in the memory of ___.A John SmithB Anne BradstreetC Nathaniel MortonD Benjamin Franklin__4__ Edward Taylor was a poet of ___.A Local ColorismB American RomanticismC New England TranscendentalismD Colonial American__5__ Poor Richard’s Almanac was written by ___ who also wrote ___.A Benjamin Franklin … AutobiographyB Washington Irving … AutobiographyC Washington Irving … History of New YorkD Benjamin Franklin … History of New York__6__ All the following but ___ are the works of John Woolman.A Journal of John WoolmanB Some considerations upon the keeping of NegroesC A plea for the PoorD Poor Richard’s Almanac__7__ The series of “poems of romantic fancy” are poems written by ___.A Washington IrvingB James Fenimore CooperC Edgar Allan PoeD Philip Freneau__8__ ___ was the first black woman who published her collection of poems.A Philis WheatleyB Ralph EllisonC James BaldwinD Alex Haley__9__ Escape: or A Leap for Freedom written by black author John Wells Brown was a(n) ___.A poemB novelC playD essay__10__ Charles Brockden Brown wrote all the following novels but ___.A WielandB OrmondC Edgar HuntleyD The Pioneers__1__ Rip Van Winkle is a short story written by _____.A James Fenimore CooperB Washington IrvingC Edgar Allan PoeD Mark Twain__2__The Legend of Sleeping Hallow is a short story written by ____.A James Fenimore CooperB Washington IrvingC Edgar Allan PoeD Mark Twain__3__Cooper’s Leather Stocking Tales consists of ____stories.A 3B 4C 5D 6这五部小说根据发表的时间先后顺序依次为《开拓者》(ThePioneers),《最后一个莫西干人》(The Last of the Mohicans),《大草原》(The Prairie),《探路人》(The Pathfinder),《猎鹿人》(The Deerslayer)。

美国文学课程考试题库一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 以下哪部作品是纳撒尼尔·霍桑的代表作?A. 《红字》B. 《白鲸》C. 《了不起的盖茨比》D. 《老人与海》2. 马克·吐温的《汤姆·索亚历险记》发表于哪一年?A. 1869年B. 1876年C. 1884年D. 1893年3. 爱德加·爱伦·坡被誉为什么?A. 现代侦探小说之父B. 现代科幻小说之父C. 现代恐怖小说之父D. 现代奇幻小说之父4. 以下哪位作家是“垮掉的一代”的代表人物?A. 欧内斯特·海明威B. 杰克·凯鲁亚克C. 威廉·福克纳D. 约翰·斯坦贝克5. 以下哪部作品是海明威的代表作?A. 《太阳照常升起》B. 《永别了,武器》C. 《老人与海》D. 所有选项都是6. 弗朗西斯·斯科特·菲茨杰拉德的《了不起的盖茨比》反映了哪个时代的社会风貌?A. 维多利亚时代B. 爵士时代C. 工业革命时期D. 冷战时期7. 以下哪部作品是威廉·福克纳的代表作?A. 《喧哗与骚动》B. 《我弥留之际》C. 《押沙龙,押沙龙!》D. 所有选项都是8. 以下哪位作家是“黑人文艺复兴”运动的代表人物?A. 理查德·赖特B. 詹姆斯·鲍德温C. 托尼·莫里森D. 所有选项都是9. 托尼·莫里森的《宠儿》是哪一年获得普利策奖的?A. 1987年B. 1988年C. 1989年D. 1990年10. 以下哪部作品是“现代主义”文学的代表作?A. 《荒原》B. 《尤利西斯》C. 《追忆似水年华》D. 所有选项都是二、填空题(每空2分,共20分)11. 《红字》中的女主角名叫________。
12. 《白鲸》中的船长名叫________。
13. 《了不起的盖茨比》中,盖茨比的豪宅位于________。

美国文学练习题1. William Faulknerw(福克纳)is the author of ______.a. Far From the Madding Crowdb. Sound and Fury(喧嚣与骚动)c. For Whom the Bell Tollsd. Scarlet Lettera远离尘嚣Thomas Hardy 托马斯·哈代c.丧钟为谁而鸣(海明威的著作)d红字:纳撒尼尔·霍桑(Nathaniel Hawthorne)2. Robert Frost is a famous_______.a. novelist 小说家b. playwright 剧作家c. poet 诗人d. literary critic文学评论家3. The Old Man and the Sea is one of the great works by ________.a. Jack Londonb. Charles Dickensc. Samuel Coleridged. Earnest Hemingway4. _______refers to some contrast or discrepancy between appearance and reality.a. Allegory 寓言b. Conflict 冲突,矛盾;斗争;争执c. Irony 讽刺;反语d. Flashback 倒叙;闪回5. The great transcendental 超验的work by Henry David Thoreau is______.a. Natureb. Walden瓦尔登湖c. Experienced. EssaysB亨利·大卫·梭罗(美国作家及自然主义者)6. Mark Twain shaped the world’s view of America and made acombination of _____and serious literature(严肃文学杨).a. American folk humor美国民间幽默b. funny jokesc. English folklore英国民俗d. American values7. Who was the first American to achieve an international literaryreputation after the Revolutionary War?谁是第一个人在独立战争之后美国实现国际文学声誉在独立战争之后a. Fennimore Cooper.b. Nathaniel Hawthorn.c. Walt Whitman.d. Washington Irving.D.华盛顿·欧文(美国文学史上最早的著名作家)8. I Have a Dream is addressed by _____.a. Abraham Lincolnb. John F. Kennedyc. Martin Luther Kingd. Ralph Waldo Emerson9. Which of the following is NOT a poem by Emily Dickinson?a. This is my letter to the world 这是我给世界的信b. I heard a Fly buzz—when I died我听到苍蝇的嗡嗡声——当我死时c. This is just to sayd. Because I could not stop for death因为我不能停下来等待死神C. "This Is Just To Say" (1934) is a famous imagist poem (意象派诗)by William Carlos Williams(威廉·卡洛斯·威廉姆斯)10. Eugene O’Neil尤金·奥尼尔is an American ______.a. novelistb. playwright 剧作家c. poetd. essayist11. The period from 1865—1914 has been referred to as the _______in the literary history of the United States.a. Age of Realism 现实主义b. Age of Classicalismc. Age of Romanticismd. Age of Renaissance12. With “Collected Poems(诗歌精选)”, ______won the second Pulitz er Prize.a. Ezra Pondb. e. e. cummingsc. Robert Frostd. William Cullen Bryant罗伯特·弗罗斯特4次获得普利策奖15. O. Henry earned his fame mainly for his ______.a. novelsb. poemsc. short stories 短篇小说d. dramas16. ______ is NOT a novel of Francis Scott Fitzgerald.菲茨杰拉德;费兹杰罗a. Tender Is the Night 夜色温柔b. Anna Christiec. The Beautiful and Dammed 漂亮的入地狱者d. The Great Gatsby 伟大的盖茨比b.Oneill, Eugene17. The American literature in modern period is divided into two parts by the event of ______.a. the expatriate movementb. the Great Depressionc. the First World Ward. the Second World War19. The 1954 Nobel Prize for literature was awarded to ______for his “mastery of the art of modern narration”.精通现在叙事艺术a. William Faulknerb. John Steinbeckc. Saul Bellowd. Earnest Hemingway20. Sister Carrie 嘉莉妹妹is a masterpiece of _______work.a. romanticb. classicc. neo-classicd. naturalistic 自然主义21. The Octopus is written by ________.a. Frank Norrisb. Sherwood Andersonc. Willa Catherd. Stephen Crane22. James Baldwin’s most famo us short story is _______.a. A Rose for Emilyb. The Story of an Hourc. Sonny’s Bluesd. A Clean, Well-lighted Place23. ________wrote several novels with the name of “Rabbit”.a. Arthur Millerb. Thomas Pynchonc. John Updiked. Wallace Stevens24. The Road Not Taken is a poem written by ______.a. Robert Frostb. Longfellowc. Ezra Pondd. Carl Sandburg25. “God help them that help themselves” is found in ______’s work.a. Franklinb. Freneauc. Jeffersond. Paine26. T. S. Eliot’s most famous long poem is ______.a. The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrockb. A Boy’s Willc. The Waste Landd. The Golden Bough27. Daisy Miller is a great work by _____.a. Henry Jamesb. Mark Twainc. Dreiserd. Stowe28. Hester is a character in ______.a. Gone with the Windb. The Fall of the House ofUsherc. Babbittd. Scarlet Letter29. Jack London’s ______is his patently autobiographical novel.a. The Call of the Wildb. The Sea Wolfc. Martin Edend. The Iron Heel30. The black man Jim is a character in Mark Twain’s _______.a. The Adventures of Tom Sawyerb. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finnc. Life on the Mississippid. The Prince and the Pauper31. O Captain! My Captain! was written in memory of _______.a. Walt Whitmanb. Benjamin Franklinc. Abraham Lincolnd. Martin Luther King32. The Grapes of Wrath is the masterpiece of ______.a. John Steinbeckb. John Cheeverc. John Updiked. John Dos Passos33. ______is NOT a play written by Tennessee Williams.a. Cat on a Hot Tin Roofb. The Glass Menageriec. Light in Augustd. A Streetcar Named Desire34. Seize the Day is regarded the best novel written by ______.a. Flannery O’Connerb. Saul Bellowc. Ralph Ellisond. Sherwood Anderson35. ______is NOT among the postwar poets in modern American literature.a. Robert Lowellb. Gary Synderc. Allen Ginsbergd.e. e. cummings36. The image of the famous “henpecked husband” is created by_____.a. Washington Irvingb. Fennimore Cooperc. Edith Whartond. William Dean Howells37. The literary spokesman of the Jazz is often thought to be______.a. O’Neilb. Poundc. Robert Frostd. Scott Fitzgerald38. _____was the most important person of the transcendental club.a. Hawthornb. Whitmanc. Emersond. Thoreau39. The main theme of Emily Dickinson is the following EXCEPT_______.a. religionb. love and marriagec. life and deathd. war and peace40. American diction in the 1960s and 1970s proves different from its predecessors. It is referred to as ______.a. Imagismb. black humorc. new fictiond. the Beat Generation 41.Stephen Crane is famous for ________and other stories.a. An American Tragedyb. The Ambassadorsc. Main Streetd. The Red Badge of Courage 42.______has won the Pulitzer Prize four times and one Nobel Prize. a. Earnest Hemingway b. John Steinbeckc. Eugene O’Neild. William Faulkner43.Beloved is the masterpiece of _______.a. Tony Morrisonb. Ralph Ellisonc. John Dos Passosd. Willa Cather44.Which of the following is NOT a typical feature of Modernism?a. To elevate the individual and inner being over the social being.b. To put the stress on traditional values.c. To portray the distorted and alienated relationships between man and his environment.d. To advocate a conscious break with the past.45.Whitman’s poems are characterized by all the following features EXCEPT_____.a. a strict poetic formb. a simple and conversational languagec. a free and natural rhythmic patternd. an easy flow of feelings46.Who initiated the name of the Lost Generation?a. Hemingwayb. Fitzgeraldc. Gertrude Steind. William Faulkner47.The high tide of Romanticism in American literature occurred around ______.a. 1820b. 1850c. 1880d. 192048.The publication of _______ established Emerson as the most eloquent spokesman of the New England Transcendentalism.a. Natureb. Self-Reliancec. The Over-Sould. The American Scholar 49.Chinese poetry and philosophy have exerted great influence over____.a. Ezra Poundb. Ralph Waldo Emersonc. Robert Frostd. Emily Dickinson50._______is the representative work of the Beat Generation.a. The Great Gatsbyb. On the Roadc. Look Back in Angerd. The Sun Also Rises51.Emily Grierson is a literary figure created by______.a. Willa Catherb. Doris Lessingc. William Faulknerd. Nathaniel Hawthorn 52.Thomas Pynchon can also be categorized as a Black Humor writer, as well as a _______writer.a. classicalb. transcendentalc. postmodernistd. realistic53.Who is considered the father of American poetry?a. Philip Freneaub. William Cullen Bryantc. Henry Wadsworth Longfellowd. Henry David Thoreau54.In America, “a little woman starte d a great war”. Who is she?a. Anne Bradstreetb. Harriet Beecher Stowec. Edith Whartond. Catharine Anne Porter55.______is NOT written by Edgar Allan Poe.a. The Ravenb. Annabel Leec. The Fall of the House of Usherd. Song to Celia56.Arthur Miller is an American _____.a. novelistb. poetc. playwrightd. essayist57.Iceberg Theory is a writing principle proposed and closely followed by _____.a. Jack Londonb. Sinclair Lewisc. William Faulknerd. Ernest Hemingway58.________is featured by black humor.a. Caricatureb. Catch-22c. The Catcher in the Rye c. Death of a Salesman 59.Who is the only woman writer that has won both Pulitzer Prize and Nobel Prize?a. Pearl Buckb. Virginia Woolfc. Tony Morrisond. Katharine Mansfield1 . b 2. c 3. d 4. c 5. b 6. a 7. d 8. c 9. c 10. b11. a 12. c 13. b 14. b 15. c 16. b 17. d 18. c 19. d 20. d 21. a 22. c 23. c 24. a 25. a 26. c 27. a 28. d 29. c 30. b 31. c 32. a 33. c 34. b 35. d 36. a 37. d 38. c 39. d 40. c 41. d 42. c 43. a 44. b 45. a 46. c 47. a 48. a 49. a 50. b 51. c 52. c 53. a 54. b 55. d 56. c 57. d 58. b 59. a 60.。

1. 下列哪位作家被誉为“美国短篇小说之父”?
2. 著名小说《傲慢与偏见》的作者是?
3. 哪位作家被称为“美国现代诗歌之母”?
4. 林肯总统的“葬礼演说”是由哪位作家完成的?
5. 下列哪部作品是由海明威创作的?
1. 请简要介绍一下美国文学的发展历程以及其代表作品。
2. 谈谈你对马克·吐温作品的理解以及他在美国文学史上的地位。
3. 分析简·奥斯汀小说《傲慢与偏见》中人物形象和情节发展。
4. 通过阅读爱默生的论文,你认为他对美国文学和文化的影响是什么?
5. 谈谈海明威的小说创作风格及其代表作品对世界文学的影响。

美国文学试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 马克·吐温的代表作是以下哪一部?A. 《了不起的盖茨比》B. 《哈克贝利·芬历险记》C. 《白鲸》D. 《老人与海》答案:B2. 爱伦·坡的《乌鸦》属于什么文学流派?A. 浪漫主义B. 现实主义C. 哥特式D. 现代主义答案:C3. 《飘》的作者是谁?A. 弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫B. 玛格丽特·米切尔C. 简·奥斯汀D. 乔治·艾略特答案:B4. 以下哪部作品不是亨利·詹姆斯的作品?A. 《贵妇人的画像》B. 《使节》C. 《简·爱》D. 《贵妇人的画像》答案:C5. 以下哪部作品是威廉·福克纳的代表作?A. 《了不起的盖茨比》B. 《喧哗与骚动》C. 《老人与海》D. 《白鲸》答案:B二、填空题(每题2分,共10分)1. 《汤姆叔叔的小屋》的作者是________。
答案:哈丽叶特·比彻·斯托2. 《红字》的作者是________。
答案:纳撒尼尔·霍桑3. 《草叶集》的作者是________。
答案:沃尔特·惠特曼4. 《愤怒的葡萄》的作者是________。
答案:约翰·斯坦贝克5. 《太阳照样升起》的作者是________。
答案:欧内斯特·海明威三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)1. 简述《白鲸》中主人公艾哈布船长的形象。
2. 描述《了不起的盖茨比》中盖茨比的美国梦。

