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语法和词汇知识(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)

从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂


1. Some pre-school children go to a day care center,

__________ they learn simple games and songs.

A. then

B. there

C. while

D. where

2. ---The last one __________________ pays the meal.


A. arrived

B. arrives

C. to arrive

D. arriving

3. We all know that, __________, the situation will get worse.

A. not if dealt carefully with

B. if not carefully dealt with

C. if dealt not carefully with

D. not if carefully dealt with

4. ____ he had not hurt his leg, John would have won the race.

A. If

B. Since

C. Though

D. When

5. After two years’ research, we now have a ____ better understanding of the disease.

A. very

B. far

C. fairly

D. quite

6. If Joe’s wife won’t go to the party, ____.

A. he will either

B. neither will he

C. he neither will


either he will

7. ____ matters most in learning English is enough practice.

A. What

B. Why

C. Where

D. Which

8. –Could you tell me the way to ____ Johnsons, please?

--Sorry, we don’t have ____ Johnson here in the village.

A. the; the

B. the; a

C. /; the

D. the; /

9. –Tom, you didn’t come to the party last night?

–I ____, but I suddenly remembered I had homework to do.

A. had to

B. didn’t

C. was going to

D. wouldn’t

10. The mayor has offered a reward of $ 5000 to ______ who can capture the tiger alive or dead.

A. both

B. others

C. anyone

D. another

11. --- Did you tidy your room?

--- No, I was going to tidy my room but I ______ visitors.

A. had

B. have

C. have had

D. will have

. --- Guess what! I have got A for my term paper.

--- Great! You ______ read widely and put a lot of work into it.

A. must

B. should

C. must have

D. should have

13. With the help of high technology, more and more new substances ______ in the past years.

A. discovered

B. have discovered

C. had been discovered

D. have been discovered

14. Pop music is such an important part of society ______ it has even influenced our language.

A. as

B. that

C. which

D. where

15. After a knock at the door, the child heard his

mother’s voice ______ him.

A. calling

B. called

C. being called

D. to call

16. The Town Hall ______ in the 1800’s was the most distinguished building at that time.

A. to be completed

B. having been completed

C. completed

D. being completed

17. ______ he referred to in his article was unknown to the general reader.

A. That

B. What

C. Whether

D. Where

18.Peter received a letter just now ________ his grandma would come to see him soon.




D.to say

19.It is reported that two schools,________ are being built in my hometown,will open next year.

A.they both

B.which both

C.both of them

D.both of which

20. —Did you see a man in black pass by just now?