第 1 页共8 页《美国文学》题库及答案I.Multiple Choice1. American literature is only more than ____ years old.A. 500B.400C. 200D.1002. The Puritan values did no include______.A. wastefulnessB. thriftC. pietyD. hard work3. The 18th century was the age of the Enlightenment.______was the dominant spirit.A. HumanismB. RationalismC. RomanticismD. Realism4. Franklin was the epitome of the______.A. American EnlightenmentB. Sugar ActC. Charlist movementD. Romanticism5. _____was the most leading spirit of the Transcendentalism.A. FranklinB. HawthorneC. PaineD. Emerson6. 6. ““Moby Dick was written by_____A. Mark TwainB. ThoreauC. MelvilleD. Whitman7. 7. ““The Scarlet Letter The Scarlet Letter”” is characterized by its______.A. symbolismB. rationalismC. PlatonismD. classicism8. 8. ““Huckleberry Finn is the masterpiece of________.A. Henry JamesB. Jack LondonC. Mark TwainD. Stephen Crane9. Choose the novel written by Henry JamesA. The Golden BowlB. The Portrait of a LadyC. Sister CarrieD. Daisy Miller10. Early in the 20th century, _____ published works that would change the nature of American poetry.A. Ezra PoundB. T.S. EliotC. Robert FrostD. both A and B11._____ is the founder of 11._____ is the founder of ““Imagist Imagist”” movement.A. Ezra PoundB. HemingwayC. Robert FrostD. Steinbeck12. Mark Twain’s 12. Mark Twain’s works are characterized by_____ works are characterized by_____A. NaturalismB. TranscendentalismC. Local ColorismD. Imagism13. ________ is said to be the father of American poetryA. T.S. EliotB. E.D. RobinsonC. Philip FreneauD. Dreiser14. Hawthorne is regarded as a _______.A. naturalistB. classicistC. realistD. romanticist15. ______ represents the most leading spirit of American Transcendentalism.A. EmersonB. FranklinC. Mark TwainD. Whitman16.16.““The Art of Fiction The Art of Fiction”” was written by_____A. LongfellowB. Henry JamesC. FitzgeraldD. Faulkner17. Imagination plays the most important part in________.A. realismB. romanticismC. naturalismD. classicism18. ______ is considered to be the masterpiece of John Steinbeck.A. Mending WallB. Dry SeptemberC. A Farewell to ArmsD. The Grapes of Wrath19. Uncle Tom in the novel 19. Uncle Tom in the novel “Uncle Tom’s Cabin was a(n “Uncle Tom’s Cabin was a(n “Uncle Tom’s Cabin was a(n)______ )______A. Negro slaveB. salesmanC. industrialistD. officer 20. Mark Twain’s works are characterized by______20. Mark Twain’s works are characterized by______A. NaturalismB. TranscendentalismC. Local ColorismD. Imagism21. 21. ““The Great Gatsby The Great Gatsby”” is the masterpiece of_____A. WhitmanB. FitzgeraldC. DickinsonD. Hemingway22. The United States of America was founded in______.A. 1776B. 1876C. 1789D.168923. The ancestors of American Indians were______A. AsiansB. AfricansC. EuropeansD. Australians24. 24. ““The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn”” was written by______.A. H.B. Stowe B. John SteinbeckC. HawthorneD. Mark Twain25. ______ does not belong to the lost generation.A. DreiserB. T.S. EliotC. FaulknerD. Hemingway26. ______ was well known for his story 26. ______ was well known for his story ““Rip Van Winkle.Rip Van Winkle.””A. BryantB. Washington IrvingC. Allan PoeD. Philip Freneau27. 27. ““Farewell to Arms Farewell to Arms”” is the master pieced produced by______A. FaulknerB. DreiserC. HemingwayD. Longfellow28. It was ______ who wrote the formal declaration of independence.A. Thomas JeffersonB. Benjamin FranklinC. WashingtonD. Washington Irving29. _____has been exerting a great and enduring influence upon world literature, especially that of France and European symbolism.A. FranklinB. BradstreetC. Edgar Allan PoeD. Philip Freneau 30. The masterpiece of Hawthorne is _________.A. The Scarlet LetterB. Sister CarrieC. Richard CoryD. A Psalm of Life31. Engene O’Neill is a _______.31. Engene O’Neill is a _______.A. novelistB. poetC. puritanD. dramatist32.Hemingway’s style of writing is characterized by______.32.Hemingway’s style of writing is characterized by______.A. high-sounding wordsB. simple dictionC. complicated sentencesD. mix metaphor33. T.S. Eliot is not only a poet but also a ______.A. criticB. statesmanC. churchmanD. novelists34. 34. “Long Day’s Journey Into Night”“Long Day’s Journey Into Night”“Long Day’s Journey Into Night” was written by_____. was written by_____.A. T.S. EliotB. O’Neill A. T.S. Eliot B. O’NeillC. Stephen CraneD. Saul Bellow35. 35. ““The Grape of Wrath The Grape of Wrath”” is one of the remarkable novels of_____.A. the Civil WarB. DepressionC. SuppressionD. Aggression 36. Theodore Dreiser showed the_____ tendency in his novels.A. PuritanismB. classicismC. romanticismD. naturalism37. Ralph Waldo Emerson was the leading figure of________.A. TranscendentalismB. RomanticismC. RationalismD. Naturalism38. 38. ““The Sound and the Fury The Sound and the Fury”” was the masterpiece of ______A. Robert Lee FrostB. T.S. EliotC. FaulknerD. Steinbeck39. Emily Dickinson is an American________.A. dramatistB. novelistC. female poetD. male poet40. 40. “Th Emily Dickinson is an American ark Twain’s______“Th Emily Dickinson is an American ark Twain’s______“Th Emily Dickinson is an American ark Twain’s______A. materialismB. classicismC. socialismD. colorism41. 41. ““The Portrait of a Lady The Portrait of a Lady”” is one of best novels of_________.A. Henry JamesB. John SteinbeckC. William FaulknerD. Walt Whitman42. What Whitman is famous for his_________.A. A. ““Leaves of Grass Leaves of Grass””B. B. ““Mending Wall Mending Wall””C. C. ““Richard Cory Richard Cory””D. D. ““The Burial of the Dead The Burial of the Dead””43. 43. ““Catch-22Catch-22”” is the masterpiece of______A. Saul BellowB. Joseph HellerC. DreiserD. Fitzgerald44. The English settlement in America began in_________A.1507B.1607C.1707D.180745. The first World War broke out in______. A.1614 B.1714 C.1814 D.191446. The jazz age refers to the decade ofA.1950’sB.1980’sC.1920’sD.1820’s A.1950’s B.1980’s C.1920’s D.1820’s47. Franklin was a _____.A. PuritanB. romanticistC. classicistD. imagist48. 48. ““Rip Van Winkle Rip Van Winkle”” was written by_______.A. FreneauB. Allan PoeC. Washington IrvingD. Thomas Jefferson49.49.““The Scarlet Letter The Scarlet Letter”” is the masterpiece of______.A. HawthorneB. EmersonC. BradstreetD. Allan Poe50.It was______who wrote 50.It was______who wrote ““The Age of Reason The Age of Reason””A. WashingtonB. JeffersonC. Benjamin FranklinD. Thomas Paine51.51.““Song of Myself Song of Myself”” is a ______written by Whitman.A. novelB. poemC. dramaD. essay52.Tom in Beecher Stowe’s novel “Uncle Tom’s Cabin is a ____52.Tom in Beecher Stowe’s novel “Uncle Tom’s Cabin is a _____. _.A. Negro slaveB. American IndianC. School masterD. industrialist 53. Mark Twain belongs to the literary school of_____.A. transcendentalismB. realismC. romanticismD. naturalism54._______is a famous American female poet.A. Allan PoeB. FreneauC. Emily DickinsonD. Robinson55. 55. ““The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn”” is the masterpiece of_____.A. Mark TwainB. Henry JamesC. Stephen CraneD. Robert Lee Frost56. It was____ who wrote the poem 56. It was____ who wrote the poem ““The Road Not Taken.The Road Not Taken.””A. WhitmanB. FreneauC. Robert Lee FrostD. T.S.EliotⅡ Define the literary terms briefly in English1. American Transcendentalism2. Romanticism3. The Puritans4. Realism5. Enlightenment6. Transcendentalism7. EnlightenmentIII Explain the following quotations in your own words.1. Success is counted sweetest By those who ne’er succeed.1. Success is counted sweetest By those who ne’er succeed.2. Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by And that has made all the difference.3. Let us, then, be up and doing, With heart for any fate;Still achieving, still pursuing, Learn to labor and to wait.4. And he was always quietly arrayed, And he was always human when he talked.5. Tell me not, in mournful numbers, Life is but an empty dream!_____6. To comprehend a nectar Requires sorest need.7. But still he fluttered pulses when he said,7. But still he fluttered pulses when he said,““Good morning Good morning””, and he glittered when he walked.8. something there is that doesn’t love a wall,He says again, “8. something there is that doesn’t love a wall,He says again, “Good fences make good neighbors.Good fences make good neighbors.Good fences make good neighbors.””9. Fair flower, that dost so comely grow, Hid in this silent, dull retreat10. But to act, that each tomorrow Find us farther than today11. But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep. Ⅳ Answer the following questions in English1. Why is American literature important for you?2. What is the theme of 2. What is the theme of ““The Waste Land The Waste Land””?3. Whose novel (or which novel) do you enjoy most?Why?4. What is the style of Hemingway’s novel?5. What is the significance of American literature?6. Do you like American literature? Why?7. What is the real theme in 7. What is the real theme in ““Sister Carrie Sister Carrie””?8. What is the central subject and primary significance of Hawthorne’s major works? 9. Which American writer do you like best? Why?10. What is the theme of 10. What is the theme of ““Catch-22Catch-22””?11. What are the features of Emily Dickinson’s poems?11. What are the features of Emily Dickinson’s poems?12. Why should we learn American literature?13. Which poem do you enjoy most? Why?《美国文学》作业参考答案I.Multiple Choice 1.C 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.D 6.C 7.A 8.C 9.B 10.D11.A 12.C 13.C 14.D 15.A 16.B 17.B 18.D 19.A 20.C 21.B 22.C 23.A 24.D 25.A 26.B 27.C 28.A 29.C 30.A31.D 32.B 33.A 34.B 35.B 36.D 37.A 38.C 39.C 40.D41.A 42.A 43.B 44.B 45.D 46.C 47.A 48.B 49. A 50.D51.B 52.A 53.B 54.C 55. A 56. CII.Define the literary terms briefly in English1.American transcendentalism was a philosophical dissent from Unitarianism. Transcendentalists rejected the materialistic psychology in favor of the idealism of Kant who asserted that intuition could surpass reason as a guide to the truth. To transcendentalists, spirit is inherent and pervading and is the only reality in the universe in which nature stood as a symbol of Spirit. Transcendentalism第 6 页 共 8 页emphasized the divinity of man, the significance and right of the individual, and the possibility of the self-perfection of the individual.2. Romanticism is characterized by the pursuit of freedom, emphasis of individualism, a reliance upon upon the good of nature the good of nature the good of nature and and and ““natural natural”” man, man, and an abiding faith in the boundless and an abiding faith in the boundless and an abiding faith in the boundless resources of the resources of the human spirit and imagination.3.The Puritans were members of the church of England who at first wished to reform or 3.The Puritans were members of the church of England who at first wished to reform or ““Purify its doctrines. doctrines. They They They kept kept kept in in common common with with with all all all advocates advocates advocates o o f f strict strict strict Christian Christian Christian orthodox, orthodox, orthodox, insisting insisting insisting on on on man’s man’s original sin and depravity.4. Realism is a literary school. The American realist William Dean Howells refered to the method of realistic literary creation as of realistic literary creation as ““nothing more and nothing less than the truthful treatment of material. The realists tended to be highly selective in their choice of material, focusing upon what seemed real to their largely middle-class readers.5. Enlightenment Enlightenment in in America was a progressive progressive ““intellectual intellectual movement movement which contributed contributed to to free the Americans from the limitation of Puritanism which had been prevailing in American society, and stimulate them to strive for the establishment of their independent and democratic nation. The enlighteners were confident in the proqress by education and appealed to Reason.6.American transcendentalism was a political dissent from Unitarianism. Transcendentalists rejected the materialistic psychology in favour of the idealism of kant who asserted that intuition could surpass reason as a guide to the truth. To transcendentalists, spirit is inherent and surpass reason as a guide to the truth. To transcendentalists, spirit is inherent and pervading and pervading and is the only reality is the only reality in the universe in which nature stood as a symbol of Spirit. Transcendentalists in the universe in which nature stood as a symbol of Spirit. Transcendentalists emphasized the divinity of man, the significance and right of the individual, and the possibility of the self-perfection of the individual.7. Enlightenment in America was a progressive intellectual movement which contributed to free the Americans from the limitations of Purtanism which had been prevailing in American society, and stimulate them to strive for their independent and democratic nation. The enlighteners were confident in the proqress of education and appealed to reason.III Explain the following quotations in your own words.1. Those who have never succeeded before will enjoy the sweetness o success most.2. In my life 2. In my life and literary creation, I and literary creation, I and literary creation, I did not follow others’ footsteps (or footprints). did not follow others’ footsteps (or footprints). did not follow others’ footsteps (or footprints). Sometimes Sometimes I chose a different way. That was the reason why I was unique and different from them both in life and poetic writing.3. Let us rise up and take actionTo meet any challenge in our life.We should learn to work and to be patientAnd persevere in pursuing our goalTill we reap the fruit of achievement one after another.4. He always dressed himself properly and elegantly And he showed his kindness and considerateness when talked with others.5. Don’t tell me in sad voice that life is nothing but an meaningless and empty dream.6. Only when you feel thirstiest and bitterest, can you really understand and enjoy the holy sweet drink.7. He stirred the pulses pulses of of the persons persons he he was greeting greeting with with with ““Good morning morning””. While While he he was walking, his manners appeared to be so brilliant and attractive that he drow much public attention.8. Wall, as a barrier for communication or mutual understanding, is not good at all. Sometimes, it is necessary to remove the wall. Wall, Wall, as as a boundary or limitation limitation or or border, border, is is needed sometimes, sometimes, so so that good good relations relations relations can can be kept among different strata of people, or different countries.Wall is a paradox, which is both good and bad in haman life9.The honeysuckle qrows so agreeably and beautifully.However the beautiful flower hid its beauty in the quiet and lonely place. 10.We had better take action every day, not remain idle and inactive so that we can make progress each day.11.I have a lot of obligations and duties to fulfill, so there is still a long way for me to go before I can relax or leave this world.Ⅳ Answer the following questions in English1. Key points:1. Key points:①① the significance of American literature in the world literature the significance of American literature in the world literature ②② the manifestation of American life and culture manifestation of American life and culture ③③the requirement of improving English2. The theme of the poem is modern spiritual barrenness, the despair and depression that followed the first world world war, war, the sterility and turbulence turbulence of of the modern modern world, world, and the decline decline and and breakdown of Western culture.3. The answer depends on individual student’s inclination.3. The answer depends on individual student’s inclination.4. His style of writing is characterized by short and terse sentences, simple diction filled with emotion, vivid colloquialisms, and particularly the simplicity of his laconic statements.5. Key points: 5. Key points: ①① its place in the world literature② the manifestation of American life and culture③ the requirement of professional knowledge and skills as English majon.6. The answer is flexible. It de 6. The answer is flexible. It depends on an individual Student’s inclination.pends on an individual Student’s inclination.pends on an individual Student’s inclination.7. The real theme theme in in Sister Carrie is the purposelessness purposelessness of of life. While While looking looking looking at at individuals with warm, human sympathy, he also sees the disorder and cruelty of life in general.8. The central subject of Haw 8. The central subject of Hawthorne’s major works was the human soul. His exploration of the soul thorne’s major works was the human soul. His exploration of the soul resulted from his skeptical attitude toward the social reality that was characterized by a rapid change in almost all aspects of social life, and from his ambition to probe into the nature of man. The primary significance of his major works dwells in the interect and the consistend vitality of his criticism of life.9. The answer is flexible, depending on students’ inclination, logic and language skills.10. Its 10. Its real theme is to expose real theme is to expose real theme is to expose the dehumanization of all contemporary institutions, the dehumanization of all contemporary institutions, the dehumanization of all contemporary institutions, the absurd the absurd the absurd and and corrupt bureancracy and the alienation of individuals existing in a systemized chaotic condition, such as war.11. Some feature of 11. Some feature of her her her poems are the abundant use of dashes, and irregular and often idiosyncratic poems are the abundant use of dashes, and irregular and often idiosyncraticpunctuation and capitalization. capitalization. Her Her mode of expression is characterized characterized by by clear-cut and delicately original imagery, precise diction, and fragmentary and enigmatic metrical pattern.12. Key points: 12. Key points: ①①the significance of American literature in the world literature the significance of American literature in the world literature ②② the manifestation of American life and culture manifestation of American life and culture ③③ the requirement of improving English.13. 13. The answer is flexible and depends on student’s inclination.The answer is flexible and depends on student’s inclination.The answer is flexible and depends on student’s inclination.。

美国文学题库II. Each of the following statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would best complete the statement.1. For Melville, as well as for the reader and _________, the narrator, Moby Dick is still a mystery, an ultimate mystery of the universe.A. AhabB. IshmaelC. StubbD. Starbuck2. Naturalism is evolved from realism when the author’s tone in writing becomes less serious and less sympathetic but more ironic and more_____________.A. rationalB. humorousC. optimisticD. pessimistic3. Dreiser’s Trilogy of Desire includes three novels. They are The Financier, The Titan and_____ .A. The GeniusB. The TycoonC. The StoicD. The Giant4. The impact of Darwin’s evolutionary theory on the American thought and the influence of the nineteenth-century French literature on the American men of letters gave rise to yet another school of realism: American___________ .A. local colorismB. vernacularismC. modernismD. naturalism5. Robert Frost combined traditional verse forms -the sonnet, rhyming couplets, blank verse -with a clear American local speech rhythm, the speech of _______farmers with its idiosyncratic diction and syntax.A. SouthernB. WesternC. New HampshireD. New England6. As an autobiographical play, O’Neill’s ___________(1956) has gained its status as a world classic and simultaneously marks the climax of his literary career and the coming of age of American drama.A. The Iceman ComethB. Long Day’s Journey Into NightC. The Hairy ApeD. Desire Under the Elms7. Apart from the dislocation of time and the modern stream-of-consciousness, the other narrative techniques Faulkner used to construct his stories include_________, symbolism and mythological and biblical allusions.A. impressionismB. expressionismC.multiple points of viewD. first person point of view8. Stylistically, Henry James’ fiction is characterized by____________.A. short, clear sentencesB. abundance of local imagesC. ordinary American speechD. highly refined language9. One of the characteristics that have made Mark Twain a major literary figure in the 19th century America is his use of____________ .A. vernacularB. interior monologueC. point of viewD. photographic description10. It is on his____________ that Washington Irving’s fame mainly rested.A. childhood recollectionsB. sketches about his European toursC. early poetryD. tales about America11. At the middle of 19th century, America witnessed a cultural flowering which is called “____________________”.A. the English RenaissanceB. the Second RenaissanceC. the American RenaissanceD. the Salem Renaissance12. As a philosophical and literary movement, the main issues involved in the debate of Transcendentalism are generally concerning ____________________.A. nature, man and the universeB. the relationship between man and womanC. the development of Romanticism in American literatureD. the cold, rigid rationalism of Unitarianism13. About the novel The Scarlet Letter, which of the following statementsis NOT right?A. It’s very hard to say that it is a love story or a story of sin.B. It’s a highly symbolic story and the author is a master of symbolism.C. It’s mainly about the moral, emotional and psychological effectsof the sin upon the main characters and the people in general.D. In it the letter A takes the same symbolic meaning throughout the novel.14. The great sea adventure story Moby-Dick is usually considered____________.A. a symbolic voyage of the mind in quest of the truth and knowledge of the universe.B. an adventurous exploration into man’s relationship with natureC. a simple whaling tale or sea adventureD. a symbolic voyage of the mind in quest of the artistic truth and beauty15. In his poems, Walt Whitman is innovative in the terms of the form of his poetry, which is called “____________________.”A. free verseB. blank verseC. alliterationD. end rhyming16. After the Civil War America was transformed from ______ to _________.A. an agrarian community …an industrialized and commercialized societyB. an agrarian community …a society of freedom and equalityC. a poor and backward society …an industrialized and commercialized societyD. an industrialized and commercialized society … a highly developed society17. Which of the following is said of the American naturalism?A. They preferred to have their own region and people at the forefront of the stories.B. Their characteristic setting is usually an isolated town.C. Humans should be united because they had to adapt themselves tochanging harsh environment.D.Their characters were conceived more or less complexcombinations of inherited attributes, their habits conditioned bysocial and economic forces.18. Which of the following is not right about Mark Twain’s style of language?A. His sentence structures are long, ungrammatical and difficult to read.B. His words are colloquial, concrete and direct in effect.C. His humor is remarkable and characterized by puns,straight-faced exaggeration,repetition and anti-climax.D. His style of language had exerted rather deep influence on the contemporary writers.19. The impact of Darwin’s evolutionary theory on the American thought and the influence of the 19th century French literature on the American men of letters gave rise to another school of realism: American ______.A. RomanticismB. TranscendentalismC. RealismD. Naturalism20. Which of the following is not written by Henry James?A. The Portrait of A Lady and The Europeans.B. The Wings of the Dove and The Ambassadors.C. What Maisie Knows and The Bostonians.D.The Genius and The Gilded Age.21. More than five hundred poems Dickinson wrote are about nature, inwhich her general Skepticism about the relationship between ______ is well-expressed.A. man and manB. men and womenC. man and natureD. men and God22. Which of the following is right about Emily Dickinson’s poems about nature?A. In them, she expressed her general affirmation about therelationship between man and nature.B. Some of them showed her disbelief that there existed a mythicalbond between man and nature.C. Her poems reflected her feeling that nature is restorative to human beings.D. Many of them showed her feeling of nature’s inscrutability andindifference to the life and interests of human beings.23. As a great innovator in American literature, Walt Whitman wrote hispoetry in an unconventional style which is now called free verse, that is _________.A. lyrical poetry with chanting refrainsB. poetry without a fixed beat or regular rhyme schemeC. poetry without rhymes at the end of the lines but with a fixed beatD. poetry in an irregular metric form and expressing noble feelings24. In the first part of the 20th century,apart from Darwinism, there weretwo thinkers -______,whose ideas had the greatest impact on the period.A. the German Karl Marx and the Austrian Sigmund FreudB. the German Karl Marx and the American Sigmund FreudC. the Swiss Carl Jung and the American William JamesD. the Austrian Karl Marx and the German Sigmund Freud25. Which of the following can be said about Eugene O’Neill plays?A. Most of his plays are concerned about the root, the truth ofhuman desires and human frustrations.B. His tragic view of life is reflected in many of his works.C. His plays are concerned about the relationship between man andnature as well as man and woman.D. Both A and B.26. Most of O’Neill’s plays are concerned about the following except______.A. success and failure in man’s literary careerB. life and death, illusion and disillusion, dream and realityC. alienation and communication, self and society, desire and frustrationD. the basic issues of human existence and predicament27. Which of the following can be said about a typical modern literary work?A. It is a record of sequence and coherence of the history and the world.B. It is a juxtaposition of the past and present, of the history and the memory.C. It is a book of integrity drawn from diverse areas of experience.D. Its perspective is shifted from the internal to the external, from the private to the public.28. As to the great American poet Ezra Pound, which of the following is not right?A. His language is usually oblique yet marvelously compressed andhis poetry is dense with personal, literary, and historical allusions.B. His artistic talents are on full display in the history of the Imagist Movement.C. From his analysis of the Chinese ideogram Pound learned toanchor his poetic language in concrete, perceptual reality, and toorganize images into larger patterns through juxtaposition.D. For he was politically controversial and notorious for what he didin the wartime, his literary achievement and influence aresomewhat reduced.29. In his poetry, Robert Frost made the colloquial ______ speech into a poetic expression.A. EnglandB. New EnglandC. PlymouthD. Boston30. Which of the following statements is right about Robert Frost’s poetry?A. He combined traditional verse forms with the difficult and highly ornamental language.B. He combined traditional verse forms with the pastoral language of the Southern area.C.He combined traditional verse forms with a simple spokenlanguage-the speech of New England farmers.D. He combined traditional verse forms with the experimental.31. Which of the following statements can be said about the works of Scott Fitzgerald, a spokesman of the “Roaring 20s”?A. Many of them portrayed the hollowness of the American worshipof riches and the unending American dream of fulfillment.B. They are symbolic of the psychological journey of the modernman and his helplessness in the modern world.C. They show the primitive struggle of individuals in the context of irresistible natural forces.D. They penetrate into the problems of the human heart in conflict with itself.32. Which of the following is not written by Ernest Hemingway, one of the best-known American authors of the 20th century?A. The Sun Also Rises.B. The Old Man and the Sea.C. Mosses From the Old Manse.D. The Green Hills of Africa.33. Which of the following statements is right about the novel A Farewell to Arms?A. The author favored the idea of nature as an expression of eithergod’s design or his beneficence.B. The author attempted to write the epitaph to a decade and to thewhole generation in the 1930s.C.The author emphasizes his belief that man is trapped bothphysically and mentally and suggests that man is doomed to beentrapped.D. It tells a story about the tragic love affair of a wounded Americansoldier with an Italian nurse.34. Which of the following is depicted as the mythical county in William Faulkner’s novels?A. Cambridge.B. Oxford.C. Mississippi.D. Yoknapatawpha.35. To Faulkner, the primary duty of a writer was to explore and represent the infinite possibilities inherent in human life. Therefore a writer should ______.A. observe with no judgment whatsoever.B. reduce authorial intrusion to the lowest minimum.C. observe at a great distance and sometimes participate in the events.D. both A and B.36. Which of the following is right about American fiction from 1945 onwards?A. A group of new writers who survived the war wrote about theirideals within the artistic field.B. There appeared a significant group of Jewish-American writerswhose works were set against the Jewish experience andtradition.C. Black fiction began to attract critical attention during the 1950s.D. American fiction in the 1950s and 1960s proves to be a harvestwhich derived from its predecessors.37. Which of the following is not a work of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s?A. The House of the Seven Gables.B. The Blithedale Romance.C. The Marble Faun.D.White Jacket.38. In Hawthorne’s novels and short stories, intellectuals usually appear as ______________.A. commentatorsB. observersC. villainsD. saviors39. Besides sketches, tales and essays, Washington Irving also publisheda book on ______, which is also considered an important part of his creative writing.A. poetic theoryB. French artC. history of New YorkD. life of George Washington40. In Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby, there are detailed descriptions of big parties. The purpose of such descriptions is so show _______.A. emptiness of lifeB. the corruption of theupper classC. contrast of the rich and the poorD. the happy days of the Jazz Age41. In American literature, escaping from the society and returning to nature is a common subject. The following titles are all related, in one way or another, to the subject except _________.A. Mark Twain’s The Adventures of Huckleberry FinnB. Dreiser’s Sister CarrieC. Copper’s Leather-Stocking TalesD. Thoreau’s Walden42. Which of the following novels can be regarded as typically belongingto the school of literary modernism?A. The Sound and the FuryB. Uncle Tom’s Cabin.C. Daisy Miller.D. The Gilded Age.43. Emily Dickinson wrote many short poems on various aspects of life. Which of the following is not a usual subject of her poetic expression?A. Religion.B. Life and death.C. Love and marriage.D. War and peace.44. In 1837, Ralph Waldo Emerson made a speech entitled _______ at Harvard, which was hailed by Oliver Wendell Holmes as "Our intellectual Declaration of Independence."A. "Nature"B. "Self-Reliance"C. "Divinity School Address"D. "The American Scholar"45. Which of the following statements about writers in 1920s is true?A. Mark Twain published his last and most important novel.B. F. Scott Fitzgerald received the Nobel Prize.C. Freudian psychology influenced many modern writers.D. Most writers were politically radical.46. In American literature the first important writer who earned an international fameon both sides of the Atlantic Ocean is_______________.A. Washington IrvingB. Ralph Waldo EmersonC. Nathaniel HawthorneD. Walt Whitman47. The American novelist Nathaniel Hawthorne is known for his“black vision.”TheTerm “black vision” refers to______________.A. Hawthorne's observation that every man faces a black WallB. Hawthorne's belief that all men are by nature evilC. that Hawthorne employed a dream vision to tell his storyD. that Puritans of Hawthorne's time usually wore black clothes48. Theodore Dreiser was once criticized for his____________ in Style,but as a true artist hisstrength just lies in that his style is very serious and well calculatedto achieve thethematic ends he sought.A. crudenessB. eleganceC. concisenessD. subtlety49. Almost all Faulkner’s heroes turned out to be tragic because_____________.A. all enjoyed living in the declining American SouthB. none of them was conditioned by the civilization and Social institutionsC. most of them were prisoners of the pastD. none were successful in their attempt to explain the inexplicable50. Yank, the protagonist of Eugene O’Neill’s play The Hairy Ape, talked to the gorillaand set it free because____.A. he was mad,mistaking a beast for a humanB. he was told by the white young lady that he was like a beast and he wanted tosee how closely he resembled the gorillaC. he was caged with the gorilla after he insulted an aristocratic strollerD. he could feel the kinship only with the beast51. In__________, Robert Frost compares life to a journey, and he isdoubtful whether hewill regret his choice or not when he is old, because the choice has made all thedifference.A. “After Apple-Picking”B. “The Road NOt Taken”C. “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”D. “Fire and Ice”52. Though Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson were romantic poets in theme andtechnique, they differ from each other in a variety of ways. For one thing, whereasWhitman likes to keep his eye on human Society at large, Dickinson oftenaddresses such issues as_______, immortality, religion, love and nature.A. progressB. freedomC. beautyD. death53. The Romantic writers would focus on all the following issues EXCEPT the_______in the American literary history.A. individual feelingB. survival of the fittestC. strong imaginationD. return to nature54. Generally speaking,all those writers with a naturalistic approach to human realitytend to be_____________.A. transcendentalistsB. optimistsC. pessimistsD. idealists55. With Howells, James, and Mark Twain active on the literary scene, ______becamethe major trend in American literature in the seventies and eighties of the 19thcentury.A. SentimentalismB. RomanticismC. RealismD. Naturalism56. American writers after World War I self-consciously acknowledged that they were(a)“_______,”devoid of faith and alienated from the Western civilization.A. Lost GenerationB. Beat GenerationC. Sons of LibertyD. Angry Young Men57. Hester Prynne, Dimmesdale, Chillingworth and Pearl are most likely Characters in_______.A. The House of the Seven GablesB. The Scarlet LetterC. The Portrait of a LadyD. The pioneers58. In his realistic fiction, Henry James's primary concern is to present the_________.A. inner life of human beingsB. American Civil War and its effectsC. life on the Mississippi RiverD. Calvinistic view of original Sin59. Which of the following statements about E. Grierson, the protagonist in Faulkner'sStory “A Rose for Emily,” is NOT true?A. She has a distorted personality.B. She is physically deformed and paralyzed.C. She is the symbol of the old values of the South.D. She is the victim of the past glory.60. Which of the following is NOT the virtue that Franklin enumerated in his The Autobiography?A. TemperanceB. Humanity (Humility)C. FrugalityD. Immoderation61. American Romanticism stretches from the end of the ________ century through the outbreak of ______.A. 18th, the Civil WarB. 18th, the War of IndependenceC. 19th, WWID. 19th, WWII62. _________ believes that the chief aim of literary creation is beauty, and “the death of a beautiful woman is, unquestionably, the most poetical topic in the world.”A. Walt WhitmanB. Edgar Allen PoeC. Anne BradstreetD. Ralph Waldo Emerson63. In Emily Dickinson’s Because I Could Not Stop for Death, ______________.A. death is personified as a devilB. death is described as the tragic end of a person’s lifeC.death is a stage of life and it leads people to the Heaven of immortalityD. de ath is described as a beautiful girl who couldn’t find her final destination64. Which is generally regarded as the manifesto and the Bible of American Transcendentalism?A. Thoreau’s WaldenB.Emerson’s NatureC. Poe’s Poetic Princip leD. Thoreau’s Nature65. Henry David Thoreau’s work, ________, has always been regarded asa masterpiece of the New England Transcendental Movement.A. WaldenB. The PioneersC. NatureD. "Song of Myself"66. ‘Leaves of Grass’ commands great attention because of its uniquelypoetic embodiment of________, which are written in the founding documents of both the Revolutionary War and the American Civil War.A.the democratic idealsB. the romantic idealsC. the self-reliance spiritsD. the religious ideals67. ________is the author of the work “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”.A. Washington IrvingB. James JoyceC. Walt WhitmanD. William Butler Yeats68. After "The Adventure of Tom Sawyer", Twain gives a literary independence to Tom’s buddy Huck in a book called_________, and the book from which "all modern American literature comes".A. Life on the Mississippi RiverB. The Gilded AgeC. Adventures of Huckleberry FinnD. The Sun Also Rises69. The greatest work written by Theodore Dreiser is__________.A. Sister CarrieB.An American TragedyC. The FinancierD. The Titan70. We can perhaps summarize that Walt Whitman’s poems arecharacterized by all the following features except that they are _______________.A. conversational and crudeB. lyrical and well-structuredC. simple and rather crudeD. free-flowing71. Who exerts the single most important influence on literary naturalism, of which Theodore Dreiser and Jack London are among the best representative writers?A. FreudB. Darwin.C. W.D. Howells. D. Emerson72. Mark Twain, one of the greatest 19th century American writers, is well known for his ____.A. international themeB. waste-land imageryC. local colorD. symbolism73. At the beginning of Faulkner’s A Rose For Emi ly, there is a detailed description of Emily’s old house. The purpose of such description is to imply that the person living in it ____________.A. is a wealth ladyB. has good tasteC. is a prisoner of the pastD. is a conservative aristocrat74. Most of Herman Melville’s novels are based on sea voyages and seaadventures. Which of the following is not the case?A. Typee.B. Moby-Dick.C. Omoo.D. The Confidence-Man75. In Henry James’ Daisy Miller, the author tries to portray the young woman as an embodiment of _______________.A. the force of conventionB. the free spirit of the New WorldC. the decline of aristocracyD. the corruption of the newly rich76. "Two roads diverged in a yellow woodAnd sorry I could not travel both ..."In the above two lines of Robert Frost’s The Road Not Taken, the poet, by implication, was referring to _______.A. a travel experienceB. a marriage decisionC. a middle-age crisisD. one’s course of life77. The Transcendentalists believe that, first, nature is ennobling, and second, the individual is ____________.A. insignificantB. vicious by natureC. divineD. forward-looking78. The Publication of ______established Emerson as the most eloquent spokesman of New England Transcendentalism.A. NatureB. Self-RelianceC. The American ScholarD. The Over-Soul79. In Robert F rost’s famous poem "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening", there are four lines like these: “The woods are lovely, dark and deep, / But I have promises to keep, / And miles to go before I sleep,/ And miles to go before I sleep”. The second sleep refers to______.A. dieB. calm downC. fall into sleepD. stop walkingExplain the following literary terms.1. Stream-of-ConsciousnessStream of Consciousness is a narrative method to describing the unspoken thoughts and feelings of the characters, but not using objective description or conventional dialogue. Authors represent the thought, emotions without logical sequence or syntax and make the characters tell the inner movement of consciousness and the thoughts.2. American TranscendentalismNew England Transcendentalism was, in essence, romantic idealism on Puritan soil. It was a system of thought that originated from three sources. First William Ellery Channing (1780---1842) was an American Unitarian clergyman. His Unitarianism represented a thoughtful revolt against orthodox Puritanism. Unitarianism believed God as one being, rejecting the doctrine of trinity, stressing the tolerance of difference in religious opinion, and giving each congregation the free control of its own affairsand its independent authority. It laid the foundation for the central doctrines of transcendentalism. Secondly, the idealistic philosophy from France and Germany exerted enormous impact on American intellectuals. Thirdly, oriental mysticism as revealed in Hindu and Chinese classics reached America in English translations. As a result, New England Transcendentalism blended native American tradition with foreign influences.3. American Realism Realism is the theory of writing in which familiar aspects of contemporary life and everyday scenes are represented in a straightforward or matter-of-fact manner. This is the theory that authors try to use and guide them in their writing. It stresses truthful treatment of material. It is anti-romantic, anti-sentimental, and without abstract interest in nature, death, etc. Mark Twain laughed at people who were caught up in the world of illusions, who were not mature enough to see real situations. This is one example of the truthful treatment of material.4. American RomanticismRomanticism was a rebellion against the objectivity of rationalism. It was a movement of conscious rebellion against being too objective. The romantic spirit was one of subjectivity of inward feelings that one could trust one’s subj ective responses. Romantics placed a high premium upon the creative function of imagination, and saw art as a formulation of intuitive and imaginative perceptions that tend to speak a nobler truththan that of fact.5. Multiple points of view The employment of several narrators or narrative points of views to tell a story, thus making the structure of the book somewhat radioactive. For example, The Sound and the Fury uses four different narrative voices to piece together the story and thus challenges the reader by presenting a fragmented plot told from multiple points of view.6. Hemingway Code Hero It refers to some protagonists in Hemingway's works. In the general situation of Hemingway's novels, life is full of tension and battles; the world is in chaos and man is always fighting desperately a losing battle. Those who survive and perhaps emerge victorious in the process of seeking to master the code with a set of principles such as honor, courage, endurance, wisdom, discipline and dignity are known as "the Hemingway code". To behave well in the lonely, losing battle with life is to show "grace under pressure" and constitutes in itself a kind of victory, a theme clearly established in The Old Man and The Sea. Though life is but a losing battle, it is a struggle man can dominate in such a way that loss becomes dignity; man can be physical1y destroyed but never defeated spiritually. Obviously, Hemingway's limited fictional world implies a much broader thematic pattern and serious philosophica1 concern. Hemingway Code Heroes plainly embody Hemingway's own values and view of life.7. Imagism A literary movement that began in London and later spread to the US at the beginning of the 20th century. It underwent three major phases in its development, and T. E. Hulme, Ezra Pound and Amy Lowell lead the movement respectively. It advocated “the use of one dominant image”. According to Ezra Pound, a n image is “that which presents an intelle ctual and emotional complex in an instant of time” and the three principles that he established were: a. Direct treatment of the “thing”, whether subjective or objective; b. To use absolutely no word that does not contribute to the presentation; c. As regarding rhythm, to compose in the sequence of the musical phrase, not in the sequence of a metronome.8. Harlem Renaissance The first flowering of African-American literature. It came about during the 1920s and early 1930s in the Harlem district of New York. The first important literary movement of African-American writers, it brought the long neglected African-American literature to the attention of the whole world. Though short-lived, it produced such outstanding writers as Langston Hughes, Countee Cullen, Claude McKay, Jean Toomer, Zora Neale Hurston, Rudolph Fisher, Wallace Thurman, Arna Bontemps, Eric Waldron, and James W. Johnson.。

美国文学试题及答案# 美国文学试题及答案## 一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 马克·吐温的代表作是以下哪部作品?A. 《了不起的盖茨比》B. 《汤姆·索亚历险记》C. 《白鲸》D. 《草叶集》2. 以下哪位作家被誉为“美国现代主义文学之父”?A. 欧内斯特·海明威B. 弗朗西斯·斯科特·菲茨杰拉德C. 亨利·詹姆斯D. 埃德加·爱伦·坡3. 《飘》的作者是谁?A. 玛格丽特·米切尔B. 哈珀·李C. 弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫D. 乔治·奥威尔4. 《老人与海》的主人公是以下哪位?A. 汤姆·索亚B. 哈克贝利·芬C. 桑地亚哥D. 盖茨比5. 以下哪部作品是威廉·福克纳的代表作?A. 《喧哗与骚动》B. 《熊》C. 《我弥留之际》D. 《太阳照常升起》## 二、填空题(每空2分,共20分)6. 爱伦·坡的《_________》被认为是侦探小说的开山之作。
7. 《了不起的盖茨比》中,盖茨比的豪宅位于_________。
8. 《汤姆叔叔的小屋》是美国内战前的一部重要作品,它由_________所著。
9. 弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫是_________文学流派的代表人物之一。
10. 哈珀·李的《杀死一只知更鸟》通过_________的视角探讨了种族歧视问题。
## 三、简答题(每题15分,共30分)11. 简述《白鲸》中主人公艾哈布船长的性格特点。
12. 描述《草叶集》中惠特曼的诗歌风格。
## 四、论述题(30分)13. 论述《飘》中斯嘉丽·奥哈拉的人物形象及其在小说中的意义。
## 参考答案1. B2. C3. A4. C5. A6. 莫格街谋杀案7. 长岛8. 哈里特·比彻·斯托9. 现代主义10. 斯库特·芬奇11. 艾哈布船长是一个坚定、固执且有些偏执的人。

Exercises for American LiteraturePart ⅣⅠ. Multiple choice:1.The end of _____ marked the beginning of what Mark Twain called The Gilded Age.A. The American War of IndependenceB. World War OneC. World War TwoD. The Civil War2. “A Psalm of Life” is a famous poem written by _____.A. Edgar Allan PoeB. Walt WhitmanC. Henry Wadsworth LongfellowD. Emily Dickinson3. By the 1870s _____ had waned.A. PuritanismB. the New England RenaissanceC. RealismD. Classicism4. By the end of the Civil War, _____ became the nation’s literary center.A. New Y orkB. BostonC. JamestownD. Los Angeles5. _____ had originated in France, a literary doctrine that called for reality and truth in the depiction of ordinary life.A. PuritanismB. New England RenaissanceC. RealismD. Classicism6. Local color began to decline _____ .A. after 1920B. by the turn of 19th centuryC. after 1910D. in the 1870s7. The arbiter of 19th century literary realism in America was _____ .A. William Dean HowellsB. Mark TwainC. Bret HarteD. Hamlin Garland8. The poetic style Walt Whitman devised is now called _____, that is, poetry without fixed beat or regular rhyme scheme.A. free verseB. blank verseC. lyricsD. sonnet9. “Song of myself” is a famous poem written by _____ .A. Emily DickinsonB. Walt WhitmanC. Henry Wadsworth LongfellowD. Edgar Allan Poe10. _____ was the first book of Mark Twain.A. Jumping frogB. Innocents AbroadC. Roughing ItD. The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn11. The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn is the masterpiece of _____ .A. Henry JamesB. William Dean HowellsC. Mark TwainD. Nathaniel Hawthorne12. In “The Cop and the Anthem” the main reason for Soapy to deliberately commitone crime after another is that _____ .A. he hates the wealthy peopleB. he just wants to revenge himselfC. winter is coming and Soapy has no refuge except the prisonD. he just does that for no reasons13. The Gift of the Magi is one of the best stories by _____ .A. O. HenryB. Mark TwainC. Harriet Beecher StoweD. Jack London14. Jack wrote the following except _____ .A. The Four MillionB. The People of the AbyssC. The Iron HeelD. The Call of the wild15. Which of the following novels is written by Jack London? _____ .A. The Portrait of a LadyB. The wings of the DoveC. The Scarlet LetterD. The Sea Wolf16. Theodore Dreiser’s masterpiece of Naturalism is _____ .A. An American TragedyB. The FinancierC. The TitanD. The StoicⅡ.Complete the following statements:1. Realism first appeared in the United States in the literature of ________ .2. James probed deeply at the individual ________ of his characters.American naturalist writers attempted to achieve extreme ________ and frankness.3. The naturalists emphasized that the world was ________ .4. Darwinism seemed to stress the ________ of man, to suggest that he was dominated by the irresistible forces of evolution.5. Most of the poems in Leaves of Grass are about man and ________ .6. Many of Dickinson’s poems were based on single ________ or symbols.7. O. Henry imitated ________ as a model.8. Jack London was influenced by the teaching of Marx, Nietzsche and ________ .1.Dreiser’s ________ consists of The Financier, The Titan and The Stoic.2.Dreiser’s greatest and most successful novel was ________ .Ⅲ.Define the literary terms listed below:1. The Gilded Age2. International Theme3. Realism4. NaturalismPart ⅤⅠ. Multiple choice:1. Writer of the first postwar era self=consciously acknowledged that they were _____ .A. a Lost GenerationB. a Beat GenerationC. a Jazz GenerationD. None of the above2. During the 1920s William Faulkner published one of the influential Americannovels of the age, _____ .A. The Sound and the FuryB. An American TragedyC. Winesburg, OhioD. The Waste Land3. After _____ a group of new American dramatists emerged, and the Americantheater ceased to be dependent on the dramatic traditions of Europe.A. the War of IndependenceB. the Civil WarC. World WarⅠD. World WarⅡ4. _____ came as a burst of literary achievement in the 1920s by Negro playwrights,poets and novelists who prepared the way for the emergence of numerous black writers after mid-century.A. The Lost GenerationB. The Beat GenerationC. The Harlem RenaissanceD. The New American Theater5. “The apparition of these faces in the crowd;Petals on a wet, black bough.”These lines were written by _____ .A. Ezra PoundB. T. S. EliotC. Robert FrostD. Carl Sandberg6. Edwin Arlington Robinson was honored with the Pulitzer Prize for _____ .A. three timesB. twiceC. onceD. four times7. The central image of Frost’s “Design” is _____ .A. a flyB. a mothC. a spiderD. a bird8. Which of the following statements is NOT true about the writing atyle of CarlSandburg ? _____ .A. He avoided regular stanza pattern and traditional blank verseB. He wrote an utterly free verseC. He developed Whitman’s long line but moderated its rhetorical impact andintensityD. His poems are often difficult to understand and rich in allusions9. T. S. Eliot won the Nobel Prize for literature in _____ .A. 1948B. 1949C. 1950D. 195110. T. S. Eliot deserves the following titles except _____ .A. a great poetB. a dramatistC. a literary criticD. a great novelist11. In 1954 _____ was awarded a Nobel Prize for his mastery of the art of modernnarration.A. John SteinbeckB. William FaulknerC. Ernest HemingwayD. T. S. Eliot12. The central theme of Faulkner’s works focuses on _____ .A. the county of Y oknapatawphaB. the universal theme of the problems of the human heart in conflict with itselfC. the AmericansD. Oxford13. _____ received the 1950 Nobel Prize for literature.A. William FaulknerB. Ernest HemingwayC. John SteinbeckD. T. S.Eliot14. “A Rose for Emily” is a famous short story written by _____ .A. William FaulknerB. Ernest HemingwayC. John SteinbeckD. Sherwood Anderson15. Which of the following works of Hemingway is NOT about the war? _____ .A. Death in the AfternoonB. A Farewell to ArmsC. The Sun Also RisesD. For Whom the Bell TollsⅡ.Complete the following statements:1. ________ stands as a great dividing line between the 19th century andcontemporary America.2. The Lost Generation writers were devoid of faith and ________ from acivilization.3. In the 1920s the most prominent American playwright was ________ .4. In “A Pact”, the poet makes a pack with ________ .5. Robinson was interested in the ________ legends.6. The later works of Stevens became increasingly meditative and ________ .7. The first of Four Quartets by T. S. Eliot is ________ .8. The Waste Land introduces a poetic form---- the ________ of related themes insuccessive movement.9. In his best novels, Fitzgerald had revealed the stridency of an age of glittering______.10. ________ was the spokesman for the “Lost Generation”.11. For Whom the Bell Tolls was set in Spain during the ________ .12. A farewell to Arms portrayed a farewell both to war and ________ .13. In 1954, Hemingway was awarded the Nobel Prize for his “mastery of the art ofmodern ________”.14. John Steinbeck was the foremost novelist of the American ________ in the1930s.15. Faulkner’s Snopse Trilogy consists of ________ , The Town and The MansionⅢ.Define the literary terms listed below:1.Avant-garde2. The Lost Generation3. The New American Theater4. Stream of ConsciousnessⅣ.Answer the following question:1. Discuss the thematic concerns of A Farewell to Arms.2. Discuss the themes of William Faulkner.。

美国文学复习提纲第一部分连线题(1*10=10’)1. Thomas Jefferson The Declaration of Independence2. Walt Whitman O’ Captain, My Captain3. Mark Twain Jumping Frog4. Robert Frost Mending Wall5. Ezra Pound In a Station of the Metro6. Carl Sandburg Chicago7. Saul Bellow The Adventure of Augie March8. Ernest Hemingway Men without Women9. John Steinbeck The Grape of Wrath10. Jack London The Call of the Wild11. Sinclair Lewis Babbit12. Flannery O’ Connor A Good Man Is Hard to Find13. O. Henry The Last Leaf14. Jerome David Salinger The Catcher in the Rye15. William Falkner The Sound and the Fury第二部分单项选择(1.5*20=30’)1. Anne Bradstreet was a Puritan poet. Her poems made such a stir in England that shebecame known as the “________” who appeared in America.A. Tenth MuseB. Ninth MuseC. Best MuseD. First Muse2. In American literature, the 18th century was the age of the Enlightenment. ________was the dominant spirit.A. HumanismB. RationalismC. RevolutionD. Evolution3. Which of the following stirred the world and helped form the American republic?A. The American CrisisB. The FederalistC. Declaration of IndependenceD. The Age of Reason4. At the Reason and Revolution Period, Americans were influenced by the Europeanmovement called the ________.A. Chartist MovementB. Romanticist MovementC. Enlightenment MovementD. Modernist Movement5. Thoreau was often alone in the woods or by the pond, lost in spiritual municationwith ________.A. natureB. transcendentalist ideasC. human beingsD. celestial beings6. ________tells a simple but very moving story in which four people living in a puritanmunity are involved in and affected by the sin of adultery in different ways.A. Twice-Told TalesB. The Scarlet LetterC. The House of the Seven GablesD. The Marble Faun7. Washington Irving’s social conservation and literary for the past is revealed, to someextent, in his famous story, ________.A. The Legend of Sleepy HollowB. Rip Van WinkleC. The Custom-houseD. The Birthmark8. The convention of the desire for an escape from society and a return to nature inAmerican literature is particularly evident in ________.A. Cooper’s Leatherstocking TalesB. Hawthorne’s The Scarlet LetterC. Whitman’s Leaves of GrassD. Irving’s Rip Van Winkle9. As a philosophical and literary movement, ________ flourished in New England from1830s to the Civil War.A. modernismB. rationalismC. sentimentalismD. transcendentalism10.Edgar Allan Poe mainly writes__________.A. poemsB.literary critic theoriesC.short storiesD.dramas11. In Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter, “A” may stand for ________.A. AdulteryB. AngelC. AmiableD. All the above12. The period before the American Civil War is generally referred to as ________.A. the Naturalist PeriodB. the Modern PeriodC. the Romantic PeriodD. the Realistic Period13. In the following works, which signs the beginning of the American literature?A. The Sketch BookB. Leaves of GrassC. Leatherstocking TalesD. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn14. The main theme of Emily Dickinson is the following except ________.A. war and peaceB. love and marriageC. life and deathD. religion15. Emily Dickinson’s poetic idiom is noted for the following except ________.A. brevityB. directnessC. plainest wordsD. obscure16. The publication of ________ established Emerson as the most eloquent spokesmanof New England Transcendentalism.A. NatureB. Self-RelianceC. The American ScholarD. The Over-Soul17. The Age of Realism in the literary history of the United States refers to the periodfrom ________ to ________.A. 1861...1914 B. 1863...1918C. 1865...1914D. 1865 (1918)18. ________ is considered to be Theodore Dreiser’s greatest work.A. An American TragedyB. Sister CarrieC. The FinancierD. The Titan19. ________ is a novella about a young American girl who gets “killed” by the winter inRome, and it brought Henry James international fame for the first time.A. The AmericanB. The EuropeansC. Daisy MillerD. The Portrait of a Lady20. ________ is described by Mark twain as a boy with “a sound heart and a deformedconscience”.A. Tom SawyerB. Huckleberry FinnC. JimD. Tony21. Mark Twain wrote most of his literary works with a ________ language.A. grandB. pompousC. simpleD. vernacular22. The book from which “all modern American literature es” refers to ________.A. The Great GatsbyB. The Sun Also RisesC. The Adventures of Huckleberry FinnD. Moby-Dick23. In which of the following works Hemingway presents his philosophy about life anddeath through the depiction of the bull-fight as a kind of microcosmic tragedy?A. Death in the AfternoonB. The Snows of KilimanjaroC. To Have and Have NotD. The Green Hills of Africa24. ________ is Hemingway’s first true novel in which he depicts a vivid portrait of “TheLost Generation”.A. The Sun Also RisesB. A Farewell to ArmsC. In Our TimeD. For Whom the Bell Tolls25. Robert Frost bined traditional verse forms—the sonnet, rhyming couplets, blankverse—with a clear American local speech rhythm, the speech of ________ farmers with its idiosyncratic diction and syntax.A. SouthernB. WesternC. New HampshireD. New England26. ________, one of the most important poets in his time, is a leading spokesman of the“Imagist Movement”.A. J. D. SalingerB. Ezra PoundC. Richard WrightD. Ralph Ellison27. “Tender Is the Night” is a ________ by Fitzgerald.A. short storyB. novellaC. poemD. novel28. ________ is said to be a “historical novel” by Faulkner.A. Go Down, MosesB. Light in AugustC. The Sound and the FuryD. Absalom29. ________ stems from the ambiguity of the speaker’s choice between safety and theunknown.A. Mending the wall B Home BurialC. The Road not TakenD. Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening30. Hemingway’s writing style, together with his theme and the hero, is greatly andpermanently influenced by his experiences ________.A. in his childhoodB. in the warC. in AmericaD. in Africa31. The following writers were awarded Nobel Prize for literature except ________.A. William FaulknerB. F. Scott FitzgeraldC. John SteinbeckD. Ernest Hemingway32. ________ is not considered to be one of the masters in the field of American fiction inthe modernistic period.A. F. Scott FitzgeraldB. Ernest HemingwayC. Arthur MillerD. William Faulkner33. “Two roads diverged in a yellow wood and sorry I could not travel both…” Inthe above two lines of Robert Frost’s “The Road not Taken”, the poet, by implication, was referring to ________.A. one’s course of lifeB. a marriage decisionC. a middle-age crisisD. a travel experience34. Most of the writers in the modern period were able to probe into the inner world ofhuman reality on the base of ________.A. William James’“stream of consciousness”B. Carl Jung’s “collective unconscious” and “archetypal symbol”C. Sigmund Freud’s “interpretation of dreams”D. All of the above35. Writers of the second postwar era self-consciously acknowledged that they were____________.A. a Lost GenerationB. a Beat GenerationC. a Jazz GenerationD. none of the above36. In 1862, President Lincoln exclaimed: “So you are the little woman who wrote thebook that started this great war!” The book refers to ________.A. Uncle Tom’s CabinB. BelovedC.Pride and PrejudiceD.The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn37.In Leaves of Grass, _______ is all that concerned Whitman.A. individualismB. freedomC. democracyD. all the above38. It is not surprising to find in _______’s fiction a world of jungle, where “kill or to bekilled” was the law.A. Mark TwainB. Emily DickinsonC. Theodore DreiserD. Henry James39. Which one of the following statements is NOT true of William Faulkner?A. He is master of stream-of-consciousness narrative.B. His writing is often plex and difficult to understand.C. He often depicts slum life in New York and Chicago.D. He represents a new group of Southern writers40. The setting of the novel The Scarlet Letter is in ________.A. England during World War IB. Paris during the French RevolutionC. Puritan AmericaD. America after the Revolutionary War第三部分判断对错(1*15=15’)(T)1. The Calvinist doctrine of “original sin”exerted great influence upon Hawthorne.(T)2. To Hawthorne sin will get punished, one way or another.(T)3. Roger Chillingworth, the scholar, the embodiment of pure intellect, mitted the “Unpardonable Sin”.(F)4. Emily Dickinson didn’t like using capital letters where small ones are needed. (T)5. Walt Whitman used parallelism and refrain in his poems.(T)6. Walt Whitman was regarded as the Zenith in American romantic poetry. (T)7. Dickinson was original. She never imitates others.(T)8. Allan Poe defined poetry as the rhythmical creation of beauty.(F)9. O. Henry seldom wrote about poor people.(T)10. According to Poe, art serves for pleasure. The chief aim of poetry is beauty, namely, to produce a feeling of beauty in the reader.(T)11. According to Dickinson, death means immortality.(F)12. According to Poe, truth is beauty, beauty truth.(T)13. According to Henry James, the aim of the novel is to reflect life reality. (T)14. James wrote mostly of the upper reaches of American society, and Howells concerned himself chiefly with middle class life whereas Twain dealt largely with the lower strata of society.(F)15. American writers, especially novelists were rather experimental after theWorld Wars.(T)16. O. Henry’s short stories are famous for their surprising endings.(T)17. Allen Ginsberg was the representative of the Beat Generation.(T)18. Allan Poe exerted great influence upon many southern American writers, especially William Faulkner.(F)19. Emily Dickinson was regarded as the forerunner of symbolism.(F)20. Mark Twain never touched upon the problem of slavery system in his novels.(F)21. Allan Poe was regarded as the forerunner of American Imagism.(T)22. Mark Twain was the father of American language.(T)23. Allan Poe advocated “pure” poetry.(F)24. Mark Twain’s contribution to the development of realism and to American literature as a whole was partly through his theories of localism in American fiction and partly through his themes.(T)25. Toni Morrison is one of the most famous contemporary women writers. (T)26. O. Henry was the pen name of William Sidney Porter.(T)27. Thomas Jefferson was the major writer of The Declaration of Independence (T)28. Henry James discovered the trick of making his characters reveal themselves with minimal intervention of the author.(T)29. N. Hawthorne was a symbolic writer in some sense.(T)30. Whitman’s poetry suggests rather than tells.第四部分术语解释(4*5=20’)1. TranscendentalismTranscendentalism refers to the religious and philosophical doctrines of Ralph Waldo Emerson and others in New England in the middle 1800’s, which emphasized the importance of individual inspiration and intuition, the Oversoul, and nature. Other concepts that acpanied Transcendentalism include the idea that nature is ennobling and the idea that the individual is divine and, therefore, self-reliant.2. NaturalismNaturalism, a more deliberate kind of realism, usually involves a view of human beings as passive victims of natural forces and social environment. As a literary movement, naturalism was initiated in France and it came to be led by Zola, who claimed at “scientific” status for his studies of impoverished characters miserably subjected to hunger, sexual obsession, and hereditary defects.3. American DreamThe American Dream is the faith held by many people in the United States of America that through hard work, courage and determination one can achieve a better life for oneself, usually through financial prosperity. These were values held by many early European settlers, and have been passed on to subsequent generations.4. The Lost GenerationThe term Lost Generation was coined by Gertrude Stein to refer to a group ofAmerican Literary notables who lived in Paris from the time period which saw the end of WWI to the beginning of the Great Depression. Significant members included Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ezra Pound, Sherwood Anderson, T.S. Eliot, and Gertrude Stein herself. Hemingway likely popularized the term, quoting Stein (“You are all a lost generation”) as epigraph to his novel The Sun Also Rises. More generally, the term is being used for the young adults of Europe and America during WWI. They were “lost” because after the war many of them were disillusioned with the world in general and unwilling to move into settled life.5. ModernismModern writing is marked by a strong and conscious break with traditional forms and techniques of expression; it believes that we create the world in the act of perceiving it. Modernism implies historical discontinuity, a sense of alienation, of loss, and of despair. It elevates the individual and his inner being over social man and prefers the unconscious to the self-conscious.6. PuritanismThe principles and practices of puritans were popularly known as Puritanism. Puritanism accepted the doctrines of Calvinism: the sovereignty of God; the supreme authority of the Bible; the irresistibility of God’s will for man in ever act of life from cradle to grave. These doctrines led the Puritans to examine their souls to find whether they were of the elect and to search the Bible to determine God’s will.7. Hemingway Heroes (Code Hero)“Hemingway Heroes” refer to some protagonists in Hemingway’s works. Such a hero usually is an average man of decidedly masculine tastes, sensitive and intelligent. And usually he is a man of action and of a few words. He is such an individualist, alone even when with other people, somewhat an outsider, keeping emotions under control, stoic and self-disciplined in a dreadful place where one can not get happiness.8. Jazz Age“The Jazz Age” describes the period of the 1920s and 1930s, the years between WWI and WWII, particularly in North America; with the rise of the Great Depression, the values of this age saw much decline. Perhaps the most representative literary work of the age is American writer F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby, a highlighting what some describe as the decadence and hedonism, as well as the growth of individualism.第五部分选读分析25’Text1.From the listless repose of the place, and the peculiar character of its inhabitants, who are descendants from[he original Dutch settlers, this sequestered glen has long been known by the name of SLEEPY HOLLOW, and its rustic lads are called the Sleepy Hollow Boys throughout all the neighboring country. Drowsy and dreamy influence seems to hang over the land,and topervade the very atmosphere. Some say that the place was bewitched by a high German doctor, during the early days of the settlement; others, that an old Indian chief, the prophet or wizard of his tribe, held his powwows there before the country was discovered by Master Hendrick Hudson.Questions:(1) Who is the writer of this short story from which the passage is taken?(2) What is the title of this short story?(3) Give a definition of “short story”.Answer:(1) Washington Irving(2) The Legend of Sleepy Hollow(3) A short story is a brief prose fiction, usually one that can be read in a single sitting. It generally contains the six major elements of fiction—characterization, setting, theme, plot, point of view and style.Text 2.Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,And sorry I could not travel bothAnd be one traveler, long I stoodAnd looked down one as far as I couldTo where it bent in the undergrowth;Then took the other, as just as fair,And having perhaps the better claim,Because it was grassy and wanted wear;Though as for that the passing thereHad worn them really about the same,And both that morning equally layIn leaves no step had trodden black.Oh, I kept the first for another day!Yet knowing how way leads on to way,I doubted if I should ever e back.I shall be telling this with a sighSomewhere ages and ages hence:Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—I took the one less traveled by,And that has made all the difference.Questions:(1) Please examine the poetic form (rhyme and meter) (2’)(2) Describe the similarities and differences of these two roads. Which one does the speaker take? (3’)(3) How do you understand the word “sigh”? (4’)(4) What might the two roads stand for in the speaker’s mind? (2’)(5) What is the theme of this poem? (2’)Answer:(1) It is written in iambic tetrameter and rhymed abaab.(2) Similarities: both of the roads are beautiful;Differences: one is quiet and grassy, less-traveled, the other is trodden by many people and flatHe took the less-traveled road.(3) The word “sigh”is a tricky word. Because sigh can be interpreted into nostalgic relief or regret. If it is the relief sigh, then the difference means the speaker feels glad with the road he took. If it is the regret sigh, then the difference would not be good, and the speaker would be signing in regret. Hence, sigh is ambiguous here for the speaker is not showing whether his choice is right or wrong.(4) The real road, the life road and the road in career.(5) Choices is inevitable but you never know what you choice will mean until you have lived it. This is also the theme of the poem.Text 3.Tell me not, in mournful numbers,Life is but an empty dream!For the soul is dead that slumbers,And things are not what they seem.Life is real-life is earnest-And the grave is not its goal;Dust thou art, to dust returnest,Was not spoken of the soul.Questions:(1). Who is the writer of the lines?(2). What is the title of the whole poem from which the two stanzas are taken?(3). Summarize the poet’s advice for living.Answers:(1). Henry Wadsworth Longfellow(2). A Psalm of Life(3). His optimism which has characterized much of his poetry, also endeared many critics to him. He seemed to have persevered despite tragedy. This poem is the cry of his heart, “rallying from depression”, ready to affirm life, to regroup from losses, to push on despite momentary defeat.Text 4.Because I could not stop for Death —He kindly stopped for me —The Carriage held but just Ourselves —And Immortality.We slowly drove — He knew no hasteAnd I had put awayMy labor and my leisure too,For His Civility —We passed the School, where Children stroveAt Recess — in the Ring —We passed the Fields of Gazing Grain —We passed the Setting Sun —Or rather — He passed Us —The Dews drew quivering and Chill —For only Gossamer, my Gown —My Tippet — only Tulle —We paused before a House that seemedA Swelling of the Ground —The Roof was scarcely visible —The Cornice — in the Ground —Since then —’tis Centuries — and yetFeels shorter than the DayI first surmised the Horses’ HeadsWere toward Eternity —Questions:(1)Who wrote this poem? In the poem, what is he/she watching and recording? (3%)(2)What is death pared to in the poem? (2%)(3) What does the poet think of eternity? (2%)(4) What is the attitude of the poet towards death? (2%)Answer:(1) Emily Dickinson. She is watching and recording her own funeral.(2) Death is pared to a polite gentleman or polite wooer.(3) The speaker is not quite sure whether there will be eternity after death since she just surmises that “the Horses’ Heads were toward Eternity —”.(4) She treats death light-heartedly for she believes that death is a necessary step towards eternity or immortality.。

《美国文学》题库及答案I.Multiple Choice1. American literature is only more than ____ years old.A. 500B.400C. 200D.1002. The Puritan values did no include______.A. wastefulnessB. thriftC. pietyD. hard work3. The 18th century was the age of the Enlightenment.______was the dominant spirit.A. HumanismB. RationalismC. RomanticismD. Realism4. Franklin was the epitome of the______.A. American EnlightenmentB. Sugar ActC. Charlist movementD. Romanticism5. _____was the most leading spirit of the Transcendentalism.A. FranklinB. HawthorneC. PaineD. Emerson6. “Moby Dick was written by_____A. Mark TwainB. ThoreauC. MelvilleD. Whitman7. “The Scarlet Letter” is characterized by its______.A. symbolismB. rationalismC. PlatonismD. classicism8. “Huckleberry Finn is the masterpiece of________.A. Henry JamesB. Jack LondonC. Mark TwainD. Stephen Crane9. Choose the novel written by Henry JamesA. The Golden BowlB. The Portrait of a LadyC. Sister CarrieD. Daisy Miller10. Early in the 20th century, _____ published works that would change the nature of American poetry.A. Ezra PoundB. T.S. EliotC. Robert FrostD. both A and B11._____ is the founder of “Imagist” movement.A. Ezra PoundB. HemingwayC. Robert FrostD. Steinbeck12. Mark Twain’s works are characterized by_____A. NaturalismB. TranscendentalismC. Local ColorismD. Imagism13. ________ is said to be the father of American poetryA. T.S. EliotB. E.D. RobinsonC. Philip FreneauD. Dreiser14. Hawthorne is regarded as a _______.A. naturalistB. classicistC. realistD. romanticist15. ______ represents the most leading spirit of American Transcendentalism.A. EmersonB. FranklinC. Mark TwainD. Whitman16.“The Art of Fiction” was written by_____A. LongfellowB. Henry JamesC. FitzgeraldD. Faulkner17. Imagination plays the most important part in________.A. realismB. romanticismC. naturalismD. classicism18. ______ is considered to be the masterpiece of John Steinbeck.A. Mending WallB. Dry SeptemberC. A Farewell to ArmsD. The Grapes of Wrath19. Uncle Tom in the novel “Uncle Tom’s Cabin was a(n)______A. Negro slaveB. salesmanC. industrialistD. officer20. Mark Twain’s works are characterized by______A. NaturalismB. TranscendentalismC. Local ColorismD. Imagism21. “The Great Gatsby” is the masterpiece of_____A. WhitmanB. FitzgeraldC. DickinsonD. Hemingway22. The United States of America was founded in______.A. 1776B. 1876C. 1789D.168923. The ancestors of American Indians were______A. AsiansB. AfricansC. EuropeansD. Australians24. “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” was written by______.A. H.B. Stowe B. John SteinbeckC. HawthorneD. Mark Twain25. ______ does not belong to the lost generation.A. DreiserB. T.S. EliotC. FaulknerD. Hemingway26. ______ was well known for his story “Rip Van Winkle.”A. BryantB. Washington IrvingC. Allan PoeD. Philip Freneau27. “Farewell to Arms” is the master pieced produced by______A. FaulknerB. DreiserC. HemingwayD. Longfellow28. It was ______ who wrote the formal declaration of independence.A. Thomas JeffersonB. Benjamin FranklinC. WashingtonD. Washington Irving29. _____has been exerting a great and enduring influence upon world literature, especially that of France and European symbolism.A. FranklinB. BradstreetC. Edgar Allan PoeD. Philip Freneau30. The masterpiece of Hawthorne is _________.A. The Scarlet LetterB. Sister CarrieC. Richard CoryD. A Psalm of Life31. Engene O’Neill is a _______.A. novelistB. poetC. puritanD. dramatist32.Hemingway’s style of writing is characterized by______.A. high-sounding wordsB. simple dictionC. complicated sentencesD. mix metaphor33. T.S. Eliot is not only a poet but also a ______.A. criticB. statesmanC. churchmanD. novelists34. “Long Day’s Journey Into Night” was written by_____.A. T.S. EliotB. O’NeillC. Stephen CraneD. Saul Bellow35. “The Grape of Wrath” is one of the remarkable novels of_____.A. the Civil WarB. DepressionC. SuppressionD. Aggression36. Theodore Dreiser showed the_____ tendency in his novels.A. PuritanismB. classicismC. romanticismD. naturalism37. Ralph Waldo Emerson was the leading figure of________.A. TranscendentalismB. RomanticismC. RationalismD. Naturalism38. “The Sound and the Fury” was the masterpiece of ______A. Robert Lee FrostB. T.S. EliotC. FaulknerD. Steinbeck39. Emily Dickinson is an American________.A. dramatistB. novelistC. female poetD. male poet40. “Th Emily Dickinson is an American ark Twain’s______A. materialismB. classicismC. socialismD. colorism41. “The Portrait of a Lady” is one of best novels of_________.A. Henry JamesB. John SteinbeckC. William FaulknerD. Walt Whitman42. What Whitman is famous for his_________.A. “Leaves of Grass”B. “Mending Wall”C. “Richard Cory”D. “The Burial of the Dead”43. “Catch-22” is the masterpiece of______A. Saul BellowB. Joseph HellerC. DreiserD. Fitzgerald44. The English settlement in America began in_________A.1507B.1607C.1707D.180745. The first World War broke out in______.A.1614B.1714C.1814D.191446. The jazz age refers to the decade ofA.1950’sB.1980’sC.1920’sD.1820’s47. Franklin was a _____.A. PuritanB. romanticistC. classicistD. imagist48. “Rip Van Winkle” was written by_______.A. FreneauB. Allan PoeC. Washington IrvingD. Thomas Jefferson49.“The Scarlet Letter” is the masterpiece of______.A. HawthorneB. EmersonC. BradstreetD. Allan Poe50.It was______who wrote “The Age of Reason”A. WashingtonB. JeffersonC. Benjamin FranklinD. Thomas Paine51.“Song of Myself” is a ______written by Whitman.A. novelB. poemC. dramaD. essay52.Tom in Beecher Stowe’s novel “Uncle Tom’s Cabin is a _____.A. Negro slaveB. American IndianC. School masterD. industrialist53. Mark Twain belongs to the literary school of_____.A. transcendentalismB. realismC. romanticismD. naturalism54._______is a famous American female poet.A. Allan PoeB. FreneauC. Emily DickinsonD. Robinson55. “The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn” is the masterpiece of_____.A. Mark TwainB. Henry JamesC. Stephen CraneD. Robert Lee Frost56. It was____ who wrote the poem “The Road Not Taken.”A. WhitmanB. FreneauC. Robert Lee FrostD. T.S.EliotⅡ Define the literary terms briefly in English1. American Transcendentalism2. Romanticism3. The Puritans4. Realism5. Enlightenment6. Transcendentalism7. EnlightenmentIII Explain the following quotations in your own words.1. Success is counted sweetest By those who ne’er succeed.2. Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by And that has made all the difference.3. Let us, then, be up and doing, With heart for any fate;Still achieving, still pursuing, Learn to labor and to wait.4. And he was always quietly arrayed, And he was always human when he talked.5. Tell me not, in mournful numbers, Life is but an empty dream!_____6. To comprehend a nectar Requires sorest need.7. But still he fluttered pulses when he said,“Good morning”, and he glittered when he walked.8. something there is that doesn’t love a wall,He says again, “Good fences make good neighbors.”9. Fair flower, that dost so comely grow, Hid in this silent, dull retreat10. But to act, that each tomorrow Find us farther than today11. But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep. Ⅳ Answer the following questions in English1. Why is American literature important for you?2. What is the theme of “The Waste Land”?3. Whose novel (or which novel) do you enjoy most?Why?4. What is the style of Hemingway’s novel?5. What is the significance of American literature?6. Do you like American literature? Why?7. What is the real theme in “Sister Carrie”?8. What is the central subject and primary significance of Hawthorne’s major works?9. Which American writer do you like best? Why?10. What is the theme of “Catch-22”?11. What are the features of Emily Dickinson’s poems?12. Why should we learn American literature?13. Which poem do you enjoy most? Why?《美国文学》作业参考答案I.Multiple Choice1.C2.A3.B4.A5.D6.C7.A8.C9.B 10.D11.A 12.C 13.C 14.D 15.A 16.B 17.B 18.D 19.A 20.C21.B 22.C 23.A 24.D 25.A 26.B 27.C 28.A 29.C 30.A31.D 32.B 33.A 34.B 35.B 36.D 37.A 38.C 39.C 40.D41.A 42.A 43.B 44.B 45.D 46.C 47.A 48.B 49. A 50.D51.B 52.A 53.B 54.C 55. A 56. CII.Define the literary terms briefly in English1.American transcendentalism was a philosophical dissent from Unitarianism. Transcendentalists rejected the materialistic psychology in favor of the idealism of Kant who asserted that intuition could surpass reason as a guide to the truth. To transcendentalists, spirit is inherent and pervading and is the only reality in the universe in which nature stood as a symbol of Spirit. Transcendentalismemphasized the divinity of man, the significance and right of the individual, and the possibility of the self-perfection of the individual.2. Romanticism is characterized by the pursuit of freedom, emphasis of individualism, a reliance upon the good of nature and “natural” man, and an abiding faith in the boundless resources of the human spirit and imagination.3.The Puritans were members of the church of England who at first wished to reform or “Purify its doctrines. They kept in common with all advocates o f strict Christian orthodox, insisting on man’s original sin and depravity.4. Realism is a literary school. The American realist William Dean Howells refered to the method of realistic literary creation as “nothing more and nothing less than the truthful treatment of material. The realists tended to be highly selective in their choice of material, focusing upon what seemed real to their largely middle-class readers.5. Enlightenment in America was a progressive “intellectual movement which contributed to free the Americans from the limitation of Puritanism which had been prevailing in American society, and stimulate them to strive for the establishment of their independent and democratic nation. The enlighteners were confident in the proqress by education and appealed to Reason.6.American transcendentalism was a political dissent from Unitarianism. Transcendentalists rejected the materialistic psychology in favour of the idealism of kant who asserted that intuition could surpass reason as a guide to the truth. To transcendentalists, spirit is inherent and pervading and is the only reality in the universe in which nature stood as a symbol of Spirit. Transcendentalists emphasized the divinity of man, the significance and right of the individual, and the possibility of the self-perfection of the individual.7. Enlightenment in America was a progressive intellectual movement which contributed to free the Americans fromthe limitations of Purtanism which had been prevailing in American society, and stimulate them to strive for their independent and democratic nation. The enlighteners were confident in the proqress of education and appealed to reason.III Explain the following quotations in your own words.1. Those who have never succeeded before will enjoy the sweetness o success most.2. In my life and literary creation, I did not follow others’ footsteps (or footprints). SometimesI chose a different way. That was the reason why I was unique and different from them both in life and poetic writing.3. Let us rise up and take actionTo meet any challenge in our life.We should learn to work and to be patientAnd persevere in pursuing our goalTill we reap the fruit of achievement one after another.4. He always dressed himself properly and elegantly And he showed his kindness and considerateness when talked with others.5. Don’t tell me in sad voice that life is nothing but an meaningless and empty dream.6. Only when you feel thirstiest and bitterest, can you really understand and enjoy the holy sweet drink.7. He stirred the pulses of the persons he was greeting with “Good morning”. While he was walking, his manners appeared to be so brilliant and attractive that he drow much public attention.8. Wall, as a barrier for communication or mutual understanding, is not good at all. Sometimes, it is necessary to remove the wall.Wall, as a boundary or limitation or border, is needed sometimes, so that good relations can be kept among different strata of people, or different countries.Wall is a paradox, which is both good and bad in haman life9.The honeysuckle qrows so agreeably and beautifully.However the beautiful flower hid its beauty in the quiet and lonely place.10.We had better take action every day, not remain idle and inactive so that we can make progress each day.11.I have a lot of obligations and duties to fulfill, so there is still a long way for me to go beforeI can relax or leave this world.Ⅳ Answer the following questions in English1. Key points:① the significance of American literature in the world literature ② the manifestation of American life and culture ③the requirement of improving English2. The theme of the poem is modern spiritual barrenness, the despair and depression that followed the first world war, the sterility and turbulence of the modern world, and the decline and breakdown of Western culture.3. The answer depends on individual student’s inclination.4. His style of writing is characterized by short and terse sentences, simple diction filled with emotion, vivid colloquialisms, and particularly the simplicity of his laconic statements.5. Key points: ① its place in the world literature② the manifestation of American life and culture③ the requirement of professional knowledge and skills as English majon.6. The answer is flexible. It de pends on an individual Student’s inclination.7. The real theme in Sister Carrie is the purposelessness of life. While looking at individuals with warm, human sympathy, he also sees the disorder and cruelty of life in general.8. The central subject of Haw thorne’s major works was the human soul. His exploration of the soul resulted from his skeptical attitude toward the social reality that was characterized by a rapid change in almost all aspects of social life, and from his ambition to probe into the nature of man. The primary significance of his major works dwells in the interect and the consistend vitality of his criticism of life.9. The answer is flexible, depending on students’ inclination, logic and language skills.10. Its real theme is to expose the dehumanization of all contemporary institutions, the absurd and corrupt bureancracy and the alienation of individuals existing in a systemized chaotic condition, such as war.punctuation and capitalization. Her mode of expression is characterized by clear-cut and delicately original imagery, precise diction, and fragmentary and enigmatic metrical pattern.12. Key points: ①the significance of American literature in the world literature ② the manifestation of American life and culture ③ the requirement of improving English.13. The answer is flexible and depends on student’s inclination.。

选择题(20个共20分)1. James Fenimore Cooper作品The Leatherstocking Tale皮袜子故事集》2. Philip FreneauThe wild Honey SuC野忍冬花》3. Edgar Allan PoeTo Helen4. Henry David ThoreauWalde l瓦尔登湖》5. America n Roma nticiSmi 主义Period: from the end of the 18th century to the outbreak of the civil warIt started with the publication of WasIrhvii ng toTnh'eSsketch Baonodkended with WhitmLeaanves of'Grsass6. Nathaniel HawthorneThe Scarlet Lette红字》7. 美国内战(南北战争)时间1861.4.—121865.4.98. Westward Movement运动,开始于18世纪末,终于19世纪末20世纪初。
9. Henry JamesThe Portrait of a L l d一个女人的画像》10. Ralph Waldo EmersonNature《论自然》11. John SmithFirst American writer12. Herman MelvilleMoby-Dic《k 大白鲸》二连线题(作者和作品10分)1. Benjamin FranklinThe Autobiography2. O.HenryThe Cop and the Antr i m察与赞美诗》3. Jack LondonThe Sea W《侮狼》三名词解释2 个(以下四选二,共10分)1. American DreamThe freedom allowi ng all America n people to pursue their goals in life through分ia rd work and free It often refers to the opportunity for immigrants to achieve greater material prosperity than was pos coun tries of orig3h)T2ie founding Fathers used thlsf^hlrlaeEty, and the pursuit of”opp in ess encompaaslsl thatis availabline AmericanIt. 'thesopportuntitoymakeindividucahl oicews ithouttherestrictio ns of class, race or 分)gio n. (22. American Purita美国清教主义A religious moveme nt in the late 16thseeitarTyoffshb支t() in the third and fourth decades ofthe 17th century to the northern English colonies iInt ltahied Nth e wfoWunodrladtion for the religious, intellectual the church was corrupted and had tooonTrnbeitaaRurita n: tak ing religi on as the mostand social order of the NewPWndds wan ted to purify the church to its original state, b importa nt thi ng; living for glorifying God.3. American Roman浪漫主义(1) The Romanticism Period stretches from th thc e netunrdyotfo1th8e outbreak of the Civil War. It is aperiod of the great flowering of American literature. It started with thetopnuIbrvlicinagtion o'fWs ashing The Sketch Book and ended with WhitmGarnass . ' s Leaves of(2) It was rebellion against the objectivity of rationalism.4. American Literaturemainly refers to literature produced in American English by people living in the U.S.. It also include produced in other countries by American expatriates and in other languages by minorities in the co as American Indian literature and the Jewish literature.四赏析题1-2诗的赏析两首诗二选一答题标准:标出韵脚5分,中文译文15分共20分。

Group 1Column A Column B( ) 1. T. S. Eliot a. Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening ( ) 2. Wallace Stevens b. Sister Carrie( ) 3. Theodore Dreiser c.The Oversoul( ) 4. Ralph Waldo Emerson d. Anecdote of the Jar( ) 5. Robert Frost e. The Waste LandGroup 2Column A Column B( ) 1. Benjy a. Sister Carrie( ) 2. George Hurstwood b. The Sound and the Fury( ) 3. Emily c. Mrs Warren’s Profession( ) 4. Vivie d. A Rose for Emily( ) 5. Jim e. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn“God help men that help themselves” is found in ________ work.A.PaineB. FranklinC. FreneauD. JeffersonFrom 1732 to 1758, Benjamin Franklin wrote and published his famous _____, an annal(年表、编年史) collection of proverbs.(谚语)A.The AutobiographyB. Poor Richard’s AlmanacC. Common Sense D .The General Magazine______ was the most leading spirit of the Transcendental Club.A.Henry David ThoreauB. Ralph Waldo EmersonC. Nathanial HawthorneD. Walt WhitmanTranscendentalists(超验主义者)recognized ________ as the “highest power of the soul”.A. IntuitionB. logicC. data of the sensesD. thinkingThe common thread throughout American literature has been emphasis on the ________.A.RevolutionB. ReasonC. IndividualismD. RationalismThe publication of ________ established Emerson as the most eloquent spokesman of New England Transcendentalism.A. NatureB. Self-relianceC.The American ScholarD. The Over-soulThere is a good reason to state that New England Transcendentalism was actually ______ on the Puritan soil.A. RomanticismB. Puritanism (清教主义)C. Mysticism (神秘主义)D. Unitarianism (实用主义)In the history of literature, Romanticism is regarded as _______.A.the thought that designates(标出、定名为)a literary and philosophical theory which tends tosee the individual as the very center of all life and all experience.B.The thought that designates man as a social animalC.The orientation that emphasizes those features which men have in commonD.The modes of thinkingMark Twain wrote most of his literary works with a ______ language.A.GrandB. pompousC. simpleD. vernacularMark Twain, one of the greatest 19th century American writers, is well known for his _______. A. international theme B. waste-land imageryC. local colorD. symbolismThe Age of Realism is also what Mark Twain referred to as ______.A.the golden ageB. the silver ageC.the gilded ageD. the roaring ageThe impact of Darwin’s evolutionary theory on the American thought and the influence of the 19th century French literature on the American men of letters gave rise to yet another school of realism: American _________.A. modernismB. NaturalismC. VernacularismD. local colorismWhich of the following figures does not belong to “The Lost Generation”?A. Ezra PoundB. William Carlos WilliamsC. Robert FrostD. Theodore DreiserThe following writers were awarded Nobel Prize for literature except ______.A. William FaulknerB. F. Scott. FitzgeraldC. John SteinbeckD. Ernest HemingwayWho, one of the most import poets in his time, is a leading spokesman of the “Imagist Movement”?A. J. D. SalingerB. Ezra PoundC. Richard WrightD. Ralph EllisonTheodore Dreiser is generally regarded as one of American’s ____________.A. naturalistsB. realistsC. modernistsD. romanticistsThe book from which “all modern American literature comes” refers to _____.A. The Great GatsbyB. The Sun Also RisesC. The Adventure of Huckleberry FinnD. Moby DickThe American “Thirties”, lasted from the Crash(股市崩盘), through the ensuing Great Depression, until the outbreak (开始) of the Second World War in 1939. This was a period of ______.A. povertyB. important social movementsC. a new social consciousness (意识)D. all of the above“The apparition of these faces in the crowd; Petals on a wet, black bough.” This is the shortest poem written by _________.A.T. S. EliotB. Robert FrostC. Ezra PoundD.E. E. CummingsEarly in the 20th century, _______ published works that would change the nature of American poetry.A. Ezra PoundB. T. S. EliotC. Robert FrostD. Both A and BThe imagist writers followed three principles; they respectively are direct treatment, economy of expression and ____________.A. clear rhythmB. blank verseC. free verseD. heroic couplet“Two roads diverged in a yellow wood and sorry I could not travel both…” In the above two lines of Robert Frost’s The Road Not Taken, the poet, by implication, was referring to __________.A. a travel experienceB. a marriage decisionC. a middle-age crisisD. on e’s course of lifeIn Faulkner’s The Sound and the Fury, he used a technique called ________ in which the whole story was told through the thoughts of one character.A. stream of consciousnessB. imagismC. symbolismD. naturalismYoknapatawpha county is an imagery land invented by _________.A. William FaulknerB. Thomas HardyC. BalzacD. Theodore Dreiser_______ wrote about the society in the South by inventing families which represented different social forces: the old decaying (衰败的) upper class; the rising, ambitious, unscrupulous(厚颜无耻的)class of the “poor Whites”; and the Negroes who labored for both of them.A. FaulknerB. FitzgeraldC. HemmingwayD. Steinbeck1.Who is your favorite American writer? What is his/her masterwork? Why do you likehim/her? ( The writers and the works are not confined to (局限于) those we havementioned in class.) (15 points)2.What is the relationship between wars and American literature? (U.S. has gone throughthe Independence War, the civil war, WWI, WWII, and the anti-terrorist war, you can choose one particular period to analyze or interpret it from a bird’s view.) (15 points)3.What have you leaned from this elective(选修课)this term? And do you have anysuggestions for this class? (10 points)你最喜欢哪一位美国作家?他(她)的代表作品是什么?为什么喜欢?简述美国文学与战争的关系。

英美文学考试试题一、选择题1、以下哪部作品是威廉·莎士比亚的悲剧代表作?()A 《仲夏夜之梦》B 《威尼斯商人》C 《罗密欧与朱丽叶》D 《第十二夜》2、简·奥斯汀的小说《傲慢与偏见》中,女主人公伊丽莎白最终与谁结为夫妻?()A 达西先生B 威克姆先生C 宾利先生D 柯林斯先生3、以下哪位诗人是英国浪漫主义诗歌的代表人物?()A 华兹华斯B 雪莱C 拜伦D 以上都是4、美国作家海明威的小说《老人与海》中,老渔夫最终捕到的鱼是什么?()A 金枪鱼B 马林鱼C 鳕鱼D 鲸鱼5、英国作家狄更斯的小说《双城记》,其“双城”指的是哪两座城市?()A 伦敦和巴黎B 纽约和波士顿C 柏林和慕尼黑D 莫斯科和圣彼得堡二、填空题1、《哈姆雷特》中的经典台词“生存还是毁灭,这是一个值得考虑的问题”反映了主人公_____的内心挣扎。
“垮掉的一代”是 20 世纪 50 年代在美国出现的一个文学流派。

美国文学(本科)试题2I. Fill in the following blanks and put your answers on the Answer Sheet. (15%, 1 point for each)1._____ was a founding figure of American poetry, whose innovation first of all lies in his use of the free verse, poetry withou t a fixed beat or regular rhyme scheme.2.The publication of Nature established ______ as the most eloquent spokesman of New England Transcendentalism.3.Hard work, thrift, ______ and sobriety were the Puritan values that dominated much of the earliest American writing.4._________ is considered to be the founder of psychological realism, who believed that reality lies in the impressions made by life on the spectator.5.Martin Eden is the novel into which ______ put most of himself.6.The publication of _______ written by T. S. Eliot helped toestablish a modern tradition of literature rich with learning and allusive thought.7.“The apparition of these faces in the crowd; Petals on a wet,black bough.” This is the shortest poe m written by _____.8.With the publication of The Sun Also Rises, ________ becamethe spokesman for what Gertrude Stein had called “a Lost Generati on”.9.“The Custom House” is an introductory note to the novel _______.10.Among the works att acking the “American Dream”, __________by Fitzgerald is a powerful piece.11.Emily Dickinson wrote 1775 poems, but only ____ of which had appeared during her life time.12.______, the tragic hero of Moby Dick, burning with a baleful fire, becomes evil himself in his thirst to destroy evil.13.As a poet, ________ heralded American literary independence: hisclose observation of nature distinguished his treatment of indige nous wild life and other native American subjects, e. g: The WildHoney Suckle.14.The publication of Washington Irving’s _________, a collectionof essays, sketches and tales, marks the beginning of American rom anticism.15.“The Cop and the Anthem” is a short story written by ______.II. Each of the following statements is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would be st completethe statement. Put your answers on the Answer Sheet.(30%, 1 point for each)1.In Leaves of Grass, _______ is all that concerned Whitman.A.i n d i v i d u a l i s mB. freedomC.d e m o c r a c yD. all the above2.______ is the narrator of Moby Dick.A. AhabB. Ishmae lC.F l a s kD. Queequeg3.In 1837, Ralph Emerson made a speech entitled _____ at Harvard, which was hailed by Oliver Wendell Holmes as “Our Intellect ual Declaration of Independence.”A.D e c l a r a t i o n o f I n d e p e n d e n c eB. Self-RelianceC.D i v i n i t y S c h o o l A d d r e s sD. The American Scholar4.The Transcendentalists believe that, first, nature is ennobling; and second, the individual is ______.A.v i c i o u s b y n a t u r eB. insignificantC.f o r w a r d-l o o k i n gD. divine5.In Hawthorne’s novels and short stories, intellectuals usually appear as _____.A. saviorsB. villain sC.c o m m e n t a t o r sD. observers6.In American literature, escaping from the society and returning to nature is a common subject. The following titles are all related, in one way or another, to the subject except _____.A.Dreiser’s Sister CarrierB.Mark Twain’s The Adventures of Huckleberry FinnC.Cooper’s Leather-Stocking TalesD.Thoreau’s Walden7.“I celebrate myself, and sing myself,And what I assume you shall assume,For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you.”Who could have written these lines? _____.A.E d g a r A l l a n P o eB. Ralph EmersonC.W a l t W h i t m a nD. Henry Thoreau8.Which of the following is Not optimistic about human nature?A.R a l p h E m e r s o nB. Walt WhitmanC.N a t h a n i e l H a w t h o r n eD. Henry Thoreau9.Which of the following statements about The Scarlet Letteris Not true? _____.A.It explores man’s never-ending search for the satisfaction of materialistic desires.B.It relates the conflicts between the society and the individual.C.It presents a psychological analysis of the inward tensions of the characters.D.It is about the effect of sin on the people involved and the society as a whole.10.Washington Irving was best known for his famous short storiessuch as _______.A.Rip Van Winkle and Moby DickB.Rip Van Winkle and The Legend of Sleepy HollowC.Young Goodman Brown and Moby DickD.The Fall of the House of Usher and Rip Van Winkle11.Emily Dickinson wrote many of her poems on various aspects oflife. Which of the following is Not a usual subject of her poetic expression? _____.A.R e l i g i o nB.L i f e a n d d e a t hC.L o v e a n d m a r r i a g eD. War and peace12.Mark Twain wrote most of his literary works with a ____ language.A. grandB. pompou sC. vernacularD. simp le13.The period ranging from 1865 to 1914 has been referred to as _____.A.t h e A g e o f R o m a n t i c i s mB. the Age of RealismC.t h e A g e o f M o d e r n i s mD. the Age of Colonialism14.______ is called by Hemingway the one from which “all modernAmerican literature comes.”A. The Adventures of Tom SawyerB. Lif e on the MississippiC. The Adventures of Huckleberry FinnD. The Gilded A ge15.The main theme of _______’s The Art of Fiction reveals his literary credo that representation of life should be the main objec t of the novel.A.M a r k T w a i nB.H e n r y J a m e sC.T h e o d o r e D r e i s e rD. William Dean Howells16.It is not surprising to find in _____’s fiction a world of jungle, where “kill or to be killed” was the law.A.M a r k T w a i nB. Emily DickinsonC.T h e o d o r e D r e i s e rD. Henry James17.According to Hawthorne, the scarlet Letter “A” which originally stands for “_____”, finally obtains the meaning of “able”or “angel” through Hester’s efforts.A.a r r o g a n c eB. adulteryC.a g o n yD. accomplishment18.During the period after the Civil War, the American society entered in what Mark Twain referred to as _____.A.t h e G o l d e n A g eB. the Modern AgeC.t h e G i l d e d A g eD. the Puritan Age19.Robert Frost is generally considered to be a regional poet inthe sense that his subject matters mainly focus on the landscape and people in _____.A.N e w Y o r kB.t h e W e s tC. New EnglandD. Mid West20.William Faulkner’s works mainly concern the A merican _____.A.N e w E n g l a n dB.S o u t hC.M i d W e s tD. West21.In 1954, _____ was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature forhis “mastery of the art of modern narration.”A.T.S.E l i o tB. Ernest HemingwayC.J o h n S t e i n b e c kD. William Faulkner22.“In a Station of the Metro” is regarded by critics as a classic specimen of _____.A.t h e i m a g i s t p o e t r yB. the absurd poetryC.t h e r o m a n t i c p o e t r yD. the tran scendental poetry23.Fitzgerald’s fictional world is the best embodiment of the spirit of ______.A.t h e R e n a i s s a n c e P e r i o dB. the Ne oclassical PeriodC.t h e J a z z A g eD. the Romantic Period24._____ usually was regarded as the first American writer.A.W i l l i a m B r a d f o r dB. Anne BradstreetC.E m i l y D i c k i n s o nD. Captain John Smith25.The works of _______ reveal the misery of the migrant workersbecause of the American Depression.A.F.S.F i t z g e r a l dB. John SteinbeckC.E r n e s t H e m i n g w a yD. William Howells26._______ is NOT a fictional character in The Scarlet Letter.A.P e a r lB. Arthur DimmesdaleC.R o g e r C h i l l i n g w o r t hD. Santiago27.At 87, ______ read his poetry at the inauguration of PresidentJohn F. Kennedy.A.E d w i n R o b i n s o nB. Wallace StevensC.C a r l S a n d b u r gD. Robert Frost28.“Let’s portray man and woman in a way that we meet them in our real life.” This may be a principle for the characterization of _______.A.r o m a n t i c i s mB.r e a l i s mC. naturalismD. modernis m29.In 1862, President Lincoln exclaimed: “So you are the littlewoman who wrote the book that started this great war!” Who is thi s woman referred to? ______.A.M r s.S t o w eB. Emily DickinsonC.G e o r g e E l i o tD. Jane Austen30.All his novels reveal that, as time went on, Mark Twain becameincreasingly ______.A. optimisticB. pessimisticD. contentedIII. Explain the following and put your answers onthe Answer Sheet. (15%, 5 points for each)1. New England literary renaissance2. “My Lost Youth” (by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow)3. William Dean HowellsIV. Read the poems carefully and answer the questions that follow. Put your answers on the Answer Shee t. (20%, 10 pointsfor each poem)1. I Sit and Look OutI sit and look out upon all the sorrows of the world, and upon all oppression and shame;I hear secret convulsive sobs from young men, at anguish with themselves, remorseful after deeds done;I see in low life, the mother misused by her children, dying, neglected, gaunt, desperate;I see the wife misused by her husband — see the treacherous seducer of young women;I mark the ranklings of jealousy and unrequited love attempted to be hid,I see these sights on the earth;I see the workings of battle, pestilence, tyranny — I see martyrs andprisoners;I observe a famine at sea — I observe the sailors casting lots who shallbe kill’d to preserve the lives of the rest;I observe the slights and degradations cast by arrogant persons upon laborers, the poor, and upon negroes, and the like;All these — all the meanness and agony without, end, I sitting, look out upon,See, hear, and am silent.Questions:1.1 Who wrote this poem? (1%)1.2 What kind of poetical style is employed in the poem? (1%)1.3 What is the function of the line “All these — all the meannessand agony without, end, I sitting, look out upon”? (2%)1.4 What is the theme of the poem? (3%)1.5 Why is the poem entitled “I Sit and Look Out” instead of “I Walk Around and See”, and the like? (3%)2. I heard a Fly buzz — when I died —I heard a Fly buzz — when I died —The Stillness in the RoomWas like the Stillness in the Air —Between the Heaves of Storm —The Eyes around — had wrung them dry —And Breaths were gathering firmFor that last Onset — when the KingBe witnessed — in the Room —I willed my Keepsakes — Signed awayWhat portion of me beAssignable — and then it wasThere interposed a Fly —With Blue — uncertain stumbling Buzz —Between the light — and me —And then the Windows failed — and thenI could not see to see —Questions:2.1 Who wrote this poem? (1%)2.2 What is the poet or the speaker in the poem watching and recordin g? (1%)2.3 What does “that Onset” in the 2nd stanza refer to? What kind ofonset is that? (1%)2.4 What do “uncertain stumbling Buzz” and “And then the Windows failed” in the last stanza suggest respectively? (1%)2.5 Where do es the “light” in the last stanza come from? (1%)2.6 What does the “Fly” in the poem suggest? (2%)2.7 What is the theme of the poem? (3%)V. Make a brief comment on the following and putyour answers on the Answer Sheet. (20%, 10 points for each)1.American Romanticism.2.Caroline Meeber in Sister Carrier.。

《美国文学》期末考试试卷(B卷)1.Poor Richard's Almanac ( )2.The House of the Seven Gables ()3.“Raven” ( )4.My Antonia ( )5.Babbitt ( )6. A Streetcar Named Desire ( )7.Maggie: A Girl of the Streets ( )8. A Farewell to Arms ( )9.The Call of the Wild ( )10.Long Day's Journey into Night ( )mon Sense ( )12.“Rip Van Winkle”()13.Walden()14.The Song of Hiawatha()15.Uncle Tom's Cabin( )16.The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn()17.Sister Carrie()18.The Waste Land()19. A Farewell to Arms()20.The Great Gatsby()1. defined poetry as the rhythmical creation of beauty.2.While working for the Virginia City Territorial Enterprise, Samuel Langhorne Clemensadopted the pseudonym , the way of a boatman taking soundings, and meaning twofathoms.3.Ezra Pound initiated a campaign for , which emphasized the direct treatment of an objector situation. He also advocated the language of common speech, but always the exactword.4.Fitzgerald summarized the experiences and attitudes of the 1920s decade in hismasterpiece novel.5. is the first American to win the Nobel Prize for Literature for hisvigorous and graphic art of description and his ability to create, with wit and humor, new types of characters.6.The first of American literature was not written by an American, but by , a British captain,who thus became the first American writer.7.has been considered the “Father of modern American Poetry.\8.was a great democratic poet. He is also the great poet to use the form of free verse.9.is the first American lyric poet.10.is also called novel of the road, it strings the incidents on the line of the hero,s travel. IH. Choose only one answer form the four choices as the most appropriate answer. (30%)1.In American literature, the eighteenth century was the age of the Enlightenment, was the dominant spirit.A.HumanismB.RationalismC.RevolutionD.Evolution2.Who was considered as the “Poet of American Revolution”?A.Michael WigglesworthB.Edward TaylorC.Anne BradstreetD.Philip Freneau3.The finest example of Hawthorne,s symbolism is the recreation of Puritan Boston in .A.The Scarlet LetterB.Young Goodman BrownC.The Marble FaunD.The Ambitious Guest4.was the most leading spirit of the Transcendental Club.A.ThoreauB.EmersonC.HawthorneD.Whitman5.Choose the work NOT written by Mark Twain.A.The Adventures of Tom SawyerB.Innocents AbroadC.Life on the MississippiD.The Rise of Silas Lapham6.Which is regarded as the “Declaration of Intellectual Independence”?A.The American ScholarB.English TraitsC.The Conduct of LifeD.Representative Men7.Melville,s is an encyclopedia of everything, history, philosophy, religion, etc, in additionto a detailed account of the operations of the whaling industry.A.The Old Man and the SeaB.Moby DickC.White JacketD.Billy Budd8.American literature produced only one female poet during the nineteenth century. Thiswas.A.Anne BradstreetB.Jane AustenC.Emily DickinsonD.Harriet Beecher9.The main theme of The Art of Fiction reveals his literary credo thatrepresentation of life should be the main object of the novel.A.Henry James,B.William Dean Howells,C.Mark Twain'sD.O. Henry's10.showed great interest in Chinese literature and translated the poetry of Li Po into English, and was influenced by Confucian ideas.A.Ezra PoundB.Robert FrostC.T. S. EliotD. E. E. Cummings11.With William Dean Howells, Henry James, and Mark Twain active on the scene, becamethe major trend in the seventies and eighties of the nineteenth century.A.sentimentalismB.romanticismC.realismD.naturalism12.Ezra Pound's long poem contained more than one hundred poems loosely connected.A.The Waste LandB.The CantosC.Don JuanD.Queen Mab13.In Paris, Ernest Hemingway, along with, accomplished a revolution in literary style andlanguage.A.Gertrude SteinB.Ezra PoundC.James JoyceD.all of the above14.tells the Joad family' s life from the time they were evicted from their farm in Oklahomauntil their first winter in California.A.Of Mice and MenB.The Grapes of WrathC.The Great GatsbyD.For Whom the Bell Tolls15.The two areas on which the modem American writers concentrated their criticism werethe failures of American society and.A.the failure of communication among AmericansB.the economic depressionC.the extreme prosperity of AmericaD.the paradise of New LandIV. Choose TEN of the following and decide whether the statements are true or false. (10%)1.All his literary life, Hawthorne seemed to be haunted by his sense of sin and evil in life.2.Most of the poems in Leaves of Grass are about love and religion.3.The First World War led the American intellectuals to a bitter disillusionment.4.Hemingway,s works have sometimes been read as an essentially negative commentary on a modern world filled with sterility, failure, and death.5.Mark Twain,s region was the Deep South, with its bitter history of slavery, civil war and destruction.6.Ernest Hemingway developed a spare, tight, reportorial prose based on simple sentencestructure and using a restricted vocabulary, precise imagery, and an impersonal, dramatic tone.7.John Steinbeck' s theme was usually that simple human virtues such as kindness and fair treatment were far superior to official hard-heartedness, or the dehumanizing cruelty of exploiters for their own commercial advantage.8.Short-lived, the Imagist movement failed to exert a tremendous influence on modern poetry.9.Robert Frost won four Nobel Prizes in his life.10.In his novels, F. Scott Fitzgerald had revealed the stridency of an age of glittering innocence, he had portrayed the hollowness of the American worship of riches and the unending American dream of love, splendor and fulfilled desires.11.Of Plymouth Plantat iwas written by William Bradford.12.Realists thought highly of individual status and role in the world. The romanticists preferred the innate or intuitive perception by the heart of man. They thought that man was essentially of goodwill, only the civilized society made him degenerate. They pointed out, the means to uproot evils and to save mankind was habits, and to return to “natural primitive state”.13.Deists believed in a Creator God, but rejected providence(Godly direction) and revelation (divine will or Godly "truth")in favor of reason.14..President Lincoln praised Anne Bradstreet as “the little woman who wrote the book that made this great war.”15. Edgar Allan Poe wrote two poems both entitled“ To Helen”.16.The thinking of Locke, Hobbes, and Rousseau also greatly influenced the active thinking ofAmericans who became increasingly concerned with the possibility of building a government. Locke and Rousseau represented the impulse for a Jeffersonian democracy, and Hobbes represented the point of view, often expressed by Hamilton, of a strong central government.17.Hemingway, Pound, Cummings, Dos Passos, and Fitzgerald, belong to the school of “Beat Generation”.18.F. Scott Fitzgerald is called the leader and poet laureate of the Jazz Age who wrote the novels of the Jazz Age.19.Yoknapatawpha saga is a name for John Steinbeck,s novels.20.“Thanatopsis” is a word Bryant borrowed from Greek meaning “meditation on death”. Y Choose THREE of the following fragments and answer the questions. (20%)Passage OneLo! in you brilliant window-niche How statue-like I see theestand, The agate lamp within thy hand! Ah, Psyche, from theregions which Are Holy-Land!Questions:1.This is the last stanza of a poem “To Helen”. Its writer is.(1%)2.With whom is Helen associated in this stanza? (1%)3.How to appreciate the beauty of this poem? (3%)Passage 2I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence:Two roads diverged in a wood, and II took the one less traveledby, And that has made all the differenceQuestions:1.Who is the writer of this poem? (1%)2.What is the title of this poem? (1%)3.What kind of feeling does this stanza show? (3%)4.How do you appreciate this poem? (3%)Passage 3I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. I did not wish to live what was not life, living is so dear; nor did I wish to practise resignation, unless it was quite necessary. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life, to live so sturdily and Spartan-like as to put to rout all that was not life, to cut a broad swath and shave close, to drive life into a corner, and reduce it to its lowest terms, and, if it proved to be mean, why then to get the whole and genuine meanness of it, and publish its meanness to the world; or if it were sublime, to know it by experience, and be able to give a true account of it in my next excursion. For most men, it appears to me, are in a strange uncertainty about it, whether it is of the devil or of God.Questions:1.This passage is taken from a famous work entitled. (1%)2.The author of the work is . (1%)3.List by yourself at least five reasons that the author gives for going to live in thewoods. (5%)Passage 4But, on one side of the portal (入口),and rooted almost at the threshold, was a wild rose-bush, covered, in this month of June, with its delicate gems, which might be imagined to offer their fragrance and fragile beauty to the prisoner as he went in, and to the condemned criminal as he came forth to his doom, in token that the deep heart of Nature could pity and be kind to him.Questions:1.This part is from the novel, written by . (2%)2.What does “the wild rose bush” symbolize according to your opinion? (5%)Passage 5Often I think of the beautiful townThat is seated by the sea;Often in thought go up and down The pleasant streets of that dearold town, And my youth comes back to me. And a verse of aLapland song Is haunting my memory still: "A boy's will is thewind's will, And the thoughts of youth are long, long thoughts." Questions:1.The stanza is taken from the poem?(1%)2.The author of the poem is. (1%)3.The seventh line in each Stanza of this poem contains a key word, usually a verb, whichsums up the feeling established in the stanza. What is the verb and what kind feelingthat it conveys?(4%)Passage 6Thou hast an house on high erect, Framed by that mightyArchitect,With glory richly furnished, Stands permanent though this befled. It,s purchased and paid for too By Him who hath enoughto do.Questions:1. This stanza is taken from the poem by.(2%)2. What is one,s real house according to the poet? (5%)VI. Choose TWO of the following and Comment on them. (20%)1.Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter. (10%)2.Emily Dickinson's “Because I Could not stop for Death” . (10%)3.Ralph Waldo Emerson,s Self-Reliance. (10%)《美国文学》期末考试试卷B卷答案暨评分标准I.Choose TEN of the following works and write the names of the authors. (1*10=10%)1.Benjamin Franklin2.Nathaniel Hawthorne3.Edgar Allan Poe4.Willa Cather5.Sinclair Lewis6.Tennessee Williams7.Stephen Crane8.Ernest Hemingway9.Jack London10.Eugene O,Neill11.Thomas Paine12.Washington Irving13.Henry David Thoreau14.Henry Wadsworth Longfellow15.Harriet Beecher Stowe16.Mark Twin17.Theodore Dreiser18.T.S. Eliot19.Ernest Hemingway20. F. Scott FitzgeraldII.Choose FIVE of the following and fill in the blanks. (2*5=10%)1.Edgar Allan Poe2.Mark Twain3.Imagism4.The Great Gatsby5.Sinclair Lewis6.John Smith7.Ezra Pound8.Walt Whitman9.William Cullen Bryant10.Picaresque novelm.Choose only one answer form the four choices as the most appropriate answer. (2*15=30%)IV. Choose TEN of the following and decide whether the statements are true or false. (1*10=10%)V. Choose THREE of the following frag gm e nts and answer thePassage 11.Edgar Allan Poe (1)2.Psyche (1)3.The beauty of form. (diction, rhyme and rhythm, rhetorical devices.)The beauty of content. (3)Passage 21.Robert Frost(1)2."Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”⑴3.This poem is written in classic five-line stanzas, with the rhyme scheme a-b-a-a-b andconversational rhythm. The poem seems to be about the poet, walking in the woods in autumn, choosing which road he should follow on his walk. In reality, it concerns the important decisions which one must make in life, when one must give up one desirable thing in order to possess another. Then, whatever the outcome, one must accept the consequences of one' s choice for it is not possible to go back and have another chance to choose differently.4.In the poem, the poet hesitates for a long time, wondering which road to take, because they are both pretty. In the end, he follows the one which seems to have fewer travelers on it. Symbolically, he chose to follow an unusual, solitary life; perhaps he was speaking of his choice to become a poet rather than some commoner profession. But he always remembers the road which he might have taken, and which would have given him a different kind of life. Passage 3Walden (1)Henry David Thoreau (1)Find the answer from the passage. (5)Passage 41.The Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne. (2)2.life and liberty.(2)Passage 51.My Lost Youth.(1)2.Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1)3.“haunting" sums up the feeling that was begun earlier with "Often in thought "and "comes back to me" .(3)Passage 61.Upon the Burning of Our House, Anne Bradstreet.(2)2.One's real house is in heaven, built by the great architect, God. (2)VI. Choose TWO of the three passages and comment on them. (20%)1.Analyze Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter. (10%)2.Analyze Emily Dickinson's “Because I Could not stop for Death” . (10%)3.Ralph Waldo Emerson,s Self-Reliance. (10%)The score is given to the theme, (7) content (6) and writing style(7) of the work chosen.。
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1. Naturalism is evolved from realism when the author’s tone in writing becomes less serious and less sympathetic but more ironic and more_____________.A. rationalB. humorousC. optimisticD. pessimistic2.The impact of Darwin’s evolutionary theory on the American thought and the influence of the nineteenth-century French literature on the American men of letters gave rise to yet another school of realism: American___________ .A. local colorismB. vernacularismC. modernismD. naturalism3. ____________were idealists, believing the church should be restored to complete “purity” and dreaming that they would build the new land to an Eden on earth.A. CalvinistsB. PuritansC. RomanticistsD. Transcendentalists4. All of the following are the features of Puritans EXCEPT _____.A. wanting to make pure their religious beliefs and practicesB. looking upon themselves as a chosen peopleC. tolerating others’ beliefs and sought for a happy and an easy lifeD. wishing to restore simplicity to church serves and emphasized the image of a wrathful God5. Hester Prynne, Dimmesdale, Chillingworth and Pearl are most likely Characters in_______.A. The House of the Seven GablesB. The Scarlet LetterC. The Portrait of a LadyD. The pioneers6. American writers after World War I self-consciously acknowledged that they were(a)“_______,”devoid of faith and alienated from the Western civilization.A. Lost GenerationB. Beat GenerationC. Sons of LibertyD. Angry Young Men7. In James Fenimore Cooper’s novels, close after Natty Bumppo in romantic appeal, come the two noble red men. Choose them from the following items.A. The Mohican Chief ChingachgookB. UncasC. Tome JonesD. Both A and B8. The “Father of American Poetry” is ____.A. William Cullen BryantB. Philip FreneauC. Henry Wadsworth LongfellowD. Edgar Allan Poe9. Herman Melville’s ______ is a n encyclopedia of everything, history, philosophy, religion, etc, in addition to a detailed account of the operations of the whaling industry.A. The Old Man and the SeaB. Moby DickC. White JacketD. Billy Budd10. In addition to his novels, _______ wrote about 120 short stories and sketches. Among them are Young Goodman Brown and The Minister’s Black Veil.A. Henry David ThoreauB. Nathaniel HawthorneC. Ralph Waldo EmersonD. Herman Melville11. Robert Frost combined traditional verse forms -the sonnet, rhyming couplets, blank verse -with a clear American local speech rhythm, the speech of _______farmers with its idiosyncratic diction and syntax.A. SouthernB. WesternC. New HampshireD. New England12. The Romantic writers would focus on all the following issues EXCEPT the _____ in the American literary history.A. individual feelingsB. idea of survival of the fittestC. strong imaginationD. return to nature13. Cooper’s story of the “frontier saga” is made up of 5 famous novels that comprise the ________ Tales, in which the main character is Natty Bumppo.A. Leather stocking talesB. The Deer SlayerC. Sea AdventureD. The Romantic14. More than five hundred poems Dickinson wrote are about nature, in which her general Skepticism about the relationship between ______ is well-expressed.A. man and manB. men and womenC. man and natureD. men and God15. From Henry David Thoreau’s jail experience came his famous essay, ______ which states Thoreau’s belief that no man should violate his conscience at the command of a government.A. WaldenB. NatureC. Civil DisobedienceD. Common Sense16. Choose the authors who belong to the romantic group in American literature.A. Ralph Waldo EmersonB. Henry David ThoreauC. Nathaniel HawthorneD. Herman MelvilleE .Walt Whitman F. All of the above17 The desire for an escape form society and a return to nature became a permanent convention of American literature, evident in ____.A. James Fenimore Cooper’s Leatherstocking TalesB. Henry David Thoreau’s WaldenC. Mark Twain’s Huckleberry Fin nD. All of the above18. Stylistically, Henry James’ fiction is characterized by____________.A. short, clear sentencesB. abundance of local imagesC. ordinary American speechD. highly refined language19. Emerson based his religion on an intuitive belief in an ultimate unity, which he called ________.A. the SpiritB. the Over-lordC. the oversoulD. the Self20. One of the characteristics that have made Mark Twain a major literary figure in the 19th century America is his use of____________ .A. vernacularB. interior monologueC. point of viewD. photographic descriptionIV. Read the quoted parts carefully and answer the questions.1 “We passed the School, where Children strove/ At Recess—in theRing—/We passed the Fields of Gazing Grain—/We passed the Setting Sun—”1) What is the title of the poem?2) Who does “we” refer to?3) What does “the School”, “the Fields of Gazing Grain”, and “theSetting Sun” imply respectively?4) Where are “we” going?2.Read the passage and answer questions.To go into solitude, a man needs to retire as much from his chamber as from society. I am not solitary whilst I read and write, though nobody is with me. But if a man would be alone, let him look at the stars. The rays that come from those heavenly worlds will separate between him and vulgar things. One might think the atmosphere was made transparent with this design, to give man, in the heavenly bodies, the perceptual presence of the sublime. Seen in the streets of cities, how great they are! If stars should appear one night in a thousand years, how would men believe and adore: and preserve for many generations the remembrance of the city of Godwhich had been shown! But every night come out these preachers of beauty, and light the universe with their admonishing smile.Questions:Where is this passage taken and who is the author? What does the author say would happen if the stars appeared one night in a thousand years?3. Trust no Future, howe’er pleasant!Let the dead Past bury its dead!Act—act in the glorious Present!Heart within, and God o’er head!1) Who is the poet?2) What is the title of the poem?3) What does the poet want to tell in these lines?4. “I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence:Two roads diverged in a wood,and I—I took the one less traveled by,And that has made all the difference.”1) Identify the poem and the poet.2) What does the phrase “ages and ages hence” mean?3) Why does the poet say “that has made all the difference”?4) What idea does the quoted passage express?5 “But I have promises to keep,/ And many miles to go before Isleep,/And many miles to go before I sleep.”1) What is the title of the poem?2) What does “promises” mean in this poem?3) Why does the poet say “And many miles to go before I sleep,/Andmany miles to go before I sleep.”?4) What does “And many miles to go before I sleep,/And many milesto go before I sleep” mean?6.Read a passage and answer questions (10”)Hester Prynne’s te rm of confinement was now at an end. Her prison-door was thrown open, and she came forth into sunshine which, falling on all alike, seemed, to her sick and morbid heart, as if meant for no other purpose than to reveal the scarlet letter on her breast. Perhaps there was a more real torture in her first unattended footsteps from the threshold of the prison, than even in the procession and spectacle that have been described, where she was made the common infamy, at which all mankind was summoned to point its finger. Then, she was supported by an unnatural tension of the nerves, and by all the combative energy of her character, which enabled her to convert the scene into a kind of lurid triumph.Questions;Which novel is this selection taken from? What is the name of the novelist? What do you think is the symbolic meaning of the scarlet letter on Hester’s breast?VI. Topic discussions or brief answers.1 Why is it said that New England from the beginning had a literature ofideas?13. The following poem was written by the American poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow A Psalm of Life Study it carefully, then analyze the poem stanza by stanza and comment the theme of the poem.3. What symbols does the writer use in the story of The Scarlet Letter andwhat do they each symbolize, including the names of the main characters?4. What are the artistic achievements of Edgar Allan Poe?.(10”)5. What are the thematic concerns and the artistic characteristics of Emily Dickenson’s poetry? .(10”)6. What is the theme of Rip Van Wrinkle? List the major works of Washington Irving and discuss the artistic characteristics of his works.(10”)7. What is American Romanticism? (Your answer should include suchaspects as the time, characteristics, representatives, and influences, etc)?8. What is Transcendentalism?9. What is American realism?10. What is American naturalism?。